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Reading Text In Islam Diana. M.pd.


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Kata Pengantar
Thank to Almighty God who has given his bless to the witer for finishing
makalah Reading text in islam yang berjudul “Prophet muhammad”

The Writer also wish to ekspress his deep and sincare gratitude for those who
have guided in completing this peaper. Makalah reading text in islam ini berisi
beberapa hal yang terkait dengan Prophet Muhammad beserta artinya, beserta
kosakata yang dianggap penting serta beberapa tata bahasa yang penting untuk
dipelajari. Dan pada akhirnya, semoga tulisan makalah ini dapat bermanfaat untuk
kita semua dan terus semangat belajar bahasa Asingnya ya.

Banjarmasin, 14- Februari-2019

A.Latar Belakang
Bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang digunakan sebagai
pengantar dalam berkomunikasi antar bangsa. Dengan ditetapkannya bahasa inggris
sebagai bahasa internasional, maka orang akan cenderung memilih untuk menguasai
bahasa inggris agar mereka tidak kalah dalam persaingan di kanca internasional,
banyak orang berusaha belajar untuk menguasai dengan caranya masing-masing yang
tujuannya dapat menguasai bahasa inggris, dalam bahasa inggris terdapat tata bahasa
yang dipergunakan sebagai setandar untuk mengetahui bahasa yang digunakan itu
sudah benar atau salah. Standar yang digunakan biasa disebut grammar. Dalam
Grammar terdapat beberapa cara atau metode untuk menyusun sebuah kalimat dalam
membuat sebuah cerita atau untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain secara benar

B. Rumusan Masalah
1. Passage : Prophet Muhammad?
2. Vocabulary (Synonym)?
3.Compound and Complex Sentenses?

A. Prophet Muhammad

A great thing happened in the year 571 A.D. (the Christian Era). Muhammad, the
last prophet, was born in Mecca 571 years after the propahet Isa. His father was
‘Abdullah, who died before his birth. His lost his mother, Aminah, when he was only
6 years old. He married Khadijah when he was 25 years old. She was a noble lady of
Mecca. He lived for 63 years. He received the first revelation from Allah in 611 A.D.
when he was 40. At that time the Arabic people were idol worshippers. For 25 years
he preached the message of truth. Muhammad invited the people to return in Islam.


Suatu hal yang terjadi luar biasa pada tahun 571 Masehi (Era Kristen). Muhammad,
yang meninggal sebelum kelahirannya. Dia kehilangan ibunya, Aminah, ketika dia
baru berusia 6 tahun. Dia menikah dengan Khadijah ketika dia berusia 25 tahun. Dia
adalah seorang wanita bangsawan di Mekkah. Dia hidup selama 63 tahun. Dia
menerima wahyu pertama dari Allah pada tahun 611 M ketika dia berusia 40 tahun.
Pada saat itu orang-orang Arab adalah penyembah berhala. Selama 25 tahun dia
menyebarkan risalah kebenaran. Muhammad mengundang orang-orang untuk
kembali ke Islam.

B. Vocabularry
1. To happen = terjadi
2. Prophet = nabi
3. Birth = kelahiran
4. Noble = bangsawan
5. Revelation = wahyu
6. Idol = berhala
7. To worship = menyembah
8. Message = risalah
9. To preach = menyebarkan
10. Truth = kebenaran
I. Answer the following questions

1. Who is Muhammad ?
2. Are there any others prophet beside Muhammad ?
3. When was Muhammad born ?
4. Who was born first ? Muhammad or Isa ?
5. Where was Muhammad born ?
6. What was his father’s name ?
7. What was his mother’s name ?
8. Who died first ? his father or his mother ?
9. How old was he when his mother died ?
10. How old was he when he married Khadijah ?
11. When did Muhammad die ? how old was he?
12. What happened in 611 A.d. ?
13. What do you know about Arabic people of that time ?
14. How long did Muhammad invite poeple to accept Islam ?
15. What does “message of truth mean” ?
Answer the questions
1. Muhammad is the last prophet
2. Yes, there are
3. 571 years after the propahet Isa
4. Isa
5. He was born in mecca
6. His father’s name is Abdullah
7. His mother’s name is Aminah
8. His father
9. 6 years old
10. 25 years old
11. 634 A.D, 63 years old
12. He received the first revelation from Allah in 611 A.D.
13. At that time the Arabic people were idol worshippers
14. For 25 years he preached the message of truth.
15. The message of truth is to invited the people to return in Islam.

II. Text discussion

1. There are five characters mentioned in the text
1) Muhammad
2) Isa
3) Abdullah

4) Aminah
5) Khadijah
2. In relation to the prophet, they are his............
1) Prophet Isa was a Prophet Muhammad
2) Abdullah is muhammad’s father
3) Aminah is muhammad’s mother
4) Khadijah is muhammad’s wife
3. The story happened in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
4. There are some events mentioned. They are............
1) 1 A.D. :...........................
2) 571 A.D : Muhammad’s birth
3) Before 571 A.D. : his father’s died
(a few years before 571 A.D.)
4) 577 A.D. : his mother’s died
5) 596 A.D : muhammad was married with khadijah
6) 611 A.D. : He received the first revelation from Allah
7) 634 A.D. : muhammad died
III. Referance
Referance in sematis is the relathionship between words and the things,
actions, events and qualities they stand for.
1. He was born............. He refers to muhammad
2. He lost his.............. He refers to muhammad
3. He married Khadijah............ He refers to muhammad
4. She was a noble lady............ She refers to khadijah
5. In that time Arabic people.......... In that time refers to 611 A.D.
IV. Fill in the blanks with words you find in the text
1. We believe that Muhammad is the last prophet
2. He was born in Mecca
3. Isa is also prophet who was born before Muhammad
4. Aminah is Muhammad’s mother who lost when he was 6 years old
5. The students of the faculty of Da’wah practice how to ......... people to
V. Grammar in focus
A. Tenses: Simple present and simple past
- Ali is a student of I. A. I . N
- He attends lecturers everyday
- He finished his High School last year

- He lived in Kudus when he was in High School


Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs and tenses

1. Muhammad is a prophet.
2. He was born in Mecca.
3. His mother lost when he was only 6 years old
4. He married Khadijah.
5. He received the first revelation ftom God when he was 40.
6. The text above .................. about the life of Muhammad.
7. Every muslim .................. the life of Muhammad.
8. We ................... to practice his teachings.
B. Nominal group
Nominal group is a group of words which functions as a noun


A race-horse - a kind of horse for racing

A book case - a case that holds books

Dog food - food that is particularly for dog

A sheep dog - a dog that looks after sheep

1. A great thing happened ...............

2. ............... the year of Chritian era.
3. She was a noble lady of Mecca.
4. ............... the first revelation from Allah.
5. ............... the Arab people were idol worshippers.

Tranlate the about group into Indonesian


1Raymond Murphy with william R. Smalzer, Grammer in use intermediate, (Hong Kong: golden cup
printing company limited, 2008),h. 4.

Daftar pustaka
Murphy Raymond with william R. Smalzer, 2008 Grammer in use intermediate, Hong Kong:
golden cup printing company limited

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