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Critical thinking (Berpikir secara kritis)

Adi Hidayat

Mengapa berpikir secara kritis sangat penting?

Setiap orang berpikir : alamiah. Kualitas hidup, produksi dan perbuatan kita tergantung kualitas berpikir. Pikiran salah : mahal baik aspek uang & kualitas hidup.

Apakah Anda mendapat nilai lebih baik?

Ya, studi 110 mhs terbukti berpikir kritis berkorelasi bermakna dengan IPK
IPK dapat diperbaiki

Berpikir kritis dapat dipelajari

Berkorelasi bermakna kemampuan membaca

You are what you think.

Whatever you do, feel--- all determined by the quality of your thinking Problem not aware of your thinking you have no chance of correcting it. Its time to discover the power of thinking in your life. You are capable of achieving more significant goals You can live more happy & secure. The choice is yours.

What is Critical Thinking (CT)? (1)

3 definisi CT : refleksi, better & proses Reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe or do Better Thinking: memperbaiki kemampuan interpertasi, evaluasi, memilih informasi Menekankan proses bukan produk keputusan

Manfaat berpikir kritis

Mampu mengajukan pertanyaan dan masalah dengan jelas. Mampu mengumpulkan dan mengakses informasi, interpretasi efektif Mampu menyimpulkan dan memecahkan masalah Open-minded Mampu komunikasi idea dan keputusan

Prinsip berpikir kritis

Pengetahuan adalah prestasi Mahasiswa aktif berperan serta dalam proses belajar Berbagai perspektif penting untuk memecahkan masalah Mahasiswa belajar menilai kualitas berpikir sendiri

Novice (pemula) Vs. Expert (ahli) Thinker

Expert thinkers

Secara cepat identifikasi informasi relevan Memformulasikan keputusan dari informasi yang sketchy (informasi tidak lengkap)
Novice thinkers

Semua informasi sama pentingtnya







Critical Thinking skills

Interpretation riwayat penyakit penderita. Critical thinkers consider their interpretation with new evidence. Analysis analisis data : hasil pemeriksaan fisik dan lab, serta hubungannya satu sama lain. Evaluation menilai argumen, hubungan antar gejala, pernyataan. Apakah kontradiksi satu sama lain.

Critical thinking skills

Inference diagnosis banding, kesimpulan.Inference can be accurate or inaccurate Explanation menjelaskan berbagai prosedur dan alasan Self-regulation self examination, self correction, self critique. How am I doing? The most remarkable skill of all.

Steps in critical thinking

How American and Asian Students Spend Their Time

Characteristics good critical thinker


pertanyaan dengan jelas

Rajin mengumpulkan informasi relevant

Persistence through difficulties

Honest & resist manipulation

Base judgments on evidence

Intellectually independent

Poor critical thinker

Tidak terorganisasi

Tidak teratur mengumpulkan fakta

Mengajukan kriteria yang tidak berdasar

Seringkali bingung
Mudah menyerah menghadapi kesulitan

Critical thinking must be

contrasted with non-critical thinking:
Habitual thinking Brainstorming Creative thinking Prejudicial thinking Emotive thinking

Your Brain Left Right

one thing at a time linear processing sequential operation writing & symbols analysis logic & reason mathematical verbal memory integrating inputs holistic perception dreams holistic solutions synthesis pattern recognition intuition, insight visualizing

Logic: Truth and Validity

"Tylenol is recommended by doctors more than any brand of aspirin." "Four out of five doctors surveyed recommended Aspirin formula." 1. Apakah pernyataan tsb benar ? 2. Argument relevant ?

Critical thinking(3) Creative thinking

- linear and serial

- holistic and parallel

- more emotional

- more structured

- more rational
- more analytical

- more intuitive
- more creative

- more goal-oriented

- more visual

Someone with strong critical thinking

I hate people just state their opinion but never give any reasons. I hold off making decisions until Ive thought through my options. Even if a problem is tougher (sukar) than I expected , Ill keep working on it. Making intelligent decisions is more important than winning arguments

Someone with weak critical thinking

I prefer jobs where the supervisor says exactly what to do and how to do it. No matter how complex the problem, you can be there with a simple solution. I hate when teachers discuss problems instead of just giving the answer. Selling ideas is like selling cars, you say whatever works.

Strategies for critical thinking in learning(4)

CT mempelajari suatu subyek atau masalah dengan pikiran yang lebih terbuka : - Mulai pernyataan apa yang ingin dipelajari dan pertimbangkan berbagai kemungkinan dan buat kesimpulan berdasarkan buktibukti. - Bandingkan berbagi informasi mengambil keputusan (judgement)

Mulai dengan pikiran terbuka (open-mind) :

Jelaskan tujuan dan apa ingin dipelajari Pikirkan yang sudah ketahui ttg subjek tsb. Sumber apa yang tersedia dan jadwal anda? Kumpulkan informasi Ajukan pertanyaan Aturlah apa yang sudah dikumpulkan kedalam pola untuk memudahkan pengertian Ajukan pertanyaan lagi!

Demonstrasikan apa yang sudah Anda pelajari tentang topik tsb

From simple to more complex (1-6) 1. List, label, identify 2. Define, explain, summarize 3. Solve, apply a new situation 4. Compare ad contrast, differentiate between items 5. Create, combine, invent 6. Assess, recommend, value

Summary and Conclusions

Creative thinking and problem solving must also be taught. You must PRACTICE good thinking skillsthey dont happen by accident If you dont do it, it wont get done If not now, when? If not here where? If not you, who?

Manfaat yang diperoleh para mahasiswa dari cara berpikir kritis adalah : D A. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan sintesis. B. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan visualisasi. C. Mahasiswa mampu mengajukan idea yang kreatif. D. Mahasiswa mampu melakukan interpretasi berbagai informasi. E. Mahasiswa mampu menyampaikan solusi yang bersifat holistik (menyeluruh).

1. Ennis R. Critical thinking : what is it? Proceedings of the Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society Denver, Colorado, March 27-30 1992. 2. Facione PA. Critical Thinking: What it is and why it counts. Available at : Accessed September 1, 2006.

3. Huitt W (1992). Problem solving and decision making: consideration of individual differences using the MyersBriggs Type Indicator. J Physiol Type 1992;24 : 33-44. 4.Landsberger J. Critical thinking. In : The study Guides and Strategies. Available at Accessed August 6, 2006.

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