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Awal Tengah bahasa Inggris sejak 12 sampai 15 abad.

Tengah English (ME) adalah bentuk bahasa

lisan yang dominan dan tradisional di banyak bagian Inggris selama Abad Pertengahan. Meskipun
sebagian besar sejarawan bahasa menyarankan bahwa sebelum sekitar 1000 C, bahasa utama di
Inggris adalah Anglo-Saxon, Norman invasi Inggris memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap Anglo-
Saxon. Secara bertahap berubah bahasa menjadi Tengah Inggris, bentuk hampir dikenali, setidaknya
dalam teks, sejauh lebih dibandingkan dengan yang modern lisan dan tertulis English.History dapat
memiliki efek yang kuat pada bahasa. Untuk Inggris, invasi Norman berubah English selamanya.
Di pengadilan dan di banyak penulisan waktu, Perancis itu pasti lebih, akuntansi untuk berbagai kata-
kata berbasis Perancis (lebih dari 10.000) yang sekarang umum setiap hari kata-kata dari bahasa
Inggris saat ini. Sebagian besar dokumen tertanggal setelah 1000 ditulis di Perancis atau Latin, dan
Inggris Tengah menarik dari kedua, sementara masih mempertahankan beberapa fiturnya akar
Anglo-Saxon. Ini dalam rekening bagian untuk signifikan "pengecualian" dalam bahasa Inggris tata
bahasa, ejaan, struktur dan pengucapan yang dapat membuat Inggris seperti bahasa menantang
untuk belajar, terutama bagi mereka memperolehnya sebagai bahasa kedua.
Istilah sastra Inggris Tengah mengacu pada literatur yang ditulis dalam bentuk bahasa Inggris dikenal
sebagai-tengah Inggris, dari abad ke-12 sampai 1470s, ketika Standard Chancery bentuk bahasa
Inggris yang berbasis di London, menjadi meluas dan proses pencetakan regularized bahasa. Antara
1470s dan pertengahan abad berikut ada transisi untuk awal Inggris modern meskipun dari segi
sastra karakteristik karya sastra yang ditulis tidak berubah secara radikal sampai efek dari kategori
Tengah Sastra Inggris: Agama, cinta negara, dan Arthur, meskipun banyak karya Geoffrey Chaucer
berdiri di luar ini. Di antara banyak karya agama adalah mereka dalam grop Katherine dan tulisan-
tulisan Julian dari Norwich dan Ricard Rolle.
Telah terjadi perubahan besar antara waktu Beowulf dan waktu The Canterbury Tales. bahasa
Chaucer adalah pada seluruh dipahami pembaca modern. Perbedaan antara Old bahasa Inggris dan
bahasa Inggris waktu Chaucer adalah hasil dari perubahan dalam kedua sistem tata bahasa dan
kosakata bahasa. Perubahan yang paling tampak dalam sistem tata bahasa adalah hilangnya paling
ujung gramatikal kata-kata. Dan Penaklukan Normandia membawa bahasa Perancis ke Inggris, yang
memberikan kontribusi untuk kosa kata bahasa Inggris. (Churchmen dan ulama terus meminjam
kata-kata dari bahasa Latin pada saat itu juga.) Salah satu perkembangan yang sangat signifikan yang
terjadi dalam bahasa Inggris Tengah adalah adopsi bertahap bahasa standar tertulis. Sebelum
periode itu, tidak ada hal seperti "Standard English". Perubahan lainnya adalah dalam pengucapan;
vokal panjang suara dalam apa yang disebut Shift Besar vokal.

Literatur Inggris
• Drama
Akun ilmiah yang lama dipegang drama abad pertengahan menegaskan bahwa drama keagamaan
Abad Pertengahan tumbuh dari layanan Gereja, massa dilakukan dalam bahasa Latin sebelum
kerumunan petani yang tidak diragukan lagi tidak mengerti apa yang mereka dengar. Ide ini tentu
sesuai dengan konsep arsitektur gereja di bentuk salib untuk gambar salib, jendela kaca patri untuk
menggambarkan cerita Alkitab, dan fitur lain yang dirancang untuk menyampaikan makna kepada
ulama population.Many buta huruf menunjukkan bahwa pada hari-hari khusus dalam liturgi tahun,
para ulama akan bertindak keluar acara dari Alkitab, seperti kandang Natal atau pemeragaan
kebangkitan. Secara bertahap, produksi ini menjadi lebih kompleks dan pindah ke luar untuk gereja
dan kemudian ke para ulama commons.Other desa, bagaimanapun, menunjukkan asal yang berbeda
dari drama abad pertengahan, claimingthat tumbuh sejajar tetapi di luar layanan Gereja yang
dilanjutkan dengan fitur dramatis mereka sebagai bagian dari massa.
1. Drama Misteri
drama misteri menggambarkan peristiwa dari Alkitab. Sering memainkan misteri dilakukan sebagai
siklus plays7, urutan memainkan menggambarkan semua peristiwa besar dari Alkitab, dari kejatuhan
Iblis untuk penghakiman terakhir. siklus Someplay dilakukan oleh serikat, masing-masing serikat
mengambil satu acara untuk mendramatisir.
Salah satu yang paling terkenal dari theplay siklus, misteri York memainkan, masih dilakukan di kota
Inggris York. Catatan dari siklus Chester, juga masih dilakukan, daftar yang guild yang terlibat dan
yang memainkan setiap serikat disajikan. Di beberapa tempat, seperti York, siklus dilakukan pada
gerobak kontes yang bergerak pada rute yang telah ditentukan melalui kota. Dengan tinggal di
tempat yang sama, para penonton bisa melihat setiap bermain individu sebagai kereta berhenti dan
pelaku dilakukan sebelum pindah untuk tampil lagi di stasiun berikutnya. Empat kota Inggris yang
sangat terkenal karena siklus mereka misteri memainkan: Chester, York, Coventry, dan Towneley
(disebut sebagai Wakefield memainkan). Dennis G. Jerz, Associate Professor Bahasa Inggris di Seton
Hall University, menciptakan simulasi jalur kereta kontes melalui York, menunjukkan rute dan urutan

2. Kedua Shepherds 'Mainkan

Salah satu yang paling terkenal dari misteri memainkan adalah Mainkan The Second Gembala ',
bagian dari siklus Wakefield. bermain memadukan tindakan komik, komentar sosial yang serius, dan
kisah religius pengumuman malaikat kelahiran Kristus kepada para gembala. Pada awal bermain, tiga
gembala mengeluhkan ketidakadilan hidup mereka di anak tangga terendah dari tangga sosial abad
pertengahan. Ketika petani lain mencuri salah satu domba mereka, pencuri dan istrinya mencoba
untuk menyembunyikan hewan dengan menyamarkan sebagai anak bayi mereka; dengan demikian,
identifikasi dari anak yang baru lahir dengan domba simbolis pertanda cerita Alkitab. Pada akhir
permainan, yang messagebecomes agama jelas ketika malaikat mengumumkan kelahiran Kristus.

3. Drama Moralitas
drama moralitas dimaksudkan untuk mengajarkan pelajaran moral. memainkan ini sering
allegory8, penggunaan karakter atau peristiwa dalam karya sastra untuk mewakili ide-ide abstrak
atau konsep. Moralitas memainkan, terutama mereka yang alegoris, menggambarkan karakter
perwakilan di dilema moral dengan baik baik dan bagian-bagian jahat dari karakter mereka berjuang
untuk dominasi. Mirip dengan misteri memainkan, drama moralitas tidak bertindak peristiwa dari
Alkitab melainkan digambarkan karakter seperti anggota penonton yang menyaksikan drama itu.
Dari characters'difficulties, penonton bisa belajar pelajaran moral Gereja ingin menanamkan dalam

• Prosa
1. Prosa Keagamaan
Pentingnya pertama adalah pengembangan dari jenis mabuk, analitis, tapi tetap mengesankan prosa
kontemplatif atau mistik, yang diwakili oleh Skala Walter Hilton Kesempurnaan dan anonim Cloud of
Unknowing. Julian, sering dianggap sebagai wanita Inggris pertama huruf, menjalani serangkaian
pengalaman mistik di 1373 sekitar yang ia tulis di Sixteen Revelations nya Cinta Ilahi, salah satu karya
terpenting spiritualitas bahasa Inggris dengan standar dari segala usia.
Alih-pengalaman religius yang berbeda masuk ke pembuatan Kitab Margery Kempe (c. 1432-1436),
catatan otobiografi yang luar biasa dari seorang wanita borjuis, didikte dua pegawai. Sifat dan status
konten spiritualnya tetap kontroversial, tetapi sering terlibat gaya sehari-hari dan realisasi yang jelas
tentang adegan abad pertengahan dari mematuhi bunga.
cabang penting dari gerakan kontemplatif dalam prosa melibatkan penerjemahan teks Kontinental
Latin. Sebuah contoh utama, dan salah satu yang terbaik-dicintai dari semua buku bahasa Inggris
abad pertengahan di masanya, adalah Cermin Kehidupan Mahakudus Yesus Kristus (c. 1410),
terjemahan Nicholas Cinta dari Meditationes vitae Christi, dikaitkan dengan St. Bonaventure .

2. Prosa Sekuler
komposisi sekuler dan terjemahan dalam bentuk prosa juga datang ke menonjol pada kuartal
terakhir abad ke-14, meskipun prestasi gaya mereka tidak selalu cocok dengan tradisi keagamaan.
Chaucer "Tale of Melibeus" dan dua terjemahan astronomi, Treatise pada Astrolabe dan Equatorie
dari Planet, yang usaha yang relatif sederhana di samping upaya besar John dari Trevisa, yang
diterjemahkan dari bahasa Latin kedua Ranulf Higden ini Polychronicon (c. 1385- 87), sejarah
universal, dan Bartholomaeus Anglicus De proprietatibus rerum (1398; "pada Properties of Things"),
sebuah ensiklopedi. Dilihat oleh jumlah yang masih hidup naskah, namun, yang paling banyak
membaca karya prosa sekuler periode tersebut kemungkinan telah The Voyage dan Travels dari Sir
John Mandeville, petualangan seharusnya dari Sir John Mandeville, ksatria St. Albans, pada nya
perjalanan melalui Asia. Meskipun pekerjaan sekarang diyakini murni fiksi, daya tarik eksotis dan
gaya sesekali lengkungan penulis yang populer dengan membaca publik Inggris ke abad ke-18.

• Puisi
40 tahun terakhir dari Abad Pertengahan, 1360-1400, menghasilkan tiga karya terbesar sastra abad
• Tales Canterbury Chaucer
• Malory ini Morte d'Arthur
• Sir Gawain dan Kesatria Hijau oleh Pearl Penyair, penulis tak dikenal dari Pearl,
Kesabaran, dan Sir Gawain dan Kesatria Hijau.
Sarjana percaya individu yang tidak diketahui sama menulis Pearl, Kesabaran, dan Sir Gawain dan
Kesatria Hijau, sehingga merujuk kepadanya sebagai penyair Pearl. Sir Gawain dan Kesatria Hijau
merupakan bagian dari gerakan yang dikenal sebagai kebangkitan aliterasi, penggunaan bangkit
kembali dari bentuk ayat aliterasi puisi Old English oral seperti Beowulf.
Karena ini dua baris pertama dari puisi itu menggambarkan, Sir Gawain dan Kesatria Hijau adalah
ditulis dalam garis aliterasi panjang, setiap bait memiliki jumlah yang berbeda-beda dari garis
aliterasi panjang lines.These diikuti oleh bob dan roda, sekelompok lima garis pendek pada akhir
ayat yang aliterasi berima ABABA
transition to romanticism

It was called the age of transition, because the drift of poetry of this period was towards
Romanticism. It was the Romantic reaction, a rebellion against the classical domination. The
“return to nature” is a name often given to one mode or feature of the Romantic reaction viz.
the revival of the handling in poetry of subjects connected with external nature in a natural
manner. Referring to this Romantic reaction Wyatt says: “Even while the fame of the
classical poetry was at its height, the way was being prepared for its overthrow”.

Before Pope had reached the summit of his fame in the fourth decade of the century, James
Thomson’s the Seasons (1730) had presented nature herself at first hand, not mere her
conventional descriptions by poets who recommended her as a tonic to the town-weary,
found a place once more in our literature, and was to find a larger one that at any earlier

Thomson’s The Seasons was the first noteworthy poem of the romantic revival; and the
poems and poets increased steadily in number and importance till, in the age of Wordsworth
and Scott, the spirit of romanticism dominated English literature more completely than
Classicism had ever done. This Romantic Movement – (Victor Hugo says) liberalism in
literature – is simply the expression of life as seen by imagination, rather than by prosaic
“commonsense”, which was the central doctrine of English philosophy in the 18th century.

The Growth of Historical Research:

History appears late in English literature, for it presupposes a long apprenticeship of research
and meditation. Like so many other things it was fostered in France, and it touched Scotland
first. The general advance in knowledge and the research into national affairs which were the
features of the 18th century culture quickly brought the study of history into prominence.

The historical school had a glorious leader in Gibbon, who was nearly, as much at home in
the French language as he was in English.

New Realism:

Fielding and his kind dealt very faithfully with human life, and often were immersed in
masses of sordid detain. In the wider sense of the word, the novelists were Romantics; for in
sympathy and freshness of treatment they were followers of the new ideal.

The Influence on Poetry:

In 1740 we have Pope still alive and powerful, and Johnson as aspiring junior; in 1800, with
Burns and Black, Romanticism has unquestionably arrived. Consequently:

1. Decline of the heroic couplet and free use of the Pindaric ode in the works of Gray and
2. The revival of the ballad.
3. The descriptive and narrative poems began – e.g. The Deserted Village.
4. The rise of lyric. The intense simplicity of the lyric of Burns and Blake.
Goldsmith adopts Pope’s heroic couple in The Deserted Village which is excellent poem of a
didactic kind, exquisitely expressed. The Augustine principle of Reason and correctness came
to be challenged. There was the raise of genuine imagination. There was also the protest
against the bondage of rules.

The habit of writing leers became very popular during the 8th century and flourished till well
into the 19th century, when the institution of the penny-post made letter-writing a
convenience and not an art. It was this popularity of the letter that helped Richardson’s
Pamela into public favor. In The Life of Johnson Boswell published many of Johnson’s

There is a renewed appreciation of nature in the second half of the 18th century. The slogan
was “A Return to Nature”. The nature was given due place in the classical poetry. But it was
the conventional, bookish nature of the artificial pastoral and it dealt with urban life. Thus it
was deficient in any genuine feeling for nature.

The poem The Seasons of Thomson reflects that he was an extremely careful observer of
nature. It abounds in description of nature which is purely photographic. He was a describer
and enumerator of nature which foreshadows great poets of nature i.e. Wordsworth and
Shelley. The other precursors of the Romantic Reactions were Grey Collins, Blake and Burns
whose poetry reveals an intimate knowledge and love of nature. Their attitude towards nature
comes nearest to the Wordsworthian spirit.

The Age of Transition (1760-1798)

Historical and social background

George III, George II's grandson, came to the throne in 1760. In order to recover the powers
of the crown, he made the Prime Minister and the Cabinet instruments of the king's will. His
reign was marked by important events:
The French Revolution: it affected Europe politically and intellectually. In Britain there were
different reactions: while the ruling classes were seized by the terror of “Jacobinism”, the
intellectuals supported the Revolution. This revolution was followed by Napoleon's ascent. In
1793 France declared war on Britain, who decided to fight France at sea, relying on its strong
navy. The hero of the navy was Admiral Horatio Nelson, who defeated the French fleet off
Cape Trafalgar. Napoleon was finally defeated in 1805.
The Industrial and Agricultural Revolutions: in this period there were a series of economic
and technical changes known as the First Industrial Revolution.

It originated from the slow improvements and innovations of previous centuries, like the
earlier developments in agricultural techniques; the creation of an overseas empire capable of
providing raw materials; the availability of capital; the development of trade; the growth in
population and the demand for greater production; the scientific progress which paved the
way for the introduction of mechanization. The beginning of the industrial era was marked by
the invention of machines (e.g. the steam engine, weaving machines...) which destroyed the
old domestic production system and introduced the methods of factory production. There
were also transport improvements: building of new waterways and railways, improvement of
roads conditions. Consequently goods were cheaper; the volume of exports rose quickly, the
population increased and wealth was rapidly accumulated by the upper and middle classes.
Technological changer affected also agriculture, thanks to new scientific techniques and the
introduction of new agricultural machinery. Both revolution required financial support, so the
ones who invested their money became important in economic life. Therefore, society began
to be marked by a deep social division: on one side the bank-financed industrial class and on
the other the labour, made up of underpaid workers.
Industrialism also had its negative social implications: men, women and children worked in
terrible conditions; industrial cities were overcrowded and lacked elementary public services;
the air and the water were polluted; the rate of unemployment was high.
American Revolution: the Americans weren't represented in the English Parliament and taxes
could be imposed on them without their consent. In 1773 some rebels in Boston threw a large
quantity of tea into the harbour (an event later called “The Boston tea party”), to protest
against the tax England imposed on tea. Other twelve colonies supported Massachusetts in its
refusal to be taxed by the English Parliament and asked England to withdraw its garrison.
Thus war broke out in 1775. George Washington was commander-in-chief of the American
army. On July 4 1776 representatives of the thirteen colonies met in Philadelphia and
declared thei independence. The Declaration of Independence was drown up by a Committee
headed by Thomas Jefferson, in affirmed the natural right of peoples to choose their own
system of government. With the Treaty of Versailles (1783) England aknowledged the
independence of the United States of America.

Literary Production
The literary production of this time was influenced by the social and political conditions of
the age.
New themes appeared along wiith the old ones, together with a new attitude which preferred
sentimentalism and imagination to realism and rationalism. This period is called “The Age of
Tranzition, usually divided into two periods: the Twilight of Classicism and Early
1. The twilight of Classicism.
It began more or less by 1770. Even if there was still an emphasis on reason, precision, order,
clarity and harmony, new trends developed.
Nature began to be approached in a new way: it lost any abstract connotation and started to
be seen as something real; it wasn't a “machine” functioning according to set principles but it
was considered an existence of its own.
The countryside became the ideal setting of poets, poetry started to be pervaded by
melancholy, with an emphasis on intimate feelings. Thus the “The Age of Reason” turned
into an “Age of Sensibility”, dominated by a new interest in nature.
The way was now open for the discovery of new poetic forms which could better express the
emphasis on individualism and imagination.
Poetry was perhaps the branch ol literature in which the conflict between intellect and
emotion was most evident in the middle of 18 century. Poets gradually started to feel a sense
of dissatisfaction with the traditional Augustan taste, turning to a more intimate poetry. They
looked for relief or escape in nature or in the humble life of country people, rediscovering the
pleasures of meditation. The sense of melancholy brought to an interest in death, ruins,
deserted places, night scenes and tombs.
2. Early Romanticism.
The term “Early Romanticism” or “Pre-romanticism” in itself is vague. It's applied to authors
who first reacted against neoclassicism with their innovations and experiments. Some critics
consider it a trend more than current, as it lacked a precise programme and rules.
The “pre-romantics” shared a common distaste for the artificiality, conventional formality
and intellectual elegance of the Augustans; they opposed immagination to realism, feeling to
reason, pathos to common sense. They looked for new forms of expression, motivated by
their desire to give voice to the part of the human being which had been suppressed by

Literary critics consider 1798, the year when Wordsworth and Coleridge published their
"Lyrical Ballads," to mark the beginning of the English Romantic Movement. However, its
actual beginnings date back to the poetry of Gray, Collins, Blake and Burns who are regaded
as 'Transition Poets' who lived and wrote at the end of the Neo-Classical Age. Critical
opinion is divided as to when the Romantic Movement actually came to an end; infact, some
critics consider the Victorian age to be a continuation of the Romantic Age and that the
English Romantic Age extended till the beginning of the Modern Age in the twentieth
century. The characteristic features of English Romantic poetry are:

1. Love and worship of Nature and dislike for the urban life.

2. Love for the Medieval Age.

3. Love for the supernatural and the mystical.

4. Poetry came to be regarded as the spontaneous expression of the poet's own subjective
feelings and did not conform to the poetic conventions of classical doctrines.

5.Completely abandoned the 'Heroic Couplet' and substituted it with simpler verse forms like
the ballads which belonged to the English rural Folk. In fact the 'Ballad Revival' is said to
have sparked off the English Romantic Movememnt.

6. The 'poetic diction' of the Neo-Classical Age was completely done away with and the
language of the ordinary people became the language of Romantic poetry.

7. The subjects of Romantic poetry were often ordinary people:"The Idiot Boy."

The pre-romantic age

Between classicism and romanticism

The age of classicism is followed by a transitional period know as the pre-romantic age which
comes from 1770 to 1798 about the last thirty years of the 18th century. In fact in this period, in the
second half of the 18th century, we can observe a new sensibility in poetry and a new generation of
poets was arising. These poets used subjective, autobiographical materials which marked a new
trend towards the expression of a lyrical and personal experience of life. They were less intellectual
and more emotional presenting a variety of emotional states of the soul.

The main themes of the pre-romantic literature may be:

a) a return to nature expressed through an interest in the picturesque, the wild, the grandiose,
the lonely, the desolate.

b) the cult of sensibility and melancholy expressed by the love of ruins, the idealization of
solitude, meditations on man’s unhappy destiny.

c) a cult of the primitive life with a difference of civilization and a longing for a last earthly
paradise in which man lived in communication with nature: a typical expression of this is the
myth of the “noble savage”.

d) a love of the strange, the exotic, the sublime.

e) an interest in the middle age which is considered a mysterious and barbarous period.

f) an interest in gothic architecture as a typical expression of the medieval spirit.

g) the claim of taste and imagination against the reason (imagination must not be subordinated
to the intellect).

We have some forerunners of this pre-romantic period: the most important of these is James
Thomson (1700-l748) which is considered the most important “nature poet” of the early romantic
age who represented the first remarkable break with the neo-classic view for his treatment of the
nature. Thomson saw nature in its physical details rather than abstract details. Not static bur in
motion. He reflected on the character of primitive man who contrasted with civilized man. His
masterpiece is “The seasons” a poem in four books dedicated to a different season of the year which
shows his great interest of nature. Another poem by Thomson is “The castle of Indolence” in which
the poet explains how the magician Indolence attracts pilgrims of the earth to its castle and how this
Indolence reduces them to a state of brutishness.

The Graveyard school of poetry

(the poetry of melancholy)

A development in the direction of the romanticism took place toward the middle of the century
with an influential group of poets know as “the Graveyard school” because of their melancholy tone
and the choice of cemeteries, tombs, ruins, desolate landscapes and stormy skies as the setting for
their poems. The main representative poets of this school are Edward Young and Thomas Gray.

Edward Young’s masterpiece is “Night thoughts on life, death and immortality” a long religious
poem in nine books in which the poet speaks about the vanity of all earthly joys and tomb becomes
the symbol of death and immortality and death is considered the supreme consolation of man.

Thomas Gray (1716-l771) vedi volume 2 . d20

Pre-romantic prose
(the last thirty years of the 18th century)

There are a few interesting novelists during the last thirty years of century. The novel develops along
three main lines: there is the novel of manners with a strong bent towards sentimentalism,
sensibility and melodrama. The second one is the gothic novel and the third one is the novel of
doctrine with its representative, the philosopher William Godwin who wrote a political treatise
inspired by communistic and anarchist ideals which influenced the early

and Coleridge. Godwin, in his works usually shows the tyranny of the powerful members of the
community against other poor people who have less privileges than themselves.

The gothic novel

The gothic novel flourished towards the end of the 18th century. Gothic literature can now
considered the product of a word which was conscious of social inequity, since it had its origin in a
period when the bourgeoisie began to understand its real conditions: the migration towards
industrialized towns and industrial exploitation had destroyed the importance of the single human
being and man had become a slave to forces he could not control. So, we can say that gothic
symbols are a denunciation of social problems. All the gothic novels are full of suspence, mystery
and terror. They are usually set in wild and sinister landscapes and places, in ancient castles full of
secret passages, where supernatural beings, like vampires, monsters and ghosts, usually, live. Their
main characters are generally men with an obscure past or persecutors of beautiful, innocent and
melancholy girls. The first exponent of this kind of novel is Horace Walpole with his masterpiece:
“The castle of Otranto” that tells the story of the rise and fall of an usurper. But it was only with Ann
Radcliffe that the fashion of the gothic novel reached its fame.

Ann Radcliffe (1764-l823) vedi volume 2 . d41-d42

The Mysteries of Udolpho, Ann Radcliffe masterpiece, is considered the first successful thriller in
English literature. The main “character” is Montoni’s castle. It is an example of gothic architecture. A
wild landscape surrounds this medieval place in an atmosphere of suspence, mystery and terror.

(novel of manners) Jane Austen (1775-l817) vedi volume 2 . d153

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