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Gang keow wan

Nomer Kode :
Jumlah Porsi : 10 portions
Nomer Kode : MAC-02 (CON)
Jumlah Porsi : 10 porsi
Weighing Measuring

1 Kakap Merah 500 gr

2 pasta kari hijau 3 sdm

3 santan 2,5 cup

4 daun jeruk limau 2 pcs

5 kecap ikan 0,5 sdm

6 gula aren 25 gr
7 minyak goreng 20 ml
8 cabai merah (diiris diagonal) 3 pcs
9 daun kemangi 10 gr


Nomer Kode :
Jumlah Porsi : 10 portions
Nomer Kode : MAC-02 (CON)
Jumlah Porsi : 5 porsi
Weighing Measuring
1 ayam fillet 500gr

2 daun pandan 100 gr

3 saus tiram 3 sdm

4 kecap asin 3 sdm
5 minyak wijen 2 sdt
6 merica
7 bawang putih 100 gr
8 kecap manis 3 sdt
9 Minyak Goreng 200 ml

Papaya salad ( Som Tum)

Nomer Kode :
Jumlah Porsi : 10 portions
Nomer Kode : MAC-02 (CON)
Jumlah Porsi : 10 porsi
Weighing Measuring
1 green papaya, shredded 450GR
2 Sprout 100 gr
3 dry roasted peanuts 40 gr
4 garlic, peeled 50 gr
5 fresh Thai chili, or to taste 20 gr
6 soy sauce 3 TBS
7 fish sauce 3 TBS
8 salt
9 brown sugar 60 GR
10 seasoning powder 2 TSP
11 water 50 ML
12 lime, make juice 2 pcs
13 cherry tomatoes, halved 20 PCS

Pad thai Noodle

Nomer Kode :
Jumlah Porsi : 10 portions
Nomer Kode : MAC-02 (CON)
Jumlah Porsi : 5 porsi
Weighing Measuring
1 kwetiau tipis transparan 250 gr

Minyak goreng
3 daging ayam cincang 150 gr

udang kupas,

4 100 gr
5 daun bawang 50 gr
telur, kocok lepas, buat orak-arik

6 2 pcs
7 taoge, buang akarnya 100 gr

daun ketumbar
8 20 gr
9 Jeruk nipis iris 2 pcs

10 1 buah
Bumbu Halus:
11 bawang putih 30 gr
12 ebi sangrai 10 gr
13 bawang bombay 30 gr
cabai rawit 2 pcs

14 Saus Bumbu: campur jadi satu

15 air asam jawa pekat 1 sdm
16 gula palem 1,5 sdm
17 saus cabai 2 sdm
18 kecap ikan 2 tbs
19 sauce tiram 2 tbs
ng keow wan


1. Ambil kakap yang telah disiapkan, kemudian iris dengan ukuran 3

2. Selanjutnya, panaskan wajan di atas api sedang, lalu masukkan pasta
kari hijau dan tumis hingga harum.
3. Kurangi panas api, masukkan santan kelapa hingga menghasilkan
kuah masakan berwarna hijau.
4. Masukkan kakap, daun jeruk, dan masak daging di dalam wajan
kurang lebih tiga menit hingga empuk dan matang.
5. Selanjutnya, pindahkan dari wajan ke panci, tambahkan sisa santan,
kecap ikan, dan gula aren hingga semua mendidih.

6. Pindahkan masakan ke mangkok saji dan berikan tambahan daun

kemangi, irisan cabai merah, dan gang keow wan siap disajikan!


1. Cuci bersih ayam dengan garam sampai ayam keset, potong sesuai
2. Campur semua bumbu ke ayam, urap sampai rata, diamkan di dalam
kulkas hingga sejam.

3. Bungkus ayam dengan daun pandan, goreng dengan api sedang.

4. Setelah matang, ayam pandan khas Thailand siap disajikan.

aya salad ( Som Tum)


shredded 1. Mix soy sauce, fish sauce, salt, brown sugar, water, lime juice and
1. Mix soy sauce, fish sauce, salt, brown sugar, water, lime juice and
Roasted, crush 2. Mixed the sauce mexture with green papaya and sprout
pelled , chop 3. Served and gharnish with roasted nut and tomato cherry


Pad thai Noodle


Cara Masak:
1. Seduh kwetiau dengan air mendidih hingga lembek (3 menit),
tiriskan, sisihkan.

2. Panaskan 2 sdm minyak goreng dalam wajan, tumis ayam

cincang, aduk hingga berbutir-butir, tambahkan udang, aduk
hingga udang berubah warna, angkat, sisihkan.
belah punggungnya
iris halus
3. Panaskan 3 sdm minyak goreng, tumis bumbu halus hingga
harum, masukkan ayam dan udang, aduk. Masukkan saus bumbu,
tambahkan setengah bagian daun bawang, aduk rata.
kocok lepas, buat orak-arik

4. Masukkan kwetiau, wortel dan taoge, aduk, tambahkan telur

orak-arik, aduk hingga seluruh bahan tercampur rata, angkat.

5. Pindahkan kwetiau ke atas piring saji, taburi sisa daun bawang,

dan daun ketumbar cincang. Hidangkan dengan pelengkap jeruk
Slice Tipis nipis iris. (P)
Creamy Chicken Soup with Coconut Milk (Tom K
Nomer Kode :
Jumlah Porsi : 10 portions
Nomer Kode : MAC-02 (CON)
Jumlah Porsi : 10 porsi
Weighing Measuring
1 Thai Chicken Stock 350 ml
2 Lemon grass 2 pcs
3 galangal root 1 pcs
4 kaffir lime leaves 3 pcs Slice
5 chicken 350 gr cut small pieces
6 canned straw mushrooms 1 can cut section
7 lime juice 2 tbs
8 fish sauce 3 tbs
9 Coconut Milk 150 ml
10 Red Chilli 3 pcs
11 Coriander leaves 30 gr
12 Salt
13 pepper
14 sugar


Nomer Kode :
Jumlah Porsi : 10 portions
Nomer Kode : MAC-02 (CON)
Jumlah Porsi : 10 porsi
Weighing Measuring
1 glass noodles 2 pack
2 Ear Nushroom 100 gr
3 Salad Oil 50 ml
4 Gralic 3 cloves Chopped
5 Lime Juice 3 tbs
6 Fish Sauce 2 tbs
7 Lemon Grass 2 pcs Fine Slice
8 Cilantro 30 gr
9 Shallot 3 pcs Fine Slice
10 Red Chilli 2 pcs Slice
11 Letthuce 350 gr
12 Oil 200 ml

Mussaman Beef Curry (Gaeng Mussaman)

Nomer Kode :
Jumlah Porsi : 10 portions
Nomer Kode : MAC-02 (CON)
Jumlah Porsi : 10 porsi
Weighing Measuring
1 Coconut Milk 150 ml
2 Mussaman Curry Paste 3 tbs
3 Beef Sirloin 500 gr Cut into pieces
4 Cardamon seed 5 pcs
5 Cinamon Stick 1 pcs
6 Potato 200 gr Boil and Cut Big Cube
7 Peanuts 50 gr sauted , chopped
8 Shallot 5 pcs
9 chopped palm sugar 2 tbs
10 fish sauce 3 tbs
11 Tamarind juice 3 tbs
12 oil
Mussaman Curry Paste :
3 tablespoons sliced shallots
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
1 teaspoon sliced galangal
1 heaped tablespoon sliced lemongrass (inside of thickest part of stem only)
1 tablespoon coriander seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
black peppercorns

Stir Fry Bok Choy (Pak Bung Fai Dtaeng)

Nomer Kode :
Jumlah Porsi : 10 portions
Nomer Kode : MAC-02 (CON)
Jumlah Porsi : 10 porsi
Weighing Measuring
1 Garlic 3 cloves
2 Red Chilli 2 pcs Pelled and Crush
3 Tau cho 1 tbs
4 Bok Choy 500 gr Clean and blanch
5 Sugar 2 tbs
6 Fish Sauce 2 tbs

7 Soy Sauce 1 tbs

8 Oil
9 salt
10 pepper
onut Milk (Tom Kha Gai)


Place the stock in a pot and add the lemongrass. galangal and kaffir lime

Bring to a boil over medium heat Add the chicken, mushrooms, salt,
lime juice, fish sauce and sugar.

Reduce heat to low and cook slowly, uncovered, for 10 minutes or until
the chicken changes color, then add coconut milk and chilies. Bnng
almost to a boll, stirnng constantly for 2-3 minutes, then remove from
heat and serve

Bnng almost to a boll, stirnng constantly for 2-3 minutes, then remove
from heat and serve



Soak the mung bean noodles in boiling water for about 1-2 minutes.
Drain the water and chop roughly.

Soak the black Cloud Ears in boiling water for about 3 minutes. Drain
and roughly chop

Heat oil over medium heat in a saucepan. Fry the garlic in a golden
brown. Remove from oil and drain

Add lime juice and 2 tbsp. of fish sauce to the glass noodle and stir well.
Add the lemon grass, coriander, chili and mint then stir thoroughly.

Line a serving plate with lettuce and then spoon the mixture over the
leaves. Sprinkle with fried garlic and garnish with coriander

y (Gaeng Mussaman)


1 Heat the coconut cream 1n a saucepan over medtum heat, add the
Mussaman Curry Paste, reduce heat to low and s1mmer for 5 minutes.
Turn off heat and set aside.

2 Heat oil in a large pot or wok, then add the beef and stir-fry for 8-10
minutes, until almost cooked Add the coconut milk and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat to low and simmer gently for 10 minutes.

3 Add all the remaining ingredients and cook until the potatoes and
meat are tender
ak Bung Fai Dtaeng)


1 Heat a wok until very hot then add the oil When orl is hot, add garlic
and stir-fry until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add the chili and taucho and
stir-fry until bean sauce is evenly mixed. .

2 Add the bok choy, sugar, soy sauce and fish sauce. Stir-fry until the
spinach is just wilted, 2- 3 mrnutes.Transfer to a plate and serve hot

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