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Negara Dan Pendidikan: Politik ,

Demokrasi Pendidikan dan MBS

Negara : Syarat berdirinya negara

5.Tujuan(Filsafat Negara)

Aspek Kehidupan Negara: Ideologi, politik,

ekonomi, sosial, budaya, pertahanan dan
1.Secara struktur institusional formal,
Negara adalah: Pemerintahan:
Triaspolitika (Executive-Llegislative-
2.Secara dinamis-fungsional: Fungsi
dan aktifitas Sosial politik dalam
3.Secara Hakekat politik, negara
adalah Kekuasaan (Power):
mendapatkan-menjalankan dan
UU No.22/1999Junto UU
 Semua urusan negara diurus oleh pemerintah
daerah (kota/kab dan provinsi), KECUALI:
 1. Pertahanan dan Keamanan
 2.Kehakiman
 3.Hubungan Luar Negeri
 4.Keuangan
 5.Keagamaan
 6…………
Pendidikan dan Filsafat Bangsa

 Pendidikan nasional: Pendidikan yang

berdasarkan filsafat bangsa dan cita-cita

 Pendidikan nasional: berdasarkan

-sosio-ekonomis Indonesia

 Indonesia : Berdasarkan Filsafat


 Amerika Serikat: Berdasarkan

Filsafat Liberalisme-Kapitalisme

 Jepang: Bersadarkan Filsafat Tenno

Koodo Saishin/Semangat Bushido
Pelaksanaan Pendidikan:
1. Negara Otoriter:
Pendedidikan adalah Monopoli negara
-metode, dll

2. Negara Demokrasi:
Negara dan warga negara dan
lembaga sosial kemasyarakatan
berkerjasama melaksanakan
Tujuan Pendidikan
 Meningkatkan Kapasitas seseorang
 Mematangkan
 Mendewasakan
 Mencerdaskan
 Mempersiapkan memasuki kehidupan
 Kemampuan memecahkan masalah
 Dll
Tujuan Pendidikan
 Kecerdasan intelektual

 Kecerdasan Emosional

 Kecerdasan Spritual

 Kecerdasan Kinestetik

 Mungkin ada kecerdasan lain yang

juga harus dikembangkan

Masalah Masalah di Sekolah

 Unjuk rasa siswa SMAN 9 Padang

tentang baju batik, dan manajemen
keuangan yang tidak transparan dan

 Unjuk Rasa siswa SMKN 5 Padang

tentang baju batik dan iyuran lainya
Perobahan Sosial Budaya
Education Modernisasi & Pemb

AFTA 2003 3.Beretos kerja
CAFTA 2010 4.Bertanggungjawab
APEC 2020 5.terbuka/percaya diri
6.Orientasi masa depan
7.Berilmu dan terampil
8.Ingin maju
9.Mampu berbahasa asing
(english, Japanese, mandarin)
10.Sehat,jasmani dan rohani
Pendidikan Indonesia Masa
-The ways of transmit
-The material of transmit
-The values of transmit Democratic Education
Buku” Democratic Education”
Karangan Amy Gutmann
 Apa hakekat school based management?
 Mempertanyakan apa hakekat demokrasi
pendidikan dan bagaimana demokrasi
pendidikan dapat dilaksanakan?
 Teori apa yang paling tepat untuk
pelaksanaan pendidikan?

Several questions in term of education in

a democratic country:

1.Who should have authority to make decision

about education?
2.What moral boundaries of that authority are?
3.Who should have authority to shape the
education for future?

Democratic education is aimed to create

conscious social reproduction among
citizens that are: individually good and
socially good.
Conscious Social Reproduction
Contoh Individually and Socially Good

Individually Good Socially Goods

-Terampil/cakap -Berpartisipasi dalam
-Mendengar kehdidupan/lingkungan
-Membaca -Hub, baik dengan
-Bertanggung jawab tetangga
-Partisipatif -Sholat berjemaah
-Concern -Berhubungan baik
-Care dengan kolega
-Prilaku terpuji -Peka dengan masalah

-Tidak sombong sosial

-Tidak Egois --Menjadi pemecah

-patuh hukum masalah

-komitmen --Menjaga k-k-k

Conscious social reproduction Individual Interest
(Democratic Education) (Liberal education)

Liberal democracy - Respect for person

Collective self Determination - Equal liberty

Democratic education was developed based on three theories of education that

Theories are not suitable for conscious social reproduction:

1. The Family State theory

Educational authority is solely in hand of the state. Plato’s Republic said that
education should solely in hand of philosopher/guardian in which concern with truth,
good and beauty (determined by ruling class/elite in society)

Small group of people (Elite) have monopoly in term of good, truth and beauty
(indoctrination). It is not fair because everyone have conception of good, truth and
beauty. State ignore the diversity in making a policy

II. The State of Family Theory

Education authority is on hand parents. Parents is the best protecto
children interest and maximized their capacity. They also have
right to choose their children way of life. Parents take care their
interest, give direction because parents love them, compassion
and the like.
Biologically children belong to parents but morally not. Children hav
rights to choose their way of life through education. Children hav
rights event against their parents in term of good, truth and
beauty. Parents can not impose any values or way life in the cost
of depriving children capacity to choose good life.

III. The State of Individual Theory

Education is to maximize individual children autonomy or to choice
autonomy. Education must neutral with respect to conception of
good, truth and beauty and avoid of indoctrination.

Education can not be neutral: cultural coherence individual
autonomy is limited. Value free but in reality not. People rights
collectively to chose collective decision. State support and
promote values of individually good and socially good.

Gutmann: Develop a new Theory of education namely

Democratic Education. Democratic Education: State,
parents and professional educators all have important roles to
play in cultivating moral characters. A democratic state of
education recognizes that educational authority must be shared
among parents, citizens, states and professional educators. The
limit are:
1.Nonrepression: this principle prevent state and any
group with in it from using education to restrict rational
deliberation of competing conception of good life and good
2.Nondiscrimination: all educable children must be
educated. No educable child be excluded from education.
Democratic Education is parents, states and professional educators
should have a shared power to make decision making in
education include: curriculum, management, budget, hire and fire
teachers choose school principle, rule of conduct, etc.
School Based Management:

Government Prof. Educators

School Charter

Parents/Community Representatives
School Based Management (SBM)
 Every body wants:
-Best quality of school outcomes
-Effective and efficient leadership
-Effective and efficient management
-Results relevant to current community
-Responsive to actual problems in society
-Schools not only seen as social institution
but also as corporate institution
Tujuan Pendidikan Nasional (UU
 Berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar
menjadi manusia yang:
-Beriman dan bertaqwa pada Tuhan YME
-Berakhlak mulia
-Warganegara yang Demokratis
-Bertanggungjawab (Pasal 3 UU.No.20/2003)
New Educational Policy can Arise:

 Natural disasters
 External forces
 Economic recession
 Change in manufacture and communication
 Tax payers want to know what happen with their money
 Lack of students achievement
 Increasing participation in educational decision making
 Increasing expectation for school outcomes
New Educational Policy=Improve
the quality of education
 Improve quality of education=improve the
quality of teaching-learning process.

 School management and Leadership:

- responsive
- Better reflect recent societal needs
 Appropriate Centralize-
management Decentralised
pattern to improve -Increase
the quality of participation of
education is to give stake holders
stakeholders -job satisfaction
(parents, teachers,
governor, principal, -Raise community
administrators and awareness
the community)
power in school
decision making
Beberapa istilah yang perlu dipahami
 Dekonsentrasi:Pelimpahan sebagian
 Disentralisasi: Pengalihan tanggungjawab

 Delegasi:Pengalihan tangggungjawab

 Devolusi: Penciptaan dan penguatan

pemerintahan di level bawah

▪Disentralisasi=Self Management School
▪Devolusi: Self Governing School
SBM in England and Wales
 In England SBM is called Local Management of
School (LMS). The purposes are:
-to enhance the power of parents and governing
bodies at the expense of the LEA
-to improve accountability for the use of finances
and resources.
-to improve efficiency with which resources are
used in the education services
-to provide a more equitable distribution to
schools of the available public funding
-to improve the quality of teaching and learning
According to Levacic (1992), LMS are
aimed to:
 Decentralization of decision making and
delegated budgeting at school level
 The school’s budget is allocated by
formula funding and not by administrative
 Parents and exercise choice of school and
school’s budget is largely determined of
pupils it enroll;
 The school is managed by council or
governing body direct community
The authority of education:
 National level  Local level (LEA, Shool
(NCC,DES and SEAC): and Governing body):
-provide educational -authority to use
goals and structure considerable
-national curriculum descreation in term of
-LMS schemes how to identify and
-National examination achieve the school
and assessment at goals
grade 7,11,14 and 16 -operate school
-provide guidelines -Supervised and
and directions. controlling the school
Results of LMS
 Schools work within a complex network of
accountabilities. Through the head
teachers and governing body, schools are
responsible and accountable for all policies
and process that are initiated. In England
and Wales, they are accountable to
national government for national driven
policies; to local government for locally
driven policies; but principally they
accountable to parents and student for
school based policy (Vann: 1995)
Other Impacts of LMS
 Increase competition
 More pupils will go schools offering
high quality
 Ineffective schools will closed.
 Increase quality of school
SBM In England



SBM in Tasmania

 The Cresap Report (a consultant):

-School to be group into eight districts, instead
of three regions, with each district having
decision making power
-School funding at the district level to on a per
pupil basis
-Watch school have greater level of self
management and school council with significant
input into school operation
 State Level:  Local level:
 Department of  School districts
Education and Art  Parents and Friends
 Make policy
 School and College
according national (principal, teachers,
guidelines supporting staffs,
 School Council
School Act
SBM In British
Columbia (Canada)

Ministry of

School District

Ass.Super Intend Board of Trustees

Parents Advisory School Principal

SBM in Tasmania-AU



School and School
Friends Colleges Council
SBM IN NEW Zealand

SSC Ministry of
Education Treasury

School Charter

Board of Schools
Perobahan dalam kelas
(All Curriculum work is about change)
 Fullan (1995) mengidentifikasi 4 faktor yang
mempengaruhi proses perobahan:
1.Need: Teachers should have a strong perception of
the need of change
2.Clarity:Teacher should be clear as to the goals of
change and the means of implementation
3.complexity:teachers should examine change in term
of degree of alteration required in belief, strategies,
resources and skills
4.Quality and practicality: Teachers should ensure that
appropriate learning material and technologies are
generated before the change in implemented.
 SBM adalah disentralisasi pengelolaan
 Accountability tidak hanya ke atas tapi juga
ke bawah dan ke samping.
 Sekolah dikelola dengan sebuah jaringan
yang saling mengawasi
 Tujuannya untuk peningkatan mutu dan
 Perbaikan manajemen apapun namanya
dan bentuknya harus untuk Perbaikan
Proses belajar mengajar
Prinsip Manajemen yang harus
dipahami: SBM
Pelanggan Pendidikan
Ukuran SBM
MBS di Indonesia
Komponen MBS:
1.Dewan Pendidikan:
-Menentukan arah kebijakan Pdd
-Merumuskan kebijakan pdd
-meminitor pelaksanaan
-penilaian kebijakan
2.Komite sekolah
-Menyususun Renstra Sekolah
-menyusun rencana tahunan
-mengadakan rapat untuk membahas kebijakan sekolah
-memikirkan upaya memajukan sekolah
-mendorong terlaksananya quality assurance
-membahas hasil test standar yang dilakukan
-menilai laporann tahunan sekolah
-memantau kinerja sekolah
3.Kepala sekolah
Hal yang mungkin diputuskan oleh MBS

 Kurikulum KTSP
 Pembiayaan
 SKBM: 6, 7, 8, 9.
 Tatatertib sekolah
 Penghargaan thd guru : Materi/non-materi
 Pengangkatan guru khusus
 Tambahan jam belajar
 Program makanan tambahan
 Sarana/prasarana
 Transportasi
 Gifted students
 dll
Fungsi Manajemen
 Planning Semua fungsi
 Organizing menajemen
 Staffing tersebut harus
 Budgeting dipraktekan dalam
 Directing semua hal yang
 Coordinating mungkin dikakukan
 Controlling guna perbaikan mutu
 evaluation pendidikan
Diskusikan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah
di Indonesia
 Di Indonesia Ada:
 Dewan Pendidikan
 Komite Sekolah
 Bagaimana sebaiknya Pendidikan Indonesia ini
 Pemilihan Kepala Sekolah/Wakil
 Kurikulum/KTSP
 Pengangkatan/pemberhentian Guru
 Reward and Punishment
 Dan aspek-aspek lainya.
Thankyou so much

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