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Introduction to
Consumer Behaviour

DOSEN : Dany P.Hutomo SE,MM

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Deskripsi Mata Kuliah
Mata kuliah ini membahas kerangka konseptual perilaku konsumen dan
berbagai isu yanq relavan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan
konsumen secara terpadu dalam strategi permasaran. Berbagai
pendekatan multidisiplin dikembangkan: psikologi, antropologi, sosiologi,
dan komunikasi. Selanjutnya dibahas faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku
konsumen dalam melakukan pembelian mulai dari faktor eksternal seperti
budaya, kelas sosial, dan kelompok refresni. Sedangkan dari faktor internal
akan dibahas faktor sikap, kepribadian, gaya hidup, persepsi, dan motivasi.

Standar Kompetensi
Mahasiswa mempunyai pemahaman mendalam tentang perilaku
konsumen dalam konteks perumusan strategi pemasaran. Lebih lanjut,
mahasiswa diharapkan dapat melaksanakan penelitian perilaku konsumen.
Silabus Perilaku Konsumen
• Howard, J.A (1999). Buyer Behaviour in Marketing Strategy,
Prentice Hall Internabonal, Inc. New Jersey Lilien,
• Gary, L, Kotler, P., and Moorthy, K, Sridhar, 1992. Marketing
Models, Prenctice-Hall Inc. London Schftmn, L.., Kantk.LL
• Schiffman, L.G., dan Kanuk, L.L,. 2000. Consumer Behaviour,
Seventh Edition, Prer-tice Hall International, Inc. New Jersey
• Engel, James F.; Roger D. Blackwell and Paul W. Miniard.
Consumer Behavior, 8th ed, The Dryden Press, Orlando, 1995.
• M. Mursid. 2008. Manajemen Pemasaran. Bumi Aksara – UI.
• Consumer Behaviour
Perilaku yang ditunjukkan pelanggan dalam
mencari, membeli, menggunakan,
mengevaluasi dan membuang produk dan jasa
yang mereka harapkan dapat memuaskan
• Personal Consumer
The individual who buys goods and services
for his or her own use, for household use, for
the use of a family member, or for a friend.
Perkembangan Konsep Pemasaran


Konsep Produk

Konsep Penjualan

Konsep Pemasaran
Konsep Produksi

• Berasumsi bahwa konsumen tertarik pada

produk karena harganya yang murah
• Tujuan pemasaran:
– Produksi yang murah dan efisien
– Distribusi yang intensif
– Expansi pasar
Konsep Produk

• Berasumsi bahwa konsumen akan membeli

produk yang mempunyai mutu tertinggi,
kinerja terbaik dan paling banyak fitur
• Tujuan pemasaran:
– Peningkatan mutu
– Penambahan fitur
• Cenderung mengarah “Marketing Myopia”
Konsep Penjualan

• Berasumsi bahwa konsumen tidak akan

membeli kecuali mereka secara agresif
• Tujuan pemasaran:
– Jual, jual, jual
• Kebutuhan dan kepuasan pelanggan kurang
Konsep Pemasaran
• Berasumsi bahwa untuk menjadi sukses,
perusahaan harus menentukan kebutuhan
dan keinginan target pasar tertentu dan
memberikan kepuasan yang diinginkan
lebih baik dari para pesaing
• Tujuan pemasaran:
– Memperoleh laba melalui kepuasan
Para Pemimpin Bisnis Yang Memahami
Perilaku Konsumen

• Alfred Sloan, General Motors

• Colonel Sanders, KFC
• Ray Kroc, McDonald’s
Konsep Pemasaran
Filosofi yang berorientasi pelanggan
yang menyatakan bahwa pemuasan
kebutuhan pelanggan menjadi fokus
pengembangan produk dan strategi
pemasaran yang memungkinkan
perusahaan mencapai tujuan
Implementasi Konsep Pemasaran

• Penelitian Konsumen
• Segmentation
• Targeting
• Positioning
Penelitian Konsumen
• Proses dan alat yang digunakan untuk mempelajari perilaku
• Dua sudut pandang:
– Pendekatan positivist
– Pendekatan interpretivist

Positivisme merekomendasikan penggunaan metode ilmiah untuk

menganalisis perilaku manusia dan masyarakat sedangkan interpretivisme
merekomendasikan penggunaan metode kualitatif non-ilmiah untuk
menganalisis perilaku manusia.

positivisme memandang norma sosial sebagai dasar perilaku manusia,

interpretivisme memandang manusia sebagai makhluk kompleks yang
perilakunya tidak dapat dijelaskan oleh norma sosial..
Segmentation, Targeting dan Positioning

• Segmentation: proses membagi pasar

menjadi kelompok konsumen dengan
kebutuhan dan karakteristik yang sama
• Targeting: memilih satu atau lebih semgen
yang akan dikejar
• Positioning: membangun sebuah image
produk yang berbeda di benak konsumen
Positioning Yang Berhasil
• Mengkomunikasikan • Mengkomunikasik
benefit produk, an sebuah selling
bukan fiturnya proposition yang
unik bagi produk
Isotonik Ini
Bauran Pemasaran
(Marketing Mix)
• Product
• Price
• Place
• Promotion
Hubungan Dengan Pelanggan
Yang Sukses

Customer Customer
Value Retention

Konsep Societal Marketing
Penyempurnaan dari konsep pemasaran tradisional yang
menganjurkan para pemasar untuk mematuhi pada prinsip prinsip
tanggung jawab sosial dalam memasarkan produk dan jasa yang
mereka tawarkan;
oleh karenanya mereka harus berusaha untuk terus memuaskan
kebutuhan dan keinginan pasar yang menjadi sasarannya dengan cara
menjaga dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan konsumen dan masyarakat

The Societal Marketing Concept

• Perusahaan akan sejahtera jika masyarakat sejahtera.
• Baik perusahaan ataupun individu akan menjadi lebih baik jika
tanggung jawab sosial merupakan bagian yang integral dari setiap
keputusan pemasaran
• Mesyaratkan semua pemasar untuk mematuhi prinsip prinsip tanggun
jawab sosial.
Digital Revolution in the Marketplace
• Allows customization of products, services,
and promotional messages like never before
• Enhances relationships with customers more
effectively and efficiently
• Has increased the power of customers and
given them access to more information
• The exchange between consumers and
marketers has become more interactive
• May affect the way marketing is done
Changes brought on by the digital revolution

• Changes in segmentation strategies

• Re-evaluation of promotional budgets
– reduced impact of television?
– More internet-based promotion?
• Integrated marketing becomes critical
– Using off-line promotions to drive consumers to company‟s website (and
• Revamping distribution systems
– Direct distribution becomes more of an option
• Pricing methods may need to be re-evaluated
– Comparison shopping made easier
• Consumer research methods may change
– How do you measure web-based promotions?
A Simplified model consumer behaviour
Pengaruh Eksternal
Usaha Pemasaran Perusahaan Lingkungan Sosial Budaya
1. Keluarga
1. Produk
2. Sumber informal
Masukan 2. Promosi 3. Sumber non komersial lainnya
3. Harga 4. Kelas sosial
4. Jalur Distribusi 5. Budaya dan sub budaya

Ruang Lingkup Psikologis

Pengambilan Keputusan

Kebutuhan 1. Motivasi
Pengakuan 2. Persepsi

3. Pembelajaran
Pencarian 4. Kepribadian
Pra Pembelian 5. Sikap
Alternatif Pengalaman

Pembelian Model
Perilaku Pasca

1. Coba coba
Keluaran 2. Pembelian ulang
Evaluasi Pasca Pembelian Konsumen
Why study consumer behaviour?

• Understanding consumer behaviour will help you become better marketers as it is the
foundation for
• Segmenting markets
• Positioning products
• Developing an appropriate marketing

Knowledge of consumer behaviour is essential for non- profit organizations

• –Non profits have different customers to please
• –Donors, users, volunteers, general public, government,
Public service initiatives have to be based on an understanding of consumer behaviour
• –Canada‟s largest advertiser is the federal government
• –Most government initiatives (e.g., antismoking campaigns) need a knowledge of
consumer behaviour to succeed
• Better understanding of our own consumption behaviour
Importance of Studying Consumer Behaviour
1. Modern Philosophy:
It concerns with modern marketing philosophy – identify consumers’ needs and satisfy them more effectively than competitors. It makes marketing consumer-oriented. It is
the key to succeed.
2. Achievement of Goals:
The key to a company’s survival, profitability, and growth in a highly competitive marketing environment is its ability to identify and satisfy unfulfilled consumer needs better
and sooner than the competitors. Thus, consumer behaviour helps in achieving marketing goals.
3. Useful for Dealers and Salesmen:
The study of consumer behaviour is not useful for the company alone. Knowledge of consumer behaviour is equally useful for middlemen and salesmen to perform their
tasks effectively in meeting consumers needs and wants successfully. Consumer behaviour, thus, improves performance of the entire distribution system.
4. More Relevant Marketing Programme:
Marketing programme, consisting of product, price, promotion, and distribution decisions, can be prepared more objectively. The programme can be more relevant if it is
based on the study of consumer behaviour. Meaningful marketing programme is instrumental in realizing marketing goals.
5. Adjusting Marketing Programme over Time:
Consumer behaviour studies the consumer response pattern on a continuous basis. So, a marketer can easily come to know the changes taking place in the market. Based on
the current market trend, the marketer can make necessary changes in marketing programme to adjust with the market.
6. Predicting Market Trend:
Consumer behaviour can also aid in projecting the future market trends. Marketer finds enough time to prepare for exploiting the emerging opportunities, and/or facing
challenges and threats.
7. Consumer Differentiation:
Market exhibits considerable differentiations. Each segment needs and wants different products. For every segment, a separate marketing programme is needed. Knowledge
of consumer differentiation is a key to fit marking offers with different groups of buyers. Consumer behaviour study supplies the details about consumer differentiations.
8. Creation and Retention of Consumers:
Marketers who base their offerings on a recognition of consumer needs find a ready market for their products. Company finds it easy to sell its products. In the same way,
the company, due to continuous study of consumer behaviour and attempts to meet changing expectations of the buyers, can retain its consumers for a long period.
9. Competition:
Consumer behaviour study assists in facing competition, too. Based on consumers’ expectations, more competitive advantages can be offered. It is useful in improving
competitive strengths of the company.
10. Developing New Products:
New product is developed in respect of needs and wants of the target market. In order to develop the best-fit product, a marketer must know adequately about the market.
Thus, the study of consumer behaviour is the base for developing a new product successfully.
11. Dynamic Nature of Market:
Consumer behaviour focuses on dynamic nature of the market. It helps the manager to be dynamic, alert, and active in satisfying consumers better and sooner than
competitors. Consumer behaviour is indispensable to watch movements of the markets.
12. Effective Use of Productive Resources:
The study of consumer behaviour assists the manager to make the organisational efforts consumer-oriented. It ensures an exact use of resources for achieving maximum
efficiency. Each unit of resources can contribute maximum to objectives.

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