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Descriptive Text (VII Grade)



Sekolah : SMP Al-Islam Krian

Kelas/Semester : VII/2

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Skill : Writing

Topik Pembelajaran : Descriptive Text about Animal

Pertemuan Ke- :4

Alokasi Waktu : 20 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti
4. Mencoba, mengolah dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret ((menggunakan, mengurai,
merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dalam ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca,
menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah
dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar
4.3. Merangkai cara dan fakta yang diperlukan untuk mendiskripsikan lingkungan
sosial dan objek seni budaya disekitarnya (generic structure/language feature
descriptive text) melalui kegiatan menyimakm membaca, menulis, dan berbicara.
C. Indikator
1. Mampu menganalisis generic structure of descriptive text dengan tepat dan
2. Mampu menulis sebuah descriptive teks tentang hewan
D. Tujuan pembelajaran
1. Siswa mampu menganalisis generic structure of descriptive text dengan tepat
dan benar
2. Siswa mampu menulis dan menuangkan ide-ide dalam sebuah descriptive teks
tentang hewan

E. Materi Pokok
1. Fungsi Sosial
Menganalisis generic structure dari descriptive teks dan menulis sebuah descriptive
teks tentang hewan
2. Struktur Teks
Sentences to describe animal:
A tiger is a wild animal. It has a long tile

A cat is a tame animal. It has beautiful fur. It has sharp claws

3. Unsur Kebahasaan
Simple Present Tense

4. Topik

G. Sumber dan Media Pembelajaran

1. Sumber: Contextual Teaching and Learning, published by Pusat Perbukuan
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, page 135
2. Media: manila paper, HVS paper, puzzle picture, worksheet, LCD, whiteboard,
PPT, double-tip
3. Metode Pembelajaran
– Pendekatan: Scientific learning

– Strategi : Observing, Questioning, Experimenting, Communicating, Associating

– Metode : Communicative Language Learning

H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Time &
Stage Pattern Procedure

Opening 5
Activity:Warming- minutes(Ss- – Teacher greets the students
Up Ss)  Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
 How are you today?
– Students have to answer spritely; I’m fine, yes… yes…

– Very good….

– Let’s start our lesson today by reciting Albasmalah!

– Teacher asks to the students

 Students, who is absent today?

– Teacher divides the students into two groups

– Teacher asks students to name their each group with

the animal sound. E.g: Group 1 = Wek-wek (the sound of
duck), Group 2 = Kukuruyuk (the sound of chicken)

– Teacher gives instruction to students how to playing


 Here, on the floor, there are some puzzle pictures

 Now, arrange the puzzle picture into good picture
 Then, stick your picture on the Manila paper
 Do it in 2 minutes (although they have been
finished their work perfectly or not yet)
– Teacher starts the game

 Ok students,… One, Two, Three… Go…

– Teacher gives reward to the winner

4 Observing
minutes(Ss- – Teacher asks student to play guessing animal
– Teacher asks students to work in pair

– Teacher names their group such as; pethok-pethok,

wek-wek, cicit-cuit and meong-meong.

– Teacher gives instruction to the students

 Students, I have some text about animals

 Guess it, then match the text with the suitable
 Stick the picture on the manila paper which
indicate the true answer of the text of description
 Then stick the manila paper on the whiteboard
 The fastest team is the winner
– Teacher gives reword to the winner
4 minutes
Main Activity Associating
(T-Ss) – Teacher shows the example of descriptive text on the

– Teacher asks a student to read the example of

descriptive text

– Teacher asks student

 What is the kind of this text?
 Yes, It is descriptive text
 Well, after reading the example of descriptive text,
who can explain what the brief explanation about
descriptive text. Anyone knows? Any volunteer?
 Ok, great. Thank you
– Teacher asks all students to analyze the generic
structure of the descriptive text

 Who can explain what the first paragraph call?

 Is it an identification or description?
 Yes, very good. It’s call identification
 So the second paragraph we can call it as the
description, right?
– Teacher clarifies and gives a brief of explanation about
the material
4 minutes
– Teacher gives students worksheets

– Teacher asks students do it and write a descriptive text

about the animal in pair

4 minutes
– Teacher asks one student of one group to move to the
(S-S) other group

– Student have to share their written work from the first

group before, and analyze the generic structure of their
descriptive text in the new group

– Teacher monitors them, checks their work

– Teacher choose one group randomly and asks them to

demonstrate their work in whole class

– Teacher give them feedback

2 minutes
– The teacher gives opportunity for the students to ask
questions about the material that they don’t understand

Closing Activity 2
minutes(T- – Students and teacher reflect (doing feedback) on the
S) process and learning outcomes- Closing
See you next meeting

Wassalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb

I. Penilaian

Aspect Score Description

Correct and appropriateSometimes not correct enough but no influence

43 the meaning
2 Not correct enough and influence the meaning

1 Incorrect

Can understand and analyze wellCan understand well and have a few
43 mistakes
2 Rather not understand and have a few mistakes

1 Rather not understand and have many mistakes


Correct and appropriateSometimes not correct enough but no influence

43 the meaning
2 Not correct enough and influence the meaning

1 Incorrect

43 Very clear and very effectiveClear enough and effective

2 Clear enough and not effective

1 Not clear and not effective

Clarity of the

43 Correct and clearCorrect enough and clear

2 Correct enough and not clear

1 Incorrect
Sidoarjo, June 09, 2014


Kepala Sekolah Guru Bahasa Inggris

Ayu Aprilia Rochmawati

__________________________ NIP. D35211050

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