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Naskah Role Play

Kelompok 1

Naskah Role Play

Aktris : anwar shihabudin. as Pasien

Mathlubi thoriq. as Perawat

Evita cahya nengse as Ibu Pasien

Lailiyul amalia. as Penolong

aldila amalia as Petugas RM

Dwy meysaro as Narator

Backsound kecelakaan


Pada suatu hari terjadi sebuah kecelakaan tunggal yang mengakibatkan

seorang remaja laki-laki mengalami cidera dan kemudian dilarikan ke
rumah sakit Mitra Sehat oleh dua pengendara lain yang menolongnya.

Backsound bunyi ambulance

Pasien (Setengah sadar dengan merintih kesakitan)

Penolong : “Sus tolong ada pasien kecelakaan, tolong segera



Perawat IGD segera mengambil brankart, dan memindahkan pasien pasien

diatas bed.
RM : “Maaf anda siapanya ?”

Penolong : “Saya yang menolong sus”

RM : “Anda tahu identitas dari korban ini mbak ?”

Penolong : “Tidak sus tapi saya coba tanya ke korbannya dulu.”

(si penolong menghampiri korban)

Penolong : “Dek kamu bawa KTP, boleh saya pinjam dulu untuk
administrasi? Kamu bawa hp atau tidak ? Nanti saya akan
mengabari keluargamu”

Pasien : “Di tas pak” (dengan suara lemas).


Kemudian si penolong mengurusi registrasi si korban dan menghubungi

keluarga klien. Sementara itu, si perawat sedang menangani korban
kecelakaan tadi.

Perawat : “Dek-dek bisa dengar saya ?”

Pasien : “aduh sakit sus”

Perawat : “yang sakit sebelah mana dek ?”

Pasien (menggerakkan bagian yang sakit.)

Perawat : “pusing tidak dek ?”

Pasien : “pusing sus”

*di receptionis

Keluarga : “sus anak saya tadi kecelakaan dan dibawa ke rumah

sakit. Pasien dengan nama Andriana ?” (dengan ekspresi
yang panik)

RM : “disebelah sana buk, mari saya antarkan”


Petugas RM pun mengantarkan Ibu pasien menuju bad tempat anaknya


RM : “ Ini bu, anak ibu ada di dalam”

Ibu : “ Oh iya, makasih sus”
RM : “ Iya bu, sama-sama”


Sang Ibu pun segera membuka sampiran dan menjumpai anaknya

terbaring tak berdaya di atas tempat tidur
Ibu : “ Ya Allah nak...... kok bisa sampek kayak gini to?,
apanya yang sakit nak?”
Pasien : “ Kaki bu, sama pusing”
Ibu : “ Lha ini tadi kamu sudah diperiksa sama dokter belum
Pasien : “ Sudah bu”
Ibu : “ Terus apa katanya dokter?”
Pasien : “ Gak tau bu”
Ditengah perbincangan ini perawat datang ke ruangan pasien
Perawat 1 : “ Permisi bu, saya izin mau menanyai adeknya sebentar ya
Ibu ; “ Iya sus, silahkan”
Perawat : “Gimana dek ada yang dikeluhkan lagi ?”
Pasien : “ Masih sus, dada saya terasa sesak ”
Perawat :“ Kalau begitu saya pasangkan oksigen dulu ya, biar
nafasnya lancar.”
Pasien ( Menganggukan kepala)

Perawat memulai tindakan pemberian oksigen pada pasien
Ibu : “ Lho nak dadamu sesak juga to?” (Sang ibu kaget)
Pasien ( Menganggukkan kepala)
Ibu : “ Ini kenapa ya sus, kok dada anak saya sesak? Padahal
kan anak saya tidak punya riwayat sakit asma”
Perawat : “ Mungkin anak Ibu mengalami syok, sehingga dadanya
terasa sesak”
Ibu : “ Lha ini tadi katanya anak saya sudah diperiksa sama
Dokter, hasilnya gimana ya sus?”
Perawat : “ Oh itu, nanti Ibu akan dijelaskan secara langsung oleh
dokter bu”
Ibu : “ O begitu ya sus”
Perawat : “ Iya bu, kalau begitu saya permisi dulu ya bu, kalu butuh
sesuatu bisa panggil kita di ruang perawat ya bu”
Ibu : “ Baik sus”
Perawat : “ Mari bu, permisi”
Ibu : “ Oh iya, monggo”
Perawat kembali ke ruang perawat dan Ibu pasien tetap menunggu pasien
di samping tempat tidur pasien. Setelah beberapa menit kemudian, seorang
perawat datang kembali.
Perawat 1 : “ Permisi bu, Ibu diminta untuk menemui dokter sekarang
Ibu : “ Iya sus, lha terus anak saya sama siapa
Perawat 1 : “ Ibu silahkan temui dokter dulu, anaknya biar saya yang

Di ruang jaga Ibu pasien bertemu dengan Dokter yang berjaga di IGD
mengatakan bahwa pasien harus menjalani rontgen dan ct-scan untuk mengetahui
fraktur atau tidak
Sang ibupun kembali menuju ruangan pasien, namun di tengah perjalanan
Ibu bertemu dengan perawat yang menangani anaknya tadi
Perawat : “ Ibu, bagaimana anaknya bu?”
Ibu : “ Eh suster, tadi kata dokter sebaiknya dilakukan rogten
dan CT scan
pada anak saya, tapi kok saya nggak yakin ya sus?”
Perawat : “ Memang sebaiknya dilakukan itu bu, agar bila terjadi
sesuatu bisa segera diketahui dan ditangani, bagaiamana bu
apa ada yang kurang jelas?”

Ibu : “ Tapi itu nanti beresiko atau tidak ya sus?”

Perawat : “ InsyaAllah tidak apa-apa bu”

Ibu : “ Oh ya ya ya, makasih ya sus informasinya”

Perawat : “ Iya, bu sama-sama, mari bu”

Ibu : “ Iya sus”


Setelah mendapat informasi dari perawat, Ibupun yakin dengan keputusan

yang akan diambilnya, dan menuju ruang dokter untuk konfirmasi. Kemudian
Sang Ibu kembali ke kamar pasien , setelah beberapa saat kemudian datanglah
seorang perawat.

Perawat : “ Permisi bu, Dek ini mau dilakukan rogten, ini adek mau
saya antarkan ke ruang radiologi, sebelumnya perhiasannya
dan jamnya dilepas dulu ya, biar dibawa ibunya dulu”

Pasien (menganggukan kepala)

Perawat : “ Mari dek saya antarkan”

Pasien : “ Saya maunya diantar mbak perawat yang tadi”

Perawat : “ Perawat yang tadi sudah pulang dek, biar saya antar saja
ya dek, Ibunya juga boleh ikut nganter kok

Pasien : “Iya sus” (terdiam sejenak)


Dan akhirnya Andriana pun dibawa ke ruang radiologi untuk diakukan

rongten. Dari hasil rogten diketahui bahwa pasien mengalami patah tulang,
dan harus di rawat inap untuk segera dilakukan operasi.

Backsound accident


One day there was a single accident that caused a teenage boy to be injured and
then rushed to Mitra Sehat hospital by two other motorists who helped her.
Backsound sounded ambulance

Patient (semi-conscious with groaning in pain)

Helper: "Sus, there is an accident patient, please help immediately

handled "


The emergency room nurse immediately took the gurney, and moved the patient
on the bed.

RM: "Sorry, who are you?"

Helper: "I helped Sus"

RM: "Do you know the identity of this victim?"

Helper: "Not sus but I try to ask the victim first."

(the helper approaches the victim)

Helper: "If you bring a KTP, can I borrow it first for administration? Did you
bring your cellphone or not? Later I will inform your family "

Patient: "In the bag sir" (with a limp voice).


Then the helper takes care of the victim's registration and contacts the client's
family. Meanwhile, the nurse is handling the accident victim.

Nurse: "Decks can you hear me?"

Patient: "Ouch, it hurts."

Nurse: "Which deck is the sick?"

Patient (moving the affected part.)

Nurse: "Dizzy not deck?"

Patient: "dizzy sus"

* at receptionis

Family: "My son was in an accident and was taken to the hospital. Patient by the
name of Andriana? "(With a panicked expression)

RM: "Over there, Buk, let me deliver"


RM officers also took the patient's mother to the bad where her child was treated

RM: "Here ma'am, your child is inside"

Mother: "Oh yeah, thanks Sus"

RM: "Yes ma'am, you're welcome"


The mother immediately opened the sampiran and found her child lying helpless
on the bed

Mother: "O God, son ... how come you can go like this to ?,

what hurts kid? "

Patient: "Mom, you're having a headache"

Mother: "Did you already checked with the doctor before, kid?"
Patient: "Yes, mom"

Mother: "Then what did the doctor say?"

Patient: "I don't know, mom"


In the midst of this conversation the nurse came into the patient's room

Nurse 1: "Excuse me ma'am, I want permission to ask the sister for a minute yes

Mother ; "Yes sus, please"

Nurse: "How is the deck complaining again?"

Patient: "Still sus, my chest feels tight"

Nurse: "Then let me attach oxygen first, so I can breathe smoothly."

Patient (nodding head)


The nurse starts the procedure of giving oxygen to the patient

Mother: "Why, your chest tightness too to?" (The mother was shocked)

Patient (nodding head)

Mother: "Why is this sus, why is my child's chest tight? even though

My child doesn't have a history of asthma. "

Nurse: "Maybe your child has a shock, so his chest feels tight"

Mother: "Lha said earlier my child was examined the same

Doctor, how's the result, Sus? "

Nurse: "Oh that, later you will be explained directly by the doctor bu"

Mother: "I see, Sus"

Nurse: "Yes ma'am, if I excuse myself, ma'am, if you need anything, can you call
us in the nurse's room, ma'am?"

Mother: "Good sus"

Nurse: "Come on ma'am, excuse me"

Mother: "Oh yes, please"


The nurse returns to the nurse's station and the patient's mother continues to wait
for the patient at the patient's bedside. After a few minutes, a nurse came back.

Nurse 1: "Excuse me ma'am, I'm asked to see a doctor now mom"

Mother: "Yes, Sus, who is my child?

sus? "

Nurse 1: "Mother, please see the doctor first, let my child take care of it"


In the guard room, the patient met with the doctor on duty at the emergency room
saying that the patient had to undergo an x-ray and CT scan to find out the
fracture or not.

The mother then returned to the patient's room, but in the middle of the journey
Mother met the nurse who was handling her child earlier

Nurse: "Mother, how is your child, ma'am?"

Mother: "Eh Nurse, said the doctor should be done Roger and CT scan

to my child, but how come I'm not sure huh?

Nurse: "It is better to do it ma'am, so that if something happens it can be

immediately known and dealt with, how is there anything unclear?"

Mother: "But it will be risky or not later, Sus?"

Nurse: "God willing, it's okay, mom"

Mother: "Oh yes yes yes, thanks for the information Sus"

Nurse: "Yes, ma'am you are welcome, Ma'am"

Mother: "Yes Sus"


After getting information from the nurse, Ibupun was sure of the decision he
would make, and went to the doctor's office to confirm. Then Mother returned to
the patient's room, after a while later a nurse came.

Nurse: "Excuse me ma'am, this deck is going to be carried out by Roger, this is
what I want to send to the radiology room, before the jewelery and the watch are
removed first, let her bring her first"

Patient (nodding head)

Nurse: "Let me take the deck"

Patient: "I want to be escorted by the nurse from earlier"

Nurse: "The nurse who had returned from the deck, let me just take the deck, yes,
the mother can also join

Patient: "Yes


And finally Andriana was taken to the radiology room to be carried out by the
hospital. From the results of Rogten it is known that the patient has a fracture,
and must be hospitalized for immediate surgery.

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