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Judul Novel : Si Dirun

Pangarang : Samsoedi

Pamedal : PT.Kiblat Utama

Tebel buku : 68 kaca

Tema : Robahan watek jalma ku kaayaanana

Pelaku + Watek : 1. Dirun : Anu asalna beuki ngawadul, bangor, jeung

cirigih robah, jadi jalma anu bageur, suhud

sareng jujur

2. Ambu Dirun : Bageur, sabar, jeung cerewed

3. Bapak Dirun : Teges jeung sabar

4. Arpin : Lungguh, Barangasa, Binekas

5. Guru Dirun : Teges

6. Uana Dirun : Koret

7. Pa Luhan : Balabah, Suhud jeung bageur

8. Bu Luhan : Balabah jeung bageur

Alur : Merele

Latar : Imah Dirun, Sakolaan, Sawah, Babatan, Pasisian Karawang sisi

Citarum, Pulo Kapal.

Sudut Pandang : Sudut pandang katilu

Amanat : Jadi jalmi kudu sing jujur, tara ngahesekeun kolot tur ulah sok jadi

budak bangor

Pangajen : Novel ieu sae pisan kanggo bacaan urang sadaya, utamina kanggo

murangkalih, ku margi dina caritana novel ieu meni eces jentrena

ngajelaskeun yen urang hirup kudu kumaha jeung ngajarkeun ka urang
sadaya ngarah jadi jalma anu bageur tur tara ngabohong.

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Sinopsis :

Si Dirun salah sahiji budak anu kacida bangor manehna sok resep pisan ngabohongan
kolotna nepika duit bayaran oge sok di pake judi, hiji mangsa si Dirun ngarasa dosa jeung
hanjakal ka kolot na lantaran osok ngabohongan. Pas manehna kanyahoan judi ku kolotna,
tidinya si Dirun dicarekan bebeakan terus manehna jangji ka kolotna yen manehna moal
bangor deui. Ti harita si Dirun jadi budak anu bager.

Hiji mangsa si Dirun indit arek ngala manuk ka sawah, wanci magrib manehna can
mulang nepika diteangan ku kolotna. Sebat indungna neangan, indungna pohoeun yen
manehna teh keur nyangu di hau nepika imah na kadurukan anu matak indung na si Dirun
maot teras teu selanh lami bapana nyusul indung na maot.

Si Dirun jadi yatim piatu terus di urus ku ua na anu beunghar tapi medit pisan, si
Dirun lain sakola kalah dititah ngangon munding. Pas manehna kasarean keur ngangon
munding aya banjir gede pisan manehna kabawa ku eta cai ahirna manehna salamet. Nepika
aya bapak Dihun anu manggihan manehanana, beuki lila diurus ku pak Dihun manehna
diangkat jadi anak ahirna si Dirun sukses nalayan sagala bisa

Caecillia Jovita Adella

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Synopsis Novel

Title : The Hunger Games

Author : Suzanne Collins

Cover artist : Tim O'Brien

Country : United States

Language : English

Series : The Hunger Games trilogy

Genre : Adventure

: Dystopian

: Science fiction

Published : September 14, 2008

Media type : Print (hardcover, paperback)

Pages : 374 pages 

Synopsis :

In the nation of Panem, established in the remains of North America after an

unknown apocalyptic event, the wealthy Capitol exploits the twelve surrounding districts for their
natural resources and labour. District 12 is in the coal-rich region that was once Appalachia, while the
Capitol is in the Rocky Mountains. As punishment for a past failed rebellion against the Capitol,
which resulted in the obliteration of District 13, one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18
from each of the 12 remaining districts are selected by an annual lottery to participate in the Hunger
Games, a contest in which the "tributes" must fight to the death in an outdoor arena until only one

The story is narrated by 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen from District 12, who volunteers for
the 74th Hunger Games in place of her 12-year-old sister, Primrose. The male tribute is Peeta
Mellark, a former schoolmate of Katniss who once gave her bread from his family's bakery when her
family was starving. In the days leading up to the Games in the Capitol, they are given advice by their
drunken mentor, Haymitch Abernathy, the sole living District 12 victor of the Hunger Games;
chaperone Effie Trinket; and various stylists to enhance their public perception to get potential
sponsors, who will send potentially life-saving gifts during the Games. Katniss's stylist, Cinna,
designed special costumes for Katniss and Peeta that set them apart from the tributes when introduced
to the public.

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During their evaluation by the Gamemakers, Katniss unexpectedly gets the highest score
among the others. Meanwhile, Rue, the petite 12-year-old girl tribute from District 11, follows
Katniss and Peeta around during the training sessions. On the day before the games, in the televised
interview with Caesar Flickerman, Peeta reveals his long-unrequited love for Katniss; she is initially
shocked by this and believes this is a ploy to gain sponsors, but later accepts this as sincere. Haymitch
then promotes their image as "star-crossed lovers".

The Games begin, and nearly half the tributes are killed in the bloodbath at the start, fighting
over the weapons and supplies throughout the arena. Katniss disregards Haymitch's earlier advice to
flee immediately and nearly dies, but uses her well-practiced hunting and survival skills to hide in the
woods. After a few days, an artificial fire drives Katniss toward the others. She is spotted and treed by
the "Careers" tributes and Peeta, who seems to have allied with them. Rue, hiding in a nearby tree,
silently alerts Katniss to a “tracker jacker” nest, which she sends it plummeting down, releasing the
flying insects. Their venom kills one of the careers and drives the others away, but Katniss is stung
and begins hallucinating. Peeta returns, but instead of killing her, tells her to run away. Katniss later
forms an alliance with Rue, but Rue is fatally wounded by another tribute while Katniss destroys the
careers' supplies. Katniss kills Rue's killer with an arrow, and accompanies Rue as she dies and
spreads flowers over the body to show her defiance against the Capitol. In gratitude, Rue's district
sends Katniss a loaf of bread.

A rule change is announced, allowing the tributes from the same district to win as a pair.
Katniss finds and nurses a wounded Peeta (who later revealed that he formed an alliance with the
careers to protect Katniss), acting the part of a girl in love to gain gifts. When the Gamemakers send a
delivery of what each contestant needs most, Katniss risks her life to obtain medicine for Peeta. She is
intercepted by a career tribute Clove, who gloats over Rue's death and tries to kill Katniss, but is
killed by Thresh, the male District 11 tribute, who spares Katniss for Rue's sake. The medicine saves
Peeta's life, and they both spend time hunting and collecting food.

Katniss and Peeta become the last two survivors, but the Gamemakers revoke the rule change
to force one to kill the other for a dramatic finale. In defiance, Katniss prepares to consume the
poisonous "nightlock" berries with Peeta. Realizing they intend to commit suicide so that there will
not be a victor for the games, the Gamemakers declare Katniss and Peeta the victors. Although both of
them receive a hero's welcome as a couple, Katniss is warned by Haymitch that the Capitol may take
action against her for her defiance. Along the way back to District 12, Peeta is heartbroken to learn
that Katniss' actions were part of a calculated ploy to gain sympathy. Katniss, however, is unsure of
her own feelings and her future.

Critic and suggestion:

The thing that should be noted in this novel is that the writer successfully presents a new
world, without witches, dragons, knights, and so forth. Remembering remembering the era of Harry
Potter, the world of books is flooded with fantasy stories with the land of nowhere. In this novel there
are only children who love the toughness and creativity to survive. Terrible indeed, but the idea is
cool, the flow is tense from beginning to end.

Caecillia Jovita Adella

XII IPS 3 / 5

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