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Universitas : Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Fakultas : Bahasa dan Seni (FBS)
Program Studi : Sastra Inggris
Mata Kuliah : English Morphology and Syntax
Kode Mata Kuliah :
Sifat : (1) Teori (2) Praktek
Prasyarat : -
Semester : Ganjil 2017-2018
Periode Kuliah : September-Desember 2017
Jumlah Pertemuan Tatap : 24 X 100 menit
Jadwal Kuliah :
Ruang :
Dosen Pengampu :

Mata kuliah ini adalah mata kuliah ilmu bahasa (Linguistik) yang membahas struktur
internal dan eksternal kata sebagai dasar pembentukan frasa, klausa dan kalimat.
melalui pemaparan, pemajanan, dan praktik dekonstruksi kata, frasa, klausa dan


Ranah Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan

Sikap 1. Menghargai keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan,
agama, dan kepercayaan, serta pendapat atau temuan
orisinal orang lain (S5)
2. Bekerja sama dan memiliki kepekaan sosial serta
kepedulian terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan (S6)
3. Menginternalisasi nilai, norma, dan etika akademik
4. Menunjukkan sikap bertanggungjawab atas pekerjaan
di bidang keahliannya secara mandiri (S9)
Pengetahuan 5. Memiliki pengetahuan kebahasaan yang terkait
dengan keterampilan penerjemahan untuk melakukan
penelitian di bidang penerjemahan (teks bahasa Inggris
dan bahasa Indonesia);

6. Memiliki pengetahuan kebahasaan tentang konsep

dan teori dasar linguistik bahasa Inggris secara lisan
dan tulisan (P9)
Keterampilan Umum 7. Mampu mengkaji implikasi pengembangan atau
implementasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang
memperhatikan dan menerapkan nilai humaniora
sesuai dengan keahliannya berdasarkan kaidah, tata
cara dan etika ilmiah dalam rangka menghasilkan
solusi, gagasan, desain atau kritik seni (KU3)

8. Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis,

dan inovatif dalam konteks pengembangan atau
implementasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang
memperhatikan dan menerapkan nilai humaniora yang
sesuai dengan bidang keahliannya (KU1)
Keterampilan khusus 9. Mampu mengulas dan menyunting karya sastra
berbahasa Inggris yang sesuai dengan karakteristik
teks dan genre sastra berbahasa Inggris (KK1)
10. Mampu mengaplikasikan teori dan kaidah yang sesuai
untuk mengalihbahasakan teks umum (KK4)
11. Mampu merancang, melakukan, dan melaporkan
penelitian di bidang kebahasaan dan kesastraan
berbahasa Inggris (KK3)


Kemampuan-kemampuan yang harus dikuasai oleh mahasiswa setelah menyelesaikan mata
kuliah English Morphology and Syntax adalah sbb.:

1. Mampu menjelaskan definisi, cakupan, 1) Mampu menjelaskan perbedaan
kedudukan morfologi dan sintaksis morfologi dan sintaksis
dalam kajian bahasa, serta keterkaitan 2) Mampu menjelaskan kedudukan
antara morfologi dan sintaksis dengan morfologi dan sintaksis dalam kajian
pengetahuan bahasa bahasa
3) Mampu menjelaskan keterkaitan
antara morfologi dengan keterampilan
2. Mampu menjelaskan dan menganalisis 4) Mampu menganalisis elemen kata:
unsur pembentuk kata dan kelas kata root, base/stem, morphemes, morphs;
wordhood; allomorphs
5) Mampu menjelaskan Word classes and
lexical category
6) Mampu menganalisis Hierarchical
structures of words
7) Mampu melakukan Morphological
analysis and morphemic analysis

3. Mampu menganalisis proses 8) Mampu menganalisis berbagai proses

pembentukan kata pembentukan kata:
a. Words from Names,
Onomatopoeia, and Suppletion
b. Conversion (Functional
Shift/Internal Change), Back
Formation, and Clipping
c. Initialism and Acronym,
Reduplication, and Blendin
d. Loan Translation, Stress and Tone
Placement and Cliticization
e. Compounding, Coinage or Root
Creation and Metalinguistic
Citation or Revalorization
f. Grammaticality, deep vs. surface
structures, and ambiguity
4. Mampu menganalisis unsur 9) Mampu mengidentifikasi frasa dan pola
pembentuk kalimat: frasa, pola frasa, frasa: Noun phrase and prepositional
struktur klausa, dan kalimat dan phrase, Adjective, verb, and adverb
pengemasan kalimat phrase
10) Mampu mengidentifikasi struktur
11) Mampu menganalisis pengemasan
kalimat: fronting and inversion;
dislocation and clefting
5. Mampu menyusun corpora kata dan 12) Mampu menyusun corpora kata
kalimat serta menulis karya tulis dengan berbagai kategori (lexical
mengenai keterkaitan antara categories; monosyllabic, disyllabic,
pengetahuan morfologi dan sintaksis trisyllabic, and polysyllabic; word
bahasa Inggris dengan penguasaan formation processes)
bahasa sebagai pengajar, penerjemah 13) Mampu menyusun corpora kalimat
dan ahli bahasa (The corpora of sentences in various
14) Mampu menyusun karya tulis
keterkaitan antara pengetahuan
morfologi dan sintaksis bahasa Inggris
dengan penguasaan bahasa sebagai
pengajar, penerjemah dan ahli bahasa

1. Definisi, cakupan serta kedudukan 1) Definisi dan cakupan morfologi dan
morfologi dan sintaksis dalam kajian sintaksis,
bahasa, dan keterkaitannya dengan 2) kedudukan morfologi dan sintaksis
keterampilan berbehasa dalam kajian bahasa
3) keterkaitan morfologi dan sintaksis
dengan keterampilan berbahasa
2. Wordhood and word analysis 4) word element: root, base/stem,
morphemes, morphs; wordhood;
5) Word classes and lexical category
6) Hierarchical structures of words
7) Morphological analysis and
morphemic analysis

3. Word formation process 8) Word formation process:

a. Words from Names,
Onomatopoeia, and Suppletion
b. Conversion (Functional
Shift/Internal Change), Back
Formation, and Clipping
c. Initialism and Acronym,
Reduplication, and Blending
d. Loan Translation, Stress and Tone
Placement and Cliticization
e. Compounding, Coinage or Root
Creation and Metalinguistic
Citation or Revalorization
f. Grammaticality, deep vs. surface
structures, and ambiguity
4. Phrase, clause, sentence packaging 9) Phrase: Noun phrase and prepositional
phrase, Adjective, verb, and adverb
10) Clause structure
11) Sentence packaging: fronting and
inversion; dislocation and clefting
5. Word and sentence corpora 15) The corpora of words (lexical
categories; monosyllabic, disyllabic,
trisyllabic, and polysyllabic; word
formation processes)
16) The corpora of sentences in various


Pembelajaran akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan student centered learning.

Mahasiswa difasilitasi untuk aktif mencari, memperoleh berbagai konsep dan contoh
analisis morfologi dan sintaksis serta implementasi pengetahuan mengenai morfologi dan
sintaksis dengan keterampilan berbahasa (sebagai pengajar, penerjemah dan ahli bahasa).
Selain itu mahasiswa juga berlatih melakukan analisis sederhana pada tataran kata, frasa
dan kalimat. Ada tiga kegiatan utama yang akan dilaksanakan dalam perkuliahan:
1. Presentasi (penyajian) materi oleh dosen.
2. Penugasan: Ada sejumlah tugas yang harus dikerjakan oleh mahasiswa selama
perkuliahan berlangsung dalam satu semester, seperti tugas eksplorasi materi, tugas
presentasi, tugas analisis, dan tugas membuat corpora kata dan kalimat serta menulis
karya tulis mengenai keterkaitan morfologi dan sintaksis dengan keterampilan
berbahasa (sebagai pengajar, penerjemah, dan ahli bahasa).
3. Diskusi mahasiswa: Mahasiswa mendiskusikan berbagai konsep morfologi dan sintaksis,
dan hasil analisis morfologi dan sintaksis

1. Tugas 1:
Dalam kelompok,mahasiswa mempresentasikan dan mendiskusikan topik dalam tabel 1.
2. Tugas 2:
Secara individu, mahasiswa membuat corpora kata dengan berbagai kategori (lexical
categories; monosyllabic, disyllabic, trisyllabic, and polysyllabic; word formation
3. Tugas 3:
Secara individu, mahasiswa membuta corpora kalimat (The corpora of sentences in
various packagings)
4. Tugas 4
Secara individu, mahasiswa menyusun karya tulis keterkaitan antara pengetahuan
morfologi dan sintaksis bahasa Inggris dengan penguasaan bahasa sebagai pengajar,
penerjemah dan ahli bahasa
Tabel 1: Topic for Presentation and Discussion
No. Kinds of Assignments Area
1 Presentation 1 Word classes and lexical categories
2 Presentation 2 Hierarchical structures of words
3 Presentation 3 Morphological analysis
4 Presentation 4 Morphemic analysis
5 Presentation 5 Affixation, Derivation, Inflection, and Alternations
6 Presentation 6 Words from Names, Onomatopoeia, and Suppletion
7 Presentation 7 Conversion (Functional Shift/Internal Change), Back
Formation, and Clipping
8 Presentation 8 Initialism and Acronym, Reduplication, and Blending
9 Presentation 9 Loan Translation, Stress and Tone Placement and
10 Presentation 10 Compounding, Coinage or Root Creation and
Metalinguistic Citation or Revalorization
11 Presentation 11 Grammaticality, deep vs. surface structures, and
12 Presentation 12 Noun phrase and prepositional phrase
13 Presentation 13 Adjective, verb, and adverb phrase
14 Presentation 14 Kinds of clauses
15 Presentation 15 Fronting and inversion
16 Presentation 16 Dislocation and clefting
17 Project 1 The corpora of words in various categories (lexical
categories; monosyllabic, disyllabic, trisyllabic, and
polysyllabic; word formation processes)
18 Project 2 The corpora of sentences in various packagings
19 End-of-term academic The relevance of English morphology and syntax in
paper mastering English (as English teachers, translators,
linguists, etc.)
* Projects and paper are individual works while presentations are group works.

Metode/teknik penilaian:
 Tes tulis
 Penilaian keaktifan di kelas
 Team work assesment

Instrumen penilaian:
 Soal tes tulis
 Rubrik penilaian untuk tugas presentasi
 Lembar penilaian kinerja

Komponen dan bobot penilaian:

1 Tugas presentasi 10%
2 Quiz 10%
2 Ujian tengah semester 25%
3 Ujian akhir semester 30%
4 Tugas tertulis (corpora of words & sentences and paper) 25%


a. Mahasiswa hadir dalam perkuliahan tatap muka minimal 80% dari jumlah pertemuan
ideal (lihat aturan akademik universitas).
b. Setiap mahasiswa harus aktif dan partisipatif dalam perkuliahan.
c. Dosen dan Mahasiswa tiba di kelas tepat waktu sesuai dengan waktu yang
d. Batas toleransi keterlambatan adalah 15 menit. Mahasiswa yang terlambat lebih dari 15
menit boleh mengikuti perkuliahan namun dianggap tidak hadir.
e. Mahasiswa harus memberikan pemberitahuan jika tidak hadir dalam perkuliahan tatap
f. Selama perkuliahan berlangsung, HP dalam posisi off atau silent.
g. Meminta izin (dengan cara mengangkat tangan) jika ingin berbicara, bertanya,
menjawab, meninggalkan kelas atau keperluan lain.
h. Saling menghargai dan tidak membuat kegaduhan/gangguan/keonaran/kerusakan di
dalam kelas.
i. Mahasiswa yang melakukan plagiat, mencontek saat ujian dan melakukan pelanggaran
norma lainnya tidak diluluskan dalam mata kuliah ini.

 Contemporary Linguistics: An Introduction by O’Grady, Dobrovolsky, and Katamba
(p. 132-173)
 The Structure of Modern English: A Linguistic Introduction by Laurel J. Brinton (p.
73 – 124)
 Introduction to Language by Fromkin and Rodman (p. 106 – 149)
 The Structure of Modern English: A Linguistic Introduction by Brinton (p. 163 –
 Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English by Biber, Johansson, Leech,
Conrad, and Finegan (p. 896 – 963)
1/1 Students have the ability to Students are able to explain Study guide and code of conducts Understand Factual knowledge EMS study gu
explain what they are going to what to do in EMS class. in EMS class √
1/2 Students have the ability to: Students are able to: Conceptual aspects of morphology Understand Conceptual
- distinguish morphology from - distinguish morphology from and syntax: their place and analysis Procedural
syntax and one word element syntax and one word element importance in studying a language knowledge
from others; from others; and in language skills;
- judge the relevance of EMS - judge the relevance of EMS in morphology; and the knowledge √
in studying a language studying a language and delimitation of words and its
elements—root, base/stem,
morphemes, morphs; wordhood;
2/3 Students have the ability to: Students have the ability to: Understand Conceptual
Identify word classes and lexical Identify word classes (open and analysis Procedural
category close word classes) and lexical Word classes and lexical category √ √ knowledge

2/4 Students have the ability to: Students have the ability to: Understand Conceptual
Analyze the structure of words Analyze the hierarchical structure analysis Procedural
Hierarchical structures of words √ √ knowledge
of words

3/5 Students have the ability to: Students have the ability to: Understand Conceptual
Analyze words Understand the realization and analysis Procedural
Morphological analysis and knowledge
abstraction of words through √ √
morphemic analysis
morphological and morphemic
3/6 Students have the ability to: Students have the ability to: Words from Names, Understand Conceptual
4/7 Understand word formation Understand word formation Onomatopoeia, and Suppletion apply knowledge

process process: Words from Names,
Onomatopoeia, and Suppletion
4/8 Students have the ability to: Students have the ability to: Conversion (Functional Understand Conceptual
5/9 Understand word formation Understand word formation Shift/Internal Change), Back Apply knowledge
process process : Conversion (Functional Formation, and Clipping √
Shift/Internal Change), Back
Formation, and Clipping
5/10 Students have the ability to: Students have the ability to: Initialism and Acronym, Understand Conceptual
Understand word formation Understand word formation Reduplication, and Blending Apply knowledge

process process: Initialism and Acronym,
Reduplication, and Blending
6/11 Students have the ability to: Students have the ability to: Loan Translation, Stress and Tone √ Understand Conceptual
Understand word formation Understand word formation Placement and Cliticization apply knowledge
process process : Loan Translation,
Stress and Tone Placement and
6/12 Students have the ability to: Students have the ability to: Compounding, Coinage or Root Understand Conceptual
Understand word formation Understand word formation Creation and Metalinguistic Apply knowledge
process process : Compounding, Citation or Revalorization

Coinage or Root Creation and
Metalinguistic Citation or

7/13 Mid-Term Test

7/14 Feedback of Mid-Term Test

8/15 Students have the ability to: Students have the ability to: The bases of grammaticality, deep Understand
- understand the bases of - understand the bases of vs. surface structures, and apply
grammaticality, deep vs surface grammaticality, deep vs surface ambiguity; flow; focus, emphasis,
structure structure contrast, and intensification;
- identify ambiguity; flow; focus, - identify ambiguity; flow; focus, weight and common grammatical
principles of word order √
emphasis, contrast, and emphasis, contrast, and
intensification; weight and intensification; weight and
common grammatical principles common grammatical principles
of word order of word order

8/16 Students have the ability to: Students have the ability to: Understand
-differentiate a word and a phrase -identify a word and a phrase in A word and a phrase in syntactic analysis
syntactic categories (lexical and categories (lexical and phrasal
√ √
phrasal categories) and categories) and immediate
immediate constituent analysis constituent analysis

9/17 Students have the ability to: Students have the ability to: Understand
A tree diagram and the analysis
-identify an ambiguity in a - analyze hierarchical structure of a
hierarchical structure of the tree
sentence through a tree diagram sentence through a tree diagram √ √
and lexical and structural
to identify lexical and structural
9/18 Students have the ability to: Students have the ability to: Noun and prepositional phrases; Understand
Identify phrases Identify noun, adjective verb, Adjective, verb, and adverb √ analysis
adverb and prepositional phrases phrases
10/19 Students have the ability to: Students have the ability to: Kinds of clauses Understand

Identify clauses Identify clauses in sentences Apply
10/20 Students have the ability to: Students have the ability to: Understand
Understand sentence packaging Understand and apply sentence Apply
Fronting; inversion; passive; and
packaging: Fronting; inversion; √
passive; and clefting

11/21 Students have the ability to: Students have the ability to: Fronting; inversion; and Understand
Understand sentence packaging Understand and apply sentence Dislocation apply

packaging : Fronting; inversion;
and Dislocation
11/22 quiz


12/24 End-of-Term Test

Note: * C: conceptual; P: practical; and FW: field work. **(Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyse, Evaluate, Create) and (factual knowledge, conceptual
knowledge, procedural knowledge, meta-cognitive knowledge). ***Student-generated learning materials are expected for each topic.

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