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Kelompok VIII

TOEFL (Listening)

Diajukan untuk memenuhi tugas

Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris

Dosen Pengampu :Rabiatul Adawiyah, S. PdI., M.Pd.

Oleh :

Nadia Khairunnisa

NIM: 2112140184


NIM: 2112140186

Muhammad Khalil Mahdi Pratama


Muhammad Diky Andreansyah





TAHUN 2022M/1444H

Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, yang atas rahmat-Nya

dan karunianya kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini tepat pada waktunya.

Adapun tema dari makalah ini adalah “TOEFL (Listening)”.

Pada kesempatan ini kami mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-

besarnya kepada dosen mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris yang telah memberikan tugas

kepada kami. Kami juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak-pihak yang

turut membantu dalam pembuatan makalah ini.

Kami jauh dari sempurna. Dan ini merupakan langkah yang baik dari studi

yang sesungguhnya. Oleh karena itu, keterbatasan waktu dan kemampuan kami,

maka kritik dan saran yang membangun senantiasa kami harapkan semoga makalah

ini dapat berguna bagi kami pada khususnya dan pihak lain yang berkepentingan

pada umumnya.

Palangka Raya, September 2022



KATA PENGANTAR ........................................................................................... ii

DAFTAR ISI ......................................................................................................... iii

BAB I ...................................................................................................................... 1

PENDAHULUAN.................................................................................................. 1

A. Latar Belakang ............................................................................................. 1

B. Rumusan Masalah ........................................................................................ 2
C. Tujuan Masalah ............................................................................................ 2
BAB II .................................................................................................................... 3

PEMBAHASAN .................................................................................................... 3

A. Test of English as a Foreign Language (Listening) ..................................... 3

a. Part A (A Short Conversation) ................................................................. 3
b. Part B (A Long Conversation) .................................................................. 4
c. Part C (A Short Lecture)........................................................................... 4
B. Jenis-Jenis Pertanyaan TOEFL Listening Comprehension .......................... 4
a. Pertanyaan mengenai topik pembicaan. ................................................... 4
b. Pertanyaan mengenai pikiran utama ......................................................... 4
c. Pertanyaan mengenai informasi rinci ....................................................... 5
d. Pertanyaan mengenai saran ...................................................................... 5
C. Strategi Listening Comprehension dalam TOEFL....................................... 5
D. Contoh Listening Conversation ................................................................... 6
1. Part A (Short Conversation) ..................................................................... 6
2. Part B (Long Conversation) ..................................................................... 6
3. Part C (Short Lecture) ............................................................................ 10
BAB III ................................................................................................................. 14

PENUTUP ............................................................................................................ 14

A. Kesimpulan ................................................................................................ 14
B. Saran........................................................................................................... 14
DAFTAR PUSTAKA .......................................................................................... 15



A. Latar Belakang

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) merupakan hal

terpenting bagi seseorang yang ingin melanjutkan pendidikan ataupun untuk

melamar pekerjaan dan mendaftar sekolah keluar negeri. TOEFL biasanya

menjadi acuan untuk mengetahui apakah seseorang mahir dalam berbahasa


TOEFL terdiri atas dua jenis, yaitu Computer-based Testing dan

Paper-based Testing. Model CBT dalam ujian TOEFL biasanya memiliki

skala penilaian 40-300. Sedangkan, Paper-based Testing memiliki skala

penilaian 217-677. Ada empat bagian dalam pengujian TOEFL, diantaranya

1. Structure and Written Expression, untuk mengetahui kemampuan

grammtical seseorang dengan melengkapi sebuah kalimat dan juga

menentukan kesalahan yang terjadi dalam sebuah kalimat.

2. Reading Comprehension, untuk mengetahui pemahaman seseorang

terhadap teks-teks tertulis dalam bahasa Inggris.

3. Test of English Written (TWE), untuk mengetahui kemampuan

seseorang dalam melakukan tulis menulis dalam bahasa Inggris.

4. Listening Comprehension, untuk menguji kemampuan seseorang

dalam menyimak pembicaraan atau bahasa lisan yang dilakukan

dalam bahasa Inggris.

B. Rumusan Masalah

1. Apa itu TOEFL (Listening)?

2. Bagaimana jenis pertanyaan dalam TOEFL (Listening)?

3. Apa strategi mudah penyelesaian TOEFL (Listening)?

4. Bagaimana soal-soal TOEFL (Listening)?

C. Tujuan Masalah

1. Untuk mengetahui lebih dalam tentang TOEFL (Listening).

2. Mengetahui bagaimana jenis pertanyaan TOEFL (Listening).

3. Memahami dan mengetahui strategi mudah pengerjaan atau

penyelesaian TOEFL (Listening).

4. Mengetahui bagaimana soal-soal TOEFL (Listening).



A. Test of English as a Foreign Language (Listening)

TOEFL “Listening Comprehension” bertujuan untuk mengukur

kemampuan memahami bahasa lisan yaitu mendengarkan bahasa Inggris

secara lisan. Semua kalimat menggunakan gramatikal dan biasanya dalam

bentuk kalimat yang lengkap. Pertanyaan dalam Listening Comprehension

biasanya berkaitan dengan kegiatan sehari-hari yang terjadi di tempat-

tempat umum seperti di sekolah, universitas, perpustakaan, kantor , toko dan

beberapa percakapan yang dilakukan lewat telpon da kebanyakan

menyangkut aspek budaya di Amerika Serikat.

Terdapat beberapa part dalam TOEFL listening Comprehension,

diantaranya Part A (short conversation) yang terdiri dari 20 soal,Part B(long

conversation) yang terdiri dari 15 soal dan Part C(short lecture) dengan 15

soal. Waktu yang disediakan untuk menjawab adalah 40-45 menit, dengan

menggunakan pengucapan dan ekspresi American English.

a. Part A (A Short Conversation)

Dalam section ini akan terjadi percakapan pendek antara dua atau tiga

pembicara. Dalam percakapan ini, informasi terpenting biasanya

dinyatakan oleh pembicara kedua. Oleh karena itu sangat dianjurkan

unutk memperhatikan apa yang dikatakan oleh pembicara kedua.

b. Part B (A Long Conversation)

Percakapan ini biasanya diikuti dengan tiga atau empat pertanyaan.

Setiap listening terdiri atas 140-290 kata yang berlangsung sekitar 40-

80 detik. Topiknya bersifat akademis dengan materinya seputar sejarah,

ilmu pengetahuan atau organisasi universitas dan kadang-kadang perlu

membperhatikan informasi yang berkaitan dengan angka-angka yang

terdapat dalam percakapan.

c. Part C (A Short Lecture)

Bagian ini mencakup pidato, ceramah pendek, atau materi perkuliahan

yang disampaikan oleh seseorang dengan durasi untuk 200 kata. Setiap

pidato diakhiti dengan sejumlah pertanyaan disertai pilihan jawaban. 1

B. Jenis-Jenis Pertanyaan TOEFL Listening Comprehension

Keterampilan dalam menjawab soal Listening dapat dilatih dan

dipelajari. Adapun mengenai jenis-jenis pertanyaan dalam TOEFL

biasanya, seperti:

a. Pertanyaan mengenai topik pembicaan.

What is the topic of this talk? What is the talk about?

b. Pertanyaan mengenai pikiran utama

What is the main of this talk? What are they talking about?

Anchana Rukthong and Tineke Brunfaut, “Is Anybody Listening? The Nature of Second Language
Listening in Integrated Listening-to-Summarize Tasks,” Language Testing 37, no. 1 (2020): 31–53,

c. Pertanyaan mengenai informasi rinci

Who is invited to the party? Where did it happen? How could the miner

obtained the location?

d. Pertanyaan mengenai saran

What does the women suggest? What should the man do?2

C. Strategi Listening Comprehension dalam TOEFL

1. Jangan membaca pilihan jawaban namun liatlah secara sekilas.

2. Cobalah untuk memahami isi dari percakapan, dengan mencari apa

kata kuncinya? Apa topiknya? Apa gagasan utamanya? Siapa yang

berbicara? Dimana persitiwanya? Apa tanggapan lawan bicaranya?

3. Bila mendengar angka atau tanggal pastikan tahu berapa dan tahu

padanan kata atau ungkapannya. Misalnya, one hour dapat diganti

sixty minutes.

4. Tetap jawab meski tidak tepat. Cobalah untuk menebak jawaban

yang paling tepat, jawaban salah tidak mengurangi nilai. Jangan

terpaku pada kata atau frasa yang tidak tau maksudnya. 3

Lars Stenius Stæhr, Vocabulary Knowledge and Advanced Listening Comprehension in English as
a Foreign Language, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, vol. 31, 2009,
Christ Agustine, TOEFL Listening, dalam (16 Oktober 2022).

D. Contoh Listening Conversation

1. Part A (Short Conversation)

(man) That exam was just awful.

(woman) Oh, it could have been worse.

(narrator) What does the woman mean?

In your test book, you read:

(A) The exam was really awful.

(B) It was the worst exam she had ever seen.

(C) It couldn't have been more difficult.

(D) It wasn't that hard.

2. Part B (Long Conversation)

Narator : Listen to Part of Conversation between a student an

a librarian.

Female Student : Hi, um, I really hope you can help me.

Male Librarian : That's why I'm here.What can I do for you?

Female Student : I'm supposed to do a literature review for my

psychology course, but I'm havin' a hard time

finding articles. I don't even know where to start


Male Librarian : OK. Actually, most of our material's available

electronically now. You can access psychology

databases or electronic journals and articles

through the library's computers. And if you wanted

to search by title with the word "dream" for

example, just type it in and all the articles with

"dream" in the title will come up on the screen.

Female Student : Cool. That's great. Too bad I can't do this from


Male Librarian : But you can. All of the library's databases and

electronic sources can be accessed through any

computer connected to the university network.

Female Student : Really? I can't believe I didn't know that. It still

sounds like it's gonna take a while though, you

know, going through all of that information--all of

those sources.

Male Librarian : Maybe, but you already narrowed your search

down to articles on dream interpretation, so it

shouldn't be too bad. And, you probably noticed

that there's an abstract--or summary--at the top of

the first page of the article you copied. When you

do go into the databases and electronic sources,

you have the option to display the abstracts on the

computer screen. Skimming those to decide

whether or not you wanna read the whole article

should cut down some time.

Female Student : Right…abstracts. They will definitely make the

project more doable. I guess I should try out the

electronic search while I'm still here, then. Ya

know, just in case…

Male Librarian : Sure. Uh…that computer's free over there. And I'll

be here 'til five this afternoon.

Female Student : Thanks. I feel a lot better about this assignment



1. .Why does the student go to see the librarian?

A. To sign up for a seminar on using electronic sources for research

B. To report that a journal is missing from the reference area

C. To find out the procedure for checking out journal articles

D. To ask about how to look for resources for a class paper

2. What does the librarian say about the availability of journals and articles

in the library?

A. They are not easy to find if a professor put them on reserve.

B. Most of them are accessible in an electronic format.

C. Most of them can be checked out for three weeks.

D. Printed versions from the past three years are located in the reference


3. What does the librarian suggest the student should do to save time?

A. Choose an easier research topic

B. Concentrate on five journals

C. Read the summaries of the articles first

D. Install a new program on her home computer

4. What can be inferred about why the woman decides to use the computer

in the library?

A. She thinks she might need additional help from the man.

B. She does not have a computer at home.

C. She has to hand in her assignment by the end of the day.

D. She will be meeting a friend in the library later on.

5. Replay: Why does the woman say this?

A. She had forgotten about the information

B. She is surprised she was not aware of the information

C. She is annoyed that the information was published only recently

D. She is concerned that the librarian gave her incorrect information

3. Part C (Short Lecture)

NARRATOR : Listen to part of a lecture in an astronomy class.

MALE PROFESSOR: OK, last time we talked about ancient

agricultural civilizations that observed the stars and then used those

observations to keep track of the seasons... But today I want to talk about

the importance of stars for early seafarers, about how the fixed patterns

of stars were used as navigational aids.Ok, you’ve heard about the

Vikings and their impressive navigation skills... But th-the seafaring

peoples of the Pacific Islands—th-the Polynesians and Micronesians

were quite possibly the world’s greatest navigators; long before the

development of, uh, advanced navigational tools in Europe, Pacific

Islanders were traveling from New Zealand to Hawaii and back again,

using nothing but stars as their navigational instruments.Uh, th-the key

to the Pacific Islanders’ success was probably their location near the

equator. What that meant was that the sky could be partitioned, divided

up, much more symmetrically than it could farther away from the

equator. Unlike the Vikings, uh, early observers of the stars in

Polynesia, or-or really, anywhere along the equator, would feel that they

were at the very center of things, with the skies to the north and the skies

to the south behaving identically; they could see stars going straight up

in the east and straight down in the west. So it was easier to discern the

order in the sky than farther north, or farther south, where everything

would seem more chaotic.Take the case of the Gilbert Islands; they’re

part of Polynesia and lie very close to the equator. And, the people there

were able to divide the sky into symmetrical boxes, according to the

main directions—north, east, south, and west. And they could precisely

describe the location of a star by indicating its position in one of those

imaginary boxes…And they realized that you had to know the stars in

order to navigate; in fact, there was only one word for both in the Gilbert

Islands; when you wanted a star expert, you asked for a navigator.Um,

islanders from all over the Pacific learned to use the stars for

navigation, and they passed this knowledge down from generation to

generation. Some of them utilized stone structures called “stone

canoes.” Oh and these “canoes” were on land, of course, and you can

still see them on some islands today. They were positioned as if they

were heading in the direction of the points on the sea horizon where

certain stars would appear and disappear during the night. And young

would-be navigators sat by the stones at night and turned in different

directions to memorize the constellations they saw, so they could

recognize them and navigate, uh, by them later on, when they went out

to sea.One important way the Polynesians had for orienting themselves

was by using zenith stars. A zenith star was a-a really bright star that

would pass directly overhead at a particular latitude, at a uh, particular

distance from the equator, often at a latitude associated with some, uh,

particular Pacific island. So the Polynesians could estimate their latitude

just by looking straight up; by observing whether a certain zenith star

passed directly overhead at night, they’d know if they had reached the

same latitude as a particular island they were trying to get to.Uh, another

technique used by the Polynesians was to look for a star pair. That’s two

stars that rise at the same time…or set at the same time. And, navigators

could use these pairs of stars as reference points because they rise or set

together only at specific latitudes. So navigators might see one star pair

setting together and, uh, would know how far north or south of the

equator they were. And if they kept on going, and the next night they

saw the pair of stars setting separately, then they would know that they

were at a different degree of latitude. So looking at rising and setting star

pairs is a good technique... Um, Actually, it makes more sense with

setting stars—they can be watched—instead of trying to guess when

they’ll rise.Uh, OK, I think all this shows that navigating doesn’t really

require fancy navigational instruments; the-the peoples of the Pacific

Islands had such expert knowledge of astronomy, as well as navigation,

that they were able to navigate over vast stretches of open ocean. Uh,

it’s even possible that Polynesian navigators had already sailed to the

Americas centuries before Columbus


1. What does the professor mainly discuss?

A. How the seafaring skills of Polynesians resembled those of the


B. How Pacific Islanders were able to navigate without instruments

C. How the patterns of stars differ to the north and south of the


D. How navigational instruments developed over time

2. What is the advantage of observing stars from a location near the


A. The horizon tends to be clearer there than anywhere else.

B. More stars rise and set in pairs there than anywhere else.

C. Zenith stars shine even brighter there than they do farther north

or south.

D. The sky appears more orderly there than it does farther north or


3. What does the professor say about the people of the Gilbert Islands?

A. They developed a method for describing the locations of stars.

B. They regularly traded with the peoples of Hawaii and New


C. They were the first to recognize the usefulness of zenith stars.4

Zsuzsa C Londe, “The Effects of Video Media in English as a Second Language Listening
Comprehension Tests,” Issues in Applied Linguistics 17, no. 1 (2009),



A. Kesimpulan

TOEFL “Listening Comprehension” bertujuan untuk mengukur

kemampuan memahami bahasa lisan yaitu mendengarkan bahasa Inggris

secara lisan. Semua kalimat menggunakan gramatikal dan biasanya dalam

bentuk kalimat yang lengkap. Pertanyaan dalam Listening Comprehension

biasanya berkaitan dengan kegiatan sehari-hari yang terjadi di tempat-

tempat umum seperti di sekolah, universitas, perpustakaan, kantor , toko dan

beberapa percakapan yang dilakukan lewat telpon da kebanyakan

menyangkut aspek budaya di Amerika Serikat.

Terdapat beberapa part dalam TOEFL listening Comprehension,

diantaranya Part A (short conversation) yang terdiri dari 20 soal,Part B

(long conversation) yang terdiri dari 15 soal dan Part C (short lecture)

dengan 15 soal. Waktu yang disediakan untuk menjawab adalah 40-45

menit, dengan menggunakan pengucapan dan ekspresi American English.

B. Saran

Saran dalam penyusunan makalah ini kami menyadari bahwa

banyak kesalahan. Oleh karena itu, kami dari pihak penyusun memohon

kritik dan saran demi kesempurnaan penyusunan makalah berikutnya.


Agustine, C. (2022, Oktober Minggu). TOEFL Listening. Diambil kembali dari

Londe, Zsuzsa C. “The Effects of Video Media in English as a Second Language

Listening Comprehension Tests.” Issues in Applied Linguistics 17, no. 1
Rukthong, Anchana, and Tineke Brunfaut. “Is Anybody Listening? The Nature of
Second Language Listening in Integrated Listening-to-Summarize Tasks.”
Language Testing 37, no. 1 (2020): 31–53.
Stæhr, Lars Stenius. Vocabulary Knowledge and Advanced Listening
Comprehension in English as a Foreign Language. Studies in Second
Language Acquisition. Vol. 31, 2009.


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