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Silabus Bahasa Inggris

Kurikulum Satuan Tingkat Pendidikan (KTSP)

Kelas/Semester: XI/1

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Indikator Materi Pokok Pengalaman Penilaian Alokasi Sumber/
Dasar Jenis Teks/ Contoh Teks Belajar Waktu Bahan/Alat
Menyatakan perasaan terkejut Mendengarkan Performance 2 x 45 Buku Look
MENDENGARKAN merespon makna dalam A. TINDAK BAHASA (surprise) percakapan assessment Ahead 2
Memahami makna percakapan Bereaksi atau merespon mis. A: Could you tell me how big is the interpersonal/ (merespon
dalam percakapan transaksional (to get dengan benar terhadap blue whale? transaksional ungkapan Kaset/CD
transaksional/ things done) dan tindak tutur: B: Wow, thats amazing melalui tape lisan) Script teks
interpersonal resmi interpersonal menyatakan perasaan Peringatan (warning) secara klasikal. 1 x 45 dari buku teks
dalam konteks (bersosialisasi) resmi terkejut (surprise), mis.Watch your step Mendiskusikan Tugas
kehidupan sehari-hari. dan tak resmi secara peringatan, Be careful berbagai tindak Ensiklopedia
akurat, lancar, dan memberi/meminta Meminta/Memberi saran tutur yang 2 x 45
berterima menggunakan saran, menyatakan mis. A: What do you think? didengar melalui
ragam bahasa lisan permintaan B: why dont you tape secara OHP/LCD
yang melibatkan tindak (permission), Menyatakan permintaan klasikal.
tutur: menyatakan menyatakan perasaan (permission) Mendengarkan 1x45
perasaan terkejut relief, pain, pleasure, mis. A: Can I go to the movie? percakapan
(surprise), peringatan, menyatakan perasaan B: No, you may not. transaksional/inter
memberi/meminta takut(scared), Menyatakan relief personal yang
saran, menyatakan mengungkapkan/ mis. Oh, thats relief. Thank dilakukan oleh 1x45
permintaan meminta pendapat, goodness for that teman.
(permission), kepuasaan/ketidak Menyatakan perasaan pain Mendiskusikan
menyatakan perasaan puasaan mis. Ouch! It hurts me so much. berbagai tindak 1x45
relief, pain, pleasure, Ouch! Stop pinching me. tutur yang
menyatakan perasaan dilakukan oleh
Menyatakan perasaan pleasure
takut (scared), teman. 1x45
mis. Im very pleased with this room. Oh,
mengungkapkan/memin Merespon suatu
How marvelous.
ta pendapat, situasi dengan
Menyatakan perasaan takut
menyatakan tindak tutur yang 1x45
kepuasaan/ketidakpuasa tepat
mis. Im scared. You scare me
Mengungkapkan/meminta 2x45
mis. A:What do you think of
Is that right (true) that
B: In my opinion, ..
I personally believe
Menyatakan kepuasaan 2x45
Mis I really like my new hair cut
I t was satisfactory
Menyatakan ketidakpuasaan
mis. The food was lousy
I am a little dissatisfied with the
service here

Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI 1

Mengungkapkan Mengungkapkan makna Melakukan berbagai Membaca dialog Performance
makna dalam teks dalam percakapan tindak tutur dalam Melafalkan assessment
percakapan transaksional (to get wacana lisan berbagai tindak (responding,
transaksional resmi dan things done) dan interpersonal/ tutur performing
percakapan berlanjut interpersonal transaksional: Menggunakan dialog)
(sustained) secara (bersosialisasi) resmi menyatakan perasaan tindak tutur yang Checklist
akurat, lancar, dan dan tak resmi dalam terkejut (surprise), sesuai untuk suatu
berterima dalam ragam lisan secara peringatan, pernyataan/situasi
konteks kehidupan akurat, lancar dan memberi/meminta yang diberikan.
sehari-hari dan berterima yang saran, menyatakan Melengkapi dialog
mengakses ilmu melibatkan tindak tutur: permintaan dengan tindak
pengetahuan. menyatakan perasaan (permission), tutur yang sesuai.
terkejut (surprise), menyatakan perasaan Menjodohkan
peringatan, relief, pain, pleasure, tindak tutur
memberi/meminta menyatakan perasaan dengan dengan
saran, menyatakan takut (scared), situasi yang tepat
permintaan mengungkapkan/ Mendiskusikan
(permission), meminta pendapat, model percakapan
menyatakan perasaan menyatakan kepuasaan/ berpasangan
relief, pain, pleasure, ketidakpuasaan
menyatakan perasaan
takut (scared),
pertanyaan tentang
meminta pendapat,
kepuasaan/ketidakpuasa Tanya-jawab
an dengan teman
Membaca contoh
saran melalui
tanggapan tentang
suatu isu
hotel service
Membuat dialog
sesuai dengan
situasi yang
dialog di depan

Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI 2

Performance 10x45
MENDENGARKAN Report Whales are sea-livings mammals. They Mendengarkan assessment
Memahami dalam teks Merespon makna dalam Merespon wacana therefore breathe air but cannot survive teks monolog (responding,
monolog lisan teks monolog sederhana monolog: reports, on land. Some species are very large dengan bantuan jawaban
berbentuk reports, menggunakan ragam narrative, dan indeed and the blue whale, which can audio lisan)
narrative, dan bahasa lisan secara analytical exposition exceed 30 meters in length, is the largest Melengkapi teks
analytical exposition akurat, lancar dan animal to have lived on earth. monolog
secara akurat, lancar, berterima dalam teks Superficially, the whale looks rather like Menjawab
dan berterima dalam berbentuk: report, a fish, but there are important differences pertanyaan
konteks kehidupan narrative, dan in its external structure; its tail consists Menyusun gambar
sehari-hari dan analytical exposition of a pair of broad, flat horizontal paddles berdasarkan cerita
mengakses ilmu (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a yang didengar
pengetahuan. single nostril on top of its large, broad Mengidentifikasi
head. The skin is smooth and shiny and kata penghubung
beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). It untuk monolog
can be up to 30 meters in thickness and narrative
serves heat and body fluids. Menyusun kalimat
berdasarkan cerita
yang didengar
makna dalam Mengungkapkan makna Melakukan monolog Why do the Sun and the Moon live in
monolog yang dalam teks monolog berbentuk : report, Narrative the sky ? Tugas proyek 10x45
berbentuk report, secara akurat, lancar narrative, dan ( A Nigerian Folktale ) Performace
narrative dan dan berterima yang analytical exposition. assessment
pengamatan yang
analytical exposition menggunakan ragam Here is the story. A long time ago, (mendongeng,
secara akurat, lancar, bahasa lisan yang when the world was new, the Sun presentation)
dan berterima dalam berbentuk: married the Moon and they lived as Melakukan Checklist
konteks kehidupan report,, narrative, dan happily as can be. They lived in a little pengamatan pada
sehari-hari dan analytical exposition cottage near the Ocean. suatu benda . mis.
mengakses ilmu You know what? One day, the Sun and ikan.
pengetahuan. the Moon invited the Ocean to their Melakukan tanya
house for a visit. The Ocean liked it so jawab
much. He wanted to stay in a little Membaca
cottage. The sun and the Moon liked the monolog report
Ocean and hoped the cottage would be Mendiskusikan
organisasi teks
big enough for all three of them. monolog
So the Sun and the Moon invited the Menjawab
Ocean to stay with them. What happened pertanyaan
then? Then came the Ocean with all his tentang teks
friends; the whales, the fish, the organisasi teks
porpoises, the crabs and all the creatures monolog
that live in the sea. Menganalisa teks
Oh my.. The water rose higher and monolog narrative
higher in the cottage. Soon, there was no
Merespon sebuah
more room for the Sun and the Moon.
Oh, how poor they were. They rose up
into the sky where they have lived ever
dengan teman
since. Well, thats the story.

Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI 3

presentasi tentang
pengamatan atau
Cars Should be Banned from Cities suatu isu.
Analytical Bekerjasama 8x45
Exposition Cars should be banned from the city. dengan teman
As we all know, cars create pollution, untuk membuat
and cause a lot of road deaths and other dongeng
accidents. Mempresentasikan
Firstly, cars, as well as we know, laporan
contribute to most of the pollution in the pengamatan secara
world. Cars emit a deadly gas that causes individu
illness such as bronchitis, lung cancers Mendongeng
and triggers of asthma. Some of these Mempresentasikan
illnesses are so bad that people can die suatu isu secara
from them. individu.
Secondly, a city is very busy.
Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars
commonly hit pedestrians in the city,
which causes them to die. Today cars are
the biggest killers on roads.
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you
live in the city, you may find it hard to
sleep at night, or concentrate on your
homework, and especially talk to
Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live
in the city, you may find it hard to sleep
at night, or concentrate on your
homework, and especially talk to

The Solar System
Memahami makna teks
monolog/esei Memahami dan Mengidentifikasi Report Performance 8 x 45
The solar system consists of a star
berbentuk report, merespon makna dalam makna dalam teks Membaca teks Assesment
(the sun), the planets and a number of
narrative dan teks monolog/esei yang Mengidentifilasi Melengkapi teks (responding)
other bodies, such as satellites and
analytical exposition menggunakan ragam langkah-langkah report dengan
asteroids. The sun is the centre of the
secara akurat, lancar, bahasa tulis secara retorika dalam bentuk passive Tugas
solar system. The planets revolve around
dan berterima dalam akurat, lancar dan wacana: report, yang tepat
it. There are nine planets in all. They
konteks kehidupan berterima dalam teks narrative dan Checklist
are : Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Menemukan
sehari-hari dan berbentuk: report, analytical Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and relative verbs
mengakses ilmu narrative dan analytical exposition. Pluto. Some planets have satellites. The Menjawab
pengetahuan. exposition.
Earth has one satellite. It is called the pertanyaan
Moon. (Taken from: Reading and Berdiskusi dengan
Thinking in English, Oxford University teman tentang teks

Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI 4

Press) yang dibaca
topik paragraph
yang dibaca
THE BLACK CAT Menemukan topik
Narrative yang tidak sesuai 10x45
I dont expect you to believe the story I Mengidentifikasi
am about to write. But in order to die bagian teks
peacefully, I must tell my story. (kalimat utama,isi
My wife and I loved pets. One of my dan penutup)
wifes favorite pets was Pluto, the cat. Mengidentifikasi
Pluto was a very clever black cat. organisasi teks
One day I came home very drunk. I Mengidentifikasi
was in a very bad temper. For some teks dari berbagai
reasons, Pluto made me angry. In a rage I aspek (tujuan,
seized the cat, took a small knife out of organisasi dan ciri-
my pocket and cut its throat and took one ciri kebahasaan)
of its eyes out ! Then I hanged the poor Memberi
creature until it was dead nama/term untuk
The next morning, I wake up and tiap bagian teks
remembered what I had done and I felt
sorry very much. I buried my memory in
paragraph yang
the drink. dibaca.
One night my house was burning.
There was nothing left, but a strange
thing happened. I found out in my
bedroom wall the shape of a huge cat
with one eye and a rope around its neck.
I was terrified and could not forget such
a horrible sight.
I regretted and felt sorry for Pluto so
I bought another cat to take Plutos place.
This cat had a white patch on its chest.
I soon began to dislike the cat
because it often stared at me with a
strange and hatred look. It terrified me
very much.
One day my wife and I went to the
cellar. I was getting drunk at that time.
The cat followed us. It got between my
feet and nearly made me trip down the
stairs. I was carrying an axe in my hand.
I was so angry that I raised my axe
wanting to kill the poor animal when my
wife prevented me from doing so. My
rage soon directed the axe at her. She fell
dead at my feet.
Then I dug a grave to hide her body
inside the cellar wall. I looked for the cat
because I decided to kill it too, but I
couldnt find it anywhere.
The fourth day after the death of my
wife, the police came to my house

Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI 5

because of my neighbours suspicion.
The police searched the house and found
nothing. I was so glad that I said,
Gentlemen, this is a well-built house.
Look at this wall. I lifted a stick and
beat the wall in which I had buried my
As soon as I had done that, a voice
cried out from behind that wall. The
sound was like a crying child but was not
The police were suspicious and they
tore the wall down. The body of my wife
was visible and sitting in front of her
dead body was Pluto, the cat that had
caused me to be hanged for murdering
my wife!

The Importance of English Language

I personally think that English is the
Analytical worlds most important language. Why 16x45
Exposition do I say that?
Firstly, English is an international
language. It is spoken by many people all
over the world, either as a first or second
Secondly, English is also the key
which opens door to scientific and
technical knowledge, which is needed for
the economic and political development
of many countries in the world.
MENULIS Thirdly, English is a top requirement
Mengungkapkan of those seeking for jobs. Applicants who Menulis paragraf Performance
makna dalam teks Mengungkapkan makna Menulis teks berbentuk master either active or passive English berdasarkan Assesment
monolog/esei tulis dalam teks monolog/esei berbentuk are more favorable than those who dont. sebuah teks (responding,
berbentuk report, monolog/esei yang report, narrative dan From the facts above, it is obvious that berpasangan hasil tulisan)
narrative, dan menggunakan ragam analytical exposition. everybody needs to learn to greet the Menyusun
analytical exposition bahasa tulis secara global era. (adapted from: Student Book paragraf menjadi Tugas
secara akurat, lancar akurat, lancar dan for SMA, Balai Pustaka) teks utuh dan
dan berterima dalam berterima dalam teks menganalisa Checklist
konteks kehidupan berbentuk: report, organisasinya
sehari-hari dan narrative dan analytical Jl. Cendrawasih 35 berpasangan
mengakses ilmu exposition Application Semarang Membetulkan
pengetahuan. letter ejaan , huruf besar, 1x45
October 25, 2006 tanda baca, dari
sebuah teks
HRD Manager Menulis teks
Asahi Diamond Industrial analytical
Wisma Dharmala Sakti, 12th floor exposition
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kv 32 berdasarkan
Jakarta 10220 gambar yang
Dear Sir or Madam: Meneruskan cerita

Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI 6

I am writing to apply for the job as an scear berkelompok
accountant, which you advertised Menulis teks
recently in Kompas newspaper. report secara
I am 25 years old. I graduated from individu
Banking and Accountancy Academy in Menulis cerita
Semarang. I took an English course for secara individu
active communication in Cambridge Menulis teks
English Course. analytical
Since I graduated from the college, I exposition secara
have worked for a multi finance individu
company in Semarang for 2 years and I
am still working for it at this moment.
B. LINGUISTIK I am interested in working as an Mendiskusikan
Mengidentifikasi ciri- Mengidentifikasi ciri- accountant in your company as I want to ciri-ciri kebahsaan
ciri kebahasaan teks ciri kebahasaan teks expand my experience and learn more in tiap teks
report report Jakarta. Menggarisbawahi
Relating Verbs Relating Verbs I enclose a photograph of mine and a teks
Linking Verbs Linking Verbs complete curriculum vitae. I would be Mengubah bentuk
Behavioral Verbs Behavioral Verbs very pleased to send any further details verbs
Simple Present Simple Present you may require. I would be available for
Tense Tense an interview at any time.
Technical Terms Technical Terms Thank you very much for
your consideration and I look forward to
kalimat dengan
Mengidentifikasi ciri- Mengidentifikasi ciri- hearing from you soon.
ciri kebahasaan teks ciri kebahasaan teks pertanyaan
narrative narrative Yours faithfully,
Virni Aprilia Menyusun
If clause If clause adverbs
Conjunctions Conjunctions Membuat kalimat
Relative Clauses Relative Clauses berdasarkan kata
Present Present Participle yang disediakan
Participle and and Past Melengkapi
Past Participle Participle teks/paragraf
Adverbs Adverbs

Mengidentifikasi cirri- Mengidentifikasi ciri-

ciri kebahasaan teks ciri kebahasaan teks
analytical exposition analytical exposition
Passive/Active Passive/Active
Voice Voice
Transitional Transitional
words words
Compound Compound
Sentence Sentence
Complex Complex Sentence
Sentence Linking Verbs
Linking Verbs (Relational
(Relational Process)
Process) Emotive
Emotive &Evaluative
&Evaluative Language

Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI 7

SOSIOKULTURAL Memahami cara 1x45
Memahami cara berinteraksi di Menjawab
berinteraksi di Negara berbahasa pertanyaan 1x45
Negara berbahasa Inggris dan kelas ( berpasangan
Inggris dan kelas ( Social Behavior, Membaca suatu
Social Behavior, Classroom Behavior) situasi
Classroom Memahami cerita Membaca teks 1x45
Behavior) Porquoi Tale Mengidentifikasi
Memahami cerita Memahami idiom arti idiom
Porquoi Tale B.Inggris B.Inggris dan
Memahami idiom (Proverbial Vakues) mencari
B.Inggris kesamaannya
(Proverbial Vakues) dengan B.
Berinisiatif berlatih
D. STRATEGI dengan teman
Berinisiatif berlatih Menjawab dan
dengan teman menaggapi
Menjawab dan pertanyaan Berinisiatif berlatih
menaggapi Berpartisipasi dengan teman
pertanyaan melakukan Menjawab dan
Berpartisipasi presenntasi laporan menaggapi
melakukan pengamatan dan pertanyaan
presenntasi laporan mendongeng Berpartisipasi
pengamatan dan Membaca teks melakukan
mendongeng intensif presenntasi laporan
Membaca teks Berlatih dengan pengamatan dan
intensif teman mendongeng
Berlatih dengan Bertanya pada Guru Membaca teks
teman Memperbaiki intensif
Bertanya pada Guru kalimat Berlatih dengan
Memperbaiki sendiri teman
kalimat Memakai kamus Bertanya pada Guru
Sendiri Scanning Memperbaiki
Memakai kamus Skimming kalimat
Scanning Sendiri
Skimming Memakai kamus
Menciptakan Menciptakan
koherensi teks dan koherensi teks dan Menciptakan
konteks konteks koherensi teks dan
Menggunakan Menggunakan konteks
ungkapan gambits ungkapan gambits Menggunakan
Struktur Teks Struktur Teks ungkapan gambits
Struktur Teks

Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI 8

Silabus Bahasa Inggris KTSP Kelas XI 9

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