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Kajian Pustaka: Pneumonia yang disebabkan oleh bakteri pada hewan


Nur Baiti1,
I Nyoman Suartha2

Mahasiswa Pendidikan Profesi Dokter Hewan,
Laboratorium Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Veteriner,
Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Udayana,
Jl. Sudirman, Sanglah, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia; 80234
Telp/Fax: (0361) 223791

Pneumonia adalah penyakit yang berhubungan dengan saluran pernapasan bagian bawah,
terutama yang melibatkan paruparu. Infeksi sering dimulai dari saluran atas dan berkembang ke
bawah ke paru-paru. Patogen umum yang berkonstribusi terhadap penyakit pernafasan pada
ruminansia adalah Pastruella spp dan Mannheimia spp. Tanda-tanda klinis umum dan respon
hewan yang terinfeksi penyakit pernapasan adalah adanya demam (pireksia), kehilangan nafsu
makan, sekret hidung (serosa atau mukoid), batuk, bersin, menunjukkan tanda-tanda kesulitan
bernapas (dyspnea), dan suara paru-paru yang abnormal. Hewan ruminansia seperti sapi, kambing
dan rusa cukup rentan terteka dan tertular penyakit ini.
Kata kunci : Mannheimia, kambing, Pastruella, rusa, sapi
Pneumonia is a disease associated with the lower respiratory tract, especially involving the
lungs. The infection often starts in the upper tract and progresses down to the lungs. Common
pathogens that contribute to respiratory disease in ruminants are Pastruella spp and Mannheimia
spp. Common clinical signs and responses of animals infected with respiratory disease are the
presence of fever (pyrexia), loss of appetite, nasal discharge (serous or mucoid), coughing,
sneezing, showing signs of difficulty breathing (dyspnea), and lung sounds. abnormal. Ruminant
animals such as cattle, goats and deer are quite susceptible to being guessed and infected with this
Keywords : cow, deer, goat, Mannheimia, Pastruella,

Sistem respirasi merupakan suatu susunan yang sangat kompleks. Setiap jaringan yang
menyusunnya memiliki fungsi dan perannya tersendiri. Strukturnya yang begitu rumit menjadikan
sistem ini begitu istimewa untuk menopang kehidupan hewan dan manusia. Fungsi utama
pernapasan adalah mengangkut oksigen (O2) untuk digunakan oleh sel tubuh dan untuk
mengeluarkan karbon dioksida (CO2) yang diproduksi oleh sel. Respirasi mencakup dua proses
yaitu ekspirasi dan inspirasi. Ekspirasi merujuk kepada seluruh rangkaian kejadian dalam
pertukaran O2 dan CO2 antara lingkungan eksternal dan sel tubuh, sedangkan inspirasi merujuk
kepada proses-proses metabolik intrasel yang dilakukan di dalam mitokondria, yang menggunakan
O2 dan menghasilkan CO2 selagi mengambil energi dari molekul nutrien (Sherwood, 2014).

Penyakit sistem pernafasan adalah penyakit yang melibatkan sistem pernafasan kerana
beberapa perubahan patologi pada saluran atau organ yang terlibat. Gangguan fungsi organ dan
jaringan akan mempengaruhi saluran udara dan kualitas hidup hewan. penyakit saluran pernafasan
pada hewan ruminansia dapat disebabkan oleh agen infeksius maupun non infeksius seperti virus,
bakteri, parasit, benda asing, luka pada saluran pernafasan dan masih banyak lagi. Patogen umum
yang berkonstribusi terhadap penyakit pernafasan pada ruminansia adalah Pastruella spp.,
Mannheimia spp., mikoplasma; Virus Parainfluenza III (PI3), Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis
(IBR), Bovine Viral Di arrhoea Virus (BVDV) (Magstadt et al., 2018).

Pneumonia adalah penyakit yang berhubungan dengan saluran pernapasan bagian bawah,
terutama yang melibatkan paru-paru. Infeksi sering dimulai dari saluran atas dan berkembang ke
bawah ke paru-paru. Pneumonia seringkali lebih parah daripada infeksi saluran pernapasan atas,
dan juga lebih mengancam jiwa (Heather Thomas, 2009). Hewan dari segala usia dapat terinfeksi
penyakit pneumonia. Agen penyebab pneumonia bervariasi dan mungkin karena iritasi yang
menyebabkan kerusakan pada lapisan saluran pernapasan, virus, bakteri, faktor lingkungan, dan
apa pun yang menyebabkan hewan itu kehilangan kekebalan (Plummer et al., 2012). Pyreia,
inappetence, kusam dan depresi, lesu dengan telinga murung, dyspnea dan tachypnea, bukti mata
dan hidung biaya adalah tanda-tanda klinis umum dari hewan menyerah dengan pneumonia
(Thomas, 2009).

Metode penulisan yang digunakan pada penulisan artikel ini adalah menggunakan literatur
dari jurnal penunjang/pendukung. Dengan melakukan pencarian data dari jurnal, buku dan artikel
yang terkait berkaitan dengan pneumonia yang disebebkan bakteri pada hewan. Kriteria artikel
yang di gunakan ialah artikel dengan rentan waktu 3 tahun terakhir pustaka.



Dari 3 kasus penyakit pneumonia disebabkan oleh bakteri pastreullosis spp. dan
mannheimia spp. yang didapatkan dari beberapa hewan ruminansia diantaranya kambing, rusa dan
sapi, yang menunjukkan dehidrasi, penurunan berat badan, kusam, lesu, dispnea, anoreksia,
demam, hipersaliva, nyeri dada, hidung berlendir, beberapa hewan menunjukkan diare ringan
dengan konsistensi tinja semi-padat. Dari ke tiga hewan tersebut yang sembuh hanya hewan sapi
untuk rusa dan kambing mengalami kematian sehingga diagnosa yang di gunakan meliputi waktu
kematian, faktor usia, isolasi bakteri, pemeriksaan nekropsi, pemeriksaan lesi histopatologi.
Pengobatan menggunakan Ceftiofur sodium 2mg/kg IM, Marbofloxacin 8mg/kg IM diulang
setelah 48 jam, Tolfenamic acid 2mg/ kg IM diulang setelah 48 jam, Chlorpheniramine maleate
10ml IM dan B-kompleks 10ml IM, Isoflupredone 10ml IM.

Pneumonia adalah peradangan parenkim paru yang biasanya disertai dengan keterlibatan
bronkiolus Broncho-pneumonia dan seringkali pleuritis Pleuro-pneumonia. Secara klinis
dimanifestasikan oleh peningkatan frekuensi pernapasan, perubahan kedalaman dan karakter
pernapasan, batuk, suara napas abnormal pada auskultasi. Berdasarkan etiologi, pneumonia dapat
dari berbagai jenis yaitu. bakteri, virus, mikoplasma, parasit, aspirasi, alergi, hipoplastik dll. Di
antara semua penyakit lainnya, pneumonia menyebabkan kematian yang tinggi pada hewan
(Dhillon et al., 2020). Pneumonia bakteri paling sering disebabkan oleh Mannheimia haemolytica
dan Pasteurella multocida yang lebih sering dikaitkan dengan wabah pneumonia akut dan
kematian kambing pada semua kelompok umur. P. multocida, patogen oportunistik, analog dengan
M. haemolytica dan merupakan salah satu patogen pernapasan yang paling penting dari ruminansia
domestik yang menyebabkan wabah serius pneumonia akut.
Mannheimiosis merupakan penyakit saluran pernafasan yang penting pada sapi, domba,
kambing dan ruminansia lainnya (Highlander, 2001). Selain mannheimiosis, pasteurellosis juga
dikenal sebagai penyakit pernapasan yang penting pada ternak. Pasteurellosis disebabkan oleh
Pasteurella multocida, yang merupakan genus yang berkerabat dekat dengan mannheimia.
Mannheimiosis pada hewan diketahui disebabkan oleh Mannheimia haemolyt ica dari serotipe A
spesifik (Annas et a., 2017). Pasteurellosis pneumonik, juga dikenal sebagai mannheimiosis
respiratorik, paling umum di antara infeksi saluran pernapasan dengan prevalensi luas pada hewan
ruminansia. Hewan ruminansia kecil seperti kambing cukup rentan dan tertular penyakit karena
terpapar stres fisik atau kondisi lingkungan yang tidak menguntungkan (Annas et al., 2017).

Pada pemeriksaan nekropsi kuda pada traktus respiratorius menunjukkan hepatisasi paru
bilateral, kering, berat dibagian kranioventral aspek paru-paru (Gambar 1). Beberapa nodul irm
dipalpasi pada area paru yang terkena. Potongan kasar paru-paru mengungkapkan beberapa abses
paru dengan berbagai ukuran, dan berbagai ketebalan kapsul jaringan ibrous yang mengandung
kaseasi keputihan (Gambar 2). Penebalan septa interlobularis yang menonjol juga dicatat. Bagian
lain dari paru-paru menunjukkan kongesti paru umum, ringan sampai sedang. Pneumonia
diklasifikasikan bronkopneumonia fibrinosa akut yang ditandai dengan eksudasi serofibrinosa di
lumen bronkiolus. Jaringan paru-paru pneumonia menunjukkan kongesti dan tipe perdarahan pete
chial dan ekimosis (Gambar 3).

Gambar 1. Hepatisasi paru Gambar 2. Abses paru

parah pada aspek multipel dengan penebalan
septum interlobularis
kranioventral paru-paru
Gambar 3. Lesi henoragik
pada lobus diafragma paru-
paru pneumonia

kranioventral paru-paru
Pemeriksaan lesi histopatologi menunjukka lesi dari nodul terutama kaseosa, dengan
campuran cairan berprotein, dan makrofag dan neutrofil yang mengalami degenerasi dan nekrotik
bercampur dalam matriks ibrin (Gambar 4). Temuan ini konsisten dengan infeksi kronis pada
saluran pernapasan. Koloni bakteri keunguan sering diamati di ruang alveolar. Septa inter alveolus
kapiler terlihat mengalami kongesti sedang, dengan penebalan septa interalveolar akibat kongesti
ini. Disseminated intravascular coag ulopathy (DIC) ditemukan terutama di kapiler kecil paru-
paru. Perdarahan paru sedang sampai berat kadang-kadang diamati. Temuan ini menunjukkan
septikemia akut (Gambar 5).

Gambar 5. Adanya makrofag alveolar Gambar 5. Pembengkakan dan

dan neutrofil, bercampur dengan penyusutan hepatosit, dengan
ibrin bersama dengan perdarahan di eosinofilia sitoplasma sesekali,
paru-paru kranioventral paru-paru Perhatikan bahwa sinusoid meleba
kranioventral paru-paru
Hewan mudah terinfeksi bakteri pneumonia bila faktor pemicu stres seperti perubahan
cuaca, transportasi, kepadatan penduduk, defisiensi nutrisi dan faktor lain yang menyebabkan
penekanan kekebalan mempengaruhi hewan tertentu. Gejala klinis yang bisanya di tunjukkan
adalah dehidrasi, penurunan berat badan, kusam, lesu, dispnea, anoreksia, demam, hipersaliva,
nyeri dada, hidung berlendir,diare ringan dengan konsistensi tinja semi-padat (Gambar 6). Bakteri
progresif parah Infeksi pneumonia berakibat fatal bagi hewan yang terkena karena menyebabkan
kerusakan paru-paru yang parah jika tidak diobati untuk waktu yang lama (Plummer et al., 2012).
Infeksi pneumonia kombinasi yang melibatkan virus atau bakteri, seringkali menyebabkan
penyakit yang parah dan fatal pada hewan yang terkena (Duncanson, 2012). Di daerah tropis
khususnya Malaysia penyakit pernafasan yang umum pada ternak ruminansia adalah pneumonia.
Infeksi bakteri saluran pernapasan yang umum pada ruminansia kecil disebabkan oleh Pasteurella
sp. atau Mannhemia sp. Dengan prevalensi tinggi dari kasus klinis yang tercatat (Chung et al.,
2015). Pada ruminansia besar, penyakit pernapasan sapi sering dikaitkan dengan pneumonia
bakteri yang disebabkan oleh Mannheimia haemolytica serotipe 1 dan Pasteurella multocida.
Patogen ini merupakan flora normal yang terdapat pada saluran pernapasan bagian atas dan
patogen oportunistik ini cenderung berkembang biak dan menjadi infeksius ketika pejamu
mengalami imunosupresi (Barac et al., 2018).

Gambar 6. Pernafasan mulut terbuka dan hisung berlendir

Penyakit pernapasan pada ruminansia dapat berhasil diobati tergantung pada penyebab
utama penyakit tersebut (Plummer et al., 2012). Penggunaan antibiotik sistemik (kombinasi
Oxytetracycline dan Sulfa, atau antibiotik spektrum luas apa pun) untuk menghentikan infeksi
lebih lanjut dan antiinflamasi (Dexamethasone, Flunixin meglumine, atau dimethyl sulfoxide)
untuk mengurangi rasa sakit dan bengkak yang akan membantu hewan yang terkena untuk dapat
menelan dan bernafas (Thomas, 2009). Pengobatan dini dan agresif harus dilakukan dengan
menggunakan antibiotik dan NSAID untuk memastikan peluang pemulihan yang tinggi (Steeg,
2011). Dalam sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Chung et al., (2015), menyatakan bahwa
rehidrasi pada hewan pneumonia dehidrasi melalui pemberian cairan intravena dapat diadopsi
sebagai bagian dari rencana terapi dalam mengobati kasus klinis pasteurellosis pneumonia.
Menjaga hewan yang terkena dampak dalam kondisi yang nyaman dan meminimalkan stres akan
membantu dalam prognosis kasus klinis bersama-sama dengan rezim pengobatan yang tepat
(Thomas, 2009). Kerane prognosa buruk ada semua kasus pneumonia aspirasi, tetapi dalam kasus
hewan sapi, berada dalam tahap infeksi akut awal yang dimana tidak cukup menyebabkan
kematian sehingga merespon pengobatan secara positif. Jadi pneumonia yang bersifat akut dapat


Penyakit sistem pernafasan adalah penyakit yang melibatkan sistem pernafasan kerana
beberapa perubahan patologi pada saluran atau organ yang terlibat. Pneumonia adalah penyakit
yang berhubungan dengan saluran pernapasan bagian bawah, terutama yang melibatkan paruparu.
Infeksi sering dimulai dari saluran atas dan berkembang ke bawah ke paru-paru. Pneumonia
seringkali lebih parah daripada infeksi saluran pernapasan atas, dan juga lebih mengancam jiwa.


Dari penulisan kajian jurnal di atas diharapkan pembaca lebih banyak membaca jurnal dan
sumber lainnya untuk menambah wawasan tentang pneumonia pada hewan yang disebabkan oleh


Pada kesempatan ini penulis mengucapkan terimakasih kepada pihak Pengampu

Koasistensi Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Veteriner, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Udayana
yang telah bersedia membantu penulis dalam memfasilitasi dan membimbing sampai
terselesaikannya kajian pustaka ini.

Annas WNFS., Azrolharith MR., Jesse FFA., Mohid AS., Haron W. 2017. Mannheimiosis in A
Rusa Deer (Rusa timorensis): A Case Report and A Herd Analysis. J. Vet. Pract. 5(1): 5-11.
Barac A., Ong DS., Jovancevic L., Peric A., Surda P., Tomic Spiric V., Rubino S. 2018. Fungi-
induced upper and lower respiratory tract allergic diseases: one entity. Front. Microbiol. 9:
Chung ELT., Abdullah FFJ., Abba Y., Tijjani A., Sadiq MA., Mohammed K., Osman AY., Adamu
L., Lila MAM., Haron AW 2015. Clinical management of pneumonic pasteurellosis in boer
kids: A Case Report. Int. J. Livest. Res. 5(4): 100-104.
Dhillon KS., Kaur SJ., Gupya M. 2020. A case report on aspiration pneumonia in a cow. Journal
of Entomology and Zoology Studies. 8(3): 186-188
Duncanson GR (2012). Veterinary Treatment of Sheep and Goats. Chapter 11: Respirat. Circulat.
Syst. Pp 153 - 161.
Highlander SK (2001). Molecular genetic analysis of virulence in Mannheimia (Pasteurella)
haemolytica. Front. Biosci. 1. D1128-1150.
Magstadt DR, Schuler AM, Coetzee JF, Krull AC, O’Connor AM, Cooper VL, Engelken TJ. 2018.
Treatment history and antimicrobial susceptibility results for Mannheimia haemolytica,
Pasteurella multocida, and Histophilus somni isolates from bovine respiratory disease cases
submitted to the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.
Plummer PJ, Plummer CL, Still KM (2012). Sheep and Goat MEDICINE 2nd Edition. Chapter 7
Dis. Respirat. Syst. Pp 126-149. Elsevier Saunders Inc. Publication.
Steeg PS, Camphausen KA, Smith QR (2011). Brain metastases as preventive and therapeutic
targets. Nat. Rev. Cancer. 11(5): 352.
Thomas HS (2009). The Cattle Health Handbook. Chapter II : Respiratory Problems. Pp 208 - 224.
Storey Publication.
Thomas HS (2009). The Cattle Health: Preventative Care, Disease Treatments Emergency
Procedures. Storey Publishing.
The Pharma Innovation Journal 2017; 6(12): 249-252

ISSN (E): 2277- 7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating 2017: 5.03 Surgical management of canine Urolithiasis a report of
TPI 2017; 6(12): 249-252
© 2017 TPI 3 cases
Received: 25-10-2017
Accepted: 27-11-2017
K Jagan Mohan Reddy
K Jagan Mohan Reddy
Department of Veterinary Abstract
Surgery & Radiology, College of Three dogs of which two female and one male dog with ages ranging from 5-12 years old were presented
Veterinary Science, Rajendra to the clinics with a history of urinary incontinence, haematuria, anorexia and dehydration. Clinically the
nagar, Hyderbad, PVNR dogs found to be dull, depressed and dehydrated. Palpation of abdomen revealed urinary bladder
Telangana Veterinary distention and the same was evident on lateral abdominal radiograph as radio-opaque cystic calculi
University, Telangana, India Cystolithectomy was performed via caudal ventral midline laparotomy under general anesthesia and an
indwelling catheter was fixed. The calculi measuring various sizes from approx. 4 to 25 mm.
Cystolithoectomy should be performed over urethrotomy in male dogs, if stones can be flushed into the
bladder pre-operatively or intraoperatively. The indwelling catheter was removed after 10 days and the
three dogs recovered uneventfully.

Keywords: Calculi, Cystolith, Cystolithoectomy, Cystotomy, hematuria, Urinary bladder and


Uroliths are aggregates of crystalline and occasionally non crystalline solid substances that
form in one or more locations within the urinary tract (Koehler et al., 2009). Urethral
obstruction from stones is more common in males and show varied clinical signs based on
obstruction and occasionally the bladder ruptures causing uroabdomen (Dehmiwal et al., 2016)
. Survey abdominal radiographs or ultrasonography is indicated with urolithiasis for
confirmative diagnosis. Medical dissolution of calculi is impossible, if the urolith size is bigger
enough to obstruct the urine flow and surgical removal is necessary (Yadav et al., 2011) [4]
Cystolithectomy in female dogs and Cystolithoectomy over urethrotomy in male dogs are the
surgical options (Fossum 2013) [2] The present paper reports surgical management of cystic
calculi in three dogs.

History and clinical signs

In the first case, 5 years old female dog with the history of haematuria, anorexia, dehydration
and abdominal pain. Anamnesis revealed that the animal had hematuria for the last 10 days.
Upon clinical examination the dog was found dull, depressed and dehydrated. In the second
case, 8 years old male dog with the history of urinary incontinence, anorexia, dehydration.
Upon clinical examination the dog was found dull, depressed and dehydrated. The third,
female dog aged 10 years having clinical signs of haematuria and straining on urination. In all
the cases, palpation of abdomen revealed urinary bladder distended which was evident on
lateral abdominal radiograph. Radio-opaque cystic calculi were evident on radiographic
examination (Fig. 1).

Surgical Management and Treatment

After confirmation of the calculi in urinary bladder, the two female dogs were operated for
Cystolithectomy, and the third, male dog for Cystolithectomy and urethrotomy as per the
procedure adop;ted by Fossum (2013) [2]. The surgical procedure was done under induction
Correspondence with xylazine (@1mg/kg) and ketamine (@10mg/kg) intramuscularly and maintenance with
K Jagan Mohan Reddy propofol (@4mg/kg). The operative site was prepared aseptically. Animal was controlled in
Department of Veterinary dorsal recumbency. The bladder was approached through caudal midline incision. Urinary
Surgery & Radiology, College of bladder was exteriorized, Sterile, moistened mops were packed around the bladder to prevent
Veterinary Science, Rajendra
nagar, Hyderbad, PVNR
urine spillage into the abdominal cavity. The avascular margin of bladder was located and stab
Telangana Veterinary incision was made on its dorsal surface. (Fig. 2) The interior of the bladder were searched for
University, Telangana, India calculi and concretions.
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The Pharma Innovation Journal
The calculi were located and removed and rinsed with normal sutures. The incision of the urinary bladder was closed by
saline, then a sterile polyethylene catheter was attempted to double layer cushings suture pattern using 3-0 chromic catgut
pass from urinary bladder through the urethra in normograde (Fig.4). The urethral incision was also closed using 3-0
manner. In male dog, the catheter got stucked behind os penis. chromic catgut in simple continous suture pattern. The calculi
Then prescrotal urethrotomy incision was given along the measuring various sizes from approx. 4 to 25 mm were found
midline of the of penis just caudal to os penis (Fig.3). The (Fig.5 and 6). Post operatively systemic antibiotics,
calculi were removed and urethra was rinsed with normal intravenous fluids, Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
saline. The polyethylene catheter was then passed from were given for 5 days. The catheter and skin sutures were
external urethral orifice to the urinary bladder. The external removed on 10th post operative day.
end of the catheter was fixed with prepuce skin by stay

Fig1: Radiography of the left lateral abdomen of Female dog evident of cystolith

Fig 2: Cystolecthectomy and cystolith seen

Fig 3: Prescrotal Urethrotomy incision in male dog

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The Pharma Innovation Journal

Fig 4: closing the bladder incision by double layer cushings suture pattern

Fig 5: Cystoliths removed from the Bladder

Fig 6: Cystolith removed from the bladder.

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The Pharma Innovation Journal
Results and Discussion
Post operatively, the three dogs recovered uneventfully and
restoration to normal urination after 10 days of surgery.
Confirmatory diagnosis is done by using radiography shows
the presence of radio-opaque masses located in the bladder.
The choice of the management of the patient arrived based on
the size of the calculi. Cystolithectomy to remove the calculus
is recommend for large calculus in female which cannot be
dissolved by medical management. When urine becomes over
saturated with lithogenic substances, uroliths may be formed
and these can interfere with the complete or frequent voiding
of urine.
Uroliths are aggregates of crystalline and occasionally non
crystalline solid substances that form in one or more locations
within the urinary tract (Koehler et al., 2009). Urethral
obstruction from stones is more common in males. Clinical
signs of urinary tract infection (i.e. hematuria, pollikiuria, and
stranguria) are common in dogs with cystic or urethral calculi
(Dehmiwal et al., 2016) [1]. Small stones lodging in urethra of
male dogs may cause partial or complete obstruction. Bladder
distension, abdominal colic, stranguria, perceived
incontinence due to partial obstruction and or signs due to
post – renal azotemia (i.e. anorexia, vomiting and depression)
may develop. Occasionally the bladder ruptures causing
uroabdomen. Survey abdominal radiographs or
ultrasonography is indicated with urolithiasis. Although
medical dissolution of calculi is possible, surgical removal is
necessary if the urolith size is bigger enough to obstruct the
urine flow (Yadav et al. 2011) [4]. Cystolithectomy in female
dogs and Cystolithoectomy and urethrotomy was performed
in male (Fossum 2013) [2] as in the present case.

1. Dinesh Dehmiwal, Behl SM, Prem Singh, Rishi Tayal,
Madan Pal, Sandeep Saharan, Chandolia RK. Diagnosis
and Surgical Management of Cystolith in Dogs. Haryana
Vet. 2016; 55(1):103-105.
2. Fossum TW. Small Animal Surgery, Fourth Edition
Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc: 2013, 735-756.
3. Koehler LA, Osborne CA, Buettner MT, Lulich JP,
Behnke R. Canine Uroliths. Vet. Clin Small Anim. 2008;
39:161 -181
4. Yadav S, Shrestha RD, Joshi N. Bladder Stones in a
Female Dog and its Surgical removal Intas Polivet. 2011;

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The Pharma Innovation Journal 2022; SP-11(7): 791-793

ISSN (E): 2277-7695

ISSN (P): 2349-8242
NAAS Rating: 5.23 Nephro-cysto urolithiasis induced kidney disease in two
TPI 2022; SP-11(7): 791-793
© 2022 TPI dogs: A case report
Received: 12-04-2022
Accepted: 15-05-2022 RC Sundararajan, K Preethi, V Vijayanand, S Kokila, K Gopal, M
RC Sundararajan Balagangatharathilagar and E Madhesh
Department of Veterinary
Medicine, Veterinary College and Abstract
Research Institute, TANUVAS,
Two dogs viz. Spitz and Doberman was presented to Veterinary Clinical Complex with a history of
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
anorexia, vomiting and difficulty in urination for past one week. Clinical examination revealed severely
K Preethi congested conjunctival mucous membrane, enlarged popliteal lymph node and pain on palpation of the
Department of Veterinary abdomen. Hematological analysis revealed leukocytosis and neutrophilia. Serum biochemical analysis
Medicine, Veterinary College and revealed increased blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, ALP, sodium and decreased glucose levels.
Research Institute, TANUVAS, Radiographical examination revealed distended bladder with various uroliths. Ultrasonography of two
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India dogs revealed the presence of calculi also in both the kidneys and penile urethra of Spitz. Urinalysis
revealed presence of numerous WBCs, RBCs and few phosphate crystals in the urine with acidic pH. The
V Vijayanand cases were diagnosed as urolithiasis induced kidney disease. The animals were managed with retrograde
Department of Veterinary urohydropropulsion, fluid therapy, antibiotics, diuretics, anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-histamines
Medicine, Veterinary College and along with oral urine alkalizing agents and anti-lithiatic tablets. The details of the cases will be discussed.
Research Institute, TANUVAS,
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Anti-lithiatics, urolithiasis and retrograde urohydropropulsion
S Kokila
Department of Veterinary Introduction
Medicine, Veterinary College and The sediment formation anywhere within the urinary tract is called as urolithiasis [3]. Urolith is
Research Institute, TANUVAS, also defined as the accumulation of crystalline and matrix minerals in one or more locations of
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India the urinary tract due to the oversaturation of urine with crystallogenic substances. Multiple
K Gopal physiological and pathological processes are involved in the formation of urolithiasis [1]. It is
Department of Veterinary more common in the lower urinary tract than the upper urinary tract [1, 3]. There are four main
Medicine, Veterinary College and types of uroliths, namely urate & uric acid, cystine, magnesium ammonium phosphate and
Research Institute, TANUVAS, calcium. Magnesium and calcium containing uroliths are the most prevalent types of uroliths
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India [1]
. The diagnosis of cystic and urethral calculi is to be done by clinical history, physical
M Balagangatharathilagar
examination, radiography and ultrasonography [3]. The minimum analysis required to diagnose
Department of Veterinary renal affections includes, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, urinalysis, haemoglobin, total
Medicine, Veterinary College and protein, albumin and electrolyte assays [5]. The most accurate method to count and diagnose
Research Institute, TANUVAS, calculi is double contrast radiography [1]. Both the radiopaque and non-radiopaque calculi can
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India be diagnosed in ultrasonography [1].
E Madhesh
The crystals formed can cause a different kidney injuries induced by minerls, metabolites,
Department of Veterinary proteins or dietary components and drug metabolites [2]. The mechanism involved in the
Medicine, Veterinary College and formation of crystal induced injuries are varied [2, 5]. There are three types of crystal
Research Institute, TANUVAS, nephropathies depending on their location. They are, Type 1 Crystalline nephropathy: Renal
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India cholesterol embolism, Type 2 Crystalline nephropathy: Intratubular crystal formation and
Type 3 Crystalline nephropathy: Urolithiasis [2]. Uroliths can also causes certain uncommon
conditions like pancreatitis, vomiting and inappetence of undetermined etiology, and persistent
signs of lower urinary disease [4].

Case history and observation

Twelve years old male Spitz and seven years old female Doberman were presented to
Veterinary Clinical Complex of Veterinary College & Research Institute, Tirunelveli with the
history of anorexia, vomiting and dysuria for past one week. Clinical examination revealed
Corresponding Author severely congested conjunctival mucous membrane and enlarged popliteal lymph node with
RC Sundararajan the temperature of 39.2 0C & 38.5 0C in Spitz and Doberman respectively. Hematological
Department of Veterinary
Medicine, Veterinary College and
analysis revealed leukocytosis and neutrophilia. Serum biochemical analysis revealed
Research Institute, TANUVAS, increased blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, ALP, sodium and decreased glucose levels. The
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India hematological, serum biochemical and urine analysis of Spitz and Doberman were mentioned
~ 791 ~
The Pharma Innovation Journal

in table 1. Radiological examination revealed distended

bladder with radiopaque calculi (Fig.1 & 2). Ultrasonography
of the abdomen of the Spitz revealed caliculi in both the
kidneys (Fig.4), bladder (Fig.3) and penile urethra (Fig.5).
Ultrasonography of the abdomen of Doberman revealed
calculi in both the kidneys (Fig.7) and bladder (Fig.6). Based
on the above findings, the case was diagnosed as urolithiasis
induced kidney disease (Type: 3 Crystalline nephropathy) and
the cases were managed with retrograde urohydropropulsion
(Fig.8), anti-lithiatic therapy and management of chronic Fig 2: Radiograph showing the presence of calculi in bladder of
kidney disease. Doberman

Table 1: Hemato-biochemical and urine analysis

Parameters Spitz Doberman
Hematological analysis
Haemoglobin (g/dl) 15.1 15.7
Packed cell volume (%) 39.9 47.2
Red blood cells (m/cmm) 7.49 9.8
White blood cells (/cmm) 19,600 25,000
Platelets (/cmm) 439,000 242,000
Neutrophils (%) 82 90
Lymphocytes (%) 18 7
Fig 3: USG showing the thickened urinary bladder with calculi in
Monocytes (%0 - 3
Eosinophils (%) - -
Basophils (%) - -
Serum biochemical analysis
BUN (mg/dl) 201.23 211.74
Creatinine (mg/dL) 4.1 3.2
Total proteins (g/dL) 4.6 4.8
Albumin (g/dL) 2.1 2.3
ALT (IU/dL) 26 54
ALP (IU/dL) 108 183
Calcium (mmol/dL) 13.6 10.1
Phosphorus (mmol/dL) 9.1 6.2
Glucose (mg/dl) 43 44
Fig 4: USG showing the calculi on both right and left kidney of
Sodium (mmol/dL) 179.44 176.34
Potassium (mmol/dL) 4.23 3.39
Chloride (mmol/dL) 109.17 109.23
Colour Reddish Dark yellow (Fig.10)
pH 6.0 6.0
Specific gravity 1.020 1.020
Protein +ve +ve
Glucose -ve -ve
Bilirubin -ve -ve
Leukocyte ++ +++
Ketone bodies -ve -ve
RBC +++ ++ Fig 5: USG showing the calculi on penile urethra of Spitz
Bile salts -ve -ve
Bile pigments -ve -ve
Urobilinogen -ve -ve
Sediments -ve Few phosphate crystals

Fig 6: USG showing calculi on thickened urinary bladder of


Fig 1: Radiograph showing the presence of calculi in the bladder of


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The Pharma Innovation Journal

succumbed to death several days after the treatment.

The reason for urolithiasis induced kidney disease in dogs
might be due to the fact that persistence of hypersaturated
urine in the urinary tract for a long period of time, promotes
crystal formation and results in tubular obstruction & tissue
remodelling [2]. The spitz was suspected for calcium oxalate
containg crystals. Hence, anti-lithiatic tablet Cystone (Herbal
preparation) was given as it inhibits calculogenesis and causes
disintegration and expulsion of crystals by binding with
Fig 7: USG showing calculi on right kidney of Doberman mucin. As phosphate crystals were found in Doberman, Tab.
Tamsulin, a alpha blocker was given as it boosts the passage
of crystals by relaxation of smooth muscles in the urinary
tract. In majority of the dogs, a combination therapy of anti-
lithiatics, antibiotics along with diet often caused dissolution
of the urolith [4]. Urinary alkalizer, Syrup. Neeri was advised
in Spitz, because maintaining the urinary pH between 5.5-6.0
helps in prevention and dissolution of uroliths [1]. Urinary
acidifier, Syrup. was advised in Doberman, as the alkaline
urine increases the chance of phosphate crystals in the urine

Fig 8: Retrograde urohydropropulsion to relieve the obstruction by Conclusion

pushing the calculi back to the bladder Removal of uroliths will not alter the underlying condition
responsible for its formation. Hence, additional therapies
should be given to prevent its recurrence. The diagnosis of
composition of urolith is highly helpful in providing proper
medical and dietary treatment. A proper balanced diet with
adequate water intake prevents crystal formation. A better
understanding of the pathophysiology of crystalline
nephropathy is essential to provide prognosis and treatment.

1. Tion MT, Dvorska J, Saganuwan SA. A review on
Fig 9: Calculi removed from Doberman urolithiasis in dogs and cats. Bulgarian Journal of
Veterinary Medicine. 2015;18(1):1. ISSN 1311-1477.
DOI: 10.15547/bjvm.806
2. Mulay, Shrikant R, et al. Novel insights into crystal-
induced kidney injury. Kidney Diseases. 2018;4(2):49-
3. Begum M, Madeena S, Tina Roshini, Bhuvaneshwari V.
Cystic and Urethral Calculi-A Case Study of Surgical
Management in a Two Year Old Labrador Dog. Indian
Vet. J. 2019;96(05):64-66.
4. Wingert, Allie M, et al. Efficacy of medical dissolution
for suspected struvite cystoliths in dogs. Journal of
veterinary internal medicine. 2021;35(5):2287-2295.
Fig 10: Dark yellow coloured urine from Doberman 5. Kumar Vijay, Adarsh Kumar, Varshney AC.
Ultrasonographic imaging for structural characterization
Treatment and Discussion of renal affections and diagnosis of associated chronic
Retrograde urohydropropulsion was performed as per the renal failure in 10 dogs. International Scholarly Research
standard protocol to relieve the uretheral obstruction. In Notices, 2011.
Doberman, the uroliths present in the vaginal end of urethra
ware manually removed (Fig.9). Both the cases were managed
with anti-lithiatic tablets (Tab. Cystone in Spitz & Tab.
Tamsulin in Doberman) was advised b.i.d. P/O along with
urinary alkalizer (Syrup. Neeri KFT in Spitz & Syrup. Noculi
in Doberman). The chronic kidney disease was managed with
Inj. Ringer’s lactate @ 10ml/kg b.wt I/V, Inj. Amoxycillin &
Cloxacillin @ 10mg/kg b.wt I/V, Inj. Pantoprazole @ 1mg/kg
b.wt I/V, Inj. Frusemide @ 2mg/kg b.wt I/V and Inj.
Chlorpheniramine maleate @ 0.5mg/kg b.wt I/M was
administered. Suspension Sucralfate was administered at the
dose of 0.5g/kg b.wt P/O as a phosphate binder. This
treatment was continued for 10 days and the animals

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Surgical Management of Urolithiasis in a Male Labrador:

A Case Report
Chhotan Kumar Ghosh1*, Subhasis Roy1, Pradip Sarkar2, Anil Singh1

Ind J of Vet Sci and Biotech (2020): 10.21887/ijvsbt.16.1.20

U rinary stones (urolithiasis) are a common condition

responsible for lower urinary tract disease in dogs. The
formation of calculi is associated with precipitation and
Dept of Veterinary Clinical Complex, West Bengal University of
Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata-700037, WB, India
Dept of Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics, West Bengal
crystal formation of a variety of minerals. Urinary calculi can University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata-700037, WB,
damage the lining of the urinary tract, causing inflammation, India
which may predispose to bacterial infection. If calculi become Corresponding Author: Chhotan Kumar Ghosh, Department
lodged in the ureter, causing an obstruction, it may result in of Veterinary Clinical Complex, West Bengal University of
serious kidney damage. Unilateral ureteral obstruction may Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata-700037, WB, India, e-mail:
result in hydronephrosis with loss of function of the kidney.
Urine retention may rupture the bladder with distension of How to cite this article: Ghosh, C.K., Roy, S., Sarkar, P., Singh,
the renal capsule (Tion et al., 2015 and Mudasir et al., 2018). A., Vinayaka, M.N., Ghosh, K., Bhujel, R. & Ramudamu, S. (2020).
So, an urgent cystotomy for removal of uroliths is the most Surgical Management of Urolithiasis in a Male Labrador: A Case
commonly performed surgical procedure to save the life of Report. Ind J Vet Sci and Biotech, 16(1):77-79.
the pets. Source of support: Nil
Conflict of interest: None.
C a s e H i s to ry and O b s e r vat i o n s
Submitted: 08/08/2020  Accepted: 18/08/2020  Published: 04/09/2020
A male Labrador Retriever dog of 10 years age was presented
to the veterinary clinical complex, WBUAFS, Kolkata with a
history of vomition, stranguria, and hematuria. The dog was
depressed and mildly dehydrated. There was dribbling of
blood tinged urine which in later stages stopped completely.
The local veterinary physician tried with diuretics but failed.
Apparently, the dog was in good physical condition having
rectal temperature 100.2ᵒF, respiration rate 26/min, heart
rate 86/min, and visible mucous membrane looking normal.
A simple radiograph of lateral view of caudal abdomen
showed multiple uroliths like a bunch of grapes in urinary
bladder (Fig. 1). Then some haemato-biochemical parameters
were considered before performing surgical intervention.
Results showed Hb 13.8 g/dL, PCV(%) 64, TLC 18.4x103/
cmm, DLC(%)-Neutrophil 84, Lymphocyte 14, Eosinophil 6,
Monocyte 0.4, Platelet count 106x105/cmm, BUN 62 mg/
dL, creatinine 1.2 mg/dL, ALT 78I U/L, AST 46I U/L. Urine
analysis showed specific gravity 1.008 with the presence of
epithelial cells. Retrograde hydro propulsion was attempted
by inserting the Ryle’s tube (size 6) through the urethral orifice
upto the obstruction at the level of os penis. 2% lignocaine gel
was used topically before the insertion of Ryle’s tube. Several
attempts were made to increase by infusing normal saline
to facilitate the movement of the uroliths into the urinary Fig. 1: Radiograph showing Bunch of grapes like uroliths inside
bladder. The procedure was attempted repeatedly with a urinary bladder

© The Author(s). 2020 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.
org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Surgical Management of Urolithiasis in a Male Labrador: A Case Report

Fig. 2: Standard surgical procedure (cystotomy) Fig 4: Catheterization of urethra with ryle’s tube and skin suture.

General anesthesia was achieved by administering atropine

(0.04 mg/kg b.wt., s/c) followed by xylazine (1 mg/kg
b.wt., i/m), with diazepam (0.5 mg/kg b.wt., i/v). After 10-12
minutes, 1% propofol (6 mg/kg b.wt.) was administered i/v
for induction of complete anesthesia. A standard surgical
procedure for cystotomy (Fig. 2) was achieved. Repeated
vigorous attempts with forced normal saline infusion
through urethra was made to expel all uroliths (Fig. 3). So
that the complete opening of urethral passage can be done.
The bladder was flushed with normal saline and antiseptic.
The catheter was again carefully inserted up to the bladder
and cut from the urethral orifice. The catheter was fixed to
prepuce with a single simple interrupted silk suture (Fig. 4).
Post-operative care included ceftriaxone with tazobactum
(562.5 mg + 262.5 mg) i/v bid, for 7 days, followed by oral
cefpodoxime proxetil 200 @ 1 tab bidpc for 2 weeks , NS @
250 ml i-v bid for 3 days, inj. melonex (0.2 mg/kg b.wt., i/m)
od for 5 days along with multivitamin syrup @ 1 tsf bidpc.
Urinary antiseptic Cystone tablet @ 2 tabs bidpc with urinary
alkalizer syrup @ 1 tsf bidpc for 14 days were given. The owner
was advised to flush the catheter with normal saline twice a
Fig. 3: Uroliths of different shapes and sizes.
day. Local dressing with Betadine lotion every alternate day
was done. The urethral catheter was removed on day 9, and
digital pressure applied to the urethra, and then cystotomy the skin sutures were removed after 15 days. The dog showed
was performed. uneventful recovery.
Long urethra in male dog often face partial or complete
Surgical Procedure and Discussion urethral obstruction due to this anatomical peculiarity
The preoperative stabilization of the patient included (Franti et al., 1999). Of the hematological parameters, the
antibiotic prophylaxis with the combination of ceftriaxone increase in TLC, DLC, and PCV was observed as a result of
and tazobactum (562.5 mg + 262.5 mg) i/v and 1 litre normal infection and dehydration. BUN, AST, ALT were also above
saline i/v @ 40 drops/minute throughout the procedure. normal as a result of dehydration, urinary retention, and

78 The Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, Volume 16 Issue 1 (July-September 2020)
Surgical Management of Urolithiasis in a Male Labrador: A Case Report

stress to the kidney (Cowgill and Francey, 2005). Before Acknowledgement

attempting surgery, forceful retrograde hydro propulsion
The authors are thankful to Late Prof. (Dr) Asit Kumar Maji,
with normal saline was made to expel the uroliths from
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, WBUAFS,
the urethra into the urinary bladder. The technique has
Kolkata for guiding to perform this successful surgical
also been described by Osborne et al. (1999). After giving
an incision to the distended urinary bladder, more than
30 numbers of uroliths of different shapes and sizes from
oval, round to semilunar, were retrieved from the bladder.
Byer, K., & Khan, S.R. (2005). Citrate provides protection against
Chances of urinary tract infection were considered and
oxalate and calcium oxalate crystal induced oxidative damage
followed up by antibiotics, urinary antiseptics, fluid, and other to renal epithelium. Journal of Urology, 173, 640-646.
supportive care as postoperative prophylaxis. The owner Cowgill, L.D., & Francey, T. (2005). Acute uremia. In: Ettinger,
was advised to increase water consumption to facilitate S.J., Feldman E.C., editors, Textbook of Veterinary Internal
the diuresis and reduce the possibility of aggregation of Medicine. 6th edn, St. Louis: Elsevier Saunders, pp. 1731-
mineral deposits. Oral disodium hydrogen citrate syrup 1756.
was prescribed to check renal tubular acidosis helping to Erickson, S.B., Vrtiska, T.J., & Lieske, J.C. (2011). Effect of cystone on
increase the excretion of toxic substances from the kidneys, urinary composition and stone formation over a one year
period in phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy
thus helping to inhibit bacterial growth in the urinary tract
and Phytopharmacology, 18(10), 863-867.
(Byer and Khan, 2005). The antibiotics like cefpodoxime was
Franti, C.E., Ling, G.V., Ruby, A.L., & Johnson, D.L. (1999). Urolithiasis
recommended for another two weeks to prevent recurrent in dogs: regional comparisons of breed, age, sex, anatomic
infections. Cystone tablet is an herbal formulation that acts location, and mineral types of calculus. American Journal of
as a urinary antiseptic, prevents the formation of lithogenic Veterinary Research, 60, 29-42.
substances and causes disintegration of urinary calculi Mudasir Ahmad Shah, Abas Rashid Bhat, Mohammed Arif Basha, &
(Erickson et al., 2011). The higher specific gravity of urine Abhishek Saxena. (2018). Surgical management of urolithiasis
indicates the concentrated urine as a result of dehydration, in male dogs: A clinical review of 10 cases. The Indian Journal
and the presence of epithelial cells suggests the removal of Veterinary Sciences & Biotechnology, 13(3), 75-78.
Osborne, C.A., Lulich, J.P., Polzin, D.J., Sanderson, S.I., Koehler, L.A.,
from the lining of the bladder that is a common finding in
Ulrich, L.A., Birds, K.A., Swanson, I.I., Pederson, I.A., & Sudo,
urolithiasis. S.Z. (1999). Analysis of 77,000 canine uroliths. Veterinary Clinics
It was concluded that appropriate dietary management of North America: Small Animal Practice, 29, 17-38.
can reduce the chances of calculi formation to a great Tion, M.T., Dvorska, J., & Saganuwan, S.A. (2015). A review on
extent. However, prompt diagnosis and surgical intervention urolithiasis in dogs and cats. Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary
improve the outcome of urolithiasis. Medicine, 18(1), 1-18.

The Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, Volume 16 Issue 1 (July-September 2020) 79
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2018; 6(1): 924-927

E-ISSN: 2320-7078
P-ISSN: 2349-6800
JEZS 2018; 6(1): 924-927
Cystolith in a dog: A case report
© 2018 JEZS
Received: 11-11-2017
Accepted: 12-12-2017 S Uma, R Kumar, AW Lakkawar and MG Nair
S Uma
Department of Veterinary Abstract
Pathology, Rajiv Gandhi A two-year old dachshund female dog was presented to a private clinic with a history of dysuria and
Institute of Veterinary hematuria since 5 days. The other signs exhibited included vomiting, anorexia and abdominal discomfort.
Education and Research, The temperature, pulse and respiratory rates were elevated. On abdominal palpation, the bladder was
Kurumbapet, Puducherry, India found to be distended and yet the dog could not be induced to urinate. Abdominal radiography showed a
radioopaque oval calculi in the urinary bladder. After anaesthetizing with xylazine @ 1 mg/kg and
R Kumar ketamine @ 5mg/kg, mid ventral laparotomy followed by cystotomy was performed and a single large
Department of Veterinary calculi (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm) was removed. The urinary bladder wall was moderately thickened. The calculi
Pathology, Rajiv Gandhi was ellipsoidal in shape, white to light yellow in color with surface porosity and weighed 45 g.
Institute of Veterinary Biochemical analysis of the crystals revealed presence of calcium and magnesium phosphates. Following
Education and Research,
cystotomy and its management, the animal had an uneventful recovery.
Kurumbapet, Puducherry, India

AW Lakkawar
Keywords: Cystotomy, radiography, urine incontinence, urolithiasis
Department of Veterinary
Pathology, Rajiv Gandhi Introduction
Institute of Veterinary Urolithiasis is a general term referring to aggregates of crystalline and occasionally non
Education and Research, crystalline solid substances that form in one or more locations within the urinary tract [1].
Kurumbapet, Puducherry, India
Uroliths that develop in the bladder are cystoliths. When urine becomes oversaturated with
MG Nair lithogenic substances, uroliths may be formed and these can interfere with the complete and
Department of Veterinary frequent voiding of urine [2]. Increased urine salt concentration, decreased water intake,
Pathology, Rajiv Gandhi increased irreversible water losses, increased mineral excretion, urinary tract inflammation,
Institute of Veterinary change in urine pH are the major predisposing causes that may lead to the formation of calculi
Education and Research,
Kurumbapet, Puducherry, India
in the urinary tract.
Three main contributing factors involved in urolith formation are 1) matrix—the inorganic
protein core that facilitates initial urolith formation, 2) crystallization inhibitors—organic and
inorganic crystallization inhibitors may be lacking or dysfunctional in animals with uroliths,
and 3) precipitation crystallization factors—a complex relationship among urine solutes and
other chemical factors in the urine that can lead to conditions favoring crystallization.
Regardless of the underlying mechanism(s), uroliths are not produced unless sufficiently high
urine concentrations of urolith-forming constituents exist and transit time of crystals within the
urinary tract is prolonged and for certain stones (eg, struvite, cystine, urate), other favorable
conditions (eg, proper pH) for crystallization must also exist. These criteria can be affected by
urinary tract infection, diet, intestinal absorption, urine volume, frequency of urination,
therapeutic agents, and genetics [3]
Urolith analysis provides essential information in the management and prevention of further
urolith formation.

Materials and methods

A two-year old dachshund female dog was presented to a private clinic with a history of
dysuria and hematuria since 5 days. The other signs exhibited included vomiting, anorexia and
abdominal discomfort. After general clinical examination, venous blood sampling was carried
out for complete blood count (CBC) and the serum biochemical analysis for blood urea
nitrogen and creatinine. Following abdominal radiography, cystotomy was performed.
MG Nair
Professor & Head, Department Results
of Pathology, Rajiv Gandhi The blood picture showed mild leukocytosis (16,000 cells/cmm). The DLC revealed
Institute of Veterinary neutrophilia (94% neutrophils, 6% lymphocytes). The serum blood urea nitrogen and
Education & Research
Kurumbapet, Puducherry, India.
creatinine levels were 78 g/dl and 3.1 mg/dl respectively.

~ 924 ~ 
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

On abdominal palpation, the bladder was found to be

distended and yet the dog could not be induced to urinate.
Abdominal radiography showed a radioopaque oval calculi in
the urinary bladder (Fig. 1). Clinical and imaging findings
were compatible with the diagnosis of urolithiasis and
associated uraemia.

Fig 3: Single large ellipsoidal cystolith with surface porosity

Fig 1: Abdominal radiography showing radioopaque oval calculi in

the urinary bladder

After anaesthetizing with xylazine (@ 1 mg/kg) and ketamine

(@ 5mg/kg), mid ventral laparotomy followed by cystotomy
was performed. The urinary bladder wall was moderately
thickened and oedematous and the blood vessels on the
serosal surface were severely engorged (Fig: 2).

Fig 4: Struvite crystals from the cystilith

The urinary system is designed to dispose of metabolic wastes
in liquid form. However during urolith formation, sustained
alterations in urine composition promote over saturation of
one or more substances eliminated in the urine and result in
their precipitation and subsequent growth. Renal calculi are a
common problem in dogs [4].
In this report, a urolith has been surgically removed from the
urinary bladder of a two year old dachshund female dog.
Dachshund breed has been reported to have a higher
frequency of urolithiasis [5, 6]. Contrary to human beings, the
kidneys are not the common sites for calculi lodgment in dog
as about 95% of calculi in dogs are found either in the bladder
Fig 2: Urinary bladder with engorged serosal blood vessels. or urethra and bladder together [7]. The most frequent
anatomical location of calculi in male is urethra followed by
A single large calculi that measured 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm was urinary bladder, however, calculi in females are usually
removed from the bladder (Fig. 3). The calculi was ellipsoidal located in the urinary bladder [8-10].
in shape, white to light yellow in color with surface porosity The clinical signs exhibited by the dog were in accordance to
and weighed 45 g. Post-operatively, the animal was given those reported in earlier reports of canine urolithiasis [11, 12].
Ceftrioxone @ 20mg/kg BW IV daily for five days, Haematuria and dysuria exhibited by dogs might be due to
Meloxicam @ 0.2mg/kg BW IM and DNS @ 15ml/kg BW IV irritation of bladder mucosa caused by uroliths. lncreased
daily for five days. The animal had an uneventful recovery level of BUN and creatinine have been recorded in cases of
and no recurrence was observed during the six month follow urolithiasis in canine and is attributed to prolonged retention
up period. of urine [11,12,13]. Elevated creatinine level could be due to
Microscopic analysis of the urolith revealed struvite crystals renal damage caused by hydrostatic pressure on the kidney
with characteristic coffin lid appearance (Fig: 4). Biochemical and increased reabsorption of creatinine from bladder due to
analysis of the crystals revealed presence of calcium and prolonged stasis of urine in the urinary bladder [14].
magnesium phosphates. Radiography can be used to diagnose the conditions of cystic
~ 925 ~ 
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

calculi but the diagnosis becomes challenging if urinary Behnke R. Changing paradigms in diagnosis and
stones are radiolucent [15, 16]. In the present case the calculi treatment of urolithiasis. Veterinary Clinics of North
could be visualized clearly by radiography. Magnesium America: Small Animal Practice. 2009; 39(1):161-181.
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Physical characteristics may serve as a preliminary and cystolith in dogs. Haryana Veterinarian. 2016; 55(1):103-
tentative indicator of the composition of the calculi and 105.
thereby assist in establishing the etiological factors. 3. Scott AB. Urolithiasis in Small Animals. 2016.
Microscopic examination of crystals in urine is of diagnostic
importance as different crystals have different appearance. In 4. Ling GV, Ruby AL, Johnson DL, Thurmond M, Franti
the present case, the calculi was single, large, ellipsoidal in CE. Renal calculi in dogs and cats: prevalence, mineral
shape with surface porosity. Similar physical characteristics type, breed, age and gender interrelationships (1981-93).
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. 5. Brown NO, Park JL, Greene RW. Canine urolithiasis:
Urolith analysis is a well-established procedure in the retrospective analysis of 438 cases. Journal of the
characterization of urolithiasis. A major deficiency of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 1977; 170(4):
qualitative method is a failure to identify the major 414-418.
component of mixed uroliths. Mixed uroliths represents a 6. Moreau PM. Disorders of the lower urinary tract in old
problem in classification that can be clarified only by using a dogs. Veterinary Record. 1990; 126:415-425.
quantitative method measurement. Knowledge of the mineral 7. Finco DR, Rosin E, Johnson KH. Canine urolithiasis: A
composition of calculi helps direct appropriate management review of 133 clinical and 23 necropsy cases. Journal of
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urolith revealed presence of calcium and magnesium (9):1225-1228.
phosphates. Microscopic analysis of the urolith was 8. Thilagar S, Balasubramaniam NN, Archibald. A
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phosphate urolith, and phosphate has been reported as the radiographic study. Indian Veterinary Journal. 1996; 73:
main constituent in canine urolithiasis especially uroliths of 1183-1184.
female dogs [5, 19, 20, 21, 22]. The major component of phosphate 9. Jeong-Seong Mok. Urolithiasis in dogs: Comparison of
uroliths is magnesium ammonium phosphate (Struvite) [6, 23]. breed gender anatomic location urinalysis and mineral
lnfrequent urination, as a result of confinement, lack of composition of calculus (30) cases. Journal of Veterinary
regular exercise, reduced water intake contribute to formation Clinics. 2002; 19(2):272-275.
of crystals and uroliths. High levels of minerals in the diet and 10. Kim-chae Wook, Choi-Ulsoo, Chegal-Jun, Bae B, Lee
sometimes calcium have been directly linked to canine DH, KoYH et al. Canine urolithiasis - lnterrelation
urinary bladder calculi formation. A diet with excess protein between breed age sex anatomic location urine pH crystal
can also contribute to calculi formation [24]. and mineral composition of uroliths (270 cases) Journal
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to release of ammonia from the breakdown of urea [25]. 11. Vijaykumar G, Nambi AP, Vasu K, Dhanapalan.
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precipitation of struvite, calcium carbonate and calcium 12. Ravindran R, Vinu DP, Baby PG. Chronic urethrocystisis
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A general recommendation for prevention of urolithiasis is to 15. Saini NS, Singh SS. Ultrsonographic and radiographic
increase water consumption to encourage diuresis and reduce diagnosis of renal calculi in dogs. Indian Journal of
time for aggregation and crystallization [29]. Hypercalciurea, Veterinary Surgery. 2002; 23(1):55.
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inhibitors, urinary hyperconcentration and retention of urine Manual of Canine and Feline Abdominal Imaging.
are the major risk factors involved in phosphate lithiasis. O’Brien R and Barr F (edts). British Small Animal
Urine acidifiers are useful prophylactic agents for phosphate Veterinary Association Gloucester, 2009
calculi. Dogs must be fed diets that lower urinary phosphate 17. Konwar B, Sarma K, Saikia B, Talukdar DJ, Shah S,
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Cystic Urolithiasis in Dogs: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Article · March 2022

DOI: 10.17582/journal.vsrr/2022.


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Deepak Subedi Shanti Kunwar

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Veterinary Sciences: Research and Reviews

Case Report

Cystic Urolithiasis in Dogs: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Chandrakala Rana1*, Deepak Subedi1*, Shanti Kunwar1, Rajesh Neupane1, Birendra Shrestha2, Khan
Sharun3, Dinesh Kumar Singh4 and Krishna Kaphle2
Paklihawa Campus, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Rupandehi, 32900, Nepal; 2Veterinary
Teaching Hospital, Paklihawa Campus, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Rupandehi,
32900, Nepal; 3Division of Surgery, ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, 243122,
India;4Director, Adjunct Professor, Department of Veterinary Pathology and Clinics, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science,
Tribhuvan University, Rupandehi, 32900, Nepal.
Abstract | A mildly dehydrated dog was presented at Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Paklihawa Campus,
Tribhuvan University with symptoms of urinary inconsistency, haematuria, and inappetence. Radiography
and ultrasonography revealed the presence of calculus in the urinary bladder. Cystolithotomy was performed
and the dog responded to the intervention and recovered uneventfully.
Editor | Muhammad Abubakar, National Veterinary Laboratories, Park Road, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Received | December 03, 2021; Accepted | March 04, 2022; Published | March 11, 2022
*Correspondence | Chandrakala Rana and Deepak Subedi, Paklihawa Campus, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan Univer-
sity, Rupandehi, 32900, Nepal; Email:,
Citation | Rana, C., D. Subedi, S. Kunwar, R. Neupane, B. Shrestha, S. Khan, D.K. Singh and K. Kaphle. 2022. Cystic urolithiasis in dogs: A case
report and review of the literature. Veterinary Sciences: Research and Reviews, 8(1): 1-7.
Keywords | Calculus, Cystolitotomy, Cystic-urolithiasis, Haematuria, Veterinary teaching hospital

Copyright:   2022 by the authors. Licensee ResearchersLinks Ltd, England, UK.

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://

Introduction the mode of formation (Sharun et al., 2021). However,

there are mainly four types of mineral deposits

C ystic-urolithiasis is defined as the formation

of one or more urine crystalloids (uroliths) in
the urinary bladder that may grow to fill the entire
in uroliths: Urate, cystine, struvite (magnesium
ammonium phosphate), and calcium (Tion et al.,
cavity. Uroliths are organized organic and inorganic
solutes that precipitate around the nidus because of The most common mineral deposits are struvite
oversaturated urine (Breshears and Confer, 2017). and calcium-containing urolith (Low et al., 2006).
The organic component known as mucoprotein acts The etiology of struvite urolithin dogs is due to the
as a cementing agent for the formation of calculi concurrent urinary tract infection (Tiruneh and
(Blood and Henderson, 1997). Cystolithotomy refers Abdisa, 2017). In addition, the urethra of a female
to the surgical opening made in the urinary bladder is shorter than that of a male, which leads to more
to remove the formed stones from the bladder. The possibility of infection to reach the bladder from
formation of urolith has many etiological factors, and the urinary tract and vagina. This implies a higher
their chemical composition also differs according to incidence of cyst urolithiasis in females than males
June 2022 | Volume 8 | Issue 1 | Page 1
Veterinary Sciences: Research and Reviews
(Tiruneh and Abdisa, 2017). saline and some essential nutrients of vitamins in the
250 ml of normal saline injection.
This case report explained the successful diagnosis
and treatment of cystic-urolithiasis at the Veterinary
Teaching Hospital (VTH) of the Institute of
Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS), Tribhuvan
University, Nepal. A Japanese Spitz bitch with a
reasonably big-sized urolith was successfully treated.

Case history
A seven years old intact female Japanese Spitz dog
named Toffy was presented to VTH of IAAS on 20th
November 2019 with complaints of inappetence for
four days and dullness, depression and, hematuria for
three days. The bitch was vaccinated against DHPPL
Figure 1: Abdominal radiograph (lateral) showing large uroliths
(canine distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, inside the urinary bladder of the dog.
and parainfluenza) and rabies, the recommended ones
in this area. It was fed family meals supplemented
with bones and sometimes commercial pet food. Toffy
was kept under close observation, and further clinical
as well as physical examination was performed.
The physical examination revealed normal rectal
temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rates of 101.2
F, 124 beats/min, and 22 cycles/min, respectively
(Table 1). Observed clinical findings were hematuria,
abnormal gait, urinary inconsistency, abnormal
urinating position, and dysuria. Likewise, abdominal
palpation revealed a hard mass in the bladder.

Table 1: Physical parameters of the dog.

Parameters Test result Reference value Figure 2: Hyperechoic focal echogenicity (arrows) creating distal
(Bukowski and acoustic shadow (arrowheads) in the dependent portion of the
Susan, 2011) bladder, confirming the presence of cystic calculus.
Heart rate 124 beats/min 70-120 beats/min
Respiration rate 22 cycles/min 18-34 cycles/min Table 2: Haemato-biochemical parameters of the dog.
Rectal temperature 101.2 Fahrenheit (F)
100.2 F-103.8 F
o o
Parameters Test result Reference value
Dehydration Mild: Skin tenting time Normal 2 sec (Fielder, 2015)
White blood cells (WBC) 36.2×109/l 5-14.1×109/l
Lymphocytes (%) 25 8-21
Monocytes (%) 10 2-10
Based on the radiographic (Figure 1) and
Granulocytes 29×10 /l
ultrasonography (Figure 2) findings, supported by
the haemato-biochemical alterations (Table 2), the Hemoglobin (g/dl) 14.2 11.9-18.9
case was diagnosed to be a fairly large size cystic- PCV (packed cell volume) % 42.7 35-57
urolithiasis and surgery performed by experienced ALT (alanine 36 10-109
veterinarians. aminotransferase) (U/l)
Total Bilirubin (mg/dl) 0.1 0-0.3
Total Protein (g/dl) 7.0 5.4-7.5
Given the size and condition of Toffy, immediate Albumin (g/dl) 2.9 2.3-3.1
surgery was recommended, and she was kept under BUN (mg/dl) 75 8-28
supportive therapy, including intravenous (IV) normal Creatinine (mg/dl) 2.7 0.5-1.7

June 2022 | Volume 8 | Issue 1 | Page 2

Veterinary Sciences: Research and Reviews
Anesthesia protocol
The animal was fasted for 12 hours, and the water was
withheld three hours before surgery.

Sedation: Xylazine @ 1mg/kg slow IV.

Pre-operative medication: Pre-operative analgesia:

Meloxicam @ 0.2 mg/kg IV; Pre-operative antibiotics:
Ceftriaxone@ 20mg/kg IV.
Induction: Diazepam: Ketamine (1:1) @ 1ml/10kg

Maintenance : Diazepam: Ketamine (1:2) ratio IV. Figure 3: Image showing the steps of cystotomy in a dog. Distended
bladder incised at the base of the bladder (a), Bladder distended with
calculi (b), Removed three bladder calculi (c), Inserting catheter from
After Toffy was sedated, the surgical site was shaved bladder to urethral opening (d), Double-layer suturing of the bladder
and prepared for aseptic surgery from the umbilicus to (e), Skin closure by simple interrupted pattern (f ).
the cranial brim of the pelvis using 2% Chlorhexidine
and 70% methyl alcohol. The animal was placed in the Postoperative care
dorsoventral position, and the limbs were tied to the The patient was kept on postoperative antibiotics
surgical table. The sterile fenestrated drape was placed (ceftriaxone @20mg/kg), pain medication (meloxicam
over the incision site to create a sterile field. @ 0.2 mg/kg) for a week, and herbal medication
Cystone tablets and Neeri tablets (urinary antiseptic
A ventral midline abdominal incision was made and calculi dissolver). In addition, the surgical site
through the skin and Linea alba. The urinary bladder was checked regularly for any swelling and discharge
was located, which was distended and congested with a fresh dab of iodine solution.
(Figure 3a). Next, a stab incision was made into
the base of the bladder and extended cranially and The owner was advised to restrict the dog’s movement,
caudally with scissors. The bladder was found to be keep it clean, and provide a simple, balanced diet of
distended with calculus (Figure 3b), and three large boiled plain chicken with steamed rice or mashed carrot
calculi were removed (Figure 3c). Each calculus had with a sprinkle of salt to induce thirst and production
approximate dimensions of 2×3×2 cm and weighed dilute urine. Toffy showed remarkable progress and
35 grams. After removing the calculi, a catheter was the wound healed without any complications, and the
passed through the bladder to the urethral opening to skin sutures were removed on the 14th postoperative
check the patency (Figure 3d). However, obstructions day.
were not evident. Then, the bladder was first flushed
with normal saline, followed by a diluted iodine Results and Discussion
VTH, IAAS, located close to the international
The bladder was sutured in double-layer using Vicryl with India in the Nepalese city of Sidharthanagar
3-0 in Cushing followed by a Lembert suture pattern (gateway of Lumbini), is a relocated facility. It is
including serosa, muscularis, and submucosa avoiding now the center of referral for Western Nepal and
the mucosa (Figure 3e). The bladder incision was part of India. The population of pet dogs in campus
apposed in an inverted fashion, and a leak test was surroundings is fairly healthy. Besides the college
performed. Then, muscle and subcutaneous layers animal farm, community dogs, cows, and rural farming
were sutured with Vicryl 2-0 in a simple continuous communities are the primary beneficiaries of VTH’s
pattern separately, whereas the skin was sutured with services. Complicated cases, including urolithiasis, can
Nylon 2-0 in a simple interrupted pattern (Figure 3f ). be handled comfortably. Urolith can develop in the
Vital signs like heart rate, respiration rate, and rectal kidney, ureter, bladder, or urethra and are referred to as
temperature were monitored throughout the surgery. nephrolith, ureterolith, urocystoliths, and urethroliths,
The dog recovered from anesthesia after 15 minutes respectively. Early detection of urolithiasis can be
of completion of surgery. treated with dissolution therapy where clinical signs
June 2022 | Volume 8 | Issue 1 | Page 3
Veterinary Sciences: Research and Reviews
are mild. Haematuria, polydipsia, polyuria, dysuria acid into oxalate (Butterweck and Khan, 2009).
are the common clinical signs of cystic-urolithiasis in 3. Medicine that is insoluble in urine induces the
dogs. However, a definitive diagnosis cannot be made precipitation of urine. For example, Sulfadiazine,
based on history and clinical signs. This emphasizes ciprofloxacin, acyclovir, and oral sodium
that diagnostic imaging is crucial for confirmative phosphate-containing preparations are known
diagnosis of urolithiasis. to cause crystal nephropathy (Yarlagadda and
Perazella, 2008).
A hematological profile showed leukocytosis 4. The urate crystal is formed due to liver disease or
(36.2×109/l), which reveals the presence of infection. congenital defects in the metabolism of purines
A marked increase in the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) (Dalmatians and English Bulldogs) (Bartges and
and creatinine level correlates with partial or complete Callens, 2015).
obstruction of urine due to calculi in the bladder. A 5. The high concentration of cysteine amino acids in
plain abdominal radiograph was done, which revealed urine leads to cystine crystals (Espinosa-Ortiz et
radio-opaque calculi in the urinary bladder (Figure al., 2018).
1). The ultrasonographic image revealed the subtly 6. Urine pH influences crystal precipitation and
increased opacity over the dependent part of the calculi formation. At low pH, ammonium ion
bladder. Hyperechoic focal echogenicity creating gets accumulated, but phosphate concentration
distal acoustic shadow in the dependent portion is reduced. Moreover, at high pH, phosphate
of the urinary bladder can be noticed in the image concentration is high, but ammonium ion is low.
(Figure 2). Surgery (cystolithotomy) was performed Therefore, struvite uroliths are formed only in
with minimal damage to the surrounding structure. the alkaline urine, while urate and cystine calculi
The mechanism of each calculi formation is different, are associated with acidic urine (Breshears and
and it varies with etiological factors; however, the Confer, 2017).
physicochemical mechanism for every urolith is the 7. Urinary tract infection (UTI) with urease
same as shown in Figure 4. producing bacteria, as the kidney cannot
form struvite crystal (consist of ammonium,
magnesium, and phosphate ion), produces
urease that leads to urine alkalinization as well
Figure 4: Steps involved in lithogenesis (supersaturation, nucleation, as increased concentration of ammonium and
crystal growth, and aggregation irrespective of crystal nature) phosphate, ultimately forming uroliths (Coe and
(Espinosa-Ortiz et al., 2018). Parks, 2016).

Factors associated with lithogenesis are: The presence of calculi in the urinary tract (UT) results
1. Crystal formation depends on various factors in obstruction, which leads to anuria. Uroliths act as
such as supersaturation of urine, urine pH, foreign bodies that initiate irritation and damages the
absence or presence of crystallization inhibitors epithelium of UT. Chronic cases of urolithiasis may
(nephrocalcin, osteopontin, crystal adhesion result in renal failure. The severity of pain varies from
inhibitors, chondroitin sulfate, heparin sulfate, mild to severe, and it ends when there is no further
fibronectin) or promoters (collagen,hyaluronic acid, obstruction in the flow of urine (Coe and Parks,
myeloperoxidase,nucleolin) (Aggarwal et al.,2013). 2016). The presence of calculi in the bladder causing
2. Hypercalciuria is the most common hematuria and dysuria.
pathophysiologic condition associated with
calcium uroliths patients (O’Kell et al., 2017) Differentiation of different crystals may be difficult
and oxalate concentration in urine enhances as they vary in shape, size, and structure. However,
it (Bartges and Callens, 2015). High sodium crystals can be identified accurately by polarization
intake reduces calcium reabsorption and increases microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and infrared
calcium concentration in urine. Excessive protein spectroscopy (Coe and Parks, 2016). CT scan also
use decreases the urine pH, ultimately increasing is used for uroliths identification (Espinosa-Ortiz et
calcium through bone turnover and reducing al., 2018). Urinalysis can be done for the detection
tubular calcium reabsorption. Vitamin C helps in of crystalluria. However, it does not present the
calculi formation via the conversion of ascorbic definitive diagnosis for urolithiasis but can suggest
June 2022 | Volume 8 | Issue 1 | Page 4
Veterinary Sciences: Research and Reviews
urine supersaturation (Bartges and Callens, 2015). waves are used for fragmentation of calculi, and
Evaluation of the chemical nature of urine by it is useful only for small calculi. The success rate
estimating urine pH can also act as a practical depends on wave frequency, stone composition, size,
measure. Urine with a pH of less than seven favors and location. Damage to the surrounding structure
cystine, calcium oxalate, and purine crystal formation, is reported, and mostly renal hemorrhage is seen
while pH greater than seven favors struvite crystal with hypertension and diabetes mellitus for the long
growth (Bartges and Callens, 2015). In the case of term (Butterweck and Khan, 2019). Ureteroscopy is
infection-induced struvite crystal, urine culture and an endoscopic procedure used to treat lower ureteral
sensitivity test may additionally act as diagnostic as stones and can be used safely for patients with
well as therapeutic tools, and measurement of urea, coagulopathy disease (Espinosa-Ortiz et al., 2018).
creatinine, minerals, and electrolytes may assist in PCNL is mainly used for large stones in renal with
diagnosis (Bartges and Callens, 2015). According ultrasonography or fluoroscopy support. After the
to Houston et al. (2004), struvite uroliths were most passage of the endoscope, the urolith can be broken
common in female dogs, whereas oxalate uroliths were with the help of laser, ultrasound, or pneumatic
common in male dogs. Calcium oxalate urolithiasis energy. The stone elimination rate is higher in PCNL
was more common in shorthair, neutered dogs, male as compared to internal surgery after an operation.
dogs, intact male dogs, and small breed dogs. Male However, complications such as infection, damage to
dogs had the highest levels of cysteine and urate. the surrounding structure, hemorrhages are observed
Urate urolithiasis was most common in Dalmatians (Espinosa-Ortiz et al., 2018).
(Burggraaf et al., 2021). In a study in Mexico, male
dogs over the age of six and big breeds, particularly Medical management
Labradors and Golden retrievers, were at high risk of Struvite crystal: Treatment of sterile struvite
canine silica urolithiasis (Mendoza-López et., 2020). (without infection) can be done by consuming
dissolution and prevention diets that have limited
The line of treatment may vary with crystal nature, amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, acidifying diets,
size, degree of obstruction, and location. However, and increased water intake, and in case of infection-
some of them are as follows: induced struvite, appropriate antibiotics should be
used (Sodhi et al., 2021; Bartges and Callens, 2015).
Surgical management
Surgical therapy for canine urolithiasis is successful, Calcium oxalate crystal: Hypercalciuria can be
according to studies, with a cure rate of over 87.5 reduced by bicarbonate administration. Calcium
percent (Sodhi et al., 2021). Every urolithiasis patient oxalate should be removed physically because
does not require surgery; however, the presence a dissolution diet doesn’t work. So, prevention
of large size, increased number of calculi, and strategy includes reducing calcium and oxalate
unresponsiveness to therapy suggest surgery (Bartges concentration in urine by using urine alkalizing
and Callens, 2015; Kumar et al., 2019). Open surgical agent, increasing urine volume, increasing inhibitors
procedures such as cystotomy, urethrotomy can be (citrate, magnesium, pyrophosphate, nephrocalcin)
done for urolithiasis. Anatrophic nephrolithotomy concentration and function (Bartges and Callens,
is a surgical procedure with a longer recovery period 2015). Thiazide diuretics can be used due to their
than endoscopic methods, where the elimination rate hypocalciuric action. Also, potassium citrate increases
is 80-100%. Robotic surgery is also successful for the pH of urine and citrate, which has an inhibitory
calculi removal with high efficacy (Espinosa-Ortiz et effect on calcium oxalate crystallization (Butterweck
al., 2018). Therefore, minimally invasive techniques and Khan, 2019).
have replaced the open surgical procedure.
Urate crystal: Uric acid is the metabolic product of
Minimal invasive techniques purines. Dissolution therapy includes an alkalizing
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), agent, purine limited diet, xanthine oxidase inhibitors,
percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL), ureteroscopy allopurinol with the proper functioning of the liver.
with laser lithotripsy is used to break and remove the However, without the proper function of the liver,
stone fragment (Espinosa-Ortiz et al., 2018). such treatment may be inefficient (Bartges and
ESWL is a non-surgical approach where shock Callens, 2015).
June 2022 | Volume 8 | Issue 1 | Page 5
Veterinary Sciences: Research and Reviews
Herbal treatment intake along with regular veterinary consultation is
Either in the use of medicine or surgical approach, beneficial. Mishandling by quacks and most likely
there is the presence of side effects. So, herbal use excess medication could have played a part in the
may have a beneficial effect on it. For example, extract genesis of the problem in the first place. Hence, IAAS
from the herb Herniariahirsuta, Phyllanthusniruri, needs to support VTH in its outreach activities to
Dolichosbiflorusare used to treat calculi through their sensitize pet owners on ethical and proper care of pet
inhibitory effect on the lithogenesis process since animals from the welfare and prevention of zoonotic
they interfere with calcium oxalate crystallization disease perspectives.
(Butterweck and Khan, 2019).
Ethical animal research
Increasing urine volume is the major preventive The dog owner signed a release form to consent to
approach for every crystal because it increases perform clinical study and surgery on his pet dog. The
urination frequency, decreases crystal growth and study was approved by Veterinary Teaching Hospital
aggregation time, and dilutes solutes in urine (VTH), Paklihawa Campus, Institute of Agriculture
(Bartges and Callens, 2015). Treatment protocols for and Animal Science (IAAS), Tribhuvan University
urolithiasis are well advanced. However, its formation (TU).
cannot be eradicated because of broad etiology, and
it also varies with individuals. A lot of research was Acknowledgments
done on urolithiasis but couldn’t cover every etiology
and its mechanism. Therefore, further study can be The authors like to acknowledge Dr. Saurav Pantha,
done on it. Dr. Rabina Ghimire and Dr. Subash Rimal for their
unreserved support.
Nutritional management of urolithiasis
The goal of urolithiasis dietary therapy is to dissolve Novelty Statement
calculi (struvite, urate, cystine) and/or limit the risk of
recurrence. Dietary treatment for mixed or compound This case report describes the successful diagnosis and
stones should be dependent on the salt content of the treatment of cystic-urolithiasis along with a detailed
nidus. When it comes to any form of stone, the goal literature analysis.
should always be to promote urine dilution, which
is best accomplished by giving high-moisture meals Author’s Contribution
whenever feasible. Controlling the quantity of crystal
precursors in the food as well as the pH of the urine Conceptualization C.R., manuscript preparation
is critical for all stones, while the case for calcium C.R., D.S., S.K. (Shanti Kunwar), and R.N., review
oxalate is less clear (Queau, 2019). and editing C.R, D.S., B.S, S.K. (Sharun Khan), K.K,
and DK.S. All authors have agreed to the final version
Conclusions and Recommendations of the manuscript.

The occurrence of urolithiasis relies upon various Conflict of interest

etiologic factors. Each crystal has a distinct etiological The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
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June 2022 | Volume 8 | Issue 1 | Page 7

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Urolithiasis merupakan kondisi

terbentuknya kalkuli akibat terjadinya
supersaturasi pada urin yang terdiri
dari satu atau beberapa jenis mineral
Urolith yang terbentuk dapat
dibedakan atas empat berdasarkan
jenis mineralnya

 Muntah, stranguria, hematuria, anoreksia, depresi,

 Palpasi : mengalami kesakitan
 Pemeriksaan penunjang :
 pemeriksaan hematologi
 ultrasonografi
 pemeriksaan radiografi
Hasil dan Pembahasan

Tabel 1. Hasil pemeriksaan

Gambar 1. USG Ginjal kanan dan
Gambar 2. Radiologi menunjukkan urolit
pada kandung kemih

 Berdasarkan hasil anamnesis,  Berdasarkan pemeriksaan dan

pemeriksaan klinis, dan beberaa kondisi hewan secara umum
pemeriksaan penunjang, anjing prognosis yang di dapat adalah
mengalami Urolithiasis fausta

 injeksi amoxicillin 1,5 mL,

 Ibuproven sirup 5 mL per 12 jam secara oral selama
lima hari
 Nefrolit dibuat dalam bentuk pulveres dijadikan 2 kapsul
diberikan 2 kali sehari
 ciprofloxacin tab 500 mg (15mg/kg BB, q 8 jam, selama
5 hari)
 Urolithiasis adalah kondisi terbentuknya urolith atau
kalkuli yang berlebihan pada saluran perkencingan,
seperti pada vesika urinaria, ginjal, ureter dan
uretra. Kejadian terbentuknya urolith pada vesika
urinaria biasa terjadi pada hewan domestik (anjing dan
kucing) terutama karena pola pakan yang buruk.

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