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(Prof Dr. Naeklan Simbolon, M.Pd, dkk)

Nama : Alvi Novita Dalimunthe

Kelas : Reguler H 2021
NIM : 1213311169
Dosen Pengampu : Dody Felix Pandimun Ambarita, S.Pd,. M.Hum
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris





Segala puji dan syukur saya ucapkan atas kekhadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas hikmat
dan rahmatnya kepada saya, sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan tugas CRITICAL BOOK
REVIEW untuk memenuhi tugas dari mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris. Dan juga penulis berterima
kasih pada bapak Dody Felix Pandimun Ambarita, S.Pd,. M.Hum selaku dosen mata kuliah Bahsa
Inggris yang telah memberikan tugas ini kepada penulis.

Dengan tersusunnya laporan ini, saya menyadari bahwa masih banyak kekurangan dan
kesalahan saya terhadap penulisan, susunan kalimat, tata bahasa maupun bentuk laporan. Oleh
karena itu, saya berharap saran maupun kritik dari pembaca agar saya dapat memperbaiki laporan
ini kembali. Dan juga sebagai bahan pelajaran bagi saya, sehingga tidak terulang kembali di waktu
yang akan datang.

Demikianlah laporan ini saya tulis, semoga laporan ini dapat menambah wawasan dan
bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Terimakasih.

Medan, Maret 2022


Alvi Novita Dalimunthe



KATA PENGANTAR................................................................................................................. i

DAFTAR ISI .............................................................................................................................. i

BAB I PENDAHULUAN ...........................................................................................................1

A. Rasionalisasi Pentingnya Critical Book Review (CBR) ..................................................... 1

B. Tujuan Penulisan CBR .....................................................................................................1

C. Manfaat Penulisan CBR ....................................................................................................1

D. Identitas Buku Yang Di Review ........................................................................................ 2

BAB II RINGKASAN MATERI .................................................................................................3

BUKU UTAMA ...................................................................................................................... 3

BUKU PEMBANDING ........................................................................................................ 28

BAB III KELEBIHAN DAN KEKURANGAN ........................................................................ 43

KELEBIHAN ........................................................................................................................ 43

KEKURANGAN ................................................................................................................... 43

BAB IV PENUTUP .................................................................................................................. 44

KESIMPULAN ..................................................................................................................... 44

SARAN ................................................................................................................................. 46

DAFTAR PUSTAKA ............................................................................................................... 47


A. Rasionalisasi Pentingnya Critical Book Review (CBR)
Melakukan Critical Book Review pada suatu buku dengan membandingkannya

dengan buku lain sangat penting untuk dilakukan, dari kegiatan ini lah kita dapat

mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan suatu buku. Dari mengkritik inilah kita jadi

mendapatkan informasi yang kompeten dengan cara menggabungkan informasi dari buku


Oleh karena itu, penulis membuat Critical Book Review ini untuk mempermudah

pembaca dalam memilih buku referensi.Selain itu, salah satu faktor yang melatarbelakangi

penulis mereview buku ini adalah agar kita bisa berpikir kritis dan mengetahui kelebihan

dan kekurangan dari sebuah buku.

B. Tujuan Penulisan CBR

1. Mengulas isi sebuah buku

2. Mengetahui informasi sebuah buku

3. Melatih individu agar berpikir kritis dalam mencari informasi yang ada setiap buku

C. Manfaat Penulisan CBR

1. Membantu semua kalangan dalam mengetahui inti dari hasil penelitian yang terdapat

dalam suatu buku.

2. Menemukan kelebihan dan kekurangan dengan melakukan analisis secara seksama.

3. Menjadi bahan evaluasi dalam pembuatan suatu buku di penerbitan berikutnya.

D. Identitas Buku Yang Di Review

Buku Utama
Judul : Intergrated English
Edisi :-
Pengarang : Prof Dr. Naeklan Simbolon, M.Pd, dkk.
Penerbit : Jayapangus Press
Kota Terbit : Denpasar-Bali
Tahun terbit :-
ISBN : 978-602-53015-4-4
Ukuran Buku : 17,3 x 25,5 cm
Jumlah Halaman : 202 hlm.

Buku Pembanding
Judul : English Grammar
Edisi :-
Pengarang : B. Hathorn, dkk
Penerbit : Oxford University Press Southern Africa
Kota Terbit : Southern Africa, Cape Town
TahunTerbit :-
ISBN : 978-0-19-044545-4
Ukuran Buku :-

Jumlah Halaman : 59 hlm.


Subject pronouns replace a noun as the subject or a sentence or clause. Remember that
the subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing or idea that is doing or being something.
Pronouns are versatile words that can substitute for many nouns. The word “pronoun”
comes from the latin word “pronomen” which breaks down onto “pro” and “nomen”. They
mean “in place of” and “name”.
The key benefits or pronouns are that they are useful in making our language less
repetitive. If it weren’t for pronouns, when you were talking about someone, you would have
to keep repeating their name over and over.
The subject pronouns are :
 I
 You
 He
 She
 It
 We
 They

For example, consider this set of sentences that does not take advantage of subject

Sheila really makes me laugh. Sheila is too funny.

Now, see what happens when we replace the subject “Sheila” with an appropiate subject pronoun
in this example :

Sheila really makes me laugh. She is too funny.


1. Definition of Possessive Adjective
Possessive adjective is a determiner (special adjective) used to declare ownership
(possession) of nouns. Possessive adjective consists of my, your, his, her, its, our, and their.

2. Examples of Possessive Adjectives:

 my books
 your father
 our class
 their rule
 his shorts
 her skirt
 its tail

3. Pronoun and Possessive Adjective

Possessive adjective has a shape similar to possessive pronoun. Possessive adjective is
usually used when describing the owner of the object while the possessive pronoun is used
to express ownership of the object. Both of these pronouns can be used at the beginning,
middle and end of sentences but have different sentence meanings. Examples of adjective
sentences are my bag is expensive while in pronoun the example sentence is mine is
expensive.The comparison between pronouns and possessive adjectives can be seen in the
following table.



1st Mine My
2nd Yours Your
3rd Hers, His, Its OR PLURAL Her, His, Its

1st Ours Our

2nd Yours Your

3nd Theirs Their

Pronoun function replaces noun which can be either singular (mine, yours, hers, hers, its)
or plural (ours, yours, theirs). If the pronoun which acts as the subject of a sentence is
singular, then the verb that follows is singular, and vice versa.

Whereas all possessive adjectives can be used with singular and plural nouns. When the
noun which acts as the subject of a sentence is singular, then the verb is singular, followed
by the opposite.

4. Examples of Possessive Pronoun and Possessive Adjective Sentences

Examples of Possessive Pronoun Example of Possessive Adjective
Sentences Sentences

Mine is the biggest one. My house is the biggest one.

Yours was sent yesterday. Your letter was sent yesterday.

Hers is beautiful. Her skirt is beautiful.

Ours is on the table. Our key is on the table.

5. Possessive Adjective Position

Possessive adjective is right in front of the simple noun or can be interrupted by other
determiners or adjectives (as modifiers) in the noun phrase. For information, possessive
adjective is one of the central determinants, which is a determiner placed between the pre
and post-determiners of a noun phrase.

6. Examples of Possessive Adjectives in Noun Phrase

Examples of Possessive Adjectives in Remarks
Noun Phrase
your choice determiner "possessive adjective" (your) +
noun (choice)

two-third his salary predeterminer "fraction" (two-third) +

central determiner "possessive adjective"
(his) + noun (salary)

my funny cat determiner "possessive adjective" (my) +

modifier "adjective" (funny) + noun (cat)

1. Definition of Noun
Noun (Noun) is everything that we see or can talk about and which shows people, things, places,
plants, animals, months, professions and so on. For example: pen, December, Sunday, Jogjakarta,

reading, cats, and others. In a sentence, noun can be used as the subject of the sentence, the object
of the verb, and also the object of the preposition or preposition.

2. Countable Noun
Countable Noun is a countable noun, the opposite of Uncoubtable Noun is a thing that cannot be
counted. Countable nouns have both singular and plural forms that can also be used on both
singular and plural verbs. Included in countable nouns include names of people, names of animals,
sizes, places, and everything that can be seen and counted. Examples are: paint, book, pen, and

Countable nouns can be divided into two forms, namely:

1. Singular Nouns are nouns that are singular.

Examples are: book, sister, mango, pencil, knife, fly, family, and others.

2. Plural nouns are plural nouns.

Examples are: books, sisters, pencils, mangoes, knives, and others.

C. Uncountable Noun

Uncountable noun is a noun that cannot be counted. Included in the uncountable noun include:

1. Various kinds of abstract nouns: beauty, knowledge, weakness, advantages, and others.

2. Materials or substances that have a very small part: rice, sugar, salt, sand, and others.

3. Languages: English, Javanese, and others.

4. Liquids that can change depending on the contents: water, coffee, milk, etc.

5. Food that can be made into various forms: bread, meat, cassava, and others.

Uncountable noun can be used as countable noun if we put quantity information before the noun.


® a glass of water: a glass of water

® a cup of tea: a cup of tea

Uncountable Noun:

• Considered not singular or plural but require singular form of verbs. In uncountable nouns there
is no addition of the unit "a", which indicates that an object is a single object, or the addition of "s
/ es" to denote an object is called plural (because there are no singular or plural forms).


Verbs (verbs) are words (words) and are an element of part of speech, which shows actions (bring,
kick, read) or events (happen, become) or state (<to> be, exist), and attitude ( agree, disagree,
blame). Verb (verb) is a word that functions to show the action of the subject, to indicate an event
or situation. An English verb is not always a simple form (one word), but it may be a phrase
combined with particle into phrasal verb (get in, make up, read over).

Verb (verb) is used to express the activity of something or a group of nouns. In sentences, the verb
functions as a predicate. Verbs generally require objects (called transitive verbs), but there are also
some verbs that do not need objects (called intransitive verbs). Verbs are the most important type
of words in a sentence. Even in spoken language, only with a verb can we express an idea that can
be understood by others.


A. Transitive Verbs (Verbs That Need Objects)

Namely verbs that require an object to perfect the meaning of a sentence or complete the
meaning of a sentence. Transitive verbs include: Drink, watch, read, fill, open, close, etc.

Transitive and Intransitive:

Transitive followed by direct object (example sentence: The boy kicked the ball).

Intransitive no (example sentence: Cheryl often sneezes while cleaning).


He watches the film. (This sentence will not be complete, if we remove "the film". Others will
wonder - watch what ?, then watch needs an object so that the meaning of the sentence can be

The man cuts the tree.

B. Intransitive Verbs (Verbs That Do Not Need Objects)

That is a verb that does not require an object, because it can be understood perfectly the
meaning of the sentence. Verbs that include Intransitive verbs include: Shine, come, sit, boil, sleep,
fall, cry, etc.


o The baby cries.

o My mother is sleeping.

o The water boils.


C. Finite Verb (Common Verbs)

Finite verbs are complete verbs, which are verbs that have a clear subject and tense (time). Features
of Verbs This type is as follows:

a. When used in question and negative sentences need to use the verb do, do or did.
b. The shape can vary by tense.
c. Usually has the following forms:
d. Infinitive
e. Present Participle
f. Gerund
g. Past Tense
h. Present Tense
i. Past Participle


a. Ms. Anne reads a novel. (Infinitive)

b. Ms. Anne is reading a novel. (Present Participle)
c. Does Ms. Anne read a novel?
d. Ms. Anne read a novel. (Past Tense)
e. Ms. Anne has read a novel. (Past Participle)

D. Auxiliary Verbs (Auxiliary Verbs)

They are verbs used in conjunction with other verbs to express actions or situations, or serve to
complement grammatical functions.

Auxiliary verbs are:

o Is, am, are

o Was, were
o Do, does, did
o Has, has, had
o Can, could
o There, might
o Will, would
o Shall, should
o Must
o Ought to

o Had better
o Need, Dare (Can also work as a Normal Verb)

E. Linking Verbs

It is a functional verb that connects the subject with its complement. The words associated
with the subject are called subject complement. If we substitute the Verb verb to be (am, is, are,
was, etc.), then the meaning does not change.

Common Link Verbs are:

o be (am, is, are, was, etc.)

o look
o stay
o appear
o become
o remain


o The actress is beautiful.

o Alex looks serious. (= Alex is serious).
o The cakes smell delicious (= the cakes are delicious).


1. Regular Verb

Regular Verb is a verb that can change according to the tense; and change the form of the verb
regularly. Regular verbs, which in Indonesian are called "Regular Verbs", are verbs in which the
form verb1 to verb2 or to verb3 changes by adding an -ed affix, or only by adding an affix -d only
if the verb ends with the letter e .

Examples of changes in verbs of this type are:

o Call - called - called

o Admit - admitted - admitted
o Submit - submitted - submitted
o Invite - invited - invited
o Dare - dared - dared
o Encourage - supported - supported

2. Irregular verb

Irregular Verb is a verb that has the same function as regular verb, but changes the form of this
verb irregularly. irregular verbs are verbs that change from verb1 to verb2 or to verb3 by not adding
–ed, or –d. These verbs change irregularly. Given the large number of verbs and most of them are
regular verbs, what needs to be memorized is irregular verbs. The irregular verbs are divided into
three groups as follows.

(1). The second and third forms of verbs do not change from the first form, for example the words
bet, bid, cut, and hurt, the second and third forms also bet, bid, cut, and hurt.

(2). The second and third forms of verbs are the same but differ from the first form, for example
the word bleed, the second and third forms are bled, and the second and third forms of cling are

(3). Verbs with the first form, second form, and third form are not the same. For example, take
takes the form of both the shop and the third form is taken, the arose form arose and the third form
arisen, and so on.

Examples of changes in verbs of this type are:

o Read - Read - Read

o Come - came - come
o Begin - began - began
o Sleep - slept - slept

In addition, there are also verbs that can be grouped into regular verbs as well as irregular verbs,
for example awake verbs which are second and all three can be Awakened or Awoke, leap verbs
which are second and all three can be leaped or leapt, and so on.

Discussing the use of verbs, of course what is meant is their use in sentences. And English
sentences cannot be separated from ‘tenses’ which is an embodiment of the use of verbs based on
time information. According to its use in sentences, verbs are divided into 3 different groups

1. Infinitive verbs (Original Verbs / Form I Verbs)

This verb both 'regular / irregular' and in the form of 'transitive / intransitive' is used in the sentence
in the form of habit (Simple Present Tense).


o Linda sleeps soundly. (Irregular / intransitive)

o I play a piano well. (Regular / Transitive)
o Rini gives me much money. (Irregular / transitive)

o I work very hard every day. (Regular / Intransitive)

Verb 1 is the basic form of verbs in English. This first type of verb is used when writing sentences
in the form of simple present (tenses used to describe current activities). An example of its use is
in the following sentence:

• I usually go to school at 6.30 am.

• He always sleeps late to finish his job.

2. Preterite Verbs (Form II Verbs)

Both the 'regular / irregular' and the 'transitive / intransitive', these second-form verbs are
specifically used in past tense sentences (Simple Past Tense).


• My sister went to Jakarta yesterday. (Irregular / intransitive)

• Nia invited me to her party. (Regular / Transitive)
• Rina broke my spectacles. (Irregular / transitive)
• We arrived at school late. (Regular / Intransitive)

The second form of verb is used to describe an event that has occurred in the past. This verb cannot
be used in any other sentence form. So if you are going to write events that happened in the past,
use the 2nd form of the verb. Examples of use in sentences are:

• They visited art museum yesterday.

• She drank a glass of milk this morning.

3. Past Participle (verb form III)

This verb has two spheres of use, namely in the sentence form 'already' (Perfect tense) and also in
the passive voice (Passive Voice)


• He has gone home. (Irregular / intransitive)

• We have completed our assignment. (Regular / Transitive)
• I am invited to come to her party. (Regular / Passive)
• This poem was written by Rendra. (irregular / passive)

This third form of verb cannot stand alone like the previous two verbs. This verb is used in perfect
tense (tenses used to describe an event that has ended) both present perfect tense and past perfect
tense. Examples of their use in sentences are:

• I have finished my project this afternoon.

• She has cleaned her room.

Adverb or adverb is a group of words yangsangat wide, which can describe how, where, or
when an event takes place. Adverb can also express the viewpoint of the speaker of the event, the
intensity of adjectives or other adverbs, or some other function.

 Using Adverbs in English.

Adverbs modify or explain more about the other words. Typically, an adverb modifying
the verb, tells us how, how often, when, or where something happens or is done. Adverb is
placed after verbs modified by adverbs such.
 The bus moved slowly
 The bears ete greedily
 The car drove fast

 Forming Adverbs From Adjectives

In many cases, adverbs formed by adding the suffix ly to an adjective.
 Adverbs Comparative And Superlative
For adverbs ending in ly, we have to use more to form the comparative and superlative use
the most to shape.
 The teacher spoke more slowly to help us to understand
 Could you please sing more quietly?

 Adverb Of Place
Adverd of place or description of the place tell us where something happened statement
where usually placed after the main verb or after the clause has been modified by the
adverb. Specification place does not modify an adjective or another adverb. Bberapa
example caption place: here, everywhere, outside, away, and around.
 John looked around but could not see the monkey
 I searched everywhere I could think of
 Im going back to school
 Come in!
 They built a house nearby
 She took the child outside

 Adverb Of Time
Adverb of time or time information tells us when something happens, as well as how long
and how often indications of time are fixed and are very common in English. Description

of time has a standard position in the sentence, depending on the things described by the
time information.
Adverbs that tell us when something happens usually placed at the end of the sentence
 Goldilocks went to the bears house yesterday
 Im going to tidy my room tomorrow
 I saw sally today
 I will call you later
 I have to leave now
 I saw that movie last year
 Adverb Of Manner
Adverb of Manner or details on how to tell us how things happen. Description how usually
placed after the main verb or after the object
 He swims well
 He ran quickly intervening
 She spoke softly
 James coughed loudly to Attract her attention
 He plays the flute beautifully (after the direct object)
 He greedily ate the chocolate cake (after the direct object)

 Adverb Of Degree
Adverb of degree or description tells us about the level of intensity of something. Explain
how much, to what extent, or at any rate something happened. Examples of words that
includes an adverb of degree is very (very), enough (enough), rather (somewhat), fairly
(somewhat), nearly (almost), pretty (pretty), etc.
 He Came rather late (he datng rather late)
 She is very beautiful (she is very pretty)
 Farhat reads quite Cleary (Farhat read clearly enough)
 Dhani sings pretty well (Dhani sings quite well)
 Adverb Of Certainty
Adverb of certainty or assurance level description shows how confident we are against any
act or event. Remarks degree of certainty in place before the main verb, unless the main
verb is to be, where the level of certainty in place after to be.
 He definitely left the house this morning
 He surely wont forget
 He is probably in the park
 He is certainly a smart man

 Viewpoint And Commenting Adverb
There are some words and expressions of information tell us about viewpoints, opinions,
or comments about the speakers of an action or event. The words of this description is
different from any other details because it does not explain how things happen. Viewpoint
and commenting adverb or an adverb modifying the viewpoints and comments throughout
the clause, not just a verb, adverb, adjective or single. There is no clear distinction between
adverbs viewpoints and comments, except in the placement of the sentence. Many adverbs
viewpoint can also be used as the caption comment. However, in some cases, one of the
words information much more frequently used than other adverbs.
placement sentence
Adverb viewpoint put at the beginning, or more rarely, at the end of the sentence. These
words are usually separated from the other parts of the sentence by commas. Adverb
comment placed before the main verb, unless the verb is to be, where it can be placed
before or after the verb. In some cases, adverb comment that is placed before the main verb
phrase will be separated from the other by a comma (although it will not be separated in
many cases). In the examples below, adverbs viewpoints and comments displayed with the
proper placement of the sentence. If the placement of the phrase is not common, rigid or
too formal for conversation, the sentence will be marked with a star.

 relative Adverb
relative adverb or a relative adverb where, when, and why it can be used to incorporate a
sentence or clause. These words replace the preposition structure + roomates more formal,
which is used to introduce relative clauses
 interrogative adverb
interrogative adverb or interrogative adverb why, where, how, and when placed at the
beginning of the question. These questions can be answered with a phrase or a prepositional
phrase. After interrogative adverb, we must reverse the position of the subject and the verb,
so the verb is in front of the subject
 Whyere you so lite? There was a lot of traffic
 Whereis my passport? In the drawer
 howare you? im fine
 Whendoes the train arrive? at 11:15

Another important element of English language is the preposition. It tells us the specific
information about the objecct on our sentence, therefore, the preposition is commonly found before

the noun or the pronoun. The preposition hellps us understand the meaning of a sentence
Prepositions have been called the biggest little words in English. They are usually quite short
and signification looking, but they have very important functions. Take a look at these sentence
and notice how completely different the meaning of each sentence is
 A letter was sent to peter
 A letter was sent for peter
 A letter was sent by peter
 A letter was sent from peter
Only the prepositions change, but that is enough to change the meaning entirely. Prepositions
are always followed by nouns (or pronouns). They are connective words that show the relationship
between the nouns following them and one of the basic sentence element: subject, verb, object, or
complement. They usually indicate relationship, such as position, place, direction, time, manner,
agent, possession, and condition, between their objects and other parts of the sentence.
Prepositional phrase usually provide information asked for by the question words who, what,
where, when, why, how, and how long
The noun or pronoun following the preposition is its object. A pronoun used in this preposition
is always an object pronoun: me, you, him, her, it, us, and them. The prepositions plus its object is
called the prepositional phrase.
B. Type of Preposition
A preposition can be classified into 6 types :
1. Simple preposition
The most commonly used simple preposition are : after, at, by, for, from, of, over, or in, through
to, until, under, up, with, etc.
Example : I saw him on Friday
2. Double preposition
The most commonly used double preposition are : into, on, to, from, under, from among, from off,
from within, over again, etc
Example : The boys gets into bed.
3. Compound preposition

A compound preposition is a preposition witch is formed from noun, adjective or adverb and it is
combined with preposition “be” (by) or “a” (on).
Example : He sits beside me
4. Participial preposition
The most commonly used participial preposition are : during, not withstanding, past, expect, save,
considering, touching, concerning, regarding, and owing to.
Example : It is quarter past one.
5. Phrase preposition
The most commonly used preposition phrase / phrase preposition are : Because of, by means of,
by reasons, in spite of.
Example : Ahmad doesn’t enter the class because of this illness.
6. Disquised preposition.
A disguised preposition is shown in such words below :
Behind → “be” : by hind = behind
Across → “on” : “a” on cross = a cross
Example : He has gone for hunting.
C. Use of the prepositional phrase in the sentence
Many prepositional phrase seem adverbial in meaning, in that they often indicate time, place,
manner, or degree, as adverbs do. However, the same prepositonal phrase may be used as an
adjective, an adverb, or a noun.
- The delegates went for a swim before breakfast. (Adverb)
- A swim before breakfast is better than one after dinner. (Adjective)
- Before breakfast is a good time to swim. (Noun)
Prepositional phrases used as adverbs usually follow the verb, though like adverbs, they can
be moved to other prepositions in the sentence. Prepositional phrases used as adjectives usually
follow the nouns they modify. Prepositional phrases used as nouns will be subject, object, or
complement in the sentence.
D. Meaning categories
The following list illustrate the use of prepositional phrases to convey specific kinds of
1. Place,position

Example :
 Across her house is across the street
 After the first street after the bridge is state street
 Against his by cycle was leaning against the fence
2. Direction
Example :
 Across I am going across the street to see my cousin
 At the children threw stone at the bear
 By way of can't we drive to new york by way of Philadelphia?
3. Time
Example :
 About I think she will be away about a week
 After would you please call after eight
 Around I get to my office around nine every morning
4. Purpose, reason
Example :
- For take this medicine for your headache
5. Possession
Example :
- Of the leader of the scout has not arrived yet
6. Manner, instrument
Example :
 By I enjoy going there by train
 In you can't go to that restaurant in jeans
 Like that clown walk like a duck
 With she writes with a pen.
7. Identification
Example :
 At the shop at the corner sells stamps
 By that book by Hemingway is a masterpiece
 In the man in the dark suit is my neighbor

8. Distance
Example :
- For we walked for miles and miles
9. Agent
Example :
- By this film was directed by a Czech director
10. Material
Example :
- With I must fill my pen with ink
11. Quantity
Example :
- By meat is sold by the pound or by kilo
E. Prepositions with multiple meanings
Some prepositions are used to express a variety of meanings. These may be present
difficulties. Some of the common prepositions with their various meaning and their most
common used are summarized as follows for references purposes.
1. Around
"At approximately"
- The police believe the man died around six o'clock
- The temperature has been around 32 celcius degrees all day
"In the vincinity of"
- People have reported seeing a stranger around the store"
2. At
With a street address if the house number given
- She lives at 18 Magnolia Street
- With points in time
With prices
- They are on sale at two dollars a dozen
- I cannot afford to buy them at that price
3. By
"Alone" (with a reflexive pronoun)

- He lives by himself
- She did the homework by herself
"Past" (with verbs of motion)
- I always walk by that house on my way to work
- Several ways buses go by our house
"At the latest" (with a maximum time limit)
- He will be here by five o'clock
- All classes will be over by June.
4. For
To indicate the duration of time
- She played the piano for two years
- They lived in Washington for two years
"In exchange for"
- He rented the house for very little money
- I bought this book for two dollars
With the beneficiary of an action
- Shall I open the window for you?
- He baked a cake for me
"Instead of," "in place of"
- When he was away, his neighbor did the work for him
- With the subject of an infinitive
5. In
With cities, states, countries, continents
- He lives in Cairo
- That river is in California
6. On
To indicate contact with a surface
- The book is on the table
- The picture is on the wall
7. With
To indicate association

- She is with a consulting firm
- I will stay with the car while you go for help.
8. Without
To indicate the absence of something
- Nothing can live without water
- I am without money today and cannot buy the tickets.
F. Prepositions that are often confused
In, on, and at discussed previously, are probably the most often confused nglish prepositions.
Following are some others.
1. Above, over
Above refers to a place higher than a certain point. Over refers to a place directly above a
certain point.
- The temperature is well above freezing
- He held an umbrella over his head
Over also means "more than" and "in the course of" a period af time
2. Below,under
Below refers to a place lower than the a certain point. Under refers to a place directly below a
certain point
- That valley is below sea level
- His shoes are under the bed
Under also means "less than" and "under the supervision of"
3. Beneath, underneath
Beneath and underneath mean almost the same thing in many uses. Generally, both indicate a
position lower than a given point. When the meaning diverge, underneath conveys more
specifically the meaning of one object being covered up by another, and beneath may be used
in a figurative sense. It may be useful to associate underneath with under and beneath with
- Two hundred feet beneath (below) the surface of the earth, solid rock was found
- The official does not consider it beneath him to type his own letters
- The shoes were found underneath a pile of clothes in the closet.
4. To, toward

To is used with verbs of motion and definite destinations. Toward means "in the general
direction of".
- We walked to the station.
- All mosque face toward Mecca.
5. Beside,besides
Beside means "next to". Besides means "in addition to".
- He is sitting beside his brother.
- Two others won prizes besides us.
6. In,into
In is used with locations or conditions. Into is used with verbs that show motion (real or
metaphorical) from one place or sate to another.
- The child is in the pool. The child jumped into the pool.
- The patient is in coma. The patient slipped into a coma.
7. Past, beyond
Past is used with verbs of motion to indicate approaching, then passing by certain point.
Beyond refers to a location further away than some specified concrete or abstract point.
- The car went past the monument at 10.00.
- He lives beyond the post office.
- His generosity is beyond belief.
8. Between, among
Between refers to position in relation to two person or things. Among refers to position in
relation to three or more persons or things.
- I want put the table between those two windows.
- I found you letter among my school papers.
9. Through, throughout
Through refers to motion first into then out of something. Throughout used with something
that is distributed in every part of something.
- Let's walk through the park.
- The news spread throughout the country.
G. More preposition

Now, we will dealt with some of the most troublesome prepositions in English. The ones in
this lesson are, on the whole, more straightforward in meaning and perhaps less susceptible to
varying usage, in spite of their sometimes more complex structure. Here is a list for reference.
1. According to
According to is used to cite an authority or source of information.
- According to the latest census, Houston, has more than a million inhabitants.
- According to the critics, the play is excellent.
2. Against
Against means "in opposite to"
- Salmon swim upstream, against the current.
- National fight wars against other nations that threaten them.
3. As far as
As far as is used to indicate a limit reached in the course of an activity.
- We walked as far as the park before we got tired.
- He threw the ball as far as the fence.
4. Before,after
Before means "earlier than the time of" after means "later than the time of".
- He studied before an examination.
- He relaxes after work every day.
5. Despite, in spite of
Despite, like in spite of, has the meaning of "without regard to". It is often used in the
expression despite the fact that.
- They are playing football despite the rain.
- They are playing despite the fact that it is raining.
- She came to school today in spite of the doctor's warnings.
6. During
During relates an activity to a specific period of time. The activity may be constant or
- My cousin lived in St.Louis during the most of her childhood
- We ate hot dogs and drink soda during the football game.
7. Inside

Inside means that something is contained by a limit or boundary.
- The paper is inside the drawer.
- You will find your gift inside thet box.
8. Like,unlike
Like means "similar to". Unlike means "different from".
- His mind is like an adding machine.
- The film is unlike the book.
Just like means "exactly the same as".
- You look just like your brother.
9. Near
Near means "not far away from".
- The bank is near the post office.
- Her car is parked near the school.
10. Off
Off shows that something is removed from contact or connection with a place it occupied
- He took the book off the shelf.
- I lost a button off my coat.
11. Opposite
Opposite means "directly across from".
- The site opposite me in the cafetaria every day.
- There is a new building opposite our house.
12. Until
Until indicates the continuation of an action or a step up to a specified point.
- I will wait for you until five o'clock.
- He lived there until his marriage.
13. Upon
Upon means "on top of" or "as a result of".
- They placed a crown upon Caesar's head.
- Upon hearing that he was in town, I telephoned him.
Upon is also used with depend and verbs of similar meaning ( rely, count ).

- You can depand upon my promises
- He caannot be relied upon.
On may replaced upon in all of these.
- On is somewhat less than upon.
14. Within
Within indicates that something is inside described limits.
- The mail will arrive within an hour.
- That decision is not within my area of authority; it is beyond my jurisdiction.

A. Pengertian Passive voice

Passive voice ( Kalimat pasif ) adalah salah satu kalimat yang sering di gunakan dalam bahasa
Inggris. Passive voice juga terdapat pada bahasa Indonesia,
misalnya makan menjadi dimakan, minum menjadi diminum.

Cara membentuk kalimat pasif adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Mengubah objek dalam aktif menjadi subjek dalam bentuk pasif.

2. Meletakkan by sesudah kata kerja utama dalam bentuk pasif sebelum subjek.

3. Kata kerja yang dipakai adalah verb 3 yang didahului to be.

4. Menyusun kalimat menyesuakan tenses.

Dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat bentuk yaitu :

A. Present Passive Voice

B. Past Passive Voice
C. Future Passive Voice
D. Modal Auxiliary Passive Voice
B. Present Passive Voice

1. Simple Present Tense

Perlu di ingat, simple present adalah untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang bersifat rutin, tidak berubah,
kebenaran umum kebiasaan ataupun saran

- Active : Do / Does + Verb 1

· I speak English every day.

· She write novel every morning

- Passive : Is / Am / Are + Verb 3

· English is spoken by me every day.

· Novel is write by her every morning.

2. Present Continous Tense

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan (sementara) dan cepat atau lambat
pasti akan berhenti.

- Active : Is / Am / Are + Verb –ing

· She is reading a novel.

· Ali is singing a song.

- Passive : Is / Am / Are + Being + Verb 3

· A novel is being read by her.

· A song is being sung by Ali.

3. Present Perfect Tense

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sudah

terjadi atau
sudah selesai dikerjakan tetapi kita tidak tahu kapan terjadinya karena kita baru mengetahuinya

- Active : Have / Has + Verb 3

· Sabila has studied english.

· I have Written a novel.

- Passive : Have / Has Been + Verb 3

· English has been studied by Sabila.

· A novel have been written by me.

C. Past Passive Voice

1. Simple Past Tense

- Active : Did + Verb 2

· Rico studied English.

· Rian drank water.

- Passive : Was / Were + Verb 3

· English was studied by Rico.

· Water was drunk by Rian.

2. Past Continous Tense

- Active : Was / Were + Verb –ing

· Rini was studying English.

· We were reading a book

- Passive : Was / Were + Being + Verb 3

· English was being studied by Rini.

· A book were being read by us.

3. Past Perfect Tense

- Active : Had + Verb 3

· Fany had drank coffe.

- Passive : Had + Been + Verb 3

· Coffe had been spoken by Reny

D. Future Passive Voice

1. Simple Future Tense

- Active : Will / Shall + Verb 1

· Tina will read a newspaper.

· Fendi will study English.

- Passive : Will / Shall + Be + Verb 3

· A newapaper will be read by Tina.

· English will be studied by Fendi.

2. Future Continous Tense

- Active : Will / Shall + Be + Verb –ing

· Toni will be reading a book.

· Rian will be studying English.

- Passive : Will / Shall + Be + Being + Verb 3

· A book will be being read by Toni

· English will be being studied by Rian.

3. Future Perfect Tense

- Active : Will / Shall + Have + Verb 3

· Tian will have spoken English.

· Toni will have read a newspaper.

- Passive : Will / Shall + Have + Been + Verb 3

· English will have been spoken by Tian.

· A newapaper will have been by Toni

E. Modal Auxiliary Passive Voice

- Active : Can - Could + Verb 1

May – Might + Verb 1

Will – Would + Verb 1

Must – Had to + Verb 1

Shall – Should + Verb 1

Ougth to + Verb 1

· Toni can speak english

· Rian may drink coffe.

- Passive : Can – Could + Be + Verb 3

May – Might + Be + Verb 3

Will – Would + Be + Verb 3

Must – Had to + Be + Verb 3

Shall – Should + Be + Verb 3

Ougth to + Be + Verb 3

· English can be spoken by Toni.

· Coffe may be drank by Rian


1. Write the sentences, using capital letters for the proper nouns.

a) Lungisa deposited money at the branch of Standard Bank in Victoria Street in East


b) The car manufacturer, Henry Ford, was a very different man from his father, Henry

Ford Sr who supported Hitler and the Nazis.

c) I found a great deal of information on slavery on Wikipedia and in R. C. Shell’s

magnificent book, Children of Bondage.

2. Complete the sentences choosing the correct form of the verb and pronoun in

brackets (the form that agrees with the collective noun).

a) The jury has reached its unanimous verdict.

b) The committee was on time with taking its decision on the amendment.

3. Write the sentences, using suffixes to form abstract nouns from the words in


a) Surviving the cold Atlantic for a week said much about his powers of endurance.

b) Her alienation was a direct consequence of her egotism.

1. Change the underlined nouns from singular to plural in the following passage.

Their lives were being made unbearable by black swarms of mosquitoes from the grove of

mangoes/mangos – not to mention the pack of gaunt wolves and the gang of elves that

attacked through the roofs of the derelict buildings. The pack brought with it terrible

strains of bacteria that came from several inland zoos. Still, throughout these crises, the

survivors clung to hope.

2. Identify the uncountable nouns in the following paragraph.

The principal was a woman given to deep meditation followed by bouts of intense activity.

She looked through the glass of her office window past the slate of the roof atop the

building at the emptiness of the autumn sky. It was late in the day and silence hung heavy

over the township school. A quiet satisfaction took possession of her. With Mr Brotsky

gone, her reign could begin.

3. Write the nouns from the list under the correct headings.

Abstract Concepts Masses of Substances Mases of Subtancess made up

of parts too numerous to count

Adulthood Glue Gravel

Patience Margarine Dust

Power Mud Sand

Cynicism Lava Flour

Autism Tofu Salt

Intelligences Berr


1. Divide the list of complex nouns into their component words. Indicate the part

of speech of each word.

a) grand (adjective) + mother (noun)

b) data (noun) + base (noun)

c) fore (adjective) + front (noun)

2. Briefly describe each pair of terms that follow to show the difference between
a) a hot-head -> a quick-tempered person / a hot head -> feverish
b) a big-head -> a conceited person / a big head -> a large head
c) a lock-up -> a makeshift jail / to lock up -> put into a prison cell or secure premises

3. There are compound and complex nouns in the following passage that have
been written incorrectly. Rewrite them correctly.
She was a poor driver. She often tried to reverse her taxi by putting it into first gear. When
the passengers roared with laughter she would furiously seek out the mischief makers in
the mirror and glare them into silence. Her father had been one of three sergeant-majors in
the family and she had inherited his voice, which she used to terrify bystanders at the taxi
rank in Germiston. This 60-year-old was very conservative, a real stick-in-the-mud. She
would borrow a bakkie from the last of her three fathers-in-law and drive around town
until she came upon any young man with long hair, whom she would hoot at and berate as
a blockhead. Her one weakness was mother-of-pearl, which was easily sourced from the
abundance of perlemoen shells in Germiston. This proud housewife had spectacular
earrings made from it.

1. Form diminutives from the following words by using the suffixes in the list.
a) cigarette
b) figurine
2. Give the diminutives of the following animals.
a) lamb
b) nestling/chick
3. Indicate which of the following sentences are negatively affected by the
incorrect use of augmentatives.
c) South African society is divided into the mega-rich and the mega-poor.
d) The latest Audi R8 accelerates at hypersonic speeds.

4. Correct the gender mistakes in the following dialogue.

LINDIWE: You’ve had your new baby! What’s its name?

NOMALANGA : In fact she is a baby girl.

LINDIWE : She is so beautiful. What’s her name?

NOMALANGA : Nomakhaya.

LINDIWE : Look – she’s scratching herself! I suppose you want her to become a

flight attendant like you? Or become a principal like your brother?

NOMALANGA : I think it’s a little early to decide. By the way, is it true that your sister,

Thuli, wants to become a writer/author?

1. Explain the difference in meaning between these pairs of sentences.

a) I like to race cars. -> I like to participate in car races.

I like racing cars. –> I like cars that are used to race.

b) He forgot to tell me the news about the fire. -> He forgot to tell me about the fire.

He forgot telling me the news about the fire. -> He forgot that he had told me about the


2. Choose the correct word in brackets to complete the sentences.

a) I do not like your leaving tomorrow.

b) I welcome his using me as a reference.

c) There is no point in Bevan’s getting excited about the Proteas.

3. Identify the participles and the gerunds in the following paragraph.

Participles Gerunds

Participle Gerund

Striking Barking

Swelling Crying

Oozing Losing



1. Choose the correct pronouns in brackets to complete the sentences.

a) It was not we, but they who bought the fireworks.

b) My sister and I take pride in our singing.

c) This secret is between you and me.

2. Fill in the missing personal, reflexive and possessive pronouns from the list to

complete the passage that follows.

It was a cold day in the Little Karoo. The five buck watering themselves at a red stone

dam looked for the sun but there was none. Instead a cold wind from the north briefly

stirred, like a cough from the old man who watched them. He pulled his patched coat close

around himself and squinted along the barrel of the Mauser, itself battered by age.

Nervous, they sniffed and pawed the iron-hard ground and sniffed that which was not

theirs and bolted.

3. Indicate the function of the reflexive pronouns in the following sentences. Say

whether they function as a direct object, an indirect object, an object of a

preposition or as a means to emphasise the subject.

a) I take photos of myself. (myself -> object of preposition ‘of’)

b) My mother herself was passionate about baking. (herself -> means to emphasis the


4. Correct the underlined pronoun errors in the following paragraph.

Teaching is about curriculum delivery – if one doesn’t deliver it one is not doing ones job.

But it’s also about extra-curricular delivery. For me, debate is simply the best. I appreciate

its ancient rules and procedures and its hidden objective: getting the opposing team to

humiliate itself. This has always been the aim, the focus, of the school team and me.

Theirs and mine – complete unity. We achieve our goal by getting the enemy to contradict

themselves. What a spectacle: their making fools of themselves in front of a divided

audience, laughing, booing, cheering, really enjoying themselves.

1. Fill in a suitable relative pronoun to complete the sentences.

a) That is not the woman whom I saw yesterday.

b) I have two options, neither of which is very pleasing.

2. Correct the relative, demonstrative, interrogative and indefinite pronoun

errors in the following passage.

The young poet who loved playing rugby published his first anthology of poems last week.

A student who was present at the press conference said, “The poems he read aloud will

stay with me for a long time. Few who were there will forget the concrete imagery and his

rhythms. These were moments to savour. Everybody who was there listened in silence.

For somebody that has just started writing he has made a massive impact. Whom do I

think will become the next Big Thing on the art scene? If I recall the way each member of

the audience expressed her- or himself / themself, it is a no-brainer.”


1. There are eleven adjectives in the passage that follows. Write down each
adjective and indicate what type of adjective it is.
Namibian -> proper adjective
their -> possessive adjective
diesel -> classifying adjective

2. Correct the errors relating to adjectives in the following passage.

It’s common knowledge that the breathtaking South African landscape is full of snakes.
From the Egyptian spitting cobra that leaves its victims with swollen, burning eyes to the
tiny, russet and pale blue slug-eater; from the beautiful, black and orange garter snake to
the coffin-headed mamba, a neurotoxic snake, a snake ready to attack any time.

3. Insert commas where they are needed in the following sentences.

a) The lion hunter led a busy, interesting, lucrative but short life.
b) The large South African rescue team left at first light for the island of Tristan da Cunha.

(no commas needed in this sentence)
c) The Nigerian, Zambian, Angolan and Namibian delegations walked out of the session.
d) Two very experienced provincial hockey teams met in the final. (no commas needed in
this sentence)

4. Rewrite the adjectives in the following paragraph in the correct sequence.

My cousin, a tall, lean, middle-aged man with short, spiky, grey hair and very dark brown
eyes, reminded me of a character from an old-fashioned cowboy film. A man of few
words, he never acted impulsively but when he did act, he did so decisively. Once at a
family gathering he picked up a large, rectangular, Russian teak foot-stool and hurled it at
a pleasant but old aunt who had annoyed him with her mindless chatter. His name could
have been Whiplash but instead it was Willem.

1. Complete the table. Supply the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives.

Positive Comparative Superlative

Cruel Crueler Cruelest

Violent More violent Most violent

Wretched More wretched Most wretched

Heartless More heartless Most heartless

Bad Worse Worst

Angry Angrier Angriest

Gentle Gentler Gentlest

Benevolent More benevolent Most benevolent

Good Better Best

Gracious More gracious Most gracious

Kind Kinder Kindest

generous More generous Most generous

2. Correct the errors in degrees of comparison in the sentences.

a) That is the meanest thing you could have done!

b) Between my brother and me, I was the angrier because I had been embarrassed.

3. Change the underlined adjectives in the following passage into the superlative


I am most eager to read when I go way. It is the most relaxing activity I know. Reading

takes me to the most exotic places; to the grimmest, blackest streets of Dickens’s London

docklands; to the most windswept steppes of Mikhail Sholokhov’s Russia; to the hottest

and most inhospitable desert plains of Cormac McCarthy’s Mexican badlands. And this

most miraculous journey takes place without my leaving my old canvas chair!


1. Read the sentences and state whether the underlined verb is a dynamic verb

or a stative verb.

a) I was playing with Senzo the day before the accident. -> dynamic

b) He likes running on the beach early in the morning. -> stative

2. Complete each of the following sentences by replacing the word in brackets

with an infinitive or a participle.

a) It is important to listen to what the chairman is saying.

b) We were hoping to go home early yesterday.

3. Correct the errors in the following sentences.

a) When I woke up I saw that it was raining.

b) We paid for the groceries and left the supermarket.

1. Identify whether the underlined words in the sentences are direct objects or


a) He spread the butter on the bread. - Direct object

b) Stephen cut his finger with the knife. - Direct object

2. Rewrite the following paragraph. After each underlined verb, state whether it

is transitive (T), intransitive (I) or linking (L). The first sentence has been

done for you.

Martin is (L) a pilot who flies (T) commercial aircraft. Last week, when he

a) was flying (I) to London, the plane b) stalled (I) soon after take-off. Martin

c) remained (L) calm as he d) sent (T) a mayday call to the control tower.

There e) were (L) a large number of tall buildings immediately below, so he

f) pulled (T) the plane up to avoid a worse disaster. He then g) coasted (I) to an open field

on the outskirts of the city, where he h) landed (I) safely. Luckily

no one i) was injured (I) but the passengers j) admitted (T) that they

k) had felt (L) very scared.

1. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct non-finite verb in


a) Do we need to go to the shopping centre?

b) It is difficult doing two things at the same time.

2. Write the following sentences in the negative by using not.

a) Please try not to laugh at him when he fools around.

b) Tell the students not to make a noise.

c) Ask Andile not to play the drums after 22.00.

3. Join the following sentences using too and an infinitive. The first one has been
done for you
.a) I’m too exhausted to concentrate.
b) Ayesha is too sick to sing tonight.
c) Nomfundo is too short to shoot at goal in netball.

4. Complete the sentences using a phrasal verb or verb phrase from

the list.
a) I had to look up several references on the internet.
b) Nancy waits on Paul hand and foot.

1. Write the verb in brackets in the correct past tense form and state whether
each verb is regular or irregular.
a) She was in the shower when the phone rang. - both irregular
b) I knew that I was late because the alarm did not go off this morning. - all irregular

2. Change the underlined verbs to the past tense in the following paragraph.
The guilty man stood alone in the dock. He knew that he had made a mistake. He spoke
quietly, with his head down. He began by explaining that he saw / had seen the error of his
ways. He had forgotten, he said, some of the details of his crime but was writing an
apology to those who were / had been hurt by his actions. At this point in his testimony, he

broke down and fell to his knees. A policeman helped him up and took him to the cells.

1. Complete the sentence by choosing a suitable adverb of manner from the list.
a) Because he always played his music too loudly, he has become deaf.
b) My parents have been happily married for twenty-two years.
2. Complete the sentences with the adverbs from the list. State whether they are
adverbs of time or place.
a) Will you be coming to work tomorrow? - adverb of time
b) The car rolled downhill because I forgot to pull up the hand brake. - adverb of place
c) He never throws out the rubbish in his room. - adverb of time
3. Identify the adverbs in the paragraph. State what type of adverb each one is.
Athenkosi hates getting up early (time) so he often (frequency) lies in bed too long. Then
he has to finish his breakfast quickly (manner) and run fast (manner) to catch the bus. The
traffic is usually (frequency) heavy so he arrives at work late (time). He has to work hard
(manner) and seldom (frequency) takes a lunch break. He has been working there (place)
since January and thoroughly (manner) enjoys what he is doing. He hopes to be given a
promotion soon (time). His employer is encouraging him to study further (manner) and
has offered to help him financially (manner).

1. Complete the sentences choosing an adverb from the list.

a) Mary is terribly grumpy this morning.

b) The bus literally broke down the wall when it swerved.

2. Underline the adverbs or adverbial phrases in each sentence.

a) We have almost finished cleaning the house.

b) They never listen to my opinion.

3. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

a) He was very happy when he won the lotto.

b) My employer always talks to us in a friendly way.


1. Underline each prepositional phrase in the sentences below; then identify

whether the phrase functions as an adverb, an adjective, an adjective

complement or a verb complement.

a) That very old book belongs to my German grandmother. (to my German grandmother

- complement of the verb belongs)

2. Fill in the appropriate preposition to complete the following combinations.

a) absolve from blame

b) admit to no fault

3. Complete the prepositional phrases using gerunds. Some examples of gerunds

are supplied in the word list.

a) I am serious about losing weight / exercising.

b) Bella was bored with watching television / reading.

4. Rewrite the following passage correcting any errors.

Leon and his sister Anneline loved Die Hek, a deep, clear pool surrounded by rocks in the

Slangberge. On blistering summer days they would hike up, undress and dive into the

water. They would dive off the iron-red rocks beside each other, knife through the dry air,

fearless, never afraid of the consequences. On the edge of the pool they would throw mud

at each other, laughing non-stop, free, not a care between themselves. Then, they would

leave to meet friends at/in the braai area.

1. Underline each prepositional phrase and identify whether it functions as an

adverb, an adjective or a verb complement.

a) The car in front of the bus had broken down. (in front of the bus „³ adjectival,

modifying the car)

b) The deputy principal slipped on account of oil on the floor. (on account of oil „³

adverbial, providing the reason why the deputy principal slipped; on the floor „³

adjectival, modifying oil)

2. Complete the sentences using a compound or complex preposition from the


a) They hurriedly packed their vehicles subsequent to the news of the discovery.

b) The modified car was removed from the road in accordance with the new laws.

3. Write sentences to demonstrate your understanding of the difference in

meaning between the pairs of compound and complex prepositions.

Example answers:

a) The teacher was fired on account of his violent temper.

The advocate agreed to act on behalf of the homeless woman.

b) The injured crow fell out of the sky.


1. Identify the voice that is used in each of the sentences. Explain why the active

voice or the passive voice is used in each instance.

a) He was beaten up by the crowd and badly hurt. - passive: it is important to highlight

the object being acted on.

b) Cape Town is regarded as the most popular city in South Africa - passive: it is not

necessary to state the agent. Cape Town is also foregrounded.

2. Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.

a) iPads, computers and cellphones are all made use of by students during their lectures.

b) New equipment is being installed annually by universities and schools.

3. Rewrite the extract from a newspaper article in the active voice.

Example answer:

Next week, the inhabitants of informal settlements and the mayor of the city will hold

talks to address the issue of service delivery in the area. This follows protests last week,

during which protesters burned rubbish in the streets. Many residents feel that the city is

not addressing their needs. They expressed the hope that the mayor would hear their




1. Dari cara penyajiannya kedua buku ini sama saja dengan buku-buku yang lain dimana
terdapat prakarta, daftar isi, daftar pustakaan, bab dan sub-bab materi yang akan dijelaskan.
2. Menyajikan tulisan dengan ukuran yang tepat.
3. Pembahasan pada sub bab spesifik, langsung pada intinya.
4. Di setiap awal bab buku Integrated English, terdapat tujuan umum pembahasan mengenai
materi yang akan dibahas dalam materi tersebut.
5. Terdapat evaluasi di masing-masing akhir bab sehingga melatih pembaca untuk mengulas
kembali pemahamannya mengenai materi yang telah di paparkan.
6. Kedua buku ini sangat terbuka untuk perbaikan dan penyempurnaan di masa mendatang.
7. Kedua buku ini memuat informasi yang mendalam.
8. Informasi yang diberikan terperinci.
9. Kedua buku ini menjelaskan tentang dasar-dasar dalam bahasa inggris yang jelas dan
berurutan sesuai dengan bab-bab yang dituliskan. Selain itu dari setiap bab saling berkaitan
untuk menguatkan isi buku setiap bab satu sama lainnya.
10. Kedua buku ini mengajarkan kita lebih dalam lagi tentang Grammar dan Pengucapan kata
yang membuat kita para pembaca semakin paham.

1. Daftar pustaka masih sedikit referensi, sehingga pembahasan kurang lengkap.
2. Kurang menarik untuk dibaca karena tidak terdapat warna warni tulisan.
3. Tidak terdapat gambar di dalam buku pembanding sehingga membuat pembaca bosan dan
minat membaca menjadi kurang.
4. Terkadang ada kata-kata yang menggunakan istilah yang sulit untuk dipahami.
5. Pengulangan informasi sering kali terjadi pada bab-bab berikutnya.
6. Kurangnya informasi akan identitas buku/identitas buku kurang lengkap.


Kata ganti subjek menggantikan kata benda sebagai subjek kalimat atau klausa. Ingat bahwa
subjek kalimat adalah orang, tempat, benda atau gagasan yang melakukan atau menjadi sesuatu.
Manfaat utama dari kata ganti adalah mereka berguna dalam membuat bahasa kita kurang

Adjective Adsesif

• Possessive kata sifat adalah penentu (kata sifat khusus) yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
kepemilikan (kepemilikan) dari kata benda. Kata sifat posesif terdiri dari kata sifat milik saya,
milik Anda, miliknya, miliknya, milik kami, dan milik mereka.

• Kata sifat posesif memiliki bentuk yang mirip dengan kata ganti posesif. Kata sifat posesif
biasanya digunakan ketika menggambarkan pemilik objek sedangkan kata ganti posesif digunakan
untuk menyatakan kepemilikan objek.

• Possessive kata sifat tepat di depan kata benda sederhana atau dapat terganggu oleh penentu atau
kata sifat lainnya (sebagai pengubah) dalam frasa kata benda.

• Fungsi pronoun menggantikan kata benda yang bisa tunggal (milikku, milikmu, miliknya,
miliknya, miliknya) atau jamak (milik kita, milikmu, milik mereka). Jika kata ganti yang bertindak
sebagai subjek kalimat adalah tunggal, maka kata kerja yang mengikuti adalah tunggal, dan

• Bahwa semua kata sifat posesif dapat digunakan dengan kata benda tunggal dan jamak. Ketika
kata benda yang bertindak sebagai subjek suatu kalimat adalah singular, maka kata kerjanya
singular, diikuti oleh yang sebaliknya.

Kata benda adalah salah satu dari banyak hal yang harus diketahui dalam belajar bahasa Inggris.
Kata benda adalah hal-hal yang dapat kita lihat atau bicarakan dan yang menunjukkan orang,
benda, tempat, tanaman, hewan, ide, dan sebagainya. Kata benda dibagi sebagai berikut, yaitu,
kata benda yang dapat dihitung adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung, di mana ada kata benda
tunggal atau jamak yang disebut kata benda tunggal dan kata benda jamak. Dan yang terakhir
adalah kata benda yang tak terhitung, kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung.

Dari berbagai definisi di atas, tentu saja ada bentuk kalimat yang berbeda satu sama lain. Oleh
karena itu, dengan mengetahui bentuk, makna dan kata benda aplikasi diharapkan menjadi salah
satu modal dalam belajar bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar.

Kata kerja (kata kerja) adalah kata-kata dan merupakan unsur bagian dari ucapan, yang
menunjukkan tindakan, peristiwa, keadaan dan sikap. Kata kerja (kata kerja) adalah kata yang
berfungsi untuk menunjukkan tindakan subjek, untuk menunjukkan suatu peristiwa atau situasi.
Kata kerja bahasa Inggris tidak selalu berbentuk sederhana (satu kata), tetapi bisa dalam bentuk
frasa yang dikombinasikan dengan partikel menjadi kata kerja phrasal.

Kata kerja (verba) digunakan untuk mengekspresikan aktivitas sesuatu atau sekelompok kata
benda. Dalam kalimat, kata kerjanya berfungsi sebagai predikat. Kata kerja umumnya
membutuhkan objek (disebut kata kerja transitif), tetapi ada juga beberapa kata kerja yang tidak
memerlukan objek (disebut kata kerja intransitif). Kata kerja adalah jenis kata yang paling penting
dalam sebuah kalimat. Bahkan dalam bahasa lisan, hanya dengan kata kerja kita dapat
mengekspresikan ide yang dapat dipahami oleh orang lain.

Kata keterangan adalah sekelompok kata yangsangat luas, yang dapat menggambarkan bagaimana,
di mana, atau kapan suatu peristiwa terjadi. Kata keterangan juga dapat mengekspresikan sudut
pandang pembicara acara, intensitas kata sifat atau kata keterangan lain, atau beberapa fungsi
lainnya. Ada delapan jenis kata keterangan (kata keterangan) yaitu kata keterangan tempat, kata
keterangan waktu, kata keterangan cara, kata keterangan derajat, kata keterangan kepastian, sudut
pandang dan keterangan kata keterangan, kata keterangan relatif, kata keterangan keterangan.

Suatu preposisi diklasifikasikan sebagai bagian dari ucapan dalam grammer. Ini menunjukkan
hubungan dengan beberapa kata lain dalam kalimat dengan ditempatkan sebelum kata benda atau
kata ganti.

Preposisi selalu diikuti oleh kata benda (atau kata ganti). Itu adalah kata-kata penghubung yang
menunjukkan hubungan antara kata benda yang mengikuti mereka dan salah satu elemen kalimat
dasar: subjek, kata kerja, objek, atau pelengkap. Mereka biasanya menunjukkan hubungan, seperti
posisi, tempat, arah, waktu, cara, agen, kepemilikan, dan kondisi, antara objek mereka dan bagian
lain dari kalimat. Frasa preposisi biasanya menyediakan informasi yang diminta oleh kata-kata
pertanyaan siapa, apa, di mana, kapan, mengapa, bagaimana, dan berapa lama

Kata benda atau kata ganti yang mengikuti preposisi adalah objeknya. Kata ganti yang digunakan
dalam preposisi ini selalu merupakan kata ganti objek: aku, kamu, dia, dia, itu, kita, dan mereka.
Preposisi ditambah objeknya disebut frasa preposisi.

Kalimat pasif (passive voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya dikenai pekerjaan oleh object
1.Object dari active voice (the soil) menjadi subject dari passive voice 2.Subject
dari active voice (we) menjadi object dari passive voice. Perhatikan pula bahwa terjadi

perubahan dari subject pronoun ‘we’ menjadi object pronoun ‘us’. 3.Verb1
(fertilize) pada active voice menjadi verb3 (fertilized) pada passive voice. 4.Ditambahkannya be
‘is’ di depan verb3. Be yang digunakan adalah tergantung pada subject passive voice dan
tenses yang digunakan. (Perhatikan pola-pola passive voice di bawah).
5. Ditambahkannya kata ‘by’ di belakang verb3. Namun, jika object dari passive voice dianggap
tidak penting atau tidak diketahui, maka object biasanya tidak dikemukakan dan begitu pula kata
6. Khusus untuk kalimat-kalimat progressive (present, past, past perfect, future, past future, dan
past future perfect continuous, perlu menambahkan ‘being’ di depan verb3). Kalau tidak
ditambahkan “being”, tensisnya akan berubah, bukan progressive/continuous lagi.

Menyadari bahwa penulis masih jauh dari kata sempurna, kedepannya penulis akan lebih
fokus dan details dalam menjelaskannya dan tentunya dapat di pertanggungjawabkan. Untuk saran
bisa berisi kritik atau saran terhadap penulisan juga bisa untuk menanggapi terhadap kesimpulan
dari bahasan makalah yang telah di jelaskan. Untuk bagian terakhir dari makalah adalah daftar


Naeklan, Betty, dkk.2022.Intergrated English.Denpasar-Bali.Jayapangus Press.

Hathorn,B,dkk.2020.English Grammar.Southern Afriuca-Cape Town.Oxford University Press

Southern Africa,


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