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Disusun Oleh :
1. Melinda Ranny 151710101051
2. M. Haikal 151710101054
3. Fina Faradhilla 151710101057
4. Wahyuni Eka P. 151710101060
5. Debra Nastasya Ulfha 151710101063
6. Dzanil Januar P.P. 151710101066
7. M. Abdan Danial 151710101069
8. Afina Desi Wulandari 151710101072
9. Seno Dwi Pratama 151710101075
10. Ririn Rofi Mahmudah 151710101078
11. Ervina Dianingtyas 151710101081
12. Rina Kartika Wati 151710101084
13. M. Rizky Dwi I. 151710101087
14. Aqmarina Masithah H. 151710101090
15. Devita Nurinsani 151710101093




HALAMAN SAMPUL ........................................................................................ i

DAFTAR ISI ........................................................................................................ ii
BAB 1. PENDAHULUAN .................................................................................. 1
1.1 Latar Belakang ....................................................................................... 1
1.2 Tujuan .................................................................................................... 2
BAB 2. TINJAUAN PUSTAKA ......................................................................... 3
2.1 Tanaman Karet....................................................................................... 3
2.2 Lateks ..................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Komponen-komponen yang Mempengaruhi Sifat Lateks ..................... 6
2.4 Penentuan Kadar Karet Kering (KKK).................................................. 7
2.5 Karet Ribbed Smoke Sheet (RSS) .......................................................... 9
2.6 Manfaat dan Aplikasi ............................................................................. 10
BAB 3. PEMBAHASAN ..................................................................................... 12
3.1 Pengolahan Karet Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS)..................................... 12
3.2 Penetapan Kelas Mutu Karet Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS) ................... 17
BAB 4. PENUTUP............................................................................................... 20
4.1 Kesimpulan ............................................................................................ 20
4.2 Saran ...................................................................................................... 20
DAFTAR PUSTAKA .......................................................................................... 21


Gambar 1. Karet RSS ............................................................................................ 12



1.1 Latar Belakang

Indonesia merupakan negara penghasil dan pengekspor karet alam urutan ke
2 (dua) di dunia setelah Thailand. Produksi karet di Indonesia masih dibawah
negara Thailand namun dari sisi luasan Indonesia menduduki areal karet terluas di
dunia. Kenyataan ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat produktivitas karet Indonesia
per satuan luas masih dibawah tingkat produktivitas di negara lain (Thailand dan
Malaysia). Namun demikian peluang ekspor karet alam Indonesia ke depan masih
tetap cerah bahkan Indonesia dapat menjadi negara pemasok karet utama
mengingat 2 pemasok utama lainnya (Thailand dan Malaysia) sudah tidak mampu
lagi meningkatkan produksinya karena keterbatasan lahan pengembangan.
Pengolahan karet secara umum meliputi penerimaan lateks, pengenceran
lateks, pembekuan lateks, penggilingan, pengeringan, serta sortasi dan
pembungkusan. Lateks merupakan cairan yang berwarna putih atau putih
kekuning-kuningan, yang terdiri atas partikel karet dan bukan karet yang
terdispersi di dalam air (Triwijoso dan Siswantoro,1989). Pengambilan lateks
pada pohon karet dapat dilakukan dengan cara melukai kulit pohon sehingga
pohon akan memberikan respon yang menghasilkan lateks atau dapat disebut
dengan penyadapan. Penyadapan merupakan salah satu tindakan membuka
pembuluh lateks agar lateks yang terdapat di dalam tanaman dapat keluar.
Proses pengolahan lateks harus ditentukan kadar karet kering dalam lateks.
Konsentrasi lateks biasanya dinyatakan dengan kadar kering atau total padatan
yang terdapat pada lateks. Proses penentuan KKK (Kadar Karet Kering) dilakukan
sebelum proses lebih lanjut yang kemudian sebagai dasar proses pengenceran
lateks. Beberapa komponen komponen yang terdapat dalam lateks dapat
mempengaruhi sifat lateks diantaranya protein, karbohidrat, dan ion-ion logam.
Karet alam banyak digunakan dalam industri dan umumnya alat-alat yang dibuat
dari karet alam sangat berguna bagi kehidupan sehari-hari maupun dalam usaha

Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS) adalah salah satu jenis produk olahan yang
berasal dari lateks/getah tanaman karet Hevea brasiliensis yang diolah secara
mekanis dan kimiawi. Produk olahan tanaman karet ini memiliki banyak
kegunaan dalam pasar industri sebagai bahan baku pembuatan industri otomotif
dan ban. Untuk peningkatan dan pemberdayaan komoditas karet Indonesia, perlu
adanya pemahaman menyeluruh dari pengolahan hulu terutamanya. Pada makalah
ini akan dibahas secara singkat dan jelas mengenai pengolahan Ribbed Smoked
Sheet (RSS).

1.2 Tujuan
Adapun tujuan dibuatnya makalah ini, adalah:
1. Mengetahui proses pengolahan karet Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS).
2. Mengetahui kelas mutu karet Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS).


2.1 Tanaman Karet

Tanaman karet adalah tanaman daerah tropis. Daerah yang cocok untuk
tanaman karet adalah pada zona antara 15LS dan 15LU, curah hujan yang cocok
tidak kurang dari 2000 mm. Optimal 2500-4000 mm/ tahun. Tanaman karet
tumbuh optimal pada dataran rendah yaitu pada ketinggian 200 mdpl sampai 600
mdpl dengan suhu 25-30C (Setyamidjaja, 1993).
Tanaman karet merupakan pohon yang tumbuh tinggi dan berbatang cukup
besar tinggi pohon dewasa mencapai 15-25 meter. Batang tanaman biasanya
tumbuh lurus dan memiliki percabangan yang tinggi diatas. Batang tanaman ini
mengandung getah yang dikenal dengan nama lateks. Daun karet terdiri dari
tangkai daun utama dan tangkai anak daun. Panjang tangkai daun utama 3-20 cm.
Panjang tangkai anak daun sekitar 3-10 cm dan pada ujungnya terdapat kelenjar.
Biasanya ada tiga anak daun yang terdapat pada sehelai daun karet. Anak daun
berbentuk eliptis, memanjang dengan ujung meruncing. Tepinya rata dan gundul
biji karet terdapat dalam setiap ruang buah. Jadi jumlah biji biasanya ada tiga
kadang enam sesuai dengan jumlah ruang. Ukuran biji besar dengan kulit keras.
Warnanya coklat kehitaman dengan bercak-bercak berpola yang khas. Sesuai
dengan sifat dikotilnya, akar tanaman karet merupakan akar tunggang. Akar ini
mampu menopang batang tanaman yang tumbuh tinggi dan besar (LIPTAN,
Karet (Hevea brasiliensis.) termasuk dalam famili Euphorbiacea, disebut
dengan nama lain rambung, getah, gota, kejai ataupun hapea. Karet adalah
polimer yang terbentuk dari emulsi kesusuan yang (dikenal sebagai lateks),
dimana diperoleh dari getah beberapa jenis tumbuhan pohons karet tetapi dapat
juga diproduksi secara sintetis.

Dalam dunia tumbuhan tanaman karet tersusun dalam sistematika sebagai

berikut (Setyamidjaja,1993) :
Kingdom : Plantae
Divisi : Spermatophyta
Subdivisi : Angiospermae
Kelas : Dicotyledonae
Ordo : Euphorbiales
Famili : Euphorbiaceae
Genus : Hevea
Spesies : Hevea brasiliensis
Karet alam berguna sebagai bahan baku pembuatan berbagai macam barang
dan bidang seperti industri otomotif, alat listrik dan kedokteran. Barang-barang
yang terbuat dari karet alam (baik sebagai bahan tunggal maupun campuran
dengan karet sitetis) terdiri dari banyak jenis. Mulai dari karet dot balita,
penghapus, selang, balon, sol sepatu, kasur busa, membran, karet gelang, ban
kendaraan, sabuk pengaman (belt), alas lantai, pembungkus kabel, dudukan mesin
kendaraan maupun kaca mobil semuanya terbuat dari bahan karet. Kegunaan karet
alam sebagai bahan baku pembuatan barang dalamberbagai industri tidak terlepas
dari sifat-sifat alami dari karet seperti tahan panas,tidak dapat mengantarkan arus
listrik, elastis, kedap air, menahan gesekan dankemampuan meredam suara.
Sehingga berbagai barang yang dihasilkan daribahan baku karet alam umumnya
memiliki manfaat dasar yang sama denganmanfaat karet itu sendiri.
Ada beberapa jenis karet alam yang dikenal, diantaranya merupakan bahan
olahan. Menurut Budiman (1974), ada karet yang diolah kembali berdasarkan
bahan karet yang sudah jadi. Jenis jenis karet alam yang dikenal luas adalah:
1. Bahan olah karet (latek kebun, sheet angin, slab tipis, dan lump segar)
2. Karet konvensional (ribbed smoked sheet, white crepes dan pale crepe, estate
brown crepe, compo crepe thin brown crepe remills, thick blacket ambers,
flat bark crepe, pure smoked blanket crepe, dan off crepe)
3. Lateks pekat
4. Karet bongkah atau block rubber
5. Karet spesifikasi teknis atau crumb rubber
6. Karet siap olah (tdyre rubber)

2.2 Lateks
Lateks merupakan cairan yang berwarna putih atau putih kekuning-
kuningan,yang terdiri atas partikel karet dan bukan karet yang terdispersi di dalam
air (Triwijoso dan Siswantoro, 1989). Menurut Goutaraet al (1985), lateks
merupakan sistem koloid, karena partikel karet yang dilapisi oleh protein dan
fosfolipid terdispersi didalam air. Protein di lapisan luar memberikan muatan
negatif pada partikel. Lateks merupakan suatu dispersi butir-butir karet dalam air,
dimana di dalam dispersi tersebut juga larut beberapa garam dan zat organik,
seperti zat gula dan zat protein (Lie, 1964). Menurut Suparto (2002), lateks terdiri
dan karet, resin, protein, abu,gula, dan air dengan komposisi seperti terlihat pada
tabel 1.
Tabel 1.Komposisi Kimia Lateks
Jenis Komponen Komposisi (%)
Karet 30-35
Resin 0,5-1,5
Protein 1,5-2,0
Abu 0,3-0,7
Gula 0,3-0,5
Air 55-60
Sumber : Suparto (2002)

Secara fisiologi lateks merupakan sitoplasma dan sel-sel pembuluh lateks

yang mengandung partikel karet, lutoid, nukleous, mitokondria,partikel Frey-
Wyssling, dan ribosom. Selain partikel karet, di dalam lateks terdapat bahan-
bahan bukan karet yang berperan penting mengendalikan sifat lateks dan karetnya
meskipun dalam jumlah yang relatif kecil. Lateks segar yang disentrifus dengan
alat sentrifuge ultra dengan kecepatan 18.000 rpm akan menyebabkan lateks
terpisah menjadi empat fraksi yaitu fraksi frey wyssling, dasar, lateks, dan serum.

Fraksi-fraksi tersebut terdiri dari:

1. Fraksi lateks (37%), yaitu karet (isoprene), protein, lipida, dan ion logam
2. Fraksi Frey Wyssling (1-3%), yaitu karotenoid, lipida, air, karbohidrat,
dan inositol, protein dan turunannya
3. Fraksi serum (48%), yaitu senyawa nitrogen, asam nukleat, dan
mukleotida, senyawa organik, ion organik, dan logam
4. Fraksi dasar (14%), yaitu air, protein, dan senyawa nitrogen, karet dan
karotenoid, lipida dan ion logam.

2.3 Komponen-Komponen yang Mempengaruhi Sifat Lateks

Komponen-komponen non-karet didalam lateks sangat mempengaruhi sifat
lateks diantaranya berakibat positif dan negatif terhadap lateks. Komponen-
komponen tersebut yaitu protein, karbohidrat dan ion-ion logam.
1. Protein
Kandungan protein yang terdapat dalam lateks segar berkisar antara 1,0-
1,5% (b/v) dan sekitar 20% dari protein tersebut teradsorbsi pada partikel
karet dan sebagian larut dalam serum. Protein yang teradsorbsi pada
permukaan partikel karet berfungsi sebagai lapisan pelindung yang akan
memberikan muatan negatif mengelilingi partikel karet sehingga mencegah
terjadinya interaksi antara sesama partikel karet dengan demikian sistem
koloid lateks akan tetap stabil. Namun, adanya mikroorganisme membuat
protein terurai sehingga lapisan pelindung partikel karet rusak dan terjadi
interaksi antara partikel karet membentuk flokulasi atau gumpalan.
2. Karbohidrat
Karbohidrat yang terdapat dalam lateks adalah sukrosa, glukosa, galaktosa
dan fruktosa. Karbohidrat merupakan sumber energi dan media yang baik
bagi pertumbuhan mikroorganisme, akibatnya akan terbentuk asam lemak.
Asam lemak ini menurunkan kekukuhan dan pH lateks. Jika pH berada pada
titik isoeletrik maka lateks menggumpal. Aktifitas mikroba dapat dihindarkan
dengan penambahan bahan pengawet seperti amonia, natrium sulfit dan

3. Ion-ion Logam
Ion-ion logan seperti Ca2+dan Mg2+ yang terdapat di dalam lateks dapat
menetralkan muatan negatif dari partikel dan menyebabkan terganggunya
kekukuhan serta merusak kestabilan sistem koloid lateks. Pecahnya partikel
koloid lateks akan menyebabkan terbentuknya flokulasi dan penggumpalan
lateks. Oleh karena itu, kandungan ion logam dari lateks sebaiknya rendah
karena selain mengganggu kekukuhan juga dapatmengganggu kestabilan
sistem koloid lateks tersebut (Zahara, 2005).

2.4 Penentuan Kadar Karet Kering (KKK)

Getah karet yang berasal dari petani dilakukan penimbangan dan ditentukan
kadar karet keringnya. Kemudian dapat ditentukan harga jualnya, penentuan harga
getah karet dipengaruhi oleh nilai Kadar Karet Kering (KKK). Jika kadar karet
keringnya tinggi, petani meperoleh keuntungan dari segi harga sedangkan pihak
pabrik mengalami kerugian karena masih ada air yang tersimpan dalam getah,
apabila getah diolah lebih lanjut dapat merusak produk akibat tumbuhnya jamur.
Namun, jika kadar karet keringnya rendah maka petani mengalami kerugian,
sedangkan pihak pabrik mengalami keuntungan dari segi kualitas getah dengan
kandungan air didalamnya sedikit dan meminimalisir tumbuhnya jamur. Masalah
tersebut dapat diatasi dengan mengambil jalan tengah yaitu untuk menentukan
harga getah karet dilihat dari kadar karet kering yang menguntungkan bagi pihak
petani maupun pihak pabrik. Penentuan kadar karet kering yang tepat dapat
dilakukan dengan analisis perlakuan temperatur pengovenan agar diperoleh kadar
karet kering yang sesuai dan tidak merugikan kedua belah pihak.
Menurut aturan Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) yaitu Standar Nasional
Indonesia (SNI 06-2047-2002),bahwa Kadar Karet Kering (KKK) adalah jumlah
karet yang dikandung dalam bahan olah karet dan dapat dinyatakan dalam persen.
Penentuan kandungan dalam bahan olah karet tersebut dengan cara penggilingan,
pencucian, dan pengeringan. Menurut Triwijoso dan Siswantoro (1989), kadar
Karet Kering (KKK) adalah kandungan padatan karet per satuan berat
(%).Terdapat beberapa metode dalam penentuan KKK, salah satunya adalah

metode laboratorium. Prinsip dalam metode laboratorium adalah dilakukan

dengan pembekuan, pencucian dan pengeringan yang bertujuan untuk
memisahkan karet dengan kontaminan. KKK lateks sangat penting untuk
diketahui karena selain digunakan sebagai pedoman penentuan harga juga
merupakan standar dalam pemberian bahan kimia untuk pembuatan produk
lanjutan seperti Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS), Thin Pale Crepe (TPC) dan Lateks
Pekat (LP). Kadar Karet Kering ditentukan oleh beberapa faktor antara lain :

1. Jenis klon
Jenis klon sangat berpengaruh karena masing masing klon
memiliki kualitas atau kandungan lateks didalamnya yang berbeda-beda.
2. Musim
Musim sangat berpengaruh yaitu jika musim penghujan selain
proses penyadapan terganggu akibat kulit batang basah juga berpengaruh
terhadap kandungan air yang meningkat, sedangkan lateksnya dapat
terbuang bersama air. Saat musim kemarau menyebabkan keadaan lateks
tidak stabil karena sebagian penyusunnya menguap.
3. Waktu penyadapan
Waktu penyadapan sangat berpengaruh karena berkaitan dengan
tekanan turgor.Pagi hari adalah watku yang paling tepat dimulai
penyadapan, karena pada pagi hari matahari belum muncul sehingga
proses fotosintesis pada tanaman belum berlangsung. Hal ini
mengakibatkan tekanan turgor pada pembuluh lateks cukup tinggi. Jika
pembuluh lateks disayat pada tekanan turgor yang tinggi akan
mengeluarkan getah lateks yang optimal.
4. Suhu
Suhu pengovenan sangat berpengaruh terhadap Kadar Karet Kering
karena menentukan tekstur atau bentuk fisik bahan olah karet pada proses
selanjutnya dan juga untuk menentukan harga jual dari petani.
5. Umur pohon

Umur pohon karet maksimal produksi adalah 25-35 tahun dari

awal penyadapan. Lebih dari usia tersebut maka akan berpengaruh
terhadap kandungan lateks yang diperolehnya.

Empat metode penentuan KKK lateks yang umum digunakan adalah:

a. Metode Laboratorium Baku
Prinsip dalam metode laboratorium baku adalah pemisahan karet dari lateks
yang dilakukan dengan pembekuan, pencucian dan pengeringan.Metode ini
menghasilkan perhitungan KKK dengan ketepatan tinggi, tetapi memerlukan
waktu yang lama serta biaya yang besar untuk pembelian alat, dan petugas
yang terampil.
b. Metode Chee
Pada dasarnya metode chee sama dengan metode laboratorium baku.
Modifikasi dilakukan dengan penambahan berat contoh dan penggunaan
faktor pengering untuk penyederhanaan prosedur pengujian.Metode ini
memiliki tingkat ketelitian yang sedang, namun relatif mudah dan murah
biayanya. Penyederhanaan prosedur dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan
faktor pengering yang nilainya ditentukan berdasarkan pengamatan dalam
jangka waktu maksimal 15 hari.
c. Metode Hidrometri
Penentuan KKK lateks dalam metode hidrometri didasarkan pada berat jenis
lateks. Metode ini dapat dilakukan dengan cepat, praktis dan memerlukan
biaya sedikit, tetapi kelemahan dari metode ini yaitu kurang teliti. Banyak
faktor yang mempengaruhi ketepatan pengukuran, antara lain tekanan udara,
suhu, keadaan lateks, dan adanya bahan pencemar di dalam lateks.
d. Metode Panci Penggoreng
Penentuan KKK dengan metode panci penggoreng didasarkan pada
pengukuran kadar jumlah padatan (KJP) di dalam lateks. KJP
menggambarkan kandungan padatan karet dan bukan karet selain air.

2.5 Karet Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS)

Ribbed Smoke Sheet (RSS) merupakan salah satu jenis produk karet olahan
dari getah tanaman karet Hevea brasiliensis yang diperoleh secara perkebunan
maupun perorangan (Khimah et al., 2013). Produk olahan tanaman karet ini
memiliki banyak kegunaan dalam pasar industri sebagai bahan baku pembuatan
industri otomotif dan ban. Di tingkat dunia, Thailand, Indonesia, dan Malaysia
merupakan pengekspor karet terbesar di dunia. Indonesia memiliki kecenderungan
pengeksporan karet ke negara Amerika Serikat.
Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS) adalah adalah produk yang berasal dari
latekstanaman karet Hevea brasiliensis yang diolah secara mekanis dan kimiawi
denganpengeringan menggunakan rumah asap serta mutunya memenuhi standard
The Green Book dan konsisten. Prinsip pengolahan jenis karet ini adalah
mengubah lateks segar menjadi lembaran-lembaran melalui proses penyaringan,
pengenceran, pembekuan, penggilingan, pengasapan dan sortasi.
Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS) diolah secara mekanis dan kimiawi melalui
beberapa proses pengolahan yaitu penerimaan lateks dari kebun, pengenceran,
pembekuan, penggilingan, pengasapan dan sortasi. Ribbed Smoked Sheet ini
banyak digunakan dalam pembuatan ban kendaraan bermotor. Karet Ribbed
Smoked Sheet dapat dilihat pada Gambar 1

(a) (b)
Gambar 1.Karet RSS: (a) Jenis karet RSS1; (b) Jenis karet RSS2

Ribbed smoked sheet (RSS) merupakan jenis karet konvensional yang

termasuk dalam produk kedua terbesar yang sedang dikembangkan di Indonesia

setelah karet remah atau SIR (Standard Indonesian Rubber). Produk RSS berupa
lembaran (sheet) yang mendapat proses pengasapan dengan baik (Suseno dan
Suwarti, 1989). Pengolahan RSS menggunakan lateks kebun sebagai bahan baku.
Lateks kebun diolah menjadi produk karet yang diinginkan dengan penambahan
berbagai bahan kimia. Mutu karet RSS terdiri dari berbagai mutu mulai dari yang
paling baik yaitu X RSS, RSS 1, RSS 2, RSS 3, dan cutting.
Setiap proses pengolahan harus selalu diperhatikan dan diawasi dengan
benar. Pengolahan yang dilakukan secara salah pada salah satu tahap akan
menghasilkan produksi karet RSS yang tidak bagus dan akan menyebabkan
kerugian yang besar. Beberapa faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pengolahan
karet RSS antara lain :

1. Getah berasal dari karet yang muda yang menghasilkan karet yang lekat,
lembek dan mudah diulur saat digantung di dalam ruang asap.
2. Kebersihan getah dari mulai masuk ke kebun sampe akan diolah di pabrik
harus dijaga sehingga hasil produksi yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan
standard mutu
3. Penambahan antikoagulan untuk tangki penerima karet yang jauh dari
pabrik. Penambahan antikoagulan sebaiknya tidak melebihi batas yang
ditetapkan sehingga dapat mncegah pemakaian asam semut yang
berlebihan saat proses pembekuan
4. Pemberian koagulan yang berlebihan akan menyebabkan koagulum
menjadi keras dan sulit digiling.
5. Penggilingan RSS dilakukan untuk memisahkan air dari gumpalan.
Kecepatan penggilingan berbeda antara rol yang satu dengan yang

2.6 Manfaat dan Aplikasi

Manfaat karet alam banyak digunakan dalam industri-industri barang.
Umumnya alat-alat yang dibuat dari karet alam sangat berguna bagi kehidupan
sehari-hari maupun dalam usaha industri seperti mesin-mesin penggerak barang
yang dapat dibuat dari karet alam antara lain aneka ban kendaraan (dari sepeda,
motor, mobil, traktorhingga pesawat terbang), sepatu karet, sabuk penggerak
mesin besar dan mesin kecil, pipa karet, kabel, isolator, dan bahan-bahan
pembungkus logam (Sugito,1999). Sama halnya dengan kegunaan produk olahan
tanaman karet dalam pasar industri sebagai bahan baku pembuatan industri
otomotif dan ban. Di tingkat dunia, Thailand, Indonesia dan Malaysia merupakan
pengekspor karet terbesar di dunia. Indonesia memiliki kecenderungan
pengeksporan karet ke negara Amerika Serikat (Sinaga, 2011).


3.1 Pengolahan Karet Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS)

Pengolahan karet secara umum meliputi penerimaan lateks, pengenceran
lateks, pembekuan lateks, penggilingan, pengeringan, serta sortasi dan
pembungkusan. Lateks merupakan cairan yang berwarna putih atau putih
kekuning-kuningan yang terdiri atas partikel karet dan non karet yang terdispersi
di dalam air (Triwijoso dan Siswantoro, 1989). Berikut adalah tahapan tahapan
pengolahan Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS) antara lain :
1. Penerimaan lateks dari pohon karet yang disadap dan dikumpulkan dalam
wadah, selanjutnya disaring untuk memisahkan kotoran dan bagian lateks
yang mengalami prakoagulasi.
2. Lateks dialirkan ke bak koagulasi untuk diencerkan guna memudahkan
penyaringan kotoran dan menyeragamkan kadar karet kering agar mutu tetap
dapat dijaga.
3. Pembekuan lateks di dalam bak koagulasi dengan menambah zat koagulan
yang bersifat asam berupa asam formiat atau asam asetat dengan konsentrasi
1-2% dengan dosis 4 ml/kg karet kering. Tujuan penambahan zat koagulan
adalah untuk menurunkan pH lateks sehingga lateks akan beku. Penambahan
koagulan harus disertai pengadukan yang dilakukan sebanyak 6-10 kali maju
dan mundur guna mencegah terbentuknya gelembung udara yang akan
mempengaruhi lembaran yang dihasilkan.
4. Setelah proses pembekuan, maka akan dilakukan poses penggilingan untuk
mengeluarkan air, mengeluarkan serum, dan membentuk garis pada lembaran
dan menipiskan lembaran.
5. Pengasapan di dalam ruang asap untuk mengeringkan lembaran, memberi
warna coklat dan menghambat pertumbuhan jamur pada permukaan.
6. Lembaran yang telah matang dari ruang asap akan ditimbang dan dicatat
dalam arsip produksi dan dilakukan proses sortasi. Proses sortasi dilakukan

secara manual untuk melihat warna, kotoran, gelembung udara, jamur dan
kehalusan gilingan yang telah disesuaikan pada standar SNI 06-0001-1987.
Sedangkan tahap pengolahan karet Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS) menurut
Sucahyo (2010), adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Penerimaan lateks kebun
Lateks yang berasal dari mangkuk sadap dikumpulkan dalam suatu tempat
kemudian disaring untuk memisahkan kotoran serta bagian lateks yang telah
mengalami prakoagulasi.
2. Pengaliran kedalam bak koagulasi
Pengaliran lateks kedalam bak koagulasi dalam bak koagulasi untuk proses
pengenceran dengan air. Air yang digunakan harus air yang bersih dan tidak
mengandung unsur logam, pH air antara 5,8 - 8,0, kesadahan air maks 6o,
serta kadar bikarbonat tidak melebihi 0.03%. Tujuan pengenceran ini adalah
untuk menyeragamkan KKK sehingga cara pengolahan dan mutunya dapat
dijaga tetap serta memudahkan penyaringan kotoran (Suseno dan Suwarti,
1989). Pengenceran dapat dilakukan hingga lateks mencapai kadar 12-15%.
Air ditambahkan pada bak koagulum sesuai dengan tabel pengenceran pada
instruksi kerja pada setiap pabrik pengolahan.
3. Pembekuan lateks yang dilakukan dalam bak
Pembekuan lateks yang dilakukan dalam bak koagulasi dengan
menambahkan zat koagulan. Biasanya digunakan larutan asam format/asam
semut atau asam asetat/asam cuka dengan konsentrasi 1-2% ke dalam lateks
yang telah distandarkan KKK-nya. Tujuan dari penambahan asam adalah
untuk menurunkan pH lateks pada titik isoelektriknya sehingga lateks akan
membeku, yaitu pada pH antara 4.5-4.7 (Zuhra, 2006). Penambahan diikuti
dengan pengadukan agar asam tercampur ke dalam lateks secara merata serta
membantu mempercepat proses pembekuan. Pengaduk yang digunakan
adalah plat alumunium yang berlubang-lubang dengan ukuran 1/4 lebar bak.
Pengadukan dilakukan dengan 6-10 kali maju dan mundur secara perlahan
untuk mencegah terjadinya busa. Bila timbul ke permukaan akibat
pengadukan maka harus dibuang sampai bersih untuk menghindari

gelembung udara pada koagulum. Kecepatan penggumpalan dapat diatur

dengan merubah perbandingan lateks, air dan asam sehingga diperoleh hasil
bekuan atau koagulum dengan kekuatan yang dikehendaki.

4. Pemasangan plat penyekat

Pemasangan plat penyekat yang berfungsi untuk membentuk koagulum dalam
lembaran yang seragam. Langkah berikutnya adalah penggilingan yang
dilakuan setelah proses pembekuan selesai.
5. Penggilingan koagulum
Koagulum digiling untuk mengeluarkan kandungan air, mengeluarkan
sebagian serum, membilas, membentuk lembaran tipis. danmemberi garis
batikan pada lembaran. Untuk memperoleh lembaran sheet, koagulum
digiling dengan beberapa gilingan rol licin, rol belimbing dan rol motif. Di
bagian atas mesin gilingan dilengkapi dengan saluran air bersih yang
disemprotkan untuk pencucian lembaran sheet selama penggilingan. Di
bawah gilingan terakhir terdapat bak air pencuci lembaran untuk
membersihkan sisa asam. Air dalam bak ini diusahakan mengalir karena
lembaran gilingan masih banyak mengandung serum dan asam yang harus
6. Penggantungan atau penirisan lembaran
Lembaran digantung dalam lori untuk ditiriskan selama 1-2 jam. Penirisan
dilakukan pada tempat teduh dan terlindung dari sinar matahari. Setelah
ditiriskan, lembaran sheet diangkut ke dalam kamar asap.
7. Pengasapan
Pengasapan ini bertujuan untuk mengeringkan sheet, memberi warna khas
cokelat dan menghambat pertumbuhan jamur pada permukaan. Proses yang
terjadi di kamar asap adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Hari pertama, pengasapan dengan suhu kamar asap sekitar 40-45oC.
b. Hari kedua, pengasapan dengan suhu kamar asap mencapai 50-55oC.
c. Hari ketiga sampai berikutnya, pengasapan dengan suhu kamar asap
mencapai 55-60oC.

Pada hari pertama dibutuhkan asap yang lebih banyak untuk pembentukan
warna. Untuk memperbanyak asap dapat digunakan jenis kayu bakar (umumnya
menggunakan kayu karet) yang masih basah. Pada hari kedua lembaran sheet
harus dibalik untuk melepaskan lembaran yang lengket terhadap gantar dan juga
agar sisi lain lembaran sheet bisa terkena asap sehingga pengasapan merata. Mulai
hari ketiga dan seterusnya yang dibutuhkan adalah panas guna memperoleh
tingkat kematangan yang tepat. Lembaran yang telah matang dari ruang asap
diturunkan kemudian ditimbang dan dicatat dalam arsip produksi. Proses sortasi
dilakukan secara visual berdasrkan warna, kotoran, gelembung udara, jamur dan
kehalusan gilingan yang mengacu pada standard yang terdapat pada SNI 06-0001-
1987 The Green book.
Proses pengolahan lateks di tempat pengolahan atau pabrik biasanya
memiliki urutan kerja tertentu untuk menghasilkan olahan lateks berupa lembaran
(sheet). Pengolahan sheet oleh perkebunan dilakukan di pabrik pengolahan
dengan menggunakan peralatan yang lebih baik dan dengan kapasitas yang lebih
besar sehinggasheet yang dihasilkan berkualitas tinggi. Standar kualitas yang
tinggi tersebut dapat dicapai pada proses pembuatan yang dilaksanakan sesuai
dengan persyaratan pengolahan, meliputi:
1. Penerimaan lateks
Lateks hasil penyadapan yang berasal dari berbagai bagian kebun
diangkut dengan tangki yang ditarik truk ke pabrik. Dipabrik lateks diterima
dan di campur dalam bak penerimaan. lateks yang dimasukan ke dalam bak
penerimaan harus disaring terlebih dahulu untuk mencegah aliran lateks yang
terlalu deras dan terbawanya lump atau kotoran lainnya.
2. Pengenceran lateks
Pengenceran lateks atau memperlemah kadar karet adalah menurunkan
kadar karet yang terkandung dalam lateks sampai diperoleh kadar karet yang
terkandung dalam lateks sampai diperoleh kadar karet baku sesuai dengan
yang diperlukan dalam pembuatan sheet, yaitu sebesar 13%, 15%, 16%, atau
20% sesuai dengan kondisi dan peralatan setempat.
3. Pembekuan lateks

Pembekuan atau koagulasi bertujuan untuk mempersatukan butir butir

karet yang terdapat dalam cairan lateks, supaya menjadi satu gumpalan atau
koagulum. Untuk membuat koagulum ini lateks pelu dibubuhi obat pembeku
(koagulan) seperti asam semut atau asam cuka. Menurut penelitian, terjadinya
poses koagulasi adalah karena terjadinya penurunan pH. Lateks segar yang
diperoleh dari hasil sadapan mempunyai pH 6,5. supaya tidak terjadi
pengumpalan, pH yangmendekati netral tersebut harus diturunkan sampai 4,7.
Pada kemasaman ini tercapai titik isoelektris atau keseimbangan muatan
listrik pada permukaan pertikel pertikel karet, sehingga partikel partikel karet
tersebut dapat menggumpal menjadi satu. Penurunan pH ini terjadi dengan
membubuhi asam semut 1% atau asam cuka 2% ke dalam lateks yang telah
diencerkan (Lukman, 1985).
4. Penggilingan
Koagulum yang didapatkan dari lateks tersebut di ambil dan digiling
dengan mesin penggiling manual atau otomatis. Mesin penggiling tersebut
terdiri dari mesin penggiling halus dan mesin penggiling cetakan. Tujuan dari
gilingan ini adalah:
- Mengubah koagulum menjadi lembaran lembaran yang mempunyai
lebar,panjang dan tebal tertentu
- Untuk mengeluarkan serum yang terdapat di dalam koagulum
5. Pengeringan
Lembaran-lembaran yang dihasilkan dari mesin penggiling selanjutnya
akan dikeringkan dengan cara dijemur pada selayan di pabrik. (Williams,
1975). Pengeringan dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan kayu bakar dan
panas. Pengeringan bertujuan untuk mengawetkan sheetyang dapat mencegah
tumbuhnya mikroorganisme karena asap mengandung fenol dan memberikan
warna coklat muda dengan asap sehingga meningkatkan mutunya. Pengaturan
sirkulasi udara dan jumlah asap perlu dilakukan untuk mendapatkan hasil
pengeringan yang optimal.
6. Sortasi dan Pembungkusan

Setelah diasap dan dikeringkan selanjutnya sheet dapat dipilih

berdasarkan beberapa macam kriteria mutu tertentu. Kegiatan sortasi ini
biasanya dilakukan di atas meja sortasi kaca berwarna putih susu
(Setyamidjaja, 1993). Menurut Djumarti (2011) dasar penentuan mutu RSS
secara visual dan organoleptik sebagai berikut:
- jumlah kapang;
- keseragaman warna;
- noda oleh benda asing (kebersihan);
- gelembung udara;
- kekeringan;
- berat antara 1-1,5 kg per lembar;
- tebal sheet 2,5-3,5 mm dan lebarnya 4,5 mm.

3.2 Penetapan Kelas Mutu Karet Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS)

Menurut SNI 06-0001-1987 mengenai karet konvensional, secara umum
sheet diklasifikasikan dalam kelas mutu RSS 1, RSS 2, RSS 3, RSS 4, RSS 5 dan
Cutting. Cutting merupakan potongan dari lembaran yang terlihat masih mentah
atau terdapat gelembung udara hanya pada sebagian kecil sehingga dapat
digunting. Beberapa penjelasan dari masing-masing kelas mutu RSS adalah
sebagai berikut:
1. RSS 1
Kelas ini harus memenuhi persyaratan yaitu, lembaran yang dihasilkan harus
benar-benar kering, bersih, kuat, tidak ada cacat, tidak berkarat, tidak
melepuh serta tidak ada benda-benda pengotor. Jenis RSS 1 tidak boleh ada
garis-garis pengaruh dari oksidasi, lembaran lembek, suhu pengeringan
terlalu tinggi, belum benar-benar kering, pengasapan berlebihan, warna
terlalu tua serta terbakar. Bila terdapat gelembung-gelembung berukuran kecil
(seukuran jarum pentul) masih diperkenankan, asalkan letaknya tersebar
merata. Pembungkusan harus baik agar tidak terkontaminasi jamur. Tetapi,
bila sewaktu diterima terdapat jamur pada pembungkusnya, masih dapat
diizinkan asalkan tidak masuk ke dalam karetnya.

2. RSS 2
Kelas ini tidak terlalu banyak menuntut kriteria. Standar RSS 2 hasilnya harus
kering, bersih, kuat, bagus, tidak cacat, tidak melepuh dan tidak terdapat
kotoran. Sheet tidak diperkenankan terdapat noda atau garis akibat oksidasi,
sheet lembek, suhu pengeringan terlalu tinggi, belum benar-benar kering,
pengasapan berlebihan, warna terlalu tua serta terbakar. Lembaran kelas ini
masih menerima gelembung udara serta noda kulit pohon yang ukurannya
agak besar (dua kali ukuran jarum pentul). Zat-zat damar dan jamur pada
pembungkus, kulit luar bandela atau pada lembaran di dalamnya masih dapat
ditorerir. Tetapi bila sudah melebihi 5% dari bandela, maka lembaran akan
3. RSS 3
Standar karet RSS 3 harus kering, kuat, bagus, tidak cacat, tidak melepuh dan
tidak terdapat kotoran. Bila terdapat cacat warna, gelembung udara besar (tiga
kaliukuran jarum pentul), ataupun noda-noda dari kulit tanaman karet, masih
ditorerir. Namun, tidak diterima jika terdapat noda atau garis akibat oksidasi,
lembaran lembek, suhu pengeringan terlalu tinggi, belum benar-benar kering,
pengasapan berlebihan, warna terlalu tua serta terbakar. Jamur yang terdapat
pada pembungkus kulit luar bandela serta menempel pada lembaran tidak
menjadi masalah, asalkan jumlahnya tidak melebihi 10% dari bandela dimana
contoh diambil.
4. RSS 4
Standar karet RSS 4 harus kering, kuat, tidak cacat, tidak melepuh serta tidak
terdapat pasir atau kotoran luar. Yang diperkenankan adalah bila terdapat
gelembung udara kecil-kecil sebesar 4 kali ukuran jarum pentul, karet agak
rekat atau terdapat kotoran kulit pohon asal tidak banyak. Mengizinkan
adanya noda-noda asalkan jernih. Lembaran lembek, suhu pengeringan terlalu
tinggi dan karet terbakar tidak bisa diterima. Bahan damar atau jamur kering
pada pembungkus kulit bagian luar bandela serta pada lembaran, asalkan
tidak melebihi 20% dari keseluruhan masih mungkin untuk kelas RSS 4.
5. RSS 5

Karet yang dihasilkan harus kokoh, tidak terdapat kotoran atau benda asing,
kecuali yang diperkenankan. Dibanding dengan kelas RSS yang lain RSS 5
adalah yang terendah standarnya. Bintik-bintik, gelembung kecil, noda kulit
pohon yang besar, karet agak rekat, kelebihan asap dan sedikit belum kering
masih termasuk dalam batas toleransi. Bahan damar atau jamur kering pada
pembungkus kulit bagian luar bandela serta pada lembaran, asalkan tidak
melebihi 30% dari keseluruhan masih mungkin untuk kelas RSS 5.
Pengeringan pada suhu tinggi dan bekas terbakar tidak diperkenankan untuk
jenis kelas ini.


4.1 Kesimpulan
Adapun kesimpulan dari makalah ini adalah:
1. Pengolahan karet secara umum meliputi lateks dari pohon karet yang disadap
dan dikumpulkan dalam wadah, kemudian lateks dialirkan ke bak koagulasi
untuk diencerkan, selanjutnya pembekuan lateks di dalam bak koagulasi, lalu
dilakukan poses penggilingan, setelah itu proses pengasapan di dalam ruang
asap, setelah jadi lembaran, lembaran yang telah matang dari ruang asap akan
ditimbang dan dicatat dalam arsip produksi dan dilakukan proses sortasi.
2. Penetapan kelas mutu karet Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS) meliputi RSS 1, RSS
2, RSS 3, RSS 4 dan RSS 5.


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Setyamidjaja, D. 1993. Karet Budidaya dan Pengolahan. Yogyakarta : Kanisius.

Sinaga,S. 2011. Penggumpal Lateks. Medan : Universitas Sumatera Utara.

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Bahan Koagulan Lateks dalam pengolahan Ribbed Smoked Sheet (RSS) dan
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Pertanian Bogor.
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical, Electrical and Computer Engineering Vol:4, No:2, 2010

Mathematical Model of Smoking Time Temperature

Effect on Ribbed Smoked Sheets Quality
Rifah Ediati, and Jajang

to increase. The exports data showed an increase from

Abstract The quality of Ribbed Smoked Sheets 234,966,062,988 kg equal to U.S. $ 48,665,452,518 in 1999 to
(RSS) primarily based on color, dryness, and the presence or 310,302,233,454 kg (32%), or worth U.S. $ 103,158,895,291
absence of fungus and bubbles. This quality is strongly (112%) in the year 2007 [1] Total Indonesian rubber
influenced by the drying and fumigation process namely production in 2004 reached 2.06 million tons. Whereas 2005
smoking process. Smoking that is held in high temperature increased to 2.128 million tons. A major destination of
International Science Index, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Vol:4, No:2, 2010

long time will result scorched dark brown sheets, whereas if Indonesian rubber exports is China. In 2004 China imported
the temperature is too low or slow drying rate would resulted 207 thousand tons of rubber from Indonesia [2]. Rubber
in less mature sheets and growth of fungus. Therefore need to production of PTP Nusantara IX (Persero), where study was
find the time and temperature for optimum quality of sheets. held, in 2005 was 21,603,000 kg increased to 22,897,084 kg in
Enhance, unmonitored heat and mass transfer during smoking
2006 (6%).
process lead to high losses of energy balance. This research
Ribbed smoked sheets are used in various industries due to
aims to generate simple empirical mathematical model
their variety in the requirements on cleanliness and tear
describing the effect of smoking time and temperature to RSS
quality of color, water content, fungus and bubbles. The strength of the sheets. There are five major grades: RSS 1 to
second goal of study was to analyze energy balance during RSS 5. According to the International Standards of Quality
smoking process. Experimental study was conducted by and Packing for Natural Rubber Grades [3], the quality of RSS
measuring temperature, residence time and quality parameters is based on several factors such as presence or absence of
of 16 sheets sample in smoking rooms. Data for energy fungus, spots due to oxidation, dryness, cleanliness, strength,
consumption balance such as mass of fuel wood, mass of color, and defects (stains, dirt, foreign objects, and air
sheets being smoked, construction temperature, ambient bubbles).
temperature and relative humidity were taken directly along The difference in the grades is resulted by the preparation of
the smoking process. It was found that mathematical model the coagulated field latex during the production of the non-
correlating smoking temperature and time with color is Color smoked sheets and greatly influenced by the smoking process.
= -169 - 0.184 T4 - 0.193 T3 - 0.160 0.405 T1 + T2 + 0.388 t1 The sheets are selected and smoked at a controlled timing and
+3.11 t2 + 3.92t3 + 0.215 t4 with R square 50.8% and with temperature window to ensure that they are properly smoked
moisture is Moisture = -1.40-0.00123 T4 + 0.00032 T3 + without causing negative impact on the rubber properties.
0.00260 T2 - 0.00292 T1 - 0.0105 t1 + 0.0290 t2 + 0.0452 t3 However, the smoking process done here in PTP Nusantara IX
+ 0.00061 t4 with R square of 49.9%. Smoking room energy Rubber Manufacturer and also throughout Indonesia are still
analysis found useful energy was 27.8%. The energy stored in very conventional. Smoking is still done in rooms without
the material construction 7.3%. Lost of energy in conversion appropriate temperature control system [4]. Two main
of wood combustion, ventilation and others were 16.6%. The
problems are exist. First is the large variation of the
energy flowed out through the contact of material construction
temperature, between 40oC to 60oC (as large as 20 oC). The
with the ambient air was found to be the highest contribution
previous study [5] reported variation of temperature can be as
to energy losses, it reached 48.3%.
great as 15 oC. The problem arises because of discontinuity of
fuel wood feeding as its heat source. Discontinues feeding is
Keywords RSS quality, temperature, time, smoking room,
energy caused by no good monitoring and there is no temperature
alert (whether it is lower or higher than temperature adjusted)
I. INTRODUCTION which can remind the operator to add fire wood when the
temperature drop and vice versa.
I NDONESIA is the second largest country of rubber exporter
after Thailand. Today, Indonesian rubber export continues
Unstable temperature during smoking time influenced in
large variation of rubber quality parameter. Smoking of too
long time and too high temperature can caused sheets burned
Rifah Ediati is lecturer of Agriculture Engineering Program, University of
so resulted in dark brown sheets, whereas the smoking
Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia. (phone: +6285695237862, e-mail: rifah_be@ temperature of too low and less long time can lead sheets less
Jajang was with Mathematical and Natural Science Faculty, University of mature and grow fungus. Since RSS grades still depend
Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia. (e-mail: heavily on visual inspection [6], visual properties such as

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 4(2) 2010 282
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical, Electrical and Computer Engineering Vol:4, No:2, 2010

color, dryness, fungus and bubbles are very important to be Sensible heat of rubber (3)
first evaluated during all RSS production include smoking Qr = (mr.Cpr.T)
process. Right temperature and curing time will produce
high-quality sheets. Then, uncontrolled heat and mass transfer Conduction through wall,
during smoking also lead to second main problem that is fuel Qk = (k.A.T/x.t) (4)
wood energy waste.
Based on the background of those problems, this study has Radiation and Convection of Steel Door
two main goals. First to find mathematical model describing Q = (..A.(To4-T4).t) (5)
the relationship between smoking time and temperature with Q = (h.A.(To-T).t) (6)
RSS quality parameter of color, moisture, fungus and bubbles.
Second, to analyze energy balance of the smoking room based Heat stored in Room Structure
on fuel wood combustion and heat and mass transfer during Qs = (ms.Cps.T) (7)
sheets evaporating process.
International Science Index, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Vol:4, No:2, 2010

A. Time-Temperature
A. Materials and tools The rubber smoking room dimensions are 3 m wide x 20.3
Materials used were raw sheets, dry sheets, rubber smoking m depth x 3.5 m height. Smoking room temperature can be
room, fuel wood. The tools used were infrared thermometer, divided into 4 parts ranging from the highest temperature that
room thermometer, bomb calorimeter for measure fuel wood is closest from the furnace to the lowest temperature that is
heat value, oven for moisture measurement, and Munshell furthest from the furnace. Non-smoked rubber sheets are hung
chart for color evaluation. on bamboo stems for drip drying before entering the smoking
rooms where they are dried and cured by hot smoke produced
B. Methods from the furnace.
Research is experimentally conducted in Banyumas The total drying time for each batch of sheets in smoking
Krumput Rubber Manufacturer and Plantation of PTP room is about 5 days. From the observations, the sheets
Nusantara IX, Indonesia from October to November residence time along the smoking room space is about 108-111
2009. Variables measured are the temperature and residence hours. Sheets originally loaded on the far side (T4) from the
time of sheet in each part of the smoking room and the quality furnace where the sheets are treated at the lowest temperature
of sheets of color, moisture, fungus and bubbles. Temperature during its stay in fumigation space. In this section sheet lived
is measured using infrared and room thermometer, color as long as t1 that usually a day. After about a day of sheets
residence time at T4 parts, sheets driven deeper into the T3 as
measured by the Munshell chart, moisture by oven method.
long as t2. At this time, new sheets loaded in the T4 as the
Smoking room can theoretically divided into four parts that
second input sheets. On the third day, first sheets driven to the
are gradually different in temperature according to the distance
temperature T2 space and stay here as long as t3. In this time,
to the heat source that is fuel wood furnace. Temperature the third input sheets are loaded in T4 part, and so on. Later on
measurements made every 1 hour for 120 hours in each day 4th and 5th, the first sheets reached the T1 room part
smoking room. We observe 4 smoking rooms and in every during t4, and then the drying and smoking process ended.
room we take 4 samples for quality measurements, so we Detail of temperature and residence time of sheets on each
obtained 16 replications of RSS properties data. Then data of part of the smoking room and the properties of RSS resulted
time-temperature and quality properties were analyzed to can be seen in Table I. RSS quality properties in this case are
perform mathematical model and find empirical equation. color and moisture. It is noted that the presence of fungus and
Analysis of energy balance are counted based on the energy bubbles were not found in the samples taken. From Table I, it
produced by fuel wood as input energy (Eq. 1), and energy can be noticed that temperature range of variation on each
used for increasing sheets temperature and evaporating space are 3.49 to 6.37 C and among-space variations are as
moisture from the sheets as the useful energy (Eq. 2 and Eq. 3) great as 20 oC. Therefore, between room I, II, III, and IV do
The rest energy lost via wall and roof, stored in the not show different temperature trend. Sheets color were range
construction materials such as wall, door, ceiling and floor from 3.6 to 10.7 (Munshell chart scale). Dry sheets moisture
(Eq. 4, Eq. 5 and Eq. 6). Uncountable energy were used in were range between 1.3% to 4.7% (g/g wet basis). It is noted
evaporating moisture from fuel wood itself etc counted by that fungus and bubbles were not found on sample taken.
different. The equations are [7]: Bubbles were found in sheets on upper layer which is closer to
Input Energy, calculated from fuel wood heating value room roof where temperature tend to be higher due to heat
stored on roof material. All sample evaluated in this study
Qin = (1)
were taken from second layer. Vertically, sheets hung on
bamboo on four layer.
Latent heat of vaporization of sheets moisture
Mathematical model based on data in Table I was created
Qwr = mwr.hfg65oC (2) by PLS method and the gradual regression. By the gradual
regression was obtained empirical equations of time

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 4(2) 2010 283
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ROOM T4 T3 T2 T1 t1 t2 t3 t4 COLOR (%wb)
Room 1 Test I 42.18 47.56 54.96 59.22 2092 23.08 22.67 38.00 7.21 0.02
Test II 43.20 48.58 50.52 58.57 23.17 22.67 24.00 34.50 10.70 0.05
Test III 41.44 45.50 56.38 59.12 22.67 23.00 23.00 23.50 5.60 0.02
Test IV 41.42 52.00 53.42 59.94 23.00 23.00 23.00 34.00 5.00 0.01
Room 2 Test I 40.71 48.28 50.92 60.16 19.92 23.17 22.67 38.00 7.21 0.01
Test II 42.56 52.46 51.58 57.49 23.17 22.67 23.00 37.50 5.60 0.01
Test III 47.96 49.63 56.38 59.63 22.67 23.00 23.00 37.00 3.60 0.01
Test IV 43.08 56.80 55.08 59.95 23.00 23.00 23.00 37.00 9.40 0.01
Room 3 Test I 42.62 48.38 54.71 60.08 19.92 23.17 22.67 37.00 5.60 0.07
Test II 46.64 52.21 55.38 58.65 23.17 22.67 23.00 37.50 5.60 0.01
International Science Index, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Vol:4, No:2, 2010

Test III 49.79 49.79 55.52 55.29 22.67 23.00 23.00 37.00 3.60 0.02
Test IV 44.65 47.46 53.05 53.77 23.00 24.00 22.00 37.00 5.00 0.01
Room 4 Test I 43.00 45.17 48.92 59.09 20.83 23.00 23.00 37.00 8.94 0.01
Test II 43.29 44.46 53.00 58.22 23.00 23.00 23.00 35.50 9.40 0.01
Test III 41.42 49.10 49.42 58.53 23.00 23.00 23.00 36.50 5.60 0.01
Test IV 47.81 46.58 49.86 58.58 23.00 23.00 23.00 37.00 9.40 0.01
Maximum 49.79 56.80 56.38 60.16 23.17 24.00 24.00 38.00 10.70 0,07
Minimum 40.71 44.46 48.92 53.77 19.92 22.67 22.00 23.50 3.60 0.01
Average 43.86 49.00 53.07 58.52 22.32 23.03 22.94 35.88 6.72 0.02
Deviation 2.73 3.18 2.55 1.75 1.18 0.30 0.39 3.49 2.23 0.02
Variance 5.46 6.37 5.11 3.49 2.37 0.61 0.78 6.97 4.46 0.03
Confidency Lower limit 38.04 42.21 47.63 54.80 19.80 22.38 22.11 28.45 1.97 -0.02
Interval Upper limit 49.68 55.78 58.51 62.24 24.84 23.67 23.77 43.30 11.46 0.06

temperature relationship with the quality properties of color The value of quality RSS measured and predicted can be
was Y1 = -169 0.184T4 0.193T3 0.160T2 + 0.405T1 + seen in Table II. Further, test has also been conducted on the
0.388t1 +3.11t2+ 3.92t3 + 0.21 t4 and empirical equation for effect of different smoking room to the sheets quality. From
time-temperature effect on moisture was Y2 = -1.40- the ANOVA table can be concluded that there is no significant
0.00123T4 + 0.00032T3 + 0.00260T2 - 0.00292T1 - 0.0105t1 smoking room condition contribute to the quality variation of
+ 0.0290t2 + 0.0452t3 + 0.00061t4. From the equation RSS. So it can be stated that the variation of sheets quality is
above, the value of R square for Y1 (color of sheets) is 50.8 merely caused by fluctuation and unstable smoking time-
means that the model could only explain the linkages between temperature in a smoking room, not by differences among
50.8% time-temperature aspect to color value and the R square room. From these results also can be a reference to conduct
of Y2 (moisture of sheets) is about 49.9 means that the model further research in order focused on only one smoking room
only able to explain 49.9% of the time-temperature effect on with augmented sampling to obtain a more representative
moisture. With this equation we obtained the graph of observe mathematical models, with larger R square value.
and predicted value of each properties as in Figure 1 and
Figure 2.

12 0,08
10 Moisture_Obsv
8 Moisture_Pred

6 0,04
4 Color-obsv
2 Color_Pred 0,01

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Fig. 1 Effect of time-temperature on sheets color Fig. 2 Effect of time-temperature on sheets moisture

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OBSERVES AND PREDICTED VALUE Mathematical model to describe RSS quality relationship
with temperature and smoking time is Color, Y1 = -169
Color- Color_ Moisture_Obsv Moisture_Pred
Obsv Pred (%wb) (%wb)
0.184T4 0.193T3 0.160T2 + 0.405T1 + 0.388t1 +3.11t2+
3.92t3 + 0.21 t4 with R square 50.8% and Moisture, Y2 = -
7,210 6,311 0,020 0,029 1.40- 0.00123T4 + 0.00032T3 + 0.00260T2 - 0.00292T1 -
0.0105t1 + 0.0290t2 + 0.0452t3 + 0.00061t4 with R square
10,700 10,434 0,047 0,041 of 49.9%. So far, those empirical equation still have poor
5,600 5,178 0,017 0,019
relationship. Energy balance analysis shown that smoking
room operated in low energy efficiencies that only 24% of
5,000 7,125 0,013 0,014 produced energy were used to evaporate moisture of rubber.
Materials used in the smoking room construction contribute
7,210 7,363 0,014 0,031 high loss due conductive, convective and radiation heat
5,600 5,923 0,014 0,006
transfer. All these study result will be used as consideration in
designing new smoking room system at second step of
International Science Index, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Vol:4, No:2, 2010

3,600 6,298 0,013 0,019 research.

9,400 6,280 0,013 0,020 NOMENCLATURE

A = Wall area (m2)

B. Energy Analysis HV = Heating value of rubber wood = 13,600 kJ/kg
Smoking room construction are made from brick for wall, L = Height of door (m)
asbestos for roof, steel for door and brick for furnace. There Qin = Input energy to the smoking room (kJ)
are no isolation system. This construction contribute to energy Qk = Energy loss due to conduction through walls (kJ)
usage optimization due to conduction, convection and Qwr = Latent heat of water (kJ)
radiation. Energy input is yielded from conversion of fuel Qr = Sensible heat of rubber
wood due to its 27,667 kJ/kg heat value whereas its moisture is Qs = Energy stored in room stucture
23.8%wb. Result of energy calculation is shown in Fig. 3. By Ti,To,T= Inside, outside wall surfaces and surrounding
temperatures, respectively (K)
defining input energy as 100%, the useful energy is only 24%.
CpH20 = Specific heat of watter, water vapor and air,
The rest energy stored in the construction of walls, doors,
floors and roofs is 7%. The energy loss to the surrounding
Cpr = Specific heat of rubber = 1,84 kJ/kg K [6]
through construction of walls, doors and roof is 48.3%. The Cps = Specific heat of room structure materials
rest energy is 20% due to losses in the conversion of wood (Cps steel = 0.447 kJ/kg K, Cps brick = 0.960
energy into heat and loss by ventilation, chimneys and kJ/kg K, Cps asbestos = 1.050 kJ/kg K,
others. It is found that very low efficiency of energy usage Cp floor = 1.000 kJ/kg K.
happened and the largest loss contributor is Hfg 650C = Latent heat of water at 650C
material construction. k = Thermal conductivity (W/mK)
mr = Mass of smoked rubber (kg)
ms = Mass of room structure (kg)
Energy Balance (kJ) mw = Mass of firewood (kg)
mwr = Mass of water removed from rubber (kg)
T1, T2, T3, T4 = Smoking room temperature (oC)
2,906,375 T1, t2, t3, t4 = Residence time of rubber in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd
; 20% and 4th space of smoking room (hour)
; 24% t = Time (hour)
= Wall thickness (m)
Y1 = Color (brown color of Munsell chart scale)
1,065,984 Y2 = Moisture (%wb)
; 7%
Useful Energy
7,013,226 Stored Energy Thanks to DP2M-DIKTI, the Directorate of Higher
; 49% Losses Energy Education Ministry of National Education, Indonesia, which
Unaccountable has funded this research through the Program of Competitive
Research Grants According to National Priorities 2009.
Fig. 3 Energy usage of Smoking Room System

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[1] Statistics Indonesia. 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
2006, 2007. Foreign Trade Statistics. Export Table, According Month
and Year. (Accessed on March 20th 2009).
[2] E. Ritonga, Vietnam Diminta Ikut Kendalikan Harga Karet. (Accessed on March 20th 2009)
[3] The Green Book. 1968, 1969, 1979. Lemar International. International
Standards of Quality and Packing for Natural Rubber Grades. (Accessed March 17, 2009).
[4] Tonisah. Energy Usage of Rubber Production of PTP Nusantara IX
(Persero) Krumput Banyumas. Internship Report. Agriculture Faculty of
University of Jenderal Soedirman. 2007
[5] M. Promtong, P. Tekasakul. CFD Study of Flow in Natural Rubber
Smoking Room: I. Validation with The Present Smoking Room.
Applied Thermal Engineering 27, 2007, pp 2113-2121.
[6] National Standardization Board (BSN). 1999. SNI National Standards
International Science Index, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Vol:4, No:2, 2010

Indonesia. SNI 06-1903-2000. Standard Indonesian Rubber (SIR).

[7] S. Prasertsan, P. Kirirat, S. Sen-Ngam, G. Prateepchaikul. Monitoring of
The Rubber Smoking Process. Prince of Songkhla University Hat Yai,
Thailand. 2004.

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 4(2) 2010 286
Mathematical Model of Smoking Time Temperature
Effect on Ribbed Smoked Sheets Quality
RifahEdiati, and Jajang

Indonesian is a largest exporter rubber after Thailand. The export

increased from 32% to 112% in 2007. In 2004 Indonesian produced it reached
2.06 million ton and 2.018 in 2005. The major destination to export the rubber is
China that is 207 thousandth ton. The rubber produced by PTPN IX.
RSS used in various industries. The grades of RSS by International
Standard Quality have rank 1 to 5. The quality factor of RSS is present or absence
of fungus, spot due oxidation, dryness, cleanliness, strength, color, and defect.
That quality because preparation of the coagulant field latex, non-smoked sheet
produced, or when do smoking process the temperature and time not controlled
by rubber manufactured. The problem is rubber manufactured temperaturesis 40-
600C (large 200C), previous study if great 150C. The problem arises because of
discontinuity of fuel wood as its heat source.
Unstable of temperature and time influence RSS. If too high and long time
can caused RSS dark and brown but if tow low and short time can lead sheet
mature and grow fungus. The right temperature and curing determine by RSS
quality. Based on that background, create 2 main that is mathematical model
describing the relationship between smoking and time to increase quality of RSS
and than analyzed energy balance of the smoking during evaporating process.
Material tools used weremunshell chart infrared thermometer,room
thermometer, oven, bomb calorimeter. Research conducted in BanyumasRumput
Rubber Manufacture and Plantation of PTPN IX from October to November 2009.
To check temperature used infrared and room thermometer, color used munshell
chart, moisture used oven method.
Smoking room divisible into four part that is temperature different from
source fuel wood. The temperature made 1 hour for 120 hours. We obtain 16
replication of RSS properties data because used 4 sample and than do analyzed
with mathematical model to find empirical equation. To analyzed energy balance
at input energy eq. 1, and energy used eq. 2 and 3, and the rest energy lost used
eq. 4, eq. 5 and 6, energy for evaporating moisture used eq. 7.
Input Energy, calculated from fuel wood heating value
Qin = (1)
Latent heat of vaporization of sheets moisture
Qwr = mwr.hfg65oC (2)
Sensible heat of rubber
Qr= (mr.Cpr. T) (3)
Conduction through wall
Q = (k.A. T/x. t) (4)
Radiation and Convection of Steel Door
Q = (..A.(T04 T4). t) (5)
Q = (h.A.(T -T ). t) (6)
Heat stored in Room Structure
Qs =(m .C . T) (7)

Smoking room temperature can be divided into 4 parts ranging from the
highest temperature that is closest from the furnace to the lowest temperature that
is furthest from the furnace. The drying time that requires for each batch of sheets
in smoking room is about 5 days. Sheets loaded from the far side (T4) of the
furnace where the sheets are treated at the lowest temperature. The sheets stay at
several times and then the sheets driven to the deeper side to T3, T2, and T1 in
row. Every sheets that will be moved, stayed at several times and given diffrent
temperatures. After the first sheets reached the T1 room which is the closest to the
furnace the drying and smoking process ended. The empirical equations of time
temperature relationship with the quality properties of color obtained (Y1 = -169
0.184T4 0.193T3 0.160T2 + 0.405T1 + 0.388t1 +3.11t2+ 3.92t3 + 0.21 t4)and
empirical equation for time-temperature effect on moisture was (Y2 = -1.40-
0.00123T4 + 0.00032T3 + 0.00260T2 - 0.00292T1 - 0.0105t1+ 0.0290t2 +
0.0452t3 + 0.00061t4).the value of R square for Y1 (color of sheets) is 50.8 means
that the model could only explain the linkages between 50.8% time temperature
aspect to color value and the R square of Y2 (moisture of sheets) is about 49.9
means that the model only able to explain 49.9% of the time temperature effect on
moisture. Energy input is yielded from conversion of fuel wood due to its 27,667
kJ/kg heat value whereas its moisture is 23.8%wb. The energy stored in the
material construction 7%. The energy loss to the surrounding through construction
of walls, doors and roof is 48.3%. and The rest energy is 20% due to losses in the
conversion of woodenergy into heat and loss by ventilation, chimneys and others.
Bulletin of the Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, (2010) 51, 42-48

S Siriwardena, K K C K Perera, T A S Siriwardena

and J A D S S Ranasinghe


A model sun dryer, which utilizes direct solar radiation, has been devised to
investigate the effectiveness of the dryer for drying of sheet rubber. Sun drying of
sheets followed by smoking in a conventional dryer for a single day converts sun
dried sheets to the form of Ribbed Smoked Sheets (RSS). This system has shown
promising results, indicating possibility of using the system for drying of sheet
rubber. Results indicate that drying could be completed within 3-4 days without any
adverse effects on the raw rubber properties while enhancing the quality in terms of
visual grading standards. Firewood consumption is also reduced as smoking is carried
out only for a single day. This system significantly eliminates the cumbersome
handling of sheets in conventional smoke houses and introduces more convenient and
clean working environment. This system therefore, is in line with the current social
demands for more user friendly systems in industrial sector.


Sri Lanka produces four forms of natural rubber namely Ribbed Smoked
Sheet (RSS), Crepe Rubber (CR), Centrifuged Latex (CL) and Standard Lanka
Rubber (SLR). The total rubber production in Sri Lanka in the year, 2008 was
129,243 MT of which over 43% was produced in the form of RSS by mainly small
and medium scale rubber farmers (Anon, 2009). In traditional smoking process,
milled and undried rubber sheets with ribbed marks on the surface are smoke dried in
conventional smoke houses. Hot smoke produced by burning firewood in clay
furnaces directs to flow through the sheets hung in the smoke house. Smoke acts as
the carrier medium for heat and the chemical substances presence in the smoke. Some
of these chemical substances deposit on the sheets and help to prevent mould growth
on the sheets during storage and enhance the resistance of sheets to oxidation. This
conventional drying process requires 0.8-1 kg of firewood per one kilo of rubber and
takes 5-6 days to achieve the complete dryness. Drying characteristics of
conventionally dried RSS are given in Table 1.
Firewood, which was earlier considered as a cheap source of energy, has now
become a scarce and expensive source of energy. This situation leads to narrow down
the profit margin and to reduce the income of rubber sheet producers and workers
involved in the industry in rural areas. Apart from the scarcity of firewood, increased
demand of high quality and reluctance of workers to engage in this unhealthy
smoking process have been a recurrent problem and have encouraged the
investigations on alternative and more user friendly drying systems for drying of
sheet rubber.

Table 1. Drying characteristics of RSS

Characteristic Value
Initial moisture content by weight (Wb) % 40 - 50
Final moisture content by weight (Wb) % <0.7 - 1.0
Drying temperature (oC) 48 - 54
Average drying period (days) 4 - 5 days
Critical moisture content % (Wb) (w/w) 10 - 15
Falling rate period (% of total drying period) 85 - 95

Open sun drying which was considered as a cause of deterioration in quality

of rubber has now been recommended for the drying purpose under controlled
conditions by Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka (RRISL) (Tillekeratne et al,
1995). While open sun drying carries many advantages, it has its inherent
disadvantages such as necessity of daily loading and unloading, quick unloading in
rainy periods, possible contamination with dirt particles and difficulty in controlling
the temperature.
This led to design a small scale Green house type sun dryer which utilizes
solar radiation. This system avoids many of the draw backs mentioned earlier.
Temperature developments, drying efficiency and properties of final products were
investigated in this study.

Model dryer
A model sun dryer (Fig. 1) having a chamber with dimensions of 1.2 m (L) x
0.9 m (W) X 1.9 m (H) and total capacity of 25 kg of rubber (approx. 50 sheets) was
designed and fabricated. For ventilation purposes a chimney with a height 1.7 m and
diameter 0.17 m was fixed. An inlet opening of 0.5 + 0.003 m2 was maintained. The
frame of the dryer was made out of timber and covered by polythene of gauge, 700.
The dryer was installed on a rock bed.

Rubber sheets used in this study were manufactured according to the standard
procedure at Dartonfield Rubber Factory, RRISL (Karunaratne, 1983). They had
dimensions of 430 mm (W) X 560-mm (L) X 3 mm (T) and weights of sheets
were varied between 0.5 0.6 kg.

Solar insulation measurements

Pyronometer (sensitivity 11 micro volts, temperature dependence 1.5%
from 20oC to 40oC) was used to measure the solar radiation.
Polyethylene cover

Wooden structure

Fig. 1. Open sun dryer

The experiment was carried out from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm every day, since
sufficient solar radiation was mainly available during this period, forty rubber sheets
(approximate weight and thickness of a sheet 0.5 kg and 0.3-0.4 mm respectively)
were loaded at 9.00 am and temperature inside the dryer was measured at regular time
intervals. Ambient temperature and solar radiation were also recorded with time. In
the first step, an experiment was carried out without rubber sheets to investigate the
heat build up in the dryer. At the second step, rubber sheets were loaded and
temperature profile and weights of three rubber sheets hung at three different
locations in the dryer (upper, middle and bottom) were recorded simultaneously on
hourly basis. A few sheets were dried in the open sun and their weights were also
recorded at the same time intervals. Total drying period was five days for all samples.
Few sheets were smoked at the same time in a conventional smoke house for the
purpose of comparison. Drying curves and the system drying efficiency () calculated
following the equation (I) were then determined.

= ------------- ------------------------------------- (01)
Ic X Ac XT

Where W = mass of moisture evaporated (kg) in time t (hour)

HL = Latent heat of evaporation of water (J/kg)
Ic = Insulation on collector surface (W/m2)
Ac = Collector area (m2)
T = Drying period (days)

Although one of the intentions was to study the airflow variation through the
dryer, it was difficult to do so due to the very low air velocity generated inside the
dryer by natural convection. Raw rubber properties of the dried sheet rubber were
determined and subsequently they were compared with those of conventionally
manufactured smoked sheets.


The temperature variation inside the empty dryer and ambient temperature
during the day time is given in the Figure 2. Solar radiation during the same period
is also given in the same Figure. It shows that the temperature inside the dryer was
always higher than the ambient temperature during the day, while minimum and
maximum differences being around 5 and 9 degrees respectively. This type of dryer
directly gains heat by the absorption of solar radiation by the materials being dried
inside the dryer.
Figure 3 shows the temperature variation inside the loaded dryer. Ambient
tempera0ture profile and variation of solar radiation are also indicated in the same
Figure. The air inside the empty dryer is hot and hence the temperature inside the
dryer is higher than ambient temperature. When the rubber sheets are loaded they too
absorb heat and as a result temperature inside dropped. However, it has been
observed that still the inside temperature maintains a higher level than the ambient
temperature. In these experiments, it was noted that when the temperature inside the
dryer reached a temperature higher than 42oC, rubber sheets tend to melt. Therefore,
as a remedial measure, the size of the air outlets was increased, so as to prevent the
temperature rising above 42 0C. This however, needs to be practiced only during the
peak hours of solar radiation normally between 12.00 noon and 3.00 pm.

45 500

43 450

41 400

39 350

Solar radiation (W/m2)

37 300
Temperature (oC)

35 250

33 200

31 150

29 100
Ambient Inside dryer Solar radiation
27 50

25 0
9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00

Time (hrs)

Fig. 2. Variation of ambient temperature, inside temperature of the empty dryer and solar
radiation with time (Environmental conditions: sky bright, wind speed2.5 m/s/)

45 600

Solar radiation (W/m2)

Temperature (oC)

35 300
27 Ambient Inside dryer Solar radiation
25 0
9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 17.00

Time (hrs)

Fig. 3. Variation of ambient temperature, inside temperature of the loaded dryer and solar
radiation with time (Environmental conditions: sky bright, wind speed 2.5 m/s loaded
capacity 22.2 kg)

Drying curves of samples dried in upper, middle and bottom locations of the
dryer and of the sundried sample (outside sample) are shown in Figure 4. It shows
that drying rates out side the dryer were comparable to that of inside the dryer. There
was a higher airflow outside, but the ambient temperature was comparatively low.
However, this observation suggests that higher airflow out side the dryer has
compensated the low ambient temperature. Condensation of moisture was observed in
the early mornings on the walls at the top part of the dryer and evaporated during the
first two hours of the day. However, this did not lead to any mould formation in

Out side sample Bottom sample
Weight of a sheet (g)

600 Middle sample Upper sample




0 10 20 30 40 50
Drying period (hr)

Fig. 4. Drying curves for rubber sheets

Drying efficiency
The system drying efficiency was calculated according to the equation no.01
using the data given in Table 2. It was 17% which is on the high side of the expected
system drying efficiency of natural convection dryers which lies between 10-15%
(Anon, 1997).

Table 2. Data used in determination of drying efficiency

Parameter Value
The average moisture content in a sheet rubber % (w/w). 17.12
The average weight of a dried rubber sheet (kg) 0.554
Total weight of sheet rubber loaded in the drier (40 sheets) 22.2
Latent heat of vaporization of water. (kJ/kg). 2320
Total isolation incident on the drier (MJ/M2/day). 12.096
Effective absorbing area of the drier (m2) 1.08
Drying time (days) 4

Raw rubber properties of dried sheet rubber

Physical properties of rubber sheets dried at various conditions are given in
Table 3.
It can be seen from the Table 3 that completely open sun dried sheets
possesses minimum Po and PRI values indicating less tolerance to thermal oxidation.
This may be due to direct exposure of the sheets to solar radiation. Higher values for
Po and PRI were observed in sheets dried inside the dryer than those dried outside in
the open sun. However, it should be noted that Po and PRI of all the samples were
above the required minimum standards (Po - 30, PRI - 60) except the open sundried

sheets where PRI is 46. Sheets fully dried and smoked in the conventional smoke
house exhibit the highest Po and PRI values probably due to absorption of more
antioxidants from the smoke. However, these sheets had higher volatile matter
content than the un-smoked or partially smoked rubber sheets. This may be due to
the interruption of evaporation of volatile matter by covering the surface from the
heavily deposited carbons suites on the sheets preventing migration of water diffusing
to the surface. High volatile matter content favours mould growth. This observation
favours the sun drying or partial smoking of the sheets.

Table 3. Physical properties of rubber sheets dried at various conditions

Sample Dirt Ash Volatile matter Wallace Colour

% % % (wt) plasticity
(wt) (wt) Po PRI
Dried at the bottom of the drier 0.090 0.10 0.46 45 82 VLHB
Dried at the middle of the drier 0.036 0.10 0.38 47 74 VLHB
Dried at the top of the dryer 0.015 0.15 0.39 46 64 VLHB
Dried in the dryer for three days 0.240 0.18 0.76 40 80 LHB
and followed by one day smoking
Open sun drying for four days 0.068 0.13 0.45 38 46 LB
Dried in 5 days in a smoke house. 0.560 0.38 1.42 48 88 BB

VLHB Very light honey brown, LHB Light honey-brown, LB Light brown, B- Brown.

As sheet rubbers are visually graded, colour and appearance play an

important role in marketing of them. Light honey brown colour sheets fetch the
highest price. Sheets dried in the sun dryer are free from ash particles and tar. Also,
unsmoked or partially smoked sheets have very low dirt content indicating low level
of contamination of foreign matter on sheets. Therefore, the quality of these sheets is
higher than the fully smoked sheets in terms of colour and appearance.


The dryer has the system efficiency similar to conventional natural

convection dryers. Installation of this system for drying of sheet rubber can reduce the
use of firewood consumption and improve the quality of the rubber considerably. It
has obvious advantages over open sun drying too. Adverse effects of open sun drying
such as dirt and dust contamination, insect attacks are eliminated in this dryer. This
drying system could be effectively used with subsequent smoking of sheet rubber for
a single day to prevent mould growth and to achieve certain resistance to oxidation.
Complete dryness of sheet rubber could be achieved within 3-4 days without adverse
effect on the raw rubber properties of natural rubber. Main disadvantages of this dryer
are necessity of an operator to control the temperature and short lifetime of the cover
material compared to conventional smoke houses. Further research has to be carried
out to evaluate the technological properties of these rubbers dried in this Green House
type dryer and to find a durable cover material with optimum thickness.


Mr T C U Jayanetti, Mr T A U Jeyalal and Mr U Kalugalage, Undergraduate

students from University of Moratuwa are acknowledged for their good work done in
executing the project under their industrial training program during their
undergraduate period.


Anon (2009). Statistical Pocket Book. Planning Unit, Ministry of Plantation Industries, 55/75,
Vauxhall Lane, Colombo 2.

Anon (1997). Project Report on Construction and testing of a green house type dryer for
rubber industry. University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.

Tillekeratne, L M K, Nugawela, A, Jayasuriya, M, Weeraman, S and Siriwardena, T A S

(1995). Utilisation of sun light for drying of rubber. Journal of Natural Rubber Research
10, 77-81.

Karunaratne, S W (1983). Manufacture of ribbed smoked sheet. Hand Book of Rubber

Cultivation and Processing, (Ed. Peries, O.S.), Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka,

A Small Scale Open Sun Dryer for Sheet Rubber Drying

Pengeringan konvensional yang memanfaatkan radiasi matahari untuk

lembaran karet saat ini terus diteliti dan dikembangkan keefektifannya, salah
satunya adalah rumah pengeringan skala kecil dengan sinar matahari. Sistem
pengeringan ini dilakukan dengan mengasapi lembaran karet usai dikeringkan
dengan radiasi matahari untuk membentuk Ribbed Smoked Sheets (RSS). Model
percobaan pengering yang di rancang dan dibuat ini memiliki ruang (panjang
1,2m dan lebar 0,9m serta tinggi 1,9m) dengan total kapasitas bahan karet seberat
25kg. Ventilasi dibuat menggunakan cerobong dengan ketinggian 1,7m dan
diameter tetap sebesar 0,17m. Bagian pembuka lubang masuk dibuat dengan
ukuran 0,5+0,003m2. Alat ini terbuat dari kerangka kayu, polietilene sebagai
penutup, dan pryonometer yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur radiasi
Penelitian ini dilakukan empat kali percobaan selama 5 hari pada pukul
09.00-18.00. Tahap pertama adalah mengukur suhu alat pengering tanpa bahan.
Tahap kedua adalah mengeringkan tiga sampel pada lokasi yang berbeda didalam
alat pengering. Tahap ketiga mengeringkan sampel baru dengan sinar matahari
langsung. Tahap terakhir adalah sampel dari percobaan dua dan tiga diasapi
selama satu hari dalam rumah asap.
Sistem ini telah menunjukkan hasil yang menjanjikan untuk pengeringan
lembaran karet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengeringan bisa dilakukan
dalam waktu 3-4 hari tanpa efek yang merugikan pada sifat dari karet mentah
sekaligus meningkatkan kualitas standar visual yang dinilai dari lembaran karet.
Penggunaan kayu bakar juga dapat dikurangi karena pengasapan hanya dilakukan
satu hari. Sistem ini secara signifikan telah menghilangkan penanganan lembaran
karet yang terkesan rumit pada teknik pengasapan tradisional dan
memperkenalkan sistem kerja yang bersih dan nyaman. Oleh karena itu, sistem ini
termasuk sudah sejalan dengan tuntutan sosial saat ini untuk penggunaannya yang
lebih ramah lingkungan di sektor industri.
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:

Effect of smoking on lipid content,

macromolecular structure and
rheological properties of Hevea
brasiliensis sheet rubber

Article in Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science September 2008

Source: OAI


2 43

7 authors, including:

Satit Rodphukdeekul Siriluck Liengprayoon

Chulalongkorn University Kasetsart University


Frederic Bonfils Eric Dubreucq

Cirad - La recherche agronomique p Montpellier SupAgro


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Frederic Bonfils
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 13 November 2016
April - June 2008
Volume 42 Number 2

Kasetsart Journal : Natural Science April - June 2008 Volume 42 Number 2

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The publication of Kasetsart University
VOLUME 42 April - June 2008 NUMBER 2

Plant Science
Growth, Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration, and Morphological Adaptation of Selected
Wax Apple Cultivars in Response to Flooding
............................................................. Phaisan Tanchai and Lop Phavaphutanon 197
Improvement of Propagation by Hardwood Cuttings with and without Using Plastic Pavilions
in Fig (Ficus carica L.)
................ Narongchai Pipattanawong, Sawitree Tiwong, Benjarach Thongyean,
.......................................... Rungtiwa Darak, Pornprasert Thamin and Wet Techa 207
Agricultural Plant Diversity of the Orchards along the Bank of Chao Phraya River
and Ko Kret Areas in Nonthaburi Province
.............. Kittipong Treetaruyanont, Wanlop Phosunk and Panom Suthisaksopon 215
The Effect of Fertilizer and Irrigation on Yield and Quality of Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis)
Grown in Chanthaburi Province of Thailand
................................... Sopheaveasna Mak, Sali Chinsathit, Aphiphan Pookpakdi
.................................................................................... and Poonpipope Kasemsap 226
Citrus Leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Phyllocnistidae)
and Its Natural Enemies
................................ Oraphan Kernasa, Wiwat Suasa-ard and Kosol Charernsom 238
Animal Science
Comparison of Five Mathematical Functions for Prediction of Monthly Yield
in Thai Multibreed Dairy Cattle Population
..............................Warangkana Kitpipit, Panwadee Sopannarath, Sayan Buaban
...................................................................................... and Sornthep Tumwasorn 246
Development of Microsatellite Markers for Siamese Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis)
.................. Win Chaeychomsri, Pratak Tabthipwon, Napavarn Noparatnaraporn
......................................................................................... and Voravit Siripholvat 256
Veterinary Science
Antimicrobial Resistance in Escherichia coli from Hospitalized and Kennel Dogs
by Agar Disc Diffusion (Bauer-Kirby) Test
............. Nattakan Lakkitjaroen, Jarin Chatsiriwech,Wilailuck Lertatchariyakul,
.................................................. Artharee Rungrojn, Anamika Karnjanabunterng
........................................................................... and Worawut Rerkamnuaychoke 263
Parasitological and Hematological Study on Fasciola spp. Infections in Local Breeds
of Sheep in Middle Awash River Basin, Afar Region, Ethiopia
..................... Endris Feki Ahmed, Kanchana Markvichitr, Sornthep Tumwasorn,
...... Skorn Koonawootrittriron, Apassara Choothesa and Sathaporn Jitapalapong 271
Research Note
Seroprevalence of Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) Infection in Pregnant Replacement
Dairy Heifers in Saraburi Province, Thailand
.................................................... Theera Rukkwamsuk and Sunthorn Rungruang 278
Efficacy of Calcium Hypochlorite on the Prevalence of Microsporidiosis (Thelohania)
in Pond-Reared Litopenaeus vannamei
.................................... Chalor Limsuwan, Niti Chuchird and Kesinee Laisutisan 282
Intensive Nitrification Process Employing Immobilized Nitrifiers on Polyester Carriers
in Closed-System Aquaria
.............. Arunwon Wungkobkiat, Siriwat Kucharoenphaibul, Kannika Sripunya
......................................................................................... and Teera Lekcholaryut 289
Application of Remote Sensing Image and Mathematical Model for Dispersion
of Suspended Solid in the Upper Gulf of Thailand
............ Monton Anongponyoskun, Pramot Sojisuporn, Shettapong Meksumpun
............................................................................................... and Saran Petpiroon 299
Effects of Smoking on Lipid Content, Macromolecular Structure and Rheological Properties
of Hevea brasiliensis Sheet Rubber
........................ Satit Rodphukdeekul, Siriluck Liengprayoon, Vilai Santisopasri,
............ Klanarong Sriroth, Frederic Bonfils, Eric Dubreucq and Laurent Vaysse 306
Production and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibody to Pseudomonas fluorescens
.......................... Thammanoon Jaturapahu, Suppalak Lewis, Temdoung Somsiri
................................................................................... and Somvong Tragoonrung 315
Enumeration and Identification of Microorganisms in Plantation White Sugar
from Factories in Thailand
........... Sirivatana Chittrepol, Malai Boonyaratanakornkit and Klanarong Sriroth 321
Screening Lactic Acid Bacteria from Thai Agricultural Products and Wastes
for Potential Application on Cassava Starch
....................... Walaiporn Timbuntam, Yutaka Tokiwa, Kuakoon Piyachomkwan
........................................................................................... and Klanarong Sriroth 328
Process Optimization for the Production of Philosamia ricini (Eri Silk) Pupae Hydrolysate
................................................. Pilanee Vaithanomsat and Chidchai Punyasawon 341
Risk Assessment of Triclosan Using Animal Cell Lines
... Kalyanee Jirasripongpun, Thanate Wongarethornkul and Sunisa Mulliganavin 353
Agro - industry
Iron Fortification in Developing of Extruded Thai Rice Snack
................ Chulaluck Charunuch, Saowaluk Rungchang, Chowladda Teangpook
.................................................................................................. and Vayuh Sonted 360
Development of Pasta Products from High-Iron Rice and Iron-Fortified Rice Flour
............................... Suparat Reungmaneepaitoon and Chomdao Sikkhamondhol 367
Influences of Waxy Rice Protein Network on Physical Properties of Waxy Rice Flour Composites
................................................... Kamolwan Israkarn and Parichat Hongsprabhas 376
Physical Science and Engineering
Pickup and Delivery Traveling Salesman Problem with Traffic Conditions
........................................................... Supat Patvichaichod and Poranat Visuwan 387
Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 42 : 306 - 314 (2008)

Effects of Smoking on Lipid Content, Macromolecular Structure

and Rheological Properties of Hevea brasiliensis Sheet Rubber

Satit Rodphukdeekul1, Siriluck Liengprayoon2-4, Vilai Santisopasri1,

Klanarong Sriroth2, Frederic Bonfils3, Eric Dubreucq4 and Laurent Vaysse5*


Natural rubber ribbed smoked sheet (RSS) production process involves a drying step in a
wood smoke dryer. The purpose of this work was to know whether this smoke drying step affected the
lipid composition and the properties of sheet rubber. This study consisted of a comparative study between
unsmoked sheets (USS) and ribbed smoked sheets (RSS) obtained from monoclonal latices from
RRIM600, BPM24 and PB235 clones. The rubber was sampled in Chantaburi province, Thailand. It
was found that the smoking process increased significantly the amount of lipid extract but decreased
significantly the free fatty acid content. No significant effect of smoking was detected on macromolecular
parameters such as gel content or molar mass distribution and on rheological parameters such as initial
plasticity (P0) and Mooney viscosity (ML(1+4)100). In terms of resistance to thermal oxydation estimated
by Plasticity retention index (PRI), smoked sheets displayed a tendency to have lower PRI than unsmoked
sheets. This difference was significant for PB235 clone. A clonal effect was detected for most of the
measured parameters. Indeed, PB235 clone displayed a higher lipid extract, higher P0, higher ML(1+4)100,
higher molar mass than those of the other studied clones while its PRI was lower.
Key words: Hevea brasiliensis, natural rubber, ribbed smoked sheets, smoking, rubber lipids

INTRODUCTION tensile strength, high resilience, resistance to

impact and tear, low heat build-up, good green
Natural rubber (NR) is the most used strength, and building tack. Even if its synthetic
elastomer and its share in world rubber counterparts have been commercially available for
consumption has been stabilized around 40% for more than 50 years, NR appears to be a practically
more than 15 years (Samosorn, 2007). It has been irreplaceable elastomer.
used for over a century for end-user products In Thailand, NR is a major agricultural
mainly for the tire sector, but remains described commodity. Thailand is the first exporter in the
as an enigmatic material with unequalled world, with almost 3 million tons in 2006
properties such as strain-induced crystallization, which was 4.2% of the total value of Thai

1 Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand

2 Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
3 Cirad, UMR Agropolymer Engineering and Emerging Technologies (IATE), Montpellier 34398, France.
4 Montpellier SupAgro, Department of Agro-Bioprocess Sciences, Montpellier 34060, France.
5 Cirad, UMR IATE, KAPI, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
* Corresponding author, e-mail:
Received date : 19/09/07 Accepted date : 20/12/07
Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 42(2) 307

exportation. The Thai NR is exported as block affect rubber properties (Hasma, 1984;
rubber (STR) for 38%, Ribbed Smoked Sheets Visitnonthachai, 2005). For instance, fatty acids
(RSS) for 32%, and concentrated latex for 30% were found to have an effect on the crystallization
(Samosorn, 2007). and plasticizing of rubber. The rate of
The recognized quality of sheet rubber crystallization of natural rubber is affected by the
comes essentially from their very low level of nature of the long-chain free fatty acids as well as
impurities due to a clean process and a systematic by the presence of fatty acids esterified to the
visual quality control. Smoking rubber sheets is a -terminal of the polyisoprene chain. Rubber
well-known strategy for preventing them from miscible fatty acids (unsaturated) and immiscible
mould growth and for decreasing water content. fatty acids (saturated) have been shown to
It was already described in 1935 to be an old stimulate synergistically the rate of crystallization,
process used as an attempt to imitate the smoke which explained the specific green strength of
drying of thin films of latex in the preparation of natural rubber (Tanaka, 1997). The influence of
Fine Hard Para (Hasting, 1935). Few data are lipids on vulcanization characteristics (scorch and
available concerning the effect of smoking on the cure times) and vulcanizate properties (tack, tensile
properties of the obtained raw dry rubber. Hasting and tear strengths) have been also pointed out in
(1935) showed that ageing properties of smoked recent studies (David, 2000; Ismail, 2001). It is
sheet vulcanizates were better than air dried sheets therefore interesting to follow lipid composition,
but no information was provided about raw rubber and especially free fatty acids, when conducting
properties. Bristow and Sears (1998) did a studies on natural rubber quality.
comprehensive comparative work on sheet and The purpose of this study was to know
crumb rubber; unfortunately, the latex was whether the smoke drying step of the post-harvest
stabilized for constant viscosity by the addition of process affects the lipid composition and the
hydroxylamine neutral sulphate which leaded to properties of sheet rubber. The present work
specialty products different from RSS. A recent consisted of a comparative study between
study on the sheet rubber process proposed to unsmoked sheet (USS) and ribbed smoked sheet
replace the usual acetic or formic acid in the (RSS) obtained from monoclonal latices.
coagulation process by smoke acid extracted
from smoke (Ferreira, 2005); however, no MATERIALS AND METHODS
comparison with unsmoked sheets was
established. Material
The recognized properties of natural Natural rubber
rubber are mainly due to the presence in Hevea Hevea brasiliensis clones RRIM 600, PB
brasiliensis latex of a very long chain polymer of 235 and BPM 24 were used in this study. The
cis-1,4-isoprene but it is believed that the samplings were performed in Union Rubber Co.
irreplaceable character of its properties is linked Ltd. Chantaburi, Thailand on fields 93, 100 and
to its non-isoprene components, which represent 111 for RRIM 600, PB 235, and BPM 24 clones,
4 to 5% of latex weight (DAuzac, 1989). Most of respectively. Four sampling repetitions were
the latex non-isoprene components are hydrophilic performed on 20 January 2006, 28 March 2006, 7
molecules such as proteins and carbohydrates that July 2006 and 24 October 2006.
could be leached during the process leading to dry The following chemicals used in this
rubber. Some other compounds, such as lipids, are study were of analytical grade: acetic acid (Merck,
retained in the dry rubber and have been found to Germany), chloroform (Labscan, Thailand),
308 Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 42(2)

methanol (Merck, German), n-hexane (BDH, Pulverisette 0 (Fritsch, Germany) under liquid
England), sodium chloride (APS Finechem, nitrogen with 2 mm amplitude for 4 min. The
Australia), rhodamine 6G (Fluka, UK), obtained ground rubber (diameter of around
cyclohexane (Carlo Erba, Italy). Formic acid used 0.2 mm) was transferred directly after grinding
for latex coagulation was of commercial grade. into 50 mL of a mix of chloroform:methanol (2:1
v:v). After agitation at 160 rpm on a rotary agitator
Methods for 6 h at room temperature, extracted rubber was
Unsmoked sheet (USS) preparation removed by filtration and the total extract was
Unsmoked sheets were prepared as concentrated in a rotary evaporator. Total extract
recommended by the Rubber Research Institute was redissolved with 4 mL of chloroform:
of Thailand (RRIT). About 3 L of monoclonal latex methanol (2:1 v:v) and the water soluble
were filtered (pore size 2 mm). The filtered latex components were removed by washing with 1 mL
was added with 2 L of water. The diluted latex was of 0.9% NaCl solution following Folch procedure
coagulated into a coagulation tank (35209cm) (Folch, 1957). The mixture was allowed to
with addition of 300 mL of 2 % formic acid separate clearly and the lipid containing bottom
solution (obtained by dilution by 45 times of layer was evaporated to obtain the lipid extract.
commercial grade formic acid). The obtained The dry lipid extract was calculated versus initial
coagulum was pressed with a crusher (one pass), weight of rubber.
a flat roll hand mangle (3 passes) and a rough roll
hand mangle (2 times). The obtained fresh rubber Free fatty acids in lipid extract
sheet was washed with water several times and The method described by Van Autryve
dried outside under the shade until full et al. (1991) was followed. The analysis was based
disappearance of white spots. on the complexation of free fatty acid with
Rhodamine 6G, which led to a specific absorbance
Rubber smoked sheet (RSS) preparation at a wavelength of 513 nm. Calibration curves
Fresh rubber sheets were prepared as were obtained using linoleic acid in a range of
described above. They were then subjected to 0 to 10 g.mL -1 solution in n-hexane. The
smoke drying in Chachoengsao Rubber Research lipid extract from rubber sheet was diluted to
Center (CRRC). The drying conditions were as 20 g.mL-1 solution in n-hexane. A volume of 3.5
follows: fresh sheets were hanged on a special mL of diluted sample was added with 0.5 mL of
trolley which was placed for 3 days in a smoke the rhodamine 6G solution and the absorbance at
chamber (3103m) where the temperature was 513 nm was read 5 min after mixing using a
regulated to 50 C. The smoke was generated by Hitachi U-2001 spectrophotometer (Tokyo,
burning about 1m3 of wood for the 3 days smoking Japan). Free fatty acid content versus initial dry
period. rubber was calculated using the calibration
Lipid analysis
Extraction Steric exclusion chromatography
A piece of 2.8 grams was sampled from Gel, number-average molar mass (Mn),
rubber sheets (USS or RSS) and cut into small weight-average molar mass (Mw) and molar mass
pieces (211 mm). The obtained pieces were distribution (MMD) of NR were characterized by
stored at -18C overnight. Grinding of the frozen size exclusion chromatography (SEC) following
pieces was performed using a cryogrinder the method described by Bonfils et al. (2005). The
Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 42(2) 309

samples of NR were dissolved in cyclochexane at RESULTS

a concentration of 2 mg.mL-1 in a total volume of
30 mL. After 14 days at 30C with periodic Lipids
agitation (1 h per day), insoluble part (macrogel) Lipid extraction results are presented in
was removed by centrifugation at 16500 rpm Figure 1. The lipid content of the unsmoked control
for 1 h. The obtained solution was diluted to was dependent on the clone: 2.25% (SE=0.03)
0.2 mg.mL-1 then further filtered (1 m pore size) lipids in dry rubber for RRIM600, 2.54%
to remove microgel. Filtered solution (100 L) (SE=0.12) for BPM 24 and 3.13% (SE=0.09) for
was injected in a steric exclusion chromatographic PB235 Hevea clones. Smoking significantly
system consisting of a ERMA ERC-3112 increased the amount of lipid extract to 2.59%
solvent gas remover, a Waters 510 pump, an (SE=0.04), 3.05% (SE=0.08) and 3.47%
automatic injector, a Waters 486 UV detector (SE=0.14) for the 3 clones, respectively. As shown
(220 nm), and two 30 cm PLGEL mixed columns on Figure 2, smoking reduced significantly the
(Polymer Laboratories) with a porosity of 20 m. amount of free fatty acid from 0.8% to 0.5% versus
System temperature was regulated to 65C and dry rubber.
the flow rate of cyclohexane was 0.8 mL.min-1.
The entire installation was computer controlled Macromolecular structure
using a dedicated software (Maxima-Waters). No significant difference was observed
Calibration was performed by injecting on gel content as shown on Figure 3. Concerning
polyisoprene standards in the range of 1 to 1200 the MMD of the remaining soluble part, no effect
kg.mol-1. Microgel quantity was estimated by of smoking was observed either for rubber with a
difference between the quantity of rubber obtained unimodal MMD with a shoulder (clone PB235)
by rubber peak integration and the initial or for rubber with bimodal MMD (clones
concentration before filtering (0.2 mg.mL 1). Total RRIM600 or BPM 24). An example of MMD is
gel was calculated by the addition of macrogel and provided on Figure 7. All repetitions showed the
microgel amounts. same trend. Number-average molar mass (Mn),
weight-average molar mass (Mw) confirmed that
Rheological properties there is no difference (Table 1).
USS and RSS samples were sent to the
Rubber technology division of RRIT for Rheological properties
determining Initial plasticity (Po), Plasticity Initial plasticity (P 0 ) and Mooney
Retention Index (PRI) and Mooney Viscosity Viscosity (ML(1+4)100) are presented on Figures
ML(1+4)100C following Standard Malaysian rubber 4 and 5, respectively. No significant effect of
(SMR) standard bulletin n7 (1992). smoking was observed. When comparing by clone,
it was to be noted that initial plasticity P0 and
Statistical analyses Mooney viscosity were both significantly higher
Statistical analyses (one way analysis of for rubber from clone PB235 than for rubber from
variance) were performed on the four replications the two other tested clones.
using JMP software v.5.1.2. (SAS Institute, USA).
Standard error (SE) bars and SE values are Resistance to thermal oxidation
mentioned in figures and table, respectively. No significant effect of smoking was
Significance level of statistical analysis was set observed on the plasticity retention index (PRI)
to 0.05. for clones RRIM600 and BPM24. However, a
310 Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 42(2)

4.0 1.2
non smoked a non smoked
3.5 smoked smoked
b 1.0 a
b ab

Free fatty acids (% w/w rubber)

c c
Lipid extract (%w/w rubber)

2.5 d bc
c c
2.0 0.6


0.0 0.0
RRIM600 PB235 BPM24 RRIM600 PB235 BPM24
Hevea clones Hevea clones

Figure 1 Lipid extract (% w/w rubber) by clone Figure 2 Free fatty acids (% w/w rubber) by
and treatment. clone and treatment.
Error bar indicates standard error. Error bar indicates standard error.
Mean(s) associated with the same letter Mean(s) associated with the same letter
were not significantly different were not significantly different
(P0.05). (P0.05).

70 50 a a
non smoked non smoked
a abc ab
smoked 45 smoked
60 bc
c bc 40
b bc
50 bc c
Initial Plasticity (Po Unit)

Total gel (% w/w rubber)

30 20

20 15

0 0
RRIM600 PB235 BPM24 RRIM600 PB235 BPM24

Hevea clones Hevea clones

Figure 3 Total gel (% w/w rubber) by clone and Figure 4 Initial plasticity (P0 unit) by clone and
treatment. treatment
Error bar indicates standard error. Error bar indicates standard error.
Mean(s) associated with the same letter Mean(s) associated with the same letter
were not significantly different were not significantly different
(P0.05). (P0.05).
Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 42(2) 311

90 non smoked
non smoked a a 120
80 smoked a ab ab
100 c

Plasticity Rentention Index (PRI unit)

Mooney viscosity ML 1+4(100)

bc bc d
60 80

30 40

0 0
RRIM600 PB235 BPM24 RRIM600 PB235 BPM24
Hevea clones Hevea clones

Figure 5 Mooney viscosity (ML (1+4)100) by clone Figure 6 Plasticity Retention Index (PRI unit) by
and treatment. clone and treatment.
Error bar indicates standard error. Error bar indicates standard error.
Mean(s) associated with the same letter Mean(s) associated with the same letter
were not significantly different were not significantly different
(P0.05). (P0.05).

Table 1 Weight-average molar mass (Mw) and number-average molar mass (Mn) by treatment for
each clone.
Clones Treatment Mw(kg/mole) Mn(kg/mole)
Mean SE Mean SE
RRIM 600 USS 1285 ab 41.3 149 b 5.2
RSS 1229b 31.7 152b 4.9
PB235 USS 1369 a 38.3 234 a 9.0
RSS 1353a 23.9 237a 7.2
BPM24 USS 1237 b 54.8 144 b 7.8
RSS 1095c 41.2 139b 4.9
For each column, mean values followed by the same letter were not significantly different (P0.05)
SE: standard error, USS: unsmoked sheet treatment, RSS: ribbed smoked sheet treatment

slightly negative effect (decrease of PRI by 8 by the drying process used. The two processes
points) was measured on PB235 rubber could indeed be distinguished by two factors:
(Figure 6). This result was confirmed by a double physicochemical conditions and duration of
analysis performed in France. drying. In the case of smoked sheet (RSS) the
process was performed over a period of 3 days,
DISCUSSION under smoke atmosphere and with a temperature
of 50C while unsmoked sheet (USS) was dried
The two compared rubber sheet types, outdoor under shade over a period of
namely RSS and USS, differed from each other approximately 8 days with temperature ranging
312 Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 42(2)

from 25 to 38C. 7
non smoked CLONE RRIM600
The decrease of free fatty acid content 6 smoked
may be explained by a protective effect of
smoking: a faster drying and the presence of 5

antimicrobial components in smoke, such as acetic

Intensity (%)
acid or phenolic compounds (Holley, 2005), may
prevent the degradation of native lipids by 3

microbial hydrolases such as lipases or 2

phospholipases. In the case of USS, lipid
hydrolysis may be more important which results
in less lipid extract containing more free fatty 0
acids. 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08
Molar mass (g/mol)
Nevertheless, rheological analyses such
as Wallace initial plasticity or Mooney viscosity 7
non smoked
determination showed that the properties of the smoked
obtained rubber sheets were not changed whether
a smoking step was present or not. This was 5
confirmed by macromolecular structural results
Intensity (%)

provided by steric exclusion chromatography that
showed that poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) chain length 3
was not affected by the smoking treatment.
Concerning resistance to thermal
oxidation, a significant negative effect of smoking 1
was observed for one of the tested clones, namely
PB235, although smoke was supposed to contain 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08
antioxidant compounds. Even in the USS form, Molar mass (g/mol)

PB235 rubber seemed to be less protected against

thermal oxidation as its PRI (91) was significantly non smoked CLONE BPM24
lower than PRI of the two other clones (around 6

100). This clonal difference may be explained by 5

a weaker reticulation process that occurs
Intensity (%)

simultaneously with chain scission during aging 4

in PRI oven. Nevertheless, all rubber sheets tested, 3

smoked or not, were in an excellent range of PRI
(>80). 2

In addition, this study confirmed that 1

lipid content and rubber properties are strongly
clone dependant. In our study, the rubber from 0
1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 1.E+08
Hevea brasiliensis PB235 displayed a significantly Molar mass (g/mol)
higher molar mass (expressed either with number-
average (Mn) or with weight-average (Mw)), Figure 7 Molar mass distributions of rubber
leading to higher plasticity and Mooney viscosity. sheets determined by size exclusion
This clone displayed also lower resistance to chromatography (from sampling
thermal oxidation and higher lipid content. performed on 20/01/2006).
Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 42(2) 313

CONCLUSION ed. Marcel Dekker. New York.

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No significant effect was observed on the DAuzac J. and J.L. Jacob. 1989. The composition
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(Po, ML(1+4)100) were not affected while a slight Physiology of Rubber Tree Latex. CRC
decrease of plasticity retention index was observed Press, Inc., Boca Raton, USA.
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Smoking thus seemed to preserve the and K.Suchiva. 2000. Influence of non
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on physical properties of the dry product. It would 1- At very short times of contact (pendulum
be interesting to study separately the effect of the test). J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 78 : 1486-
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content. smoke acid as an alternative coagulating agent
This study also showed that USS could for natural rubber sheets production. Biores.
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for kindly providing access to their smokehouse, drying on the ageing properties of sheet
and Mrs. Christine Char for experimental rubber. J. Rubber Res. Instit. Malaysia 6:
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158/3 Soi Viphawadi Rangsit 5, Viphawadi Rangsit Road, Chom Phon, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
tel. 0-2617-8611-3 fax. 0-2617-8616
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April - June 2008
Volume 42 Number 2

Kasetsart Journal : Natural Science April - June 2008 Volume 42 Number 2

Effect of smoking on lipid content, macromolecular structure and
rheological properties of Hevea brasiliensis sheet rubber

Pengasapan merupakan salah satu strategi untuk mencegah pertumbuhan

jamur dan untuk mengurangi kadar air pada lembaran karet. Thailand merupakan
pengekspor karet terbesar di dunia. Karet alam tersebut diekspor sebanyak 38%
dalam bentuk blok karet (STR), 32% Lembaran karet asap (RSS), dan 30% lateks
pekat Samosorn, 2007). Menurut Hasting (1935) menunjukkan bahwa, penuaan
pada sheet yang dilakuakn pengasapan lebih baik daripada sheet dengan udara
kering, akan tapi tidak ada informasi yang tersedia terkait informasi tersebut.
Metodologi penelitiannya yaitu mengekstrak lemak untuk dianalisis dan
analisis asam lemak bebas, penentuan total gel dengan cara sampel NR dilarutkan
dalam cyclochexane, kemudian disimpan selama 14 hari dengan suhu 30. Setelah
14 hari, sampel disentrifugasi untuk membersihkan bagian yang tidak larut
(macrogel). Selanjutnya diencerkan ke 0,2 mg.mL-1, kemudian disaring (1 m
ukuran pori) untuk membersihkan microgel. Selanjutnya sampel diambil 100 uL
dan disuntikkan polyisoprene ke dalam sampel tersebut. Setelah itu dilakukan
perhitungan total gel, dengan penambahan macrogel dan jumlah microgel, dan
penentuan P0,PRI, dan ML melalui software. Penenlitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui perbandingan jenis lembaran karet, yaitu RSS dan USS, berdasarkan
proses pengeringan yang digunakan yang dapat dibedakan oleh kondisi
fisikokimia dan durasi pengeringannya.
Pengasapan dapat menjaga kadar lemak karet tetapi justru mengurangi
jumlah asam lemak bebas dan tidak memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap
sifat fisik dari produk keringnya. Penurunan kandungan asam lemak bebas dapat
terjadi karena proses pengeringan lebih cepat dan adanya komponen antimikroba
dalam asap, dapat mencegah degradasi lipid asli oleh hidrolase mikroba seperti
lipase atau phospholipases (Holley, 2005). Namun dengan pengasapan maupun
tidak dengan pengasapan tidak mempengaruhi sifat dari lembaran karet, karena
panjang poli (cis-1,4-isoprena) rantai tidak terpengaruh oleh perlakuan
pengasapan. Kebanyakan lateks memiliki komponen non-isoprena yang bersifat
hidrofilik seperti protein dan karbohidrat yang bisa terekstrak selama proses
pengeringan karet.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, dapat dipelajari secara terpisah efek dari
dua parameter utama yang terlibat dalam pengasapan yaitu membandingkan
durasi proses pengeringan dan efek kandungan kimia dari pengasapan. Penelitian
ini juga menunjukkan bahwa USS dapat digunakan sebagai sampel yang
representatif dari lembaran karet Thai bahkan itu bukan salah satu yang digunakan
untuk ekspor.

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