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A. Continental Cuisine

Modul praktek Continental Cuisine pada semester II merupakan lanjutan

modul praktek Food Comodities pada semester I, pada modul ini mahasiswa akan
mempraktekkan dasar-dasar pengolahan sesuai jenis menu yang akan dipraktekkan
serta jenis giliran makanan pada kerangka menu secara internasional/Eropa. Materi
yang dipraktekan antara lain :

1. Breakfast Preparation :
a. Egg dishes : Fryed Egg, Scrambled Egg, Omelette, Poach Egg
b. Pan Cake/Waffle
c. Fryed Rice
2. Brunch Preparation :
a. Cold Sandwich : Canappe, Chicken Sandwich, Chees Sandwich, Club
b. Hot Sandwich : Burger, Hot Dog
3. Prepare Food American Menu untuk American Service
Menu : Appetizer
4. Prepare Food French Menu untuk French Service
Menu : Appetizer
5. Prepare Food Italian
Menu : Appetizer

Dari materi praktek tersebut ada beberapa jenis menu yang dapat dirangkaikan
menjadi menu sesuai dengan jenis service yang sering digunakan dalam layanan
makanan secara internasional dengan jenis giliran makanan (courses) dapat
disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Modul ini juga ada olahan Potato, Rice, Vegetables,
sehingga pada saat praktek diharapkan mahasiswa dapat memiliki keterampilan

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penyiapan hidangan sesuai dengan jenis layanan makanan (service) yanag berlaku di
perusahaan atau restoran di hotel.
Pelaksanaan praktek menyesuaikan dengan jadwal, target perkuliahan praktek
adalah mahasiswa dapat kompeten sebagai Cook (level : 4). Sehingga Dosen dan
mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memformulasikan kegiatan praktek bisa
menggambarkan dan melaksanakan kompetensi pada tataran/level mengelola proses,
analisa, aplikasi, inovasi, pada suatu obyek pekerjaan.

B. Tujuan Praktek/Workshop

1. Tujuan Umum
Mahasiswa memiliki kempetensi sebagai Cook (level : 4)
2. Tujuan Khusus
Mahasiswa memiliki kompetensi
a. Mengelola persiapan pengolahan makanan (bahan dan alat)
b. Menerapkan Dasar-dasar Teknik Olah
c. Menerapkan Konsep Sanitasi Dalam Pengolahan Makanan
d. Menyiapkan Hidangan Pembuka Dingin (Salad)
e. Menyiapkan Hidangan Pembuka Panas
f. Menyiapkan Hidangan Dari Bahan Sayuran dan Kentang
g. Menyiapkan Hidangan Dari Bahan Pasta dan Beras
h. Mengelola penyiapan Hidangan untuk keperluan Breakfast (Egg Dishes, dan
hidangan yang terbuat dari tepung)
i. Menyiapkan Hidangan untuk keperluan Menu Brunch (Sandwich)
j. Menyiapkan Hidangan dari Meat
k. Menyiapkan Hidangan dari Poultry (chicken)
l. Menyiapkan Hidangan dari Fish

Sehingga pada akhir semester akan diadaka uji kompetensi Cook Level IV
dengan spesifikasi Western Cook Level IV. Dalam klaster ini unut kompetensi
yang diuji kan adalah :
1. PAR HT01.001.01 Bekerjasama dengan Kolega & Pelanggan
2. PAR.HT02.058.01 Mengorganisir dan Menyiapkan Makanan
3. PAR.HT02.059.01 Menyajikan Makanan
4. PAR HT01.063.01 Menyiapkan Appetizer dan Salads
5. PAR HT02.068.01 Menyiapkan Dan Memasak Unggas Dan Binatang
6. PAR HT02.069.01 Menyiapkan Dan Memasak Seafood

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7. PAR.HT02.076.01 Merencanakan Dan Mengontrol Jasa Boga
Berdasarkan Menu
8. PAR.HT02.158.01 Menyiapkan Dan Membuat Hidangan Dari
Daging, Ayam, Seafood Dan Sayuran

C. Petunjuk Pelaksanaan

1. Tata Tertib Peserta Praktek Chef School dan Grand Chef School
a. Datang tepat waktu (08.00 wib)
b. Toleransi keterlambatan 15 menit, untuk setiap modul
c. Wajib mengisi Log Book Kompetensi
d. Peserta wajib mengikuti keseluruhan kegiatan Workshop Chef School dan
Grand Chef School
e. Peserta wajib mengikuti peraturan praktek secara umum seperti :
1) Baju praktek
2) Kegiatan kebersihan tempat kerja dan
3) Keselamatan kerja
2. Rangkaian Kegiatan Harian Dalam praktek continental Chef School dan Grand
Chef School adalah :
a. Simulasi
1) Briefing dan Grooming
2) Persiapan Bahan dan Peralatan
3) Simulasi / Demonstrasi oleh Dosen
4) Kerja Kelompok / Individu
5) Diskusi dan Evaluasi Hasil Kerja
6) Kebersihan dan Penataan Kembali Tempat Kerja
b. Riil Praktek
1) Briefing dan Grooming
2) Persiapan Bahan dan Peralatan
3) Pengolahan (Kerja Kelompok / Individu)
5) Penyajian dan Evaluasi Hasil Kerja
6) Kebersihan dan Penataan Kembali Tempat Kerja

D. Prasyarat Praktek

Pada kegiatan praktek Continental Cuisine agar pelaksanaannya dapat lebih optimal
maka disyaratkan mahasiswa telah memiliki :
1. Pengetahuan

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Agar tercapai tujuan instruksional pada Praktek Continental Cuisine pengetahuan
yang harus dimiliki oleh mahasiswa untuk mempraktekkan modul ini adalah :
a. Konsep persiapan pengolahan makanan (Preparation Production)
b. Konsep Penggunaan Alat Pengolahan Makanan
c. Bahan Makanan
d. Teknik Dasar Pengolahan Makanan
e. Salad And Salad Dressing
f. Menu Knowledge
g. Stock dan Sauce
h. Meat, Poultry dan Fish
2. Kompetensi :
a. PAR HT02.061.01 Membersihkan lokasi / area dan peralatan
b. PAR HT01.003.01 Mengikuti Prosedur kesehatan, keselamatan dan
keamanan di tempat kerja
c. PAR HT02.060.01 Menerima dan menyimpan Persediaan
d. PAR HT02.062.01 Menggunakan metode dasar memasak
e. PAR HT02.065.01 Menyiapkan kaldu dan saus
f. PAR HT02.067.01 Menyiapkan sayuran,telur dan makanan yang terbuat
dari tepung
3. Persyaratan Kusus
a. Telah menyelesaikan administrasi AKADEMIK

E. Kegiatan

Model pelaksanaan praktek Continental bagi mahasiswa Chef School dan Grand Chef
School secara garis besar adalah :

1. Simulasi
Diawali dengan simulasi, kegiatan ini bertujuan memberikan penjelasan dan
memperagakan pengolahan makanan oleh Dosen sesuai dengan standar yang telah
ditentukan. (Instruksi Kerja simulasi bagi dosen terlampir). Pada kegiatan ini
mahasiswa juga dilibatkan dalam proses pengolahan.
Kegiatan Mahasiswa pada tatap muka ini (simulasi) adalah :
a. Mengamati proses
b. Menganalisa proses
c. Mengumpulkan informasi-informasi penting/khusus berkenaaan penjelasan
tentang produk, prosedur, dan teknis berkaitan dengan menu yang akan

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d. Setelah mengikuti simulasi mahasiswa diharapkan dapat membuat
perencanaan Pelaksanaan pengolahan makana sesuai dengan modul/menu.

2. Riil Praktek
Kegiatan ini adalah merupakan lanjutan dari simulasi, yang merupakan proses
aplikasi setelah melakukan pengamatan, analisa dan membuat perencanaan
a. Melakasanakan proses pengolahan makanan sesuai dengan standar yang telah
ditentukan al :
1) Berdasarkan standar resep pada saat simulasi, aplikasi standar resep
dimaksud mahasiswa juga dapat memformulasi sesuai dengan jumlah porsi
yang ditugaskan oleh dosen. Contohnya : pada standard resep dapat
menghasilkan 10, saat riil praktek ditugaskan untuk membuat 7 porsi. Maka
mahasiswa harus dapat memformulasikan resep untuk kebutuhan 7 porsi.
2) Sesuai standar prosedur pada saat simulasi, yaitu pengolahan yang
dilaksanakan dengan berdasar pada principle production. Dengan
menerapkan tahapan : preparation heating finising.

Preparation : Proses ini mahasiswa melakukan persiapan bahan

sesuai dengan jenis dan karakter bahan makanan sebelum diolah,
misalnya Vegetables persiapan yang harus dilaksanakan adalah
Trimming, Woshing, Cutting. Demikian juga untuk jenis makanan lain
menyesuaikan jenis persiapannya. Pada proses persiapan ini
dilanjutkan dengan :
Misa en Place yaitu meletakkan bahan makanan yang sedah dipotong
pada wadah atau tempat yang disesuaikan dengan urutan
memasaknya, sehingga kondisinya Ready to Cook (RTC).
Berikut adalah contoh Misa en Place makanan yang di olah dengan
teknik Breading

Cooking : Setelah kondisi bahan makanan siap olah (Ready To

Cook), dilanjutkan dengan pengolahan, sesuai dengan jenis teknik

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olah yang terdapat pada standar resep. Dalam pembuatan salad
tentunya tidak ada proses pemanasan, tahapan setelah preparation /
misa en place adalah mixing.

Finising : Tahapan berikut adalah finising produk yaitu

melakukan proses :
 Portioning / platting yaitu memorsikan makan sesuaai dengan
standar porsi yang tertera pada standar resep, dan menata
makanan di alat saji (Plate/Plater)
 Garnish yaitu menata makanan atau menambahkan bahan lain
yang tujuannya penampilan makanan menjadi lebih menarik.
 Pra-service adalah mengkondisikan makanan atau hidangan yang
sudah siap saji sesuai dengan jenis makanan panas atau dingin.
Untuk makanan panas harus dijamin pada saat penyajian masih
dalam keadaan panas. Untuk makanan dingin, saat disajikan
harus dalam keadaan dingin.

b. Menerapkan konsep hygiene dan sanitasi dalam pengolahan makanan.

Agar dapat menghasilkan makanan yang bersih dan sehat mahasiswa harus
dapat melaksanakan proses pengolahan makanan dengan mengaplikasikan
konsep hygiene dan sanitasi makanan antara lain :
1) Menjamin kebersihan bahan dengan menerapkan teknik pencucian bahan
2) Menjamin kebersihan alat dengan menerapkan teknik penyiapan alat yang
3) Kebersihan lingkungan kerja dengan menciptakan area kerja yang bersih.
4) Ketertiban dalam melaksanakan pengolahan makanan
5) Kebersihan pribadi dan uniform serta kelengkapan uniform

F. Alokasi Tatap Muka / Jadual

Sesuai dengan lesson plan, pelaksanaan mudul ini dilaksanakan dengan tahapan
sebagai berikut :
1. Tatap muka ke 1 (Modul 1): Simulasi Breakfast Preparation
Produk yang diolah pada penyiapan menu breakfast adalah :
1) Sunny Side Up
2) Scrambled Egg
3) Omelette

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4) Pan Cake
5) Waffle
6) Crepes
7) Fryed Rice

2. Tatap muka ke 2 (Modul II): Brunch Preparation

Produk yang diolah dalam penyiapan menu brunch adalah :
1) Chicken Sandwich
2) Chicken & Cheese Sandwich
3) Club House (Double Decker)
4) Beef Burger
5) Hot Dog
3. Tatap muka ke 3 : Riil Praktek penyiapan Menu Breakfast
4. Tatap muka ke 4 : Riil Praktek penyiapan Menu Brunch
Tatap muka 3 dan 4, Terpadu dengan restaurant, hidangan breakfast dan brunch
disajikan ke restaurant dengan system A’la Carte / American Service atau untuk
penyajiaan Room Service.

5. Tatap muka ke 5 (Modul III) : Simulasi Prepare Food American Service

Pengolahan Hidangan menu untuk American Service (Plate Service) yang terdiri
dari hidangan Appetizer, Soup dan Main Course. Menu yang dipraktekan adalah :
1) Cobb Salad
2) Seafood Chowder
3) Roasted Herbs Crushed Chicken with Balsamico Sc.
4) Grilled Vegetavle with Balsamico Glazed.
5) Mac n Cheese
6. Tatap muka ke 6 (Modul IV): Simulasi Production Food American Service
Pengolahan hidangan untuk American service, resep yang dipraktekan adalah :
1) Cobb Salad
2) Seafood Chowder
3) Roasted Herbs Crushed Chicken with Balsamico Sc.
4) Grilled Vegetable with Balsamico Glazed
5) Mac n Cheese
7. Tatap muka ke 7 : Riil Praktek prepare food American service
8. Tatap muka ke 8 : Riil Praktek production food American service
Pada tatap muka 7 dan 8 pelaksanaannya digunakan sebagai ujian tengah semester
9. Tatap Muka ke 9 (Modul V) : Simulasi Prepare Food French Service

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Pengolahan Hidangan menu untuk French Service yang terdiri dari hidangan
Appetizer, Soup dan maincourse. Menu yang dipraktekan adalah :
1) Tricolor Vegetable Terrine with Pesto Sc.
2) French Onion Soup
3) Fish Ala Meuniere
4) Vegetable Ratatouille
5) Potato Gratin
10. Tatap Muka ke 10 (Modul V) : Simulasi Prepare Food French service
Pengolahan Hidangan menu untuk French Service yang terdiri dari hidangan
Appetizer, Soup dan maincourse. Menu yang dipraktekan adalah :
1) Tricolor Vegetable Terrine with Pesto Sc.
2) French Onion Soup
3) Fish Ala Meuniere
4) Vegetable Ratatouille
5) Potato Gratin
11. Tatap muka ke 11 : Riil Praktek penyiapan Menu French Service
12. Tatap muka ke 12 : Riil Praktek penyiapan Menu French Service
Tatap muka 11 dan 12, Terpadu dengan restaurant, hidangan disajikan ke
restaurant dengan system French Service.
13. Tatap muka ke 13 dan 14 (Modul VII): Mempraktekan satu set menu Italian
Dengan susunan menu sebagai berikut :
1) Soup = Minestrone Soup
2) Main Course = Italian Braised Beef with Green Salad
3) Side Dish = Potato Gnocchi with Garlic Butter Sc. dan Vegetable Fritata
Tatap muka 13 dan 14, Terpadu dengan restaurant, hidangan Italian Cusine
disajikan ke restaurant dengan system A’la Carte / Set Menu.
14. Tatap muka ke 15 dan 16 : Ujian Akhir Semester
Menu yang diujikan adalah :
1) Appetizer
2) Soup
3) MainCourse
Pelaksanaan Ujian Akhir Semester tugas mahasiswa adalah :
a) Mahasiswa menyusun Menu Continental sesuai dengan courses (Appetizer,
Soup dan Maincourse)
b) Menyusun perencanaan Bahan (pembelanjaan dilakukan oleh masing-masing
c) Menyusun perencaanaan (paning Production)

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d) Mengolah hidangan sesuai dengan jumlah porsi yang telah ditentukan.
e) Menyusun hidangan sesuai dengan jenis layanan makanan yang ditentukan.

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Sem. GENAP 2013/2014
Sesuai dengan model praktek continental semester genap 2014 adalah dengan
sistem blok, agar penyerapan dan pemahaman praktek pengolahana makanan yang lebih
efisien dan praktis dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran maka harus ada penspesifikasian
kegiatan bagi dosen praktek dan kegiatan mahasiswa. Dosen sebagai instuktur dan nara
sumber harus dapat mengkondisikan bahwa kegiatan proses pengolahan makanan yang
dijalankan di tempat praktek adalah untuk pelatihan agar mahasiswa mampu
melaksanakan pengolahan dengan sistim yang menerapkan konsep-konsep produksi
(principle production). Selain itu juga mahasiswa mampu bekerja secara kelompok/kerja
sama dalam melaksanakan pengolahan makanan dan bekerja secara professional.

Untuk itu perlu ada instruksi kerja baik untuk dosen maupun mahasiswa untuk mencapai
tujuan pembelajaran (instuksional).

A. Instruksi Kerja (IK) untuk Dosen

No Kegiatan Keterangan
1 Persiapan praktek :
a. Menentukan menu Leson plant Sesuaikan antara pokok bahasan, topic
(produk) berdasarkan yang terdapat pada leson plan.
lesonlpan yang berlaku.

b. Menentukan stndar resep Modul Menentukan items menu yang akan

sesuai dengan menu yang Praktek dipraktekkan sesuai pokok bahasan yang
terdapat pada leson plant. ada di leson plant.

c. Menyusun strategi
pembelajaran praktek Modul Dosen menentukan model simulasi
untuk simulasi dan reel Praktek pengolahan makanan, dari peoses
praktek. preparation sampai finising, dan model
pelaksanaan reel prakteknya.

2 Simulasi Praktek
a. Dosen menjelaskan Standard Penjelasan tentang prosedur, teknis,
produk yang akan resep dan konsep pengolahan sesuai dengan produk

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dipraktekan. IK yang ada dalam standar resep. Dalam
penjelasan produk dimungkinkan dosen
dapat menjelaskan
- Fungsi hidangan
- Standard porsi
b. Persiapan bahan dan Standard Melibatkan mahasiswa dalam :
alat resep dan - Menyiapkan bahan, agar mahasiswa
- Dosen menjelaskan bahan dapat mengenal proses penyiapan
karakter bahan yang makanan bahan dari pengambilan bahan,
digunakan dalam pengukuran bahan sesuai dengan
standar resep. standar resep dan alat yang tepat untuk
- Menjelaskan mengolahnya serta melibatkan dalam
penggantian bahan proses prepare. Dengan demikian
bilamana tidak tersedia diharapkan mahasiswa dapat
- Implikasinya bila mengontrol nengelola penggunaan
menggunakan bahan bahan.
yang tidak tersedia. - Penyiapan alat ditugaskan kepada
mahasiswa. Sekaligus mengoreksi bila
ada yang tidak benar dalam penyiapan
c. Melakukan Persiapan Resep dan
Pengolahan (Prepare Instruktur / dosen saat melakukan
Bahan persiapan juga :
for cooking) makanan,
- Trimming, - menjelaskan tentang konsep dan
Cutting teknisnya, sesuai dengan jenis dan
- woshing, utensil
- cutting karakter bahan yang akan diolah dgn
menyesuaikan standar resep.
- Melibatkan dalam proses prepare
tremming, woshing, cutting. Dengan
demikian diharapkan mahasiswa dapat
melaksanakan persiapan bahan
makanan sesuai dengan standar cutting
method, ngontrol dan mengelola
Standard penggunaan bahan.
d. Mise en Place resep, bahan
Menyjelaskan konsep makanan Dalam proses ini dosen melakukan :
mise en place, tidak sesuai denga - Menyusun atau meletakkan bahan
hanya untuk per-item items menu makanan yang telah disiapkan dalam
menu saja tetapi kondisi siap olah (Redi to Cook) lebih
pelaksanaan untuk dari 2 macam masakan (items menu).
beberapa item dalam satu Saat mensimulasikan proses ini
proses, secara sistimatis. diharapkan dapat memberikan
gambaran pada mahasiswa,

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melaksanakan pengolahan yang
sistimatis dan efisien.
- Melibatkan dalam proses prepare dan
mise en place. Dengan demikian
diharapkan mahasiswaq dapat
mengelola kondisi bahan makanan
e. Cooking sudah siap menjadi Redy To Cook.
resep dan
Dosen / instruktur bahan Saat peragaan/simulasi pengolahan
melakukan peragaan makanan makanan, dosen harus :
proses pengolahan sesuai yang - melaksanakan dengan konsep
dengan konsep principle kondisinya principle production, dengan tahapan
production dalam sudah RTC. prepare, cooking dan finising.
mengolah items menu
- Juga memberikan penjelasa tentang
dan standar resep yang
konsep, prosedur, teknik berdasarkan
jenis teknik olah yang diterapkan pada
setiap items menu.
- Melibatkan dalam proses prepare,
cooking dan finising. Dengan
demikian diharapkan mahasiswaq
Standar dapat mengontrol nengelola
f. Finising resep dan penggunaan bahan dan alat.
- Portioning & Platting yang sudah Pada proses finising Instruktur/dosen
- Garnish matang. memperagakan proses :
- Praservice - Pemorsian (portioning) dan menata
makanan pada alat saji (platting)
makanan sesuai dengan standard porsi
jenis makanan yang diolah, dan
- membuat contoh garnis yang sesuai
dengan jenis makanannya dengan
konsep simple garnish.
- Selain itu instruktur juga menjelaskan
penanganan makanan sebelum
disajikan, berdasarkan jenis makanan
panas atau makanan dingin.
Semua proses simulasi dan penjelasan
yang dilakukan oleh Instruktur/dosen
akan digunakan sebagai patokan
penerapan SOP pada riil praktek dan
digunakan dasar membuat perencanaan
produk (Planing Production) oleh
3 Penugasan

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a. Membuat kelompok Daftar Dosen setelah mensimulasi-kan
praktek Absen pengolahan makanan dan penjelasannya,
diteruskan membentuk kelompok kecil.
Dari kelompok besar (12 mhs) dibuat
kelompok lebih kecil (@ 4 mhs). Dari
kelompok kecil yang ada ditujuk untuk
berperan sebagai CDP, linnya berperan
sebagai cook.
b. Membuat perencanaan Format Penugasan ini digunakan untuk menggali
pengolahan (Planing planning kemampuan mahasiswa dalam
Production) production
merencanakan tahapan proses
pengolahan makanan yang dilaksanakan
dengan cara team, dengan demikian ada
pembelajaran untuk memanej proses,
bahan, waktu, dan alur kerja secara team.
(Format ada pada IK mahasiswa).

4 Reel Praktek
a. Menganalisa
melaksanakan Porto Folio Sebelum mahasiswa melaksanakan reel
perencanaan pengolahan praktek, Dosen/instruktur memeriksa dan
yang disusun oleh menganalisa Porto folio, dan memberi
mahasiswa. tanggapan terhadap perencanaan yang
disusun mahasiswa. Berkenaan masalah :
- Perencanaan bahan
- Alur kerja
- Pembagian tugas (Joob Asingmen)
- Penerapan SOP
- Target waktu dan produk
b. Menjelaskan dan Standar
mengerahkan resep, porto Pelaksanaan reel praktek adalah
pelaksanaan reel praktek folio, bahan membelajarkan mahasiswa agar dapat
makanan mengolah makanan dengan menerapkan
principle production, kerjasama, analisa
proses dan menerapkan perencanaan
yang telah disusun oleh mahasiswa.
Selain itu juga belajar bekerja mengikuti
standar dalam pengolahan makanan yang
terdiri : Standar resep dan SOP,
Dengan menguraikan hal yang
berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan reel
praktek antara lain :

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- Penjelasan peran individu dalam
- Alur kerja
- Standar resep,
c. Memonitor, - Standar porsi
membimbing, Alat, bahan,
mengarahkan standar Peran instruktur/dosen pada kegiatan reel
resep, praktek antara lain :
- Memonitor proses praktek mahasiswa
apakah sudah sesuai dengan
perencanaan apa belum.
- Mengamati kemampuan indifidu
mahasiswa da;lam melaksanakan
pengolahan makanan dari tahapan
preparation sampai finising. Bilamana
ada mahasiswa yang kemampuannya
kurang maka harus diarahkan dan
dipandu agar ada peningkatan.
- Membimbing (Cooaching) bagi
mahasiswa yang tidak sesuai dengan
standar yang telah ditetapkan maka
doses harus membimbing agar
mengetahui proses yang benar

5 Evaluasi Lembar Evaluasi praktek continental Cuisin

evaluasi menggali kemampuan mahasiswa dalam
ketrampilan pengolahan sesuai dengan
tujuan pada modul, yaitu :
- Kemampuan persiapan
pengolahan (preparation/misane-
en-place) secara individu.
- Kemampuan pengolahan
(Cooking) secaraindividu
- Kemampuan bekerja secara
- Kemampuan perencanaan bahan
dan prposes
- Kemampuan penerapan SOP yang
telah disusun.
- Penerapan sanitasi dalam


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N0 Kegiatan Keterangan
1. Simulasi
- Memperhatikan Modul, bahan Saat simulasi mahasiswa
- Mengamati makanan 1) Memperhatikan proses simulasi yang
- Menganalisa dilakukan instruktur/dosen.
- Terlibat dalam proses 2) Mengamati proses
simulasi 3) Menganalisa proses
4) Berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses
simulasi sesuai dengan instruksi
instruktur / dosen, dalam proses
penyiapan bahan, alat dan prepare,
cooking serta finising.
5) Mengumpulkan dan mencatat informasi-
informasi penting/khusus berkenaaan
penjelasan tentang produk, prosedur, dan
teknis berkaitan dengan menu yang akan

2 Membuat Perencanaan

a. Diskusi proses Setelah mengikuti simulasi mahasiswa

simulasi mendiskusikan proses yang diamati saat
simulasi dengan anggauta kelompoknya,
berkenaan dengan :
- Produk / standar resep
- Prosedur
- Teknis
- Kelompok
Dengan diskusi kelompok setiap mahasiswa
dapat memahami proses pengolahan
makanan sesuai dengan produk yang diolah
b. Membuat
perencanaan Proses diskusi tujuannya adalah membuat
pengolahan (Planing perencanaan produksi, yang isinya meliputi :
Production) 1) Menu (produk) yang akan diolah dalam
riil praktek.
Dari standararesep yang terdapat dalam
modul dikonfersi menjadi standar resep

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yang menyesuaikan jumlah porsi (sesuai
penugasan dari instruktur/dosen)
2) Perencanaan bahan
Menghitung / menentukan jumlah bahan
sesuai dengan standar porsi yang telah
3) Menyusun Joob Discription
Sesuai dengan pembagian kelompok,
setiap kelompok kecil terdiri dari CDP
dan Cook. Maka job description yang
dibuat hanya melingkupi Tugas CDP dan
4) Menyusun pembagian tugas (Joob
Berdasarkan tugas-tugas yang ada, dalam
pembuatan perencanaan production CDP
harus dapat membagi tugas berdasarkan
jenis produk, jumlah porsi dan target
waktu yang telah ditentukan (tidak lebih
dari 2 jam) serta ketersediaan alat yang
ada di kitchen.
5) Menyusun SOP
Pada penyusunan SOP proses
dilaksanakan secara team, namun
demikian semua mahasiswa harus tahu
dan mampu melaksanakan dan
memproses semua item menu yang
6) Finising :
- Planing Platting
- Planing Garnish
- Pra Service
Untuk mengerjakan proses ini semua
anggauta kelompok kecil harus terlibat
sehingga semua mahasiswa juga
melakukan finising semuaa jenis produk.

3 Reel Praktek
a Pembagian tugas sesuai Joob Des Mahasiswa berperan sesuai dengan Job
dengan peran dalam description yang disusun. Satu orang
kelompok berperan sebagai CDP, 2-3 orang sebagai
b Preparation Standar resep 1) Semua anggauta kelompok harus tahu

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1) Utensil alat yang digunakan dalam penyiapan
2) Inggredient dan pengolahan sesuai dengan items
3) Misane en Place menu.
2) Penyiapan bahan harus dikerjakan sesuai
dengan kaidah principle production :
- Trimming
- Woshing
- Cutting
- dll
3) Misane en Place
Menyusun bahan makanan yang telah
dipotong kedalam wadah dan diurutkaqn
sesuai dengaan urutan proses
c Cooking Tahapan ini dikelompokkann menjadi dua
macam yaitu :
1) Untuk Salad/Cold Sanwicth proses yang
dikerjakan adalah mixing/arranged
2) Untuk Hot Desses memanaskan
(mengolah) sesuai dengan jenis Cooking
Method pada resep.
d Finising
1) Portioning Standar resep Pemorsian hidangan/makanan mengaacu
pada standar porsi sesuai dengan jenis
giliran makanan al :
1) Appetizer (90 – 100 gr)
2) Soup (175 – 200 ml)
3) Mean Desses (150 -200 gr)
4) Acompanimen (70 -90 gr)
5) Side Desses (100-120 gr)
2) Platting
Penataan makanan/hidangan pada alat saji
menyesuaikan jenis makanan (Hot
desses/Cold Desses) serta fungsinya dalam
giliran makanan (Coursses),

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Sebagai kelengkapan modul agar dapat membuat items menu sesuai dengan konsep
pengolahan makanan maka perlu ada standar resep yang digunakan seobagai acuan /
panduan dalam proses pengolahan makanan sesuai dengan pokok bahasan yang ada pada
leson plant.


1. Konposisi Egg
a. The yolk is high in both fat and protein, and it contains iron and several
vitamins. Its color ranges from light to dark yellow, depending on the diet of
the chicken.
b. The white is primarily albumin protein, which is clear and soluble when raw
but white and firm when coagulated. The white also contains sulfur. The white
has two parts: a thick portion that surrounds the yolk, and a thinner, more liquid
portion outside of this.
c. The shell is not the perfect package, in spite of what you may have heard. Not
only is it fragile but it is also porous, allowing odors and flavors to be absorbed
by the egg and allowing the egg to lose moisture even if unbroken.

Figure 24.1 The parts of an egg. The diagram shows, in simplified form, the location of the parts of an unbroken egg,
as described in the text.


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In the United States, eggs are graded for quality by the USDA. The three grades
are AA, A, and B.
The best grade (AA) has a firm yolk and white that stand up high when broken
onto a flat surface and do not spread over a large area. In the shell, the yolk is well
centered, and the air sac is small.
As eggs age, they lose density. The thin part of the white becomes larger, and the
egg spreads over a larger area when broken. Also, the air sac becomes larger as
the egg loses moisture through the shell. Figure 24.2 shows the differences among
grades AA, A, and B.

(a) Grade AA. (b) Grade A. (c) Grade B eggs, as seen from the top and side.
Note how the white and yolk lose thickness and spread more in the lower grades
Figure 24.2 Egg grades.
Courtesy of the USDA.
P E4444roc for Poaching Eggs

Hidangan breakfast banyak menggunakan hidangantelor sebagai komponen

menu berikut adalah jenis hidangan telur yang sering digunakan dalam
hidangan breakfat :

Method 1
1) Collect equipment and food items.
2) Bring eggs to room temperature by (a) removing them from the cooler 1
hour before cooking, or (b) placing them in warm water for 5 minutes and
draining. Cold eggs are more likely to crack when placed in boiling water.
3) Place eggs in boiling water and return the water to a simmer.
4) Simmer, do not boil, for the required time:
a) Soft-cooked 3 to 4 minutes
b) Medium-cooked 5 to 7 minutes
c) Hard-cooked 12 to 13 minutes
d) Exact cooking time depends on temperature of eggs, size of eggs,
and amount of water used.

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5) Drain immediately and cool under cold running water to stop the cooking.
Cool just a few seconds if eggs are to be served hot. Cool further if they
are to be held for later use.


1) Collect equipment and food items.

2) Use the freshest Grade AA eggs whenever possible for best results. These
maintain their shape best because the yolks and whites are firm.
3) If eggs are not very fresh, add 1 teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon distilled
vinegar per quart of water (5 mL salt and 15 mL vinegar per L).
The vinegar helps coagulate the egg white faster so it keeps a better
Vinegar is not necessary if very fresh eggs are used. Omit in this case
because whites will be tougher and not as shiny if cooked with vinegar.
4) Bring water to a simmer.
If water is boiling, eggs will toughen and may be broken up by the
If water is not hot enough, eggs will not cook quickly enough and will
5) Break eggs, one at a time, into a dish or a small plate and slide into the
immering water. Eggs will hold their shape better if they slide in against
the edge of the pan.
6) Simmer 3 to 5 minutes, until whites are coagulated but yolks are still soft.
7) Remove eggs from pan with slotted spoon or skimmer.
8) To serve immediately, drain very well. For better appearance, trim ragged
9) To hold for later service, plunge immediately into ice water to stop the
cooking. At service time, reheat briefly in hot water.

Eggs Benedict

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1⁄2 English muffin
as needed Butter
1 pcs Egg, fresh Grade AA
1 slice Canadian bacon or ham, cooked
(about 2 oz/60 g)
50 mL Hollandaise Sauce
1. Toast the muffin half. Spread it with butter and place on a serving plate.
2. Poach the egg according to the basic procedure given in this section.
3. While the egg is poaching, heat the Canadian bacon or ham for1 minute on a
hot griddle or in a saute pan. Place the meat on the toasted muffin.
4. Drain the poached egg well and place it on the Canadian bacon.
5. Ladle hollandaise over the top. Serve immediately

Per serving: Calories, 660; Protein, 19 g; Fat, 58 g (79% cal.); Cholesterol, 480
mg;Carbohydrates, 15 g; Fiber, 1 g; Sodium, 1260 mg.
Note: To prepare Eggs Benedict in quantity, the eggs may be poached ahead of
time,cooled in ice water, and refrigerated. At service time, reheat the eggs
in simmering water 30–60 seconds. Drain, plate, and serve.
Eggs Florentine
Instead of the muffin and bacon, place the egg on a bed of hot, buttered cooked
spinach (about 2 oz/60 g). Cover with Mornay sauce instead of hollandaise.
Optional: Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and brown under the salamander or
Eggs Bombay
Instead of the muffin and bacon, place the egg on a bed of hot rice pilaf (about 2
oz/60 g). Cover with curry sauce instead of hollandaise.


Procedure frying Egg

1. Collect all equipment and food items.

Eggs may be fried in small, individual saute pans (omelet pans) or on the
griddle. Griddled eggs are not as attractive because they tend to spread more.
See page 821 for the procedure for conditioning saute pans to avoid sticking.
2. Select very fresh Grade AA eggs for best results.
3. Add about 1⁄8 inch (2 mm) fat to the saute pan and set it over moderate heat, or
preheat the griddle to 325°F (165°C) and ladle on a small quantity of fat. Too
much fat will make the eggs greasy. Not enough will cause them to stick,
unless a pan with a nonstick coating is used.
4. Break the eggs into a dish. This lessens the chance of breaking the yolks.

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5. When the fat is hot enough so a drop of water sizzles when dropped into it,
slide the eggs into the pan (or onto the griddle). If the fat is not hot enough, the
eggs will spread too much and may stick. If it is too hot, the eggs will become
tough or even crisp.
6. Reduce heat to low (if using saute pan) and cook the eggs to order as indicated
below. See Figures 24.4 and 24.5 for flipping and turning techniques.
Flipping eggs in a pan.

(a) Lift the handle of the pan and slide the eggs to
the far edge with a quick jerk. (b) With a quick flip of the wrist, as shown by
the arrow, turn the eggs over. Do not flip
the eggs too hard, or the yolks may beak
when they land.

• Sunny side up. Cook slowly without flipping until white is completely set but
yolk is still soft and yellow. Heat must be low, or bottom will toughen or
burn before top is completely set.

• Basted. Do not flip. Add a few drops of water to pan and cover so steam
cooks the top. A thin film of coagulated white will cover the yolk, which
should remain liquid. Note: This preparation is sometimes called country
style. The term basted is used because the same effect may be achieved by
spooning hot fat over the egg as it fries. This method may make the eggs
excessively greasy, however.

• Over easy. Fry and flip over. Cook just until the white is just set but the yolk
is still liquid.

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• Over medium. Fry and flip over. Cook until the yolk is partially set.
• Over hard. Fry and flip over. Cook until the yolk is completely set.


Procedure Scrambling Egg

1. Collect equipment and food items.
2. Break eggs into a stainless-steel bowl and beat until well blended. Season with
salt and white pepper. Do not use aluminum, which may discolor the eggs.
3. If desired, add a small amount of milk or cream, about 1 to 11⁄2 tablespoons (15
to 20 mL) for 2 eggs, or 8 to 12 ounces per quart of eggs (250 to 375 mL per
L). Too much liquid may make cooked eggs watery, and it dilutes the flavor.
Heavy cream adds richness but also adds cost.
4. Heat butter in a small saute pan (for cooking to order) or in a large skillet, as for
fried eggs.
Note: Steam kettles or tilting skillets may be used for scrambling large
quantities of eggs.
5. When fat is just hot enough to make a drop of water sizzle, pour in eggs.
6. Cook over low heat, stirring gently from time to time as the eggs coagulate.
Lift portions of coagulated egg so uncooked egg can run underneath.
Too much stirring breaks up eggs into very small particles.
Do not let the eggs brown. Keep heat low.

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7. When eggs are set but still soft and moist, remove from heat. Turn out onto
plate or into steam table pan.


1. Collect all equipment and ingredients.

2. Beat 2 or 3 eggs in a small bowl just until well mixed. Do not whip until frothy.
Season with salt and pepper.
If desired, 1 tablespoon (15 mL) water may be added to make the omelet
For extended service, beat a large quantity of eggs. Measure each portion with
a ladle.
3. Place an omelet pan over high heat.
4. When the pan is hot, add about 1 tablespoon (15 mL) clarified butter and swirl
it around to coat the inside of the pan. Give it a second to get hot.
Raw butter may be used, but great care is necessary to keep it from burning.
5. Add the eggs to the pan. They should begin to coagulate around the edges and
on the bottom in a few seconds.
6. With one hand (the left, if you are right-handed), vigorously shake the pan back
and forth. At the same time, stir the eggs with a circular motion with the bottom
side of a fork, but do not let the fork scrape the pan.
This is the difficult part. The most common errors are not shaking and stirring
vigorously enough and using heat that is too low. The purpose of this action is
to keep the eggs in motion so they coagulate uniformly.
7. Stop shaking and stirring when the eggs are almost set but still very moist. If
you continue stirring, you will have scrambled eggs instead of an omelet.
8. Tilt the handle up and shake the pan so the omelet slides to the opposite side of
the pan and begins to climb up the opposite slope.
9. For a filled omelet, spoon the filling across the center of the egg,
perpendicular to the handle.
10. With the fork, fold the sides of the omelet over the center. The omelet should
now be resting in the corner of the pan and have an approximately oval shape.

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11. Grasp the handle of the pan with your palm underneath and tilt the omelet out
onto a plate so it inverts and keeps an oval shape.
The whole procedure should take less than 1 minute.
The finished omelet should be moist on the inside, tender on the outside, and
yellow or only



500 g Pastry flour or all-purpose flour

60 g Sugar
15 gr Salt A
15 gr Baking powder
7 gr Baking soda
6 pcs Eggs, beaten (Yolk)
750 ml Milk B
125 mL Melted butter or oil
6 pcs White Egg (Foaming) C

1. Sift together the flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, and baking soda. (A)
2. Mix the beaten eggs, milk, and melted butter or oil. (B)
3. Add the liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients. Mix just until the dry ingredients
are thoroughly moistened.
4. Thin with a White Egg (Foaming) the batter seems too thick. (C)
5. Depending on the size pancake desired, measure 1–2 fl oz (30–60 mL) portions of
the batter onto a greased, preheated griddle (375°F/190°C), allowing space for

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6. Griddle the pancakes until the tops are full of bubbles and begin to look dry and
the bottoms are golden brown. Turn and brown the other side.
7. Remove from the griddle and serve.


625 g Pastry flour or all-purpose flour

5 mL Salt
30 mL Baking powder
6 Egg yolks, beaten
750 mL Milk
250 mL Melted butter or oil
6 Egg whites
60 g Sugar
Procedure :
1. Sift together the flour, salt, and baking powder.
2. Mix the egg yolks, milk, and butter or oil.
3. Add the liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients. Mix just until the dry
ingredients are thoroughly moistened. Do not overmix.
4. Whip the egg whites until they form soft peaks. Add the sugar and whip until
stiff peaks form.
5. Fold the egg whites into the batter.
6. Pour enough batter onto a lightly greased, preheated waffle iron to almost cover
the surface with a thin layer. Close the iron.
7. Cook waffles until signal light indicates they are done or until steam is no longer
8. Remove from the iron and serve.

Per 1 fl oz (29.57 mL) batter: Calories, 80; Protein, 2 g; Fat, 4 g (45% cal.);
Cholesterol, 30 mg; Carbohydrates, 9 g; Fiber, 0 g; Sodium, 100 mg.


14. Sandwich

“Apakah sandwich itu?”

Sandwich terdiri dari:
Roti dan produk roti bahan pengoles bahan isi dan hiasan (garnish).
Sandwich dapat:
a. panas atau dingin

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b. tertutup atau terbuka
c. dipanggang, digoreng, dioven atau dibakar
d. makanan ringan (appetiser) atau makanan utama.

15. Susunan Sanwich

Sandwich dapat dibuat dari beberapa helai roti sesuai keinginan
a. Satu helai untuk sandwich terbuka
b. Dua helai untuk sandwich biasa
c. Tiga helai untuk club sandwich atau sandwich bertingkat
d. Empat helai atau lebih untuk sandwich bertumpuk banyak.

16. Komponen sandwich :

a. Bread

Sanwich Bread (roti tawar)

whole wheat bread
french bread
rye bread
pumpernickel bread
roti bulat [hard and soft]
buns [hamburger/hot dog]
raisin bread.

b. Bahan isian Sandwiches

Isi sandwich dapat berupa bahan olesan, atau potongan keju, daging, unggas
atau sosis.
Isi sandwich dapat berupa bahan olesan, atau potongan keju, daging, unggas
atau sosis.
Isi merupakan bagian utama dari sandwich dan tersajikan diantara dua helai

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Berikut adalah beberapa kemungkinan isi, yang digunakan terpisah atau
Potongan dingin:
• Ham,sosis (ayam dan daging)
• Salami,bacon, daging (diasap, corned, panggang)
• ayam (diasap, panggang)
• kalkun (diasap, panggang).
Olahan hasil laut:
• Tuna,salmon (diasap, kaleng)
• Sardine, kerang asap
• Ikan herring, daging kepiting, udang, lobster.
c. Bahan Sayuran (Vegetables)
Sayuran (Vegetables) dalam komponen sandwich merupakan pelengkap yang
diletakan sebagai bahan yang melengkapi struktur sandwich. Sayuran yang
sering digunakan antara lain :
1) Letuce
2) Cucumber
3) Tomatto
4) Paprika
5) Onion
6) Dll

d. Bahan Olesan (Spread Sandwich)

Bahan-bahan pengolesan yang digunakan pada sandwich:

1) Butter : Harus cukup lembut agar dapat dioleskan dengan baik tanpa
merusak roti.
2)  Mentega : Terkadang digunakan sebagai pengganti butter.
3) Krim keju (Cream Chees) : Membuat kelembaban dan perlindungan
pada roti.
4) Mayonnaise : Seringkali digunakan sebagai salad dressing.
5) Chilly Sc
6) Tomatto Sc

e. Setting Up and Preparing Sandwiches in Quantity

Procedure for Making Simple Cold Sandwiches in Quantity
1) Prepare and assemble all ingredients.
2) Assemble necessary equipment, including wrapping materials.
3) Arrange bread slices in rows on the tabletop.
4) Spread each slice with butter or whatever spread is required.
5) Place fillings evenly and neatly on alternate slices, leaving the other
slices plain. Fillings should not hang over the edges of the bread.
6) Top the filled slices with the plain buttered slices.

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7) Stack two or three sandwiches and cut with a sharp knife.
8) To hold, do one of the following:
• Wrap separately in plastic, waxed paper, or sandwich bags.
• Place in storage pans, cover tightly with plastic wrap, and cover with
clean, damp towels. The towels must not touch the sandwiches; their
purpose is to provide a moisture barrier to help prevent drying.
9) Refrigerate immediately and hold until served.

Spread sandwiches efficiently with three quick strokes as shown.

Single Chicken Sandwich (Close Sandwich)

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Single Open Sandwich

Beef Burger

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C. Menu American Service
TM : 5-6 (Simulasi)
TM : 7-8 (Reel Praktek)

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YIELD : 2 portion


1 Prepare The mise en place
Washing, 120 gr Red Fire Lettuce Cut off and soak in cold water
cutting, or Red Cabbage
peeling, 50 gr Tomat Skin off and remove seeds, cut
blanching in dice
50 gr Chicken breast Bone less, skin off, blanching
30 gr Egg Boiled egg
30 gr Blue Cheese Crumble
30 gr Smoked Beef Cut in paysanne
50 gr Avocados Cut in dice
Too taste  Mustard vinegratte :
Mustard + Olive oil + chopped
parseley + lime juice +
chopped herbs + chopped
onion + crushed blackpepper
2 Mixing, Mixed all ingredients with
cooling and mustard vinegratte and served
serving with lettuce ice berg as a
Using dessert plate
Finishing and garnish with
slice lime and chopped parsley

YIELD : 2 portion

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1 Prepare The mise en place
Washing, 50 gr Prawn 1. Blanch all the seafood, put a
cutting, 50 gr Snapper side. Make a white roux.
peeling, 80 gr Squid Make fish stock.
Blanching. 50 gr Onion 2. Cut in vegetables.
30 gr Flour
20 gr Potatoes
30 ml Milk
30 ml Heavy Cream
As needed Salt
As needed White Pepper
50 gr Garlic
As needed Bayleaf
As needed Thyme
As needed Rosemary
30 gr Tomato
As needed Celery Stalk
500 ml Fish Stock

3 Heat Add 1. Saute Garlic and Onion with

And Simmer butter, add roux, and pur fish
stock. Bring to boil. Add
potatoes, simmer until tender.
Add milk, and heavy cream,
simmer. And seasoning.

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YIELD : 2 portion


1 Prepare The mise en place
Washing, 1 pcs Chicken breast half Skin off, Boneless, and
cutting, As needed Fresh lemon marinate chicken, chopped
peeling, As needed Oil fresh herbs and mix with
Boning, 100 gr White bread crumbs bread crumbs.
As needed Fresh Basil
As needed Fresh Rosemary
As needed Fresh Parseley
As needed Salt
As needed Black pepper
½ Tbsp Mustard

100 gr Brown stock

30 gr
As needed Herbs
As needed Salt
As neede Black pepper

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2 Heat Pan seared chicken on the
Add black pan until ¾ cooked. Put
And a side. Spread with mustard
Cook on the top, crumble with
bread crumb.

3 Roasted Prepare baking tray, add

chicken and roasted.
4 The result Balsamico sauce Reduce
Garnish and 10 gr Parsley chopped
served with


YIELD : 2 portion


1 Prepare The mise en place
Washing, 50 gr Zuccini, round slice For hard vegetable and hard

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cutting, 1 cm texture, first step is blanching the
peeling, 50 gr Carrot Import, vegetable, chopped the herbs,
Trimming round slice 1 cm prepare griddle or iron skillet.
50 gr And marinate all the vegetables.
Onion, round slice
1 cm
50 gr Eggplant, round
lice 1 cm
1 tbsp Olive oil
As needed Rosemary
As needed Dried Oregano
1 tsp Balsamico vinegar
As needed Salt
As needed Thyme
As needed Blackpepper
10 gr Sugar
As needed Bayleaf
As needed Basil

2 Heat Add All the vegetable Heat the griddle or iron

And skillet, added the vegetable
until get the grilled mark on
the each side. Basting with
balsamico vinegar.
3 Simmer on Balsamico vinegar, Simmer on the pan for the
pan blackpepper, salt, balsamico glazed.
4 The result
Spinkle w/ 10 gr Parsley Chopped


YIELD : 2 portion


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1 Prepare The mise en place
Washing, 100 gr Macaroni Make a white roux, and béchamel.
cutting, 50 gr Butter Boiling pasta until aldante, prepare
peeling, 20 gr Flour the paprika into paysanne or dice.
Trimming, 10 gr Onion
Blanching. 5 gr Garlic
As needed Clove
As needed Nutmeg powder
125 ml Milk
20 ml Cream
10 gr Parmesan Cheese
10 gr Mozarella cheese
20 gr Red paprika
10 gr Green paprika
20 ml Chicken Stock
As needed Bayleaf
As needed Salt
As needed Pepper
As needed Parseley

2 Heat Add Saute garlic and onion until

And Cook fragrant. Added the paprika,
pour chicken stock, add the
macaroni, stir together. Add
the béchamel, add mozzarella
cheese, and seasoning.
Sprinkle with parmesan cheese
and chopped parseley.

D. French Cuisine


For : 2 Porsi


 Washing, Cuting,
1 Spinach 115 gr blanching, puree.
2 Shallot 3 gr  Chopped
3 Butter 3 gr
4 Gelatin 1 lbr  Soak in cool water
5 Water as needed

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6 Salt as needed
7 Cream 60 ml @20 ml
 Washing, cutting,
blanching, mix with
8 Caulli flower 35 gr turnip and puree.
 Washing, cutting,
blanching, mix with cauli
9 White turnips 20 gr flower and puree.
  Washing, cutting,
10 Carrot 50 gr blanching, puree.
11 White Pepper as needed

Cooking Method
1. Saute sliced onion, and cook until golden brown. Cook it slowly, Don’t brown too fast or
use high heat.
2. Add the brown stock and bring to boil. Simmer until the onions are very tender and
flavors are well blended.
3. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
4. Keep the soup hot for service.
5. Cut the bread into slice 1 cm, (1 or 2 slice per portion) or just enough to cover the top of
the soup
6. Toast bread, in the oven with cheese untill the cheese bubbling and light browned.


For: 2 Porsi


1 Butter as needed
 Wash, peeling. Cut in
2 Onion 10 gr slice
3 Garlic 50 gr  Chopped
4 Brown Stock 750 gr
5 Salt as needed
6 Pepper as needed
7 Water
8 French Bread
9 Parmesan Cheese 15 gr
10 Bay leaf as needed
11 Thyme as needed

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12 Rosemary as needed

Cooking Method:
1. Fillet the fish, and cut in half

2. Marinate with salt, pepper, lime, L&P, and tabasco.

3. Dip into the milk, and put in the flour, pan fried untill light browned. Put a side.

4. Heat the butter untill clariefied , and put aside

5. Saute chopped onion, Add the clarified butter, add lemon juice, season with salt and
pepper , add chop parsley, Serve on the of top fish.
6. Garnish with slice or peeled lemon


Hasil : 2 porsi


Wash, filleting, skinning,
1 Snapper 150 gr cut in portion

2 Salt as needed

3 White pepper as needed

4 Flour 100 gr

5 Clarified Butter 100 gr

6 Lemon Juice 2-3 tbsp

7 Tarragon as needed

8 Thyme as needed

9 Basil as needed

10 Parseley as needed

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 41

11 Butter as needed

12 Slice Peeled Lemon as needed

Cooking Method :

1. Fillet the fish, and cut in half

2. Marinate with salt, pepper, lime, L&P, and tabasco.

3. Dip into the milk, and put in the flour, pan fried untill light browned. Put a side.

4. Heat the butter untill clariefied , and put aside

5. Saute chopped onion, Add the clarified butter, add lemon juice, season with salt
and pepper , add chop parsley, Serve on the of top fish.

6. Garnish with slice or peeled lemon


For : 2 Portion


 Washing, peeling, cut in garnish or
1 Zucchini 50 gr round slice 1 cm
 Washing, peeling, cut in garnish or
2 Eggplant  50 gr round slice 1 cm
 Washing, peeling, cut in garnish or
3 Onions  50 gr round slice 1 cm
4 Green Paprika  50 gr  Washing, peeling, cut in garnish
5 Garlic 20 gr  Chopped
 Washing, peeling, cut in garnish or
6 Tomat  50 gr round slice 1 cm
7 Olive Oil as needed
8 Parseley as needed
9 Bay leaf as needed
10 Thyme as needed
11 Salt as needed

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 42

12 Basil as needed
13 Pepper as needed

Cooking methods :
1. Make a tomatoes concase. Put a side
2. Chopped garlic, and cut into dice
3. Slice thin all the vegetables.
4. Saute garlic with olive oil. Add
tomatoes concase.
5. Add tomato paste, add onion cube
until tender.
6. Add the hard vegetable, then soft
vegetable. Season with thyme, basil,
bayleaf, and rosemary.
7. Cook slowly until are tender and
8. Arrange on the plate and serve it.



1 Potato 120 hr

2 Salt as needed

3 Pepper as needed

4 Thyme as needed

5 Rosemary as needed

6 Bay leaf as needed

7 Cream 50 ml

8 Milk 75ml

9 Nutmeg as needed

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 43

10 Mozarella 20 gr

Cooking Procedures :

1. Prepare the gratin dish.

2. Wash, peeled and cut into slice thin potatoes. Marinated potatoes with salt and
pepper. Arrange on the gratin dish.

3. Mix little bit cream and milk in the sauce pan.

4. Add thyme, rosemary, bayleaf, and nutmeg to the sauce pan. Season and warm it.

5. Pour into the gratin dish, slice mozarella on the top. And Bake it.


For : 2 Porsi


1 Leek 5 gr Paysanne
2 Smoked Beef 15 gr Paysanne
3 Butter as needed
4 Onion 10 gr Paysanne
5 Potato 20 gr Paysanne
6 Carrot 20 gr Paysanne
7 Garlic 5 gr Chopped
8 Cabbage 10 gr
9 Spaggethi as needed
10 Tomato 2 ea Concase
11 Tomato Paste as needed
12 Salt and pepper as needed
13 Brown Stock 200 ml
14 Thyme as needed
15 Basil Fresh as needed
16 Oregano as needed
17 Rosemary as needed

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 44

18 Bayleaf as needed
19 Mozarella as garnish
1. Saute Onion, garlic with butter until flavoury
2. Add Smoked beef, carrot and potato
3. Add tomato paste, and brownstock. Don’t forget to add herbs.
4. After boil, add tomato concase, spagetthi, and green vegetable.
5. Season it ,
6. Add mozarella as garnish


For: 2 Porsi


1 Butter as needed
2 Onion 10 gr diced
3 Garlic 5 gr chopped
Cut in
4 Carrot 50 gr Garnish
5 Brown Stock 200 ml
6 Olive Oil 1 tbs
7 Tomato 2 ea Concase
8 Tomato paste as needed
9 Salt and pepper as needed
10 parseley as needed
11 Beef Leg or Beef Rump 150 gr Whole
12 Bayleaf as needed
13 Thyme as needed
14 Oregano as needed
15 Rosemary as needed
16 Tarragon as needed

Methods :
1.     In a large dutch oven, heat up 2 tbsp of olive oil.
2.     Salt and pepper the meat on both sides.
3.     On high heat, sear the beef on each side, about 5 minutes or until you get a
nice caramelization on the meat, then set aside.

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4.     In the dutch oven add in the onion and garlic and cook for 5 minutes.
5.     Add in the tomato paste and cook for 2 minutes.
6.     Add in the beef broth, bay leaf, parsley and the basil leaves.
7.     Now you put the meat back into the dutch oven.
8.     Salt and pepper to taste.
9.     Put the cover on the dutch oven and braise in a preheated oven at 350 F
for about 3 hours.


Hasil : 2 porsi

1 Flour 50 gr
2 Potato 200 gr
3 Butter as needed
4 Parmesan as needed Sprinkle
5 Garlic 20 gr Chopped
6 Herbs and Salt and pepper as needed

Methods :

1. Wash the potatoes, but don’t peel. Boil until tender

2. Peel the potatoes, while they are still hot. Crush it.
3. Prepare a saucepan over medium heat, add warm water and crushed potatoes.
4. Add medium flour, stir together.
5. Add parmesan cheese. Add olive oil, and keep stirring until it doesn’t stick to the pan,
remove from the heat. Set aside.
6. Make small balls, use a fork, add a little motif to the surface of the gnocchi made, make a
shape like gnocchi.
7. Boil water in another large saucepan, add salt and oil.
8. Put the pieces of gnocchi in boiling water.
9. Lift the floating gnocchi.
10. Lift, store in a container that has been given oil / olive oil.

F. Resep Salad

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 46

For : 6 portion
Basic Procedure for Green Salads

1. Wash greens thoroughly.

Remove core from head lettuce by striking the core gently against a flat
surface, such as a cutting board or the side of a vegetable sink, and twisting it
out. Do not smash it, or you’ll bruise the entire head. Cut through the core of
other greens or separate the leaves so all traces of grit can be removed. Wash in
several changes of cold water, until completely clean. For iceberg lettuce, run
cold water into the core end (after removing core), then turn over to drain.
2. Drain greens well.
Lift greens from the water and drain in a colander. Tools and machines are
vailable that quickly spin-dry greens. Poor draining results in a watered-down
dressing and a soupy, soggy salad.
3. Crisp the greens.
Refrigerate greens in a colander covered with damp towels or in a perforated
storage bin to allow air circulation and complete drainage.
4. Cut or tear into bite-size pieces.
Many people insist on tearing leaves instead of cutting, but this is a slow method
if you have a large quantity to do. Also, you are more likely to crush or bruise the
leaves. Use sharp stainless-steel knives for cutting. Bite-size pieces are important
as a convenience to the customer. It is difficult to eat or cut large leaves with a
salad fork.
5. Mix the greens.
Toss gently until uniformly mixed. Nonjuicy raw vegetable garnish such as green
pepper strips or carrot shreds may be mixed in at this time. Just make sure the
vegetables are not cut into compact little chunks that will settle to the bottom of
the bowl. Broad, thin slices or shreds stay better mixed. For tossed salads to be
served immediately, add the dressing to the greens in the bowl. Toss to coat the
greens with the dressing. Plate (step 6) and serve immediately. For pre-plated
salads, proceed with steps 6 through 9.
6. Plate the salads (including underliners, if used).
Cold plates, please. Don’t use plates right out of the dishwasher. Avoid plating
salads more than an hour or two before service, or they are likely to wilt or dry.
7. Garnish.
Exceptions: (a) Garnish that is tossed with the greens in step 5. (b) Garnish that
will not hold well (croutons will get soggy, avocado will discolor, etc.). Add
these at service time.
8. Refrigerate.
9. Add dressing immediately before service, or serve it on the side.
Dressed greens wilt rapidly.
Example Ingredients for green salad :

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 47

100 gr letuche Cut in smoll, with artistic seaps.
150 gr green cucumber Cut in garnish
75 gr Green paprika Slice in macth steeck
150 gr Green bean Cut in gardiniere
150 ml mayonais/vinegrate/franch dressing
40 g Ring onion

For : 15 portion

350 mL Mayonais Dressing

1 kg Crisp, red eating apples
450 gr Celery, small dice
100 gr Walnuts, coarsely chopped
25 Lettuce cups
60 gr Chopped walnuts (optional)

Procedure :

3. Prepare the dressing. Place it in a large stainless-steel bowl and have it ready in
the refrigerator.
2. Core the apples and dice them to 1⁄2 in. (1 cm) without peeling them.
3. As soon as the apples are cut, add them to the dressing and mix in to prevent
4. Add the celery and walnuts. Fold in until evenly mixed.
5. Arrange the lettuce bases as underliners on cold salad plates.
6. Using a No. 12 scoop, place a mound of salad on each plate.
7. If desired, garnish each salad with about 1 tsp (5 mL) chopped nuts.
8. Hold for service in refrigerator
Per serving: Calories, 150; Protein, 1 g; Fat, 12 g (69% cal.); Cholesterol, 10 mg;
Carbohydrates, 11 g; Fiber, 2 g; Sodium, 40 mg.
Note: Plain mayonnaise may be used instead of Chantilly dressing.


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For : 6 portion

Ingredients :
3 pcs chicken breast
3 dl calepso sauce/ thosan island dressing
3 pcs pineapple
80 gr selery stalk
garnis (parsly, tomatos)

Method :
1. Boiling Chichen breast with bouquet garni or mirepoix, antil tander.
2. Cut in half Pineapple, removed gist volume.
3. All ingredient (chicken, gist volume of pine apple, selery stalk) cut in dice, mixed
with calepso sauce.
4. Plased half of the pine apple bases as underliners on cold salad plates.
5. Arange mixture of inggredien on the top half pine apple.
6. Garnis with parsly and slice of tomato


For : 6 portion

Ingredients :
150 gr Shrimp
2 dl calepso sauce/ thosan island dressing
80 gr Letuche (Slice Shreded)
garnis (parsly, Lime)

Method :
1. Boiling Shrimp with bouquet garni or mirepoix.
2. Arange of inggredien on the cocktail glass.
3. Garnis with Lime or add Parseley.


Ingredients :
1 liter mayonnaise

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5 g chopped onion
4 g chopped green pepper bell
3 g red pepper bell
1 g chopped parsley
3 g chopped stuffed olive
2 g chopped black olive
5 dl tomato ketchup
5 dl chili sauce

Method :
2. Mixed all ingredients with mayonnaise well.
3. If needed can add salt.

For : 1 liter
Ingredients :

1 liter mayonnaise
10 gr mustard
5 gr chopped onion
3 gr chopped red pepper bell
5 gr chopped green pepper bell
3 gr chopped gherkin
2 gr chopped parsley
10 gr Chopped Hard Boill Egg

Method :
Mixed all ingredients well.

Note : this sauce use for fritter, example for : fish and chips, chicken nugget, etc.



Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 50

For : 10 portion

Ingredients :

250 gr Beef minched

50 gr Chopped onion
75 gr Flour
50 gr Butter/margarine
15 gr salt
3 gr tarragon / oregano
2 lfs bay leaves
150 ml Fresh Milk
2 gr Pepper
1 gr Nut meg
Method :

1. Saute onion antil slighty, add minched of beef and seasoning.

2. Sprinkle flour on souted of beef with stear well, antil mixture and not flavor flour.
3. The milk is added with slowly, and stear well antil tander.
4. Sheaped dought in medium mould,
5. Breading proses and frying

For : 10 portion

Ingredients :
250 gr macaroni
150 gr minched of meat
3 slice Smoke beef
275 ml fresh milk
6 pc egg
40 gr Choped onion
60 gr mushroom
40 gr chees
5 pcs meggi block
2 gr oregano/tarragon
15 gr leek/selery
To taste salt

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 51

To taste pepper

Method :

1. Boill macaroni antil aldante.

2. Soute onion antil slighty, add minchen of meat, seasoning with salt and pepper,
tarragon /oregano add with chopped smoke beef and slice leek /selery.
3. Combine fresh milk, egg, meggi block, salt and pepper, wishking antil mixture,
the chees grated by added .
4. Prepare gratank dish spreaded with butter/margarin,
5. Mixing boilled macaroni and souted af meat. Aranged on the top gratank dish.
6. Pour combined of fresh milk and egg on top macaroni sprinkle with grated of
7. Ovenising with temperature 1800 C . Cooking antil optimal coagulation of liquid.
(colour golden brown on top)



For : 6.portion

No Method Quantity Inggredients Explanation

1 Prepare The Mise en Place
600 gr Fille of beef Into 15 gr pieces (in Fingger)
1 dl Oil
50 gr Shallot Chopped
To taste Salt & pepper
100 gr Mushroom Slice
50 gr Red pimentos
10 gr Paprika powder
2,5 dl demiglace
1 dl Fresh Cream or
Soure cream
20 gr In julienne
2 The Result
3 Season W/ Salt & Pepper The meat
Heat 10 gr Oil In small sauteuse
4 Fry 50 gr Shallots Chopped
Add 100 gr Mushroom Sliced

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 52

Add 50 gr Red Pimentoes (if available) or optional
Shortly musroom and pimentos and
place aside
Heat 15 gr Oil In large sauteuse
5 Fry The meat Quickly to medium-rare
6 Mix in 10 gr Paprika powder
7 Add The fryed shallot and mushroom
from the small sauteuse
Very strong and hot, bring the stew
8 Add 3 dl demiglace to one boiling point
Removed The sautier from the fire
9 Bend in ½ dl Cream Fresh or slightly sour. The stew any
Don’t cook more the meat
10 Dress top with ½ dl Crem In a convenient dish whipped.
20 gr gherkins Cut into julienne
11 Serve Immediately with a garnish
Or rice or noodles


For: 10 servings

No Method Quantity Inggredients Explanation

1 prepare The mise en place
10 x 40 gr= 400 gr Beff tournedos Taken from beff tonedos

20 x 20 gr= 400 gr Lamb chops

10 x 30 gr = 300 Sausage (10 In escalopes
gr pcs) or beef
10 x 40 gr= 400 gr Pork escalopes broiled
20 pcs Slice of bacon Not cooked
10 Tomato
250 gr Straw potatoes broiled
1 bunch Watercress
10 Mushroom
½l Robert Sauce
2 The result
3 Cut Al items and marinated in oil and
papays leaves or green papaya
slices if meat is tough
4 Broil All the items on order beef and

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 53

lamb to the taste of the consumer
(VR,R, MR, M, Mwd, WD) The
rest until Weldone
5 Dress with Vegetables and On a serving plate or tray
6 Serve with ¼l Robert sauce Very hot in a sauce boat


Ingredients :

- 1/4 cup Dijon mustard

- 8 pieces (4 ounce) round steak, pounded 1/4 inch thick
- 1/2 cup minced onion
- 2 teaspoons paprika
- 2 teaspoons salt
- 2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper - 3 tablespoons canola oil -
- 8 slices bacon
- 1 can (12 ounce) beef broth
- 1 1/4 cups water
- 2 tablespoons cornstarch
- 1 cup warm water
- 1/4 cup sour cream

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 54

Procedure :

1. Spread 1/2 tablespoon mustard over one side of each piece of meat. Sprinkle the
onion, paprika, salt, and pepper evenly over the steaks. Lay one slice of bacon on
each piece. Roll the steaks jelly-roll style and secure with toothpicks.

2. Heat the canola oil in a skillet over medium heat. Cook meat on all sides until
browned. Add the beef broth and water; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium
low; cover and simmer until tender, about 30 minutes.

3. Remove the meat rolls. Strain the broth mixture and return liquid to the skillet.
Whisk together the cornstarch and 1 cup of water. Slowly pour the cornstarch slurry
into the skillet, stirring continually until the sauce has thickened, 2 to 3 minutes. Stir
in the sour cream. Return rolls to the sauce; serve immediately


Rollade Beef with Pepper Sauce

Bahan Dadar/Lapisan :
4 butir Telor
1 sdt garam
1 sdt lada

Bahan Adonan:
250 gr Daging Sapi cincang
2 bt Kuning Telor
1 sdm Tepung Terigu
1 sdt garam
1 sdt lada
Margarine secukupnya untuk olesan
1 sachet Saus Pepper ready blending
Air matang kira2 150 ml
Keju parut secukupnya (jika suka)

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 55

Cara Membuat :
1. Dadar : campur semua bahan, aduk rata, tuang 2 sendok minyak sayur dalam pan,
dadar telor kurang lebih 20 cm, masak hingga matang. Lakukan hingga adonan
2. Adonan: Campur semua bahan, kemudian aduk rata
3. Ambil 1 lembar dadar, olesi dengan margarin dan tuangkan 2 sdm adonan daging,
kemudian lipat kedua sisinya gulung seperti lumpia, rekatkan dengan benang kasur
agar dadar tidak mudah terbuka. Lakukan hingga semua habis
4. Kukus selam 30-45 menit hingga,daging matang.
5. Saus : Masak air hingga mendidih kemudian tuang satu sachet saus pepper. Masak
hingga saus mengental.Jika suka rasa cheesy..bisa ditambah keju parut diatas saus.
6. Sajikan Rollade beef dengan sausnya.



1 Prepare The mise en place
2 pcs Chicken breast Bonning and cut in fillet
30 gr Flour
1 pcs Egg
50 gr White bread crumb
To taste Salt and pepper

2 The result
3 Cut 2 pcs cut in fillet
4 Seasoned W/ Solt, pepper and
paprika powder
5 Past trough 30 gr Flour
6 Turn in 1 pcs Egg Beaten
7 Coat w/ 50 gr White bread crumb Press the crumb on well
8 Frying The chicken at 170 c
Antil golden brown
9 Serve With tartar sauce

YIELD : 10 portion

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 56

1 Prepare The mise en place
3 kg Chicken breast
50 gr Margarine or butter
50 gr Onions Finely Chopped
50 gr Flour
100 gr Stock Pot Garnie
1 dl Fresh Cream
8 dl Chicken Stock
2 dl White Wine
1 Lime
10 gr Parsley
2 The result
3 Cut 2 pcs (2 pcs @ 1,5 kg) in to pieces
of 30 gr to 40 gr
4 Heat 50 gr Margarine In the saucepan the chicken
Add pieces
And 50 gr onions Chopped
5 Simmer Both gently without coloring
6 Mix in 50 gr Flour
Stir Well
7 Deglaze w/ 2 dl White wine Press the crumb on well
8 Moisten w/ 8 dl Chicken stock
9 Add 100 gr Stock Pot Garnie
10 Bring to Boil Simmer approx., 15 minutes
Seasoning w/ Salt & pepper
11 removed The chicken pieces with
skimmer and mest fork and
place in the clean pan
12 Strain over The sauce, trough a conical
13 Blend in 1 dl Fresh cream
few drops of Lime Juice only
Correct 1 seasoning And consistency
14 Reheat The fricassee without cooking
In to gratin dishes
Serve hot
15 The result
Spinkle w/ 10 gr parsley Chopped


Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 57

Yield : 4 portion

1 pcs dada ayam tanpa tulang
2 lbr keju slice
2 lbr smoked beef
40 gr tepung roti
1 btr telur ambil putihnya
40 gr tepung terigu
Sauce :
25 gr margarin tawar
30 gr bawang bombay, cincang halus
40 gr jamur merang yang sudah direbus
10 ml Saus tiram,
5 gr Lada hitam,
secukupnya Chicken powder,
secukupnya Garam,
100 ml cream cooking unsalted

Cara membuat:
1. Dada ayam (chiken fillet) dibelah tipis tidak sampai putus. Setelah itu dipukul-
pukul dengan palu daging dan dibumbui dengan lada dan garam.
2. Taruh smoked beef dan keju dalam lapisan ayam tersebut dan digulung hingga keju
tidak terlihat.
3. Gulingkan ayam ke dalam tepung terigu hingga rata kemudian lumuri dengan putih
telur hingga rata di atas tepung roti, sambil ditekan agar tepung roti dapat menempel
4. Goreng hingga kuning kecokelatan. Sisihkan di piring saji.
Untuk saus:
1. Tumis bawang bombay dengan margarin, lalu masukkan jamur merang.
2. Setelah itu, tuangkan cream cooking. Setelah mendidih masukkan saus tiram, lada
hitam, chicken powder, dan garam, lalu aduk rata dan angkat.
3. Siram ayam yang sudah digoreng tadi dengan saus tersebut.
4. Hidangan ini lebih cocok disantap bersama kentang goreng.


Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 58


5 Chickens, 2–21⁄4 lb (0.9–1 kg)

to taste Salt
to taste Pepper
60 mL Oil
60 gr Shallots or onions, cut brunoise
250 gr Mushrooms, sliced
250 mL White wine
750 mL Demi-glace
250 gr Tomato concasse, fresh
125 gr Drained, chopped canned tomatoes
30 mL Chopped parsley


1. Cut the chickens into 8 pieces. Season with salt and pepper.
2. Heat the oil in a brazier or large saute pan. Brown the chicken well on all sides.
3. Remove the chicken pieces from the pan. Cover and keep them hot.
4. Add the shallots and mushrooms to the pan and saute lightly without browning.
5. Add the white wine and reduce by three-fourths over high heat.
6. Add the demi-glace and tomatoes and bring to a boil. Reduce slightly. Season with
salt and pepper.
7. Place the chicken in the sauce. Cover and simmer slowly on the stove orin the oven
at 325°F (165°C), 20–30 minutes, or until done.
8. When the chicken is done, remove it from the pan and reduce the sauce slightly over
high heat. Add the chopped parsley and check the seasonings.
9. Serve 1⁄2 chicken (2 pieces dark meat and 2 pieces light meat) perportion. Cover
with 3 fl oz (90 mL) sauce.

Per serving : Calories, 780; Protein, 76 g; Fat, 47 g (55% cal.); Cholesterol, 250 mg; Carbohydrates,
72 g; Fiber, 1 g; Sodium, 290 mg.
Note : Large chickens may be used, if desired. For 31⁄2-lb (1.6-kg) chickens, use 1⁄4 chicken per
portion (1 piece dark meat and 1 piece light meat).

Alternative Method: Brown chickens as in the basic recipe. Drain excess fat. Ad 1 qt
(1 L) prepared chasseur sauce and finish cooking the chickens as in the basic method.
Chicken Bercy
Method 1: Prepare as in the basic recipe, but omit the mushrooms and tomato.
Method 2: Brown chickens as in the basic recipe. Add 1 qt (1 L) prepared Bercy
sauce and simmer the chickens until done.

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 59

Chicken Portugaise
Method 1: Prepare as in the basic recipe, but omit the mushrooms and wine. Use 4 oz
(125 g) onions, cut brunoise, and add 1 tsp (5 mL) chopped garlic. Substitute tomato
sauce for the demi-glace.
Method 2: Brown chicken as in the basic recipe. Add 1 qt (1 L) portugaise sauce and
simmer the chicken until done.

Chicken Hongroise
Prepare as in the basic recipe, but saute chicken only lightly. Do not brown. Omit
mushrooms and wine. Use Hungarian (hongroise) sauce instead of demi-glace. When
the chicken is cooked, add 4–6 fl oz (125–175 mL) heavy cream (tempered or
heated) to the sauce. Omit parsley garnish. Serve with rice pilaf.


Fo12 portionr


3 Chickens, about 23⁄4 lb (1.3 kg) each

to taste Salt
to taste Pepper
as needed Vegetable oil
60 g Butter
120 g Shallots, chopped fine
4 Cloves Garlics, chopped fine
700 g Mushrooms, sliced or quartered
280 mL White wine
700 g Tomato concasse
360 mL Demi-glace
30 mL Chopped parsley


1. Cut each chicken into 8 pieces,

2. Season the chicken lightly with salt and pepper.
3. Pour about 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) oil into one or more saute pans over moderate heat.
4. Saute the chicken pieces until they are cooked through. Regulate the heat so they
brown well but do not scorch.
5. Remove the chicken pieces from the saute pans and keep them hot. (Alternative
method: Brown the chicken pieces well in the saute pans, transfer to a sheet pan
or hotel pans, without crowding them, and finish cooking in a 375°F [190°C]

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 60

6. Drain the oil from the saute pans and discard. Add the butter to the pans over
moderately high heat.
7. Add the shallots, garlic, and mushrooms. Saute until tender and lightly browned.
8. Add the wine. Reduce by half.
9. Stir in the tomatoes and demi-glace. Return the mixture to a boil.
10. Stir in the chopped parsley. Season to taste with salt.
11. Spoon the tomato mixture onto plates and top with the chicken. (If the chicken has
cooled, it can be reheated in the tomato mixture, but do not let it cook further.)

Per serving: Calories, 470; Protein, 72 g; Fat, 28 g (53% cal.); Cholesterol, 140 mg;
Carbohydrates, 9 g; Fiber, 2 g; Sodium, 370 mg.
Note: Use white button mushrooms or a mixture of mushrooms, such as shiitake, portobello, and


For : 10 servings

Ingredients :
150 g butter
200 g onion, finely chopped
800 g rice
2.3 liters light stock with seasoning
150 g parmesan cheese, grated

Method :
1. Sauté onion in ½ of the butter.
2. Add rice and stir until the rice is covered with butter.
3. Pour in the boiling stock, cover and cooked the rice about 15 minutes.
4. Remove from the heat. If necessary, add a little more stock. Stir until the rice
absorbs all the liquid.
5. Add the reminder of the butter and cheese.

Note : Risotto is the best when serve immediately. If should be “al dente” and slightly sticky. If
serving must be delayed, place the river over very low heat and add a little cold stock.


Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 61

2. Risotto with Chipolatta Sausages (risotto aux chipolatas)
This is risotto surrounded with chipolata sausages and topped with sautéed
3. Risotto Milanese Style (risotto milanaise)
The risotto is prepared with rice that has been cooked in stock with saffron.
4. Risotto with Mushrooms (risotto aux shampignons)
This risotto is garnished with a bouquet of sautéed mushrooms.
5. Risotto with Tomatoes (risotto tomate)
This risotto is similar to risotto, Milanese Style. The rise for this dish is cooked in
the broth with added tomato puree and diced tomatoes.



For : 5 serving

Ingredients :
751 gr Fillet of pamfret Cut in Goujone
50 gr Flour
100 ml oil
100 gr Butter

Marenated :
1 tbs Salt
10 ml L & P Sc.
½ tbs pepper
1 pcs lemon

Egg Batter :
4 pcs Whole Egg
30 gr onion, finely chopped
10 gr Parsly, minched
40 ml Cream
50 gr Permesan Chees
5 gr pepper,
Method :
1. Marinated fist cut,

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 62

2. Make Egg batter : Mixed all inggrediet Egg Batter.
3. Cooking : Dusting fish after marinated with Flour, Deep in Egg Batter, heat oil
with simering and then frying fish, until golden brown and troughly cooked.
4. Heat Butter until foamy, pour hot butter over the fish.
5. Serving imadiately very hot with potatoes covered with parsly


Ingredients :
1 kg white cabbage
30 g bacon skin
40 g carrots
40 g onions
4 dl white stock
To taste salt and pepper

Method :
1. Remove from 1 kg with cabbage the center stalk and the discolored leaves. Wash
the cabbage well.
2. Boil in salted water for 1 hour then refresh until cold. Take the best 10 outer
leaves and lay out flat on a table.
3. Chop season with salt and pepper the remainder. Place the remainder on the
4. Wrap each filled leaf in a tammy cloth and shape into a fairly firm ball.
5. Place the balls in a buttered braising pan.
6. Add 30 g, 40 g carrots, and 40 g onions. Sliced carrots and onions.
7. Moisten with 4 dl white stock until the balls are half covered. Season with a little
salt and pepper on top.
8. Braise in a moderately warm oven about 1 hour.
9. Serve hot in a vegetable bowl or on a platter.

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Yield : 10 portions

Ingredients :
2 kg potatoes
400 g onions
150 g butter or margarine
To taste salt & pepper
30 gr parsley (explanation : chopped)

Method :
1. Slice the potatoes 2 to 3 and thick.
2. Dlice 400g onions pealed.
3. Fry in 60g margarine the onions.
4. Heat 100g margarine in a frying pan.
5. Add the potatoes. Fry until lightly colored.
6. Season with salt and pepper
7. Add the onions, combine gently with potatoes. Fry until golden-brown.
8. Dress on a flat, buttered vegetable platter.
9. Sprinkle with 30g parsley chopped.

Paryoto,Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia / Chef School Page 64


1. Eugen Pauli (1979) Classical Cooking The Modern Way

CB.I Publishing Company, Inc.

2. Wayne Gisslen(2007), Profesioanal Cooking

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