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Satuan Pendidikan : SMK Musik Perguruan “Cikini”

Kompetensi keahlian : Seni Musik Klasik
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Pokok Bahasan : Analytical Exposition
Kelas/Semester : XI/Genap
Kelas/Semester : 2022/2023
lokasi Waktu : 3 x 3 JP (@45 menit)

A. Kompetensi Inti
KI 3 Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi tentang
pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural dasar, dan metakognitif
sesuai dengan bidang dan lingkup kajian Bahasa Inggris pada tingkat
teknis, spesifik, detil, dan kompleks, berkenaan dengan ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dalam konteks pengembangan
potensi diri sebagai bagian dari keluarga, sekolah, dunia kerja, warga
masyarakat nasional, regional, dan internasional.
KI 4 Melaksanakan tugas spesifik dengan menggunakan alat, informasi, dan
prosedur kerja yang lazim dilakukan serta memecahkan masalah sesuai
dengan bidang kajian Bahasa Inggris.
Menampilkan kinerja di bawah bimbingan dengan mutu dan kuantitas
yang terukur sesuai dengan standar kompetensi kerja.
Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara efektif,
kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif, komunikatif, dan solutif
dalam ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang
dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di
bawah pengawasan langsung.
Menunjukkan keterampilan mempersepsi, kesiapan, meniru,
membiasakan, gerak mahir, menjadikan gerak alami dalam ranah konkret
terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta
mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK)

3.22. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, 3.22.1.Menganalisa isi teks bacaan yang
struktur teks, dan unsur terkait dengan topik
kebahasaan beberapa teks
3.22.2.Menganalisa fungsi sosial teks
eksposisi analitis lisan dan
eksposisi analitis
tulis dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait 3.22.3.Menganalisa struktur teks eksposisi
isu aktual, sesuai dengan analitis
konteks penggunaannya
3.22.4.Menganalisa unsur kebahasanaan
pada teks eksposisi analitis
4.22. Menyusun teks eksposisi 4.22.1. Menyusun teks eksposisi analitis
analitis tulis, terkait isu bersama dengan teman dan guru
aktual, dengan 4.22.2. Menyusun teks eksposisi analitis
memperhatikan fungsi sesuai dengan topik yang ditentukan
sosial, struktur teks, dan secara mandiri
unsur kebahasaan, secara
benar dan sesuai konteks

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Tujuan pembelajaran pada rencana pempelajaran ini adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Melalui kegiatan membaca dan menonton video terkait climate change, peserta
didik dapat menganalisa isi teks bacaan yang berkaitan dengan topik dengan
2. Melalui kegiatan modelling, peserta didik dapat menganalisa dan menentukan
fungsi sosial teks eksposisi analitis, menganalisa struktur teks eksposisi analitis,
dan menganalisa unsur kebahasaan teks eksposisi analitis dengan tepat.
3. Setelah kegiatan diskusi dan membahas salah satu contoh teks eksposisi
analitis, peserta didik dapat menulis teks eksposisi analitis tentang satu tema
yang ditentukan bersama-sama dengan guru dan teman sejawat sesuai dengan
kaidah penulisan.
4. Melalui kegiatan independent construction, peserta didik mampu menyusun teks
eksposisi analitis tertulis secara mandiri dengan jumlah kata 200 – 250 kata.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

Jenis Teks : Analytical Exposition

Social function : to convince the reader that something is true or
untrue, or that something is good or bad, important
or unimportant depending on the topic
General Structure : Thesis statement, argument, reiteration
Mental Verbs : I think, I l like, I believe …
Temporal connectives : First, second, third, …
Causal connectives : Because, lead to, the consequence of, as consequence
Comparatives : However, on the other hand,
Concluding statement : Consequently, therefore, to sum up
Modality : Should, will,
Technical term : Pollute, waste, organic
Citation : New York Times writer Sharon LaFraniere found that
in rural, often remote parts of Sub-Saharan Africa,
cell phones allow people to communicate easily ….
Passive voice : although a time when oil and coal have been
completely used up could be getting closer, the full
potential of solar power is yet to be harnessed by
E. Pendekatan, Model, dan Metode
Model : Genre Based Approach (GBA)
Metode : Diskusi, tanya jawab
Moda : Luring
Konteks : to educate people to save the Earth from global warming

F. Media/Alat dan Sumber Belajar

Media Alat Sumber

1. Video 1. Laptop 1. Worksheets
2. Gambar 2. Speaker 2. Laptop
3. Teks 3. Proyektor 3. Modul pembelajaran
4. Power point 4. Video
5. Google 5. Solutions for Climate Change
Document 6. Benefits of Taking Public Transportation
7. Google Document

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan Pertama (Building Knowledge of the Field)

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Durasi
Pendahuluan Orientasi: Guru membuka pertemuan dengan 20
mengucapkan salam dan mengajak berdoa serta menit
mengecek kehadiran peserta didik

1. Guru menanyakan materi yang telah dipelajari
2. Guru menampilkan dua gambar 1) Polar Bear dan
2) Iceberg Melt

3. Peserta didik memberikan tanggapan terkait

gambar di atas
4. Guru memberikan umpan balik mengenai
tanggapan peserta didik

Peserta didik dan guru berdiskusi tentang penyebab,
akibat, dan solusi dari global warming, sehingga
peserta didik dapat menyusun teks eksposisi analitis
tentang solusi global warming
Kegiatan Inti 1. Guru menampilkan video tentang Climate Change 100
(Video 1.1) menit
2. Setelah selesai menonton video, guru memberikan
lembar kerja berupa beberapa pertanyaan berikut
(LKPD 1.1)*:
1) Who is talking in the video?
2) What is his profession?
3) Why does he talk about the topic?
4) What is global warming?
5) What are the effects of global warming?
6) What are the causes of global warming?
7) What will happen if the ocean gets hotter?
8) What does the greenhouse effect mean?
9) Why does the greenhouse effect cause global
10) What can we do to help the Earth in facing
global warming?
* Pertanyaan ini dapat diberikan sebelum menonton
video supaya timbul motivasi untuk melakukan observasi
3. Setelah selesai menonton video dan mengerjakan
LKPD 1.1, guru dan peserta didik membahas isi
video bersama-sama
4. Setelah itu, guru memberikan teks “Causes of
Climate Changes” (Text 1.1) dan beberapa
perwakilan peserta didik membaca dengan suara
5. Peserta didik mengerjakan LKPD 1.2 yang
berbentuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan terkait dengan
isi teks
6. Setelah selesai mengerjakan LKPD 1.2, guru dan
peserta didik membahas Text 1.2 Solutions for
Climate Change
7. Guru membentuk kelompok-kelompok kecil yang
terdiri dari empat orang untuk berdiskusi
mengenai solusi konkret yang dapat dilakukan
oleh peserta didik untuk mengatasi global
8. Peserta didik dari setiap perwakilan kelompok
mempresentasikan hasil diskusi di depan kelas
Penutup 1. Peserta didik bersama guru menyimpulkan hasil 15
pembelajaran menit
2. Guru meminta perwakilan peserta didik untuk
menyampaikan kesan pembelajaran pada hari ini
3. Guru menyampaikan bahwa di akhir pembelajaran
nanti peserta didik akan menulis teks analytical
exposition tentang salah satu solusi menangani
global warming
4. Guru mengakhiri kegiatan belajar dengan
memberikan pesan dan motivasi untuk tetap
semangat dalam belajar dan diakhiri dengan doa.

Pertemuan Kedua (Modelling & Joint Construction)

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan

Pendahuluan Orientasi: Guru membuka pertemuan dengan 20 menit

mengucapkan salam dan mengajak berdoa serta
mengecek kehadiran peserta didik

1. Guru menanyakan materi yang telah dipelajari
2. Guru memberikan quiz berkaitan dengan bacaan
Motivasi: guru memberikan motivasi terkait topik
yang akan dipelajari mengapa topik tersebut harus
diketahui oleh peserta didik
Kegiatan Inti 1. Guru menampilkan satu contoh teks analytical 100
exposition “Benefits of Taking Public menit
2. Guru bersama peserta didik membahas beberapa
hal seperti tujuan dan konteks sosial, struktur
organisasi, dan ciri linguistik teks analytical
3. Guru menampilkan kembali contoh teks
analytical exposition dan menganalisa teks
4. Guru membimbing peserta didik memahami
bagian-bagian struktur teks dan bagaimana
1) Hook
2) Thesis statement
3) Argument
4) Citation
5. LKPD 2.1 Peserta didik berlatih menulis thesis
6. Guru mengajak peserta didik untuk menulis teks
analytical exposition bersama
7. Guru membuat Google Docs untuk bersama
menulis teks analytical exposition dan
ditampilkan menggunakan proyektor
8. Guru dan peserta didik bersama-sama mereview
teks yang telah ditulis apakah sudah memenuhi
prinsip-prinsip penulisan analytical exposition
9. Guru memberi umpan balik dari teks yang telah

Penutup 1. Guru memberi panduan peserta didik untuk 15 menit

menulis teks analytical exposition
2. Peserta didik bersama guru menyimpulkan hasil
3. Guru meminta perwakilan peserta didik untuk
menyampaikan kesan pembelajaran pada hari ini
4. Guru menyampaikan informasi terkait materi
pada pertemuan berikutnya
5. Guru mengakhiri kegiatan belajar dengan
memberikan pesan dan motivasi untuk tetap
semangat dalam belajar dan diakhiri dengan doa.

Pertemuan Ketiga (Independent Construction)

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan

Pendahuluan Orientasi: Guru membuka pertemuan dengan 20 menit

mengucapkan salam dan mengajak berdoa serta
mengecek kehadiran peserta didik
1. Guru menanyakan materi yang telah dipelajari
2. Guru memberi quiz menggunakan aplikasi
quizizz macam-macam thesis statement
Motivasi: Guru menjelaskan kepada peserta didik
mengapa mereka harus menulis analytical exposition
Kegiatan Inti 1. Peserta didik menulis draft pertama teks 100
analytical exposition dengan judul “Taking public menit
transportation for a better life”
2. Guru memberi feedback kepada peserta didik
yang telah selesai menulis
3. Peserta didik merevisi karya tulisnya
4. Guru memberikan feedback lanjutan
5. Peserta didik mengunggah teks yang ditulis di
blog pribadi mereka
Penutup 1. Peserta didik bersama guru menyimpulkan hasil 15 menit
2. Guru memberikan form evaluasi pembelajaran
kepada peserta didik menggunakan Google form
3. Guru mengakhiri kegiatan belajar dengan
memberikan pesan dan motivasi untuk tetap
semangat dalam belajar dan diakhiri dengan doa.

3. Penilaian
1. Teknik Penilaian

Aspek Penilaian Teknik Instrumen

Pengetahuan Lisan dan 1) LKPD 1 Menganalisis isi video tentang
Tulis Climate Change
2) LKPD 2 Menganalisa isi teks
3) LKPD 3 Menentukan thesis statement
dan argumen
Keterampilan Tertulis LKPD 4 Menulis teks analytical esposition
Sikap Observasi

2. Pembelajaran Remedial
Pada kegiatan remedial guru mendampingi peserta didik untuk menyusun
kembali teks analytical exposition dengan topik yang lebih mudah dan
familiar untuk peserta didik.
3. Pembelajaran Pengayaan
Pada kegiatan pengayaan, guru meminta peserta didik melakuakn riset
mandiri dan membuat kembali teks analytical exposition dengan topik yang
lebih sulit sebagai kegiatan mandiri asinkronus.

Jakarta, 12 Agustus 2022

Kepala SMK Musik Perguruan Cikini Guru Mata Pelajaran

Adi Putra, S.Pd Farah Salsabila, S.Pd

 Activity 1. Worksheet 1: Watching Video about Climate Change - We are the
Worksheet 1
Name :
Date :

Answer the questions after you watched the video.

What is global warming? How does it happen?
What are the causes of global warming?
What will happen if the sea water gets hotter?
What are the effects of global warming to our life?
As a citizen, what can you do to help this situation?

 Activity 2. Worksheet 2: Discussing a text about “Solutions for Global Warming”

Everyone can help limit climate change. From the way we travel, to the
electricity we use, the food we eat, and the things we buy, we can make a
difference. Greenhouse gas emissions per person vary greatly among countries. A
person in the United States of America, on average, produces about 17.6 tons
CO2e per year -- around 10 times as much as a person in India, and about three
times the global average. In the European Union and the United Kingdom, the
average footprint is approximately 7.9 tons of CO2e per person per year. To
preserve a livable climate, the average emissions per person per year will need
to drop to around 2 to 2.5 tons of CO2e by 2030. Start with these ten actions to
help tackle the climate crisis.

Save energy at home. Much of our electricity and heat are powered by coal, oil
and gas. Use less energy by lowering your heating and cooling, switching to LED
light bulbs and energy-efficient electric appliances, washing your laundry with
cold water, or hanging things to dry instead of using a dryer. Improving your
furnace with an electric heat pump can reduce your carbon footprint by up to
900 kilograms of CO2e per year.

Walk, bike, or take public transport. The world’s roadways are clogged with
vehicles, most of them burning diesel or gasoline. Walking or riding a bike
instead of driving will reduce greenhouse gas emissions -- and help your health
and fitness. For longer distances, consider taking a train or bus. And carpool
whenever possible. Living car-free can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 2
tons of CO2e per year compared to a lifestyle using a car.

Eat more vegetables. Eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts,
and seeds, and less meat and dairy, can significantly lower your environmental
impact. Producing plant-based foods generally results in fewer greenhouse gas
emissions and requires less energy, land, and water. Switching from a mixed to a
vegetarian diet can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 500 kilograms of CO2e
per year (or up to 900 kilograms for a vegan diet).

Throw away less food. When you throw food away, you're also wasting the
resources and energy that were used to grow, produce, package, and transport
it. And when food rots in a landfill, it produces methane, a powerful greenhouse
gas. So use what you buy and compost any leftovers. Cutting your food waste can
reduce your carbon footprint by up to 300 kilograms of CO2e per year.

Reduce, reuse, repair & recycle. Electronics, clothes, and other items we buy
cause carbon emissions at each point in production, from the extraction of raw
materials to manufacturing and transporting goods to market. To protect our
climate, buy fewer things, shop second-hand, repair what you can, and recycle.
Every kilogram of textiles produced generates about 17 kilograms of CO2e.
Buying fewer new clothes – and other consumer goods – can reduce your
carbon footprint and also cut down on waste.

Switch to an electric vehicle. If you plan to buy a car, consider going electric,
with more and cheaper models coming on the market. In many countries, electric
cars help reduce air pollution and cause significantly fewer greenhouse gas
emissions than gas or diesel-powered vehicles. But many electric cars still run on
electricity produced from fossil fuels, and the batteries and engines require rare
minerals which often come with high environmental and social costs. Switching
from a gasoline or diesel-powered car to an electric vehicle can reduce your carbon
footprint by up to 2 tons of CO2e per year. A hybrid vehicle can save you up to 700
kilograms of CO2e per year.

Speak up. Speak up and get others to join in taking action. It's one of the
quickest and most effective ways to make a difference. Talk to your neighbors,
colleagues, friends, and family. Let business owners know you support bold
changes. Appeal to local and world leaders to act now. Climate action is a task
for all of us. And it concerns all of us. No one can do it all alone – but we can do
it together.

Work in group of four to discuss concrete actions you can take as students to help the Earth. There are

Solution My Actions
1. Save energy at home 1) I unplug my phone charger after the battery is
fully charged
2) …
2. …
3. …
4. …
5. …
6. …
7. …

 Activity 3. Discussing an example of analytical exposition

Structure Benefits of Taking Public Transportation Linguistic
Introduction Taking public transportation has been more Technical
popular nowadays because the infrastructure has term: global
developed and is technologically integrated. The warming
benefits and importance of public transportation
influence everyone, even those who may never take
a train or bus. Public transportation can
contribute to reducing global warming, improving
people's health, and strengthening the economy.
Those are the three minimum benefits of taking
public transportation.

First of all, transportation is one of the main

Argument Connectives:
drivers of the global warning that has worsened in
first of all,
recent years. One of the potential solutions to
improving climate change is using fewer private
vehicles. Moreover, public transportation can
decrease air pollution if people take public
transportation for their daily commute. According
to the American Public Transportation Association
(2007), per passenger mile, public transportation
emits 95% less carbon monoxide (CO), 90% fewer
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and 50% less
carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx)
than private vehicles. These greenhouse gas
emissions contribute to global warming.
Next, taking public transportation can improve
your health and quality of life. People enroll in
gymnastics classes and workouts as a way to
maintain their physical health. However, it can be
manifested through taking public transportation
for daily commutes. How does that work? People
who use public transportation move
physically as they go from one transit to another,
or from their homes to the bus stop or commuter
station closest to them. Besides that, public
transportation minimizes the air pollution that
cause it to lower the rates of respiratory and heart
In addition, transportation is essential for a strong
and prosperous economy, and public
transportation has a significant positive effect on
the economy. It creates tens of thousands of job
vacancies that could encourage the growth of the
local workforce. In addition to getting individuals
to and from their places of work, public
transportation has a role in both the creation and
preservation of jobs. Nearby businesses typically
have more dependable employees and lower
absenteeism and turnover rates. Public
transportation also reduces family expenses and
frees up more money for other needs. I can assure
you that everyone has budgeted for travel for a
week or a month. We may save more money each
month by taking public transportation because
costs are considerably more reasonable than
driving our own cars. For instance, the cost of a
commuter from Bogor to Jakarta is Rp. 5.000,
whereas the cost of a Transjakarta bus from the
commuter station to the school is Rp. 2.500. 7.500
rupiah is the total. However, if we use a
we can spend double the amount.

In summary, public transportation is making a

Conclusion significant difference in the lives of people who
it or not. By using it, it can decrease the global
warming around the world that affects many
things, such as providing fresh water, protecting
sea creatures, and avoiding floods. In addition to
that, it can improve people's health quality both
physically and mentally. Furthermore, it also
benefits the users by allowing them to save their
income to accommodate other important needs.
The evidence above is certainly the key advantage
of taking public transportation.

Let’s discuss!

1. What is the text about?

2. Why does the writer compose the text?
3. How does public transportation improves
4. How does public transportation benefit the
users financially?
5. Why is greenhouse gas emmision effect

Expository Writing
Social Function
to convince the reader that something is true or untrue, or that something is good or bad, important or unimpo

Language Feature
Focusing on one particular topic
i.e. Climate Change
Using mental-state verb
i.e. I believe, I agree
Using impersonal statement
It is said…, Most people agree …,
Using connectives words
Temporal connectives : First, second, third, …

Causal connectives consequence

: Because, lead to, the consequence of, as
: However, on the other hand,
Concluding statement : Consequently, therefore, to sum up
Use of modality
i.e. can, will, should
Use of technical term
i.e greenhouse, burning,
Use of passive voice
i.e It is influenced by ….
Biello (2007) revealed that transportation is the second leading source of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S
Essay structure
An essay is a piece of writing made up of a number of paragraphs. Each
paragraph has a specific role in an essay. In a five-paragraph essay, the first
paragraph is an introduction; the second, third, and fourth paragraphs form the
body of the essay; and the fifth paragraph is a conclusion. This book will focus
exclusively on the five- paragraph essay. Although essays may vary in length, the
five-paragraph essay structure can be adapted for longer or shorter essays.
1. Introductory paragraph

The first paragraph of an essay should introduce the reader to the essay topic.
It should create interest in the essay, outline the writer’s main ideas, and
suggest how these ideas will be presented within the body of the essay. The
introduction consists of three main elements: a hook, building sentences,
and a thesis statement.
1) Hook
The first sentence (or sentences) of an essay should catch the reader’s
attention. It introduces the topic of the essay in an interesting way.
2) Building sentences
After the hook, the following sentences should provide background
information to give readers some context about the topic. They should
“build” towards the thesis statement.
3) Thesis statement
The thesis statement comes at the end of the introduction. It is the most
important sentence in the entire essay because it presents the essay topic
and the writer’s position on that topic. It also indicates the main ideas that
will be discussed in the body paragraphs.
2. Body paragraphs

The body of an essay consists of three paragraphs. Each body paragraph

explains in detail one of the main ideas expressed in the thesis
statement. There are three parts to a body paragraph: a topic sentence,
supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.
1) Topic sentence

The first sentence of a body paragraph expresses the topic of the paragraph
and provides a controlling idea about the topic. All information in the
paragraph supports the controlling idea.
2) Supporting sentences

Supporting sentences explain and develop the topic sentence. They

present logical thoughts, evidence, and explanations in support of the
controlling idea.
3) Concluding sentence

The paragraph may end with a concluding thought on the paragraph topic.
It may also show a transition to the next paragraph.
3. Concluding paragraph

The concluding paragraph ends the essay by reviewing the main ideas from each
body paragraph and leaving the reader with a final thought. The conclusion
consists of three elements: a restated thesis, a summary of main ideas,
and a final thought.
Restated thesis

At the start of the conclusion, the thesis is restated in words different from
those in the introduction.
Summary of main ideas

The main ideas from each of the body paragraphs are summarized as a
reminder to the reader.
Final thought

The writer ends the essay by presenting a final thought on the topic – for
example, by stating an opinion, a solution, or a prediction. The final thought
should leave a strong impression and encourage the reader to think further
Worksheet 3. Menentukan thesis statement

Read the following

Worksheet 4. Menulisthesis statements.
Teks Analytical Where possible, underline the topic
of the essay; the writer’s position, opinion, or approach; and the three main
Write an analytical
ideas. Decide ( ✓ or exposition
✗ ) whether text on thesis
each solution for global
statement warming.
has these partsPay
not. to the elements in the analytical exposition text. Write minimum 200
words on Ms. Word with Times New Roman font, size 12, double spaced, and
justify. If the text has been approved, please upload it on your blog.
1. ( ) South Korean dramas are popular because of the traditional values in
these shows, the focus on romantic love, and the kindness of the male
2. ( ) This is because smartphones allow us to connect to the internet,
provide a range of useful and entertaining applications, and combine the
functions of several electronic devices.
3. ( ) The internet has caused interest in daily newspapers to fall and may cause
some newspapers to close.
4. ( ) Popular music changed dramatically in the 1990s for a number of reasons.
5. ( ) Rather than simply formulaic superhero stories, contemporary American
comics cover a wide range of interests and themes, such as history, social
problems, and human relationships.
6. ( ) Public transportation in Jakarta benefits its users in health, financial and
social aspects.
7. ( ) Gold coin investment has become so popular because of its lucrative and
prestigious value.
Writing Scoring Rubric
Name : Grade : Score :
Task Completion/
Organization Mechanics
Format/ Sentence structure (x2)
(x2) (x1)
Layout (x1)
The assignment includes all organization fully full range of correct use of in-text
required components of the task appropriate and effective for sentence patterns (simple, citations &references;
and follows formatting guidelines topic (point of view, unity, compound, complex), spelling, capitalization,
5 (22.75 - for layout (headings), spacing, paragraphing); very strong effectively used; error- and punctuation error-
25) alignment, indentations, etc. thesis/purpose statement & free sentence-level grammar. free.
Format and layout make the conclusion; paragraphs have
assignment exceptionally effective topic sentences.
Almost all required components organization controlled; generally mastery of sentence patterns spelling, capitalization,
are included; formatting appropriate to topic; demonstrated; may have punctuation and citation/
guidelines for layout (headings), paragraphing, sequencing, occasional grammatical reference errors few and
spacing, alignment, indentations, purpose statement/thesis & errors on the sentence not distracting
4 (20 – 22.5
etc. are almost always conclusion, topic sentences level (e.g. possessives,
followed. 1-2 problems in evident and appropriate. word
deletions; 1-2 run-on
format and layout, but sentences or fragments)
readability and attractiveness are
not affected.
Some required components are organization controlled but sentence patterns most often occasional errors in
included; formatting guidelines limited; some problems with successfully spelling, capitalization,
for layout (headings), spacing, paragraphing or sequencing, used; several grammatical punctuation, and
3 (18.75 – and alignment are sometimes limited purpose statement/ thesis errors on the sentence level citation/ references;
19.75) followed. 3-4 problems in or conclusion; limited use of topic (e.g. word deletions, sometimes distracting.
format and layout, but the sentences. possessives, prep., tense); 3-4
assignment is easy to read. fragments, or run-on
Required components are mostly little or poorly controlled many sentence structure Spelling, capitalization,
2 absent; formatting is repeatedly organization; incorrect problems; 5-7 fragments or punctuation, and citation
(17.5 –
inconsistent in layout (headings), paragraphing or sequencing; run-on errors are frequent and
spacing, and alignment, reducing purpose statement/thesis, sentences; grammatical distracting.
readability and attractiveness. conclusion, topic sentences may errors distract from
be missing or incomplete. meaning.
Off-topic; formatting guidelines minimal attempt at paragraphing, replete with errors in spelling, capitalization,
for layout (headings), spacing, often unsuccessful; strings of sentence structure and punctuation, and
and alignment are not sentences; no purpose statement/ sentence grammar; more than citation/ reference
followed, making the thesis, conclusion, or topic 7 fragments or run-on errors throughout
assignment unattractive or sentences. sentences
hard to read.
Lembar Survey kepada Peserta didik

Sekolah : ..................................
Mata Pelajaran : ..................................
Materi : ..................................
Nama Guru : ..................................
Kelas : ..................................
Hari/tanggal : ..................................

Petunjuk Lembar Observasi:

Berikut ini adalah daftar pertanyaan mengenai Bapak / Ibu guru yang mengajar.
Pertanyaan ini bukan ujian dan tidak akan berpengaruh apa – apa untuk kamu.
Jawablah dengan jujur karena ini akan sangat membantu Bapak/Ibu guru dalam
proses pendidikannya. Kamu hanya perlu mengisi ceklis (√) sesuai ekspresi yang
ada di lembar ini yang menggambarkan sedih, cemberut, biasa saja, dan senang.

Senang Biasa Saja Sedih Sangat Sedih

Komponen: Penguasaan Materi

No Kompetensi

Guru saya menyampaikan materi pelajaran

dengan contoh dalam kehidupan sehari hari
Guru saya menyampaikan materi pelajaran dari
buku paket dan sumber belajar lainnya
Guru saya memberikan contoh atau
3 permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan
keadaan saat ini
4 Guru saya menjawab pertanyaan dengan jelas
5 Guru saya menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar
Guru saya mengajar sesuai dengan materi

Komponen: Kemahiran dan Pengajaran

No. Kompetensi

Guru saya menyampaikan kegiatan yang akan

dilakukan selama pembelajaran
Guru saya menyampaikan materi pelajaran
dengan mudah dimengerti
Guru saya mengajar dengan cara yang
3. bervariasi misalnya diskusi, domnstrasi, tanya
jawab, ceramah, dll
Guru saya berbicara dengan jelas ketika
menyampaikan materi pelajaran
Guru saya meminta saya belajar secara
Guru saya mengajar dengan cara yang
menyenangkan dan menarik
Guru membimbing saya dan teman – teman
ketika mengalami kesulitan
Guru saya membuat suasana nyaman saat
melaksanakan pembelajaran
Guru saya terampil menggunakan alat bantu
saat mengajar
Guru saya memberi kesempatan kepada saya
10. dan atau teman – teman untuk bertanya atau
Guru saya menghargai kemampuan saya dan
atau teman -teman
Guru saya memberitahukan nilai hasil belajar
Guru saya memberikan motivasi kepada saya
dan atau teman – teman
Guru saya memberikan tugas dalam

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