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Dani Masita S Mei Dwi F Ibnu Rosyidi Yanita Dewi A Umul F

2001032015 2001032005 2001032013 2001032009 2001032014


Juni, 2021

Presentasi Jurnal tentang “Effects of Massage Therapy on Indirect Hyperbilirubinemia in

Newborns Who Receive Phototherapy” telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13 Juni 2021.

Dilaksanakan oleh kelompok 14:

Mei Dwi Femila, S.Kep : NIM. 2001032005
Yanita Dewi Ayu W., S.Kep : NIM. 2001032009
Ibnu Rosyidi, S.Kep : NIM. 2001032013
Umul Farifatin, S.Kep : NIM. 2001032014
Dani Masita Sari, S.Kep : NIM. 2001032015

Jember, 14 Juni 2021

Pembimbing Akademik PJMK Departemen Anak

(Dr. Nikmatul Rohmah, S.Kep., Ners., M.Kes) (Ns. Zuhrotul Eka Yulis, S.Kep., M.Kes)
NIP: 19720626 200501 2001 NPK. 1985071711503619
Masalah neonatus yang sering terjadi di ruang perinatologi adalah
tingginya angka kejadian bayi dengan peningkatan kadar bilirubin atau
hiperbilirubinemia yang dikenal di ruang perinatologi degan istilah ikterik
neonatus. Ikterus neonatorum adalah keadaan klinis pada bayi yang ditandai
oleh pewarnaan kuning pada kulit dan sklera akibat akumulasi bilirubin
indirek yang berlebih. Hiperbilirubinemia adalah terjadinya peningkatan
kadar plasma bilirubin 2 standar deviasi atau lebih dari kadar yang
diharapkan berdasarkan umur bayi atau lebih dari persentil 90. Bayi dengan
hiperbilirubinemia harus segera dilakukan perawatan karena kadar bilirubin
indirek yang sangat tinggi dapat menembus sawar otak dan sel-sel otak, hal
ini dapat menyebabkan terjadinya disfungsi saraf bahkan kematian.
Penatalaksanaan yang sering dilakukan pada bayi dengan hiperbilirubinemia
di ruang perinatologi adalah dengan pemberian fototerapi dengan tujuan
menurunkan kadar bilirubin bayi. Selain itu pemberian ASI juga dapat
menurunkan kadar bilirubin bayi. Namun tidak jarang terjadi ibu dari bayi
tidak dapat memberikan ASI dengan berbagai faktor. Kejadian
hiperbilirubinemia tidak hanya terjadi pada bayi dengan usia kehamilan
belum cukup bulan (bayi prematur), bayi dengan berat badan lahir rendah
bahkan hiperbilirubinemia dapat terjadi pada kasus bayi dengan berat badan
lahir cukup bahkan lebih. Hampir setiap hari terdapat bayi dengan kasus
hiperbilirubinemia di ruang perinatologi.

Pertanyaan masalah dalam telaah jurnal penelitian ini antara lain:
1. Apakah terapi pijat dapat menurunkan kadar bilirubin pada bayi baru lahir
dengan hiperbilirubinemia?
2. Apakah terapi pijat dapat menurunkan kadar bilirubin pada bayi baru lahir
dengan hiperbilirubinemia melalui peningkatan frekuensi buang air kecil
dan besar?
3. Bagaimana terapi pijat secara tepat dapat menurunkan hiperbilirubinemia?
1. POPULASI (P) : Icterus neonatorum, hyperbilirubinemia,
neonatal newborns
2. INTERVENTION (I) : Massage, phototerapy
3. COMPARISON (C) : Breastfeeding
4. OUTCOME (O) : Total Serum Bilirubin indirect, defecation
and urinary frequency
Populasi yang digunakan adalah neonatal newborns dengan
hyperbilirubinemia atau icterus neonatorum. Intervensi yang dipilih adalah
massage pada bayi serta phototerapy. Ada intervensi pembanding yang
digunakan pada kelompok kontrol, yaitu diberikan intervensi breastfeeding.
Outcome yang di ukur adalah total serum bilirubin (TSB) indirect, frekuensi
buang air besar, dan buang air kecil pada bayi setelah dilakukan massage.
Strategi pencarian studi yang relevan dengan topik dilakukan dengan
dengan menggunakan google. Keyword yang digunakan antara lain
“Neonatal newborns icterus neonatorum massage hyperbilirubinemia
breastfeeding total serum bilirubin indirect defecation and urinary
frequency”. Pencarian dengan kata kunci tersebut memunculkan kurang
lebih 27.900 jurnal.
icterus neonatorum massage hyperbilirubinemia
breastfeeding total serum bilirubin

578.000 jurnal

icterus neonatorum massage hyperbilirubinemia

breastfeeding total serum bilirubin defecation and urinary

430.000 jurnal
icterus neonatorum massage hyperbilirubinemia
breastfeeding phototerapy total serum bilirubin indirect
defecation and urinary frequency

299.000 jurnal

neonatal newborns icterus neonatorum massage

hyperbilirubinemia breastfeeding phototerapy total serum
bilirubin indirect defecation and urinary frequency

27.900 jurnal
Penulis Tahun Judul jurnal Keywords Perlakuan Kontrol Sampel Metode Random Yang diukur
Gulçin Tahun Effects of Massage defecation 25 bayi 25 bayi Bayi usia Randomize ya Kadar Kelompok
Korkm 2019 Therapy on Indirect massage menerima menerima (usia d bilirubin intervensi
az dan Hyperbilirubinemia in photothera terapi asuhan kehamilan controlled total memiliki
Figen Newborns Who py pijat di keperawat antara 37 trial kadar
Işsayak Receive Phototherapy total samping an rutin dan 42 bilirubin
Esenay serum asuhan yang minggu total yang
JOGNN, 49, 91–100; bilirubin keperawat diberikan selesai), jauh lebih
2020. urination an rutin untuk bayi berat lahir rendah (9,02 frequency dan baru lahir antara mg/dl)
.jogn.2019.11.004 fototerapi yang 2.500 dan dibandingkan
dirawat 4.000 g, dengan
dengan skor kelompok
fototerapi. Apgar kontrol (
antara 7 11,04 mg/dl,
dan 10 p < .001).
pada 1
dan 5
Bayi baru lahir terjadi hiperbilirubinemia tidak langsung atau tidak
terkonjugasi pada sel darah merah dan meningkat pada situasi seperti
prematuritas, malnutrisi, dan defisiensi glukosa fosfat yang menurunkan
metabolisme dan ekskresi bilirubin indirek. Secara global, hiperbilirubinemia
terjadi pada 80% bayi prematur dan 60% bayi cukup bulan selama minggu
pertama kehidupan. Bilirubin tidak langsung atau tidak terkonjugasi
terakumulasi dalam jaringan epitel tubuh, dan ikterus dapat terlihat pada kulit,
kuku, dan jaringan mukosa seperti sklera.
Fototerapi biasanya digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit tidak
langsung hiperbilirubinemia. Meskipun fototerapi adalah standar perawatan,
itu bukan tanpa risiko dan memiliki potensi efek samping untuk bayi baru
lahir, termasuk hipertermia, dehidrasi, diare, sindrom bayi perunggu, dan luka
bakar kulit Oleh karena itu, penggunaan fototerapi harus diminimalkan
selama perawatan bayi baru lahir. Salah satu metode yang murah dan ternyata
bebas efek samping adalah pijat.
Terapi pijat merangsang bayi baru lahir dan meningkatkan kesiapan
untuk menyusu dan frekuensi buang air besar meningkat seiring dengan
meningkatnya frekuensi menyusui. Akibatnya, siklus enterohepatik dari
resirkulasi bilirubin menurun, seperti halnya kadar TSB. Peneliti lain
menemukan bahwa pijat meningkatkan keberhasilan dan frekuensi menyusui.
Dalam pengalaman klinis kami, periode fototerapi biasanya 24 hingga
48 jam, dan terapi pijat bukan merupakan komponen perawatan klinis di
Turki. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian kami adalah untuk mengevaluasi
efek terapi pijat pada tingkat TSB dan frekuensi buang air besar, buang air
kecil, dan makan di antara bayi baru lahir yang menerima fototerapi untuk
hiperbilirubinemia tidak langsung.
Pada jurnal ini, peneliti sudah mencantumkan abstrak di halaman
Apakah penelitian mencantumkan pertama. Di dalam abstrak ini sudah tercantum tujuan, desain
abstrak di dalam jurnal? penelitian, lokasi penelitian, populasi, metode penlitian, hasil hingga
Pada jurnal ini, peneliti sudah menyebutkan tujuan penelitiannya ,
sehingga pembaca mengerti tentang pentingnya penelitian ini
Apakah tujuan penelitian dilaksanakan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk
disebutkan? mengevaluasi efek terapi pijat pada kadar bilirubin serum total
(TSB) dan frekuensi buang air besar, buang air kecil, dan makan
pada bayi baru lahir yang menerima fototerapi untuk
hiperbilirubinemia tidak langsung.

Judul pada penelitian ini sudah memenuhi kaidah penulisan judul

Apakah judul memenuhi kaidah 
yaitu terdiri dari 12 kata. Dimana jumlah kata maksimun dalam
penulisan judul?
judul adalah 20 kata.
Penulisan judul pada jurnal ini tidak mengunakan tanda baca
Apakah penulisan judul
tanda tanya (?), tanda baca perintah (!), atau tanda hubung (-)
menggunakan tanda baca (?) (!)
 karena judul pada jurnal ini merupakan sebuah pernyataan dan
atau tanda hubung (-)
tidak ada kata yang diulang.

Pada jurnal ini nama penulis dicantumkan tepat di bawah judul

Apakah nama penulis penelitian. Sehingga jurnal ini dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dan
dicantumkan?  merupakan hak paten bahwa Gulcin Korkmaz dan Figen Isik Esenay
merupakan peneliti dari jurnal ini.

PENULIS Pada jurnal ini telah mencantumkan asal institusi penulis yang
terletak tepat disamping abstrak dan masih dapat terlihat oleh
pembaca. Asal institusi penulis yaitu Fakultas Keperawatan
Apakah asal institusi penulis
Universitas Aktas Mahallesi Plevne, Caddesi No.5, PK 06080
dicantumkan? 
Altsaya ndag, Ankara Turki.
Asal institusi penulis dalam jurnal ini yaitu berasal dari fakultas
Apakah asal institusi penulis
keperawatan dan hal ini sesuai dengan topik penelitian yang disusun
sesuai dengan topik penelitian? 
merupakan di bidang keperawatan.

Bidang ilmu penelitian dalam jurnal ini sesuai dengan judul

Apakah bidang ilmu penelitian
penelitian yaitu di bidang kesehatan khususnya keperawatan
BIDANG ILMU sesuai dengan judul penelitian? 
sehingga dalam penelitian ini tidak terjadi banyak bias.

Peneliti telah mencantumkan literatur review dalam jurnal penelitian

Apakah peneliti mencantumkan ini. Peneliti menggunakan literature review dari berbagai sumber
LITERATUR literatur review dalam yang menunjukkan bahwa penelitian ini sangat perlu untuk diulas
REVIEW penelitiannya? dan literature review yang dicantumkan dapat memperkuat hasil

Apakah peneliti menampilkan Dalam jurnal ini peneliti sudah menampilkan kerangka konsep
KERANGKA kerangka konsep dalam  dalam penelitiannya yang dipaparkan secara narasi dan alur
KONSEP penelitiannya? kepesertaan penelitian. Dengan adanya kerangka konsep ini,
pembaca dapat lebih mudah memahami isi dari jurnal.

Dalam jurnal penelitian ini peneliti telah mencantumkan definisi

Apakah peneliti mencantumkan
operasional, dimana definisi operasional ini penting untuk
DEFINISI definisi operasional pada menjelaskan apa dan bagaimana penelitian ini akan dilakukan,
OPERASIONAL penelitiannya? dengan indikator yang seperti apa dan hasil penelitian akan dianalisis
 dengan metode yang bagaimana. Dalam jurnal penelitian ini, peneliti
menjelaskan alat pengukuran, indikator pengukuran dan proses
pengukuran yang digunakan dalam penelitian, serta bagaimana
outcome penelitian itu akan dianalisis.

Penelitian dalam jurnal ini dilakukan dengan melakukan uji klinis

secara acak dimana terdapat kelompok intervensi dan kelompok
kontrol. Penentuan sample dalam penelitian ini ditentukan sesuai
Apakah desain penelitian sesuai
dengan kriteria inklusi yang telah ditetapkan oleh peneliti.
dengan model penelitian? 
PENELITIAN Apakah sesuai level of evidence Level of evidence pada jurnal penelitian ini berada pada derajat
(fakta) dari desain penelitian?  “Ib”, yaitu
evidence yang berasal dari minimal satu uji klinik acak dengan
kontrol/kelola (randomized controlled trial).


Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti sudah menerapkan langkah evidence
based medicine. Langkah evidence based medicine adalah:
1. Memformulasikan pertanyaan ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan
masalah penyakit yang diderita oleh pasien.
2. Penelusuran informasi ilmiah (evidence) yang berkaitan
dengan masalah yang dihadapi.
3. Penelaahan terhadap bukti-bukti ilmiah yang ada.
4. Menerapkan hasil penelaahan bukti-bukti ilmiah ke dalam
praktek pengambilan keputusan.
5. Melakukan evaluasi terhadap efikasi dan efektivitas intervensi.
Dalam jurnal penelitian ini sudah dijelaskan terkait pertanyaan
masalah tentang efek terapi pijat pada tingkat TSB dan frekuensi
buang air besar, buang air kecil, dan makan diantara bayi baru lahir
yang menerima fototerapi untuk hiperbilirubinemia tidak langsung.
Peneliti juga telah menerapkan hasil literatur review ke dalam
pembahasan hasil penelitian hingga melakukan evaluasi terhadap
efektivitas intervensi.

Pemilihan sampel dalam penelitian ini sudah sesuai dengan diagram

Apakah sesuai pemilihan sampel alur penentuan sampel yang dicantumkan peneliti dalam jurnal
dalam penelitian tersebut?  penelitian ini dan sudah sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi yang
dietapkan oleh peneliti .

Analisa data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini sudah sesuai

Apakah peneliti menggunakan dengan rancangan penelitian yang digunakan dimana hasil
ANALISA analisa data yang tepat atau pengumpulan data digunakan untuk menguji adanya perbedaan
DATA tidak? efek terapi pijat pada kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol.
 Peneliti mencantumkan jenis uji statistik yang digunakan dalam
penelitian yaitu menggunakan SPSS (Versi 20) untuk menganalisis
Apakah peneliti mencantumkan data. Tes Chi-kuadrat digunakan untuk membandingkan karakteristik
jenis uji statistik yang digunakan? demografi bayi baru lahir pada kelompok kontrol dan intervensi.
ANCOVA digunakan untuk menentukan perbedaan berdasarkan
kelompok untuk kadar bilirubin. Mann– Whitney tes digunakan
untuk jumlah makan dan frekuensi buang air besar, karena jumlah
makan dan frekuensi buang air besar tidak normal.

Dalam bentuk apa hasil penelitian

Hasil penelitian dalam jurnal ini disajikan dapat bentuk tabel dan
disajikan? 

Hasil penelitian pada jurnal ini dapat diimplementasikan dalam

Apakah hasil penelitian dapat keperawatan karena intervensi dan outcome yang dilakukan dalam
diimplementasikan di penelitian ini sesuai dengan bidang ilmu keperawatan.
HASIL keperawatan?
PENELITIAN Dalam jurnal penelitian ada rekomendasi khusus terkait hasil
penelitian yaitu terapi pijat dapat dijadikan sebagai intervensi
tambahan yang efektif untuk menurunkan kadar TSB untuk bayi
Apakah ada rekomendasi khusus baru lahir dengan hiperbilirubinemia dengan fototerapi.
terkait hasil penelitian? 
Pada jurnal ini terdapat 28 daftar pustaka. Dari 28 daftar pustaka
tersebut, 23 up to date (dengan kurun waktu jurnal 5 tahun dan buku
Apakah daftar pustaka yang
 10 tahun dari tahun penelitian) dan 5 out of date (dengan kurun
digunakan up to date?
waktu jurnal lebih dari 5 tahun dan buku lebih dari 10 tahun dari
DAFTAR tahun penelitian).
Daftar pustaka dalam jurnal ini sudah sesuai dengan topik penelitian
Apakah daftar pustaka yang 
dan isi dari penelitian yaitu tentang terapi pijat pada bayi,
digunakan sesuai?
hiperbilirubinemia dan sistem pencernaan neonatus
Apakah daftar pustaka yang Daftar pustaka yang digunakan sudah terpercaya, yaitu
digunakan dari sumber yang menggunakan jurnal serta buku yang sesuai dengan bidang ilmu
terpercaya? penelitian serta daftar pustaka yang tercantum dapat menunjukkan
dengan jelas penulis, judul, kota hingga di halaman berapa peneliti
mengutip jurnal atau buku yang digunakan.

Dalam jurnal ini telah mencantumkan kesimpulan hasil penelitian

dan kalimat yang dijelaskan dalam kesimpulan telah menjelaskan
KESIMPULAN hasil dari tujuan penelitian.
Jurnal ini tidak mencantumkan saran. Alangkah baiknya jika dalam
jurnal ini mencantumkan saran karena saran sangat penting baik
bagi instansi yang digunakan sebagai tempat penelitian, tenaga
profesional yang diharapkan dapat menerapkan hasil penelitian
maupun bagi peneliti selanjutnya, mengingat dalam penelitian ini
masih banyak keterbatasan-keterbatasan yang perlu diperbaiki saat
dilakukan penelitian selanjutnya.
Terapi pijat bayi baru lahir berdurasi selama 15 menit dua kali sehari
(pijat dilakukan dua kali pada 30 menit setelah makan di pagi dan sore selama
5 hari. Perangkat fototerapi dimatikan selama terapi pijat, dan pemanas
berseri digunakan untuk mencegah kehilangan panas pada bayi baru lahir.
Pemanas dinyalakan selama 5 menit sebelum pemijatan untuk
menghangatkan lingkungan, dan perangkat tetap menyala selama pemijatan.
Suhu ruangan dipertahankan antara 26 dan 28 C.
Prosedur pemijatan yang digunakan sudah sesuai dengan pedoman
International Association Of Infant Massage (2013) yaitu :
1. Mencuci tangan secara menyeluruh
2. Mengoleskan baby oil antialergi yang biasa digunakan
3. Melakukan tes kulit sebelum memulai prosedur terapi pijat pertama .
4. Untuk tes kulit, mengoleskan baby oil ke sisi palmar pergelangan tangan
bayi baru lahir .
5. Setelah 30 menit, memeriksa kulit untuk kemerahan, ruam, atau tanda-
tanda reaksi alergi lainnya.
6. Setelah dipastikan tidak ada alergi baby oil dioleskan.
7. Pijat dimulai dengan wajah.
8. Pijat menggunakan dua ibu jari untuk memijat area sekitar mata dan pipi
dengan lembut dan perlahan, kemudian dilanjutkan dari area dada bagian
bawah ke atas. Pemijat kemudian melakukan beberapa gerakan lembut
dan setengah lingkaran pada perut bayi yang baru lahir, diikuti dengan
pemijatan pada tungkai atas dan bawah dengan tekanan sedang. Terakhir,
punggung dipijat dengan dua ibu jari dari atas ke bawah dan dari leher ke
bokong. Bayi yang baru lahir ditempatkan di bawah fototerapi setelah
9. Bayi diberikan pijat selama 15 menit dua kali sehari (pijat dilakukan dua
atau tiga kali tergantung pada durasi fototerapi pada 30 menit setelah
makan di pagi dan sore hari.
10. Perangkat fototerapi dimatikan selama terapi pijat, dan pemanas berseri
digunakan untuk hipotermia.
11. Pemanas dinyalakan selama 5 menit sebelum pemijatan untuk
menghangatkan lingkungan, dan perangkat tetap menyala selama
pemijatan. Suhu ruangan dipertahankan antara 26 dan 28 C.
12. Fototerapi diberikan dengan lampu dioda pemancar cahaya (Novos,
Bilied Maxi, Turki) pada jarak 30 cm dari bayi baru lahir.
Kadar TSB secara rutin dianalisis dari sampel darah vena bayi baru
lahir setiap 24 jam setelah dimulainya fototerapi; analisis dilakukan di
laboratorium rumah sakit, yang disetujui dan disertifikasi oleh Kementerian
Kesehatan Turki. TSB dianalisis sekali di satu pusat dan dua kali di pusat
lainnya setiap 24 jam. menggunakan kadar bilirubin pada saat rawat inap dan

Jurnal penelitian ini merupakan jurnal dengan derajat evidence “Ib”
yaitu evidence yang berasal dari minimal satu uji klinik acak dengan
kontrol/kelola (randomized controlled trial). Hal ini ditunjukkan dalam
jurnal yang menjelaskan bahwa rancangan penelitian ini yaitu sebuah uji
klinis terkontrol secara acak dan dalam uji klinis ini tidak ada blinding.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penggunaan pijat untuk
bayi baru lahir yang dirawat dengan fototerapi untuk hiperbilirubinemia
tidak langsung dapat meningkatkan frekuensi buang air besar, buang air
kecil, dan makan dan mengurangi kadar TSB.

Intervensi terapi pijat dalam jurnal penelitian ini adalah Recommended
atau direkomendasikan, yang artinya terapi pijat ini dapat digunakan sebagai
intervensi tambahan yang efektif untuk menurunkan kadar TSB untuk bayi
baru lahir dengan hiperbilirubinemia dengan fototerapi.

Effects of Massage Therapy on Indirect

Hyperbilirubinemia in Newborns Who
Receive Phototherapy
Gülçin Korkmaz and Figen Is¸ık Esenay

Correspondence ABSTRACT
Gülçin Korkmaz, Ankara
University, Faculty of Objective: To evaluate the effects of massage therapy on total serum bilirubin (TSB) levels and frequency of defe-
Nursing, Aktas¸ Mahallesi cation, urination, and feeding in newborns who receive phototherapy for indirect hyperbilirubinemia.
Plevne, Caddesi No:5, PK
Design: A randomized controlled clinical trial.
06080 Altındağ, Ankara,
Turkey. Setting: Ankara University Cebeci Research and Training Hospital and 29 May State Hospital in Ankara, Turkey.; Participants: Fifty full-term newborns with indirect hyperbilirubinemia who underwent phototherapy.
Methods: The newborns were randomly allocated to an intervention group (n ¼ 25) or a control group (n ¼ 25).
Keywords Newborns in the intervention group received massage therapy throughout the duration of phototherapy for 15 minutes
twice per day; newborns in the control group received routine care during phototherapy. Every 24 hours, TSB levels
phototherapy were measured, and the frequencies of defecation, urination, and feeding were also calculated for each newborn.
total serum bilirubin
Results: We found no differences in the characteristics of the newborns or in TSB levels between groups at enroll-
urination frequency
ment. After treatment, TSB levels were lower in the intervention group (p < .001). Frequencies of defecation, urination,
and feeding were significantly greater in the intervention group than in the control group.

Conclusion: Massage therapy had significant effects on TSB levels, feeding, breastfeeding, defecation, and urination
in newborns who received phototherapy for indirect hyperbilirubinemia. Massage therapy can be added as routine care
for full-term newborns with hyperbilirubinemia under phototherapy and may be an effective supplementary
JOGNN, 49, 91–100; 2020.
Accepted November 2019

I ndirect or unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in 2017; Ergül & Sarıkaya, 2018; Maheshwari &
Gülçin Korkmaz, MSc, is a
research assistant in newborns occurs as a result of catabolism of Carlo, 2019). Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is
pediatric nursing, Faculty of
Nursing, Ankara University, red blood cells and is increased in situations such usually harmless; it typically occurs after new-
Ankara, Turkey. as prematurity, malnutrition, and glucose 6- borns are 24 hours of age, and serum bilirubin
phosphate deficiency that lower metabolism levels decrease in approximately 5 to 7 days
Figen Is¸ık Esenay, PhD, is
an assistant professor in and excretion of indirect bilirubin (Dağoğlu, 2017; (Ergü l & Sarıkaya, 2018). Direct bilirubin can be
pediatric nursing, Faculty of Ergül & Sarıkaya, 2018; Maheshwari & Carlo, excreted via defecation, and higher levels of
Nursing, Ankara University, 2019). Globally, hyperbilirubinemia occurs in direct bilirubin indicate underlying disorders,
Ankara, Turkey.
80% of preterm and 60% of term infants during such as hepatic or posthepatic pathologies
the first week of life (Begum & Afroze, 2018; (Dağoğlu, 2017; Maheshwari & Carlo, 2019).
Dağoğlu, 2017; Ergü l & Sarıkaya, 2018). Indirect
or unconjugated bilirubin accumulates in the In some cases, levels of indirect bilirubin may
epithelial tissues of the body, and jaundice may increase beyond physiologic levels. If not diag-
become visible in skin, nail, and mucosal tissue nosed in a timely manner and treated adequately,
such as the sclera (Ergü l & Sarıkaya, 2018; indirect hyperbilirubinemia may cross the blood–
Maheshwari & Carlo, 2019). Newborns produce brain barrier and cause kernicterus (bilirubin en-
more bilirubin than adults because they are born cephalopathy), which presents with symptoms of
The authors report no con-
flict of interest or relevant with significantly more red blood cells with a lethargy, hypoglycemia, decreased feeding, res-
financial relationships. shorter half-life and greater turnover (Dağoğlu, piratory distress, and opisthotonos (Maheshwari ª 2020 AWHONN, the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses. 91
Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
RESEARCH Massage Therapy and Phototherapy for Hyperbilirubinemia

decreases, as do TSB levels (Hassan &

Phototherapy for newborns with hyperbilirubinemia has Zakerihamidi, 2018). Researchers hypothesized
some potential adverse effects, such as hyperthermia, that massage accelerated vagal stimulation and
dehydration, diarrhea, bronze baby syndrome, and reduced bilirubin levels by increasing food intake
skin burns. and defecation frequency (Dalili et al., 2016;
Eghbalian et al., 2017; El-Magd et al., 2017;
Kianmehr et al., 2014; Lin et al., 2015; Moghadam
& Carlo, 2019; Woodgate & Jardine, 2015). Pho-
et al., 2012; Novianti, Mediani, & Nurhidayah,
totherapy is commonly used to treat indirect
2018). Other researchers found that massage
hyperbilirubinemia. The recommended total
increased the success and frequency of breast-
serum bilirubin (TSB) level at which to begin
feeding. For example, in a study by Gürol (2010),
phototherapy depends on the newborn’s gesta-
mean LATCH (L ¼ latch, A ¼ audible swallowing,
tional age, weight, postnatal age, and risk factors
such as Rh and ABO incompatibility (American T ¼ type of nipple, C ¼ comfort, H ¼ hold)
Assessment Tool scores were higher in newborns
Academy of Pediatrics [AAP], 2004).
in the massage intervention group than in those in
the control group (mean [M] ¼ 8.80 0.957 vs.
Although phototherapy is the standard of care, it
M ¼ 7.78 1.59, p < .001). Xuelan, Qingling, and
is not without risks and has potential adverse ef- Changhong (2005) found that newborns in the
fects for newborns, including hyperthermia, massage intervention group breastfed more
dehydration, diarrhea, bronze baby syndrome, frequently in 24 hours than those in the control
and skin burns (Dağoğlu, 2017; Ergü l & Sarıkaya,
group (M ¼ 8.9 times 1.6 times vs. M ¼ 5.7
2018; Maheshwari & Carlo, 2019; Woodgate &
times 1.3 times, p < .01). Kianmehr et al. (2014)
Jardine, 2015). Therefore, the use of photo- found no such relationship.
therapy should be minimized during the treat-
ment and care of newborns. Phototherapy is generally discontinued based on
the age at which it was initiated and the cause of
Different methods can be used to accelerate the the indirect hyperbilirubinemia. The AAP recom-
excretion of bilirubin and prevent severe indirect mended that “for infants who are readmitted after
hyperbilirubinemia, including sponge bath (Ç ınar their birth hospitalization (usually for TSB levels of
& Kü ç ü koğlu, 2018) and skin-to-skin care (Samra, 18 mg/dL or greater), phototherapy may be dis-
El Taweel, & Cadwell, 2012). One method that is continued when the serum bilirubin level falls
inexpensive and apparently free of adverse ef- below 13 to 14 mg/dL” (AAP, 2004, p. 315). The
fects is massage. Researchers reported on AAP did not provide recommendations about
massage for newborns with indirect hyper- duration of phototherapy (e.g., 3 days, 5 days,
bilirubinemia who received phototherapy for etc.; AAP, 2004). Likewise, the Turkish Neona-
different lengths of time, such as for 3 days (Lin, tology guideline for phototherapy, which is based
Yang, Cheng, & Yen, 2015), 4 days (Dalili, on the AAP guidelines, does not include a
Sheikhi, Shariat, & Haghnazarian, 2016; recommendation for a specific duration of pho-
Eghbalian, Rafienezhad, & Farmal, 2017; El- totherapy (Ç oban, Tü rkmen, & Gürsoy, 2014). In
Magd, Dabash, Guindy, Masoed, & Houchi, 2017; our clinical experience, the period of photo-
Kianmehr et al., 2014), and 5 days (Moghadam, therapy is usually 24 to 48 hours, and massage
Moghadam, Kianmehr, Jomezadeh, & Davoudi, therapy is not a component of clinical care in
2012), and at different frequencies, such as two Turkey. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to
times per day (Eghbalian et al., 2017; Lin et al., evaluate the effects of massage therapy on TSB
2015) and three times per day (Dalili et al., levels and the frequencies of defecation, urina-
2016; El-Magd et al., 2017; Kianmehr et al., tion, and feeding among newborns who received
2014; Moghadam et al., 2012). Findings from phototherapy for indirect hyperbilirubinemia.
these studies included decreased bilirubin levels
and increased frequency of defecation;
frequency of urination was not evaluated. Methods
Massage therapy stimulates the newborn and We conducted a randomized controlled trial be-
increases readiness to feed (Gürol, 2010), and tween January 15 and July 15, 2018. In this trial
the frequency of defecation increases as the there was no blinding. Simple randomization was
frequency of breastfeeding increases. As a result, done according to the gestational age in weeks of
the enterohepatic cycle of bilirubin recirculation the newborns. The trial complied with the

92 JOGNN, 49, 91–100; 2020.

Korkmaz, G., and Esenay, F. I. RESEARCH

Ankara University Cebeci Research (n = 75) Training Hospital and

29 May State (n = 65)

Excluded (n = 84)
- Newborns did not meet the
inclusion criteria (n = 60)
- Researcher could not contact
mothers (n = 24)


Intervention group Control group

(n = 27) Allocation (n = 29)

Reasons for leaving the group Reasons for leaving the group
- Onset of fluid infusion (n = 1) - Onset of fluid infusion (n = 2)
- Left the hospital before completion - Massage by the mother (n = 2)
of the treatment (n = 1)

Massage therapy in addition to

Phototherapy (n = 25)
phototherapy (n = 25)

Analyzed (n = 25)
Analyzed (n = 25)

Figure 1. Consolidated Standards for Reporting Trials (CONSORT) participant flow diagram.

Consolidated Standards for Reporting Trials central locations, these hospitals provide ser-
(CONSORT) guidelines (Schulz, Altman, Moher, & vices to individuals with different sociocultural
the CONSORT Group, 2010; see Figure 1) and characteristics. Both hospitals implemented
was approved by the Ethics Committee at the standardized phototherapy in accordance with
Faculty of Medicine at Ankara University for the the recommendations of the AAP (2004).
province of Ankara (institutional review board
number 19-1200-17). The mothers of the new- The inclusion criteria for the newborns included
borns were informed about the aim, plan, and the following: born at term (gestational age be-
duration of the study, and mothers’ written con- tween 37 and 42 completed weeks), birth weight
sent was obtained by the first author (G.K.). between 2,500 and 4,000 g, Apgar scores be-
tween 7 and 10 at 1 and 5 minutes after birth,
Setting and Sample receiving phototherapy, indirect hyper-
Our study participants were newborns who were bilirubinemia diagnosed 24 hours or longer after
admitted for treatment of indirect hyper- birth, and fed breast milk or formula. The
bilirubinemia at two centers: Ankara University exclusion criteria for newborns were ABO blood
Cebeci Research and Training Hospital and 29 type incompatibility, Rh incompatibility, blood
May State Hospital in Ankara. The university transfusion therapy, intravenous fluid treatment,
hospital had a Level 3 NICU, whereas the public infection, congenital anomaly, asphyxia, biliary
hospital had a Level 2 NICU. Because of their atresia or glucose dehydrogenase-6 phosphate

JOGNN 2020; Vol. 49, Issue 1 93

RESEARCH Massage Therapy and Phototherapy for Hyperbilirubinemia

deficiency, glucuronosyl transferase enzyme (BNT 2000, Drager, Lü beck, Germany) was used
deficiency, and/or bronze baby syndrome. to prevent heat loss of the newborn. The heater was
turned on for 5 minutes before the massage to
Fifty-six newborns met the inclusion criteria and warm the environment, and the device remained
were admitted to the study (intervention group, n ¼ on during the massage. The room temperature was
27; control group, n ¼ 29). In total, six newborns maintained between 26 and 28 ◦ C.
were excluded, including one newborn whose
parents wanted to leave the hospital before The massage techniques used were in accor-
completion of the treatment, three newborns who dance with the guidelines of the International
received intravenous fluid treatment because of Association of Infant Massage (2013). The first
dehydration, and two newborns in the control author (G.K.) provided the massage therapy to
group whose mothers performed massages. The all newborns in the study; she thoroughly
final sample was 50 newborns (intervention group, washed her hands, applied the antiallergenic
n ¼ 25; control group, n ¼ 25). We used analysis of baby oil that was routinely used, and performed
covariance (ANCOVA) to compare the pretreat- a skin test before starting the first massage
ment and posttreatment TSB values by group. With therapy procedure. For the skin test, we applied
the partial eta squared value of 0.0320, the calcu- baby oil to the palmar side of the newborn’s
lated effect size was 0.68, and the power of the test wrist and, after 30 minutes, checked the skin for
conducted with 50 newborns with a Type I error redness, rash, or other signs of allergic reaction.
value of 0.05 was 0.99 (99%). Our calculation was None of the newborns had an allergic reaction
made with the use of the G Power software pro- or experienced adverse effects from the baby
gram (Version oil. The massage began with the face, and baby
oil was applied. The massager applied two
Procedures thumbs to massage the area around the eyes
and cheeks gently and slowly. This action then
Pilot study. We conducted a preliminary
continued from the bottom to the top of the
implementation of the study protocol at the uni-
chest area. The massager then performed some
versity hospital with two newborns who met the
soft and semicircular movements on the new-
inclusion criteria to test the operability of the data
born’s abdomen, followed by massaging of the
collection forms. No change was made in the
upper and lower limbs with moderate pressure.
data collection forms. Because only two new-
Finally, the spine was massaged with two
borns could be recruited within a month at the
thumbs from the top to the bottom and from the
university hospital, the second hospital was
neck to the buttocks. Newborns were placed
included as a study site to increase recruitment.
under phototherapy after the massage.

Implementation. Before newborns who quali-

fied for the study were assigned to groups by Measures
simple randomization, the first author (G.K.) met Tools for data collection. A neonatal char-
the mothers of the newborns, explained the pur- acteristics sheet was developed by the first
pose and procedures of the study, and obtained author (G.K.) and had two parts: Part I, which
written consent from the mothers who agreed to the recorded personal data of the newborn, including
admission of their newborns to the study. The gestational age at birth, route of birth, sex, birth
control group received routine nursing care pro- weight, Apgar score, type of feeding, photo-
vided for newborns being treated with photo- therapy duration, hospitalization duration, and
therapy at both hospitals. The newborns in the maternal age; and Part II, which included medical
intervention group received massage therapy in data and data contributed by the health care
addition to routine nursing care and phototherapy. providers, including TSB levels and frequencies
of feeding, defecation, and urination.
Massage procedure. The newborns in the
intervention group were given massages for 15 Phototherapy device. The same photo-
minutes twice a day (the massage was applied two therapy device was used for the treatment of the
or three times depending on the duration of pho- newborns in the intervention and control groups
totherapy [M ¼ 41 hours, range ¼ 24–49 hours]) at at both hospitals. Phototherapy was provided
30 minutes after feeding in the morning and the with a light-emitting diode lamp (Novos, Bilied
evening. The phototherapy device was turned off Maxi, Turkey) at a distance of 30 cm from the
during the massage therapy, and a radiant heater newborns.

94 JOGNN, 49, 91–100; 2020.

Korkmaz, G., and Esenay, F. I. RESEARCH

TSB value. The sum of direct and indirect

bilirubin equals TSB (Ganji, Kasagani, Revupalli, Massage therapy for newborns with hyperbilirubinemia
Kavali, & Chidugulla, 2015), and TSB is reduced the total serum bilirubin levels and increased the
measured for indirect hyperbilirubinemia (AAP, frequencies of defecation, urination, and feeding.
2004; Çoban et al., 2014). TSB levels were
routinely analyzed from venous blood samples of
quantity and frequency during a 24-hour period.
the newborns every 24 hours after the beginning
The mothers could feed their newborns for any
of phototherapy; analysis was performed in the
duration and frequency that they desired in both
hospitals’ laboratories, which are approved and
research sites. In situations in which the mothers
certified by the Turkish Ministry of Health. The
could not breastfeed their newborns (at night,
devices used to measure TSB are calibrated
when the newborn could not hold the nipple, or
weekly by laboratory specialists. TSB was
when the mother had to leave the hospital), the
analyzed once in one center and twice in the
newborns were fed by the nurses with breast milk
other every 24 hours. Therefore, we used bilirubin
obtained by pumping or with formula.
levels at time of hospitalization and discharge.

Frequencies of defecation and uri- Analysis

nation. The first author (G.K.) recorded the We used SPSS (Version 20) to analyze the data.
defecation and urination frequencies of the new- Chi-square tests and Student t tests were used to
borns during the phototherapy period from the compare the demographic characteristics of
nursing notes and calculated the number of times newborns in the control and intervention groups.
the newborn defecated and urinated during a 24- ANCOVA was used to determine differences by
hour period. group for bilirubin levels. Student t tests were used
to investigate the differences between the control
Feeding quantity and frequency. The and intervention groups with regard to frequency
feeding frequency and quantity of feeding with of urination and feeding. Mann–Whitney U tests
breast milk and formula were documented from were used for feeding amounts and defecation
the mothers’ parenting logs and the nursing re- frequency, because the feeding amounts and fre-
cords and were calculated as the feeding quency of defecation were not normally

Table 1: Characteristics of Newborns (N [ 50)

Intervention Control Group

Variable Item Group (n ¼ 25) (n ¼ 25) Test Statistic p
Sex, n (%) Female 18 (72) 13 (52) c2 ¼ 2.12 .14

Male 7 (28) 12 (48)

Age Gestational age at birth, 38 (37–40) 38 (37–40) U ¼ 312.50 1.000

weeks, median (range)

Maternal age, years, M SD 27.48 6.71 28.12 6.13 t ¼ –0.352 .726

Weight, g Birth weight 3,289 369.94 3,141.60 349.18 t ¼ 1.45 .154

Apgar score, 1 minute 9 (7–10) 9 (7–10) U ¼ 295.000 .722

median (range) 5 minutes 10 (9–10) 10 (7–10) U ¼ 286.000 .41

Treatment period, Phototherapy period 29 (20–37) 29 (14–52) U ¼ 308.50 .938

hours, median(range) Hospitalization period 41 (24–49) 42.3 (15.5–54) U ¼ 282.000 .553

Type of feeding, Breast milk 5 (20) 9 (36) c2 ¼ 1.587 .208

n (%) Breast milk and formula 20 (80) 16 (64)

Mode of birth, Vaginal 11 (44) 15 (60) c2 ¼ 2.122 .145

n (%) Cesarean 14 (56) 10 (40)

Note. Chi-square, Mann–Whitney U, and Student t tests were used to compare the demographic characteristics of the newborns in the
groups. M ¼ mean; SD ¼ standard deviation.

JOGNN 2020; Vol. 49, Issue 1 95

RESEARCH Massage Therapy and Phototherapy for Hyperbilirubinemia

Table 2: ANCOVA Results and Descriptive Statistics for TSB Levels of Newborns (N [ 50)
Before and After Randomization by Group

Group TSB–Before, mg/dl, Mean SD TSB–After, mg/dl, Mean SD n

Intervention 17.91 1.55 18.64 1.42 25

Control 9.02 1.27 11.04 1.57 25

Source SS df MS F p Partial h2 Effect Size

TSB–before 0.212 1 0.212 0.101 .752 0.002 —

Group 46.238 1 46.238 22.163 .000* 0.320 0.68

Error 98.055 47 2.086 — — — —

Note. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA; F) was used to compare the total serum bilirubin (TSB) levels of the newborns in the groups. In
ANCOVA, the controlled variable was TSB–before. The TSB–before values of newborns were controlled (covariated), and TSB–after
values were compared in the intervention and control groups. MS ¼ mean squared; SD ¼ standard deviation; SS ¼ sum of squared.
*p < .001.

distributed. The results were considered signifi- (p <.001). There were no differences between the
cant for p values of less than .05 and are pre- breast milk (M ¼ 130 ml, range ¼ 25–310 ml vs.
sented as means plus or minus standard M ¼ 130 ml, range ¼ 20–402 ml) and formula
deviation. (M ¼ 87.5 ml, range ¼ 30–350 ml vs. M ¼ 75 ml,
range ¼ 20–402 ml) quantities received by the
Results newborns in the intervention and control groups
Participant Characteristics (p > .05), but the feeding frequencies in the
The demographic information of the 50 partici- intervention group (M ¼ 10.97 times 1.62 times)
were significantly greater than in the control
pants by group is shown in Table 1. We observed
no significant differences between the two groups group (M ¼ 9.05 times 1.82 times, p < .001).
in terms of sex, gestational age at birth, birth
weight, Apgar score, route of birth, type of Discussion
feeding, duration of phototherapy, duration of There were no statistically significant differences
hospitalization, and maternal age. between the intervention and control groups with
regard to neonatal characteristics, which in-
Serum Bilirubin Levels dicates that the two groups were similar before
The total bilirubin levels of the intervention and randomization. The feeding frequency was
control groups are shown in Table 2 and Figure 2. significantly greater in the intervention group; this
When the effects of admission TSB levels were finding contrasts with those of previous re-
controlled for, TSB levels at hospital discharge searchers, who reported similar breastfeeding
were significantly different between the two frequencies between intervention and control
groups. The newborns in the intervention group groups with massage therapy (Kianmehr et al.,
had significantly lower levels of total bilirubin (M ¼ 2014). Consistent with our findings, Xuelan et al.
9.02 mg/dl 1.27 mg/dl) compared with the in- (2005) also found greater breastfeeding fre-
fants in the control group (M ¼ 11.04 mg/dl quencies in their intervention group. Massage
1.57 mg/dl, p < .001). therapy is proposed to stimulate the newborn and
increase activity (Pepino & Mezzacappa, 2015)
Frequencies of Defecation, Urination, and willingness and readiness to feed (Gürol,
and Feeding 2010). Newborns who were stimulated through
The mean daily frequencies of defecation, urina- massage and exhibited increased willingness to
tion, feeding, breastfeeding, and breast milk and be fed had more active feeding sessions. Mas-
formula quantities are presented in Table 3. Uri- sage therapy also stimulates the vagus nerve and
nation (M ¼ 9.29 times 1.04 times vs. M ¼ 7.81 increases gastrin secretion (Field, 2017), which
times 1.51 times) and defecation (M ¼ 8 times, increases gastric motility, gastric secretion of
range ¼ 6.48–11.86 times vs. M ¼ 5 times, hydrochloric acid, food digestion, and gastric
range ¼ 2.57–9 times) frequencies of the new- emptying (Hall, 2015), leading to more active and
borns were greater in the intervention group more frequent feeding sessions. Thus, food

96 JOGNN, 49, 91–100; 2020.

Korkmaz, G., and Esenay, F. I. RESEARCH







TSB before, mg/dl TSB after, mg/dl

Intervention Control

Figure 2. Total serum bilirubin (TSB) levels of newborns before and after randomization by group.

intake increases, and the digestion of food is so if the passage of stool from the intestines is slow,
facilitated because of increased gastric motility an increase in bilirubin level may occur (Dalili et al.,
and gastric secretion of hydrochloric acid. These 2016; Kianmehr et al., 2014). Massage therapy
mechanisms may explain the increase in feeding increases intestinal peristalsis, facilitates stool
frequency observed in our study. An increase in passage from the intestines, and increases the
feeding frequency in newborns with indirect frequency of defecation. This may explain the
hyperbilirubinemia is important because it may greater defecation frequency in the intervention
increase the frequency of urination and defeca- group, a finding that is consistent with those re-
tion and accelerate the excretion of bilirubin from ported by other researchers who found greater
the body. defecation frequencies in massage groups
compared with control groups (Dalili et al., 2016;
The stools of newborns with indirect hyper- El-Magd et al. 2017; Lin et al., 2015; Seyye-
bilirubinemia include significant levels of bilirubin, drasooli, Valizadeh, Hosseini, Jafarabadi,

Table 3: Findings Associated With Newborn Defecation, Urination, and Feeding

Frequencies (N [ 50)

Intervention Group Control Group

Variable (n ¼ 25) (n ¼ 25) TS p
Feeding frequency, times, M SD 10.97 1.62 9.05 1.82 t ¼ –3.931 .000*

Breastfeeding frequency, times, M SD 10.16 0.46 6.94 0.5 t ¼ 4.498 .000*

Total breastfeeding duration, minutes, M (range) 273.7 (100.3–480) 172.3 (15–403) U ¼ 159.000 .003**

Breastfeeding duration for each time, minutes, M SD 29.91 3.15 24.91 2.21 t ¼ 1.297 .201

Breast milk volume, ml, median (range) 130 (25–310) 130 (20–402) U ¼ 143.000 .573

Formula volume, ml, median (range) 87.5 (30–350) 75 (20–402) U ¼ 176.000 .708

Urination frequency, times, M SD 9.29 1.04 7.81 1.51 t ¼ 4.036 .000*

Defecation frequency, times, median (range) 8 (6.48–11.86) 5 (2.57–9) U ¼ 38.500 .000*

Note. Mann–Whitney U and Student t tests were used to compare the feeding, urination, and defecation frequencies of newborns in the
group. M ¼ mean; SD ¼ standard deviation; TS ¼ test statistic.
*p < .001. **p <. 005.

JOGNN 2020; Vol. 49, Issue 1 97

RESEARCH Massage Therapy and Phototherapy for Hyperbilirubinemia

increase the frequency of urination by

Massage therapy may be an effective supplementary increasing the frequency of feeding. An in-
intervention to lower total serum bilirubin levels in crease in urine excretion increases bilirubin
combination with phototherapy for newborns with excretion in the form of urobilin and also di-
hyperbilirubinemia. minishes the enterohepatic circulation of bili-
rubin i n a newborn.

Mohammadzad, 2014). Seyyedrasooli et al. (2014)

found that the frequency of defecation within The newborns in the intervention group in our
4 days was greater in the massage intervention study had significantly lower TSB levels than
group than in the control group, and Lin et al. those in the control group after the massage
(2015) determined that the frequency of defeca- therapy intervention. This finding is consistent
tion was significantly greater in the intervention with those of previous studies in which re-
group on the third day. Dalili et al. (2016) observed searchers focused on the effects of massage
more frequent defecation in the intervention group therapy on bilirubin levels (Eghbalian et al., 2017;
than the control group on the first day of massage El-Magd et al., 2017; Kianmehr et al., 2014;
treatment. El-Magd et al. (2017) reported that the Moghadam et al., 2012; Novianti et al., 2018).
frequency of defecation on the second and third Massage may accelerate bilirubin excretion
days of treatment was greater in the intervention through increased urination, defecation, and
group than the control group. Because bilirubin is feeding frequency, which may explain the signif-
discharged from the body in the stool, a negative icantly lower TSB levels in the intervention group.
association exists between frequency of stool
discharge and TSB level (Gourley, Kreamer, & In massage therapy studies conducted with
Arend, 1992). Therefore, increased defecation in newborns under phototherapy for indirect hyper-
the newborn diminishes the enterohepatic circu- bilirubinemia, researchers showed that TSB
lation of bilirubin, leading to increased bilirubin levels were significantly lower in the intervention
excretion (Kianmehr et al., 2014; Lin et al., 2015; group at different time points than those in our
Seyyedrasooli et al., 2014). Moreover, massage study (El-Magd et al., 2017; Kianmehr et al.,
increases lymphatic flow and blood circulation, 2014; Moghadam et al., 2012). Similarly,
which increases the excretion of the bilirubin that is Moghadam et al. (2012) and Kianmehr et al.
broken down by phototherapy (Kianmehr et al., (2014) found that, although initial bilirubin levels
2014; Lin et al., 2015; Seyyedrasooli et al., 2014). were similar between groups, bilirubin levels were
significantly lower on the fourth day in newborns
Bilirubin also is excreted from the body in the whose mothers massaged them three times a day
form of urobilin in the urine (Maheshwari & for 4 and 5 days for 30 minutes after feeding.
Carlo, 2019). Therefore, frequency of urination Furthermore, Kianmehr et al. reported that bili-
is also evaluated by researchers focusing on rubin levels were similar between the intervention
the effects of massage on indirect hyper- and control groups on the first, second, and third
bilirubinemia. The mean urination frequency in days. In contrast, El-Magd et al. (2017) reported
24 hours was significantly greater in the inter- that bilirubin levels were significantly lower on the
vention group than the control group in our first, second, and third days for newborns in the
study. We found only one study on the effects intervention group, for whom a researcher
of massage therapy on bilirubin levels in which applied massage therapy in accordance with the
researchers analyzed urinary output. Jeong International Association of Infant Massage
and Park (2018) found no statistically signifi- guidelines twice a day for approximately 15 to 20
cant differences between the 24-hour urine minutes. We applied fewer massage treatments
volume levels between newborns in the mas- in our intervention group than the intervention
sage therapy intervention and control groups, groups in other studies, but similar results were
but the urine volume in the intervention group obtained. Massage had effects within a short time
(M ¼ 426.87 ml 118.36 ml) was greater than frame, helped reduce bilirubin levels, and helped
in the control group (M ¼ 372.35 ml newborns recover from indirect hyper-
103.65 ml). Massage therapy increases perfu- bilirubinemia. Study results may vary depending
sion of the kidneys by increasing the blood on the type of massage, the techniques used
and lymph circulation in the tissues. Thus, during the massage, the experience of the per-
urination frequency might be expected to in- sons who administer the massage, and the
crease. Furthermore, massage therapy could massage duration and frequency.

98 JOGNN, 49, 91–100; 2020.

Korkmaz, G., and Esenay, F. I. RESEARCH

Limitations Ergü l, S., & Sarikaya, S. (2018). Yenidoğan hastalıkları ve hems‚ irelik
bakımı [Newborn jaundice and nursing care]. In Z. Conk, Z.
The most important limitation of our study was
Bas‚ bakal, B. Bolıs‚ ık, & H. Bal Yılmaz (Eds.), Pediatri Hems‚ ireliği
that it was not blinded because the person who
(pp. 289–352. Ankara, Turkey: Akademisyen Kitabevi.
implemented the massage intervention was the Field, T. (2017). Newborn massage therapy. International Journal of
researcher. Another limitation of our study may Pediatrics and Neonatal Health, 1(12), 54–64.
be that the numbers of newborns from the two Ganji, S. B., Kasagani, S., Revupalli, S., Kavali, S., & Chidugulla, S. K.
centers were not equal. Bilirubin was analyzed (2015). Bilirubin as an indirect measure of laboratory perfor-
mance of bilirubin determinations. Journal of Evolution of
once in one center and twice in the other every
Medical and Dental Sciences, 4(76), 13149–13155. https://doi.
24 hours. Therefore, the use of bilirubin levels
at admission and discharge and lack of inter- Gourley, G. R., Kreamer, B., & Arend, R. (1992). The effect of diet on
mittent measurements may be considered feces and jaundice during the first 3 weeks of life. Gastroen-
limitations. terology, 103(2), 660–667.
Gürol, A. (2010). The effects of baby massage on mother infant
Conclusion attachment and breastfeeding success (Doctoral thesis).
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with phototherapy for indirect hyperbilirubinemia
may increase the frequency of defecation, urina- veemzirme-basarisina-etkisi
tion, and feeding and reduce TSB levels. Thus, Hall, J. E. (2015). General principle of gastrointestinal function, motility,

massage therapy may be an effective supple- nervous control, and blood circulation. In Guyton and Hall
textbook of medical physiology (13th ed., pp. 789–797). Phila-
mentary intervention to lower TSB levels in com-
delphia, PA: WB Saunders.
bination with phototherapy for newborns with
Hassan, B., & Zakerihamidi, M. (2018). The correlation between fre-
hyperbilirubinemia. quency and duration of breastfeeding and the severity of
neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Journal of Maternal-Fetal &
Neonatal Medicine, 31(4), 457–463.
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