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Oleh :

Dr.Dra. Siti Rochmah, M.Si.

 Pengertian dasar
 Kompleksitas masalah pelayanan
 Barang dan jasa sebagai produk layanan
 Organisasi yang berperan dalam penyediaan

 Mengukur kualitas pelayanan publik
 Desain perubahan dan good customer

 Kegiatan membantu, menyiapkan, mengurus,
dan menyediakan kebutuhan publik dalam
bentuk barang ataupun jasa secara
 Service quality can mean as activity assist,

preparing, managing, and providing public

requirement in the form of goods and or
service by satisfying
 Masih banyak pelayanan yang cenderung
boros (wasteful), membengkak (bloated),
terlalu birokratis (over bureaucratic), dan
berpenampilan jelek (under performing).
 Masalah kualitas pelayanan dalam dimensi

pemerintahan (public dimensions)

 Masalah kualitas pelayanan dalam dimensi

bisnis (business dimensions)

 Tidak adanya kepastian biaya, waktu, dan
cara pelayanan.
 Prosedur pelayanan tidak mengatur
kewajiban provider dan hak warga sebagai
 Banyaknya biro jasa yang menunjukkan
besarnya oportunity cost
 Adanya diskriminasi pelayanan oleh para
pejabat birokrasi
 Rendahnya peranan masyarakat dan
 Kualitas produksi dianggap lebih penting
dibanding dengan kualitas layanan,
 Ada anggapan bahwa sumberdaya pemberi
layanan tidak harus memiliki keahlian
khusus (core skills)
 Nilai ekonomi bidang jasa layanan akan
membebani biaya bidang yang lain
 Berbagai pihak dalam lapisan birokrasi perlu
memahami pentingnya kualitas pelayanan
 Lapisan birokrasi : policy level, managerial

level, operational level

 Mampu menerapkannya dalam kegiatan

pelayanan (service activity)

 Esensinya terdiri dari barang
publik (public goods) dan barang
privat (private goods)
 Istilah goods tidak hanya bersifat

tangible tetapi juga bersifat

intangible (service)
 Barang yang dikonsumsi bersama (joint
 Untuk mendapatkan tidak diperlukan

persaingan (non rivalry) dan tidak dipungut

biaya (non exclusion).
 Semakin rendah derajat kebersamaan dan

semakin tinggi derajat eksklusi semakin

dekat dengan private goods
Perbedaan antara individual goods/private goods
dan collective goods/ public goods
Dapat dieksklusi Tidak dapat dieksklusi
KLASIFIKASI (exclusion) (non-exclusion)
Konsumsi Individual Goods Common-pool Goods
perorangan (makanan, pakaian, (ikan di laut, tanaman
(rivalry) rumah) di hutan)
Konsumsi Toll Goods Collective Goods
bersama (non- (TV kabel, telepon, (pertahanan nasional,
rivalry) listrik, lembaga
jalan tol) pemasyarakatan, jalan
Sumber : Emanuel Savas (2000)
 Organisasi swasta/bisnis murni (private for
profit organization)
 Organisasi swasta yang tidak berorientasi
pada keuntungan (private for non profit
 Organisasi swasta/bisnis semi publik (private
quasi public organization),
 Organisasi publik/pemerintah (public
 Organisasi bisnis : lebih
berorientasi pada keuntungan
(profit making)
 Organisasi publik : lebih
berorientasi pada pelayanan
(service making)
~ PUBLIK sebagai kunci untuk memahami perilaku organisasi dan manajemen di semua
sektor (public dan privat)
~ PUBLIC is “The degree to which the organization is affected by politically authority”

Perbedaan sektor PUBLIK dan sektor PRIVAT

Perbedaan Sektor PRIVAT Sektor PUBLIK

Tujuan dan Sasaran Sangat jelas “PROFIT” Banyak dan kabur (ditentukan

Akuntabilitas Dewan komisaris & pemegang saham Lembaga perwakilan (abdi

masyarakat) & atasan langsung

Prinsip kepantasan Merit system, personal accountability Spoil system, politis & senioritas

Jaminan kerja Tergantung pada kerja yang diembannya Security of tenture (tujuan yang
(sumber dana, daya & sumber lain bersifat sosial ~ tidak efisien)
dikelola secara efektif dan efisien)

Koordinasi, Antara pimpinan, bawahan & komisaris Antar departemen & lembaga
keterlibatan politik & organisasi (keputusan pertimbangan publik (keputusan bermuatan
konsistensi keuntungan) politis)

Personalitas & Achievement motivation tinggi (related to Achievement motivation rendah

performance promotion - performance motivation)
 Mengatur dan mengurus penyediaan berbagai
klasifikasi barang dan jasa
 Pemerintah cenderung lebih berfungsi
mengatur dan mengurus penyediaan
barang-barang publik
 Dapat melaksanakan fungsi pengaturan dan
pengurusan secara monopolistik oleh
birokrasi sesuai kewenangannya (bureaucratic
 Pemerintah perlu menerapkan nilai-nilai
birokrasi (bureaucratic values) sesuai dengan
tuntutan kebutuhan publik
 Prinsip 3R (three R’s) dalam bureaucratic

values : Responsibility, Responsiveness, dan

 Melibatkan pihak swasta (market
oriented enabler),
 Melibatkan peranserta masyarakat

(community oriented enabler)

 Pemerintah melaksanakan fungsi

pengaturan melalui berbagai

 Organisasi bisnis/swasta cenderung lebih
berfungsi menyediakan barang-barang privat
 Melaksanakan fungsi pengurusan melalui

mekanisme kontrak.
 Biasanya lebih berorientasi pada

keuntungan atau menerapkan nilai-nilai

bisnis (business value)
 Effectivity,Efficiency,
 Prinsip 3E’s dan 3R’s sama-

sama diperlukan dalam rangka

mengembangkan penyediaan
 Pemerintah menyerahkan kepada kelompok
masyarakat karena dipandang dapat
menyediakan layanan secara mandiri (self
 Sesuai dengan keinginan dan kebutuhan
masyarakat setempat.
 Peran pemerintah ditekankan pada
mendorong peranserta masyarakat atau
menganut prinsip community values.
1. Public interests differ from private interests
◦ a broader set of norms and values
◦ democratic considerations, constitutional values,
◦ public welfare
2. are given much more weight in public organizations
than in private organizations
3. the leaders of public organizations are accountable to
citizens and voters rather than to special groups
4. Public organizations require a greater emphasis on
openess, transparency, equal treatment, impartiality
and predictability.
 Traditional/Old Public Administration (OPA)
 New Public Management (NPM)
 New Public service (NPS)
Traditional Public Administration
◦ The focus of government was the direct delivery of services
through bureaucratically structures government agencies
◦ Programs were run and services delivered through top-
down, hierarchical mechanisms that limited adminsitrative
◦ These closed systems did not encourage the involvement of
◦ The prevailing attitude was that government functions
should be left to the experts, and
◦ Citizens and politicians should rely on professional
administrators to effectively deliver government services.
◦ Government is the only option in terms of service delivery,
and as a client who has no choice, an individual is
dependent on the bureaucracy and, aware of this
◦ It’s a criticism for traditional public administration bec of its emphasis on process rather than
outcomes and for its preoccupation with rules, regulations, and hirarchical chain of command.
◦ Principles of the NPM are market orientation, customer focus, competitive bidding, and efficiency
◦ An underlying belieft of the NPM is that administrative enterpreneurs would introduce creative
ideas that would reform the outdated, rigid and buraucratic way of doing business, resulting in a
government that Works better and costs less ( as Osborne and Gaebler expalined in Reinventing
◦ Within the frame of the NPM, public administration have greater administration discreation than
treditional public adminiatrators do.
◦ New forms of service delivery are advanced so that government agencies are no longer the sole
source of service
◦ Competeition within and across government units is encouraged, as contracting with nonprofit
agencies and for-profit companies for the delivery of public services of public sector goods and
◦ Citizens are treated as customers and responsiveness to individual concerns or complaints is
stressed as public sector employees are encouraged to adopt the private sector approach,
government would be more innovative, more flexible, more entrepreneurial and more result-
◦ The NPM encourages citizens to act like customers and to interact with govrnmrnt only when
they have a neeed or concern.
◦ THE NPM fosters a one-way relationship with government where the individuals asks what
government can do for them, not what they can do for government.
◦ There has been a growth in citizen passivism of participatory involvement because the NPM
promoted a passive and disconnected citizenry where people began to think only of themselves,
rather than the community as a whole.
◦ The NPS is a management that is evolving in response to the criticism of the NPM.
◦ Its emphasis on entrepreneurial management has resulted in too much administrative discreation, and its
focus on the customer has devalued the role of citizens.
◦ The NPS is based on the assumption that governance is built on democratic citizenship where public
administrators serve and empower citizens as they manage public organizations and implement public
◦ Public servants act as facilitators and partners rather than experts and entrepreneurs.
◦ In this role they help articulate their needs, build relationship of trust with and among citizens, and more
attentive to community values and citizens interests.
◦ The emphasis is on building public institutions marked by integrity and responsiveness.
◦ The role of government in NPS is transformed from one controlling to one of agenda setting, bringing the
proper stakeholders to table, and facilitating or negotiating solutions to public problems.
◦ Public administrators are expected to create the coalitions under which citizens and public servants can
join in deliberation about issues of importance.
◦ The NPS encourages citizens to act as engaged paticipants and owners of government.
◦ They are expected to enter into meaningful, reciprocal relationships with government, and in doing so
they have a duty to assume an active role in improving government services, making decisions, and
challenging government actions.
◦ In this model, citizens look beyond self-interest to the broader issues of community.
◦ This broader vision requires that citizens have knowledge of public affairs, and have the public interest at
heart, as well as a bond, or sense of belonging, with the community.

1. Kurangnya komitmen dari aparatur pelayanan
2. Kurangnya pemahaman tentang manajemen kualitas
3. Ketidakmampuan merubah Kultur & Perilaku
4. kurang akuratnya perencanaan kualitas
5. Kurang efektifnya program pengembangan SDM
6. Sistem dan Struktur kelembagaan tidak kondusif
7. Keterbatasan sumber-sumber
8. Lemahnya sistem insentif (terutama non finansial)
9. Penerapan sistem manajemen kualitas belum efektif
10. Berorientasi jangka pendek
11. Sistem informasi kinerja pelayanan belum dikembangkan
12. Lemahnya integritas aparatur
13. Berorientasi mempertahankan status quo
1. Tujuan dan sasaran
2. Accountability
3. Merit system
4. Jaminan kerja
5. Koordinasi
6. Keterlibatan politik dalam pembuatan
7. Konsistensi dalam pengambilan keputusan
8. Personality and performance
(achievement and afiliation)

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