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MUAL MUNTAH  [Use this space to place an image that best
PADA IBU HAMIL captures the main idea of the speech]
Perbedaan Pengaruh Akupunktur dan Vitamin B6 terhadap Penurunan Intensitas Mual Muntah
pada Emesis Gravidarum Berat

Munjiah dkk
Bandung , 2015
Penelitian ini menggunakan quasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian pos-test only design
with control group.
Sampel : 66 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel concecutive sampling dengan
memerhatikan kriteria inklusi.
Analisis bivariat yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah uji kai kuadrat.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan perubahan mual muntah kelompok akupunktur
(64,7%) responden menjadi kategori ringan dan sudah tidak ada yang mengalami mual
muntah berat, sedangkan kelompok vitamin B6 (40,6%) responden menjadi kategori ringan
dan masih terdapat (15,6%) responden yang tetap mengalami mual muntah berat.
Nilai antara skor emesis gravidarum ibu hamil kelompok akupuntur dengan skor emesis
gravidarum ibu hamil kelompok vitamin B6 (p<0,05)
Perbedaan Pengaruh Akupunktur dan Vitamin B6 terhadap Penurunan Intensitas Mual Muntah
pada Emesis Gravidarum Berat

Munjiah dkk
Bandung , 2015
Keismpulan : Pengelolaan emesis gravidarum dengan akupunktur lebih baik
dibandingkan dengan vitamin B6
Stimulasi pada titik akupunktur dapat mengaktifkan tiga pusat yaitu spinal cord,
midbrain, dan hipofisis untuk melepaskan neurokimia seperti endorphin, serotin, dan
norepinephrin yang mampu memblok pesan nyeri dan menekan pusat muntah.
Stimulasi pada titik akupunktur juga dapat menyebabkan pelepasan adenocorticotropin
hormone (ACTH) dari hipofisis. ACTH menstimulasi adrenal untuk memproduksi
kortisol yang bersifat antiemetik. Akupunktur yang dilakukan pada titik pericardium 6
akan memblok arus energi yang abnormal dan memperkecil intensitas substansi yang
merangsang mual muntah sehingga akan menghilangkan keluhan atau gejala mual
Perbedaan Pengaruh Akupunktur dan Vitamin B6 terhadap Penurunan Intensitas Mual Muntah
pada Emesis Gravidarum Berat

Munjiah dkk
Bandung , 2015
Kriteria inklusi pada penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil usia kehamilan ≤12 minggu, mengalami mual
muntah berat berdasarkan skor PUQE (≥13), dan tinggal di wilayah Kota Bandung. Subjek penelitian
ini dialokasikan ke dalam kelompok akupunktur (34 responden) dan kelompok vitamin B6 (32
responden) dengan randomisasi
Kelompok akupunktur diberikan perlakuan pendidikan kesehatan tentang nutrisi ibu hamil trimester 1
dan akupunktur pada titik pericardium 6. Kelompok Vitamin B6 diberikan perlakuan yang sama
tentang vitamin B6 diberikan dengan dosis 3×10 mg. Penilaian intensitas mual muntah dilakukan
setelah 24 jam setelah tindakan akupunktur dan pemberian vitamin B6, kemudian dicatat
Penelitian ini menunjukkan teknik akupunktur pericardium 6 lebih efektif dibandingkan vitamin B6
dalam menurunkan intensitas mual muntah pada ibu hamil dengan emesis gravidarum berat. Efektifitas
akupunktur dapat dipengaruhi ketepatan menusukkan jarum pada titik akupunktur yang digunakan.

DEPRESI PADA  [Use this space to place an image that best
IBU HAMIL captures the main idea of the speech]
Acupuncture for Depression during Pregnancy: a Randomized Controlled Trial

Ortiz dkk
USA (Stanford University), 2010

Methods: A total of 150 pregnant women who met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (Fourth Edition) criteria for major depressive disorder were randomized to receive
either acupuncture specifi c for depression or one of two active controls: control acupuncture or
Treatments lasted 8 weeks (12 sessions). Junior acupuncturists, who were not told about
treatment assignment, needled participants at points prescribed by senior acupuncturists. All
treatments were standardized.
The primary outcome was the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, administered by masked
raters at baseline and after 4 and 8 weeks of treatment. Continuous data were analyzed using
mixed effects models and by intent to treat. Results: Fifty-two women were randomized to
acupuncture specifi c for depression, 49 to control acupuncture, and 49 to massage. Women
who received acupuncture spec
Acupuncture for Depression during Pregnancy: a Randomized Controlled Trial

Ortiz dkk
USA (Stanford University), 2010
Results: Fifty-two women were randomized to acupuncture specifi c for depression, 49 to
control acupuncture, and 49 to massage. Women who received acupuncture specific for
depression experienced a greater rate of decrease in symptom severity (P < .05) compared with
the combined controls (Cohen’s d = 0.39, 95 % confi dence interval [CI] 0.01–0.77) or control
acupuncture alone (P < .05; Cohen’s d = 0.46, 95 % CI 0.01–0.92).
They also had signifi cantly greater response rate (63.0 %) than the combined controls (44.3 %;
P < .05; number needed to treat, 5.3; 95 % CI 2.8–75.0) and control acupuncture alone (37.5 %;
P < .05: number needed to treat, 3.9; 95 % CI 2.2–19.8). Symptom reduction and response rates
did not diff er signifi cantly between controls (control acupuncture, 37.5 %; massage, 50.0 %).
Conclusion: The short acupuncture protocol demonstrated symptom reduction and a response
rate comparable to those observed in standard depression treatments of similar length and could
be a viable treatment option for depression during pregnancy.

[use this space to place an image that best captures the
main idea of point #1] ANAK DENGAN AUTISM
The Efficacy and Safety of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Boram Lee, dkk

Republic of Korea, 2018
Search Strategy :
Two authors (B. L. and J. L.) performed a comprehensive search of the following 13
electronic databases from their inception dates to 31 December 2016: six English databases
(Cochrane Library, MEDLINE via EBSCO, EMBASE via Elsevier, AMED via EBSCO,
CINAHL via EBSCO, and PsycARTICLES via ProQuest), two Chinese databases (Chinese
National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and Wanfang Data), two Japanese databases
(Japanese Institutional Repositories Online (JAIRO) and Citation Information by NII (CiNii)),
and three Korean databases (Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System
(OASIS), Korean Traditional Knowledge Portal (KTKP), and KoreaMed). We also searched
the reference lists of the relevant papers to identify additional trials. Tere was no restriction on
language. In addition to the studies published in the journal, we also included grey literature,
such as conference proceedings and degree theses.
The Efficacy and Safety of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Boram Lee, dkk

Republic of Korea, 2018
Types of Studies :
We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that evaluated the efcacy of acupuncture for
children with ASD, including those using a quasi-random method such as alternate allocation or
allocation by birth date. We included both parallel and crossover studies.
Types of Participants.
We included patients with ASD under the age of 18 years, regardless of gender or race, diagnosed
by standard criteria such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or
the International Classifcation of Diseases (ICD). We accepted diagnoses by assessment tools
such as the Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale (ADOS), Autism Diagnostic InterviewRevised
(ADI-R), Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), Chinese Classifcation of Mental Disorder
(CCMD), and other validated tools. Studies on ASD were included even if they did not refer to the
diagnostic criteria.
The Efficacy and Safety of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Boram Lee, dkk

Republic of Korea, 2018
Types of Interventions.
We included studies on acupuncture involving the insertion of needles into traditional
acupoints or into nonmeridian points as experimental interventions, regardless of the
acupuncture treatment method. Studies that did not involve skin penetration, such as
those using acupressure, were excluded. Control interventions included pharmacological
interventions, BEI, and CAM, including combinations of two or more therapy types. We
also included sham acupuncture, which refers to a needle placed in an area close to but
not into acupoints, as a control intervention. Studies in which the other treatments were
applied to both experimental and control groups in the same manner were also included.
We excluded trials that compared only diferent forms of acupuncture
The Efficacy and Safety of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Boram Lee, dkk

Republic of Korea, 2018
The Efficacy and Safety of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Boram Lee, dkk

Republic of Korea, 2018
Result :
(1) Overall Scores on Scales Evaluating the Core Features of ASD. When acupuncture was added to
BEI, the meta-analyses showed that reductions of the overall CARS [32, 33, 35, 36, 45], ABC1 [32,
38], and ATEC scores [29, 40, 43] were higher afer treatment than for BEI alone (CARS, MD −8.10,
95% CI −12.80 to −3.40, � 2 = 98%; ABC1 , MD −8.92, 95% CI −11.29 to −6.54, � 2 = 51%;
ATEC, MD −12.28, 95% CI −14.74 to −9.82, � 2 = 33%). Meta-analyses showed higher values in
the acupuncture plus BEI groups than in the control groups in the studies that evaluated
improvements in CARS [33, 35, 36, 47] and ABC1 [38, 49] scores using the total efective rate
(TER) (CARS-TER, RR 1.45, 95% CI 1.24 to 1.69, � 2 = 0%; ABC1 - TER, RR 1.56, 95% CI 1.23
to 1.98, � 2 = 0%) (Figure 3) diferences were not signifcant ( � = 0.205). One study [29] did not
present the standard deviation, thus quantitative synthesis could not be performed. In one study [40],
which evaluated the overall RFRLRS score, no signifcant diference was found between the two
groups (� = 0.752).
The Efficacy and Safety of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Boram Lee, dkk

Republic of Korea, 2018
Result :
2) Social Interaction Skills. Five studies [29, 38, 40, 43, 49] assessed social interaction
skills, among which three [29, 40, 43] used a subscale of the ATEC and showed
improvements when acupuncture was additionally used (MD −3.83, 95% CI −4.19 to
−3.48, � 2 = 0%) (Figure 4). Of the two studies [38, 49] that assessed social interaction
skills using ABC1 , Zhao et al. [49] found signifcant improvement in the acupuncture
group compared with the controls (� = 0.019), while no such efect was found by Wang
et al. [38] (� > 0.05). We could not do a metaanalysis because of considerable baseline
variations between the studies. Wong [40] reported that there were no signifcant
diferences between the two groups when social interaction was assessed by a subscale of
the ADOS (� = 0.987) or RFRLRS (� = 0.268).
The Efficacy and Safety of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Boram Lee, dkk

Republic of Korea, 2018
Result :
3) Communication Ability. Tree studies [29, 40, 43] evaluated communication skills
assessed with a subscale of the ATEC and reported improvements in the acupuncture plus
BEI groups compared with the BEI groups (MD −2.24, 95% CI −2.40 to −2.08, � 2 =
53%) (Figure 4). Tere was no diference between the two groups in one study [40], in
which subscales of the ABC2 and ADOS were used to assess communication skills (� =
0.183, � = 0.604; resp.).
4) Stereotypy. Tere was no diference between the two groups in one study [40] in which a
subscale of the ABC2 was used to assess stereotypy (� = 0.484).
The Efficacy and Safety of Acupuncture for the Treatment of Children with
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Boram Lee, dkk

Republic of Korea, 2018
Result :
5) Language Ability. Six studies [25, 38, 40, 43, 47, 49] assessed language ability. Two studies
[40, 43] evaluated it using the Symbolic Play Test (SPT), and found no signifcant diference (MD
0.77, 95% CI −0.83 to 2.37, � 2 = 3%) (Figure 4). Two studies [38, 49] evaluated language
ability using a subscale of the ABC1 , one of which [49] showed a signifcant improvement in the
acupuncture plus BEI group compared with the controls ( � < 0.05), while the other [38] did not
(� > 0.05). We could not conduct a meta-analysis due to the heterogeneity of the baseline values.
Zeng et al. [47] found a signifcant improvement in language ability in the acupuncture group
compared with the controls, when assessed with TER calculated using the Psychoeducational
Profle (PEP) (� < 0.05), while no signifcant diference was found in other studies evaluated with
the Arabic language test [25], Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test [38], Reynell Developmental
Language Scales (RDLS) [43], and RFRLRS [40].

[use this space to place an image that best captures the
main idea of point #1] ANAK DENGAN AUTISM

Jakarta, 2018
Tujuan: Untuk menentukan pola sindrom anak-anak dengan autisme, dan bagaimana
akupunktur bekerja untuk anak-anak dengan autisme, ditinjau dari sudut pandang TCM.
Metode: Empat cara pemeriksaan dilakukan terhadap 9 subjek yang memenuhi
klasifikasi autisme dari kasus-kasus anak berkebutuhan khusus secara acak. Karakteristik
subjek ditentukan berdasarkan alo anamnesis. Akupunktur jarum merupakan metode
pilihan kecuali pada satu subjek menggunakan akupunktur laser. Akupunktur yang
diberikan bertujuan untuk mengeliminasi dahak, menenangkan api jantung, dan
menguatkan limpa.

Jakarta, 2018
Hasil: setelah 3-5 sesi, orang tua melaporkan peningkatan kemampuan bicara, dan
penurunan perilaku kompulsif dan stimulasi diri. Empat subjek menunjukkan peningkatan
kemampuan bicara, 1 subjek dengan peningkatan fokus dan konsentrasi, 1 subjek
mengalami penurunan perilaku kompulsif dan stimulasi diri, 1 subjek meningkat
kepatuhannya, dan 2 subjek meningkat pemahamannya.
Simpulan: Observasi terhadap 9 subjek menunjukkan gambaran umum adanya dahak yang
mempengaruhi jantung, dan gangguan pencernaan karena defisiensi limpa. Dahak ini
mengganggu fungsi jantung, seperti kapasitas mental termasuk bicara. Hasil penanganan
menunjukkan eliminasi dahak, meredakan api jantung, dan tonifikasi limpa meningkatkan
kemampuan bicara, fokus, pemahaman, kepatuhan, dan menurunnya perilaku kompulsif dan
stimulasi diri. Penelitian lebih lanjut dan studi dari sudut pandang TCM sangat dibutuhkan
Penerapan akupunktur pada disabilitas

Terapi akupunktur untuk anak

dengan down syndrom
Penerapan akupunktur pada disabilitas

Terapi akupunktur untuk anak

dengan cerebral palcy
Penerapan akupunktur pada balita

Terapi akupunktur untuk

pengobatan colic
Gastrointestinal symptoms of infantile colic and their change after light needling
of acupuncture: a case series study of 913 infants

Reinthal, marianne
Sweden, 2011
Methods: This study included 913 infants with normal weights, and lengths at birth. The infants’ mean age was 5.4
weeks when the observations started, and had colic symptoms since two weeks after birth. Light needling stimulation
of the acupuncture point LI4 was performed for 10-20 seconds bilaterally on a daily basis for a mean of 6.2
consecutive days. A questionnaire with verbal rating scales for the parents’ evaluation was used before and after the
treatment period.
Results: Before treatment the infants were assessed by the parents in terms of ‘often have inflated stomachs’ (99%) and
‘seldom drool’ (76%), ‘regurgitate’ (53%) and ‘belch’ (62%). Moreover, the reported frequency of defecation was 5-8
times per day (64%), with a yellowish-green colour (61%) and with a water-thin consistency (74%). After treatment,
the variables of inflated stomachs, drooling and regurgitating were systematically changed, and rated by the parents as
occurring ‘sometimes’ while belching was rated as occurring ‘often’ and the frequency of defecation was reduced to 1-
4 times/day with a mustard yellow colour and a gruel-like consistency. The parents also rated their impression of the
infants’ general colic symptoms including crying behaviour as much ameliorated in 76% of the cases.
Conclusion: The results of the present study show that minimal acupuncture at LI4 in infantile colic is an effective and
easy treatment procedure that, furthermore, is reported to be without serious side effects

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