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Oleh :

I Komang Ari Windhu Sancaya 1609511102

Putu Kreshna Medha 1609511106

I Putu Sandika Arta Guna 1609511110

I Gede Made Andy Pratama 1609511113

Ade Hary Wiweka 1609514084





Urethrotomy adalah pembedahan pada urethra dengan melakukan insisi
pada urethra untuk mengeluarkan adanya kalkuli. Urethrostomy adalah tindakan
pembedahan dengan membuat saluran/lubang permanen pada urethra. Pada
prinsipnya teknik operasi urethrotomy dan urehtrostomy memiliki kesamaan. Pada
urethrotomy dilakukan pembedahan pada uretra untuk mengeluarkan kalkuli atau
urolithiasis. Sedangkan pada urethrostomy dilakukan pembedahan untuk membuat
suatu saluran atau lubang yang permanen pada uretra. Selain itu pada urethrostomy
mukosa uretra dijahit dengan kulit luar preputium sehingga terbentuklah saluran
permanen pada uretra untuk penegluaran urin.

Urethrotomy is surgery on the urethra by making an incision in the urethra
to remove the calculi. Urethrostomy is a surgical procedure by making a permanent
channel/hole in the urethra. In principle urethrotomy and urehtrostomy surgery
techniques have in common. Urethrotomy is performed surgically on the urethra to
remove calculi or urolithiasis. Whereas the urethrostomy is surgically removed to
make a permanent channel or hole in the urethra. Also on urethrostomy the urethra
mucosa is sewn with the outer skin of the prepuce to form a permanent channel in
the urethra for urinary discharge.


Puji syukur pada kami panjatkan kepada kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa,
karena berkat rahmat-Nyalah, kami dapat menyelesaikan paper Ilmu Bedah Khusus
Veteriner yang berjudul “Teknik Operasi Urethrotomy dan Urethrostomy” tepat
pada waktunya.
Adapun paper ini kami selesaikan untuk memenuhi tugas yang telah
diberikan kepada kelompok kami tentang Teknik Operasi Urethrotomy dan
Urethrostomy. Dengan adanya tugas mengenai Teknik Operasi Urethrotomy dan
Urethrostomy diharapkan dapat menambah wawasan untuk pembaca juga penulis.
Kami menyadari bahwa paper ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan. Oleh
karena itu, kritik dan saran sangat dibutuhkan oleh penulis, agar paper ini bisa
menjadi lebih baik lagi.

Denpasar, 23 September 2019


HALAMAN SAMPUL.................................................................................... i

RINGKASAN.................................................................................................. ii

KATA PENGANTAR ..................................................................................... iii

DAFTAR ISI.................................................................................................... iv

BAB I PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................... 1

1.1 Latar Belakang .................................................................................... 1

1.2 Rumusan Masalah................................................................................ 1

1.3 Tujuan Penulisan ................................................................................. 2

1.4 Manfaat Penulisan ............................................................................... 2


2.1 Definisi Urethrotomy .......................................................................... 3

2.2 Definisi Urethrostomy......................................................................... 3

2.3 Teknik Operasi .................................................................................... 3

BAB III PREOPERASI DAN ANASTESI ..................................................... 4


4.1 Operasi Urethrotomy........................................................................... 5

4.2 Operasi Urethrostomy ......................................................................... 5

4.3 Pasca Operasi....................................................................................... 9


5.1 Kesimpulan .......................................................................................... 11

5.2 Saran .................................................................................................... 11


1.1 Latar Belakang
Uretra merupakan bagian terpenting dari saluran kemih. Uretra berbentuk
seperti saluran dan mempunyai fungsi utama untuk mengalirkan urin keluar
dari tubuh. ukuran uretra yang kecil menyebabkan resiko terbentuk kalkuli
atau striktura disepanjang uretra semakin tinggi. Pada striktur uretra terjadi
penyempitan dari lumen uretra akibat terbentuknya jaringan fibrotik pada
dinding uretra atau adanya urolithiasis berupa kalkuli. Striktura dan
urolithiasis pada uretra menyebabkan gangguan dalam berkemih, mulai dari
aliran berkemih yang mengecil sampai sama sekali tidak dapat mengalirkan
urin keluar dari tubuh. Urin yang tidak dapat keluar dari tubuh dapat
menyebabkan banyak komplikasi, dengan komplikasi terberat adalah gagal
Striktura dan urolithiasis merupakan masalah yang sering ditemukan pada
hewan khususnya hewan kecil seperti kucing dan anjing. Striktur dan
urolithiasis lebih sering terjadi pada hewan jantan dibandingkan dengan hewan
betina, karena uretra pada hewan betina lebih pendek diandingkan dengan
hewan jantan. Salah satu cara untuk mengobati kejadian striktura dan
urolithiasis adalah melalui pembedahan. Pembedahan pada uretra disebut
dengan uretrotomy atau uretrostomy. Pada paper ini penulis akan membahas
mengenai bagaimana teknik dalam melakukan operasi uretrotomy dan

1.2 Rumusan Masalah

1.2.1 Bagaimana teknik pre-operasi dan anestesi operasi uretrotomy dan
uretrostomy ?
1.2.2 Bagaimana prosedur teknik operasi uretrotomy dan uretrostomy ?

1.2.3 Bagaimana Hasil dan Pasca uretrotomy dan uretrostomy?

1.3 Tujuan
1.3.1 Untuk mengetahui teknik pre-operasi dan anestesi operasi uretrotomy
dan uretrostomy ?
1.3.2 Untuk mengetahui prosedur teknik operasi uretrotomy dan uretrostomy ?
1.3.3 Untuk mengetahui Hasil dan Pasca operasi uretrotomy dan uretrostomy ?

1.4 Manfaat

Melalui makalah ini diharapkan para mahasiswa dapat mengerti dan

mengetahui apa yang dimaksud dengan uretrotomy dan uretrostomy serta
bagaimana tekni operasi uretrotomy dan uretrostomy.

2.1 Definisi Urethrotomy

Urethrotomy adalah pembedahan pada urethra dengan melakukan insisi

pada urethra untuk mengeluarkan adanya kalkuli. Sebelum dilakukan urethrotomy
perlu dilakukan kateterisasi untuk mendorong kalkuli ke kantong kencing.
Apabila kalkuli cukup besar dan tidak memungkinkan untuk mendorong ke
kantong kencing baru dilakukan pembedahan ini. Diusahakan sedapat mungkin
melakukan cystotomy untuk menghindari stricture urethra. (Sudisma, 2016)

2.2 Definisi Urethrostomy

Urethrostomy adalah tindakan pembedahan dengan membuat
saluran/lubang permanen pada urethra. Pembedahan ini dilakukan bila urethra
mengalami trauma berat, stricture urethra setelah dilakukan pembedahan pada
urethra atau kalkuli urethra yang kambuhan.(Sudisma, 2016) Lokasi dilakukannya
tindakan uretrostomy didasarkan pada lokasi ditemukannya kalkuli atau

2.3 Teknik Operasi

Pada prinsipnya teknik operasi urethrotomy dan urehtrostomy memiliki

kesamaan. Pada urethrotomy dilakukan pembedahan pada uretra untuk
mengeluarkan kalkuli atau urolithiasis. Sedangkan pada urethrostomy dilakukan
pembedahan untuk membuat suatu saluran atau lubang yang permanen pada
uretra. Selain itu pada urethrostomy mukosa uretra dijahit dengan kulit luar
preputium sehingga terbentuklah saluran permanen pada uretra untuk penegluaran
Anastesi yang digunakan pada operasi urethrotomy maupun urethrostomy
adalah anstesi umumu, epidural atau anastesi local. Apabila hewan mengalami
uremia berat akibat obstruksi kalkuli maka sebaiknya menggunakan anastesi local
atau epidural.

• Persiapan ruang operasi
Ruang operasi dibersihkan dari kotoran dengan disapu (dibersihkan dari
debu), kemudian meja operasi disterilisasi dengan alkohol 70%.
• Preoparasi alat.
a. Sterilisasi alat-alat bedah
Sterilisasi pada alat-alat bedah bertujuan untuk menghilangkan
seluruhmikroba yang terdapat pada alat-alat bedah, agar jaringan
yang sterilatau pembuluh darah pada anjing yang akan dibedah
• Persiapan hewan kasus :
a. Hewan yang akan dioperasi dilakukansignalemen,anamnesa,
danpemeriksaan klinik. Sebelum dilakukan operasi, hewan dipuasakan
selama 12 jam agar hewan tidak muntah pada waktu teranaesthesia.
b. Kemudian diinjeksi dengan premedikasi yaitu atropin sulfat sebanyak1ml
secara subkutan (dosis terlampir).
c. Setelah 10 menit, kemudian di anestesi menggunakan kombinasi xylazin
dan ketamin dengan jumlah pemberian anestesi masing-masing0,5ml
xylazin dan0,3ml ketamin secaraintramuskuler(dosisterlampir).
d. Setelah teranestesi, Hewan ditempatkan pada posisi dorsalrecumbency.
e. Hewan disiapkan secara aseptik,bulu disekitar daerah yang akandiinsisi
dibersihkan. Kemudian dilakukan pemasangan Endotraceal Tube (ETT)
dan dilakukan pemasangan intravena kateter untuk infusNaCl 0,9%.
f. Dilakukan penutup ansiteoperasi dengan kain drape.
g. Kemudian diberi antiseptik untuk menjaga kondisi aseptik.



4.1 Pada Operasi Urethrotomy

1. Pada operasi Urethoromy, Hewan/Pasien akan dibaringkan dengan posisi

rebah dorsal Dan dilakukan anetesi,
2. Anestesi yang digunakan pada operasi Urethrotomy adalah anestesi umum.
Setelah teranestesi,
3. Insisi akan dilakukan pada urethra antara os penis dan skrotum melalui
prescrotalis, lalu kalkuli dikeluarkan dan dilanjutkan pembilasan,
4. Pemasangan kateter yang fleksibel dipasangkan dari tempat insisi sampai
vesica urinaria untuk memastikan tidak ada kalkuli lain.
5. Setelah itu dijahit dengan benang plain catgut 3/0 dan kulit dengan
benang non-absorbable, dengan pola interupted suture

4.2 Pada Operasi Urethrostomy

Menurut Saroglu et al,(2003) operasi urethrostomy memiliki kesamaan
denga operasi Urethrotomy, yang mebedakan adalah Urethrostomy dilakukan
untuk membuat saluran permanen di uretra sedagkan Urethrotomy untuk
pengangkatan kalkuli. Prosedur Urethrostomy dimulai dari:
1. Pasien dibaringkan dengan posisi Trienburg dan di anestesi dengan
anestesi umum
2. insisi dengan bentuk elips dibuat pada bagian scrotum dan region
3. Kemudian dilakukan pemotongan pada bagian penis hingga ke
jaringan bulbourethralis.
4. Membran mukosa dari preputium dengan hati-hati diinsisi dan
disisihkan dari bagian penis.
5. Untuk menyamakan anastomosisnya, insisi kecil kemudian dibuat
pada bagian garis tengah dari dinding bagian dalam mukosa
preputium. Sedangkan, bagian tubular dari preputium disiapkan
untuk anastomosis.

6. Bagian ligament ventral dari penis dan otot bilateral
ischiocavernosus didiseksi dilanjutkan dengan pemisahan dari
sambungan dari pelvis yang sebelumnya pada bigan penis
dipisahkan bagian ventral dan lateralnya.
7. Otot retractor penis kemudian dipotong hingga ke bagian glandula
bulbourethralis sehingga urethra terlihat.
8. Setelah dilakukan kateterisasi dari bagian lumen urethra dengan
menggunakan kateter untuk kucing jantan kemudian lumen urethra
dipotong dengan menggunakan gunting iris sepanjang 1 cm dari
glandula bulbourethralisnya.
9. Kateter kemudian digantikan dengan kateter berdiameter 2,6 mm
ke arah pelvis urethra.
10. Bagian distal dari penis kemudian diamputasi dan dilakukan
penyatuan dengan benang poliglactin 910 ukuran 4-0 dengan
memiliki jarak 1 cm hingga ke ujung insisi dari urethra di bagian
11. Untuk tindakan anastomosisnya digunakan material yang sama
dengan bentuk sutura matrass dan dilakukan pada setiap insisi
mulai dari bagian ujung atas insisi hingga ke bagian dorsal mukosa
preputium dan kemudian dianjutkan dengan menggunakan ligasi
menerus berlapis.
12. Jaringan pada bagian subkutan dijahit dengan menggunakan
material catgut silk dan vicryl ukuran 3-0 dan 4-0.

Insisi Elips pada Scrotum

Kucing yang sudah dikastrasi

Persiapan anastommis

Penis dipotong hingga kelenjar bulbourethralis

Pemasangan kateter Anastomosis pada preputium

dan pelvis urethra

Luka sayatan dijahit dengan 10 hari pasca operasi

catgut silk ukuran 3-0

4.3 Pasca Operasi

4.3.1 Komplikasi

Komplikasi yang paling umum ditemukan pasca operasi

urethrostomy adalah pendarahan pada titik urethrostomy, infeksi bakteri,
dan striktura. Namun selain komplikasi yang dapat terjadi pada anjing
pasca operasi ini adalah Allen et al melaporkan bahwa 5 anjing
percobaanya tidak menunjukan ketimpangan pasca operasi bahkan pada
hari pertama, selain itu Yoon et al melaporkan bahwa 7 anjing
percobaannya dapat berjalan pasca 3 hari operasi, dimana dari hasil
percobaan tersebut menunjukan bahwa prosedur ini cukup efektif untuk di
lakukan (Katayama, 2011). Pemberian antibiotika untuk mencegah
terjadinya infeksi selama 5 hari atau lebih. Antiseptika dapat diolesi pada
luka operasi setiap hari untuk mempercepat terjadnya kesembuhan. Setelah
dilakukan urethrotomy biasanya dilanjutkan dengan operasi cystotomy
karena sering ditemukan juga kalkuli pada kantong kemih. Kateter tetap
dipertahankan selama proses kesembuhan, bilamana diputuskan untuk
melakukan cystotomy perlu diperhatikan terhadap status atau kondisi
pasien (Marzok, 2013).

4.3.2 Perawatan Pasca Operasi

Adapun terapi-terapi yang diberikan pada pasien pasca operasi
urethrostomy untuk menghindari komplikasi (Seddek, 2013) :
1. Pemberian antibiotik claviseptin (tablet) 2 kali sehari selama 2 minggu.
2. Pemberian anti-inflamasi carprofen (tablet) 2 kali sehari atau meloxicam
(cair) 1 kali sehari selama beberapa hari. Penggunaan meloxicam
diberikan bersamaan dengan makanan namun meloxicam dapat
menyebabkan muntah atau diare.
3. Pemberian analgesik tramadol (tablet) 2 kali sehari selama periode pasca
operasi dini.
4. Pemberian povidone iodine dan salep nitrofurazone

Selain terapi menggunakan obat, terapi medis lainnya berupa pemakaian
Elizabeth colar selama 2 minggu pasca operasi untuk melindungi luka.
Jahitan dapat dilepas setelah 2 minggu atau lebih pasca operasi, pengecekan
ulang disarankan untuk dilakukan setelah 2 minggu pasca operasi saat
melepaskan jahitan dan pengecekan keadaan umum pasien. Sekaligus dapat
menghentikan penggunaan Elizabeth collar, bagi pemilik untuk tetap
memperhatikan hewannya untuk tidak banyak melakukan gerakan seperti
melompat atau memanjat. Pastikan pintu dan jendela senantiasa tertutup.
Membuat keadaan tenang pada pasien dapat melalui pemberian transquilizer
agar pasien tidak terlalu hiperaktif, bagi pemilik untuk tetap mengamati
apakah proses urinasi hewan sudah normal karena beberapa hari pasca operai
biasanya ditemukan frekuensi urinasi sedikit dan disertai darah, tes
laboratorium dilakukan untuk mendokumentasikan fungsi ginjal dengan cara
memeriksa darah dan urine pasien.. Tes ini akan sangat berguna untuk
perencanaan jangka panjang, memberikan asupan air yang cukup untuk
menjaga urine tetap encer dan mengurangi kemungkinan kulkulus terbentuk
kembali. Di salah satu sumber menyarankan untuk memberikan air hujan
sebagai air minum karena air hujan tidak memiliki mineral terlarut
dibandingkan air biasa yang kemungkinan mengandung kalsium karbonat
(Kalim, 2011).


5.1 Kesimpulan
Urethrotomy adalah pembedahan pada urethra dengan melakukan
incisi pada urethra untuk mengeluarkan adanya urolithiasis atau kalkuli.
Urethrostomy adalah tindakan pembedahan dengan membuat saluran atau
lubang permanen pada uretra. Pada prinsipnya teknik operasi urethrotomy
dan urehtrostomy memiliki kesamaan. Pada urethrotomy dilakukan
pembedahan pada uretra untuk mengeluarkan kalkuli atau urolithiasis.
Sedangkan pada urethrostomy dilakukan pembedahan untuk membuat suatu
saluran atau lubang yang permanen pada uretra. Anastesi yang digunakan
pada operasi urethrotomy maupun urethrostomy adalah anstesi umumu,
epidural atau anastesi local.
5.2 Saran
Hewan yang mengalami urolithiasis harus segera dilakukan tindakan
operasi agar peluang sembuhnya lebih besar. Untuk mencegah kambuhnya
penyakit urolithiasis maka komposisi makanan harus tepat agar nutrisi dalam
tubuh anjing dapat seimbang
Dalam melakukakan operasi urethrotomy dan urethrostomy harus
dilakukan dengan seksama dan teliti sehingga tidak menimbulkan komplikasi
dan kalkuli ataupun striktura yang bersifat kambuhan pada hewan.


Kalim, M. O., R. Zaman, S. K. Tiwari. 2011. Surgical Management of Obstructive

Urolithiasis in a Male Cow Calf. India: College of Veterinary Science and
Animal Husbandry, Anjora.

Katayama, M. (2011). Urinary Diversion Via Preputial Urethrostomy With

Bilateral Pubic-ischial in a Dog. Urinary Diversion Via Preputial
Urethrostomy With Bilateral Pubic-ischial in a Dog, 5.

Marzok, MA and El-khodery, S.A. A comparison of surgical outcomes of

perineal urethrostomy plus penile resection and perineal urethrostomy in
twelve calves with perineal or prescrotal urethral dilatation. Open
Veterinary Journal, (2013), Vol. 3(2): 106-113

Saroglu, M., S. E. Acar, O. Duzgun. 2003. Urethrostomy Done Using The

Anastomosis Technique of Prepuce Mucosa to The Pelvic Urethra in Cats
with Penile Urethral Obstruction. Turkey: Istanbul University Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine.
Seddek, Aiman Mahmoud, Hossam Ahmad Bakr. 2013. New Surgical Technique
for Treatment of Obstructive Penile Urethrolithiasis Interference with
Breeding Capability: Clinical Study on 25 Calves. Egypt: University of
Agriculture, Faisalabad.

Sudisma, I.G.N. 2016. Ilmu Bedah Veteriner dan Teknik Operasi.Bali : Udayana
University Press

Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci.
2012; 36(6): 730-733
Case Report doi:10.3906/vet-1105-35

Urinary diversion via preputial urethrostomy with bilateral

pubic-ischial osteotomy in a dog

Masaaki KATAYAMA1,*, Yasuhiko OKAMURA1, Hiroaki KAMISHINA2, Yuji UZUKA1

Division of Small Animal Surgery, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University,
3-18-8 Ueda, Morioka, Iwate 020-8550 – JAPAN
Division of Veterinary Clinical Radiology, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Applied Biological
Sciences, Gifu University, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu, Gifu 501-1193 – JAPAN

Received: 25.05.2011 ● Accepted: 23.12.2011

Abstract: A 4-year-old, 8.7-kg intact male Pekingese dog was presented with stricture of the urethral opening after
a perineal urethrostomy revision surgery. Total penile amputation and preputial urethrostomy with bilateral pubic-
ischial osteotomy were performed. After surgery, the dog was able to urinate through the natural preputial orifice,
avoiding urine scalding associated with urethral anastomosis to the adjacent skin. Nine months after surgery, no major
complications were noted with the exception of a small amount of urine dribbling after urination.

Key words: Preputial urethrostomy, bilateral pubic-ischial osteotomy, dog

Introduction of urethrostomy is obviously different from the

Perineal urethrostomy in dogs is indicated for appearance of the normal anatomic structures.
severe damage, stricture, or loss of the urethra at or In the present report preputial urethrostomy
proximal to the site of scrotal urethrostomy. However, was performed in a male Pekingese dog as a salvage
complications are common during and after this procedure for urethral stricture of the perineal
surgical procedure, including severe hemorrhage urethrostomy site. This procedure resulted in a more
of the urethral opening site and unacceptable urine acceptable cosmetic appearance. In addition, pubic-
scald dermatitis (1). Furthermore, postoperative ischial osteotomy was simultaneously performed to
stricture formation could occur when undue tension obtain an adequate pelvic urethral length, preventing
develops on the suture line of the urethrostomy undue tension at the urethral opening site.
site. In case of urethral stricture, prepubic or
Case history
transpelvic urethrostomy may be considered as
salvage procedures (2–4). However, complications A 4-year-old, 8.7-kg intact male Pekingese dog was
such as urinary obstruction, urine scalding, urinary examined by the referring veterinarian for a sudden
incontinence, and urinary tract infections are also onset of vomiting and dysuria. A blood examination
common with these procedures. In addition, the revealed azotemia. On abdominal ultrasonography,
appearance of the external stoma after this type urinary calculi were lodged in the bladder and pelvic
* E-mail:


Figure 1. Stabilization of the bone plate with an 18-gauge Figure 2. Preservation of the pelvic urethral length after total
orthopedic wire at 4 points. penile amputation. Babcock forceps were passed
through the small incision made by a biopsy punch
(small arrow). The length of the pelvic urethra was
urethra. In order to remove the calculi, cystotomy preserved (large arrow).
and perineal urethrotomy were performed, followed
by perineal urethrostomy. At that time, a new urethral an hourly rate of 10 mL/kg) was administered.
opening was made at the perineal urethrotomy site Antibiotics (cefmetazole sodium, 25 mg/kg IV) were
after removal of the calculi. Stone analysis revealed administered at anesthetic induction and 2 h later,
struvite uroliths, and a special prescription diet and then continued twice a day for 7 days.
(c/d dry, Hill’s) was fed to dissolve the crystals
after surgery. One and a half months later, stricture With the animal in dorsal recumbency, a caudal
formation of the urethral opening was confirmed and ventral midline abdominal incision was performed
revision surgery was performed. However, complete followed by scrotal ablation and castration. A ventral
resolution was not achieved. midline preputiotomy incision was performed to
access the penis and preputial cavity. After releasing
The dog was referred to the Veterinary Teaching the penis from the prepuce, the penis was reflected
Hospital of Iwate University for salvage urinary caudally and the ischiocavernosus and ischiourethralis
diversion surgery 2 months after the second surgery. muscles were transected close to their origins at the
Introduction of a <4-Fr catheter was possible, ischial arch. The pubic symphysis was exposed by
indicating severe stricture of urethral stoma. The subperiosteally elevating the adductor muscles until
results of the complete blood count were within half of the obturator foramen was exposed. The
normal limits. Serum biochemistry panels revealed prepubic tendon was transected along the pubis to the
only slight elevation of alkaline phosphatase. No proposed osteotomy site. Holes (diameter: 1.7 mm)
crystals were found by urinalysis. were drilled in the pubis and ischium on both sides of
Total penile amputation and preputial the 4 proposed osteotomy sites. The pubic and ischial
urethrostomy with bilateral pubic-ischial osteotomy osteotomies were performed with an electronic
were performed to create a permanent urinary sagittal saw (Colibri, Synthes Vet, Switzerland),
diversion. The dog was premedicated with and the central bone plate was removed. The pelvic
butorphanol (0.2 mg/kg intravenously [IV]) and urethra was separated from the surrounding tissues
midazolam (0.3 mg/kg IV). Anesthesia was induced and reflected cranially. The bony plate was placed
with propofol (4 mg/kg IV to effect) and maintained back to its original location and stabilized with
with sevoflurane in 100% oxygen. A balanced 18-gauge orthopedic wire, passing through the
electrolyte solution (lactated Ringer’s solution at previously drilled holes (Figure 1). The penis was

Urinary diversion via preputial urethrostomy with bilateral pubic-ischial osteotomy in a dog

Figure 4. Retrograde contrast study of the bladder and urethra

showing their perpendicular position to the abdominal
Figure 3. The urethral opening was sutured to the preputial
mucosa in a simple interrupted pattern with 5-0
monofilament suture material.
dribbling from the preputial orifice immediately after
completely removed by transecting the pelvic urethra urination. However, he was very satisfied with the
immediately proximal to the bulbospongiosus functional and cosmetic outcome.
muscles. The distal aspect of the pelvic urethra was
exteriorized though a small incision, made by a
disposable biopsy punch (BP-40F, Kai Industries,
Japan) lateral to the linea alba, within the prepuce Preputial urethrostomy was reported to be effective as
(Figure 2). The urethra was spatulated and sutured a salvage procedure in dogs that required a prepubic
to the preputial mucosa using simple interrupted 5-0 urethrostomy secondary to intrapelvic urethral
monofilament absorbable sutures (Figure 3). In order trauma with subsequent stricture formation (2).
to prevent stricture formation of the urethral opening, Pavletic and O’Bell applied preputial urethrostomy
a 10-Fr balloon catheter was kept in place for 2 weeks to a dog with penile necrosis (5). To our knowledge,
after surgery. The mucosa and skin were reapposed these are the only published reports of the use of
separately using a simple interrupted pattern with preputial urethrostomy in dogs. This technique uses
5-0 monofilament absorbable suture and staples, the preputial cavity as a site for urethral anastomosis.
respectively. The adductor muscles and prepubic Therefore, the dog can urinate through the natural
tendon were reapposed using a simple interrupted orifice, avoiding the potential for urine scalding
pattern with 2-0 monofilament absorbable suture associated with urethral anastomosis to the adjacent
before closing the linea alba. The remaining wound skin. In our case, urine dribbling immediately after
was closed in a routine fashion. urination was observed. This likely resulted from the
temporal accumulation of small amounts of urine
The dog recovered uneventfully from anesthesia
in the preputial cavity. This may be prevented by
and surgery. Buprenorphine (0.02 mg/kg) was
reconstruction of a smaller cavity when the prepuce
administered subcutaneously to control pain. On the
is sutured.
14th postoperative day, a retrograde contrast study
of the urethra and bladder revealed that they were In Bradley’s study (2), a caudal abdominal
positioned almost perpendicular to the abdominal ventral midline incision to access the bladder and
wall (Figure 4). After removal of the urinary catheter, proximal urethra was made. However, the size of
the dog could urinate without difficulty with urine the prostate gland limited the amount of urethra
passing out of the preputial orifice. Nine months after that was brought through the abdominal incision.
surgery, the owner noticed a small amount of urine Pelvic symphysiotomy and bilateral pubic-ischial


osteotomy have been reported in order to gain access show lameness postoperatively, even on the first
to, evaluate, and treat intrapelvic urethral disorders postoperative day. In addition, Yoon et al. (8) reported
and neoplasms such as rectal, prostatic, vaginal, and that 7 dogs that underwent bilateral pubic-ischial
urethral tumors (6,7). By combining these procedures osteotomy could ambulate normally within 3 days
with urethrostomies, a sufficient urethral length can after surgery. In our case, the dog was ambulatory
be preserved. This may maintain urinary continence the day after surgery. These results may suggest
and reduce tension at the urethrostomy site, that protracted disability should not be anticipated
avoiding postoperative stricture formation. Pelvic in most animals undergoing bilateral pubic-ischial
symphysiotomy can expose the intrapelvic structures osteotomy.
in a less invasive manner than bilateral pubic-ischial In conclusion, urinary diversion via preputial
osteotomy. Bilateral pubic-ischial osteotomy may urethrostomy and total penile amputation could
be more appropriate for lesions that require greater provide a normal anatomical appearance and prevent
exposure compared to pelvic symphysiotomy. In our postoperative urine scalding. Bilateral pubic-ischial
case, pubic-ischial osteotomy was simultaneously osteotomy facilitates the use of the entire length of
performed. The reluctance to use these procedures is the pelvic urethra. This series of procedures may
attributed to postoperative complications, including be considered to be a surgical option for urethral
inability to ambulate, prolonged recovery period, disorders proximal to the scrotal lesion. Future
and degree of difficulty of the approach. Allen et studies with a larger number of cases are warranted
al. (7) reported that 5 experimental dogs did not to further evaluate postoperative complications.

1. Smeak, D.D.: Urethrotomy and urethrostomy in the dog. Clin. 6. Davies, J.V., Read, H.M.: Sagittal pubic osteotomy in the
Techn. Small Anim. Pract., 2000; 15: 25–34. investigation and treatment of intrapelvic neoplasia in the dog.
J. Small Anim. Pract., 1990; 31: 123–130.
2. Bradley, R.L.: Prepubic urethrostomy. An acceptable urinary
diversion technique. Probl. Vet. Med., 1989; 1: 120–127. 7. Allen, S.W., Crowell, W.A.: Ventral approach to the pelvic canal
in the female dog. Vet. Surg. 1991; 20: 118–121.
3. Boothe, H.W.: Managing traumatic urethral injuries. Clin.
Techn. Small Anim. Pract., 2000; 15: 35–39. 8. Yoon, H.Y., Mann, F.A.: Bilateral pubic and ischial osteotomy
for surgical management of caudal colonic and rectal masses
4. Liehmann, L.M., Doyle, R.S., Powell, R.M.: Transpelvic
in six dogs and a cat. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 2008; 232: 1016–
urethrostomy in a Staffordshire bull terrier: a new technique in
the dog. J. Small Anim. Pract., 2010; 51: 325–329.
5. Pavletic, M.M., O’Bell, S.A.: Subtotal penile amputation and
preputial urethrostomy in a dog. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., 2007;
230: 375–377.

Vet. Med. – Czech, 48, 2003 (8): 229–234 Original Paper

Urethrostomy done using the anastomosis technique

of the prepuce mucosa to the pelvic urethra in cats
with penile urethral obstruction
M. S������, S.E. A���, O. D�����

Surgery Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Istanbul University, Avcilar,

Istanbul, Turkey

ABSTRACT: Penile urethral obstruction in cats is a commonly seen clinical manifestation. In cases where there is
no response to catheterisation and medical intervention, surgery is needed to provide urination and correct uremia
and hyperkalemia. Several surgical techniques have been described. The perineal urethrostomy technique, reported
by Wilson and Harrison in 1971, has been used extensively and since then various modifications of this technique
have been developed by other researchers. In 2000, Yeh and Chin described a modified perineal urethrostomy tech-
nique created by use of the prepuce mucosa. This technique was used in our clinic in 20 cats with penile urethral
obstruction. Seventeen cats recovered without complication. A 2.6 mm diameter catheter was placed in each of the
3 cases in which leakage was determined in the anastomosis site. The urine gathered in the site subcutaneously
was drained. Normal urination was achieved in 2 of the 3 patients treated with this technique. The remaining case
was re-operated and the perineal urethrostomy technique, in which the urethra was sutured to the perineal skin
(the Wilson and Harrison method, 1971), was applied. The advantages of this technique over the classical perineal
urethrostomy technique are; return to urination shortly a�er the operation, be�er urination potential compared to
normal cats, a more aesthetic appearance compared to other techniques (similar to a castrated cat), no narrowing
of the orifice caused by re-growth of hair. It was also understood that, anastomosis of the urethra and the prepuce
mucosa must be carried out with utmost care in order to prevent urine leakage.

Keywords: urethrostomy; cat; penile urethral obstruction

The urethra of the male cat is divided into 4 in male cats and this could create the risk of penile
sections: the pre-prostatic urethra, the prostatic urethra obstruction (Sevestre, 1979).
urethra, the post-prostatic urethra and the penile The initial procedures to be carried out when
urethra. The penile urethra narrows towards the urine flow is obstructed are; catheterization of the
end of the penis. Obstruction of the penile urethra urethra, rectal massaging of the pelvic urethra and
by crystal plaques and urethral calculi is due to its decompressing of the bladder via cystocentesis. In
anatomic structure (Osborne et al., 1996a). The most some patients, medical treatment may be effective
important causes of urethral obstruction are; stru- along with these methods (Arikan and Acar, 1993;
vite crystals, calcium oxalate crystals and accumula- Yucel, 1998). As long as the urine can be expressed,
tion of cells due to urinary tract infections. Strictures special diets selected according to laboratory re-
occurring in the penis and the penile urethra also sults may prevent crystal development (Osborne
play a role (Arikan and Acar, 1993). K retention and et al., 1991, 1996a). However, recurrence is pos-
hyperkalemia also develop in this condition, as well sible and when these procedures are ineffective,
as inability to urinate and uremia. Hyperkalemia surgical intervention is indicated (Christensen,
causes destruction of the cell membrane potential 1964; Mendham, 1970; Johnson, 1974; Long, 1977;
and ventricular fibrillation. All these negative de- Osborne et al., 1996a,b; White et al., 1997; Akin and
velopments carry life risk for the patient (Drobatz Samsar, 1998; Folder, 1999; McLoughlin, 2000).
and Hughes, 1997). It has also been reported that, Several surgical methods and their modifications
urethra atrophy may develop following castration have been described for the treatment of penile

Original Paper Vet. Med. – Czech, 48, 2003 (8): 229–234

urethra obstruction in cats. Antepubic urethros- post-operative haemorrhage, subcutaneous urine

tomy, urethrocolostomy-uretherocolostomy, pe- accumulation, irritation dermatitis, perineal hernia,
nile urethrostomy and perineal urethrostomy are stricture, urinary incontinence, urethrorectal fistula
techniques which have been used since the 1950s. and urinary system infections (USI) may develop
The perineal urethrostomy technique reported (Gregory and Vasseur, 1984; Gregory et al., 1984;
by Wilson and Harrison in 1971 has been used Griffin and Gregory, 1992; Osborne et al., 1991,
extensively and since then various modifications 1996a; Kyles and Stone, 1998).
of this technique have been developed by different In a study they published in 2000, Yeh and Chin
researchers. described a modified perineal urethrostomy tech-
Arikan and Acar (1993) performed the perineal nique using the prepuce mucosa. They reported un-
urethrostomy technique in 17 male cats with ure- complicated recovery in all cases where they used
thral obstruction. One of these cases died during this technique in 14 cats with urethral obstruction.
the operation and stenosis developed in one other Advantages of this technique are; return to urina-
cat 3 months a�er surgery. tion shortly a�er the operation, be�er urination po-
In relation to penile urethra obstruction, com- tential compared to normal cats, a more aesthetic
plications such as; death due to anaesthesia, post-operative appearance of the region compared

Figure 1. Appearance of the eliptical incision including Figure 2. Castrated appearance of a sexually active cat
the scrotum and the perineal region

Figure 3. The tubular prepuce mucosa prepared for ana- Figure 4. Dissection of the penis until the bulbourethral
stomosis glands

Vet. Med. – Czech, 48, 2003 (8): 229–234 Original Paper

to other techniques (same as castrated healthy cats), ministration of ketamine hydrochlorure (Ketalar®,
no development of irritation dermatitis in the surgi- Pfizer Warher Lambert, Istanbul, Turkey). Following
cal site and no narrowing of the orifice caused by intubation, the animals were connected to a closed
re-growth of hair. circuit anaesthesia machine and anaesthesia was
maintained using halothane (Fluothane®, Astra
Zeneca, Istanbul, Turkey) or isoflurane (Forane®
MATERIAL AND METHOD likid, Abbot, Istanbul, Turkey).
The patients were placed in the Trienburg position
The material of the study included 20 cats with and an elliptical incision was made including the
obstructed urethras which could not be unblocked scrotum and perineal region (Figure 1). Sexually
neither via catheterizing nor rectal massaging. Six intact cats were castrated (Figure 2). The penis was
of these patients had previously been castrated. dissected until it was free from the surrounding
The patients were given a premedication of atro- loose connective tissue. The mucosal membrane of
pine sulphate (Atropin®, Vetas, Istanbul, Turkey) the prepuce was carefully incised around the pe-
and diazepam (Diazem®, Deva, Istanbul, Turkey), nis and freed. In order to match the anastomosis,
followed by general anaesthesia induced by i.v. ad- a small incision was also made on the midline of

Figure 5. Application of a 2.6 mm-diameter catheter via Figure 6. Anastomosis of the prepuce mucosa and the
the incision in the pelvic urethra pelvic urethra

Figure 7. Appearance of the operation site closed using Figure 8. Castrated male cat appearance of the patient
3/0 silk suture whose sutures were removed 10 days a�er surgery

Original Paper Vet. Med. – Czech, 48, 2003 (8): 229–234

the interior wall of the prepuce mucosa. Thus, the The serum urea level of case No. 3 before the
tubular prepuce mucosa was prepared for anasto- operation was 433 mg/dl and creatinine value
mosis (Figure 3). was 36 mg/dl. In the post-mortem examination of
The ventral ligament of the penis and the bilat- this case that died on post-operative Day 2, while
eral ischiocavernosus muscles were cut. Careful there were no complications related to the operation
dissection of the penis was continued in the ventral technique, the reason of death was understood to
and lateral directions and pelvic connections were be nephrosis.
separated (Figure 4). Thus, the penis was freed The edema formed post-operatively in the peri-
further. The retractor muscle of the penis was ex- neal region of case No. 4 made urination difficult.
cised until the bulbourethral glands and the penile Urine flow was achieved with support by ab-
urethra was reached. After catheterization of the dominal palpation until post-operative Day 7. The
urethra lumen with a male cat urinary catheter, the edema resolved a�er Day 8 and normal urination
lumen was excised using iris scissors to within 1 was achieved.
cm of the bulbourethral glands. The catheter was Seventeen patients recovered without any com-
replaced with a 2.6 mm-diameter catheter in the plication. Subcutaneous urine accumulation was
direction of the pelvic urethra (Figure 5). The dis- observed in the surgical site in 3 patients which
tal portion of the penis was amputated after plac- developed post-operative complications. This was
ing a ligature using 4/0 polyglactin 910 (Vicryl®, seen to have been caused by urine leakage between
Ethicon, Edinburgh, United Kingdom) suture the anastomosed urethra and prepuce mucosa.
material approximately 1 cm distal to the incision These patients were re-catheterized using 2.6 mm
in the penile urethra. diameter catheters, 2 of the sutures in the incision
For the anastomosis, 4/0 polyglactin 910 suture site were removed and the region was drained.
material was used. Matress suture was applied to The catheters were removed 5 days later from one
the upper end of the incision in the pelvic urethra patient and 15 days later in one other and urination
and the most dorsal portion of the prepuce mucosa, returned to normal. In the third patient, however,
this was continued with a continuous suture and difficulty to urinate was found to originate from
a full-layer anastomosis was achieved (Figure 6). the stricture which had developed, whereupon the
The surrounding so� tissue and subcutaneous patient was re-operated using the classical perineal
connective tissue was closed using 4/0 polyglactin urethrostomy technique.
910 and the skin was closed using 3/0 silk suturing According to the information received from the
material (Figure 7). patient owners for the late period check-ups, one
Broad spectrum antibiotics were administered to case had died in a traffic accident, another patient
all patients for postoperative 5 days. The patients had died due to reasons unrelated to urination
wore Elizabethan collars for 10 days. The skin su- problems and that the remaining 15 cases were
tures were removed on postoperative Day 10. The continuing their lives without any problems.
surgical site had the appearance of a castrated male
cat (Figure 8).

Findings Castration in male cats has been reported to be a

possible cause of urethra atrophy and in relation to
Ages of the 20 male cats (6 of which had been this, penile urethra obstruction (Sevestre, 1979). On
castrated previously) included in the study changed the other hand, the fact that only 6 of the 20 cats in-
between 1 and 12. The mean age was found to be 4.6. cluded in this study had been previously castrated,
Of the patients, 2 were Persian cats, 2 Van cats and indicates that urethral obstruction is not necessarily
the remaining 16 were mixed breed. The patients seen in every castrated cat.
were cases in which urination could not be achieved The most frequent complication in the classical ure-
in spite of medical treatment either in our clinic or throstomy technique is the narrowing of the orifice
at private veterinary surgeons. In the biochemical and the development of a stenosis. The perineal hair
check-ups of the blood sera done before the opera- growing back in a few months also contributes to this
tion, urea and creatinine values were above normal narrowing (Carbone, 1963; Blake, 1968; Wilson and
in all cases. Harrison, 1971; Arikan and Acar, 1993; Osborne et al.,

Vet. Med. – Czech, 48, 2003 (8): 229–234 Original Paper

1996b). No such complications were encountered in Arikan N., Acar S.A. (1993): Urethral obstruction in male
the new technique used in this study. This supports cats and urethrostomy (in Turkish). Journal of the
the views of Yeh and Chin (2000) . Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Istanbul,
In the classical urethrostomy technique, urine 19, 39–47.
frequently causes irritation dermatitis in the peri- Blake J.A. (1968): Perineal urethrostomy in cats. J. Am.
neal region where it is in contact with the skin at Vet. Med. Assoc., 152, 1499–1506.
the site it is expressed (Osborne et al., 1996b). In Carbone M.G. (1963): Perineal urethrostomy to relieve
the technique developed by Yeh and Chin (2000), urethral obstruction in male cat. J. Am. Vet. Med. As-
it has been stressed that because urine is expressed soc., 143, 34–39.
directly outwards from the prepuce, irritation der- Christensen N.R. (1964): Preputial urethrostomy in male
matitis does not occur and the appearance of the cat. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., 145, 903–908.
site is like that of a castrated male cat. The findings Drobatz K.J., Hughes D. (1997): Concentration of ionized
of this study are similar to these views. calcium in plasma from cats with urethral obstruction.
In all the patients to which they applied prepucial J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., 211, 1392–1395.
urethrostomy, Yeh and Chin (2000) reported that, the Folder W.R. (1999): Calcium oxalate urolithiasis in a cat.
potential to urinate was much higher than normal Feline Pract., 27, 17–20.
cats. In our study, with the exception of 3 cases with Gregory C.R., Vasseur P.B. (1984): Electromyographic and
urine leakage and 1 case with edema in the perineal urethral pressure profilometry: Long-term assessment
region, the remaining 16 cases confirmed this view. of urethral function a�er perineal urethrostomy in cats.
According to Yeh and Chin (2000), anastomo- Am. J. Vet. Res., 45, 1318–1321.
sis leakage was not seen in any of the 17 cats. In Gregory C.R., Holliday T.A., Vasseur P.B., Parker H.R.
this study, which was carried out using the same (1984): Electromyographic and urethral pressure pro-
technique, there was an anastomosis leakage in filometry: assessment of urethral function before and
3 of 20 cats. We think that this was due to lack a�er perineal urethrostomy in cats. Am. J. Vet. Res., 45,
of experience. The most important stage of the 2062–2065.
technique is the anastomosis stage. Subcutaneous Griffin D.W., Gregory C.R. (1992): Prevalence of bacterial
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and draining the urine from the region in 2 of 3 cats. cats. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc., 200, 681–684.
The patient in which narrowing had developed in Johnson D.E. (1974): Feline urethrostomy – a critique and
the anastomosis site at the same time was treated new method. J. Small Anim. Pract., 15, 421–435.
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This indicates that, even if urine leakage developed (eds.): Current Techniques in Small Animal Surgery.
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could be treated with alternative methods. Long R.D. (1977): A technique for perineal urethrostomy
In case No. 3, pre-operative serum urea level was in the cat. J. Small Anim. Pract., 18, 407–413.
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Received: 03–01–06
Accepted a�er corrections: 03–06–12

Corresponding Author

Dr. Murat Saroglu, Istanbul University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Surgery Department, 34851-Avcilar,
Istanbul, Turkey
Tel. +90 212 591 69 84, fax +90 212 591 69 76, e-mail:


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