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Nama Mahasiswa : Haryanti Sinaga

NIM : 3191131014
Dosen Pengampu : Dr. Sugiharto, M.Si
Mata Kuliah : Geografi bahasa inggris





Puji dan syukur penulis ucapkan atas kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas
rahmat dan karunia-Nya penulis dapat menyelesaikan tugas Critical Journal Review (CJR) ini
tepat pada waktunya. Adapun tugas ini dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Geografi
bahasa inggris. Selama penyusunan makalah ini, penulis banyak mengalami berbagai
hambatan dan kesulitan. Namun berkat bantuan dan dorongan dari berbagai pihak, makalah
ini dapat terselesaikan.

Penulis juga menyadari bahwa dalam pembuatan Critical Journal Review ini masih
jauh dari kata sempurna, maka dari itu penulis mengharapkan kritik dan saran yang
membangun agar berguna untuk kedepannya. Akhir kata, penulis mengucapkan terima kasih
kepada para pembaca, semoga tugas ini bermanfaat bagi yang membacanya.

Medan, 7 Desember 2020


Haryanti sinaga


KATA PENGANTAR.............................................................................................................II
DAFTAR ISI.............................................................................................................................1
BAB 1 PENDAHULUAN.......................................................................................................2
1.1 RASIONALISASI PENTINGNYA CJR .......................................................................2
1.2. TUJUAN PENULISAN..................................................................................................2
1.3. MANFAAT CJR.............................................................................................................2
1.4.IDENTITAS JURNAL.....................................................................................................3
BAB II RINGKASAAN ISI ARTIKEL.................................................................................4
2.1 RINGKASAN JURNAL 1...............................................................................................4
2.2 RINGKASAN JURNAL 2 ..............................................................................................8

BAB III ANALISIS JURNAL...............................................................................................13

B. PEMILIHAN DAN CAKUPAN KAJIAN TEORI JURNAL.........................................13
SERTA IMPLIKASI PADA PENELITIAN........................................................................15
F. KELEBIHAN DAN KELEMAHAN JURNAL...............................................................15
BAB IV PENUTUP................................................................................................................16
B. SARAN............................................................................................................................16
DAFTAR PUSTAKA.............................................................................................................17



1.1 Rasionalisasi Pentingnya CJR

Critical Journal Review (CJR) merupakan suatu hal yang penting bagi mahasiswa
karena mempermudah dalam membahas inti hasil penelitian yang telah ada. Terdapat
beberapa hal penting sebelum kita mereview jurnal, seperti menemukan jurnal yang sesuai
dengan topik yang diangkat, membaca keseluruhan dari isi jurnal dan mencoba untuk
menuliskan kembali dengan bahasa sendiri pengertian dari jurnal tersebut.
Langkah penting dalam mereview sebuah jurnal, yaitu mengemukakan bagian
pendahuluan, mengemukakan bagian diskusi, mengemukakan bagian kesimpulan.
Hal-hal yang perlu ditampilkan dalam critical journal review, yaitu mengungkapkan
beberapa landasan teori yang digunakan oleh peneliti sebagai acuan dalam penelitiannya dan
tujuan apa yang ingin dicapai; mengungkapkan metode yang digunakan, subjek penelitian,
teknik pengumpulan data, alat pengumpul data, dan analisis data yang digunakan; mengambil
hasil dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan dengan memberikan deskripsi secara singkat, jelas,
dan padat; serta menyimpulkan isi dari jurnal.


a. Memenuhi tugas kuliah Pembelajaran Geografi bahasa inggris
b. Menambah pengetahuan tentang Pembelajaran Geografi bahasa inggris
c. Meningkatan kemampuan untuk mengkritisi journal
d. Mampu membandingkan journal yang berbeda
e. Mampu menilai kelemahan dan kekurangan journal


Manfaat dari critical book report ini yaitu:

1. Mahasiswa mengetahui dan memahami dengan sungguh-sungguh akan isi journal

2. Mahasiwa mengetahui dan mendapat informasi yang journal
3. Menumbuhkan kekreatifan berpikir dalam menelah sebuah journal
4. Mengetahui akan keunggulan dan kelemahan sebuah jorurnal.


 Identitas Journal 1

Judul Jurnal : Peranan Geomorfologi dalam Perencanaan Bangunan Pada Zona

Ancaman Longsor Tinggi di Kawasan Geopark Karangsambung-
Karangbolong Bagian Utara.

Nama Jurnal : Jurnal Lingkungan Dan Bencana Geologi

Tahun : 2018

Volume/Nomor : Vol. 10 No. 3

ISSN : 2086-7794

Penulis : Puguh Dwi Raharjo, Kristiawan Widiyanto, Sueno Winduhutomo,


Halaman : 139-148

 Identitas Journal 2
Judul : Struktur Geologi dan Litologi Sebagai Kontrol Munculnya

MataAir Panas Guji dan BatuRaden,Jawa

Penulis : Sri Indarto, Haryadi Permana, Eddy Z.Gaffar, Hendra Bakti,
ndrie Al Kautsar, Heri Nurohman, Sudarsono,
Yayat Sudradjat, Iwan Setiawan, Ahmad F.Ismayanto dan
anita Yuliyanti.

Lembaga Penulis : Pusat Penelitian Geoteknologi LIPI

Nama Jurnal : Riset Geologi dan Pertambangan
Vol/No : Vol.27 , No. 1
ISBN/ISSN : 2354- 6638
Tahun Terbit : 2017
Halaman : 97- 109



2.1 Journal Summary 1


The Karangsambung area of Kebumen Regency, Central Java is a Geological Nature

Reserve which is also the Karangsambung-Karangbolong Geopark Area. The functions of
education, conservation, tourism and community empowerment are the focus of development
of the local government in the geopark area. Equitable development, especially important
sectors in the geopark area, is needed. Landslide threat in the northern part of the
Karangsambung Geopark area, Karangbolong has high to moderate threat criteria and only a
few have low criteria. This creates a development barrier, especially for services, if the
strategic locations are not mapped in detail on land owned by local governments. Research on
ground motion has been done a lot but it is still on a small scale in the form of spatial, but it is
still rare to do research on a large scale. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of locations
that have ownership status by the local government of Kebumen Regency in areas prone to
Geomorphology of landforms can be used as a unit of characteristics with similarities which
are influenced by topographic factors and geological structures as well as exogenous
processes (Raharjo drr, 2014). The study of land forms at the same time can represent slope,
drainage, and soil conditions in general (Raharjo, 2008). Soil movement is one of the
geomorphological processes that occur on hilly and / or mountainous slopes (Priyono, 2011).
Landslides are the process of moving surface materials by the presence of gravitational forces
either slowly or quickly from one place to another (Zuidam, 1983). Geomorphological
processes that have occurred in the past are not only based on the morphology of land forms,
but also on the materials that make up the landforms, one of which is soil (Sartohadi, 2008).
Slope conditions become a controlling factor for the occurrence of soil movements
(Karnawati, 2002). A stable slope is a slope that has a balance and is not easy to slide, when
there is a disturbance, there will be an imbalance and result in irregular slope conditions
(Zakaria, 2010). Vegetation is an alternative technology in reducing shallow landslides

(Mulyono drr., 2017). The slope stability factor can be increased by the presence of
vegetation on the slopes, so that the roots will strengthen the soil and evapotranspiration to
reduce soil saturation (Switala and Wu, 2019; Viet drr, 2016) Karangsambung area is a
Geological Nature Reserve that is part of the National Geopark. The functions of education,
conservation, tourism and community empowerment are the focus of development of the
local government in the geopark area. Hills are the dominance of morphology in the northern
part of this area (Raharjo drr., 2011). Disasters, especially land movements, need to be a
concern in development in the Karangsambung-Karangbolong Geopark Area.
Theory Study -

Research Methods
This activity was conducted in Sadang Kulon Village, Sadang District, Kebumen Regency.
The location is on the side of the road with the coordinates UTM 358872mT; 9169098mU. In
this study, several tools were used, namely: drones, soil drills, soil sample tubes, geological
compasses, GPS and secondary data in the form of geological maps and topographic maps.
This research uses spatial analysis and field and laboratory data analysis. In the field data
analysis, several activities carried out include: soil sampling (laboratory); measurement of the
slopes of each specified segment; measurement of soil thickness in general; contact survey of
lithology and geological structures; look for former landslides and signs of possible
landslides; looking for water seeps on the ground; and calculation of fs (factor of safety) in
each slope segment (Vernes, 1978). In the spatial analysis in this research, several activities
were carried out, among others, were: Interpretation of land forms; detailed scale mapping
using drones; and the creation and analysis of a DEM (digital elevation model). DEM data is
derived from the results of shooting viadrones orthomosaic. The coordinate system in the
mapping uses the UTM datum WGS 1984 projection. Ground control points (GCP) use
easily recognizable features in the field (intersections of roads and streams), while ground
altitude is measured using GPS (global positioning system).
In the early stages of spatial data analysis is very necessary, this is to determine the overall
surface conditions. Road accessibility considerations are an important factor in choosing a
location for building planning on land belonging to the Kebumen Regency Government. The
road access at the research location is on a sub-district road which in the planning for
Kebumen Regency will turn into a district road that connects with Banjarnegara Regency.
The location of the activity is an area with regional characteristics with residents in groups

that are far away from other population groups. The pattern and distribution of population in
these locations can also be used as a basis for government building planning. Analysis of
spatial data is also to determine the type of terrain that will be used to interpret the
appearance of landslides. Analysis of spatial data is also to determine the type of terrain that
will be used to interpret the appearance of landslides. The middle to upper slopes are low
density vegetation plants, while the lower slopes are rice fields that have high humidity. The
dominant vegetation in the basin (middle to upper slopes) is in the form of low density mixed
plants with dominance, among others, in the form of cassava, banana, coconut and bamboo
plants. Whereas in the hills around this area, the type of vegetation is perennials with medium
to high density. On the lower slope, it is dominated by lowland agricultural land, this
condition is also different from the type of land cover in the surrounding vegetation. The
study location is an area on the lower-middle slope with a relatively gentle topography. This
area is a form of pediment which is heavily influenced by sediment from the upper slopes.
This pediment is above thebedrockin the form of schismica which is in contact with the rock
in the form of breccia (middle slope). Geologically, the study location is a meeting point
between the Melange Complex and the Totogan Formation. Pediment is the boundary
between the hilly zone and the alluvial plain. Overall, this area is a hilly area that has
experienced land degradation into a basin. The slope at the activity location is divided into 3
segments, namely segment A at the bottom, segment B in the middle, and segment C at the
top. Location A is the border area between the hills and the river. The river bank
morphological formation seems to have a protruding formation (river direction). The type of
river that develops almost forms aformation meanderingmeandering) (. However, the
appearance seen at this time of the meandering has been disturbed, there are sediments as if
there had been ground movement in the past. This results in the river being pressed and the
development of meandering does not occur ideally. At location B there is a low to moderate
slope (0-13%). At this location, there are many water seepage from the soil through the micro
notch of the slope, the soil is relatively soft. This water seepage release is possible because of
the presence of a thin layer of soil that meets the schismic source rock, between the
permeability zone and the impermeability zone. Location C has relatively thin soil and found
several exposed source rock points. The slope is very steep but no water seeps were found. In
this segment, there is a river channel from the east which continues to the bottom, but on the
west side the new river channel is formed at that height and continues downward.

Analysis of the spatial form of road accessibility, the distribution pattern of settlements in
general, and the level of the threat of landslides merupak major factors in determining the
planning of buildings, particularly for government office buildings. The study area is spatially
located in an area whose surface resembles a water catchment (basin). The process of
developing landforms is a pediment, slope stability is a controller of the existing pediment at
this location. Research and mapping in detail on the building planning location at the
landslide location is needed. Mapping techniques using drones to obtain DEM data can be
carried out for spatial analysis which includes indicators of landslides. This is also supported
by field and laboratory analysis. At the research location, the physical properties of the soil
for slope stability also showed stable. Physical buildings in the form of offices can still be
built on a flat location and there is no water seepage. Karangsambung area has a high
landslide threat, but a detailed study is still needed on the locations that will be used for
building planning, so that it does not limit it in development planning.

Suggestions -

2.2 Journal Summary 2


The hot springs of Kalipedes and Guci on the northwest slope of Mount Slamet, Central Java
appear at the contact between volcanic breccia and lava flows. The hot springs are located on
a structural alignment or fault with a west-east direction for the Kalipedes hot springs and a
northwest-southeast direction for the Guci hot springs. The hot springs of Baturaden, which
are located in the southeast foothills of Mt. Slamet, appear on contact between polymic
breccias and lava in a relatively northwest-southeast trending river valley. Breccia rocks
generally have a high fluid passing rate while lava flows are relatively fluid tight. The
volcanic rocks in the study area are composed of olivine basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite
pyroxine with a high enough potassium content or with an affinity as alkaline basalt or calcal
andesite. The presence of the main structure controlling the emergence of hot springs is
evidenced by research on radon gas which shows a high enough radon value to a high> 40
dpm / L and a high fluid passing which is interpreted as a weak zone due to geological
structural activities in the Kalipedes and Guci areas, while in the Baturaden area The value of
radon gas is relatively low so it is estimated that the main control for the emergence of hot

springs is the difference in rock formation. The presence of these geological structures or
faults can be proven through magnetoteluric research.


Most of the volcanic routes have the potential for large geothermal energy (Widarto et al.,
2003; Pratomo, 2006). Geothermal sources can be formed due to three factors, namely the
presence of aheat source, surface water (meteoric water) and reservoir rock (reservoir). Hot
water or mild hot steam will move up to the surface of the earth through a fault or fracture,
which is a water pass zone in the form of hot springs, fumaroles and sulfatara (Shigeno,
1993). Places or rocks where steam or hot water come to the surface generally undergo
alteration (change). These altered rocks in geothermal are one of the manifestations and can
sometimes function ascap rocks. Geothermal fields can occur especially in volcanic or
magmatic arcs, under which there are magma chambers that act as heat sources (Herman,
2009). In general, these fields are formed on convergent plate boundaries with a magma
composition ranging from basalt to gabbro to rhyolite to granite, but the dominant ones are
diorite to andesite (Herman, 2009). The geothermal potential in Java to the NusaT Tenggara
Islands is influenced by the collision between the Indo-Australian Plate in the south and the
Eurasian plate in the north with a large angle of inclusion, resulting in more alkaline and
watery volcanic rocks (Rock et al., 1982, in Suhartono, 2012). This paper will discuss the
factors that control the emergence of hot springs to the surface at the foot of Mt. Slamet,
namely in the Guci and Baturaden areas, Central Java.


The geothermal field of the Mount Slamet Complex is located in Central Java Province,
administratively within 5 districts / cities, namely Purwokerto Municipality, Banyumas
Regency, Tegal, Bumiayu and Pemalang. Geographically, the Mount Slamet Complex is
located at coordinates 109o 00 '- 109o 30' East Longitude and 7o 00 '- 7o 30' South Latitude,
and is located between the Dieng Mountains Complex, Central Java and Mount Ciremai,
West Java. The hot springs found in the Mount Slamet Complex are located in the villages of
Guci and Kalipedes to the northwest of the peaks of Mount Slamet and Baturaden on the
southeast slopes.


The initial stage of this study was to study secondary data collected from previous research,
as well as the results of morphostructural and morphostratigraphic analysis (Topographic
Maps of Rempoah and Bumijawa Sheet, scale 1: 25,000, 1998). The next stage is to conduct
field research to collect primary data in the form of geological observations, geological
structures such as fractures and fault evidence, geothermal manifestations. Observation and
description of rock variations (lithology) is intended to determine rock types and rock type
estimates. In this study, fresh and altered rock samples were taken in the field for
petrographic analysis at the Mineral Physics Laboratory, Center for Geotechnology Research,
LIPI. A number of fresh rock samples were selected for geochemical analysis at Actlabs,
Canada, to measure the content of the major elements (Major Elements). The goal is to find
out the name of the rock and the type of magma.


following describes the results of the research covering morphostructural analysis, geological
research covering rock types and rock geochemistry, and geological structures. The research
is focused on answering the geological factors that control the emergence of hot springs in
the Kalipedes, Guci and Baturaden areas, Central Java. Verification of subsurface structures
and geology utilizes secondary data such as radon gas measurements (Nurohman et al., 2014)
and magnetotelluric measurements (Gaffar et al., 2014).

Morphostructure of Mount Slamet and Field Observations The

results of topographic map analysis show that the Mount Slamet Complex is controlled by the
alignment of the main structure trending northwest-southeast, southwest-northeast, slightly
north-south and west-east (Figure below). The alignment of the northwest-southeast and
west-east trending structures is thought to play a role in controlling the activity of the old
Mount Slamet or the Mount Mingkrik Complex, while the young volcanic activity is
controlled by the southwest-northeast trending (Permana et al., 2014). The Guci hot springs
emerge to the surface in an area controlled by the main line with a northwest-southeast
direction (Zone 1) while the Baturaden hot springs appear in Zone 4 which is characterized
by a main north-south alignment with a slight west-east and northwest-southeast trending
(Permana). et al., 2014). The Guci area which is located in the northwest of the G. Slamet

body has undergone volcanic-tectonic deformation which forms a depression (graben)
(Pratomo et al., 2012), and based on geological data is occupied by the G. Slamet Muda
deposit (Bronto et al. , 2010, vide Pratomo & Hendrasto, 2012; Djuri et al., 1996

Lithology and Rock Chemistry

Types of lithology in the area of Mount Slamet in the Kalipedes, Guci and Baturaden areas
are composed of alternating lava flows with laharic breccias and sometimes a thin layer of

tuff inserts is found. and strong altered laharic breccia rocks Based on observations of rock
outcrops in the field, the lava in the Guci area can be divided into two types: the rock
outcrops observed on the Kali Awu cliffs are old lava breccias, above which are covered with
lava which is interpreted as old lava and at the base of the river lava deposits are found.
young conditions are still fresh, showing the structure of the flow and experience
pengkekaran believed to occur when the clotting process. on top al The old lava flow is
deposited with strong altered laharic breccias, composed of volcanic rock fragments
(andesitic, altered basaltic), while the matrix is in the form of argillic and silica minerals
which are the result of hydrothermal conversion (devitrification) to volcanic glass. Altered
rocks contain sulfide minerals (pyrite, chalcopyrite) which are exposed around Kali Awu and
Kali Putih in Sudikampir Village. Above the strongly altered laharic breccias covered with
the youngest gray lava flows, characterized by flow structures and gaseous holes.
Petrographic analysis shows porphyritic and mostly vitrophiric textures, where phenocrysts
are embedded in the base ofglass volcanicand shaped minerals. microlites. The phenocrysts
(0.2 - 2) mm in size were plagioclase / Pg (35%) of the andesine / An species, some showed
zoning and some albite twins. Guci's hot springs were observed to appear on the surface at
the contact between old lava flows (basaltic andesite) at the bottom and the layers above
which were weakly altered lava breccias with relatively more nested andesite fragments, as
found at the bottom of the cliffs of the Gung and Kali Awu rivers. This Awu River forms a

northwest-southeast trending valley which is thought to be a fault line and controls the
activities of G. Slamet Muda (Permana et al., 2014).

Radon and MT analysis.

Field evidence regarding the geological structure of Quaternary volcanic rocks is not easy to
find. The general pattern of alignment interpretation of the interpretation of DEM data or
topographic maps is only supported by rock-solidification, river straightness and waterfall
cliffs. The hot spring of Guci or Kalipedes is located in a northwest-southeast direction
(Permana et al., 2014). The presence of this geological structure is evidenced by
measurements of the element radon gas in the surface soil layer and hot water at several
location points. The radon (Rn) content measured in the Guci and Kalipedes areas was high -
quite high, indicating high permeability - high enough, namely> 40 dpm / L (Nurohman et
al., 2014). Areas with high-sufficiently high permeability may be controlled by the presence
of geological structures such as faults or strongholds.
In the Baturaden area, the results of radon gas measurements show lower values than Guci
and Kalipedes, possibly the area is influenced by the type of rock underneath such as massive
lava flows or altered rock. The presence of geological structures such as faults in the Guci
and Kalipedes areas is also supported by the results of MT measurements in the Guci hot
springs area with a Southwest-Northeast (AB) trajectory from Kalipedes, Guci to
Jurangmangu, which intersects the main alignment structure with a northwest-Southeast
direction (Permana et al. al., 2014; Gaffar et al., 2014). The resistivity cross section of the
magnetoteluric measurement results shows the existence of a fault structure that passes
through the Guci and Kalipedes areas and is thought to have controlled the emergence of hot
springs in both areas. In the Baturaden area, hot springs are most likely controlled by the
alignment of the structures that form the river valley with a direction of U130oT. From the
rock aspect, the hot springs in Kalipedes or in Guci appear to the surface in the plane or line
of the fault plane and in the contact area between the less nest (lava layersimpermeable),
above which are covered with more nested volcanic breccia. Older volcanic breccias and lava
flows are composed of olivine basalt fragments whereas younger breccias and lava are
composed of andesites containing pyroxene and olivine or basaltic andesite.

Hot springs in Guci-Kalipedes appear to surface at the contact between volcanic breccias and
lava below whereas in Baturaden, hot springs appear at the boundary between volcanic

breccias and lava, and polymic breccias with lava below. The hot springs in both Guci and
Baturaden are located on the northwest-southeast trending structure while the Kalipedes hot
springs are controlled by fault alignment with an almost west-east direction. Volcanic rocks
in the Guci area are olivine basalt, basaltic andesite radiant. Alkalinecalc contains high levels
of potassium, while Baturaden volcanic rocks also consist of basaltic andesite and radiant
andesite. Alkaline calc has high to high potassium content.



A. Relevansi kedua topik jurnal dengan mata kuliah

Topik yang dibahas pada jurnal pertama ini menyangkut tentang (Peranan Geomorfologi
dalam Perencanaan Bangunan Pada Zona Ancaman Longsor Tinggi di Kawasan Geopark
Karangsambung-Karangbolong Bagian Utara) dan jurnal 2 menyangkut tentang(Struktur
Geologi dan Litologi Sebagai Kontrol Munculnya MataAir Panas Guji dan BatuRaden,Jawa)
sebagai mahasiswa pada jurusan pendidikan geografi, jurnal ini merupakan jurnal yang
berhubungan dengan kajian Geografi bahasa inggris, dimana pembelajaran ini tepat untuk
seorang calon menjadi guru dimana pada ketiga kajian jurnal tidak terlepas dari kajian
Geografi bahasa inggris serta berbagai kajian yang mempengaruhinya. Geografi bahasa
inggris yang dianalisis dengan berbagai metode yang terdapat pada ketiga kedua ini tentu
memiliki relevansi dengan mata kuliah Geografi bahasa inggris. Pada mata Geografi bahasa
inggris previewer memilih kedua jurnal ini untuk di review.

B.Pemilihan dan cakupan kajian teori jurnal

Pada jurnal pertama dan kedua tidak terdapat kajian teori penelitian yang disertakan penulis.
Biasanya dalam metodologi penelitian sering dibahas kajian teori dimana hal ini berguna
untuk memahami akan pentingnya sebuah penelitian yang didukung dengan teori. Metode
penelitian jurnal yang digunakan dan relevansinya.

C.Metode penelitian jurnal yang digunakan dan relevansinya

Pada jurnal pertama dan jurnal kedua dicantumkan metode kajian penelitian. sehinggaa para
mahasiswa dapat memahaminya. Hal ini tentu saja sangat baik digunakan dalam proses
penelitian. Pada jurnal pertama, penelitian ini digunakan beberapa alat antara lain, yaitu:
drone, bor tanah, tabung sampel tanah, kompas geologi, GPS serta data sekunder berupa peta
geologi dan peta topografi. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis keruangan serta analisis
data lapangan serta laboratorium. Sedangkan Model analisis data yang digunakan dalam
penelitian pada jurnal 2 yaitu pada tahap awal penelitian ini adalah mempelajari data
sekunder hasil penelitian terdahulu yang telah dihimpun, serta hasil analisis morfostruktur

dan morfostratigrafi (Peta Topografi Lembar Rempoah dan Lembar Bumijawa, skala
1:25.000, 1998). Tahap berikutnya adalah melakukan penelitian lapangan untuk pengambilan
data primer berupa pengamatan geologi, struktur geologi seperti kekar dan bukti sesar,
manifestasi panasbumi. Pengamatan dan deskripsi variasi batuan (litologi) dimaksudkan
untuk mengetahui jenis batuan dan perkiraan jenis batuan. Dalam penelitian ini telah
dilakukan pengambilan sampel batuan di lapangan baik yang segar maupun yang telah
teralterasi untuk dianalisis petrografi di Laboratorium Fisika Mineral, Pusat Penelitian
Geoteknologi LIPI.

D. Kerangka berpikir penulis jurnal pada bagian pembahasan

Pada kedua jurnal ini memaparkan kerangka berpikir dengan jelas, baik yang tergambar
dalam bentuk peta konsep maupun yang tertulis pada bagian pembahasan dalam laporan
jurnal penelitian ini.

E. Kesimpulan dan saran yang diajukan penulis kedua jurnal serta implikasi pada
penelitian berikutnya
Pada kedua jurnal ini memiliki kesimpulan yang diajukan oleh penulis. Kesimpulan yang
diajukan oleh penulis dakam kedua jurnal dapat mewakili dari keseluran hasil pembahasan
yang terdapat pada kedua jurnal . Dimana penulis menyimpulkan dengan jelas yang dapat
memudahkan pembaca memahami kesimpulan yang diuraikan oleh penulis. Kesimpulan
dinilai saling berhubungan pada setiap kalimat yang diuraikan pada bagian kesimpulan.
Kesimpulan yang diuraikan penulis sangat membantu penulis lain atau peneliti lain untuk
memahami dan akan berguna pada penelitian selanjutnya.
Pada jurnal pertama dan jurnal kedua tidak terdapat saran yang diajukan oleh penulis jurnal
pertama Kesimpulan dan saran yang diajukan oleh penulis tentu saja bisa mempengaruhi
implikasi pada penelitian berikutnya dimana model dan metode penelitian yang digunakan
mampu menggambarkan respon Geografi bahasa inggris.

F. Kelebihan dan Kelemahan Jurnal

Pada kedua jurnal ini memiliki abstrak yang jelas sehingga dengan membaca abstrak
pembaca dapat mengetahui hasil dari jurnal. Tetapi Pada jurnal pertama dan jurnal kedua
tidak memilki kajian teori, yang biasanya di dalam metedologi penelitian sering dibahas
kajian teori atau kajian pustaka dimana hal ini berguna untuk memahami akan pentingnya
sebuah penelitian yang didukung oleh teori. Ketdua Jurnal Penelitan ini merupakan hasil dari
penelitian yang dijelaskan secara rinci yang mana pada bagian hasil penelitian, peneliti

memaparkan secara jelas aspek – aspek yang diteliti, penulis jurnal menulis artikel ini dengan
cukup sitematis dan logis sehingga alur jalannya penelitian ini dapat dimengerti oleh
pembaca. Jurnal pertama dan jurnal kedua tidak memiliki saran yang diajukan penulis, Saran
diajukan oleh penulis yaitu dimana saran dapat berguna bagi masyarakat/pembaca awam
serta juga memiliki manfaat bagi para peneliti untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Kedua jurnal ini
sangat berhubungan dengan posisi saya selaku penulis critical journal review yang
mengambil pendidikan geografi menjadi seorang guru dan yang sedang mempelajari mata
kuliah Geografi bahasa inggris di Universitas Negeri Medan. Sebagai preview jurnal yang
masih banyak belajar dapat dikatakan bahwa preview membutuhkan arahan serta kritik dan
saran dalam penulisan-penulisan critical journal review ini.


Pereviewer mengambil kesimpulan dari hasil review kedua jurnal telah dikerjakan dengan
jurnal pertama yang berjudul “Peranan Geomorfologi dalam Perencanaan Bangunan Pada
Zona Ancaman Longsor Tinggi di Kawasan Geopark Karangsambung-Karangbolong Bagian
Utara” jurnal kedua yang berjudul “Struktur Geologi dan Litologi Sebagai Kontrol
Munculnya MataAir Panas Guji dan BatuRaden,Jawa” bahwa kedua jurnal tersebut adalah
jenis jurnal penelitian di bidang Geografi bahasa inggris.Kedua jurnal tersebut memiliki
beberapa manfaat untuk mahasiswa maupun umum dalam memberikan pengetahuan tentang
materi Geografi bahasa inggris .Pada kedua jurnal ini dapat dikatakan termasuk dalam
kategori penelitian yang baik. Berdasarkan atas hasil evaluasi dan dalam kritik ini dengan
detail pada dasarnya artikel ini merupakan artikel yang baik karena sudah memenuhi berbagai
kriteria apa yang disebut sebagai “good research” atau riset yang baik. Namun, pada junal ini
juga terdapat berbagai kekurangan, hal diatas yang tidak jelas terutama mengenai tidak
dicantumkannya saran dari peneliti.

A. Saran
Saran saya semoga untuk penelitian berikutnya mampu memanfaatkan dan
memperbaiki berbagai kekurangan yang terdapat dalam artikel. Untuk kedepannya semoga
periview lebih baik lagi dalam meriview jurnal, maka dari pada itu kritik dan saran yang
membangun sangat dibutuhkan oleh periview.


Raharjo,Puguh Dewi,dkk. Peranan Geomorfologi dalam Perencanaan Bangunan Pada Zona

Ancaman Longsor Tinggi di Kawasan Geopark Karangsambung-Karangbolong
Bagian Utara.Jurnal Lingkungan dan Bencana Geologi.vol.10,No.3.Hal.139-148
Indarto, Sri ,dkk. 2017. Struktur Geologi dan Litologi Sebagai Kontrol Munculnya
MataAir Panas Guji dan BatuRaden,Jawa. Riset Geologi dan Pertambangan.Vol.
27 , No. 1. Hal. 97- 109.


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