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Di susun untuk memenuhi mata kuliah:

Ulum al-Quran

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Shonhaji Lc, M Ag.





Alhamdulillah, penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, yang telah

melimpahkan rahmat, taufiq dan hidayah-Nya, sehingga penulisan bisa
menyelesaikan makalah yang telah ditugaskan oleh dosen pengampu.

Shalawat serta salam semoga tetap tercurah limpah kehadirat baginda Nabi
Besar Muhammad SAW, yang telah menyampaikan risalah dan mengajarkan
segala sesuatu yang dibutuhkan oleh umatnya untuk meraih kesuksesan, baik
dalam kehidupan dunia, terlebih di akhirat.

Penulis berharap, makalah ini bisa bermanfaat serta bisa menjadi wacana
yang berguna. Penulis tidak memungkiri bahwa makalah ini adalah sebuah karya
sederhana yang jauh dari kata sempurna. Oleh karena itu, penulis mengharapkan
kritik dan saran yang bisa menyempurnakan kekurangan-kekurangan yang
terdapat dalam makalah ini.

Bangkalan, 26 Juni 2022


A. Latar belakang

B. Rumusan masalah
1. What is halal in islam?
2. What is haram in islam?
3. What is syubhat in islam?
4. Passive voice
C. Tujuan pembahasan
1. To know the definition of halal in islam
2. To know the definition of haram in islam
3. To know the definition of syubhat in islam
4. Untuk mengetahui fungsi asbāb al-Nuzūl pada penafsiran.

A. Pengertian asbāb al-Nuzūl

The word halal (‫( دالل‬derived from Arabic is taken from the root word ha-
la-la (-‫ل‬- ‫)ح ل‬. , the form varies from .) ‫ ) دم – يذم – دال – ٔ داالل – ٔ د ٕهال‬ḥulūlan has
quite a variety of meanings, including; leaving an activity, lawful, stopping to stop
by or settling down (staying) in a place, releasing or unraveling the bond or
deciphering words, overwriting (an event occurs), obliging, stipulating, freeing,
for example freeing (someone) from an oath of expiation, and so on.1
Etymologically, this word contains the meaning of liberating , releasing, solving,
dissolving and allowing. In Munjid halal is defined as releasing ties. The noun
ḥalāl (‫(دالل‬is the opposite of the word ḥarām
The urgency of the word halal is also interpreted as thaba or good
(ṭayyib).2 This expression becomes synonymous with the word halal which is
mentioned in the word ṭayyibat. 3
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, halal has the meaning 1. Permitted (not
prohibited by Syara') 2. Obtained or done legally, 3. Permit; ampun.4 In the
Encyclopedia of Islamic Law it is said that the meaning of halal contains three
meanings, namely first, halal is something that causes a person not to be punished
if he uses it. Second, halal is something that causes a person not to be punished if
he does it, because he is justified by syara'. Third, halal also has the same meaning
as permissible, mubah or jaiz.5
In English the root ḥalla (‫(دم‬, interpreted with quite a lot of meanings; to
untie, unbind, unfasten, unravel, undo (something), to solve (a problem), to

1 Ahmad Warson Munawwir, Al-Munawwir Dictionary (Surabaya: Progressive Library, 1997), p.

Ahmad Warson Munawwir, Kamus al-Munawwir (Surabaya: Pustaka Progressif, 1997), h. 91.
Q.S. Al-A‟rāf/7: 157
4 Ministry of Education and Culture, Big Indonesian Dictionary, h. 383
5 Abdul Azis Dahlan, (eds), Encyclopedia of Islamic Law (Jakarta: Ichtiar Baru van Hoeve,
2003), p. 506.
dechiper, decode (something); to dissolve in water) (something, chemical); to
resolve (something into its components); to analyze (something); to melt; to
decompose, disintegrate (something); to open, unpack; to loosen, relax; to set free,
let go, etc6 Whereas halal (‫( )دالل‬translated that which is allowed, permitted,
permissible, allowable, admissible, lawful, legal, licit, legitimate; legal
B. Pengertian asbāb al-Nuzūl
The word 'haram' in its position as opposed to the word 'halal' is a term
related to law in Islam, namely a matter that is prohibited by syara'. In the Big
Indonesian Dictionary it is stated that haram has several meanings. 1. forbidden
(by Islam), not halal. 2. holy, well-maintained, protected, for example the unclean
land in Mecca is the most lofty place on earth. 3. absolutely not; really not. This
definition relates to language style, for example; no matter how forbidden I
recede. 4. prohibited by law; illegitimate.8

The word haram comes from Arabic with the root ḥ-r-m )‫)دشو‬. The word
haram is the maṣdar (infinitive) form of ḥaruma, yaḥrumu, ḥaraman/ḥarāman
)‫)دشايب ٔ دشيب – يذشو – دشو‬. Ibn Faris stated that all words derived from the root
words ḥa', ra', and mim contain the meaning of 'prohibition' and 'affirmation'. The
word sauṭ muḥarram )‫ ) يذشو ٕطس‬refers to the meaning of 'an inflexible whip'
because it is not easy to use and it is as if someone is forbidding it or restraining
it. The cities of Mecca and Medina are called ḥaramāni )ٌ‫ ) دشيب‬indicating the
meaning of 'glory' of the two cities and 'prohibition; do some things in the city.
People who are iḥrām (‫ )ادشاو‬are people who are doing a series of Hajj or Umrah
pilgrimages which are marked by wearing certain clothes from the miqot and
being bound by strict prohibitions.
From some of the meanings above it can be concluded that 'haram' is
something that is prohibited to do. Punishment is provided for the perpetrators.

6 JM Cowan, ed. Arabic English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary of Modern Written
Arabic (US: Spoken Language Service, 1994), p. 231
JM Cowan, ed. Arabic English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary, h. 232
8 Ministry of Education and Culture, Big Indonesian Dictionary, h. 340.
The prohibition can cause danger or because it is ta'abuddi and obedience to
Synonyms for the term haram include, suḥt as disclosed in Q.S. al-
Mā'idah: 42. Suḥt are things that are forbidden such as usury, telling lies and
َ َ‫ض َع ْن ُه ْم فَلَ ْن يَّض ُُّر ْوك‬
ِۗ ‫شيْـًٔا‬ ْ ‫ت فَا ِْن َج ۤا ُء ْوكَ فَاحْ ُك ْم َب ْينَ ُه ْم ا َ ْو اَع ِْر‬
ْ ‫ض َع ْن ُه ْم َۚوا ِْن ت ُ ْع ِر‬ ِ ‫س ّٰمعُ ْونَ ِل ْل َك ِذ‬
ِ ِۗ ْ‫ب ا َ ّٰكلُ ْونَ ِللسُّح‬ َ
ِ ‫ّٰللاَ ي ُِحبُّ ْال ُم ْقس‬
َ‫ِطيْن‬ ِِۗ ‫َوا ِْن َح َك ْمتَ فَاحْ ُك ْم بَ ْينَ ُه ْم بِ ْال ِقس‬
ّٰ ‫ْط ا َِّن‬
It means: They are people who like to hear fake news, eat a lot of what is
forbidden. If they (the Jews) come to you (to ask for a decision), then decide (the
case) between them, or turn away from them; if you turn your back on them they
will not harm you in the slightest. And if you decide their case, then decide (the
case) between them fairly, verily Allah loves those who are fair.
Other terms that can be expressed for things that are forbidden and
considered as illegal actions, include; vanity, rijs, khaṭi', fasiq, and others. These
terms will be elaborated on in Chapter IV as terms that represent the criteria of
In English, the root h-r-m means to be forbidden, prohibited, interdicted,
unlawful, unpermitted.9 Whereas the word ḥarām (‫( دشاو‬plural ḥurum (‫)دشو‬
interpreted forbidden, interdicted, prohibited, unlawful; something forbidden,
offense, sin, inviolable, taboo; sacred, sacrosanct, cursed, and accursed.10
According to Al-Raghib Al-Ashfihāni, haram is a prohibition either
caused by God's prohibition and leaving it is done out of submission to God,
taskhīr illahi )‫) ٓىان رسخيش‬, or sometimes it is prohibited due to pressure or
coercion; or prohibitions due to rational considerations, or prohibitions due to
syara' aspects or prohibitions that arise because of the person whose orders are
upheld.11 Allah forbade/prevented Musa from breastfeeding with women other
than his mother or because it was Allah's provision.12 Allah has forbidden
paradise for polytheists. It can also be that the prohibition is based on

9 JM Cowan, ed. Arabic English Dictionary: The Hans Wehr Dictionary, p. 201.

11 As found in Q.S. Al-Qaṣṣaṣ/28: 12.

12 As contained in Q.S. Al-Mai'dah/5: 72
considerations or on the Shari'a or the prohibition arises from the person whose
orders are upheld13



A. Kesimpulan
Sesuatu yang menyebabkan turunnya satu atau beberapa ayat yang
memberi jawaban terhadap sebab itu, atau menerangkan hukumnya pada masa
terjadinya sebab itu.

Macam-macam asbāb al-nuzūl ada tiga: Taaddud Al-Asbāb Wa An-Nāzil

Wāhid, Ta’addud an-nāzil wa as-sabab wāhid, Al-‘brah bi ‘mūm al-lafzhi lā
khushūs as-sabab.

Mengetahui asbabun nuzul bagi ayat-ayat al-Quran merupakan hal yang

sangat penting, terutama dalam rangka memahami ayat-ayat yang menyangkut
masalah hukum.

Seperti yang dikemukakan sebelumnya asbāb al-nuzūl, adalah suatu

peristiwa yang menjelaskan latar belakang sejarah yang menyebabkan
diturunkannya ayat-ayat Qur’an. Dengan mengetahui latar peristiwa dari
diturunkannya Qur’an, para penafsir sangat terbantu dalam memberikan
interpretasi terhadap suatu ayat dalam kaitannay denagn suatu masalah yang ingin
dipecahakn. Oleh karena itu, para ulama menyebutkan bahwa untuk mengetahui
tafsir sebuah ayat secara baik, maka n iscaya untuk mengetahui terlebih dahulu
kisah dan latar belakang diturunkannya ayat tersebut. Kenisvcayaan untuk

13 Ar-Raghib al-Isfahāni, Mu`jam Mufradāt li alfāẓ , h. 229-230

mengetahui asbaāb al-nuzūl suatau ayat sebelum menafsirkan dan menyimpulkan
maknanya adalah hal yang sangat urgen agar penafsiran tidak salah mengambil
kesimpulan dari suatu informasi ajaran Qur’an.

B. Saran
Karya ini merupakan karya sederhana yang tercipta dari insan yang jauh dari
kata sempurna, maka dari itu kami selaku penulis mengharap keritik dan saran
dari pembaca guna untuk perbaikan terhadap makalah yang selanjutn

Ansyory, Anhar. (2012). Pengantar Ulumul Qur’an, yogyakarta: Lembaga
Pengembangan Studi Islam Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.
Ilyas, Yunahar. (2014). Kuliah Ulumul Qur’an. yogyakarta: Itqan Publising.
Qaṭṭān (al) Mannā’ khalīl, (2004). Studi Ilmu-ilmu Qur’an. Jakarta: PT Pustaka
Litera Antar Nusa.

tim penyusun kamus besar bahasa indonesia, departemen pendidikan dan

kebudayaan, (1990). kamus besar bahasa indonesia. jakarta: Balai
Wahid, Abdul dan muhammad zaini. (2016). Pengantar Ulumul Qur’an Dan
Ulumul Hadis. Banda Aceh: Penerbit Pena.
Zaini, Ahmad, asbab al-nuzūl dan urgensinya dalam memahami makna alquran,
Hermeunetik, vol. 8, No. 1, juni 2014.

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