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Apakah Anda pernah ke atau berencana ke tempat mana pun yang memiliki
budaya yang berbeda untuk jangka waktu tertentu? Apa
apakah atau akan Anda siapkan sebelum mengatasi perbedaan budaya antara
budaya rumah dan tuan rumah Anda?
2. Ketika budaya sangat berbeda, ada kemungkinan besar pesan akan muncul
disalahartikan. Berikan contoh berdasarkan pengalaman Anda tentang
bagaimana bahasa dapat menyebabkan persilangan
kesalahpahaman budaya dan menganalisis kesalahpahaman lintas budaya
dengan menggunakan
model komunikasi antara pengirim dan penerima. (20 poin)
3. Jawab pertanyaan berikut tentang budaya Anda sendiri. (20 poin)
Sebuah. Apakah ada komunikasi non-verbal dalam budaya Anda?
b. Kesan macam apa yang orang bentuk satu sama lain berdasarkan non-verbal
c. Apa yang harus dipelajari orang asing tentang komunikasi non-verbal dalam
budaya Anda?
4. Studi Kasus.
Meida: seorang pelajar asing dari India,
Carol: Teman Amerika Meida
Turner: Ayah Carol
Ny. Turner: Ibu Carol
Kisah ini bercerita tentang sebuah insiden dalam keluarga Amerika di mana
seorang anak perempuan melawan orangtuanya
keinginan. Baca Keluarga cerita dengan keras dan kemudian diskusikan
pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dengan cerita.
Meida telah diundang ke rumah Turners untuk makan malam. Dia duduk di
meja dan menikmati makan malam
dan berbicara dengan anggota keluarga lainnya. Saat makan malam telepon
berdering dan adik Caros
jawab itu. Pembicaraan berikut terjadi:
BROTHER CAROL: Carol. Itu Bill.
NYONYA. TURNER: (terkejut) Bill? Saya pikir Anda tidak melihatnya lagi,
Tanpa menjawab, Carol meninggalkan ruangan untuk menjawab telepon. Ketika
dia kembali, dia diam-diam melanjutkan
makan malamnya.
DR. TURNER: Carol, apakah itu Bill?
DR. TURNER: Apakah Anda masih melihatnya meskipun kami sudah memberi
tahu Anda bahwa kami tidak menyetujuinya?
CAROL: Apakah saya harus menceritakan semuanya? Dengar, Ayah, aku tahu
Bill tidak memiliki pendidikan tinggi
tetapi dia bekerja untuk saudaranya di sebuah perusahaan konstruksi. Dia
berusaha mendapatkan cukup uang untuk kembali
ke sekolah. Anda selalu mengatakan bahwa Anda menghormati orang-orang
pekerja keras. Kenapa aku tidak melihatnya lagi?
DR. TURNER: (pelan tapi serius) Saya harap Anda tidak serius tentang Bill,
Carol. Dia berjanji untuk tinggal
di perguruan tinggi tetapi dia putus dua kali. Apakah Anda ingin menikahi
seseorang yang kepribadiannya akan Anda miliki
Untuk mengganti?
NYONYA. TURNER: Carol, Bill berbeda dari kita. Kami hanya mengatakan
ini karena kami mencintaimu. Bill saja
bukan jenismu.
CAROL: (geram) Apa maksudmu, "jenisku"? Dia manusia! Hanya karena dia
sebuah keluarga yang memiliki uang lebih sedikit dari kita? Demokrasi seperti
apa yang Anda yakini?
Setiap orang seharusnya sama. Dia dan keluarganya sama baiknya dengan kita.
Sekarang, Carol berteriak keras. Meida merasa malu dan menatap piringnya.
BROTHER CAROL: Ayo, Ibu dan Ayah. Bill pria yang baik.
CAROL: Hanya karena orang tuanya adalah petani yang bekerja dengan tangan
mereka dan Anda adalah profesor
bekerja dengan kepalamu. Apa bedanya?
NYONYA. TURNER: Carol, kami sangat kecewa dengan Anda.
Bagaimanapun, kami tahu apa yang terbaik untuk Anda.
Tiba-tiba Carol bangkit, meraih lengan Meida, dan menariknya ke pintu.
CAROL: Ayo, Meida. Ayo pergi ke kamarku dan belajar.
Carol dan Meida dengan cepat berjalan keluar. Meida mencoba mengatakan
kepada orang tua Carol bahwa dia menyesal tetapi Carol
menarik Meida.
Setelah mempelajari kejadian itu, pertimbangkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan
berikut. Tulis komposisi singkat dengan menjawab
pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut:

1. Mungkinkah situasi ini terjadi pada keluarga Anda? Mengapa atau mengapa
2. Apakah keluarga Anda tidak setuju atau berdebat di depan para tamu?
Apakah Anda pikir ada anggota Carol
keluarga itu kasar?
3. Apakah "kesenjangan generasi" ada dalam budaya Anda? Jika ya, bagaimana
kesenjangan generasi dalam budaya Anda?
(20 poin)
4. Dari semua Kategori Budaya Amerika yang telah kita pelajari, yang mana
yang paling membuatmu penasaran?
Dan mungkinkah menerapkannya dalam budaya Anda? (40 poin)
1. I once went abroad, but it was just a vacation in Singapore and at that
time I did not really understand the culture of other countries or what I
am now learning across cultures. little I know about the country is that if
littering will be subject to sanctions. but now I have prepared it by
deepening the study of cross-cultural studies and looking for references
from outside.

Prepare for cultural differences:

The more you know about the culture of your host country, the more you are
ready for a different way of life, and the easier it is for you to overcome new
ideas and experiences. Misunderstanding due to cultural differences is a reality
but can be reduced through sensitivity and careful communication.
Being proactive, research some of your country's cultural habits before you
leave. Knowledgeable students usually have an easier transition once they are
Learn a language:
Learning the national language used in your host country will help you
communicate, and reduce the effects of cultural shocks and misunderstandings.
Being able to communicate with the locals will minimize the pressure from your
Open minded:
Open to accept cultural differences and alternative ways of doing things.
Unknown people may be frightening at first, but in time you will simply accept
this unusual situation.
Adapting to a new culture and country takes time. Be patient and allow yourself
to make mistakes and learn from them as you continue.
Naturally, if something like that happens in your own country. Resting from all
that is unusual it helps. When adapting seems difficult, take part in familiar
activities (read books, watch movies, or listen to music in your home language).
You will find that this will energize you and help you overcome every challenge
you face.
Respect the Difference
Life with a transverse difference between you and your country's host is
inevitable. but there is always an option to respect these differences if you want
to be accepted by the host of your country.

Following the advice of others will help you adjust to your new host country
and discover a new world full of cultural meaning and knowledge. Expatriates
are challenging experiences that can ultimately be useful, both personally and

2. while language is the primary means of communication , Language can

cause crosses cultural misunderstandings and analyze cross-cultural
misunderstandings. messages sent by the sender cannot be received by
the recipient because what is meant by the recipient is not the same or
different in terms of meaning. here we must learn cross-cultural
communication. so cross-cultural there is also an understanding of cross-
cultural communication. relating to attitudes, nonverbal behavior, ethics,
social status, and many others. Examples of cultural differences:
for example
-in America eating with your left hand is normal but in Indonesia eating with
your left hand is not good or rude.
- Arabic is written from right to left but almost other countries including
Indonesia are written from left to right
- in America people shake hands and hug. But not only in America did some
countries do the same thing but in India they only joined hands to say Namaskar
- in Japan, bowing is a very important tradition and learning how to bend is one
of the best ways to show that you value culture
- In indonesia : people in solo talk softly but in medan, people talk in high tone.
Betawi people talk using rude language : "mau kemana lo",.
"Kaga ngapa ngapa"
"Emang elu mau kmana?"
"Kaga tau gue"
3. a) certainly in my country there is non-verbal discussion while language
is the main means of communication, nonverbal behavior also
communicates. Nonverbal patterns include movements, facial
expressions, eye contact, body movements, touch, and the use of space
and time. gestures are a clear source of misunderstanding, because they
might have different meanings. However, other forms of nonverbal
communication may cause particular difficulty, partly because we don't
think about them much about it. therefore, we may not be able to figure
out what is causing the misunderstanding or why we feel uncomfortable.

b) When nonverbal communication is carried out in harmony with your

words, there will be trust and clarity in the whole communication process.
Conversely, if verbal and nonverbal communication are out of sync, then
suspicion, tension, or confusion between two people who are
communicating will increase.

For those of you who want to be excellent communicators, learning

nonverbal communication is absolutely legal. Not only studying what
other people are doing, but also yourself.

Nonverbal communication is also an important aspect of daily life. For

example, in caring for and educating children, nonverbal aspects such as
touch and hug are very important as a way to convey affection between
parents and children.

Another example that requires nonverbal aspects is when choosing a

partner or responding to a hazard. Therefore, by knowing the type of non-
verbal communication, we are expected to convey and understand
information better.

c) -break the assumptions

-discourage herd mentality
-avoid insensitive behavior

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