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Group Tutorial 6
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Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kehadiran Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena berkat rahmat
dan karunia-nya yang telah diberikan kepada penulis sehingga dapat menyelesaikan hasil
Laporan Tutorial Skenario PBL 1 Blok 12 ini sesuai dengan waktu yang ditentukan.

Dalam penyusunan Laporan Tutorial Skenario PBL 1 Blok 12 ini, penulis menyadari
sepenuhnya banyak terdapat kekurangan di dalam penyajiannya. Hal ini disebabkan
terbatasnya kemampuan dan pengetahuan yang penulis miliki, penulis menyadari bahwa tanpa
adanya bimbingan dan petunjuk dari semua pihak tidaklah mungkin hasil Laporan Tutorial
Skenario PBL 1 Blok 12 dapat diselesaikan sebagaimana mestinya.

Pada kesempatan ini penulis mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya


1. Allah SWT berkat rahmat dan karunia-Nya penulis dapat menyelesaikan laporan
dengan baik.

2. drg. Likky Tiara Aphianti, M.DSc., Sp. KGA selaku dosen pembimbing kelompok
6, atas segala masukkan, bimbingan dan kesabaran dalam menghadapi segala
keterbatasan penulis.

3. Teman-teman sejawat yang telah memberikan masukan dalam penyusunan


Akhir kata, segala bantuan serta amal baik yang telah diberikan kepada
penulis, mendapatkan balasan dari Allah SWT, serta Laporan Tutorial Skenario
PBL 1 Blok 12 ini dapat bermanfaat bagi penulis khususnya, dan para pembaca

Yogyakarta, 29 Maret 2019



TUTORIAL REPORT ................................................................................................................ i

KATA PENGANTAR ...............................................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................... iii
BAB I ......................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRO ....................................................................................................................................... 1
A. Skenario Kasus ............................................................................................................ 1
BAB II........................................................................................................................................ 2
DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................ 2
A. Seven Jumps ................................................................................................................ 2
I. Clarification of terms. ................................................................................................. 2
II. Establishing problems.............................................................................................. 2
III. Probelm Analysis ..................................................................................................... 2
IV. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 4


A. Skenario Kasus

Twenty two years old woman came to a dentist complained pain in right

upper and lower posterior tooth. Past dental history showed the tooth had cavity since

7 months ago and will showed pain when the tooth filled with debris and cold water.

Two months ago the tooth showed throbbing pain and the pain was gone after drink

some analgetic. The night before the tooth showed severe pain which feel to the head

and ears. She can showed which tooth was feel the severe pain.

Objective examination showed :

24 : Mesiooclusal Cavity with dentin depth

Sondation : + (pain)

Percusion : + (pain)

Palpation :-

Vitality test : + (pain around 1 minute)

Radiograph showed : radioluscent area in mesiooclusal crown approaching mesial

pulp horn approximately and there are a widening in periodontal ligamen

36 : Oclusall cavity with dentin depth

Sondation : + (pain)

Percusion :-

Palpation :-

Vitality test : + (pain around 2 sec)

Radiograph showed : radioluscent area in occlusal crown approaching mesail pulp

horn approximately.


A. Seven Jumps

I. Clarification of terms.

II. Establishing problems

1. What is the diagnosis for the scenario above?

2. What is the interpretation of the objective examination?

3. What is the differential diagnosis for this case?

4. What are the etiology of the case?

5. What kind of examination which can be done to diagnose the case?

6. What is the treatmen planning for this case?

III. Probelm Analysis

1. What is the diagnosis for the scenario above?

 24 : Caries media with Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis and acute

periradicular periodontitis.

 36 : Caries media with Reversible Pulpitis

2. What is the interpretation of the objective examination?

 Sondation : To find out whether there are cavityt on the tooth, and also for

to find if there any tactile stimuli. Positive (+) means there are cavity on

the tooth or there is a tactile stimuli.

 Percussion : to find whether there is inflammation which going on

periapical tissue. Positive (+) means there is an active information on

periapical tissue

 Palpation : to find any swelling on oral tissue and to find whether there is

an active inflammation occuring on periapical tissue of the tooth. Positive

(+) means there is a swelling or the patient feel pain when palpated

because of inflammation on periapical tissue

 Vitality Test : to find whether the tooth is still vital or not vital. (+) if its

vital, and (-) if its not vital.

3. What is the differential diagnosis for this case?

 24 :

o Reversible Pulpitis with acute periradicular periodontitis

o Chronic Pulpitis

 36

o Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis

o Caries media with normal pulp

4. What are the etiology of the case?

 Generally for Pulpitis the etiology can be divided into 3, and those are:

o Physical, which can be divided into mechanic, thermal, and electric

(ex. Fracture)

o Chemical (ex. Root canal treatment material such as irigation


o Microba (ex. Bakteri)

5. What kind of examination which can be done to diagnose the case?

 Selective anethesia : Used when the patient cannot show which tooth or

area feeling pain. The method is to anesthetized in the intra-ligament of the

tooth starting with most posterior tooth, when the injected tooth or the

patien doesn’t feel pain anymore, it means that is the tooth which have a


 Bite test : Used when Percussion examination resulted in ambiguous result,

which will confuse for the diagnose.

 Cavity Test

6. What is the treatmen planning for this case?

 Root canal treatment for Irreversible Pulpitis

 Pulp Capping for Reversible Pulpitis.

IV. Conclusion

For this scenario the diagnosis is Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis and acute

periradicular periodontitis for tooth 24 while the other is Reversible Pulpitis for tooth

36. There are so many examination that can be done to help dentist in diagnosing the

problem such as radiograph, percussion, vitality test and so on. Each examination has

different interpretation for the diagnose. When the diagnose has been made then we can

move on to the treatment plannig, for the case itself the optional treatment is such as

Root canal treatment and Pulp Capping.

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