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Muhammad Thoriq (10620154)
Muhammad Yusuf Budiansyah (10620158)
Wisnu Putra Atmaja (10620259)




Puji syukur kami panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa,

karena atas rahmatnya penyusun dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini
tepat waktu sesuai dengan harapan.

Kami menyadari bahwa dalam penyusunan makalah ini masih

banyak kekurangan karena kurangnya pengalaman. Maka dari itu
penyusun sangat mengharapkan kritik dan saran untuk
menyempurnakan makalah ini. Semoga apa yang ditulis dapat
bermanfaat bagi semua pihak yang membaca makalah ini.

Bekasi, 7 Oktober 2022

Kelompok Aceh & Minang

KATA PENGANTAR..........................................................................2
DAFTAR ISI........................................................................................3

1.1. LATAR BELAKANG................................................................................4
1.2. TUJUAN.....................................................................................................4

2.1. ACEH…………………….........................................................................5
2.1.1 Land, people and history………………………………………………………….…...5
2.1.2 Thought, religion, and art………………………………………………………….…..6
2.1.3 Architecture Housing……………………………………………………………….....7
2.1.4 Cuisine, traditional dance, festivals, leisure activities……………………………...…7
2.1.5 Marriage, social customs……………………………………………………………..10

2.2. MINANG…………………………………………………......................11
2.2.1 Land, people and history……………………………………………………………..11
2.2.2 Thought, religion, and art…………………………………………………………….12
2.2.3 Architecture Housing………………………………………………………………...14
2.2.4 Cuisine, traditional dance, festivals, leisure activities……………………………….14
2.2.5 Marriage, social customs…………………………………………………………….19


3.1. CONCLUSION........................................................................................21
3.2. DAFTAR PUSTAKA..............................................................................21



1.1. Latar belakang

Adat atau tradisi biasanya diartikan sebagai suatu ketentuan yang berlaku dalam
masyarakat tertentu, dan menjelaskan satu keseluruhan cara hidup dalam bermasyarakat.
Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, tradisi mempunyai dua arti: Pertama, adat
kebiasaan turun temurun yang masih dijalankan masyarakat. Kedua, penilaian atau
anggapan bahwa cara-cara yang telah ada merupakan cara yang paling baik dan benar.
Dengan demikian, tradisi merupakan istilah generik untuk menunjuk segala sesuatu yang
hadir menyertai kekinian.

Pada era modern ini, masih banyak tradisi yang tetap dipertahankan secara turun
temurun dari nenek moyang hingga ke anak cucu pada suatu masyarakat. Demikian juga
yang terjadi di Provinsi Aceh, dan Sumatera Barat (Minang).

1.2. Tujuan

a. Untuk mengetahui latar belakang kemunculan Tradisi

Adat Aceh dan Minang
b. Membuat pembaca mengetahui lebih banyak mengenai Aceh dan Malang
c. Melestarikan pengetahuan akan adat yang ada di Indonesia



2.1. Aceh
2.1.1 Land, people and history

a. Land

Aceh is the most northern part of the island of Sumatra. Most northern border of
Indonesia, in fact, is located in on of Aceh’s region. It is the island of We. Aceh is
divided into 23 Kabupaten and kota.

As the most region in Sumatra, Aceh split into two by mountain range of Bukit
Barisan. The west part of Aceh mostly consists of tight, steep land and forest area.
While on the east part of it, there’s a lot of fertile low plains. That’s why Aceh is
famous for self-sustaining their need of food such as rice. The western part of Aceh
grown with lot of mangrove forest. And It’s raining all year there

For the borders which divides Aceh and North Sumatra, there are no human made
borders, just natural border. It’s mostly agreed by local region but for most part, it’s
the Simpang Kiri River which divides Aceh and North Sumatra

b. People

The Acehnese are an ethnic group from Aceh, Indonesia on the northernmost tip of
the island of Sumatra. The area has a history of political struggle against the Dutch.
The vast majority of the Acehnese people are Muslims. The Acehnese people are also
referred to by other names such as Lam Muri, Lambri, Akhir, Achin, Asji, A-tse and
Atse. Their language, Acehnese, belongs to the Aceh–Chamic group of Malayo-
Polynesian of the Austronesian language family.

The Acehnese were at one time Hinduised, as evident from their traditions and the
many Sanskrit words in their language. They have been Muslims for several centuries
and are generally considered the most conservative Muslim ethnic group in Indonesia

with the implementation of Sharia law in their home province of Aceh. The estimated
number of Acehnese ranges between 3,526,000 people and at least 4.2 million people

c. History

Italian explorer Marco Polo wrote of Islamic sultanate in Aceh, northern Sumatra in
On December 26, 2004, a massive earthquake jolted the shores of northwest Sumatra,
Indonesia. Within hours immense tsunami waves virtually obliterated the area of
Banda Aceh, killing thousands. The quake’s ripple effect sent tsunamis as far as
Africa, Sri Lanka, and Thailand, wreaking devastation in the southeastern hemisphere
—particularly ravaging coastal populations in nine countries of Southeast and South
Asia. Resulting tremors followed in places as distant as Alaska. The tectonic shift
centered in the sea near the Sumatran coast and the destruction in Banda Aceh and
well beyond dominated the global media. Many in the western hemisphere viewed the
first televised images they had ever seen of Indonesian people, from a region they
knew little about.

2005, Indonesian military forces withdrew from Aceh, after 31 years. Acehnese
agreed to surrender weapons and drop demands for independence. The national
government ceded to Aceh much of its natural gas and oil resources and agreed to
limited selfgovernment for the region. A staunchly Islamic region, Aceh voted sharia
(conservative Islamic) law into its government.

2.1.2 Thought, religion, and art

a. Thought

The massive tsunami destroying Aceh on December 25, 2004, in the northern
region of Sumatra, also signified to many either discontent within their metaphysical
worlds and faulty religious practice, or the weakening and even immorality of the
national government of Indonesia.

b. Religion

Majority of Aceh people is a muslim. And most of them practice Shafi'i
school. As a muslim, Koran and Hadith be their main guidance of life. Everything
they do must according to Islamic teaching. Islam is probably the most important part
of Aceh people, as they use sharia law in Aceh

c. Art

- Dance : Saman Dance, Ratoh Jaroe, Likok Pulo

- Song: Bungong Jeumpa
- Literature: Hikayat Seuma'un.

2.1.3 Architecture Housing

Rumoh Aceh
Rumoh Aceh is a type of traditional vernacular house found in the Aceh
Province in Indonesia. It is basically a wooden pile dwelling. Rumoh Aceh is also
known as krong bade, which may actually refer to the rice granary (krōng, "storage" +
padé, "rice")and not the house. Rumoh Aceh is the largest and tallest of all vernacular
house type found in the Aceh Province, the others are the Rumoh Santeut and the

The Rumoh Aceh reflects the culture of the Acehnese people. These houses
can still be found in the periphery of Banda Aceh, although they are on the verge of

2.1.4 Cuisine, traditional dance, festivals, leisure activities

a. Cuisine

- Mie aceh
The thick yellow noodles are served with slices of beef, goat meat, lamb,
mutton, and seafood, such as shrimp or crab. They are served in rich, hot
and spicy curry-like soup.

- Timphan
Steamed banana dumpling, a traditional kue specialty of Aceh.
It is quite similar to another Indonesian favourite kue, nagasari. The
difference is nagasari uses the slices of banana as fillings, while
timphan is filled with sweet grated coconut instead, while banana is
incorporated into its skin dough.

- Meuseukat
Dodol-like cake found in Acehnese cuisine. The cake is made
using flour, sugar, a mixture of pineapple and lemon juice, and butter.

b. Traditional dance


Saman (or the dance of a thousand hands) is one of the most popular
dances in Indonesia. Its origin is from the Gayo ethnic group from Gayo Lues,
Aceh province, Indonesia, and is normally performed to celebrate important
occasions.[1] The dance is characterized by its fast-paced rhythm and common
harmony between dancers. These two elements are key figures of Saman, and
are among the reasons Saman are widely known and practiced in Indonesia,
besides being relatively easy to learn.

c. Festival

Kenduri is an important aspect in Aceh religious ritual. Most of the time it is

male neighbours who are invited to the kenduri. This ritual usually done by
teungku or teungku meunasah (person who understand verse of Koran).
Kenduri usually done after a social activity or death of family member. And
the guest usually sit on tikar, usually on the front porch.

d. Leisure activities

People in Aceh Experiencing the festivity of Ramadan wouldn’t be complete

without taking a visit to some of the most iconic mosques in Indonesia. Across
the archipelago, you can find a wide array of eye-catching mosques standing
gracefully in the city. While these mosques are built to accommodate Muslims
for praying, you are still allowed to explore the ins and outs of the mosque to

appreciate its beauty, but keep in mind to always be respectful. If you’re in
Aceh, take a trip to the legendary Baiturrahman mosque.

2.1.5 Marriage, social customs

a. Marriage

Marriage in Aceh people beliefs is a must thing to do when they reach adulthood and
qualified by legal law. By that, every Aceh’s male and female who reached their
adulthood must find their mate. But for Aceh people, most of the time, the parents
matchmake their sons based on girls’ ancestry and social class. And should the girls’
family accept the matchmaking by the same rules.

b. Social Customs

The province of Aceh in Indonesia enforces some provisions of Islamic

criminal law, the sole Indonesian province to do so. In Aceh, Islamic criminal law is
called jinayat. The laws that implement it are called Qanun Jinayat or Hukum Jinayat,
roughly meaning "Islamic criminal code". Although the largely-secular laws of
Indonesia apply in Aceh, the provincial government passed additional regulations,
some derived from Islamic criminal law, after Indonesia authorized the province to
enact regional regulations and granted Aceh special autonomy to implement Islamic
law. Offences under the provisions include alcohol consumption, production and
distribution, gambling, adultery, rape, sexual harassment, certain intimacies outside
marriage, and certain homosexual acts. Punishments include caning, fines, and
imprisonment. There is no provision for stoning.

2.2. Minang

2.2.1 Land, people and history

A. Land

If we talk about the Minangkabau tribe and culture, it's the same as talking about the many
other tribes in Indonesia, we cannot ignore the changes that have taken place since a long
time ago and which has removed the homogeneity that there used to be. What was once
considered an area of Minangkabau culture, may now have included many other elements.
Not every its inhabitants can be considered as the bearers of Minangkabau culture;' and
conversely, not everyone whose father and mother are of Minangkabau descent can be said to
be a supporter of Minangkabau culture. Especially, especially if they grew up outside the
cultural area Miriangkabau.
The area of origin of the Minangkabau culture is roughly the size of the area province of
West Sumatra today, minus the archipelago area Mentawai, but in the view of the
Minangkabau themselves, this area is subdivided into sub-sections. Special divisions it
expresses the contradiction between darek (datar) and pasisie (pesisir) orregion. There is an
assumption that people who live on the coast, it means, at the edge of the Indonesian Ocean,
comes from land. the land area by itself is considered the area of origin and the main area of
minangkabau cultural stakeholders. Traditionally, the land area is divided into tlalam tria
tuhak (roughly the same as district), namely Tanah Datar, Agam and Limo Pulueh Koto,
sometimes added with Solok.

B. People

Minangkabau are also scattered in several places in Sumatra and also in Malaya. We can see
for example the existence of a colony of .people Minangkabau in West Aceh, namely the area
around Meulaboh. Area Negeri Sembilan in Malaya is considered an area inhabited by people
from Minangkabau, who have moved there several centuries ago, starting from the 15th
century. If every area where the Minangkabau language is spoken is considered a inhabited
by immigrants from Minangkabau, then we can also incorporating the area into Minangkabau
culture, the regions in Indonesia around Sibolga and Bangkahulu.
The spread of the Minangkabau people far from their original area This is due to their urge
to migrate, which is caused by two things. First, is their desire to obtain wealth without using
existing lands. This can actually be related to the situation that a man does not have the right
to use the inherited land for his own interests himself. He may be able to use the land for the
benefit of his matrilineal family. Second, are the disputes that causes that people who feel

defeated will leave village and family to settle elsewhere. This situation then. coupled with
the circumstances created by the development that happened in recent times.

C. History

The Minang tribe comes from the province of West Sumatra. Minangkabau itself is a village
located in the Sungayang District, Tanah Datar, West Sumatra. The name Minangkabau
comes from the word Minang which means to win and kabau which means buffalo. In a
legend circulating, the history of the name Minangkabau itself originated from an expedition
carried out by the Majapahit kingdom in the 16th century. To prevent a war that caused
casualties, the local community proposed to pit their buffalo against the Javanese buffalo
belonging to the Majapahit troops. At that time, the Majapahit troops were said to have
brought a large and aggressive buffalo. While the local community only issued a hungry
buffalo calf. However, they put a knife on each of the calf's horns.
As a result, the calf with a knife in its horn was able to defeat the large buffalo belonging
to the Majapahit troops. The name Minangkabau then became famous due to the victory
event. This is as told in the book Equality in Cultural Differences by Retno Widyastuti. In the
Student and General Encyclopedia written by Gamal Komandoko, the Minang tribe itself
comes from two main tribes, namely the Koto Piliang tribe founded by Datuak
Katumanggungan and the Bodi Chaniago tribe founded by Datuak Parpatiah nan Sabatang.
The two tribes developed into many tribes over time. Among them are the tribes of Tanjuang,
Chaniago, Koto, Piliang, Guci, Simabur, Sikumbang, Jambak, Malayu.

2.2.2 Thought, religion, and art

A. Thought

Basically all the provisions of Minangkabau customs that are collected in the proverb-petitih are
rational or reasonable, therefore irrational things such as clinical science, mysticism, superstition are
underdeveloped in Minangkabau. Instead of talking about tuyul, kuntilanak, pig ngepet, gunung kawi,
and the like, the Minang people prefer to sell camphor, shout at street vendors and other real actions
and even travel and wander to change their destiny. The basis for thinking of the Minang people is
included in the Adat Proverb which reads as follows:

 Rumah basandi batu = Rumah bersendi batu

 Alat basandi Alue Patuik = Adat bersendi jalan yang benar dan pantas
 Mamakai Anggo jo Tanggo = Memakai aturan yang wajib diturut
 Sarato raso jo Pareso = Serta budi pekerti dan kecermatan

B. Religion

If there is a Minangkabau who does not follow Islam, then it is an astonishing oddity,
though most of the Minangkabau people probably follow the religion nominally, without
doing the worship. They can say no know the elements of other beliefs except what is taught
by Islam if it is in ordinary circumstances; they only believe in God as taught by Islam. Even
so, in a situation which is amazing, many also believe in the existence of things which is not
taught by Islam. So, for example, they believe to the ghosts who bring disaster and disease to
man. To reject ghosts, people will come to a shaman to ask for his help. In this regard, many
people also believe in the existence of people with the ability and certain magical powers.
They, for example, believe in puntianak, are women who like to suck blood baby by inhaling
the baby's crown from afar and so on. Many people also still believe in the existence of
people who can be asked for help to harm others by way of occult, for example by gassing, is
to deliver poison through the air and so on.

In Minangkabau society as it appears now At this time, there are almost no important
religious ceremonies and typical. Religious ceremonies that are important to the public are
prayers for fasting and hajj, which are performed according to Islamic religious rules.
However, there used to be important religious ceremonies such as the tabuik ceremony
(commemorating the martyrdom of Husein bin Abi Talib (the grandson of the prophet
Muhammad) in Padang Karbela which was marked by a stretcher tabuik coffin as a symbol
of Husein's body), the Kitan ceremony, Katam Koran ceremonies and ceremonies to
commemorate the dead.

C. Art

Minangkabau art is originally located in the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia. It is a

variety that is adapted apparently from various parts of West Sumatra. The beauty and
diversity of Minangkabau arts is a legacy that can support and complement other arts that are
widely available in Indonesia.

These arts are in the form of dances consisting of , Tari Piring, Tari Rantak, Tari Randai,
Tari Indang, Tari Payung,, and others. In addition, there are rhymes and sambah-manyambah
arts. There are musical arts with musical instruments, Saluang, Gandang Tabuik,
Tambourine, etc. There are traditional clothes, and so on.

This art has spread to other areas in Indonesia, even to Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The
treasures of Minangkabau art and culture are well known and can be found in other tribes in
Indonesia such as Malay, Betawi, Sundanese, Javanese, and others, because of overseas
migration and marriages that have been carried out for a long time starting in the 15th century
from the Pagaruyung Kingdom to the Pagaruyung Kingdom. including the Kingdom

2.2.3 Architecture and Housing

Some people think that the form of the rumah gadang has a shape like a ship. However, not a few also
call it having a roof similar to buffalo horn. The history or origin of the form of the rumah gadang is
often associated with the story of the Minangkabau people's victory against Majapahit.
One of the most striking characteristics of the rumah gadang is the shape of its majestic and
pointed roof on both sides. Because of the shape of the roof, the rumah gadang is often referred to by
other names, namely the gonjong house, bagonjong, or the house with the pointed roof. In addition,
the gadang house is designed in such a way as to be earthquake resistant. This is because the West
Sumatra region often experiences earthquakes.
The poles of the rumah gadang are not planted in the ground, but are resting on a strong and wide
flat stone. So, when an earthquake occurs, the gadang house will move on the rock where the pillar
stands. The pillars of the house are also not connected with nails, but with dowels made of wood. So
as to create earthquake-resistant construction.

2.2.4 Cuisine, traditional dance, festivals, leisure activities

A. Cuisine

- Nasi Kapau
Nasi Kapau at first glance will be very similar to Nasi Padang or Nasi Rendang. But still
there will be differences that you can find
This rice is quite well known among the Minangkabau people and its surroundings because
the taste is not inferior to the taste of rendang rice. This food will be very easy for you to find
when you are in religion, West Sumatra.
Nasi Kapau consists of rice with chili sauce and also typical Minangkabau side dishes.
This food will also usually be served with beef or buffalo tendon curry and various other
types of curry. A side dish that is also often added to this rice is jackfruit.


- Dendeng Balado
Dendeng Balado is also one of the typical Minangkabau foods. This food is very well
known in many regions in Indonesia. The delicacy is well-known so if you are in
Minangkabau don't miss this one food.
Dendeng is made from beef fish which is processed in such a way and then it will be
cooked with a very delicious and slightly spicy balado seasoning. You can enjoy this culinary
along with warm white rice to make it even more delicious.

- Lamang Tapai
Lamang tapai is one of the typical snacks from Minangkabau with a legit taste. The basic
ingredient used to make this lemang tapai is sticky rice. The cleaned sticky rice will be
cooked with coconut milk and then put into the bamboo. Then the bamboo is burned until the
sticky rice is cooked. This dish has a unique taste.
You will be more able to feel the pleasure by enjoying this food with black sticky rice
tape. This food will usually be one of the typical snacks of the month of Ramadan. It tastes a
little sweet and also sour because it is enjoyed with a special tape.

B. Traditional Dance

There are various traditional dances in Minangkabau. These dances, among others, are
performed in big events and in welcoming guests of honor. Traditional dance is a dance that
is born, grows, and develops in a community group. This dance is passed down from
generation to generation.
and these are some traditional Minangkabau dances :

- Tari Piring
Tari Piring is a traditional dance that displays attractions using plates. The dancers swing
the plates in their hands with fast and regular movements. This dance movement is taken
from the Minangkabau martial arts step or silek.
Tari Piring is performed to welcome guests of honor or traditional ceremonies. The
number of dancers is usually an odd number, between three and seven. The dancer's outfit is
brightly colored with shades of red and yellow.

- Tari Pasambahan
Pasambahan dance is used to welcome guests as a welcome greeting and an expression of
respect to guests, including to welcome guests at weddings. In addition, this dance is also a
means of entertainment for many people.
The number of pasambahan dance dancers is 17 dancers, consisting of six male dancers
and 11 female dancers. Pasambahan dance can also be danced by an odd number of dancers.
Pasambahan dance has basic movements in the form of silat movements.

- Tari Rantak
Rantak dance movements are inspired by the dynamic pencak silat movement. Rantak
dance has a firm movement by stomping the foot until it sounds. The dance movement is
nothing but to preserve pencak silat. Usually, the dance is performed in cultural, traditional
events, and includes wedding receptions in Minangkabau customs.

C. Festivals
West Sumatra is known as Bumi Sitti Nurbaya, which is a popular character in Marah
Rusli's book. Besides having this nickname, this province also has a unique tradition and
culture, one of which is a traditional ceremony.
And these are some of the Minangkabau traditional ceremonies that are still often performed :

- Upacara Batagak Kudo-kudo
One of the Minang traditional ceremonies that are still being carried out is the Batagak
Kudo-Kudo Ceremony.This ceremony is one of a long series of traditions of the
Minangkabau people, when building a house. This ritual itself, will take place when the truss
of the building, ready to be attached to the main structure. This ceremony is a bit similar to
Baralek, which invites local people and families. Uniquely, the invited guests who attend will
bring gifts in the form of other building materials such as zinc or roofing for the house.

- Upacara Batagak Pangulu

Minang people always live in culture and people. Each tribe usually has a tribal leader, or
their respective datuak. When a tribe will appoint its new leader, they will perform a
tradition, namely the Batagak Pangulu Ceremony. The ceremony is one of the major
ceremonies, which has become a tradition of the Minang tribe for generations. In the process,
there is a section that will slaughter the buffalo, and hold a party for several days.

- Upacara Makan Bajamba

Makan Bajamba Tradition is a Minang traditional ceremony, in the form of eating

together. The place of the event, usually has received approval from all parties involved in

the ceremony. The purpose of this ceremony is, to get closer to each other, regardless of one's
social class. This tradition will usually take place officially on religious holidays, or coincide
with other important events. Makan Bajamba also has another name, namely Makan Barapak,
which still exists today, especially among the Minangkabau Tribe.

- Leisure Activities
People in Minang usually use their leisure time by cooking with their neighbor and
spending time together.

2.2.5 Marriage, social customs

A. Marriage

In the past, there was a custom that people should marry as much as possible with
mamak's daughters, or girls who can be classify as such, but due to various circumstances,
some arise other forms, for example marrying a niece (sister's daughter) his father's daughter.
People can also marry sisters her own sister's husband (bride exchange). In this day and age
these patterns are also starting to disappear. Even with the influence of the world modern
local endogamous marriages are no longer maintained as again, which leads to more
selection. expanding.
Marriage with mamak children can be estimated as a pattern which is more original
because of the similarity of the terms used to call and call the wife mamak and mother wife.
A mamak wife will be called by someone with a mintuwo (in-law), even though she does not
marry her daughter. Marriage with mamak's child is something the easiest thing to do,
because mamak can pave the way for further marital negotiations.
Marriage in Minangkabau society actually does not recognize a dowry. It is not a system
for the groom to give a gift to the bride as something that is required by Islam. In some areas,
the bride's family gives the groom's family some money or goods as a tool, to pick him up so

that he likes to marry the woman. This is usually called a bounty, but what is important in
Marriage in Minangkabau society is the exchange of symbolic objects between the two
families concerned, in the form of rings or Kris.
After the first marriage ceremony is carried out at home the bride, the husband stays at his
wife's house. In the past he came to visit his wife's house only at night, that is, while he
remained in his own village. In the event of a divorce, the husband must leave his wife's
house and the children from the marriage will live with the mother.
In Minangkabau society there is no prohibition on someone to have more than one wife.
People with certain social positions, indeed sometimes like to do polygamous marriages, the
target is the young group.

B. Social Customs

In the Minang tribe, social custom is still carried out, for example, the law of fines in the
Minang community, if Aceh has a caning or stoning law, the Minang tribe has a fine law,
namely if someone violates customary rules or young people who have slept together even
though they are not yet married, the punishment is to buy a goat. then slaughtered and eaten
together in the mosque. Those who carry out the fine are usually niniak mamak (Datuk) who
are respected people.



3.1 Kesimpulan

We can conclude that Aceh and Minangkabau has a various and interesting culture
that we can preserve. And as an Indonesian people we have to proud of every culture in our
country, If we don’t protect our culture it will be claimed by other countries

3.2 Daftar Pustaka

(Koentjaraningrat 2002)


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