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Dengan memanjatkan puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, atas segala limpahan

karunia dan rahmat-Nya kepada kami sehingga menyelesaikan tugas Manajemen Food and

Beverage II yang berjudul “Pengenalan Jenis Bahan Makanan dan Peralatan Dapur” ini dengan

baik. Penulis menyadari di dalam pembuatan tugas ini berkat bantuan dan bimbingan dari

berbagai pihak, untuk itu pada kesempatan ini kami menghaturkan rasa hormat dan terimakasih

yang sebesar-besarnya kepada dosen, teman-teman, dan pihak-pihak yang terkait dalam

penulisan makalah ini.

Penulis menyadari bahwa dalam penulisan makalah ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan

baik materi maupun cara penulisannya. Kami dengan rendah hati dan dengan tangan terbuka

menerima masukan, saran dan usul guna menyempurnakan makalah ini. Akhir kata kami selaku

penulis mengucapkan terimakasih dan berharap semoga tugas ini bermanfaat bagi semua


Denpasar, Oktober 2020

1. Klasifikasi Jenis Bahan Makanan

A. Klasifikasi Jenis Bahan Makanan

Dalam operasional sebuah restoran, memasak merupakan bagian penting dalam hal
tersebut. Memasak sangat diperlukan dalam upaya menyajikan beberapa jenis makanan
yang dipesan oleh tamu, selain itu dalam upaya memasak makanan yang telah diolah
terdapat berbagai jenis bahan makanan yang terkandung didalamnya yang telah ditakar
sedemikan rupa agar dapat menciptakan rasa dan aroma makanan yang nikmat. Adapun
jenis dari bahan makanan tersebut. antara lain :

1. Bahan Makanan Nabati

Bahan Makanan nabati adalah bahan-bahan pangan yang berupa atau berasal dari
tumbuhan baik yang liar ataupun yang di tanam serta yang berasal dari produk-produk
olahannya. Bahan pangan nabati sebagaian besar masuk ke kategori biji-bijian, sayur-
sayuran, buah-buahan dan juga rempah-rempah. Bahan-bahan pangan nabati memiliki
sifat yang beranekaragam, baik sifat fisik maupun sifat kimia.

2. Bahan Makanan Hewani

Bahan Makanan hewani adalah semua bahan makanan yang berupa daging atau
berasal dari berbagai jenis hewan yang layak untuk dimakan baik dalam bentuk
dasarnya ataupun dalam bentuk olahan. Bahan pangan hewani meliputi segala jenis
daging dari binatang ternak, binatang liar (yang halal), binatang yang hidp di air, baik
air laut, air tawar ataupun air payau. Bahan pangan hewani memiliki sifat yang berbeda
dengan bahan pangan nabati.
No Nama dan Fungsi/ Manfaat Bahan Gambar
Makanan Nabati

1 Brokoli (Broccoli)
Broccoli is a vegetable that has a function for
heart health because it contains fiber, fatty
acids and vitamins that help regulate blood
pressure in the body. It also helps reduce bad
cholesterol, thus leading to a healthy heart.
Broccoli also helps protect blood vessels from
2 Kol (Cabbage)
Cabbage is an exceptionally healthy food. It
has an outstanding nutrient profile and is
especially high in vitamins C and K. In
addition, eating cabbage may even help lower
the risk of certain diseases, improve digestion
and combat inflammation.

3 Sawi (Mustard Greens)

Mustard greens has a function with energy-
boosting, heart-healthy, disease-fighting
nutrients. These greens are a delicious source of
calcium, magnesium, folic acid and vitamin K,
important for bone health. Raw mustard greens
have a tasty, peppery bite, but you can mellow it
by cooking them
4 Bayam (Spinach)
Spinach is also one of the best sources of
dietary magnesium, which is necessary for
energy metabolism, maintaining muscle and
nerve function, regular heart rhythm, a healthy
immune system, and maintaining blood

5 Kangkung (Water Spinach)

Water spinach is a powerhouse of nutrients that
benefit your body as well as your skin and brain.
It contains abundant quantities of water, iron,
vitamin C, vitamin A and other nutrients and
can be eaten cooked or raw

6. Buncis (Green Bean)

Green beans are a good source of vitamins and
minerals. Green beans contain many essential
vitamins, including folate. One cup of raw green
beans contains 33 micrograms (mcg) of folate,
almost 10 percent of the daily recommended
7 Pare ( Bitter Melon )
Bitter melon is especially rich in vitamin C, an
important micronutrient involved in disease
prevention, bone formation, and wound healing
(2Trusted Source). It’s also high in vitamin A, a
fat-soluble vitamin that promotes skin health
and proper vision
8 Wortel (Carrot)
Carrot is rich in beta-carotene, a compound your
body changes into vitamin A, which helps keep
your eyes healthy. And beta-carotene helps
protect your eyes from the sun and lowers your
chances of cataracts and other eye problems.
Yellow carrots have lutein, which is also good
for your eyes.

9 Timun (Cucumber)
Cucumbers contain magnesium, potassium, and
vitamin K. These 3 nutrients are vital for the
proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.
In taking magnesium and potassium can lower
down blood pressure

10 Jamur (Mushroom)
Mushrooms are rich in B vitamins, B vitamins
help the body get energy from food and form
red blood cells. A number of B vitamins also
appear to be important for a healthy brain. The
choline in mushrooms can help with muscle
movement, learning, and memory.

Terong ( Eggplant)
11 Eggplant is a high-fiber, low-calorie food that is
rich in nutrients and comes with many potential
health benefits. From reducing the risk of heart
disease to helping with blood sugar control and
weight loss, eggplants are a simple and delicious
addition to any healthy diet.
12 Kecambah (Soybean Spourt)
Soybean Sprouts are an excellent source of
protein, amino acids, and vitamins, which
provide numerous health benefits.

13 Kentang (Potato)
Potatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals and
antioxidants, which make them very healthy.
Studies have linked potatoes and their nutrients
to a variety of impressive health benefits,
including improved blood sugar control,
reduced heart disease risk and higher immunity.

14 Tomat (Tomato)
Tomatoes are the major dietary source of the
antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to
many health benefits, including reduced risk of
heart disease and cancer. They are also a great
source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and
vitamin K.
15 Paprika (Bell Pepper)
Bell peppers are rich in many vitamins and
antioxidants, especially vitamin C and various
carotenoids. For this reason, they may have
several health benefits, such as improved eye
health and reduced risk of several chronic
diseases. All in all, bell peppers are an excellent
addition to a healthy diet
`16 Kembang Kol (Cauliflower)
Cauliflower provides some powerful health
benefits. It is a great source of nutrients,
including a few that many people need more of.
Plus, cauliflower contains unique antioxidants
that may reduce inflammation and protect
against several diseases, such as cancer and
heart disease
17 Kemangi (Lemon Basil)
Lemon Basil has many health benefiting
essential oils. These compounds are known to
have anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial
properties. Lemon basil has moderate levels of
beta-carotene and high levels of vitamin K,
which are renowned for their anti-inflammatory
18 Seledri (Celery)
Celery is a great source of important
antioxidants. Antioxidants protect cells, blood
vessels, and organs from oxidative damage.
Celery contains vitamin C, beta carotene, and
flavonoids, but there are at least 12 additional
kinds of antioxidant nutrients found in a single
19 Daun Singkong (Cassava Leaf)
The cassava leaves assists in digestion and helps
to overcome the constipation. It also helps to
relieve headaches, cold medicine, worms,
rheumatism, ulcers, diarrhea and enhance
20 Asparagus (Garden Asparagus)
Aparagus is low in calories and a great source
of nutrients, including fiber, folate and vitamins
A, C and K. Additionally, eating asparagus has a
number of potential health benefits, including
weight loss, improved digestion, healthy
pregnancy outcomes and lower blood pressure.

No Nama dan Fungsi Bahan Makanan Gambar

Nabati dan Hewani

21 Kacang Tanah (Peanut)

Peanuts can be used as a food ingredients and
cooking spices. Peanuts have many health
benefits, namely as a good source of
phosphorus, a mineral that plays an important
role in the growth and maintenance of body
22 Kacang Pistacio (Pistachio)
Pistachio can be used as a food ingredients and
cooking spices, Pistachio high levels of
unsaturated fatty acids and potassium. Both
have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory traits.
They can lower your chances for
cardiovascular disease. Pistachios are bursting
with the fiber, minerals, and unsaturated fat
that can help keep your blood sugar, blood
pressure, and cholesterol in check
23 Kacang Almon (Almond)
Almonds can be used as a food ingredient and
topping for food. Almond contain lots of healthy
fats, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E.
The health benefits of almonds include lower
blood sugar levels, reduced blood pressure and
lower cholesterol levels. They can also reduce
hunger and promote weight loss.

24 Kacang Kedelai (Soybean)

Soybean can be used as a food ingredients
Soybeans are high in protein and a decent
source of both carbs and fat. They are a rich
source of various vitamins, minerals, and
beneficial plant compounds, such as

25 Kacang Hijau (Mung Bean)

Mung Bean can be used as a food ingredients
Mung bean are high in nutrients and
antioxidants, which may provide health benefits.
In fact, they may protect against heat stroke, aid
digestive health, promote weight loss and lower
“bad” LDL cholesterol, blood pressure and
blood sugar levels
26. Beras (Rice)
Rice is a food staple for more than 3.5 billion
people around the world, particularly in Asia,
Latin America, and parts of Africa
Rice contain mainly carbohydrate and some
protein, with virtually no fat or sugar.
27 Jagung (Corn)
Corn is extremely rich in Vitamin B1, Vitamin
B5, and Vitamin C, which helps in fighting
diseases and generating new cells. High in fiber,
corn also helps in lowering cholesterol levels in
the body by reducing the levels of blood sugar
in diabetics too.
28 Wijen (Sesame)
Sesame can be used as a food ingredients
Sesame seeds are a good source of healthy fats,
protein, B vitamins, minerals, fiber,
antioxidants, and other beneficial plant
compounds. Regularly eating substantial
portions of these seeds — not just an occasional
sprinkling on a burger bun — may aid blood
sugar control, combat arthritis pain, and lower
29 Gandum (Wheat)
In addition to being a major source of starch and
energy, wheat also provides substantial amounts
of a number of components which are essential
or beneficial for health, notably protein,
vitamins (notably B vitamins), dietary fiber, and

30 Ketumbar ( Coriander Seed)

In addition to being a source of spices for
cooking. Coriander seed helps in reducing bad
cholesterol and promotes good cholesterol in the
body. These are rich in copper, zinc, iron and
other essential minerals that increases RBC and
improves heart health. Coriander seeds also help
in increasing metabolism.
Kunyit (Turmeric)
31 In addition to being a source of spices for
cooking, Turmeric is contains a yellow-colored
chemical called curcumin, which is often used
to color foods and cosmetics. Turmeric is
commonly used for conditions involving pain
and inflammation, such as osteoarthritis. It is
also used for hay fever, depression, high
cholesterol, a type of liver disease, and itching.
32 Jahe (Ginger)
In addition to being a source of spices for
cooking. Ginger is loaded with antioxidants,
compounds that prevent stress and damage to
your body's DNA. They may help your body
fight off chronic diseases like high blood
pressure, heart disease, and diseases of the
lungs, plus promote healthy aging

33 Bawang (Onion/garlic)
In addition to being a source of spices for
cooking. Onions of all colors (including white)
are good sources of vitamin C, vitamin B6,
potassium and folate, while garlic is rich in
vitamin C, vitamin B6, thiamin, potassium,
calcium, phosphorous, copper and manganese

34 Cabai (Chili)
In addition to being a source of spices for
cooking. Chilli peppers, such as cayenne, have
been shown to reduce blood cholesterol,
triglyceride levels, and platelet aggregation,
while increasing the body's ability to dissolve
fibrin, a substance integral to the formation of
blood clots
35 Kayu Manis ( Cinnamon)
In addition to being a source of spices for
cooking. The antioxidants in cinnamon have
been found to have anti-inflammatory effects.
Some spices, including cinnamon, have
prebiotic properties that promote the growth of
beneficial bacteria and help suppress the growth
of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, including
spices regularly in your diet may help improve
gut health.
`36 Alpukat (Avocado)
Avocados are a great source of vitamins C, E,
K, and B-6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, folate,
pantothenic acid, magnesium, and potassium.
They also provide lutein, beta-carotene, and
omega-3 fatty acids.

37 Pepaya (Papaya)
Papayas are loaded with Vitamin A and rich in
antioxidants and phytochemicals, papayas help
in keeping the heart healthy and fight off heart
diseases that might come your way. Plus the
Vitamin C, fibers, and potassium promote
healthy blood flow and keeps the arteries
healthy. The maintenance of cholesterol also
helps in warding off many heart diseases.
38 Nanas (Pinnapple)
Pineapples grow on the central stalk of a large
plant with swordlike leaves. Pineapples are
tropical fruits that are rich in vitamins, enzymes
and antioxidants. They may help boost the
immune system, build strong bones and aid
indigestion. And, despite their sweetness,
pineapples are low in calories.
39 Pisang (Banana)
Banana will provide around 320-400 mg of
potassium, which meets about 10% of your
daily potassium needs. Potassium helps your
body maintain a healthy heart and blood
pressure. In addition, bananas are low in
sodium. The low sodium and high potassium
combination helps to control high blood
40 Mangga (Mango)
Mangoes are also loaded with vitamin A,
making it a perfect fruit to improve eye sight. It
also prevents night blindness and dry eyes. The
enzymes in mangoes help in breaking down
protein content in the body. Enriched with fibre,
mangoes aid good digestion and prevents many
stomach related diseases.

No Nama dan Fungsi Bahan Makanan Gambar


41 Daging Sapi ( Beef )

Beef is High in Protein and Helps Improve
Muscle Mass. Protein is the building block our
body uses to repair and make bone, skin, and
cartilage. Sufficient protein helps us to build
and maintain lean muscle mass. Out of all
macronutrients, protein is the most satiating,
and it discourages food cravings.
42 Daging Ayam (Chicken)
Chicken is an excellent low-calorie and
low-fat source of high-quality protein that
provides important nutrients throughout
our lives – from pregnancy through our
later years. Here’s how chicken powers
your body, from head to toe

43 Daging Babi (Pork)

Pork is an excellent source of protein and
provides several important vitamins and
minerals. A 3-ounce serving of pork is an
“excellent” source of thiamin, selenium, protein,
niacin, vitamin B-6 and phosphorus, and a good
source of zinc, riboflavin and potassium.

44 Ikan (Fish)
Fish is filled with omega-3 fatty acids and
vitamins such as D and B2 (riboflavin). Fish is
rich in calcium and phosphorus and a great
source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine,
magnesium, and potassium. The American
Heart Association recommends eating fish at
least two times per week as part of a healthy
45 Telur (Egg)
Eggs are a very good source of inexpensive,
high-quality protein. More than half the protein
of an egg is found in the egg white, which also
includes vitamin B2 and lower amounts of fat
than the yolk. Eggs are rich sources of selenium,
vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc,
iron and copper.

46. Susu Sapi ( Milk)

Milk is an excellent source of vitamins and
minerals, including “nutrients of concern,”
which are under-consumed by many populations
It provides potassium, B12, calcium and vitamin
D, which are lacking in many diets Milk is also
a good source of vitamin A, magnesium, zinc
and thiamine (B1). Additionally, it’s an
excellent source of protein and contains
hundreds of different fatty acids, including
conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega-3s

47 Kerang (Clam)
Clams are a very nutritious whole food with a
host of health benefits. They are a lean source of
protein; are rich in minerals, vitamins, and
Omega- 3 fatty acids; they promote sexual
health; and have been found to possess cancer-
preventing properties.
48 Udang (Prawn)
Prawns are a rich source of selenium, one of the
most effective antioxidants at maintaining
healthy cells. They also contain high levels of
Zinc, which is important to develop a healthy
immune system. Eating prawns helps build
strong bones because they contain phosphorous,
copper and magnesium.

49 Kepiting (Crabs)
Crab Contains Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty
Acids. Rich in vitamins and minerals, crab meat
is also low in fat and contains Omega-3
polyunsaturated acids. Helps provide protection
from heart disease and aids brain development.
Some research suggests that Omega-3 also
inhibits aggressive behaviour.
50 Cumi (Squid)
Squid is a good source of vitamin B12 and B6
which the body needs for neural health and
blood health and vitamin B6 for heart protection
from strokes. Squid has Selenium and Vitamin
E. Selenium, which is present in a minute
quantity in the body, works with vitamin E in
the promotion of normal body growth and
2. Klasifikasi Peralatan Umum di Dapur ( Utensils)

Untuk menunjang operasional sebuah restoran diperlukan adanya beberapa

peralatan dan perlengkapan yang memadai yang mana jenis dari peralatan dan

perlengkapan tersebut umumnya dikelompokkan berdasarkan ukurannya, jenis dan

fungsinya. Antara lain :

a. Kitchen Utensil

Adalah berbagai jenis peralatan dapur, yang mana peralatan tersebut umumnya lebih
kecil dan mudah untuk dipindahkan. Kitchen utensil dibagi menjadi 4, diantaranya :
1. Cooking Utensil (Proses memasak)
2. Cutting Utensil (memotong makanan)
3. Auxiliary/Additional utensil
4. Pastry Utensil

No Nama dan Fungsi Cooking Utensils Gambar

1 Panci Penggorengan (Frying Pan)

A frying pan, frypan, or skillet is a flat-
bottomed pan used for frying some , searing,
and browning foods. It is typically 20 to 30
cm (8 to 12 in) in diameter with relatively low
sides that flare outwards, a long handle, and
no lid
2 . Panci Untuk Saos ( Sauce Pan)
The function of saucepan is a cooking vessel
generally used on top of a range for heating food
and/or reducing sauces. Saucepans can be made
of a variety of materials, like aluminium and
stainless steel, and the cooking surface can have
a non-stick coating.

3 Panci Untuk Menumis (Saute Pan)

The function of a sauté pan is to efficiently
brown and cook meats and other foods (onions
come straight to mind). Sautéing is essentially
the process of quickly cooking food in oil or
butter over a high heat in a very hot pan. It is
similar to frying but you use less oil or butter
and the food cooks faster
4 Panci Untuk Kaldu (Stock Pot)
The function of stock pot is traditionally used
to make stock or broth, which can be the basis
for cooking more complex recipes. It is a wide
pot with a flat bottom, straight sides, a wide
opening to the full diameter of the pot, two
handles on the sides, and a lid with a handle on
5 Panci Untuk Merebus (Braising Pan)
The braising pan is also known as a tilting
skillet, fry pan, and braiser (as well as many
other names). It can braise, boil, simmer, griddle
cook, fry, steam, thaw, poach, blanch, heat
canned foods, act as a proof box or oven, and
store hot bakery products.
6. Tempat Pemanggangan (Roasting tray/pan)
A roasting pan is a piece of cookware used for
roasting meat in an oven, either with or without
vegetables or other ingredients. A roasting pan
may be used with a rack that sits inside the pan
and lets the meat sit above the fat and juice
7 Pemanggangan Ikan (Fish Grill)
The function of Fish Grill is to serves a grill fish
manually and its use must be back and forth

8 Keranjang Untuk Menggoreng (Frying-

A typical accessory of a deep fryer is the frying
basket, which holds items to be fried and lets
users take the food out of the fryer without using
other tools. A skimmer is a screen (either
coarse, medium, or fine) attached to a handle
and used to remove food from the fryer.

9 Panci Besar (High Saucepan)

The Function of High Saucepan is serves to
cook or heat large amounts of soup or
10 Tray untuk menyimpan makanan (Bain
Marrie Stand/ tray/pan)
A bain marie is a food warming appliance,
designed to gently keep pre-cooked food
ready to eat for extended periods. Often
called a water bath or a double boiler, a
professional bain marie is usually a large,
gastronorm compatible machine used as part
of a self-service buffet or assisted service

No Nama dan Fungsi Cuting Utensils Gambar

11 Pisau Sayur (Vegetable Knife)

a vegetable knife is primarily, or even
exclusively, used to cut vegetables.
Though most kitchen knives, particularly
paring knives and chef's knives, are used
to cut vegetables,

12 Pisau Iris Daging (Filleting Knife)

The fillet knife (also called a filleting
knife) is a kitchen knife used for filleting.
It gives good control and aids in filleting. It
is a very flexible member of the boning
knife family that is used to filet and
prepare fish. Fillet knife blades are
typically 15 to 28 cm (6 to 11 in) long.
13 Pisau Roti (Bread Knife)
Bread knifes are used for cutting bread and are
one of many kitchen knives used by cooks. The
serrated blades of bread knives are able to cut
soft bread without crushing it.

14 Pisau Iris Tulang (Boning Knife)

Boning knives have long, thin, flexible blades
with a sharp tip to make piercing meat easier
and safer. The blade is designed to cut through
ligaments and connective tissue to remove raw
meat from the bone. Boning knives have to be
extremely sharp, and the tougher the blade, the
longer it will maintain its sharpness.
15 Pisau Iris (Slicing)
Slicing knives are used for cutting thinner slices
of roast, fruit and vegetables. All knives aren't
used for cleaving meat bones or smaller
precision tasks

16. Pisau Iris Daging Masak (Carving Knife)

A carving knife is a large knife (between 20 cm
and 38 cm (8 and 15 inches)) that is used to slice
thin cuts of meat, including poultry, roasts,
hams, and other large cooked meats. A carving
knife is much thinner than a chef's knife
(particularly at the spine), enabling it to carve
thinner, more precise slices.
17 Pisau Potong Tulang (Bone Chopper Large)
Bold and brawny, the meat cleaver (also known
as a bone chopper) is the largest and heaviest of
kitchen knives. It's designed to break down
meat, with the purpose of hewing through small
to medium bones and gristly connective tissue.

18 Pemotong Parsley (Parsley Chopper)

A Parsley Chopper is uses f
or Chopping Parsley

19 Pisau Tiram (Oyster Knife)

A utensil that is used to pry open the hard shell
of an oyster or clam in order to remove the
meat. Typically, the knife will have a sharp,
beveled blade that can be inserted into the
tightly closed shell to pry the shell apart. The
blade is then used to cut through the muscle and
oyster membrane.
20 Pemotong Keju (Cheese Cutter)
A cheese slicer is used usually to cut semi-hard
and hard cheeses. It produces thin, even slices.
There are different styles of cheese slicers,
designed for cheeses of varying hardness.
No Nama dan Fungsi Addtionals Utensils Gambar

21 Gunting Ikan (Fish Scissors)

Convenient for removing scales, opening
and cutting fish and fins. Finger-loop
handle for convenient use.

22 Pengupas Kulit Sayur atau Buah

(Vegetable Peeler)
A peeler (vegetable scraper) is a kitchen
tool consisting of a metal blade with a slot
with a sharp edge attached to a handle,
used to remove the outer layer (the "skin"
or "peel") of some vegetables such as
potatoes, broccoli stalks, and carrots, and
fruits such as apples and pears.
23 Pelunak Daging (Hand Meat Tenderizer)
The Meat Tenderizer is a professional
tenderizer that will make tough meat cuts into
juicy and flavorful pieces. Equipped with 48-
stainless steel razor-sharp blades, it effortlessly
penetrates through the meat to create tiny holes,
which reduces the cooking time
24 Alat Parutan (Box Grater)
A box grater takes up much less room, uses no
electricity, doesn't include a bunch of plastic, is
easier to clean, and results in a nicer shred than
does a food processor. (A food processor gives
a blunt edge to the shredded bits, a grater gives
a taper, which makes for a better texture.)

25 Spatula Kayu (Wooden Spatula)

Wooden spoons are generally preferred for
cooking because of their versatility. Some cooks
prefer to use wooden spoons when preparing
risotto because they do not transfer heat as much
as metal spoons. Unlike metal spoons, they can
also be safely used without scratching non-stick
Spatula Goreng (Frying Spatula)

A Frying spatula is a hand-held tool that is used

for lifting, flipping, or spreading and frying .
Spatulas have a handle that is long enough to
keep the holder's hand away from what is being
lifted or spread, as well as away from a hot
surface. The blade of the spatula is wide and
227 Spatula Jaring (Skimmer)
A Skimmer is a flat, sieve-like scoop or spoon
used for skimming cooking liquids or lifting
ripened cream from milk, such as a spider used
in Chinese cuisine.
28 Sendok Kuah (Laddle Spoon)
A ladle is a type of spoon used for soup, stew, or
other foods. Although designs vary, a typical
ladle has a long handle terminating in a deep
bowl, frequently with the bowl oriented at an
angle to the handle to facilitate lifting liquid out
of a pot or other vessel and conveying it to a
29 Alas Untuk Memotong (Chopping-Board)
A cutting board (or chopping board) is a durable
board on which to place material for cutting.
The kitchen cutting board is commonly used in
preparing food; other types exist for cutting raw
materials such as leather or plastic.

30 Pencapit Makanan (Food Tongs)

The functions of food tongs are for grilling,
tongs for serving salad or spaghetti are kitchen
utensil of the same type. They provide a way to
move, rotate and turn the food with delicate
precision, or fetch a full serving in one grab.
No Nama dan Fungsi Pastry Utensils Gambar

31 Cetakan Kue (Baba Mould/ Savarin)

Silverwood Baby Savarin Mold can also
be used to ring shaped breads, cakes and
desserts such as ice cream, jellies and
mousses, or it can even be used as a mold
for an intriguing rice dish.

32 Panci Kue (Cake Pan)

A Cake pan is a pan designed to bake a cake
in, in an oven. It can be made of metal,
enamelled metal, silicone, heat-proof glass,
ceramic or terracotta. Most metal ones made
now have non-stick surfaces. Cake pans can
also be used for casseroles, squares, no-bake
desserts, layered party dips, etc

33 Loyang Cincin (Flan Ring)

The weights absorb heat and aid in the baking
while helping the shell keep its shape. The job
done by the flan ring can be done as well by tart
pans with false bottoms. When the baking is
done, these bottoms can be pushed up to lift the
tart or quiche out of the form.
34 Mangkuk Didih Gula (Sugar Boiler)
The function of Sugar Boiler is a controls
vacuum pan sugar boilers to concentrate sugar
liquor and grow sugar crystals to specified
size: Starts vacuum pump, and opens valves to
admit specified amounts of liquor and steam
into vacuum pan, and water into condenser
35 Pemotong/Cetakan Kue (Cake Divider)
The cake divider is also useful for marking
pastries with a harder topping like rectangular
cakes with almond topping or for crumbles. Use
the cake divider for cutting all roll able doughs
like doughs for puff pastry, short crust, Danish
pastry, ginger bread dough to make eual pieces
for little pastries.
36. Pemotong Adonan (Dough Cutter)
Dough cutters are used to cut dough into
various shapes. They are also used to scrape
dough from rolling boards or working
surfaces. Always clean the blades with
water and wipe them dry before storing
them to avoid rust formation and

37 Penggilas Adonan (Rolling Pin)

A rolling pin is a cylindrical food preparation
utensil used to shape and flatten dough. Two
styles of rolling pin are found: rollers and rods.
Roller types consists of a thick cylinder with
small handles at each end; rod type rolling pins
are usually thin tapered batons.
38 Sendok Tepung (Flour Scoop)
Flour scoops allow you to easily scoop from the
bag and sift into a measuring cup to ensure that
your flour is accurately measured. The wide
basin of these measuring scoops paired with the
durable handle will allow you to fill to the brim
without affecting your handling.
39 Kuas Kue (Pastry Brush)
A pastry brush, also known as a basting brush, is
a cooking utensil used to spread butter, oil or
glaze on food. Traditional pastry brushes are
made with natural bristles or a plastic or nylon
fiber similar to a paint brush, while modern
kitchen brushes may have silicone bristles.
40 Pendingin Roti/Kue (Cooling-Wire)
Cooling wire or wire rack allows air to circulate
completely around whatever is on it. This means
that the pan or baked good will cool faster than
if simply left on a countertop or a trivet. A hot
pan will continue baking whatever is inside it,
so faster cooling prevents over-baking.
b. Kitchen Equitment
Kitchen Equitment merupakan peralatan penunjang operasional di dapur yang memiliki
ukuran yang besar dan memerlukan tenaga listrik untuk mengoprasikannya, biasanya
peralatan ini merupakan peralaatan yang cukup penting yang harus dimiliki . Jenis-jenis
large equitment di dapur, antara lain :

No Nama dan Fungsi Kitchen Equitment Gambar

1 Kompor (Kitchen Stove)

A kitchen stove, often called simply a
stove or a cooker, is a kitchen appliance
designed for the purpose of cooking food.
Kitchen stoves rely on the application of
direct heat for the cooking process and
may also contain an oven, used for baking.
2 .
Alat untuk menggoreng (Deep Fryer)
A deep fryer is a kitchen appliance used for
deep frying. Deep frying is a method of
cooking by submerging food into oil at high
heat, typically between temperatures of 350
°F and 375 °F (175 °C to 190 °C).

3 Oven
An oven is a thermally insulated chamber used
for the heating, baking, or drying of a substance,
and most commonly used for cooking. Kilns and
furnaces are special-purpose ovens used in
pottery and metalworking, respectively.
4 Microwave
A microwave oven (commonly referred to as a
microwave) is an electric oven that heats and
cooks food by exposing it to electromagnetic
radiation in the microwave frequency range.
This induces polar molecules in the food to
rotate and produce thermal energy in a process
known as dielectric heating.

5 Salamander atau Broiler

A Salamander Grill, commonly known as just a
Salamander, is essentially a high temperature
overhead grill which is usually used for toasting,
browning or even simply hot holding dishes at a
set temperature..

6. Pemanggangan (Griddels)
A griddle is simply a flat metal plate which
cooks food by conducting heat directly from the
griddle surface to the food product. A thin layer
of cooking oil or grease from the cooked item
usually separates the food from the griddle
surface to keep the food from sticking.

7 Meja untuk prepareration (Electric Prep

The typically raised, angled refrigerated rail
holding ingredient pans on pizza prep tables
makes them ideal for assembling pizzas.
Dispersing toppings onto pizza crusts is easy,
and a deep prep area of 14 inches to 19 inches,
with cutting board, provides enough room to
prep extra large pies
8 Mesin pemangganng Roti (Pop Up Toaster)
Pop-up toasters come with a defrost function.
This function easily helps you defrost bread
before you toast it. This feature not only saves a
lot of time but also makes your work easy so
that you can make a plateful of toasts even when
you are running out of time.

9 Rack penghangat makanan (Cleveland Range)

Cleveland Range is the only steam cooking
manufacturer that specializes in the design and
manufacturing of steam cooking equipment. The
Welbilt Development Center in Tampa,
Fl.,allows Cleveland to address special
applications, chain accounts and supermarket
10 Penyaring Udara (Kitchen Exhaust)
A kitchen hood, exhaust hood, or range
hood is a device containing a mechanical
fan that hangs above the stove or cooktop in
the kitchen. It removes airborne grease,
combustion products, fumes, smoke, heat,
and steam from the air by evacuation of the
air and filtration.

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