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Critical Book Review

Pembelajaran Bilingual
Prodi S1 PGSD - FIP


( Tim Dosen FIP UNIMED, 2023)

Nama Mahasiswa : Nia Febrianty Purba

NIM 1223111051

Dosen Pengampu : Dody Feliks Pandimun Ambarita, S.Pd.,M.Hum

Mata Kuliah : Pembelajaran Bilingual





Puji dan syukur saya ucapkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena atas berkatnya
saya dapat menyelesaikan tugas Critical Book Review ini dengan tepat waktu. Adapun
tugas ini dikerjakan untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Pembelajaran Bilingual. Saya
telah berusaha menyusun Critical Book Review ini dengan sebaik-baiknya, tetapi mungkin
masih jauh dari kata sempurna.

Saya berterimakasih kepada Bapak Dody Feliks Pandimun Ambarita, S.Pd.,M.Hum,

selaku tim dosen pengampu mata kuliah Pembelajaran Kreatif yang telah memberikan
arahan dan bimbingan selama pengerjaan Critical Book Review ini.

Saya berharap semoga dengan adanya Critical Book Review ini dapat memberikan
manfaat serta menambah wawasan bagi para pembaca maupun saya sendiri. Saya juga
berharap atas kritik dan saran dari pembaca terutama Bapak Dody Feliks Pandimun
Ambarita, S.Pd.,M.Hum agar tercapainya penulisan Critical Book Review yang baik dan
benar. Saya mohon maaf apabila terdapat kesalahan dan kata-kata yang kurang berkenan.

Medan, 17 November 2023

Nia Febrianty Purba


KATA PENGANTAR ................................................................................................................................................ i

DAFTAR ISI ...............................................................................................................................................................ii

BAB I PENDAHULUAN ......................................................................................................................................... 1

A. Rasionalisasai Pentingnya CBR ......................................................................................................... 1

B. Tujuan Penulisan CBR............................................................................................................................ 1

C. Manfaat Penulisan CBR ......................................................................................................................... 1

D. Identitas Buku ........................................................................................................................................... 1

BAB II RINGKASAN ISI BUKU ........................................................................................................................... 3

A. Unit 1 : Pendahuluan .............................................................................................................................. 3

B. Unit 2 : Greetings And Introduction ................................................................................................ 3

C. Unit 3 : Checking Attendance, Organizing The Classroom, And Ending Lesson ........ 5

D. Unit 4 : Giving Instruction In English ............................................................................................. 6

E. Unit 5 : Recalling Routines, Being Good - A Positive Approach To Discipline ............ 6

F. Unit 6 : Asking For Helpers And Giving Thing Out ................................................................... 7

G. Unit 7 : Story Questions And Prompts ........................................................................................... 7

H. Unit 8 : Praktek Pembelajaran Bilingual Yang Bernuansa Ke-SD- an ............................. 7

I. Unit 9 : Conversation .............................................................................................................................. 9

BAB III PEMBAHASAN ...................................................................................................................................... 12

A. Perbandingan Buku ............................................................................................................................. 12

B. Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Buku .................................................................................................. 13

BAB IV PENUTUP ................................................................................................................................................ 15

A. Kesimpulan .............................................................................................................................................. 15

B. Saran............................................................................................................................................................ 15

DAFTAR PUSTAKA ............................................................................................................................................. 16



A. Rasionalisasai Pentingnya CBR

Rasionalisasi pentingnya CBR adalah untuk menguji keterampilan penulis

dalam menganalisis, mengkritik, mambandingkan, dan memberikan nilai nilai
yang terkandung didalam sebuah buku yang dianalisis. Sering ditemukan bahwa
banyak pembaca yang masih bingung dalam menentukan buku sebagai referensi
untuk kita baca dan kita pahami. Oleh karena itu penulis membuat CBR
Pembelajaran Bilinguak untuk mempermudah pembaca dalam memilih buku
referensi untuk studi pokok bahasan tentang Pembelajaran Bilingual.

B. Tujuan Penulisan CBR

● Mengulas isi sebuah buku

● Mencari dan mengetahui informasi yang ada didalam buku

● Melatih diri untuk berpikir kritis dan berargumentasi dalam mencari

informasi yang terdapat didalam buku utama dan buku pembanding

● Membandingkan buku utama dan buku pembanding

● Mengkritik pembahasan yang terdapat pada buku utama dan buku


● Penyelesaian tugas KKNI Pembelajaran Bilingual

C. Manfaat Penulisan CBR

● Menambah pengetahuan tentang Pembelajaran Bilingual

● Memberikan informasi kepada pembaca untuk memilih buku sebagai


D. Identitas Buku

A) Buku Utama
1. Judul : Pembelajaran Bilingual
2. Penulis : Tim Dosen FIP UNIMED
3. Penerbit : UNIMED
4. Kota Terbit : Medan
5. Tahun Terbit 2023
6. Edisi 1
7. ISBN :-

B) Buku Pembanding
1. Judul : Everyday Conversations: Learning
American English English Learning Edition
2. Penulis : Maureen Cormack, dkk
3. Penerbit : U.S. Department of State
4. Kota Terbit : Washington, DC
5. Tahun Terbit : 2016
6. Edisi :2
7. ISBN : 978-1-625-92054-6
8. Sampul Buku :


A. Unit 1 : Pendahuluan

This course discusses students' understanding of the substance of Bilingual

Learning in Elementary Schools Bilingual learning is learning where two
languages are used in combination. In bilingual learning, a combination of
languages other than the mother tongue is generally used. The purpose of learning
is to provide students with language skills which include listening, speaking,
reading, and writing skills. Bilingual learning which is one of the student courses
of PGSD FIP UNIMED contains competencies so that students can understand the
nature of Bilingual learning and have competence in carrying out the learning
where the foreign language used is English.

Bilingual Mastering Skills

Mastering bilingual skills is a fun thing for early childhood, namely when
children acquire these abilities from the results of the bilingual process carried
out. When children are 3 to 5 years old, all children. competent in at least one
language and at the same time the child can master two languages. It's important
for parents and early childhood educators to know about bilingualism in

a. All children are able to learn two languages.

b. It is important for children to know their parents' language as a
component of their child's cultural identity and sense of community.
c. Bilingual ability becomes complete if the child has experience in both
d. The more frequently used language in the community will provide more

B. Unit 2 : Greetings And

Introduction Introduction
The first thing the teacher does is introduce himself to his students, like the
saying "You don't know, you don't love." Teachers need to give a good first
impression and build good relationships with students so that students feel
interested in the learning process that occurs in the classroom. Furthermore, the
teacher also needs to teach how to introduce yourself to other students or people
who have just met them. This fosters the social side and good communication of
students. The following few simple sentences can be used to introduce yourself to
new people.

Greetings And Forms Of Address ( Menyapa Dan Bentuk Panggilan)

After getting acquainted, the teacher can teach how to say hello in the
morning, afternoon, and evening. Students are taught to precede greeting older
people such as parents, grandparents, teachers, and also friends.

Here are some words that can be arranged to convey greetings :

Teacher Student

Good morning Children Good morning Miss/Mrs/Mr

Good afternoon Teacher

Good afternoon

Hello Boys and Girls

C. Unit 3 : Checking Attendance, Organizing The Classroom, And Ending Lesson

This unit discusses learning materials on how to check student attendance

(checking attendance), manage class conditions (organizing the classroom), and
end a lesson session (ending a lesson) using English.

Checking Attendance ( Memeriksa Kehadiran )

Beberapa kalimat berikut dapat digunakan untuk memeriksa kehadiran siswa
di kelas, yaitu :

● Let's call the roll.

● Let's take the register.

● I am going to check the attendant list. Let's check to see who is here.

● Remember to answer "I'm here." Thank you everybody.

● So, everyone is here except .....

● So, only two people away. Is everybody here?

● Is anyone away? Anyone absent today?

● How many of us here? 13 or 15?

● So, altogether we are 20. That means we are complete.

Organizing The Classroom ( Mengatur Kelas )

Beberapa kalimat berikut dapat digunakan untuk mengatur suasana kelas,

yaitu :

● Put all your things away.

● Get your books and pencils out.

● Close the window beside you.

● Put your pencils down.

● Turn back to face the front.

● Leave your drawing on the table.

Ending Lesson ( Mengakhiri Pelajaran )

● Okay, we have not enough time. We will continue our lesson on
the next secti
● Okay, pick up all of your things-and put the book in the cupboard.
3. Okay, students, make a line to say good bye-following the leader

● Okay it is break time, so you can go out to play. But first line
up quietly by the door.

● Right, we have no time for anything else - stop writing.

D. Unit 4 : Giving Instruction In English

Giving instructions in English (Memberi instruksi dalam bahasa Inggris).

Beberapa kalimat berikut dapat digunakan untuk memberikan instruksi kepada
siswa di kelas. Contohnya :

● Come in and please sit down.

● Okay - sit down now please.

● Sit down together Sitting down and standing up at your tables. Okay -
everyone-sit down-quietly.

● Ana sit down over there with

● Okay, everybody, stop talking now and listen carefully.

E. Unit 5 : Recalling Routines, Being Good - A Positive Approach To Discipline

This chapter discusses students' understanding of Recalling Routines, Being

a good- positive approach to discipline.

● Recalling routines: what we-do when

● What do we do when we are learning a new song ?

● When we are having a story ?

● When we are reading a big book ?

● When we are playing follow the leader ?

● After cutting out and singing ?

● At the end of the song ?

● Positive approach to discipline Being good

● Please stop talking now. No more talking for a bit. Please keep quiet
F. Unit 6 : Asking For Helpers And Giving Thing Out

Asking for helpers and giving things out ( Meminta bantuan siswa dan membagikan
barang ).

● I need two helpers please.

● So, can you give out these pictures to your friends? One each.

● Who'd like to help? You three? Fine. Can you pass these sheets of paper?

● So everyone has one paper?

● Santi, can you help me? Can you give out the cards? Three for each table.

● Ana and Prita, can you help me hand these to your rows.

G. Unit 7 : Story Questions And Prompts

Story Questions And Prompts ( Pertanyaan Tentang Ceritera Dan Arahan )

● Was eating the cheese (at the beginning of the story)?

● Saw the bird eating the cheese?

● Asked the bird some questions? Sang a beautiful song?

● Wanted the cheese?

● Who dropped the cheese?

● Ate the cheese in the end?

● Why do you think he asked the bird to singing?

● Because he liked listening to birds


Has anyone seen Giorgino’s pencil ? Did you leave it at home ? Okay, never
Can someone lend Giorgio a pencil/ Here's one! Here you
Some colours ?
Who's got a spare pencil ? Go and get one from

H. Unit 8 : Praktek Pembelajaran Bilingual Yang Bernuansa Ke-SD- an

Practice makes perfect. With frequent practice, then we will get used to and
better master the teaching materials. For this reason, teachers need to practice
delivering lessons in the context of an elementary school in a bilingual manner.
The following is an example of Bilingual Learning in Elementary Schools that
can be referred to as teaching practice materials in a bilingual class.

● Cordinal Numbers

● House And Furnishing ( Bagian-Bagian Rumah Dan Benda-Benda Di

Dalamnya )

Bagian-bagian rumah: Dining-room, Living-room, Bedroom,

Kitchen Benda-benda:

Plate Bookcase

Glass Picture

Fork Chair

Television Sofa
● The Family
Members of the family
1. This is Betty. She is a mother.
2. This is Charles. He is a father.
3. This is Ranny. She is a child.
4. This is Bronson. He is a child.
5. Ranny and Bronson are children.
6. This is Jimmy. He is a little child. He is a baby


grand children: (cucu) plural untuk

pria dan wanita
grand child: (cucu) singular untuk
pria dan wanita
grand son : cucu laki-laki
grand daughter : cucu perempuan
grand father : kakek
grand mother: nenek

I. Unit 9 : Conversation

● Meeting A Friend

A : Hello, Billy. I am glad to see you

B : So am I

A : Are you busy?

B : No, I am not.

A : Where are you going?

B : I am going to the library.

A : What do you want to get?

B : I want to get some books

A : Will you go with me?

B : I am sorry I can't. I must go the airport now

A : What for?

B : I am going to meet a person who is coming from Bandung. He is my old

friend if you please, I will introduce him to you.

● At The Restaurant

A : Hello, Andi. I am glat to see you?

B : So am I. Hou are you getting along?

A : Are you busy?

B : No, I am not

A : Okay. I want to order the meal for us

B : please can I have the menu?

A : Here you are

● Daily Activities
Ayu : What are you doing? Tari: I'm washing my clothes

Ayu : Do you always wash your clothes by hand?

Tari : Well, I usually wash my good clothesby hand. But I'm very busy now
that I'm taking this English course. So now I send some of clothes to the

● Children's Song
This Old Man ( Knick-Knack Paddy-Whack )
This old man, he played one, He played knick-knack on my thumb. With a
knick- knack, paddy whack,Give a dog a bone,

This old man came rolling home, This old man, he played two,

He played knick-knack on my shoe, With a knick-knack, paddy whack,

Give a dog a bone, This old man came rolling home. This old man, he played
three, He played knick-knack on my knee.

With a knick-knack, paddy whack,Give a dog a bone, This old man came
rolling home.

This old man, he played four, he played knick-knack on my door. With a

knick-knack, paddy whack,give a dog a bone,

This old man came rolling home, this old man, he played five, He played
knick- knack on my hive, with a knick-knack, paddy


A. Perbandingan Buku

A) Greeting and Introduction

In the main book, the greetings and introduction chapters explain the
introduction of self-introduction first and then give greetings or greetings
afterwards. It is explained that both teachers and students must know what
words are included in the introduction and greetings, for example, self-
introductions for both teachers and students, greeting greetings, for example
good morning and good afternoon. In this main book, only a few examples of
greetings are mentioned, no examples of dialogues or their application are

While in the comparison book, it is explained about greeting first, then

discusses the introduction. The difference with the main book in this
comparison book is that it is explained and differentiated between formal and
informal greetings and introductions. The comparison book is also directly
practiced with examples of daily conversations. The comparison book also
explains the dialogue of formal and informal greetings which is when greeting
Miss is formal to an older person or boss and informal greetings to peers.

B) Asking and Giving Things Out

In the main book it is mentioned asking and giving things out in the
comparison book the title described is calling for help. However, they both
discussed asking for help and providing assistance. In the comparison book, it
only mentions a few expressions that are included in asking and giving things
out, but in the comparison book there is no mention of the expressions, but
directly in the practice of the dialogue so the reader sees examples of these
expressions from the dialogues presented.

Examples of asking expressions that can be used from these two books are,
could you, can you, would you. The comparison book also discusses the
expression of giving an opinion when someone asks for his opinion on

C) Conversations
In the main book of the conversation chapter, there are many examples of
dialogue with various circumstances, for example in a friend's meeting, a
conversation in a restaurant, daily conversation activities. There are also
examples of songs in English, and English vocabulary on the last 10 pages.

Similar to the comparison book, almost all of its contents contain

conversations or conversations. The conversations are also presented with
various circumstances or events, for example daily conversations, formal
conversations, conversations at post office conversations in weddings,
conversations at movies, and others.

D) The main book is more complete regarding checking attendance organizing the
classroom, and the practice of bilingual learning. Because the main book from
UNIMED is a training book for prospective teachers so it must contain bilingual
learning content that will be applied by teachers in the learning process later.
In the main book, the chapter on the practice of bilingual learning, explains the
introduction of numbers and objects in English.

While the comparison book only explains the basics and brief examples of the
basics of everyday conversation, so the comparison book only explains and
presents examples of dialogue and expressions related to the topics that have
been explained.

B. Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Buku

1. In Terms Of Book Cover

The book being reviewed has a simple orange cover, there are no pictures
or illustrations, only the title and identity of the book is like a cover in general.
The appearance of the book does not attract the attention of the reader,
because it is too monotonous.
While the comparison book also uses a simple cover with only a title, but
there are a few colorful illustrations so that the book looks fresh. But it's not
very interesting because it's too simple.

2. In Terms Of Book Content

In the book reviewed, the material is complete and detailed and complete
because it is a training book for student teacher candidates. In the comparison
book, there are also examples of expressions and examples of practice
questions per chapter. So readers can practice their knowledge while reading
the material.

The weakness of this book is, in its contents only theory and reading, there
are no pictures and examples only. There is no detailed explanation of the sub-
chapters. For example, in the greetings chapter, the understanding and a few
concepts should be explained first, but in the book the examples are
immediately discussed. Whereas in the comparison book there is very little
material, mostly striking pictures, and a lot of conversation. There is no
explanation of the sub-chapters the same as the main book.

There are only examples of expressions, dialogues, and dialogue


3. In Terms of Grammar and Layout

The book being reviewed uses grammar that is in accordance with EYD,
easy to understand, but there are some English words that are wrong, for
example following should be followed.

In comparison books the layout is not neat so it takes a high level of focus
to understand the contents of the book.


A. Kesimpulan

Hurlock (1993) said that children are expected to learn two languages
simultaneously, children must learn two different words for each object they call
and for each thought they want to express. Children must learn two sets of
grammatical forms, in addition the child must learn how to pronounce the same
letter or combination of the same letters differently.

Mastering bilingual skills is a fun thing for early childhood, when children
acquire these abilities from the results of the bilingual process carried out. When
children are 3 to 5 years old, all children. competent in at least one language and
at the same time the child can master two languages. In bilingual learning, a
combination of languages other than the mother tongue is generally used. The
purpose of learning is to provide students with language skills which include
listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Bilingual learning which is one of
the student courses of PGSD FIP UNIMED contains competencies so that students
can understand the nature of Bilingual learning and have competence in carrying
out such learning where the foreign language used is English. Bilingual learning is
learning that uses two languages consisting of the mother tongue (the language
used by students) and the foreign language chosen in this bilingual learning is

Learning English is very important today as English is the language of the

world. So we need to know English even though we are not good at speaking
English, we need to know at least the basics of English.

B. Saran

This book is very good and very suitable for readers who want to learn basic
bilingual English and basic conversation English. According to the author, a cover
book is very important because a good cover will be able to attract the interest of
the readers, as well as in filling out the material using language that is easier to

Tim Dosen FIP UNIMED. 2023. Pembelajaran Bilingual. Medan : UNIMED

Cormack, Maureen, dkk. 2016. Everyday Conversations: Learning American English

English Learning Edition. Washington, DC : U.S. Department of State

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