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Anestesi lokal pertama kali digunakan sebagai anestesi pembedahan pada tahun 1884 Subarachnoid Anestesi Block (SAB) atau yang biasa disebut anestesi spinal adalah

oleh Koller dengan menggunakan kokain drop sebagai anestesi pada konjungtiva. Keberhasilan sebuah prosedur anestesi yang efektif dan bisa digunakan sebagai alternatif dari anestesi umum.

ini mengundang penggunaannya secara luas, namun kemudian dilaporkan adanya kasus efek Sejak anestesi spinal/ Sub-arachnoid block (SAB) diperkenalkan oleh August Bier (1898) pada

toksik dan kematian. Pengembangan dilakukan, hingga ditemukan prokain oleh Einhorn pada praktis klinis, teknik ini telah digunakan dengan luas untuk menyediakan anestesi, terutama

1904, namun ternyata masih memiliki insiden tinggi anafilaksis. Pengembangan terus untuk operasi pada daerah papila mamae kebawah. Anestesi spinal (subaraknoid) adalah

dilakukan hngga ditemukan anestesi lokal pertama golongan amida, yaitu lidokain, pada 1943 anestesi regional dengan tindakan penyuntikan obat anestetik lokal ke dalam ruang

dan kemudian bupivakain 1963, menandai era modern penggunaan anestesi lokal. Anestesi subaraknoid. Obat anestesi lokal menghambat induksi saraf pada ruang subaracnoid. Ruang

lokal sekarang ini digunakan secara luas dalam praktik anestesi pembedahan agar subarachnoid terletak antara foramen magnum dan vertebra sakrum ke-2 (S2) pada dewasa,

dimungkinkan pembedahan rawat jalan, menghindari efek sistemik analgesik, menghindari sedangkan pada anak-anak sampai vertebra sakrum ke-3(S3).3

sebagian risiko dan efek anestesi umum, serta meningkatkan keamanan dan kepuasan pasien.1 Berbagai anestesi lokal dapat digunakan dalam teknik anestesi spinal. Anestesi lokal

Namun bagaimanpun juga, anestesi lokal saat ini meskipun sudah cukup aman dan modern saat ini ada yang memiliki onset cukup cepat, ada yang memiliki durasi yang cukup

efektif, pengembangan terus dilakukan untuk mencapai onset yang cepat, durasi aksi yang lama, lama, memiliki dosis toksik yang cukup besar. Namun agen anestesi lokal yang mencakup

selektifitas serabut saraf yang lebih baik, blokade motor yang lebih sedikit, dan insiden semua keuntungan tersebut saat ini belum ada, dan masih sebuah ilusi. Para ilmuwan terus

toksisitas sistemik yang rendah. Beberapa pengembangan yang dilakukan misalnya pencarian berusaha mencari agen yang onset cepat, durasi kerja lama, tempat kerja yang selektif, efek

agen anestesi lokal baru, rekayasa sistem deliveri obat, dan penggunan ajuvan terhadap anestesi toksik sistemik minimal. Dalam usaha pencarian agen anestesi lokal yang ideal ini, sebagian

lokal.1,2 menggunakan kombinasi anestesi lokal dengan ajuvan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas anestesi

Berbagai percobaan dan penelitian dilakukan untuk mencari ajuvan yang sesuai agar lokal.2

anestesi lokal lebih efektif, seperti penggunaan opioid, alpha-1 adrenergik, alpha-2 Ajuvan anestesi lokal digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan diantaranya:

adresnoresseptor agonis, NMDA resepttor antagonis, alkalinisasi, kortikosteroid, NSAID, - Mengurangi dosis anestesi lokal

agonis kolinergik, dextran, adenosin, dan obat neuromuskular blocking. Dalam referat ini, - Mempercepat onset kerja anestesi lokal

penulis akan fokus pada penggunaan opioid agonis sebagai ajuvan pada anestesi spinal.1 - Memperpanjang efek analgetik

- Mengurangi efek samping obat analgetik.

1 2
Untuk mencapai tujuan diatas, beberapa penelitian mengungkapkan penggunaan 1. Mekanisme aksi

diantaranya opioid, alpha-1 adrenergik, alpha-2 adresnoresseptor agonis, NMDA resepttor Obat-obat opioid menghasilkan efek analgesi melalui mekanisme molekuler yang sama

antagonis, alkalinisasi, kortikosteroid, NSAID, agonis kolinergik, dextran, adenosin, dan obat sebagai agonis reseptor G-coupled protein dan menghasilkan inhibisi adenilat siklase, akhirnya

neuromuskular blocking.2,4 mengganggu kanal ion potasiium (meningkat) dan kalsium (menurun), yang pada akhirnya

Opioid adalah obat paling poten saat ini untuk mengatasi nyeri perioperatif. Keuntungan menyebabkan penurunan eksitabilitas neuron. Reseptor-reseptor ini ditemukan di otak, medula

penggunaan opioid ini secara sistemik sayangnya dibatasi oleh efek samping opioid yang tidak spinalis, primary afferent neuron, dan jaringan non-neural. Terdapat tiga jenis resptor opioid

diharapkan. Untuk mencapai tujuan analgesik tanpa efek samping yang tidak diharapkan, yaitu mu (µ), kappa (k), dan delta (δ). Setiap jenis reseptor mempunyai afinitas yang berbeda

opioid digunakan juga secara neuraksial, salah satunya dalam anestesi spinal. Efek anestesi dan terhadap obat-obat opioid, dengan spesifik efek terapi dan adverse.4,10,11

analgesi melalui neuraksial dapat secara injeksi tunggal, bolus intermitten, atau infus Tempat kerja utama opioid dalam neuraksial adalah reseptor mu (presinaptik dan

kontinyu.4,5,6 postsinaptik) yang terdapat di substansia gelatinosa (Rexed laminae II & III) dorsal horn medula

Anestesi lokal sering digunakan dalam kombinasi dengan opioid untuk mencapai profil spinalis, serabut saraf C- dan A-, dan efek minimal pada akson dorsal root. Aktivasi reseptor

keamanan dan efikasi yang baik. Keuntungan penggunaan opioid bersama anestesi lokal secara kappa dan delta juga dapat terlibat dalam anestesi spinal. Meskipun mekanisme kerja secara
neuraksial antara lain. umum sama, opioid neuraksial berbeda dalam hal onset, durasi, intensitas, dan derajat

- Meningkatkan kualitas dan memperpanjang efek analgesi penyebaran rostral. Perbedaan ini adalah akibat adanya bioavailabilitas medula spinalis, yang

- Menurunkan kebutuhn dosis anestesi lokal, sehingga menurunkan risiko toksisitas berbanding terbalik dengan liposolubilitas, sehingga semakin hidrofilik opioid, semakin tinggi

- Memperpanjang efek analgesi, namun tidak dengan blokade motorik dan autonomik bioavailabilitas medula spinalisnya. Bioavailabilitas medul spinalis adalah kemampuan opioid

- Mobilisasi dini yang diberikan neuraksial untuk mencapai reseptor spesifik dalam medula spinalis.7,12,13

Efikasi dan keamanan penggunaan opioid secara neuraksial tidak lepas dari profil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa analgesi pada pemberian spinal tidak eksklusif hanya

masing-masing opioid. Dalam pemilihan obat opioid secara spinal, perlu diperhatikan profil melalui mekanisme aksi pada medula spinalis saja. Analgesi dapat juga terjadi akibat efek

farmakokinetik, farmakodinamik, dosis pemberian, dan metode pemberian (bolus vs infus). sefalad atau supraspinal, akibat aliran CSF yang membawa opioid ke atas. Atau opioid dapat

juga terserap sistemik melalui pembuluh darah dan mengalami distribusi ke pusat nyeri di


3 4
2. Farmakokinetik memediasi efek supraspinal. Sedangkan opioid yang cepat cleared tidak mencapai konsentrasi

Farmakokinetik menjelaskan hubungan antara dosis obat dan konsentrasi pada tempat yang cukup tinggi untuk memediasi efek supraspinal, namun mungkin memediasi efek analgesi

aksi. Fungsi biologis dan profil fisikokimia obat menentukan perubahan konsentrasi obat di sentral melalui redistribusi sistemik.16

berbagai kompartemen. Opioid sendiri dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi lipofilik dan hidrofilik.

Pada pemberian intratekal, opioid akan mengalami dua kejadian: penetrasi ke medula spinalis, Tabel 2. Farmakologi klinis opioid neuraksial 7
dan penetrasi ke ruang epidural.15 Opioid hidrofilik
Onset lambat Analgesi onset tertunda
Ruang cairan ekstraselular medula spinalis membutuhkan konsentrasi opioid yang Durasi lama Dosis tunggal, efek analgesi Durasi yang tak terprediksi
cukup agar opioid dapat mengikat reseptor pada dorsal horn. Konsentrasi ini sangat Solubilitas CSF tinggi Dosis minimal dibandingkan Insiden efek samping lebih tinggi
dosis intravena Depresi napas tertunda
berhubungan dengan lipofilisitas. Bioavailabilitas opioid lipofilik secara relatif sangat lebih Penyebaran CSF ekstensif Analgesi toraks dengan
pemberian lumbal
rendah dari opioid hidrofilik pada cairan ekstraseluler medula spinalis. Redistribusi ke rongga Opioid Lipofilik
Onset cepat Analgesia cepat
Durasi pendek Menurunkan efek samping Dosis tunggal yang singkat
epidural secara difusi merupakan rute utama eliminasi opioid, yang menurunkan
Solubilitas CSF rendah Ideal untuk infusion kontinyu Absorpsi sistemik
atau PCEA
bioavailabilitas opioid medula spinalis, dan menurunkan migrasi rostral opioid. Penyebaran Penyebaran CSF minimal Sulit mencapai torakal pada
pemberian per lumbar
opioid dalam CSF terjadi akibat pergerakan CSF itu sendiri, difusi obat, volume, barisitas dan

kecepatan induksi, serta posisi pasien.16,17

a. Difusi medula spinalis

Tabel 1. Oktanol/ koefisien partisi air beberapa opioid Affinitas medula spinalis terhadap opioid tergantung dari liposulubilitas opioid.
Morfin 1,4 Penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa opioid lipofilik lebih cenderung mengikat tempat non
Hidromorfon 2
Meperidin 39 spesifik di white matter, sedangkan opioid hidrofilik mengikat reseptor opioid dorsal horn di
Alfentanil 145
Fentanil 813 grey matter. White matter 80% terdiri dari lemak, yang juga terdiri dari membran plasma
Sufentanil 1778
Ket: semakin tinggi koefisien partisi, semakin tinggi solubilitas lemaknya neuronal dan sel schwann; sedangkan grey matter tidak memiliki myelin sehingga lebih

hidrofilik. Ini menjelaskan effikasi opioid hidrofilik yang lebih besar dibandingkan opioid

Perbedaan penyebaran rostral dapat diperkirakan dari perbedaan clearance rates. lipofilik.18

Clearance rate sufentanil (obat sangat lipofilik) dari CSF adalah sekitar 27 ml/kg/min, Bernard set al mengungkapkan hal yang sejalan. Mereka mengatakan, opioid lipofilik

sedangkan morfin (obat sangat hidrofilik) adalah sekitar 2,8 ml/kg/min. Akibatnya, morfin dapat menembus BBB dengan mudah, sangat tersequestered dalam lemak epidural, uptake

lebih bertahan lama dalam CSF, dan mencapai konsentrasi yang lebih tinggi, sehingga vaskular yang baik, dan terikat ke grey matter dan white matter di medula spinalis. Hal ini

5 6
secara klinis diartikan onset yang cepat, durasi yang pendek, migrasi rostral yang terbatas, yang dimediasi mekanisme aksi spinal dihasilkan oleh epidural bupivakain dikombinasi dengan

menghasilkan analgesi segmental yang sempit pada tempat injeksi, dan risiko depresi napas epidural sufentanil. Kombinasi kedua agen menawarkan keuntungan dual mekanisme aksi

yang dini (segera). Opioid hidrofilik menembus BBB secara lambat, derajat sequesterasi ke dalam mengontrol nyeri. Opioid neuraxial mengikat reseptor opioid di dorsal horn grey matter

lemak epidural yang lebih rendah, uptake plasma yang lambat, dan terikat spesifik di reseptor medulla spinalis dan juga akibat uptake sistemik dan redistribusi, sehingga terjadi analgesi

opioid dorsal horn di grey matter medulla spinalis. Secara klinis, ini berarti onset yang lambat, spinal dan supraspinal. Sedangkan anestesi lokal menghambat transmisi impulse pada nerve

durasi yang lama, migrasi rostral yang besar yang menghasilkan analgesi segmental yang luas root dan dorsal root ganglia, menghasilkan analgesia spinal segmental.20

di atas tempat injeksi, dan risiko depresi napas yang tertunda.14

4. Karakteristik masing-masing opioid

b. Tempat aksi, bolus vs infusion a. Morfin

Penelitian menunjukkan pasien yang menerima infusion fentanil epidural mengalami Morfin adalah gold standard opioid spinal, merupakanopioid pertama yang diizinkan

analgesia non segmental dan terdapat hubungan linier antara efek analgesik dan konsentrasi untuk administrasi spinal, dan digunakan luas. Onset aksi morfin lambat (intratekal 15 menit,

plasma fentanil. Sedangkan pasien yang menerima injeksi bolus fentanil epidural mengalami epidural 30 menit), durasi aksi panjang (12-24 jam) dan waktu paruh 170 menit. Morfin

analgesi segmental dan hubungan tidak linier antara efek analgesi dan konsentrasi fentanil di merupakan opioid yang bioavailabilitasnhya paling baik, terlihat dari dosis yang relatif sangat

plasma. Penulis menjelaskan, bahwa dengan teknik bolus, terdapat gradien konsentrasi yang kecil dibandingkan rute parenteral. Secara epidural, dapat diberikan bolus atau infusion, tunggal

besar antara epidural dan entratekal, sehingga terjadi difusi, dan pengikatan ke dorsal horn, atau sebagai ajuvan anestesi lokal untuk meningkatkan kualitas analgesi, melalui mekanisme

sehingga terjadi analgesi akibat spinal. Sedangkan pada infusion kontinyu, tidak terjadi gradien sinergistik.5

yang cukup besar untuk memfasilitasi difusi fentanil ke intratekal, sehingga terjadi uptake Clinical trials pada arthroplasty, pembedahan tulang belakang, sectio caesarean dan
sistemik melalui vaskuler, sehingga terjadi analgesi supraspinal. pembedahan abdomen mengungkapkan penggunaan dosis tunggal EREM (extended release

epidural morphine) <15 mg mampu memberikan analgesi post op hingga 48 jam dengan efek

3. Sinergi anestesi lokal dan opioid samping yang terprediksi. EREM menghasilkan kepuasan pasien yang lebih baik dibandingkan

Penelitian menunjukkan adanya aksi sinergistik antara lokal anestesi dan opioid di level morfin IV-PCA. EREM diberikan dosis tunggal melalui injeksi epidural setinggi lumbar dan

spinal pada hewan coba. Sufentanil yang diberikan via parenteral atau neuraxial menunjukkan tidak memerlukan kateter, sehingga dapat menghindari failure terkait infusion epidural

effikasi yang serupa. Joris et al menunjukkan pada dua kelompok analgesi dengan epidural kontinyu.21

analgesia, secara bermakna membutuhkan lebih sedikit sufentanil bila sufentanil diberikan Morfin sebaiknya diberikan sebelum pembedahan mulai atau setelah pengikatan

epidural, dibandingkan dengan sufentanil intravena. Penulis menyimpulkan, bahwa analgesi umbilical cord pada SC, dan minimal 15 menit setelah epidural test dose, serta tidak ada obat

7 8
lagi yang diberikan dalam 48 jam. EREM sebaiknya tidak diberikan dalam 1 jam setelah namun risiko efek samping sangat tinggi, sehingga rute ini tidak direkomendasikan.

pemberian dosis besar anestesi lokal epidural, karena dapat mengganggu farmakokinetik obat Norphetidine adalah metabolit toksik dan dapat menyebabkan neurotoksisitas dan kejang pada

dan meningkatkan risiko toksisitas.22 konsentrasi tinggi. Pethidine mungkin dapat digunakan sebagai analgesi post op SC, baik

Terdapat korelasi antara dosis obat dengan adverse effects pada penggunaan morfin bolusm infusion kontinyu, maupun PCA epidural.24

dengan anestesi lokal intratekal. Penulis menyetujui dosis morfin intratekal <300 µg sebagai

dosis aman terhadap risiko depresi pernapasan yang tidak lebih besar daripada pemberian secara d. Fentanil dan sufentanil

sistemik. Namun meskipun demikian, kehati-hatian tetap harus dilakukan, hindari penggunaan Fentanil merupakan opioid lipofilik yang sangat poten dengan onset aksi cepat (5 menit

pada ambulatory surgery dan pasien dengan penyakit kardiorespirasi, karena durasi aksinya intratekal, 10 menit epidural) dan durasi pendek (2-4 jam). Metabolit fentanil tidak aktif.

yang panjang. Dosis optimal disarankan 75-100 µg untuk dosis tunggal intratekal, dan 2,5-3,75 Fentanil 800x lebih lipid soluble dari morfin, dengan waktu paruh 190 menit. Fentanil intratekal

mg untuk dosis tunggal epidural untuk analgesi post op 24 jam.13 (20-30 µg) kombinasi dengan bupivakain atau lidokain menghasilkan onset blok yang lebih

cepat, meningkatkan kualitas analgesi intra dan post operatif tanpa memperburuk blokade

b. Diamorphine motorik ata penundaan waktu pulang.24

Diamorfin merupakan prodrug derivat heroin, semi sintetik, bersifat lipofilik, dan dua Sufentanil mempunyai onset yang lebih cepat (intratekal 2 menit, epidural 4-6 menit)

kali lebih poten dibanding morfin. Diamorfin dikonversi menjadi obat aktif (morfin dan 6- dan durasi singkat (intratekal, epidural 1-3 jam) dibandingkan fentanil. Sufentanil 5-7 kali lebih

acetylmorfin) di hati dan jaringan neural. Diamorfin 280x lebih lipid soluble daripada morfin poten daripada fentanil dan 1600x lebih lipid soluble daripada morfin dengan waktu paruh 150

sehingga onsetnya lebih cepat, durasi yang lebih pendek dengan insiden efek samping seperti menit.24

mual, muntah, dan delayed depresi napas yang lebih rendah. Diamorfin umum digunakan untuk Hal ini menunjukkan efek yang menguntungkan kombinasi obat ini dengan agen lokal

analgesi SC baik intratekal maupun epidural, menghasilkan kualitas dan durasi analgesi yang anestesi pada anestesi ambulatory surgery dan analgesi pada proses melahirkan.

sama, namun pemberian intratekal memiliki insidensi pruritus yang lebih tinggi.24

Tabel 3. Regimen beberapa analgesi opioid intratekal24


Pethidine merupakan opioid lipofilik dengan potensi 1/10 morfin dan 30x lebih lipid Morfin 2-300:1 0,1-0,5 mg 30 18-24 ?
Fentanil 10-20:1 5-25 µg 5 1-4 5-20 µg/jam
soluble. Pethidine mempunyai onset yang lebih cepat (intratekal 5 menit, epidural 10 menit) Sufentanil 10-20:1 2-10 µg 5 2-6 1-5 µg/jam

dan durasi yang lebih pendek(4-8 jam epidural dan intratekal) dibandingkan morfin. Pethidine

mempunyai sifat anestesi lokal. Dosis 1 mg/kg intratekal menghasilkan anestesi pembedahan,

9 10
5. Efek samping d. Depresi pernapasan

Pemberian opioid secara neuraxial bukanlah tanpa efek samping. Efek sampingnya Efek ini merupakan efek samping yang paling serius dan berbahaya. Insiden pada

tergantung dengan dosis dan terjadi akibat migrasi ke sefalad dan absorpsi sistemik dari rongga pemberian neuraksial (epidural, intratekal) sama dengan pemberian sistemik, yaitu <1%. Faktor

epidural. Efek samping yang umum terjadi adalah: yang diduga meningkatkan risiko ini antara lain: 24

a. Pruritis - Orang tua

Pruritis merupakan efek samping yang paling umum terjadi. Insiden pada pemberian - Dosis opioid yang tinggi

intratekal lebih besar daripada pemberian IV. Terjadi dalam beberapa jam, dan terlokalisasi di - Penggunaan sedatif dan analgesia sekaligus

wajah, toraks, dan leher. Mekanisme yang dicurigai adalah akibat migrasi sefalad dan interaksi - Adanya komorbid seperti sleep apnoea, penyakit paru

dengan reseptor opioid di nukleus trigeminal. Lebih sering terjadi pada morfin (70%) daripada - Opioid naivety

fentanil (10%). Nalokson merupakan terapi yang efektif, namun dapat menurunkan efek Depresi pernapasan dini (pada opioid lipofilik) terjadi dalam 20-30 pada pemberian

analgesik. Terapi lain meliputi antihistamin, propofol, 5 HT antagonist dan NSAID.24 intratekal dan 2 jam pada pemberian epidural. Sedangkan depresi pernapasan delayed (pada

b. Nausea dan vomiting opioid hidrofilik) terjadi 6-12 jam setelah pemberian intratekal, akibat migrasi rostral opioid ke

Insiden antara 20-50%. Lebih sering terjadi pada wanita dan pemberian intratekal. Efek pusat pernapasan. Terapi efek samping ini mungkin membutuhkan nalokson. Pasien sebaiknya

ini dicurigai juga karena migrasi ke sefalad, dan interaksi dengan reseptor opioid di zona trigger dimonitor dengan pulse oksimetri dan monitoring kesadaran untuk 24 jam mengikuti pemberian

kemoreseptor. Promethazine dan scopolamine dapat digunakan untuk profilaksis, serta opioid neuraxial. 24

deksametason dan droperidol sebagai terapi. 24

c. Retensi urin e. Lain-lain

Terjadi pada 30-40% lelaki muda yang menerima morfin intratekal. Efek ini tergantung Efek samping lain yang dapat terjadi meliputi sedasi, neuro-eksitasi, disfungsi seksual,

dosis, dan berlangsung selama 14 jam. Efek ini disebabkan inhibisi outflow parasimpatetik disfungsi okuler, reaktivasi virus, dan gangguan thermoregulator. 24

sakral, sehingga terjadi relaksasi otot detrusor. Efek ini jarang terjadi setelah pemberian opioid

lipofilik. Kateterisasi urin dibutuhkan untuk mengatasi efek ini. 24

11 12

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IX. Komplikasi Blokade Neuroaxial
Morgan GE; 2006: 289-323 Komplikasi yang dihubungkan dengan respons Fisiologis
High Neural Blockade
Daftar Isi
Cardiac Arrest during Spinal Anestesi
Retensi Urin
Komplikasi yang dihubungkan dengan penusukan jarum dan kateter
I. Pendahuluan
Anestesi/Analgesi tidak adekuat
II. Peranan Neuroaxial Anestesi pada Praktek Anestesi
Suntikan Intravaskuler
Pasien Geriatri
Total Spinal Anestesi
Pasien Obstetri
Suntikan Subdural
III. Anatomi
Columna Vertebralis
Postdural Puncture Headache
Medulla Spinalis
Cedera Neurologis
IV. Mechanism of action
Hematom Spinal atau Epidural
Blok Somatik
Meningitis dan Arachnoidits
Blokade Otonom
Abses Epidural
Manifestasi Kardiovaskuler
Robekan kateter epidural
Manifestasi Pulmonal
Komplikasi yang dihubungkan dengan Toksisitas Obat
Manifestasi Gastrointestinal
Toksisitas Sistemis
Manifestasi Tractus Urinarius
Transient Neurologis Symptom
Manifestasi Metabolik dan Endokrin
Toksisitas Lidokain
V. Pertimbangan Klinis untuk Spinal dan Epidural Anestesia
Kontra Indikasi
Dalam setting anticoagulant dan antiplatelet
Bangun atau Tidur Ringkasan
Pertimbangan Teknik
Anatomi Permukaan 1. Spinal, epidural dan caudal blok juga disebut sebagai Neuroaxial anestesi. Setiap blok
Posisi ini dapat dilakukan dengan suntikan tunggal atau dengan kateter sehingga dapat
Sitting dilakukan pemberian secara intermiten atau kontinu.
2. Melakukan tusukan lumbal (subarachnoid) harus dibawah L1 pada dewasa (L3 pada
Anatomic approach anak) untuk menghindari kemungkinan trauma oleh jarum pada medulla spinalis.
Mid line 3. Tempat kerja utama blok neuroaxial adalah pada nerve root (radiks saraf).
Menilai Level Blokade 4. Terdapat perbedaan blokade pada blokade simpatis (sensitivitas temperatur) 2 segmen
VI. Spinal Anestesi lebih tinggi dari blok sensoris (nyeri, raba halus), dan 2 segmen lebih tinggi daripada
Jarum Spinal blokade motoris. Sensoris 2 segmen lebih tinggi dari motoris.
Kateter Spinal
Teknik Khusus
5. Interupsi transmisi eferen otonom pada radiks nerves spinalis dapat menimbulkan
Faktor yang mempengaruhi Level Blokade blokade simpatis dan parasimpatis.
Obat Anestesi Spinal 6. Blokade neuroaxial dapat menurunkan tekanan darah yang disertai penurunan denyut
VII. Epidural Anestesi jantung dan kontraksi jantung.
Jarum Epidual
Kateter Epidural 7. Efek kardiovaskuler yang berbahaya harus diantisipasi untuk mengurangi derajat
Teknik Khusus hipotensi. Loading volume 10-20 ml/kg intravena pada pasien sehat untuk
Activating mengkompensasi pooling vena.
Faktor yang mempengaruhi Level Blokade
Obat Anestesi Epidural 8. Bradikardia harus diterapi dengan sulfas atropin, dan hipotensi diterapi dengan
Kegagalan Epidural Anestesi vasopressor.

1 2
9. Kontraindikasi neuroaxial blokade adalah pasien menolak, gangguan perdarahan, komplikasi dimulai dari yang sembuh sendiri sampai terjadi kerusakan saraf permanen
hipovolemia berat, peningkatan tekanan intrakranial, infeksi di tempat suntikan,
dan kematian. Karena itu praktisi harus mempunyai pengertian yang baik tentang
penyakit katup jantung stenosis berat atau obstruksi outflow ventricular.
anatomi, familier dengan farmakologi dan dosis toksik dari obat yang digunakan, teknik
10. Untuk anestesi epidural, hilangnya tahanan yang tiba-tiba menunjukkan jarum masuk
rongga epidural. Untuk spinal anestesi ditandai dengan keluarnya liquor yang steril dan mampu mengantisipasi dan dengan cepat mengobati perubahan fisiologi
yang terjadi.
11. Epidural anestesi adalah suatu teknik neuroaksial yang tempat pemasangannya
mempunyai rentang yang lebih luas daripada Spinal Anestesi. Epidural blok dapat
dilakukan pada level lumbal, torakal, cervical. II. Peranan Anestesi Neuroaxial dalam Praktek Anestesi
Walaupun semua operasi dibawah leher dapat dilakukan dengan anestesi
12. Epidural teknik digunakan secara luas untuk anestesi operasi, obstetri analgesia, neuroaxial. Akan tetapi, disebabkan karena operasi intratorasik, abdomen atas,
pengelolaan nyeri pascabedah, pengelolaan nyeri kronis.
laparoskopi secara nyata mengganggu ventilasi, juga diperlukan anestesi umum dengan
13. Onset epidural anestesi lebih lambat (10-20 menit), dan kurang dalam dibandingkan
dengan spinal anestesi. intubasi endotrakheal. Maka timbul pertanyaan mengapa melakukan anestesi regional
14. Kuantitas (volume dan konsentrasi) obat anestesi lokal yang diperlukan untuk pada kasus ini atau untuk kasus lain?
epidural anestesi lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan spinal anestesi. Toksisitas yang Beberapa penelitian klinis menunjukkan bahwa morbiditas pascabedah dan
nyata dapat terjadi bila jumlah tersebut disuntikkan intratekal atau intravena.
Panduan yang aman adalah gunakan test dose dan berikan secara incremental. mungkin juga mortalitas dapat diturunkan bila blokade neuroaxial digunakan secara
15. Epidural Caudal anestesi adalah salah satu teknik regional anestesi yang sering tersendiri atau dikombinasi dengan anestesi umum. Blokade neuroaxial dapat mengurangi
digunakan pada pasien pediatrik.
kejadian trombosis vena dan emboli pulmonal, komplikasi jantung pada pasien resiko
tinggi, perdarahan dan keperluan transfusi, oklusi graft vaskuler, pneumonia dan depresi
I. Pendahuluan
nafas setelah operasi abdomen atas dan torak pada pasien dengan penyakit paru kronis.
Blokade spinal, kaudal, dan epidural pertama kali digunakan untuk prosedur
Blokade neuroaxial menyebabkan lebih cepatnya pulihnya fungsi gastrointestinal setelah
pembedahan pada abad ke 20. Blok sentral tersebut secara luas digunakan sebelum tahun
pembedahan. Mekanismenya antara lain memperbaiki keadaan hiperkoagulopati,
1940 sampai meningkatnya laporan terjadinya gangguan neurologis permanen. Akan
simpatectomi yang akan meningkatkan aliran darah ke jaringan, meningkatkan
tetapi, suatu penelitian epidemiologis yang besar tahun 1950 menunjukkan bahwa
peristaltik, dan penekanan dari stress respons neuroendokrin akibat pembedahan. Untuk
sesungguhnya komplikasi jarang terjadi bila blok dilakukan dengan teknik yang benar
pasien dengan penyakit jantung koroner, penurunan stress repons dapat menghasilkan
dengan perhatian pada sepsis dan penggunaan obat anestesi lokal yang lebih aman.
kurangnya iskemia perioperatif dan menurunkan morbiditas dan mortalitas. Peningkatan
Blokade spinal, epidural, dan kaudal disebut juga sebagai anestesi neuroaxial.
penggunaan beta bloker perioperatif untuk mengurangi komplikasi kardiak perioperatif,
Setiap blok tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan suntikan tunggal atau dengan kateter supaya
akan tetapi, mungkin menghilangkan atau mengurangi kemungkinan keuntungan
dapat dilakukan suntikan intermiten atau kontinu. Anestesi neuroaxial secara luas
neuroaxial anestesi pada pasien ini. Penurunan pemakaian opiat parenteral dapat
menambah persenjataan ahli anestesi dan merupakan alternatif dari anestesi umum. Dapat
menurunkan kejadian atelektasis, hipoventilasi, dan aspirasi pneumonia. Epidural
juga digunakan secara simultan dengan anestesi umum atau setelah anestesi umum untuk
analgesia pascabedah dapat secara nyata mengurangi waktu untuk ekstubasi dan
pengelolaan nyeri pascabedah serta untuk pengelolaan nyeri akut dan nyeri kronis.
mengurangi kebutuhan untuk ventilasi mekanis setelah operasi abdomen atau torak besar.
Blokade neuroaxial dapat dilakukan dengan aman bila dikelola dengan baik, akan
tetapi, tetap mempunyai resiko untuk terjadi komplikasi. Reaksi buruk dan rentang

3 4
Pasien Geriatri Pasien Obstetri
Anestesiologist sangat familier dengan situasi dimana seorang konsultan Anestesi neuroaxial mempunyai pengaruh besar dalam obstetri. Epidural
menyatakan pasien geriatri dengan penyakit jantung untuk dioperasi dengan spinal analgesia sering digunakan untuk analgesia persalinan. Seksio Caesarea umumnya
anestesi. Tapi apakah spinal anestesi sungguh-sungguh lebih aman daripada anestesi dilakukan dengan spinal atau epidural anestesi. Baik dengan epidural atau spinal, ibunya
umum? Spinal anestesi tanpa sedasi intravena dapat mengurangi delirium pascabedah tetap sadar dan mendapatkan pengalaman melahirkan bayi. Penelitian di Inggris dan USA
atau disfungsi kognitif, yang kadang terlihat pada geriatri. Sayangnya, beberapa, kalau menunjukkan bahwa anestesi regional untuk bedah sesar dihubungkan dengan kurangnya
tidak bisa disebutkan sering, pasien memerlukan sedasi selama tindakan pembedahan, morbiditas dan mortalitas ibu dibandingkan dengan anestesi umum. Hal ini dihubungkan
untuk kenyamanan dan memfasilitasi operasi. Apakah spinal anestesi lebih aman untuk dengan penurunan kejadian aspirasi paru dan kegagalan intubasi.
pasien dengan penyakit jantung koroner berat atau penurunan ejection fraction? Idealnya
suatu teknik anestesi pada pasien yang tidak boleh hipotensi (yang menurunkan tekanan III. Anatomi
perfusi miokardium) atau hipertensi atau takikardi (yang akan meningkatkan konsumsi Columna Vertebralis
oksigen miokardium), dan tidak memerlukan infus cairan banyak (yang dapat Spine dibentuk oleh tulang vertebra dan diskus intervetebralis yang fibro
mempresipitasi timbulnya penyakit jantung kongestif). Sayangnya, spinal anestesi sering kartilago. Terdapat 7 vertebra cervical, 12 torakal, dan 5 vertebra lumbal. Sacrum
dihubungkan dengan terjadinya hipotensi dan bradikardi yang cepat timbulnya dan merupakan persatuan (fusi) dari 5 vertebra sakralis dan ada vertebra sacrococcygeal yang
kadang hipotensi berat. Lebih jauh, tindakan dengan memberikan cairan infus jumlah rudimenter. Spine secara keseluruhan menopang tubuh serta melindungi medula spinalis
banyak atau vasopressor dan atau anticholinergik yang dapat menyebabkan overload dan sarafnya. Pada setiap level vertebra keluar sepasang saraf kranial.
cairan (ketika vasodilatasi sudah pulih), rebound hipertensi dan takikardi. Hipotensi dan Vertebra berbeda dalam ukuran dan bentuknya pada setiap level. Vertebra C1,
bradikardi yang terjadi perlahan setelah epidural anestesi mungkin memberikan atlas, mempunyai bentuk yang unik. Vertebra kedua, axis, sebagai konsekuensinya
anestesiologist waktu yang lebih lama untuk mengkoreksi perubahan hemodinamik, mempunyai permukaan persendian yang atipikal. Ke-12 vertebra torakal mempunyai
walaupun hipotensi ini masih terjadi. Beberapa klinisi menghindari epidural anestesi pada kartilago dengan kosta.
geriatri yang mempunyai stenosis spinalis, serta ketakutan bolus obat anestesi akan
memberikan efek masa mengganggu perfusi medula spinalis. Sebaliknya, anestesi umum, Medulla Spinalis
juga menimbulkan masalah pada pasien dengan fungsi jantung yang terbatas. Pada pasien dewasa, medula spinalis dimulai dari foramen magnum sampai L1.
Kebanyakan obat anestesi umum mendepresi jantung dan menyebabkan vasodilatasi. Pada anak-anak medula spinalis berakhir di L3 dan naik sesuai dengan bertambahnya
Anestesi yang dalam dapat menyebabkan hipotensi, sedangkan anestesi dangkal umur. Disebabkan karena medulla spinalis umumnya berakhir di L1, maka melakukan
menyebabkan hipertensi dan takikardi. Insersi LMA kurang menimbulkan respons stress tusukan subarachnoid dibawah L1 pada dewasa (L3 pada anak) akan menghindari
daripada intubasi endotrakheal, tapi anestesi yang lebih dalam diperlukan untuk kemungkinan trauma karena tusukan jarum pada medulla spinalis. Kerusakan cauda
menumpulkan respons terhadap stimulasi bedah. equina tidak mungkin terjadi karena serabut saraf mengambang di sakus dura dibawah
L1 dan suntikan jarum bertendensi untuk mendorong menjauh daripada tertusuk. Sakus
dura dan ruangan subdura memanjang sampai S2 pada dewasa dan sampai S3 pada anak-
anak. Disebabkan kenyataan ini dan lebih kecilnya ukuran tubuh anak, maka caudal

5 6
anestesi mempunyai resiko lebih besar terjadi suntikan subarachnoid pada anak Gambar 16 - 2. The vertebral column.
dibandingkan dengan dewasa.

Gambar 16 - 1. Sagittal section through lumbar vertebrae (A). Common features of

vertebrae (B, C).

7 8
Gambar 16-3. Posterior and sagittal views of the sacrum and coccyx. Gambar 16-5. Exit of the spinal nerves. Gambar 16-6. The spinal cord.

Gambar 16 – 4. Lumbar epidural anesthesia; midline approach.

Gambar 17-7. Sagittal view through the

lumbar vertebrae and sacrum. Note the
end of the spinal cord rises with
development from approximately L3 to
L1. The dural sac normally ends at S2

9 10
IV. Mekanisme Kerja Manifestasi Kardiovaskuler
Tempat kerja utama dari blokade neuroaxial adalah nerve root/radiks saraf. Obat Blokade neuroaxial menyebabkan penurunan tekanan darah yang dihubungkan
anestesi lokal disuntikkan ke CSF (spinal anestesi) atau ruangan epidural ( epidural dan dengan penurunan denyut jantung dan kontraksi jantung. Efek ini umumnya proporsional
caudal anestesi) dan merendam root nerve di ruang subarachnoid atau ruang epidural. dengan tingkatan / level simpatektomi. Tonus vasomotor umumnya ditentukan oleh
Suntikan langsung obat anestesi lokal kedalam CSF untuk spinal anestesi membutuhkan serabut simpatis yang berasal dari T5 sampai L1, yang mempersarafi otot polos arterial
jumlah volume dan dosis yang relatif kecil dibandingkan dengan epidural dan kaudal dan vena. Blok saraf ini menyebabkan vasodilatasi dari vena, terjadi pooling darah, dan
anestesia. Lebih jauh tempat suntikan untuk epidural umumnya lebih dekat ke nerve root penurunan venous return. Arterial sistemik vasodilatasi juga menurunkan resistensi
yang harus dianestesi. Blokade transmisi neural (konduksi) dari serabut nerve root vaskuler sistemik. Efek arterial vasodilatasi dikurangi dengan adanya kompensasi
posterior memblok sensasi somatik dan visceral, sedangkan blokade nerve root anterior vasokonstriksi pada level diatas blokade. Suatu blok simpatis yang tinggi tidak saja
mencegah outflow otonom dan eferent motoris. mencegah vasokonstriksi kompensasi tapi juga memblok serabut kardiac asselerator yang
berasal dari T1-T4. Hipotensi hebat dapat ditimbulkan karena kombinasi vasodilatasi
Blokade Somatik dengan bradikardi dan penurunan kontraktilitas. Efek ini diperbesar kalau venous return
Dengan menghentikan transmisi stimuli nyeri dan menghilangkan tonus otot terhambat dengan adanya posisi head-up atau oleh berat uterus yang gravid. Adanya
skelet, blokade neuroaxial dapat memberikan kondisi pembedahan yang ekselen. Blokade tonus vagal menerangkan kejadian henti jantung tiba-tiba pada spinal anestesi.
sensoris menghambat nyeri somatik dan visceral, sedangkan blokade motoris Efek kardiovaskuler yang buruk harus diantisipasi untuk mengurangi derajat
menyebabkan relaksasi otot skelet. Efek obat anestesi lokal pada serabut saraf bervariasi hipotensi. Loading volume dengan 10-20 ml/kg cairan intravena pada pasien sehat akan
bergantung pada ukuran serabut saraf, bermielin, dan konsentrasi serta lamanya kontak. mengkompensasi pooling darah vena. Menempatkan uterus kekiri pada trimester ketiga
Akar nerves spinalis terdiri dari gabungan bermacam serabut saraf. Serabut yang lebih kehamilan mengurangi obstruksi fisik pada venous return. Disamping faktor-faktor
kecil dan bermielin umumnya lebih mudah diblok daripada serabut saraf yang lebih besar tersebut, hipotensi masih bisa terjadi dan harus segera diterapi. Pemberian cairan dapat
dan tidak bermielin. Kenyataan bahwa konsentrasi obat anestesi lokal menurun dengan ditingkatkan, dan autotransfusi dengan memposisikan pasien head-down. Bradikardi
meningkatnya jarak dari level penyuntikan, menerangkan fenomena perbedaan blokade. diterapi dengan atropin, dan hipotensi diterapi dengan vasopressor. Alpha adrenergic
Perbedaan blokade berakibat blok simpatis (yang ditentukan oleh sensitivitas temperatur) agonist direk (misalnya fenilephrin) meningkatkan tonus vena dan menyebabkan arteriol
2 segmen lebih tinggi daripada blok sensoris (nyeri, raba halus) yang 2 segmen lebih vasokonstriksi, meningkatkan venous return dan resistensi vaskuler sistemik. Efedrin
tinggi daripada blokade motoris. mempunyai efek direk beta adrenergic yang meningkatkan denyut dan kontraktilitas
jantung dan efek indirek berupa vasokonstriksi. Kalau hipotensi berat dan atau bradikardi
Blokade Otonom menetap disamping intervensi diatas dapat diberikan epinephrin 5-10 ug intravena.
Penghentian transmisi otonom pada radiks saraf spinal dapat menimbulkan
blokade saraf simpatis dan parasimpatis. Simpatic outflow dari medula spinalis adalah di Manifestasi Pulmonal
torakolumbal, sedangkan parasimpatis outflow di craniosacral. Serabut saraf simpatis Perubahan klinis yang jelas dari fisiologi pulmomal umumnya minimal dengan
preganglion (kecil, serabut beta bermielin) keluar dari medula spinalis blokade neuroaxial karena diapraghma dipersarafi oleh saraf frenikus dengan serabut

11 12
yang berasal dari C3-C5. Kecuali pada level torakal tinggi, volume tidal tidak berubah, kondisi operasi yang ekselen untuk prosedur laparoskopi bila digunakan untuk
hanya sedikit penurunan vital capacity, akibat dari hilangnya kontribusi otot abdomen menambah anestesi umum. Analgesia epidural pascabedah menunjukkan mempercepat
untuk tenaga ekspirasi. Blok saraf frenikus mungkin tidak terjadi kecuali pada total spinal kembalinya fungsi GIT.
anestesi sebagai apneu yang sering baik dengan resusitasi hemodinamik, menunjukkan Hepatic blood flow akan menurun dengan menurunnya MAP dari setiap teknik
bahwa keadaan tersebut lebih diakibatkan karena hipoperfusi batang otak daripada anestesi. Untuk operasi intraabdominal, penurunan perfusi hepatik lebih diakibatkan
blokade saraf frenikus. Konsentrasi obat anestesi lokal yang diberikan umumnya lebih karena manipulasi bedah daripada akibat teknik anestesi.
rendah daripada konsentrasi yang diperlukan untuk memblokade serabut A yang besar
dari saraf frenikus. Manifestasi Traktus Urinarius
Pasien dengan penyakit paru kronis yang berat menggunakan otot pernafasan Renal Blood Flow diatur melalui mekanisme autoregulasi, dan hanya ada efek
tambahan (otot interkostal atau abdominal) untuk inspirasi dan ekspirasi. Blokade saraf kecil dari blokade neuroaksial pada fungsi ginjal. Anestesi neuroaksial pada level lumbal
yang tinggi dapat mengganggu otot-otot tersebut. Hal yang sama, batuk dan kemampuan dan sakral memblokade kontrol saraf simpatis dan parasimpatis untuk fungsi vesica
untuk mengeluarkan sekret memerlukan otot-otot yang diperlukan untuk ekspirasi. Untuk urinaria. Hilangnya kontrol vesica urinaria otonom menyebabkan retensi urine sampai
alasan ini, blokade neuroaksial harus digunakan dengan hati-hati pada pasien dengan efek blokade hilang. Bila tidak dipasang kateter urine, pakai obat anetesi yang
fungsi respirasi yang terbatas. Efek buruk ini dibutuhkan untuk pertimbangan melawan mempunyai lama kerja singkat dengan dosis kecil serta membatasi jumlah cairan infus
keuntungan pencegahan penggunakan alat airway dan ventilasi tekanan positif. Untuk yang diberikan. Pasien harus dipantau untuk kejadian retensi urine untuk menghindari
pembedahan diatas umbilikus, teknik anestesi regional saja mungkin bukan merupakan distensi kandung kemih setelah anestesi neuroaksial.
pilihan terbaik untuk pasien dengan penyakit paru berat. Sebaliknya, pasien dapat
mengambil keuntungan dengan penggunaan epidural torakal (dengan obat anestesi lokal Manifestasi Metabolik dan Endokrin
dan opioid) untuk pengelolaan nyeri pascabedah, terutama setelah operasi abdomen atas Trauma bedah menimbulkan respon neuroendokrin melalui respons inflamatori
atau torakal. Operasi torakal atau abdomen atas dihubungkan dengan penurunan fungsi yang terlokalisir dan mengaktifkan serabut saraf aferent somatik dan visceral. Respons ini
diafragma pascabedah (dari penurunan aktivitas nerves frenikus) dan penurunan FRC termasuk peningkatan kadar adrenocorticotropic hormon, kortisol, epinephrine,
(Functional Residual Capacity) yang dapat membawa kearah terjadinya atelectasis dan norepinefrin, dan vasopresin serta mengaktivasi sistem renin-angiotensin-aldosteron.
hipoksia melalui mismatch ventilasi/perfusi. Beberapa bukti menyokong analgesia Manifestasi kliniknya antara lain terjadi hipertensi intraoperatif dan postoperatif,
pascabedah dengan torakal epidural pada pasien dengan resiko tinggi dapat memperbaiki takikardi, hiperglikemia, catabolisme protein, penekanan respon imun, dan perubahan
outcome pulmonal dengan menurunkan kejadian pneumonia dan gagal nafas, fungsi ginjal. Blokade neuroaksial dapat sebagian menekan (pada operasi besar) atau
memperbaiki oksigenasi, dan menurunkan lamanya penggunaan ventilasi mekanis. memblok secara total (pada operasi ekstrimitas bawah) respons stres ini. Dengan
mengurangi pelepasan katecholamine, blokade neuroaksial dapat menurunkan aritmia
Manifestasi GIT perioperatif dan kemungkinan mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya iskhemia. Untuk
Outflow simpatis berasal dari level T5-L1. Blokade neuroaxial, yang memaksimalkan blunting /penumpulan stres respons neuroendokrin, neuroaksial blok
menimbulkan blokade simpatis menyebabkan tonus vagal lebih dominan dan harus dilakukan sebelum insisi dan berlanjut ke periode pascabedah.
menyebabkan usus berkontraksi dengan aktif peristaltik. Keadaan ini dapat menghasilkan

13 14
V. Pertimbangan Klinik Untuk Spinal dan Epidural Analgesia Tabel: Kontraindikasi blokade neuroaksial
Indikasi Absolut
Infeksi pada tempat suntikan
Blokade neuroaksial dapat digunakan secara tersendiri atau digabung dengan
Pasien menolak
anestesi umum untuk pembedahan dibawah leher. Di beberapa negara Eropa, operasi Koagulopati atau gangguan perdarahan lainnya
Hipovolemia berat
jantung secara rutin dilakukan dengan epidural torakal, spesifiknya dengan disertai
Peningkatan tekanan intrakranial
anestesi umum ringan. Sebagai anestesi primer, blokade neuroaksial kebanyakan Stenosis aorta berat
Mitral stenosis berat
digunakan untuk operasi abdominal bawah, ingunal, urogenital, rectal, dan ekstrimitas
bawah. Operasi spinal lumbal dapat dilakukan dengan spinal anestesi. Prosedur abdomen Sepsis
Pasien tidak kooperatif
atas misalnya cholesistektomi dapat dilakukan dengan spinal atau epidural anestesi, tapi
Defisit neurologis
sulit untuk mencapai blokase sensoris yang adekuat untuk kenyamanan pasien sambil Lesi valvula jantung stenosis
Deformitas spinal berat
menghindari komplikasi blok tinggi. Spinal anestesi telah digunakan untuk operasi pada
neonatal. Pernah dioperasi pada tempat suntikan
Ketidakmampuan komunikasi dengan pasien
Bila dipertimbangkan untuk melakukan neuroaksial anestesi, resiko dan
Operasi yang lama, perdarahan banyak, tindakan yang
keuntungan harus didiskusikan dengan pasien, dan informed consent harus dilakukan. mempengaruhi fungsi pernafasan
Adalah penting untuk menyiapkan mental pasien, bahwa pilihan teknik anestesi
bergantung pada tipe pembedahan, tidak ada kontraindikasi. Pasien harus mengerti bahwa .
mereka akan merasa lumpuh sampai efek blokade hilang. Pembedahan yang Adanya pemakaian antikoagulan
menyebabkan kehilangan darah yang banyak, mengganggu fungsi pernafasan, operasi Bila blokade saraf harus diakukan pada pasien yang mendapat antikoagulan dan
yang lama umumnya dilakukan dengan anestesi umum dengan atau tanpa blokade antiplatelet maka hal tersebut merupakan suatu masalah.
A. Antikoagulan Oral
Bila blokade neuroaksial digunakan pada pasien dengan terapi warfarin jangka
Kontra Indikasi
waktu lama, maka harus terapi warfarin harus dihentikan dan prothrombin time dan INR
Kontraindikasi utama untuk anestesi neuroaksial adalah bila pasien menolak,
(International normalized ratio) harus normal sebelum dilakukan blok. Untuk profilaksis
gangguan perdarahan, hipovolemia berat, peningkatan ICP, infeksi pada tempat suntikan,
thromboembolik perioperatif, kalau dosis initial telah diberikan lebih dari 24 jam sebelum
penyakit katup jantung stenosis berat, obstruksi outflow ventrikel. Kontraindikasi relatif
dilakukan blok atau telah diberikan lebih dari satu dosis, PT dan INR harus diperiksa.
dan controversial terlihat pada tabel dibawah ini.
Bila hanya satu dosis diberikan dalam 24 jam, adalah aman untuk proceed. Mengambil
Anestesi regional memerlukan kooperativitas pasien. Hal ini mungkin sulit atau
kateter epidural pada pasien yang menerima dosis rendah warfarin (5 mg/hari) dilaporkan
tidak mungkin pada pasien dengan dementia, psikosis, atau ketidakstabilan emosi. Anak
kecil juga merupakan hal yang tidak memungkinkan dilakukan dengan anestesi regional
B. Obat Antiplatelet
saja tanpa dikombinasi dengan sedatif atau anestesi umum
Kebanyakan antiplatelet (aspirin, dan NSAIDs) tidak menunjukkan peningkatan
resiko terjadinya spinal hematoma akibat neuroaksial anestesi atau penarikan kateter

15 16
epidural. This assumes pasien normal dengan gambaran koagulasi normal yang tidak Bangun atau Tidur?
menerima pengobatan yang mempengaruhi mekanisme pembekuan. Sebaliknya, lebih Bila anestesi regional diberikan bersama anestesi umum, anestesi regional
poten obat maka pemberian obat tersebut harus dihentikan dan blokade neuroaksial tersebut dilakukan setelah atau sebelum induksi anestesi umum? Hal ini sangat
diberikan hanya setelah efeknya hilang. Waktu menunggu bergantung pada jenis obatnya: kontroversial. Argumen utama pasien dalam keadaan tidur adalah 1) kebanyakan pasien,
untuk ticlopidin 14 hari, clopidogrel 7 hari, abciximab 48 hari, dan eptifibatide 8 jam. bila disuruh memilih, lebih suka dalam keadaan tidur dan 2) kemungkinan pasien

C. Standar (unfractionated) heparin bergerak tiba-tiba yang menyebabkan cedera secara jelas akan berkurang. Akan tetapi,
sulit mendapat fleksi spinal yang ideal pada pasien yang dianestesi umum.
Dosis kecil yang diberikan subkutan untuk profilaksis bukan merupakan
kontraindiksi untuk blokade neuroaksial. Untuk pasien yang akan menerima heparin Argumen utama bila dilakukan blokade neuroaksial pasien harus dalam keadaan

intraoperatif, blok harus dilakukan 1 jam atau lebih sebelum pemberian heparin. Epidural bangun adalah bahwa pasien dapat menyadarkan klinisi terhadap adanya parestesi atau

atau spinal yang berdarah-darah tidak menyebabkan dilakukan pengunduran nyeri saat penyuntikan, yang keduanya dapat dihubungkan dengan kejadian defisit

pembedahan, akan tetapi diskusi dengan ahli bedah tentang resiko dan diperlukan neurologis pascabedah. Ada beberapa laporan anekdot tentang suntikan jarum spinal

pemantauan pascabedah yang hati-hati. Penarikan kateter epidural harus 1 jam sebelum kedalam medulla spinalis selama blokade epidural atau interscaleneus blok pada pasien

atau 4 jam setelah pemberian heparin. yang dianestesi yang memperkuat argumen bahwa pasien harus dalam keadaan bangun,

Blokade neuroaksial harus dihindari pada pasien dengan pemberian heparin dosis akan tetapi kurang penelitian yang mendokumentasikan kejadian komplikasi neurologis

terapi dan dengan peningkatan PTT (partial thromboplastin time). Kalau pemberian pada pasien yang dilakukan blokade neuroaksial dalam keadaan teranestesi. Blokade

heparin dimulai setelah pemasangan kateter epidural, kateter hanya boleh dicabut hanya neuroaksial pada pasien pediatri, umumnya dilakukan dalam keadaan pasien dianestesi

setelah penghentian pemberian heparin dan evaluasi status koagulasi. umum.

D. Low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH)

Pertimbangan Teknik
Banyak kasus spinal hematom dihubungkan dengan penggunaan LMWH saat
Blokade neuroaksial harus dilakukan hanya jika tersedia fasilitas alat-alat dan obat
intraoperatif atau pascabedah dini, dan beberapa pasien menerima antiplatelet. Kalau
yang diperlukan untuk intubasi dan resusitasi. Anestesi regional sangat difasilitasi dengan
terjadi perdarahan pada penusukan atau kateter, LMWH harus ditunda sampai 24 jam
adanya premedikasi yang adekuat. Persiapan pasien non farmakologik sangat menolong.
pascabedah, disebabkan trauma ini meningkatkan kejadian spinal hematom secara nyata.
Pasien harus diterangkan untuk mengurangi kecemasan pasien, hal ini terutama penting
Bila thrombo profilaksis LMWH, epidural kateter harus dicabut 2 jam sebelum dosis
bila tidak diberikan obat premedikasi, misalnya pada obstetri anestesi. Suplemen oksigen
pertama LMWH. Bila sudah ada, kateter harus dicabut sedikitnya 10 jam setelah
melalui masker atau kanul binasal menolong menghindari hipoksemia, terutama bila
pemberian LMWH.
diberikan sedatif. Pemantauan minimum untuk analgesia persalinan adalah tekanan darah
E. Terapi Fibrinolitik atau thrombolitik dan pulse oksimetri. Monitoring untuk blok anestesi yang dipakai untuk anestesi
Blokade neuroaksial paling baik dihindari bila pasien mendapat terapi fibrinolitik atau pembedahan sama seperti monitoring bila pembedahan tersebut dilakukan dengan
thrombolitik. anestesi umum. Suntikan steroid epidural untuk pengelolaan nyeri (bukan obat anestesi
lokal) sering tidak memerlukan monitoring kontinu.

17 18
Gambar 16-9. Surface landmarks for identifying spinal levels. Gambar 16-10. Sitting position for Gambar 16-11. The effect of flexion on
neuraxial blockade. Note an assistant adjacent vertebrae. Posterior view (A).
helps in obtaining maximal spinal Lateral view (B). Note the target area
flexion. (interlaminar foramen) for neuraxial
blocks increases in size with flexion

b. Lateral decubitus
Banyak klinisi yang lebih menyukai posisi lateral untuk blok neuroaksial. Pasien
Posisi Pasien
berbaring pada satu sisi dengan lutut fleksi dada ditarik semaksimal mungkin kearah dada
a. Sitting position (posisi duduk)
atau abdomen, seperti posisi fetal (disebut fetal position).
Anatomi midline paling mudah bila pasien duduk dibandingkan dengan bila pasen
dalam posisi lateral decibitus, terutama pada pasien obesitas. Pasien duduk dengan siku
terletak di paha atau memeluk bantal. Fleksi spine (like a mad cat) memaksimalkan c. Posisi prone
target area antara prosesus spinosus dan membawa spine mendekati kulit. Garis yang Posisi ini digunakan untuk prosedur anorektal utilizing obat anestesi lokal yang
menghubungkan titik tertinggi krista iliaka kanan-kiri disebut Garis Tuffier. Garis yang hipobarik. Keuntungannya blok ini dikerjakan pada posisi yang sama seperti posisi untuk
menghubungkan posterior superior spina iliaka melewati foramina S2. prosedur pembedahannya (jackknife). Kerugian teknik ini adalah CSF tidak bebas
mengalir melalui jarum, maka penusukan yang tepat tidak dapat dikonfirmasikan dengan
aspirasi CSF. Posisi prone juga digunakan bila bila diperlukan tuntunan flurokopi.

19 20
Gambar 16-12. Lateral decubitus position for neuraxial blockade. Note again the Gambar 16-13. Lumbar spinal Gambar 16-14. Paramedian approach.
assistant helping to provide maximal spine flexion anesthesia; paramedian approach. A needle that encounters bone at a
shallow depth (a) is usually hitting the
medial lamina, whereas one that
encounters bone deeply (b) is further
lateral from the midline. Posterior view
(A). Parasagittal view (B).

Pendekatan Anatomi
Pendekatan Midline : dilakukan palpasi spine lebih dulu, a dan anti septik, duk
steril. Biarkan larutan antiseptik kering dulu, hindari jangan sampai larutan antiseptik
terbawa ke ruangan subarachnoid oleh jarum spinal karena dapat menimbulkan
meningitis akibat zat kimia. Tanda bahwa masuk ruangan epidural adalah adanya loss of
resistance dan tanda bahwa masuk ruangan subarachnoid adalah keluarnya likuor.
Pendekatan Paramedian mungkin dipilih bila blok epidural atau subarachnoidal
Menilai level blokade sensoris dermatom dengan pinprick memakai jarum
sulit, terutama pada pasen yang sulit diposisikan (misalnya artritis berat, kiposkoliosis,
tumpul, sedangkan level blok simpatis dinilai dengan mengukur sensasi kulit terhadap
sebelumnya dilakukan operasi lumbal spine). Tempat penyuntikan 2 cm dari titik tengah

21 22
Gambar : Sensory dermatomes.

23 24
VI. Spinal Anesthesia Kateter Spinal
Ruangan subarachnoid dimulai dari foramen magnum sampai S2 pada dewasa dan Sudah ditarik karena tidak disetujui FDA disebabkan menimbulkan cauda equina
sampai S3 pada anak-anak. Suntikan anestetika lokal dibawah L1 pada dewasa dan L3 syndrome. Kateter yang lebih besar yang digunakan untuk epidural menimbulkan
pada anak-anak mencegah trauma langsung pada medula spinalis. Spinal anestesia juga komplikasi yang lebih besar bila dimasukkan ke ruang subarachnoid.
disebut subarachnoid block atau suntikan intratekal.
Teknik Khusus untuk Spinal Anesthesia
Jarum Spinal Pendekatan midline, paramedian atau prone dapat digunakan untuk spinal
Jarum Spinal dijual dalam berbagai ukuran (dari nomor 16 sampai 30), anestesi. Seperti yang telah disebutkan diatas, jarum disuntikkan melalui kulit ke struktur
panjangnya, bevelnya dan tipnya (Quincke, Whitacre, Sprotte). Semuanya mempunyai yang lebih dalam sampai dirasakan dua “pop”. Yang pertama adalah penusukan
stilet removable yang fitting yang menutup secara lengkap untuk menghindari ligamentun flavum dan yang kedua adalah penusukan membran dura-arachnoid.
masuknya sel epitel kedalam ruangan subarachnoid. Secara luas, jarum dapat dibagi Berhasilnya tusukan dura dikonfirmasikan setelah menarik stilet terlihat keluarnya CSF.
kedalam tipe yang tajam (cutting) dan yang tumpul (blunting). Jarum Quincke adalah tipe Dengan jarum spinal yang kecil (<25g), terutama bila tekanan CSF rendah (misalnya
cutting. Diperkenalkannya ujung yang tumpul (pencil point) secara nyata menurunkan pada pasien yang dehidrasi), mungkin diperlukan aspirasi untuk mendeteksi CSF. Bila
kejadian sakit kepala setelah penusukan dura (PSH = post spinal headache), secara pada saat permulaan terlihat keluar CSF tapi kemudian CSF tidak dapat diaspirasi,
umum lebih kecil ukuran jarum spinal, lebih kecil kejadian PSH. kemungkinan jarum berpindah. Bila ada parestesi yang menetap atau nyeri saat
penyuntikan harus menarik jarum dan redirect jarum.
Gambar 16 – 15. Spinal needles
Faktor yang mempengaruhi Level Blokade
Tabel dibawah menunjukkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi level blokade
setelah anestesi spinal. Faktor yang paling penting adalah barisitas, posisi pasien selama
dan segera setelah penyuntikkan, dan dosis obat. Secara umum, lebih besar dosis dan
lebih tinggi tempat suntikan, lebih tinggi level anestesi yang dicapai. Lebih jauh,
penyebaran obat anestesi lokal kearah sefalad pada CSF tergantung pada gravitas spesifik
relatif terhadap CSF (barisitas). CSF mempunyai gravitas 1.003-1.008 pada suhu 37oC.
Suatu larutan obat anaestesi lokal yang hiperbarik berarti lebih berat (lebih padat)
daripada CSF sedangkan yang hipobarik kurang padat (lebih ringan) daripada CSF. Obat
anestesi lokal dapat dibuat menjadi hiperbarik dengan menambah glukosa atau menjadi
hipobarik dengan menambahkan air steril. Jadi dengan posisi head down, suatu larutan
yang hiperbarik menyebar sefalad dan larutan yang hipobarik bergerak kearah caudad.
Posisi head-up menyebabkan larutan hiperbarik bergerak kearah caudad dan larutan
hipobarik bergerak kearah sefalad. Sama halnya, pada posisi lateral, larutan hiperbarik

25 26
lebih mempunyai efek pada sisi bawah, sebaliknya larutan yang hipobarik akan kearah berat atau kiposkoliosis dihubungkan dengan penurunan volume CSF dan sering
atas. Suatu larutan isobarik akan tetap pada level penyuntikkan. Obat anestesi bercampur mengakibatkan level anestesi yang lebih tinggi daripada yang diperkirakan, terutama
dengan CSF (1:1) menjadi isobarik. Faktor lain yang mempengaruhi level blokade adalah dengan teknik hipobarik dan penyuntikan yang cepat. Peningkatan tekanan CSF akibat
tinggi/level tempat penyuntikkan, tinggi pasien, dan anatomi kolumna vertebralis. Arah batuk atau mengejan, atau turbulensi suntikan mempunyai pengaruh terhadap penyebaran
bevel jarum atau tempat keluarnya obat pada jarum suntik juga memegang peranan; level obat anestesi lokal dalam CSF.
anestesi yang lebih tinggi dicapai kalau suntikan diarahkan ke sefalad daripada bila ujung
suntikkan diarahkan ke lateral atau caudad. Table: Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi level Anestesi
Larutan hiperbarik bertendensi untuk bergerak kedaerah yang lebih bawah Faktor paling penting
Barisitas obat anestesi lokal
(normalnya T4-T8 pada posisi supine). Dengan anatomi spinal yang normal, apex dari
Posisi pasien
kurvatura torakolumbal adalah di T4 pada posisi supine, hal akan membatasi larutan Selama penyuntikkan
Segera setelah penyuntikan
hiperbarik untuk menimbulkan level anestesi pada level T4 atau dibawah T4. Kurvatura
Dosis obat
spine yang abnormal, misalnya scoliosis dan kiposcoliosis, mempunyai efek multiple Tempat penyuntikkan
pada spinal anestesi. Penempatan blok (penyuntikan jarum) menjadi lebih sulit karena
Faktor Lain
rotasi dan angulasi dari korpus vertebra dan prosesus spinosus. Sulit menemukan midline Umur
dan space interlaminal. Pendekatan paramedian untuk tusukan lumbal lebih disukai pada CSF
Volume obat
pasien dengan scoliosis berat dan kiposcoliosis, terutama bila dihubungkan dengan Tekanan intraabdominal
penyakit sendi degeneratif. Pendekatan paramedian paling mudah untuk spinal anestesi Arah jarum
Tinggi pasien
pada level L5-S1. Pada pendekatan Taylor, suatu variasi dari pendekatan paramedian Kehamilan
standar, jarum ditusukkan 1 cm medial dan 1 cm inferior dari spina iliaka superior
posterior diarahkan ke sefalad dan menuju midline. Melihat lagi radiograph spine Tabel : Gravitas dari Obat Anestesi Lokal
sebelum melakukan penyuntikan sangat berguna. Kurvatura spinal mempengaruhi Obat Gravitas
ultimate level dengan merubah kontur ruangan subarachnoid. Operasi spinal yang Bupivacaine
dilakukan sebelumnya juga akan menyulitkan penyuntikkan. 0,5% dalam 8,25% dextrose 1,0227-1,0278
0,5% polos 0,9990-1,0058
Volume CSF inversely berhubungan dengan level anestesi. Peningkatan tekanan
intraabdomen atau kondisi yang menyebabkan pembesaran vena epidural, akan Lidokain
2% polos 1,0004-1,0066
menurunkan volume CSF dan menambah tingginya blok. Keadaan ini misalnya 5% dalam 7,5% dextrose 1,0262-1,0333
kehamilan, ascites, dan tumor abdomen besar. Pada situasi klinis ini, level anestesi yang
lebih tinggi tergantung dosis obat anestesi lokal. Untuk spinal anestesi pada paturien 10% polos 1,0104
aterm, dosis obat anestesi lokal dapat dikurangi 1/3 nya dibandingkan dengan wanita 2,5% dalam air 0,9983
yang tidak hamil. Bertambahnya umur akan mengurangi volume CSF, maka pada geriatri Tetrakain
akan didapatkan level anestesi yang lebih tinggi bila dilakukan spinal anestesi. Kiposis 0,5% dalam air 0,9977-0,9997
0,5% dalan D5W 1,0133-1,0203

27 28
Gambar 16-16. The position of the spinal canal in the supine position (A) and lateral relatif lambat (5-10 menit) dan mempunyai lama kerja yang panjang (90-120 menit).
decubitus position (B). Note the lowest point is usually between T5 and T7 where a
Walaupun kedua obat ini mempunyai blokade sensoris yang serupa, spinal tetrakain
hyperbaric solution tends to settle once the patient is placed supine.
menimbulkan blokade motoris yang lebih kuat daripada dosis yang ekuivalen dengan
bupivakain. Penambahan epinefrin pada bupivakain spinal memperpanjang lama kerja
hanya modestly. Sebaliknya, epinefrin dapat memperpanjang efek anestesi tetrakain lebih
dari 50%. Phenilefrin juga memperpanjang blokade anestesi oleh tetrakain tapi tidak
mempunyai efek pada anestesi bupivakain. Ropivacaine juga digunakan untuk spinal
anestesi, tapi pengalaman penggunaannya lebih terbatas. Dosis intratekal 12 mg
ropivakain secara kasar sama dengan 8 mg bupivacain, tapi tidak menunjukkan
keuntungan untuk spinal anestesi. Lidokain dan prokain mempunyai onset yang cepat (3-
5 menit) dan lama kerja yang singkat (60-90 menit). Ada konflik data bahwa lama kerja
memanjang dengan vasokonstriktor, suatu efek yang modest. Walaupun lidokain untuk
spinal telah digunakan di seluruh dunia, kehati-hatian harus diperhatikan karena adanya
Transient Neurological Symptom (TNS) dan cauda equina syndrome. Beberapa pakar
menasihatkan lidokain hanya aman digunakan sebagai spinal anestesi bila dosis total
hanya 60 mg dan dilarutkan menjadi 2,5% atau kurang dengan opioid dan atau CSF
sebelum disuntikkan. Pengulangan dosis setelah suatu kegagalan blokade harus dihindari.
Spinal anestesi hiperbarik lebih sering digunakan daripada isobarik atau
Obat Anestesi Spinal hipobarik. Level anestesi bergantung pada posisi pasien selama penyuntikkan atau segera
Banyak obat anestesi lokal yang digunakan untuk spinal anestesi di masa lalu, setelah penyuntikkan. Pada posisi duduk, sadlle block dapat dicapai bila pasien tetap
akan tetapi hanya beberapa yang masih digunakan. Ada yang menarik dari obat lama duduk selama 3-5 menit setelah penyuntikkan sehingga hanya saraf lumbal dan sakral
disebabkan laporan adanya TNS (Transient Neurological Symptom) dengan lidokain 5%. yang di blok. Kalau pasien berubah posisi dari posisi duduk ke terlentang segera setelah
Hanya obat anestesi lokal yang tidak mengandung zat preservatif yang digunakan. penyuntikkan, obat anestesi lokal akan bergerak ke sefalad sesuai dengan kurvatura
Penambahan vasokonstriktor ( alpha adrenergic agonist) dan opioid dapat meningkatkan torakolumbal, karena pengikatan oleh protein belum lengkap. Obat anestesi hiperbarik
kualitas dan atau memperpanjang lamanya spinal anestesi. Vasokonstriktor termasuk yang disuntikkan intratekal dengan posisi pasien lateral dekubitus digunakan untuk
epinefrin (0,1-0,2 mg) dan phenilefrin (1-2 mg). Kedua obat ini menurunkan uptake dan operasi ekstrimitas bawah unilateral. Pasien di posisikan lateral dengan daerah yang akan
klirens obat anestesi lokal dari CSF dan mempunyai gambaran spinal analgesia lemah. dioperasi di sebelah bawah. Kalau pasien dibiarkan pada posisi ini selama 5 menit setelah
Klonidin dan Neostigmin juga mempunyai efek spinal analgesi, tapi pengalaman sebagai penyuntikkan, blok akan bertendensi kearah lebih dalam dan level lebih tinggi pada
additif untuk spinal anestesi terbatas. daerah yang sebelah bawah.
Bupivacain hiperbarik dan tetrakain adalah dua dari banyak obat anestesi lokal
yang sering digunakan untuk spinal anestesi. Keduanya mempunyai mula kerja yang

29 30
Bila anestesi regional dipilih untuk prosedur pembedahan termasuk operasi dan fleksus venosus (Batson’s flexus). Penelitian fluoroskopi menunjukkan adanya septa
panggul dan ekstrimitas bawah, dapat digunakan obat anestesi lokal hipobarik karena atau ikatan jaringan ikat. Anestesi epidural mempunyai onset yang lambat (10-20 menit)
pasien tidak dapat berbaring pada daerah yang akan dioperasi. dan tidak sedalam anestesi spinal. Hal ini dapat bermanifestasi lebih dalamnya blokade
yang berbeda atau blokade segmental, suatu gambaran/keadaan yang berguna di klinik.
Dosis (mg) Lama kerja (menit)
Obat Sediaan Perineum/ Abdomen Abdomen Polos Epinefrin Sebagai contoh, dengan menggunakan konsentrasi obat anestesi lokal yang diencerkan
lower bawah atas
dan ditambah opioid, epidural dapat memblokade serabut saraf simpatis dan sensoris
Procain Larutan 75 125 200 45 60 yang lebih kecil dan spare/tidak memblokade saraf motoris yang lebih besar, sehingga
hanya menghasilkan analgesia tanpa terjadi blokade motoris. Teknik ini umumnya
Bupivacain 0,75% 4-10 12-14 12-18 90-120 100-150
dalam dilakukan untuk persalnan dan analgesia pascabedah. Lebih jauh, memungkinkan
dilakukan segmental blok karena obat anestesi lokal tidak menyebar secara langsung
Tetracaine Larutan 4-8 10-12 10-16 90-120 120-240 dengan CSF dan dapat confined close pada level dimana disuntikkan. Blok segmental
1% dalam
adalah khas dengan adanya ikatan yang baik dari obat anestesi lokal dengan serabut saraf;
10% radiks saraf dibawah dan diatasnya tidak diblok. Keadaan ini dapat dilhat pada epidural
Lidokain 1) 5% dalam 25-50 50-75 75-100 60-75 60-90
torakal yang memberikan anestesi upper abdomen seraya sparing radiks saraf cervical
glukose dan lumbal.
Ropivacaine2) Larutan 8-12 12-16 16-18 90-120 90-120
Epidural anstesia dan analgesia lebih sering dilakukan didaerah lumbal. Dapat
1) sudah tidak dianjurkan lagi. Harus diencerkan menjadi < 2,5% dilakukan dengan pendekatan midline atau paramedian. Anestesi epidural lumbal dapat
2) pada labelnya tidak dipakai sebagai spinal anestetika digunakan untuk prosedur dibawah diapragma. Karena medulla spinalis berakhir di level
L1, ada ekstra tindakan pengamanan dengan melakukan blokade pada interspace lumbal
VII. Epidural Anesthesia
yang lebih rendah, terutama bila terjadi kecelakaan penusukan dura.
Epidural anestesi adalah suatu teknik neuroaksial dengan kegunaan yang lebih
Blokade torakal epidural tekniknya lebih sulit daripada blokade lumbal
luas daripada spinal anestesi. Blokade epidural dapat dilakukan didaerah lumbal, torakal,
disebabkan lebih besarnya angulasi dan overlapping prosesus spinosus pada level
atau servikal. Epidural sakral disebut sebagai blokade kaudal. Teknik epidural digunakan
vertebra. Lebih jauh, kemungkinan resiko dari cedera medula spinalis dengan penusukan
secara luas untuk epidural anestesi untuk operasi, obstetrik analgesi, pengelolaan nyeri
dura yang tidak disengaja, walaupun kecil dengan teknik yang baik, mungkin lebih besar
pascabedah, pengelolaan nyeri kronis. Dapat digunakan sebagai suntikan dosis tunggal
daripada di level lumbal. Epidural torakal dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan midline
atau dengan pemasangan kateter sehingga dapat dilakukan pemberian bolus intermiten
atau paramedian. Jarang digunakan sebagai anestesia primer, torasic epidural teknik
atau infus kontinyu. Blokade motoris dapat terjadi dalam rentang dari tidak ada blok
sering digunakan untuk analgesia intra dan pasca operasi. Suntikan tunggal atau dengan
sampai lengkap. Semua variabel tersebut dapat diatur dengan pemilihan obat,
kateter digunakan untuk pengelolaan nyeri kronis. Infus melalui kateter epidural sangat
konsentrasi, dosis, dan level penyuntikkan.
berguna untuk memberikan analgesia dan dapat memperpendek ventilasi pascabedah
Ruangan epidural dikelilingi duramater di bagian posterior, lateral, dan anterior.
pada pasien dengan penyakit paru atau operasi dada.
Radiks saraf berjalan dalam ruangan ini dan keluar di lateral melalui foramina dan keluar
menjadi saraf perifer. Isi lain dari ruangan epidural adalah jaringan lemak, jaringan limfe,

31 32
Blokade servikal umumnya dilakukan dengan pasien pada posisi duduk, dengan jangan sampai menusuk duramater. Ada 2 teknik untuk menentukkan bila ujung jarum
leher fleksi, menggunakan pendekatan midline. Secara klinis hanya digunakan untuk masuk di rongga epidural yaitu teknik loss of resistane dan hanging drop. Teknik loss of
pengelolaan nyeri. resistane lebih dsukai oleh klinisi. Beberapa klinisi lebih suka memakai hanging drop
teknik bila dilakukan pendekatan paramedian dan untuk sevikal epidural.
Jarum Epidural
Jarum epidural standar adalah nomor 17-18, panjangnya 3 atau 3,5 inci dan Activating Epidural
mempunyai unjng yang tumpul dengan lengkungan 15-30 . Jarum Touchy yang paling Kuantitas (volume dan konsentrasi) dari obat anestesi lokal yang diperlukan untuk
umum digunakan. Ujung yang tumpul dan melengkung akan mendorong dura menjauh anestesi epidural lebih besar dibandingkan dengan yang diperlukan untuk anestesi spinal.
setelah menembus ligamentun flavum. Jarum yang lurus tanpa lengkungan (jarum Toksisitas yang nyata dapat terjadi bila jumlah ini disuntikkan intratekal atau
Crawford) mempunyai kejadian tusukan dura yang lebih tinggi tapi mudah memasukkan intravaskuler. Panduan keamanan dapat dengan melakukan test dose dan dosis
kateter epidural. inkremental.

Kateter Epidural Test dose dirancang untuk mendetekasi bila terjadi suntikan intratekal atau
intravaskuler. Test dose yang klasik adalah dengan mencampur obat anestesi lokal
Menempatkan kateter kedalam ruangan epidural menyebabkan dapat
dilakukannya pemberian infus kontinyu atau intermiten. Dalam tambahan untuk dengan epinefrin, umumnya 3 ml lidokain 1,5% dengan 1:200.000 epinefrin (0,005
mg/ml). Bila 45 mg lidokain disuntikkan intratekal, akan menimbulkan spinal anestesi
memperpanjang lamanya blokade, juga menyebabkan lebih rendahnya total dosis obat
yang segera terlihat. Beberapa klinisi menganjurkan memakai dosis lidokain yang lebih
anestesi lokal yang digunakan, maka karena itu menurunkan komplikasi hemodinamik,
rendah, karena akan sulit mengelola efek suntikan 45 mg lidokain intratekal, didaerah
bila dibandingkan dengan dosis inkremental.
diluar kamar bedah, misalnya di ruang bersalin. Epinefrin 15 ug bila disuntikan
Epidural kateter berguna untuk anestesi epidural intraoperatif dan atau analgesia
pascabedah. Umumnya kateter no 19 atau 20 dimasukkan melalaui jarum epidural no 17 intravaskuler akan menimbulkan peningkatan denyut jantung yang noticeable (20% atau
lebih) dengan atau tanpa hipertensi. Sayangnya, epinefrin sebagai marker suntikan
atau 18. Bila memakai jarum epidural dengan ujung yang lengkung, ujung bevel dapat
mengarah ke sefalad atau caudad dan kateter didorong sejauh 2-6 cm kedalam ruangan intravena tidak ideal, karena dapat terjadi false positif (kontraksi uterus dapat

epidural. Bila kurang dari 2 cm kateter dapat terblok (dislodged), sebaliknya, bila lebih menimbulkan rasa nyeri dan peningkatan denyut jantung merupakan kejadian yang

panjang lebih besar kemungkinan terjadi blokade unilatral, disebabkan karena ujung kebetulan saat dilakukan test dose), juga false negativ (pasien yang memakai beta

kateter keluar dari uangan eidural melalui foramina intervertebralis atau coursing ke bloker). Peningkatan 25% atau lebih amplitudo gelombang T pada EKG lebih realistis

anterolateral recesses dari ruangan epidural. Setelah memasukkan kateter, jarum epidural untuk tanda suntikan intravaskuler. Fentanyl dan dosis besar obat anestesi lokal tanpa

ditarik, meninggalkan kateter pada tempatnya. Kateter di plester dan difikasis sepanjang epinefrin telah dianjurkan sebagai test dose. Aspirasi sebelum melakukan penyuntikan

punggung pasien. Kateter dapat mempunyai satu lubang pada ujungnya atau atau adalah insufficient untuk mencegah suntikan intravena yang tidak disenagaja,

multipel. Beberapa ada yang mempunyai stilet untuk memudahkan insersi. kebanyakan praktisi yang berpengalaman telah encountered false negatif aspirasi melalui
jarum atau kateter.
Teknik Khusus untuk Anestesi Epidural
Dosis inkremental merupakan metode paling efektif untuk menghindari
Dengan menggunakan pendekatan midline atau paramedian seperti yang
komplikasi yang serius. Bila aspirasi negatif, suntikan obat anestesi lokal sebanyak 5 ml.
disebutkan tadi, jarum epidural ditusukkan dari kulit melalui ligamentum favum. Jarum
Dosis ini cukup besar untuk menimbulkan gejala ringan dari suntikan intravaskuler tapi

33 34
tidak cukup untuk menimbulkan komplikasi terjadinya kejang atau komplikasi dengan konsentrasi 0,005 mg/ml, memperpanjang efek epidural lidokain, mepivacain,
kadiovaskuler. Hal ini penting untuk epidural persalinan yang digunakan untuk Sectio dan chloroproain daripada bupivacain, levobupivakain, etidokain, dan ropivakain. Dalam
Caesarea. Kalau pada initial labor bolus epidural diberikan melalui jarum, lalu kemudian tambahan untuk memperpanjang lama dan memperbaiki kualitas blokade, epinefrin
dimasukan kateternya, ini mungkin diperkirakan erroneously kateter posisinya baik sebab menurunkan absorpsi vaskular dan puncak level dalam darah sistemik dari obat anestesi
pasien masih nyaman dari bolus initial. Kalau kateter masuk ke pembuluh darah atau lokal yang diberikan secara epidural. Phenilefrin umumnya kurang efektif daripada
migrasi ke intravaskuler, terjadi toksisitas sitemik akibat dosis penuh masuk epinefrin sebagai suatu vasokonstriktor untuk anestesi epidural.
intravaskuler. Kateter dapat bermigrasi intratekal atau intravaskuler dari dari kateter yang
Obat Anestesi Epidural
sebelumnya sudah tepat posisinya. Beberapa kasus tentang migrasi kateter mungkin Obat anestesi epidural dipilih berdasarkan efek klinis yang diinginkan, apakah
diingat sebgai posisi kateter yang tidak tepat. digunakan sebagai obat anestesi primer, untuk suplemen anestesi umum, atau untuk
Kalau klinisi menggunakan test dose, adalah cerdas kalau melakukan aspirasi analgesia. Obat anestesi lokal yang berefek singkat sampai sedang adalah lidokain,
sebelum pemberian obat, dan selalu menggunakan dosis inkremental, toksisitas sistemik kloroprokain, dan mepivacain. Yang long acting adalah bupivacain, levobupivacaine, dan
atau suntkan intratekal yang tidak disengajan sangat jarang. opivacain. Levobupivacain, suatu S-enantiomer dari bupivacain, kurang toksik daripada
Faktor yang mempengaruhi Level Blokade bupivacaine.
Faktor yang mempengaruhi level epidural anestesi tidak bisa diperkirakan seperti Obat Konsentrasi Onset Blok sensoris Blok Motoris
halnya spinal anestesi. Pada dewasa, umumnya untuk memblok satu segmen diperlukan Kloroprokain 2% Cepat Analgesik Ringan sp sedang
1-2 ml obat lokal anestesi. Sebagai contoh untuk mencapai level sensoris T4 dari suntikan 3% Cepat Dense Dense

di daerah L4-L5 memerlukan 12-14 ml. Untuk blokade segmental atau analgesia Lidokain < 1% Sedang Analgesik Minimal
diperlukan volume yang lebih sedikit. 1,5% Sedang Dense Ringan sp sedang
2% Sedang Dense Dense
Dosis yang diperlukan untuk mencapai level anestesia yang sama menurun
dengan bertambahnya umur. Hal ini mungkin disebabkan karena dengan bertambanya Mepivakain 1% Sedang Analgesik Minimal
2-3% Sedang Dense Dense
umur akan menurunkan ukuran atau komplians ruangan eidural. Walaupun sedikit
korelasi antara berat badan dan keperluan dosis epidural, tinggi pasien mempengaruhi Bupivakain <0,25% Lambat Analgesik Minimal
0,5% Lambat Dense Minimal sp sedang
luasnya penyebaran ke sefalad. Jadi, lebih pendek pasien mungkin hanya memerlukan 1 0,75% Lambat Dense Sedang sp Dense
ml per segmen, sedangkan pasien yang lebih tinggi memerlukan2 ml per segmen.
Ropivakain 0,2% Lambat Analgesik Minimal
Walaupun tidak sehebat spinal anestesi, penyebaran obat anestesi lokal pada epidural 0,5% Lambat Dense Ringan sp sedang
juga dipengaruhi oleh gravitas. Posisi lateral decubitus, trendelenburg atau kebalikan 0,75%-1% Lambat Dense Sedang sp Dense

Trendelenburg dapat digunakan untuk mencapai blokade yang diinginkan. Suntikan pada
Setelah suntikan permulaan sebanyak 1-2 ml per segmen (dalam dosis yang
posisi duduk akan menyebabkan obat anestesi lokal akan menyebar kearah radiks saraf di
terbagi), pengulangan dosis dilakukan melalui kateter epidural dengan interval yang
daerah L5-S1 dan S2,
sudah ditentukan, berdasarkan pengalaman praktisi dengan obat tersebut, atau bila blok
Penambahan terhadap obat anestesi lokal, terutama opioids, bertendensi lebih
besarnya efek pada kualitas anestesi epidural daripada lamanya blokade. Epinefrin

35 36
menunjukkan adanya regresi. Bila terjadi regresi level sensoris, dapat diberikan 1/3 obat anestesi lokal. Peningkatan pH larutan meningkatkan konsentrasi bentuk nonionik
sampai ½ dari dosis permulaan. dari obat anestesi lokal. Penambahan sodium bikarbonat ( 1 meq/10 ml obat anestesi
Kloroprokain, suatu ester dengan onset yang cepat, lama kerja pendek, dan lokal) segera sebelum penyuntikkan dapat meningkatkan onset blokade saraf. Pendekatan
toksisitas rendah dapat interfere dengan efek analgesik dari opioid epidural. Dulu ini sangat berguna untuk yang dapat diatur pada pH fisiologis, seperti lidokain,
formulasi kloroprokain dengan preservatif bisulfit dan ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid mepivacain, dan chloroprokain. Sodium bikarbonat umumnya tidak ditambahkan pada
(EDTA), menimbulkan masalah bila terjadi suntikan intratekal dalam jumlah besar. bupivakain karena membuat presipitasi pada pH diatas 6,8.
Bisulfit menimbulkan neurotoksisitas sedangkan EDTA dapat menimbulkan back pain
Kegagalan Blokade Epidural
yang berat (diperkirakan karena hipokalsemia lokal). Formulasi chloroprokain yang Tidak seperti anestesi spinal, yang tujuan akhirnya yaitu masuknya jarum ke
sekarang adalah bebas dari preservatif dan tanpa komplikasi tadi. Beberapa pakar percaya ruang subarachnoid jelas karena terlihat keluarnya CSF dengan angka keberhasilan yang
bahwa obat anestesi lokal bila disuntikan dalam jumlah besar intratekal dapat terjadi tinggi, epidural anestesia tergantung pada deteksi yang bersifat subjektif terhadap adanya
neurotoksisitas. loss of resistance atau hanging drop. Juga, lebih besarnya variabel anatomis pada ruangan
Bupivacaine, suatu obat anestesi lokal golongan amid dengan onset yang lambat epidural dan penyebaran obat anestesi lokal kurang dapat diprediksi membuat anestesi
dan lama kerja yang panjang, mempunyai kemungkinan yang besar untuk terjadi epidural kurang dapat diprediksi.
toksisitas sistemik. Anestesi untuk pembedahan diberikan bupivakain 0,5-0,75%. Salah penempatan obat anestesi lokal dapat terjadi pada sejumlah situasi. Pada
Konsentrasi 0,75% tidak dianjurkan untuk obstetri anestesi. Di masa lalu, telah dipakai dewasa muda, ligamentum spinalis lunak dan tahanan yang baik tidak pernah appreciate
bupivakain 0,75% untuk SC dan dihubungkan dengan kejadian henti jantung akibat atau terjadi loss of resistance palsu.
suntikan intravaskuler yang tidak disengaja. Resusitasi yang sulit dan tingginya Walau konsentrasi adekuat dan volume obat anestesi dimasukkan ke ruang
mortalitas akibat dari tingginya protein binding dan lipid solubility bupivakain,
epidural, waktu untuk mendapatkan efek blokade juga sudah cukup, kadang-kadang
disebabkan obat berakumulasi dalam sistem konduksi jantung menyebabkan refractory epidural blok tidak berhasil. Blok unilateral dapat terjadi bila obat dimasukkan melalui
reentrant aritmia. Konsentrasi kecil bupivakain (misalnya 0,0625%) dan dicampur
kateter yang keluar dari ruang epidural atau ke lateral. Kemungkinan kejadian ini
dengan fentanyl digunakan untuk analgesia persalinan dan nyeri pascabedah. S-
meningkat bila ujung kateter yang masuk ruang epidural terlalu panjang. Bila terjadi
enantiomer bupivacaine yaitu levobupivakain, menunjukkan terutama bertanggung jawab
blokade unilateral dapat diatasi dengan menarik kateter 1-2 cm dan didorong lagi dengan
untuk kerja obat anestesi lokal pada konduksi saraf tapi tidak pada efek toksik sistemik.
posisi pasien diputar dengan daerah yang tidak terblok ada disebelah bawah. Segmental
Ropivakain, suatu analog mepivacain, kurang toksik dibandingkan dengan bupivakain,
sparing, yang mungkin disebabkan septasi di ruang epidural juga dikoreksi dengan
secara kasar sama atau sedikit kurang dari bupivakain dalam potensi, onset, durasi,
menyuntikkan tambahan obat anestesi lokal dengan posisi yang tidak terblok ada
kualitas blokade. Menunjukkan blokade motoris yang kurang pada konsentrasi yang lebih dibawah. Ukuran radiks saraf L5, S1, dan S2 yang besar dapat mencegah penetrasi yang
rendah sambil menunjukkan blokade sensoris yang baik.
adekuat dan menyebabkan sacral sparing, yang menimbulkan masalah untuk operasi
Local Anesthetic pH adjusment lower leg; pada beberapa kasus, menaikkan kepala meja operasi dan memasukkan lagi
Larutan obat anestesi lokal mempunyai pH antara 3,5-5,5 untuk stablitas kimiawi kateter dapat menimbulkan blok yang lebih kuat pada radiks saraf yang besar tersebut.
dan bakteriostatik. Disebabkan bersifat basa lemah, disiapkan dalam bentuk ionik. Onset Pasien mungkin mengeluh visceral pain walaupun epidural bloknya baik. Pada beberapa
blokade saraf bergantung pada penetrasi membran lipid sel saraf oleh bentuk nonionik kasus,misalnya traksi ligament inguinal dan spermatic cord, level sensoris torakal yang

37 38
tinggi dapat menghilangkan masalah ini; pada kasus lain (traksi peritoneum), mugkin atau suntikan intravaskuler menyebabkan terjadinya kejang-kejang atau henti jantung.
diperlukan pemberian opioid intavena. Juga telah dilaporkan adanya suntikan intraosseous yang menimbulkan toksisitas
VIII. Caudal Anesthesia
Dapat digunakan bupivacain atau ropivacain 0,125%-0,25% dengan atau tanpa
Caudal epidural analgesia adalah salah satu regional anestesi yang paling umum
epinefrin dengan dosis sebanyak 0,5-1 ml/kg. Dapat ditambahkan opioid (misalnya 50-70
digunakan pada pasien pediatri. Juga digunakan pada operasi anorektal pada dewasa.
Ruangan caudal adalah bagian sakral dari ruangan epidural. Analgesia kaudal ug/kg morfin), walaupun tidak dianjurkan untuk pasien bedah rawat jalan disebabkan
resiko depresi nafas yang terjadi lambat. Efek analgesi memanjang sampai periode
memerlukan penetrasi jarum dan atau kateter melalui ligament sacrococcygeal yang
menutupi hiatus sacralis. Hiatus dirasakan sebagai groove atau notch diatas coccygeus pascabedah. Pasien bedah rawat jalan pediatri dengan aman dapat diulangkan dari RS

dan diantara dua prominen, kornu sakralis. Jadi hiatus sacralis terdapat diantara kedua bila masih ada blokade motoris ringan dan belum bisa kencing, kebanyakan anak bisa

kornu sakralis kanan-kiri. Anatomi ini lebih mudah dilihat pada infant dan anak. Spina mulai kencing setelah 8 jam.

iliaca superior posterior dan hiatus sacralis membentuk suatu segitiga equilateral. Pada Suntikan ulangan dapat dilakukan dengan suntikan jarum ulangan atau melalui

pasien dewas adanya kalsifikasi ligamentum sacrococcygeal menyebabkan anestesi kateter yang ditutup dengan plester dan disambungkan ke ekstension tube. Anestesi

kaudal menjadi sulit atau tidak mungkin dilakukan. Dalam kanalis sakralis, sacus dura epidural yang lebih tinggi dapat diperoleh dengan mendorong kateter kearah ruang

meluas ke vertebra S1 pada dewasa dan S3 pada infant, menyebabkan tusukan intratekal epidural lumbal atau torakal dari tusukan di kaudal pada pasien infant dan anak-anak

yang tidak disengaja sering terjadi pada infant. (berbeda dengan dewasa dimana kateter didorong 2-6 cm unuk menghindari komplikasi).

Pada anak-anak, anestesi kaudal sering dikombinasi dengan anestesi umum untuk Teknik lain dengan memakai stimulator saraf atau fluoroscopy untuk menentukan sampai

suplemen intraoperatif dan analgesia pascabedah. Teknik ini umumnya digunakan untuk sejauh mana kateter akan ditempatkan. Lebih kecil ukuran kateter makin sulit untuk
memasukkannya dan mempunyai resiko terjadi kinking. Kateter yang didorong ke ruang
prosedur dibawah diapraghma, termasuk operasi urogenital, rektal, inguinal, dan
ekstrimitas bawah. Blok kaudal pada pediatrik paling sering dilakukan setelah induksi epidural torakal untuk mencapai level blokk T2-T4 pada ex-prematur infant yang
dilakukan operasi hernia. Hal ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan kloroprokain 1 ml/kg
anestesi umum. Pasien ditempatkan dalam posisi lateral atau prone dengan satu atau
sebagai dosis bolus dan dose inkremental 0,3 ml/kg sampai level yang diinginkan
kedua lutut fleksi, kemudian raba hiatus sakralis. Setelah dilakukan tindakan a dan
0 tercapai.
antiseptis, tutupi dengan doek bolong, tusukan jarum no 18-23 dengan sudut 45 kearah
Untuk dewasa dengan prosedur anorektal, anestesi kaudal dapat memberikan
sefalad sampai dirasakan pop ketika jarum menembus membrana sacrococcygeal. Sudut
blokade sensoris sakral yang dalam dengan sedikit penyebaran kearah sefalad. Lebih
jarum kemudian didatarkan dan didorong masuk lebih jauh. Lakukan aspirasi untuk
jauh, suntikan dapat dilakukan dengan pasien pada posisi prone Jackknife, dimana posisi
melihat adanya darah atau CSF, bila negatif dapat dilakukan pemberian obat anestesi
lokalnya. Beberapa klinisi menganjurkan tetap melakukan test dose seperti tindakan tersebut digunakan untuk pembedahan. Dosis lidokain 1,5-2% sebanyak 15-20 ml dengan
atau tanpa epinefrin umumnya efektif. Fentanyl 50-100 ug dapat ditambahkan. Teknik ini
epidural lainnya, walaupun banyak secara sederhana dilakukan dengan dosis inkremental
dengan melakukan aspirasi berulang-ulang/sering. Takikardia (bila digunakan epinefrin) harus dihindari pada pasien dengan kista pilonidal karena jarum dapat menusuk track

atau adanya peningkatan ukuran gelombang T pada EKG menunjukkan adanya suntikan kista dan menyebarkan bakteri keruang epidural. Walaupun tidak banyak digunakan pada

intravaskuler. Data klinis telah menunjukkan bahwa komplikasi kiddie caudal (kaudal obstetri analgesia, caudal blok dapat digunakan pada persalinan Kala 2 dalam situasi

anestesi yang dilakukan pada anak-anak) sangat rendah. Komplikasi akibat total spinal

39 40
dimana epidural blok tidak mencapai saraf sakral, atau bila suntikan ulangan pada blok Infeksi
epidural tidak berhasil.
Epidural abses
Toksisitas Obat Toksisitas sistemik
IX. Komplikasi Blokade Neuroaksial
Komplikasi epidural, spinal, atau caudal anestesi berentang dari mulai keadaan Cauda equina syndrome
yang menyulitkan sampai lumpuh dan mengancam nyawa. Secara garis besar,
komplikasi dapat digolongkan kedalam 1) akibat efek samping fisiologis yang besar, 2) Tabel: Kejadian Komplikasi Serius dari Spinal dan Epidural Anestesi

penusukan jarum dan atau kateter, dan 3) toksisitas obat. Teknik Henti Mati Kejang CES Paraplegi Radikulopa
jantung ti
Suatu survey yang sangat besar tentang anestesi regional dilakukan di Prancis Spinal
26 6 0 5 0 19
menunjukkan komplikasi serius akibat spinal dan epidural anestesi relatif kecil, seperti (n=40.640)
terlihat pada tabel dibawah ini. 3 0 4 0 1 5
Penelitian di Prancis

Tabel: Komplikasi Anestesi Neuroaksial

Sebaliknya, ASA menunjukkan dalam periode 20 tahun (1980-1999) jumlah
Respon fisiologis Retensi urin pertanggung jawaban untuk tuntutan akibat anestesi regional sekitar 18%. Sebagian besar
Tinggi blok
Total spinal anestesi dari tuntutan tersebut, 64% diputuskan sebagai cedera yang temporary atau nondisabling.
Henti jantung Komplikasi serius 13% akibat kematian, 10% kerusakan saraf permanen, kerusakan otak
Anterior spinal artery syndrome
Horner’s syndrome permanen 8%, dan cedera permanen lainnya 4%. Tuntutan akibat regional anestesi adalah
42% akibat lumbal epidural, 34% akibat anestesi spinal, dan cenderung lebih banyak
Komplikasi yang berhubungan Trauma
dengan pemasangan kateter atau Backache pada kasus obstetri. Hal ini menggambarkan penggunaan neuroaksial anestesi lebih
jarum Tusukan dura/bocor banyak dibandingkan teknik anestesi regional lain pada pasien obstetri. Tuntutan akibat
Postdural puncture headache
Diplopia anestesi caudal hanya 2%.
Injuri saraf
Kerusakan radiks saraf Komplikasi yang dihubungkan dengan Perubahan Respon Fisiologi
Kerusakan medula spinalis High Neural Blokade
Cauda equina syndrome
Perdarahan Blokade saraf dengan level tinggi dapat terjadi baik dengan anestesi spinal atau
Hematoma intraspinal/epidural anestesi epidural. Pemberian dosis besar, kegagalan untuk mengurangi dosis standar
Salah penempatan
Tidak ada efek/anestesi tidak adekuat pada pasien tertentu (geriatri, hamil, obes, atau sangat pendek) atau sensitivitas yang
Blok subdural tidak biasa atau penyebaran obat anestesi lokal. Pasien sering mengeluh sesak nafas dan
Inadvertent subarachnoid blok
Inadvertent suntikan intraarterial mati rasa dan lemah pada ekstremitas atas. Mual dengan atau tanpa muntah sering terjadi
Robekan kateter mendahului hipotensi. Harus diingat pasien harus ditenteramkan hatinya, pemberian
Arachnoiditis oksigen dinaikan, serta hipotensi dan bradikardi harus dikoreksi.

41 42
Anestesi Spinal yang menaik ke level servikal menyebabkan hipotensi berat, bradikardi dengan vagolitik (atropin) dan bila diperlukan diikuti dengan efedrin dan
bradikardi, dan depresi nafas. Tidak sadar, apnoe, dan hipotensi akibat blok spinal tinggi epinefrin.
disebut sebagai high spinal atau total spinal. Keadaan ini dapat pula terjadi setelah
epidural/caudal kalau terjadi suntikan intratekal yang tidak disengaja. Hipotensi berat Retensi Urine
yang berlangsung terus menerus dengan blok sensoris yang lebih rendah juga dapat Blokade radiks saraf S2-S4 dengan obat anestesi lokal menurunkan tonus vesica
membawa kearah terjadinya apnoe akibat hipoperfusi batang otak. Anterior Spinal Artery urinaria dan menghambat refleks kencing. Opioid epidural juga mempengaruhi kencing
Syndrome telah dilaporkan terjadi setelah anestesi neuroaksial, mungkin disebabkan normal. Efek ini lebih kuat pada pasien laki-laki. Harus dipasang kateter urine untuk
hipotensi berat yang lama bersama-sama dengan peningkatan tekanan intraspinal. semua pasien yang dilakukan neuroaksial blok. Kalau kateter tidak dipasang, diperlukan
Terapi untuk blok neuroaksial tinggi adalah mempertahankan airway dan ventilasi monitoring ketat untuk melihat pasien sudah bisa kencing. Disfungsi vesica urinaria yang
adekuat dan support sirkulasi. Bila terjadi depresi nafas, tambahan dari suplement menetap dapat terjadi sebagai komplikasi serius cedera neuron.
oksigen adalah mungkin diperlukan melakukan assisted ventilasi, intubasi, dan ventilasi
mekanis. Hipotensi diterapi dengan pemberian cepat cairan intavena, posisi head down, Komplikasi yang dihubungkan dengan Pemasangan Jarum atau Kateter
dan pemberian vasopressor secara agresif. Epinefrin harus segera digunakan bila efedrin Anestesi atau Analgesi Tidak Adekuat
atau penilefrin tidak berefek. Infus dopamin dapat menolong. Bradikardi harus segera Sama dengan teknik anestesi regional lainnya, blokade neuroaksial adalah teknik
diterapi dengan sulfas atropin. Efedrin atau epinefrin juga dapat meningkatkan denyut ‘blind” yang mengandalkan dari tanda tidak langsung dari penempatan jarum yang tepat.
jantung. Kalau pengendalian hemodinamik dan respirasi segera tercapai dan dapat di Hal ini tidak aneh, bila dihubungkan dengan kegagalan kecil tapi signifikan yang
maintenance setelah high atau total spinal, operasi dapat diteruskan. Apnoe sering berbanding terbalik dengan pengalaman klinisinya. Target anestesi spinal (ada aliran
transient/sebentar, dan ketidaksadaran dapat menyevabkan pasien amnesia tanpa recall. CSF) lebih pasti daripada loss of ressistance. Kegagalan masih bisa terjadi walaupun
nyata keluar CSF yang dapat disebabkan karena pergerakan jarum selama penyuntikkan,
Cardiac Arrest selama Anestesi Spinal ujung jarum yang tidak lengkap masuk ruangan subarachnoid, suntikan subdural, atau
Penelitian dari ASA Close Claim Project menunjukkan adanya beberapa kasus henti hilangnya potensi obat anestesi lokal. Larutan tetracain bila disimpan dalam jangka waktu
jantung selama anestesi spinal. Disebabkan karena banyak laporan kasus henti jantung lama pada temperatur tinggi akan hilang potensinya.
tersebut sebelum dipakainya monitoring rutin pulse oksimetri, banyak klinisi percaya
bahwa penyebab henti jantung adalah oversedasi dan hipoventilasi yang tidak terdeteksi. Suntikan Intravaskuler
Akan tetapi, suatu penelitian prospektif yang besar melaporkan kejadian henti jantung Suntikan obat anestesi lokal kedalam intravaskuler yang tidak disengaja untuk
setelah spinal anestesi relatif tinggi sekitar 1:1500. Banyak henti jantung didahului oleh epidural atau caudal anestesi akan menyebabkan sangat tingginga level obat didalam
bradikardi dan terjadi pada dewasa muda yang sehat. Suatu pengujian yang baru pada serum. Konsentrasi tinggi obat anestesi lokal mempengaruhi SSP (menimbulkan kejang
masalah ini menunjukkan respons vagal dan penurunan preload merupakan faktor kunci dan hilangnya kesadaran) dan sistem kardiovaskuler (hipotensi, aritmia, kolaps
dan menyokong bahwa pasien dengan tonus vagal yang tinggi beresiko untuk terjadinya kardiovaskuler). Disebabkan dosis obat untuk spinal anestesi relatif kecil komplikasi ini
henti jantung. Pemberian cairan profilaksis dianjurkan dan terapi dini dan segera dari terutama terlihat bila dilakukan anestesi epidural atau caudal. Obat anestesi lokal
mungkin disuntikan langsung kedalam pembuluh darah mellaui jarum atau kateter yang

43 44
masuk kedalam darah vena. Kejadian suntikan intravaskuler dapat dikurangi dengan
tindakan aspirasi jarum atau kateter sebelum setiap kali menyuntik, menggunakan test
dose, selalau menyuntikkan secara inkremental, dan observasi ketat untuk setiap tanda Backache
suntikan intravaskuler (tinnitus, sensasi lidah). Ketika jarum masuk menembus kulit, jaringan subkutis, otot, dan ligamen
Toksisitas obat anestesi lokal bervariasi. Chloroprokain paling kecil toksisitasnya menyebabkan tingkatan trauma jaringan yang berbeda. Suatu respons inflamasi lokal
disebabkan dipecah dengan sangat cepat; lidokain, mepivacain, levobupivakain, dan dengan atau tanpa refleks spasme otot merupakan penyebab terjadinya backache
ropivakain bersifat intermediate dalam hal toksisitas, dan bupivacain paling toksik. pascabedah. Harus dicatat bahwa sampai 25-30% pasien yang hanya menerima anestesi
umum juga mengeluh backache pascabedah dan suatu persentase yang signifikan dari
Total Spinal Anestesi populasi umum mempunyai chronic back pain. Sakit punggung pascabedah umumnya
Total spinal anestesi dapat terjadi setelah epidural/caudal anestesi bila terjadi suntikan ringan dan sembuh sendiri, walaupun berakhir beberapa minggu. Bila diperlukan terapi,
intratekal yang tidak disengaja. Onsetnya cepat disebabkan jumlah obat anestesi yang asetaminofen, NSAID, kompres hangat atau dingin dapat menolong. Walaupun sakit
diperlukan untuk epidural/caudal anestesia 5-10 kali lebih banyak daripada untuk spinal punggung umumnya jinak, mungkin merupakan tanda klinis penting adanya komplikasi
anestesi. Aspirasi yang hati-hati, gunakan test dose, dan teknik suntikan inkremental yang lebih berat misalnya abses atau hematom epidural.
selama epidural dan caudal anestesi dapat menghindari terjadinya komplikasi ini. Dalam
keadaan terjadi suntikan subarachnoid dalam jumlah besar, terutama lidokain dapat Postdural Puncture Headache
dilakukan dengan melakukan lavage subarachnoid, caranya adalah dengan menarik 5 ml Setiap robekan dura dapat menyebabkan Postdural Puncture Headache (PDPH).
CSF lalu ganti dengan NaCl fisiologis. Keadaan ini dapat terjadi setelah tusukan lumbal untuk diagnosa, mielogram, anestesi
spinal, atau suatu epidural wet tap dimana jarum epidural melalui ruangan epidural dan
Suntikan Subdural masuk ruangan subarachnoid. Hal yang sama, kateter epidural menembus dura dan
Sama dengan suntikan yang tidak disengaja kedalam pembuluh darah dan disebabkan menimbulkan PDPH. Suatu epidural wet tap umumnya sgera diketahui karena keluarnya
jumlah besar obat anestesi lokal diberikan, suntikan subdural yang tidak disengaja selama CSF dari jarum atau saat dilakukan aspirasi dari kateter epidural. Akan tetapi, PDPH
melakukan usaha tindakan epidural anestesia lebih serius daripada selama usaha dapat terjadi setelah pemasangan epidural yang tidak sulit akibat dari goresan ujung
melakukan spinal anestesi. Suntikan subdura dari dosis epidural obat anestesi lokal jarum pada dura. Khasnya, PDPH sakit kepalanya bersifat bilateral, frontral, atau
menimbulkan keadaan seperti high spinal anestesi dengan pengecualian bahwa onsetnya retroorbital, occipital, dan meluas keleher. Mungkin berdenyut-denyut atau konstan dan
lambat kira-kira 15-30 menit. Ruangan subdural spinal adalah suatu ruangan antara dura dihubungkan dengan fotofobia dan mual. Tanda dari PDPH adalah dihbungkan dengan
dan arachnoid yang berisi sejumlah kecil cairan serosa. Tidak seperti ruangan epidural, posisi tubuh. Nyeri menghebat dalam posisi duduk atau berdiri dan berkurang bila
ruangan subdural meluas sampai ke intrakranial, maka suntikan obat anestesi lokal berbaring terlentang. Onset sakt kepala umumnya 12-2 jam stelah tusukan dura, akan
kedalam ruangan subdura spinal dapat menyebabkan level yang lebih tinggi daripada bila tetapi, dapat juga sgera terlihat. Bila tidak diobati, nyeri akan berlangsung beringgu-
obat anestesi lokal diberikan secara epidural. Seperti high spinal anestesi, terapinya minggu tapi jarang memerlukan tindakan pembedahan untuk reparasi dura.
adalah suportif dan mungkin memerlukan intubasi, ventilasi mekanis dan suport PDPH dipercaya akibat dari bocornya CSF dari defect dura dan menurunkan tekanan
kadiovaskuler. Efeknya umumnya berakhir dari satu sampai beberapa jam. intrakranial. Hilangnya CSF lebih cepat daripada produksinya menyebabkan traksi dari

45 46
struktur yang menyokong otak, terutama dura dan tentorium. Peningkatan traksi pada darah melalui kateter epidural yang ditempatkan setelah terlihat keluarnya CSF. Akan
pembuluh darah juga berperanan timbulnya nyeri. Tarikan pada saraf kranial kadang- tetapi, tidak semua pasien berkembang menjadi PDPH, dan ujung kateter mungkin jauh
kadang menyebabkan diplopia (umumnya saraf otak ke-VI) dan tinnitus. Kejadian PDPH dari defek dura. Alternatifnya, NaCl bolus dapat disuntikkan melalui kateter epidural tapi
berhubungan secara jelas dengan ukuran jaum, tipe jarum, dan populasi. Lebih besar tidak seefektif blood patch. Kebanyakan praktisi melakukan epidural blood patch bila
ukuran jarum, lebih besar kejadian PDPH. Ujung jarum cutting/tajam lebih besar terlihat ada PDPH atau dicoba terapi konservatif selama 12-14 jam.
kejadian PDPH dari pada pencil point dalam ukuran besar jarum yang sama. Suatu jarum
tajam ditusukkan dengan bevel paralel terhadap serabut longitudinal dura disebutkan Neurological Injury
memisahkan serabut tsb daripada yang ditusukkan memotong serabut. Yang memotong Mungkin tidak ada komplikasi yang lebih mengejutkan atau menyulitkan daripada
serabut kejadian PDPH akan lebih tinggi daripada yang memisahkan serabut dura. kerusakan saraf permanen setelah neuroaksial blok rutin, setelah penyebab karena
Faktor-faktor yang meningkatkan resiko PDPH antara lain umur muda, jenis kelamin epidural hematom atau epidural abses dikeluarkan. Radiks saraf atau medulla spinalis
wanita, dan kehamilan. Kejadian tertinggi adalah bila terjadi tusukan dura oleh jarum mungkin telah cedera. Cedera medulla spinalis mungkin dihindari apabila blokade
epidural pada pasien obstetri (mungkin setinggi 20-50%). Kejadian paling rendah pada neuroaksial dilakukan dibawah L1 pada dewasa atau dibawah L3 pada anak -anak.
geriatri dan memakai jarum no 27 (kejadiannya < 1%). Penelitian pasien obstetri yang Neuropati perifer postoperatif dapat disebabkan karena trauma fisik langsung pada radiks
dilakukan spinal anestesi untuk SC dengan jarum kecil tipe pencil point, kejadian PDPH saraf. Walaupun dapat sembuh spontan, beberapa permanen. Beberapa dari defisit
sekitar 3-4%. dihubungkan dengan parestesi dari jarum atau kateter atau mengeluh nyeri selama
Terapi konservatif seperti posisi recumbent, analgesik, pemberian cairan peroral atau penyuntikan. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usaha penusukan yang berkali-
intavena, dan caffein. Mempertahankan posisi pasien supine akan menurunkan tekanan kali pada kasus yang sulit merupakan faktor resiko. Setiap adanya parestesi harus
hidrostatik dan membawa air keluar dari dural hole dan mengurangi sakit kepala. menjadikan klinisi waspada untuk melakukan suntikan ulang. Suntikan harus segera
Analgesik dapat diberikan mulai asetaminofen sampai NSAID. Hidrasi dan caffein dihentikan dan jarum dicabut bila ada rasa sakit. Suntikan langsung pada medulla spinalis
bekerja untuk mengstimulasi produksi CSF. Coffein juga mempunyai efek vasokonstriksi dapat menyebabkan paraplegia. Kerusakan pada conus medularis dapat menyebabkan
pembuluh darah intrakranial. Feses harus lunak dan diet lunak untuk mengurangi disfungsi sacral yang terisolasi termasuk paralis pada biceps femoralis; anestesi pada
mengejan Valsalva. Sakit kepala akan menetap beberapa hari meskipun diberi terapi paha posterior, daerah sadle, ibu jari kaki, hilangnya fungsi kandung kencing dan bowel.
konservatif. Beberapa penelitian binatang menunjukan kateter dapat menyebabkan inflamasi atau
Pemberian epidural blood patch merupakan terapi yang sangat efektif untuk PDPH, demielinisasi jaringan saraf.
dilakukan dengan cara menyuntikkan 15-20 ml darah autologus (darah pasien itu sendiri) Ini harus dicatat bahwa tidak semua defisit neurologis terjadi setelah anestesi regional
kedalam ruang epidural pada atau satu interspace dibawah level tusukan dura. Tindakan adalah akibat bok. Survey tentang komplikasi telah melaporkan banyak contoh defisit
ini dipercaya mampu menghentikan kebocoran dengan efek massa atau koagulasi. neurologis pascabedah dihubungkan dengan anestesi regional. Defisit postpartum
Efeknya dapat segera atau dalam beberapa jam seperti produksi CSF lambat membangun termasuk neuropati cutaneus femoral lateral, kaki lemas, paraplegi masih terjadi pada
tekanan intrakranial. Kira-kira 90% pasien akan berrespons dengan pemberian patch yang pasien yang tidak dianestesi.
pertama, dan 90% dari sisanya (90% dari 10%) akan memperoleh hasil pada pemberian
patch yang kedua. Profilaksis blood patching telah dianjurkan dengan menyuntikkan

47 48
Arachnoiditis, komplikasi neuroaksial yang jarang terjadi, dapat infeksious atau
noninfectious. Secara klinis, hal ini ditandai dengan nyeri dan symptom neurologis lain
Hematoma Spinal atau Epidural dan pada pemeriksaan MRI terlihat adanya gumpalan radiks saraf. Arachnoiditis lumbal
Trauma akibat jarum atau kateter pada vena epidural sering menyebabkan perdarahan telah dilaporkan akibat suntikan steroid tapi lebih umum terlihat setelah operasi spinal
ringan didalam kanalis spinalis yang pada umumnya sembuh sendiri. Spinal hematom atau trauma. Sebelum penggunaan jarum spinal yang disposible, alat pembersih jarum
yang jelas secara klinis dapat terjadi setelah anestesi spinal atau anestesi epidural, sering menimbulkan meningitis akibat zat kimia dan menyebabkan disfungsi neurologis
terutama dengan adanya pembekuan yang abnormal atau gangguan perdarahan. Kejadian berat.
hematom kira-kra 1:150.000 untuk blok epidural dan 1:220.000 untuk spinal anestesi.
Laporan kebanyakan terjadi pada pasien dengan koagulasi abnormal akibat penyakit atau Abses Epidural
peberian obat. Beberapa mempunyai hubungan dengan kesulitan teknik atau block yang Abses Spinal epidural jarang terjadi tapi merupakan komplikasi yang sangat berat
berdarah-darah. Itu harus dicatat bahwa banyak hematom terjadi segera setelah penarikan pada anestesi neuroaksial. Laporan kejadian bervariasi dari 1:6500 sampai 1:500.000
kateter epidural. Jadi pemasangan atau penarikan kateter merupakan faktor resiko. epidural anestesi. Beberapa penelitian prospektif, termasuk 140.000 blok, gagal untuk
Insult patologis pada medulla spinalis dan saraf disebabkan karena efek kompresi dari melaporkan satu abses epidural. Epidural abses dapat terjadi pada pasien yang tidak
massa pada jaringan saraf dan menyebabkan tekanan langsung dan menyebabkan injury menerima anestesi regional; faktor resikonya adalah trauma punggung, obat yang
dan iskemia. Kebutuhan untuk diagnosa dan intervensi yang cepat adalah sangat penting disuntikkan, prosedur bedah saraf. Kasus yang dihubungkan dengan anestesi adalah
untuk mencegah sequele neurologis permanen. Onset dari gejala lebih cepat akibat kateter epidural. Dalam satu laporan seri, rata-rata 5 hari pemasangan kateter untuk
dibandingkan dengan abses epidural. Gejalanya adalah punggung seperti diiris dan nyeri berkembangnya gejala walaupun dapat lambat sampai mingguan.
kaki dengan mati rasa dan kelemahan motoris dan atau disfungsi sphincter. Bila disangka Ada 4 stadium klinis dari Epidural abses, walaupun progresivitas dan waktunya
ada hematoma, MRI, CT Scan atau mielografi harus segera dilakukan dan konsul ke berbeda. Pada permulaannya, gejalanya adalah nyeri punggung atau vertebra yang lebih
dokter bedah saraf harus segera dilakukan. Pada kebanyakan kasus pemulihan neurologis sakit bila diketuk. Kedua, terjadi nyeri radikuler atau radiks saraf. Stadium ketiga
yang baik pada pasien yang segera dilakukan bedah dekompresi dalam waktu 8-12 jam. ditandai dengan defisit motoris dan atau sensoris atau disfungsi sphincter, pada stdium
Anestesi neuroaksial lebih baik dihindari pada pasien dengan koagulopati, empat ada paraplegi dan paralisis. Idealnya diagnosa harus dibuat pada stadium
thrombositopenia yang nyata, disfungsi platelet, atau yang menerima fibrinolitik permulaan. Adanya sakit punggung dan demam setelah epidural anestesi harus dicurigai
/trombolitik terapi. adanya abses epidural. Adanya nyeri radikuler dan defisist neurologis meningkatkan
indikasi perlunya pemeriksaan lanjtan. Sekali di diagnosa abses epidural, kateter epidural
Meningitis dan Arachnoiditis harus dicabut dan ujung kateter dikultur. Selain diberikan antibiotika, maka terapi lain
Infeksi ruangan subarachnoid setelah neuroaksial blok adalah akibat kontaminasi alat adalah dilakukan pembedahan dekompresi.
atau larutan yang disuntikkan, atau dari organisme dari kulit. Kateter dapat menjadi Strategi untuk melawan kejadian abses epidural adalah 1) kurangi manipulasi kateter
koloni organisme yang kemudian masuk lebih dalam, menyebabkan infeksi. Untungnya, dan pertahankan sistem tertutup bila mungkin, 2) gunakan filter bakteri (0,22 um) dan 3)
hal ini jarang terjadi. cabut kateter epidural setelah 96 jam atau ganti kateter, filter dan larutan setiap 96 jam.

49 50
Robekan Kateter Epidural saraf multipel. Ada tipe lower motor neuron injury dengan paresis kaki. Defisit sensoris
Terdapat resiko kateter putus atau robek saat ditarik dari jarumnya. Kalau kateter mungkin ringan, khas terjadi pada saraf perifer. Penelitian binatang menunjukkan bahwa
harus ditarik maka harus ditarik bersama-sama jarumnya. Bila kateter putus dan pooling atau maldistribusi larutan lidokain hiperbarik dapat menyebabkan neurotoksisias
tertinggal di ruang epidural, banyak ahli menganjurkan tinggalkan saja, akan tetapi, bila pada radiks saraf cauda equina. Akan tetapi, ada laporan CES terjadi setelah suntikan
ada di jaringan superfisial, terutama bila sebagian kateter terlihat, maka harus dilakukan tunggal spinal lidokain. CES juga dilaporkan setelah anestesi epidural. Penelitian
tindakan pembedahan, karena ujung kateter akan menjadi tempat masuknya bakteri. binatang menyokong bahwa bukti histologis dari neurotoksisitas setelah penyuntikkan
ulangan lidokain = tetrakain > bupivacaine > ropivakain.
Komplikasi yang dihubungkan dengan Toksisitas Obat
Toksisitas Sistemik Sumber: Morgan GE, Mikhail MS, Murray MJ. Clincal Anesthesiology, 4th ed. New
Absorpsi jumlah besar obat anestesi lokal dapat menimbulkan level toksik serum York : Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill; 2006,289-323.
yang sangat tinggi. Absorpsi yang banyak dari blok epidural atau kaudal adalah jarang
jika obat diberikan tidak melebihi dosis maksimal yang aman.

Transient Neurological Symptom (TNS)

Pertama kali disebutkan pada tahun 1993, Transient Neurological Symptom (TNS),
juga disebut sebagai transient radicular irritation, adalah khas dengan adanya sakit
punggung yang menyebar ke kaki tanpa adanya defisit sensoris dan motoris, terjadi
setelah blok spinal dan sembuh spontan dalam beberapa hari. Keadaan ini paling umum
dihubungkan dengan pemakaian lidokain hiperbarik (kejadiannya 11,9%), tapi juga
dilaporkan dengan tetrakain (1,6%), bupivakain (1,3%), mepivacain, prilocain, procain,
dan ropivakain. Juga ada laporan TNS setelah anestesi epidural. Kejadian sindroma ini
paling tinggi pada bedah rawat jalan (ambulasi yang cepat) setelah pembedahan dalam
posisi litotomi dan paling rendah pada pasien yang tidak dalam posisi litotomi. Terdapat
kekurangan dari laporan tentang TNS setelah spinal lidokain untuk SC. Patogenesis TNS
dipercaya tergantung pada konsentrasi obat anestesi lokal yang dapat menimbulkan

Neurotoksisitas Lidokain
Cauda equina syndrome (CES) telah dihubungkan dengan penggunaan kateter spinal
kontinu (sebelum ditarik dari pasaran) dan pemakaian lidokain 5%. CES adalah khas
dengan adanya disfungsi bowel dan vesica urinaria bersama-sama dengan cedera radiks

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THE HISTORY OF SPINAL ANESTHESIA coincided with the decreased use of spinal anesthesia. In 1954, Dripps and Vandam described the safety of spinal
anesthetics in more than 10,000 patients, and spinal anesthesia was revived.
Carl Koller, an ophthalmologist from Vienna, in 1884 first described the use of topical cocaine for analgesia of
In the field of obstetrics, over 500,000 spinals had been performed on American women by the mid-1950s.
the eye. William Halsted and Richard Hall, surgeons at Roosevelt Hospital in New York City, took the idea of
Despite spinal anesthesia being the most frequently used technique for vaginal delivery and cesarean section in
local anesthesia a step further by injecting cocaine into human tissues and nerves to produce anesthesia for
the 1950s, subsequent improvements in epidural technology resulted in a decline in obstetric spinal anesthesia
surgery. James Leonard Corning, a neurologist in New York City, in 1885 described the use of cocaine for spinal
in the late 1960s. The Third National Audit Project (NAP3) estimated 133,525 obstetric spinals were performed
anesthesia. Because Corning was a frequent observer at Roosevelt Hospital, the idea of using cocaine in the
in 2006 in the United Kingdom.
subarachnoid space may have come from observing Halsted and Hall performing cocaine injections. Corning
first injected cocaine intrathecally into a dog and within a few minutes the dog had marked weakness in the
The early development of spinal needles paralleled the early development of spinal anesthesia. Corning chose a
hindquarters. Next, Corning injected cocaine into a man at the T11–T12 interspace into what he thought was the
gold needle that had a short bevel point, flexible cannula, and set screw that fixed the needle to the depth of dural
subarachnoid space. Because Corning did not notice any effect after 8 minutes, he repeated the injection.
penetration. Corning also used an introducer for the needle, which was right angled. Quincke used a beveled
Ten minutes after the second injection, the patient complained of sleepiness in his legs but was able to stand and
needle that was sharp and hollow. Bier developed his own sharp needle that did not require an introducer. The
walk. Because Corning made no mention of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) efflux, most likely he inadvertently gave
needle was larger bore (15 or 17 gauge) with a long, cutting bevel. The main problems with Bier’s needle were
an epidural rather than a spinal injection to the patient.
pain on insertion and the loss of local anesthetic due to the large hole in the dura after dural puncture. Barker’s
needle did not have an inner cannula, was made of nickel, and had a sharp, medium-length bevel with a matching
The presence of a neuraxial fluid was first noted by Galen in AD 200, and CSF was later studied in the 1500s by
stylet. Labat developed an unbreakable nickel needle that had a sharp, short-length bevel with a matching stylet.
Antonio Valsalva. Dural puncture was described in 1891 by Essex Wynter followed shortly by Heinrich Quincke
Labat believed that the short bevel minimized damage to the tissues when inserted into the back.
6 months later.
Augustus Karl Gustav Bier, a German surgeon, used cocaine intrathecally in 1898 on six patients for lower
Herbert Greene realized that loss of CSF was a major problem in spinal anesthesia and developed a smooth-tip,
extremity surgery. In true scientific fashion, Bier decided to experiment on himself and developed a postdural
smaller-gauge needle that resulted in a lower incidence of PDPH. Barnett Greene described the use of a 26-gauge
puncture headache (PDPH) for his efforts. His assistant, Dr. Otto Hildebrandt, volunteered to have the procedure
spinal needle in obstetrics with a decreased incidence of PDPH. The Greene needle was popular until the
performed after Bier was unable to continue due to the PDPH. After injection of spinal cocaine into Hildebrandt,
introduction of the Whitacre needle. Hart and Whitacre29 used a pencil-point needle to decrease PDPH from
Bier conducted experiments on the lower half of Hildebrandt’s body. Bier described needle pricks and cigar
5%–10% to 2%. Sprotte modified the Whitacre needle and in 1987 published his trial of over 34,000 spinal
burns to the legs, incisions on the thighs, avulsion of pubic hairs, strong blows with an iron hammer to the shins,
anesthetics. Modifications of the Sprotte needle occurred the 1990s to produce the needle that is in use today.
and torsion of the testicles. Hildebrandt reported minimal to no pain during the experiments; however, afterward,
he suffered nausea, vomiting, PDPH, and bruising and pain in his legs. Bier attributed the PDPH to loss of CSF
Spinal anesthesia has progressed greatly since 1885. Every aspect, from improved equipment and
and felt the use of small-gauge needles would help prevent the headache.
pharmacological agents to greater understanding of physiology and anatomy, have made spinal anesthesia
increasingly safer. Changing clinical knowledge has seen shifts in what is considered a contraindication to spinal
Dudley Tait and Guido Caglieri performed the first spinal anesthetic in the United States in San Francisco in
anesthesia, and the evolution of novel techniques, such as the use of ultrasound, have allowed spinal anesthesia
1899. Their studies included cadavers, animals, and live patients to determine the benefits of lumbar puncture,
in what would once have been thought impossible situations. Nonetheless, no technique is risk-free, and every
especially in the treatment of syphilis. Tait and Caglieri injected mercuric salts and iodides into the CSF, but
effort must be made to prevent complications. Learning how to perform spinal anesthesia is an invaluable skill
worsened the condition of one patient with tertiary syphilis. Rudolph Matas, a vascular surgeon in New Orleans,
that all anesthesiologists should have in their armamentarium.
described the use of spinal cocaine on patients and possibly was the first to use morphine in the subarachnoid
space. Matas also described the complication of death after lumbar puncture. Theodore Tuffier, a French surgeon
in Paris, studied spinal anesthesia and reported on it in 1900. Tuffier felt that cocaine should not be injected until THE RISKS AND BENEFITS OF SPINAL ANESTHESIA
CSF was recognized.
Before offering a patient spinal anesthesia, an anesthesiologist not only must be aware of the indications and
Tuffier taught at the University of Paris at the same time that Tait was a medical student there and most likely contraindications of spinal anesthesia but also must be able to weigh the risks and benefits of performing the
was one of Tait’s mentors. Tuffier’s demonstrations in Paris helped popularize spinal anesthesia in Europe. procedure. This requires a thorough understanding of the available evidence, in particular how the risk-benefit
Arthur Barker, a professor of surgery at the University of London, reported on the advancement of spinal ratio compares to that of any alternative, and an ability to apply the evidence to a given clinical scenario. Thus,
techniques in 1907, including the use of a hyperbaric spinal local anesthetic, emphasis on sterility, and ease of an informed anesthesiologist can facilitate the patient in making an informed decision.
midline over paramedian dural puncture. Advancement of sterility and the investigation of decreases in blood
pressure after injection helped make spinal anesthesia safer and more popular. Gaston Labat was a strong Contraindications and Risks of Spinal Anesthesia
proponent of spinal anesthesia in the United States and performed early studies on the effects of Trendelenburg
position on blood pressure after spinal anesthesia. George Pitkin attempted to use a hypobaric local anesthetic to Contraindications to Spinal Anesthesia
control the level of spinal nerve block by mixing procaine with alcohol. Lincoln Sise, an anesthesiologist at the
Lahey Clinic in Boston, used Barker’s technique of hyperbaric spinal anesthesia with both procaine and There are absolute and relative contraindications to spinal anesthesia (see Table 1). Absolute contraindications
tetracaine. include patient refusal; infection at the site of injection; severe, uncorrected hypovolemia; true allergy to any of
the drugs; and increased intracranial pressure, except in cases of pseudo–tumor cerebri (idiopathic intracranial
Spinal anesthesia became more popular as new developments occurred, including the introduction in 1946 of hypertension). High intracranial pressure increases the risk of uncal herniation when CSF is lost through the
saddle nerve block anesthesia by Adriani and Roman-Vega. However, in 1947 the well-publicized case of needle. Spinal anesthesia is also contraindicated when the operation is expected to take longer than the duration
Woolley and Roe (United Kingdom) resulted in two patients becoming paraplegic in one day. Across the of the nerve block or result in blood loss such that the development of severe hypovolemia is likely.
Atlantic, reports of paraplegia in the United States similarly caused anesthesiologists to discontinue the use of
spinal anesthesia. The development of novel intravenous anesthetic agents and neuromuscular blockers TABLE 1.Contraindications to spinal anesthesia.
Absolute Contraindications Relative Contraindications Nausea and Vomiting Nausea and vomiting presenting after spinal anesthesia are distressing for the patient and
• Patient refusal may impede the surgeon. Incidence of intraoperative nausea and vomiting (IONV) in nonobstetric surgery can
• Coagulopathy be up to 42% and may be as high as 80% in parturients.
• Infection at the site of injection
• Sepsis
• Uncorrected hypovolemia
• Fixed cardiac output states Causes are complex and multifactorial. Causes unrelated to the spinal may include patient factors (eg, anxiety,
• Allergy
• Indeterminate neurological disease reduced lower esophageal sphincter tone, increased gastric pressure, vagal hyperactivity, hormonal changes);
• Increased intracranial pressure
surgical factors (exteriorization of the uterus, peritoneal traction); and other factors (eg, systemic opioids,
uterotonic drugs, antibiotics, movement). Spinal anesthesia itself may cause IONV or postoperative nausea and
Coagulopathy, previously considered an absolute contraindication, may be considered depending on the level of
vomiting (PONV) via a variety of mechanisms, including hypotension, intrathecal additives, inadequate nerve
derangement. Another relative contraindication of spinal anesthesia is sepsis distinct from the anatomic site of
block, or high nerve block. Risks factors for IONV under spinal include peak nerve block height greater than T6,
puncture (eg, chorioamnionitis or lower extremity infection). If the patient is on antibiotics and the vital signs
baseline heart rate (HR) 60 beats/minute or more, a history of motion sickness, and previous hypotension after
are stable, spinal anesthesia may be considered. Spinal anesthesia is relatively contraindicated in cardiac diseases
spinal nerve block.
with fixed cardiac output (CO) states. Aortic stenosis, once considered to be an absolute contraindication for
spinal anesthesia, does not always preclude a carefully conducted spinal anesthetic.
Hypotension must be the first consideration when a patient complains of nausea, especially immediately after
onset of spinal anesthesia. This has been long known. Evans, in his 1929 textbook on spinal anesthesia, noted
Indeterminate neurological disease is a relative contraindication. Multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating
that “the sudden fall in blood pressure is followed by nausea.” Mechanisms and management of hypotension are
diseases are challenging. In vitro experiments suggest that demyelinated nerves are more susceptible to local
covered in greater detail elsewhere (see section on cardiovascular effects of spinal anesthesia).
anesthetic toxicity. However, no clinical study has convincingly demonstrated that spinal anesthesia worsens
such neurologic diseases. Indeed, with the knowledge that pain, stress, fever, and fatigue exacerbate these
A variety of intrathecal additives have been shown to increase IONV or PONV. Intrathecal morphine,
diseases, a stress-free central neuraxial nerve block (CNB) may be preferred for surgery.
diamorphine, clonidine, and neostigmine all increase nausea and vomiting. Intrathecal fentanyl, however,
reduces IONV, perhaps by improving nerve block quality, decreasing supplemental opioids, or decreasing
Spinal anesthesia in the immunocompromised patient also presents a challenge for the anesthesiologist and is
the subject of a consensus statement. Although this consensus statement does not provide prescriptive advice for
every situation, it does summarize the available evidence. Previous spinal surgery was once thought to be a
While low spinal nerve block can cause nausea from surgical stimulation, high sympathetic spinal nerve block
contraindication. Dural puncture may be difficult, and spread of local anesthetic may be restricted by scar tissue.
(with relative parasympathetic overactivity) can also result in nausea. Glycopyrrolate was shown to be better
However, there are case reports of successful spinal anesthesia in this setting, particularly with the assistance of
than placebo in reducing nausea during cesarean section, although the rate of nausea was still high (42%).
ultrasound. There are theoretical risks in inserting a hollow-body needle through tattoo ink. However, there are
However, prophylactic glycopyrrolate can increase hypotension after spinal anesthesia.
no reported complications from inserting a spinal or epidural needle through a tattoo. Stylets may decrease the
likelihood of transmitting a core of tissue to the subarachnoid space, and if concerned, a small skin incision may
A recent meta-analysis suggested metoclopramide (10 mg) was effective and safe for prevention of IONV and
be made prior to needle insertion. Introducers serve to prevent contamination of the CSF with small pieces of
PONV in the setting of cesarean delivery under neuraxial nerve block.
epidermis, which could lead to the formation of dermoid spinal cord tumors.
Another meta-analysis showed the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonists reduced the incidence of nausea and
Risks of Spinal Anesthesia: Complications
vomiting and the need for postoperative rescue antiemetic when intrathecal morphine was used for cesarean
Complications of spinal blockade are often divided into major and minor complications. Reassuringly, most
Despite some studies showing a benefit of P6 (pericardium 6 nei guan point) stimulation, based on Chinese
major complications are rare. Minor complications, however, are common and therefore should not be dismissed.
acupuncture, a 2008 systematic review found inconsistent results in preventing IONV and PONV.
Minor complications include nausea, vomiting, mild hypotension, shivering, itch, hearing impairment, and
urinary retention. PDPH and failed spinal blockade are significant, and not uncommon, complications of spinal
Hypotension Mechanisms and management of hypotension are covered elsewhere (see section on cardiovascular
anesthesia. We therefore consider them as moderate complications (see Table 2). Failure of spinal anesthesia
effects of spinal anesthesia).
has been mentioned as between 1% and 17% and is discussed further in this chapter.
Shivering Crowley et al reviewed shivering and neuraxial anesthesia. Spinal and epidural anesthesia, and indeed
TABLE 2.Complications of spinal anesthesia. general anesthesia, may induce shivering. The incidence of shivering secondary to neuraxial nerve block is
difficult to assess given the heterogeneity of studies but is about 55%. In the first 30 minutes after nerve block,
Minor Moderate Major spinal anesthesia decreases core body temperature faster than epidural anesthesia. After 30 minutes, both
• Direct needle trauma techniques cause temperature to fall at the same rate. Despite this, shivering after spinal anesthesia is no greater
• Infection (abscess, meningitis) than after epidural anesthesia. Indeed, the intensity of shivering seems to be higher with epidurals. Postulated
• Nausea and vomiting • Vertebral canal hematoma mechanisms for this include an inability to shiver due to more pronounced motor blockade with spinal anesthesia
• Mild hypotension • Spinal cord ischemia and a decreased shivering threshold with more dermatomes (and thus thermoregulatory afferents) blocked during
• Shivering • Failed spinal • Cauda equina syndrome spinal anesthesia. Several strategies have been suggested to reduce neuraxial shivering (see Table 3).
• Itch • Postdural puncture headache • Arachnoiditis
• Transient mild hearing impairment • Peripheral nerve injury TABLE 3.Suggested strategies to prevent and treat neuraxial anesthesia shivering.
• Urinary retention • Total spinal anesthesia
• Cardiovascular collapse
• Death

Minor Complications of Spinal Anesthesia

Prevention Treatment rate. Other risk factors include lesser body mass index (BMI), female gender, history of recurrent headaches, and
• Prewarm with forced air warmer for 15 minutes previous PDPH.
• Avoid cold epidural or intravenous fluids Postdural puncture headache should be thought of as neither a common “minor” complication nor a rare “major”
• Intrathecal fentanyl 20 μg • Intravenous meperidine 50 mg complication, but as a not uncommon “moderate” complication.
• Intrathecal meperidine 0.2 mg/kg or 10 mg • Intravenous tramadol 0.25 mg/kg or 0.5 mg/kg or 1 mg/kg The reader is referred to Postdural Puncture Headache for further detailed information.
• Intravenous ondansetron 8 mg • Intravenous clonidine 30, 60, 90, or 150 μg
• Epidural fentanyl Major Complications of Spinal Anesthesia Major complications of spinal anesthesia include direct needle
• Epidural meperidine trauma, infection (meningitis or abscess formation), vertebral canal hematoma, spinal cord ischemia, cauda
equina syndrome (CES), arachnoiditis, and peripheral nerve injury. The end result of these complications may
be permanent neurologic disability. Other major complications include total spinal anesthesia (TSA),
Itch Pruritis is a well-known side effect of opiates and is more common with administration via the spinal route
cardiovascular collapse, and death.
(46%) compared with epidural (8.5%) and systemic routes. The severity of pruritis is proportional to intrathecal
morphine dose but not epidural morphine dose. Pruritis associated with neuraxial opioids is often distributed
Direct Needle Trauma Neurologic injury can occur after needle introduction into the spinal cord or nerves.
around the nose and face. Although symptoms may not be mediated via opioid receptors, pruritis can be treated
Although the elicitation of paresthesias during spinal anesthesia has been implicated as a risk factor for persistent
with the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone.
neurologic injury, it is not known whether an intervention after paresthesia can prevent development of
neurologic complications. A retrospective analysis found 298 of 4767 (6.3%) patients experienced paresthesia
There are reports of ondansetron being used for opioid-induced pruritis, suggesting a role of serotonin receptors
during spinal needle insertion. Of the 298, four patients had persistent paresthesia postoperatively. A further two
in morphine-induced pruritis. A 2009 meta-analysis of obstetric patients who had received intrathecal morphine
patients with postoperative paresthesia did not have paresthesia during needle insertion. All six patients had
showed that 5-HT3 receptor antagonists did not reduce the incidence of pruritis but did reduce the severity of
resolution of symptoms by 24 months. When paresthesia occurs, the spinal needle may be adjacent to or
itching and the need to treat pruritis. The 5-HT3 receptor antagonists were useful in treating established pruritis
penetrating neural tissue; if the latter is the case, injection of local anesthetic into the spinal nerve may result in
(number needed to treat [NNT] = 3).
permanent neurologic damage. Analogous controversies exist with peripheral nerve blockade; the implications
of paresthesia techniques and extraneural and intraneural injection are the subject of much debate.
Hearing Impairment Hearing loss, particularly in the low-frequency range, has been reported after spinal
anesthesia. Quoted incidences vary widely (3%–92%). Otoacoustic emissions, an objective measurement of
Meningitis Meningitis, either bacterial or aseptic, can occur after spinal anesthesia is performed. Sources of
hearing that reflects outer hair cell function, demonstrated hearing loss to be more common than suspected, but
infection include contaminated spinal trays and medication, oral flora of the anesthesiologist, and patient
transient, with full recovery occurring in 15 days. Other authors have similarly concluded that hearing loss
infection. Most cases of meningitis after spinal anesthesia in the first half of the 20th century were aseptic and
commonly disappears spontaneously. A comparison of hearing loss after general and spinal anesthesia concluded
could be traced to chemical contamination and detergents.
that hearing loss occurs irrespective of technique. Hearing loss may or may not be associated with PDPH and
Marinac showed that causes of drug- and chemical-induced meningitis include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
may improve with an epidural blood patch. Hearing loss after spinal nerve block may be related to needle gauge
drugs, certain antibiotics, radiographic agents, and muromonab-CD3. There also appears to be an association
and may be less common in the obstetric population. Finegold showed that hearing loss did not occur in women
between the occurrence of the hypersensitivity-type reactions and underlying collagen, vascular, or
having elective cesarean sections when 24-gauge Sprotte needles or 25-gauge Quincke needles were used. It has
rheumatologic disease. Carp and Bailey performed lumbar puncture in bacteremic rats, and only those with a
been suggested that consent for spinal anesthesia should include a discussion for medicolegal reasons of possible
circulating Escherichia coli count greater than 50 CFU/mL at the time of lumbar puncture developed meningitis.
hearing loss.
Although meningitis after lumbar puncture has also been described in bacteremic children, the incidence of
meningitis after diagnostic lumbar puncture is not significantly different in bacteremic patients compared with
Postoperative Urinary Retention Micturition is the product of a complex interplay of physiology. Postoperative
spontaneous incidence of meningitis. Oral flora can contaminate the CSF when a spinal anesthetic is being
urinary retention (POUR), therefore, is often multifactorial in origin. Patient risk factors for POUR include male performed, underlying the importance of wearing a mask. Streptococcus salivarius, Streptococcus viridans,
sex and previous urologic dysfunction. Surgical risk factors include pelvic or prolonged surgery. Anesthetic
Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis have all been
factors include anticholinergic drugs, opioids, and fluid administration (>1000 mL). POUR can occur with both
isolated in cases of bacterial meningitis after spinal anesthesia or lumbar puncture.
neuraxial and general anesthesia.
Occurrence of POUR after neuraxial nerve block is due to neural interruption of the micturition reflex as well as
Vertebral Canal Hematoma Vertebral canal hematoma formation is a rare but devastating complication after
bladder overdistention. Neuraxial opioids exert an effect at the spinal cord and the pontine micturition center.
spinal anesthesia. Although most spinal hematomata occur in the epidural space due to the prominent epidural
The parasympathetic blockade induced by spinal anesthesia must end before voiding occurs. This usually
venous plexus, a few reports have mentioned subarachnoid bleeding as the cause of neurologic deficits. The
corresponds with return of the S2–S4 segments. The type and dose of local anesthetic, as well as the use of
source of the bleeding can be from either an injured artery or an injured vein. Spinal hematoma and spinal cord
neuraxial opioid, influence the return of spontaneous micturition. Time to micturition is quickest with 2-
ischemia have a poorer prognosis than infective complications. If new or progressive neurologic symptoms
chloroprocaine and slowest with bupivacaine.
develop, an immediate neurosurgery consultation should be obtained, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
A recent systematic review found six studies that compared the effect of neuraxial anesthesia with other
of the spine should be performed as soon as possible.
techniques. Four studies compared local infiltration with intrathecal anesthesia; three of these found lower
incidences of urinary retention with local infiltration. The other two studies found no difference in time to
Spinal Cord Ischemia The superficial arterial system of the spinal cord consists of three longitudinal arteries
micturition when intrathecal anesthesia was compared with general anesthesia in the first instance and general
(the anterior spinal artery and two posterior spinal arteries) and a pial plexus.
anesthesia and peripheral nerve block in the second instance.
The posterior cord is relatively protected from ischemia by abundant anastomoses. The central area of the anterior
spinal cord is reliant on the anterior spinal artery and therefore more prone to ischemia. Proposed mechanisms
Postdural Puncture Headache Postdural puncture headache, often classified as a minor (or at least not a major)
for spinal cord ischemia secondary to spinal blockade include prolonged hypotension, the addition of
complication, can be severe and debilitating and has been considered the neurological complication of spinal
vasoconstrictors to local anesthetics, and compression of arterial supply by vertebral canal hematoma.
anesthesia. It is a common cause for medicolegal claims. The incidence of PDPH is influenced by patient
demographics and is less common in elderly patients. In a high-risk group, such as obstetric patients, the risk
Cauda Equina Syndrome Cauda equina syndrome (CES) has been reported with the use of continuous spinal
after lumbar puncture with a Whitacre 27-gauge needle is about 1.7%. Needle size and type influence PDPH
microcatheters. The use of hyperbaric 5% lidocaine for spinal anesthesia is associated with an increased
incidence of CES, although other local anesthetics have been implicated. low incidence of major complications. The NAP3 of the Royal College of Anaesthetists is the best evidence to
Other risk factors for CES include lithotomy position, repeated dosing of local anesthetic solution through date on major complications after CNB. NAP3 is notable for a variety of reasons: It is the largest prospective
continuous spinal catheters, and possibly multiple single-injection spinal anesthetics. audit of CNB to date; it achieved a 100% return rate; and it gathered numerator and denominator data from a
Suggestions for prevention of CES from spinal anesthesia include aspiration of CSF before and after local variety of sources. It also investigated causality and outcome.
anesthetic injection. Some suggest that when CSF cannot be aspirated after half the dose is injected, a full dose Numerator data in NAP3 pertained to major complications over a 12-month period (2006–2007). Reports came
not be administered. from local hospital reporters and clinicians. Litigation authorities, medical defense organizations, journals, and
Limiting the amount of local anesthetic given in the subarachnoid space may help prevent CES. even Google searches of media reports were reviewed to identify missed complications. Complications were
classified as infections, hematomata, nerve injuries, cardiovascular collapses, and wrong-route errors. Notably,
Arachnoiditis Arachnoiditis can occur after spinal injection of local anesthetic solution but is also known to PDPH was not included as a major complication. Complications were examined by a panel, and the likelihood
occur after intrathecal steroid injection. Causes of arachnoiditis include infection; myelograms from oil-based of CNB as the cause was established. Denominator data were sourced from a 2-week census and validated by
dyes; blood in the intrathecal space; neuroirritant, neurotoxic, or neurolytic substances; surgical interventions in contacting a number of organizations and databases.
the spine; intrathecal corticosteroids; and trauma. Arachnoiditis has been reported after traumatic dural puncture The findings of permanent harm were presented optimistically or pessimistically (see Table 4). Optimistic
and after unintentional intrathecal injection of local anesthetics, detergents, antiseptics, or other substances. figures excluded complications where recovery was likely or causality tenuous.

Peripheral Nerve Injury Spinal anesthesia may indirectly result in peripheral nerve injury. The sensory nerve TABLE 4.Useful numbers for quoting risk to patients.
block induced by spinal anesthesia temporarily abolishes normal protective reflexes. Therefore, care must be
taken with appropriate positioning, avoidance of tight plaster casts, and observation of distal circulation. Hence, Central Neuraxial Blockade Risk (Pessimistic) Risk (Optimistic)
it is imperative that there is good nursing care of limbs rendered insensate by spinal anesthesia.
Permanent harm from major complication 1 in 25,000 1 in 50,000
Total Spinal Anesthesia Total spinal anesthesia (TSA) results in respiratory depression, cardiovascular Death and paraplegia 1 in 50,000 1 in 150,000
compromise, and loss of consciousness. This may or may not be preceded by numbness, paresthesia, or weakness
of the upper limb; shortness of breath; nausea; or anxiety. The mechanism of TSA is unclear. Permanent harm after any type of CNB was pessimistically 1:23,500 and optimistically 1:50,500. The risk of
The importance of providing cardiorespiratory support and anxiolysis is illustrated by the management of death or paraplegia after any type of CNB was pessimistically 1:54,500 and optimistically 1:141,500. The
intentional TSA. Total spinal anesthesia has been used therapeutically for intractable pain. After injection of 20 incidences of complications of spinals and caudals were at least half that of epidurals and combined spinal-
mL of 1.5% lidocaine at the L3–L4 level, patients were tilted head down. Thiopental was given to prevent epidural (CSE) nerve blocks. Of approximately 700,000 CNBs, 46% were spinals. Although the authors
unpleasant sensations. After loss of consciousness, paralysis (without muscle relaxant), and pupil dilation, a cautioned against subgroup analysis, the obstetric setting was found to have a low incidence of complications,
laryngeal mask airway (LMA) was inserted and positive pressure ventilation applied. Ephedrine and atropine while the adult perioperative setting had the highest complications. Complete or nearcomplete neurological
were used for cardiovascular support if required. Mechanical ventilation was required for about an hour, after recovery occurred in 61% of cases.
which the LMA was removed.
Importantly, NAP3 did not examine minor complications or major complications without permanent harm. For
Cardiovascular Collapse Cardiovascular collapse can occur after spinal anesthesia, although it is a rare event. example, patients may have had cardiovascular collapse requiring intensive care or have had meningitis, but as
Auroy and coworkers reported 9 cardiac arrests in 35,439 spinal anesthetics performed. Refer to the section on they made a full recovery were excluded from even the pessimistic calculation. These are complications a patient
Cardiovascular Effects of Spinal Anesthesia. would consider severe. The authors did acknowledge their figures represent a minimum possible incidence of
complications; however, others have speculated that they may have overestimated risk. As there was no control
Estimating the Risks of the Major Complications of Spinal Anesthesia group, NAP3 cannot answer if CNB is safer than other techniques such as general anesthesia.
The NAP3 study reassured us that permanent harm as a result of spinal anesthesia is rare. The large scope and
While minor risks are often thought of as side effects, major complications are of more concern to clinicians and excellent methodology of NAP3 mean a similar audit is unlikely to be repeated soon. Efforts should be made in
patients. Perception of risk can be influenced by sensational case reports, such as given by Woolley and Roe. ameliorating “minor” and “moderate” complications that are more likely to trouble our patients. In particular,
Early efforts to assess risk were hampered by lack of good numerator (number of complications) and PDPH deserves special attention.
denominator (number of spinal nerve blocks) data. Vandam and Dripps, in an attempt to redress “unsubstantiated Major complications, nonetheless, do happen, and every effort must be made to prevent them. Awareness of the
clinical impressions” of mid-20th century anesthesiologists, examined the records of over 10,000 spinal low risk of serious complications should not give rise to complacency.
anesthetics. They concluded that objections to spinal anesthesia were undeserved. Retrospective evidence from Indeed, a given complication may become so rare that a single anesthesiologist is unlikely to encounter it in a
Finland for the period 1987–1993 estimated the risk of major complication following spinal anesthesia at 1 in lifetime of practice. However, given the catastrophic nature of such complications, ongoing vigilance is of
22,000. A no-fault compensation scheme was thought to increase data veracity. Swedish data (Moen) from the paramount importance.
period 1990–1999 found a similar risk of 1 in 20,000–30,000. Although good evidence at the time, the
Scandinavian evidence was criticized because of retrospective design, which risks underreporting. Moreover, Indications and Benefits of Spinal Anesthesia
numerator data sourced from administrative databases may not indicate either causation or final outcome.
Auroy attempted to address weaknesses of an earlier study by setting up a telephone hotline, allowing
contemporaneous assessment of causality. This prospective study from 1998 to 1999 investigated complications Spinal anesthesia provides excellent operating conditions for surgery below the umbilicus. Thus, it has been used
from any type of regional anesthesia. Auroy’s results relied on voluntary contribution by French in the fields of urological, gynecological, obstetric, and lower abdominal and perineal general surgery. Likewise,
anesthesiologists (<6% participation rate) and may have been skewed by differing complication rates in those it has been used in lower limb vascular and orthopedic surgery. More recently, spinal anesthesia has been used
willing to participate. A 2007 review found a much higher incidence of neurological complications after spinal in surgery above the umbilicus (see section on laparoscopic surgery).
anesthesia in Auroy’s work (3.7–11.8 per 10,000) compared with Moen’s work (0.4 per 10,000). Auroy, unlike
Moen, included peripheral neuropathy and radiculopathy in the numerator data. Benefits of Spinal Anesthesia
Designing a prospective study to accurately quantify the risk of spinal anesthesia has been difficult due to the
Although spinal anesthesia is a commonly used technique, with an estimated 324,950 spinal anesthetics each blockade, local infiltration analgesia, and of course general anesthesia. This competition between alternate
year in the United Kingdom alone, mortality and morbidity benefits are difficult to prove or disprove. It was techniques is likely to continue. Moreover, different modalities can be used in conjunction, complicating the
hypothesized that due to beneficial modulation of the stress response, regional anesthesia would be safer than final decision. The modern anesthesiologist must consider this matrix of risk-benefit ratios, which is beyond the
general anesthesia. However, clinical trials have been contradictory, and debates continue over the superiority scope of this chapter.
of one technique over the other. Evaluations of the benefits of spinal blockade are troubled by the heterogeneity
of studies and arguments about whether analysis should include intention to treat. In addition, much of the FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY OF SPINAL BLOCKADE
evidence for the benefits of neuraxial blockade pertains to epidurals, and some reviews do not differentiate
between spinal and epidural anesthesia. For example, CNB has been shown to reduce blood loss and
In reviewing the functional anatomy of spinal blockade, an intimate knowledge of the spinal column, spinal cord,
thromboembolic events. However, the authors of these studies were wise not to analyze spinal and epidural
and spinal nerves must be present. This chapter briefly reviews the anatomy, surface anatomy, and sonoanatomy
anesthesia individually, as the subgroup sample size would have been inadequate. Further studies are required
of the spinal cord.
to elucidate the relative benefits of each technique.
The vertebral column consists of 33 vertebrae: 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 4 coccygeal
segments. The vertebral column usually contains three curves. The cervical and lumbar curves are convex
An obvious benefit of spinal anesthesia is the avoidance of the many risks of general anesthesia. However, it
anteriorly, and the thoracic curve is convex posteriorly. The vertebral column curves, along with gravity, baricity
must be remembered that there is always the possibility of conversion to general anesthesia, and an emergent
of local anesthetic, and patient position, influence the spread of local anesthetics in the subarachnoid space.
general anesthesia may be riskier than a planned general anesthesia.
Figure 1 depicts the spinal column, vertebrae, and intervertebral disks and foramina.
Spinal anesthesia is advantageous in certain clinical settings. It is now commonplace for women having cesarean
delivery to have a neuraxial nerve block. Spinal anesthesia avoids the problems associated with general
anesthesia in the pregnant patient, notably risks of difficult airway, awareness, and aspiration.

Maternal blood loss has been found to be lower with spinal compared with general anesthesia. Falling maternal
mortality rates have been attributed to the increase in the practice of regional anesthesia. Moreover, regional
anesthesia allows a mother to be awake for childbirth and a partner to be present if desired. However, a Cochrane
review found no evidence of the superiority of regional anesthesia over general anesthesia with regard to major
maternal or neonatal outcomes Likewise, a 2005 meta-analysis showed cord pH, an indicator of fetal well-being,
to be lower with spinal compared with epidural and general anesthesia, although this may have been due to the
use of ephedrine in the studies analyzed.
Nonetheless, spinal anesthesia remains the technique of choice for many obstetric anesthesiologists because of
safety, reliability, and patient expectation.

A 2005 review of “best practice” for hip fractures found spinal anesthesia to have consistent benefits, and
recommended the use of regional anesthesia “whenever possible.” Benefits cited included reduced mortality,
deep vein thrombosis (DVT), transfusion requirements, and pulmonary complications. However, these
recommendations, based on two reviews, illustrate the shortcomings of the available evidence. The first review
had a heterogeneous population and limited power for subgroup analysis; extrapolating the findings to spinal
anesthesia for hip fracture surgery is therefore questionable. The second review found only a borderline
difference in mortality at 1 month and no difference at 3 months. Moreover, all included studies had
methodological flaws.

The stress response to cardiac surgery is reduced by intrathecal bupivacaine in combination with general
anesthesia122 and partially attenuated by intrathecal morphine. Low-dose intrathecal morphine (259 ± 53 μg)
has been shown to facilitate early extubation after cardiac surgery. A meta analysis of intrathecal morphine in
cardiac surgery showed a modest decrease in morphine use and pain scores, although earlier extubation was only
seen in a subset of patients receiving less than 500 μg of intrathecal morphine.

As modern anesthesia and perioperative care become safer, it will become increasingly more difficult to prove FIGURE 1. Spinal column, vertebrae, and intervertebral
an advantage of one technique over another. The ideal technique may in fact be a permutation of general disks and foramina.
anesthesia, neuraxial nerve block, peripheral nerve blockade, or local infiltration analgesia.
Five ligaments hold the spinal column together (Figure 2). The supraspinous ligaments connect the apices of the
Spinal Anesthesia: The Final Risk-Benefit Analysis spinous processes from the seventh cervical vertebra (C7) to the sacrum. The supraspinous ligament is known
as the ligamentum nuchae in the area above C7. The interspinous ligaments connect the spinous processes
together. The ligamentum flavum, or yellow ligament, connects the laminae above and below together. Finally,
Once armed with the evidence regarding the risks and benefits of spinal anesthesia, the anesthesiologist must
decide whether the evidence applies to the individual patient and clinical situation. Although complications can the posterior and anterior longitudinal ligaments bind the vertebral bodies together.
be devastating, NAP3 reassured us that major complications from spinal anesthesia are rare. Compelling benefits
are harder to prove, yet there are advantages in certain clinical situations. Furthermore, the risk-benefit ratio must
be compared with the risk-benefit ratio of available alternatives. The historical rise in safety of spinal anesthesia
has been paralleled by a rise in safety of alternative techniques, including epidural anesthesia, peripheral nerve
When performing a spinal anesthetic using the midline approach, the layers of anatomy that are traversed (from
posterior to anterior) are
• Skin
• Subcutaneous fat
• Supraspinous ligament
• Interspinous ligament
• Ligamentum flavum
• Dura mater
• Subdural space
• Arachnoid mater
• Subarachnoid space

When performing a spinal anesthetic using the paramedian approach, the spinal needle should traverse

• Skin
FIGURE 2. Cross section of the spinal canal and adjacent ligaments. • Subcutaneous fat
(Reproduced with permission from Leffert LR, Schwamm LH: Neuraxial anesthesia in parturients with • Paraspinous muscle
intracranial pathology: a comprehensive review and reassessment of risk. Anesthesiology. 2013 Sep;119(3):703- • Ligamentum flavum
718.) • Dura mater
• Subdural space
The three membranes that protect the spinal cord are the dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater. The dura • Arachnoid mater
mater, or tough mother, is the outermost layer. The dural sac extends to the second sacral vertebra (S2). The • Subarachnoid space
arachnoid mater is the middle layer, and the subdural space lies between the dural mater and arachnoid mater.
The arachnoid mater, or cobweb mother, also ends at S2, like the dural sac. The pia mater, or soft mother, clings The anatomy of the subdural space requires special attention. The subdural space is a meningeal plane that lies
to the surface of the spinal cord and ends in the filum terminale, which helps to hold the spinal cord to the sacrum. between the dura and the arachnoid mater, extending from the cranial cavity to the second sacral vertebrae.
The space between the arachnoid and pia mater is known as the subarachnoid space, and spinal nerves run in this Ultrastructural examination has shown this is an acquired space that only becomes real after tearing of
space, as does CSF. Figure 3 depicts the spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia and ventral rootlets, spinal nerves, neurothelial cells within the space. The subdural space extends laterally around the dorsal nerve root and
sympathetic trunk, rami communicantes, and pia, arachnoid, and dura maters. ganglion. There is less potential capacity of the subdural space adjacent to the ventral nerve roots. This may
explain the sparing of anterior motor and sympathetic fibers during subdural nerve block (SDB) (Figure 4).

FIGURE 4. Epidural catheter in subdural space. Enhanced view

of an epidural catheter inside a subdural space obtained from a cadaver under scanning electron microscopy.
Magnification ×20. (Reproduced with permission from Reina MA, Collier CB, Prats-Galino A, et al:
Unintentional subdural placement of epidural catheters during attempted epidural anesthesia: an anatomic study
of spinal subdural compartment. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2011 Nov-Dec;36(6):537-541.)

The length of the spinal cord varies according to age. In the first trimester, the spinal cord extends to the end of
FIGURE 3. Spinal cord with meningeal layers, dorsal root ganglia, and the the spinal column, but as the fetus ages, the vertebral column lengthens more than the spinal cord. At birth, the
sympathetic nerve trunk. spinal cord ends at approximately L3. In the adult, the terminal end of the cord, known as the conus edullaris,
lies at approximately L1. However, MRI and cadaveric studies have reported a conus medullaris below L1 in
When performing a spinal anesthetic using the midline approach, the layers of anatomy that are traversed (from 19%–58% and below L2 in 0%–5%. The conus medullaris may lie anywhere between T12 and L3.
posterior to anterior) are skin, subcutaneous fat, supraspinous ligament, interspinous ligament, ligamentum
flavum, dura mater, subdural space, arachnoid mater, and finally the subarachnoid space. When the paramedian Figure 5 Shows a cross section of the lumbar vertebrae and spinal cord. The typical position of the conus
technique is applied, the spinal needle should traverse the skin, subcutaneous fat, paraspinous muscle, medullaris, cauda equina, termination of the dural sac, and filum terminale are shown. A sacral spinal cord in an
ligamentum flavum, dura mater, subdural space, and arachnoid mater and then pass into the subarachnoid space. adult has been reported, although this is extremely rare. The length of the spinal cord must always be kept in
mind when a neuraxial anesthetic is performed, as injection into the cord can cause great damage and result in
NYSORA Tips paralysis.
FIGURE 5. Cross section of the lumbar vertebrae.

There are eight cervical spinal nerves and seven cervical vertebrae. Cervical spinal nerves 1 to 7 are numbered FIGURE 6. Dermatomes of the
according to the vertebral body below. The eighth cervical nerve exits from below the seventh cervical vertebral human body.
body. Below this, spinal nerves are numbered according to the vertebral body above. The spinal nerve roots and
spinal cord serve as the target sites for spinal anesthesia. TABLE 5.Dermatomal levels of spinal anesthesia for common surgical procedures.

Surface Anatomy Procedure Dermatomal Level

Upper abdominal surgery T4
When preparing for spinal anesthetic blockade, it is important to accurately identify landmarks on the patient. Intestinal, gynecologic, and urologic surgery T6
The midline is identified by palpating the spinous processes. The iliac crests usually are at the same vertical Transurethral resection of the
height as the fourth lumbar spinous process or the interspace between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. An prostate
intercristal line can be drawn between the iliac crests to help locate this interspace. Care must be taken to feel Vaginal delivery of a fetus and
for the soft area between the spinous processes to locate the interspace. Depending on the level of anesthesia hip surgery
necessary for the surgery and the ability to feel for the interspace, the L3–L4 interspace or the L4–L5 interspace Thigh surgery and lower leg
can be used to introduce the spinal needle. Because the spinal cord commonly ends at the L1-to-L2 level, it is amputations
conventional not to attempt spinal anesthesia at or above this level. More recently, segmental thoracic spinal Foot and ankle surgery L2
anesthesia has been described.
Perineal and anal surgery S2 to S5 (saddle block)
It would be incomplete to discuss surface anatomy without mentioning the dermatomes that are important for
spinal anesthesia. A dermatome is an area of skin innervated by sensory fibers from a single spinal nerve. The NYSORA Tips
tenth thoracic (T10) dermatome corresponds to the umbilicus, the sixth thoracic (T6) dermatome the xiphoid,
and the fourth thoracic (T4) dermatome the nipples. Figure 6 illustrates the dermatomes of the human body. To • T10 dermatome corresponds to the umbilicus.
achieve surgical anesthesia for a given procedure, the extent of spinal anesthesia must reach a certain dermatomal • T6 dermatome corresponds to the xiphoid.
level. Dermatomal levels of spinal anesthesia for common surgical procedures are listed in Table 5. • T4 dermatome corresponds to the nipples.
“Surface” anatomy refers to structures close enough to the integument that they are palpable. However, due to
body habitus, this may not be possible. Neuraxial ultrasound allows sonoanatomical visualization of these
structures and deeper structures. However, as the ultrasound beam cannot penetrate the bony vertebrae,
specialized ultrasonic windows are required to visualize the neuraxis. The technique of neuraxial ultrasound is
discussed elsewhere (see section on recent developments in spinal anesthesia).

The choice of local anesthetic is based on potency of the agent, onset and duration of anesthesia, and side effects
of the drug. Two distinct groups of local anesthetics are used in spinal anesthesia, esters and amides, which are
characterized by the bond that connects the aromatic portion and the intermediate chain.

Esters contain an ester link between the aromatic portion and the intermediate chain, and examples include
procaine, chloroprocaine, and tetracaine. Amides contain an amide link between the aromatic portion and the
intermediate chain, and examples include bupivacaine, ropivacaine, etidocaine, lidocaine, mepivacaine, and
prilocaine. Although metabolism is important for determining activity of local anesthetics, lipid solubility,
protein binding, and pKa also influence activity.


• Potency of local anesthetics is related to lipid solubility.

• The duration of action of a local anesthetic is affected by the protein binding.
• The onset of action is related to the amount of local anesthetic available in the base form. FIGURE 7. Virchow-Robin space.

Lipid solubility relates to the potency of local anesthetics. Low lipid solubility indicates that higher
concentrations of local anesthesia must be given to obtain nerve blockade. Conversely, high lipid solubility
produces anesthesia at low concentrations. Protein binding affects the duration of action of a local anesthetic. NYSORA Tips
Higher protein binding results in longer duration of action. The pKa of a local anesthetic is the pH at which
ionized and nonionized forms are present equally in solution, which is important because the nonionized form The three most important modifiable factors in determining distribution of local anesthetics are
allows the local anesthetic to diffuse across the lipophilic nerve sheath and reach the sodium channels in the • Baricity of the local anesthetic solution
nerve membrane. The onset of action relates to the amount of local anesthetic available in the base form. Most • Position of the patient during and just after injection
local anesthetics follow the rule that the lower the pKa, the faster the onset of action and vice versa. Please refer • Dose of the anesthetic injected
to Clinical Pharmacology of Local Anesthetics.
Lipid content determines uptake of local anesthetics. Heavily myelinated tissues in the subarachnoid space
Pharmacokinetics of Local Anesthetics in the Subarachnoid Space contain higher concentrations of local anesthetics after injection. The higher the degree of myelination, the higher
the concentration of local anesthetic, as there is a high lipid content in myelin. If an area of nerve root does not
Pharmacokinetics of local anesthetics includes uptake and elimination of the drug. Four factors play a role in the contain myelin, an increased risk of nerve damage occurs in that area.
uptake of local anesthetics from the subarachnoid space into neuronal tissue: (1) concentration of local anesthetic
in CSF, (2) surface area of nerve tissue exposed to CSF, (3) lipid content of nerve tissue, and (4) blood flow to Blood flow determines the rate of removal of local anesthetics from spinal cord tissue. The faster the blood flows
nerve tissue. in the spinal cord, the more rapid the anesthetic is washed away. This may partly explain why the concentration
of local anesthetics is greater in the posterior spinal cord than in the anterior spinal cord, even though the anterior
The uptake of local anesthetic is greatest at the site of highest concentration in the CSF and is decreased above cord is more readily accessed by the Virchow-Robin spaces. After a spinal anesthetic is administered, blood flow
and below this site. As discussed previously, uptake and spread of local anesthetics after spinal injection are may be increased or decreased to the spinal cord, depending on the particular local anesthetic administered; for
determined by multiple factors, including dose, volume, and baricity of local anesthetic and patient positioning. example, tetracaine increases cord flow, but lidocaine and bupivacaine decrease it, which affects elimination of
Both the nerve roots and the spinal cord take up local anesthetics after injection into the subarachnoid space. The the local anesthetic.
more surface area of the nerve root exposed, the greater the uptake of local anesthetic. The spinal cord has two
mechanisms for uptake of local anesthetics. The first mechanism is by diffusion from the CSF to the pia mater Elimination of local anesthetic from the subarachnoid space is by vascular absorption in the epidural space and
and into the spinal cord, which is a slow process. Only the most superficial portion of the spinal cord is affected the subarachnoid space. Local anesthetics travel across the dura in both directions. In the epidural space, vascular
by diffusion of local anesthetics. The second method of local anesthetic uptake is by extension into the spaces absorption can occur, just as in the subarachnoid space. Vascular supply to the spinal cord consists of vessels
of Virchow-Robin, which are the areas of pia mater that surround the blood vessels that penetrate the central located on the spinal cord and in the pia mater. Because vascular perfusion to the spinal cord varies, the rate of
nervous system. The spaces of Virchow-Robin connect with the perineuronal clefts that surround nerve cell elimination of local anesthetics varies.
bodies in the spinal cord and penetrate through to the deeper areas of the spinal cord. Figure 7 is a representation
of the periarterial Virchow-Robin spaces around the spinal cord.
Distribution Hypobaric solutions have a baricity of less than 1.0 relative to CSF and are usually made by adding distilled
sterile water to the local anesthetic. Tetracaine, dibucaine, and bupivacaine have all been used as hypobaric
The distribution and decrease in concentration of local anesthetics is based on the area of highest concentration, solutions in spinal anesthesia. Patient positioning is important after injection of a hypobaric spinal anesthetic
which can be independent of the injection site. Many factors affect the distribution of local anesthetics in the because it is the first few minutes that determine the spread of anesthesia. If the patient is in Trendelenburg
subarachnoid space. Table 6 lists some of these factors. position after injection, the anesthetic will spread in the caudal direction and if the patient is in reverse
Trendelenburg position, the anesthetic will spread cephalad after injection.
TABLE 6.Determinants of local anesthetic spread in the subarachnoid space. The baricity of isobaric solutions is equal to 1.0. Tetracaine and bupivacaine have both been used with success
for isobaric spinal anesthesia. Gravity does not play a role in the spread of isobaric solutions, unlike with hypo-
or hyperbaric local anesthetics. Therefore, patient positioning does not affect spread of isobaric solutions.
Properties of local anesthetic solution
Injection can be made in any position, and then the patient can be placed into the position necessary for surgery.
• Baricity
• Dose
• Volume Hyperbaric solutions have baricity greater than 1.0. A local anesthetic solution can be made hyperbaric by adding
• Specific gravity dextrose or glucose. Bupivacaine, lidocaine, and tetracaine have all been used as hyperbaric solutions in spinal
anesthesia. Patient positioning affects the spread of the anesthetic. A patient in Trendelenburg position would
Patient characteristics have the anesthetic travel in a cephalad direction and vice versa.
• Position during and after injection
• Height (extremely short or tall) Dose and volume both play a role in the distribution of local anesthetics after spinal injection. For further
• Spinal column anatomy information, please refer to the section Volume, Concentration, and Dose of Local Anesthetic.
• Decreased cerebrospinal fluid volume (increased intra-abdominal pressure due to increased weight, pregnancy,
Effects of the Volume of the Lumbar Cistern on Nerve Block Height
• Site of injection Cerebrospinal fluid is produced in the brain at 0.35 mL/min and fills the subarachnoid space. This clear, colorless
• Needle bevel direction fluid has an approximate adult volume of 150 mL, half of which is in the cranium and half in the spinal canal.
However, CSF volume varies considerably, and decreased CSF volume can result from obesity, pregnancy, or
Baricity plays an important role in determining the spread of local anesthetic in the spinal space and is equal to any other cause of increased abdominal pressure. This is partly due to compression of the intervertebral foramen,
the density of the local anesthetic divided by the density of the CSF at 37°C. Local anesthetics can be hyperbaric, which displaces the CSF.
hypobaric, or isobaric when compared to CSF, and baricity is the main determinant of how the local anesthetic
is distributed when injected into the CSF. Table 7 compares the density, specific gravity, and baricity of different Clinical Pearl
substances and local anesthetics.
Due to the wide variability in CSF volume, the ability to predict the level of the spinal blockade after local
TABLE 7.Density, specific gravity, and baricity of different substances and local anesthetics. anesthetic injection is very poor, even if BMI is calculated and used.

Density Specific Gravity Baricity Multiple factors affect the distribution of local anesthesia after spinal blockade, one being CSF volume.
Water 0.9933 1.0000 0.9930 Carpenter showed that lumbosacral CSF volume correlated with peak sensory nerve block height and duration
of surgical anesthesia. The density of CSF is related to peak sensory nerve block level, and lumbosacral CSF
Cerebrospinal fluid 1.0003 1.0069 1.0000
volume correlates to peak sensory nerve block level and onset and duration of motor nerve block. However, due
Hypobaric to the wide variability in CSF volume, the ability to predict the level of the spinal blockade after local anesthetic
• Tetracaine 0.33% in water 0.9980 1.0046 0.9977 injection is poor, even if BMI is calculated and used.
• Lidocaine 0.5% in water N/A 1.0038 0.9985
Isobaric Local Anesthetics
• Tetracaine 0.5% in 50% CSF 0.9998 1.0064 0.9995
Cocaine was the first spinal anesthetic used, and procaine and tetracaine soon followed. Lidocaine, 2-
• Lidocaine 2% in water 1.0003 1.0066 1.0003 chloroprocaine, bupivacaine, mepivacaine, and ropivacaine have also been used intrathecally. In addition, there
• Bupivacaine 0.5% in water 0.9993 1.0059 0.9990 is a growing interest in medications that produce anesthesia and analgesia while limiting side effects. A variety
Hyperbaric of medications, including vasoconstrictors, opioids, α2-adrenergic agonists, and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors,
• Tetracaine 0.5% in 5% dextrose 1.0136 1.0203 1.0133 have been added to spinal medications to enhance analgesia while reducing the motor blockade produced by
local anesthetics.
• Lidocaine 5% in 7.5% dextrose 1.0265 1.0333 1.0265
• Bupivacaine 0.5% in 8% dextrose 1.0210 1.0278 1.0207 Lidocaine was first used as a spinal anesthetic in 1945, and it has been one of the most widely used spinal
• Bupivacaine 0.75% in 8% dextrose 1.0247 1.0300 1.0227 anesthetics since. Onset of anesthesia occurs in 3 to 5 minutes with a duration of anesthesia that lasts for 1 to 1.5
hour. Lidocaine spinal anesthesia has been used for short-to-intermediate length operating room cases. The major
Hypobaric solutions are less dense than CSF and tend to rise against gravity. Isobaric solutions are as dense as drawback of lidocaine is the association with transient neurologic symptoms (TNSs), which present as low back
CSF and tend to remain at the level at which they are injected. Hyperbaric solutions are more dense than CSF pain and lower extremity dysesthesias with radiation to the buttocks, thighs, and lower limbs after recovery from
and tend to follow gravity after injection. spinal anesthesia. TNSs occur in about 14% of patients receiving lidocaine spinal anesthesia. Lithotomy position
is associated with a higher incidence of TNSs. Because of the risk of TNSs, lidocaine has mostly been replaced Dose (mg) Dose (mg) Duration (minutes)
by other local anesthetics. With Epinephrine Onset (minutes)
To T10 to T4 Plain
Commonly used
Intrathecal use of 2-chloroprocaine was described in 1952. In the 1980s, concerns were raised regarding 8–12 14–20 90–110 100–150 5–8
Bupivacaine 0.75%
neurotoxicity with the use of 2-chloroprocaine. Studies have suggested that sodium bisulfite, an antioxidant used
in combination with 2-chloroprocaine, is responsible. Chronic neurologic deficits have been reported in rabbits Less commonly used
when sodium bisulfite was injected into the lumbar subarachnoid space, but when preservative-free 2- • Lidocaine 5% 50–75 75–100 60–70 75–100 3–5
chloroprocaine was injected, no permanent neurologic sequelae were noted. Results from clinical trials have • Tetracaine 0.5% 6–10 12–16 70–90 120–180 3–5
shown preservative-free 2-chloroprocaine to be safe, short acting, and acceptable for outpatient surgery. • Mepivacaine 2% N/A 60–80 140–160 N/A 2–4
However, addition of epinephrine is not recommended due to an association with flu-like symptoms and back • Ropivacaine 0.75% 15–17 18–20 140–200 N/A 3–5
pain. Intrathecal 2-chloroprocaine is not currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), • Levobupivacaine 0.5% 10–15 N/A 135–170 N/A 4–8
although package labeling states it may be used for epidural anesthesia. Onset time is fast, and the duration is • Chloroprocaine 3% 30 45 80–120 N/A 2–4
around 100 to 120 minutes. The dose ranges from 20 to 60 mg, with 40 mg as a usual dose.
Additives to Local Anesthesia
Procaine is a short-acting ester local anesthetic. Procaine has an onset time of 3 to 5 minutes and a duration of
50 to 60 minutes. A dose of 50 to 100 mg has been suggested for perineal and lower extremity surgery. However, Vasoconstrictors have been added to local anesthetics, and both epinephrine and phenylephrine have been
there is a 14% incidence of nerve block failure associated with procaine 10%. Concerns about the neurotoxicity studied. Anesthesia is intensified and prolonged with smaller doses of local anesthetics when epinephrine or
of procaine have limited its use. For all these reasons, procaine is currently rarely used for spinal anesthesia. phenylephrine is added. Tissue vasoconstriction is produced, thus limiting the systemic reabsorption of the local
anesthetic and prolonging the duration of action by keeping the local anesthetic in contact with the nerve fibers.
Bupivacaine is one of the most widely used local anesthetics for spinal anesthesia and provides adequate However, ischemic complications can occur after the use of vasoconstrictors in spinal anesthesia. In some
anesthesia and analgesia for intermediate-to-long-duration operating room cases. Bupivacaine has a low studies, epinephrine was implicated as the cause of CES because of anterior spinal artery ischemia. Regardless,
incidence of TNSs. Onset of anesthesia occurs in 5 to 8 minutes, with a duration of anesthesia that lasts from 90 many studies do not demonstrate an association between the use of vasoconstrictors for spinal anesthesia and the
to 150 minutes. For outpatient spinal anesthesia, small doses of bupivacaine are recommended to avoid incidence of CES. Phenylephrine has been shown to increase the risk of TNSs and may decrease nerve block
prolonged discharge time due to duration of nerve block. Bupivacaine is often packaged as 0.75% in 8.25% height.
dextrose. Other forms of spinal bupivacaine include 0.5% with or without dextrose and 0.75% without dextrose.
Epinephrine is thought to work by decreasing local anesthetic uptake and thus prolonging the spinal blockade of
NYSORA Tips some local anesthetics. However, vasoconstrictors can cause ischemia, and there is a theoretical concern of spinal
cord ischemia when epinephrine is added to spinal anesthetics. Animal models have not shown any decrease in
• Use of intrathecal lidocaine is limited by TNSs. spinal cord blood flow or increase in spinal cord ischemia when epinephrine is given for spinal blockade, even
• Bupivacaine has a very low incidence of TNSs. though some neurologic complications associated with the addition of epinephrine exist.
• Onset of anesthesia occurs in 5 to 8 minutes with bupivacaine and a duration of anesthesia that lasts from 210
to 240 minutes; thus, it is appropriate for intermediate-to-long operating room cases. NYSORA Tips
Tetracaine has an onset of anesthesia within 3 to 5 minutes and a duration of 70 to 180 minutes and, like • Adding 0.1 mL of 1:1000 epinephrine to 10 mL of local anesthetic yields a 1:100,000 concentration of
bupivacaine, is used for cases that are intermediate to longer duration. The 1% solution can be mixed with 10% epinephrine.
glucose in equal parts to form a hyperbaric spinal anesthetic that is used for perineal and abdominal surgery. • Adding 0.1 mL of 1:1000 epinephrine to 20 mL of local anesthetic yields a 1:200,000 concentration and so on
With tetracaine, TNSs occur at a lower rate than with lidocaine spinal anesthesia. The addition of phenylephrine (0.1 mL in 30 mL = 1:300,000).
may play a role in the development of TNSs.
Dilution of epinephrine with local anesthetic is a potential source of drug error, with mistakes potentially
Mepivacaine is similar to lidocaine and has been used since the 1960s for spinal anesthesia. The incidence of incorrect by a factor of 10 or 100. If using epinephrine packaged as 1 mg in 1 mL, which is a 1:1000 solution, a
TNSs reported after mepivacaine spinal anesthesia varies widely, with rates from 0% to 30%. simple rule can be followed. Adding 0.1 mL of epinephrine to 10 mL of local anesthetic yields a 1:100,000
Ropivacaine was introduced in the 1990s. For applications in spinal anesthesia, ropivacaine has been found to concentration of epinephrine. Adding 0.1 mL of epinephrine to 20 mL of local anesthetic yields a 1:200,000
be less potent than bupivacaine. Dose range-finding studies have demonstrated the ED95 of spinal ropivacaine concentration, and so on (0.1 mL in 30 mL = 1:300,000).
in lower limb surgery (11.4 mg), pregnant patients (26.8 mg), and neonates (1.08 mg/kg). Intrathecal use of
ropivacaine is not widespread, and large-scale safety data are awaited. An early study identified back pain in 5 Epinephrine prolongs the duration of spinal anesthesia. In the past, it was thought that epinephrine had no effect
of 18 volunteers injected with intrathecal hyperbaric ropivacaine. TNSs have been reported with spinal on hyperbaric spinal bupivacaine using two-segment regression to test neural blockade. However, another study
ropivacaine although the incidence is not as common as seen with lidocaine. Other small studies have not showed that epinephrine prolongs the duration of hyperbaric spinal bupivacaine when pinprick, transcutaneous
demonstrated any major side effects. electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) equivalent to surgical stimulation, and tolerance of a pneumatic thigh
Table 8 shows some of the local anesthetics used for spinal anesthesia and dosage duration and concentration tourniquet were used to determine neural blockade. There is controversy regarding prolongation of spinal
for different levels of spinal blockade. bupivacaine neural blockade when epinephrine is added. The same controversy exists about the prolongation of
spinal lidocaine with epinephrine.
TABLE 8.Dose, duration, and onset of local anesthetics used in spinal anesthesia. All four types of opioid receptors are found in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and serve as the target for
intrathecal opioid injection. Receptors are located on spinal cord neurons and terminals of afferents originating
in the dorsal root ganglion.
Fentanyl, sufentanil, meperidine, and morphine have all been used intrathecally. Side effects that may be seen
include pruritus, nausea and vomiting, and respiratory depression.
The α2-adrenergic agonists can be added to spinal injections of local anesthetics to enhance pain relief and and decreased venous return. During sympathetic nerve block, the venous system is maximally vasodilated and
prolong sensory and motor nerve block. Enhanced postoperative analgesia has been demonstrated in cesarean therefore reliant on gravity to return blood to the heart. Thus, patient positioning, and aortocaval compression in
deliveries, fixation of femoral fractures, and knee arthroscopies when clonidine was added to the local anesthetic the case of a gravid uterus, markedly influences venous return during spinal anesthesia.
solution. Clonidine prolongs the sensory and motor blockade of a local anesthetic after spinal injection.
Arterial vasomotor tone can also be decreased by sympathetic nerve block, decreasing SVR, and afterload.
Sensory blockade is thought to be mediated by both presynaptic and postsynaptic mechanisms. Clonidine induces Arterial vasodilation, unlike venodilation, is not maximal after spinal blockade, and vascular smooth muscle
hyperpolarization at the ventral horn of the spinal cord and facilitates the action of the local anesthetic, thus continues to retain some autonomic tone after sympathetic denervation. This residual vascular tone can be lost
prolonging motor blockade when used as an additive. However, when used alone in intrathecal injections, in the presence of hypoxia and acidosis, which may account for cardiovascular collapse after high spinal
clonidine does not cause motor nerve block or weakness. Side effects can occur with the use of spinal clonidine anesthesia without cardiorespiratory support. Although there is vasodilation below the level of spinal blockade,
and include hypotension, bradycardia, and sedation. Neuraxial clonidine has been used for the treatment for there is compensatory vasoconstriction above, mediated by carotid and aortic arch baroreceptors. This is
intractable pain. important for two reasons. First, blockade at higher dermatomal levels may result in less compensation. Second,
use of vasodilatory drugs such as glyceryl trinitrate (GTN), sodium nitroprusside, or volatile anesthetics may
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine and produce analgesia when injected abolish this compensatory mechanism and worsen hypotension or even result in cardiac arrest.
intrathecally. The antinociceptive effects are due to increased acetylcholine and generation of nitric oxide. It has
been shown in a rat model that diabetic neuropathy can be alleviated after intrathecal neostigmine injection.222 There may be an initial increase in CO associated with a decreased afterload. Alternatively, CO may fall due to
Side effects of intrathecal neostigmine include nausea and vomiting, bradycardia requiring atropine, anxiety, decreased preload. Some studies have shown that CO is unchanged or slightly reduced during onset of spinal
agitation, restlessness, and lower extremity weakness. Although spinal neostigmine provides extended pain anesthesia. Others, in elderly patients, have shown a biphasic change in CO with an initial increase in the first 7
control, the side effects that occur do not allow its widespread use. minutes, followed by a fall (Figure 8). This may be attributed to a fall in afterload preceding a fall in preload.


The pharmacodynamics of spinal injection of local anesthesia are wide ranging. The cardiovascular, respiratory,
gastrointestinal, hepatic, and renal effect consequences of spinal anesthesia are discussed next.

Cardiovascular Effects of Spinal Anesthesia

It is well recognized that spinal anesthesia results in hypotension. In fact, a degree of hypotension often reassures
the anesthesiologist that the nerve block is indeed spinal. However, hypotension may cause nausea and vomiting,
ischemia of critical organs, cardiovascular collapse, and in the case of the pregnant mother may endanger the
fetus. Historically, there have been shifts in the definitions, suggested mechanisms, and management of
Defining hypotension is troublesome. One study found 15 different definitions of hypotension in 63 publications.
Some definitions used a single criterion (decrease of 80% from baseline), while others used combinations (a
fall of 80% from baseline or a systolic blood pressure less than 100 mmHg). The incidence of hypotension in a FIGURE 8. Figure from the work of Meyhoff et al showing a fall
single cohort of patients varied from 7.4% to 74.1% depending on the definition used. in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and biphasic cardiac output (CO) after spinal anesthesia. Average CO and MAP
changes plus or minus standard deviation during onset of spinal anesthesia in elderly patients. Subarachnoid
There have been many suggested mechanisms for spinal anesthesia–induced hypotension, including direct injection is given at time = 0 minutes. After termination of data collection, the last CO and MAP recording are
circulatory effects of local anesthetics, relative adrenal insufficiency, skeletal muscle paralysis, ascending still represented in the average throughout the rest of the graph. Each line is thus hypothetical as it consists of
medullary vasomotor nerve block, and concurrent respiratory insufficiency. The primary insult, however, is the averages of 32 patients even after data termination; this is done for illustration purposes only. (Reproduced with
preganglionic sympathetic nerve block produced by spinal anesthesia. It therefore follows that because the nerve permission from Meyhoff CS, Hesselbjerg L, Koscielniak-Nielsen Z, et al: Biphasic cardiac output changes
block height determines the extent of sympathetic blockade, this in turn determines the amount of change in during onset of spinal anaesthesia in elderly patients. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2007 Sep;24(9):770-775.)
cardiovascular parameters. However, this relationship cannot be predicted. Sympathetic nerve block may be
variably between two and six dermatomes above the sensory level and incomplete below this level. The sudden Contractility may be affected by blockade of the upper thoracic sympathetic nerves. Interestingly, a study
sympathetic nerve block with spinal anesthesia gives little time for cardiovascular compensation, which may investigating the common phenomenon of ST segment depression in healthy women undergoing cesarean section
account for a similar sympathetic nerve block with epidural anesthesia, but less hypotension. (25-60%) found ST depression to be associated with a hyperkinetic contractile state.

NYSORA Tips The effect of spinal anesthesia on HR is complex. HR may increase (secondary to hypotension via the
baroreceptor reflex) or decrease (either from sympathetic nerve block of cardiac accelerator fibers originating
• Spinal anesthesia nerve block the sympathetic chain, which is the main mechanism of cardiovascular changes. from T1–T4 spinal segments, or via the reverse Bainbridge reflex). The reverse Bainbridge reflex is a decrease
• The nerve block height determines the level of sympathetic blockade, which determines the degree of change in HR due to decreased venous return, detected by stretch receptors in the right atrium, and is weaker than the
in cardiovascular parameters. baroreceptor reflex. The Bezold-Jarisch reflex (BJR) is another reflex that decreases HR. The BJR has been
implicated as a cause of bradycardia, hypotension, and cardiovascular collapse after central neuraxial anesthesia,
Sympathetic nerve block causes hypotension via its effects on preload, afterload, contractility, and HR—in other in particular spinal anesthesia.
words, the determinants of cardiac output (CO)—and by decreasing systemic vascular resistance (SVR). Preload
is decreased by sympathetic nerve block-mediated venodilation, resulting in pooling of blood in the peripheries
The BJR is a cardioinhibitory reflex and is usually not a dominant reflex. The association with spinal anesthesia Hypotension can be limited by lowering the dose of spinal local anesthetic. One review found 5–7 mg of
is probably weak. The BJR has been blamed for bradycardia after spinal anesthesia, especially after hemorrhage. bupivacaine to be sufficient for cesarean section. However, complete motor nerve block was rare, duration was
Vigorous contractions of an underfilled heart may initiate the BJR. This is more likely with the use of ephedrine limited, and an epidural catheter for early top-up doses was essential. A meta-analysis in 2011 found lower doses
rather than phenylephrine. of bupivacaine to be associated with lower anesthetic efficacy but less hypotension and nausea.
Young, healthy (American Society of Anesthesiologists class 1) patients have a higher risk of bradycardia. Beta- Conflicting opinions exist regarding the vasopressor of choice for spinal-induced hypotension. Ephedrine and
blocker use also increases the risk of bradycardia. The incidence of bradycardia in the nonpregnant population phenylephrine have been the two main contenders; however, others have been used. Ephedrine is a direct and
is about 13%. Even though bradycardia is usually well tolerated, asystole and second- and third-degree heart indirect α- and β-receptor agonist. It was felt to be safer than phenylephrine because it limited vasoconstriction
nerve block can occur, so it is wise to be vigilant when monitoring a patient after spinal anesthesia and treat of the uteroplacental circulation in early animal studies. However, ephedrine has a slow onset of action, is subject
promptly. to tachyphylaxis, and has limited efficacy in treating hypotension. Of more concern is the increased risk of fetal
acidosis. Whether this translates to poorer clinical outcomes is uncertain.
Risk factors associated with hypotension include hypovolemia, preoperative hypertension, high sensory nerve Phenylephrine is an direct α1-receptor agonist. It was used successfully in the 1960s for spinal anesthesia in New
block height, age older than 40 years, obesity, combined general and spinal anesthesia, chronic alcohol York, but fell out of favor due to concerns about poor tissue perfusion. In particular, uteroplacental
consumption, elevated BMI, and urgency of nonobstetric surgery. Hypotension is less likely in women who are vasoconstriction was noted in (somewhat-flawed) pregnant animal models. Recent work has shown that fetal
in labor compared with those undergoing elective cesarean section. acidosis does not occur when usual doses are used. In addition, phenylephrine seems superior to ephedrine in
reducing hypotension and nausea. Phenylephrine has been used as a bolus or as an infusion and has been used
Management of Hypotension After Spinal Anesthesia to treat hypotension prophylactically as well as reactively (Table 9).

Changing Beliefs Shifting beliefs in the theoretical basis of spinal-induced hypotension have been echoed by Optimal dosing regimens are yet to be established. Ngan Kee effectively prevented hypotension in elective
changes in management. For example, if decreased preload is believed to be of primary importance, then obstetric patients by using a combination of crystalloid coload with a prophylactic infusion of phenylephrine.
positioning and fluid therapy are the treatments of choice, and similarly if vasodilation is the culprit, then a
vasoconstrictor should be first line. This has led to vigorous debate. In the 1970s, it was suggested not to give Phenylephrine is the current vasopressor of choice for spinal hypotension, at least in the elective obstetric setting.
vasopressors until “all other methods of combating hypotension” were utilized, underlining the importance of There are, however, drawbacks. First, phenylephrine results in decreased CO, although the significance of this
preload. Evidence to support this was extrapolated from flawed studies on pregnant ewes undergoing general is uncertain. Second, intravenous phenylephrine has been shown to decrease spinal nerve block height in
anesthesia, which suggested vasopressors adversely effected the uteroplacental circulation. The title vasopressor pregnant and nonpregnant patients. Third, Cooper referred to two case reports of hypertensive crisis involving
of choice has similarly generated much controversy. Ephedrine was traditionally nominated as it preserved phenylephrine and atropine, resulting in significant morbidity. It is suggested that hypertension induced by
uterine blood flow (in the aforementioned animal studies). Work by Ngan Kee, among others, has suggested vasopressors is limited by a reflex decrease in HR. Atropine, in this setting, can therefore result in hypertensive
phenylephrine may be the vasopressor of choice, at least in the elective obstetric setting. crisis. Finally, the usual presentation of phenylephrine is highly concentrated (10 mg/mL) and needs to be diluted
in a 100-mL bag of saline (100 μg/mL). Anesthesiologists more familiar with ephedrine may find this tiresome
Management Management of hypotension following spinal anesthesia should include frequent (every minute or, worse still, may commit a drug concentration error. Moreover, as a usual case requires much less than a 100-
initially) monitoring of blood pressure, in addition to electrocardiogram (ECG), oxygen saturation, and fetal mL bag of phenylephrine, there is a risk of cross contamination if bags are reused. Cardiovascular collapse can
monitoring in the case of a pregnant patient. Consideration should be given to invasive blood pressure monitoring occur after spinal anesthesia, although it is a rare event. Auroy and coworkers reported 9 cardiac arrests in 35,439
if the patient has significant cardiac comorbidities. Fluid therapy should be used in a dehydrated patient to restore spinal anesthetics performed. Bradycardia usually precedes cardiac arrest, and early, aggressive treatment of
volume prior to commencing spinal anesthesia. bradycardia is warranted. Treatment of bradycardia includes intravenous atropine, ephedrine, and epinephrine.
Nonpharmacological methods to treat hypotension include positioning, leg compression, and uterine In cases of cardiac arrest after spinal anesthesia, epinephrine should be used early, and the Advanced Cardiac
displacement. Trendelenburg positioning can increase venous return to the heart. Life Support (ACLS) protocol should be initiated. Further work on spinal-induced hypotension is required.
Although treatment is usually aimed at systolic blood pressure, mean blood pressure may be a better target.
This position should not exceed 20° because extreme Trendelenburg can lead to a decrease in cerebral perfusion
and blood flow due to increases in jugular venous pressure. If the level of spinal anesthesia is not fixed, the
Trendelenburg position can alter the level of spinal anesthesia and cause a high level of spinal anesthesia in
patients receiving hyperbaric local anesthetic solutions.

This can be minimized by raising the upper part of the body with a pillow under the shoulders while keeping the
lower part of the body elevated above heart level. A Cochrane review in pregnant women found lower limb
compression to have some benefit, although different methods had varying efficacies. Aortocaval compression
from a gravid uterus should be avoided. Full lateral positioning results in less hypotension than left lateral tilt,
although this may not be practical. A wedge under the right hip, or a tilting table, can be used to achieve left
lateral tilt. However, the optimal degree of tilt is unknown, and there may be considerable variability among
different patients.

There have been conflicting opinions on appropriate fluid management during spinal anesthesia. Early studies
suggested crystalloid “preloading” prior to spinal blockade was effective. More recent work showed minimal
effect of preloading. Colloid preloading does seem to be effective, although this must be balanced against the
risk of allergic reactions and increased costs. “Coloading” (rapid administration of fluid immediately after spinal
anesthesia) with crystalloid is better than preloading at preventing hypotension.
expiratory reserve volume, peak expiratory flow, and maximum minute ventilation are reduced. Patients with
obstructive pulmonary disease who rely on accessory muscle use for adequate ventilation should be monitored
carefully after spinal blockade. Patients with normal pulmonary function and a high spinal nerve block may
complain of dyspnea, but if they are able to speak clearly in a normal voice, ventilation is usually adequate. The
dyspnea is usually due to the inability to feel the chest wall move during respiration, and simple assurance is
usually effective in allaying the patient’s distress.


• Arterial blood gas measurements do not change during high spinal anesthesia in patients who are spontaneously
breathing room air.
• Because a high spinal usually does not affect the cervical area, sparing of the phrenic nerve and normal
diaphragmatic function occurs, and inspiration is minimally affected.

Arterial blood gas measurements do not change during high spinal anesthesia in patients who are spontaneously
breathing room air. The main effect of high spinal anesthesia is on expiration, as the muscles of exhalation are
impaired. Because a high spinal usually does not affect the cervical area, sparing of the phrenic nerve and normal
diaphragmatic function occurs, and inspiration is minimally affected. Although Steinbrook and colleagues found
that spinal anesthesia was not associated with significant changes in vital capacity, maximal inspiratory pressure,
or resting end-tidal PCO2, increased ventilatory responsiveness to CO2 with bupivacaine spinal anesthesia was

Gastrointestinal Effects of Spinal Anesthesia

The sympathetic innervation to the abdominal organs arises from T6 to L2. Due to sympathetic blockade and
unopposed parasympathetic activity after spinal blockade, secretions increase, sphincters relax, and the bowel
becomes constricted.
Increased vagal activity after sympathetic nerve block causes increased peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract,
which can lead to nausea. Nausea may also result from hypotension-induced gut ischemia, which produces
serotonin and other emetogenic substances. The incidence of IONV in nonobstetric surgery can be up to 42%
and may be as high as 80% in parturients.

Hepatic and Renal Effects of Spinal Anesthesia

Hepatic blood flow correlates to arterial blood flow. There is no autoregulation of hepatic blood flow; thus, as
arterial blood flow decreases after spinal anesthesia, so does hepatic blood flow. If the mean arterial pressure
(MAP) after placing a spinal anesthetic is maintained, hepatic blood flow will also be maintained. Patients with
hepatic disease must be carefully monitored, and their blood pressure must be controlled during anesthesia to
maintain hepatic perfusion. No studies have conclusively shown the superiority of regional or general anesthesia
in patients with liver disease. In patients with liver disease, either regional or general anesthesia can be given, as
long as the MAP is kept close to baseline.

Different receptors may also be targeted. For example, prophylactic intravenous ondansetron has been shown to NYSORA Tips
reduce hypotension, perhaps by modulating the BJR. Different patient subpopulations may require different
therapies. Most evidence pertains to the elective, healthy obstetric setting, and the extent to which this can be • If mean blood pressure is maintained after placing a spinal anesthetic, neither hepatic nor renal blood flow will
extrapolated to other groups remains to be seen. Last, despite published evidence of the benefits of phenylephrine decrease.
over ephedrine for elective cesarean section, there is reluctance to change practice. Psychological and • Spinal anesthesia does not alter autoregulation of renal blood flow.
institutional barriers to change need to be addressed.
Renal blood flow is autoregulated. The kidneys remain perfused when the MAP remains above 50 mm Hg.
Transient decreases in renal blood flow may occur when MAP is less than 50 mm Hg, but even after long
Respiratory Effects of Spinal Anesthesia
decreases in MAP, renal function returns to normal when blood pressure returns to normal.
Again, attention to blood pressure is important after placing a spinal anesthetic, and the MAP should be as close
In patients with normal lung physiology, spinal anesthesia has little effect on pulmonary function. Lung volumes,
to baseline as possible. Spinal anesthesia does not affect autoregulation of renal blood flow. It has been shown
resting minute ventilation, dead space, arterial blood gas tensions, and shunt fraction show minimal change after
in sheep that renal perfusion changed little after spinal anesthesia.
spinal anesthesia. The main respiratory effect of spinal anesthesia occurs during high spinal blockade when active
exhalation is affected due to paralysis of abdominal and intercostal muscles. During high spinal blockade,

Many factors have been suggested as possible determinants of spinal blockade level. The four main categories Speed of injection has been reported to affect spinal nerve block height, but the data available in the literature
of factors are (1) characteristics of the local anesthetic solution, (2) patient characteristics, (3) technique of spinal are conflicting. In studies using isobaric bupivacaine, there is no difference in spinal nerve block height with
blockade, and (4) diffusion. Characteristics of local anesthetic solution include baricity, dose, concentration, and different speeds of injection. Even though spinal nerve block height does not change with speed of injection, a
volume injected. Patient characteristics include age, weight, height, gender, intra-abdominal pressure, anatomy smooth, slow injection should be used when giving a spinal anesthetic. If a forceful injection is given and the
of the spinal column, spinal fluid characteristics, and patient position. Techniques of spinal blockade include site syringe is not connected tightly to the spinal needle, the needle might disconnect from the syringe with loss of
of injection, speed of injection, direction of needle bevel, force of injection, and addition of vasoconstrictors. local anesthetic.
Although all these factors have been postulated as affecting spinal spread of anesthetic, not many have been
shown to change the distribution of blockade when all other factors that affect blockade are kept constant. NYSORA Tips

Site of Injection Even though spinal nerve block height does not change with speed of injection, use a smooth, slow injection
when giving a spinal anesthetic.
The site of injection of local anesthetics for spinal anesthesia can determine the level of blockade. In some
studies, isobaric spinal 0.5% bupivacaine produces sensory blockade that is reduced by two dermatomes per Volume, Concentration, and Dose of Local Anesthetic
interspace when injection at L2–L3, L3–L4, and L4–L5 interspaces are compared. However, no difference in
nerve block height exists when hyperbaric bupivacaine or dibucaine is injected as a spinal anesthetic in different It is difficult to maintain volume, concentration, or dose of local anesthetic constant without changing any of the
interspaces. other variables; thus, it is difficult to produce high-quality studies that investigate these variables singly.
Axelsson and associates showed that volume of local anesthetic can affect spinal nerve block height and duration
Age when equivalent doses are used.
Peng and coworkers showed that concentration of local anesthetic is directly related to dose when determining
Some studies have reported changes in nerve block height after spinal anesthesia in the elderly patient as effective anesthesia. However, dose of local anesthetic plays the greatest role in determining spinal nerve block
compared with the young patient, but other studies have reported no difference in nerve block height. These duration, as neither volume nor concentration of isobaric bupivacaine or tetracaine alter spinal nerve block
studies were performed with both isobaric and hyperbaric 0.5% bupivacaine. duration when the dose is held constant. Studies have repeatedly shown that spinal nerve block duration is longer
when higher doses of local anesthetic are given. When performing a spinal anesthetic, be cognizant of not only
the dose of local anesthetic but also the volume and concentration so the patient is not overdosed or underdosed.

Baricity plays a major role in determining nerve block height after spinal anesthesia in older populations. NYSORA Tips

Isobaric bupivacaine appears to increase nerve block height, and hyperbaric bupivacaine does not appear to When performing a spinal anesthetic, be cognizant of not only the dose of local anesthetic but also the volume
change nerve block height with increasing age. If there is a correlation between increasing age and spinal and concentration so the patient is not overdosed or underdosed.
anesthesia height, it is not strong enough by itself to be a reliable predictor in the clinical setting. Just as with
site of injection, it appears that baricity plays a major role in determining nerve block height after spinal The use of hyperbaric solutions minimizes the importance of dose and volume except when doses of hyperbaric
anesthesia in older populations, and age is not an independent factor. bupivacaine equal to or less than 10 mg are used. In those cases, there is less cephalad spread and a shorter
duration of action. A dose of hyperbaric bupivacaine between 10 and 20 mg results in similar nerve block height.
When using hyperbaric solutions, it is important to note that patient positioning and baricity are the most
influential factors on nerve block height, except when low doses of hyperbaric bupivacaine are used.
Positioning of the patient is important for determining level of blockade after hyperbaric and hypobaric spinal
anesthesia, but not for isobaric solutions. Sitting, Trendelenburg, and prone jackknife positions can greatly EQUIPMENT FOR SPINAL ANESTHESIA
change the spread of the local anesthetic due to effect of gravity.
Maintaining Asepsis
No single intervention guarantees asepsis. Therefore, a multiprong approach is advisable.
Positioning of the patient is important for determining level of blockade after hyperbaric and hypobaric spinal In the past, most institutions had reusable trays for spinal anesthesia. These trays required preparation by
anesthesia, but not for isobaric solutions. anesthesiologists or anesthesia personnel to ensure that bacterial and chemical contamination would not occur.
Currently, commercially prepared, disposable spinal trays are available and are in use by most institutions. These
The combination of baricity of the local anesthetic solution and patient positioning determines spinal nerve block trays are portable, sterile, and easy to use. Figure 9 shows the contents of a standard, commercially prepared
height. The sitting position in combination with a hyperbaric solution can produce analgesia in the perineum. spinal anesthetic tray.
Trendelenburg positioning will also affect spread of hyperbaric and hypobaric local anesthetics due to the effect
of gravity. Prone jackknife positioning is used for rectal, perineal, and lumbar procedures with a hypobaric local
anesthetic. This prevents rostral spread of the spinal blockade after injection.
Flexion of the supine patient’s hips and knees flattens lumbar lordosis and decreases sacral pooling of local
Combined with Trendelenburg positioning, this may help cephalad spread. This position may inadvertently be
attained when a urinary catheter is placed after spinal insertion.
type of point at the end of the needle.
The pencil-point needles (Sprotte and Whitacre) have a rounded, noncutting bevel with a solid tip. The opening
is located on the side of the needle 2–4 mm proximal to the tip of the needle. The needles with cutting bevels
include the Quincke and Pitkin needles. The Quincke needle has a sharp point with a medium-length cutting
needle, and the Pitkin has a sharp point and short bevel with cutting edges. Finally, the Greene spinal needle has
a rounded point and rounded noncutting bevel. If a continuous spinal catheter is to be placed, a Tuohy needle
can be used to find the subarachnoid space before placement of the catheter.
Pencil-point needles provide a better tactile sensation of the layers of ligament encountered but require more
force to insert than bevel-tip needles. The bevel of the needle should be directed longitudinally to decrease the
incidence of PDPH.
FIGURE 9. Contents of a standard, commercially prepared
spinal anesthetic tray.

The ideal skin preparation solution should be bactericidal and have a quick onset and long duration.
Chlorhexidine is superior to povidone iodine in all these respects. In addition, the ideal agent should not be
neurotoxic. Unfortunately, bactericidal agents are neurotoxic. It is therefore prudent to use the lowest effective
concentration and allow the preparation to dry. Although subject to debate, 0.5% chlorhexidine in alcohol 70%
is currently recommended by some groups. Contamination of equipment with skin preparation can theoretically
lead to the introduction of neurotoxic substances into neural tissue. Of more concern is accidental neuraxial
injection of antiseptic solution, possibly from antiseptic solution and local anesthetic being placed in adjacent
pots. Therefore, after skin preparation, unused antiseptic should be discarded before commencement of the
procedure (and intrathecal drugs should be drawn directly from sterile ampules). Tinted antiseptic solutions may
decrease the likelihood of drug error and allow easy identification of missed skin during application.
Proving a benefit of individual infection control measures is difficult due to the rarity of infectious complications.
Past evidence has been contradictory. For example, it has been suggested that shedding of skin scales from mask
“wiggling” may occur, increasing bacterial contamination. Yet, in 1995 there were calls for routine face mask
use after it was unambiguously proven, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fingerprinting, that a case of
Streptococcus salivarius meningitis originated in the throat of the doctor who had performed a lumbar puncture.

It is our strong belief that face mask wearing should be mandatory when performing spinal anesthesia. A 2006
American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA) practice advisory recommended mask
wearing in addition to removing jewelry, thorough hand washing, and sterile surgical gloves for all regional
anesthesia techniques.
Major components of an aseptic technique also included a surgical hat and sterile draping. Other international
professional bodies have similar guidelines.
Prophylactic antibiotics are unnecessary for spinal anesthesia. If, as it happens, antibiotic prophylaxis is required
FIGURE 10. Different types of needles.
for the prevention of surgical site infection, it may be prudent to administer antibiotics before insertion of a spinal
Small-gauge needles and needles with rounded, noncutting bevels also decrease the incidence of PDPH but are
The reader is referred to Infection Control in Regional Anesthesia for more information.
more easily deflected than larger-gauge needles. The reader is referred to Ultrastructural Anatomy of the Spinal
Meninges and Related Structures and Postdural Puncture Headache.
Resuscitation and Monitoring
Resuscitation equipment must be available whenever a spinal anesthetic is performed. This includes equipment
and medication required to secure an airway, provide ventilation, and support cardiac function. All patients
• Pencil-point needles provide a better tactile sensation of the layers of ligament encountered but require more
receiving spinal anesthesia should have an intravenous line.
force to insert than bevel-tip needles.
The patient must be monitored during the placement of the spinal anesthetic with a pulse oximeter, blood pressure
• The use of introducers help preventing the passage of epidermic contaminants to the CSF.
cuff, and ECG. Fetal monitoring should be used in the case of a pregnant patient. Noninvasive blood pressure
should be measured at 1-minute intervals initially, as hypotension may be sudden.
Introducers have been designed to assist with the placement of spinal needles into the subarachnoid space due to
Shivering and body habitus may make noninvasive blood pressure measurement difficult. Consideration should
the difficulty in directing needles of small bore through the tissues. Introducers also serve to prevent
be given to invasive blood pressure monitoring if the patient has significant cardiovascular disease.
contamination of the CSF with small pieces of epidermis, which could lead to the formation of dermoid spinal
cord tumors. The introducer is placed into the interspinous ligament in the intended direction of the spinal needle,
Needles and the spinal needle is then placed through the introducer.
Needles of different diameters and shapes have been developed for spinal anesthesia. The ones currently used
have a close-fitting, removable stylet, which prevents skin and adipose tissue from plugging the needle and POSITION OF THE PATIENT
possibly entering the subarachnoid space. Figure 10 shows the different types of needles used along with the
Proper positioning of the patient for spinal anesthesia is essential for a fast, successful nerve block. It has been
shown to be an independent predictor for successful first attempt at neuraxial nerve block.316 Many factors
come into play for positioning of the patient. Before beginning the procedure, both the patient and the
anesthesiologist should be comfortable. This includes positioning the height of the operating room table,
providing adequate blankets or covers for the patient, ensuring a comfortable room temperature, and providing
sedation for the patient if required. Personnel trained in positioning patients are invaluable, and commercial
positioning devices may be useful.
When providing sedation, it is important to avoid oversedation. The patient should be able to cooperate before,
during, and after administration of the spinal anesthetic. There are three main positions for administering a spinal
anesthetic: the lateral decubitus, sitting, and prone positions.

Lateral Decubitus Position

A commonly used position for placing a spinal anesthetic is the lateral decubitus position. Ideal positioning
consists of having the back of the patient parallel to the edge of the bed closest to the anesthesiologist, with the
patient’s knees flexed to the abdomen and neck flexed. Figure 11 shows a patient in the lateral decubitus FIGURE 12. Patient in sitting position with the L4–L5 interspace marked.
It is beneficial to have an assistant to help hold and encourage the patient to stay in this position. Depending on
the operative site and operative position, a hypo-, iso-, or hyperbaric solution of local anesthetic can be injected.
• The sitting position is utilized for low lumbar or sacral anesthesia and in instances when the patient is obese
and there is difficulty in finding the midline in the lateral position.
• When performing a saddle nerve block, the patient should remain in the sitting position for at least 5 min after
a hyperbaric spinal anesthetic is placed to allow the spinal to settle into that region.

Prone Position

The prone position can be utilized for induction of spinal anesthesia if the patient needs to be in this position for
the surgery, such as for rectal, perineal, or lumbar procedures. A hypobaric or isobaric solution of local anesthetic
is preferred in the prone jackknife position for these procedures. This avoids rostral spread of the local anesthetic
FIGURE 11. Patient in lateral decubitus position. and decreases the risk of high spinal anesthesia.


• A commonly used position for placing a spinal anesthetic is the lateral decubitus position. The prone position is utilized for spinal anesthesia if the patient needs to be in this position for the surgery, such
• Ideal positioning consists of having the back of the patient parallel to the edge of the bed closest to the as for rectal, perineal, or lumbar procedures.
anesthesiologist, knees flexed to the abdomen, and neck flexed.
Another, less-elegant solution is to inject a hyperbaric solution of local anesthetic with the patient in the sitting
Sitting Position and “Saddle nerve Block” position and wait until the spinal anesthesia “sets in,” which is typically 15–20 minutes after injection. The
patient is then positioned in the prone position with vigilant monitoring, including frequent verbal
Strictly speaking, the sitting position is best utilized for low lumbar or sacral anesthesia and in instances when communication with the patient.
the patient is obese and there is difficulty in finding the midline. In practice, however, many anesthesiologists
prefer the sitting position in all patients who can be positioned this way. The sitting position avoids the potential TECHNIQUE OF LUMBAR PUNCTURE
rotation of the spine that can occur with the lateral decubitus position. Using a stool for a footrest and a pillow
for the patient to hold can be valuable in this position. The patient should flex the neck and push out the lower When performing a spinal anesthetic, appropriate monitors should be placed, and airway and resuscitation
back to open up the lumbar intervertebral spaces. Figure 12 depicts a patient in the sitting position, and the L4– equipment should be readily available. All equipment for the spinal blockade should be ready for use, and all
L5 interspace is marked. necessary medications should be drawn up prior to positioning the patient for spinal anesthesia. Adequate
When performing a “saddle nerve block,” the patient should remain in the sitting position for at least 5 minutes preparation for the spinal reduces the amount of time needed to perform the nerve block and assists with making
after a hyperbaric spinal anesthetic is placed to allow the spinal anesthetic to settle into that region. If a higher the patient comfortable.
level of blockade is necessary, the patient should be placed supine immediately after spinal placement and the
table adjusted accordingly. Proper positioning is the key to making the spinal anesthetic quick and successful. Once the patient is correctly
positioned, the midline should be palpated. The iliac crests are palpated, and a line is drawn between them to
find the body of L4 or the L4–L5 interspace. Other interspaces can be identified, depending on where the needle
is to be inserted.
The skin should be cleaned with skin preparation solution such as 0.5% chlorhexidine, and the area should be Paresthesias may be elicited when passing a spinal needle. The stylet should be removed from the spinal needle,
draped in a sterile fashion. The skin preparation solution should be allowed to dry, and unused skin preparation and if CSF is seen and the paresthesia is no longer present, it is safe to inject the local anesthetic. A cauda equina
solution must be removed from the anesthesiologist’s workspace. A small wheal of local anesthetic is injected nerve root may have been encountered. If there is no CSF flow, it is possible that the spinal needle has contacted
into the skin at the planned site of insertion. a spinal nerve root traversing the epidural space. The needle should be removed and redirected toward the side
More local anesthetic is then administered along the intended path of the spinal needle insertion to the estimated opposite the paresthesia.
depth of the supraspinous ligament. This serves a dual purpose: additional anesthesia for the spinal needle
insertion and identification of the correct path for spinal needle placement. Care must be taken in thin patients After free flow of CSF is established, inject the local anesthetic slowly at a speed of less than 0.5 mL/s. Additional
to avoid dural puncture, and inadvertent spinal anesthesia, at this stage. aspiration of CSF at the midpoint and end of injection can be attempted to confirm continued subarachnoid
administration but may not always be possible when small needles are used. Once local anesthetic injection is
NYSORA Tips complete, the introducer and spinal needle are removed as one unit from the back of the patient. The patient
should then be positioned according to the surgical procedure and baricity of local anesthetic given. The table
• When performing a spinal anesthetic, appropriate monitors should be placed, and airway and resuscitation can be tilted in either the Trendelenburg or the reverse Trendelenburg position as needed to adjust the height of
equipment should be readily available. the nerve block after testing the sensory level. The anesthesiologist should carefully monitor and support vital
• All equipment for the spinal blockade should be ready for use, and all necessary medications should be drawn signs.
up prior to positioning the patient for spinal anesthesia.
Paramedian (Lateral) Approach
Midline Approach
If the patient has a calcified interspinous ligament or difficulty in flexing the spine, a paramedian approach to
If the midline approach is used, palpate the desired interspace and inject local anesthetic into the skin and achieve spinal anesthesia can be utilized. The patient can be in any position for this approach: sitting, lateral, or
subcutaneous tissue. The introducer needle is placed with a slight cephalad angle of 10° to 15°. Next, the spinal even prone jackknife. After palpating the superior and inferior lumbar spinous processes of the desired
needle is passed through the introducer. The needle passes through the subcutaneous tissue, supraspinous interspace, local anesthetic is infiltrated 1 cm lateral to the superior aspect of the inferior spinous process. The
ligament, interspinous ligament, ligamentum flavum, epidural space, dura mater, and subarachnoid mater to needle should be directed slightly medially. A 10° and 15° medial angulation of the needle will reach the midline
reach the subarachnoid space. at a depth of about 5.7 cm (tan 80°) and 3.7 cm (tan 75°), respectively. This demonstrates that small changes in
angulation can have pronounced effects on needle-tip placement. Although slight cephalad angulation is also
Resistance changes as the spinal needle passes through each level on the way to the subarachnoid space. required, a common error is too steep an initial approach. If lamina is contacted, the needle should then be angled
Subcutaneous tissue offers less resistance to the spinal needle than ligaments. When the spinal needle goes cephalad and “walked off” the lamina into the subarachnoid space.
though the dura mater, a “pop” is often appreciated. Once this pop is felt, the stylet should be removed from the
needle to check for flow of CSF. For spinal needles of higher gauge (26–29 gauge), this usually takes 5–10 Other methods have been described. All techniques involve a similar vertical axis for the puncture site (1–1.5
seconds, but in some patients, it can take a minute or longer. If there is no flow, some suggest rotating the needle cm from the midline). They differ in the horizontal axis (eg, 1 cm lateral to the spinous process, 1 cm lateral to
90° as the needle orifice might be obstructed. Debris can obstruct the orifice of the spinal needle. If necessary, the interspace, 1 cm lateral and 1 cm inferior to the interspace, 1 cm lateral and 1 cm inferior to the inferior
withdraw the needle and clear the orifice before attempting the spinal anesthetic again. A common cause of aspect of the superior spinous process) and the degree of cephalad angulation required.
failure to obtain CSF flow is the spinal needle being off the midline. The midline should be reassessed and the Figure Figure 13 shows the landmarks used for a paramedian approach to spinal anesthesia. Figure 14 depicts
needle repositioned. successful performance of a paramedian spinal anesthetic.

If the spinal needle contacts bone, the depth of the needle should be noted and the needle placed more cephalad.
If bone is contacted again, the needle depth should be compared with that of the last bone contact to determine
what structure is being contacted. For instance, if bone contact is deeper than the first insertion, the needle should
be redirected more cephalad to avoid the inferior spinous process. If bone contact is at roughly the same depth
as the original insertion, it may be lamina being contacted, and the midline should be reassessed. If bone contact
is shallower than the original insertion, the needle should be redirected caudally to avoid the superior spinous


• When the spinal needle goes though the dura mater, a “pop” is often appreciated.
• Once this pop is felt, the stylet should be removed from the introducer to check for flow of CSF.
• For spinal needles of a higher gauge (26–29 gauge), this usually takes 5–10 seconds, but in some patients, it
can take longer.
• If there is no flow, the needle might be obstructed by a nerve root and rotating it 90° may be helpful.

When the spinal needle needs to be reinserted, it is important to withdraw the needle back to the skin level before
redirection. Only make small changes in the angle of direction when reinserting the spinal needle as small
changes at the surface lead to large changes in direction when the needle reaches greater depths. Bowing and
curving of the spinal needle when inserting through the skin or introducer can also steer the needle off course
when attempting to contact the subarachnoid space.
FIGURE 13. Landmarks used in a paramedian approach to

FIGURE 15. Taylor approach to spinal anesthesia.


For the Taylor approach:

• The needle should be inserted at a point 1 cm medial and inferior to the posterior superior iliac spine, then
angled cephalad 45°–55° and medially.
• This angle should be medial enough to reach the midline at the L5–S1 interspace.
spinal anesthesia. FIGURE 14. Paramedian approach: needle • After needle insertion, the first significant resistance felt is the ligamentum flavum.
An indwelling catheter can be placed for continuous spinal anesthesia. Local anesthetics can be dosed repeatedly
For the paramedian approach: through the catheter and the level and duration of anesthesia adjusted as necessary for the surgical procedure.
• After palpating the superior and inferior lumbar spinous processes of the desired interspace, local anesthetic is Placement of a continuous spinal catheter occurs in a similar fashion as a regular spinal anesthetic except that a
infiltrated 1 cm lateral to the superior aspect of the inferior spinous process. larger-gauge needle, such as a Tuohy, is used to enable the passage of the catheter. After insertion of the Tuohy
• The needle should be angled in a slight medial and cephalad direction. needle, the subarachnoid space is found, and the spinal catheter is passed 2–3 cm into the subarachnoid space. If
• If lamina is contacted, the needle should then be angled cephalad and “walked off ” the lamina into the there is difficulty in passing the catheter, attempt to rotate the Tuohy needle 180°. Never withdraw the catheter
subarachnoid space. back into the needle shaft because there is a risk of shearing the catheter and leaving a piece of it in the
• The ligamentum flavum is usually the first resistance identified. subarachnoid space. If the catheter needs to be withdrawn, withdraw the catheter and needle together and attempt
the continuous spinal at another interspace. Communication is critical to avoid a spinal catheter being mistaken
Taylor Approach for the more common epidural catheter. This involves labeling, documentation, handover, and vigilance.

The Taylor, or lumbosacral, approach to spinal anesthesia is a paramedian approach directed toward the L5–S1 NYSORA Tips
interspace. Because this is the largest interspace, the Taylor approach can be used when other approaches are not
successful or cannot be performed. As with the paramedian approach, the patient can be in any position for this • After insertion of the Tuohy needle, the subarachnoid space is entered and the spinal catheter is passed 2–3 cm
approach: sitting, lateral, or prone. into the subarachnoid space.
The needle should be inserted at a point 1 cm medial and inferior to the posterior superior iliac spine, then angled • If there is difficulty in passing the catheter, attempt to rotate the Tuohy needle 180°.
cephalad 45°–55° and medially. This angle should be medial enough to reach the midline at the L5–S1 interspace. • Communication is critical to avoid a spinal catheter being mistaken for the more common epidural catheter.
After needle insertion,
the first significant resistance felt is the ligamentum flavum, and then the dura mater is punctured to allow free Because the needle used to pass the spinal catheter is a large-bore needle, there is a much higher risk of PDPH,
flow of CSF as the subarachnoid space is entered. Figure 15 shows the Taylor approach to spinal anesthesia. especially in young female patients. Cauda equina syndrome can occur with small spinal catheters, so the FDA
Real-time ultrasound-guided prone spinal anesthesia via the Taylor approach has been described and may has advised against using catheters smaller than 24 gauge for continuous spinal anesthetics.
improve patient comfort and compliance during the procedure.
In 2008, a randomized clinical trial (FDA Investigational Device Exemption) reported on the safety of continuous
spinal “microcatheters” in obstetric patients. A 28-gauge catheter was placed in 329 patients; there were no
reported permanent neurological outcomes. The trial compared continuous spinal analgesia with epidural
analgesia and found lower initial pain scores, higher patient satisfaction, and less motor nerve block in the spinal
group, with no difference in neonatal or obstetric outcomes. However, the spinal group had higher pruritis scores
and a trend toward more PDPH (9% compared with 4% in the epidural group). Intrathecal catheters were more
difficult to remove than epidural catheters. One patient had an intrathecal catheter broken on removal, albeit by Although usually asymptomatic, they contain CSF and may account for positive aspiration of CSF yet failure of
an untrained individual, leaving a fragment in the patient’s back. complete nerve block. Lumbar CSF volume is an important determinant of spread.


OF SPINAL ANESTHESIA Failure of drug action may result from the incorrect drug being administered. The correct drug may be inactive
as the result of physicochemical instability (less likely with modern agents) or may be impaired due to chemical
The Difficult and Failed Spinal incompatibilities when two or more agents are used. The phenomenon of local anesthetic resistance has been
questioned in the literature.
Spinal anesthesia has long been considered a reliable nerve block, with failure rates less than 1%. Conversion to
general anesthesia was as low as 0.5% in a prospective cohort study of obstetric patients. However, failure rates Failure of Patient Management
as high as 17% have been reported. Failed spinal anesthesia may present as complete absence of nerve block,
partial nerve block, or inadequate duration of nerve block. Descartes’s classic 17th-century picture of pain showing a connection between a boy’s burning foot and his brain
Although expertise may reduce the chance of a failed spinal, even experienced clinicians will be confronted with via the middle of his back—“just as when you pull one end of a string, you cause a bell hanging at the other end
failed spinal nerve blocks. After being reassured by the appearance of CSF, a subsequent failed or patchy nerve to ring”—could lead one to believe spinal anesthesia can cure all pain. However, pain perception is far more
block can leave an anesthesiologist frustrated and bewildered. A methodical approach is required when managing complex, and despite perfect spinal blockade, a patient may experience discomfort or pain. Patients should be
failed spinal blockade. counseled preoperatively about expected “normal” sensations such as pulling, pushing, and stretching.
In an excellent review article, Fettes et al classified failure of spinal anesthesia into five groups: failure of lumbar Preoperative testing of spinal blockade to reassure both the patient and the anesthesiologist may paradoxically
puncture, failure of solution injection, solution spread in the CSF, drug action on the nerve roots and cord, and distress the patient if performed too early. Intraoperatively, a patient may require supplemental anxiolysis and
patient management. Their review is summarized next. analgesia or general anesthesia.

Failed Lumbar Puncture Management of a failed spinal nerve block will depend on whether it occurs preoperatively or intraoperatively
and the nature of the failure. Options to optimize spinal anesthesia include changing the patient’s position to
Whenever there are problems with placing a spinal anesthetic, the anesthesiologist should reassess the position improve spread and repeating t he spinal block. Two important principles must be remembered when repeating
of the patient. A member of the operating room personnel who is trained to assist with patient positioning should a spinal nerve block. First, the second attempt must not be identical to the first. This is not only to avoid a repeat
be used. Alternatively, positioning of the patient can be enhanced with commercially available positioning failure but also perhaps to prevent a second dose of local anesthetic accumulating in a restricted space, which can
devices. These devices can help maintain spinal flexion and create a stable support for the patient, which can be lead to neurological injury. Second, a repeat dose may result in excessive spread of local anesthetic. Alternatives
useful if no trained operating room personnel are available to assist with positioning. such as epidural anesthesia, peripheral nerve blockade, local infiltration, systemic analgesia, and general
anesthesia should be considered based on the merits of the case and are beyond the scope of this chapter.
If the proposed interspace cannot be found, the interspace above or below the original site of spinal injection can
be attempted. When the sitting position cannot be used or is unsuccessful, the lateral decubitus position can be Inadvertent Subdural Nerve Block
used. Either the midline or the lateral paramedian technique can be attempted. The largest interlaminar space is
at L5, and this can be sought via Taylor’s approach, described previously in this chapter. Failed subarachnoid nerve block may be the result of inadvertent subdural injection and deserves special
attention. The subdural space is a potential space that only becomes real after tearing of neurothelial cells within
Three independent predictors of success when performing neuraxial nerve block have been identified: adequate the space as a result of iatrogenic needle insertion and fluid injection (see Figure 4). Characteristic features of a
positioning, the anesthesiologist’s experience, and the ability to palpate anatomical landmarks. Improper SDB are a high sensory level with motor and sympathetic sparing. This may be the result of the limited ventral
positioning may be due to patients’ inability to flex the spine rather than anesthesiologists’ failure to encourage capacity of the space, which results in sparing of the anterior motor and sympathetic fibers. However, a SDB
flexion. A predictably difficult back should not be used to teach inexperienced trainees. If anatomical landmarks may also present in a number of different ways: failed nerve block, unilateral nerve block, Horner syndrome,
are imperceptible spinal ultrasonography can be used to assist lumbar puncture (see section on neuraxial trigeminal nerve palsy, respiratory insufficiency, or unconsciousness due to brainstem involvement. Onset of
ultrasound). nerve blockade is slower than subarachnoid nerve block but faster than epidural nerve block and usually resolves
after 2 hours.
Failure of Solution Injection The incidence of subdural injection after contrast myelography ranges between 1% and 13%. The incidence of
SDB after attempted spinal anesthesia is unknown. Because the dura is intentionally breached during attempted
Because of the small volumes of injectate used in spinal anesthesia, apparently trivial reductions in the volume spinal anesthesia, the incidence of SDB may be higher compared with epidural nerve block (variously quoted as
of solution may result in a less-than-adequate nerve block. Reductions in solution injected may be the result of between 0.024% and 0.82%). The size of the acquired subdural space is probably proportional to the volume of
loss of injectate when the spinal syringe is attached to the needle hub or loss into tissues adjacent to the fluid injected. Therefore, typical volumes used with spinal anesthesia may not be as significant as volumes used
subarachnoid space due to needle orifice migration or the orifice straddling a number of potential spaces (eg, the with epidural anesthesia
subarachnoid and subdural or epidural spaces). Intentional reductions in dose, usually to decrease side effects,
may also result in decreased efficacy. Outpatient Spinal Anesthesia
Failure of Solution Spread Within the CSF Each year, the number of surgeries increase, and more are performed on an outpatient basis. As anesthesiologists,
we are always looking for new ways to provide efficient anesthetic care that is safe, controls pain, allows the
Failure of solution spread within the CSF may be due to spinal deformities such as kyphosis or scoliosis, previous patient to be discharged home in a timely fashion as per postanesthesia care unit protocol, and is easily performed
surgery, transverse or longitudinal spinal septae, spinal stenosis, or extradural cysts. Tarlov cysts are a type of and reproducible. It has previously been suggested that spinal anaesthesia may be incorporated into the outpatient
extradural cyst seen incidentally on MRI scans and have an incidence as high as 9%. surgery model.
Unilateral Spinal Nerve Block • Exaggerated lumbar lordosis during pregnancy can increase the height of the intercristal line
such that 6% of term women have an intercristal line at or above L3.352
Use of a unilateral spinal nerve block for elderly patients and outpatient surgery has undergone a resurgence. • The pronounced lumbar flexion required to perform spinal anesthesia may be difficult due to
Unilateral spinal anesthesia was described in 1950 by Ruben and Kamsler. Their report concerned 116 patients the gravid uterus.
for surgical reduction of hip fracture performed under unilateral spinal blockade. No deaths were reported, and • Aortocaval compression from a gravid uterus may worsen spinal-induced hypotension, posing
no increase in the hazard of operation was found. Recently, attention has returned to the use of unilateral spinal Physiology
risks for both mother and fetus.
anesthesia in elderly patients326 and for outpatient surgery. • Pregnant women require less local anesthetic to achieve the same level of anesthesia as
nonpregnant women. This observation is likely due to both hormonal and mechanical factors.
Use of unilateral spinal anesthesia results in decreased changes in systolic, mean and diastolic pressures, or
oxygen saturation in elderly trauma patients (eg, hip fracture). Keeping the operative side up and using a • Be prepared to convert to general anesthesia. Prior to placement of a spinal anesthetic, the
hypobaric spinal solution in a low dose for these cases results in excellent anesthesia and remarkable pregnant patient should receive 30 mL of 0.3 M sodium citrate orally to decrease stomach
hemostability when the patient is kept in the lateral position for 5–10 minutes before repositioning supine. When acidity. Equipment and drugs necessary to administer general anesthesia should be readily
using hyperbaric solutions, the operative side should be dependent. available.
Outpatient surgery using hyperbaric 0.5% bupivacaine takes about 16 minutes for development of surgical • After the spinal anesthetic is given, the patient should be in the supine position with left uterine
anesthesia from time of injection with unilateral spinal anesthesia and 13 minutes with traditional bilateral spinal displacement. Fetal heart rate should be monitored by Doppler or fetal scalp electrocardiogram
anesthesia. Less hemodynamic changes are found in the unilateral spinal anesthesia group, with quicker (ECG).
regression of the nerve block and equal time to discharge home. • A T4-level block is usually required for a cesarean section due to traction on the peritoneum
and uterine exteriorization.
Compared with other outpatient surgery, less motor nerve block is required for knee arthroscopy. Doses of • Some patients complain of dyspnea due to abdominal and intercostal motor blockade, but if the
hyperbaric bupivacaine as low as 4–5 mg are effective when combined with unilateral positioning. Higher doses patient is able to speak clearly, reassurance and monitoring is usually all that is required. Sensory
delay recovery. Addition of intrathecal opioids improves analgesia but increases opioid-related side effects. loss in the upper limb or inability to extend the forearm (C7/C8) should warn the clinician
Ropivacaine does not improve recovery time. regarding impending diaphragmatic paralysis (C3/C4/C5).
In performing unilateral spinal anesthesia, use of a pencil-point 25-gauge or 27-gauge needle with the orifice • If the mother wants to nurse the newborn, an assessment of upper limb strength should be
directed at the operative side is suggested. Low-dose bupivacaine should be used, with hyperbaric bupivacaine made. Adequate staffing should allow someone other than the anesthesiologist to be responsible
(operative side down) in outpatient surgery and hypobaric bupivacaine (operative side up) in the elderly trauma for the well-being of the newborn.
patient. A slow injection rate should be used to produce laminar flow that will assist in producing a unilateral • Hypotension and nausea are common, especially in the elective setting (see section on
blockade. There is little evidence that keeping a patient in the lateral position for more than 15 minutes is helpful. management of hypotension after spinal anesthesia). Prophylactic phenylephrine and
“coloading” with fluid effectively prevents hypotension and nausea. Table 23–9 provides a
suggested regimen for managing hypotension during elective cesarean section.
The Obstetric Patient

In 1901, Kreis described the first spinal anesthetic for vaginal delivery. The following year, Hopkins performed The Anticoagulated Patient
the first successful spinal anesthetic for cesarean section in a woman with placenta previa. Spinal anesthesia for
labor and delivery has progressed greatly since that time. Although many arguments are made against general As the population ages, more patients are presenting for surgery with pre-, intra-, or postoperative requirements
anesthesia in the pregnant woman due to increased risk of aspiration and difficult intubation, the anesthesiologist for antiplatelet, anticoagulant, or thrombolytic therapy. Novel agents continue to be developed, giving rise to
must be prepared to induce general anesthesia in the face of a failed or total spinal anesthetic. concerns in patients undergoing spinal anesthesia. These concerns led to the evolution of the ASRA evidence-
Obstetric regional anesthesia is a topic in itself, and as such is covered in Obstetric Regional Anesthesia. based guidelines on regional anesthesia in the patient receiving antithrombotic or thrombolytic therapy, now up
Examples of how spinal anesthesia differs in the obstetric population are listed in Table 10. to its third edition
The reader is referred to Neuraxial Anesthesia and Peripheral Nerve Blocks in Patients on Anticoagulants for an
TABLE 10.Spinal anesthesia in the obstetric patient. in-depth discussion on the use of neuraxial anesthesia in the anticoagulated patient.

Consent • May be difficult to obtain truly informed consent in a laboring patient.

Other Clinical Situations
• Lower risk of major permanent complications compared with neuraxial blockade for Spinal anesthesia in the pediatric patient and the patient with preexisting neurology are covered in Pediatric
nonobstetric surgery.26 Epidural and Spinal Anesthesia & Analgesia and Regional Anesthesia in the Patient with Preexisting Neurologic
• Higher risk of postdural puncture headache. Disease, respectively.
• A 2005 meta-analysis showed cord pH, an indicator of fetal well-being, to be lower with spinal
compared with epidural and general anesthesia, although this may be attributed to the use of
ephedrine in the studies analyzed.118 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN SPINAL ANESTHESIA
• Avoidance of maternal risks of general anesthesia, in particular the three As: aspiration,
awareness, and difficult airway. Neuraxial Ultrasound
Benefits • Avoidance of fetal exposure to general anesthesia drugs.
• Early maternal bonding with the newborn. Conventional palpation of surface anatomy has been shown to be unreliable. Neuraxial ultrasound aims to
• Partner or support person may be present. overcome the inaccuracies of surface anatomy with sonoanatomy. The first description of ultrasound-assisted
• Spinal anesthesia may be used for labor analgesia, forceps delivery, cesarean delivery, manual lumbar puncture was in 1971. More recently, neuraxial ultrasound has been used as a preprocedure scan and for
Indications real-time needle placement. Much of the evidence regarding neuraxial ultrasound pertains to preprocedural
removal of placenta, perineal repair, or nonobstetric surgery in the obstetric patient.
scanning prior to epidural insertion, especially in the setting of obstetric anesthesia, and has been produced by a
limited number of specialized centers. This evidence shows that scanning decreases needle attempts, accurately 6. Obtain a transverse interlaminar view at the desired level. The probe is rotated transversely at the
predicts depth to the epidural space, and may improve the success rate of junior trainees. desired level (eg, L3–L4). Slight cephalad-caudal tilting and sliding are necessary to optimize the
Spinal ultrasonography in the setting of single-shot spinal anesthesia is less well studied. Ultrasonography allows appearance of the posterior and anterior complex.
increased accuracy at identifying lumbar interspaces. This is important as palpation of the lumbar spine is likely 7. Identify the dura (posterior complex) and mark the depth with calipers.
to generate a higher interspace than expected, and the conus medullaris has been shown to be at times lower than 8. Note the tilt of the probe (usually slightly cephalad). This indicates the required angulation of the needle
the conventionally taught L1 level. These two facts not only pose a theoretical risk but also have resulted in once inserted at the optimal insertion point.
persistent neurological injury. An observational study in orthopedic patients demonstrated accurate 9. Mark the optimal needle insertion point. A pen is used to mark the four midpoints of the long and
ultrasonographic prediction of the depth to the dura prior to spinal insertion. Preprocedural ultrasonography has short edges of the probe. The probe is put down, and a horizontal and vertical line is constructed. Where
been used to achieve spinal anesthesia in clinically difficult situations such as obesity, kyphoscoliosis, and they intersect is the optimal needle insertion point. The vertical line should correspond with the
previous spinal surgery, including Harrington rods. Real-time ultrasound-guided spinal anesthesia has been previously marked midline.
described in technically difficult patients and in the prone position via Taylor’s approach. A randomized trial 10. Check the optimal insertion point by reapplying probe and ensuring a good view of the anterior
comparing preprocedural scanning with standard palpation for spinal anesthesia in patients with difficult surface complex.
anatomical landmarks showed a twofold difference in first attempt success (62% ultrasound vs. 32% control).

Ultrasound scanning of the neuraxis is best learned in tailored workshops and simulations. Real-time ultrasound
advancement of a spinal needle into the subarachnoid space is an expert skill, and practitioners should possess
considerable probe and needle skills. Preprocedure scanning and marking of a patient’s back require less hand-
eye coordination but may also be difficult to learn. Competence at identifying designated spinous processes has
been achieved after scanning 22–36 patients. Here, we outline six sonoanatomical views of the lumbar spine and
a simplified method for performing a neuraxial preprocedure scan and outline common beginner pitfalls.


Different researchers have described varying numbers of necessary sonographic views, often associated with
fanciful monikers. Karmakar refers to “horse heads,” “camel humps,” and “trident” signs (longitudinal
paramedian views), whereas Carvalho refers to a “saw” (longitudinal view) and a “flying bat” (transverse view).
The novice should not become bewildered by the varying nomenclature, as they are simply tools of pattern
Specialized ultrasonic windows are required to visualize the neuraxis due to the bony structures that encase it.
Six basic views are shown in Table 11.
The anterior and posterior complexes are useful terms for identifying structures. The anterior complex represents
the anterior dura, posterior longitudinal ligament, and posterior vertebral body. The posterior complex represents
the ligamentum flavum, epidural space, and posterior dura.

While the “target” of spinal anesthesia is the posterior complex, the visualization of the anterior complex denotes
a clear ultrasonographic window through the interlaminar space.
Neuraxial Ultrasound Preprocedure Scan

1. After positioning the patient in a conventional manner, apply a low-frequency (2- to 5-MHz) curved
array probe to the middle of the patient’s lower back in a transverse orientation.
2. Optimize the image for depth, frequency, and time-gain compensation.
3. Mark the midline. This is done by simply aligning the transversely oriented probe such that there is
symmetry of the ultrasound appearance (left side of screen being a mirror of the right side). This will
correspond to either the transverse spinous process or transverse interlaminar view. Sliding the
transversely applied probe in a cephalad direction, a marking pen is used at intervals to mark the skin
adjacent to the middle of the long edge of the probe.Practically, it helps to start low and mark above the
probe on skin free of ultrasound gel. This technique assumes there is actual symmetry in the patient’s
anatomy (no scoliosis, rotation, or metalwork).
4. Identify the lumbosacral junction. The probe is oriented to obtain a paramedian sagittal laminar view.
After identifying the lamina, the probe is slid caudally until a continuous hyperechoic line (sacrum) is
seen. An anterior complex should be seen between the sacrum and fifth lumbar lamina (see Figure 16 ).
5. Mark the lamina of L1–L5. The probe, maintaining a paramedian orientation, can then be moved
cephalad as a marking pen, again at the midpoint of the long edge of the probe, and is used to mark the
lamina or interlaminar spaces.
However, carbon dioxide insufflation has subsequently been used. Avoidance of head-up left lateral tilt that is
associated with diaphragmatic irritation has been suggested. Some studies have limited insufflation to less than
11 mmHg and used a nasogastric tube to decompress the stomach and reduce aspiration risk. Others did not
modify surgical technique except for low-flow insufflation (nasogastric tubes were avoided and maintained
carbon dioxide insufflation at 15 mmHg).
Addition of intrathecal fentanyl or clonidine may decrease shoulder tip pain.
The main two drawbacks of spinal anesthesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomy seemed to be shoulder tip pain
resulting in patient dissatisfaction or conversion to general anesthesia and a high rate of PDPH (up to 10%). Due
to the small numbers and heterogeneous techniques in previous studies, it has been difficult to establish the ideal

Tzovaras and colleagues in 2008 published an interim analysis of a randomized trial. One hundred patients were
randomized to either general or spinal anesthesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Both arms of the study had
nasogastric tubes and carbon dioxide insufflation to a maximum of 10 mmHg. The spinal group had 3 mL of
0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine, 250 μg morphine, and 20 μg fentanyl injected at the L2–L3 level via a 25-gauge
pencil-point needle in the right lateral decubitus position. The patient was then placed in the Trendelenburg
position for 3 minutes. Despite intraoperative shoulder tip discomfort or pain in 43% patients of the spinal group,
only half of these patients required fentanyl, and no patient required conversion to general anesthesia.

Of those in the spinal and general anesthesia groups, 96% and 94%, respectively, were highly or fairly satisfied
FIGURE 16. Ultrasound image of the lumbosacral junction. A continuous hyperechoic line (sacrum) is with their procedure. Moreover, postoperative pain was less in the spinal group compared with the general
seen. An anterior complex (AC) should be seen between the sacrum and fifth lumbar lamina. anesthesia group. The trial was discontinued as the primary endpoint (pain) was reached with the first 100
patients. No patient in the spinal group had a classic PDPH (G. Tzovaras, personal communication, 2012).

Thoracic Spinal Anesthesia

Additional views of the spine can be obtained by placing the probe in a paramedian sagittal orientation and
sliding laterally through the paramedian laminar, articular process, and transverse process views. The paramedian Thoracic spinal anesthesia was described in the early 1900s by Professor Thomas Jonnesco, although he was
oblique view is obtained by tilting the probe medially, aiming to highlight the posterior and anterior complexes criticized by his contemporaries, including Professor Bier. He called his technique “general spinal analgesia”
through the interlaminar space. This view can be used for real-time ultrasound-guided spinal anesthesia. and described two puncture sites, the T1–T2 and T12–L1 interspaces, depending on the surgery required. In his
article, he made astounding claims of being able to perform head and neck surgery, including total laryngotomy,
Pitfalls under high-thoracic analgesia and incorrectly predicted in 1909 that his technique would “in a short time be
universally accepted.”
The most significant pitfall is, after initial training, waiting for the difficult patient before attempting neuraxial In 2006, thoracic spinal anesthetic for a patient requiring laparoscopic cholecystectomy was reported. Segmental
ultrasound. Ultrasound scanning requires pattern recognition, and skills need to be attained by scanning “easy” thoracic spinal anesthesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomy was shown to be effective in a small number of
backs. Imprecise skin marking has been postulated as a reason for failure. Care should be taken to ensure the healthy patients, although the authors cautioned that the technique, still in its infancy, should not be used in
curved array probe is perpendicular to the skin when using a marking pen. Confusing the anterior complex for routine practice.
the posterior complex risks gross overestimation of the depth to the (posterior) dura. When measuring dural
depth, the probe may indent the skin, thereby underestimating depth. Misidentification of the lumbosacral Spinal anesthesia is traditionally performed in the lumbar region below the level of the conus medullaris to avoid
junction or failing to recognize anomalies of the junction, present in 12% of the population, will result in incorrect injury to the spinal cord. However, MRI images, albeit in a supine position, have shown that the mid- to lower
labeling of the interlaminar spaces. Last, ultrasound gel should be cleaned from the skin prior to performing thoracic segment of the cord lies anteriorly, such that there is a CSF-filled space between the dura and the cord
neuraxial nerve block. (see Figure 17).

Laparoscopic Surgery With Lumbar Spinal Anesthesia

Lumbar spinal anesthesia has been used in the settings of laparoscopic extraperitoneal and intraperitoneal
inguinal hernia repair, outpatient gynecological laparoscopy, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and laparoscopic
ventral hernia repair. Laparoscopic surgery with an awake patient requires some special considerations. First,
patient selection and education are paramount. Caution should be used when interpreting general anesthesia
conversion rates in clinical trials as patients who consent to the trial may be more likely to tolerate an awake
procedure. Anxiolysis should be offered, and patients should be counseled about expected sensations.
Pneumoperitoneum can be perceived as a weight on the abdomen. The possibility of conversion to general
anesthesia, which is often due to shoulder tip pain, should be discussed.

Surgical technique and trocar sites may need to be modified. Pneumoperitoneum with nitrous oxide insufflation
has been used to avoid peritoneal irritation and pain thought to be associated with conventional carbon dioxide
FIGURE 17. Midline MRI of the spinal column. In the thoracic segments, the
spinal cord is positioned anteriorly leaving a significant space (*) between the posterior dura and the spinal cord.
At the lumbar level, the space disappears almost completely. (Reproduced with permission from van Zundert
AA, Stultiens G, Jakimowicz JJ, et al: Segmental spinal anaesthesia for cholecystectomy in a patient with severe
lung disease. Br J Anaesth. 2006 Apr;96(4):464-466.)

Spinal anesthesia is a reliable, safe, and effective form of anesthesia. Much has changed since its beginnings in
the late 19th century. Mastery of spinal anesthesia comes with practice, diligence, and knowledge of physiology,
pharmacology, and anatomy.
Patient safety must always be at the forefront when considering performing a spinal anesthetic. Spinal anesthesia
is an indispensable technique in the practice of modern anesthesia. Supplementary video related to spinal
anesthesia can be found at NYSORA Students Educational Videos: Spinal Anesthesia.

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