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Mata Kuliah : Mikrobiologi Lingkungan

Kode MK :
SKS :2
Tim Pengampu MK:
1. Dr. Yuliana Retnowati, M.Si
2. Wirnangsi D. Uno, M.Kes
3. Syam Kumaji, M.Kes

Deskripsi MK: Mata Kuliah Mikrobiologi Lingkungan merupakan mata kuliah lanjutan berbasia PJBL yang
membahas tentang pengertian dan ruang lingkup mikrobiologi lingkungan, Peranan dan fungsi mikroorganisme di
lingkungan; Mikroorganisme di Lingkungan; mikroorganisme di lingkungan tanah, mikroorganisme di
lingkungan akuatik, mikroorganisme di lingkungan ekstrem, koleksi sampel lingkungan dan pemrosesan
sampel, metode analisis asam nukleat, pelacakan sumber mikroba, siklus biogeokimia, mikroorganisme dan
polutan organic, mikroorganisme dan polutan loham, diversitas mikroba dan intereaksi di lingkungan alami


Pengantar Mikrobiologi Lingkungan
2 Mikroorganisme di Lingkungan Wirnangsi Uno
a. mikroorganisme kelompok prokariot: bakteri dan archaea,
b. mikroorganisme kelompok eukariot :fungi, protozoa, algae
c. virus dan entity biologis lain (viroid, prion)
d. Peranan dan fungsi mikroorganisme di lingkungan
3 Mikroorganisme di lingkungan tanah Wirnangsi Uno
a. karakter fisikokimia lingkungan tanah
b. tanah sebagai lingkungan mikroba
c. mikroorganisme pada permukaan tanah
d. distribusi mikroorganisme di tanah
e. mikroorganisme di lingkungan subsurface
4 Mikroorganisme di lingkungan akuatik: Wirnangsi Uno
a. fisikokimia lingkungan akuatik,
b. Biofilms and Microbial Mats,
c. Microbial Lifestyles in Aquatic Environments (Primary
Production; Secondary Production);
d. Marine Environments;
e. Freshwater Environments
f. Other Notable Aquatic Environments (Brackish Waters;
Hypersaline Waters; Subterranean Waters; Wetlands)
5 Mikroorganisme di lingkungan ekstrem: Wirnangsi Uno
a. Low Temperature Environments;;
b. High Temperature Environments
c. Desiccation and UV Stress;
d. Aphotic Environments Based on Chemolithoautotrophy
6 UTS Wirnangsi Uno
7 Koleksi Sampel Lingkungan dan Pemrosesan sampel: Yuliana
a. Soils and Sediments (Sampling Strategies and Methods for
Surface Soils; Sampling Strategies and Methods for the
Subsurface; Sample Processing and Storage);
b. Water (Sampling Strategies and Methods for Water; Processing
Water Samples for Virus Analysis; Processing Water Samples for
Detection of Bacteria; Processing Water Samples for Detection of
c. Air (Sampling Devices for the Collection of Air Samples);
d. Detection of Microorganisms on Fomites
8 Metode analisis berbasis asam nukleat: Yuliana
a. Structure and Complementarity of Nucleic Acids;
b. Obtaining Microbial Nucleic Acids from the Environment
c. Hybridization-Based Assays;
e. Amplification-Based Assays;
9 Metode analisis berbasis asam nukleat (Lanjutan) Yuliana
d. DNA Fingerprinting;
e. Recombinant DNA Techniques;
f. Sequence Analysis;
g. Choosing the Appropriate Nucleic Acid-Based Method
10 Pelacakan sumber mikroba: Yuliana
a. Water Quality and Fecal Contamination;
b. Microbial Source Tracking Methods;
c. Common Bacteria Used in Source Tracking Studies Bacteroides;
d. Application of Source Tracking
11 Siklus biogeokimia: Yuliana
a. Introduction;
b. Carbon Cycle
c. Nitrogen Cycle;
d. Sulfur Cycle;
e. Iron Cycle
12 Mikroorganisme dan polutan organic Syam Kumaji
a. Introduction; Environmental Law
b. The Overall Process of Biodegradation;
c. Contaminant Structure, Toxicity and Biodegradability (Genetic
Potential; Toxicity;
d. Bioavailability;
e. Contaminant Structure:
f. Environmental Factors Affecting Biodegradation (Redox
Conditions; Organic Matter Content; Nitrogen; Other
Environmental Factors);
13 Mikroorganisme dan polutan organic (Lanjutan) Syam Kumaji
g. Biodegradation of Organic Pollutants (Pollutant Sources and
Types; Aliphatics; Alicyclics; Aromatics; Dioxins and PCBs;
Heterocyclic Compounds; Pesticides);
h. Bioremediation (Addition of Oxygen or Other Gases; Nutrient
Addition; Sequential AnaerobicAerobic Degradation; Addition
of Surfactants; Addition of Microorganisms or DNA)
14 Mikroorganisme dan polutan logam: Syam Kumaji
a. Metals in the Environment;
b. Metal Toxicity Effects on the Microbial Cell;
c. Mechanisms of Microbial Metal Resistance and Detoxification
(General Mechanisms of Metal Resistance; Metal-Dependent
Mechanisms of Resistanc);
d. Methods for Studying Metal Microbial Interactions (Culture
Medium; Measurement of Total, Soluble and Bioavailable
15 Mikroorganisme dan polutan logam (Lanjutan) Syam Kumaji
e. Microbial Metal Transformations (Oxidation-Reduction;
f. Physicochemical Methods of Metal Remediation;
g. Microbial Approaches in the Remediation of Metal
Contaminated Soils and Sediments;
h. Microbial Approaches in the Remediation of Metal
Contaminated Aquatic Systems
16 UAS Syam Kumaji


1. Ronald M. atlas. 1997. Principles of Microbiology. 2nd ed. Wm.C. Brown Publishers
2. Ronald M. Atlas and Richard bartha. 1946. Microbial Ecology. Fundamental and Applications. 4th ed. An imprint of
Addison Wesley Longman,Inc.
3. Ian L. Pepper, Charles P. Gerba, and Terry J. Gentry. 2015. Environmental microbiology 3 rd Ed. Academic Press is
an imprint of Elsevier

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