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Praise my thanks to God Almighty for His blessings and gifts, the writing of this
paper can be completed. I compiled this Critical Journal Review (CJR) with the intention of
assigning an English For Science course and making additional insight and understanding of
the material. My hope is that after finishing writing this Crtical Journal Review I will
understand more about how to write a good and correct Crtical Journal Review.

On the other hand, I gained valuable experience and knowledge in the preparation of
writing this Critacal Journal Review. I am very grateful to all those who have helped in the
completion of this CJR, especially to the lecturer supporting this subject Mr. Aristo Hardinata
S, Pd. M, pd. and my classmates are students of Science Education Class A 2019.

Saya menyadari bahwa dalam penyusunan CJR ini masih sangat jauh dari
kesempurnaan, oleh karena itu saya sangat mengharapkan kritik dan saran serta bimbingan
dari para dosen demi penyempurnaan di masa-masa yang akan datang, semoga karya tulis
CJR ini bermanfaat bagi semuanya.

Medan, November 2019


Dea Aprilia


KATA PENGANTAR...............................................................................................i

DAFTAR ISI.............................................................................................................ii

BAB I. PENDAHULUAN........................................................................................1

1.1 Latar Belakang.......................................................................................................1

1.2 Tujuan CJR............................................................................................................1
1.3 Manfaat CJR..........................................................................................................1

BAB II. ISI................................................................................................................2

2.1 Identitas Jurnal......................................................................................................2

2.2 Ringkasan Jurnal..................................................................................................2

BAB III. PEMBAHASAN........................................................................................5

3.1 Kelebihan Dan Kekurangan Jurnal.......................................................................5

BAB IV. PENUTUP..................................................................................................6

4.1 Kesimpulan...........................................................................................................6
4.2 Saran.....................................................................................................................6

DAFTAR PUSTAKA...............................................................................................7



1.1 Latar Belakang

Critical Journal Review (CJR) sangat penting buat kalangan pendidikan
terutama buat mahasiswa maupun mahasiswi karena dengan mengkritik suatu jurnal
maka mahasiswa/i ataupun seorang pengkritik dapat melihat mana jurnal yang perlu
diperbaiki dan mana jurnal yang sudah baik untuk digunakan berdasarkan dari
penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh penulis jurnal tersebut, setelah dapat mengkritik
jurnal maka diharapkan mahasiswa/i dapat membuat suatu jurnal karena sudah
mengetahui bagaimana kriteria jurnal yang baik dan benar untuk digunakan dan sudah
mengerti bagaimana cara menulis atau langkah-langkah apa saja yang diperlukan
dalam penulisan jurnal tersebut.
Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) dengan media instruksi bahasa
Inggris telah banyak dilakukan pada siswa‐siswa yang bukan penutur asli bahasa
Inggris di berbagai negara, seperti Singapura, Cina, Malaysia, dan bahkan di Inggris
sekalipun. Pada saat ini, hal tersebut juga telah menjadi isu tren di sekolah dasar di
Indonesia. Saat ini, pembangunan sekolah‐sekolah berstandar internasional semakin
menjamur di berbagai kota besar Indonesia. Beranjak dari pemahaman bahwa guru
sekolah dasar adalah guru kelas, maka guru harus mampu mengajarkan berbagai
materi subjek, termasuk di dalamnya IPA dan bahasa Inggris.
Pengembangan kemampuan profesional guru dimaksudkan agar guru tidak
hanya mentransfer ilmu dan pengetahuan saja, tetapi juga bagaimana meningkatkan
intelektual dan kemampuan diri calon guru/guru sesuai dengan masalah‐masalah riil
dan kompleks yang ada di masyarakat. Pengembangan kemampuan profesional guru,
dalam hal ini keterampilan mengajar guru merupakan proses yang panjang,
berkelanjutan, berkesinambungan, menantang intelektualitas, dan harus dikondisikan
dalam situasi riil di kelas.  Hamond dalam bukunya The Powerful Teacher Education
mengemukakan bahwa salah satu kriteria guru yang memiliki pengetahuan dan
keterampilan mengajar yang baik adalah mereka yang dapat mengintegrasikan
pembelajaran yang memadukan bermacam‐macam keterampilan siswa; serta mampu
mengajarkan keterampilan berbahasa pada semua tingkatan siswa dan lintas mata
pelajaran. Guru SD sebagai guru kelas diharapkan memiliki keterampilan berbahasa

Inggris untuk mengajarkan mata pelajaran IPA secara terpadu dengan bahasa Inggris
melalui pembelajaran dwibahasa.
Bahasa Inggris sendiri merupakan salah satu bahasa asing yang paling banyak
dipelajari di Indonesia. Selain itu juga bahasa Inggris dipergunakan oleh berbagai
negara. Menurut Crystal (Rina dan Sirajuddin, 2003) bahwa bahasa Inggris tersebar
dan dipergunakan hampir seperempat penduduk dunia dan terus akan berkembang
menjadi satu setengah trilyun pada awal tahun 2000-an ini.

1.2 Tujuan Penulisan Critical Journal Review (CJR)

1. Untuk mengetahui isi pembahasan pada jurnal dengan mereview ulang kembali
jurnal tersebut.

1.3 Manfaat Critical Journal Review (CJR)

Manfaat penulisan Critical Journal Review ( CJR), yaitu :
1. Dapat membandingkan dua atau lebih jurnal yang direview.
2. Dapat meningkatkan analisis kita terhadap suatu jurnal.
3. Supaya kita dapat mengetahui teknik-teknik penulisan CJR yang benar dan dapat
menulis bagaimana jurnal yang baik dan benar.
4. Menambah wawasan kita dan pembaca akan bagaimana pembelajaran Bahasa
Inggris pada penggunaannya di bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA)


2.1 Identitas Journal


Judul jurnal The Use Of Content And The development of a
English Language questionnaire to measure
Integrated Learning students’ motivation
(CELIL) Methodologies towards science learning
In Teaching Selected
Concepts In Physics
Nama jurnal International Journal Of International Journal of
Scientific & Technology Science Education
volume 5 27
Nomor 10 6
Halaman 154-159 639–654
ISSN 7722-8616 0950-0693

Tahun terbit 2016 2005

Nama Penulis
Ian Phil Hsiao-Lin Tuan, Chi-Chin
Canlas Chin and Shyang-Horng

2.2 Tabel Ringkasan


Abstract This study is part of an integrated The purpose of this study was to
teaching program in physics and develop a questionnaire that
English that attempted to develop measures students’ motivation
and implement a teaching sequence toward science learning (SMTSL).
on selected physics concepts using Six scales were developed: self-
content and English language efficacy, active learning strate-
integrated learning (CELIL) gies, science learning value,
methodologies. Specifically, this performance goal, achievement
paper discussed its advantages and goal, and learning environment
challenges as implemented in a stimu- lation. In total, 1407 junior
school following a trilingual high school students from central

curriculum design. About 8 teachers Taiwan, varying in grades, sex,
were involved in the development and achievements, were selected
and validation of the teaching by stratified random sampling to
sequence and 55 students from 5 respond to the questionnaire. The
classes were involved in the Cronbach alpha for the entire
implementation process. questionnaire was 0.89; for each
Effectiveness was measured through scale, alpha ranged from 0.70 to
students’ achievement using criteria- 0.89. There were significant
based assessment and simple Collaizi correlations (p < 0.01) of the
method was used to process the SMTSL questionnaire with
external observers’ and teacher- students’ science attitudes (r =
researchers’ reflections. Preliminary 0.41), and with the science
results revealed that CELIL achievement test in previous and
methodologies maybe helpful in current semes- ters (rp = 0.40 and
developing and increasing students’ rc = 0.41). High motivators and
conceptual understanding of selected low motivators showed a
physics concepts as well as significant difference
improving their English language (p <0.01) on their SMTSL scores.
skills. Findings of the study confirmed
the validity and reliability of the
SMTSL questionnaire.
Implications for using the SMTSL
questionnaire in research and in
class are discussed in the paper.
Intro- THE end of the 20th century was The goal of science education is to
also characterized by an increased enhance all students’ scientific
utilization of content and language literacy; that is, to help students
integrated learning (CLIL) grasp essential science concepts,
approach along teaching and to understand the nature of
learning especially to non-English science, to realize the relevance of
speaking countries such as science and technology to their
countries in Europe, Asia, and lives, and to willingly continue
South America. As defined by their science study in school, or
Coyle, Hood and Marsh [1], CLIL beyond school (National Research
is an approach whereby a second Council [NRC] 1996). Thus,
language is used in teaching and research in science teaching and
learning both the non- language learning should address not only
subject content and the second student cognition, but also the
language. Ideally, it is assumed affective component to cognition.
that in this approach, the learning It is only recently that researchers
objectives of subject content and have started to stress the
second language are interwoven importance of affective
throughout the teaching and components in studying students’
learning process. Through the concept learning (Duit and
years, a number of studies have Treagust 1998, Lee 1989, Lee and
identified and enumerated Brophy 1996, Pintrich et al. 1993,
compelling reasons for an Strike and Posner 1983, 1992,
increased and more advanced West and Pines 1983). Within the
utilization of CLIL [2, 3]. These affective components, motivation
include the ability of CLIL is important because students’

approach to create conditions for moti- vation plays an important
natural learning of the second role in their conceptual change
language. Moreover, it provides a processes (Lee 1989, Lee and
defined purpose for the use of Brophy 1996, Pintrich et al.
second language in the classroom, 1993), critical thinking, learning
which may result to a positive strategies (Garcia and Pintrich
effect on language learning 1992, Kuyper et al. 2000, Wolters
through putting emphasis on the 1999) and science learning
meaning instead of the form. achieve- ment (Napier and Riley
Lastly, it increases the level and 1985). A review of learning
length of exposure to the second motivation studies revealed the
language. Along this line, Naves diversity and variety of moti-
[4] and de Graaf, Koopman, and vation factors, such as self-
Westhoff [5] identified several perceptions of ability, effort,
crucial indicators and intrinsic goal orientation, task
characteristics of a successful value, self-efficacy, test anxiety,
CLIL program implementation. self-regulated learning, task
These include the active teaching orientation and learning strategies
behavior of the teacher and the (Garcia 1995, Garcia and Pintrich
selection of appropriate strategies 1995, Nolen and Haladyna 1989,
in presenting new information. In Pintrich and Blumenfeld 1985).
addition, immediate feed backing These studies, on the one hand,
and creation of opportunities to highlighted the diversity of the
respond in various ways were also learning motivation and, on the
found to significantly affect as other hand, showed how
well as the consistent integration researchers’ interests influenced
of content and language in the the approach taken to aspects of
teaching and learning process. motivation.
Literatur In that, a number of manuals and Science learning and motivation
guidebooks on CLIL Based on constructivist theory
implementation have been (Mintzes et al. 1998, von Glasersfeld
developed, tested, and published. 1998), students take an active role in
These include the ones developed constructing new knowledge. When
by the European Commission [7, students perceive valuable and
8] and the ones developed by meaningful learning tasks, they will
University of Cambridge [9, 10]. actively engage in the learning tasks,
There are also available using active learning strategies to
guidebooks put together for local integrate their existing knowledge
contexts such as the ones with new experience. When students
developed by Pinkley, [11], do not perceive the value of learning
Gimeno, O Donaill, and tasks, they use surface learning
Zygmantaite [12] and Ionnou- strategies (such as memorization) to
Georgiou and Pavlou [13]. Few learn (Pintrich and Schunk 1996).
studies have reviewed the von Glasers- feld (1998) also
implementation of CLIL in Europe illustrated the importance of the
[14] and the rest of the world [15]. students’ learning goal in motivating
These include some country-
specific studies such as the work students to construct their scientific
of Bonces [16] in Columbia, knowledge based on the learning
Suwannoppharat and Chinokul value and learning strategies.

[17] in Thailand, Wolff [18] in Pintrich and Schunk stated that
Germany, Leone [19] in Italy, ‘motivation is the process whereby
Smala [20] in Queensland, goal-directed activity is instigated
Australia and Cross and Gearon and sustained’ (1996: 5), while
[21] in Victoria, Australia. A Pintrich et al. (1993) stressed that
number of studies have students’ learning goals, values of
investigated the effectiveness of science learning, and self- efficacy
some specific strategies within the take important roles in influencing
framework of CLIL. These include students in constructing and
the use of collaborative approach reconstruct- ing their science
[22], task-based approach [23, 24], conceptions. In other words, when
blended learning strategy [25], the students perceived that they are
use of information and capable, and they think the
communication technology [26] conceptual change tasks are
and the use of videos [27] among worthwhile to participate in, and
others. Some studies investigated their learning goal is to gain
the implementation of CLIL in competence, then students will be
specific disciplines such as willing to make a sustained effort
geography [28], chemistry [29] and be engaged in making
and physics [30, 31] These studies conceptual change. Here, Pintrich et
have proven the effectiveness of al. add students’ self-efficacy and
CLIL approach in teaching and their intention toward learning tasks
learning. However, despite the into a previous constructivist view
progressive implementation of toward science learning.
CLIL in the different parts of the
world, a number of limitations and Students’ motivation toward science
gaps still exist [32]. In the work of learning studies
Dalton-Puffer [2], a question was Lee and Brophy (1996) used
raised as to what language qualitative methods to classify
learning goals and objectives are students’ motivation patterns in
pursued during the implementation science learning, which ranged from
of CLIL in a non-language students who were intrinsically
subject. This came up from the motivated to students who had
observations that teachers teaching disruptive behaviours. Barlia and
non-language subjects were more Beeth (1999) also identified similar
focused in achieving content- motivation patterns among college
related objectives. Moreover, in physics science learners. Erb (1996)
the study of Harrop [33], she found out that high school students’
pointed out that using CLIL in a lack of motivation in learning
non-language subject increases the science were caused by: students’
level of difficulty in learning new lack of responsibility, students’ low
themes which may result to self-esteem, and students’ family
leaving the weakest learners dysfunction. Other researchers
vulnerable for being left out. This (Barlia and Beeth 1999, Hynd et al.
may imply the need for a 2000, Lee 1989, Lee and Brophy
sufficient reinforcement for 1996, Nolen and Haladyna 1989)
language development that is identified factors influencing
subject-specific. In addition, she students’ motivation toward science
was skeptical on the issue of learning, which included: students’
cultural awareness. She argued own interests toward the subjects

that although CLIL frameworks and the grades they received in class;
included culture, the role of students’ interpretations of the
cultural awareness during CLIL nature of the task; students’ success
implementation is less well or failure to make progress in
established and not defined in scientific understanding; and
CLIL models. Despite these students’ general goal and affective
differences in perspectives, the orientations in science class and
above-mentioned studies have achievement of scientific
recognized the important role of understanding. Besides students’
the teacher in defining the success own reasons, other factors
of CLIL implementation. Pavron- influencing students’ motivation
Vasquez and Ellison [34] were teachers’ expectation of
enumerated key competencies students’ learning, types of teachers’
necessary for CLIL feedback, and curriculum and social
implementation in the classroom goals (Lee 1989, Nolen and
which include mastery of the Haladyna 1989, Pintrich and
subject matter as well as mastery Blumenfeld 1985, Urdan and Maehr
of the second language among 1995).
others. For reason of advancing
the English language proficiency
among learners in a Kazakh and
Russian dominated school context,
this study was conceptualized.
Specifically, this study was aimed
at developing and implementing a
teaching sequence that uses
CELIL methodologies in teaching
selected physics concepts to Year
9 students. Moreover, it attempted
to find out its effectiveness,
advantages and challenges as
implemented in a school that
implements a trilingual science
Method This study followed the We used six factors of motivation
descriptive-developmental design. into designing our scales in the
This design allowed the researchers new questionnaire. In the
to gather observations from the following, we define each factor in
process of developing and the questionnaire.
implementing the teaching 1.Self-efficacy. Students believe in
sequence using CELIL their own ability to perform well in
methodologies. It was implemented science learning tasks.
in a school following a trilingual 2.Active learning strategies. Students
(Russian, English, Kazakh) take an active role in using a
curriculum framework and accepts variety of strate- gies to construct
students with outstanding academic new knowledge based on their
achievement. For all levels, the previous understanding.
number of students in each class 3.Science learning value. The value
vary from nine (9) to ten (10). Due of science learning is to let students
to the unique characteristics of the acquire problem-solving

teaching force, such that local competency, experience the inquiry
physics teachers have very minimal activity, stimulate their own
command of the English language, thinking, and find the relevance of
it was necessary to perform a science with daily life. If they can
distinctive integration method in perceive these important values,
the process. During the they will be motivated to learn
developmental phase of the study, science.
eight (8) teachers were involved in 4.Performance goal. The student’s
the development and validation of goals in science learning are to
the integrated lessons. These compete with other students and
include four (4) local physics get attention from the teacher.
teachers, three (3) local English 5.Achievement goal. Students feel
teachers, and one (1) international satisfaction as they increase their
physics teacher. The group competence and achievement
identified themes in physics and during science learning.
English that can be interwoven. 6.Learning environment stimulation.
The guiding principle in the In the class, learning environment
integration process is that, the surrounding students, such as
physics group should use teaching curriculum, teachers’ teaching, and
and learning strategies that develop pupil interaction influ- enced
English language skills while the students’ motivation in science
English group should use the learning.
physics themes in teaching English After establishing these six scales,
language skills. This principle was we also adjusted the items from some
conceived to give more opportunity relevant motivation questionnaires
for the learners to use English — such as the MSLQ (Pintrich et al.
language in physics classes while 1991), the Patterns of Adaptive
newly learned concepts in physics Learning Survey (Midgley et al.
are repeated and reinforced in 1993), and the Multidimensional
English classes. The Moti- vational Instrument (Uguroglu,
implementation phase involved 55 Schiller and Walberg, 1981) — into
students from five (5) classes. It developing self- efficacy,
was agreed that the physics group performance goal, and achievement
commences first before the English goal scales. There are two reasons
group. This allowed the learners to for not directly applying existing
get acquainted with the concepts as scales from other questionnaires:
well as the procedure and many items from the previous
activities. At least two (2) questionnaires were not designed
observers were asked to write primarily for junior high school
observations and reflections students, and the statements in many
regarding the implementation of items of the previous questionnaires
every lesson which took for a did not address science learning.
month. Moreover, the teacher- Therefore, we also incorporated our
researchers implementing the previous qualitative findings (Huang
lessons were also asked to write and Tuan 2001, Tuan and Chin 1999,
down reflections during and after 2000, Wu and Tuan 2000) and the
every lesson. These collective feature of science learning into
observations and reflections were designing scales and items. For
used in the revision of the teaching instance, in the science learning
sequence during the revision phase value, we integrated the inquiry and

of the study. Meanwhile, in an problem-solving features of science
attempt to establish the learning (American Association for
effectiveness of the teaching the Advancement of Science 1993,
sequence, the criteria-based NRC 1996) in designing items.
assessment employed by the school
was used. In that, every learner is
rated achieved or learning towards
in every specific lesson objective.
Results of which were presented in
frequency counts and percentages.
Meanwhile, observations and
reflections were analyzed using
Collaizi method of which themes
and patterns were sought, presented
and discussed in this paper.
Result & Preliminary results of the study Result :
revealed that the use of CELIL Messick (1989) identified that
methodologies in teaching selected three types of validity need to be
physics concepts maybe effective addressed in devel- oping a
in developing and increasing questionnaire. These were content
conceptual understanding, as well validity, construct validity and
as developing English language criterion- related validity. We
skills among year 9 students. used previous case studies from
Development of the teaching different settings and different
sequence: In the developmental students’ learning motivation and
phase, seven (7) themes in physics also used existing questionnaires
and English were identified that is to design the questionnaire items.
possible for interweaving. Six experienced science teachers,
Implementation of the teaching three educational psycholo- gists
sequence: The criteria-based and five science educators
assessment revealed that a greater reviewed all the test items.
majority of the learners were able Construct validity was verified by
to achieve the identified lesson factor analysis. In addition, how
objectives after the students with high, moderate and
implementation of the teaching low motivation would show
sequence. About 84% of the differences in responding to the
learners were rated achieved from SMTSL questionnaire was also
the different lesson objectives. identified. A science attitude test
Table 5 summarized the specific (Fraser 1981) and students’
frequencies and percentages of science achieve- ment scores from
learners who were marked the previous semester and the
achieved from these lesson current semester were used to
objectives. assess the criterion-related validity
Advantages and challenges of of the SMTSL questionnaire.
using CELIL: The advantages and All the findings to confirm the
disadvantages of using CELIL aforementioned validity are listed
methodologies were derived and in the following. The results
synthesized from the reflections of presented in table 1 indicate that
external observers and teacher- six factors constitute the construct
researchers. Reflections of both of the SMTSL questionnaire, and

groups confirmed that the use of these factors confirmed the six
CELIL methodologies in teaching scales designed in the SMTSL
physics gave the learners an questionnaire.
opportunity to practice the use of
English language both for Discussion:
speaking and writing. Moreover, it According to the literature review,
initiated cognitive stimulation the questionnaire survey and data
among the learners during the analysis presented in tables 1–4,
process. Below are transcripts of we have found that among various
some written observations of motivation factors in exploring
external observers that maybe students’ motivation, students’
proofs of cognitive stimulation. self-efficacy, active learning
strategies, science learning value,
performance goal, achievement
goal, and learning environ- ment
stimulation do contribute to
students’ science learning
motivation. The SMTSL
questionnaire has good construct
validity and also criterion-related
validity. In addition, the SMTSL
questionnaire has significant
correlations with science atti- tude
and achievement scores.
Students’ motivation has moderate
and significant correlation (r =
0.41) with their science attitude.
Researchers (Reynolds and
Walberg 1992, Singh et al. 2002)
reported that students’ attitude and
motivation are two of the most
important factors to predict
students’ science achievement,
while students’ motivation is the
most important factor in
predicting students’ science
attitude. Among motivation
factors, this research revealed that
learning environment stimulation
had the highest correla- tion with
students’ science attitude (r =
0.48), followed by science
learning value (r = 0.35). Learning
environment stimulation has a
highest correlation with science
attitude, but its correlation with
student achievement appears the
lowest (r = 0.10). In addition,
high-motivation and low-
motivation students showed

significant differ- ences in this
scale (p < 0.05). Examining items
in this scale, this study revealed
that these items illustrated
students’ perception of whether or
not the teacher created a
comfortable and interesting
science learning environment for
them. But these items did not
examine students’ science
learning. Therefore, this scale
correlates highly with science
attitude instead of science
achievement. Scales having high
correlation with attitude toward
science tend to have low
correlation with science
achievement. The research
suggests that, in the SMTSL
questionnaire, scales such as
learning environment stimulation
and science learning value
contribute more on attitude
towards science than to students’
motivation toward science
Conlusion The preliminary result of this (tidak memiliki kesimpulan)
study revealed that using CELIL
methodologies in teaching selected
concepts in physics maybe
effective in developing and
increasing conceptual
understanding among students.
Moreover, it maybe an effective
strategy in creating an opportunity
for the increase use of English
language, hence may result to
learning English language skills.
In addition, observation revealed
that the use of English language in
selected activities may lead to
cognitive stimulation that could
result to the development of
critical thinking skills. On the
other hand, the use of CELIL also
posed a number of challenges.
This include the increased
difficulty in understanding the
selected physics concepts brought
by the use of English language in a

number of activities. Moreover,
there is a threat of
misinterpretation and
misunderstanding both for
teachers and students especially
during discussions, hence, the
need for the teacher to have a good
command of the English language.



3.1 kelebihan dan Kelemahan jurnal


Nama penulis  
Tahun terbit  
Kota terbit X(Tidak 
kota terbit)
Volume  
Nomor  
Nama jurnal  
Judul jurnal  
Penerbit  
ISSN  
Abstract  
Introduction  
Literatur  
Method  
Result  
Discussion X(Tidak memiliki 
Conclusion  X(Tidak memiliki
Kelengkapan materi Jurnal ini berisi tentang Jurnal ini berisi tentang
pengajaran terintegrasi pengembangan kuesioner
dalam fisika dan bahasa yang mengukur motivasi

Inggris yang berusaha siswa terhadap
mengembangkan dan pembelajaran sains
mengimplementasikan secara mendalam. Tetapi,
urutan pengajaran pada materi yang dijelaskan
konsep fisika terpilih terlalu sulit untuk
menggunakan konten dan dimengerti karena tidak
metodologi pembelajaran menuju ke poin-poin
bahasa Inggris pembahasan.
terintegrasi (CELIL)
secara luas melalui setiap
point-point yang ada.
Bahasa yang digunakan Bahasa dalam jurnal ini Bahasa dalam jurnal ini
mudah dipahami dan sulit untuk dipahami dan
cukup Efektif dalam menggunakan kalimat
setiap penggunaan kata- yang kurang efektif
katanya. karena terdapat banyak
pengulangan kata dengan
makna yang sama.
Tabel Jurnal ini memuat tabel Jurnal ini memuat tabel
sehingga pembaca sehingga pembaca
mudah memahami mudah memahami
maksud setiap isi jurnal. maksud setiap isi jurnal.
Grafik Jurnal ini memuat grafik Jurnal ini tidak memuat
sehingga pembaca grafik sehingga pembaca
mudah memahami sulit memahami maksud
maksud setiap isi jurnal. setiap isi jurnal.
Gambar Jurnal ini mencantumkan Jurnal ini tidak
gambar-gambar sehingga mencantumkan gambar –
pembaca mudah gambar sehingga
mendeskripsikan maksud pembaca kesulitan dalam
setiap isi jurnal. memahami maksud
setiap isi jurnal.
Warna Jurnal ini tidak memiliki Jurnal ini tidak memiliki
warna sehingga pembaca warna sehingga pembaca

kurang tertarik untuk kurang tertarik untuk
membacanya. membacanya.
Ukuran font Menggunakan ukuran Menggunakan ukuran
Font 9,5 Font 9
Jenis font Menggunakan jenis Font Menggunakan Jenis Font
Arial Georgia dan Times New
Kerapian tulisan Menggunakan Menggunakan
sistematika penulisan sistematika yang kurang
dengan tampilan Mobile rapi. Seperti contoh pada
(Terbagi dua sisi) penempatan mengenai
sehingga jurnal terlihat profil penulis yang ada
rapi. pada bagian tengah isi



4.1 Kesimpulan

Dari pembahasan kelemahan dan kelebihan yang telah dijelaskan atau dipaparkan
diatas, dapat kita ketahui kelemahan dan kelebihan jurnal baik yang ditinjau berdasarkan
struktur jurnal, tata bahasa dan tulisan, maupun isi. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa jurnal
tersebut sudah baik dan dapat di jadikan sebagai referensi untuk pembaca, tetapi masih
perlu perbaikan. Jurnal tersebut layak atau sudah bagus digunakan pembaca sebagai
referensi untuk penelitian-penelitian lainnya.

4.2 Saran

Untuk kedepannya atau selanjutnya kelemahan-kelemahan atau pun kekurangan

setiap jurnal ini perlu diperbaiki supaya lebih baik lagi dimanfaatkan ataupun digunakan
pembaca sebagai refrensi dalam penelitian-penelitian ataupun untuk kegunaan lainnya.


Akrom. M ,(2014),Kajian pengaruh radiasi sinar gamma terhadap susut bobot buah jambu
meraah selama masa penyimpanan.,Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia, Vol.10, hal 86-91.


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