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1. Nama: Ayu Apriani

Nim. : J1A121010

2.Nama :findri findriyanti

Nim. : J1A121024

3. Nama : mawar Yanti indah

Nim. : J1A121039

4. Nama : Anggli febrina r.

Nim : J1A121006

5.Nama :Masya Abel gistha L.

Nim. :J1A121038

6. Nama: Muh. Gaul Kazela

Nim : J1A121043

Taks 1

Keripik ditumpuk dengan diet sehat untuk anak-anak

Lucy Beaumont, The Age, 20 Juni 2004

Keripik panas adalah makanan favorit anak-anak Australia, menurut jajak pendapat yang muncul
saat politisi federal memperdebatkan masalah iklan junk food.

Penelitian Roy Morgan meminta 1.853 anak-anak, berusia enam hingga 13 tahun untuk
menyebutkan makanan favorit mereka dan menemukan bahwa 90 persen memilih keripik pedas,
diikuti oleh pizza (87 persen), ikan dan keripik.
(81 persen), chicken nugget (80 persen), ayam barbekyu (75 persen) dan pai, pasties dan
hamburger (74 persen). Dibandingkan,
56 persen anak-anak mengatakan mereka menyukai sup, persentase yang sama menyukai salad
dan 49 persen menyukai "makanan kesehatan".

Jajak pendapat, yang dirilis kemarin, menemukan bahwa 81 persen anak-anak makan di restoran
cepat saji dalam empat minggu terakhir, 32 persen dari mereka setidaknya empat kali selama
periode itu. Sementara para peneliti telah menemukan bahwa buah adalah camilan siang hari
yang paling umum untuk anak-anak, kepala eksekutif VicHealth Rob Moodie "terkejut"
buah itu tidak termasuk dalam daftar makanan favorit survei.

“Sayangnya produsen buah tidak memiliki uang untuk mengiklankan atau menggunakan layanan
(penelitian) ini,” kata Dr Moodie. “Buah adalah salah satu kategori terpenting dan tidak ada
dalam agenda.” Preferensi junk food adalah cerminan dari dolar iklan yang dihabiskan untuk
menjual produk semacam itu, katanya. “Kapan terakhir kali Anda melihat iklan wortel?” tanya
Dr Moodie.
Hasil jajak pendapat bahwa 88 persen anak-anak mengatakan mereka menikmati olahraga sangat
menggembirakan, kata Dr Moodie. “Kami membutuhkan bantuan untuk membangun ini. Ini
seperti fakta bahwa 60 persen anak ingin berjalan kaki ke sekolah tetapi hanya 30 persen yang
melakukannya. Anda harus mengubah sistem sehingga Anda dapat memanfaatkan atau
mendorong preferensi tersebut,” katanya.


• 78 persen anak-anak makan sereal untuk sarapan, dengan roti panggang di urutan kedua (75
• 43 persen makan buah segar sepulang sekolah.
• 36 persen makan biskuit manis sepulang sekolah.
• 88 persen anak-anak mengatakan mereka menikmati olahraga tetapi 31 persen mengatakan
mereka lebih suka bermain game komputer daripada bermain di luar.
• 94 persen anak-anak menonton televisi dalam tujuh hari terakhir.
• 75 persen anak berusia 10 hingga 13 tahun mengakses internet dalam empat minggu terakhir.

Taks 2

b) Answer these questions:

i). What are the most popular foods listed by the children in the survey?
Roy Morgan Research asked 1853 children, aged six to 13 to name their favourite foods and
found that 90 per cent chose hot chips, followed closely by pizza (87 per cent), fish and chips
(81 per cent), chicken nuggets (80 per cent), barbecue chicken (75 per cent) and pies, pasties
and hamburgers (74 per cent). In comparison,
56 per cent of children said they liked soup, the same percentage liked salad and 49 per cent
liked “health food”.

ii) What are some of the long-term implications of high

consumption of these foods?
A diet rich in fatty and fatty foods can cause problems with brain function. Weight gain, high
blood pressure, and metabolic syndrome associated with fatty foods have also been linked to
damage to brain structures and tissues.

iii) What foods could have been eaten instead of those listed?
Justify your food ?
• 78 per cent of children eat cereal for breakfast, with toast a close second (75 per cent).
• 43 per cent eat fresh fruit after school.
• 36 per cent eat sweet biscuits after school.
 Meat, yougurt, wheat, sweet potatoes, egg yolks, avocado, green vegetable, growth milk

iv) What is the best choice, health-wise and budget-wise, for

a snack in between meals? Use the Weighing it up chart
as evidence.

50% cereal
fresh fruit
sweet biscuit

Taks 2

Exercise 2 - The chicken detective!

Researching how the humble chicken nugget is made may turn you
off them for life! Working in pairs or small groups, find out:
– exactly how they are made (processed)
– which parts of the chicken (if any) are used
– the salt content
– the fat content (including what may be added during the cooking process)
– food additives used and why
– how they are packaged.

Use a visual organiser or concept map to create a flow chart to track

a chicken nugget from ‘farm to plate’. Create a classroom display.

Write a paragraph reflecting on what you have learnt from being a food detective.
i. These are the steps required for turning chickens into nuggets.

Confining chickens in crowded sheds

Broiler chickens are chickens born and raised specifically for meat production. Broilers are kept
in huge sheds capable of confining tens of thousands of birds at a time. Broiler sheds typically do
not allow birds any access to the outdoors or even provide windows to allow natural sunlight to
filter through. Instead, birds live under artificial lighting and in such crowded spaces that it's hard
for them to get proper exercise or rest.

Chickens are slaughtered when they're just 47 days old.
Broiler chickens are slaughtered when they're only around 47 days old—compared with their
natural lifespans of 5-12 years, it's clear that the chickens who are killed for nuggets are
essentially toddlers.

Feeding them antibiotics

In broiler barns, chickens are often given antibiotics to help them grow faster, and to prevent the
infections that could otherwise sicken and kill birds kept in the unnatural conditions of factory
farms. Overuse of antibiotics on farmed animals is a leading cause of antibiotic resistance, one of
the gravest health threats faced by humanity today.

Throwing away chickens

Even though broiler chickens live for a little over a month within factory farms before their
untimely slaughter, many of them are not able to survive even this short period. Millions of
chickens each year die from a host of painful conditions. Unnaturally rapid growth, the result of
selective breeding, also causes stress to chickens' skeletons and organs, and can give rise to lethal
conditions like Sudden Death Syndrome.

Transport to slaughter
Transporting broiler chickens to the slaughterhouse can be a grueling trip for the birds, some of
whom never make it, dying before arriving at their final destination. Chickens are roughly
crammed into small crates and stacked on trucks that can hold around 3,000 birds at a time. Birds
can be exposed to extreme heat or cold during the trip, and they are denied access to food and
water (having already been starved for up to 12 hours before leaving the farm), adding yet more
stress to an already brutal situation.

Killing the chickens

Chickens endure some of the most difficult deaths of any factory-farmed animal. Known as live-
shackle slaughter, the process begins by shoving the birds’ legs into metal stirrups, which are
painful and ill-fitting. Birds are then moved through an electrified bath of water meant to render
them unconscious before their throats are slit. Then, their bodies are plunged into a boiling vat of
water to defeather them.

Sadly, many hundreds of thousands of birds remain conscious for their deaths due to improper
stunning and throat-cutting, resulting in one of the worst welfare violations within the animal
agricultural industry today.

Deboning and grinding

To combat the “pink slime” myths, where images of neon-pink processed meat were said to be a
step in chicken nugget-making, McDonald’s posted a virtual tour of a meatpacking plant where
some of its nuggets are made.

The video depicts dead chickens being deboned, the breast meat cut off their bodies. The breasts
are then dumped into huge bins, which are wheeled over to a massive grinder. The meat is
ground to shreds and combined with the skin of chickens, acting as a binding agent and
eventually becoming an unappetizing beige paste.

Shaping and frying

The final stage of chicken nugget creation is shaping the meat paste, battering it with a tempura
batter, and frying it, all using a highly mechanized process.
ii. Chicken nuggets are made with white chicken meat that comes from the breast or
pectoral muscles of the birds, and other chicken parts can be mixed in as well.
Tendons, bones, nervous and connective tissues, and fat can all be ground up together
before being shaped into those bite-sized pieces. One study found that chicken
nuggets contained more fat than meat, "along with... bone, nerve, and connective

iii. sIn this table below, we can see salt content and fat content that contain in chicken

Amount/Serving %DV* Amount/Serving %DV*

Nutriti Total Fat 14.9g 23% Tot. Carb. 10.8g 8%

on   Sat. Fat 2.9g 15%

Fiber 0g

Facts   Trans Fat 0g     Sugars 0g  

Serving Size 5 Cholesterol 33.1mg 11% Protein 11.6g  

Sodium 513.8mg 34%    
Calories 224
from Fat - - - Vitamin A -  Vitamin 
 Iron   3%
IU   0% C   0% Calcium   2%
*Percent Daily Values  Saturated
Fat   23%
(DV) Fat   15%
 are based on a 2,000
 calorie diet.

 List of additives for products from the Chicken nuggets category – World

Additive Products

E541 – Sodium aluminium phosphate 12

E262 – Sodium acetates 12

E471 – Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids 12

E621 – Monosodium glutamate 10

 Why used food additive in chicken nugget

Food additives are substances added to food to maintain or improve its safety, freshness,
taste, texture, or appearance. Food additives need to be checked for potential harmful effects
on human health before they can be used.
 How chicken nugget packaged
To maximize the shelf life of cooked chicken nuggets for safety and quality, refrigerate
the chicken nuggets in shallow airtight containers or wrap tightly with heavy-duty
aluminum foil or plastic wrap. Properly stored, cooked chicken nuggets will last for 1
to 2 days in the refrigerator.

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