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Varhan Dwiyan Indra 1809511044
Ferdy Olga Saputra 1809511050
Maharani Lisna Wulandari 1809511056
Kelas B


Puji syukur kami panjatkan atas kehadiran Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena
atas berkat dan rahmat-Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan tugas mata kuliah Ilmu
Bedah Khusus Veteriner yang berjudul “Teknik Operasi Laryngotomy” dengan
sebagaimana mestinya.

Penulisan tugas yang berjudul “Teknik Operasi Laryngotomy” ini bertujuan

untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Ilmu Bedah Khusus Veteriner yang diberikan.
Selain itu, penulisan tugas ini juga bertujuan untuk menambah wawasan dan
pengetahuan pembacanya. Segala kritik dan saran sangat penulis harapkan demi
kebaikan dari tulisan ini, dan tak lupa penulis ucapkan banyak terima kasih.

Denpasar, 11 Oktober 2021

Hormat kami,



KATA PENGANTAR ........................................................................................... ii

DAFTAR ISI ......................................................................................................... iii
DAFTAR GAMBAR ............................................................................................ iv
BAB I PENDAHULUAN ...................................................................................... 1
1.1 Latar Belakang............................................................................................... 1
1.2 Rumusan Masalah ......................................................................................... 1
1.3 Tujuan ............................................................................................................ 1
1.4 Manfaat .......................................................................................................... 2
BAB II TINJAUAN PUSTAKA ........................................................................... 3
2.1 Terminologi ................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Indikasi .......................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Anestesi ......................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Preoperasi ...................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Operasi........................................................................................................... 7
2.6 Pascaoperasi .................................................................................................. 9
BAB III PENUTUP ............................................................................................. 10
3.1 Kesimpulan .................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Saran ............................................................................................................ 10
DAFTAR PUSTAKA .......................................................................................... 11

Gambar 1. Penampakan normal ring ....................................................................... 3
Gambar 2. Proses laryngotomi pada sapi ................................................................ 9

1.1 Latar Belakang
Laring merupakan saluran pernapasan bagian atas dan merupakan pangkal
tenggorokan yang terdiri atas kepingan tulang rawan dan terdapat celah menuju
batang tenggorokan (trakea) yang disebut glotis. Fungsi laring untuk
mengontrol ekspirasi dan inspirasi, mencegah inhalasi benda-benda asing dan
bersifat esensial untuk pembentukan bunyi. Terjadinya abnormalitas dapat
menyebabkan tejadinya gangguan fungsi laring. Beberapa abnormalitas yang
dapat terjadi pada laring antara lain obstruksi laring yang dapat disebabkan
akibat radang akut dan radang kronis, benda asing, trauma akibat kecelakaan,
perkelahian, trauma Akibat tindakan medis, tumor laring, baik berupa tumor
jinak atau pun tumor ganas.
Laryngotomy merupakan tindakan operasi yang dilakukan dengan cara
membuka dan memotong ke dalam laring dengan menggunakan peralatan
khusus. Laringotomi dapat dilakukan melalui pendekatan ventral laryngotomy
dan lateralisasi kartilago aritenoid. Hal ini umum dilakukan pada ternak/hewan
peliharaan yang mengalami gangguan pernafasan dan berbagai abnormalitas.
1.2 Rumusan Masalah
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan laryngotomy?
2. Apa saja indikasi laryngotomy?
3. Bagaimana anestesi laryngotomy?
4. Bagamana tindakan praoperasi laryngotomy?
5. Bagaimana teknik operasi laryngotomy?
6. Bagaimana tindakan pascaoperasi laryngotomy?
1.3 Tujuan
1. Untuk mengetahui apa yang dimaksud dengan laryngotomy.
2. Untuk mengetahui indikasi laryngotomy.
3. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana anestesi laryngotomy.
4. Untuk mengetahui bagamana tindakan praoperasi laryngotomy.
5. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana teknik operasi laryngotomy.
6. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana tindakan pascaoperasi laryngotomy.

1.4 Manfaat
Manfaat dari penulisan paper ini adalah dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca
khususnya mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan dan dapat memahami
mengenai Teknik operasi Laryngotomy dan indikasi penggunaanya. Selain itu
diharapkan mampu menjadi referensi untuk penulisan selanjutnya.

2.1 Terminologi
Operasi laryngotomy adalah operasi pada laring dengan cara menginsisi
dinding laring menggunakan laryngotome. Laryngotomy dilakukan ketika
saluran respirasi hewan bagian atas telah mengalami gangguan seperti
terhalang benda asing atau adanya obstruksi sehingga hewan tersebut menjadi
sulit bernafas. Operasi laryngotomy dapat bersifat permanen atau sementara
untuk membantu aliran nafas.

Gambar 1. Penampakan normal ring

2.2 Indikasi
Indikasi dilakukannya operasi laryngotomy adalah adanya oedema dan
peradangan pada laryng, adanya infeksi, adanya benda asing, obstruksi laring,
collaps laring, gangguan pada katup epligotis yang dapat ditandai dengan
hewan yang sering batuk, tersedak, atau kesulitan bernafas, penyayatan parsial
pada langit-langit lunak, arytenoidectomy, faring limfoid hiperplasia, orsal
displacemnet langit-langit lunak, laryngeal ventriculocordectomy,
pengangkatan kantung laring, debarking, laryngotomi parsial, dan trakeotomi
sementara untuk melindungi jalan nafas selama penyembuhan. Kelebihan
operasi laryngotomy adalah operasi pada kuda dapat dilakukan dengan posisi
berdiri sehingga operasi dapat mudah dilakukan dan resiko komplikasi minim.
Sementara kekurangan operasi laryngotomy adalah membutuhkan endotrakeal
tube atau intubasi trakea via tracheotomy serta terbatasnya akses terhadap
faring dan laring kranial.

Beberapa macam operasi laryngotomy meliputi:
a. Laringektomi parsial (laringotomi–tirotomi)
Laringektomi parsial direkomendasikan pada kanker area glotis
tahap dini ketika hanya satu pita suara yang kena. Tindakan ini
mempunyai angka penyembuhan yang sangat tinggi. Dalam operasi
ini, satu pita suara diangkat dan semua struktur lainnya teteap utuh.
Suara pasien kemungkinan menjadi parau, jalan nafas akan tetap
utuh dan pasien seharusnya tidak memiliki kesulitan menelan.
b. Laringektomi supraglotis (Horizontal)
Laringektomi supraglotis digunakan dalam penatalaksanaan
tumor supraglotis. Tulang hyoid, glottis dan pita suara palsu
diangkat. Pita suara kartilogi krikoid dan trakea tetap utuh. Selama
operasi dilakukan di seksi leher radikal pada tempat yang sakit.
Selang traketomi dipasang dalam trakea sampai jalan nafas glottis
pulih. Selang traketomi diangkat beberapa hari setelahnya dan
biarkan stoma menutup dengan sendirinya. Selama masa itu, untuk
nutrisi hewan, selang nasograstik diberikan sampai terdapat
penyembuhan dan tidak ada lagi resiko aspirasi. Pasca operatif, klien
kemungkinan akan mengalami kesulitan untuk menelan selama 2
minggu pertama. Keuntungan utama dari operasi ini adalah bahwa
suara akan kembali pulih seperti biasa.
c. Laringektomi Hemivertikal
Dilakukan jika tumor meluas di luar pita suara, tetapi perluasan
tersebut kurang dari 1 cm dan terbatas pada area subglotis. Dalam
prosedur ini, kartilago tiroid laring dipisahkan dalam garis tengah
leher dan bagian pita suara (satu pita suara sejati dan satu pita suara
palsu) dengan pertumbuhan tumor diangkat. Kartilago aritenoid dan
setengah kartilago tiroid diangkat. Pasien akan mempunyai selang
trakeostomi dan selang nasogastrik selama operasi. Pasien beresiko
mengalami operasi pasca operatif. Beberapa perubahan dapat terjadi
pada kualitas suara (sakit tenggorokan) dan proyeksi. Namun
demikian fungsi nafas dan jalan menelan tetap utuh.

d. Langektomi Total
Prosedur ini diaplikasikan ketika kanker meluas hingga daerah
luar pita suara, seperti daerah tulang hyoid, daerah epiglottis, daerah
kartilago krikoid, dan dua atau tiga cincin trakea. Dalam keadaan
tertentu, daerah ini akan diangkat secara bersamaan. Sedangkan
lidah, dinding faringeal, dan trakea akan tetap dibiarkan pada
tempatnya. Laringektomi total membutuhkan stoma trakeal
permanen. Stoma ini mencegah aspirasi makanan dan cairan ke
dalam saluran pernapasan bawah, karena laring yang memberikan
perlindungan spingter tidak ada lagi. Pasien tidak akan mempunyai
suara lagi tetapi fungsi menelan akan normal. Laringektomi total
merubah cara dimana aliran udara digunakan untuk bernafas dan
2.3 Anestesi
a) Pada sapi
Sapi disedasi dengan xylazine HCL 0,1-0,2 mg/kg BB secara
intramusculer dan anestesi infiltrasi lokal pada area laring (Lidocaine 2 per
centi) atau Lignocaine 15-25 ml per 2 centi subcutan. Dapat juga dengan
anestesi umum, anestesi inhalasi dengan Halotan dengan posisi dorsal
b) Pada kuda
Laringotomy dilakukan pada kuda dengan anestesi umum Pertama kuda
diberikan premedikasi dengan dosis 0,1mg/kg midazolam secara intravena
dan kemudian anestesi diinduksi dengan menggunakan 2,2 mg/kg ketamin
hidroklorida secara intravena. Kemudian anestesi dimaintain dengan
pemberian halotan di dalam oksigen dan diberikan secara inhalasi. dan
hewan dibaringkan secara dorsal recumbency. Dapat juga dilakukan dalam
keadaan hewan tersedasi berdiri (standing sedated) dengan anestesi lokal
pada daerah pengoperasian dengan menggunakan phenylbutazone 3-6
mg/kg BB secara intravena.

c) Anjing dan kucing
Dengan menggunakan thiopental secara intra vena 13,2-26,4 mg/kg
BB. Pramedikasi dengan Acepromazine secara intramuskuler 0.01-0.05
mg/kg BB, kemudian induksi dengan butorphanol 0.05 mg kg/BB secara
Intra vena, dikuti dengan pemeliharaan dengan isofluran secara inhalasi
(1,5-2%). Penggunaan anestesi diatas memilki keunggulan tidak
mengakibatkan pergerakan pada laring. Ada beberapa pilihan anestesi lain
yaitu propofol secara intavena, Ketamine ditambah diazepam secara
intravena, acepromazine secara i.M ditambah thiopental seara i.V atau
Acepromazien secara i.M ditambah propofol secara i.V. namun penggunaan
obat ini dapat mengakibatkan efek pada laring sehingga dapat mengganggu
proses pembedahan. Pada kucing cukup dengan menggunakan Ketamin dan
Xylasin dengan pemberian Atropin sebelumnya, dosis anastesi disesuaikan
dengan jenis hewan, berat badan, sediaan obat anastesi.
2.4 Preoperasi
Sebelum melakukan tindakan operasi terlebih dahulu dilakukan persiapan
operasi. Adapun persiapan yang dilakukan adalah persiapan alat atau
instrument bedah, persiapan ruangan operasi, persiapan pasien, dan persiapan
• Persiapan Alat atau Instrumen Bedah.
Alat dan instrument bedah sebaiknya dipersiapkan segera sebelum
operasi, yaitu dengan cara mencuci alat menggunakan sabun, dibilas
menggunakan air hangat, menggunakan desinfektan, dikeringkan dan
dimasukkan ke dalam autoclave.
• Persiapan Ruang Operasi.
Ruang operasi dibersihkan menggunakan desinfektan. Sedangkan meja
operasi didesinfeksi dengan menggunakan alkohol 70%. Penerangan ruang
operasi sangat penting untuk menunjang operasi, oleh karena itu sebelum
diadakanya operasi persiapan lampu operasi harus mendapatkan
penerangan yang cukup agar daerah/site operasi dapat terlihat jelas.

• Persiapan Pasien (hewan).
- Pemeriksaan Fisik: Hewan harus dievaluasi secara sistematis sepanjang
pemeriksaan fisik, dan semua sistem badan hewan harus diperiksa.
Kondisi umum (kondisi badan, sikap, dan status mental) harus dicatat.
- Urinasi dan defekasi: Untuk mencegah kontaminasi dari feses hewan
atau urin, hewan dipuasakan sekurang-kurangnya 12 jam dan dilakukan
pengosongan vesica urinaria lewat kateter.
- Pemotongan Rambut: Untuk mencegah kontaminasi yang terjadi
sebelum, atau saat pembedahan berlangsung seminimal mungkin, dapat
dilakukan pemotongan rambut dengan cara memotong rambut pada
daerah pembedahan dengana area yang luas, umumnya dengan garis
tengah 15 cm.
• Persiapan Operator (petugas yang akan melakukan operasi).
Operator dan tim pembedahan yang terdiri dari dokter hewan harus siap
seara fisik dan mental, memahami prosedur operasi, dan terampil, serta
harus menjaga higiene agar tidak terjadi kontaminasi, seperti menggunakan
alas kaki, masker, penutup kepala, baju operasi, sarung tangan, dll.
2.5 Operasi
• Pendekatan Ventral Laryngotomy
Pendekatan ini memberikan pembukaan yang lebih baik untuk prosedur
pada anjing kecil.
− Hewan diposisikan pada dorsal recumbency, dan diposisikan dengan
baik ke meja operasi.
− Sayatan kulit bagian ventral dibuat pada laring melalui midline. Otot
sternohyoideus dipisahkan dan ditarik ke lateral dengan retraktor Gelpi.
Membran krikotiroid dan tulang rawan tiroid di insisi pada garis tengah,
dan ujung-ujungnya ditarik dengan forceps Gelpi kecil untuk
mengekspos tulang rawan arytenoid dan vocal fold.
− Setelah itu lakukan insisi pada mukosa corniculate, cuneiform, dan
proses vokal dari satu arytenoid tulang rawan. Setiap mukosa
berlebihan yang dipotong, dan mukosa dijahit untuk mengurangi
produksi jaringan granulasi dan meningkatkan ukuran jalan udara.

− Penutupan mukosa yang dilakukan menggunakan benang absorbable
(5-0 atau 6-0) dengan pola menerus. Sayatan kartilago tiroid dijahit
dengan benang non absorbable dan pola terputus yang tidak menembus
lumen laring untuk mencegah utama dari tepi tulang rawan. Jaringan
subkutan di tutup dengan jahitan continuous dan kulit ditutup dengan
jahitan simple interrupted.
− Bersihkan dengan antiseptic dengan alcohol. Berikan antibiotic local
dan sistemik pada akhir operasi.
• Laseralisasi Cartilage Arytenoid
− Hewan diberikan anastesi umum
− Hewan tersebut diposisikan dalam posisi lateral recumbency untuk
melakukan lateralisasi unilateral, dan sayatan kulit dibuat sepanjang
ventral alur jugularis laring.
− Otot sternohyoid ditarik kembali bagian ventral untuk mengekspos
aspek lateral tiroid dan tulang rawan krikoid.
− Laring diputar untuk mengekspos otot thyropharyngeal, yang
ditranseksi pada tepi dorsocaudal dari tulang rawan tiroid.
− Sayap (alae) tulang rawan tiroid ditarik ke lateral, dan persimpangan
krikotiroid (krikotiroid junction) dilakukan penorehan. Sayatan dari
sendi krikotiroid memberikan eksposur yang lebih baik, tetapi tidak
selalu dilakukan. Transeksi mungkin mengurangi diameter dari
glottidis rima setelah penarikan arytenoid.
− Otot cricoarytenoideus dorsalis atau bagian kiri dari jaringan fibrosa
dilakukan incisi dan transeksi.
− Artikulasi Cricoarytenoid dipotong dari kaudal ke kranial dengan
menggunakan gunting Metzenbaum.
− Tulang rawan arytenoid dijahit ke bagian caudo-dorsal kartilago krikoid
dengan benang nonabsorbable dengan pola jahitan terputus sederhana.
Dalam pemilihan bahan benang untuk penjahitan, tidak boleh terlalu
besar agar tidak menganggu saluran pernafasan (contoh pada kucing
menggunakan ukuran benang nonabsorbable 3-0 atau 4-0) tulang rawan

arytenoid hanya perlu dipertahankan dalam posisi dan stabil pada
− Luka ditutup dengan menjahit otot thyropharyngeal dengan pola
terputus menggunakan benang absorable (cat gut 2 -0)
− Dilanjutkan penjahitan dengan pola simple kontinue untuk menutup
jaringan subkutan menggunakan benang absorable (cat gut 2 -0)
− Kulit dijahit dengan pola terputus menggunakan benang nonabsorbable
− Bekas jahitan / daerah incisi diberikan providone iodin 10% dan dibalut
dengan perban.

Gambar 2. Proses laryngotomi pada sapi

2.6 Pascaoperasi
Pascaoperasi meliputi pengobatan, perawatan, dan observasi. Setelah
recovery, daerah di insisi harus dibersihkan dengan larutan encer dari
povidone-iodine atau chlorhexidine dan dibalut dengan perban. Penggunaan
selang untuk alat bantu pernafasan juga dilakukan beberapa jam pasca operasi
sehingga pemberian oksigen bisa langsung menuju ke trachea.
Hewan diberi makan secara parenteral dengan infus selama masa
perawatan. Bekas incisi dari Laryngotomy dibersihkan 2 kali sehari selama 14
hari. Jahitan diambil setelah 12-14 hari. Aplikasi Fenylbutason diberikan
selama 3-5 hari setiap 24 jam. Gejala gangguan pernafasan serta gangguan
organ vital lain juga diamati. Lakukan juga pemberian antibiotik untuk
mencegah infeksi.
Antiinflamasi diberikan guna mencegah peradangan pada saluran
pernafasan. Luka operasi akan sembuh sekitar 1-2 minggu. Dan hewan dapat
diberikan latihan maupun pekerjaan setelah 2 minggu. Hindari lokasi berdebu
terutama saat masa penyembuhan.

3.1 Kesimpulan
Operasi laryngotomy adalah operasi pada laring dengan cara menginsisi
dinding laring menggunakan laryngotome. Indikasi dilakukannya operasi
laryngotomy adalah adanya oedema dan peradangan pada laryng, adanya
infeksi, adanya benda asing, obstruksi laring, collaps laring, gangguan pada
katup epligotis yang dapat ditandai dengan hewan yang sering batuk, tersedak,
atau kesulitan bernafas, penyayatan parsial pada langit-langit lunak,
arytenoidectomy, faring limfoid hiperplasia, dorsal displacemnet langit-langit
lunak, laryngeal ventriculocordectomy, pengangkatan kantung laring,
debarking, laryngotomi parsial, dan trakeotomi sementara untuk melindungi
jalan nafas selama penyembuhan.

Operasi laryngotomy menggunakan pendekatan ventral laryngotomy dan

laseralisasi cartilage arytenoid. Pascaoperasi meliputi pengobatan, perawatan,
dan observasi.

3.2 Saran
Koreksilah paper ini, jika terdapat kesalahan kata dan kalimat yang
disengaja maupun tidak sengaja serta kesalahan kami dalam pemahaman
materi. Jika ada yang tidak dimengerti dari paper ini, penulis menyarankan
untuk membaca teksbook dan jurnal mengenai laryngotomy.

Barroso, Jose Manuel. (2013). List of substances essential for the treatment of
equidae and substances bringing added clinical benefit compared to other
treatment options available for equidae. Official Journal of The European
Union. 42: 1-17.
Curella, Patricia et al. (2009). Canine Devocalization. Save The Voice.
Griffin, John F et al. (2005). Laryngeal Paralysis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and
Surgical Repair. Article Of Tennessee University. 4: 857-869.
Kitshof, Adriaan M., Bart Van Goethem, Ludo Stegen, Peter Vandekerckhove dan
Hilde de Rooster. 2013. Laryngeal paralysis in dogs: An update on recent
Knowledge. Department of Small Animal Medicine and Clinical Biology.
University of Ghent. Belgium. Journal of the South African Veterinary
Association 84(1), Art. #909, 9 pages.

Millard, P. Ralph dan Karen M. Tobias. 2009. Laryngeal paralysis in dogs.

Compendium: continuing education for veterinarians

Page 1 of 9 Review Article

Laryngeal paralysis in dogs: An update on recent

Authors: Laryngeal paralysis is the effect of an inability to abduct the arytenoid cartilages during
Adriaan M. Kitshoff1 inspiration, resulting in respiratory signs consistent with partial airway obstruction. The
Bart Van Goethem1
Ludo Stegen1 aetiology of the disease can be congenital (hereditary laryngeal paralysis or congenital
Peter Vandekerckhove2 polyneuropathy), or acquired (trauma, neoplasia, polyneuropathy, endocrinopathy). The
Hilde de Rooster1 most common form of acquired laryngeal paralysis (LP) is typically seen in old, large breed
dogs and is a clinical manifestation of a generalised peripheral polyneuropathy recently
Department of Small referred to as geriatric onset laryngeal paralysis polyneuropathy. Diagnosing LP based on
Animal Medicine and Clinical clinical signs, breed and history has a very high sensitivity (90%) and can be confirmed by
Biology, University of Ghent, laryngeal inspection. Prognosis after surgical correction depends on the aetiology: traumatic
Belgium cases have a good prognosis, whereas tumour-induced or polyneuropathy-induced LP has a
Veterinary Centre
2 guarded prognosis. Acquired idiopathic LP is a slow progressive disease, with dogs reaching
Malpertuus, Heusden, median survival times of 3–5 years after surgical correction.
Ghent, Belgium

Correspondence to:
Adriaan Kitshoff Introduction
It is the authors’ opinion that the incidence of laryngeal paralysis (LP) is higher than commonly
perceived. This is mainly a result of incorrect diagnosis because of a failure to recognise the typical
clinical signs. The authors’ experience has shown that many cases that are correctly diagnosed
Postal address: are given an improper grave prognosis. New findings regarding idiopathic LP make the disease
133 Salisbury Avenue, progression and response to therapy easier to comprehend (Stanley et al. 2010). Adaptations of
Merelbeke, Ghent 9820,
the surgical techniques and the use of the unilateral arytenoid lateralisation drastically decreased
the associated complications (MacPhail & Monnet 2001; White 1989).
Received: 24 July 2012 The aim of this article is to sensitise the reader to the clinical signs and treatment options for LP.
Accepted: 18 Dec. 2012
Published: 05 Apr. 2013
An update will also be given on the laryngeal anatomy, aetiology and the diagnosis of LP in dogs.
The most commonly encountered complications are also discussed.
How to cite this article:
Kitshoff, A.M., Van
Goethem, B., Stegen, L., Anatomy
Vandekerckhove, P. & De The larynx is a semi-rigid organ composed mainly of hyaline cartilage and muscles (Evans
Rooster, H., 2013, ‘Laryngeal
paralysis in dogs: An update 1993). During inspiration, contraction of the cricoarytenoideus dorsalis (CAD) muscle results in
on recent knowledge’, abduction of the arytenoid cartilages and vocal cords, opening up the glottic lumen and allowing
Journal of the South African air to pass freely (Evans 1993). Failure of the CAD muscle to contract will result in narrowing of
Veterinary Association 84(1), the glottic lumen and respiratory stridor (Monnet & Tobias 2012).
Art. #909, 9 pages.
jsava.v84i1.909 The cartilages of the larynx include the epiglottic, arytenoid (paired), sesamoid, inter-arytenoid,
thyroid and cricoid cartilages (Figure 1). The arytenoid cartilages have the most complex
Copyright: structure. Their irregular shape is the result of the corniculate, cuneiform, muscular and vocal
© 2013. The Authors.
Licensee: AOSIS
processes (Evans 1993). The muscular process is situated just lateral to the cricoarytenoid
OpenJournals. This work articulation and acts as an insertion site for the CAD muscle (Evans 1993). The corniculate process
is licensed under the is the longer of the two dorsal processes and forms the dorsal margin of the laryngeal inlet. The
Creative Commons other dorsal process, the cuneiform process, is situated more rostroventrally than the corniculate
Attribution License.
process (Evans 1993). The ventral part of this process lies in the aryepiglotic fold forming
most of the lateral boundary of the laryngeal inlet (Evans 1993). The ring shape of the cricoid
cartilage creates a rigid structure that supports the more elastic thyroid and arytenoid cartilages
(Monnet & Tobias 2012).

The thyropharyngeus (TP) muscle is situated on the dorsal and lateral aspect of the larynx
Read online: (Hermanson & Evans 1993). This muscle originates on the lateral aspect of the thyroid cartilage
Scan this QR and it extends dorsally to the pharynx to insert on the median plane (Hermanson & Evans 1993).
code with your
smart phone or
Contraction of this muscle, together with the cricothyroideus muscle, results in constriction of the
mobile device middle pharyngeal area that assists in swallowing and prevents air from entering the oesophagus
to read online.
(Hermanson & Evans 1993). Opening of the glottis is caused by contraction of the CAD muscle doi:10.4102/jsava.v84i1.909
Page 2 of 9 Review Article

(Hermanson & Evans 1993). This muscle originates from the dachshunds, miniature pinchers and Siberian huskies
dorsolateral surface of the cricoid cartilage and inserts on (Bennnett & Clarke 1997; Braund 1994; Braund et al. 1994;
the muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage (Hermanson Braund et al. 1989; Eger et al. 1998; Harvey & O’Brien 1982;
& Evans 1993). Contraction of the muscle results results Mahony et al. 1998; O’Brien & Hendriks 1986; Ridyard et al.
in caudodorsal displacement of the arytenoid cartilage 2000; Venker-van Haagen 1982). Clinical signs indicating
(abduction). the presence of a polyneuropathy can also be present. These
clinical signs include hyporeflexia (all four limbs), decreased
All the intrinsic muscles of the larynx, except the postural reactions, hypotonia and appendicular muscle
cricothyroideus muscle, are innervated by the caudal atrophy (Braund 1994; Braund et al. 1994; Davies & Irwin 2003;
laryngeal nerve (terminal portion of the recurrent laryngeal Gabriel et al. 2006; Mahony et al. 1998; Ridyard et al. 2000).
nerve) (Hermanson & Evans 1993). The left recurrent In young Dalmatians and Rottweilers, axonal degeneration
laryngeal nerve (RLN) arches around the aorta and ascends together with loss of myelinated nerve fibres of the RLN
on the left side of the trachea, whereas the right RLN arches and paralaryngeal recurrent nerves are observed (Braund et
around the right subclavian artery and ascends on the right al. 1994; Braund et al. 1989; Mahony et al. 1998). Phenotypic
side of the trachea (Evans & Kitchell 1993). As the recurrent characteristics, such as white coat, freckles and blue eyes,
laryngeal nerves ascend, they give rise to the paralaryngeal have been linked to LP in Siberian huskies and German
recurrent nerves that run parallel to the RLN (Evans & shepherd dogs (O’Brien & Hendriks 1986; Polizopoulou et al.
Kitchell 1993). The paralaryngeal recurrent nerves supply 2003; Ridyard et al. 2000).
sensory innervation to the oesophagus and the trachea
(Evans & Kitchell 1993). Acquired LP can be caused by trauma to the RLN or
vagus nerves in the cervical or thoracic region (e.g. bite
Aetiologies and classification wounds, surgical trauma, mediastinal tumour) (Monnet
& Tobias 2012). Diseases such as neuropathies, caudal
Laryngeal paralysis can be congenital or acquired and, brainstem disease, endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism and
depending on the aetiology, it occurs unilaterally or bilaterally hypoadrenocorticism), myasthenia gravis, paraneoplastoc
(Monnet & Tobias 2012; Stanley et al. 2010). A hereditary form syndromes, idiopathic myositis, systemic lupus
of LP has been described in Siberian huskies and bouviers erythematosus and organophosphate toxicity can also result
des Flandres (O’Brien & Hendriks 1986; Venker-van Haagen in LP (Burbidge 1995; Dewey et al. 1997; Kvitko-White et al.
1982). A loss of motor neurons in the nucleus ambiguus as 2012; MacPhail & Monnet 2001; Michael 2002; Monnet &
a result of an autosomal dominant trait, with secondary Tobias 2012; White 1989). The term geriatric onset laryngeal
Wallerian degeneration of the recurrent laryngeal nerves, has paralysis polyneuropathy (GOLPP) has recently been used to
been identified in the bouvier des Flandres (Parnell 2010). described the commonly encountered syndrome of acquired
This disease results in either unilateral or bilateral paralysis idiopathic laryngeal paralysis (AILP) (Monnet & Tobias
and, generally, presents in dogs less than 12 months of age 2012; Parnell 2010; Stanley et al. 2010). Strong evidence exists
(Burbidge 1995; O’Brien & Hendriks 1986; Ridyard et al. 2000; that this form is a prominent clinical sign of a generalised
Venker-van Haagen 1982). peripheral polyneuropathy (Jeffery et al. 2006; Stanley et
al. 2010). It commonly occurs in breeds such as Labrador
Congenital LP polyneuropathy has been reported in retrievers, Rottweilers, Afghan hounds, Irish setters, golden
Rottweilers, bouviers des Flandres, bull terriers, Dalmatians, retrievers, Saint Bernards, Irish setters and standard poodles
German shepherd dogs, Afghan hounds, cocker spaniels, (Gaber, Amis & Le Couteur 1985; Monnet & Tobias 2012).

a b c

Source: Photographs by M. Doom

Evident in these views are the, (1) stylohyoid, (2) epihyoid, (3) ceratohyoid, (4) basihyoid (5) thyrohyoid, (6) epiglottis, (7a) corniculate process of the arytenoid cartilage, (7b) cuneiform process of
the arytenoid cartilage, (8) thyroid cartilage, (9) cricoid cartilage and (10) trachea.
FIGURE 1: Embalmed cadaver specimen of a canine larynx, depicted as, (a) rostrodorsal view with the muscles removed, (b) lateral view after removal of the muscles and
(c) rostrodorsal view with the dorsal aspect of the oesophagus removed. doi:10.4102/jsava.v84i1.909
Page 3 of 9 Review Article

In contrast to the congenital form, AILP is typically seen neurological abnormalities in addition to respiratory-related
in middle-aged to older large breed dogs (Burbidge 1995; problems (Jeffery et al. 2006). These abnormalities included
Parnell 2010). Male dogs are presented about twice as often decreased postural reactions, deficits in spinal reflexes and
as females (Burbidge, Goulden & Jones 1991; MacPhail & deficits in cranial nerve function (Jeffery et al. 2006). Clinical
Monnet 2001; White 1989). signs related to the generalised polyneuropathy can be
subtle and care should be taken as they can be overlooked
Clinical signs when dealing with a dyspnoeic dog (Jeffery et al. 2006).
Neurological dysfunction (ataxia) of the hindlimbs in these
Dogs with unilateral LP (mostly left-sided) will only display older dogs is often misinterpreted as weakness or as an
clinical signs during strenuous activities (i.e. working dogs) orthopaedic condition (Jeffery et al. 2006). This generalised
(Monnet & Tobias 2012). Failure to abduct the arytenoid polyneuropathy is a slowly progressive degenerative
cartilages during inspiration results in increased resistance
condition that affects peripheral nerves (Stanley et al. 2010).
to airflow and turbulence through the rima glottidis leads to
Obvious clinical signs of general polyneuropathy and
the typical inspiratory stridor (Stanley et al. 2010; Venker-van
dysphagia can take months to years to develop (Jeffery et al.
Haagen 1982). Dysphonia is caused by the inability to tense
2006; Stanley et al. 2010).
the vocal cords, which results in the dog’s voice changing to
a weak, hoarse bark (Parnell 2010). Partial obstruction of the
upper airways by the paralysed arytenoids leads to exercise Diagnosis
intolerance (Burbidge 1995; Parnell 2010). Laryngeal paralysis should be suspected in every patient
displaying inspiratory stridor, hoarse voice changes and
Respiratory distress (which can lead to cyanosis) can easily be exercise intolerance. The inspiratory dyspnoea does not
exacerbated by excitement, exercise, elevated environmental resolve with open mouth breathing and will worsen with
temperatures, pulmonary oedema or the presence of mild lateral compression over the larynx (Monnet & Tobias
bronchopneumonia (Millard & Tobias 2009; Monnet & 2012).
Tobias 2012; Parnell 2010). The functional airway obstruction
can also be worsened by secondary laryngeal oedema and Clinical signs and signalment are integral parts when
inflammation (Harvey & O’Brien 1982; Millard & Tobias diagnosing LP. Bouviers des Flandres and Siberian huskies
2009). Overweight dogs with LP present with more severe less than 12 months of age with only respiratory problems
clinical signs than normally conditioned animals (Broome, are suspected to suffer from hereditary LP (O’Brien &
Burbidge & Pfeiffer 2000). Hendriks 1986; Venker-van Haagen 1982). Middle-aged dogs
with respiratory problems consistent with LP combined
Advanced diagnostics can reveal the presence of concurrent with neurological dysfunction are suspected of having
bronchopneumonia, megaoesophagus, hiatal hernia or
congenital LP, which is mostly the result of a peripheral
gastro-oesophageal reflux (Burnie, Simpson & Corcoran
polyneuropathy (Monnet & Tobias 2012). Older dogs with
1989; Stanley et al. 2010). These can lead to excessive
exercise intolerance, inspiratory stridor and dysphonia are
coughing, gagging and regurgitation in affected patients.
suspected of AILP. The signalment, together with the history,
In one study, oesophageal motility was decreased in all 32
has a specificity of 91.6% and a sensitivity of 98.5% in all dogs
dogs with AILP (Stanley et al. 2010). This was a result of a
with grade 3 and 4 laryngeal paralysis (Broome et al. 2000).
peripheral neuropathy and was more pronounced if a liquid
diet was fed (Stanley et al. 2010). A decrease in oesophageal
Laryngeal inspection is essential in order to rule out other
motility can be clinically silent (Stanley et al. 2010).
causes of laryngeal stridor (e.g. laryngeal tumour) and
Dysphagia can be a symptom of peripheral polyneuropathy
confirm the suspected diagnosis of LP (Broome et al. 2000).
and can sometimes be seen in patients with LP (Monnet &
Tobias 2012). Congenital LP in dogs is usually the result of Direct visualisation of the larynx can be achieved via
a polyneuropathy complex and presents in dogs less than transnasal or peroral laryngoscopy. As the latter has a 95%
12 months of age (Monnet & Tobias 2012). This form of the interobserver agreement, it is considered the gold standard
disease is characterised by signs of LP together with lenticular of diagnosis (Broome et al. 2000; Radlinsky et al. 2009; Smith
cataracts and neurological signs such as tetraparesis (worse 2000). Transnasal laryngoscopy has the advantage that it
in the pelvic limbs), hyporeflexia in all four limbs, decreased can be performed in large breed dogs using only sedation
postural reactions, hypotonia and appendicular muscle and local anaesthesia (Radlinsky, Mason & Hodgson
atrophy (Braund 1994; Braund et al. 1994; Davies & Irwin 2004).
2003; Gabriel et al. 2006; Mahony et al. 1998; Ridyard et al.
2000). Concurrent diseases, such as megaoesophagus and Prior to laryngeal examination, an intravenous catheter is
aspiration pneumonia, can also be present or can develop placed and the dog is preoxygenated for at least 3–5 min
during the course of the disease (Braund 1994; Braund et al. (Millard & Tobias 2009; Smith 2000). The dog is placed
1994; Mahony et al. 1998; Ridyard et al. 2000). in sternal recumbency and the head is held in a normal
anatomic position (Gross et al. 2002; Jackson et al. 2004; Smith
In 15 dogs with AILP that underwent a full physical 2000). To prevent a false positive diagnosis, only a light
neurological examination in one study, all showed plane of anaesthesia is maintained (Gross et al. 2002; Jackson doi:10.4102/jsava.v84i1.909
Page 4 of 9 Review Article

et al. 2004; Monnet & Tobias 2012; Smith 2000). The aim is Thoracic radiographs should be taken in all dogs suspected of
to achieve relaxation of the jaw muscles without affecting LP in order to assist in the diagnosis of underlying diseases,
the laryngeal reflexes or depressing respiratory movements such as cervical and cranial mediastinal masses, and to identify
(Burbidge 1995). Anaesthetic protocols such as diazepam– other pathologies such as megaoesophagus, aspiration
ketamine combination are avoided because they result in pneumonia and noncardiogenic lung oedema (Monnet
suboptimal laryngeal exposure during laryngoscopy as a & Tobias 2012). In dogs suspected of a megaoesophagus,
result of poor muscle relaxation (Gross et al. 2002). When drug positive contrast oesophograms could confirm the diagnosis;
combinations of acepromazine–propofol, acepromazine– although, this is not performed routinely because of the
thiopental or diazepam–ketamine were used, half of the increased risk of aspiration (Millard & Tobias 2009). In
normal dogs in one study failed to show arytenoid abduction patients with confirmed laryngeal paralysis, 7% – 14% are
during inspiration (false positive diagnosis) (Jackson et al. subsequently diagnosed with hypothyroidism (Asulp et al.
2004). The same study concluded that intravenous thiopental 1997; Dixon, Reid & Mooney 1999; Jaggy et al. 1994; White
as a sole drug was best for maintaining laryngeal function 1989; Zikes & McCarthy 2012). In dogs showing clinical signs
(Jackson et al. 2004). Although respiratory depression results of weakness, megaoesophagus, other peripheral or central
when using thiopental as induction agent, a very light plane neurological signs, exercise intolerance, dermatological
of anaesthesia results in tachypnea, which is ideal to evaluate abnormalities (hyperpigmentation, alopecia, poor coat
the larynx (Turner & Ilkiw 1990). Patients suspected of quality and pyoderma), lethargy or obesity, free thyroxine
LP should be examined until they almost reach a plane of and thyroid-stimulating hormone should be tested (Jaggy et
consciousness (Burbidge 1995). When laryngeal inspection is al. 1994; Jeffery et al. 2006).
not conclusive, doxapram HCl (1.1 mg/kg), which induces
deep inspiratory movements, can be useful to differentiate Myasthenia gravis is infrequently associated with LP
normal dogs from dogs with LP (Tobias, Jackson & Harvey (Jeffery et al. 2006). In dogs with LP presenting with clinical
2004). The increased velocity of airflow, however, will result signs of regurgitation (megaoesophagus), dysphagia,
in an increase in the negative airway pressure, which results multiple cranial nerve abnormalities, generalised or
in paradoxical arytenoid movement that can lead to complete focal neuromuscular weakness or exercise intolerances,
laryngeal obstruction (Tobias et al. 2004). acetylcholine receptor antibody titres need to be measured
to rule in or out myasthenia gravis (Shelton 2002). Acquired
Laryngeal inspection involves the evaluation of the arytenoid myasthenia gravis can be associated with hypothyroidism
cartilages for active abduction during inspiration and passive or hypoadrenocorticism, or present as paraneoplastic
adduction during expiration (Monnet & Tobias 2012). syndrome associated with thymomas, osteogenic sarcoma,
Immobile arytenoids and vocal cords in an appropriately cholangiocellular carcinoma and cutaneous lymphoma
anesthetised dog indicate bilateral LP, whereas asymmetrical (Shelton 2002). An attempt should be made to rule out these
motion of the arytenoids is indicative of unilateral disease primary conditions when a diagnosis of myasthenia gravis
(Monnet & Tobias 2012). To avoid false negative diagnoses of has been made.
LP in patients with paradoxical movement of the arytenoids,
it is helpful if an assistant indicates the inspiration phase Medical treatment of respiratory
to the clinician who is performing the laryngeal inspection.
Paradoxical movement in LP patients occurs when the distress
increased negative airway pressure during inspiration Patients with LP can present in acute respiratory distress,
results in adduction of the arytenoids and, subsequently, the resulting in cyanosis and hyperthermia (Burbidge 1995).
positive pressure during expiration results in passive return Emergency treatment is essential and consists of oxygen
of the arytenoids to their resting position (Burbidge 1995). supplementation, administration of a sedative and cooling of
This is encountered in up to 45% of dogs with LP (Olivieri, the patient (Burbidge 1995; Millard & Tobias 2009). The route
Voghera & Fossum 2009). Excessive negative pressure can of oxygen supplementation depends on what is tolerated by
lead to secondary elongation of the soft palate and eversion of the patient and can include an oxygen cage, flow-by oxygen,
the laryngeal saccules (Millard & Tobias 2009). The constant an oxygen hood, a facemask or a nasal cannula (Mazzaferro
rubbing of the arytenoid cartilages against each other can 2009). If cyanosis, dyspnoea and hypoxia (SPO2 < 95%) persist
result in mucosal ulcerations and oedema at the level of the despite oxygen supplementation, a temporary tracheostomy
corniculate processes (Monnet & Tobias 2012). or temporary intubation under light anaesthesia should be
considered until laryngeal swelling decreases or surgical
Other diagnostic methods, such as sound signature correction can be performed (Millard & Tobias 2009).
identification, tidal breathing flow-volume loops, Temporary intubation is selected if the time of intubation is
electromyography, blood gas analysis and plethysomography, expected to be just a couple of hours, whereas tracheostomy
can assist in confirming the diagnosis of LP (Amis & tubes are used for longer-term management (Millard &
Kurpershoek 1986; Bedenice et al. 2006; Burbidge 1995; Yeon Tobias 2009). Fluids are administered with caution as
et al. 2005). Echolaryngography has been studied but proved pulmonary oedema can develop in animals with severe
less sensitive for diagnosing LP than direct visualisation upper respiratory tract obstruction (Monnet & Tobias 2012).
(Radlinsky et al. 2009; Rudorf, Barr & Lane 2001). Sedation using acepromazine (0.005 mg/kg – 0.020 mg/kg) doi:10.4102/jsava.v84i1.909
Page 5 of 9 Review Article

and butorphanol (0.200 mg/kg – 0.400 mg/kg) has been 2012). Dogs with unilateral LP are corrected depending on
recommended (Millard & Tobias 2009). Additionally, the affected side, whilst dogs with bilateral LP have the
short-acting corticosteroids, such as dexamethasone lateralisation procedure on the left side if the surgeon is right-
(0.100 mg/kg – 0.500 mg/kg) or prednisolone sodium succinate handed (MacPhail & Monnet 2001; Monnet & Tobias 2012).
(0.200 mg/kg – 0.400 mg/kg), can be administered in the case Unilateral correction is sufficient to relieve clinical signs in
of laryngeal oedema (Millard & Tobias 2009). Hyperthermia most bilaterally affected dogs (Monnet & Tobias 2012).
should be differentiated from true pyrexia that can occur as
a result of aspiration pneumonia. Temperatures lower than Placing a sandbag under the neck elevates the laryngeal
41.0 °C are not life threatening unless prolonged and therapy region and the skin incision is made over the larynx, just
to cool patients should only be instituted if temperatures are ventral to the jugular vein (Monnet & Tobias 2012). A
elevated above this level (Mazzaferro 2009; Millard & Tobias combination of blunt and sharp dissection through the
2009). Cooling can be achieved by clipping the fur, by wetting subcutaneous muscles (platysma and superficial sphincter
the animal, by applying ice packs over well-vascularised colli muscles) and subcutaneous tissue exposes the TP
regions (neck, axilla and inguinal region), by fanning the muscle. This is then incised at the dorsocaudal rim of the
wetted patient or by the rectal administration of cool isotonic lamina of the thyroid cartilage, avoiding penetration of the
fluids (Mazzaferro 2009). Continuous monitoring of the laryngeal mucosa. Alternatively, the TP muscle can be split
temperature is important and cooling procedures should along the direction of its muscle fibres (Nelissen & White
be discontinued as soon as the body temperature reaches 2011). Cricothyroid disarticulation may be performed in
39.4 °C to prevent iatrogenic hypothermia (Mazzaferro 2009). the adult dog when additional exposure is required. As an
alternative, a stay suture can be placed through the lamina of
Conservative management of LP can be considered in older the thyroid cartilage to achieve atraumatic lateral retraction.
patients with minimal to moderate clinical signs. This involves The muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage is usually
prominent and easily palpable because of the neurogenic
anti-inflammatory drugs to decrease laryngeal swelling and
atrophy of the CAD muscle (Griffin & Krahwinkel 2005). A
a weight loss programme for overweight patients (MacPhail
transverse incision is made through the CAD muscle and
& Monnet 2008). The owners should also be educated on the
dissection is continued carefully until the cricoarytenoid
changes in the patient’s routine and environment. A cool
articulation is visible (Monnet & Tobias 2012). The cranial
area should be prepared for the patient, especially in the
warmer months of the year. Patients should not be allowed
to perform strenuous exercise. Short walks using a harness
can be permitted during the cooler periods of the day. ventriculocordectomy

Surgical treatment by cricoarytenoid


cartilage lateralisation Intra-laryngeal


Surgical management is advised in all LP patients with With
severe clinical signs (MacPhail & Monnet 2008; Monnet ventriculocordectomy
& Tobias 2012). The aim of surgery is to increase the size Castellated
of the rima glottidis (LaHue 1989; Millard & Tobias 2009; Without
Monnet & Tobias 2012). As resistance of airflow is inversely ventriculocordectomy

proportional to the radius to the power of four, according

to Poiseuille’s law, even a small increase in size will make a FIGURE 2: Schematic diagram indicating the different intra-laryngeal surgical
substantial difference (Monnet & Tobias 2012). procedures in dogs with laryngeal paralysis.

Many surgical techniques have been developed and

successfully applied. They can be classified as intra- Cricoarytenoid
laryngeal or extra-laryngeal procedures (Figures 2 and 3).
Cricoarytenoid cartilage lateralisation is currently considered Arytenoid Thyroarytenoid
the procedure of choice (Monnet & Tobias 2012). The lateralisation lateralisation
objective of this procedure is to prevent passive adduction
of the arytenoid cartilage during inspiration by fixing it Cricothyroarytenoid
to a neutral to slightly lateralised position (low tension Extra-laryngeal

technique) (Bureau & Monnet 2002). This modification still

allows adequate epiglottic coverage of the rima glottidis pedicle grafts
during swallowing and is believed to reduce aspiration- Reinnnervation
related complications (Bureau & Monnet 2002). Nerve anastomosis

Unilateral cricoarytenoid lateralisation (UCAL) is performed FIGURE 3: Schematic diagram indicating the different extra-laryngeal surgical
via a lateral approach (LaHue 1989; Monnet & Tobias procedures in dogs with laryngeal paralysis. doi:10.4102/jsava.v84i1.909
Page 6 of 9 Review Article

part of the joint capsule is left intact during dissection of avoidance of laryngeal lumen penetration (Monnet & Tobias
the cricoarytenoid joint (Bureau & Monnet 2002). A non- 2012). Factors that negatively influence the surgical outcome
absorbable monofilament suture (e.g. polypropylene) on a include age, concurrent respiratory tract abnormalities,
tapercut needle is recommended for fixing the arytenoid. oesophageal disease, neurological disease or neoplastic
Depending on the size of the dog, USP 2/0 (< 40 kg) or USP disease and the placement of a temporary tracheostomy
0 (> 40 kg) is used (Demetriou & Kirby 2003). The suture tube (MacPhail & Monnet 2001). Unilateral cricoarytenoid
is anchored dorsally on the caudal border of the cricoid lateralisation has a good clinical outcome, with 88% – 90% of
cartilage, taking care not to penetrate the laryngeal lumen. It is dogs showing an improved quality of life in the postoperative
recommended that extubation be attempted after performing period (Hammel et al. 2006; Snelling & Edwards 2003).
this step as inadvertent suturing of the endotracheal tube
Variations of this technique exist in which the arytenoid is
can occur (Weinstein & Weisman 2010). The needle is then
also fixed to the thyroid (cricothyroarytenoid lateralisation)
passed through the muscular process of the arytenoid in a
or solely to the thyroid (thyroarytenoid lateralisation)
medial-to-lateral direction (Monnet & Tobias 2012). Older
(Monnet & Tobias 2012). The latter technique results in a
dogs can have brittle laryngeal cartilages that can tear during
less extensive (but satisfactory) opening of the rima glottidis
suture placement (Monnet & Tobias 2012). For this reason,
needle selection is very important to decrease the risk of when compared to cricoarytenoid lateralisation and takes
tearing or even fracturing of the cartilage once the suture is less time to perform (Griffiths, Sullivan & Reid 2001). The
tightened. Some authors advise pre-drilling a small hole in clinical outcomes of UCAL and thyroarytenoid lateralisation
the arytenoid cartilage using an 18-gauge hypodermic needle compare well (Griffiths et al. 2001).
before needle placement (Monnet & Tobias 2012).
Other surgical techniques
The suture is carefully tied until resistance from the tensed
Permanent tracheostomy creates a bypass of the larynx
remaining part of the joint capsule is felt (Bureau & Monnet
(Monnet & Tobias 2012). It is considered in patients that are
2002). Alternatively, the suture can be tied under direct visual
endoscopic control after temporary extubation (Weinstein &
Weisman 2010). Adequate abduction is defined as any degree
of abduction resulting in an increase in the glottic diameter a
without axial displacement of the dependant (non-surgically
treated) side (Weinstein & Weisman 2010) (Figure 4).
Meticulous apposition of the TP muscle, using a continuous
suture pattern with monofilament absorbable suture material
is essential to decrease the chance for postoperative dysphagia
(Nelissen & White 2011). The subcutaneous tissues are closed
in two layers and the skin is closed routinely.

Postoperative complications occur in 10% – 58% of dogs

(Gaber et al. 1985; Hammel, Hottinger & Novo 2006; MacPhail
& Monnet 2001; Snelling & Edwards 2003). These include
gagging or coughing, aspiration pneumonia, recurrence of
clinical signs (caused by implant failure or cartilage tearing),
residual stridor, respiratory distress, gastric dilatation
volvulus, seroma or haematoma formation, and death (Millard
& Tobias 2009; Monnet & Tobias 2012). It should be kept in b
mind that dogs carry a lifelong risk for the development of
respiratory tract complications postoperatively (MacPhail &
Monnet 2001). Aspiration pneumonia is the most frequently
noted complication, occurring in about 8% – 24% of dogs
postoperatively (Demetriou & Kirby 2003; Hammel et al. 2006;
MacPhail & Monnet 2001; Snelling & Edwards 2003; White
1989). Low-tension techniques are believed to decrease the
incidence of postoperative aspiration pneumonia (Bureau &
Monnet 2002).

About 5% of patients require a contralateral procedure because

of arytenoid fragmentation, avulsion of the lateralisation
suture or inadequate lateralisation (White 1989). Recurrence
of clinical signs postoperatively is seen more commonly in
Source: Photographs by B. Van Goethem
small breed dogs (Snelling & Edwards 2003). Complications
during the postoperative period can be minimised by sound FIGURE 4: Laryngeal inspection in a 10-year-old Maltese dog with laryngeal
paralysis, depicting, (a) preoperative appearance and (b) left arytenoid
knowledge of the anatomy, meticulous tissue handling and abduction after unilateral arytenoid lateralisation. doi:10.4102/jsava.v84i1.909
Page 7 of 9 Review Article

at risk for postoperative aspiration pneumonia. This includes experimentally denervated patients (Greenfield et al. 1988;
patients with generalised myopathy, megaoesophagus, Paniello, West & Lee 2001; Rice 1982). These techniques might
hiatal hernia and gastrointestinal disorders (Monnet & be of use in patients with acquired LP of traumatic origin. It
Tobias 2012). is likely to be ineffective in patients with polyneuropathy or
polymyopathy as a primary cause (Monnet & Tobias 2012).
Partial laryngectomy (Figure 5) is an older technique Its routine use is also questioned as it takes a minimum of
involving removal of the vocal cords and a substantial 5 months for restoration of laryngeal function (Greenfield
part of the corniculate and vocal processes (unilateral or et al. 1988).
bilateral) in order to ensure unobstructed airflow without
influencing the protective effect on the airway (Harvey
Laryngeal augmentation with implantable devices has been
1983a, 1983b). This procedure can result in significant
reported ex vivo (Cabano et al. 2011) and in vivo (Kwon et al.
postoperative swelling that might necessitate placement
2007) in canine patients. No extensive clinical data exist for
of a temporary tracheostomy tube. Complications are seen
in approximately 50% of the dogs and include persistent the current devices and hence their use can currently not be
upper respiratory stridor, coughing, vomiting, aspiration recommended.
pneumonia, laryngeal webbing and exercise intolerance
(Harvey 1983a; Harvey & O’Brien 1982; MacPhail & Monnet
2001; Ross et al. 1991) (Table 1). This abandoned technique
has recently regained popularity since the introduction of
diode laser arytenoidectomy via transoral approach. No
direct postoperative complications were reported in 20 dogs
and only 10% developed aspiration pneumonia in the long 1
term (Olivieri et al. 2009).

A recent retrospective study on ventriculocordectomy via

ventral laryngotomy has shown some promising results with
limited short-term and long-term complications. The authors
of this article concluded that because of the ease of the
procedure, the limited complications and minimal surgical
trauma, this technique should be considered for routine use
(Zikes & McCarthy 2012). 2

Castellated laryngofissure is another historical procedure

that creates an enlargement of the ventral laryngeal ostium by
offset closure of a castellated incision on the ventral aspect of
the thyroid cartilage (Figure 6). This procedure is technically
difficult, results in severe postoperative laryngeal oedema
and requires the placement of a temporary tracheostomy
tube for 2–3 days postoperatively (Monnet & Tobias 2012).
Variable results have been obtained and the procedure was
abandoned (Burbidge et al. 1991). Source: Photograph by M. Doom
FIGURE 5: Schematic presentation of unilateral partial laryngectomy on an
Reinnervation techniques and neuromuscular pedicle grafts embalmed cadaver specimen of the canine larynx, indicating the area of the
arytenoid cartilage to be removed in blue (1) and the location of the vocal fold
have been used in dogs to restore the abductor function in in red (2).

TABLE 1: Surgical treatment methods with their reported percentages of improvement, aspiration pneumonia, minor complications (persistent stridor, coughing, gagging,
panting, seroma formation, exercise intoler ance or vomiting), webbing and mortality rate.
Treatment method Improvement Aspiration pneumonia Minor complications Webbing Mortality
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Unilateral arytenoid lateralisation1,2,3,4,5 90 10–28 9–56 - 0–14
Bilateral arytenoid lateralisation6,4 - 11–89  - - 67
Bilateral arytenoid lateralisation with ventriculocordectomy7 88 15 30  - 0
Castellated laryngofissure with ventriculocordectomy6 100 - 40 40  -
Partial laryngectomy, transoral approach with or without 88–90 6–33 44 8–14 30
Partial laryngectomy, transoral approach – diode laser10 100 10  - 0 -
Ventriculocordectomy, transoral approach11,12 83 15 40–73 13  -
Ventriculocordectomy, ventral approach13 93 3 6 0  -
, Demetriou and Kirby (2003); 2, Griffiths et al. (2001); 3, Hammel et al. (2006); 4, MacPhail and Monnet (2001); 5, White (1989); 6, Burbridge et al. (1998); 7, Schofield et al. (2007); 8, Ross et al.
(1991); 9, Trout et al. (1994); 10, Olivieri et al. (2009); 11, Asulp et al. (1997); 12, Holt and Harvey (1994); 13, Zikes and McCarthy (2012).
For more information on these sources, please see the full reference list of the article, Kitshoff, A.M., Van Goethem, B., Stegen, L., Vandekerckhove, P. & De Rooster, H., 2013, ‘Laryngeal paralysis
in dogs: An update on recent knowledge’, Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 84(1), Art. #909, 9 pages. doi:10.4102/jsava.v84i1.909
Page 8 of 9 Review Article

a b Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no financial or personal
relationships which may have inappropriately influenced
them in writing this article.

Authors’ contributions
A.M.K. (University of Ghent) wrote the manuscript.
H.d.R. (University of Ghent), B.v.G. (University of Ghent),
L.S. (University of Ghent) and P.V. (Veterinary Centre
Malpertuus) made conceptual contributions.

After incision of the cartilage, the flap located at 2 is advanced and positioned lateral to 1, as
shown. The cranial border of the cranially advanced thyroid cartilage segment (*) is sutured Amis, T.C. & Kurpershoek, C., 1986, ‘Tidal breathing flow-volume loop analysis for
to the basihyoid (3) with two simple interrupted 2/0 monofilament non-absorbable sutures. clinical assessment of airway obstruction in conscious dogs’, American Journal of
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3 CE
CREDITS CE Article 1

Laryngeal Paralysis in Dogs

❯❯ R
 alph P. Millard, DVM Abstract: Laryngeal paralysis is a common cause of upper airway obstruction in large-breed dogs.
❯❯ K
 aren M. Tobias, DVM, Although congenital forms have been reported, the disease is usually an acquired condition in older
MS, DACVS dogs. Clinical signs include voice change, inspiratory stridor, and dyspnea. Laryngeal paralysis is
 niversity of Tennessee
❯❯ U diagnosed by observing the absence of arytenoid abduction during laryngeal examination under a
light plane of anesthesia. The most common method of surgical treatment is unilateral arytenoid
lateralization. Most dogs experience significant improvement in respiration following surgery;
however, they have an increased risk of aspiration pneumonia for the remainder of their lives.

aryngeal paralysis is a well-recog- laryngeal paralysis displayed neurogenic
nized disease of large-breed dogs atrophy of the cranial tibial muscle and
that results in upper airway obstruc- axonal degeneration of the peroneal nerve
tion and dyspnea. The condition results in all cases, regardless of whether the
from dysfunction of the caudal laryngeal dogs had signs of peripheral neuropathy.8
nerves, which are the terminations of Within 2 years after diagnosis of laryn-
the recurrent laryngeal nerves. The cau- geal paralysis, clinical signs of general-
dal laryngeal nerves provide innervation ized lower motor neuron disease were
to all the muscles of the larynx except
the cricothyroideus muscle. Dysfunction FIGURE 1
of these nerves results in the loss of
arytenoid abduction by the cricoarytenoi-
deus dorsalis muscle and the inability to
actively constrict the glottis or relax the
At a Glance vocal folds1 (Figures 1 and 2).

Etiology Etiology
Page 212
Laryngeal paralysis can be congenital or
Signalment and Clinical acquired. A hereditary form has been
Signs described in Bouvier des Flandres, dal-
Page 213 matians, rottweilers, and Siberian huskies
Diagnosis and is usually reported in dogs younger
Page 213 than 1 year.2–5 Acquired laryngeal paraly-
Medical Management sis may result from trauma or iatrogenic
Page 216 injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve
(e.g., during thyroidectomy) or compres-
Surgical Treatment
Page 217 sion of the recurrent laryngeal nerve by
a cranial mediastinal or cervical mass.6
More commonly, however, laryngeal paral-
ysis is classified as idiopathic in older
dogs. Although the underlying etiology is
Cranial view of a dissected canine
unknown, idiopathic laryngeal paralysis
larynx. (a) Corniculate process of arytenoid
is most likely part of a generalized periph- cartilage, (b) cuneiform process of arytenoid
eral neuropathy.7 In one recent study, cartilage, (c) epiglottis, (d) vocal fold, (e) laryn-
muscle and peripheral nerve biopsy sam- geal ventricles, (f) cricoid cartilage, (g) muscu-
ples obtained from 11 dogs with acquired lar process of arytenoid cartilage.

212 Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® | May 2009 |

Laryngeal Paralysis in Dogs CE

present in all dogs in the study. 8 Although FIGURE 2

laryngeal paralysis has been reported in dogs
with hypothyroidism, the association between
the two conditions is unknown.9,10 Myasthenia
gravis has also been suggested as a cause of
laryngeal paralysis in dogs.11

Signalment and Clinical Signs

Laryngeal paralysis is most commonly reported
in older, large-breed dogs, especially Labrador
retrievers.9,12–14 The average age at the time of
presentation is approximately 10 years.9,12,14
Males are affected more frequently than
females.12–14 Clinical signs progress as laryn-
geal dysfunction becomes more severe. Early
in the disease process, owners may notice a
voice change, inspiratory stridor, and exercise
intolerance. Owners may initially believe that Lateral view of a dissected canine larynx. (a) Thyroid cartilage, (b) cricoid
the dog’s reluctance to move is simply a sign cartilage, (c) hyoid apparatus, (d) epiglottis, (e) corniculate process of arytenoid
of aging. Dysphagia can also occur, possibly cartilage.
in association with peripheral neuropathy.9,14
Owners may also report vomiting; however, could contribute to exercise intolerance. A
they may actually be seeing regurgitation from complete neurologic examination should be
concurrent esophageal disease or gagging and performed to evaluate for signs of polyneu-
retching from a soft palate that has elongated ropathy, such as decreased postural reactions,
as a result of inspiratory dyspnea. Once the deficits in spinal reflexes, and cranial nerve
laryngeal muscles are paralyzed bilaterally, abnormalities.7
dogs may develop severe dyspnea, cyanosis, A rectal temperature should be obtained,
and syncope. Exercise, obesity, excitement, and all dogs should be evaluated for sys-
and increased ambient temperature can exac- temic signs of heatstroke, such as petechial QuickNotes
erbate clinical signs, leading to an emergency hemorrhages associated with disseminated
presentation.9 Affected dogs may develop intravascular coagulation, excessive panting, Acquired laryngeal
pneumonia or pulmonary edema, which can collapse, hyperemic mucous membranes, and paralysis may be
contribute to respiratory distress. Inability abnormalities in mentation, regardless of body associated with a
to constrict the glottis properly during swal- temperature at time of presentation.17,18 The generalized periph-
lowing, regurgitation, or vomiting increases primary means of heat loss in dogs is evapo- eral neuropathy.
the risk of aspiration. Pulmonary edema can ration while panting. Dogs affected by acute
develop in cases of upper airway obstruction signs of laryngeal paralysis are more suscepti-
as a result of changes in intrathoracic pressure ble to hyperthermia due to a lack of heat dissi-
and hypoxia, which cause increased perme- pation through an obstructed respiratory tract.
ability of alveolar capillary membranes.15,16 Heatstroke from sustained hyperthermia can
progress to multiorgan failure and death.17,18
Diagnosis If the body temperature is ≥106°F (41°C) or
If an affected dog is stable, it should undergo systemic signs of heatstroke are evident, addi-
a thorough physical examination. The thorax tional diagnostics (e.g., coagulation panels,
should be auscultated for evidence of pneumo- immediate evaluation of glucose and elec-
nia or pulmonary edema, such as harsh crack- trolytes) and supportive treatment should be
les, wheezes, or rales, and for cardiac murmurs instituted.
or arrhythmias. Arterial pulses should be pal- Complete blood count and serum biochem-
pated for rate, rhythm, symmetry, and strength istry profile results are typically normal unless
to assess for cardiovascular abnormalities that concurrent diseases are present. In dogs with | May 2009 | Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® 213

CE Laryngeal Paralysis in Dogs
peripheral weakness, exercise intolerance, mega­ of aspiration largely outweighs the diagnostic
e­sophagus, or other signs of generalized poly­ benefits of contrast esophagography; there-
neuropathy, free thyroxine and endogenous fore, this procedure is not performed routinely
thyroid-stimulating hormone concentrations are in dogs with laryngeal paralysis.
measured to rule out hypothyroidism, and ace- Laryngeal paralysis is most commonly
tylcholine receptor antibody titers are measured diagnosed with transoral laryngoscopy under
to rule out myasthenia gravis.7,19 The association a light plane of anesthesia. Excessive admin-
of laryngeal paralysis with hypothyroidism or istration of any anesthetic can inhibit laryn-
myasthenia gravis is unclear, however, as medi- geal motion; however, some drugs may reduce
cal treatment for either of these conditions is arytenoid abduction under a light plane of
unlikely to restore laryngeal nerve function. anesthesia. In a comparison of seven different
Thoracic radiography is important for rul- anesthetic protocols,21 acepromazine plus thi-
ing out other causes of dyspnea and exercise opental, acepromazine plus propofol, and ket-
intolerance and for determining whether con- amine plus diazepam resulted in no laryngeal
current conditions are present in dogs with motion in 67%, 50%, and 50% of normal dogs,
laryngeal paralysis. The lung fields should be respectively. Thiopental and propofol as single
assessed for evidence of aspiration pneumonia agents inhibit laryngeal motion less than these
and noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, which drug combinations.21,22 However, compared
can occur with upper airway obstruction. Dogs with propofol, thiopental as a single agent
QuickNotes with laryngeal paralysis from polyneuropathy results in significantly more arytenoid motion
or neuromuscular junction disease such as during inspiration and is therefore preferred
Every dog sus- myasthenia gravis may develop megaesopha- for evaluation of laryngeal function.21,22 Often,
pected of having gus, which significantly increases the likeli- dogs receive acepromazine when they present
laryngeal paralysis hood of aspiration pneumonia11,12 (Figure 3). with anxiety and respiratory distress. In the
should undergo tho- A contrast esophagram with videofluoroscopy comparison study, laryngeal function was evi-
racic radiography. may be required to make a definitive diagno- dent in all normal dogs that received acepro-
sis of decreased esophageal motility.20 The risk mazine and butorphanol sedation and were

Thoracic Radiographs.


Thoracic radiographs of a dog with megaesophagus and aspiration

pneumonia. Note the borders of a dilated, air-filled esophagus (arrowheads)
and air bronchograms (arrows). (A) Ventrodorsal view. (B) Right lateral view.

214 Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® | May 2009 |

CE Laryngeal Paralysis in Dogs
Box 1
Unless the examiner is aware of the phase
Anesthetic Regimens for of respiration, it is easy to mistake paradoxical
Diagnosing Laryngeal movement of the larynx for active abduction.
Paralysis in Dogs21 Lack of arytenoid cartilage abduction during
inspiration narrows the rima glottidis, increas-
ing resistance to airflow. Rapid, forceful inspira-
Preoxygenate for 3 to 5 minutes before tion creates negative pressure within the larynx,
induction. which pulls the flaccid arytenoid cartilages
medially, worsening the obstruction.27 The car-
T hiopental (12–16 mg/kg IV to effect) tilages are forcefully separated by airflow as the
Propofol (4.5–7 mg/kg IV slowly to effect) animal exhales. Therefore, dogs with laryngeal
and doxapram (1 mg/kg IV) paralysis and paradoxical motion have inward
Acepromazine (0.2 mg/kg IM) and butor- movement of the arytenoid cartilages on inspi-
phanol (0.4 mg/kg IM) 20 minutes before
ration and outward, passive movement of the
mask induction with isoflurane
cartilages during expiration. Intubation may be
required in some patients with severe paradox-
ical motion and resultant hypoxia.23
examined under a light plane of anesthesia
induced by mask inhalation of isoflurane.21 In Medical Management
QuickNotes animals in which laryngeal function has been Dogs that present with acute cyanosis or in col-
depressed by sedatives and opioids, doxapram lapse require emergency treatment. Supplemen­
In dogs with
(1 mg/kg) can be administered intravenously tal oxygen should be provided to help alleviate
laryngeal paraly-
to stimulate respiration23 (Box 1). hypoxia. An intravenous catheter should be
sis, paradoxical Although a portable laryngoscope can be placed for administration of fluid and medica-
movement can be used to visualize the rima glottidis, retraction tions. Severely dyspneic or anxious dogs may
mistaken for active of the tongue and pressure on the epiglot- require sedation with acepromazine (0.005 to
arytenoid abduction tis with the laryngoscope blade may affect 0.02 mg/kg IV) and butorphanol (0.2 to 0.4 mg/
during laryngeal laryngeal function. Therefore, many clinicians kg IV) or other sedatives. If laryngeal edema is
examination. prefer to use a transoral video endoscope. suspected, an antiinflammatory dose of a gluco­
Laryngeal paralysis has also been diagnosed corticoid such as dexamethasone (0.1 to 0.5 mg/
with transnasal laryngoscopy and laryngeal kg) or prednisolone sodium succinate (0.5 to
ultrasound.24,25 1 mg/kg) can be administered intravenously.
If possible, blood oxygen saturation should Dogs that are significantly hyperthermic (≥106°F
be monitored with a pulse oximeter during [41°C]) are treated with sedatives, IV fluids, cool
laryngoscopy to ensure that the hemoglobin water baths, and fans. The rectal temperature
saturation remains ≥95%.26 Flow-by oxygen should be monitored continuously until it has
can be administered by attaching flexible tub- stabilized within a normal range and external
ing from an oxygen source to the blade of cooling has been discontinued. Dogs that are
the laryngoscope or to the insufflation port cyanotic, severely dyspneic, or hypoxic (SpO2
of the video endoscope to reduce the risk of <95%) despite supplemental oxygen therapy
hypoxia. During laryngeal examination, laryn- may require intubation and light anesthesia until
geal motion should be correlated with the laryngeal swelling resolves. If an intubation
phase of respiration. It is helpful to have an period of several hours or longer is expected,
assistant call out when each inspiration and a tracheostomy tube should be placed to avoid
VIDEO expiration occurs. In normal dogs, the rima exacerbation of laryngeal swelling from the
glottidis remains open at rest, closes slightly endotracheal tube and prolonged periods of
during expiration, and opens widely during anesthesia.28 It is possible for severe cases to
inspiration. Inability of the arytenoid carti- progress to respiratory muscle fatigue, which
To see videos of lages to abduct during inspiration is diagnostic may require mechanical ventilation.29 There is
normal and paralyzed
for laryngeal paralysis. In questionable cases, no reliable bedside measurement for detection
laryngeal abduction,
please visit
doxapram is administered intravenously.23 Res­ of respiratory muscle fatigue; the diagnosis is piration is usually stimulated within 8 seconds based on changes in breathing patterns, such as
after administration. inward movement of the abdomen during inspi-

216 Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® | May 2009 |

Laryngeal Paralysis in Dogs CE

ration, uncoordinated alterations between rib- FIGURE 4

cage and abdominal movements, and increased
PaCO2 on blood gas analysis.29
Dogs that have mild clinical signs or are
asymptomatic at rest may be managed con-
servatively by reducing stress, excitement, and
exposure to high ambient temperatures and
with weight loss as needed. Owners should
be informed that laryngeal paralysis is usually
progressive and that many dogs require surgery
as clinical signs become more severe or qual-
ity of life is affected.

Surgical Treatment
The goal of surgery is to enlarge the size of the
rima glottidis to decrease resistance to airflow
during inspiration. Surgical techniques include
unilateral arytenoid lateralization (UAL), partial
arytenoidectomy, vocal fold resection, castel- Dorsolateral view of a dissected canine larynx. (a) Muscular process of
arytenoid cartilage, (b) cricoid cartilage, (c) thyroid cartilage, (solid line) suture
lated laryngofissure, and muscle–nerve pedi-
placement for cricoarytenoid lateralization, (broken line) suture placement for
cle transposition. 30–32
Some dogs may require thyroarytenoid lateralization.
concurrent soft palate resection because pro-
longed negative airway pressure can increase tilage during inspiration33 (Figures 4 and 5).
soft palate length and thickness. Castellated Active abduction of the arytenoid with the
laryngofissure is rarely performed, and mus- suture is not required to reduce laryngeal air-
cle–nerve pedicle transposition has not been way resistance.34,35 If the soft palate is elongated,
evaluated in dogs with spontaneous laryngeal it is resected before recovery from anesthesia.
paralysis; therefore, these procedures are not Bilateral arytenoid lateralization increases the
described in this article. risk of postoperative complications and respira-
In animals undergoing vocal fold resec- tory-related death and is not recommended.11
tion for laryngeal paralysis, the vocal fold and Complications are reported in 10% to 28%
process are removed unilaterally or bilaterally. of dogs that undergo UAL (Box 2) and include QuickNotes
The procedure is often performed transorally aspiration pneumonia (8% to 33%), coughing
with scissors. If bilateral vocal cordectomy is and gagging (16%), suture failure or return of Administration of
performed, the ventral 1 to 2 mm of the vocal clinical signs (4% to 8%), gastric dilatation– doxapram during
fold should be left in place to reduce the risk volvulus (4%), respiratory distress (2% to 4%), laryngeal exami-
of scar formation and subsequent glottal steno- and sudden death (3%).12,14,36 Aspiration pneu- nation facilitates
sis. Partial arytenoidectomy involves unilateral monia may occur shortly after surgery or at differentiation of
resection of the corniculate process of the
laryngeal paraly-
arytenoid cartilage. This procedure can also be Box 2
performed through a transoral approach with
sis from drug-
cup biopsy forceps and may be combined with Complications of Unilateral induced laryngeal
a vocal fold resection. In one study, complica-
Arytenoid Lateralization dysfunction.
tions were reported in 40% of dogs undergo-
ing unilateral laryngectomy (arytenoidectomy,
Aspiration pneumonia
vocal cordectomy, or a combination of both)
for treatment of laryngeal paralysis, and 30% of
Surgical repair failure
the dogs died from respiratory-related causes.
UAL is the most commonly performed pro-
Respiratory distress
cedure for laryngeal paralysis.12,14 With this Gastric dilatation–volvulus
technique, a suture is placed between the Seroma formation
arytenoid and cricoid or thyroid cartilages to Sudden death
prevent inward motion of the arytenoid car- | May 2009 | Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® 217

CE Laryngeal Paralysis in Dogs
FIGURE 5 agus, and neurologic disease.12 In one study,
five of six dogs that developed megaesopha-
gus in conjunction with aspiration pneumonia
died.12 Because polyneuropathy is suspected as
an underlying etiology for laryngeal paralysis,
affected dogs should be monitored frequently
for evidence of neuromuscular weakness
and esophageal dysfunction. The associa-
tion between temporary tracheostomy tube
placement and increased postoperative com-
plications should be interpreted with caution
because dogs that require tracheostomy tubes
are likely to be in critical condition. Clinicians
should not hesitate to place a tracheostomy tube
in animals with severe inspiratory dyspnea.
Despite complications, approximately 90%
of dogs have a reduction in respiratory signs
and improved exercise tolerance after UAL.
Lateral view of a dissected canine larynx. (a) Muscular process of Most owners report an improvement in qual-
arytenoid cartilage, (b) cricoid cartilage, (c) cricothyroid articulation, (d) thyroid
ity of life and are satisfied with their decision
cartilage retracted laterally, (e) articulation of thyroid cartilage and thyrohyoid
bone, (solid line) suture placement for cricoarytenoid lateralization.
to go to surgery.12,14

any time for the remainder of the dog’s life. Conclusion

The use of metoclopramide reduces the risk of Laryngeal paralysis is a common cause of upper
perioperative aspiration pneumonia.36 airway obstruction in older, large-breed dogs
Median survival times after UAL range from and is likely associated with a generalized poly-
QuickNotes 1 to 5 years, with approximately 14% of dogs neuropathy in most animals. Surgical therapy
dying from diseases related to the respiratory is frequently indicated, and UAL is currently
Aspiration pneu-
tract.12,14 Factors associated with a higher rate the recommended treatment. Respiratory signs
monia is the most of complications or death include increasing significantly improve in most patients after sur-
common complica- age, placement of a temporary tracheostomy gery; however, postoperative complication rates
tion after surgery for tube, and presence of concurrent respiratory can be high, and patients have a lifelong risk of
laryngeal paralysis. tract abnormalities, postoperative megaesoph- developing respiratory tract disease.

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3 CE
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1. The most common cause of acquired 5. Which anesthetic protocol decreases 8. Which factor is associated with a higher
laryngeal paralysis is laryngeal function in at least 50% of rate of complications or death after UAL
a. hypothyroidism. normal dogs? in dogs with laryngeal paralysis?
b. myasthenia gravis. a. acepromazine/thiopental a. young age
c. trauma. b. acepromazine/propofol b. obesity
d. idiopathic. c. ketamine/diazepam c. the need to place a temporary
d. all of the above tracheostomy tube
2. The muscle responsible for abduction d. perioperative metoclopramide
of the arytenoid cartilages during 6. Regarding partial laryngectomy, which
inspiration is the ___________ muscle. statement is true? 9. Which statement is true?
a. cricoarytenoideus dorsalis a. In dogs undergoing bilateral vocal cor- a. Shortening an elongated soft palate
b. cricoarytenoideus lateralis dectomy, the entire vocal fold should be increases the risk of postoperative aspi-
c. thyropharyngeus removed. ration after arytenoid lateralization.
d. arytenoideus transversus b. Partial arytenoidectomy is performed b. During UAL, the arytenoid cartilage
by removing the corniculate process of should be maximally abducted with
3. Laryngeal paralysis has been identified the arytenoid cartilage. sutures to enlarge the glottic opening.
as a congenital condition in c. Complications are reported in 10% of c. Bilateral arytenoid lateralization
a. Labrador retrievers. dogs undergoing unilateral partial laryn- increases the risk of postoperative
b. Great Danes. gectomy for laryngeal paralysis. complications and respiratory-related
c. Afghan hounds. d. Approximately 5% of dogs undergoing death.
d. Bouvier des Flandres. unilateral partial laryngectomy die from d. The risk of aspiration pneumonia signifi-
respiratory-related diseases. cantly decreases 1 year after UAL.
4. Which is an early sign of laryngeal
paralysis? 7. The most common complication after 10. Approximately ___________ of dogs expe-
a. syncope unilateral arytenoid lateralization is rience improvement in upper airway
b. cardiac murmur a. respiratory distress. resistance and exercise tolerance fol-
c. voice change b. aspiration pneumonia. lowing arytenoid lateralization.
d. cyanosis c. seroma formation. a. 30% c. 75%
d. suture failure. b. 50% d. 90% | May 2009 | Compendium: Continuing Education for Veterinarians® 219

13.2.2013 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 42/1

(Non-legislative acts)



of 12 February 2013
amending Regulation (EC) No 1950/2006 establishing, in accordance with Directive 2001/82/EC of
the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community code relating to veterinary
medicinal products, a list of substances essential for the treatment of equidae
(Text with EEA relevance)

THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION, modes of actions, different pharmacokinetic or phar­

macodynamic profiles, different lengths of treatment or
different routes of administration.
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European
(4) Substances listed in the Annex to Commission Regu­
Having regard to Directive 2001/82/EC of the European lation (EU) No 37/2010 of 22 December 2009 on phar­
Parliament and of the Council of 6 November 2001 on the macologically active substances and their classification
Community code relating to veterinary medicinal products (1), regarding maximum residue limits in foodstuffs of
and in particular Article 10(3) thereof, animal origin (4) should not appear on the list of
essential substances and substances bringing added
clinical benefit. Therefore, it is necessary to amend the
Whereas: list in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1950/2006 to
remove from that list any substances listed in Regulation
(EU) No 37/2010.
(1) Commission Regulation (EC) No 1950/2006 (2) estab­
lished a list of substances essential for the treatment of
equidae which, by way of derogation from Article 11 of
(5) It is also appropriate to remove from the list in the
Directive 2001/82/EC, may be administered to equidae
Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1950/2006 several
intended for slaughter for human consumption subject to
substances identified as alternatives to the substances
a withdrawal period of not less than six months.
listed, which are not available for the treatment of
horses because they are not listed as ‘essential substances’
(2) Regulation (EC) No 470/2009 of the European or ‘substances bringing added clinical benefit’ under
Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 laying Regulation (EC) No 1950/2006 nor listed in the Annex
down Community procedures for the establishment of to Regulation (EU) No 37/2010.
residue limits of pharmacologically active substances in
foodstuffs of animal origin (3) amended Article 10(3) of
Directive 2001/82/EC in order to include in the list of (6) Due to changes in Union legislation since the adoption
substances referred to in that Article substances which of Regulation (EC) No 1950/2006, the references in that
bring added clinical benefit compared to other treatment Regulation to the relevant legislation on control mech­
options available for equidae, hereinafter ‘substances anisms for equidae and on maximum residue limits
bringing added clinical benefit’, in addition to essential should be updated.

(3) A substance should only be included in the list as a (7) The amended list set out in the Annex to this Regulation
‘substance bringing added clinical benefit’ where it has been subject to a scientific evaluation carried out by
provides a clinically relevant advantage based on the Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products of the
improved efficacy or safety or a major contribution to European Medicines Agency established by Regulation
treatment. This may be the result, inter alia, of different (EC) No 726/2004 of the European Parliament and of
the Council (5).
(1) OJ L 311, 28.11.2001, p. 1.
(2) OJ L 367, 22.12.2006, p. 33. (4) OJ L 15, 20.1.2010, p. 1.
(3) OJ L 152, 16.6.2009, p. 11. (5) OJ L 136, 30.4.2004, p. 1.
L 42/2 EN Official Journal of the European Union 13.2.2013

(8) Regulation (EC) No 1950/2006 should be amended For the purposes of the first and second subparagraphs, the
accordingly. alternatives listed in the Annex shall be considered.’;

(9) The measures provided for in this Regulation are in (4) Articles 3 and 4 are replaced by the following:
accordance with the opinion of the Standing
Committee on Veterinary Medicinal Products, ‘Article 3

HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: 1. Essential substances and substances bringing added
clinical benefit shall be used only in accordance with
Article 10(1) of Directive 2001/82/EC.
Article 1
Regulation (EC) No 1950/2006 is amended as follows: 2. The details of a treatment with essential substances
shall be recorded in accordance with the instructions laid
(1) the title of Regulation (EC) No 1950/2006 is replaced by down in Section IX of the identification document for
the following: equidae set out in Commission Regulation (EC) No
504/2008 (*).
‘Commission Regulation (EC) No 1950/2006 of
13 December 2006 establishing, in accordance with Article 4
Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and
of the Council on the Community code relating to Any substance that is entered in one of the lists in the
veterinary medicinal products, a list of substances Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 37/2010 (**),
essential for the treatment of equidae and of substances or the use of which for equidae is prohibited by Union
bringing added clinical benefit’; legislation, shall no longer be used for the purposes of
this Regulation.
(2) Article 1 is replaced by the following:
‘Article 1 (*) OJ L 149, 7.6.2008, p. 3.
The list of substances essential for the treatment of equidae, (**) OJ L 15, 20.1.2010, p. 1.’;
hereinafter “essential substances”, as well as of substances
which bring added clinical benefit compared to other
treatment options available for equidae, hereinafter “sub­ (5) in Article 5, paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:
stances bringing added clinical benefit”, applicable by way
of derogation from Article 11 of Directive 2001/82/EC, is ‘2. Where Member States or veterinary professional
set out in the Annex to this Regulation.’; associations request the Commission to amend the list set
out in the Annex, they shall duly substantiate their request
(3) in Article 2, the second subparagraph is replaced by the and include any relevant scientific data available.’;
(6) the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1950/2006 is replaced by
‘Substances bringing added clinical benefit may be used, for the Annex to this Regulation.
the specific disease conditions, treatment needs or
zootechnical purposes specified in the Annex, where they Article 2
provide a clinically relevant advantage based on improved
efficacy or safety or a major contribution to treatment This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following
compared to medicinal products authorised for equidae or that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European
referred to in Article 11 of Directive 2001/82/EC. Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels, 12 February 2013.

For the Commission

The President
José Manuel BARROSO
13.2.2013 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 42/3



List of substances essential for the treatment of equidae and substances bringing added clinical benefit compared
to other treatment options available for equidae

The withdrawal period for each of the substances on the following list shall be six months.

Indication Active substance Justification and explanation of use

Anaesthetics, analgesics and substances used in association with anaesthesia

Sedation and premedication Acepromazine Purpose: premedication prior to general anaesthesia, mild
(and antagonism) sedation.
Identification of alternatives: detomidine, romifidine,
xylazine, diazepam, midazolam.
Discussion of the specific advantages: acepromazine has
consistently been shown to reduce risk of anaesthetic
death. Mode of action (on limbic system) and unique
quality of sedation cannot be produced by the alpha-2
agonist sedatives (detomidine, romifidine and xylazine) or
the benzodiazepines (diazepam, midazolam).

Atipamezole Purpose: α-2 adrenoceptor antagonist used for reversal of

α-2 agonists.
Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: only treatment for
hypersensitive individual and overdose. Emergency
medicine. Specifically used in cases of respiratory

Diazepam Purpose: premedication and induction of anaesthesia. Mild

(benzodiazepine) tranquilisation with minimal cardiov­
ascular and respiratory side effects. Anti-convulsant,
essential for treatment of seizures.
Identification of alternatives: acepromazine, detomidine,
romifidine, xylazine, midazolam, primidone, phenytoin.
Discussion of the specific advantages: in modern medicinal
standards an essential component of anaesthetic induction
protocols with very considerable equine experience. Used
with ketamine for induction of anaesthesia, producing
essential relaxation that allows smooth induction and intu­
bation. Mode of action (acts at GABA receptor) and unique
tranquilisation without cardiorespiratory depression cannot
be produced by the α-2 agonist sedatives (detomidine,
romifidine and xylazine) or acepromazine.

Flumazenil Purpose: intravenous reversal agent for benzodiazepines.

Reversal of benzodiazepine effect during recovery from
Total Intravenous Anaesthesia (TIVA) techniques.
Identification of alternatives: sarmazenil.
Discussion of the specific advantages: different mode of
action from sarmazenil providing additional means of
benzodiazepine reversal at the end of TIVA techniques.
Sarmazenil is partial inverse agonist of benzodiazepine
receptors whereas flumazenil is an antagonist competitively
inhibiting the benzodiazepine binding site at the GABA

Midazolam Purpose: premedication and induction of anaesthesia. Mild

(benzodiazepine) tranquilisation with minimal cardiov­
ascular and respiratory side effects. Anti-convulsant, for
treatment of seizures, particularly adult horses with tetanus.
L 42/4 EN Official Journal of the European Union 13.2.2013

Indication Active substance Justification and explanation of use

Identification of alternatives: acepromazine, detomidine,

romifidine, xylazine, diazepam, primidone, phenytoin.
Discussion of the specific advantages: similar to diazepam
but water soluble, thus suitable for intravenous injection
and essential for intravenous infusion in combination with
anaesthetics. Shorter acting than diazepam. More suitable
than diazepam for foals.
Anti-convulsant, for treatment of seizures, particularly adult
horses with tetanus – better than diazepam for use over
several days due to water solubility.
Used with ketamine for induction of anaesthesia, producing
essential relaxation that allows smooth induction and intu­
Mode of action (acts at GABA receptor) and unique tran­
quilisation without cardiorespiratory depression cannot be
produced by the α-2 agonist sedatives (detomidine,
romifidine and xylazine) or acepromazine.

Naloxone Purpose: opioid-antidote, emergency medicine.

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: no alternatives avail­

Propofol Purpose: intravenous anaesthetic. Induction of anaesthesia

in foals.
Identification of alternatives: sevoflurane or isoflurane.
Discussion of the specific advantages: rapidly cleared
injectable anaesthetic. Recent reports demonstrate vast
improvement in cardiovascular stability and quality of
recovery over inhalation anaesthesia.

Sarmazenil Purpose: benzodiazepine antagonist.

Identification of alternatives: flumazenil.
Discussion of the specific advantages: clean reversal of
benzodiazepine sedation required after infusion during
total intravenous anaesthesia. Widest clinical experience
with sarmazenil compared to other potential candidates
for essential substances.

Tiletamine Purpose: dissociative anaesthetic similar to ketamine,

especially used for field anaesthesia. Used in combination
with zolazepam.
Identification of alternatives: ketamine.
Discussion of the specific advantages: the use in
combination with zolazepam is essential in cases when
there is no access to inhalation anaesthesia such as for
field anaesthesia. Combination is also essential where
anaesthesia with ketamine combinations is too short.
Typical applications are castrations, laryngotomies, peri­
osteal stripping, cyst or lump excisions, repair of facial
fractures, cast applications and umbilical hernia repairs.

Zolazepam Purpose: benzodiazepine tranquilisation especially used for

field anaesthesia in combination with tiletamine.
Identification of alternatives: diazepam or midazolam.
Discussion of the specific advantages: benzodiazepine tran­
quiliser, which is longer acting than either diazepam or
13.2.2013 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 42/5

Indication Active substance Justification and explanation of use

midazolam. The use with tiletamine is essential in cases

when there is no access to inhalation anaesthesia such as
for field anaesthesia. Combination is essential where anaes­
thesia with ketamine combinations is too short. Typical
applications are castrations, laryngotomies, periosteal
stripping, cyst or lump excisions, repair of facial fractures,
cast applications and umbilical hernia repairs.

Hypotension or respiratory Dobutamine Purpose: treatment of hypotension during anaesthesia.

stimulation during
anaesthesia Identification of alternatives: dopamine.
Discussion of the specific advantages: positive inotrope
therapy, probably more used than dopamine but pref­
erences vary. Horses usually develop hypotension during
anaesthesia, and maintenance of normal blood pressure
has been shown to reduce the incidence of serious post-
operative rhabdomyolysis. Dobutamine is invaluable during
volatile anaesthesia in horses.

Dopamine Purpose: treatment of hypotension during anaesthesia.

Identification of alternatives: dobutamine.
Discussion of the specific advantages: dopamine is required
in horses that do not respond to dobutamine. In foals
dopamine is used in preference to dobutamine.
Additionally required for treatment of intraoperative brady­
dysrhythmias that are resistant to atropine.

Ephedrine Purpose: treatment of hypotension during anaesthesia.

Identification of alternatives: dopamine, dobutamine.
Discussion of the specific advantages: required where
dopamine and dobutamine are ineffective. A unique
sympathomimetic agent, which is structurally similar to
adrenaline. It is impossible to use the action of catecho­
lamines on specific receptors in the body to the benefit of
equine patients without recourse to the use of a number of
catecholamines, each active at a different receptor profile.
Hence ephedrine, which causes noradrenaline release at the
nerve endings, thereby increasing cardiac contractility and
obtunding hypotension, is used when dobutamine and
dopamine are ineffective. Ephedrine lasts minutes to
hours and is effective after a single intravenous injection,
whereas dobutamine and dopamine last only a few seconds
or minutes and must be given by infusion.

Glycopyrrolate Purpose: prevention of bradycardia. Anticholinergic. Anti­

cholinergics are fundamental treatment for prevention of
parasympathetic effects such as bradycardia and are routine
components of eye and airway surgery.
Identification of alternatives: atropine.
Discussion of the specific advantages: glycopyrrolate has a
limited central effect and is more suitable in conscious
horses (before and after anaesthesia) than atropine.

Noradrenaline Purpose: cardiovascular failure. Infusion for the treatment

(norepinephrine) of cardiovascular failure in foals.
Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: the animal’s catecho­
lamine receptor profile responds precisely to medicines
acting at different sites. Hence a range of catecholamines
acting more or less exclusively on different types of
adrenergic receptors is used to produce a precise effect.
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Indication Active substance Justification and explanation of use

Noradrenaline acts primarily on alpha-1 receptors to vaso­

constrict arterioles, thereby increasing blood pressure and
maintaining central circulation. In foals, noradrenaline is
commonly the only catecholamine effective in treatment
of hypotension.

Analgesia Buprenorphine Purpose: analgesia, used with sedatives for restraint.

Identification of alternatives: butorphanol, fentanyl,
morphine and pethidine.
Discussion of the specific advantages: partial μ-agonist
opioid analgesic. μ-receptor activity produces better
analgesia than κ-agonist opioids such as butorphanol.
Long-acting analgesic. Due to partial agonist characteristic,
has limited addictive and respiratory depressant properties.
Long and short-acting opioids have different indications,
hence the need for more than one alternative substances
as choice.

Fentanyl Purpose: analgesia.

Identification of alternatives: butorphanol, buprenorphine,
morphine and pethidine.
Discussion of the specific advantages: μ-agonist opioid, μ-
receptor activity produces better analgesia than κ-agonist
opioids such as butorphanol. Very short acting due to
rapid metabolism and excretion. Fentanyl is the only
opioid used in horses that is suitable for infusion and
skin patch administration. Highly effective for pain

Morphine Purpose: analgesia.

Identification of alternatives: butorphanol, buprenorphine,
pethidine and fentanyl.
Discussion of the specific advantages: full μ-agonist opioid
analgesic. μ-receptor activity produces the best analgesia.
Used with sedatives for restraint, used for epidural anaes­
thesia. Mid duration analgesic. Morphine is the μ-opioid
agonist with the best solubility characteristics for epidural
administration. It provides long-acting analgesia with few
systemic effects by this route. This technique is widely used
in modern veterinary medicine for treating severe peri­
operative and chronic pain.

Pethidine Purpose: analgesia.

Identification of alternatives: butorphanol, buprenorphine,
morphine and fentanyl.
Discussion of the specific advantages: a μ-agonist opioid
analgesic about 10 times less potent than morphine.
Short-acting opioid that has been proven to be effective
to treat spasmodic colic in horses. Only opioid with spas­
molytic properties. More sedation and less potential for
excitement than other opioids in horses.

Muscle relaxants and Atracurium Purpose: muscle relaxation during anaesthesia.

associated substances
Identification of alternatives: guaifenesin.
Discussion of the specific advantages: non-depolarising
neuromuscular blocking agent. Neuromuscular blocking
agents are used in particular for eye and deep abdominal
surgery. Edrophonium is required for reversal. Atracurium
and edrophonium have the most extensive clinical support
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Indication Active substance Justification and explanation of use

Edrophonium Purpose: reversal of atracurium muscle relaxation.

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: cholinesterase
inhibitor, essential for reversal of neuromuscular
blockade. Edrophonium has least side effects of the choli­
nesterase inhibitors in horses.

Guaifenesin Purpose: muscle relaxation during anaesthesia.

Identification of alternatives: atracurium.
Discussion of the specific advantages: essential alternative
to α-2/ketamine regimens in horses where α-2 agents and
ketamine are contraindicated such as in horses not
responding to these agents or horses having shown
adverse effects during a previous administration. Invaluable
in combination with ketamine and α-2 agents for
remarkably safe field anaesthesia for which no effective
alternative intravenous techniques have been developed.

Inhalation anaesthetics Sevoflurane Purpose: inhalation anaesthesia for horses with limb
fractures and other orthopaedic injuries and mask
induction of anaesthesia in foals.
Identification of alternatives: isoflurane.
Discussion of the specific advantages: sevoflurane is a
volatile anaesthetic with minor metabolism and fast
excretion. While there is an MRL for isoflurane in the
EU, isoflurane is not suitable for all equine anaesthetic
cases due to its recovery characteristics where excitement
may lead to the horse breaking a leg. Sevoflurane is
essential in certain equine surgeries where a smooth
recovery is vital, as it has been shown to produce a
smoother, more controlled recovery in horses. It is
therefore selected in preference to isoflurane for horses
with limb fractures and other orthopaedic injuries.
Furthermore sevoflurane is essential for mask induction
of anaesthesia in foals as it is completely non-irritant as
opposed to isoflurane, which is irritant and therefore
causes coughing and breath holding.

Local anaesthetics Bupivacaine Purpose: local anaesthesia.

Identification of alternatives: lidocaine.
Discussion of the specific advantages: long-acting local
anaesthetic. Long duration of action required for peri­
operative analgesia and treatment of chronic severe pain
such as laminitis. Bupivacaine is a longer-acting local
anaesthetic than the commonly used lidocaine. Lidocaine
alone gives approximately one hour of local anaesthesia.
Addition of adrenaline may prolong the effect to two
hours, but runs the risk of cutting the local blood
supply, and this combination therefore is unsuitable in a
number of conditions. Bupivacaine provides four to six
hours of local anaesthesia and is therefore much better
suited to post-operative analgesia and for management of
laminitis because a single injection is often sufficient; this is
essential on welfare grounds than repeated hourly lidocaine
injections. Shorter acting local anaesthetics are therefore
not suitable for the above as they require frequent repeat
injections with the attendant increased risk of adverse
reactions and unacceptability for animal welfare reasons.

Oxybuprocaine Purpose: local anaesthesia for use in eyes.

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
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Indication Active substance Justification and explanation of use

Discussion of the specific advantages: widest clinical

experience with oxybuprocaine compared to other
potential candidates for essential substances.

Prilocaine Purpose: local anaesthesia prior to intravenous catheteri­

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: in specific prep­
arations (eutectic mixture of local anaesthetics) for topical
application to skin where it is absorbed intradermally in 40
min. Used to facilitate intravenous catheterisation,
especially in foals.

Anti-inflammatory substances

Corticosteroids Triamcinolone acetonide Purpose: intra-articular medication for degenerative joint

disease and osteoarthritis.
Identification of alternatives: methylprednisolone.
Discussion of the specific advantages: different cellular and
biosynthetic effects from the alternative corticosteroid
intra-articular medication methylprednisolone; triamci­
nolone is chondroprotective and promotes cartilage
repair. More effective than systemic treatments (NSAIDs
and chondroitin sulphate), and other (non-corticosteroid)
intra-articular treatments for control of joint inflammation,
pain and lameness in acute and chronic joint disease,
especially degenerative joint disease and osteoarthritis.
Only effective non-surgical treatment for subchondral
bone cysts.

Flumethasone Purpose: short-term systemic corticosteroid therapy

including shock, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy
Identification of alternatives: dexamethasone, prednisolone.
Discussion of the specific advantages: different clinical
effects from alternatives with more rapid onset, longer
duration and greater efficacy. Different mode of action
from alternatives (no appreciable mineralocorticoid activ­

Anti-endotoxins Pentoxifylline Purpose: systemic and oral treatment for endotoxaemia.

Identification of alternatives: flunixin, acepromazine.
Discussion of the specific advantages:
Endotoxaemia: different mode of action (methylated
xanthine derivative phosphodiesterase inhibitor) and
different clinical effects to alternative (flunixin). Decreases
endotoxin-mediated release of pro-inflammatory cytokines
and leukotrienes from macrophages and neutrophils,
reduces systemic response to endotoxins.
Laminitis: different mode of action of improving blood
flow to the digit than alternative (acepromazine); reduces
blood viscosity and improves blood flow to the digit.

Polymyxin B Purpose: systemic treatment for endotoxaemia associated

with severe colic and other gastrointestinal diseases.
Identification of alternatives: flunixin, bismuth subsalicylate.
Discussion of the specific advantages: different mode of
action (endotoxin binding agent) to systemic alternative
(flunixin), acting earlier in the endotoxin-induced cascade.
Different mechanism of binding, different route of adminis­
tration and different site of action to oral alternative
bismuth. Aids in prevention of initiation of inflammatory
cascade induced by binding endotoxin and preventing
binding to Toll-like receptors.
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Indication Active substance Justification and explanation of use

Cardiovascular medicines

Amiodarone Purpose: anti-dysrhythmic. Systemic and oral treatment of

atrial fibrillation, supraventricular and ventricular tachyc­
Identification of alternatives: quinidine sulphate, procain­
amide, propranolol.
Discussion of the specific advantages: different mode of
action to alternatives (class III anti-dysrhythmic). New
evidence that amiodarone is effective and safe in atrial
fibrillation and better than alternative quinidine sulphate;
effective for different types of arrhythmias including
ventricular arrhythmias.

Allopurinol Purpose: treatment of neonatal ischaemia-reperfusion

Identification of alternatives: vitamin E.
Discussion of the specific advantages: different mode of
action to alternative for reperfusion injury; allopurinol is
a xanthine oxidase inhibitor inhibiting free radical
production during reperfusion following ischaemia.

Vasopressin Purpose: treatment of circulatory collapse in foals and

Identification of alternatives: dopamine/dobutamine
Discussion of the specific advantages: specific agonist
acting via V1 receptors. Has a different mode of action
to the other authorized substances which regulate blood
pressure: epinephrine (an adrenergic receptor agonist) and
dopamine/dobutamine (D1-5 receptors regulating cardiac
output and blood vessel tone). Used in situations when
dopamine/dobutamine and epinephrine have been unsuc­
cessful and an alternative pharmacological approach is

Digoxin Purpose: treatment of heart failure.

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: additionally digoxin
is the only treatment for the side effects of quinidine treat­

Quinidine sulfate and Purpose: treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.

quinidine gluconate
Identification of alternatives: procainamide, propranolol.
Discussion of the specific advantages: anti-dysrhythmic
agent. Use is rare but important therapeutic choice,
different mode of action necessary for different types of
arrhythmias. Treatment of choice for atrial fibrillation.

Procainamide Purpose: treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.

Identification of alternatives: quinidine sulfate and
quinidine gluconate, propranolol.
Discussion of the specific advantages: anti-dysrhythmic
agent. Use is rare but important therapeutic choice,
different mode of action necessary for different types of

Propranolol Purpose: treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.

Identification of alternatives: quinidine sulfate and
quinidine gluconate, procainamide.
Discussion of the specific advantages: anti-hypertensive,
which is used because it also exerts some anti-arrhythmic
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Indication Active substance Justification and explanation of use

activity. Use is rare but important therapeutic choice. Due

to the different pathophysiology of arrhythymias it is
essential to have a variety of different acting medicines in
order to be able to treat the specific condition. Use of these
medicines consists usually of a single treatment to convert
back to normal rhythm, which may have to be repeated on
only rare occasions.


Phenytoin Purpose: anti-convulsant therapy in foals. Treatment of

rhabdomyolysis. Treatment of stringhalt.
Identification of alternatives: diazepam, primidone,
dantrolene sodium (for rhabdomyolysis).
Discussion of the specific advantages: essential anti-
convulsant in foals. Phenytoin is generally added to the
treatment of seizure control if primidone/phenobarbital
does not control the seizures. Phenytoin is a calcium
channel-blocking agent and useful for the treatment of
recurrent forms of rhabdomyolysis.

Primidone Purpose: anti-convulsant therapy in foals.

Identification of alternatives: diazepam, phenytoin.
Discussion of the specific advantages: primidone is
indicated as follow-on from diazepam therapy or as an

Gastrointestinal agents

Bethanechol Purpose: treatment of ileus, treatment of gastroduodenal

stricture in foals, treatment of recurrent small colon
impactions in adults.
Identification of alternatives: metoclopramide,
Discussion of the specific advantages: betanechol is a
muscarinic cholinergic agonist that stimulates acetylcholine
receptors on gastrointestinal smooth muscles, causing them
to contract. It has been shown to increase the rate of
gastric and caecal emptying. Both betanechol and metoclo­
pramide have been shown to be beneficial in the treatment
of post-operative ileus.

Codeine Purpose: diarrhoea treatment.

Identification of alternatives: bismuth subsalicylate.
Discussion of the specific advantages: different mode of
action to bismuth subsalicylate. Opioid motility
modulator acting on mu receptors in the gut that
provides effective symptomatic management of non-
infectious diarrhoea, especially in foals. Frequently used in
combination with loperamide. Similarity in mode of action
to loperamide brings synergistic action.

Loperamide Purpose: diarrhoea treatment in foals.

Identification of alternatives: bismuth subsalicylate.
Discussion of the specific advantages: different mode of
action to bismuth subsalicylcate. Opioid motility
modulator acting on mu receptors in the gut that
provides more effective symptomatic management of
non-infectious diarrhoea in foals than other substances.
Frequently used in combination with codeine. Similarity
in mode of action to codeine brings synergistic action.

Metoclopramide Purpose: treatment of post-operative ileus.

Identification of alternatives: bethanechol, erythromycin.
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Indication Active substance Justification and explanation of use

Discussion of the specific advantages: Metoclopramide is a

substituted benzamide with several mechanisms of action:
(1) it is a dopamine receptor antagonist; (2) it augments the
release of acetylcholine from intrinsic cholinergic neurons;
and (3) it has adrenergic blocking activity. It is effective in
restoring gastrointestinal coordination post operatively and
it decreases the total volume, rate and duration of gastric
reflux. Metaclopramide is a prokinetic drug, which acts
more in the proximal gastrointestinal tract. Both
betanechol and metoclopramide have been shown to be
beneficial in the treatment of post-operative ileus.

Phenoxy-benzamine Purpose: diarrhoea treatment; colitis.

Identification of alternatives: bismuth subsalicylate; flunixin.
Discussion of the specific advantages: has different mode of
action (alpha-1 antagonist and antisecretion agent)
compared to other authorised treatments and codeine.
Provides useful symptomatic management of diarrhoea
and colitis.

Propantheline bromide Purpose: anti-peristaltic.

Identification of alternatives: atropine, lidocaine given
diluted intrarectally as an enema.
Discussion of the specific advantages: propantheline
bromide is a synthetic quaternary ammonium anticholi­
nergic which inhibits gastrointestinal motility and spasm
and diminishes gastric acid secretion. It also inhibits the
action of acetylcholine at the postganglionic nerve endings
of the parasympathetic nervous system. Its effects are
similar to those of atropine although they last longer (six
hours). Propantheline bromide is an important choice for
decreasing peristalsis to avoid rectal tearing during rectal
palpation or to explore and treat a potential rectal tear
where it can be difficult to get a lidocaine enema to
work effectively.

Ranitidine Purpose: gastric ulcer prophylaxis in neonates.

Identification of alternatives: omeprazole.
Discussion of the specific advantages: different mode of
action from omeprazole. Route of administration (intra­
venous) brings added benefit over all other anti-ulcer medi­
cations as these require oral administration. Intravenous
ranitidine preparation essential in foals that have absent
gastrointestinal motility, the group that are at high risk
for ulcers.

Sucralfate Purpose: gastric ulcer prophylaxis in neonates.

Identification of alternatives: omeprazole.
Discussion of the specific advantages: different mode of
action from omeprazole and valuable adjunctive gastric
ulcer prophylaxis. Unique mode of action (mucosal
adherent) provides physical lesion stabilisation.


Dantrolene sodium Purpose: treatment of rhabdomyolysis. Treatment of

malignant hyperthermia during anaesthesia.
Identification of alternatives: phenytoin.
Discussion of the specific advantages: dantrolene exhibits
muscle relaxation activity by direct action on muscle as it
inhibits the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic
reticulum and thus causes a dissociation of excitation-
contraction coupling. Both phenytoin and dantrolene
sodium have been found to be useful in the treatment of
recurrent forms of rhabdomyolysis.
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Indication Active substance Justification and explanation of use


Klebsiella spp. infections Ticarcillin Purpose: treatment of Klebsiella spp. infections.

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: specific antibiotic for
Klebsiella spp. infections.

Rhodococcus equi infections Azithromycin Purpose: treatment of Rhodococcus equi infections.

Identification of alternatives: erythromycin.
Discussion of the specific advantages: standard treatment in
combination with rifampicin, better tolerated in foals than

Rifampicin Purpose: treatment of Rhodococcus equi infections.

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: treatment of Rhodo­
coccus equi in combination with erythromycin or
azithromycin. Treatment of choice.

Septic arthritis Amikacin Purpose: treatment of septic arthritis.

Identification of alternatives: gentamicin or other aminog­
Discussion of the specific advantages: better tolerated in
foals than gentamicin or other aminoglykosides.

Respiratory medicines

Ambroxol Purpose: stimulation of surfactant in the premature foal.

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: no alternatives avail­

Budesonide Purpose: inhalation corticosteroid for control of allergic

pulmonary disease.
Identification of alternatives: beclomethasone.
Discussion of the specific advantages: inhalation corticos­
teroid therapy causes less adreno-cortical suppression, with
more rapid return to normal function after therapy ends,
and fewer systemic side effects than systemic corticosteroid
therapy because of limited systemic absorption. Inhalation
allows reduced doses and local delivery of high concen­
trations of active substance and hence greater efficacy.
Especially useful for control of mild-moderate disease and
long-term maintenance therapy. Additional substances with
greater potency and different durations of effect than
beclomethasone are required to titrate the dose based on
clinical response and provide optimum disease control.
Budesonide has intermediate potency between beclome­
thasone and fluticasone.

Fluticasone Purpose: inhalation corticosteroid for control of allergic

pulmonary disease.
Identification of alternatives: beclomethasone.
Discussion of the specific advantages: inhalation corticos­
teroid therapy causes less adreno-cortical suppression with
quick rebound after therapy ends and fewer systemic side
effects than systemic corticosteroid therapy because of
limited systemic absorption. Inhalation allows local
delivery of high concentrations of active substance and
hence greater efficacy. Especially useful for control of
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Indication Active substance Justification and explanation of use

mild-moderate disease and long-term maintenance therapy.

Additional substances with greater potency and different
durations of effect than beclomethasone are required to
titrate the dose based on clinical response and provide
optimum disease control. Fluticasone is 50 % more
potent than beclomethasone and has longer half life (6
hours versus 2,8 hours), providing added benefit for
more severely affected or refractory cases.

Ipratropium bromide Purpose: bronchodilation.

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: anticholinergic
action. Necessary as therapeutic choice as in some cases
more efficacious than β-agonists.

Oxymetazolin Purpose: treatment of nasal oedema.

Identification of alternatives: phenylephrine.
Discussion of the specific advantages: α-adrenoceptor
agonist with strong vasoconstrictive properties which is
used in preference to phenylephrine due to the fact that
it is longer-acting.

Antiprotozoal agents

Isometamidium Purpose: treatment of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis.

Identification of alternatives: pyrimethamine.
Discussion of the specific advantages: disease sometimes
refractory to treatment with pyrimethamine, and
therefore an alternative is required.

Ponazuril Purpose: equine protozoal myelitis (Sarcocystis neurona)

Identification of alternatives: isometamidium, pyrime­
Discussion of the specific advantages: different mode of
action compared to other authorised substances, useful as
alternative therapy when disease refractory to other treat­
ments. Reduced incidence of side effects (diarrhoea)
compared to pyrimethamine/sulphonamide treatments;
increased clinical efficacy compared to isometamidium
and pyrimethamine.

Pyrimethamine Purpose: treatment of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis.

Identification of alternatives: isometamidium.
Discussion of the specific advantages: at least 75 % success
rate when used in conjunction with sulfadiazine-sulfona­

Ophthalmic medicines

Ocular ulcers Acyclovir Purpose: treatment of ocular ulcers (antiviral medicine).

Topical use.
Identification of alternatives: idoxuridine.
Discussion of the specific advantages: both acyclovir and
idoxuridine have been shown to be equally effective in the
treatment of ulcerative herpetic keratitis.

Idoxuridine Purpose: treatment of ocular ulcers (antiviral medicine).

Topical use.
Identification of alternatives: acyclovir.
Discussion of the specific advantages: both acyclovir and
idoxuridine have been shown to be equally effective in the
treatment of ulcerative herpetic keratitis.
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Indication Active substance Justification and explanation of use

Glaucoma Phenylephrine Purpose: treatment of glaucoma, epiphora, nasal oedema

and splenic entrapment.
Identification of alternatives: tropicamide, (for glaucoma),
otherwise none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: both phenylephrine
and tropicamide have been shown to be equally effective in
the treatment of glaucoma.

Tropicamide Purpose: treatment of glaucoma. Topical use.

Identification of alternatives: phenylephrine.
Discussion of the specific advantages: both phenylephrine
and tropicamide have been shown to be equally effective in
the treatment of glaucoma.

Dorzolamide Purpose: treatment of glaucoma. Topical use.

Identification of alternatives: latanoprost, timolol maleate.
Discussion of the specific advantages: its specific mode of
action as a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. Important thera­
peutic choice.

Latanoprost Purpose: treatment of glaucoma. Topical use.

Identification of alternatives: dorzolamide, timolol maleate.
Discussion of the specific advantages: its specific mode of
action as a prostaglandin F2α-analogue. Important thera­
peutic choice.

Timolol maleate Purpose: treatment of glaucoma. Topical use.

Identification of alternatives: dorzolamide, latanoprost.
Discussion of the specific advantages: its specific mode of
action as a non-selective beta-adrenergic receptor blocking
agent, causes vasoconstriction, which in turns leads to
decrease of the aqueous humour. Important therapeutic

Cyclosporin A Purpose: immunosuppressive used for the treatment of

autoimmune diseases of the eye.
Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: no alternatives avail­

Ketorolac Purpose: treatment of eye pain and inflammation, non-

steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine, eye drops, topical
Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: widest clinical
experience with ketorolac compared to other potential
candidates for essential substances.

Ofloxacin Purpose: treatment of eye infections resistant to commonly

used ophthalmic antibiotic treatments.
Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: widest clinical
experience with ofloxacin compared to other potential
candidates for essential substances. Compared to
commonly employed ophthalmic antibiotic treatments
ofloxacin should only be used as a reserve antibiotic in
individual cases.

Fluoresceine Purpose: diagnostic tool for corneal ulceration, topical use.

Identification of alternatives: Rose Bengal.
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Indication Active substance Justification and explanation of use

Discussion of the specific advantages: Rose Bengal has

some antiviral activity while fluoresceine has no significant
effect on virus replication. Thus, the diagnostic use of Rose
Bengal prior to viral culture may preclude a positive result.
Therefore fluoresceine is the diagnostic tool of choice when
a viral culture is planned.

Rose Bengal Purpose: diagnostic tool for early corneal damage, topical
Identification of alternatives: fluoresceine.
Discussion of the specific advantages: Rose of Bengal is the
diagnostic tool of choice to ascertain very early corneal


Insulin Purpose: treatment of hyperlipaemia, used in combination

with glucose therapy, diagnosis of metabolic disorders.
Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: no alternatives avail­

Fungal infections

Griseofulvin Purpose: systemic antifungal use. Treatment of ringworm.

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: griseofulvin given
orally has good activity against trichophyton, micro­
sporum, and epidermophyton.

Ketoconazole Purpose: systemic antifungal use. Treatment of fungal

pneumonia and guttural pouch mycosis.
Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: widest clinical
experience with ketoconazole compared to other
potential candidates for essential substances.

Miconazole Purpose: treatment of fungal infections of the eye.

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: topical use on the
affected eye, wider antifungal activity and/or lesser irritation
than other antifungal agents.

Nystatin Purpose: treatment of yeast infections for eyes and genital

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: specific activity
against yeast infections.

Diagnostic imaging

Radiopharma-ceutical Purpose: scintigraphy.

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: most sensitive diag­
nostic imaging modality for identification of early bone
pathology and fractures — more sensitive than radi­
ography. Allows quantitation and enables imaging of
regions not amenable to radiography. Essential imaging
technique safeguarding welfare of performance horses
through early injury detection and prevention of cata­
strophic fractures. Short half life (6,01 hours) of Tc99m
results in rapid clearance of detectable radioactivity (< 72
hours) from the horse.
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Indication Active substance Justification and explanation of use


Carbamazepine Purpose: headshaking syndrome.

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: carbamazepine is
acting as anti-convulsant with sodium channel-blocking
effects. Used mainly for treatment and diagnostic confir­
mation of trigeminal neuralgia (headshaking syndrome).

Cyproheptadine Purpose: headshaking syndrome.

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: horses exhibiting
signs of photic headshaking respond favourably to
treatment with the antihistaminic drug cyproheptadine. In
addition to antihistaminic action, cyproheptadine has anti­
cholinergic action and is a 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin)
antagonist. Relief from the behaviour is usually seen within
24 hours of beginning cyproheptadine therapy and often
resumes within 24 hours of discontinuing therapy. Other
antihistamines are not effective at eliminating headshaking.

Domperidone Purpose: agalactia in mares.

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: dopamine antagonist
and up-regulates prolactin production.
Oxytocin is not a suitable alternative because it produces
milk letdown as opposed to increasing milk production,
which is the aim of domperidone therapy. Additionally,
oxytocin is likely to cause abdominal pain if used in
large doses.

Gabapentin Purpose: neuropathic pain.

Identification of alternatives: buprenorphine, fentanyl,
morphine, pethidine.
Discussion of the specific advantages: different mode and
different site of action to alternative authorized substances.
GABA-like substance which blocks calcium channels and
inhibits formation of new synapses. Novel treatment for
neuropathic pain with evidence suggesting added clinical
benefit in the management of pain related to neuropathy
e.g. foot pain, laminitis and abdominal pain.

Hydroxyethyl-starch Purpose: colloidal volume substitution.

Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: practical and readily
available alternative to blood or plasma.

Imipramine Purpose: pharmacologically induced ejaculation in stallions

with ejaculatory dysfunction.
Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: no alternatives avail­

Thyrotropin releasing Purpose: diagnostic used for the confirmation of thyroid

hormone and pituitary disorders.
Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: no alternatives avail­

Barium sulphate Purpose: radiographic contrast agent used for oesophageal

and gastrointestinal contrast examinations.
Identification of alternatives: none identified.
Discussion of the specific advantages: no alternatives avail­
13.2.2013 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 42/17

Indication Active substance Justification and explanation of use

Iohexol Purpose: radiographic contrast agent used for lower urinary

tract studies, arthrography, myelography, sino- or fistu­
lography and dacryocystography.
Identification of alternatives: iopamidol.
Discussion of the specific advantages: non-ionic low
osmolar contrast agent. Both iohexol and iopamidol are
equally acceptable.

Iopamidol Purpose: radiographic contrast agent used for lower urinary

tract studies, arthrography, myelography, sino- or fistu­
lography and dacryocystography.
Identification of alternatives: iohexol.
Discussion of the specific advantages: non-ionic low
osmolar contrast agent used for. Both iohexol and
iopamidol are equally acceptable.’
Article #4

Laryngeal Paralysis: Pathophysiology,
Diagnosis, and Surgical Repair
John F. Griffin IV, DVM
University of Tennessee

Dysfunction of the recurrent laryngeal nerves causes laryngeal paralysis in dogs and cats.
Paralysis of the cricoarytenoideus dorsalis muscle results in an inability to abduct the ary-
tenoid cartilages during inspiration.The resulting cross-sectional area of the glottis is inade-
quate for normal respiration.The most common clinical signs of laryngeal paralysis in dogs
and cats are stridor, exercise intolerance, respiratory distress, and a change in phonation. A
variety of surgical procedures have been used to successfully treat laryngeal paralysis in
dogs and cats. Arytenoid lateralization appears to give the best clinical outcome.

aryngeal paralysis results when the abduc- dogs are more commonly affected than female
tor muscles of the larynx are disrupted. dogs. Reported canine male:female ratios range
The larynx does not open during inspira- from 3.7:1 to 1:1.11,12 The mean age range of
tion because the arytenoid cartilages fail to dogs treated surgically for laryngeal paralysis is
retract. The disease may be unilateral but more 9.5 to 12.2 years of age.3,7–12 Labrador retrievers
often occurs bilaterally. Laryngeal paralysis is a are most commonly affected with acquired
common, important cause of upper respiratory laryngeal paralysis.1 Other commonly affected
obstruction in dogs1 and is increasingly being large and giant breeds include the St. Bernard,
recognized in cats.2 Although laryngeal paralysis Irish setter, and Afghan hound.3,7–12
was once thought to be an isolated clinical One report 1 described the prevalence of
entity, recent reports suggest that the condition laryngeal paresis and paralysis in a population
is only one manifestation of a generalized neu- of dogs undergoing general anesthesia at a
romuscular disorder.3,4 This article provides a university veterinary teaching hospital. The
metaanalytical overview of the current literature investigators performed laryngoscopy on 250
on laryngeal paralysis, describes recent advances dogs, assigning each dog a subjective score of 0
in diagnostic techniques, and reviews surgical (i.e., normal) to 4 (i.e., completely paralyzed).
procedures used for correction. A review of One-quarter of the dogs examined had some
laryngeal paralysis in cats is also provided. degree of laryngeal paresis. Laryngeal scores
were significantly and directly related to age,
EPIDEMIOLOGY body weight, and body condition score.
Send comments/questions via email Laryngeal paralysis is most Labrador retrievers and rottweilers were at often diagnosed in geriatric least twice as likely to be affected as other
or fax 800-556-3288.
large- and giant-breed dogs breeds. No effort was made to standardize the
Visit for but can also occur in a num- anesthetic protocol. This could be important
full-text articles, CE testing, and CE ber of small breeds. 5,6 Most because the most commonly used anesthetic
test answers. studies 3,7–12 report that male drugs depress laryngeal motion.13

November 2005 857 COMPENDIUM

858 CE Laryngeal Paralysis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Surgical Repair

affected than the forelimbs. No sex predilection was

Stridor identified.
Exercise intolerance Fourteen dalmatians with lar yngeal paralysis–
polyneuropathy complex had an onset of clinical signs at
Clinical signs

Respiratory distress
2 to 12 months of age.16 Nine dogs had polyneuropathy,
Change in phonation manifested as weakness, hypotonia, and hyporeflexia,
Cyanosis principally distal to the elbow and stifle. Nine dogs had
megaesophagus. The mean observation period between
Cough or gag
onset of clinical signs and euthanasia or death was 3.7
Fever months. No sex predilection was identified.
Collapse Laryngeal paralysis was seen in Leonbergers 1 year of
age and older.22 Clinical signs included exercise intoler-
0 20 40 60 80
ance, weakness, gait abnormalities, change in phonation,
Percentage of cases and dyspnea. Affected dogs had distal limb muscle atro-
Figure 1. Graph depicting the most common clinical phy, decreased spinal and cranial nerve reflexes, and
signs of laryngeal paralysis in dogs. These figures represent decreased to absent movement of the laryngeal and pha-
data from several retrospective studies.6–12 ryngeal muscles. Electromyogram studies suggested
denervation of distal muscles. Nerve conduction veloci-
ties were decreased. Peripheral nerve biopsies showed a
LARYNGEAL PARALYSIS IN loss of axons and a shift toward smaller diameter myeli-
IMMATURE DOGS nated fibers. Laryngeal paralysis appears to follow an X-
Laryngeal paralysis occurs in immature Bouvier des linked pattern of inheritance in Leonbergers.
Flandres, Siberian huskies, dalmatians, rottweilers,
Leonbergers, and bullterriers.6,14–18 Laryngeal paralysis CLINICAL SIGNS
has also been reported in a young Afghan hound, a Clinical signs of laryngeal paralysis in dogs include stri-
cocker spaniel, a dachshund, and a miniature pinscher.6,14 dor, exercise intolerance, respiratory distress, change in
Hereditary laryngeal paralysis was first described in phonation, cyanosis, cough or gag, fever, and collapsed
the Bouvier des Flandres and is transmitted as an auto- (Figure 1). 6–12 Hyperthermia and heatstroke may be
somal dominant trait in this breed.14,19,20 This can be observed, resulting from inability to adequately ventilate
seen as a single clinical entity or as part of a polyneu- through panting. Clinical signs occur inconsistently until
ropathy. 3 Microscopic, degenerative lesions of the laryngeal paresis develops into paralysis.1 Some animals
nucleus ambiguous of the brain stem have been also show other signs related to neuromuscular dysfunc-
described.19 However, these changes alone fail to explain tion, such as limb weakness or dysphagia.
the distal distribution of neurogenic atrophy and com-
mon peroneal nerve changes in an 8-month-old male CAUSE AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
Bouvier des Flandres in another report.3 The cause of laryngeal paralysis can be genetic, as
Less is known about hereditary laryngeal paralysis in mentioned previously, or acquired. The cause of the
other canine breeds. Laryngeal paralysis in young Siber- acquired form is most commonly described as idio-
ian huskies and husky crossbreeds is thought to occur pathic.7 Other causes of laryngeal paralysis include neo-
most often as a single clinical entity in dogs with blue plasia, trauma, infection, or a surgical complication in
eyes and white faces with “freckles.” 21 Preliminary the cervical or thoracic region.5,7,23 Myasthenia gravis
breeding studies have been unable to describe the mode has been implicated as a cause of laryngeal paralysis.24
of heritability. The mechanism of idiopathic laryngeal paralysis in
Five rottweilers (three of which were related) with dogs is described as a progressive, noninflammatory,
laryngeal paralysis–polyneuropathy complex had an on- degenerative disease of the recurrent laryngeal nerves.25
set of clinical signs at 9 to 13 weeks of age.17 Four had Histopathologic characteristics of the recurrent laryn-
bilateral cataracts, one had megaesophagus, and all five geal nerves include loss of axons, beading of myelin, and
had inspiratory stridor. Mild to moderate muscular perineural fibrosis. Neurogenic atrophy of the cricoary-
weakness was noted, with the hindlimbs more severely tenoideus dorsalis muscle has been noted.

COMPENDIUM November 2005

Laryngeal Paralysis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Surgical Repair CE 859

Bilateral laryngeal paralysis occurs in 81% to 100% of laryngeal paralysis) usually responds to thyroid supple-
dogs with laryngeal paralysis presenting for surgery.7,12 mentation. A possible explanation for this disparity
Dogs may have symmetric or asymmetric laryngeal could be that laryngeal paralysis is usually diagnosed as
paralysis.10 Everted laryngeal saccules, elongated soft an end-stage disease after irreversible atrophy of the
palate, laryngeal edema, and moderate to severe laryn- cricoarytenoideus dorsalis muscle has already occurred.1
geal collapse may play a role in upper airway obstruction Dogs receiving adequate thyroid supplementation have
secondary to laryngeal paralysis.6 Patients with laryngeal reportedly developed laryngeal paralysis.5
paralysis commonly have diffusely inflamed laryngeal Dogs with laryngeal paralysis are reportedly 21 times
mucosa. The reason for this is unknown. more likely to have megaesophagus compared with con-
trol groups. 24 Laryngeal paralysis was diagnosed in
LARYNGEAL PARALYSIS AS ONE 11.8% of dogs with acquired megaesophagus. Concur-
MANIFESTATION OF POLYNEUROPATHY rent megaesophagus is a negative prognostic indicator.
Changes in distal tibial and common peroneal nerve It has been speculated that laryngeal paralysis associ-
biopsy samples in young and old dogs with laryngeal ated dysphagia or megaesophagus predisposes patients
paralysis and polyneuropathy have been described.3 The to aspiration pneumonia.28 Reported instances of pneu-
predominant changes in teased nerve fiber studies were monia at the time of presurgical evaluation ranged from
fiber degeneration or demyelination and remyelination. 7% to 10%.9,10 Nearly one-quarter of dogs treated surgi-
Electrophysiologic changes indicative of a dying back cally for laryngeal paralysis developed aspiration pneu-
neuropathy (i.e., axonal degeneration specifically target- monia at some point.5
ing the distal part of long and large diameter nerve
fibers) were noted in all dogs. The study authors suggest DIAGNOSIS
that laryngeal paralysis is only one clinical sign of an Clinical suspicion is an important tool in diagnosing
underlying, more generalized polyneuropathy with vari- laryngeal paralysis.1 Clinical suspicion was reportedly
able clinical expression of neurologic signs. 91.6% sensitive and 98.5% specific for severe laryngeal

Laryngeal paralysis is usually only one manifestation

of generalized neuromuscular disease.

In one report,12 56% of dogs treated surgically for paralysis in 250 dogs anesthetized at a veterinary teach-
laryngeal paralysis had posterior weakness before or ing hospital. This comparison used laryngoscopic obser-
after surgery. Instances of confirmed neurologic disease vation as the definitive diagnostic procedure.
range from 2% to 22% of dogs treated surgically for The accepted standard of diagnosis is direct visualiza-
laryngeal paralysis.5,10,11 Many reports5–7,9,11,12 of surgical tion of the arytenoid cartilages by laryngoscopy with the
treatment of laryngeal paralysis did not include a com- patient under light anesthesia6,7,9,11,12 (Figure 2). The pres-
plete neurologic examination as part of the minimum ence of abnormal laryngeal function in clinical cases has
database. been based on the subjective opinion of the surgeon.
There is a reported 95% agreement between two
CONCURRENT DISEASE observers in assigning 17 dogs a laryngeal paralysis score.1
The relationship between hypothyroidism and laryn- A potential problem with diagnosing laryngeal paralysis
geal paralysis is unclear; however, many dogs with laryn- is that anesthetic agents normally depress laryngeal
geal paralysis are concurrently hypothyroid. 3,11,26 movement. In normal dogs, anesthetic depths necessary
Hypothyroidism could represent a causative or predis- to alleviate jaw tone to safely and easily visualize the lar-
posing factor or could merely be coincidental.5–7,9,11,12 ynx may prevent laryngeal motion.13,29 The paralysis may
Resolution of laryngeal paralysis in supplemented be bilateral (Figure 3) or unilateral (Figure 4).
hypothyroid dogs has been poorly described.27 In con- A comparison of various anesthetic protocols for
trast, hypothyroid polyneuropathy (with no concurrent laryngeal function in normal dogs has been reported.13

November 2005 COMPENDIUM

860 CE Laryngeal Paralysis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Surgical Repair


Vocal folds

Figure 2. Drawing of the normal larynx as seen via

laryngoscopy. The arytenoid cartilages are adducted, and the
vocal folds are obvious in the glottic opening. (Haines DK © 2005
The University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine)
Figure 3. Laryngoscopic view of a patient with bilateral
laryngeal paralysis. The arytenoid cartilages are immobile and
moderately inflamed, which is typical in patients with laryngeal
Two anesthetic protocols, intravenous thiopental alone
and intramuscular acepromazine with intramuscular
butorphanol plus isoflurane by mask, had the least
effect on laryngeal motion. Intravenous propofol, intra- described.31 This technique is an adaptation of the well-
venous ketamine plus intravenous diazepam, intramus- accepted means of diagnosing laryngeal paralysis in
cular acepromazine plus intravenous thiopental, or horses. The authors were able to successfully assess nor-
intramuscular acepromazine plus intravenous propofol mal and abnormal laryngeal function in dogs sedated
aines ©2005 more depression
The university of laryngeal
of Tennessee College motion.
of Veterinary This study
Medicine with an opioid and acepromazine. This technique elim-
suggests that use of the latter anesthetic protocols could inated the need for general anesthesia to diagnose
cause misdiagnosis of laryngeal paralysis. Another laryngeal paralysis. A 2.5-mm flexible endoscope was
report29 suggests that intravenous thiopental and intra- passed through the nasal passages of dogs treated with
venous propofol are superior to intravenous ketamine intranasal lidocaine. The technique successfully differ-
plus intravenous diazepam because they more effec- entiated between three normal dogs and four dogs
tively alleviate jaw tone. affected with laryngeal paralysis. All of the dogs resis-
Another study30 evaluated use of doxapram HCl (1.1 ted lidocaine application and initial placement of the
mg/kg IV ) as a respiratory stimulant in dogs anes- endoscope. If no laryngeal motion was observed, the
thetized with acepromazine, butorphanol, and isoflu- authors mechanically stimulated the laryngeal mucosa
rane. Depth of respiration increased in normal dogs, but to differentiate normal from abnormal dogs. Normal
ar ytenoid motion did not change in response to dogs began moving the arytenoids, whereas affected
doxapram HCl injection. Dogs affected by laryngeal dogs did not. Limitations of the technique include the
paralysis developed paradoxical arytenoid motion and a need for a small, flexible endoscope and a large patient.
decrease in glottal area. The authors concluded that Use of ultrasonography has been described for diag-
doxapram HCl administration may be useful in differ- nosing laryngeal paralysis in dogs.32 With direct transo-
entiating between normal and affected dogs. Affected ral lar yngoscopy used as a definitive diagnostic
dogs may experience extreme glottic constriction and procedure, motion of the cuneiform processes of the
require intubation during examination. arytenoid cartilages was correctly observed in 10 of 10
Transnasal laryngoscopy in dogs has been recently normal dogs and 29 of 30 dogs with unilateral or bilat-

COMPENDIUM November 2005

Laryngeal Paralysis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Surgical Repair CE 861

eral laryngeal paralysis. The one instance of disagree-

ment was when ultrasonography suggested unilateral
involvement but laryngoscopy showed bilateral involve-
ment. Advantages of this technique are that it is rapid
and noninvasive and does not require sedation or anes-
thesia. Disadvantages are that it requires technical
expertise and expensive equipment. Difficulties are
encountered with large, obese dogs and very calm dogs
with shallow breathing.
Computer programs using the normalized glottal gap
area have been used to quantitatively measure the glottal
opening and thereby laryngeal function.13,33 This has
enabled investigators to compare anesthetic agents used
for diagnosis and the efficacy of surgical techniques in
relieving upper airway obstruction.
Historically, tidal breathing flow–volume loops
(TBFVL) and arterial blood gas analysis have been used Figure 4. Laryngoscopic view of a patient with
to characterize the type and severity of upper airway unilateral laryngeal paralysis. Note the abduction of the left
obstruction and response to surgical correction. 34,35 arytenoid cartilage.
TBFVL has not been used clinically in any of the major
surgical technique reviews.5–12 The logistical challenges of
TBFVL likely preclude its clinical use because it requires gram should be considered. Conversely, dogs diagnosed
a voluntary maximal tidal volume, which is difficult to with megaesophagus and/or aspiration pneumonia
achieve in animals. Blood gas analysis is probably not should be screened closely for laryngeal paralysis. 24
routinely conducted because it was shown that blood gas Serum acetylcholine receptor antibody tests could be
abnormalities are directly related to severity of clinical considered to rule out myasthenia gravis, especially in
signs and are not specific for a particular disease.35 dogs with megaesophagus. 24 Thyroid function tests
Electromyography of the cricoarytenoideus dorsalis should be conducted to rule out hypothyroidism.27

Although laryngeal paralysis most often

affects geriatric large-breed dogs, it can affect
young dogs of a number of breeds.
muscle has been successfully used to confirm laryngeal A complete neurologic examination should be per-
paralysis.6 However, this technology requires specialized formed on all dogs and cats with laryngeal paralysis.
equipment and a highly trained electrophysiologist. Patients with neurologic abnormalities in addition to
laryngeal paralysis should be considered as candidates
EVALUATING FOR CONCURRENT for electrophysiology and muscle and nerve biopsies.
DISEASE Alternatively, animals presenting with polyneuropathy
The possibility of concurrent disease makes additional should be carefully evaluated for laryngeal paralysis.3
diagnostic testing necessary in patients suspected of
having laryngeal paralysis. Thoracic radiographs should MEDICAL TREATMENT
be taken to rule out aspiration pneumonia, intrathoracic Medical treatment of laryngeal paralysis involves
mass, and megaesophagus.5,9,10,24 Cervical radiographs symptomatic treatment of hypoxia, hyperthermia,
have been recommended to rule out neoplasia.11 If dys- excitement, and obesity. Oxygen therapy, cooling, exer-
phagia or regurgitation is reported, a barium esopha- cise restriction, stress avoidance, and caloric restriction

November 2005 COMPENDIUM

862 CE Laryngeal Paralysis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Surgical Repair

Arytenoid Arytenoid

Vocal fold

Vocal folds removed

Figure 5. Drawing of an endoscopic view of ventriculo- Figure 6. Drawing of an endoscopic view of partial
cordectomy. The vocal cords have been removed bilaterally, leaving arytenoidectomy. A portion of the corniculate process of the
the most ventral ends uncut to prevent “webbing.” (Haines DK arytenoid cartilage and vocal folds has been removed. (Haines DK
© 2005 The University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine) © 2005 The University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine)

dkhaines ©2005 The university of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine

are advised.36,37 Identification and treatment of concur- tal speculum and the tongue retracted cranially. An
rent disease may be beneficial. Some benefit may be assistant elevates the soft palate and depresses the
dkhaines ©2005 The university of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine
gained by thyroid supplementation in hypothyroid epiglottis with the blade of a laryngoscope, permitting
dogs.27 Corticosteroids have been advocated to decrease visualization of the larynx. Long forceps and scissors or
laryngeal inflammation.36,37 There is no proven effica- biopsy forceps are used to reach inside the laryngeal
cious drug therapy for similar polyneuropathies in opening and remove the vocal folds from the larynx
humans.38 (Figure 5). To prevent laryngeal “webbing,” the most
ventral one-quarter of the vocal fold should not be
SURGICAL TREATMENT excised. Simple removal of the vocal folds in some
A variety of surgical procedures are used to treat laryn- patients provides enough of an airway that the animal
geal paralysis. Some are aimed at enlarging the laryngeal does not need additional surgery.9 This is especially true
opening by removing one or both of the vocal folds (i.e., for inactive animals. The complication of “webbing”
ventriculocordectomy) and arytenoid cartilages (i.e., may be minimized by using a ventral laryngotomy
partial laryngectomy). Some procedures seek to lateral- approach to the vocal folds. The folds are removed
ize one or both arytenoid cartilages (tieback), whereas under direct visualization and the mucosa reapposed
others seek to widen the larynx by widening the thyroid over the excised edges using a 4-0 monofilament
cartilage (i.e., laryngofissure). A description and brief absorbable suture.
review of each of these techniques follow.
Partial Arytenoidectomy
Ventriculocordectomy Partial arytenoidectomy is often performed in com-
Ventriculocordectomy has been described for treating bination with unilateral vocal cord excision as
laryngeal paralysis.9 The dog is anesthetized with an described above.8 One or both of the vocal folds are
injectable agent and positioned in sternal recumbency removed. Biopsy forceps are then used to remove the
with the head elevated. Alternately, a tracheostomy may medial portions of the corniculate processes of the ary-
be performed and the patient maintained under inhalant tenoid cartilages (Figure 6). Surgeons should attempt
anesthesia. The mouth is opened with the aid of a den- to remove 2 to 3 mm of the medial border of this car-

COMPENDIUM November 2005

Laryngeal Paralysis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Surgical Repair CE 863

Figure 7. Laryngoscopic view of a cat with bilateral laryngeal paralysis before and after partial arytenoidectomy.

Before arytenoidectomy. After arytenoidectomy.

tilage. It is best to remove only cartilage on one side of cartilage on one side of the larynx.7,12 This is accom-
the larynx to prevent “webbing” at the dorsal laryngeal plished by dissecting the arytenoid cartilage from its
opening. It may be necessary to use a rongeur to attachments and retracting it caudolaterally to the dorso-
remove portions of the cartilage. A sufficient amount caudal wing of the thyroid cartilage or the dorsocaudal
of laryngeal tissue is removed from one side to provide aspect of the cricoid cartilage. The procedure may be
an adequate laryngeal opening (Figure 7). Hemorrhage done on the left or right side. The animal is anesthetized,
is controlled by intermittently packing the larynx with and the surgical site over the lateral aspect of the larynx is
gauze or saline or epinephrine sponges. prepared for aseptic surgery. The neck is extended over a
Following the partial laryngeal excision, the larynx is small sandbag to elevate the larynx for increased surgical
packed with gauze for approximately 10 minutes to pro- exposure. A skin incision is made from the level of the
vide hemostasis. After hemorrhage has been controlled, ramus of the mandible, ventral to the jugular vein, to a
the upper trachea is aspirated and lavaged, if necessary, level just caudal to the bifurcation of the jugular vein. The
to remove residual blood clots. The animal is main- subcutaneous musculature and connective tissues are sep-
tained under anesthesia for another 10 minutes to arated and the jugular vein and its bifurcation retracted
ensure that additional hemorrhage does not occur. If a dorsally by Gelpi retractors. The thyropharyngeus muscle
tracheostomy is used for these procedures, the tube is is incised at its attachment to the rim of the thyroid carti-
left in place for 24 to 48 hours to provide airway man- lage. The wing of the thyroid cartilage is reflected later-
agement until laryngeal swelling has subsided. ally by blunt dissection of the connective tissue on its
medial border and separation of the cricothyroid articula-
Laryngeal Tieback tion. The muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage can
The objective of laryngeal tieback is to enlarge the usually be palpated as a small protrusion on the lateral
laryngeal opening by surgically retracting the arytenoid surface of the larynx. The cricoarytenoid muscle that

November 2005 COMPENDIUM

864 CE Laryngeal Paralysis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Surgical Repair

Figure 9. Laryngoscopic view of a patient with bilateral

laryngeal paralysis before and after thyroarytenoid
Cricoid lateralization. Note the mild abduction of the arytenoid


Figure 8. Drawing demonstrating a thyroarytenoid

tieback with placement of two sutures from the
muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage to the
dorsocaudal border of the thyroid cartilage. (Haines DK
© 2005 The University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine)

Before thyroarytenoid lateralization.

dkhaines at this
©2005 point isof usually
The university Tennesseeatrophied, makingMedicine
College of Veterinary the
process particularly prominent.
Dissection begins under the muscular process with
small blunt scissors, mosquito forceps, or a periosteal
elevator, and the arytenoid cartilage is disarticulated
from the cricoid cartilage immediately beneath the mus-
cular process. When dissecting and placing sutures
through the muscular process, surgeons should be
extremely careful not to break the process, which is
fairly easy to do in an elderly animal. This articulation is
identified by the presence of articular cartilage. Once
totally separated from the cricoid cartilage, the muscular
process of the arytenoid cartilage is freely movable. To
gain total mobility, it may be necessary to sever the
sesamoidian band that connects the left and right ary-
tenoid cartilages across the dorsal aspect of the larynx.
This small band of tissue is approximately 1 mm in
diameter and, when excised, allows the arytenoid to
become totally mobilized. After thyroarytenoid lateralization.
Two sutures of 0 (for large dogs) or 3-0 (for small
dogs and cats) monofilament nonabsorbable suture with
a sturdy half-circle taper point needle are placed
through the muscular process of the arytenoid and An alternative and more physiologic suturing tech-
through the dorsocaudal extremity of the wing of the nique involves placing the tieback suture from the mus-
thyroid cartilage8 (Figure 8). When these sutures are cular process of the arytenoid to the dorsocaudal border
tied tightly, the arytenoid is pulled laterally, opening the of the cricoid cartilage.13 Sutures from the arytenoid to
larynx (Figure 9). the cricoid in this procedure approximate the same

COMPENDIUM November 2005

Laryngeal Paralysis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Surgical Repair CE 865

Figure 11. Laryngoscopic view of a patient with bilateral

laryngeal paralysis before and after cricoarytenoid
Arytenoid lateralization. Note that the arytenoid is more lateralized than
with the thyroarytenoid tieback in Figure 9.


Figure 10. Drawing illustrating a cricoarytenoid tieback

with placement of two sutures from the muscular
process of the arytenoid cartilage to the dorsocaudal
aspect of the cricoid cartilage. (Haines DK © 2005 The University
of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine)

Before cricoarytenoid lateralization.

dkhaines ©2005 The university of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine
function and location as the cricoarytenoideus dorsalis
muscle. This suture is more demanding to place because
exposure of the dorsocaudal cricoid can be difficult. In
placing these sutures, surgeons must be very careful to
retract the esophagus dorsally to avoid injury when
operating on the left side. Preferably, two simple sutures
should be placed from the muscular process of the ary-
tenoid to the caudal rim of the cricoid immediately lat-
eral to the dorsal midline (Figure 10). For right-handed
surgeons, the suture is passed from the cricoid cartilage
cranial to the muscular process. For left-handed sur-
geons, the suture is passed from the muscular process
caudally to the cricoid cartilage. After these sutures have
been placed and one has been tied, the anesthetist
should examine the larynx with a laryngoscope to ensure
that the tieback procedure has resulted in proper lateral-
ization of the arytenoid cartilage (Figure 11). It is very
easy to overabduct the arytenoid cartilage with this pro-
cedure, resulting in dysfunction of the larynx after sur-
After cricoarytenoid lateralization.
gery due to inability of the epiglottis to totally close the
abducted larynx. It is necessary to move the muscular
process only a few millimeters caudally (Figure 11). The
second suture is tied after the first has been confirmed Modified Castellated Laryngofissure
to be properly placed. Absorbable sutures are used to A seldom-used technique is the modified castellated
reapproximate the severed thyropharyngeus muscle and laryngofissure. The patient is anesthetized and placed
the subcutaneous tissue. The skin is closed with in dorsal recumbency, with the neck arched ventrally,
monofilament nonabsorbable sutures. and the skin over the larynx is prepared for surgery.39,40

November 2005 COMPENDIUM

866 CE Laryngeal Paralysis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Surgical Repair

Figure 12. Drawings of the castellated laryngofissure procedure. A, B, and C represent the three segments created by a step
incision of the thyroid cartilage. (Haines DK © 2005 The University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine)

Basihyoid bone Basihyoid bone



Cricothyroid Cricothyroid
ligament ligament

Cricoid Cricoid

A step incision is made in the thyroid cartilage. The step is distracted and sutured to widen the laryngeal opening.

A skin incision is made over the larynx to the fourth Other Surgical Options
tracheal ring. The sternohyoideus muscle is divided to dkhaines ©2005 pedicle
Neuromuscular The university of Tennessee
grafting College
has been of Veterinary Medicine
expose the thyroid and cricoid cartilages. A tra- in dogs. It is not commonly performed because it does
cheotomy tube is inserted into a vertical incision not provide immediate relief of upper airway obstruction.
between ©2005 The university
second and third of Tennessee
rings.of Veterinary
A “step”MedicineNeuromuscular pedicle grafts require 36 to 44 weeks to
incision is made in the thyroid cartilage, and the larynx return laryngeal movement to normal. Permanent tra-
is opened (Figure 12). The vocal folds are removed cheostomy has been recommended as a final alternative
under direct visualization. The arytenoids are bilaterally in treating laryngeal paralysis.42 Permanent tracheostomy
lateralized by monofilament mattress sutures placed can be problematic in dogs that like to swim.
through the thyroid cartilage and the arytenoid carti-
lage dorsal to the vocal process, with the knot outside COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT
the laryngeal lumen. Two or three 3-0 monofilament SURGICAL TECHNIQUES
nonabsorbable sutures are preplaced between the step A 2001 report5 provides the most comprehensive com-
and the cranial segment of the opposite cartilage inci- parison of different surgical techniques. The findings
sion. The castellated cartilage incision is closed by show that both unilateral arytenoid lateralization and
aligning the step against the cranial segment of the partial laryngectomy offer superior clinical outcome over
opposite cartilage incision, thereby spreading the larynx bilateral arytenoid lateralization. Complication rates
by the height of the step. The step is fixed in position between unilateral arytenoid lateralization (30%) and
by tightening the preplaced sutures. Sutures from the partial laryngectomy (40%) were not significantly differ-
thyroid around the basihyoid bone help secure the clo- ent. However, dogs treated with partial laryngectomy
sure. Loose tissue and corner edges of cartilage are were significantly more likely to die of complications
trimmed away to prevent them from entering the than were dogs treated with unilateral arytenoid lateral-
lumen of the larynx. The sternohyoideus and sternothy- ization. These complications included aspiration pneu-
roideus muscles are tightly approximated to close the monia, respiratory distress, failure of surgical repair, and
laryngeal defect. The subcutaneous tissue and skin are death. The complication rate may be higher than in
closed routinely. The tracheostomy tube is removed in 3 some other studies because of a longer duration of fol-
to 4 days. low-up. There was not a significant difference in implant

COMPENDIUM November 2005

Laryngeal Paralysis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Surgical Repair CE 867

failure between dogs treated with thyroarytenoid lateral- 3 years of age in 31% of affected cats. Another study4
ization and those treated with cricoarytenoid lateraliza- reported that clinical signs began in two of four cats
tion. Postoperative death rates were highest in dogs younger than 1 year of age.
treated with bilateral arytenoid lateralization (67%) com- Clinical signs of laryngeal paralysis in cats include
pared with unilateral arytenoid lateralization (14%) and tachypnea or dyspnea, stridor, exercise intolerance,
partial laryngectomy (30%). Factors predisposing change in phonation, dysphagia, weight loss, cough,
patients to death or complications were age, temporary anorexia, lethargy, cyanosis, and fever.2,4,45 As in dogs,
tracheostomy placement, concurrent respiratory tract laryngeal paralysis in cats may occur in conjunction with
abnormalities, concurrent esophageal disease, postopera- polyneuropathy.4 In one report,4 two of four affected
tive megaesophagus, concurrent neoplastic disease, and cats had generalized neuromuscular disease.
concurrent neurologic disease. A common complication Little is known about the pathophysiology of laryngeal
of the tieback procedure is persistent postoperative paralysis in cats. Based on the age of cats treated surgically
cough, especially after eating or drinking. This is because for laryngeal paralysis, apparently, there are congenital and
the arytenoid cannot adduct and the epiglottis does not acquired causes. How often cats are affected with idio-
completely close with swallowing. pathic laryngeal paralysis is unknown. In one report,2 75%
The most commonly recommended treatment of laryn- of affected cats had bilateral laryngeal paralysis. Other
geal paralysis in dogs is unilateral arytenoid lateralization.5 causes of laryngeal paralysis include neoplasia, trauma, or a
This procedure appears to offer good resolution of clinical surgical complication in the cervical or thoracic region.46,47

Thorough evaluation for concurrent disease is important

in establishing a therapeutic plan and prognosis for
patients with laryngeal paralysis.
signs with fewer complications than partial laryngec- As in dogs, affected cats often have concurrent illness.2
tomy.6,10 Unilateral arytenoid lateralization is technically Up to 25% have aspiration pneumonia. In one report,4
easier and quicker than castellated laryngofissure.43 two of four cats were affected with generalized neuro-
One report44 compared the two methods of unilateral muscular disease. Megaesophagus, FIV infection, and
arytenoid lateralization (i.e., thyroarytenoid versus FeLV infection have been reported in affected cats.2,48
cricoar ytenoid lateralization). It was shown that Diagnosis is made by direct visualization of the larynx
cricoarytenoid lateralization increased the size of the in a lightly anesthetized cat.4 Veterinarians have success-
glottic opening compared with thyroarytenoid lateral- fully treated feline laryngeal paralysis with bilateral ary-
ization. Cricoarytenoid lateralization did not, however, tenoid lateralization,49 unilateral arytenoid lateralization,50
result in improved clinical outcome but did require sig- partial laryngectomy,4 and castellated laryngofissure.51
nificantly less operative time (i.e., 25 minutes compared These methods in cats have not been meaningfully com-
with 43 minutes).44 pared. Extrapolation of data from dogs suggests that uni-
lateral arytenoid lateralization is the most effective, safe,
LARYNGEAL PARALYSIS IN CATS and clinically practical surgical technique.37 Tieback pro-
Laryngeal paralysis is becoming more commonly rec- cedures are more difficult in cats than in dogs because of
ognized in cats.2,4 No sex or breed predilection has been the small size of the larynx. Dissection is more challeng-
identified. The median age of cats diagnosed with ing, and suture placement must be precise.
laryngeal paralysis is 11 years (range: 4 months to 17
years of age). CONCLUSION
Half of the affected cats in one report2 were domestic Laryngeal paralysis is a common, important cause of
shorthair. Other breeds represented included domestic upper respiratory obstruction in dogs and is increasingly
longhair, Siamese, Abyssinian, and Balinese. The same being recognized in cats. Recent advances in diagnostic
study reported that clinical signs began at younger than techniques should help veterinarians correctly identify

November 2005 COMPENDIUM

868 CE Laryngeal Paralysis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Surgical Repair

the problem. Thorough evaluation for concurrent dis- 21. O’Brien JA, Hendriks JC: Inherited laryngeal paralysis: Analysis in the husky
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5. MacPhail CM, Monnet E: Outcome of and postoperative complications in 28. Holt D, Brockman D: Diagnosis and management of laryngeal disease of the
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29. Gross ME, Dodam JR, Pope ER, Jones BD: A comparison of thiopental,
6. Harvey CE, O’Brien JA: Treatment of laryngeal paralysis in dogs by partial propofol, and diazepam-ketamine anesthesia for evaluation of laryngeal func-
laryngectomy. JAAHA 18:551–556, 1982. tion in dogs premedicated with butorphanol and glycopyrrolate. JAAHA
7. White RAS: Unilateral arytenoid lateralisation: An assessment of technique 38:503–506, 2002.
and long-term results in 62 dogs with laryngeal paralysis. J Small Anim Pract 30. Tobias K, Jackson AM, Harvey RC: Effects of doxapram HCl on laryngeal
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8. Trout NJ, Harpster NK, Berg J, Carpenter J: Long-term results of unilateral sis. Vet Anesth Analg 31:258–263, 2004.
ventriculocordectomy and partial arytenoidectomy for the treatment of laryn- 31. Radlinsky MG, Mason DE, Hodgson D: Transnasal laryngoscopy for the
geal paralysis in 60 dogs. JAAHA 30:401–407, 1994. diagnosis of laryngeal paralysis in dogs. JAAHA 40:211–215, 2004.
9. Holt D, Harvey CE: Idiopathic laryngeal paralysis: Results of treatment by 32. Rudorf HR, Barr FJ, Lane JG: The role of ultrasound in the assessment of
bilateral vocal fold resection in 40 dogs. JAAHA 30:389–395, 1994. laryngeal paralysis in the dog. Vet Radiol Ultrasound 42(4):338–343, 2001.
10. Ross JT, Matthiesen DT, Noone KE, Scavelli TA: Complications and long- 33. Lussier B, Flanders JA, Erb HN: The effect of unilateral arytenoid lateralization
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COMPENDIUM November 2005

Laryngeal Paralysis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Surgical Repair CE 869

43. Petersen SW, Rosin E, Bjorling DE: Surgical options for laryngeal paralysis 4. A possible association exists between laryngeal
in dogs: A consideration of partial laryngectomy. Compend Contin Educ Pract paralysis and
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a. hypoadrenocorticism.
44. Griffiths LG, Sullivan M, Reid SWJ: A comparison of the effects of unilat- b. hyperadrenocorticism.
eral thyroarytenoid lateralization versus cricoarytenoid laryngoplasty on the
area of the rima glottidis and clinical outcome in dogs with laryngeal paraly-
c. hypothyroidism.
sis. Vet Surg 30:359–365, 2001. d. insulinoma.
45. Hardie EM, Kolata RJ, Stone EA, Steiss JE: Laryngeal paralysis in three
cats. JAVMA 179:879–882, 1981. 5. Which anesthetic(s) is expected to have the least
46. Rozanski EA, Stobie D: Laryngeal paralysis secondary to a cystic thyroid impact on laryngeal function?
adenoma in a cat. Feline Pract 23(6):6–7, 1995. a. thiopental
47. Schaer M, Zaki FA, Harvey HJ, O’Reilly WH: Laryngeal hemiplegia due to b. propofol
neoplasia of the vagus nerve in a cat. JAVMA 174(5):513–515, 1979. c. diazepam plus ketamine
48. Cribb AE: Laryngeal paralysis in a mature cat [correspondence]. Can Vet J d. All of the above have a similar effect on laryngeal
27:27, 1986. function.
49. Payne JT, Martin RA, Rigg DL: Abductor muscle prosthesis for correction of
laryngeal paralysis in 10 dogs and one cat. JAAHA 26(6):599–604, 1990. 6. Administering doxapram to a dog with laryngeal
50. White RN: Unilateral arytenoid lateralisation for the treatment of laryngeal paralysis would not be expected to cause
paralysis in four cats. J Small Anim Pract 35(9):455–458, 1994. _____________ during laryngeal examination.
51. Campbell D, Holmberg DL: Surgical treatment of laryngeal paralysis in a a. increased respiratory effort
cat. Can Vet J 25(11):414–416, 1984. b. increased arytenoid abduction
c. paradoxical arytenoid motion
d. glottic constriction
This article qualifies for 2 contact hours of continuing CE 7. Which statement regarding laryngeal paralysis is
education credit from the Auburn University College of true?
Veterinary Medicine. Subscribers may purchase individual a. It is advisable to have an endotracheal tube ready
CE tests or sign up for our annual CE program. Those when performing transnasal laryngoscopy because
who wish to apply this credit to fulfill state relicensure dogs may experience severe glottic constriction and
requirements should consult their respective state require intubation during examination.
authorities regarding the applicability of this program. b. Ultrasonography of the larynx correlates poorly with
To participate, fill out the test form inserted at the end laryngeal function.
of this issue or take CE tests online and get real-time c. Inappropriate choice of anesthetic protocols could
scores at lead to incorrect diagnosis of laryngeal paralysis.
d. Hypothyroidism has been shown to cause laryngeal
1. Which has reportedly caused laryngeal paralysis paralysis.
in dogs?
a. idiopathic nerve degeneration 8. A common complication of partial arytenoidec-
b. postsurgical complication tomy is
c. neoplasia a. surgical repair failure.
d. all of the above b. uncontrollable hemorrhage.
c. epiglottic paralysis.
2. Lar yngeal paralysis occurs most often in d. laryngeal “webbing.”
___________ dogs.
a. old, large-breed 9. Sutures can be passed between the ____________
b. old, small-breed cartilages to perform arytenoid lateralization.
c. young, large-breed a. arytenoid and thyroid
d. young, small-breed b. thyroid and cricoid
c. arytenoid and cricoid
3. Laryngeal paralysis in the Bouvier des Flandres is d. a and c
inherited as an _____________ trait.
a. X-linked 10. The _____________ cartilage is cut in a “stepwise”
b. autosomal dominant fashion during castellated laryngofissure.
c. autosomal recessive a. cricoid c. arytenoid
d. none of the above b. thyroid d. epiglottis

November 2005 Test answers now available at COMPENDIUM

Teknik Operasi
Varhan Dwiyan Indra 1809511044
Ferdy Olga Saputra 1809511050
Maharani Lisna Wulandari 1809511056
Kelas B

Operasi pada laring dengan cara ● Oedema

menginsisi dinding laring ● Peradangan pada laring
menggunakan laryngotome. ● Infeksi
Laryngotomy dilakukan ketika ● Benda asing
saluran respirasi hewan bagian ● Obstruksi laring
atas telah mengalami gangguan ● Collaps laring
seperti terhalang benda asing ● Gangguan pada epiglottis (sering batuk,
atau adanya obstruksi sehingga tersedak, atau sulit bernapas)
hewan tersebut menjadi sulit ● Penyayatan parsial pada langit-langit
bernafas. Operasi laryngotomy lunak
dapat bersifat permanen atau ● arytenoidectomy
sementara untuk membantu ● faring limfoid hiperplasia
aliran nafas. ● Dorsal Displacemnet langit-langit lunak
● laryngeal ventriculocordectomy
● pengangkatan kantung laring
● debarking
● laryngotomi parsial
● trakeotomi sementara untuk melindungi
jalan nafas selama penyembuhan.
A. Sapi
– Sedasi xylazine HCL 0,1-0,2 mg/kg BB secara intramuscular
– anestesi infiltrasi lokal pada area laring (Lidocaine 2/cm) atau
– Lignocaine 15-25 ml per 2 cm subcutan.
– Atau dengan anestesi umum, anestesi inhalasi dengan Halotan
dengan posisi dorsal recumbency
B. Kuda
– premedikasi dengan 0,1mg/kg midazolam secara intravena
– anestesi ddengan2,2 mg/kg ketamin hidroklorida secara intravena.
anestesi dimaintain dengan pemberian halotan di dalam oksigen dan
diberikan secara inhalasi.
– hewan dibaringkan secara dorsal recumbency.
– Dapat juga dilakukan dalam keadaan hewan tersedasi berdiri (standing
– dengan anestesi lokal pada daerah pengoperasian dengan
menggunakan phenylbutazone 3-6 mg/kg BB secara intravena.
C. Anjing dan Kucing
• thiopental secara intra vena 13,2-26,4 mg/kg BB.
• Pramedikasi dengan Acepromazine secara intramuskuler 0.01-0.05 mg/kg BB
• kemudian induksi dengan butorphanol 0.05 mg kg/BB secara Intra vena
• dikuti dengan pemeliharaan dengan isofluran secara inhalasi (1,5-2%).
▪ Penggunaan anestesi diatas memilki keunggulan tidak mengakibatkan
pergerakan pada laring.
• Ada beberapa pilihan anestesi lain yaitu:
▪ Propofol secara intavena
▪ Ketamine ditambah diazepam secara intravena
▪ acepromazine secara i.M ditambah thiopental seara IV
▪ Acepromazien secara i.M ditambah propofol secara IV
• Pada kucing cukup dengan menggunakan Ketamin dan Xylasin dengan pemberian
Atropin sebelumnya, dosis anastesi disesuaikan dengan jenis hewan, berat badan,
sediaan obat anastesi.
Sebelum melakukan tindakan operasi terlebih dahulu dilakukan
persiapan operasi. Adapun persiapan yang dilakukan adalah:
• Persiapan alat atau instrument bedah
• Persiapan ruangan operasi
• Persiapan pasien
• Persiapan operator.
1. Pendekatan Ventral Laryngotomy
Pendekatan ini memberikan pembukaan yang lebih baik untuk prosedur pada anjing kecil.
• Hewan diposisikan pada dorsal recumbency, dan diposisikan dengan baik ke meja operasi.
• Sayatan kulit bagian ventral dibuat pada laring melalui midline. Otot sternohyoideus dipisahkan dan ditarik ke
lateral dengan retraktor Gelpi. Membran krikotiroid dan tulang rawan tiroid di insisi pada garis tengah, dan
ujung-ujungnya ditarik dengan forceps Gelpi kecil untuk mengekspos tulang rawan arytenoid dan vocal fold.
• Setelah itu lakukan insisi pada mukosa corniculate, cuneiform, dan proses vokal dari satu arytenoid tulang
rawan. Setiap mukosa berlebihan yang dipotong, dan mukosa dijahit untuk mengurangi produksi jaringan
granulasi dan meningkatkan ukuran jalan udara.
• Penutupan mukosa yang dilakukan menggunakan benang absorbable (5-0 atau 6-0) dengan pola menerus.
Sayatan kartilago tiroid dijahit dengan benang non absorbable dan pola terputus yang tidak menembus lumen
laring untuk mencegah utama dari tepi tulang rawan. Jaringan subkutan di tutup dengan jahitan continuous dan
kulit ditutup dengan jahitan simple interrupted.
• Bersihkan dengan antiseptic dengan alcohol. Berikan antibiotic local dan sistemik pada akhir operasi.
2. Laseralisasi Cartilage Arytenoid
• Hewan diberikan anastesi umum
• Hewan tersebut diposisikan dalam posisi lateral recumbency untuk melakukan lateralisasi unilateral, dan sayatan kulit
dibuat sepanjang ventral alur jugularis laring.
• Otot sternohyoid ditarik kembali bagian ventral untuk mengekspos aspek lateral tiroid dan tulang rawan krikoid.
• Laring diputar untuk mengekspos otot thyropharyngeal, yang ditranseksi pada tepi dorsocaudal dari tulang rawan
• Sayap (alae) tulang rawan tiroid ditarik ke lateral, dan persimpangan krikotiroid (krikotiroid junction) dilakukan
penorehan. Sayatan dari sendi krikotiroid memberikan eksposur yang lebih baik, tetapi tidak selalu dilakukan.
Transeksi mungkin mengurangi diameter dari glottidis rima setelah penarikan arytenoid.
• Otot cricoarytenoideus dorsalis atau bagian kiri dari jaringan fibrosa dilakukan incisi dan transeksi.
• Artikulasi Cricoarytenoid dipotong dari kaudal ke kranial dengan menggunakan gunting Metzenbaum.
• Tulang rawan arytenoid dijahit ke bagian caudo-dorsal kartilago krikoid dengan benang nonabsorbable dengan pola
jahitan terputus sederhana. Dalam pemilihan bahan benang untuk penjahitan, tidak boleh terlalu besar agar tidak
menganggu saluran pernafasan (contoh pada kucing menggunakan ukuran benang nonabsorbable 3-0 atau 4-0)
tulang rawan arytenoid hanya perlu dipertahankan dalam posisi dan stabil pada inspirasi.
• Luka ditutup dengan menjahit otot thyropharyngeal dengan pola terputus menggunakan benang absorable (cat gut 2 -
• Dilanjutkan penjahitan dengan pola simple kontinue untuk menutup jaringan subkutan menggunakan benang
absorable (cat gut 2 -0)
• Kulit dijahit dengan pola terputus menggunakan benang nonabsorbable
• Bekas jahitan / daerah incisi diberikan providone iodin 10% dan dibalut dengan perban.
Gambar 1. Proses laryngotomi pada sapi
Pascaoperasi meliputi pengobatan, perawatan, dan observasi. Setelah recovery,
daerah di insisi harus dibersihkan dengan larutan encer dari povidone-iodine atau
chlorhexidine dan dibalut dengan perban. Penggunaan selang untuk alat bantu
pernafasan juga dilakukan beberapa jam pasca operasi sehingga pemberian oksigen bisa
langsung menuju ke trachea.
Hewan diberi makan secara parenteral dengan infus selama masa perawatan. Bekas
incisi dari Laryngotomy dibersihkan 2 kali sehari selama 14 hari. Jahitan diambil setelah 12-
14 hari. Aplikasi Fenylbutason diberikan selama 3-5 hari setiap 24 jam. Gejala gangguan
pernafasan serta gangguan organ vital lain juga diamati. Lakukan juga pemberian
antibiotik untuk mencegah infeksi.
Antiinflamasi diberikan guna mencegah peradangan pada saluran pernafasan. Luka
operasi akan sembuh sekitar 1-2 minggu. Dan hewan dapat diberikan latihan maupun
pekerjaan setelah 2 minggu. Hindari lokasi berdebu terutama saat masa penyembuhan.

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