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Mengapa Belajar Filsafat Itu Penting?

Apakah Filsafat Itu?

Secara etimologi berasal dari kata Philoso-phia (Yunani) philein artinya mencintai atau philos artinya teman sophos artinya bijaksana atau Sophia artinya kebijaksanaan

love of wisdom.

love of wisdom.

Memberi kita dua hal yang penting untuk melangkah maju: cinta (love/passion) dan kebijaksanaan (wisdom/knowledge/understanding).
Kata yang pertama harus menjadi perhatian utama karena aspek ini sering dikesampingkan dalam academic philosophy: love and passion.

What is Wisdom?*

Hampir setiap saat filsafat dipelajari tanpa passion dan tanpa cinta, sebagaimana mempelajari pelajaran teknis seperti engineering atau simple mathematics. Filsafat harus dimulai dari suatu dorongan passion untuk mencapai tujuan utama dan disinilah pertanyaan tentang kebijaksanaan muncul. Filsafat mempunyai titikberat tentang mempertanyakan segala sesuatu pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang pada kenyataannya tidak akan pernah mendapatkan jawaban akhirnya.

2 Complimentary tasks of Philosophy*


The Critical task of philosophy meliputi: memberikan pertanyaan yang sulit tentang berbagai klaim kebenaran baik yang telah menjadi kebenaran umum ataupun kebenaran yang disampaikan oleh seorang filsuf.

A critical philosophy is not one that criticizes, in the carping, censorious way where nothing is ever right. CRITIQUE is the attempt to get behind knowledge claims and ask, What makes them possible?

The Constructive aspect of philosophy meliputi: mengembangkan gambaran realitas yang akurat dan produktif.

The Hope of Philosophy*

The hope of philosophy is to understand: understand

ourselves, understand our world, understand our values and the entirety of existence around us.

We humans want to understand such things and, without prodding or pushing, we naturally develop philosophy in order to develop such understanding. This means that everyone does at least a little bit of philosophy, even when they have never experienced formal training. Aristotle (Metaphysics I): All men by nature desire to know.

Does Philosophy ever accomplish anything?*

Many people tend to think of philosophy as an idle pursuit, never amounting to much.
Reason: If we go back and look at the works of ancient Greek philosophers, well find that they were asking the same questions which philosophers ask today. Is this true? Certainly not philosophy is not simply something for egghead academics in ivory towers. On the contrary, all humans engage in philosophy in one form or another because we are philosophizing creatures.

FACT: It is true that remaining with philosophy does not afford an especially wide range of career options.
But skill with philosophy is something which can be readily transferred to fields like law, public policy and more. Basically, anything which requires careful thinking, systematic reasoning, and an ability to ask and address difficult questions will benefit from a background in philosophy. Quite aside from career options, philosophy is also important for those who, on their own time, desire to learn more about themselves and about life. Such activities are themselves philosophical pursuits, and as such can benefit from any background in an academic study of the subject.

The philosophical enterprise: three disciplines


Discipline of questioning

Cessation of questioning leads only to the stagnation and arresting of growth.


Discipline of liberation

What are the consequence if a person engages in blind adherence, unquestioning acceptance, and thoughtless conformity in the presence of societal structures that close avenues to the truth?
Ones life is ones life is ones own unique creative project. Sren Kierkegaard


Discipline of personhood

What are some of the benefits of studying philosophy?*

Problem Solving Skills:

Philosophy is all about asking difficult questions and developing answers which can be reasonably and rationally defended against hard, skeptical questioning. Philosophers need to learn how to analyze concepts, definitions and arguments in a way conducive towards developing solutions for particular problems. Because of this, you can also have an increased assurance that your beliefs may be reasonable, consistent and well-founded because you have examined them systematically and carefully.

Benefit 2

Communication Skills:
A person who excels at communicating in the field of philosophy can also excel at communication in other areas. Philosophers are expected to express their ideas clearly and precisely, both in speaking and in writing. While those ideas may seem incomprehensible to those who are unfamiliar with the topic or jargon, this also tends to be the case with the physical sciences.

Benefit 3

It is also worth noting that it isn't just a matter of better communication with others that is helped by the study of philosophy understanding yourself is improved. The very nature of philosophy is such that you get a better picture of what you yourself believe simply through working through those beliefs in a careful and systematic fashion.

Benefit 4

Persuasive Skills:
The whole purpose in philosophy of developing problem solving and communication skills is not simply to gain a better understanding of the world, but also to get others to agree with that understanding. Good persuasive skills are thus important in the field of philosophy because a person needs to defend her own views and to offer insightful critiques of the views of others.

Who cares about doing philosophy well?*

EVERYONE who cares about whether or not their answers are reasonable, well-founded, well-developed and coherent. Those are the qualities which the study of philosophy can bring to a person's questioning and curiosity, and that is why the subject is so important. We may never arrive at any final answers, but in many ways it is the journey which is most important, not the destination.

*Source: Cline, Austin. Introduction to Philosophy: Defining, Studying, Doing Philosophy is Important. Why Do Atheists Need Philosophy? We Need to Reason Well About Life & Society. Available at


Cline, Austin. Introduction to Philosophy: Defining, Studying, Doing Philosophy is Important. Why Do Atheists Need Philosophy? We Need to Reason Well About Life & Society. Available at Kavanaugh, John S.J.The Philosophical Enterprise.


Philosophy is the wisdom of love in the service of love.

Emmanuel Levinas, Otherwise than Being

"... [E]vil is an invention of freedom....[A]n ethical vision of evil is a vision in which freedom is revealed in its depths as power to act and power to be; the freedom that evil supposes is a freedom capable of digression, deviation, subversion, wandering."
Paul Ricoeur, The Conflict of Interpretations

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