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Satuan Pendidikan : SMK...

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XII/Ganjil
Materi Pokok : Job Application Letter
Fokus Kemampuan : Reading (Membaca)
Alowzav g kasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (1
kali pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti
1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli (gotong royong,
kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggungjawab responsif dan pro-aktif melalui
keteladanan , pemberian nasehat, penguatan, pembiasaan, dan pengkondisian secara
berkesinambungan serta menunjukkan sikap sebagai baian dari solusi atas berbagai
permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta
dala menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.
3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi pengetahuan faktual,
konseptual, prosedural, dan men, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena
dan kejadian pada bidang kerja yang spesifik untuk memecahkan masalah.
4. Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara: efektif, kreatif,
produkif, kritis, mandiri, kolatakognitif pada tingkat teknis, spesifik, detil, dan
kompleks dalam ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan
wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaaboratif, komunikatif, dan solutif, dalam ranah konkret
dan abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta
mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.

B. Kompetensi Dasar (KD) C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

Membedakan fungsi sosial, 3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dari surat
3.2 struktur teks, dan unsur lamaran kerja dengan memberi dan
kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus meminta informasi terkait jati diri, latar
dalam bentuk surat lamaran kerja, belakang pendidikan/ pengalaman kerja.
dengan memberi dan meminta 3.2.2 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dari surat
informasi terkait jati diri, latar lamaran kerja dengan memberi dan
belakang pendidikan/ pengalaman meminta informasi terkait jati diri, latar
kerja, sesuai dengan konteks belakang pendidikan/ pengalaman kerja.
penggunaannya. 3.2.3 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan dari
surat lamaran kerja dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait jati diri, latar

belakang pendidikan/ pengalaman kerja.

4.2.1 Menangkap makna secara Menyimpulkan informasi terkait jati diri,
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, latar belakang pendidikan/ pengalaman
struktur teks, dan unsur kerja secara kontekstual dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
kebahasaan teks khusus dalam
teks dan unsur kebahasaan pada surat
bentuk surat lamaran kerja, yang lamaran kerja.
memberikan informasi antara lain
jati diri, latar belakang
pendidikan/pengalaman kerja,
Menyusun teks khusus surat Menulis teks khusus surat lamaran kerja
4.2.2 lamaran kerja, yang memberikan dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial,
informasi antara lain jati diri, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,
secara benar dan sesuai konteks
latar belakang
pekerjaan yang diminati siswa. (Untuk
pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, pertemuan berikutnya)
dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan, secara benar dan
sesuai konteks.

B. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa mampu menyebutkan tujuan teks surat lamaran kerja melalui kegiatan
reading comprehension dengan tepat.
2. Siswa mampu mengurutkan struktur teks surat lamaran kerja melalui kegiatan
reading comprehension dengan tepat.
3. Siswa mampu menyebutkan tenses yang digunakan dalam teks surat lamaran
kerja melalui kegiatan reading comprehension dengan tepat.
4. Siswa mampu menyebutkan perbedaan dan persamaan teks surat lamaran kerja
yang berbeda melalui kegiatan reading comprehension dengan tepat.
5. Siswa mampu mengklasifikasikan komponen-komponen yang terdapat pada teks
surat lamaran kerja melalui kegiatan reading comprehension dengan tepat.
6. Siswa mempu menarik kesimpulan terkait informasi yang didapat dari surat
lamaran kerja melalui kegiatan windows shopping and sharing dengan tepat.

C. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Materi Pokok
Teks Surat Lamaran Kerja
(Materi selengkapnya lihat lampiran 1).

Topik: Pekerjaan yang relevan dengan kehidupan peserta ddik yang dapat
menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat dalam KI.
Fungsi Sosial: Memberi informasi terkait kompetensi pelamar untuk menimbulkan
kesan positif tentang kesesuaian kompetensi pelamar dengan pekerjaan yang dilamar.
Struktur Teks:
 Tempat dan Tanggal
 Penerima dan alamatnya
 Sapaan
 Isi Surat
 Penutup
 Tanda Tangan dan nam lengkap
Unsur Kebahasaan:
-Ungkapan dan kosakata yang sesuai
-Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi
-Ejaan dan tanda baca
-Tulisan tangan

2. Materi Pembelajaran Remedial dan Pengayaan

Unsur Kebahasaan
Teks surat lamaran kerja terkait mobile programmer

D. Pendekatan dan Metode Pembelajaran

Metode : Cooperative Learning
Teknik : Teamwork, Windows Shopping
Windows shopping is usually interpreted as a road activity in the market or in the mall just
looking around without spending something. In this learning it is the way to see the results of
other groups' work.
1. Students are divided into several groups
2. Teacher gives different text of Job Application Letter for Each Group
3. Each group must arrange every part of text that is not in order into Job Application Letter.
4. Students as shopkeepers are expected to be able to provide explanations to other group members
who need an explanation regarding the settlement on display.
5. The result of each group are then displayed on the wall around the class.
6. This activity is likened to opening a store in a mall.
7. There are group members in charge of guarding the shop and others walking around to visit
other group stores.
8. In this activity the output is peer tutoring activities.
9. For group members who work on visits to other groups in addition to having the right to obtain
an explanation,
10. The visitors also have the right to give input and correction to the work of the group they visit by
writing it on the worksheet of the group. Or, stick the heart symbol <3 on the worksheet if you
like and understand the explanation of the shopkeepers.
11. After the specified time is complete, each member must go back to their groups.
12. After returning the group, teacher will choose randomly the group that should share their
information from the Job Application letter based on the results of the visits in front of the class.
(adapted from:

E. PPK(Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter): Penilaian terlampir.

- Spiritual
- Tanggung Jawab

- Kerjasama

F. Sumber Belajar
1. Media
 Students’ Worksheet /WS
 Poster about Job Application Letter
 Speaker
 Laptop
 Boardmarker
 Whiteboard
- Buku Bahasa Inggris siswa
Widiawati , U., dkk. 2018. “Bahasa inggris”. Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan
- Buku Bahasa Inggris Guru
Widiawati , U., dkk. 2018. “Bahasa inggris”. Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan

G. Langkah – Langkah Pembelajaran

1 Pertemuan (2x45 menit)
KEGIATAN Materi Alokasi
- Guru memberi salam.
- Guru mengajak berdoa.
- Guru menanya kehadiran siswa.
- Guru menulis kata “an engineer” di papan
tulis, dan bertanya ”what comes to your
10 menit
Kegiatan Pendahluan mind when you hear the word an
- Guru meminta siswa menuliskan jawaban
mereka dalam mind map yang sudah di
sediakan di papan tulis.
- Guru menunjukkan Job Vacancy about

Engineer, kemudian meminta siswa
- Guru menanyakan”What should you send to
the personnel manager if you want to apply
for the job?”
- menyampaikan topik pembelajaran”
“Job Application Letter”
- Guru mendiskusikan manfaat topik yang
akan dipelajari (by mastering this subject;
hopefully, you might be able to know the
components of Job application letter )

Kegiatan Inti

1. Siswa mengamati beberapa


Guiding questions:
1. Which part indicates the address of
the job applicant?
2. Which part indicates the address of
the company the letter
is sent to?
3. Which part indicates the person in
4. Which part indicates the opening of
the letter? What information is
Kegiatan Inti provided?
5. Which part contains any
information that matches the 75 menit
position? What specific information is
6. Which paragraph closes the
application letter? What
information is written in this part?
7. Where do you put your signature?
8. What do you need to consider in
writing an application

2. Siswa dibagi menjadi dua kelompok

besar, A dan B,
3. Siswa A mengamati teks surat Text 1 &
lamaran kerja (1) Text 2
4. Siswa B mengamati teks surat
lamaran kerja (2)
5. Siswa dalam kelompoknya mengecek
keberadaan komponen-komponen
yang terdapat dalam surat yang
mereka baca.
6. Siswa dalam kelompoknya berdiskusi
7. Siswa menjawab dengan memberikan
simbol checklist(√) terkait informasi
dalam teks nya pada tabel di papan
8. Siswa diminta menjawab setiap
pertanyaan Gueding Question secara
9. Siswa menganalisa perbedaan dan
persamaan teks (1) dan teks (2)

Windows shopping activity

10. Siswa dibagi menjadi beberapa

11. Siswa diberikan teks surat lamaran Poster,
kerja berbeda untuk setiap kelompok Worksheet
12. Setiap kelompok harus mengurutkan Activity 1
setiap bagian teks surat lamaran kerja
menjadi teks yang utuh.
13. Siswa sebagai pemilik toko (text)
diharapkan dapat memberikan
penjelasan kepada anggota kelompok
lain yang membutuhkan penjelasan
tentang job application letter yang
14. Hasil setiap kelompok kemudian
ditampilkan di dinding di sekitar
15. Kegiatan ini disamakan dengan
membuka toko di mal.
16. Ada anggota kelompok yang bertugas
menjaga toko dan yang lain
berkeliling untuk mengunjungi toko-
toko kelompok lainnya. Dalam
kegiatan ini outputnya adalah kegiatan
tutor teman sebaya.
17. Untuk anggota kelompok yang
bekerja pada kunjungan ke grup lain
selain memiliki hak untuk
mendapatkan penjelasan, mereka
berhak untuk memberikan masukan
dan koreksi untuk pekerjaan
kelompok yang mereka kunjungi
dengan menulisnya di lembar kerja
kelompok tersebut. Atau,
menempelkan simbol hati <3 pada
teksnya apabila suka dan paham
dengan penjelasan dari pemilik toko.
18. Setelah waktu yang ditentukan selesai,
setiap anggota harus kembali ke
kelompok mereka.
19. Setelah kembali ke kelompok masing-
masing, guru akan memilih secara
acak siswa dari kelompok yang harus
membagi informasi yang mereka
dapatkan terkait surat lamaran kerja
berdasarkan hasil kunjungannya, di
depan kelas.

Time to evaluate
20. Siswa diminta mengerjakan soal-soal
latihan terkait surat lamaran kerja,
secara individu. Worksheet
21. Siswa diminta mengumpulkan Activity 2-4

- Guru dan siswa membuat kesimpulan

 What have you learned today?
 What components must be included in
job application letter? 5 meni
- Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi t
terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan.
Kegiatan Penutup  Did you enjoy the lesson?
- Guru mengingatkan tugas rumah yaitu
 Look for job vacancy in internet or
news paper that you want to apply for.
Then submit it to me next meeting.
- Guru dan siswa berdoa
- Guru memberi salam.

1. Penilaian Reguler
1. Kompetensi Pengetahuan
- Teknik : Pertanyaan Tulis
- Kisi-kisi:
IPK Indikator Teknik Instrumen Item
3.2.1 Diberikan teks surat lamaran kerja, Tes Tulis To whom is the letter Activity 3
siswa diminta menyebutkan kepada sent.
siapa surat tersebut ditujukan
dengan tepat
3.2.1 Diberikan teks surat lamaran kerja, Tes Tulis Who wrote the Activity 3
siswa diminta menyebutkan siapa application letter.
penulis surat tersebut dengan tepat
3.2.1 Diberikan teks surat lamaran kerja, Tes Tulis What is the purpose Activity 3
siswa diminta menyebutkan tujuan of writing the letter.
surat tersebut dengan tepat
3.2.1 Diberikan teks surat lamaran kerja, Tes Tulis What position is Activity 3
siswa diminta menyebutkan being advertised.
pekerjaan yang dilamar dalam surat
tersebut dengan tepat
3.2.1 Diberikan teks surat lamaran kerja, Tes Tulis How did Syahrini Activity 3
siswa diminta menyebutkan know the vacancy.
bagaimana penulis mengetahui
lowongan yang dilamar tersebut
dengan tepat
3.2.1 Diberikan teks surat lamaran kerja, Tes Tulis What is Syahrini’s Activity 3
siswa diminta menyebutkan current position.
pekerjaan penulis sebelumnya yang
di sebutkan dalam surat tersebut
dengan tepat
3.2.1 Diberikan teks surat lamaran kerja, Tes Tulis Do you think that Activity 3
siswa diminta menyebutkan tentang Syahrini is confident
kepercayaan diri penulis terkait about her
kemampuannya dalam teks tersebut
competence? How
dengan tepat.
do you know?

3.2.1 Diberikan teks surat lamaran kerja, Tes Tulis What other skills Activity 3
siswa diminta menyebutkan does she have at the
kemampuan-kemampuan penulis moment
yang disebutkan dalam surat
tersebut dengan tepat
3.2.2 Diberikan teks surat lamaran kerja, Tes Tulis Does Syahrini Activity 3
siswa diminta mengidentifikasi indicate her
harapan penulis dalam surat tersebut willingness for an
dengan tepat
interview? Find the
evidence from the


3.2.3 Diberikan teks surat lamaran kerja, Tes Tulis What kind of tenses Activity 3
siswa diminta menyebutkan bentuk used in the letter?
pola kata kerja yang digunakan Give 3 sentences to
dalam surat tersebut dengan tepat
prove your answer.

Kunci Jawaban: Lihat lampiran 3 (Halaman 22)

𝛴 𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑒ℎ𝑎𝑛
Skor Siswa= 𝑠𝑘𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙 (10) × 100

2. Kompetensi Keterampilan
- Teknik Penilaian : Tulis
- Kisi-kisi
IPK Indikator Soal Teknik Instrument Item Diberikan teks surat Classify the letter based on
application format letter.
lamaran kerja, siswa
diminta mengklasifikasikan Activi
Tes tulis
komponen-komponen yang ty 4
terdapat pada teks surat
lamaran kerja dengan tepat

Kunci Jawaban: Lihat lampiran 3 (Halaman 22)

Pedoman penilaian : Rubrik penilaian Reading Comprehension

The contents are very appropriate 4
1-5 Content Most contents are quite appropriate 3
Most contents are not suitable 2
Contents do not match 1
Total (4x5) 20
Skor Siswa = ∑ Skor Perolehan X 100


3. Penilaian observasi sikap: Terlampir (Lihat lampiran 5 Halaman 28-29)

A. Penilaian Remidial
 Berdasarkan hasil analisis penilaian, bagi siswa yang belum mencapai
ketuntasan belajar diberikan bimbingan secara individu, kelompok dan klasikal
terkait materi. Guru akan memberikan tugas bagi peserta didik yang belum
mencapai KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal)= 75 , misalnya sebagai berikut:
 Membaca teks dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan
teks eksposisi
B. Penilaian Pengayaan
 Berdasarkan hasil analisis penilaian, bagi siswa yang sudah mencapai ketuntasan
minimal (KKM=75), diberikan tugas mandiri mencari ungkapan-ungkapan
terkait materi. Direncanakan berdasarkan IPK atau materi pembelajaran yang
membutuhkan pengembangan lebih luas misalnya:
 Menemukan teks eksposisi lain dari berbagai sumber belajar : internet atau

Mengetahui, Malang, 2018

Kepala …………… Guru Bahasa Inggris

……………………….. Jenny Maharani T., S.Pd.

Catatan Kepala Sekolah


MindMap for enganging students’ knowledge about the carrier position as an engineer (1)

Job Vacancy Advertisement (2)

A cover letter or job application letter is a one page professional letter that emphasizes
your interest in the position, specifically relates your skills and experience to the job, and
displays your written communication skills.
Social Function of Cover Letter:
 To apply a job that has been advertised
 To introduce yourself to an organization, demonstrate your iterest in the company or
specific vacancy
 To motivate the reader to interview you
Language Features of Cover Letter
 Vocabulary related to the job or introducing yourself
 Using simple present tense
 Active-Passive voice
 Target subject line, include the job title and a branding staterment
(statement that defines what you do, how you differ from all other similar
candidate, what you commit to consistently deliver.
 Explanation of the obvious reason why you are writing in opening
 Explanation about your accoplishments which the company may need it to
hire you
 Using Polite, effective, and communicative language

Text Structure of Cover Letter Hand Writing/Paper

1. Sender: Placed on the top left, insert full name, adress, and date.
2. Receiver: Placed on second top left. Insert full name, address, and company.
3. Salutation: Greeting to the receiver/ company.
4. Opening paragraph – Use this paragraph to specify which job you are applying
for, or, if you are writing to inquire whether a job position is open, question the
availability of an opening.
5. Middle paragraph(s)/
body – This section should be used to highlight your work experience which
most closely matches the desired job requirements presented in the job opening
advertisement. Do not simply restate what is contained in your resume, but give
strong reasons why you are suited to the position.
6. Closing paragraph – Use the closing paragraph to ensure action on the part of
the reader. One possibility is to ask for an interview appointment time.
7. Complementary close and Signature

A good cover letter by Email should include:

1. Your name, email address and phone number at the top of the page on the right
2. The name of the business and the contact person's full name on the left
3. The date you wrote the letter on the right
4. A reference line (e.g., "Re: Application for the an engineer position")
5. An address to the reader directly (e.g., "Dear Mr. Moyle" - try to avoid using "To whom
it may concern" if you can)
6. An opening statement that briefly introduces you to the reader
7. A main body that highlights qualities and characteristics you have that are relevant to
the job
8. A closing paragraph asking to arrange an interview
9. Comlementary close and signature

If you don't have any formal work experience, things you can mention in your cover letter
 General skills that help you work in a team and as part of an organisation
 Personal attributes that will help you learn to work in a professional work
 Key strengths and contributions that show you are a stand-out applicant
 School work experience or volunteer work that demonstrates your strengths
and attributes
 Any sporting or community club participation (if relevant)
 Any hobbies or interests that are relevant to the job or demonstrate your
professional experience

Key points of this cover letter are that it:

 Introduces you to the reader
 Responds to the requirements of the job
 Attracts the reader's interest and refers them to your resume
 Doesn't include too many “I” statements, which can run the risk of disengaging the
The focus of this kind of cover letter is to prove that your personal qualities and characteristics are a good
fit with the requirements of the job and also that they will make a positive contribution to the organisation
or business.

How to write A cover letter:

Before you start:
 Read the advert closely so that you can tailor your application to the
requirements of the job
 Research the organization: this will show prospective employers that you really
are interested in them.
Composing the letter or email
General points
 Keep it brief. You don’t need to give a lot of detail. What you are aiming for is a
clear and concise explanation of your suitability for the job.
 Begin your letter or email ‘Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms xxxx’ if you know the person’s
name, or ‘Dear Sir or Madam’ if you don’t know their name.
 Avoid inappropriate language such as slang or technical jargon.

 Use brief, informative sentences and short paragraphs.
 Check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation carefully. Some employers
routinely discard job applications that contain such mistakes.

The usual order of a job application letter or email is:
 The position applied for: give the title of the job as a heading, or refer to it in the
first sentence of your letter, using the reference code if there is one. This will
ensure that your application goes directly to the right person in the organization.
You should also mention where you saw the job advert or where you heard
about the vacancy. If you heard about it through someone already working for
the company, mention their name and position.
 Your current situation: if you’re working, briefly outline your current job. Pick
up on the job requirements outlined in the advert and focus on any of your
current skills or responsibilities that correspond to those requested. For example,
if the advert states that management skills are essential, then state briefly what
management experience you have. If you’re still studying, focus on the relevant
aspects or modules of your course.
 Your reasons for wanting the job: be clear and positive about why you want the
job. You might feel that you are ready for greater challenges, more
responsibility, or a change of direction, for example. Outline the qualities and
skills that you believe you can bring to the job or organization.
 Closing paragraph: in the final paragraph you could say when you’d be available
to start work, or suggest that the company keep your CV/résumé on file if they
decide you’re not suitable for the current job.
 Signature: if you are sending a letter rather than an email, always remember to sign it and to
type your name underneath your signatur

Justin Beiber
Jl. A. Yani 389
Surabaya, 65151
April 19, 2015

Mr. Frank Peterson, Personnel Manager

Jeans and Co.
Jl. Raya Pandaan 186
Pandaan Pasuruan, Jawa Timur, 98502

Dear Mr. Peterson,

I am seeking a position as an assistant engineer with your company. I saw that you had posted an
open position, and I feel it would be a great fit for my skills. After reviewing your advertisement, I
see that I meet the necessary qualifications.
I earned my Bachelors in Engineering from Spaulding University, and then went on to
intern for a leading company in the field. After completing my internship, I was hired for a full-time
position which I have worked for the last two years. Although I enjoy my current position,
circumstances are causing me to move into your area. Once I saw you were looking to hire an
assistant engineer, I knew I needed to apply for your company.
Skills I can bring to this position include:
•Experienced with Microsoft office programs and AutoCAD
•Strong writing and communication skills
•Great sense of organization
•Working well within a team
•Ability to make decisions within the parameters of a project
I have long been passionate about engineering, and I am always looking for new solutions
to problems. Because your company is known to lead the pack when it comes to innovation, I feel that
makes me an even better fit for this position. Above all else, I am willing to start in an entry-level
position and work hard to prove myself. I know it won’t take long before you see I am able to do
everything you need from an assistant engineer.
Please feel free to contact me via telephone number 031-858564 or by email at justbeiber@ and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this position with you further.
Justin Beiber

Example of Job Applicantion Letter By Paper/Handwriting:

Justin Beiber
Jl. A. Yani 389
Surabaya, 65151
April 19, 2015

Mr. Frank Peterson, Personnel Manager

Jeans and Co.
Jl. Raya Pandaan 186
Pandaan Pasuruan, Jawa Timur, 98502

Dear Mr. Peterson,

I am seeking a position as an assistant engineer with your company. I saw that you had posted
an open position, and I feel it would be a great fit for my skills. After reviewing your
advertisement, I see that I meet the necessary qualifications.

I earned my Bachelors in Engineering from Spaulding University, and then went on to intern
for a leading company in the field. After completing my internship, I was hired for a full-time
position which I have worked for the last two years. Although I enjoy my current position,
circumstances are causing me to move into your area. Once I saw you were looking to hire an
assistant engineer, I knew I needed to apply for your company.

Skills I can bring to this position include:

•Experienced with Microsoft office programs and AutoCAD
•Strong writing and communication skills
•Great sense of organization
•Working well within a team
•Ability to make decisions within the parameters of a project
I have long been passionate about engineering, and I am always looking for new solutions to
problems. Because your company is known to lead the pack when it comes to innovation, I feel
that makes me an even better fit for this position. Above all else, I am willing to start in an
entry-level position and work hard to prove myself. I know it won’t take long before you see I
am able to do everything you need from an assistant engineer.
Please feel free to contact me via telephone number 031-858564 or by email at justbeiber@ and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this position with you further.


Justin Beiber

Example of Job Applicantion Letter by Email

Joanne Tint
Mobile: 085-735-110-123

Mr Allan Moyle 2
Moyle Retail Solutions 3
Phone: 081-2345-67890
23 April 2015

RE: Application for Casual Retail Sales Assistant position 5. Refference line

Dear Mr. Moyle, 6. Salutation

As a highly motivated and dedicated student with strong communication and interpersonal skills,
I would like to apply for the position of Casual Retail Sales Assistant.

As a student I have been extensively involved in my school community, which has allowed me
to develop strong interpersonal skills. My involvement in various events, including drama
eisteddfods and sports carnivals, has allowed me to work closely with my peers while supporting 7
the school community as a whole.

These experiences have allowed me to develop strong time management and organisational
skills, which I see as being very important when seeking to work in casual employment while
continuing to study.

Personal attributes that I believe make me suitable for this position include:
 Motivation: Volunteer participation and school results demonstrate high motivation.
 Customer Service: Assisting with the sale of products at community events has allowed
the development of customer service skills.
 Communication: Acting in drama performances and working as an MC for school 8
events has allowed the development of communication skills.

My teachers and educators have commended me for my willingness to participate and my

dedication to helping out where possible. I enjoy working with others and believe that my strong
communication skills will ensure that I can meet the expectations of this role.
I am aware that you will receive a large number of applications for this job, but I would very
much appreciate the opportunity to demonstrate my capabilities to you in person.
I believe that I have a lot to offer your organisation. I am keen to develop my professional skills
and look forward to discussing my application with you at an interview. I have enclosed a copy
of my resume for your consideration. I can be contacted at all times on the details provided

Thanking you in advance for your time,

10. Complementary close
and Signature
Joanne Tin
1. Which part indicates the address of the job applicant?
2. Which part indicates the address of the company the letter is sent to?
3. Which part indicates the person in charge?
4. Which part indicates the opening of the letter? What information is provided?
5. Which part contains any information that matches the position? What specific information
is highlighted?
6. Which paragraph closes the application letter? What information is written in this part?
7. Where do you put your signature?
8. What do you need to consider in writing an application letter?

Answer Key:
Text 1
1. Number 1
2. Number 3
3. Number 2
4. Number 6
5. Number 7
6. Number 8

7. After complementary close
8. Short personal information , Responding to the requirements of the job, Attracting the
reader's interest

Text 2
1. Number 1
2. Number 3
3. Number 2
4. Number 7
5. Number 8
6. Number 9
7. After complementary close
8. Short personal information , Responding to the requirements of the job, Attracting the
reader's interest


1. Students are divided into several groups
2. Teacher gives different text of Job Application Letter for Each Group
3. Each group must arrange every part of text that is not in order into Job Application Letter.
4. Students as shopkeepers are expected to be able to provide explanations to other group members who
need an explanation regarding the settlement on display.
5. The result of each group are then displayed on the wall around the class.
6. This activity is likened to opening a store in a mall.
7. There are group members in charge of guarding the shop and others walking around to visit other
group stores.
8. In this activity the output is peer tutoring activities.
9. For group members who work on visits to other groups in addition to having the right to obtain an
10. The visitors also have the right to give input and correction to the work of the group they visit by
writing it on the worksheet of the group. Or, stick the heart symbol <3 on the worksheet if you like
and understand the explanation of the shopkeepers.
11. After the specified time is complete, each member must go back to their groups.
12. After returning the group, teacher will choose randomly the group that should share their information
from the Job Application letter based on the results of the visits in front of the class.




1. What do you think about part of

Job Application letter in this

2. What do you think about the

language used in Job Application

3. What is your correction for the Job

Apllication letter in this group?

4. What kind of Job that is applied

for in this Letter?


5 If you are the personel manager of

the company, would you call the
job applicant for an interview?
ACTIVITY 2 Read The following Text, individually.
Kunci Jawaban, lihat lampiran 3 (Hal 21)

Jl. A. Mertojoyo 25
Surabaya, 65151
May 19, 2017

Mr. Ilham Benn, Personnel Manager

PT Tata Negara
Jl. Raya Maharta 259
Surabaya, Jawa Timur 65152

Dear Mr Benn,
It is with great anticipation that I present my CV to you, as after reading the job description for your
Software Engineer vacancy I am convinced that I would be a perfect fit for this role.

In addition to having the solid academic background and experience that you are looking for, I would
also like to add that I am self motivated, flexible and able to work in any demanding operational
environment. Because I love what I do I strive to be the best in the industry, this attitude gives me an
appreciation of the bigger business picture, and not just a company’s IT requirements.

I am currently employed by a London based company, where my duties involve me writing scripts,
applications and documentation to automate development tasks. I have a good working knowledge of
Linux or UNIX, MySQL, SQL, Oracle, embedded systems and testing. I also have experience of
working on small, medium and large sized system developments and enhancements across a wide
variety of business and operational systems. I consider myself to be highly motivated and able to handle
a broad range of tasks, have good problem solving abilities and am hard working and team orientated. I
am able to comply with all relevant technical standards, and have a proven track record of delivering all
specified project outcomes on time, within budget and to the quality required. My other skills include
but are not limited to:
•Familiarisation with each stage of the software lifecycle.
•Experience of modern analysis and design methodologies
•Having a client focused approach to service delivery.

Right now I am looking for a first class opportunity to join a leading software company like yours
where I will be able to put my existing skills to good use.

I would very much like an opportunity to meet you in person to discuss this matter further, so please
feel free to contact me anytime to arrange a meeting at your convenience.

Yours sincerely,


ACTIVITY 3 Answer the following questions based on the text.


Kunci Jawaban, lihat lampiran 3 (Hal 21)

1. To whom is the letter sent?

2. Who wrote the application letter?
3. What is the purpose of writing the letter?
4. What position is being advertised?
5. How did Syahrini know the vacancy?
6. What is Syahrini’s current position?
7. Do you think that Syahrini is confident about her competence? How
do you know?

8.What other skills does she have at the moment?
9. Does Syahrini indicate her willingness for an interview? Find the
evidence from the text
10. What kind of tenses used in the letter? Give 3 sentences to prove your answer.

ACTIVITY 4 Classify the letter based on application format letter.


Paragraph 1: Sender information:

Paragraph 2:

Paragraph 3:

Paragraph 4:

Receiver information:
Paragraph 5:

Complementary close and Signature


Kunci Jawaban, lihat lampiran 3 (Hal 22)

Activity 1 (students’ answer)



1. .What do you think about √

part of

Job Application letter in this

2. What do you think about √

the language used in Job
Application letter?
3. What is your correction for There is a mistake in putting the date in this group
the Job Apllication letter in work. The date must be placed below the adress of the
this group?
sender, not above the complimentary close

4. What kind of Job that is Mechanical Engineer

applied for in this Letter?


5 If you are the personnel √

manager of the company,
would you call the job
applicant for an interview?

Activity 3 (Students’ answer)

1. Mr. Ilham Benn

2. Syahrini
3. to apply a job
4. Software Engineer
5. After reading the job description for your Software Engineer vacancy that was posted by
Mr Benn.
6. The employee of London based company
7. Yes, She provides her abilities especially Linux or UNIX, MySQL, SQL, Oracle,
embedded systems and testing.. which is related to the job that she applies for.
8. Familiarisation with each stage of the software lifecycle., experience of modern analysis
and design methodologies, and having a client focused approach to service delivery.
9. Yes, she writes statements in the las paragraph “I would very much like an opportunity to
meet you in person to discuss this matter further, so please feel free to contact me anytime to
arrange a meeting at your convenience.
10. Simple Present tense: It is with great anticipation, I am convinced, . I am able
Activity 4 (Students’ answer)

1. Body :
Paragraph 1: Opened by introducing from where Syahrini
know the vacancy
Paragraph 2: Syahrini describe herself, especially her
Paragraph 3: Syahrini provide her current job experience
Paragraph 4: Syahrini tell that she is very interest to join
Mr. Benn’s company
Paragraph 5: Syahrini asks for an interview appointment
2. Salutation : Dear Mr Benn,
3. Complementary close and Signature :
Yours sincerely,

4. Receiver information:
Mr. Ilham Benn, Personnel Manager
PT Tata Negara
Jl. Raya Maharta 259
Surabaya, Jawa Timur 65152
5. Sender information::
Jl. A. Mertojoyo 25
Surabaya, 65151


Ahmad Zakaria
Jl. A. Mertojoyo 25
Jakarta, 1234
May 38, 2015
Mr. Jones John, Personnel Manager
PT Garuda Electronic
Jl. Rusdi salam 250
Grobogan, Jawa Tengah 57380

Dear Mr. John,

I am writing this letter to apply for the position Project Engineer. I
hope that my experience and qualifications match with the
requirements as posted in the advertisement.

I have been working as a Project Engineer for eleven years for two
reputed organizations in Oakland. Most of the projects I have
worked in have been executed successfully and the products and
services evolved from the project have been critically acclaimed
across different states. My work responsibilities include but are not
limited to project planning, resource planning, product design,
allocation of responsibilities and finances, supervise production
and packaging, and prepare reports and performance analysis of the
team as a whole.

I am a responsible and highly committed individual who can put in

all his efforts to ensure the success of a project. My leadership
skills help me to bring out the best of individual working under my
guidance and it also helps the organization to succeed on the
professional front.

I am sending my resume and letters of recommendation along with

this letter. I am confident that you will definitely find me as an
efficient individual. I thank you for considering my application.

Sincerely yours,

Ahmad Zakaria

Ahmad Rafie
Jl. A. Jayapura 25
Cengkareng, 55129
December 20, 2021

Mr. Roy Kiyosi, Personnel Manager

PT. Angkasa Jaya
Jl. Salaman 50
Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57382

Dear Mr. Kiyosi,

I wish to apply for the post of Civil Engineer as advertised on the
web site. The position seems an ideal opportunity for me as it matches my
experience, knowledge and career aspirations.
As you can see from my CV, I have amassed over 7 years of significant,
progressive experience in civil engineering projects within the construction and
gas industries. During my career I have participated in more than 20 civil
engineering projects, all of them were successful.
My progressive engineering experience has provided me with the opportunity to
develop strong client relation building skills and an ability to lead multi-
disciplinary teams. I am experienced at applying the principles of civil
engineering when planning, designing, and overseeing the construction and
maintenance of structures and facilities.
I enclose my resume for your review and look forward to meeting with you in the
near future. Should you have any questions or require clarification on any
information please contact me at the above telephone number.
I would welcome the opportunity to talk to you and I hope that you will invite me
for a interview. I thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

Your sincerely,

Ahmad Rafie

Cristian Keyl
Mobile: +1 212-226-3543
Personnel Manager
Apple SoHo
Electronics store
103 Prince St, New York, NY 10012, USA
Phone: +1 212-226-3126
23 April 2015

Sub: Application for the post of Electrical Engineer Cover Letter

Ref: Your ad in the New York Times dated March 8, 2015

Respected Sir/Madam,

With reference to the ad in your classified in The New York Times dated June 8, 2011. I
would like to apply for the post of electrical engineer in your reputed organization. I am
well organized and laborious and well qualified for this post of electrical engineer. I do
wish to offer my services to your non profit organization and help the organization in
fulfilling the mission and visions.

I have done my masters in engineering in electrical branch from College of Engineering. I

have done Masters in business management with specialty in human resource from
Institute of Management and Studies. I have designed many gadgets, commercial and
household both that consume less electricity and work efficiently

I am a well organized person, with excellent knowledge about the subject, able to do
multitasking, able to handle a team and have excellent communication skills. As a good
manager and excellent team player I can handle the responsibilities and challenges of the
post of an electrical engineer to its fullest.

I have worked for 5 years as electrical engineer in ABCD Car Industry. My

responsibilities in that institute include designing, analyzing and modeling gadgets,
managing and organizing events, reviewing and administering recruiting progress and
training fresher. I was a part of the team that designed DUSK 45 XL, world's largest
selling model till today. I tested the model and executed the changes.

Here is the list of the documents enclosed with this cover letter.
1. Resume
2. Copies of Identity Proof
3. Educational Certificates

I hope that you find these of worth. I assure you that if selected; I will not let you down
and would prove to be an asset for your reputed industry.

Sincerely yours,

Cristian Keyl

Joko wiranto
Jl. A. Jayapura 25
Cengkareng, 55129
November 25, 2029

Mr. Zair Malik, Personnel Manager

PT. Putra Tunggal Elektronik
Jl. Budiaswa 59
Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah 57387

Dear Mr. Malik,

As a highly skilled Mechanical Engineer, I read your posting for a new Mechanical
Engineer with interest. My experience aligns well with the qualifications you are
seeking at Brown and Company, in particular my role as a Mechanical Engineer at
Alton Designs, and I am certain I would make a valuable addition to your
With more than 10 years' experience as a Mechanical Engineer, I am adept in
equipment design, project management, and customer coordination. Moreover, while
my on-the-job experience has afforded me a well-rounded skill set, including first-rate
organizational and communication skills, I excel at:
• Testing materials for conformance to specifications.
• Recommending cost-effective and sustainable materials.
• Preparing protocols for manufacturing team.
• Overseeing coordination of resources and maintaining schedules.

In addition to my experience and personal qualities, I have a solid educational

foundation and a passion for mechanical design. I am extremely enthusiastic about
Brown and Company's focus on outdoor equipment and would welcome the
opportunity to contribute to your success by ensuring you have safe, accurate designs
that meet and exceed customer expections.
Please review my attached resume for additional details regarding my expertise and
career achievements. I will follow up to request an appointment to discuss how my
experience and background meet your needs.Thank you for your time and


Joko wiranto


Satuan Pendidikan : ……………………………………

Mata Pelajaran : ……………………………………
Kelas/Semester : … / ………………
Tahun Pelajaran : ...............................
Waktu Pengamatan : Pada saat Pelaksanaan pembelajaran

Kompetensi Dasar:
1.1 Menunjukkan perilaku beriman dan bertaqwa kepada tuhan YME, berakhlak mulia dalam kehidupan di sekolah dan masyarakat, rajin melaksanakan ibadah wajib dan
sunnah, berdo'a sebelum dan sesudah melakukan pekerjaan. (diisi oleh guru agama)
2.1 Menghargai keluhuran nilai-nilai pancasila sebagai pandangan hidup bangsa, percaya dengan kemampuan diri sendiri, tertib dalam pembelajaran, melaksanakan tugas dan
kewajiban, menghargai dan mampu bekerja sama dengan orang lain, berani menyampaikan pendapat serta selalu menghormati sesama terutama orang yang lebih tua.
(diisi oleh guru PKN dan BK)

Indikator :
- Spiritual
- Tanggung Jawab
- Kerjasama

Indikator sikap spiritual dalam pembelajaran:
1. Kurang baik jika menunjukkan tidak pernah ikut berdoa saat memulai dan mengakhiri pembelajaran.
2. Cukup jika menunjukkan jarang ikut berdoa saat memulai dan mengakhiri pembelajaran .
3. Baik jika menunjukkan kadang-kadang ikut berdoa.
4. Sangat baik jika menunjukkan selalu berdoa saat memulai dan mengakhiri pembelajaran secara terus menerus dan konsisten

Indikator sikap tanggung jawab dalam pembelajaran:

1. Kurang baik jika menunjukkan sama sekali tidak ambil bagian dalam kegiatan pembelajaran
2. Cukup jika menunjukkan ada sedikit usaha ambil bagian dalam kegiatan pembelajaran tetapi belum ajeg/konsisten
3. Baik jika menunjukkan sudah ada usaha ambil bagian dalam kegiatan pembelajaran tetapi belum ajeg/konsisten
4. Sangat baik jika menunjukkan sudah ambil bagian dalam menyelesaikan tugas secara terus menerus dan ajeg/konsisten

Indikator sikap bekerjasama dalam kegiatan kelompok.

1. Kurang baik jika sama sekali tidak berusaha untuk bekerjasama dalam kegiatan kelompok.
2. Cukupjika menunjukkan ada sedikit usaha untuk bekerjasama dalam kegiatan kelompok tetapi masih belum ajeg/konsisten.
3. Baik jika menunjukkan sudah ada usaha untuk bekerjasama dalam kegiatan kelompok tetapi masih belum ajeg/konsisten.
4. Sangat baik jika menunjukkan adanya usaha bekerjasama dalam kegiatan kelompok secara terus menerus dan ajeg/konsisten.



B : Baik =3
Kelas :.......... BS : Baik Sekali =4
Materi : ................................
Bubuhkan tanda √ pada kolom-kolom sesuai hasil pengamatan.
No Nama Siswa Aspek Spiritual, Sikap / Perilaku yang dinilai
Spiritual Tanggung Jawab Kerjasama

1 2 3 4 3 4 1 2

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