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Diukur beberapa aspek :
Maka Kesehatan bersifat holistik/ Menyeluruh
Kesehatan Masyarakat
• Pengertian: ilmu dan seni mencegah penyakit,
memperpanjang hidup dan meningkatkan
kesehatan. Melalui usaha2 pengorganisasian
masy arakat untuk:
a. Perbaikan sanitasi lingkungan
b. Pembersihan penyakit2 menular
c. Pendidikan untuk kebersihan perorangan
d. Pengorganisasian pelayanan medis dan
perawatan utk diagnosis dini dan pengobatan
e. Pengembangan rekayasa sosial
Beberapa Pendekatan Sosiologi
1. Mechanic’s Coping Respons Theory
a. Penampilan
b. Berat atau ringannya gejala
c. Dampak Gejala
d. Frekuensi Gejala
e. Nilai ambang Toleransi
f. Informasi
g. Kebutuhan
h. Perbandingan
i. Mengikutsertakan interpretasi masuk akal
j. Tersedianya fasilitas pengobatan
2.Model Sucham tentang Perilaku
a. Tingkat pengalaman
b. Tingkat Asumsi
c. Tingkat Peranan berhubungan
d. Tingkat Ketergantungan
e. Tingkat penyembuhan

3. Twoddle (1974)
Hub. Sosial Budaya  Penentuan Kesehatan
 Tidak ada seseorang pun yg 100% sehat, dan
tiap orang tdk sakit, Jadi antara kesehatan
Sempurna dan kematian terletak kesehatan
Normal dan sakit
Menurut Green (1980)
Pendidikan Kesehatan  serangkaian upaya
yang ditujukan untukmempengaruhi orang lain,
mulai dari individu, kelompok, keluarga dan
masyarakat demi terlaksananya perilaku
• Konsep luas yang lebih pada advokasi
kesehatan , meliputi pendidikan, perubahan
lingkungan, perundangan, norma sosial
(Dignan, 1992 )

• Kombinasi HE dan segala intervensi yang

terkait organisasi, politik dan ekonomi yang
didisain untuk memfasilitasi perubahan
perilaku yang kondusif agar sehat (Green &
Kreuter, 1991)

VISI (WHO & UU Kesehatan)  meningkatnya kemampuan
masyarakat untuk memlihara dan meningkatkan derajat
kesehatan, baik fisik, mental dan sosialnya sehingga produktif
secara ekonomi maupun sosial

1. Advokasi (advocate)
2. Menjembatani (mediate)
3. Memampukan (enable)
• Sasaran Primer : Sasaran langsung/utama
• Sasaran Sekunder : tokoh agama, tokoh adat
dan tokoh masyarakat
• Sasaran Tersier : para pembuat keputusan,
pengambil kebijakan (Pemerintah, Pejabat dan
Promosi Kesehatan
• Revitalisasi pendidikan kesehatan
• Proses Penyadaran masyarakat
• Pemberian dan peningkatan pengetahuan
• Upaya2 memfasilitasi perubahan perilaku
• Program keshehatan yang dirancang untuk
membawa perubahan (perbaikan)
Strategi Pendidikan (Promkes)
1. Strategi Global (Menurut WHO, 1984)
a. Advokasi
b. Dukungan Sosial
c. Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

2. Strategi Promkes (Piagam Ottawa Charter)

a. Kebijakan berwawasan kesehatan.
b. Lingkungan yg mendukung
c. Reorientasi Pelayanan Kesehatan
d. Ketrampilan Individu
e. Gerakan Masyarakat
Ruang Lingkup Pendidikan Kesh.
1. Aspek Kesh
a. Promotif
b. Preventif (Primer, Sekunder, Tersier)
2. Tatanan Pelaksanaan
a. Keluarga
b. Institusi pendidikan
c. Tempat Kerja
d. Tempat Umum
e. Institusi pelayanan kesehatan
3. Tingkat Pelayanan
a. Promosi kesehatan
b. Perlindungan Khusus
c. Diagnosis dini
d. Pembatasan Kecacatan
e. Rehabilitasi
Ottawa, 17-21 November 1986

“Health Promotion Action Means”

Prerequisite for Health
• The fundamental conditions and resources for health are:
• peace,  income,

• shelter,  a stable eco-system,

• education,  sustainable resources,

• food,  social justice, and equity.

• Health promotion strategies and programmes should be
adapted to the local needs and possibilities of individual
countries and regions to take into account differing
social, cultural and economic systems.

1. Advocate

2. Mediate

3. Enable
• Health promotion policy combines diverse but
complementary approaches including legislation, fiscal
measures, taxation and organizational change. It is
coordinated action that leads to health, income and
social policies that foster greater equity. Joint action
contributes to ensuring safer and healthier goods and
services, healthier public services, and cleaner, more
enjoyable environments.
Build Healthy Public Policy
• The aim must be to make the healthier choice the easier
choice for policy makers as well.

• Health promotion goes beyond health care. It puts health

on the agenda of policy makers in all sectors and at all
levels, directing them to be aware of the health
consequences of their decisions and to accept their
responsibilities for health.
Create Supportive Environment
• Systematic assessment of the health impact of a rapidly
changing environment - particularly in areas of
technology, work, energy production and urbanization -
is essential and must be followed by action to ensure
positive benefit to the health of the public.
Strengthen Community Actions
• the heart of this process is the empowerment of communities
- their ownership and control of their own endeavours and

• Community development draws on existing human and

material resources in the community to enhance self-help and
social support, and to develop flexible systems for
strengthening public participation in and direction of health
matters. This requires full and continuous access to
information, learning opportunities for health, as well as
funding support.

Develop Personal Skills
• Health promotion supports personal and social
development through providing information, education
for health, and enhancing life skills.
• This has to be facilitated in school, home, work and
community settings. Action is required through
educational, professional, commercial and voluntary
bodies, and within the institutions themselves.
Reorient Health SErvices
• The responsibility for health promotion in health services
is shared among individuals, community groups, health
professionals, health service institutions and

• Health services need to embrace an expanded mandate

which is sensitive and respects cultural needs. This
mandate should support the needs of individuals and
communities for a healthier life, and open channels
between the health sector and broader social, political,
economic and physical environmental components.
• Empowerment for health
 This strategy equip individuals, families and communities
with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to take
positive action for health and make sound health choices
 It should help people to learn how specific choices of
behavior can affect their own health, their families and
 It should also enable people to participate fully in national
and community health actions
 Empowerment strategies should complement strategies
for advocacy and social support in encouraging people to
take control of their own health and become partner in the
systems that can help them to lead healthy lives
 Advocacy directed at professionals, public figures
and service providers :
should seek to make them sensitive to people’s needs
and demands, but without adequate support
systems are not enough to lead people to action
 Advocacy directed at the public : should help to
create interest and support for positive health action
 Advocacy directed at academic leaders: should aim
to stimulate interest in study of the aspects of policy
and other factors that facilitate progress in health
A threefold strategy to Health Promotion (WHO,
• Advocacy for Health
 The aim is to generate public demand, place health issues high on the
public agenda and effectively convince those who are influential : policy-
makers, elected representatives, professionals, political & religious
leaders, and interest groups, to act in support of health

 Advocacy directed at policy makers and decision makers :

to help them recognize that health is an economic and political asset, by :
-strengthening political commitment to health
-promoting social policies conducive to positive action for health
-supporting systems that are responsive to people’s needs and aspirations
• Social support for health
 There are 2 important targets :
1) consists of community organizations and
institutions that encourage healthy lifestyles as a
social norm and foster community actions for health
2) comprises systems that provide the infrastructure
for health care services and related development
activities that have an influence on health

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