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9 bab

Spektroskopi Serapan
Atom, Spektroskopi
Emisi Atom,
Spektrometri Massa
Vincent Yeung ( ) *

Departemen Ilmu Hewan,

Universitas Negeri Politeknik California,
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407, AS
Dennis D Miller
Departemen Ilmu Pangan,
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-7201, AS
Michael A. Rutzke
School of Integrative Plant Science,
Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY 14853-7201, AS
e-mail :
S. Nielsen (ed.), Analisis Pangan, Seri Teks Ilmu Pangan, 129 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-45776-5_9, © Springer
International Publishing 2017
9.1 Pendahuluan Ditambah Plasma-Optical Emission
9.2 Prinsip Umum Spectroscopy
9.2.1 Energi Transisi dalam Atom 9.4. 4 Prosedur Umum untukEmisi
9.2.2 Atomisasi Plasma-Optik
9.3 Spektroskopi Serapan Atom Analisis Spektroskopi
9.3.1 PrinsipAtom Api Inductively Couple 9.4.5 Interferensi di
Spektroskopi Serapan Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical
9.3.2 Prinsip Elektrotermal Emission
(Graphite Furnace) Spektroskopi SpectroscopySpektroskopi
Serapan Atom 9.5 AplikasiSerapan Atom dan Emisi
9.3.3 Instrumentasi untukAtom 9.5.1 Penggunaan
Spektroskopi Serapan 9.5.2 Pertimbangan Praktis
9.3.4 Prosedur Umum f atauAtom 9.6 Spektrometri Massa-Plasma
SerapanAnalisis Inductively Couple
9.3.5 Gangguan di Spektroskopi 9.6. 1 Prinsip Inductively Coupled
Penyerapan Atom Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
9,4 Atomic Emission Spectroscopy 9.6.2 Interferensi pada Inductively Coupled
9.4.1 Prinsip Flame Emission Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
Spectroscopy 9.7 Perbandingan AAS, ICP-OES, dan ICP-MS
9.4.2 Prinsip induktif Ditambah 9.8 Ringkasan
Plasma-Optical Emission 9.9 Pertanyaan Studi
Spectroscopy 9.10 Latihan
9.4.3 Instrumentasi untuk induktif Rujukan
Bab 9 • Spektroskopi Serapan Atom, Spektroskopi Emisi Atom, dan Inductively Coupled Pl asma-Spektrometri Massa
sedangkan spektroskopi emisi atom (AES) mengukur
emisi radiasi dari atom dalam keadaan tereksitasi.
9.1 PENDAHULUAN AAS dan AES memungkinkan pengukuran yang
akurat dari elemen mineral bahkan di hadapan
Perkembangan metode yang akurat untuk mengukur komponen lain karena serapan atom dan spektrum
konsentrasi unsur mineral dalam makanan dan emisi unik untuk setiap elemen individu. Penggunaan
sampel biologis lainnya memiliki sejarah panjang. induktif digabungkan plasma (ICP), awalnya
Tantangan utama adalah untuk secara akurat dikembangkan pada tahun 1960 [3, 4], sebagai sumber
mengukur unsur-unsur ini dalam matriks makanan eksitasi untuk spektroskopi emisi telah lebih
yang mengandung konsentrasi jauh lebih tinggi dari memperluas kemampuan kita untuk cepat mengukur
komponen lain (yaitu, karbohidrat, protein, dan beberapa elemen dalam satu sampel. Secara teori,
lemak) serta unsur-unsur mineral lain yang mungkin hampir semua elemen dalam grafik periodik dapat
mengganggu. Tabel9.1 daftar elemen mineral yang ditentukan dengan AAS atau AES. Dalam prakteknya,
menarik dalam makanan [1, 2]. Database nutrisi spektroskopi atom digunakan terutama untuk
USDA [1] untuk kalsium, zat besi, natrium, dan menentukan unsur-unsur mineral. Tabel 8.2 di Bab. 8
kalium dalam makanan cukup lengkap, tetapi menunjukkan perbandingan metode salinan spektro
database untuk elemen jejak danberacun yang berbeda yang umumnya tersedia untuk analisis
makanan, termasuk AAS dan AES.
logam beratkurang untuk beberapa kelompok
Baru-baru ini, ICP telah dikawinkan dengan
makanan. Seperti namanya, salinan spektrum serapan
atom (AAS) mengukur penyerapan radiasi spektrometri massa (MS) untuk membentuk
elektromagnetik oleh atom netral yang terpisah instrumen ICP-MS yang
dengan baik,
massa memiliki keuntungan
9.1 tabel tambahan karena dapat memisahkan
Elemen dalam makanan dan menghitung banyak isotop dari
diklasifikasikan menurut esensialitas unsur yang sama. Secara
nutrisi, potensi risiko toksik, dan inklusi bersama-sama, metode instrumental
dalam Basis Data Gizi USDA untuk Gizi USDA ini
Referensi Standar mampu mengukur elemen mineral
dengan batas deteksi yang sangat Nutrisi pentinga Toksisitas menjadi
rendah. Selain itu, trometer spek perhatian
sebagian besar telah menggantikan untuk analisis mineral makanan,
metode kimia basah tradisional meskipun tradisional
Natrium Timbal Kalsium Kalium Merkuri Besi keadaan dasar menyerap energi dari sumber radiasi.
Klorida Kadmium Magnesium Kalsium Nikel Fosfor Spektrum emisi atom dihasilkan ketika atom netral
Kromium Arsenik Kalium Tembaga Talium Natrium dalam keadaan tereksitasi memancarkan energi saat
Fluorida Seng Yodium Tembaga Besi Mangan kembali ke keadaan dasar atau keadaan energi yang
Magnesium Selenium Mangan Fluorida Molibdenum lebih rendah. Seperti yang dibahas dalam Bab. 6, atom
Fosfor menyerap atau memancarkan radiasi
dari panjang gelombang diskrit karena tingkat energi
elektron yang diperbolehkan dalam atom adalah tetap
Boron dan berbeda. Dengan kata lain, setiap elemen
Nikel memiliki satu set unik transisi elektronik yang
Silicon diizinkan dan oleh karena itu spektrum yang unik,
Vanadium memungkinkan identifikasi dan kuantifikasi yang
akurat bahkan di hadapan elemen lain. Spektrum
Disusun berdasarkan US Department of Agriculture,
penyerapan dan emisi natrium ditunjukkan pada
Agricultural Research Service [1] dan Institute of Medicine
Gambar9.1. Untuk penyerapan, transisi terutama
(IOM) [2]
Nutrisi dianggap penting jika dihilangkan dari makanan
melibatkan eksitasi elektron dalam keadaan dasar,
menyebabkan beberapa perubahan yang merugikan dalam sehingga jumlah transisi relatif kecil. Emisi, di sisi
fungsi fisiologis. Untuk arsenik, boron, nikel, silikon, dan lain, terjadi
vanadium, ada bukti bahwa jumlah jejak mungkin memiliki 132
peran yang menguntungkan dalam beberapa proses
fisiologis pada beberapa spesies, tetapi data yang tersedia
terbatas dan sering bertentangan. Diet Referensi Intake
(DRI) telah ditetapkan oleh Institute of Medicine (IOM)
untuk mineral ini [2]
Nilai untuk tembaga, mangan, selenium, dan fluorida tidak
termasuk untuk banyak makanan dalam Basis Data Gizi
USDA untuk Referensi Standar karena terbatasdata
metodeuntuk kalsium, klorida, fluorida, dan fosfor
tetap digunakan sampai sekarang (lihat Bab 21).
Bab ini membahas prinsip-prinsip dasar yang
mendasari spektroskopi atom analitik dan
memberikan gambaran umum tentang instrumentasi
yang tersedia untuk mengukur penyerapan dan emisi
atom. Sebuah diskusi tentang ICP-MS juga disertakan. a
Pembaca yang tertarik pada pembahasan topik yang
lebih menyeluruh dirujuk ke referensi 5–8.

9.2.1 Transisi Energi dalam Atom

10.000 20.000 30.000 40.000 -1
Spektrum serapan atom dihasilkan ketika atom V.Yeung dkk.

Spektrum untuk natrium. Spektrum atas (a) adalah spektrum penyerapan, dan bawah (b) adalahemisi
spektrum(Dari Welz [26], dicetak ulang dengan izin dari VCH Publishers (1985) gambar

ketika elektron dalam berbagai keadaan tereksitasi jatuh ke tingkatlebih

energi yangrendah termasuk, tetapi tidak terbatas pada,
keadaan dasar. Oleh karena itu, spektrum emisi memiliki
lebih banyak garis daripada spektrum serapansama
unsur yangseperti yang diilustrasikan pada Gambar9.1. Ketika transisi
dari atau ke keadaan dasar, itu disebut resonansi
transisi, dan garis spektral yang dihasilkan disebut
garis resonansi.

9.2.2 Atomisasi
Spektroskopi atom mensyaratkan bahwa atom dari unsur yang
diinginkan berada dalam keadaan atom (tidak digabungkan
dengan unsur lain dalam suatu senyawa) danbaik
dipisahkan dengandalam ruang. Dalam makanan, hampir semua
hadir sebagai senyawa atau kompleks dan oleh karena itu
harus diubah menjadi atom netral (yaitu, atomisasi)
sebelum penyerapan atom atau pengukuran emisi
dapat dilakukan. Atomisasi biasanya dilakukan dengan
memaparkan larutan yang
mengandung analit (zat yang diukur)
sebagai kabut halus pada suhu tinggi,
biasanya dalam nyala api atau
plasma. Pelarut dengan cepat
menguap, meninggalkan partikel
padat dari analit yang menguap dan
terurai menjadi atom yang dapat
menyerap radiasi (penyerapan atom) 9.2 tabel Gambar
atau menjadi tereksitasi dan skema atomisasi suatu unsur dalam nyala
selanjutnya memancarkan radiasi api atau plasma. Lingkaranbesar di bagian
(emisi atom). Proses ini ditunjukkan bawah merupakan tetesan kecil larutan
yang mengandung unsur(M)sebagai
secara skematis pada Gambar9.2.
bagian dari senyawa (Dari Boss dan
Tiga metode umum untuk atomisasi Fredeen[6],digunakan dengan izin.
sampel, termasuk rentang suhu Perkiraan
Courtesy dari PerkinElmer Corporation,
atomisasinya, diringkas dalam Shelton, CT)


Metode dan suhu kisaran untuk
9.2 gambar atomisasi analit
SPECTROSCOPY analisis berdasarkan Sumber energi untuk
rentang suhu(K)
penyerapan atomisasi Metode analisis
AAS adalah metode atomisasi
banyak digunakan dari spek atom
radiasi ultraviolet-tampak (UV-Vis) oleh atom bebas Flame 2.000–3.400 AAS, AES Electrothermal
dalam keadaan gas. Ini adalah metode yang relatif 1.500–3.300 AAS (tungku grafit)
sederhana dan merupakan bentuk yang paling
secara induktif
troskopi dalam analisis makanan besar telah digantikan olehberbasis
ICP yang lebih kuat 6.000–7.000 ICP-OES, ICP-MS
selama bertahun-tahun. Sebagian
plasma argon yang digabungkan
Bab 9 • Spektroskopi Serapan Atom, Spektroskopi Emisi Atom, danSpektrometri Massa-Plasma yang Digabungkan Secara Induktif
elektrotermal (tungku grafit).

Spektroskopi. Dua jenis atomisasi yang umum

digunakan dalam AAS: atomisasi nyalaatomisasi dan 9.3.1 PrinsipAtom Api
Spektroskopi Serapan
Diagram skematik dari spektrometer serapan atom
nyala ditunjukkan pada Gambar 9.3. Dalam api AAS,
sistem nebulizer-burner digunakan untuk mengubah
larutan sampel menjadi uap atom. Penting untuk
dicatat bahwa sampel harus dalam larutan (biasanya
larutan berair) sebelum dapat dianalisis dengan AAS
nyala. Larutan sampel dinebulisasi (terdispersi
menjadi tetesan kecil), dicampur dengan bahan bakar
dan oksidan, dan dibakar dalam nyala api yang
dihasilkan oleh oksidasi bahan bakar. Atom dan ion
terbentuk di dalam bagian api yang paling panas saat
larutan sampel mengalami proses desolvasi,
penguapan, atomisasi, dan ionisasi (Gbr.9.2). Atom
dan ion dari unsur yang sama menyerap radiasi
dengan panjang gelombang yang berbeda dan
menghasilkan spektrum yang berbeda. Oleh karena
itu, diinginkan untuk memilih suhu nyala yang akan
memaksimalkan atomisasi dan meminimalkan
ionisasi karena spektrometer serapan atom disetel
untuk mengukur atom serapan, bukan ion penyerapan.
Setelah sampel diatomisasi dalam nyala api, kuantitas
elemen analit diukur dengan menentukan redaman
(penurunan intensitas) dari berkas radiasi yang
melewati nyala api, karena penyerapan atom radiasi
insiden oleh elemen analit. . Untuk pengukuran untuk
lebih spesifik untuk elemen analit, sumber radiasi
idealnya harus memancarkan radiasi dari panjang
gelombang bijaksana yang tepat yang hanya analit



mampu menyerap. Ini dapat dicapai dengan
menggunakan lampu dengan katoda yang dibuat
dengan elemen yang akan ditentukan. Dengan
demikian, berkas radiasi yang dipancarkan dari
lampu adalah spektrum emisi elemen. Garis spektrum
yang diinginkan diisolasi dengan melewatkan berkas
melalui monokromator sehingga hanya radiasi
dengan lebar pita yang sangat sempit yang mencapai
detektor. Biasanya, salah satu garis spektral terkuat
dipilih; misalnya, untuk natrium monokromator
diatur untuk melewatkan radiasi dengan panjang
gelombang 589,0 nm. Prinsip proses ini diilustrasikan
pada Gambar 9.4. Perhatikan bahwa intensitas radiasi
yang meninggalkan nyala api lebih kecil daripada
intensitas radiasi yang datang dari sumbernya. Ini
karena atom sampel dalam nyala menyerap sebagian api I = intensitas radiasi yang keluar dari
radiasi. Perhatikan juga bahwa lebar garis radiasi dari nyala api a = absorptivitas molar
sumber lebih sempit daripada lebar garis yang sesuai b = panjang lintasan melalui nyala api
dalam spektrum serapan. Hal ini karena semakin c = konsentrasi atom dalam nyala
tinggi suhu nyala api menyebabkan pelebaran lebar
garis. Jelas, absorbansi berhubungan langsung dengan
Besarnya radiasi yang diserap oleh unsur analit konsentrasi atom dalam nyala .
diberikan oleh hukum Beer:
AI = log / ( )I a = bc o (9.1)


A = absorbansi
Io = intensitas radiasi yang datang pada nyala Monokromator Electronics

recombiner Detector
(atau tungku)

Beam sumber

Skema representasi dari double-beam spektrofotometer

9,3 serapan (Diadaptasi dari Beaty dan
Cahaya sumber sel Contoh pengukuran cahaya

Kerber[5]) angka
lebih kecil dan menawarkan batas
deteksi yang lebih rendah.
Kerugiannya adalah biaya tambahan
dari tungku grafit, throughput
sampel yang lebih rendah, gangguan
matriks yang lebih tinggi, dan presisi
yang lebih rendah.

9.3.3 Instrumentasi untuk

Spektroskopi Serapan
Atom Spektrometer serapan atom,
biasanya dengan desain berkas ganda
(lihat Bab 7, Bagian 7.2.7), terdiri dari
komponen-komponen berikut
1. Sumber radiasi, berongga lampu
katoda (HCL) atau lampu pelepasan
tanpa elektroda (EDL)
2. Alat penyemprot, biasanya sistem
c pembakar nebulizer atau tungku
3. Monokromator, biasanya
monokromator kisi UV-Vis
4. Detektor, tabung photomultiplier
(PMT) atau detektor solid-state (SSD)
5. Perangkat pembacaan, analog atau
pembacaan digital

(Sumber radiasi dan alat penyemprot

akan dibahas lebih lanjut dalam
paragraf berikut. Lihat Bab 7, Bagian
Representasi skematis dari penyerapan,, dan untuk
radiasi oleh sampel selama pengukuran diskusi yang lebih rinci dari
serapan atom. Spektrum sumber radiasi monochromators, detektor, dan
ditunjukkan pada (a). Saat perangkat pembacaan
radiasi melewati sampel (b), sebagian masing-masing.)
diserap oleh elemen yang diinginkan.
Absorbansi sebanding dengan konsentrasi Sumber Radiasi
elemen dalam nyala. Daya pancar dari
radiasi yang meninggalkan sampel
A berongga katoda lampu (HCL)
terdiri dari tabung hampa diisi
9.4 berkurang karena penyerapan
dengan argon atau gas neon, anoda
gambar V. Yeung et al.
terbuat dari tungsten, dan katoda
yang terbuat dari bentuk logam dari
elemen yang diukur (Fi G.9.5). Ketika
9.3.2 Prinsip Elektrotermal
tegangan diterapkan pada elektroda,
(Graphite Furnace)Serapan Atom lampu memancarkan radiasi
Electrothermal AAS identik dengan
flame AAS kecuali untuk proses
oleh sampel (c) (Dari Skoog et al. [8],
atomisasi. Dalam AAS elektrotermal,
digunakan dengan izin. Ilustrasi dari
a sampel dipanaskan secara elektrik Prinsip Analisis Instrumen, edisi ke-6,
secara bertahap di dalam tabung oleh DA Skoog, FJ Holler, SR Crouch
grafit, umumnya dikenal sebagai
tungku grafit, untuk mencapai
atomisasi. Tabung disejajarkan katoda Ar gas MENGISI
dengan jalur berkas radiasi yang window
akan diserap oleh sampel yang
diatomisasi dan absorbansinya
ditentukan. AAS elektrotermal (2007). Dicetak ulang dengan izin dari
membutuhkan ukuran sampel yang
Skema representasi dari katoda berongga
Brooks / Cole, sebuah divisi dari Cengage Learning)

lampu (Diadaptasi dari Beaty dan Kerber[5]) angka

Bab 9 • Spektroskopi Serapan Atom, Spektroskopi Emisi Atom, dan Spektrometri Massa-Plasma Inductively Coupled Atomizers
karakteristik logam di katoda. Misalnya, jika katoda Flame dan tungku grafit atomizersadalah dua jenis
terbuat dari besi, spektrum besi akan dipancarkan. umum dari atomizers digunakan dalam AAS. Ketika
Saat radiasi melewati nyala api yang mengandung kabel appli, teknikuap dingin untuk merkuri dan
sampel teratomisasi, hanya atom besi (bukan atom teknik
unsur lain) yang akan menyerap radiasi ini karena generasi hidrida untuk beberapa elemen yang
panjang gelombang yang dipancarkan dari HCL digunakan untuk meningkatkan sensitivitas.
spesifik untuk atom besi. Tentu saja, ini berarti perlu Alat penyemprot api terdiri dari nebulizer dan
menggunakan lampu yang berbeda untuk setiap burner. Nebulizer dirancang untuk mengubah larutan
elemen yang dianalisis (tersedia sejumlah lampu sampel menjadi kabut halus atau aerosol. Ini dicapai
multielemen yang mengandung katoda yang terbuat dengan mengaspirasi sampel melalui kapiler ke
dari lebih dari satu elemen). HCL untuk sekitar 60 dalam ruang di mana oksidan dan bahan bakar
elemen logam tersedia secara komersial, mengalir. Ruang berisi baffle yang menghilangkan
menunjukkan bahwa AAS dapat digunakan untuk tetesan yang lebih besar, meninggalkan kabut yang
analisis hingga 60 elemen. sangat halus. Hanya sekitar 1% dari total sampel yang
Sebuah lampu discharge elektroda-kurang (EDL) dibawa ke dalam nyala api oleh campuran
tidak mengandung elektroda tapi kapal kaca oksidan-bahan bakar. Tetesan yang lebih besar jatuh
berongga diisi dengan gas inert ditambah unsur ke bagian bawah ruang pencampuran dan
bunga. Debit dihasilkan oleh koil generator frekuensi dikumpulkan sebagai limbah. Kepala pembakar berisi
tinggi daripada arus listrik [9]. EDL cocok untukvola slot sempit yang panjang yang menghasilkan nyala
elemen ubinseperti arsenik, merkuri, dan kadmium. api yang panjangnya mungkin 5-10 cm. Ini
Radiasi yang mencapai monokromator berasal dari memberikan panjang jalan yang panjang yang
tiga sumber: (1) sinar yang dilemahkan dari HCL meningkatkan sensitivitas pengukuran.
(emisi spesifik), (2) emisi dari atom sampel (termasuk Karakteristik nyala api dapat dimanipulasi
atom analit dan non-analit) yang tereksitasi oleh nyala dengan menyesuaikan rasio oksidan/bahan bakar
api (emisi nonspesifik), dan (3) radiasi yang dan dengan pilihan oksidan dan bahan bakar.
dihasilkan dari pembakaran bahan bakar untuk Air-acetylene dan nitrous oxide-acetylene adalah
menciptakan nyala api (emisi nonspesifik). Instrumen campuran oksidan-bahan bakar yang paling umum
dirancang untuk menghilangkan emisi nonspesifik digunakan meskipun oksidan dan bahan bakar lain
dari mencapai detektor. Hal ini dicapai dengan dapat digunakan untuk beberapa elemen. Ada tiga
menempatkan monokromator antara nyala api dan jenis nyala api:
detektor. Monokromator menyebarkan panjang
gelombang cahaya yang tidak spesifik untuk elemen 1. Stoikiometri. Nyala api ini dihasilkan dari
analit dan mengisolasi garis yang spesifik. Jadi, radiasi jumlah stoikiometri (rasio reaksi yang tepat)
yang mencapai detektor adalah jumlah radiasi dari dari oksidan dan bahan bakar, sehingga bahan
berkas HCL yang dilemahkan dan radiasi yang bakar benar-benar terbakar dan oksidan habis
dipancarkan oleh atom analit yang tereksitasi dalam dikonsumsi. Hal ini ditandai dengan pinggiran
nyala. Karena kita hanya tertarik pada jumlah radiasi kuning. 2. Pengoksidasi. Nyala api ini dihasilkan
HCL yang diserap oleh atom analit dalam nyala, dari campuran bahan bakar lean (kelebihan
maka perlu untuk mengoreksi emisi dari atom analit oksigen). Ini adalah nyala api terpanas dan
yang tereksitasi dalam nyala. Hal ini dicapai dengan memiliki penampilan biru jernih.
memposisikan beam chopper tegak lurus dengan 3. Mengurangi. Nyala api ini dihasilkan dari
jalur cahaya antara HCL dan nyala api (Gbr. 9.3). campuran yang kaya bahan bakar (kelebihan
Beam chopper adalah piringan dengan bahan bakar dibandingkan dengan oxy gen).
segmen-segmen yang dihilangkan. Disk berputar Ini adalah api yang relatif dingin dan memiliki
pada kecepatan konstan sehingga cahaya yang warna kuning.
dipancarkan dari HCL yang mencapai detektor tidak
terhalang atau terhalang secara berkala, yaitu Analis harus mengikuti garis panduan pabrikan
bergantian. Sebaliknya, emisi dari atom analit atau berkonsultasi dengan literatur untuk jenis api
tereksitasi dalam nyala yang mencapai detektor yang tepat untuk setiap elemen.
adalah kontinu. Elektronik instrumen mengurangi Alat penyemprot api memiliki keuntungan
sinyal emisi kontinu dari sinyal emisi bolak-balik karena stabil dan mudah digunakan. Namun,
sehingga hanya sinyal dari sinar HCL yang sensitivitasnya relatif rendah karena sebagian besar
dilemahkan yang dicatat dalam pembacaan. sampel tidak pernah mencapai nyala api dan waktu
tinggal sampel dalam nyala api pendek. 0.2

Grafit tungku biasanya tabung grafit silinder

terhubung ke catu daya listrik. Sampel diinjeksikan ke merkurikemudian dibawa dalam aliran
dalam tabung melalui inlet menggunakan jarum
suntik mikroliter dengan volume sampel berdering
ing 0,5-100μL. Selama operasi, sistem ini memerah
dengan gas inert untuk mencegah tabung dari
pembakaran dan untuk mengecualikan pesawat dari
sampel kompartemen. Tabung dipanaskan secara
elektrik secara bertahap: pertama pelarut sampel
diuapkan, kemudian sampel menjadi abu, dan
akhirnya suhu dinaikkan dengan cepat menjadi

~2000–3000 K untuk menguapkan dan mengatomisasi A

sampel dengan cepat.

gas inertke dalam sel absorpsi tanpa memerlukan

dingin Teknik uap bekerja hanya untuk mer

cury, karena merkuri adalah satu-satunya elemen
mineral 0,5
yang dapat eksis sebagai atom-atom bebas di negara gas 0,1
pada 0,4
atomisasilebih lanjut. Teknologi generasi hidrida 0
suhu kamar. Merkuri senyawa dalam sampel c
V. Yeung et al.

pertama kali direduksi menjadi raksa oleh aksi


dari stannous klorida, agen pereduksi kuat. Unsur nique terbatas pada unsur-unsur yang mampu
membentuk hidrida vol atil yang meliputi arsenik,
timbal, timah,
0 2 4 6 8 10

bismut, antimon, telurium, Sebuah plot absorbansi vs konsentrasi
germanium, dan sele nium. Sampel
yang mengandung unsur-unsur ini
9.6 menunjukkan nonlinier di atas tertentu

dengan natrium borohidrida untuk menghasilkan Penyerapan Atom

hidrida volatil, yang dibawa ke dalam sel penyerapan
dan terurai oleh panas. Pengukuran absorbansi Meskipun desain dasar dari semua spektrometer
dengan kedua teknik ini dilakukan dengan cara yang serapan atom serupa, prosedur operasinya berbeda
sama seperti dengan atomisasi nyala, tetapi dari satu instrumen ke instrumen lainnya. Untuk
sensitivitas sangat ditingkatkan karena hanya ada metode apa pun, selalu merupakan praktik yang baik
sedikit kehilangan sampel [5]. untuk meninjau dengan cermat prosedur operasi
standar yang disediakan oleh pabrikan sebelum
9.3.4 Prosedur Umum untuk Analisis menggunakan instrumen. Kebanyakan instruksi
manual juga memberikan informasi terkait untuk disesuaikan sehingga absorbansi terukur selalu
analisis setiap elemen tertentu (panjang gelombang berada dalam kisaran linier kurva kalibrasi.
dan persyaratan lebar celah, interferensi dan koreksi, Instruksi manual dari produsen dapat
karakteristik nyala api, rentang linier, dll.). memberikan nilai untuk konsentrasi karakteristik
untuk setiap elemen. Misalnya, manual untuk Tindakan Pencegahan spektrofotometer serapan atom Perkin Elmer
Keselamatan Protokol dan prosedur keselamatan menyatakan bahwa larutan besi 5,0 mg/L berair
laboratorium umum serta tindakan pencegahan “akan memberikan pembacaan sekitar 0,2 unit
keselamatan yang direkomendasikan oleh produsen absorbansi.” Jika pembacaan absorbansi yang diukur
instrumen harus diikuti dengan hati-hati untuk menyimpang secara signifikan dari nilai ini,
menghindari cedera pribadi atau kecelakaan yang penyesuaian yang tepat (misalnya, karakteristik nyala
merugikan. Sumber bahan bakar yang paling umum api, penyelarasan lampu, dll.) harus dilakukan.
digunakan dalam nyala api AAS adalah campuran
udara-asetilen dan nitrous oksida-asetilen.
9.3.5 Interferensi dalam Spektroskopi
Serapan Atom
tepat harus ada sebelum operasi. Ventilasi
pembuangan harus diposisikan tepat di atas burner Dua jenis interferensi ditemui dalam AAS: spektral
untuk menghindari penumpukan bahan bakar yang dan nonspektral. Interferensi spektral disebabkan
tidak terbakar atau asap beracun yang berpotensi oleh penyerapan radiasi oleh unsur lain atau spesies
berbahaya. Trometer spek serap atom api tidak boleh molekuler pada panjang gelombang yang tumpang
ditinggalkan tanpa pengawasan saat beroperasi. tindih dengan daerah spektral analit yang ada dalam
sampel. Interferensi nonspektralsampel disebabkan Kalibrasi oleh matriksdan kondisi yang mempengaruhi
Seperti diilustrasikan pada Gambar9.6, plot efisiensi atomisasi dan/atau ionisasi atom netral
absorbansi versus konsentrasi akan menyimpang dari dalam alat penyemprot.
linearitas yang diprediksi oleh hukum Beer ketika
konsentrasi melebihi tingkat tertentu. Oleh karena itu, Interferensi Spektral
kurva kalibrasi yang dibuat dengan benar Suatu elemen dalam sampel selain elemen yang
menggunakan standar murni sangat penting diinginkan dapat menyerap pada panjang gelombang
untukakurat pita spektral yang digunakan. Interferensi seperti itu
pengukuran kuantitatif yang. Jika nilai untuk rentang jarang terjadi karena jalur emisi dari HCL sangat
linier adalah sempit sehingga hanya elemen yang diinginkan yang
angka mampu menyerap radiasi
dalam banyak kasus. Salah satu contoh ketika
masalah ini terjadi adalah dengan gangguan besi
tidak disediakan oleh pabrikan, rentang linier suatu
dalam penentuan seng. Seng memiliki garis spektral
elemen harus ditetapkan dengan menjalankan
pada 213.856 nm, yang tumpang tindih dengan garis
serangkaian standar peningkatan konsentrasi dan
besi pada 213.859 nm. Masalah ini dapat diselesaikan
memplot absorbansi versus konsentrasi. Konsentrasi
dengan memilih spektrum alternatif.
larutan sampel yang tidak diketahui harus
Bab 9 • Spektroskopi Serapan Atom, Spektroskopi Emisi Atom, danSpektrometri Massa-Massa yang Digabungkan Secara Induktif
viskositas, tegangan permukaan, dan tekanan uap
larutan sampel, yang menyebabkan perbedaan dalam
Garisuntuk mengukur seng atau dengan laju aspirasi, nebulisasi, atau transportasi antara
mempersempit lebar celah kromator mono. larutan sampel dan standar. selama atomisasi api.
Kehadiran molekul oksida alkali tanah dan Gangguan seperti itu sering dapat diatasi dengan
hidroksida juga dapat menyebabkan beberapa menggunakan pelarut yang sama dan dengan
gangguan spektral tertentu. Spektrum kalsium oksida mencocokkan sedekat mungkin sifat fisik larutan
dan magnesium hidroksida akan muncul sebagai latar sampel dan standar. Protokol tambahan standar (lihat
belakang penyerapan untuk pengukuran penyerapan Bab 7, Bagian 7.2.4) juga dapat digunakan. Gangguan
atom natrium dan kromium, masing-masing [10]. transportasi jarang menjadi masalah dengan
Interferensi ini lemah tetapi harus diperhitungkan instrumen tungku grafit tetapi gangguan matriks
ketika bekerja dengan matriks sampel yang kompleks. adalah masalah umum dan serius.
Komposisi matriks larutan sampel juga dapat Interferensi Nonspektral mempengaruhi migrasi lateral analit, yang
Seperti disebutkan di atas, hasil kuantitatif untuk mengakibatkan gangguan penguapan zat terlarut.
sampel yang tidak diketahui hanya mungkin melalui Misalnya, telah diamati dalam penyerapan api dan
perbandingan dengan serangkaian standar emisi bahwa logam alkali tanah tertekan oleh
konsentrasi yang diketahui. Gangguan transportasi peningkatan kadar aluminium dan fosfor
dapat terjadi ketika komponen lain yang ada dalam [aluminium11], dan bilangan
matriks sampel mempengaruhi sifat fisik seperti juga menekan pemulihan kalsium [12]. Interferensi
kimia terjadi ketika suatu unsur membentuk senyawa AES adalah atom tereksitasi dalam sampel, bukan
yang stabil secara termal yang tidak terurai selama radiasi dari HCL. Gambar9.7 menunjukkan diagram
atomisasi. Logam tahan api seperti tita sederhana dari spektrometer emisi atom. Energi yang
nium dan molibdenum dapat bergabung dengan cukup pertama kali diterapkan pada sampel untuk
oksigen untuk membentuk oksida yang stabil; api mengeksitasi atom ke tingkat energi yang lebih tinggi;
suhu tinggi biasanya diperlukan untuk disosiasi emisi karakteristik panjang gelombang dari
mereka. Juga, fosfat dalam matriks sampel bereaksi masing-masing elemen kemudian diukur ketika
dengan kalsium untuk membentuk kalsium pirofosfat elektron dari atom tereksitasi bergerak kembali ke
yang tidak terurai dalam nyala api. Sebuah agen keadaan dasar atau keadaan energi yang lebih
pelepas seperti lantanum, yang mengikat fosfat lebih rendah. Rasio jumlah atom tereksitasi terhadap atom
kuat dari kalsium, dapat ditambahkan ke larutan keadaan dasar yang terjadi dalam nyala api atau
sampel dan standar untuk membebaskan kalsium plasma dijelaskan oleh persamaan Maxwell
untuk atomisasi [12]. Boltzmann untuk garis resonansi (Bab 6, Bagian
Gangguan ionisasi disebabkan oleh ionisasi atom 6.4.3). Persamaan ini berlaku ketika ada tumbukan
analit dalam nyala dan dengan demikian mengurangi termal atau tumbukan antara atom atau molekul,
konsentrasi atom netral untuk pengukuran serapan sebagian dari mereka akan tereksitasi.
atom. (Ingat bahwa atom dan ion dari unsur yang Energi untuk eksitasi dapat dihasilkan oleh panas
sama menyerap radiasi gelombang yang berbeda (biasanya dari nyala api), cahaya (dari laser), listrik
Ini dapat menjadi masalah dalam nyala nitrous (busur atau percikan api), atau gelombang radio
oxide-acetylene yang lebih panas, terutama dengan (ICP). (Catatan: AES juga biasa disebut spektroskopi
unsur-unsur yang memiliki potensi ionisasi 7,5 eV emisi optik (OES), terutama bila dikombinasikan
atau kurang (misalnya, logam alkali). atom dengan ICP. Dalam bab ini, kita akan menggunakan
menghasilkan situasi kesetimbangan: ICP-OES daripada ICP-AES untuk diskusi kita, tetapi
kedua istilah tersebut sebenarnya dapat
+ dipertukarkan.)
MM e + - (9.2)

Gangguan ionisasi dapat diatasi dengan spiking

larutan sampel dan standar denganlain yang
elemenmudah terionisasi (EIE) seperti kalium atau
cesium, yang dikenal sebagai penekan ionisasi, Detektor
untuk menciptakan kumpulan elektron bebas dalam
nyala api , yang menggeser kesetimbangan di atas ke
kiri dan menekan
ionisasi atom analit.
(atau Plasma)

Berbeda dengan AAS, sumber radiasi terukur dalam

meningkat dengan meningkatnya Diagram sederhana dari spektrometer
memanjang dan menghasilkan suhu nyala dan juga emisi atom (Diadaptasi dari Boss dan
spektrum yang berbeda.) Ionisasi
mally tidak menjadi masalah dalam angka
Fredeen [6])
nyala api asetilena yang lebih dingin.
138 spektroskopi emisi nyala pada dasarnya identik
dengan yang untuk AAS. Many modern atomic
absorption spec
Dua bentuk AES yang paling umum digunakan trometers can also be operated as flame emission
dalam analisis makanan adalah spektroskopi emisi spectrometers.
nyalaspektroskopi dan emisi optik In some instruments, interference filters (instead
plasmadigabungkan secara induktif (ICP-OES) yang. of the more versatile monochromators typically found
in absorption/emission spectrometers) are employed
to isolate the spectral region of interest. Flame
9.4.1 Prinsip Spektroskopi Emisi photometers are economical emission spec
Api Spektrometer emisi api menggunakan nebulizer trometers equipped with interference filters and are
sistem burner untuk atomisasi dan eksitasi atom specifically designed for the analysis of the alkali and
unsur yang diukur. Nyala dengan atom tereksitasi alkaline earth metals in biological samples. Low flame
berfungsi sebagai sumber radiasi, sehingga sumber temperatures are used so that only easily excited
eksternal (HCL dengan beam chopper) tidak elements such as sodium, potassium, and cal
diperlukan. Sebaliknya instrumentasi untuk cium produce emissions. This results in a simpler
spectrum and reduces interference from other ele Argon Plasma Torch
ments present in the sample matrix. Characteristics of an Argon Plasma
9.4.2 Principles of Inductively Coupled Torch
Plasma-Optical Emission The plasma torch (Fig.9.9) consists of three concen tric
Spectroscopy quartz tubes centered in a copper coil, called the load
coil. During operation of the torch, a stream of argon
ICP-OES differs from flame emission spectroscopy in gas flows through the outer tube, and radio
that it uses an argon plasma as the excitation source. frequency (RF) power is applied to the load coil, cre
Aplasma is defined as a gaseous mixture containing ating a magnetic field oscillating at the frequency of
significant concentrations of cations and electrons. the RF generator (usually 27 MHz or 40 MHz). The
Temperatures in argon plasmas could be as high as plasma is started by ionizing argon atoms with an
10,000 K, with analyte excitation temperature typically electric spark to form argon ions and electrons. The
ranging from 6,000 to 7,000 K. oscillating magnetic field couples with the argon ions
The extremely high temperatures and the inert and electrons, forcing them to flow in an annu lar
atmosphere of argon plasmas are ideal for the atomi (ring-shaped) path. Heating does not involve burning
zation, ionization, and excitation of the analyte atoms fuel to directly heat and atomize the sample, as is the
in the sample. The low oxygen content reduces the case with flame AAS (argon is a noble gas and will not
formation of oxides, which is sometimes a problem combust). Rather, heating is accom plished by
with flame methods. The nearly complete atomization transferring RF energy to free electrons and argon ions
of the sample minimizes chemical interferences. The in a manner similar to the transfer of microwave
relatively uniform temperatures in plasmas (com energy to water in a microwave oven. These
pared to nonuniform temperatures in flames) and the high-energy electrons in turn collide with argon
relatively long residence time give good linear atoms, generating even more electrons and argon ions
responses over a wide concentration range (up to 6 and causing a rapid increase in tempera ture to
orders of magnitude). approximately 10,000 K. The process contin ues until
V. Yeung et al. about 1 % of the argon atoms are ionized. At this
point the plasma is very stable and self-sustain ing for
as long as the RF field is applied at constant power.
9.4.3 Instrumentation for Inductively The transfer of energy to a system through the use of
Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission electromotive forces generated by mag netic fields is
Spectroscopy known as inductive coupling [13], hence the name
Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spec
trometers typically consist of the following compo
nents (Fig.9.8): Sample Introduction and Analyte
1. Argon plasma torch Samples are nebulized and introduced as aerosols
2. Monochromator, polychromator, or echelle carried by another stream of argon gas in the inner
optical system tube inside the annulus of the plasma at the base of
3. Detector(s), a single or multiple PMT(s) or the RF load coil. The sample goes through the process
solid-state array detector(s)
4. Computer for data collection and treatment

Chapter 9 • Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Atomic Emission Spectroscopy, and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry






Aerosol Argon

9.8 figure
Schematic of an inductively coupled

DETECTORS plasma-optical emission simultaneous

spectrometer ab

zone 4,000~5,000 K

6,000~7,000 K

4,000~5,000 K
RF Load

8,000~10,000 K

RF Field

Coil Induction

Ignition spark

The ICP plasma: (a) the process by which the plasma is

formed and sustained and (b) the temperature distribu

tion of the plasma figure
a Radial plasma FREQUENCY

V. Yeung et al.




transfer” [15, 16].

9.10 Radial and Axial Viewing

Major components and typical layout of (a) a radially Emissions from ICP torches can be viewed either
viewed ICP-OES instrument and (b) an axially viewed radi ally or axially. In the radial view, the optics are
ICP-OES instrument figure aligned perpendicular to the torch (Fig. 9.10a). In
the axial view, the light is viewed by looking down
the center of the torch (Fig. 9.10b). Axial viewing
of desolvation, vaporization, atomization, offers lower detection limits but is more prone to
ionization, and excitation as shown in Fig.9.2. The matrix interfer ences. Manufacturers of modern
exact mecha nisms by which the analyte atoms and ICP-OES instruments have mostly combined the
ions are excited in a plasma are not understood radial and axial configura tions into single
fully. Nevertheless, there is general agreement that “dual-view” units, offering greater flexibility to the
excita tion is dependent primarily on the number end user.
and tem perature of the electrons in the plasma
[14]. Presumably, when electrons are accelerated in Detectors and Optical Systems Older
a mag netic field, they acquire enough kinetic ICP-OES instruments were configured to focus
energy to excite analyte atoms and ions upon emission lines from each of the analyte elements on
collision [14]. Exceptions to this mechanism include separate PMTs arranged in a semicircle (the
the excitation of neutral atoms of magnesium, Rowland circle) as shown in Fig.9.8. PMT-based
copper, and a few other elements that are believed instruments are relatively large and bulky, and
to be excited when an argon ion (Ar+) extracts an while some are still in
electron from the ana lyte atom (M) to yield M+* and
Ar0, where M is a generic abbreviation for a
ground-state metal atom and M+* is an excited
metal ion. This mechanism is termed “charge use today, they have been mostly replaced by
modern instruments equipped with an echelle pixels for signal pro cessing. ICP-OES instruments
optical system and a solid-state array detector typically use one of three types of solid-state array
(Fig.9.11), capable of measuring continuous detectors: charge cou pled device (CCD),
emission spectra over a wide wavelength range. complementary metal oxide semiconductor
The echelle optical system employs two (CMOS), or charge injection device (CID). A
dispers ing components in series, a prism and a description of these detectors is beyond the scope
diffraction grating. The prism first disperses the of this chapter. Interested readers are referred to the
radiation from the plasma torch without any comparisons between different types of solid-state
wavelength overlap (in the x-direction). The array detectors provided in references [17, 18].
radiation then strikes a low-den sity ruled grating More recent development in ICP-OES instrumen
(about 53 groves per mm). This fur ther separates tation involves the use of the Optimized Rowland
the radiation in a direction perpendicular to the Circle Alignment (ORCA) design to further extend
direction of radiation dispersed by the prism (in the measurement over a wavelength range of 130–800
y-direction), producing a two-dimensional spec nm. This allows for the measurement of chlorine
trum with a wavelength range of 166–840 nm. which emits a spectral line at 134 nm, below the
When the radiation passing through the echelle range of an echelle system. In an ORCA system,
optical sys tem is focused onto the solid-state array detectors are posi tioned in a semicircular
detector, elec trons are liberated proportionally to arrangement (Fig. 9.12). A holographic grating is
the intensity of the incident radiation and trapped used to separate wavelengths of
in the silicon-based, light-sensitive elements called
Chapter 9 • Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Atomic Emission Spectroscopy, and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry

Slit lens





A simplified example of an echelle spectrometer. The echelle
spectrometer combines two light dispersing elements in
series. A prism first disperses the light in the x-direction
9.11 without overlapping orders, followed by a
grating which disperses the light in the y-direction, producing a two-dimensional spectrum on the detector
180 nm

340 nm

460 nm 1800 g/m 175 nm

Na 335 nm
130 nm
3600 g/mm

5 CC

the light coming from the plasma torch. The ORCA

system has fewer light dispersing elements (gratings
and prisms) than an echelle system. This reduces
light loss in the system and therefore increases
9.12 figure sensitivity. It also allows for a more uniform
3600 g m
/ m resolution and greater stability.

9.4.4 General Procedure for Inductively

Coupled Plasma-Optical
The Optimized Rowland Circle Alignment (ORCA) design
using three concave gratings. Each concave grating has the Emission
same curvature of the Rowland circle and will disperse the Spectroscopy Analysis
light according to its wavelength. The dispersed light will then
As is the case with atomic absorption spectrometers,
be focused back onto one of the detectors placed along the
operating procedures for atomic emission spectrome
diameter of the Rowland circle. The system uses CCD
detectors in place of photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) and allows
ters vary somewhat from instrument to instrument.
for the determination of nearly all the elements listed in the ICP-OES instruments are almost always interfaced
periodic chart (Used with permission. Courtesy of SPECTRO with computers. The software contains methods that
Analytical Instruments GmbH Boschstr., Kleve, Germany) specify instrument operating conditions. The com
142 puter may be programmed by the operator, or in
some cases, default conditions may be used. Once the analyte's emission line is required for correction.)
method is established, operation is highly automated. Alternatively, another emission line could be chosen
9.4.5 Interferences in Inductively Coupled a region where there is no background shift. A more
Plasma-Optical Emission problematic type of spectral interference, called
Spectroscopy spectral overlap interference (Fig.9.14), occurs when
the resolution of the instrument is insufficient to
Generally, interferences in ICP-OES analyses are less prevent overlap of the emission line (ie, a very nar
of a problem than with AAS, but they do exist and row bandwidth) of one element with that of another.
must be taken into account. Spectral interferences For example, when determining sulfur in a sample
are the most common. Samples containing high containing high concentrations of calcium, some of
concen the emission from one of the calcium lines overlaps
trations of certain ions may cause an increase (shift) with the sulfur emission line at 180.731 nm. This will
in background emissions at some wavelengths. This cause an apparent increase in the measured
will cause a positive error in the measurement, concentration of sulfur. This problem may be
referred to as background shift interference overcome by either choos ing a different sulfur
(Fig.9.13). Correction is relatively simple. Two emission line or by calculating the inter-element
additional emission measure correction (IEC) factor. In the above example, this
ments are made at a wavelength above and below the would require first measuring the emis sion of
calcium at a different wavelength to determine its
concentration in the sample. A standard solution of
counts [cps] <Active Sample: 1PPM + 4,000 PP< AI> pb 220.353 3.0M pure calcium is then prepared at that same concentra
tion, and the apparent sulfur concentration in the
pure calcium standard solution, presumably
V. Yeung et al. containing no sulfur, is determined. Finally, the
sample is analyzed for sulfur, and the contribution of
calcium to the sulfur signal is subtracted, thereby
emission line of the analyte. The average of these two giving an accurate esti mate of the true sulfur
emissions is then subtracted from the emission of the concentration.
analyte. (Note: In the example in Fig.9.13, the
intensity of the background shift from the aluminum
is increas Counts [cps] <Active Sample: 1PPM + 4,000 PPM AI>
Pb 220.353
ing, and this is why it is necessary to make measure
ments above and below the emission line for lead. If 700.0K
the intensity of the background shift is constant, then
only one measurement near the wavelength of the
200.0K 100.0K


4,000 ppm AI
1.0 ppm Pb
Background 4,000 ppm AI
1.0 ppm Pb + 4,000 ppm AI 1.0 ppm Pb

500.0K 400.0K 300.0K

1.0 ppm pb + 4,000 ppm AI

220.33 0
220.34 220.35 220.36 220.37 220.38 220.35 220.36 220.37 220.36 220.40
220.38 -100.0K
0 220.39 220.40 220.41 220.42 220.43
Lambda [nm]

lambda [nm]
signal near the lead line at 220.35 nm. This is corrected by
placing background subtraction points on both sides of the
9.13 figure lead peak. The graph on the right is a blowup of the area that
Background shift interference of aluminum on lead. The two shows the background shift interference
graphs show that aluminum will increase the background
Chapter 9 • Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Atomic Emission Spectroscopy, and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
Counts [cps] <ActiveS182.034
Counts [cps] <Active Sample: 500PPM Ca>
Sample: 500PPM Ca>

ab S182.034


900.0K 800.0K 700.0K 600.0K 500.0K

10 ppm S

400.0K 300.0K 200.0K

500 ppm Ca

600.0K 500.0K 400.0K 300.0K

500 ppm Ca


10.0 ppm S


100.0K 100.0K 0

180.72 180.73 180.74 Lambda [nm] 180.75 180.78 182.03 182.04 Lambda [nm] 182.05

of boron, which is recovered better using a dry ashing

method. However, ashing reagents may be contami
9.14 figure nated with the analyte. It is therefore wise to carry
Spectral overlap interference of calcium on sulfur. (a) The blanks through the ashing procedure.
overlapping spectra of sulfur and calcium indicate that the Some liquid products may be analyzed without
resolution of the instrument is insufficient to resolve the ashing, provided appropriate precautions are taken to
emission from sulfur at 180.731 nm and calcium at 180.734 nm. avoid interferences. For example, vegetable oils may
(b) If the sample is being analyzed for sulfur, it is best to use be analyzed by dissolving the oil in an organic
the sulfur line at 182.034 nm where there is no spectral overlap solvent such as acetone or ethanol and aspirating the
solution directly into a flame atomic absorption
9.5 APPLICATIONS OF ATOMIC spectrometer. Milk samples may be treated with
ABSORPTION AND EMISSION trichloroacetic acid
SPECTROSCOPY to precipitate the protein; the resulting supernatant is
analyzed directly. A disadvantage of this approach is
9.5.1 Uses that the sample is diluted in the process and the ana
lyte can become entrapped or complexed to the pre
Atomic absorption and emission spectroscopy are cipitated proteins. This may be a problem when
widely used for the quantitative measurement of min analytes are present in low concentrations. An alterna
eral elements in foods. In principle, any food may be tive approach is to use a graphite furnace for atomiza
analyzed with any of the atomic spectroscopy meth tion. For example, an aliquot of an oil may be
ods discussed. In most cases, it is necessary to ash the introduced directly into a graphite furnace for atomi
food to destroy organic matter and to dissolve the ash zation. The choice of method will depend on several
in a suitable solvent (usually water or dilute acid) factors, including instrument availability, cost, preci
prior to analysis (see Chap. 16 for details on ashing sion/sensitivity, and operator skill.
methodology). Proper ashing is critical to accuracy.
Some elements may be volatile at temperatures used 9.5.2 Practical Considerations
in dry ashing procedures. Volatilization is less of a
problem in wet ashing, except for the determination Reagents
Since concentrations of many mineral elements in ware should be thoroughly washed with a detergent,
foods are at the trace level, it is essential to use highly carefully rinsed with distilled or deionized water,
pure chemical reagents and water for preparation of soaked in an acid solution (1N HCl is sufficient for
samples and standard solutions. Only reagent grade most applications), and rinsed again with distilled or
chemicals should be used. Water may be purified by deionized water.
distillation, deionization, or a combination of the two.
Reagent blanks should always be carried through the
V. Yeung et al. Standards
Quantitative atomic spectroscopy depends on com
parison of the sample measurement with appropriate
standards. Ideally, standards should contain the ana 9.6 INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA

As described above, atomic absorption and emission

lyte metal in known concentrations in a solution that spectrometers are designed to quantify mineral ele
closely approximates the sample solution in composi ments in a sample by measuring either the absorp
tion and physical properties. Because many factors tion or emission of radiation by the element of
can affect the measurement, such as flame interest at a wavelength unique to that element.
temperature, aspiration rate, and the like, it is Another approach is to directly measure the atoms
essential to run stan dards frequently, preferably right (as ions in this case) of the element in the sample.
before and/or right after running the sample. This is possible with an inductively coupled plasma
Standard solutions may be purchased from mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) instrument that com
commercial sources, or they may be prepared by the bines ICP with a mass spectrometer (Fig.9.15). This
analyst. Obviously, standards must be prepared with allows extremely low detection limits at the single
extreme care since the accuracy of the analyte part per trillion (ppt) levels, enhanced multielement
determination depends on the accuracy of the capabilities, and the ability to quantify individual
standard. Perhaps the best way to check the accuracy isotopes present in multi-isotope elements. Note that
of a given assay procedure is to analyze a reference isotopic analysis is not possible with atomic absorp
material of known composition and similar matrix. tion or emission spectroscopy since absorption and
Standard reference materials may be purchased from emission lines are the same for all isotopes of a given
the United States National Institute of Standards and element.
Technology (NIST) [19].
9.6.1 Principles of Inductively Coupled Labware Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
Vessels used for sample preparation and storage must
The principles of mass spectrometry and descriptions
be clean and free of the elements of interest. Plastic
of instrumentation for different types of mass spec
containers are preferable because glass has a greater
trometers are given in detail in Chap. 11. In ICP-MS
tendency to adsorb and later leach metal ions. All lab



A Plasma
B Sample Cone
A simplified diagram of an inductively coupled
plasma-mass spectrometer. The ions, electrons,
photons, and neutral species generated in the
plasma (A) are guided through an interface
made up of a water-cooled sampling cone (B)
and a skimmer cone (C) with a partial vacuum
C Skimmer cone in-between to remove argon gas and some
D Extraction Lenses neutral species. The remaining particles pass
E Omega and Focusing Lenses F Ion Beam
G Photons and Neutrals being separated from the
through the extraction lenses (D), which repel
ion beam electrons and accelerate the positive ions further
H Collision/reaction Cell (CRC) or Octopole through to the off-axis ion omega lenses (E),
Reaction System (ORS); also showing a cross bending the ion beam (F) as a result. The paths
section of the octopole I Gate valve used to of the photons and neutral species (G) are
maintain vacuum in the MS for maintenance J
unaffected and separated from the ion beam (see
Quadrupole rods; also showing a cross section of
the 4 molybdenum hyperbolic rods Chap. 11 for more details on the instrumentation
K Rejected ions of improper mass to charge ratio of mass spectrometers)

9.15 figure
Chapter 9 • Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Atomic Emission Spectroscopy, and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
torch in the same manner as in
ICP-OES, but instead of having an Examples of polyatomic interference
optical system and a device in ICP-MS
mineral analyses, samples are
prepared and aspirated into the ICP 9.3 table
The doubly charged interference occurs when ions of
for separating and detecting radiation of specific
a particular element exist with double posi tive
wavelengths, the ICP-MS uses a mass spectrometer to
charges (instead of the normal single positive charge).
separate and detect ions of the elements directly based
Ions with charges greater than +1 typically have
on their unique mass-to-charge (m/z) ratios. As
negligible impact except for 138Ba, which may lose one
shown in Fig. 9.15, the interface between the high
or two electrons to produce singly and dou bly
temperature ICP operating at atmospheric pressure
charged ions with m/z = 138 and m/z = 69, respec
and the high vacuum mass spectrometer consists of:
tively. The presence of doubly charged 138Ba in a
(1) two funnel-shaped water-cooled cones (the sam
sample would interfere with 69Ga. Another possible
pling cone and the skimmer cone) and (2) ion lenses
source of interference, referred to as polyatomic
(extraction lenses and omega lenses) to guide the ana
interference, comes from the formation of molecu lar
lyte ions into the quadrupole while removing elec
species in the plasma between argon and ele ments
trons, photons, and other neutral species from the ICP
from acids (eg, H, N, O, Cl, etc.) used in dissolving the
sample. Table9.3 shows some exam ples of polyatomic
interferences. Modern ICP-MS
9.6.2 Interferences in Inductively Coupled
Polyatomic species m/z Interfered element/isotope
Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
Ar H 39 39K+
1 +
Interferences in ICP-MS arise when different ionic 35
Cl16O+ 51 51V+
species from the sample have the same m/z ratio, 40
Ar12C+ 52 52Cr+
leading to overlapping of signals. For example, iron 38
Ar16O1H+ 55 55Mn+
has four naturally occurring stable isotopes: 54Fe, 56Fe, 40
Ar16O+ 56 56Fe+
Fe, and 58Fe, with natural abundances of 5.8 %, 91.75 40
Ar35Cl+ 75 75As+
%, 2.1 %, and 0.28 %, respectively. Nickel has five 40
Ar40Ar+ 80 80Se+
stable isotopes: 58Ni, 60Ni, 61Ni, 62Ni, and 64Ni, with
Adapted from Thomas [7]
natural abundances of 68.04 %, 26.22 %, 1.14 %, 3.63
%, and 0.93 %, respectively. The signals for 58Fe and
Ni will overlap, resulting in an isobaric inter ference
instruments can be equipped with devices called
because m/z = 58 for both isotopes. In this case, the
analyst would select 56Fe for the determina collision/reaction cells (CRC) through which gasses
such as H2, He, NH3, or CH4 may be introduced to
tion of iron and 60Ni for the determination of nickel in
remove doubly charged and polyatomic interfer
the sample. (It is best to select the isotope with the
highest natural abundance because the measure ment ences based on differences in the physical size and
precision is higher for more abundant isotopes. The kinetic energy between the analytes and the inter
concentration of the isotope in the sample is equal to fering species.
the concentration of the element multiplied by the % Another approach to reduce interferences from
natural abundance.) Most elements have at least one polyatomic species is to use a high-resolution ICP-MS,
isotope with a unique mass number, thus allowing which utilizes a double focusing sector-field mass
identification and quantification of elements. spectrometer to separate ions generated by the plasma
[20]. For example, high-resolution ICP-MS has been advantages of AAS, ICP-OES, and ICP-MS. Flame
shown to resolve the Fe peak at mass 55.935 from ArO AAS has enjoyed a long history of applications in
at mass 55.957 [21, 22]. In this case the ions are mea mineral analysis. It is relatively inexpensive and easy
sured sequentially, which is the case for most of the to use, and is ideal for analyzing a single ele ment in a
ICP-MS systems. However there is one ICP-MS given sample. The major disadvantages of flame AAS
system available that is capable of measuring all the include relatively low sensitivity, narrow linear
elements from lithium to uranium simultaneously working range, the use of potentially danger ous fuel
[23]. This system uses a double focusing sector-field gas, and its limitations on multielement
mass spec 146
trometer in a Mattauch-Herzog geometry, in which
the ion beam energy band width is reduced using an
elec trostatic energy analyzer to achieve high
resolution. The ion beam then passes through a
magnetic field for mass separation and is focused on table
to one focal plane, enabling the entire spectrum to be V. Yeung et al.
measured with a flat surface detector simultaneously.
This would be an ideal instrument for measuring
isotope ratios from transient signals.
Advantages and disadvantages of AAS, ICP-OES and
AND ICP-MS Flame AAS Graphite furnace AAS ICP-OES ICP-MS

Table9.4 provides a summary of advantages and dis

per billion (ppb) level Better than flame AAS Overall best
Detection limita Good detection limits with Better than flame AAS and better than detection limits compared to
many elements at the part ICP-OES for some elements other techniques
Single Single Multiple Multiple
Elemental analytical capability
analytical working range be higher with
3 orders of magnitude 2 orders of dual-view models)
magnitude 6 orders of magnitude (could 9 orders of magnitude

Cost Low Low to medium Medium High

Yes (Flame AAS instruments operation.)
Use of explosive fuel gas
should not be unattended while in No No No
relatively easy to use is automated
Some skills required Easy to use once theMethod development requires more
computer interface is expertise compared to other techniques
User-friendliness Some skills required but
set up and operation
sample AAS Multiple elements at ultra-trace
Ideal application Analyzing a
Analyzing a limited number of Multiple elements in a large concentrations in a large
limited number of el ements in
elements, and requiring better number of number of samples
a given
detection limits than Flame samples
Isotopic analysis N/AN/AN/A Isotopic analysis possible because
isotopes of the same
element have different
mass-to-charge ratios
See Table 9.5 for more information on detection limit of each technique for different elements
objective is to quantify multiple elements (up to 70) in
a given sample. The high temperature of the ICP torch
analysis. Electrothermal AAS offers improved detec also eliminates many nonspectral interferences (eg,
tion limits, but with the added cost of the graphite chemical interferences) encountered in AAS. Another
furnace, it somewhat negates the cost advantage of advantage of ICP-OES over AAS is a much wider ana
AAS. In fact, the cost of a high-end graphite furnace lytical working range. The analytical working range
spectrometer overlaps with an entry-level ICP-OES for ICP-OES is 4–6 orders of magnitude (ie, 1μg/L to 1
system [24]. g/L without having to recalibrate the instrument),
ICP-OES instruments are capable of determining compared to about 3 orders of magnitude for AAS (ie,
concentrations of multiple elements in a single sample 1μg/L to 1 mg/L). All these advantages help explain
with a single aspiration. This offers a significant speed the popularity of ICP-OES in commercial laboratories
advantage and higher throughput over AAS when the analyzing multiple elements in a large number of sam
ples. ICP-OES is commonly used to obtain system. The major disadvantage for ICP-MS is
information for standard nutrition labeling. perhaps the cost, which is about two to four times
ICP-MS retains the advantages offered by ICP higher than its ICP-OES counterparts.
OES but, in conjunction with mass spectrometry, Table 9.5 lists the detection limits with different
offers the lowest detection limits, enhanced techniques for mineral elements of interest in foods. It
multielement capabilities, a wider analytical working should be noted that these are approximate values,
range (9 orders of magnitude, ie, 1 ng/L to 1 g/L), and detection limits will vary depending on many fac
and isotopic infor mation potentially for tracking the tors such as the sample matrix and the stability of the
geographical ori gins of food products [25]. instrument. A two- or threefold difference in detection
Laboratories analyzing trace or ultra-trace limit is probably not meaningful, but an order of mag
concentrations of toxic heavy met als such as nitude difference is noteworthy.
cadmium would be best served with an ICP-MS
Chapter 9 • Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Atomic Emission Spectroscopy, and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
absorbed is directly
Element Flame AAS
spectrum. In AAS, light of a discrete
9.5 table wavelength from the
related to the concentration of the
Approximate detection limits (μg/L) for element-specific hollow cathode
selected elements analyzed with atoms in the sample. By measuring
lamp will only be absorbed by the
various instruments the absorbance of light of a particular
atoms of that element in the sample.
Furthermore, the amount of light
Al 45 0.1 1 0.0004 As 150 0.05 1 0.0004 Ca 1.5 0.01 0.05 energy levels of electrons in atoms are fixed and dis
0.0003 Cd 0.8 0.002 0.1 0.00007 tinct. In other words, each element has a unique set of
Cu 1.5 0.014 0.4 0.0002 Fe 5 0.06 0.1 0.0005 K 3 0.005 1 allowed electronic transitions and therefore a unique
0.001 Hg 300 0.6 1 0.001 Mg 0.15 0.004 0.04 0.0001 Mn
wavelength by an atomized sample, analysts can
1.5 0.005 0.1 0.0001 Na 0.3 0.005 0.5 0.0003 Ni 6 0.07
0.5 0.0002 P 75,000 130 4 0.04 Pb 15 0.05 1 0.00004 Se
determine the concentration of an element even in the
100 0.05 2 0.0003 Tl 15 0.1 2 0.00001 Zn 1.5 0.02 0.2 presence of other elements. In emission spectroscopy,
0.0007 the optical approach involves exciting the electrons in
an element to a higher-energy state by a flame or
Adapted from Anonymous [24] plasma, and then measuring the intensity of the light
Detection limit is defined as the lowest concentration of the emitted when the electrons fall back to the ground
element in a solution that can be distinguished from the
state or a lower-energy state. Emission spectroscopy
blank with 98% confidence
instruments are designed to separate the light emitted
from excited atoms and to quantitatively measure the
9.8 SUMMARY intensity of the emitted light.
In contrast to atomic spectroscopy, ICP-MS
In comparison with traditional wet chemistry meth instruments are designed to measure ions of the ele
ods, AAS, AES, and ICP-MS methods are capable of ment directly. This necessitates the ionization of atoms
measuring trace concentrations of elements in com in the plasma. The ions of the element are then guided
plex matrices rapidly and with excellent precision. For into a mass spectrometer which separates and detects
most applications, sample preparation involves the ions according to their unique mass-to-charge (m/z)
destruction of organic matter by dry or wet ash ing, ratio. Quantification of elements with high sen
followed by dissolution of the ash in an aqueous sitivity and specificity can be achieved because most
solvent, usually a dilute acid. The sample solution is elements have at least one isotope with a unique mass
introduced as a fine mist into a flame atomizer or an number.
ICP torch (or by injection into a graphite furnace) Atomic spectroscopy is a powerful tool for the
where it encounters very high temperatures quantitative measurement of elements in foods. The
(~2000–3000 K for flame or graphite furnace, and development of these technologies over the past six
~6000–7000 K for plasma). The sample goes through decades has had a major impact on food analysis.
the process of desolvation, vaporization, atomiza tion, Today, accurate and precise measurements of a large
and ionization. Analyte atoms, now in the gas eous number of mineral nutrients and non-nutrients in
state, are well separated and remain mostly neutral in foods can be made rapidly using commercially
a flame, but a significant fraction of them lose an available instrumentation. Analysts contemplating
electron and become charged in a plasma. The final what instruments to acquire could make a decision
step is to measure quantitatively the concentra tions of based on an assessment of the required cost, user
the elements either by atomic spectroscopy or mass friendliness, analytical working range, detection limit,
spectrometry. multielement capability, and the need for iso
Atomic spectroscopy depends on the absorption or topic data.
emission of electromagnetic radiation (light) by the
atoms in the gaseous state. Atoms absorb or emit radi
ation of discrete wavelengths because the allowed
preparation prior to atomic absorption analysis. 7.
You are performing iron analysis on a milk sam
ple using AAS. Your results for the blank are high.
What could be causing this problem and what is a
possible remedy?
1. AAS and AES instruments rely on energy tran 8. The detection limit for calcium is lower for
sitions in atoms of elements being measured. ICP-OES than it is for flame AAS. How is the
What is an “energy transition” in this context detection limit determined, and what does it
and why can it be used to detect and quantify a mean?
given element in a sample containing multiple 9. When analyzing a sample for mineral elements
elements? What is the source of energy that pro using ICP-MS, the instrument is programmed to
duces this energy transition in an AAS instru count the number of ions with a specific m/z ratio
ment? In an AES instrument? striking the detector. You decide to deter mine the
2. Describe the process of “atomization” as it per concentrations of potassium and cal cium in a
tains to AAS and AES analyses. sample of wheat flour. What m/z ratio would you
3. Your boss wants to purchase an AAS instru use for potassium? For calcium? Mengapa? (Hint,
ment for your analytical laboratory because it is study the masses of all the natu rally occurring
cheaper but you want an ICP-OES instrument and stable isotopes for the two elements and for
148 argon (see table) and select
V. Yeung et al.

because it is more versatile and will greatly

increase your sample throughput. To convince isotopes with no interferences.) Why is it impor
your boss to go with the ICP-OES, you need to tant to know the masses of argon isotopes as
educate him on the capabilities and operating well as potassium and calcium?
principles of the two instruments. Keep in mind
that your boss is a food scientist who has not
Isotope Natural abundance (%)
worked in a lab in 20 years.
Ar 0.34
(a) Explain the underlying principles of opera 38
Ar 0.063
tion for an ICP-OES instrument in language 40
Ar 99.6
your boss can understand. Describe the 39
K 93.2
instrument you want to purchase (a simple 40
K 0.012
drawing of the instrument might be helpful 41
K 6.73
here). 40
Ca 96.95
(b) Explain how AAS differs in instrumenta tion Ca 0.65
and principle of operation from what you Ca 0.14
described previously for ICP-OES. Ca 2.086
(c) Can you make the case that costs for an ICP Ca 0.004
OES would be lower over the long term?
(d) For most types of food samples other than
clear liquids, what type of sample prepara tion 9.10 PRACTICE PROBLEMS
and treatment is generally required before
using ICP-OES or AAS for analysis?
1. Your company manufactures and markets an
4. You are training a new technician in your ana enriched all-purpose flour product. You
lytical laboratory on mineral analysis by AAS purchase a premix containing elemental iron
and ICP-OES. Briefly describe the purpose of powder, ribo flavin, niacin, thiamin, and folate
each of the following items which you mix with your flour during milling.
To comply with the standard of identity (see
(a) HCL in AAS Chap. 2) for enriched flour, you specified to the
(b) Plasma in ICP-OES supplier that the pre mix be formulated so that
(c) Echelle optical system in ICP-OES when added to flour at a specified rate, the
(d) Nebulizer in AAS and ICP-OES concentration of added iron is 20 mg/lb flour.
However, you have reason to believe that the
5. In the quantitation of Na by atomic absorption, iron concentration in the premix is too low so
KCl or LiCl was not added to the sample. you decide to analyze your enriched flour using
Would you likely over- or underestimate the your new atomic absorption spec trometer. You
true Na content? Explain why either KCl or follow the following protocol to determine the
LiCl is nec iron concentration.
essary to obtain accurate results.
6. Give five potential sources of error in sample (a) Weigh out 10.00 g of flour, in triplicate (each
replicate should be analyzed separately). flask. Dilute to volume.
(b) Transfer the flour to an 800-mL Kjeldahl (f) Prepare iron standards with concentrations
flask. of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 mg/L.
(c) Add 20 mL of deionized water, 5 mL of con (g) Install an iron hollow cathode lamp in your
centrated H2SO4, and 25 mL of concentrated atomic absorption spectrometer and turn on
HNO3. the instrument and adjust it according to
(d) Heat on a Kjeldahl burner in a hood until instructions in the operating manual.
white SO3 fumes form. (h) Run your standards and each of your ashed
(e) Cool, add 25 mL of deionized water, and fil samples and record the absorbances.
ter quantitatively into a 100-mL volumetric
Chapter 9 • Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Atomic Emission Spectroscopy, and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry

Calculate the iron concentration in each of your repli Corrected

cates, express as mg Fe/lb flour. 2.48 mg/L for samples 1, 2, and 3, respec
Absorbance data for iron standards and flour samples tively. The mean is 2.65 mg/L; the standard
deviation is 0.16.
Fe Absorbanc (c) Now determine the iron concentration in the
Conc. e flour. Recall that you transferred the solu
Sample tion from the Kjeldahl flask quantitatively
Reagent blank – 0.01 – Standard 1 2.0 0.22 0.21 tion is 2.65 mg/L. The volume is 0.1 L.
Standard 2 4.0 0.40 0.39 Standard 3 6.0 0.63 0.62 Therefore, the amount of iron in the 10 g of
Standard 4 8.0 0.79 0.78 Standard 5 10.0 1.03 flour is 0.265 mg. To convert this to mg/lb,
1.02 Flour sample 1 ? 0.28 0.27 Flour sample 2 ? multiply by 454/10: 0.265 mg/10 g×454
0.29 0.28 Flour sample 3 ? 0.26 0.25 g/lb=12 mg Fe/lb flour
(d) Your suspicions are confirmed; your sup
2. Describe a procedure for determining calcium, plier shorted you on iron in the premix. You
potassium, and sodium in infant formula using need to correct this as soon as possible
ICP-OES. Note: Concentrations of Ca, K, and Na because your flour does not conform to the
in infant formula are around 700 mg/L, 730 FDA's standard of identity for enriched
mg/L, and 300 mg/L, respectively. flour and you may be subject to legal action
by the FDA.
1. The following steps may be used to deter mine 2. Consult AOAC Method 984.27 (see Chap. 1 for
the iron concentration in the flour samples. a description of AOAC International), and the
following approach may be used:
(a) Enter the data for the standards into Excel.
Using the scatter plot function, plot the (a) Shake can vigorously.
standard curve and generate a trend line (b) Transfer 15.0 mL of formula to a 100-mL
using linear regression. Include the equa Kjeldahl flask. (Carry two reagent blanks
tion for the line and the R2 nilai. Your results through with sample.)
should look like the standard curve shown. (c) Add 30 mL of HNO 3-HClO4 (2:1).
(d) Leave samples overnight.
Standard Curve for Iron Analysis (e) Heat until ashing is complete (follow AOAC
procedure carefully – mixture is potentially
y = 0.1006x + 0.0005 explosive.)
into the 100-mL volumetric flask. Therefore (f) Transfer quantitatively to a 50-mL vol flask.
all of the iron in the flour sample should be Dilute to volume.
in the volumetric flask. The mean concentra
mn R2 = 0.9982
0.8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Fe concentration of standards (mg/L)
(g) Calibrate instrument. Choose
0.6 wavelengths of 317.9 nm, 766.5 nm,

and 589.0 nm for Ca, K, and Na,

0.4 respectively. Prepare calibration

standards containing 200 μg/mL, 200
s 0.2 μg/
mL, and 100 μg/mL for Ca, K, and calculate con centrations in the following equation:
Na, respectively. samples as analyzed. To convert to
(h) The ICP-OES computer will concentrations in the formula, use the Concentration in formula
= Concentration measured by ICP
(b) Using the equation, calculate the iron con
mg/L, 2.79 mg/L, and
centration in the solution in the
´ ( ) 50 / L 15 mL m
volumetric flask for each of your
samples. Your answers should be 2.68
150 15. Hasegawa T, Umemoto M, Haraguchi H, Hsiech C,
Montaser A (1992) Fundamental properties of induc
tively coupled plasma. In: Montaser A, Golightly DW
(eds) Inductively Coupled Plasmas in Analytical Atomic
REFERENCES Spectroscopy. VCH Publishers, New York
16. Lazar AC, Farnsworth PB (1999) Matrix effect studies in
1. US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research the inductively coupled plasma with monodis perse
Service (2016) USDA Nutrient Database for Standard droplets. Part 1: The influence of matrix on the vertical
Reference, Release 28. Nutrient Data Laboratory Home analyte emission profile. Appl Spectrosc 53:457–464
Page, 17. Litwiller D (2005) CMOS vs. CCD: Maturing
2. Institute of Medicine (IOM) (2001) Dietary Reference Technologies, Maturing Markets-The factors determining
Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, which type of imager delivers better cost performance
Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, are becoming more refined. Photonic Spectra 39:54–61
Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc. 18. Sweedler JV, Jalkian RD, Pomeroy RS, Denton MB (1989)
National Academy Press, Washington, DC A comparison of CCD and CID detection for atomic emis
3. Greenfield S, Jones IL, Berry CT (1964) High-pressure sion spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part B 44:683–692
plasma as spectroscopic emission sources. Analyst 19. National Institute of Standards and Technology (2016)
89:713–720 Accessed March,
4. Wendt RH, Fassel VA (1965) Induction-coupled plasma 2016
spectrometric excitation source. Anal Chem 37:920–922 5. 20. Jakubowski N, Moens L, Vanhaecke F (1998) Sector field
Beaty RD, Kerber JD (1993) Concepts, instrumentation mass spectrometers in ICP-MS. Spectrochimica Acta Part
and techniques in atomic absorption spectrophotometry, B 53:1739–1763
2nd edn. The Perkin-Elmer Corporation, Norwalk, CT 6. 21. Thermo Scientific Application Note 30003 (2007)
Boss CB, Fredeen KJ (2004) Concepts, instrumentation and Determination of trace elements in clinical samples by
techniques in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission high resolution ICP-MS. Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.,
spectrometry, 3rd edn. The Perkin-Elmer Corporation, Waltham, MA
Norwalk, CT 22. Thermo Scientific Application Note 30073 (2007)
7. Thomas R (2013) Practical guide to ICP-MS: a tutorial for Determination of ultratrace elements in liquid crystal by
beginners, 3rd edn. CRC, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca high resolution ICP-MS. Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.,
Raton, FL Waltham, MA
8. Skoog DA, Holler FJ, Crouch SR (2007) Principles of 23. SPECTRO Analytical Instruments Inc. (2016). http://
instrumental analysis, 6th edn. Thompson Brooks/Cole,
Belmont, CA spectro-ms. Accessed March, 2016
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Revalde G, Skudra A, Smirnova GM, Stankov NR (2003) ing the appropriate technique and system. PerkinElmer
High-frequency electrodeless discharge lamps for atomic Inc.
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11. West AC, Fassel VA, Kniseley RN (1973) Lateral diffusion 26. Welz, B. 1985. Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. VCH
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12. Dockery CR; Blew MJ; Goode SR (2008) Visualizing the
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Bradley L. Reuhs ( ) *

Department of Food Science,

Purdue University,
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2009, USA
Senay Simsek
Department of Plant Sciences,
North Dakota State University,
Fargo, ND 58108, USA

10.4 Applications
10.4.1 NMR Techniques and General
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Principles of NMR Spectroscopy 10.2.1
10.4.2 Specific Food Application
Magnetic Field
10.2.2 Radio-Frequency Pulse and Relaxation
10.5 Summary
10.2.3 Chemical Shift and Shielding 10.2.4 1D NMR
10.6 Study Questions
10.2.5 Coupling and 2D NMR
Resource Materials
10.3 NMR Spectrometer

S. Nielsen (ed.), Food Analysis, Food Science Text Series, 151 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-45776-5_10, © Springer
International Publishing 2017
152 development in instrumentation that uses NMR as
part of a rapid moisture and fat analysis system.
Specific applications to food analysis will be
10.1 INTRODUCTION highlighted.

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a

powerful analytical technique with a wide variety of 10.2 PRINCIPLES OF NMR
applications. It may be used for complex structural SPECTROSCOPY
studies, for protocol or process development, or as a
simple quality assay for which structural information 10.2.1 Magnetic Field
is important. It is nondestructive, and high-quality
data may be obtained from milligram, even micro NMR differs from most other forms of spectroscopy in
gram, quantities of sample. Whereas other spectros that it is the atomic nuclei that are the subject of
study, and the measured energy is in the radio-fre
copy techniques may be used to determine the nature
quency range. Many nuclei possess an angular
of the functional groups present in a sample, only
momentum, which means that they have a character
NMR spectroscopy can provide the data necessary to
istic spin quantum number (I) and may be analyzed
determine the complete structure of a molecule. The
using NMR. The most common nuclei analyzed by
applicability of NMR to food analysis has increased
NMR are the proton (H) and the 13C isotope of car
over the last three decades. In addition to improved
bon, as well as 19F and 31P, all of which have a spin I =
instrumentation and much lower costs, very complex
1/2. Nuclei with other spin quantum numbers will
and specialized NMR techniques can now be rou
not be considered in this chapter, and the theoretical
tinely performed by a student or technician. These
discussion will focus on the proton. These nuclei are
experiments can be set up with the click of a button/
charged, and a spinning charge generates a magnetic
icon, as all the basic parameters are included in
field. Simply put, the nuclei behave like tiny mag nets
default experiment files listed in the data/work sta
that interact with an applied, external magnetic field.
tion software, and the results are obtained in a short
Once the nuclei are placed within a strong exter
nal magnetic field (B0), the spin of the nuclei will
NMR instruments may be configured to analyze
align with that field (Fig.10.1). Because of quantum
samples in solutions or in the solid state. In fact, these
mechan ical constraints (nuclei of spin I have 2I+1
two types of analyses can be used in tandem to follow
possible ori entations in the external magnetic field),
the fate of a given molecule within a specific system.
there are only two orientations that the spin 1/2
For example, as a fruit ripens, many components will
nuclei can adopt: either aligned with the applied
be released from the solid matrix around the plant
magnetic field (parallel or spin +1/2) or aligned
cells into solution in the ripe fruit liquid. The develop
against the field (antiparallel or spin −1/2). The
ment of this process can be followed by liquids versus
parallel orientation has a slightly lower energy
solids analyses during the ripening time. As ripening
associated with it and, therefore, has a slightly higher
progresses, some NMR signals will decrease in the sol
population. It is this excess of nuclei in the spin +1/2
ids NMR analyses and increase in the liquids NMR
state that produces the net magnetiza tion that is
spectra. manipulated and measured during an NMR
Other food applications of NMR spectroscopy experiment. The spin of the nuclei is not around the
include structural analysis of food components, such center axis but comparable to a gyration (Fig.10.1).
as fiber, to correlate the structure to the rheological The motion of a spinning charged particle in an exter
properties. Routine analyses are used to determine the nal magnetic field is similar to that of a spinning gyro
quality of a product or to test the purity of ingredients. scope in a gravitational field. This type of motion is
Related techniques, such as NMR relaxometry, can be known as precession, and there is a specific preces
used to assess processing operations; for example, sional orbit and frequency, the Larmor frequency,
relaxometry is used to follow the solubilization of which is related to the magnetic properties of the
powdered ingredients in water, to optimize processing nuclei. The magnitude and direction of the local mag
parameters. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a netic field describes the magnetic moment or
nondestructive technique that can be used to image magnetic dipole of the system, and due to the
product quality and changes during processing and precession and the lower energy state excess of nuclei,
storage. For example, MRI is used to image the freez there is a net vector parallel to the applied field
ing process, with the goal of increasing shelf life. (Fig.10.1).
When combined with rheological analyses, sauce and •
paste flow in a processing system can be measured. Chapter 10 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
This chapter will cover the basic principles and 153
applications of NMR spectroscopy, as well as a
BL Reuhs and S. Simsek

brief description of relaxometry, MRI, and a recent

10.1 figure sensitivity, superconducting magnets also have the
advantage that once charged, they maintain the
Nuclear spin and magnetic vectors are randomly ordered
outside of the NMR magnet. However, once placed in an
magnetic field for years without the input of
applied magnetic field, the NMR magnet and the nuclei align additional energy, due to the
either with the applied field, B0, (parallel) or against it low temperature. The major disadvantage is the
(antiparallel). There is a slight excess in the population need for periodic addition of liquid N2 and liquid
aligned parallel to B0. Although the magnetic dipole tracks a He, which in the case of the latter can be quite
precessional orbit, the net magnetization (M) is aligned with expensive, particu larly with the very large magnets
B0 associated with the high field strength instruments.

All nuclei of the same element, H, for example, 10.2.2 Radio-Frequency Pulse
will have a nearly identical Larmor frequency in a and Relaxation
magnetic field. The specific frequency is dependent
on the strength of the external magnetic field, and Early NMR instruments relied on electromagnets
the Larmor frequency of H in this field defines the and a simple radio-frequency (RF) transmitter, and
NMR instrument. For example, a proton has a the analy ses were performed by a sweep through
Larmor fre the frequency range of the instrument. The collected
quency of 500 MHz in an 11.7 T magnet, so the instru spectra contain the frequency information; hence, it
ment is termed a “500 MHz NMR spectrometer.” The is termed fre quency-domain NMR. Although this
strength of the magnet not only determines the enabled the devel opment of NMR spectroscopy, it
Larmor frequency of the nuclei but also the degree of was not sufficient to facilitate the modern NMR
excess nuclei in the parallel orientation. The excess of experiment. One of the major developments in NMR
nuclei in the parallel orientation increases with an technology was the RF pulse, in which a large range
increase in the external magnetic field strength, and of frequencies is excited by a short pulse of RF
this in turn impacts the signal intensity of the NMR energy around a centered carrier frequency, which is
experiment in a higher field strength instrument. at the Larmor, or resonance fre quency of the nuclei
This is one reason researchers seek ever more under study. This pulse simultane ously excites all of
powerful magnets for NMR (recent developments the protons in the sample, and the NMR data for all
have yielded NMR mag the protons is collected during a short time after the
nets of greater than 23 T or 1000 MHz). Field pulse is applied. The excitation of a range of radio
strength impacts the signal-to-noise ratio, and, frequencies by a pulse is similar to the excita tion of a
therefore, the sensitivity and resolution of the range of audio frequencies when a clapper strikes a
instrument and the information obtained from the bell, and the size and construction of the bell
NMR experiment. determines the range that is emitted. In NMR, the
The development of today's powerful NMR instru
ments was contingent on the advances in the produc
tion of cryo- or superconducting magnets, in which
the magnet coil is held at the temperature of liquid
helium (around 3 K). In addition to an increase in
(a) Priyor to the RF energy pulse, the net magnetization (M)
10.2 figure composed of all the component vectors is in the equilibrium
BL Reuhs and S. Simsek
state, aligned with B0. (b) The 90° RF pulse, which covers the
resonance frequencies of all relevant nuclei in the sample and
originates perpendicular to the z-axis (B1), causes the nuclei to
move to a higher energy state, and the net magnetization
rotates into the xy-plane. (c) Once in the xy-plane, the net
magnetic vector separates into the component vectors for each
unique population of nuclei. As these oscillate in the xy-plane,
they emit RF signals that are detected by the NMR instrument
after passing through the receiver coil, which is located
perpendicular to both B0 and the transmitter coil. (d) As the
component vectors continue to oscillate in the xy-plane (and
emit RF signals), the nuclei begin to relax back to the
equilibrium state. The NMR instrument may be set up to
repeat this process, with additional pulses, numerous times;
the collected data are then added together to improve the
signal/noise ratio and resolution

frequency, transmitter power, and duration of the RF

pulse determine the frequency range of the pulse.
Once the sample is placed in the magnet, the pro
tons align parallel or antiparallel to the applied, exter
nal magnetic field, B0, with an excess in parallel
orientation. The net magnetization of the nuclei in
the parallel orientation is aligned with the z-axis in
an xyz graphical representation of the system (Fig.
10.2a). After a pulse of RF energy is applied to the
system, the nuclei precess coherently and individual
nuclei absorb energy and shift to a higher energy
state. The pulse, which is applied by a transmitter
coil perpendicular to the z-axis (B1), tilts the net to as the “shielding” effect, because the electrons
magnetization vector away from the z-axis and create a sec ondary, induced magnetic field that
toward the xy-plane (Fig.10.2b). Although the opposes the applied field, shielding the nuclei from
parameters that define a pulse include the the applied field. The resulting frequency differences
transmitter power and the pulse duration, a specific are so small, relative to the Larmor frequency, that
pulse used in an NMR experiment is usually they are com monly reported in parts per million
described by the degree to which the net (ppm). However, they are large enough to be clearly
magnetization is tilted. The most common pulse is detected and resolved during an NMR experiment.
the 90° pulse, which tilts the net magnetization The frequency differences that result from the
exactly into the xy plane, where the receiver coil is differences in the elec tronic environments yield the
located, thereby maxi mizing the resulting signals. chemical shift of the
Many NMR experiments use a series of pulses, 155
termed a pulse sequence, to manipulate the
magnetization. Complex pulse sequences are
essential for the two-dimensional (2D) NMR nuclei. Following the processing of the NMR data,
experiments (Sect. 10.2.5) that are required for these differences result in a series of resonance
structural analyses of complex molecules. Once the signals, each representing a unique proton
net magnetization has been tilted into the xy-plane population, along the x-axis in a one-dimensional
by a 90° pulse, the magnetization begins to decay (1D) NMR spectrum. Those protons that have a
back to the z-axis. This process is termed NMR relatively dense electron cloud are considered
relaxation, and it involves both spin-lattice (T1) and shielded, since the electron cloud works in
spin-spin (T2) relaxation. T1 relaxation is associ ated opposition to the external magnetic field, and the
with the interaction of the magnetic fields of the resonances will be found on the right, or upfield,
excited-state nuclei with the magnetic fields of other side of the spectrum, at a lower chemical shift. As
• deshielding increases, the resonances are shifted
Chapter 10 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
further to the left, or downfield, at a progressively
higher chemical shift (Fig.10.3).
nuclei within the “lattice” of the total sample. T2 One of the most important determinants of the
relax ation involves the interactions of neighboring chemical shift for a specific population of protons (ie,
nuclei that lead to a diminishment in the energy state all the protons in the sample that are in an identical
of the excited-state nuclei and the loss of phase molecular environment) is the proximity to an
coherence. The mechanisms behind relaxation are electro
complex, but the process can be utilized for some negative group or atom, such as O (Fig. 10.3). For
specific NMR experiments that, among other things, example, protons that are not located near (in a
take advantage of the fact that samples in different molec ular context) any electronegative groups or
forms, liquids vs. solids, for example, relax at atoms, such as those in the methyl group of a
different rates (this is very important for the 6-deoxy sugar, are heavily shielded, and the
instruments and experiments that are utilized for resonances will be found on the far right side of a
food processing and content analyses). proton NMR spectrum (Fig.10.3). In contrast, the
proton on the C1 of a typical sugar (the anomeric
proton) is near two O atoms, the O in the –
10.2.3 Chemical Shift and Shielding OH group (or the O in the linkage to the next sugar
in a polymer, such as starch) and the O that forms
The total H population in the sample determines the
part of the hemiacetal ring structure of the sugar.
net magnetization of the system in the external mag
Consequently, the resonances associated with the
netic field, B0. The exact frequency of a unique
highly deshielded anomeric protons are found on the
popula tion of protons (ie, all protons in a specific
left side of the pro
chemical configuration in the molecule), however, is
ton spectrum. Protons near one O, such as the ring
also depen dent on the immediate environment of
the nucleus, principally the density of the electron pro tons in a typical sugar, will be partially shielded,
cloud surround ing the nuclei, which determines the and the resonances associated with these protons
electronic envi ronment of the nuclei. This is referred will be in the central region of the spectrum.


* O

** HO HO

The shielding effect is responsible for the small, but detectable,

differences in the resonance frequencies of nuclei such as
protons. Protons that are not close to an electronegative group
in the molecule, such as the protons in the methyl group in
fucose (top right), a common 6-deoxy sugar, will be shielded by
the electrons surrounding it, and
it will have a low chemical shift, upfield in the NMR spectrum.
Protons near one oxygen atom (indicated by an asterisk), such
10.3 figure as the ring protons in sugars (top middle), will be intermediately
shielded and have a chemical shift toward the middle of the
Deshielded Shielded spectrum. And a proton that is near two oxygen atoms, such as
the anomeric proton in sugars (top left), will be relatively
deshielded and have a high chemical shift downfield in the
Down field Frequency Up field spectrum

High chemical shift Low chemical shift

156 transformation, a math ematical
operation that converts one function
of a vari able into another, is then
10.2.4 1D NMR Experiment applied to convert the time-domain
FID to the frequency-domain NMR
For solution 1H-NMR spectroscopy, spectrum (an xy plot) (Fig.10.4b). The
the sample is dis solved in deuterated frequency infor mation for each
solvents produced for NMR anal ysis, unique proton population is
such as D20 (where D = deuterium or presented on the x-axis of the NMR
H; this is to avoid overloading the spectrum. The signal inten sity is
NMR signal with solvent pro tons), related to the y-axis; however, this is
and pipetted into a NMR tube, which not labeled because it has no units,
is then capped and placed into the and, moreover, the linewidth
magnet. The net magneti zation of the differences of each resonance make
nuclei in the parallel orientation in the y-value impre cise for
the external magnetic field, B0, is quantification in 1H-NMR analyses.
aligned with the z-axis; this is the The best method to compare the
equilibrium state. The 90° pulse, signal intensity and, conse quently,
centered at the Larmor frequency of the relative abundance of specific
H, from the transmitter in the x-axis protons in a 1D NMR spectrum is to
tilts the net magnetic vector into the compare the integration val ues of the
xy-plane. There the component resonances.
vectors (those representing each In practice, the NMR spectrometer is
unique population of protons) will set up so that the pulse is applied
oscillate at their specific NMR numerous times, usually in incre
resonance frequencies, separating the ments of 16 scans. For samples that
net vector into numerous component are present in a high concentration, 16
magnetic vec tors, which then induce or 32 scans per experiment are 10.4 figures
radio signals (the NMR signal) in the common, and 256 or 512 scans are BL Reuhs and S. Simsek
receiver coil located in the y-axis often used for more
(Fig.10.2c). At the same time, the
magnitude of the vectors will decay
in the xy-plane (relaxation) and return
to the z-axis
(Fig.10.2d). This whole process is
termed one scan. The result of these
actions is a combined signal for all
protons in the sample, which rapidly
decreases over time, yielding a free
induction decay (FID) (Fig. 10.4a),
which contains all the frequency and
intensity information (as well as
phase, which will not be considered)
for each of the unique populations of
nuclei in the sample. Fourier
After the 90° RF pulse moves the The degree of splitting, reported in Hz, is
magnetiza tion to a higher energy state in indicative of the strength of the coupling
the xy-plane, the receiver is turned on, effect
and it collects the RF signals emitted by
oscillating nuclei; the
emitted RF signals rapidly decay over a
short time as the magnetization relaxes
back to the equilibrium state (see
Fig.10.2). (a) The result is NMR data that
contains all of the frequency and intensity
information for the nuclei under analysis
and which diminishes as the signals
decay; this data is termed a “free
induction decay” (FID), and it represents
the time-domain information obtained
from the NMR experiment. (b) Once the
FID has been processed by Fourier
transformation, an NMR spectrum is
obtained; this represents the frequency
domain NMR information. The resonance
“peaks” found on the x-axis are due to
unique populations of protons, two in this
case. (c) If the two protons are coupled
through the molecular bonds, they will
each have the effect of splitting the
resonance peaks into two distinct peaks.

them out as a 2D plot, in which “cross peaks” show

dilute samples. After each scan, the new data are the coupling correlations of nearby nuclei.
added to the data already collected. The result of com
piling the data from numerous scans is a significant
improvement in the signal/noise ratio and resolution. 10.3 NMR SPECTROMETER

10.2.5 Coupling and 2D NMR The typical research NMR spectrometer consists of a
powerful cryomagnet, into which the sample is
Another essential concept to consider is “coupling.”
placed, a set of electronics for transmitting and
Coupling is a result of the influence of electrons in
collecting radio signals, and a data/work station (Fig.
covalent bonds on the local magnetic field of nearby
10.5). Modern instruments use superconducting
nuclei. Through the intervening bonds, two nearby magnets that are cooled to a very low temperature by
nuclei will affect the chemical shift of one another, a jacket of liquid helium, which has a boiling point of
resulting in the splitting of the resonances from each 4.2 K. This jacket is, in turn, surrounded by an outer
unique population of nuclei into two distinct reso jacket of liquid nitrogen, which is cheaper and easier
nances (Fig. 10.4c). The coupling strength is affected to work with than liquid helium. The core of the
by both the proximity of the nuclei to one another and superconducting magnet con sists of coil windings of
the geometry of the intervening bonds. For example, thin wires made of supercon
protons on a carbon backbone that have a trans rela ducting alloys, such as niobium-titanium or
tionship (“across” from each other) have a much stron niobium-tin. The coil (ie, the magnet) and the coolants
• are contained in an insulated Dewar, termed a
Chapter 10 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance cryostat, which includes a vacuum chamber around
the liquid jackets.
Once the magnet is cooled to the operating tem
ger coupling than those that have a cis relationship perature, by the addition of the coolants, and ener
(“on the same side” as one another). Thus, the use of gized by an external power supply, the magnet will
coupling data yields information about the geometry maintain its charge and magnetic field for years. One
of a specific molecule.
A more important impact of coupling is that com
plex 2D NMR experiments have been designed to take
advantage of the coupling phenomenon, to produce
the data necessary for the complete structure determi
nation of a molecule. 2D NMR experiments are essen
tially a series of 1D experiments, in which the pulse
sequence includes several pulses and a variable
parameter, such as the delay time between two of the
pulses. The computer collects all the spectra and plots
fine adjustments to the magnetic field, to optimize the
magnetic field; hence, they are called shims (in con
struction, a shim is a small piece of wood or metal that
is placed between two layers of building material to
obtain a better fit, such as when leveling a door
frame). The probe also contains the coils for
transmitting and receiving the RF energy. Thus, the
probe is the central piece of hardware for the NMR
experiment. Finally, at the top of the bore, and at the
top of the whole system, is the sample insertion point.
The sample tube, which is in a holder, is lowered
down through the bore by a diminishing stream of
forced air until it gently comes to rest at the top of the
probe; there the sample is cor rectly aligned with the
157 magnetic field and the probe hardware. One of the
most common mistakes for an inexperienced operator
is to drop the sample holder and sample into the
of the most important aspects of maintenance for magnet bore without the airstream flowing, which
NMR instruments is the routine filling, or topping off, results in a rapid descent of the sample holder and
of the coolants. A typical research instrument is filled sample, breaking the NMR tube and dam aging the
with liquid nitrogen on a weekly basis, and liquid probe (as well as angering the instrument shop
helium is added monthly. Failure to maintain the manager).
coolant levels will result in the quenching of the Connected to the magnet probe by several cables
magnet, in which the coolants boil off violently and is an electronics console that includes the transmitter,
the magnet loses its charge. Should this happen, the the receiver, and other systems that control the NMR
magnet will need to be refilled and recharged, at the instrument, such as the sample temperature control
very least, and may also require expensive repairs. unit. The transmitter includes systems to produce the
Down the center of the magnet but external to the pulse at the correct frequency for each nucleus that
Dewar (ie, at room temperature) is a tubular space, may be observed. For example, a 500-MHz NMR spec
the magnet bore. A multifunction device, termed a trometer requires a transmitter at 500 MHz for 1H
probe, is placed inside the magnet bore from the bot NMR analyses and a second transmitter system at 125
MHz for 13C-NMR. The console also houses the
tom. Inside the probe, just inside of the main magnet
receiver electronics, which process the NMR signal
coil, are small, secondary magnetic coils that receive
from the probe receiver coils, the electronics that con
power from the NMR instrument hardware. These
trol the shim electromagnets, and the probe tempera
small coils are manipulated by the operator to make
station that also controls all the functions peripherals.
10.5 figure of the instrument In contrast to the large (and
A diagram of an NMR spectrometer. The ture control system. All of this is expensive) research instruments are
instrument consists of a superconducting managed by a computer data/work
the benchtop time-domain (TD)
cryomagnet (the NMR magnet), an station and some NMR-specific
electronics console, and a data/work
158 in Table 10.1 for detailed information on the various

NMR systems, also termed low-resolution NMR.

They do not provide frequency, or structural, 10.1
information, but they can be applied to various types BL Reuhs and S. Simsek
of content analyses. They are similar in size to a
benchtop centrifuge and utilize a common magnet,
with no need for coolants or a large Dewar flask. 10.4.1 NMR Techniques and General
These instruments are relatively inexpensive and
simple to use, and they have numerous food analysis
applications, such as fat content. Liquids
Liquids NMR is used for relatively pure samples that
readily go into solution in any of the many deuterated
10.4 APPLICATIONS solvents produced for NMR analyses. Common sam
ples include carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, phenolics,
Table 10.1 lists recent applications of the NMR and and many other classes of organic compounds. The
related techniques to food analysis. The following dis experiment described in Sect.10.2.4 is an example of a
cussion describes general applications and some spe typical liquid 1D 1H-NMR spectroscopy analysis. The
cific applications to food research. See the references result is a 1D NMR spectrum with the resonances plot
ted along the x-axis (the only plotted axis, hence, 1D). health-related benefits, and they are often discarded
This is the simplest application of NMR spectroscopy, as waste from many food processing systems. NMR
but it can be very informative. For example, plant- spectroscopy is the best analytical tool available to
and yeast-derived β-glucans are currently an determine the
important topic of research, as they have many
Recent food applications of magnetic
resonance spectroscopy and related techniques


NMR method Food Analysis Ref.

MRI Whole wheat bread Water migration between arabinoxylan

and gluten
H-MRI Avocado Nondestructive assessment of bruising [2] 1H-MRI Honey Authenticity screening [3] HR 1H NMR Pork
meat Quantitative fatty acid chain composition [4] qHNMR Processed foods Quantification of benzoic acid [5]
H and spin-spin relaxation Rice and potato starches Impact of hydration levels on starch
2D NMR Green coffee bean extract Analysis of organic compounds [7] 1H NMR, TOCSY, HSQC and HMBC Hazelnut
Metabolic profiling of hazelnut cultivars [8] DOSY-NMR Beverages Sucrose quantification [9]
H, 1H-DPFGSE, and F2-DPFGSE band-selective HSQC Olive oil Detection of aldehydes [10]

C qNMR Wine In situ determination of fructose isomer
Solid-state 13C NMR Milk protein concentrate Change in molecular structure and
dynamics of protein
UF iSQC NMR Viscous liquid foods Sugar content, quality testing, and
determination of adulteration
TD-NMR Mayonnaise and salad dressing Through-package fat determination [14] TD-NMR Biscuit dough Influence of fiber
on proton mobility [15] TD-NMR Beef Meat quality parameters [16] TD-NMR (SMART Trac™) Organogels in cream cheese
Fat content [17]
HR-MAS-NMR Tomato Metabolic profiling, tissue differentiation,
and fruit ripening
H HR-MAS Fish Rapid assessment of freshness and quality [19]
CP-MAS-NMR Wheat bran Hydration, plasticization, and disulfide
CP-MAS-NMR Starch Chemicophysical properties [20]
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, CP-MAS cross polarization magic-angle
spinning NMR, HR-MAS high-resolution magic-angle spinning, DOSY-NMR diffusion-ordered 1H NMR, qHNMR, quantitative
proton NMR, TD-NMR time-domain NMR, DPFGSE double pulsed field gradient spin echo, UF iSQC NMR ultrafast intermo
lecular single-quantum coherence
• proximity of these nuclei through molecu lar bonds
Chapter 10 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
and through space. 2D NMR, therefore, can be applied
to any sample for which structural informa tion is
required, such as a health-related fiber or a new
purity and identity of the β-glucans as various food sweetener. This information may be critical if a com
processors, particularly the cereal, baking, and brew pany or researcher wishes to file for a patent. NMR
ing industries, work to extract these valuable byprod spectroscopy also is a valuable assay tool in batch
ucts from the waste stream in a cost-effective manner. ingredient analysis for quality assurance. In such
Figure 10.6 shows a 1D NMR spectrum of 1,3–1,4 assays, the structural assignments of the spectra
mixed linkage β-glucans from cereal (oat) processing would not be as important as the consistency of the
waste. From this spectrum, both the purity and rela spectra compared to a spectrum of a high-quality con
tive ratio of 1,3–1,4 linkages could be determined. If trol product. This application can be used with many
additional structural information is needed, there are types of ingredients, because NMR solvents are avail
many powerful 2D and 3D NMR analyses available able for compounds with a range of solubility
for the assignment of the chemical shifts of each 1H properties.
and 13C atom in an organic molecule. Once assigned,
other experiments enable an assessment of the relative Solids
The principles that underlie solid-state NMR are simi the solid portion of an intact food sample. This has
lar to those discussed in Sect.10.2; however, due to the been applied to composi
fact that the sample is not freely tumbling about in tion studies of different mushroom species, and solid
solution, there is a “directional” aspect (anisotropic or state 13C-CPMAS-NMR spectroscopy showed
orientation-dependent interactions) to the solid-state significant differences in the ratio of carbohydrate to
analysis. The anisotropic nature of solids results in protein resonances between different species. Also,
very broad signals and yields spectra that lack the high-resolution 1H-MAS-NMR techniques enabled
structural information obtained from samples in solu food researchers to discriminate between durum
wheat flours from Southern Italy, which differ in com
position depending on the region of origin. A similar
application was used to correlate composition with
origin in a study of Parmesan cheese. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) is unique in that the sample
can be placed into the magnet in the native form, and
2D or 3D images of the sample can be gener ated. MRI
involves variations in field strength and the center
frequency of the pulses over time and space, along
with the application of field gradients in differ ent
geometric positions relative to the magnet bore (B0).
159 The end result is a spatial “encoding” of the sample
protons with different phase and frequency values.
After multidimensional Fourier transformations of
tion. One method to overcome this problem is magic multiple FIDs from different spatial “slices” of the
sample, an image of the sample is produced that con
angle spinning (MAS), in which the line broadening
tains information about the state of the tissue or other
due to the anisotropy is countered when the sample
material under study.
holder is spun at a specific “magic” angle relative to
The sample can be a medical patient, a small test
the external field, B0, yielding much narrower lines.
MAS is often combined with cross polarization animal, a diseased plant stem, a ripened fruit, or even
enhancement (CP-MAS), in which the magnetization a complex food product in various steps of processing
from more easily detected nuclei is transferred to or its final form. For example, a packaged product
those that are less easily detected (such as from 1H to could be analyzed over time in the package to track
C). water movement or loss. The MRI analyses would not
affect the product. There are many potential applica
Solid-state NMR analyses can be applied to many
tions for MRI in the food industry; for example, it can
types of samples, such as powders and fresh
be used to image the freezing process in frozen food
vegetable tissue. Solid-state 13C-CPMAS-NMR
production, with the goal of increasing shelf life. MRI
techniques can be used to monitor the chemical
composition and the physicochemical properties in
product during processing. When sight in even modest research and
10.6 figure combined with rheological analyses, development laboratories over the
A 1D H-NMR spectrum of 1,3–1,4 mixed sauce and paste flow in a processing next decade.
linkage β-glucans from oat processing system may be monitored.
waste. Both the purity of the sample and MRI images of clementine fruit are Relaxometry
the ratio of 1,3–1,4 linkages could be shown in Fig.10.7. One image shows In the plastics industry, small
determined from the spectrum freeze damage to the inte rior molecules are mixed with the large
also may be applied to analyses of pericarp region of the fruit. The other polymers to make the system more
the composition and characteristics image shows the presence of an fluid. These small molecules are
of pastes and sauces, to locate voids unwanted seed. Such problems often termed plasticizers, and in food
in products, or to examine the fat are undetected by a simple visual processing, the natural equivalent is
distribution in meats or the water/fat inspection of the fruit. water. The amount of water available
distribution in emulsions. It can also As the high costs of purchasing and to act as a plasticizer is a very
provide detailed information about maintaining a large-bore MRI important factor for food quality. An
the thickness of a instrument decrease over time, as increase or a reduction in the amount
160 they did for NMR spectroscopy, and of plasticizer can affect the glass
as smaller bore instru ments become transition process that, in turn, affects
more common, this important tool the quality of the final product. Water
filling or coating; structural changes, should become available to even exists in several states in food, and
including water loss, in a product via small food compa nies and food the interaction of water molecules
heat transfer (cooking); or changes science departments. These with food components can be
associated with hydration of a food instruments may become a common investigated by the measurement of
NMR relaxation. This includes both
the spin-lattice

MRI images (18 mm slice thickness) of

clementine citrus fruit with defects.
Freeze damage is shown in the image on
the top, and an unwanted seed is shown
10.7 figure in the image on the bottom (Images
courtesy of Michael McCarthy, Aspect AI
BL Reuhs and S. Simsek Ltd., Netanya, Israel)
sive systems are operator friendly and easy to main
tain. They provide rapid, reproducible information for
(T1) and spin-spin (T2) relaxation times (Sect.10.2.2) of quality control of food products, yielding information
the water protons. The relaxation times are related to on the moisture and fat content of specific food items
the magnetic interactions of water protons with the (eg, FAST Trac™ for chocolate and potato chips).
surrounding environment, and the effective relaxation
time is related to the extent of the association between
10.4.2 Specific Food Application Examples
the water molecules and immobilized or slowly mov
ing macromolecules. In general, as the macromolecu High-resolution NMR spectroscopy has been used for
lar content increases, the relaxation times of the water the analysis of complex systems such as food samples,
protons also increase. biofluids, and biological tissues because it provides
information on a wide range of compounds found in TD-NMR for Content Analyses A recent the food matrix in a single experiment. NMR spec
development in NMR spectroscopy is instru trometry is nondestructive and offers advantages in
mentation consistent with AOAC Method 2008.06 the simplicity of sample preparation and rapidity of
(moisture and fat in meats), using the FAST Trac NMR analysis. The short time frame needed to obtain NMR
system (CEM Corporation), which combines rapid spectra (minutes), coupled with automation, enables
drying (microwave oven) with low-resolution (time the analysis of many samples with minimal operator
domain) NMR in a benchtop instrument for moisture input. There are two basic types of analysis in the
and fat analysis. The CEM Corporation (Matthew, application of NMR to the food industry: (1) identifica
NC) makes two such instruments that combine a tion of distinct resonances and, therefore, specific com
micro wave plus NMR for moisture/solids and fat pounds and (2) use of chemometric profile analysis, in
contents (SMART TracII™ for wet products and which spectral profiles are compared without assign
HYBRID Trac™ for all products) and another ing particular resonances.
instrument that only uses only an NMR to measure •
Chapter 10 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
moisture /solids and fat for dry products (FAST
Trac™). These relatively inexpen Oil/Fat require any additional treatments, such as derivatiza
tion, that could cause degradation. Fatty Acid Profile
Physical and chemical properties of fats, oils, and their Solid Fat Content (SFC)
derivatives are mainly influenced by their fatty acid While most analyses discussed in this chapter depend
profile. Even though gas chromatography (GC) is usu on high-resolution NMR instruments, a benchtop,
ally used for determining the fatty acid profile (Chap. low-resolution-pulsed NMR instrument can be used
17, Sect. 17.2.7; Chap. 23, Sect. 23.6.2), the common to determine the SFC of a sample (see also Chap. 23,
unsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic, linoleic, and lin Sect. 23.43.11). For example, the amount of solid triac
olenic acids in an oil or fat sample can be quantified ylglycerols in the oil or fat at different temperatures
using 1H-NMR, by integration of select signals in the can be determined. This method is based on the differ
spectra. Although GC provides accurate information ence in relaxation times between solids and liquids,
about complete fatty acid profile, it lacks information and after a delay, only the NMR signal of the liquid fat
about the fatty acid distribution on the glycerol is measured. The solid content is then estimated.
anchors, which is important to determine the function Crystallization mechanisms of fat blends also can be
ality of the ingredient in processing, such as the crys studied using SFC measurements.
tallization point or how it plasticizes the dough in a
baked product. For example, the correct type of fat is Water
essential for quality pie crusts or croissants. The fatty
Glass transition is an important property of foods, and
acid distribution on the glycerol anchors can be
obtained from 13C-NMR analysis. There are two the glass transition temperature (Tg), which is depen
groups of resonances in the carbonyl region of the dent on water content, impacts both the processing
spectrum: the first is due to fatty acids in positions 1 and the storage of food products. Tg can be deter
and 3 and the second is from fatty acids in position 2 mined with an NMR state diagram, which is a curve
of the glyc erol moiety. relating NMR relaxation time to glass transition tem
perature at different moisture contents. This informa
tion is important because processing and storage Verification of Vegetable Oil Identity temperatures above Tg at any point during
Even though different oils or fats may be purposely production and distribution of a product are
mixed for specific reasons, the adulteration of high associated with more rapid deterioration. Spin-spin
value oils with oils of lesser value is an issue of eco relaxation time (T2) is commonly used as an
nomic and commercial importance. This is primarily a indication of proton mobility, which is different above
problem with olive oil, because it is expensive and has and below the Tg of a given product. Although the
superior nutritional value. Accordingly, many studies differential scanning calorime ter (DSC) (Chap. 33,
from major olive oil-producing Mediterranean coun Sect. 33.3.2) is most commonly used for simple Tg
tries, such as Greece, Italy, and Spain, deal with identi analyses, the ability to generate NMR state diagrams
fying lower-value oils, such as hazelnut oil, used for increases the value of NMR for many applications.
adulterating olive oil. The adulteration problem is
complicated by the fact that the lower-value oils usu Ingredient Assays
ally have fatty acid profiles similar to olive oil. Among
Adulteration in fruit juice is not easy to detect by taste
the methods used for analyzing potentially adulter
or color. For example, orange juice can be blended
ated olive oil are 13C-NMR and 1H-NMR spectrometry.
with relatively inexpensive grapefruit juice, but the
For example, NMR is utilized in conjunction with mul
presence of the grapefruit juice in a commercially
tivariate statistical analyses of specific resonances in
available orange juice product poses serious health
NMR spectra of olive oil diluted with hazelnut or sun
risks for consumers with certain medical conditions.
flower oil. These methods also can be used to identify
Grapefruit juice has a number of coumarin-like flavo
the variety and geographical origin of the oil.
noids and other powerful CYP450 inhibitors that neg
atively impact the metabolism of many prescribed Monitoring of Oxidation drugs. Therefore, the detection and prevention of this
The oxidation of vegetable oils is a significant quality kind of adulteration are especially important. NMR
problem and can lead to further deterioration of the based chemometric approaches using independent
oil. Highly unsaturated fatty acids, with bis-allylic component analysis, a variant of principle component
methylene groups, are particularly susceptible to oxi analysis, are now applied to this problem. Selected
dation. Primary and secondary oxidation products, regions of the 1H NMR spectra, which are known to
such as hydroperoxides and aldehydes, are easily contain distinguishing flavonoid glycoside signals, are
detected by 1H-NMR analyses. 1H-NMR is especially accurately analyzed in a relatively short time. Another
useful for such analyses because the samples do not common issue with juice preparation is the differentia
161 162
tion between freshly squeezed juices and those pro tral bore, an electronics console with the transmitter
duced from pulp washes, which can be added to and receiver hardware, and a data/work station that
fresh-squeezed orange juice to reduce production controls all the functions of the instrument. In
costs. 1H NMR, in combination with principal compo addition to NMR spectrometers, with both solids and
nent analyses, can easily and accurately distinguish liquids applications, there are other related
the fresh-squeezed and pulp-wash orange juice. NMR instruments, such as MRI, that are based on the same
is also used in monitoring batch-to-batch quality and principles, but yield different information.
production site differences in beer. Large Among the common applications of NMR to food
multinational breweries prepare their beers at many science are structural studies that examine the correla
different geographic locations and require methods for tion between chemical structure and health benefits or
quality control at a detailed molecular level. NMR can functionality of food ingredients, studies of the effects
be used in conjunction with principal component of processing on food properties and quality, composi
analysis to distinguish beer from different production tion studies of food ingredients or even fresh vegeta
sites based on lactic acid, pyruvic acid, dextran, ade ble tissue, imaging of food products, and
nosine, inosine, uridine, tyrosine, and 2-phenylethanol determination of SFC or ingredient purity.
content. Quantifying these compounds allows the pro
ducers to identify production sites where there is
greater variability in these compounds (and therefore 10.6 STUDY QUESTIONS
poorer quality control).
NMR methods are used by other producers to
improve quality control in soft drink production, juice 1. Explain the basic principles associated with
production, and vegetable oil manufacturing. Similar NMR spectroscopy, including the function of
methods also are used to monitor the quality of func the magnet and the concept of nuclear spin.
tional foods and nutraceuticals (food extracts with 2. Describe the interaction of the net magnetiza
positive medicinal effects) that are harvested from dif tion with the RF pulse (90°) and the subsequent
ferent geographic locations. NMR signals.
3. Explain the concept of shielding and chemical
10.5 SUMMARY 4. Describe the FID and the NMR spectrum,
including the concepts of time domain, fre quency
Nuclear magnetic resonance technology provides pow domain, and data transformation.
erful research instrumentation for a variety of applica 5. List the components of the NMR spectrometer
tions, from structural elucidation of complex and their functions.
molecules, to 3D-imaging of fresh tissue, to simple 6. What kinds of samples are analyzed by (a) liq
ingredient assays for quality assurance. NMR differs uid NMR and (b) solid-state NMR?
from most other forms of spectroscopy because the 7. What kind of final data does one obtain with an
nucleus is the subject of analysis, and the excitation MRI? List two applications of MRI.
step uses radio frequency electromagnetic energy. The 8. What is the primary use of relaxometry in food
proton (H) and the 13C isotope are the most commonly analysis?
studied nuclei, and each has a characteristic charge 9. List the general types of food applications of
and spin which results in a small, local magnetic field. NMR and give an example of each.
NMR analyses require an external magnetic field,
which causes the local magnetic fields of the nuclei to
align in a parallel or antiparallel orientation. There is a
slight excess in the parallel orientation (in the z-axis REFERENCES
aligned with B0), and it is the net magnetic vector of
this population that is detected during an NMR 1. Li J, Kang J, Wang L, Li Z, Wang R, Chen ZX, Hou GG
experiment. A pulse of RF energy moves this net (2012) Effect of water migration between arabinoxylans
magnetism into the xy-plane, where a reemitted radio and gluten on baking quality of whole wheat bread
signal (the NMR signal) is detected. This signal, which detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). J Agric
decays quickly, contains the intensity and frequency Food Chem 60(26):6507–6514
information for all the nuclei in the sample, and the 2. Mazhar M, Joyce D, Cowin G, Brereton I, Hofman P,
resulting FID is converted by Fourier transformation Collins R, Gupta M (2015) Non-destructive 1H-MRI
assessment of flesh bruising in avocado (Persea ameri
into the NMR spectrum, which shows the various
cana M.) cv. Hass. Postharvest Biol Tech 100:33–40
resonances spread along the x-axis based on
3. Spiteri M, Jamin E, Thomas F, Rebours A, Lees M, Rogers
differences in frequency. KM, Rutledge DN (2015) Fast and global authenticity
The NMR instrument consists of a cryomagnet screening of honey using 1H-NMR profiling. Food Chem
with the transmitter and receiver antennae in the cen 189:60–66
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18. Pérez EMS, Iglesias MJ, Ortiz FL, Pérez IS, Galera MM
(2010) Study of the suitability of HRMAS NMR for meta
4. Siciliano C, Belsito E, De Marco R, Di Gioia ML, Leggio bolic profiling of tomatoes: Application to tissue differen
A, Liguori A (2013) Quantitative determination of fatty acid tiation and fruit ripening. Food Chem 122(3):877–87
chain composition in pork meat products by high resolu 19. Heude C, Lemasson E, Elbayed K, Piotto M (2015) Rapid
tion 1 H NMR spectroscopy. Food Chem 136(2):546–554 assessment of fish freshness and quality by 1H HR-MAS
5. Ohtsuki T, Sato K, Sugimoto N, Akiyama H, Kawamura NMR spectroscopy. Food Anal Methods 8(4):907–15
Y (2012) Absolute quantification for benzoic acid in pro 20. Bertocchi F, Paci M (2008) Applications of high-resolution
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6. Bosmans GM, Pareyt B, Delcour JA (2016) Non-additive
response of blends of rice and potato starch during heat
ing at intermediate water contents: A differential scan RESOURCE MATERIALS
ning calorimetry and proton nuclear magnetic resonance
study. Food Chem 192:586–595 • Berger S, Braun S (2004) 200 and more NMR experiments:
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coffee bean extract by two‐dimensional NMR spectros in food science: from molecules to man. The Royal Society
copy. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 48(11):857–865 of Chemistry, Cambridge, England
8. Sciubba F, Di Cocco ME, Gianferri R, Impellizzeri D, • Günther H (1995) NMR spectroscopy, 2nd edn. Wiley,
Mannina L, De Salvador FR, Venditti A, Delfini M (2014) New York
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troscopy. Natural Product Research. 28(14):1075–1081 9. • Jacobsen NE (2007) NMR spectroscopy explained: simpli
Cao R, Nonaka A, Komura F, Matsui T (2015) Application fied theory, applications and examples for organic chemis
of diffusion ordered-1 H-nuclear magnetic resonance try and structural biology. Wiley, New York
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10. Dugo G, Rotondo A, Mallamace D, Cicero N, Salvo A, • Skoog DA, Holler FJ, Crouch SR (2007) Principles of instru
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hydes in Extra-Virgin Olive Oil by means of band selec Webb GA, Belton PS, Gill AM, Delgadillo I (eds) (2001)
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J.Scott Smith ( ) *

Department of Animal Sciences and

Industry, Kansas State University,
Manhattan, KS 66506-1600, USA
Rohan A. Thakur
Bruker Daltonics,
Billerica, MA 01821, USA

11.1 Introduction

11.6 Tandem Mass Spectrometry

11.2 Instrumentation: The Mass 11.2.4 Mass Analyzers
Spectrometer 11.2.1 Overview 11.3 Interpretation of Mass Spectra 11.4
11.2.2 Sample Introduction Gas Chromatography-Mass
11.2.3 Ionization Spectrometry 11.5 Liquid
Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry 11.9 Summary
11.7 High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry 11.10 Study Questions References
(HRMS) 11.8 Applications Resource Materials

S. Nielsen (ed.), Food Analysis, Food Science Text Series, 165 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-45776-5_11, © Springer
International Publishing 2017

desorption ionization (MALDI) or MALDI time-of

11.1 INTRODUCTION flight (TOF) techniques which offers ionization from
solid crystals discovered in 1988.
Over the past decade, mass spectrometry (MS) tech
niques have become indispensable for the identifica 11.2 INSTRUMENTATION: THE MASS
tion, characterization, verification, and quantitation of
small molecules (eg, caffeine, 194 Da) to large complex
biomolecules (eg, immunoglobulin, 144,000 Da). Two
11.2.1 Overview
important developments led to the rapid rise in
popularity of MS as an analytical tech nique. First was Because there are so many acronyms associated with
the development of hyphenated MS techniques, the MS instrumentation, a listing of the acronyms
which coupled the separation techniques of gas used in this chapter is given. Many of those acronyms
chromatography (GC) (Chap. 14) or liquid are first used in Table11.1, which summarizes mass
chromatography (LC) (Chap. 13) to MS. This coupling spec
of chromatography and MS dramatically lowered the trometer components and types of instruments. This
detection limits for quantitative analysis while simul table also helps introduce the three basic functions a
taneously increasing the confidence of measurement MS performs. (1) There must be a way to ionize the
through high specificity. Second was the development molecules, which occurs in the ion source by a variety
of hybrid, benchtop, MS instruments that made high of techniques. (2) The charged molecular ion and its
resolution, accurate mass, LC-MS analysis routine. fragments must be separated according to their m/z,
Hyphenated, hybrid MS techniques deliver robust, and this occurs in the mass analyzer section. (3) The
highly sensitive, precise measurements that with separated, charged ions must be detected (electron
stand the rigor of statistical analysis for the purposes multipliers, photomultipliers). The block diagram in
of quantitative analysis, while significantly reducing Fig.11.1 represents the various components of a mass
sample preparation time and effort. These advantages spectrometer.
made MS a “must-have” technique when faced with Sample introduction can be static (or dynamic,
complex bioanalytical challenges such as pesticide the latter of which involves interfacing with GC or LC
screening in foods, trace analysis of environmental instruments. Since all mass spectrometers work in
pollutants, characterization of natural products, or high vacuum, regardless of the state of the sample
rapid identification of food-borne bacteria. The power (gas, liquid, or solid), all ions are introduced into the
of the MS technique is due to its ability to place a MS as a gas. The MS interface converts the samples
charge on a molecule, thereby converting it to an ion into a form that is acceptable to introduction into the
in a process called ionization. The generated ions are vacuum chamber. Common MS interfaces will be dis
then separated according to their mass-to charge ratio cussed in more detail in the sections on GC-MS and
(m/z) by subjecting them to a combina tion of LC-MS.
radio-frequency (RF) and electrostatic fields in a mass Figure11.2 depicts the interior of a typical GC-MS
analyzer and finally detected by highly sensi tive instrument that uses quadrupole mass analyzers. The
detectors. The resulting signals from the detectors are region between ion generation and detection is main
digitized and processed by software to display the tained by different vacuum pumps. Each successive
information as a mass spectrum, which reveals its region from the ion source is kept at lower vacuum
molecular mass and its structural composition, lead than the preceding region, with the mass analyzer/
ing to identification. An additional stage of ion frag detector being in the region of strongest vacuum
mentation may be included before detection to elicit (≈10−6–10−8torr). A vacuum is necessary for two criti
structural information in a technique known as tan cal reasons: (1) to avoid ion-molecule reactions
dem MS. between the charged ions and other gaseous
The most common MS technique remains GC-MS molecules before they reach the detector, and (2) for
which was first used in the late 1960s, followed by the proper oper ation of ion lenses, mass analyzer
rapidly growing LC-MS technique which made ion electrodes, and ion detectors that require the use of
ization from liquids possible and started to gain adop high voltages. Vacuum performance determines the
tion in the late 1980s, and matrix-assisted laser sensitivity and resolution of mass spectrometers.
JS Smith and RA Thakur

Chapter 11 Mass Spectrometry

11. 1
Summary of mass spectrometer components and types
Types Applications
Sample introduction
Static method Direct injection Gas or volatile liquid
Direct insertion probe Solids
Dynamic GC Gas or volatile liquids
LC Nonvolatile solids or liquid
Ion source Electron impact ionization (EI) Primarily for GC-MS, for volatile compounds
Electrospray ionization (ESI) Most popular method for LC-MS, normally for polar or slightly polar
Atmospheric pressure chemical Primarily for LC-MS, normally for compounds of
ionization (APCI) low polarity and some volatility
Atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) Same uses as APCI but has advantages in
signal-to noise ratio and detection limit
Matrix-assisted laser desorption A “soft ionization,” ideal for large biopolymers
ionization (MALDI) and other fragile molecules
Chemical ionization (CI) A “soft ionization,” ideal for large biopolymers and other fragile molecules
Mass analyzers Quadrupoles mass analyzer/filter (Q) Used in many types of instru ment. Kompak. Used in benchtop
Ion trap (IT) LC-MS for MS/MS
Time of flight (TOF) Useful to analyze biopolymers and large molecules
Fourier transform-based mass analyzer FS-orbitrap)
(FT-ion cyclotrons, FT-ICR; Allows for easy-to-use benchtop LC-MS
Extreme specificity
Accelerator mass spectrometer Useful in geochemistry and
nutrition science. Extreme specificity
Quadrupole TOF (eg, Q-TOF, triple TOF) Most LC-MS.
Provides for MS/MS, benchtop instruments
Triple quadrupole (eg, TQ; tandem MS) Common for LC-MS.
Provides for MS/MS, benchtop instruments
Hybrid MS: common combinations of mass analyzers Ion trap (eg, IT-FTMS, IT-orbitrap, Q-Trap) Most LC-MS.
Provides for MS/MS. Very high mass accuracy
Quadrupole MS (single quadrupole or TQ) Quantitative and
qualitative analysis ITMS Qualitative analysis. Advantage of
Common MS multistages of MS (MSn)
instruments TOF/Q-TOF High-resolution accurate mass needs FTMS
Magnetic sector Specialized applications requiring ultrahigh High-resolution accurate mass needs
resolution, eg, dioxin analysis
Isotope ratio MS Useful in geochemistry and nutrition science.
Introduction Analyzer
Ion Data
Mass System
Sample Detector
A block diagram of the major
components of a
11. 1
mass spectrometer figure extracts that are a gas or a volatile
liquid are injected directly into the
source region. This requires no
11.2.2 Sample Introduction Static Method
The initial step in operating the MS is
to get the sample into the ion source
chamber. Pure compounds or sam ple
and bottom can be used for direct injection
or interfacing to a GC

Schematic of a typical mass spectrometer.

11. 2 figure The sample inlets (interfaces) at the top
168 Electron Impact Ionization (EI) In GC-MS
techniques, once the compound(s) coming from the
equipment or apparatus and is much the same as GC enters the ion source, it is exposed to a beam of
inject ing a sample into a GC. Thus, this static method electrons emitted from a filament composed of
of introducing the sample to the source is called direct rhenium or tungsten metal. When a direct current is
injection. With solids that are at least somewhat vola applied to the filament (usually 70 electron volts, eV),
tile, the direct insertion probe method is used, in it heats and emits electrons that move across the ion
which the sample is placed in a small cup at the end of cham ber toward a positive electrode. As the electrons
a stainless steel rod or probe. The probe is inserted pass through the source region, they come in close
into the ion source through one of the sample inlets, proximity
and the source is heated until the solid vaporizes. The JS Smith and RA Thakur
mass spectrum is then obtained on the vaporized solid
mate rial as with the direct injection method. Both
direct injection and direct insertion probe methods fragment into smaller molecular fragments. This
work well with pure samples, but their use is very entire process is called electron impact (EI)
limited when ionization, although the emitted electrons rarely hit a
analyzing complex mixtures of several compounds. molecule.
Direct analysis in real time (DART) is an example of a
static sampling technique, where metastable He ions Electrospray Ionization (ESI)
(19.8 eV energy) are used to initiate ionization of the Electrospray ionization, the most popular LC-MS
analyses of interest via the Penning process (much like technique in use today, functions at atmospheric pres
EI) resulting in radical cations (M+.). A mixture of sure and is a highly sensitive technique. Normally,
heated He and nitrogen is used to initiate the meta polar compounds are amenable to ESI analysis, with
stable ionization process, essentially creating a plasma the type of ion produced depending on the initial
rich environment, wherein the metastable He reacts charge. That is, positively charged compounds yield
with ambient water, creating protonated water clus positive ions, while negatively charged compounds
ters, resulting ultimately in a charge transfer to the such as those containing free carboxylic acid func
analyte of interest. The process has been well tional groups will produce negative ions.
described by Hajslova et al. [3] for food QC and safety The ESI source as depicted in Fig.11.3 consists of a
analysis. nozzle that contains a fused-silica capillary sample
tube (serves to transfer the LC effluent) coaxially posi Dynamic Method tioned within a metal capillary tube to which a vari
For mixtures, sample introduction is a dynamic able electrical potential can be applied against a
method in which the sample must be separated into counter-electrode, which is usually the entrance to the
the individual compounds and then analyzed by the MS. Compressed nitrogen gas at high velocity is coax
MS. This is done typically by GC or HPLC units con ially introduced to aid in the nebulization of the LC
nected to an MS by an interface (see Sects. 11.4 effluent as it exits the tip of the metal capillary tube.
and11.5). The interface removes excess GC carrier gas The relative velocity difference between the streams of
or HPLC solvent that would otherwise overwhelm the nitrogen gas (fast moving) and LC effluent (slow
vacuum pumps of the MS. moving) at the ESI tip results in producing a fine
spray of highly charged droplets. At nanoflow rates
11.2.3 Ionization (<1μL/min), the force of the electrical field is strong
enough to break up the LC effluent into fine droplets
There are many methods used to produce ions for the without the use of nebulizing gas, in a process known
compounds, depending on the type of chromato as nanospray. For conventional HPLC flow rates
graphic interface and nature of the compounds (1–1000μL/min), the sheer volume of liquid requires
(Table11.1). The major types of ion sources are briefly an initial droplet size reduction through the use of
described in subsections that follow. nebulizing nitrogen gas, creating the required micro
droplets, which can now be influenced by the prevail
ing electrical field.
At this point, the repulsive forces due to the accu
mulation of “like” charges inside the rapidly reducing
microdroplet volume create an imbalance with the
forces of surface tension that are trying to conserve

to the sample molecule and extract molecules contain such high internal
Schematic of an electrospray LC-MS
an electron, forming an ionized energies they can further interface
molecule. Once ionized, the
11. 3 figure
• vapor play an important part in the APCI process.
Chapter 11 Mass Spectrometry
Figure11.4 shows the schematic diagram of an APCI
interface. The LC effluent-carrying fused-sil ica
capillary tube protrudes about halfway inside a
spherical structure of the microdroplet. The positive
silicon-carbide (ceramic) vaporizer tube. The vapor
charge is drawn out, but cannot escape the surface of izer tube is maintained at approximately 400–
the liquid, and forms what is known as a Taylor cone.
Further reduction of the diameter of the droplets
causes the Taylor cone to stretch to a critical point, at
which the charge escapes the liquid surface and is
emitted as a gas-phase ion in a process known as a
coulombic explosion.
One of the many advantages of the ESI process is
its ability to generate multiple-charged ions and toler
ate conventional HPLC flow rates. Proteins and other
large polymers (eg, between 2000 and 70,000 Da) can
be easily analyzed on LC-MS systems having a mass
limit of m/z 2000, due to this multiple charging phe
nomenon. Powerful software can process in excess of
+50 charge states, to yield the molecular ion informa
tion for larger proteins. A limitation of the ESI process 169
is the phenomenon of ion suppression/enhancement
or matrix effects, which usually causes a variation in
response for the analyte signal intensity in presence of 500 °C and serves to vaporize the LC effluent. High
matrix components. Matrix factor corrections are used voltage is applied to a corona needle posi tioned near
to account for ion suppression/enhancement effects, the exit of the vaporizer tube. The high voltage creates
including the use of stable-labeled internal standards a corona discharge that forms reagent ions from the
or matrix-assisted calibration curves for quantitative mobile phase and nitrogen nebulizing gas. These ions
analysis. react with the sample molecules (M) and convert them
to ions. A common cascade of reactions occurring in Atmospheric Pressure Chemical the presence of water, nitrogen gas, and the
Ionization (APCI) high-voltage corona discharge is as follows:
The APCI interface, which like ESI operates at atmo
spheric pressure, is normally used for compounds of e NN e - + - + ®2 2 + 2 • (11.1)
low polarity and some volatility. It is harsher than ESI
and is a gas-phase ionization technique. Therefore NH 2 2ON2 2 HO + + + ® + • • (11.2)
gas-phase chemistries of the analyte and solvent
matrix-assisted calibration curves for quantitative
HO2 2 HOHO3 OH + + + ® + • • (11.3) MH+ analysis.
® OM( ) + HH+ O + Atmospheric Pressure
Photoionization (APPI)
32 (11.4) APPI is an ionization technique that improves on the
interface possible with APCI. The APPI interface,
The APCI interface is a robust interface and can which uses a krypton or xenon light source to
handle high flow rates of up to 2 mL min. It is unaf generate a beam of photons instead of a corona
fected by minor changes in buffer strength or compo discharge
sition and is typically used to analyze molecules less generated plasma as in APCI. Compounds having ion
than 2000 Da. It does not facilitate multiple charges ization potentials lower than the wavelength of the
and hence cannot be used to analyze large biomole light source will be ionized. Since most HPLC
cules/polymers. In terms of matrix effects, APCI usu solvents do not ionize at the wavelengths generated
ally shows “ion enhancement” rather than “ion by the commonly used photon sources, APPI
suppression.” This is due to the matrix components improves in the signal-to-noise ratio and hence
enriching the plasma generation process, thereby detection limits.
enhancing the efficiency of the ionization process. As
a result, there is an increase in response for the ana Matrix-Associated Laser Desorption
lyte signal in the presence of matrix components,
Ionization (MALDI)
requiring matrix factor correction through the appro
priate use of stable-labeled internal standards or In MALDI, the sample is dissolved in a matrix and
Schematic of an atmospheric pressure matrix plays an
11. 4 ionized using an UV laser. The
of the laser energy, which causes it to
chemical ionization LC-MS interface figure
important role in ionization, acting both as the absorber

To Mass


Beam Analyte/Matrix
11. 5 figure Diagram of the MALDI desorption and
ionization process used in some TOF
instru ments (From Chughtai and Heeren
[2], used with permission of National
High Magnetic Field Laboratory,
JS Smith and RA Thakur Matrix Effects on

One key issue with all types of
ionization is a phenom enon called For high sensitivity quantitative MS level spiked in pure solvent. The
matrix effect. This is when ionization analysis, a study of matrix effects is difference in peak intensi ties
of a molecule is either suppressed or essential before quantitation can be between the pure standard and
enhanced by coelut ing endogenous per formed. For example, if the matrix-spiked standard will
interferences contained in the matrix matrix is spinach extract versus corn determine the matrix effect during
after sample cleanup. This effect has a extract, each matrix will have to be the final analysis of the samples to be
direct impact on sensitivity; for the indi vidually studied for matrix tested. While all modes of ionization
same level (eg, 1 ng/mL), the ion effects. A set of test pesti cide are susceptible to matrix effects, ESI
intensity of the compound of interest standards at known levels are spiked seems to be most prone to ion
will change in response to the in a clean matrix (spinach or corn not suppression, while
coeluting matrix interferences such as exposed to pesticides) and their peak
salts, fatty acids, phospholipids, etc. intensities compared to the same
holes in the accelerat ing and focusing plates. These
vaporize, and as a proton donor and acceptor to ini plates serve to increase the energy of the charged
tiate charge transfer to the analyte (Fig.11.5). Since the molecules and to focus the beam of ions, so that a
sample is not directly ionized, MALDI is consid ered a maximum amount reaches the mass analyzer.
“soft ionization” technique and amenable to
ionization of large biopolymers and other fragile 11.2.4 Mass Analyzers
molecules such as nucleic acids or carbohydrates [2].
The matrix used in MALDI is usually a weak organic Overview
acid with UV-absorbing properties [eg, 2,5-dihy droxy The heart of an MS is the mass analyzer. It performs
benzoic acid (DHB), sinapinic acid (3,5-dime the fundamental task of separating the charged mol
thoxy-4-hyroxycinnamic acid), gentisic acid (DHDA, ecules or their fragments based on their m/z, and it
2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid), or α-cyano-4-hydroxy dictates the mass range, accuracy, resolution, and
cinnamic acid (CHCA)]. Sensitivity is usually depen sensitivity. Listed in Table11.1 are the basic types of
dent on critical pairing of the chemistries of matrix mass analyzers, the common combinations of basic
with the sample, especially for samples that are mass analyzers (call hybrid MS), and the most com
inherently nonvolatile or insoluble in most aqueous mon types of MS instruments, along with their typi
solvents. cal applications. Described in the subsections below
The typical laser used for MALDI applications is •
Chapter 11 Mass Spectrometry
neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet
(Nd-YAG) nitrogen laser operating at 337 or 355 nm
(3.7–3.5 eV photon energies) in vacuum and pulsed at
are only the four types of mass analyzers most com
a repetition rate between 1 and 10 KHz. The laser
beam size can be attenuated between 5 and 100 um, monly applied to food analysis.
which allows hundreds of laser shots to raster through
a sin gle sample spot. While the ionization mechanism Quadrupole Mass Analyzers (Q) The
is not fully understood, it is believed that a two-step word “quadrupole” of the quadrupole mass ana lyzer
pro is derived from the Latin words for “fourfold”
cess occurs; in step one the matrix absorbs the UV (quadruplus), and “pole,” to describe the array of four
energy from the laser and is consequently ionized rods that are used (Fig.11.2). The four rods are used to
(M+H)+; in step two a charge transfer to the sample generate two equal but out-of-phase electric poten
(S+H)+ is completed, allowing the charged sample to tials: one is alternating current (AC) frequency of
be focused into the mass analyzer. Infrared lasers also applied voltage that falls in radio-frequency (RF)
are used but are less popular, as is the case with atmo range, and one is direct current (DC). The potential
spheric pressure-based MALDI ion sources. difference can be varied to create an oscillating electri
techniques such as APCI can be prone to ion enhance cal field between two of the opposite rods, resulting in
ment, wherein the peak intensity increased in the pres their having equal but opposite charges.
ence of matrix as compared to the pure standard. When, for example, a positive-charged ion enters
the quadrupole field, it will be instantly attracted Transition from Ion Source to Mass toward a rod maintained at a negative potential, and if
the potential of that rod changes before the ion
impacts, it will be deflected (ie, change direction).
The eventual outcome of the ionization process, by
Thus, every stable ion (ie, ion with stable flight path)
any of the methods described in sections above, is
entering the quadrupolar region traces a sine
both neg atively and positively charged molecules of
wave-type pattern on its way to the detector. By
various sizes unique to each compound. When the
adjusting the potentials on the rods, selected ions, a
repeller plate at the back of the ion source is positively
mass range, or only a single ion can be made stable
charged, it repels the positive fragments toward the
and detected. The unstable ions impact one of the four
quadrupole mass analyzer. Thus, we look only at the
rods, releasing them from the influence of the
positive frag ments, although negative fragments are
oscillating field, and they are pumped away by the
sometimes analyzed. As the positively charged
vacuum pumps. A quadrupole mass ana lyzer is
fragments leave the ion source, they pass through
commonly referred to as a mass filter, because, in influence of a time-varying RF field. The ions are
principle, the device filters ions that achieve stabil ity trapped within the mass analyzer cavity, and the
from those that do not. applied RF voltage drives ion motion in a wure eight
toward the end-caps. Thus, for an ion to be trapped, it Ion Trap (IT) Mass Analyzers Ion traps must have a stable trajectory in both the axial and
are essentially multidimensional quadru pole mass radial directions. To detect the ions, the frequency
analyzers that store ions (trap) and then eject these applied to the ring electrode is changed, and the ion
trapped ions according to their m/z ratios. Once the trajectories are made unstable. Helium is continuously
ions are trapped, multiple stages of MS (MSn) can be infused into the ion trap cavity and primarily serves
achieved, mass resolution can be increased, and as a dampening gas. Recent developments in ion trap
sensitivity can be improved. The major difference technology have resulted in 2-D ion traps, which sub
between an ion trap and a quadrupole mass analyzer stantially increase ion trapping volume by spreading
is that in an ion trap, the unstable ions are ejected and the ion cloud in a quadrupole-like assembly [1]. Time-of-Flight Mass Analyzer (TOF)

Time-of-flight mass analyzers separate ions according
to the time required to reach the detector while travel
ing over a known distance (Fig.11.7). Ions are pulsed
from the source with the same kinetic energy, which
causes ions of different m/z ratios to acquire different
velocities (lighter ions travel faster while heavier ions
travel slower). The difference in velocities translates to


detected while the stable ions are trapped (referred to

as MS in time); whereas in a quadrupole, the ions with
a stable flight path reach the detector, and the unstable
ions hit the rods and are pumped away (MS in space).
Figure11.6 shows the cross-sectional view of a 3-D
ion trap mass analyzer. It consists of a ring electrode
sandwiched between a perforated entrance, end-cap
electrode, and a perforated exit, end-cap electrode. An
AC (RF) voltage and variable amplitude is applied to
the ring electrode, producing a 3-D quadrupole field
within the mass analyzer cavity.
Ions formed in the source are electronically
injected into the ion trap, where they come under the
11. 6 Diagram of a single-stage time-of-flight
Diagram of an ion trap mass analyzer figure instrument
11. 7
172 Spectrometry (FTMS)
Fourier transform-based mass spectrometers decon
volute image currents produced by ion motion (har
difference in time reaching the detector, upon which monic oscillations or cyclotron motion) into mass
the mass spectrum is generated. Theoretically, TOF spectra. A Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance
instruments have no upper mass range, which makes mass analyzer traps ions in a magnetic field (Penning
them useful for the analysis of biopolymers and large traps), while a Fourier transform orbitrap mass ana
molecules, and have fast cycles since they technically lyzer traps ions in an electric field. Both analyzer types
transmit all m/z ions (full scan mode). The use of are unique from the previously listed mass ana lyzers
reflectrons (ion mirrors) can quickly increase mass because the ions themselves are not detected by
resolution of TOF instruments by increasing ion drift impinging upon a detector, but rather the frequency
path length by bouncing ions in a V or W pattern with (cyclotron motion) is measured as a function of the
out drastically increasing the instrument footprint. applied electric (orbitrap) or magnetic field (ICR).
Commercially launched in 2005, the orbitrap brought Fourier Transform-Based Mass high resolution (400 K resolution @ m/z 200) to the
benchtop by using electrostatic fields, resulting in a SPECTRA

As previously indicated, a mass spectrum is a plot (or

table) of the intensity of various mass fragments (m/z)
produced when a molecule is subjected to one of the
many types of ionization techniques. In classis
GC-MS, the electron beam generated by a heated
filament (used to ionize the molecules) is usually kept
at a constant potential of 70 eV because this produces
sufficient ions without too much fragmentation, which
would result in a loss of the higher-molecular-weight
ions. Another advantage of using 70 eV for ionization
is that the resulting mass spectra are usually very
similar regard less of the make and model of the
instrument. This allows for computer-assisted mass
spectral matching to database libraries that help in
unknown compound identification. In fact, most MSs
now come with a MS spectral database and the
required matching software.
Typical mass spectra include only positive frag
ments that usually have a charge of +1. Thus, the
mass-to-charge ratio is the molecular mass of the frag
ment divided by +1, which equals the mass of the frag
JS Smith and RA Thakur
ment. As yet, the mass-to-charge ratio unit has no
name and is currently abbreviated by the symbol m/z
(older books use m/e).
simpler-to-operate, LC-MS instrument (Fig. 11.8). A mass spectrum for butane is illustrated in Fig.
While traditional FTMS delivers significantly higher 11.9. The relative abundance is plotted on the y-axis
resolution (7 M resolution@ m/z 600), they require and the m/z is plotted on the x-axis. Each line on the
liquid helium-cooled superconducting magnets mak bar graph represents a m/z fragment with the
ing them large in size, significantly more expensive, abundance unique to a specific compound. The spec
and require specialist operators, which limit their trum always contains what is called the base peak or
widespread adoption. This results in sub-part-per base ion. This is the fragment (m/z) that has the high
million (ppm) mass accuracy measurements allowing est abundance or intensity. When the signal detector is
determination of elemental composition. Extremely processed by the computer, the m/z with the high
high resolution can be achieved with this type of mass
analyzer which gives the ability to determine fine iso
tope structure.


Scientific (Bremen), Waltham, MA USA – abundance. Butane has the base peak
11. 8 figure Artwork by Thermo Fisher Scientific, CC at a m/z of 43.
Diagram of the orbitrap analyzer. Ions are BY-SA 3.0) Another important fragment is the
captured in the C-trap after ionization est intensity is taken to be 100 %, and precursor ion (often called the
during typical GC or LC-MS. They are the abundance of all the other m/z molecular ion or parent ion), desig
then sent to the trap analyzer where the ions is adjusted relative to the base nated by the symbol M+•. This peak
detected signal is then converted to mass peak. The base peak always will be has the highest
(Used with permission of Thermo Fisher presented as 100 % relative

Chapter 11 Mass Spectrometry

The precursor (molecular) ion then sequentially frag

ments in a unimolecular fashion. (Note that the ion is
often written as M+, for which the free electron, sym
bolized by the dot, is assumed. Regardless, the mole cule
has lost one electron and still retains all the protons;
thus, the net charge must be positive.) The reactions of
butane as it forms several of the predominant product
ion (daughter) fragments are shown below:

--- + Þ ---
CH CH CH CH e CH CH CH CH 3 2 2 3 222 3 ( ) = +
58 2 e
+· + CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH · mz/ (11.7)
11. 9 --- Þ ---
Mass spectrum of butane obtained by
impact ionization figure 3 2 2 3 3 222 ()=+

+· +
--- Þ - -
mass number and represents the positively charged 3 43

intact molecule with a m/z equal to the molecular CH

mass. The harsher ionizing techniques such as the EI +· +·
shown here (Fig.11.9) produces an ion (radical cation) --- Þ -
mz/(11.8) 322332

()=+· ()=+·-
at m/z 58 by stripping an electron. can be considered insignificant, the CH CH
Because the mass of a single electron mz/ (11.9)
33 29
molecular ion produced by EI-type ionization is indic
ative of the molecular weight of that compound. All +()
other molecular fragments originate from this charged +·
species, so it is easy to see why it is called the precur M e from M molecularion
sor (molecular) ion. It is not always present because, (
sometimes, the precursor ion decomposes before it CH3 2 - Þ CH CH3 2 ( ) = 15 +·CH +· mz/ (11.10)
has a chance to traverse the mass analyzer. However,
a mass spectrum is still obtained, and this becomes a
problem only when determining the molecular mass Many of the fragments for butane result from
of an unknown. The remainder of the mass spectrum direct cleavage of the methylene groups. With alkanes,
is a consequence of the stepwise cleavage of large frag you will always see fragments in the mass spectrum
ments to yield smaller ones termed product ions that are produced by the sequential loss of CH2 or CH3
(daughter ions). The process is relatively straightfor kelompok.
ward for alkanes, such as butane, making possible Close examination of the butane mass spec trum
identification of many of the fragments. in Fig. 11.9 reveals a peak that is 1 m/z unit larger
As indicated previously, the initial step in EI ion than the molecular ion at m/z = 58. This peak is
ization is the abstraction of an electron from the mol designated by the symbol M + 1 and is due to the
ecule as electrons from the beam pass in close naturally occurring isotopes. The most abundant
proximity. The equation below illustrates the first isotope of carbon has a mass of 12; however, a small
reaction that produces the positively charged prod uct amount of 13C is also present (1.11 %). Any ions that
ion. contained a 13C or a deuterium isotope would be 1
m/z unit larger, although the relative abundance fragmentation pattern is straightforward. The
would be low. precursor ion (CH3−OH+•) is at a m/z of 32, which is
Another example of MS fragmentation pat terns is the molecular weight. Other fragments include
shown for methanol in Fig. 11.10. Again, the
electron beam ) the molecularion, ) M The ionization method of chemical
(11.5) ionization (CI) (see Table 11.1) is
Þ+ the base peak at a m/z of 31 due to classified as a soft ionization because
CH2−OH+, the CHO+ fragment at a only a few fragments are produced.
2 o (mthe
m/z of 29, and the CH3+ frag ment at In this technique, a gas is ionized,
e one electron fr
a m/z of 15. such as methane (CH4),
electron beam and one from
The M symbolizes the unionized molecule as it reacts which then directly ionizes the molecule. The most
with the electron beam and forms a radical cation. The important use of CI is in the determination of the
cation will have a m/z equal to the molecular weight. molecular ion since there is usually a fragment that is
174 long-chain fatty acids (Fig. 11.11).
Long-chain fatty acids must have the
carboxylic acid group converted or
blocked with a methyl group to make
them volatile. Methyl esters of
palmitic (16:0), oleic (18:1), linoleic
(18:2), linolenic (18:3), stearic (18:0),
and arachidic (20:0) acids were
injected onto a column that was
supposed to be able to separate all the
naturally occur ring fatty acids.
However, the GC tracing showed
Mass spectrum of methanol obtained by only four peaks, when it was known
JS Smith and RA Thakur that six different methyl esters were
in the sample. The logical explana
tion is that one or two of the peaks
11. 10 An example of the power of GC-MS contain a mixture of
is shown below in the separation of
the methyl esters of several
peak as it elutes from the column. Does the material
electron impact ionization figure
eluting in a peak contain one compound, or is it a mix
ture of several that just happen to coelute with the
1m/z unit larger than that obtained with EI. Thus, a same retention time?
mass spectrum of butane taken by the CI method In most cases a capillary GC column is connected
would have a quasimolecular (parent) ion at m/z=59 directly to the MS source via a heated capillary trans
(M + H). Many LC-MS interfaces use CI or electro fer line. The transfer line is kept hot enough so as to
spray ionization methods so it is common to see the avoid condensation of the volatile component eluting
(M + H)+ precursor ion. As can be seen in Eqs. 11.6, from the GC column on its way into the low-pressure
11.7, 11.8, 11.9, and 11.10, the reactions of the cleavage MS source. The sample flows through the GC column
process can be quite involved. Many of the reactions into the interface and then on to be processed by the
are covered in detail in the book by McLafferty and MS. A computer is used to store and process the data
Turecek listed in resource materials. from the MS.
methyl esters resulting from poor resolution on the
GC column.
11.4 GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY-MASS The purity of the peaks is determined by running
SPECTROMETRY the GC-MS and taking mass spectra at very short
increments of time (1 s or less). If a peak is pure, then
Although samples can be introduced directly into the the mass spectra taken throughout the peak should be
MS ion source, many applications require chromato the same. In addition, the mass spectrum can be com
graphic separation before analysis. The rapid develop pared with the library of spectra stored in the
ment of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry computer.
(GC-MS) has allowed for the coupling of the two The total ion current (TIC) chromatogram of the
methods for routine separation problems (see Chap. separation of the fatty acid methyl esters is shown in
14). A MS coupled to GC allows the peaks to be identi Fig.11.11. There are four peaks eluting off the column
fied or confirmed, and, if an unknown is present, it between 15.5 and 28 min. The first peak at 15.5 min
can be identified using a computer-assisted search of a has the same mass spectrum throughout, indicating
library containing known MS spectra. Another critical that only one compound is eluting. A computer search
function of GC-MS is to ascertain the purity of each of the MS library gives an identification of the peak to
the methyl ester of palmitic acid. The mass spectra
shown in Fig.11.12 compare the material eluting from
the col umn to the library mass spectrum. 10
Most of the fragments match, although the GC
MS scan does have many small fragments not present 6

on the library mass spectrum. This is a common back 175

ground noise and usually does not present a problem.
The data from the rest of the chromatogram indicate
that the peaks at both 20 and 27 min contain only one
component. The computer match identifies the peak at 11.5 LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY-MASS
20 min as stearic acid, methyl ester, and the peak at 27 SPECTROMETRY
min as arachidic acid, methyl ester. However, the peak 6

located at 19.5 min is shown to have several dif ferent


mass spectra, indicating impurity or coeluting 4


In Fig.11.13, the region around 19 min has been I

enlarged. The arrows indicate where different mass 2


spectra were obtained. The computer identified the

material in the peak at 19.5 min as linoleic acid, 0
methyl ester; the material at 19.7 min as oleic acid, 10 15 20 25 30 TIME (MIN)
methyl ester; and the material at 19.8 min as linolenic
acid, methyl ester. Thus, as we originally suspected, For a high-performance liquid chromatography-mass
several of the methyl esters were coeluting off the GC spectrometry (LC-MS) interface, the same overall
column. This example illustrates the tremendous requirements must be met as for GC-MS. There must
power of GC MS used in both a quantitative and a be a way to remove the excess solvent, while convert
qualitative manner. ing a fraction of the liquid effluent into the gas phase,
• making it amenable for MS analysis. Furthermore most
Chapter 11 Mass Spectrometry

11. 11 figure

Total ion current GC chromatogram of the
separation of the methyl esters of six fatty
acids. Detection is by electron impact
ionization using a direct capillary
Mass spectra of (a) the peak at 15.5 min in
the TIC chromatogram shown in Fig.11.11
and (b) the methyl ester of palmitic acid
from a computerized MS library
compounds analyzed by HPLC are
either nonvolatile or thermally labile,
a making the task of liquid-to-gas
phase transition even more
challenging, especially while
maintaining compound integrity.
How does LC-MS work? A modern
LC-MS ion ization interface converts
liquid (LC eluent) into gas-phase ions
(sampled by the MS) by a process of
desolvation in the presence of a
highly charged elec trical field at
atmospheric pressure. The energy
applied to evaporate the solvent
b (thermal and elec trical) is almost
11. 12 figure completely used in the desolvation
process, and it does not contribute to
degradation (usually thermal) of any
labile species present in the LC
eluant. Of the many different types of SPECTROMETRY result of collision-activated
LC-MS ionization interfaces dissociation (CAD) or MSn, typically
developed over the years, it was the Tandem MS (MS/MS, MS ) is used observed in ion trap MS (MS in time
development of the atmosphere in both GC-MS and LC-MS but is type instruments). Other
pressure based ionization interfaces, especially helpful in LC-MS since it fragmentation modes such as electron
ESI (Sect. and APCI (Sect. allows for characterization, transfer dissociation (ETD), infrared that made LC-MS a routine verification, and quantita tion at multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD),
technique. More recently, an APPI ultrahigh sensitivity. There are two and electron cap ture dissociation
(Sect. has been developed as basic types of tandem MS, one which (ECD) are used for the analysis of
a complementary technique to APCI. is a result of collision induced
dissociation (CID) typically observed
on beam-type instruments (triple
11.6 TANDEM MASS quadrupoles, TQ), and the other is a
19.2 19.4 19.6 19.8 20.0 20.2 TIME (MIN)
0 compounds difficult to fragment.

Tandem MS using LC triple quadrupoles (TQ)

x (Fig.11.14) operated in the selected reaction monitor
ing (SRM) or multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)

2 scan mode provides a factor of 100–1000× more sensi

tivity than ultraviolet (UV) or diode array detectors,
0 making them indispensable for high-sensitivity
spectra were obtained collides with argon or nitrogen gas,
11. 13 figure quantitative LC-MS analysis. Using buffered in the collision cell (Q2), and
Enlargement of the region 19.2–20.2 min the mechanism of CID, the precursor a specific production is
from the TIC chromatogram shown in molecule filtered by Q1 ener getically
Fig.11.11. Arrows indicate where mass
transmitted through the third quadrupole (Q3). This
mode offers the highest sensitivity critical for quanti
tative analysis that has been the mainstay of bioana
lytical quantitative analysis for the past two decades.
The high sensitivity of the SRM/MRM modes are due
to two factors: (1) a dramatic improvement in
signal-to-noise ratio by eliminating noise, and (2) TQ
operation at nearly 100 %, allowing seven scans or
more to ensure capturing the top of the eluting chro
matographic peak to accurately determine the area
under the peak. The other advantages are simplicity
of data analysis and the high specificity resulting
from the MRM mode. The triple quadrupole remains
11. 14 figure the instrument of choice for high-sensitive, routine
JS Smith and RA Thakur
LC-MS quantitative analysis, even though it was first
introduced in the early 1990s.
Multiple MS or “MS-to-the-nth” made ion traps
popular for structural analysis and verification of mol
ecules. Subtle changes can be identified by piecing
together the various fragments, which result in the dif
ferent stages of the MS/MS process. The difference
between tandem MS on a TQ and the MSn mode on
the IT is how the ion undergoes fragmentation. In the
CID process on a TQ or Q-TOF, the precursor ion
selected in Q1 is accelerated into the collision cell (Q2)
filled with argon or nitrogen and smashed into its
compo nent pieces in one highly energetic step. In
contrast, the CAD process occurring in an ion trap is
Diagram of a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer capable of energeti cally much gentler involving a gradual
doing MS/MS. Q1 and Q2 are used to separate ions, and Q3 is
ramping of voltages so that the internal energy of the
the collision-induced dissociation area (CID). Once the
specified trapped ion increases as it collides with the
compounds are ionized, they can be allowed to pass through
without the CID activated, or the molecular ion can be further
helium buffer gas, until the most fragile chemical
fragmented in the Q2 area via CID to yield product ions bond breaks. As soon as this occurs, the m/z changes,
(fragments) and the prod uct ions no longer experience the
gradual ramping of the energy but remain trapped.
This process allows for multiple steps of MS/MS abundant isotopic mass for each of the constituent
analysis at high sensitivity. The most abundant elements, C=12.0000, H=1.007825, N=14.003074,
fragment (typically) is then iso lated and re-trapped, O=15.994915)
and the CAD process is repeated. In most cases, CAD • Average mass: 194.1906 (sum of the average atomic
can easily perform MS4, but there have been cases masses or sum of isotopes taking into account the
where MS10 could be accomplished. Such a method of relative abundances for the constitute elements, eg,
MSn analysis makes it significantly easier to piece O16=15.994915, but the average mass is 15.999405,
together the intact structure from its key which takes into account the O17 and O18
fragments and determine or verify changes. Since isotopes and their relative abundances)
ITMS is tandem MS in time, it has a significant advan
tage over TQ's operating Q3 in the “full scan
Accurate mass is measured in terms of parts per
MS/MS” mode. The main advantage of MSn on ITMS
million (ppm) and calculated by dividing the mass
is the high sensitivity of the MSn scan mode,
error by the theoretical mass. In the example above,
especially when con nected to ultra-HPLC (UHPLC)
assume that the measured mass on the
(Chap. 13, Sect.
high-resolution MS was 194.0811. Given the
theoretical monoisotopic mass of 194.0804, this results
in a mass error of 0.0007 (194.0811– 194.0804), which
11.7 HIGH-RESOLUTION MASS would result in a mass accuracy of 3.6 ppm for that
SPECTROMETRY (HRMS) measurement ([194.0804/0.0007]∗10^6). For mass
accuracy below 5 ppm, elemental composition
The widespread adoption of orbitrap and Q-TOF MS determination becomes straightforward through the
instruments has made high-resolution, accurate mass application of sophisticated software algorithms.
applications a growing trend. Resolution in a mass The advancement of high-resolution MS coupled
spectrometer is defined in terms of full width half with availability of more databases has enhanced the
max determination of unknown compounds, a process
ima (FWHM), which is the mass spectrum peak termed nontargeted or “scouting” analysis. With accu
width at half height for a known m/z [4]. At unit rate mass determinations, an unknown can be com
mass resolu tion (nominal mass instruments such as pared against LC-MS libraries for identification. The
quadrupoles and ion traps), FWHM is typically elemental composition can be determined and further
around 0.6 Da, so at m/z 300, the resolution would be verified by observing the fragment ions for definitive
500 (300÷0.6). An orbitrap or a Q-TOF, for example, identification. There are several databases of com
can deliver FWHM of 0.01 Da, so it would deliver a pounds and their ionization patterns (ie, ions pro
resolution of 30,000 (300÷0.01) for m/z 300. An FTMS duced). Most notably is the METLIN metabolite
can deliver FWHM of 0.0001 Da, enabling it to deliver database by the Scripps Center for Metabolomics
a resolution of 3,000,000 (300÷0.0001). where the ion spectra are produced by ESI Q-TOF. In
High-resolution analysis has significant advantages the case of caffeine (mass 194.080376), the spectrum
in terms of S/N, fine isotopic structure analysis, and contains a total of seven major ions, more than
determining elemental compo enough for positive identification. Another database
sition from highly precise accurate mass assignment. that contains some mass spectra is ChemSpider.
Accurate mass is important in mass spectrometry Unfortunately the data bases only cover a limited
because it can give you elemental composition and amount of molecules, and when present, the mass
enable the identification of unknowns. With accurate spectrum depends on the type of ionization
mass and MS/MS fragmentation high-resolution interface/method (eg, ESI, IT, TOF), which is not the
data, uncertainty is significantly reduced in case with EI GC-MS libraries. However, the
identification of “known” unknowns (compounds limitations of these databases will only improve as
that are in a data base, but not known to the analyst) more scientists provide additional data. Both Milman
and invaluable for screening type qualitative analysis. [5] and Lehotay et al. [6] discuss MS libraries,
For mass accuracy below 5 ppm, elemental screening of molecules, and nontarget identification.
composition determination becomes straightforward
through the application of sophisticated software
algorithms. 11.8 APPLICATIONS
The listing below for the compound caffeine
(C8H10N4O2) illustrates the value of accurate mass: The use of MS in the field of food science is well estab

Chapter 11 Mass Spectrometry lished and growing rapidly as food exports from Asia
increase yearly to the USA and Europe. While GC-MS
• Nominal mass: 194 (used synonymously with
molecular mass and is the sum of the integer mass
of the most abundant isotope for each element, has been used for years, LC-MS/MS instrumentation
C=12, H=1, N=14, O=16) has become indispensible for the analysis of
• Monoisotopic mass: 194.0804 (sum of the most compounds such as chloramphenicol, nitrofurans,
sulfonamides, tetracyclines, melamine, acrylamide, For comparative purposes a separate HPLC
and malachite green in foods such as honey, fish, separation was achieved with the same HPLC
shrimp, and milk (see Chap. 33). Agencies such as the column except detection was with a UV detector. The
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Center for HPLC chro
Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), matogram in Fig.11.15a shows the TIC, an indicator
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Health of total ions and thus compounds eluting, and
Canada, and Japan Food Safety Commission use matches the HPLC-UV chromatogram (not shown).
MS-based techniques to drive regulatory standards Figure 11.15b is the selected ion trace of ions
for banned substances, safeguard ing the food supply m/z=180.7–181.7, which would correspond to the
for human consumption. protonated molecular ions (M+H)+ of theobromine
To give an appreciation of the usefulness of and theophylline at 181.2 (both compounds are iso
LC-MS, several examples are provided below. It is mers and have identical masses of 180.2). The chro
important to remember that there are a wide variety matogram in Fig. 11.15c is the selected ion trace of
of methods now available to analyze just about any m/z=194.2–196.2, which corresponds to the proton
type of sample in a variety of matrices. ated molecular ion of caffeine (195.2). The MS/MS of
Due to the prevalence of consumption of caffeine caffeine and theobromine is presented in Fig.11.15d, e
containing drinks throughout the world, the analysis and shows the protonated molecular ions for both caf
of this small bioactive compound has been of interest feine and theobromine, and several ion fragment
for many years. Over 20 years ago HPLC methods m/z.
were published showing that caffeine and other alka The melamine food contamination issue of
loids, theobromine and theophylline, could be ana 2007–2008 is another excellent example of the use of
lyzed by HPLC using an ultraviolet detector. While LC-MS and MS/MS in both a detective role and later
HPLC-UV analysis is quite acceptable, the use of as an official analytical method. Melamine is a six
LC-MS can verify and enhance identification in a vari membered cyclic nitrogenous ring compound with
ety of complex food systems. three amines attached to the carbons in the ring and
Figure 11.15 illustrates a reversed-phase HPLC contains 67 % nitrogen (Fig.11.16). Since a common
column separation and MS spectrum obtained using test for protein measures nitrogen (Chap. 18, Sect.
the ESI interface coupled with MS/MS [7]. An aque 18.2), the compound was used as an economic
ous coffee extract was filtered and separated by
HPLC using an acetic acid-acetonitrile mobile phase.

11. 16 figure e

11. 15 figure Reversed-phase LC-MS (parts a–c) and

MS/ MS separation of an aqueous coffee bioactive compounds in fruits, 139.3 (oxi
extract: (a) TIC, total ion current of extract;vegetables, and spices are polar and dation and cleavage of the A ring).
(1) theobro mine, (2) theophylline, and (3) are not vol With these data it is possible to
caffeine; (b) selected ion trace, atile. Thus, identification and elucidate isomers and also possible
m/z=80.7–181.7; (c) selected ion trace,
evaluations were very difficult degra dation pathways.
m/z=194.2–196.2; (d) MS/ MS ionization
without HPLC methods coupled with High-resolution analysis on orbitrap
of caffeine; (e) MS/MS of theobromine
(From Huck et al. [7], used with
MS. A good example of the use of technology has found wide
permission of Elsevier, New York) LC-MS is in the measure ment of the application in food analysis, with LC,
polyphenolic flavonoids called the GC, and supercritical fluid
cate chins. These antioxidant chromatography (SCF) as hyphenated
compounds present in catechu, green front-end separation techniques
tea, cocoas, and chocolates appear to before the mass analysis is
have several beneficial biological performed. Rajski et al. [9] per
effects including enhanced heart and formed a large multi-residue
blood vessel health. screening study (>250 pesticides) in
Figure11.17 shows a separation of the fruits and vegetables using three
major green tea catechins by HPLC differ ent resolution settings on the
with ESI-MS detection [8]. At the orbitrap (R=17.5 K, 35 K, and 70 K).
Chemical structure of melamine bottom of the figure depicted is the The study revealed that using a ±0.2
JS Smith and RA Thakur chromatogram showing the min retention time window,
separation of the catechins by HPLC. R=70,000, and mass tolerance of 5
The ESI-MS detector was used to ppm gave less than 5% false-positive
a MS/MS precursor ion (molecular) monitor all ions from m/z 120–2200 results at the 10 ug/kg level.
of 127.1 and a product ion of 85.1. (TIC mode). The top left panel shows Ishibashi et al. [10] used supercritical
One of the analytical methods the MS obtained for the epicatechin fluid (SFC) coupled to an orbitrap to
suggested by the FDA entails peak eluting at about 12.1 min. As simultaneously analyze 373 pesticides
monitoring of all these ions, which typical with ESI, there are few frag (10 ug/kg level which is the
produces very good specificity and ments, though the M + H molecular provisional MRL in Japan) in a
sensitivity. ion at 291.3m/z is predominant. QuEChERS spinach extract using an
The area of bioactive food Further fragmentation (MS/MS) of R=70,000 and a mass tolerance of 5
components has grown dramatically the epicatechin yields two major ppm. The high-throughput advantage
over the last 10 years in part due to protonated fragments, m/z 273.3 of SFC sepa
the availability of LC-MS. Many (loss of OH from the C ring) and
adulterant in wheat gluten and dried milk powder to min using SFC-OT technology, for compounds whose
artificially increase the apparent protein content. Due molecular weights ranged from m/z 99 to m/z 900.
to the polar nature of the amine groups, melamine is Recently, a GC-capable version of the orbitrap
not volatile and thus cannot be analyzed with GC was launched [11], making high-resolution GC-MS
unless a derivative is synthesized, thus LC-MS is a analysis possible at resolutions exceeding R >50,000.
preferred method. Methods have been presented that In contrast to GC-TOF instruments currently
entail the separation of melamine by HPLC with available, which focused mainly on MS acquisition
detection by ESI-MS/MS. ESI produces a strong speed at resolutions around 5000 (higher than
protonated molecular ion at m/z = 127.1 with quadrupole based instruments), the
ration allowed for 72 samples in approximately 45

Chapter 11 Mass Spectrometry


function [12]. One such compound identified was

aspartame (no UV-chromophores) detected at m/z
307.0893 (and confirmed by high-resolution MS/MS)
that required acquisition at R=1,000,000 to determine
the elemental composition of C10 H18 N4O3S2. Such
discoveries are only possible with FTMS where iso
tope fine-structure analysis is possible.
Recently, MALDI-TOF has found key applications in
food microbiology, with rapid identification of bacte
ria and fungi through their protein signatures. In
11. 17 this technique, bacteria or fungi from the culture
LC-ESI-MS of green tea leaf extracts. (a) ESI mass spectra of plates are directly spotted onto the MALDI target
epicatechin. (b) Chemical structure of epicatechin. (c) TIC plate, sprayed with matrix, and then directly
scanned from m/z 120–2,200 (From Shen et al. [8], used with analyzed on the MALDI TOF instrument. The
permission of American Chemical Society,
resulting spectrum representative of the
Washington, DC) microorganisms proteomic fingerprint is matched
against a known, verified spectrum in the library,
GC coupling to the orbitrap truly allows for and, if there is positive hit, the bacteria or fungi is
high-reso lution, accurate mass analysis in both MS rapidly iden tified. Wieme et al. [13] used
and MS/MS modes. The superior chromatographic MALDI-TOF to catalogue 4200 mass spectra from
separation power of GC, coupled to high resolution 273 acetic acid bacteria and lac tic acid bacteria
(R=60,000 @ m/z 200), allows for unambiguous covering 52 species responsible for beer spoilage and
analysis of 132 pes ticides in even the most complex then used the resulting library for routine quality
matrices at the 10 ng/g level, approaching control in the brewing industry. MALDI-TOF has
sensitivity performance (IDL 10 ng/g) of routine been used for the rapid confirmatory identification
GC-triple quadrupoles. These orbi trap-based (within 24 h) of more than 120 strains for S. aureus in
techniques are currently used extensively for milk, a pathogen that causes toxic shock syndrome
screening of pesticide residues and highly sensitive 180
quantitative analysis of banned substances. FTMS
provides ultrahigh-resolution MS at the isotope
fine-structure level, ie, resolution of isobaric species toxin-1, a deadly form of food poisoning. This food
of different elemental composition, which can yield borne pathogen is usually a result of subclinical and
elemental composition analysis. Essentially, isotope clinical mastitis-affected dairy cattle [14].
fine structure is the fingerprint of a small molecule
because the m/z value and their intensities in the
fingerprint for a specific molecule exactly reflect the 11.9 SUMMARY
atomic composition of the molecule. Because FTMS
delivers resolutions in excess of R >1,000.000 MS is a powerful analytical technique that can solve
(million), this allows for isotopologue analysis of the most complex problems faced by the food analytical
A+1 and A+2 ion signals. Using this capability, chemist, both in a qualitative and quantitative
bioactive sulfur-containing compounds were manner. Its principles are fairly simple when
identified in asparagus, purported to have examined closely. The basic requirements are to: (1)
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory get the sample into an ionizing chamber where ions
are produced; (2) sep
arate the ions formed by magnets, quadrupoles, drift Mass spectrometry
tubes, and electric fields; (3) detect the m/z of the pre MS/MS Tandem mass spectrometry MSn Multiple
cursor ion; (4) fragment the m/z selectively to derive stages of MS (tandem mass spectrometry)
more information if required; and (5) output the data OT Orbitrap
to a computer for software evaluation. Q Quadrupoles mass filters
Since the qualitative and quantitative aspects of Q-TOF Quadrupole time of flight SFC
MSs are so powerful, they are routinely coupled to a Supercritical fluid chromatography SRM
GC or HPLC, and find growing use with static Selected reaction monitoring TIC Total ion
sample introduction techniques. The interface for current
GCs is ver TOF Time of flight
satile and easy to use; however, the extensive sample TQ Triple quadrupole
preparation required for GC-MS analysis makes its TWIM Traveling wave
utility cumbersome. The adoption of LC-MS as an UHPLC Ultrahigh-performance liquid
ana lytical technique has greatly increased because chromatography
of far simpler sample preparation procedures, wider
ioniza tion ranges for different classes of
compounds, faster analysis times, routine high
sensitivity, access to accu rate mass capability, and
the advent of UHPLC.

Acronyms 1. What are the basic components of a MS? 2. What

AMS Accelerator mass spectrometer APCI are the unique aspects of data that a MSs pro vide?
Atmospheric pressure How is this useful in the analysis of foods? 3. What
chemical ionization is EI ionization? What is CI ionization? 4. What is
API Atmospheric pressure ionization APPI the base peak on a mass spectrum? What is the
Atmospheric precursor ion peak?
pressure photoionization 5. What is the difference between nominal mass
CAD Collision-activated dissociation CI and monoisotopic mass?
Chemical ionization 6. What are the major ions (fragments) expected in
CID Collision-induced dissociation DART the EI mass spectrum of ethanol (CH3-CH2-OH)? 7.
Direct analysis in real time ECD Electron What are the major differences in how ionization
capture dissociation EI Electron impact occurs in the electrospray versus the APCI inter
ionization ES Electrospray face? What is ion suppression?
ESI Electrospray ionization 8. What does MALDI stand for and how does it dif
ETD Electron transfer dissociation FT fer from ESI?
Fourier transform 9. What are the major differences between the quad
FT-ICR Fourier transform-based rupole, ion trap, time of flight, and Fourier trans
ion cyclotrons form mass analyzer? What are the advantages of
FTMS Fourier transform mass spectrometry GC using each analyzer? What is especially unique
Gas chromatography about a Fourier transform-based mass analyzer?
GC-MS Gas chromatography-mass 10. What is the working principle behind the
spectrometry MALDI TOF-based microbiology identification?
HRMS High-resolution mass spectrometry 11. Which MS type is popular for quantitative
ICP-MS Inductively coupled analysis 12. What is the difference between CAD
plasma-mass spectrometry and CID?
JS Smith and RA Thakur •
Chapter 11 Mass Spectrometry

IMS Ion mobility mass spectrometry IT Ion

ITMS Ion trap mass spectrometry LC
1. Silveira JA, Ridgeway ME, Park MA (2014) High
Liquid chromatography Resolution Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometery of
LC-MS Liquid chromatography-mass Peptides. dubur. Kimia 86(12):5624–5627
spectrometry 2. Chughtai, K, Heeren, RMA (2010) Mass spectrometric
m/z Mass-to-charge ratio imaging for biomedical tissue analysis. Kimia Rev.
MALDI Matrix-assisted laser desorption 110(5):3237–3277
ionization 3. Hajslova J, Cajka T, Vaclavik L (2011) Challenging appli
MALDI-TOF Matrix-assisted laser desorption cations offered by direct analysis in real time (DART)
in food-quality and safety analysis. Trends Anal. Kimia
ioniza tion time of flight
MRM Multiple reaction monitoring MS
4. Balogh, MP (2004) Debating resolution and mass accu
racy. LC-GC Europe 17(3):152–159 mass spectrometry in its second edition. The
5. Milman BL, (2015) General principles of identification author starts at a very basic level and slowly
by mass spectrometry. Trends Anal. Kimia 69:24–33 6. works through all aspects of MS, including
Lehotay SJ, Sapozhnikova Y, Hans GJ Mol, HGJ (2015) ionization, fragmenta
Current issues involving screening and identification of tion patterns, GC-MS, and LC-MS.
chemical contaminants in foods by mass spectrometry.
Trends Anal. Kimia 69:62–75
• Ho CT, Lin JK, Shahidi F (eds) (2009) Tea and tea
7. Huck CW, Guggenbichler W, Bonn GK (2005) Analysis products. CRC, Boca Raton, FL. A good review of
of caf feine, theobromine and theophylline in coffee by current literature on the chemistry and health-pro
near infra red spectroscopy (NIRS) compared to moting properties of tea. Includes several
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) chapters that discuss analytical methods for
coupled to mass spectrom etry. Analytica Chimica Acta analyzing bio active compounds and flavonoids
538(1–2):195–203 in teas.
8. Shen D, Wu Q, Wang M, Yang Y, Lavoie EJ, Simon JE • Lee TA (1998) A beginner's guide to mass spectral
(2006) Determination of the predominant catechins in interpretation. Wiley, New York. A good basic
Acacia catechu by liquid chromatography/electrospray intro duction to Mass Spectrometry with many
ionization-mass spectrometry. J Agric Food Chem practical examples.
• McLafferty FW, Turecek F (1993) Interpretation of
9. Rajski L, Gomez-Ramos MDM, Fernandez-Alba, AR
(2014) Large pesticide multiresidue screening method
mass spectra, 4th edn. University Science Books,
by liquid chromatography-Orbitrap mass spectrometry Sausalito, CA. The fourth edition of an essential
in full scan mode applied to fruit and vegetables. J. classic book on how molecules fragment in the
Kromatografi. A 1360:119–127 ion source. Contains many examples of different
10. Ishibashi M, Izumi Y, Sakai M, Ando T, Fukusaki E, types of molecules.
Bamba T. (2015) High-throughput simultaneous • Niessen WMA (2006) Liquid chromatography-
analysis of pesticides by supercritical fluid -mass spectrometry. edisi ke-3 Taylor and Francis,
chromatography cou pled with high-resolution mass New York. A thorough, though somewhat dated,
spectrometry. J. Pertanian. Kimia Makanan. review of LC--MS methods and interfaces for a
63(18):4457–4463 variety of types of biological compounds.
11. Peterson AC, Hauschild JP, Quarmby ST, Krumwiede
D, Lange O, Lemke RAS, Grosse-Coosmann F, Horning
S, Donohue TJ, Westphall MS, Coon JJ, Griep-Raming J
(2014) Development of a GC/Quadrupole-Orbitrap
Mass Spectrometer, Part I: Design and
Characterization. dubur. Kimia 86:10036–10043
12. Nakabayashi R, Yang Z, Nishizawa T, Mori T, Saito K
(2015) Top-down Targeted Metabolomics Reveals a
Sulfur-Containing Metabolite with Inhibitory Activity
against Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme in Asparagus
officinalis. J. Nat. Melecut. 78(5):1179–1183

13. Wieme AD, Spitaels F, Vandamme P, Landschoot AV,

(2014) Application of matrix-assisted laser desorption/
ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry as a
monitor ing tool for in-house brewer's yeast
contamination: a proof of concept. J. Inst. Brewing.
14. El Behiry A, Zahran RN, Tarabees R, Marzouk E,
Al-Dubaib M. Phenotypical and Genotypical
Assessment Techniques for Identification of Some
Contagious Mastitis Pathogens. Int J. Med Health
Biomed Bioeng Pharm Eng. 8(5):236–242


• Balogh, MP (2009) The mass spectrometer primer.

Waters, Milford, MA. A very good introduction to
modern mass spectrometry including newer
devel opments in LC-MS technologies.
• Barker J (1999) Mass spectrometry: Analytical
Chemistry by Open Learning, 2nd edn. Wiley,
New York. One of the best introductory texts on

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