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KODE MK : DKP 5137


Tenny Murtiningsih, SH., S.Pd., M.Pd



Identifikasi Mata Kuliah

Nama Mata Kuliah : Advanced English
Nomor Kode : DKP 5135
Status Mata Kuliah : Wajib

Koordinator Mata Kuliah

Nama : Ahmad Juliadi., Ns.,M. Kep
NIDN : 1103078701
Pangkat/Golongan : 3b
Jabatan : Dosen DIII Keperawatan
Program Studi : Program Studi DIII Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah
Banjarmasin, 10 Juni 2020

Kaprodi DIII Keperawatan, Penanggung Jawab MK,

Noor Amaliah, Ns., M.Kep Ahmad Juliadi, Ns.,M.Kep

NIDN. 1103108503 NIDN. 1102058802


1. Visi Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin

Menjadi universitas terkemuka, unggul, profesional, berkarakter Islam yang berkemajuan
di Kalimantan tahun 2025.

2. Misi Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin

2.1 Menyelenggarakan pendidikan akademik dan profesi dan vokasi untuk pengembangan
ilmu, profesionalisme dan pembentukan peserta didik berkarakter islam yang
2.2 Menyelenggarakan penelitian dasar dan terapan, produk yang inovatif, berkualitas
untuk menunjang kemandirian bangsa;
2.3 Mengabdikan keahlian dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni untuk
kepentingan masyarakat, kerja sama yang produktif dan berkelanjutan dengan
kelembagaan pendidikan, pemerintahan dan dunia usaha di tingkat daerah, nasional
dan internasional;
2.4 Mengembangkan organisasi dalam meningkatkan kualitas tata kelola yang baik (good
university governance), menuju tata kelola yang unggul (excellent university
governance), secara efektif dan efisien dalam suasana akademik yang Islami dan

3. Tujuan penyelenggaraan Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin

3.1 Terwujudnya hasil lulusan yang berdaya saing global, professional, mempunyai
spirit unggul dan berkarekter islam yang berkemanjuan;
3.2 Terwujudnya pengembangan dan pemanfaatan iptek dan seni yang relevan dengan
tujuan pembangunan nasional dan daerah melalui penyelenggaraan program studi,
penelitian, pembinaan kelembagaan, serta pengembangan sumberdaya akademik
yang berdaya guna dan berhasil guna;
3.3 Terselenggaranya pengabdian kepada masyarakat sebagai wujud implementasi ilmu
pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni berlandaskan nilai-nilai islam;
3.4 Terwujudnya masyarakat kampus yang handal dan professional yang didukung oleh
budaya ilmiah yang mengacu kepada prinsip-prinsip dasar yang dianut oleh UM
3.5 Terselenggaranya tata kelola pendidikan tinggi yang efektif dan efisien dalam
suasana kampus islami yang bermartabat yang diintegrasikan dengan Al-Islam dan
3.6 Terlaksananya peningkatan sumber pendapatan melalui kerjasama dan
pengembangan unit usaha untuk mencapai visi dan misi yang ditetapkan;
3.7 Terlaksananya peningkatan mutu pelayanan melalui penyediaan fasilitas, prasarana,
sarana dan teknologi sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan nasional dan
internasional serta mewujudkan suasana akademik yang kondusif dan bermanfaat
bagi masyarakat;
3.8 Terlaksananya perluasan dan peningkatan jaringan kerja sama yang saling
menguntungkan dengan berbagai lembaga, pemerintahan/swasta didalam dan luar
3.9 Terwujudnya pendidikan yang menghasilkan lulusan yang professional dan
berkepribadian Islam, menguasai ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni.
3.10 Terlaksananya peningkatan dukungan untuk mahasiswa dalam rangka pemerataan
dan perluasan akses pendidikan.


1. Visi Fakultas Keperawatan dan Ilmu Kesehatan UM Banjarmasin

Menjadi Fakultas yang terkemuka, unggul, berlandaskan nilai-nilai profesional dan
karakter Islam berkemajuan dibidang Ilmu Keperawatan dan Ilmu Kesehatan di
Kalimatan Tahun 2025.

2. Misi Fakultas Keperawatan dan Ilmu Kesehatan UM Banjarmasin

2.1 Menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang bermutu;
2.2 Menyelenggarakan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dapat
meningkatkan kesejahteraan manusia dibidang Keperawatan dan Kesehatan;
2.3 Menyelenggarakan pengelolaan FKIK yang bertanggung jawab;
2.4 Menyelenggarakan pembinaan sivitas akademik dalam kehidupan yang islami
sehingga mampu menjadi teladan yang baik;
2.5 Menjalin kerjasama dengan pihak lain yang saling menguntungkan.

3. Tujuan Fakultas Keperawatan dan Ilmu Kesehatan UM Banjarmasin

3.1 Menghasilkan lulusan profesi, sarjana, dan vokasi yang beriman, bertaqwa,
menguasai IPTEKS dalam bidang keperawatan dan kesehatan, profesional, kreatif,
inovatif, bertanggung-jawab, dan mandiri menuju terwujudnya masyarakat utama.
3.2 Meningkatkan kegiatan dan suasana akademik sebagai landasan penyelenggaraan
pendidikan dan pengembangan IPTEKS dalam bidang Keperawatan dan Kesehatan.
3.3 Menghasilkan, mengamalkan, mengembangkan dan menyebarluaskan IPTEKS
dalam bidang keperawatan dan kesehatan pada skala regional, nasional dan
internasional melalui penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat.
3.4 Mewujudkan pengelolaan professional yang terencana, terorganisasi, produktif,
efektif, efisien dan terpercaya untuk menjamin keberlanjutan fakultas..
3.5 Mewujudkan sivitas akademika yang mampu menjadi teladan dalam kehidupan
3.6 Terjalinnya kerjasama dengan pihak lain dalam lingkup regional, nassional dan
internasional untuk pengembangan akademik.


1. Visi Program Studi DIII Keperawatan

Menjadi program studi DIII Keperawatan yang terkemuka dan unggul yang berlandaskan
profesionalisme dan nilai-nilai Islam berkemajuan di Kalimantan tahun 2025.

2. Misi Program Studi DIII Keperawatan

2.1 Menyelenggarakan pendidikan DIII keperawatan dengan berlandaskan
profesionalisme dan nilai-nilai Islam berkemajuan sehingga menghasilkan lulusan
yang kompeten;
2.2 Melaksanakan penelitian yang berbasis bukti/masalah dengan pendekatan keilmuan;
2.3 Melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat mengacu pada hasil
penelitian berbasis bukti/masalah;
2.4 Menjalin kerjasama dengan instansi terkait baik pemerintah maupun swasta yang
mendukung pencapaian kompetensi baik skala nasional maupun internasional.

3. Tujuan
3.1 Menghasilkan perawat vokasi yang kompeten dan mempunyai kemampuan dalam
penanganan bantuan hidup dasar, keterampilan dan etika dalam memberikan
pelayanan keperawatan kepada masyarakat yang memiliki daya saing baik nasional
maupun internasional;
3.2 Meningkatkan kapasitas dosen proram studi dalam pelaksanaan penelitian dan
publikasi ilmiah;
3.3 Menghasilkan kegiatan pengabdian yang dapat meningkatkan keterampilan,
kemandirian dengan memaksimalkan potensi yang ada di masyarakat dalam
pelaksanaan perilaku hidup bersih sehat;
3.4 Terlaksananya kerjasama dengan instansi kesehatan, pemerintah, perusahaan dan
instansi terkait lainnya baik nasional maupun Internasional.


1. Profil Lulusan
Program Studi DIII Keperawatan menghasilkan perawat pelaksana asuhan keperawatan yaitu
perawat yang mampu memberikan asuhan keperawatan pada individu, keluarga, dan
kelompok khusus di tatanan klinik dan komunitas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar manusia
yang meliputi aspek bio, psiko, sosio, kultural, dan spiritual dalam kondisi sehat, sakit serta
kegawatdaruratan berdasarkan ilmu dan teknologi keperawatan dengan memegang teguh
kode etik perawat dan Undang-Undang yang berlaku. Pendidikan keperawatan jenjang DIII
Keperawatan yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin bertujuan
menghasilkan Ahli Madya Keperawatan sesuai dengan Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional
Indonesia (KKNI) pada jenjang kualifikasi level 5, yaitu:
1. Mampu menyelesaikan pekerjaan berlingkup luas, memilih metode yang sesuai dari beragam
pilihan yang sudah maupun belum baku dengan menganalisis data, serta mampu menunjukan
kinerja dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang terukur
2. Menguasai konsep teoritis bidang pengetahuan tertentu secara umum, serta mampu
memformulasikan penyelesaian masalah prosedural
3. Mampu mengelola kelompok kerja dan menyusun laporan tertulis secara komprehensif
4. Bertanggungjawab pada pekerjaan sendiri dan dapat diberi tanggung jawab atas pencapaian hasil
kerja kelompok.
Kompetensi pendukung lulusan Prodi DIII Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah
Banjarmasin yaitu terlihat pada capaian pembelajaran lulusan pada aspek pengetahuan dan
keterampilan khusus, yaitu:
1. Menguasai Bahasa Inggris terkait bidang keperawatan
2. Mampu berbahasa Inggris dalam konteks pemberian asuhan keperawatan di rumah sakit dan
layanan kesehatan lainnya.
3. Mampu berkomunikasi Bahasa Arab dasar

Kompetensi penciri lulusan Prodi DIII Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah

Banjarmasin yaitu terlihat pada capaian pembelajaran lulusan pada aspek sikap dan tata nilai,
pengetahuan dan keterampilan khusus, yaitu:
1. Memiliki sikap dan perilaku yang berkarakter Islam berkemajuan dalam pelayanan keperawatan.
2. Menguasai konsep pengetahuan tentang Al-Islam dan Kemuhammdiyahan yang berkemajuan

3. Menguasai konsep penanganan kasus gawat darurat dan perawatan intensif tingkat dasar sesuai
standar dan kewenangan
4. Mengaplikasi nilai-nilai Islam di tatanan klinik saat memberikan asuhan keperawatan kepada
pasien dan keluarga.
5. Mampu melakukan penanganan kasus gawat darurat dan perawatan intensif tingkat dasar sesuai
standar dan kewenangan

2. Capaian Pembelajaran
Aspek Kode Rumusan LO Program Studi sesuai KKNI
Kompetensi CP
Sikap dan Tata S1 Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan mampu
Nilai menunjukkan sikap religius
S2 Menjunjung tinggi nilai kemanusiaan dalam menjalankan tugas
berdasarkan agama,moral, dan etika
S3 Menginternalisasi nilai, norma, dan etika akademik;
S4 Berperan sebagai warga negara yang bangga dan cinta tanah air,
memilikinasionalismeserta rasa tanggungjawab pada negara dan
S5 Menghargai keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan, agama, dan
kepercayaan, serta pendapat atau temuan orisinal orang lain
S6 Berkontribusi dalam peningkatan mutu kehidupan
bermasyarakat, berbangsa, bernegara, dan kemajuan peradaban
berdasarkan pancasila
S7 Bekerjasama dan memiliki kepekaan social serta kepedulian
terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan
S8 Taat hukum dan disiplin dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan
S9 Menginternalisasi semangat kemandirian, kejuangan, dan
S10 Menunjukkan sikap bertanggungjawab atas pekerjaan di bidang
keahliannya secara mandiri.
S11 Mampu bertanggung gugat terhadap praktik profesional
meliputi kemampuan menerima tanggung gugat terhadap
keputusan dan tindakan profesional sesuai dengan lingkup
praktik di bawah tanggungjawabnya, dan hukum/peraturan
S12 Mampu melaksanakan praktik keperawatan dengan prinsip etis
dan peka budaya sesuai dengan Kode Etik Perawat Indonesia
S13 Memiliki sikap menghormati hak privasi, nilai budaya yang dianut
dan martabat klien, menghormati hak klien untuk memilih dan
menentukan sendiri asuhan keperawatan dan kesehatan yang
diberikan,serta bertanggung jawab atas kerahasiaan dan keamanan
informasi tertulis, verbal dan elektronik yang diperoleh dalam
kapasitas sesuai dengan lingkup tanggungjawabnya.
S14 Memiliki sikap dan perilakau yang berkarakter Islam

berkemajuan dalam pelayanan keperawatan
Penguasaan P1 Menguasai konsep anatomi fisiologi tubuh manusia ,
Pengatahuan patologi dan Konsep Dasar Keperawatan kelainan struktur
dan fungsi tubuh, gizi, mikrobiologi, parasitologi, dan
P2 Menguasai prinsip fisika, biokimia, dan psikologi.
P3 Menguasai pengetahuan faktual tentang antropologi sosial.
P4 Menguasai konsep keperawatan sebagai landasan dalam
memberikan asuhan keperawatan secara holistic dan
P5 Menguasai konsep dan prinsip “Patient safety”
P6 Menguasai konsep teoritis Kebutuhan dasar manusia.
P7 Menguasai teknik, prinsip, dan prosedur pelaksanaan asuhan/
praktek keperawatan yang dilakukan secara mandiri atau
P8 Menguasai konsep teoritis dan prosedur pencegahan penularan
infeksi dan promosi kesehatan, pemberian obat oral dan obat
topikal, parenteral dan supositoria.
P9 Menguasai jenis,manfaat, dan manual penggunaan alat
P10 Menguasai konsep dan prinsip sterilitas dan desinfeksi alat.
P11 Menguasai konsep dan prinsip pelaksanaan Bantuan Hidup
Dasar pada situasi gawat darurat dan atau bencana,
P12 Menguasai teknik pengumpulan, klasifikasi, dokumentasi,
dan analisis data serta informasi asuhan keperawatan.
P13 Menguasai konsep, prinsip dan teknik komunikasi
terapeutik serta hambatannya yang sering ditemui dalam
pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan.
P14 Menguasai konsep, prinsip, dan teknik penyuluhan kesehatan
sebagai bagian dari upaya pendidikan kesehatan dan promosi
kesehatan bagi klien
P15 Menguasai Kode Etik Perawat Indonesia, pengetahuan faktual
tentang hukum dalam bidang keperawatan,prinsip prinsip
otonomi, malpraktek, bioetik yang terkait pelayanan
P16 Menguasai konsep teoritis penjaminan mutu asuhan
keperawatan, konsep teoritis Praktek Keperawatan Berbasis
Bukti (Evidence Based Practice).
P17 Menguasai Bahasa Inggris terkait bidang Keperawatan
P18 Menguasai konsep pengetahuan tentang AL Islam dan
Kemuhammadiyahan yang berkemajuan
P19 Menguasai konsep penanganan kasus gawat darurat dan
perawatan intemnsif tingkat dasar sesuai standar dan
Keterampilan KK1 Mampu memberikan asuhan keperawatan kepada individu,
Khusus keluarga, dan kelompok baik sehat, sakit, dan kegawatdaruratan
dengan memperhatikan aspek bio, psiko, sosial kultural, dan

spiritual yang menjamin keselamatan klien (patient safety),
sesuai standar asuhan keperawatan dan berdasarkan perencanaan
keperawatan yang telah tersedia.
KK2 Mampu melaksanakan prosedur bantuan hidup dasar (Basic Life
Support/BLS) pada situasi gawat darurat/bencana dengan
memilih dan menerapkan metode yang tepat, sesuai standar dan
KK3 Mampu memberikan (administering) dan mencatat obat oral,
topikal, parenteral, dan supositoria sesuai standar pemberian
obat dan kewenangan yang didelegasikan.
KK4 Mampu memilih dan menggunakan peralatan dalam
memberikan asuhan keperawatan sesuai dengan standar asuhan
KK5 Mampu mengumpulkan data, menganalisa dan merumuskan
masalah, merencanakan, mendokumentasikan, dan menyajikan
informasi asuhan keperawatan.
KK6 Mampu melakukan komunikasi terapeutik dengan klien dan
memberikan informasi yang akurat kepada klien dan/atau
keluarga /pendamping/penasehat tentang rencana tindakan
keperawatan yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya.
KK7 Mampu memberikan pendidikan kesehatan untuk meningkatkan
pola hidup sehat klien dan menurunkan angka kesakitan.
KK8 Mampu menunjukkan kinerja bermutu dan kuantitas yang
terukur terhadap hasil kerja sendiri, tenaga kerja pendukung
(support workers) yang menjadi tanggung jawab pengawasan di
lingkup bidang kerjanya.
KK9 Mampu melakukan pencegahan penularan infeksi dan promosi
KK10 Mampu berbahasa Inggris dalam konteks pemberian asuhan
keperawatan di rumah sakit dan tatanan layanan kesehatan
KK11 Mampu berkomunikasi Bahasa Arab Dasar
KK12 Mengaplikasi nilai-nilai Islam di tatanan klinik saat memberikan
asuhan keperawatan kepada pasien dan keluarga
KK13 Mampu melakukan penanganan kasus gawat darurat dan
perawatan intensif tingkat dasar sesuai standar dan kewenangan
Keterampilan KU1 Menyelesaikan pekerjaan berlingkup luas dengan menganalisis
Umum data serta metode yang sesuai dan dipilih dari beragam metode
yang sudah maupun belum baku dan dengan menganalisis data.
KU2 Menunjukkan kinerja dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang terukur.
KU3 Memecahkan masalah pekerjaan dengan sifat dan konteks yang
sesuai dengan bidang keahlian terapannya, didasarkan pada
pemikiran logis dan inovatif, dilaksanakan dan bertanggung
jawab atas hasilnya secara mandiri.
KU4 Menyusun laporan tentang hasil dan proses kerja dengan
akurat dan sahih, mengomunikasikan secara efektif kepada
pihak lain yang membutuhkannya.

KU5 Bertanggungjawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja kelompok.
KU6 Melakukan supervisi dan evaluasi terhadap penyelesaian
pekerjaan yang ditugaskan kepada pekerja yang berada di bawah
KU7 Melakukan proses evaluasi diri terhadap kelompok kerja yang
berada dibawah tanggungjawabnya, dan mengelola
pengembangan kompetensi kerja secara mandiri.
KU8 Mendokumentasikan, menyimpan, mengamankan, dan
menemukan kembali data untukmenjamin kesahihan dan
mencegah plagiasi.


Segala puji dan syukur kita panjatkan kepada Allah SWT, karena atas izin-Nya Modul Mata
Kuliah Advanced English tahun 2020-2021 dapat diselesaikan sesuai pada waktunya. Buku
modul ini merupakan pedoman pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa Semester V dan staf
pengajar yang bertindak sebagai dosen pengampu Program Studi DIII Keperawatan
Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin.

Buku Modul Mata Kuliah Advanced English ini dibuat berdasarkan kompetensi yang
harus dimiliki oleh mahasiswa DIII Keperawatan yaitu mampu berbahasa Inggris dalam konteks
pemberian asuhan keperawatan di rumah sakit dan tatanan layanan kesehatan lainnya

Atas terselesaikannya buku modul ini, penyusun mengucapkan terima kasih kepada tim
sejawat dan semua pihak yang telah terlibat, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung
dalam penyusunan modul ini. Kami menyadari masih banyak kekurangan dan kelemahan
dalam modul ini. Kami mengharapkan masukan yang membangun agar modul ini bisa
menjadi lebih baik. Semoga modul ini bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa, staf pengajar serta
seluruh komponen terkait dalam proses pendidikan DIII Keperawatan Universitas
Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin.

Banjarmasin, 10 Juni 2020



HALAMAN PENGESAHAN……………………………………………………………..
VISI, MISI DAN TUJUAN ………..……………………………………………………
KATA PENGANTAR.........................................................................................................
DAFTARISI ........................................................................................................................


1.1 Gambaran Mata Kuliah………...……………………………………………………
1.2 Metode Pembelajaran………..………………………………………………………


2.1 Penanggung Jawab Mata Kuliah…………………………………………………….
2.2 Dosen Pengampu……………………………………………………………………


3.1 Rancangan Pembelajaran Semester (RPS)………………………………………….


4.1 Sistem Penilaian……………………………………………..………………………

DAFTAR PUSTAKA……………………………………………………………………..


1.1 Gambaran Mata Kuliah

Modul Advanced English memiliki bobot 2 SKS dengan rincian 1 SKS untuk teori, 1
SKS untuk praktek pada semester V dengan 16 kali pertemuan. Keefektif proses
perkuliahan dan praktik mandiri mata kuliah ini, berfokus pada pengembangan
keterampilan Bahasa Inggris yang meliputi listening, speaking, reading dan writing. Pola
pengembangan keterampilan Bahasa Inggris tersebut dititik beratkan pada keterampilan
pemberian asuhan keperawatan di rumah sakit dan tatanan layanan kesehatan lainnya dengan
menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

Strategi pembelajaran yang diterapkan pada modul Advanced English ini pada
pencapaian kemampuan berpikir sistematis dan komprehensif dalam mengaplikasikan
keterampilan Bahasa Inggris dan aplikasinya dengan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran
seperti kuliah klasikal, belajar mandiri, pembelajaran praktikum, small group discussion,
cooperative learning dan simulasi.

1.1 Metode Pembelajaran

Berikut penjelasan singkat tentang metode pembelajaran yang digunakan pada mata ajar
Keperawatan Keluarga.
1.1.1 Kuliah Klasikal
Metode kuliah pakar/ceramah pakar berbentuk penjelasan pengajar kepada
mahasiswa dan biasanya diikuti dengan tanya jawab tentang isi pelajaran yang
belum jelas. Hal yang perlu dipersiapkan pengajar daftar topik yang akan
diajarkan dan media visual atau materi pembelajaran. Kuliah pakar merupakan
media komunikasi antara peserta didik dengan para pakar yang mempuntai
kompetensi pada bidangnya untuk menjawab permasalahan yang muncul pada
saat turorial.Selama kuliah pakar seluruh dosen diwajibkan menggunakan
pendekatan student centered learning (SCL). SCL adalah konsep pembelajaran
dengan pendekatan:

13 Menyertakan mahasiswa dalam proses pembelajaran Mendorong mahasiswa untuk memiliki pengetahuan yang lebih banyak,
luas dan mendalam. Membantu mahasiswa untuk menyelami kejadian pada kehidupan nyata Mendorong terjadinya pembelajaran secara aktif Mendorong kemampuan mahasiswa untuk berfikir kritis Mengarahkan mahasiswa untuk mengenali dan menggunakan berbagai
macam gaya belajar Memperhatikan kebutuhan dan latar belakang mahasiswa Memberikan kesempatan untuk mengembangkan berbagai strategi

1.1.2 Belajar Mandiri

Dalam pembelajaran orang dewasa, mahasiswa dapat belajar secara mandiri dari
berbagai sumber belajar eksternal yaitu: perpustakaan, website, e-Learning, buku,
brosur dan jurnal. Metode belajar mandiri berbentuk pelaksanaan tugas membaca
atau kajian jurnal oleh mahasiswa tanpa bimbingan atau pengajaran khusus.
Dalam metode ini mahasiswa akan terlebih dahulu mendapatkan penjelasan
tentang proses dan hasil yang diharapkan serta diberikan daftar bacaan sesuai
kebutuhan. Dengan belajar mandiri diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan
kerja dan memberikan kesempatan pada mahasiswa untuk memperdalam
pengetahuan secara aktif.

1.1.3 Pembelajaran Praktikum

Praktikum diberikan mahasiswa dalam rangka mencapai tujuan yang bersifat
multi dimensi dalam proses pembelajaran yaitu mengaplikasikan ketrampilan
tertentu, biasanya ketrampilan psikomotor dan afektif. Pencapaian ketrampilan
terdiri dari ketrampilan kognitif yang tinggi seperti berlatih agar dapat
memahami teori dan mengintegrasikannya; ketrampilan Afektif (mahasiswa
belajar merencanakan kegiatan secara mandiri, kerjasama dan tukar informasi);
ketrampilan psikomotor (belajar memasang peralatan, memakai peralatan dan
instrumen tertentu).

1.1.4 Small Group Discussion
Mahasiswa membentuk kelompok 3-5 orang, memilih bahan diskusi dan
mempresentasikan paper dan mendiskusikan dikelas hasil yang sudah
didiskusikan. Dosen membuat rancangan bahan diskusi dan turan diskusi,
menjadi moderator sekaligus mengulas setiap akhir session diskusi mahasiswa.

1.1.5 Simulasi
Mahasiswa mempelajari dan menjalankan suatu proses yang yang ditugaskan
kepadanya, mahasiswa mempraktikkan dan mencoba berbagai model yang telah
disiapkan. Sedangkan yang dilakukan pengajar adalah merancang situasikegiatan
yang mirip dengan yang sesungguhnya, bias berupa bermain peran, model
komputer atau berbagai latihan simulasi, dan membahasa kinerja mahasiswa.

1.2.7 Cooperative Learning

Salah satu bentuk metode pembelajaran yang berdasarkan faham konstruktivis.
Pembelajaran kooperatif merupakan strategi belajar dengan sejumlah mahasiswa
sebagai anggota kelompok kecil yang tingkat kemampuannya berbeda. Dalam
menyelesaikan tugas kelompoknya, setiap anggota kelompok harus saling bekerja
sama dan saling membantu untuk memahami materi pelajaran. Dalam
pembelajaran kooperatif, belajar dikatakan belum selesai jika salah satu teman
dalam kelompok belum menguasai bahan pelajaran.

FASE Aktivitas Dosen

Fase 1:
Menyampaikan tujuan Dosen menyampaikan semua tujuan pembelajaran yang
pembelajaran dan ingin dicapai pada mata pelajaran tersebut dan memotivasi
memotivasi belajar mahasiswa
Fase 2: Dosen menyampaikan informasi kepada mahasiswa
Menyajikan infornasi dengan jalan demonstrasi atau lewat bahan bacan
Fase 3:
Mengorganisasikan Dosen menjelaskan kepada mahasiswa bagaimana
mahasiswa ke dalam membentuk kelompok belajar dan membantu setiap
kelompok – kelompok kelompok agar melakukan transisi secara efisien.
Fase 4:
Dosen membimbing kelompok-kelompok belajar
mahasiswa pada saat mereka mengerjakan tugas
kelompok bekerja dan

Dosen mengevaluasi hasil belajar tentang materi yang
Fase 5:
telah dipelajari atau masing-masing kelompok
mempresentasikan hasil kerjanya.
Dosen mencari cara-cara untuk menghargai mahasiswa,
Fase 6:
baik dalam proses maupun hasil secara individual atau
Memberi penghargaan


2.1 Penanggung Jawab Mata Kuliah

Keperawatan Keluarga : Ahmad Juliadi, Ns,M.Kep

2.2 Dosen Pengampu

1. Tenny Murtiningsih, SH., S.Pd., M.Pd (2 sks)


3.1 Rencana Pembelajaran Semester (RPS)



ADVANCED DKP51335 2 SKS (T = 1, P = 1) Semester V
ENGLISH 10 Juni 2020
OTORISASI Nama Koordinator Koordinator RMK Ka. Prodi DIII Keperawatan
Pengembang RPS

Tenny Ahmad Juliadi.,Ns.,M.Kep Noor Amaliah., Ns.M.Kep

Capaian S.06 Berkontribusi dalam peningkatan mutu kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara dan kemajuan peradaban

Pembelajaran berdasarkan Pancasila
(CP) P.01 Menguasai konsep anatomi fisiologi tubuh manusia, patologi dan konsep dasar keperawatan kelainan struktur dan fungsi tubuh,
gizi, mikrobologi, parasitologi, dan farmakologi
P.12 Menguasai teknik pengumpulan, klasifikasi, dokumentasi dan analisis data serta informasi asuhan keperawatan
P.13 Menguasai konsep, prinsip dan teknik komunikasi terapeutik serta hambatannya yang sering ditemui dalam pelaksanaan asuhan
P.17 Menguasai Bahasa Inggris terkait bidang keperawatan
KU.04 Menyusun laporan tentang hasil dan proses kerja dengan akurat dan sahih, mengkomunikasikan secara efektif kepada pihak lain
yang membutuhkannya
KK.10 Mampu berbahasa Inggris dalam konteks pemberian asuhan keperawatan di rumah sakit dan layanan kesehatan lainnya.

Capaian CPMK 1 1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan tentang Cardiology System
Pembelajaran CPMK 2 2. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan tentang Respiratory System
MK CPMK 3 3. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan tentang Gastrointestinal System
CPMK 4 4. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan tentang Urinary System
CPMK 5 5. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan tentang Scientific System
CPMK 6 6. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan tentang Presentation
CPMK 7 7. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan tentang Looking for a job
CPMK 8 8. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan tentang Introduction to International English Test
CPMK 9 9. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan tentang TOEFL Practice
CPMK 10 10. Mahasiswa mampu memahami dan menjelaskan tentang TOEFL TEST

Deskripsi Mata kuliah ini merupakan mata kuliah keahlian (MKK), berfokus pada pengembangan keterampilan Bahasa Inggris yang
Singkat MK meliputi listening, speaking, reading dan writing. Pola pengembangan keterampilan Bahasa Inggris tersebut dititik beratkan
pada keterampilan pemberian asuhan keperawatan di rumah sakit dan tatanan layanan kesehatan lainnya dengan
menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

Bahan 1. BK 337 Cardiology System

Kajian/Materi 2. BK 338 Respiratory System
Pembelajaran 3. BK 339 Gastrointestinal System
4. BK 340 Urinary System
5. BK 341 Scientific System
6. BK 342 Presentation
7. BK 343 Looking for a job
8. BK 344 Introduction to International English Test
9. BK 345 TOEFL Practice

Daftar Referensi Referensi Utama :
1. Allum, Virginia and Mc.Garr, Patricia. 2008. Cambridge English for Nursing. Cambridge
2. Glendinning, Eric.H. and Howard, Ron. Profesional English in Use. Cambridge
3. Philips, Deborah. 2003. Preparation Test forThe TOEFL TEST. Longman
Referensi Tambahan :
1. Haryani, Surip. 2012. Nursing English. Pustaka Rihama
2. Muttaqin, Arief. 2011. Pengkajian Keperawatan. Second Edition. Salemba Medika
3. Rizka, Haira and Intanti, Maulidya Windha. 2017. English for Nursing 1. Pustaka Baru Press
4. Rizka, Haira. 2018. English for Nursing 2. Pustaka Baru Press
5. Sukur, Goridus Silvester. 2013. Magic Trick TOEFL ITP. Kalarana Press
6. Yansyah. 2016. English for Your Career: Modul Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris. Universitas Muhammadiyah

Nama Dosen 1. Tenny Murtiningsih, SH., S.Pd., M.Pd

Mata Kuliah Nursing English 1 dan 2
Prasyarat (Jika

Assesment UTS: 15 % UAS: 25 % Tugas: 20% Pratikum : 40%

Bentuk dan
Ming Sub-CPMK
Bahan Kajian Metode
gu/ (Kemampuan Estimasi Penilaian
(Materi Pembelajaran Pengalaman Dosen
Perte Akhir Yang Waktu
Pembelajaran) (Metode dan Belajar Mahasiswa
muan direncanakan)
Sumber Belajar
Kriteria&Bentuk Indikator Bobot
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Mahasiswa a. Kosa kata baru Kuliah Klasikal : TM= 2 x Mendengarkan Kriteria: Ketepatan Ketepatan 10% Tenny Murtiningsih, SH.,
mampu terkait Ceramah (2x50) penjelasan dosen memahami materi dalam S.Pd., M.Pd
memahami dan Cardiology Tanya jawab BT= 2 x terkait Cardiology dan penugasan yang memahami
menjelaskan System (2x60) System in English diberikan dengan konsep
tentang b. Pemahaman Cooperative BM =2 x menunjukkan Cardiology
Cardiology reading text Learning (2x60) Membaca Reading performa baik yang system
System tentang TM = 2 x (2 Text ditugaskan
Cardiology Small Group x 100)
System in Discussion BT = 2 x (2x Mengerjakan latihan
English 70) dengan metode
c. Beberapa Pembelajaran berdiskusi kelompok
latihan terkait Praktikum
I-II dengan Tugas 1: Bentuk:
Cardiology Kuliah daring Membuat ringkasan Essay tentang
System : TM= 2 tentang Cardiology Cardiology
- Answering x(1x100) System in English
reading text BM =2 x (1
- Complete the x70)
- Filling the
gaps with the
words given
d. Pembelajaran
terkait dengan

III Mahasiswa a. Kosa kata baru Kuliah Klasikal: TM= 1 x Mendengarkan Kriteria: Ketepatan Ketepatan 5% Tenny Murtiningsih, SH.,

mampu terkait Ceramah (1x50) penjelasan dosen memahami materi dalam S.Pd., M.Pd
memahami dan Respiratory Tanya jawab BT= 1 x terkait Respiratory dan penugasan yang memahami
menjelaskan System (1x60) System in English diberikan dengan konsep
tentang b. Pemahaman Cooperative BM =1 x menunjukkan Respiratory
Respiratory reading text Learning (1x60) Membaca Reading performa yang System
System tentang Text ditugaskan
Respiratory Small Group
System in Discussion Diskusi dalam
English kelompok tentang
c. Beberapa Pembelajaran TM= Respiratory System
latihan terkait Praktikum 1x(1x100)
dengan BM =1 x (1 Mengerjakan latihan
Respiratory : x70)
- Answering Tugas 1: Bentuk:
reading text Kuliah daring Membuat essay Essay tentang
- Complete the tentang penyakit yang penyakit yang
conversation berhubungan dengan berhubungan dengan
- Filling the Respiratory System Respiratory System
gaps with the in a group
words given
d. Pembelajaran
terkait dengan

IV Mahasiswa a. Kosa kata baru Kuliah Klasikal : TM= 1 x Mendengarkan Kriteria: Ketepatan Ketepatan 5% Tenny Murtiningsih, SH.,
mampu terkait Gastro Ceramah (1x50) penjelasan dosen memahami materi dalam S.Pd., M.Pd
memahami System Tanya jawab BT= 1 x terkait Gastro System dan penugasan yang memahami
tentang Gastro b. Pemahaman (1x60) in English diberikan dengan konsep
System reading text Cooperative BM =1 x menunjukkan Gastro
tentang Gastro Learning (1x60) Membaca Reading performa yang System
System in Text ditugaskan
English Small group
c. Beberapa discussion Mengerjakan latihan
latihan terkait dengan cara
dengan Gastro Pembelajaran TM= 1 berdiskusi di group
System : Praktikum x(1x100)
- Answering BM =1 x (1 Simulasi dengan tema

reading text x70) Gastro System
- Complete the Kuliah daring
conversation Tugas 1: Bentuk:
- Filling the Membuat dialog Dialog tentang
gaps with the tentang Gastro Gastroistetinal
words given System System
d. Pembelajaran
pratikum terkait
dengan Gastro

V Mahasiswa a. Kosa kata baru Kuliah Klasikal: TM= 1 x Mendengarkan Kriteria: Ketepatan Ketepatan 10% Tenny Murtiningsih, SH.,
mampu terkait Urinary Ceramah (1x50) penjelasan dosen memahami materi dalam S.Pd., M.Pd
memahami System Tanya jawab BT= 1 x terkait Urinary dan penugasan yang memahami
tentang Urinary b. Pemahaman (1x60) System in English diberikan dengan konsep
System reading text Cooperative BM =1 x menunjukkan Urinary
tentang Urinary Learning (1x60) Membaca Reading performa yang system
System in Text ditugaskan
English Small Group
c. Beberapa Discussion Mengerjakan latihan
latihan terkait
dengan Urinary Pembelajaran TM= 1 Tugas 1: Bentuk:
System : Praktikum x(1x100) Mengerjakan latihan Jawaban soal tentang
- Answering BM =1 x (1 terkait dengan Urinary System
reading text x70) Urinary System
- Complete the
- conversation Kuliah daring
- Filling the
gaps with the
words given
d. Pembelajaran
pratikum terkait
dengan Urinary

VI Mahasiswa a. Kosa kata baru Ceramah TM= 1 x Mendengarkan Kriteria: Ketepatan Ketepatan 10% Tenny Murtiningsih, SH.,
mampu terkait Tanya jawab, (1x50) penjelasan dosen memahami materi dalam S.Pd., M.Pd

memahami Plagiarism BT= 1 x terkait Scientific dan penugasan yang memahami
Scientific b. Pemahaman Cooperative (1x60) Writing Part 1 : diberikan dengan konsep
Writing Part 1 : reading text Leraning BM =1 x Plagiarism menunjukkan Scientific
Plagiarism tentang (1x60) performa yang Writing 1
Scientific Small Group Membaca Reading ditugaskan
Writing discussion Text
c. Pembelajaran
praktikum Pembelajaran TM= 1 Mengerjakan latihan
terkait dengan Praktikum x(1x100)
Scientific BM =1 x (1 Tugas 1: Bentuk:
Writing Part 1 : x70) Membuat video Video tentang
Plagiarism tentang plagiarism Plagiarism
d. Diskusi tentang Kuliah daring

VII Mahasiswa a. Pemahaman Ceramah TM= 1 x Mendengarkan Kriteria: Ketepatan Ketepatan 10% Tenny Murtiningsih, SH.,
mampu reading text Tanya jawab (1x50) penjelasan dosen memahami materi dalam S.Pd., M.Pd
memahami tentang BT= 1 x tentang paraphrasing, dan penugasan yang memahami
tentang Quotation, Cooperative (1x60) summarizing dan diberikan dengan konsep
Scientific Paraphrazing Leraning BM =1 x quotation menunjukkan Scientific
Writing 2 : and (1x60) performa yang Writing 2
Quotation, Summarizing Pembelajaran TM= 1 ditugaskan
Paraphrazing b. Beberapa Praktikum x(1x100)
and latihan terkait Mengerjakan latihan
Summarizing dengan BM =1 x (1
Quotation, x70)
Paraphrazing Kuliah daring Tugas 1: Bentuk:
and To make a paper A paper
c. Pembelajaran
pratikum terkait


IX - Mahasiswa a. Tips for Ceramah, Tanya TM= 2x Mendengarkan Kriteria: Ketepatan Ketepatan 10 % Tenny Murtiningsih, SH.,
X mampu effective jawab (1x50) penjelasan terkait memahami materi dalam S.Pd., M.Pd
memahami presentation BT= 2 x dengan tips for dan penugasan yang memahami
materi tentang b. Language for Small group (1x60) effective presentation diberikan dengan Cara
Presentation presentation discussion BM =2 x menunjukkan presentasi
c. Pembelajaran (1x60) Mahasiswa membuat performa yang yang effektif
praktikum Simulasi tentang TM= 2x makalah ditugaskan dalam
terkait dengan presentation (1x100) Bahasa
presentation BM =2 x (1 Mahasiswa praktek Inggris
Pembelajaran x70) presentasi

Tugas :
Kuliah daring Bentuk:
Mahasiswa diminta
mempresentasikan Presentasi mahasiswa
makalah tentang tentang tema
kesehatan kesehatan secara
berkelompok berkelompok

XI - Mahasiswa a. Reading text Ceramah, Tanya TM= 2x Mahasiswa Kriteria: Ketepatan Ketepatan 10% Tenny Murtiningsih, SH.,
XIII mampu about : Jawab (1x50) mendengarkan memahami materi dalam S.Pd., M.Pd
memahami Searching a job BT= 2 x penjelasan terkait dan penugasan yang memahami
materi tentang information Small Group (1x60) dengan tema-tema diberikan dengan pembuatan
Looking for a b. Exercises about discussion BM =2 x tersebut menunjukkan application
job : reading text (1x60) Mahasiswa performa yang letter,
- Searching a above Pembelajaran TM= 2x memahami tentang ditugaskan curriculum
job vacancy c. Job Vacancy pratikum (1x100) contoh-contoh vitae,
and writing advertisement BM =1 x (1 bentuk informasi resume dan
job d. Reading Text x70) lowongan pekerjaan video
application about dalam Bahasa Inggris tentang job
letter application Kuliah daring Mahasiswa interview
- Writing CV letter memahami tentang
and Resume e. Cover Templete contoh application
- Job Letter letter, resume dan
Interview f. Resume CV
Templete Mahasiswa mampu
memahami tentang

bagaimana job
interview dalam
Bahasa Inggris

Tugas : Bentuk:
Praktek membuat Application letter,
application letter, CV, Resume serta
curriculum vitae dan video tentang job
resume interview
Praktek membuat
dialog tentang job
interview dalam
Bahasa Inggris
XIV Mahasiswa Introduction to Ceramah, Tanya TM= 1x Kriteria: Ketepatan Ketepatan 10% Tenny Murtiningsih, SH.,
mengetahui dan TOEFL, IELTS and Jawab (1x50) memahami materi , dalam S.Pd., M.Pd
memahami TOEIC BT= 1 x strategi dalam memahami
tentang macam- Small Group (1x60) mengerjakan soal- strategi
macam discussion BM =1 x soal Internasional dalam
Internasional (1x60) English Test dan menjawab
penjelasan terkait
English Test : penugasan yang soal-soal
dengan tema-tema
TOEFL, IELTS, TM= 1x diberikan dengan TOEFL,
TOEIC Pembelajaran (1x100) menunjukkan IELTS dan
praktikum BM =1 x (1 performa yang TOEIC
x70) ditugaskan
Kuliah daring
Studi literature

Mahasiswa Latihan soal-soal Ceramah, Tanya TM= 1x Mendengarkan Kriteria: Ketepatan Ketepatan 10% Tenny Murtiningsih, SH.,
mampu TOEFL Jawab (1x50) penjelasan terkait memahami materi dalam S.Pd., M.Pd
memahami BT= 1 x dengan tema-tema dan penugasan yang memahami
TOEFL practice Small Group (1x60) tersebut diberikan dengan dan
discussion BM =1 x menunjukkan mengerjakan
(1x60) performa yang soal-soal
Pembelajaran TM= 1x ditugaskan TOEFL
praktikum (1x100) Tugas :
BM =1 x (1 Mengerjakan soal-
x70) soal TOEFL Bentuk:

Kuliah daring Latihan soal-soal

XV Mahasiswa TOEFL complete TM= 1x Kriteria: Ketepatan Ketepatan 10% Tenny Murtiningsih, SH.,
mampu test (1x50) BT= 1 Mahasiswa memahami materi dalam S.Pd., M.Pd
mengerjakan Pembelajaran x (1x60) BM mengerjakan soal- dan penugasan yang memahami
soal TOEFL praktikum =1 x (1x60) soal TOEFL secara diberikan dengan dan
secara lengkap TM= 1x lengkap menunjukkan mengerjakan
dan dengan (1x100) BM performa yang soal-soal
hasil yang =1 x (1 x70) ditugaskan TOEFL

Kuliah daring
Tugas : Bentuk:
Mengerjakan soa;- Hasil pengerjaan
soal TOEFL TOEFL complete test
dari mahasiswa



4.1 Sistem Penilaian

4.1.1 Sistem penilain dilakukan dengan kriteria penafsiran kuantitatif dan kualitatif.
4.1.2 Hasil penilaian akhir dengan skor 0 – 100 digunakan untuk pemberian Nilai
Angka, Nilai Huruf dan Bobot Nilai
4.1.3 Pemberian Nilai Angka, Nilai Huruf dan Bobot Nilai dari hasil penilaian akhir
menggunakan sistem Penilaian Acuan Patokan (PAP) atau menggunakan sistem
Penilaian Acuan Normal (PAN)
4.1.4 Sistem PAN dapat digunakan apabila presentasi kelulusan peserta ujian rendah.
4.1.5 Ketentuan lulus adalah minimal angka 65. Nilai yang lebih kecil dari 65
dinyatakan tidak lulus dan harus diprogramkan kembali atau diremedial.
4.1.6 Penilaian dilihat dari ujian mata kuliah.
4.1.7 Penilaian hasil belajar yang terdiri dari 2 dosen pengampu mata kuliah. Rumus
yang digunakan untuk memperoleh Nilai Akhir (NA) adalah :

NA = (UTSx25%) + (UAS x 25%) + (Tugas x 20%) +(Praktikum X30%)

4.1.8 Penilaian hasil belajar mahasiswa berdasarkan sistem PAP dinyatakan sebagai
berikut :
Nilai Bobot
Nilai Angka Predikat Keterangan
Huruf Nilai
80 – 100 A 4,0 Istimewa
75 – 79 A- 3,7 Hampir Istimewa
70 – 74 B+ 3,4 Baik Sekali
65 – 69 B 3,0 Baik
Batas Minimal Kelulusan
60 – 64 B- 2,7 Cukup Baik
Jenjang S2
Lebih dari
55 – 59 C+ 2,4 Batas Lulus
50 – 54 C 2,0 Cukup
31 – 49 D 1,0 Kurang
< 30 E 0,0 Gagal

4.1.9 Nilai mata kuliah yang dinyatakan dengan huruf A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+,C adalah

4.1.10 Nilai mata kuliah yang dinyatakan dengan huruf D, dan E adalah Tidak Lulus,
dan mahasiswa bersangkutan harus menempuh kembali mata kuliah yang tidak
lulus tersebut sesuai prosedur yang berlaku.
4.1.11 Perbaikan nilai ditujukan untuk memperbaiki nilai akhir suatu mata kuliah dengan
memprogramkan kembali mata kuliah tersebut pada semester berikutnya secara
4.1.12 Nilai akhir suatu mata kuliah mata kuliah yang dicantumkan merupakan nilai
terakhir yang dicapai oleh mahasiswa setelah menempuh perbaikan melalui
perkuliahan regular.


Allum, Virginia and Mc.Garr, Patricia 2008. Cambridge English for Nursing. Cambridge

Glendinning, Eric.H. and Howard, Ron. Profesional English in Use. Cambridge

Haryani, Surip. 2012. Nursing English. Pustaka Rihama

Muttaqin, Arief. 2011. Pengkajian Keperawatan. Second Edition. Salemba Medika

Rizka, Haira and Intanti, Maulidya Windha. 2017. English for Nursing 1. Pustaka Baru

Rizka, Haira. 2018. English for Nursing 2. Pustaka Baru Press

Sukur, Goridus Silvester. 2013. Magic Trick TOEFL ITP. Kalarana Press

Philips, Deborah. 2003. Preparation Test forThr TOEFL TEST. Longman

Yansyah. 2016. English for Your Career: Modul Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Bahasa
Inggris. Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin.







As we know English becomes increasingly important language in the world. English

is as one of international language which is commonly used in communication among people
in the world. That isn’t surprisingly when there are some jobs need English in their
communication even in hospital. There are some familiar English vocabulary and expression
used in hospital conversation everyday. That’s why English is really important also for
nursing students.
Giving English material to nursing students through English for Specific Purpose is
meant preparing them to be ready for their future carrier. The nursing students are hoped not
only good in their nursing skill but also have good command in English. In this case ,
teaching learning English process should support their subject. In other word, English for
Specific Purpose which is taught should have correlation with their need and their future
This English Module is as an Instructional Material that can help the nursing students
to improve their English skill. So it can prepare them to become high quality human resource
and at last they become a professional nurse. The writer hopes this material can guide the
students to improve their English skill.
For the lecturers, the writer hopes that it can increase the quality of teaching learning English
process in the classroom.
Personally, the writer would like to say thank you very much to The Rector of
University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, The Dean of Faculty of Nursing and Health
Sciences. The Head of Nursing Diploma Program. My deep gratitude goes to all of the
lecturers and my colleagues at University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin who support me to
finish this module.

The compiler,
Tenny Murtiningsih, S.H., S.Pd.,M.Pd


Cover Page
Table of Content………………………………………………………………
Chapter 1 Cardiology System……..……………………………………
Chapter 2 Respiratory System………………………………………….
Chapter 3 Gastrointestinal System.…………………………………
Chapter 4 Urinary System…………..…………….…..……………...
Chapter 5 Scientific Writing 1 : Plagiarism…… ………..……..…
Chapter 6 Scientific Writing 2 : Quotation, Paraphrases and
Chapter 7 Presentation………………………………….……….…….
Chapter 8 Looking for a Job 1 : Searching a Job Vacancy and Writing
Application Letter……………………………….
Chapter 9 Looking for a Job 2 : Writing CV and Resume….…
Chapter 10 Job Interview…………………………………………..…….
Chapter 11 Introduction to International English Test…………....
Chapter 12 TOEFL Practice…………….………………………………..
Chapter 13 TOEFL TEST……………………………..………………….

Cardiology System


OBJECTIVE The students understand about Cardiology System

Look at the picture below and tell the class what do you know about it


What is it ?
Could you tell me more about this system ?

I. Read and understand the reading passage below


The circulatory system, also called the cardiovascular system or the vascular system, is
an organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients (such as amino
acids and electrolytes), oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, and blood cells to and from
the cells in the body to provide nourishment and help in fighting diseases, stabilize
temperature and pH, and maintain homeostasis.

The circulatory system includes the lymphatic system, which circulates lymph.[1] The passage of
lymph takes much longer than that of blood.[2] Blood is a fluid consisting of plasma, red blood
cells, white blood cells, and platelets that is circulated by the heart through the vertebrate
vascular system, carrying oxygen and nutrients to and waste materials away from all body
tissues. Lymph is essentially recycled excess blood plasma after it has been filtered from
the interstitial fluid (between cells) and returned to the lymphatic system. The cardiovascular
(from Latin words meaning "heart" and "vessel") system comprises the blood, heart, and blood
vessels.[3] The lymph, lymph nodes, and lymph vessels form the lymphatic system, which returns
filtered blood plasma from the interstitial fluid (between cells) as lymph.

The circulatory system of the blood is seen as having two components, a systemic circulation
and a pulmonary circulation.[4]

While humans, as well as other vertebrates, have a closed cardiovascular system (meaning that
the blood never leaves the network of arteries, veins and capillaries), some invertebrate groups
have an open cardiovascular system. The lymphatic system, on the other hand, is an open
system providing an accessory route for excess interstitial fluid to be returned to the blood. [5] The
more primitive, diploblastic animal phyla lack circulatory systems.

Many diseases affect the circulatory system. This includes cardiovascular disease, affecting the
cardiovascular system, and lymphatic disease affecting the lymphatic system. Cardiologists are
medical professionals which specialise in the heart, and cardiothoracic surgeons specialise in
operating on the heart and its surrounding areas. Vascular surgeons focus on other parts of the
circulatory system.

The essential components of the human cardiovascular system are the heart, blood and blood
vessels.[6] It includes the pulmonary circulation, a "loop" through the lungs where blood is
oxygenated; and the systemic circulation, a "loop" through the rest of the body to
provide oxygenated blood. The systemic circulation can also be seen to function in two parts –
a macrocirculation and a microcirculation. An average adult contains five to six quarts (roughly
4.7 to 5.7 liters) of blood, accounting for approximately 7% of their total body weight. [7] Blood
consists of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Also, the digestive

system works with the circulatory system to provide the nutrients the system needs to keep
the heart pumping.[8]

The cardiovascular systems of humans are closed, meaning that the blood never leaves the
network of blood vessels. In contrast, oxygen and nutrients diffuse across the blood vessel layers
and enter interstitial fluid, which carries oxygen and nutrients to the target cells, and carbon
dioxide and wastes in the opposite direction. The other component of the circulatory system,
the lymphatic system, is open.

Source : public/@wcm/@global/documents/downloadable/ucm_305579.pdf

Match the words in colum A to colum B

1 Transport
2 Nourishment
3 Consisting
4 Essentially
5 Network
6 Provide
7 Affecting
8 Excess
9 Returned
10 Interstitial


1. What is Circulatory system ?
2. What is blood consisting ?
3. What are the components of circulatory system ?
4. What is cardiologist ?
5. Give examples kinds of diseases that affect in Circulatory system !

Respiratory System


OBJECTIVES The students understand about Respiratory System

Look at the picture below and tell the class what do you know about it

Source :

What is this ?
Could you tell me more about part of respiratory system ?

IV. Read and understand the reading passage below

The Respiratory System - Structure And Function

The respiratory system is the system in the human body that enables us to breathe.
The act of breathing includes: inhaling and exhaling air in the body; the absorption of oxygen
from the air in order to produce energy; the discharge of carbon dioxide, which is the
byproduct of the process.

The parts of the respiratory system

The respiratory system is divided into two parts:

Upper respiratory tract:
This includes the nose, mouth, and the beginning of the trachea (the section that takes air in
and lets it out).
Lower respiratory tract:
This includes the trachea, the bronchi, broncheoli and the lungs (the act of breathing takes
place in this part of the system).
The organs of the lower respiratory tract are located in the chest cavity. They are delineated
and protected by the ribcage, the chest bone (sternum), and the muscles between the ribs and
the diaphragm (that constitute a muscular partition between the chest and the abdominal

The trachea – the tube connecting the throat to the bronchi.

The bronchi – the trachea divides into two bronchi (tubes). One leads to the left lung, the
other to the right lung. Inside the lungs each of the bronchi divides into smaller bronchi.

The broncheoli - the bronchi branches off into smaller tubes called broncheoli which end in
the pulmonary alveolus.

Pulmonary alveoli – tiny sacs (air sacs) delineated by a single-layer membrane with blood
capillaries at the other end.

The exchange of gases takes place through the membrane of the pulmonary alveolus, which
always contains air: oxygen (O2) is absorbed from the air into the blood capillaries and the

action of the heart circulates it through all the tissues in the body. At the same time, carbon
dioxide (CO2) is transmitted from the blood capillaries into the alveoli and then expelled
through the bronchi and the upper respiratory tract.

The inner surface of the lungs where the exchange of gases takes place is very large, due to
the structure of the air sacs of the alveoli.

The lungs – a pair of organs found in all vertebrates.

The structure of the lungs includes the bronchial tree – air tubes branching off from the
bronchi into smaller and smaller air tubes, each one ending in a pulmonary alveolus.

The act of breathing

The act of breathing has two stages – inhalation and exhalation

Inhalation – the intake of air into the lungs through expansion of chest volume.

Exhalation – the expulsion of air from the lungs through contraction of chest volume.

Inhalation and exhalation involves muscles:

1. Rib muscles = the muscles between the ribs in the chest.
2. Diaphragm muscle

Muscle movement – the diaphragm and rib muscles are constantly contracting and
relaxing (approximately 16 times per minute), thus causing the chest cavity to increase
and decrease.
During inhalation – the muscles contract:
Contraction of the diaphragm muscle – causes the diaphragm to flatten, thus enlarging
the chest cavity.
Contraction of the rib muscles – causes the ribs to rise, thus increasing the chest volume.
The chest cavity expands, thus reducing air pressure and causing air to be passively
drawn into the lungs. Air passes from the high pressure outside the lungs to the low
pressure inside the lungs.

During exhalation – the muscles relax:

The muscles are no longer contracting, they are relaxed.

The diaphragm curves and rises, the ribs descend – and chest volume decreases.
The chest cavity contracts thus increasing air pressure and causing the air in the lungs to
be expelled through the upper respiratory tract. Exhalation, too, is passive. Air passes
from the high pressure in the lungs to the low pressure in the upper respiratory tract.

Source :


1. What is respiratory system ?
2. What are respiratory organs ?
3. What is inhalation ?
4. What is exhalation ?
5. Give examples kinds of diseases that affect in Circulatory system !


1. Apnoea .
2. Bradypnoea .
3. Eupnoea .
4. Tachypnea .
5. Dyspnea .
6. Inspiration rate .
7. Respiratory rate
8. Inspiration .
9. Expiration
10. Respiration .
a. The patient has labored breathing or difficulty breathing .
b. Breating out
c. Breaths-that is, movement of air in and out of the lungs
d. The patient is not breathing at all.
e. The rate at which a person breath in .
f. The patient is breathing a normal respiratory rate, between 12
and 20 breaths per minute .
g. The rate at which a person breaths in and out
h. The respiratory rate is rapid, it has increased to between 20 and
30 breaths per minute .
i. The rate at which a person breaths out
j. The patient’s breathing is slow rate, the respiratory rate is less
than 12 breaths per minute .
k. Breathing in .

Source : Allum, Virginia and Mc. Garr, Patricia. 2008. Cambridge English for Nursing. Cambridge

Gastrointestinal System


OBJECTIVES The students understand about Gastrointestinal System

Look at the picture below and tell the class what do you know about it (discussion)

Source :

What system is it ?
Could you mention the parts of this system ?
V. Read and understand the reading passage below

The gastrointestinal tract, (GI tract, GIT, digestive tract, digestion tract, alimentary
canal) is the tract from the mouth to the anus which includes all the organs of the digestive
system in humans and other animals.

Food taken in through the mouth is digested to extract nutrients and absorb energy, and the
waste expelled as feces. The mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines are all part of the
gastrointestinal tract. Gastrointestinal is an adjective meaning of or pertaining to
the stomach and intestines. A tract is a collection of related anatomic structures or a series of
connected body organs.

All vertebrates and most invertebrates have a digestive tract. The sponges, cnidarians,
and ctenophores are the early invertebrates with an incomplete digestive tract having just one
opening instead of two, where food is taken in and waste expelled.

The human gastrointestinal tract consists of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines, and is
divided into the upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts. The GI tract includes all structures
between the mouth and the anus, forming a continuous passageway that includes the main
organs of digestion, namely, the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. However, the
complete human digestive system is made up of the gastrointestinal tract plus the accessory
organs of digestion (the tongue, salivary glands, pancreas, liver and gallbladder). The tract
may also be divided into foregut, midgut, and hindgut, reflecting the embryological origin of
each segment. The whole human GI tract is about nine metres (30 feet) long at autopsy. It is
considerably shorter in the living body because the intestines, which are tubes of smooth
muscle tissue, maintain constant muscle tone in a halfway-tense state but can relax in spots to
allow for local distention and peristalsis.

The gastrointestinal tract contains trillions of microbes, with some 4,000

different strains of bacteria having diverse roles in maintenance of immune
health and metabolism. Cells of the GI tract release hormones to help regulate the digestive
process. These digestive hormones, including gastrin, secretin, cholecystokinin, and ghrelin,
are mediated through either intracrine or autocrine mechanisms, indicating that the cells
releasing these hormones are conserved structures throughout evolution.

Upper and lower human gastrointestinal tract
Illustration of human gastrointestinal tract

The structure and function can be described both as gross anatomy and as microscopic
anatomy or histology. The tract itself is divided into upper and lower tracts, and the
intestines small and large parts.

Upper gastrointestinal tract

The upper gastrointestinal tract consists of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach,
and duodenum. The exact demarcation between the upper and lower tracts is the suspensory
muscle of the duodenum. This differentiates the embryonic borders between the foregut and
midgut, and is also the division commonly used by clinicians to describe gastrointestinal
bleeding as being of either "upper" or "lower" origin. Upon dissection, the duodenum may
appear to be a unified organ, but it is divided into four segments based upon function,
location, and internal anatomy. The four segments of the duodenum are as follows (starting at
the stomach, and moving toward the jejunum): bulb, descending, horizontal, and ascending.
The suspensory muscle attaches the superior border of the ascending duodenum to
the diaphragm.

The suspensory muscle is an important anatomical landmark which shows the formal division
between the duodenum and the jejunum, the first and second parts of the small intestine,
respectively.[14] This is a thin muscle which is derived from the embryonic mesoderm.

Lower gastrointestinal tract

The lower gastrointestinal tract includes most of the small intestine and all of the large
intestine.[15] In human anatomy, the intestine (bowel, or gut. Greek: éntera) is the segment
of the gastrointestinal tract extending from the pyloric sphincter of the stomach to
the anus and, as in other mammals, consists of two segments, the small intestine and the large
intestine. In humans, the small intestine is further subdivided into
the duodenum, jejunum and ileum while the large intestine is subdivided into the, cecum,
ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon, rectum, and anal canal.

Small intestine

The small intestine begins at the duodenum and is a tubular structure, usually between 6 and
7 m long.[18] Its mucosal area in an adult human is about 30 m2. The combination of
the circular folds, the villi, and the microvilli increases the absorptive area of the mucosa
about 600-fold, making a total area of about 250 square meters for the entire small
intestine.[20] Its main function is to absorb the products of digestion (including carbohydrates,
proteins, lipids, and vitamins) into the bloodstream. There are three major divisions:

1. Duodenum: A short structure (about 20–25 cm long) which receives chyme from the
stomach, together with pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes and bile from
the gall bladder. The digestive enzymes break down proteins, and bile emulsifies fats
into micelles. The duodenum contains Brunner's glands which produce a mucus-rich
alkaline secretion containing bicarbonate. These secretions, in combination with
bicarbonate from the pancreas, neutralize the stomach acids contained in the chyme.
2. Jejunum: This is the midsection of the small intestine, connecting the duodenum to
the ileum. It is about 2.5 m long, and contains the circular folds also known as plicae
circulares, and villi that increase its surface area. Products of digestion (sugars, amino
acids, and fatty acids) are absorbed into the bloodstream here.
3. Ileum: The final section of the small intestine. It is about 3 m long, and
contains villi similar to the jejunum. It absorbs mainly vitamin B12 and bile acids, as
well as any other remaining nutrients.

Large intestine

The large intestine also called the colon, consists of the cecum, rectum, and anal canal. It also
includes the appendix, which is attached to the cecum. The colon is further divided into:

1. Cecum (first portion of the colon) and appendix

2. Ascending colon (ascending in the back wall of the abdomen)
3. Right colic flexure (flexed portion of the ascending and transverse colon apparent to
the liver)
4. Transverse colon (passing below the diaphragm)

5. Left colic flexure (flexed portion of the transverse and descending colon apparent to
the spleen)
6. Descending colon (descending down the left side of the abdomen)
7. Sigmoid colon (a loop of the colon closest to the rectum)
8. Rectum
9. Anus

The main function of the large intestine is to absorb water. The area of the large intestinal
mucosa of an adult human is about 2 m2

Source :

Match the medical terms below with the correct definition
1 Mouth
2 Intestine
3 Saliva
4 Stomatch
5 Anus
6 Hormone
7 Pharynx
8 Colon
9 Gland
10 Enzym


1. What is gastrointestinal track ?
2. What are gastrointestinal
3. Where is the food disgested for the first time ?
4. Where is the food expelled for the last ?
5. What is salive for in the digestion process ?

Urinary System


OBJECTIVES The students understand about Urinary System

Look at the picture below and tell the class what do you know about it

Source :

What system is it ? Write the names for each number !

I. Read and understand the reading passage below


The urinary system, also known as the renal system or urinary tract, consists of
the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and the urethra. The purpose of the urinary system is to eliminate
waste from the body, regulate blood volume and blood pressure, control levels
of electrolytes and metabolites, and regulate blood pH. The urinary tract is the body's drainage
system for the eventual removal of urine.[1] The kidneys have an extensive blood supply via the
renal arteries which leave the kidneys via the renal vein. Each kidney consists of functional units
called nephrons. Following filtration of blood and further processing, wastes (in the form of urine)
exit the kidney via the ureters, tubes made of smooth muscle fibres that propel urine towards the
urinary bladder, where it is stored and subsequently expelled from the body
by urination (voiding). The female and male urinary system are very similar, differing only in the
length of the urethra.[2]

Urine is formed in the kidneys through a filtration of blood. The urine is then passed through the
ureters to the bladder, where it is stored. During urination, the urine is passed from the bladder
through the urethra to the outside of the body.

800–2,000 milliliters (mL) of urine are normally produced every day in a healthy human. This
amount varies according to fluid intake and kidney function.

The urinary system refers to the structures that produce and transport urine to the point of
excretion. In the human urinary system there are two kidneys that are located between the dorsal
body wall and parietal peritoneum on both the left and right sides.

The formation of urine begins within the functional unit of the kidney, the nephrons. Urine then
flows through the nephrons, through a system of converging tubules called collecting ducts.
These collecting ducts then join together to form the minor calyces, followed by the major calyces
that ultimately join the renal pelvis. From here, urine continues its flow from the renal pelvis into
the ureter, transporting urine into the urinary bladder. The anatomy of the human urinary system
differs between males and females at the level of the urinary bladder. In males, the urethra
begins at the internal urethral orifice in the trigone of the bladder, continues through the external
urethral orifice, and then becomes the prostatic, membranous, bulbar, and penile urethra. Urine
exits through the external urethral meatus. The female urethra is much shorter, beginning at the
bladder neck and terminating in the vaginal vestibule.


The main functions of the urinary system and its components are to:

 Regulate blood volume and composition (e.g. sodium, potassium and calcium)
 Regulate blood pressure.
 Regulate pH homeostasis of the blood.
 Contributes to the production of red blood cells by the kidney.
 Helps synthesize calcitriol (the active form of Vitamin D).
 Stores waste product (mainly urea and uric acid) before it and other products are r
removed from the body

Source :

I. Match the medical term below

1. Urinalysis a. the measurement of how acidic or alkaline a solution is
2. Urine b. toileting receptacle which is used by bed-bound
3. Urinal c. a sample, usually of urine or blood
4. Bed pan d. protein n the urine, also called albuminuria
5. Renal e. the process of analyzing urine using physical or
chemical test
6. Ph f. blood in the urine
7. Proteinuria g. also called bottle; used by male patients to pass urine
8. Haematuria h. relating to the kidneys
9. Specimen i. the fluid which is excreted by the kidneys
10. Oedema j. no urine output
11. Anuria k. excessive accumulation of fluid in the tissues
12. Oliguria l. low urine output
13. Nephrons m. filtering units of the kidneys


1. What is urinary system ?
2. How many kidney do we have ? What is each kidney consist of ?
3. What are urinary system organs ?
4. Where is the urine stored ?
5. What are the functions of urinary system ?



OBJECTIVES The students understand about scientific writing and


Source :

What is scientific writing ?

I. Introduction
Scientific writing is a form of scientific thought and a series of activities conducted based on scientific
methods, set forth in the form of coherent description, objective, easy to understand, contains strong
arguments and can provide answers to problems that have been previously formulated (LP2M. 2017).
The scientific writing is usually written by university students, lectures and also researchers. There are
some reasons why they develop the scientific writing, firstly it is a need for them to complete their
study, to know more the answer about something that makes curious or interested in, to fulfil the task
at job and others.
Whatever the reason is, the scientific writing should present the academic honesty. To play this role,
there are some rule how to write the scientific writing better. These rule is written in a scientific
writing book in every institution and must be obeyed by its academic community.
University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin has the scientific writing guiding. This book is usually
revised every years. This book is very useful for the students, advisors and also examiner to do the
process of student final assignments.

II. Plagiarism
According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, to "plagiarize" means:
 to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
 to use (another's production) without crediting the source
 to commit literary theft
 to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source
In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work
and lying about it afterward.

All of the following are considered plagiarism:

 turning in someone else's work as your own
 copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
 failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
 giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
 changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit
 copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your
work, whether you give credit or not (see our section on "fair use" rules)

Most cases of plagiarism can be avoided, however, by citing sources. Simply acknowledging
that certain material has been borrowed and providing your audience with the information
necessary to find that source is usually enough to prevent plagiarism.


Plagiarism is the most common issue that every academic writer faces while writing their
research paper or dissertation. The famous plagiarism checking tools such asDuplichecker
and Turnitin are classifying the plagiarisms into 10 common types before generating the
report. In this article, we are going to find out the 10 types of plagiarism that every academic
writer should know to avoid it.
1. “Clone” – Plagiarism
Cloning plagiarism is also called identical copying. In Cloning, one person copies
another work (word-for-word) without any change and claim as his own work.
2. “Remix” – Plagiarism
In the remix type of plagiarism, one person collects information from various sources
and mix all together as a single document then claim the work as their own work.
3. “Ctrl+C” – Plagiarism
In the written document a significant portion of text copied from any single source
without any alteration then it is called Ctrl+C kind of plagiarism.
4. “Hybrid” – Plagiarism
In the hybrid type of plagiarism, Perfectly cited source documents are copied and
arranged as a new document without citation.
5. “Find-Replace” – Plagiarism
Changing the most common keywords and phrases in the copied content and not making
any changes in the essential document is called “Find and Replace” – kind of plagiarism.
6. “Recycle” – Plagiarism
Recycle is also called self-plagiarism. It refers to the act of borrowing from one’s own
previous document without a proper citation.

7. “Mashup” – Plagiarism
When the written document is copied from more than one source and all are mixed
together without any proper citation then it is called mashup kind of plagiarism
8. “404 Error” – Plagiarism
“404 Error” – plagiarism is the eight most important type. In this, a person creates a
document by coping from various sources and prepare as a single document with the
citation. but if the citation is inaccurate or it will lead to non-existing resources then it will
be called 404 types of plagiarism.
9. “Aggregator” – Plagiarism
In this type of plagiarism, the written document includes all the proper citation but it
does not contain original work then it is called aggregator plagiarism.
10. “Re-Tweet” – Plagiarism
If all the written document seems perfect with properly cited mark but still the document
resembles somewhere the original text’s structure or wordings then it is called Re-Tweet

Source :


Tips to Avoid Plagiarism :
1. Read and understand the original document several times before start explaining
about it.
2. Do not copy any word or sentence from the original document.
3. Give proper citation to all the sources(Books, Journal, Website, Video, and so on).
In case of citing online sources, Include the accessed date and appropriate URL in the
4. Common phrases and definition need to be quoted and cited without any
5. Make a practice to include the “references” section whenever write an academic
6. Cross verify all your citations before submitting your document.

7. Finally, take a plagiarism report from any one of the famous plagiarism software to
ensure the originality of the written document.

Source :



OBJECTIVES The students understand about Scientific Writing and

some strategies in academic writing as pharaprasing,
summarizing, quotation and reference

Source :

I. Pharaprasing :
When you paraphrase, you rewrite information from an outside source in your own words without
changing the meaning. Because you include in your rewriting all or nearly all of the the content of the
original passage, a paraphrase is almost as long as the oriiginal. (A summary, by contrast, is much
shorter than the original.)
Example :
Original Passage
Language is the main means of communication between peoples. But so many different languages
have developed that language has often been a barrier rather than an aid to understanding among
people. For many years, people have dreamed of setting up an international universal language which
all people could speak and understand. The arguments in favor of a universal language are simple and
obvious. If all people spoke the same tongue, cultural and economic ties might be much closer, and
good will might increase between countries (Kispert).

Human communicate through language. Because there are so many different languages, however,
people around the world have a difficult time understanding one another. Some people have wished
for a universal international language that speakers all over the world could understand. Their reasons
are straight forward and clear. A universal language would build cultural and economic bonds. It
would also create better feeling among countries (Kispert)

Original Passage
“The number of foreign and domestic tourists in the Netherlands rose above 42
million in 2017, an increase of 9% and the sharpest growth rate since 2006, the
national statistics office CBS reported on Wednesday” (, 2018).

According to the national statistics office, the Netherlands experienced dramatic
growth in tourist numbers in 2017. More than 42 million tourists travelled to or within
the Netherlands that year, representing a 9% increase – the steepest in 12 years
(, 2018).

Source :

Original passage

“But the hearing was about more than Facebook; it exposed a critical turning point as
the power, sophistication and potential exploitation of technology outpaces what
users, regulators or even its creators expected or seem prepared to handle” (Roose
& Kang, 2018, para. 11).


The hearing made it apparent that the expectations of creators, regulators and users
have been rapidly eclipsed by technology in general, not only Facebook. Such
technologies now extend beyond what these parties are able to manage, due to their
immense influence, potential for exploitation and sophistication (Roose & Kang,
2018, para. 11).

Source :

How to Write a Good Paraphrase

There are three keys to write in a good paraphase:
1. Use your own words and your own sentence structure.
2. Make your paraphrase approximately the same length as the original.
3. Do not change the meaning of the original.

The steps to write paraphrases

Step 1 Read the original passage several times until you understand it well.
You may find it helpful to underline the main points.
Step 2 Make notes in the space provided, changing vocabulary words
wherever possible.
Step 3 Write your paraphrase in your own words. Remember to change both
vocabulary and sentence structure.
Step 4 Check your paraphrase to make sure you have not changed the
meaning of the original passage.
Step 5 Add an in-text citation in the proper form at the end of each paraphrase.
Step 6 If your instructor requests, prepare an entry for a works-cited list for
each source.

II. Summarizing
Another way to use borrowed information from an outside source is to summarize it. What is
the difference between a paraphrase and a summary? When you retell a story that someone
has told you, you repeat the story in your own words. If your retelling is about the same
length as the original, it is a paraphrase. If you shorten the story-retelling only the most
important points and leaving out the details-it is a summary.

How to write a good summary

There are three keys to write a good summary :

1. Use your own words and your own sentence structure

2. Remember that a summary is much shorter than a paraphrase. Include only the main
points and main supporting points, leaving out most details
3. Do not change the meaning of the original

These are the important points you should have learned about Academic Writing :.
1. In academic writing, you are expected to use information from outside sources to support
your ideas. In addition to using quotations, You may also use paraphrases and summaries.
• Paraphrase: Rewrite the author's meaning in your own words. Include all or almost all of the
ideas that are in the original. Change the sentence structure and substitute synonyms where
possible to avoid plagiarizing.
• Summary: Condense a writer's words and summarize the main ideas in as few of your own
words as possible.
2. Keep in mind that the U.S. system of education values students' original thinking and
writing. Use outside sources to support your own ideas. Don't write a paper that contains only
the ideas of others.
3. Don't just drop a paraphrase or summary into your paper. Make the connection between the
borrowed information and your idea clear.
4. Document your sources to avoid plagiarizing and to help the reader find the sources of
your information.

Source : Oshima, Alice and Hogue Ann, 2006. Writing Academic English. Pearson Longman

III. Quotation
III.1 Direct Quotation
 If you want to quote the source same with the original source. It is not more
than 4 lines
 Must write year, page number from the source
 Write the quotation mark (“………………”)
Example : Elizabeth (2012. Page 25) says that , “ A professional nurse
must follow some nursing professional development”

III.2 Indirect Quotation

It is fine, if you don’t write page number of the source, but you have to do it

III.3 Quotation in a manuscript

III.3.1 One writer
 Write the last name of the writer and year
 John (2015) states that…………………….
From the research about nursing development, John (2015) states
III.3.2 Two writer
 Write both of the writers’s name (last name) and year
 Richardo and Franko (2017) states that…………………….
 The research about ………………….(Richardo & Franko, 2017)
III.3.3 More than two writers
 Write the last name of the first writer and write et al (in italic)
 Kimberly et al (2018) states………………..
 According to Kimberly et al (2018)…………………….
III.3.4 From some sources but still the same writer and it is for the same
a) If it is publish from the same year
 From some research………………………….(Laurella, 2017 a,b,c)
a) If it is publish from different year
 Laurella, 2017, 2018, 2019) argues …………………………

III 3.5 Quotation from some sources by two writers, so you must write by
using ; in the text
 ………………..(Rick & Jack., 2011 ; Mellia et al ., 2007; Billy., 2018)

III 3.6 If your citation is a part from a book, write the writer of the source,
not the book editor
 Philip (2016) states that…………………….
In the reference should be written :
Philip, Alexa (2016) Nursing Assessment In:………….name of editor,
edition of the book (2017). …………………..The book
tittle………………….., publishing

III. 3.7 There is no writer’s name

 The last data showed that………………………(Anonim, 2005)

III.3.8 From the internet

 …………………Davidson. (2011).
In the reference should be written :
(Davidson, Bill. …………tittle……….(Internet) written at
http://www.findarticlespdf (Accessed August 1 2019)

There are some words that usually be used for quotation :

States Explains Thinks
Claims Argues Observes
Insists Comments Points out
Writes Points out Explains
Says Writes Classified
According Based on As….notes


Source :

IV. References
 It is written alphabetically
 Write : The writer’s name. (year) The Tittle of The Book. Edition. Volume.
Seri. City: Publisher.
Mansjoer, A (2011). Kapita Selekta Kedokteran. Edition 3. Jakarta:
Media Aesculapius
 When there are two writers or more,
Write : The last name, initial of the first name and the middle name
Example : Cheek, J., Doskatsch, I., Hill, P & Walsh, L. (2011). Finding Out:
Information Literacy for the 21 st Century. South Melbourtne: McMilan
Education Australia
-You may write “ ….&…..” but it must be consistently
-Don’t write the tittle

 From the proceeding or seminar
The Seminar Name, Seminar Number, Year, The Tittle of The Proceeding,
Writer/Editor. City: Publishing
Example : ERGOB Conference on Sugar Substitutes, 2010. Genewa, (2011)
Health and Sugar Substitutes: Proceedings of the ERGOB Conference on
Sugar Substitutes. Guggenheim, B. ed. London: Basel.



OBJECTIVES The students understand how to make outline of the

presentation and able to present their paper in front of the
class well.

Source :

Have you ever had presentation in front of your class ?

Could you mention the phrases or sentences that usually say when someone has presentation?


1. Show your Passion and Connect with your Audience

It’s hard to be relaxed and be yourself when you’re nervous. But time and again, the great
presenters say that the most important thing is to connect with your audience, and the best
way to do that is to let your passion for the subject shine through. Be honest with the
audience about what is important to you and why it matters. Be enthusiastic and honest, and
the audience will respond.

2. Focus on your Audience’s Needs

Your presentation needs to be built around what your audience is going to get out of the
presentation. As you prepare the presentation, you always need to bear in mind what the
audience needs and wants to know, not what you can tell them. While you’re giving the
presentation, you also need to remain focused on your audience’s response, and react to that.

You need to make it easy for your audience to understand and respond.

3. Keep it Simple: Concentrate on your Core Message

When planning your presentation, you should always keep in mind the question:

What is the key message (or three key points) for my audience to take away?

You should be able to communicate that key message very briefly. Some experts recommend
a 30-second ‘elevator summary’, others that you can write it on the back of a business card,
or say it in no more than 15 words. Whichever rule you choose, the important thing is to keep
your core message focused and brief. And if what you are planning to say doesn’t contribute
to that core message, don’t say it.

4. Smile and Make Eye Contact with your Audience

This sounds very easy, but a surprisingly large number of presenters fail to do it. If you smile
and make eye contact, you are building rapport, which helps the audience to connect with
you and your subject. It also helps you to feel less nervous, because you are talking to
individuals, not to a great mass of unknown people. To help you with this, make sure that you
don’t turn down all the lights so that only the slide screen is visible. Your audience needs to
see you as well as your slides.

5. Start Strongly

The beginning of your presentation is crucial. You need to grab your audience’s attention and
hold it. They will give you a few minutes’ grace in which to entertain them, before they start
to switch off if you’re dull. So don’t waste that on explaining who you are. Start by
entertaining them. Try a story (see tip 7 below), or an attention-grabbing (but useful) image
on a slide.

6. Remember the 10-20-30 Rule for Slides hows

This is a tip from Guy Kawasaki of Apple. He suggests that slideshows should:

 Contain no more than 10 slides;

 Last no more than 20 minutes; and
 Use a font size of no less than 30 point.

This last is particularly important as it stops you trying to put too much information on any
one slide. This whole approach avoids the dreaded ‘Death by PowerPoint’.

As a general rule, slides should be the sideshow to you, the presenter. A good set of slides
should be no use without the presenter, and they should definitely contain less, rather than
more, information, expressed simply. If you need to provide more information, create a
bespoke handout and give it out after your presentation.

7. Tell Stories

Human beings are programmed to respond to stories. Stories help us to pay attention, and
also to remember things. If you can use stories in your presentation, your audience is more
likely to engage and to remember your points afterwards. It is a good idea to start with a
story, but there is a wider point too: you need your presentation to act like a story.

Think about what story you are trying to tell your audience, and create your presentation to
tell it.

Source :

Language for Presentation

Beginning: greeting
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening
Hello, friends
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen

Beginning: introduction
I’m …… Today I’m going to give a short presentation on ……
My name is …….. I’m here to make short presentation on ……..
I’m………………… I would like to present my paper…………
My name is……………. I want to give my presentation about

I’m ………. The topic of my presentation is ………
I’m Meera Lal. Today I would be giving a short presentation on ‘Effective Water
Management Strategies’
On behalf of Company, I would like to welcome you here today.
My name is John/Jane Smith and I am the CFO of Global Travel.

Hi, I’m John/Jane and I am the head of markteing of Global Travel.

Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is John/Jane Smith and I

am delighted to be here today to talk to you about…

I’d like to introduce my colleague John/Jane Smith.

Hi everyone, I’m John/Jane from Accounts and today I’d like to talk to you about…

Useful Language for overviews

My presentation is in three parts
My presentation is divided into three main sections.
Firstly, …..; Secondly, ……., Finally, ……..
I’m going to …
My talk is divided into x parts.
I’ll start with…/First I will talk about…/I’ll begin with…
…. take a look at … / …. talk about …. /
….. focus on ……. / …... examine …..
I’ll start with some general information on…
I’d just like to give you some background information about…
Before I start, does anyone know…?
As you are all aware/As you all know…
…... tell you something about the background
….. give you some facts and figures …..
…. fill you in on the history of …...
….. concentrate on ……
….. limit myself to the question of …..

When to ask questions

Please feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions
There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation
I’d be grateful if you could ask me questions at the end of my presentation
Does anyone have any question before I move on ?

Main body of presentation

Let us look at ….
Here are some facts about ….
Here are some of the reasons for …
This leads me to my next point, which
Several factors contribute to …
It has merits as well certain drawbacks. Let us consider the …
Let us look at the pros and cons of …
There are several types of …
There are several types of …
Let us compare … with ….
Here is an interesting graph / picture / piece of information …
I’d like you to focus on this graph / table / image …

Moving from one point to another

I’d now like to move on to …
I’d like to turn to …
That’s all I have to say about …
Now I’d like to look at …
This leads me to my next point …
Now, I’ll focus on …
Let’s look at another aspect of …
Now let us consider another …
Let us come to the next point …

Language for visuals

This graph shows you …
Take a look at this …
If you look at this, you will see …
I’d like you to look at this …
This chart illustrates the figures …
This graph gives you a breakdown of …
As you can see …
This clearly shows …
From this we can understand …
This area of the chart is interesting …

This bring me to the end of my presentation. I’ve talked about …
Well, that’s about it for now. We’ve talked about …
So, that was our marketing strategy. In brief, we …
To summarize, I …
Let us sump up the main ideas.
Here are the key points of today’s talk.
So we looked at …
To sum up…
So to summarise the main points of my talk…
Just a quick recap of my main points…
I’d like to conclude by…
That brings me to the end of my presentation, thank for listening/for your attention.
Thank you all for listening, it was a pleasure being here today.
Well, that’s it from me. Thanks very much.
Relate end to the beginning
So I hope you are a little clearer on how we can achieve sales growth of 20%

To return to the original question, we can achieve …
So, to round off the talk, I want to go back to the beginning when I asked you
I hope my presentation today will help you with what I said at the beginning.

Thanking and inviting questions

Thank you for listening – and now if there are any questions, I’d be pleased to
answer them.
That brings me to the end of my presentation. Thank you for your attention. I
will be glad to answer any questions you might have.
Would anyone like to ask questions?
Does anyone have any questions?
If anyone has any questions, I’ll be glad to answer them.

Handling questions (After you have answered the question, check that the
person who asked you the question is happy)
Does this answer your question?
Do you follow what I am saying?
I hope this explains the situation to you
I hope that was what you wanted to hear
Was my answer clear enough?
Have I clarified your doubt?

If you don’t know the answer (Say you don’t know. It is better to admit to not
knowing something than to guess and give a wrong answer. You can say
something like:
That’s a very good question. However, we don’t have much information about
that and I cannot give you an accurate answer.
That’s a very good question. However, I am not very sure about the answer.
Would anyone in the audience like to answer the question?
Unfortunately, I’m not the best person to answer that.





OBJECTIVES The students able to understand the job vacancy advertised.

They can get job vacancy information in detail

Telll about this advertisement

Source :

I. Read and understand

14 Job hunting tips to get the job you want

Job hunting tips to focus your search

Job hunting involves more than searching for open positions and sending your resume to
employers. You also need to make sure you’re a good fit for the job, can catch the hiring
manager’s attention and are well-prepared to answer interview questions. Here are 14 tips
that you can use to improve your chances of finding the employment you desire:

1. Know your career goals.

2. Plan ahead.
3. Get resume and cover letter help.
4. Use all job search resources.
5. Customize your resume.
6. Research companies.
7. Apply with confidence.
8. Schedule informational interviews.
9. Succeed in your current job.
10. Network regularly.
11. Identify examples of your skills.
12. Prepare for interviews.
13. Follow up.
14. Expand your skills.

1. Know your career goals.

First, identify what type of career you want. This is particularly important for people entering
the workforce for the first time or changing careers. Get recommendations from family,
professors, a career coach or former coworkers. Make sure you have a clear and realistic goal,
determine how you plan to reach it and note what qualifies you for that career path. These
steps can help you narrow your job search to positions you are passionate about and will help
you advance professionally.

2. Plan ahead.

Organize yourself and your schedule to search for jobs more efficiently. Determine how
many hours per day or what days of the week you will dedicate to job hunting or networking.
Make sure your resume and cover letter are up to date. If you need help creating these, search
for templates or samples online. Have a list of two to three references and their contact
information ready to provide employers.

Create or update your profile on professional networking websites and create a spreadsheet to
note the jobs you have applied for and the interviews you have received. You might also
choose to set up a professional email account to keep your job search messages separate and
organized from your personal ones. Completing these steps before starting your job search
can make the process faster and easier.

3. Get resume and cover letter help.

Ask a friend, family member, coworker, career counselor or other professional to proofread
your resume and cover letter for errors, as well as to offer advice. Some job seekers even
choose to work with a professional resume-writing service or resource to save time and
enhance your resume and cover letter.

4. Use all job search resources.

Rather than limiting yourself to manual online searches, take advantage of all job search
options. This might include reaching out to companies or hiring managers in person,
attending career fairs, searching social media or using a career counseling service. Use job
search engines to find openings on job boards, company websites, professional associations
and more. Sign up for daily or weekly job alerts by email.

5. Customize your resume.

Adapt your resume to each job you apply for. Study the job description to determine why you
are a great fit. Then, add your skills, experience and measurable achievements that are

relevant to that position. Hiring managers who look through many resumes should be able to
read yours and quickly know you have the skills for the position.

To simplify this step, have templates of your resume and cover letter ready to customize.
Keep key sections such as your education and contact information the same, but personalize
your abilities or past job duties to fit the job you are applying for.

6. Research companies.

As you find job listings that interest you, research the hiring companies before applying. This
can provide you with information about their company culture, benefits and salary range,
products and services and work environment. Your research will tell you whether you want to
or are qualified to work for that company. It also gives you valuable information you can
reference in your cover letter or interview.

7. Apply with confidence.

Apply for jobs you are interested in even if you only meet some of their requirements.
Depending on the position, employers might hire motivated individuals who learn quickly
and provide them with skills training on the job. If you meet a portion of a job’s
qualifications but believe you can still succeed in that role, apply. Include examples of your
work ethic and ability to learn new skills in your resume. Emphasize how your goals align
with those of the company.

8. Schedule informational interviews.

Informational interviews are informal conversations with professionals in an industry or a

company you might want to work for. Find out whether you are a good fit for a job by
requesting informational interviews with someone working in a field that interests you.
Search for potential interview subjects on professional networking sites or member

9. Succeed in your current job.

If you are currently employed and looking for a better or different career, continue to perform
your current job with positivity and commitment. Maintain good relationships with your
coworkers and managers as long as you’re working with them. Your professional attitude and
efforts can result in job references or opportunities in the future.

10. Network regularly.

Interact with people and develop professional contacts both online and in person. Start
conversations with people at seminars, social events or appointments. Let them know you’re
looking for a job or want to work in a certain industry. They might have connections or
advice that can help you in your job search. You might also discover unlisted job openings or
people might recommend you for future opportunities.

11. Identify examples of your skills.

People tend to remember engaging stories and examples over lists of facts. Plan ahead by
identifying personal experiences or accomplishments that highlight the skills needed for a
certain job. Add these to your cover letter and use them during networking opportunities or
job interviews. Use the STAR method—situation, task, action and result—to tell your story

12. Prepare for interviews.

Research common interview questions, create responses for them and practice those
responses before you get invited to an interview. Ask a friend or professional contact to do a
practice interview with you. If you are well-prepared, you will be more confident and
comfortable when you go into your next interview.

13. Follow up.

Immediately after a job interview, send the hiring manager a thank-you note. If you have not
heard back from them after a week, follow up with a phone call or an email. When doing so,

show your excitement and interest in the job. While you wait for a response, continue
searching for and applying to jobs that interest you.

14. Expand your skills.

If you are just entering the workforce or starting a new career, you might need more training
or experience to get a job. Consider getting an internship or volunteering with an organization
in your desired industry while applying for jobs. Use these opportunities to expand your
network of contacts or advance to a full-time position. You might also take online courses or
attend workshops to build certain skills or learn technologies and processes relevant to your
industry. Update your resume as you gain more experience or accomplishments.

Source :

II. Writing application letter

Use This Cover Letter Template to Apply for a Job

Alison Doyle
Updated August 01, 2019

A cover letter is an important part of almost any job application. While a resume offers a thorough
look at your background, skills, and education, the cover letter is your opportunity to point out
information that makes you well qualified for the position at hand. Think of the letter as making the
case for your candidacy. And, while resumes tend to be a bit dry, listing information in bullet points, a
cover letter has room to be more engaging.

Just like a resume, though, cover letters have a distinct format and style. Hiring managers have certain
expectations when it comes to both the details included within a cover letter, and how the letter is
organized. If you do not adhere to the standard format of a cover letter, you will appear unprofessional
and it could torpedo your application.

Take a look at the following cover letter template, which lists the information you need to include in
the cover letter you submit with your resume. Use the template as a guideline to create customized
cover letters to send to employers. Plus, read on for tips on how to use a cover letter template

Cover Letter Template
Contact Information
The first section or header of your cover letter should include information on how the employer can contact you.
If you have contact information for the employer, include that. Otherwise, just list your information.

Your Contact Information

Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email Address

Employer Contact Information
City, State Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:

Body of Cover Letter

The body of your cover letter lets the employer know what position you are applying for, why the employer
should select you for an interview, and how you will follow-up.

Use several shorter paragraphs or bullets rather than one large block of text so that your letter is easy to read.

First Paragraph:
The first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you are writing. Mention the position you
are applying for. Include the name of a mutual contact, if you have one. Be clear and concise regarding your
request. Your goal is to convince the reader that they should grant the interview or appointment you requested in
the first paragraph.

Middle Paragraphs:
The next section of your cover letter should describe what you have to offer the employer. Make strong
connections between your abilities and the employer's needs. Mention specifically how your skills and
experience match the job you are applying for. Remember, you are interpreting your resume, not repeating it.
Try to support each statement you make with a specific piece of evidence.

Final Paragraph:
Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. Include information
on how you will follow up.

State that you will do so and indicate when (one week's time is typical).

Complimentary Close
Respectfully yours,

Handwritten Signature (for a hard copy letter)

Typed Signature

Source :

Example :





OBJECTIVES The students able to understand about Curriculum Vitae and

Resume. They can developed them well

Tell more about her

Components of a Good CV

Our CV and cover letter are often the first impression that a company gets of you, which
makes them daunting for new graduates. You have to know how to make your
achievements shine!

CVs should provide basic information about your education, work experience, skills and
achievements. The following is a guide to what should be included:

 Use a clear, easy to read letter font like Arial or Times New Roman.
 Don't try to put everything about yourself into the CV. Stick to two pages of the most
relevant and important info: potential bosses don't want to know about the Irish
dancing medal you won when you were six!
 Start with your name and contact details at the top so that they're easy to see.
 Make sure to include your date of birth, education, qualifications, relevant jobs and
work experience, achievements and interests that help prove you've got the right skills
for the job.
 Don't include gender (unless you're asked), info on your children, a photo, if you're
married or not, state of health, nationality or reasons why you left other jobs.
 Change your CV for each job you apply for. Look carefully at the job description and
emphasise the skills or experience mentioned.
 If you're asked for referees, include a past employer or teacher. Make sure to ask that
person if they will give you a reference. If you're not asked write 'References
available on request' at the end of your CV.
 Always proof read and check for spelling mistakes CV Language

 Keep sentences short, sharp and positive, for example: “Developed training manual
for new employees” or “Gained valuable experience in team-leading and problem
 Make sure your CV is up-to-date. There’s no need to include information that’s more
than five years old, unless it’s relevant to the job you’re applying for.
 Use bullet points to list your duties, skills and achievements in recent jobs.
 Don’t include useless information just to fill space.

 Keep your CV positive and make sure to highlight your achievements.
 Don't lie about your experience and skills: you’ll get caught out eventually!


 Name, address, telephone, DOB, e-mail. Make sure name is big and bold and stands
out from page.


 State Years of Study and Qualifications Gained (most recent first) eg:
 2008-2012: University College Dublin. BSc(Hons) Physiotherapy
 Grade Achieved
 Thesis Title
 Don’t get carried away writing exam results. Just state what exams you did, need to
list every subject and grade.
 Don’t go back any further in time than secondary school, no need to list primary
especially when talking about school. State school and ‘Leaving Cert’ / A-level, no



 State dates and relevant places on employment. No room on CV for things like bar
work when applying for a physio job. State things like health care assistant, nursing
home work, team physio, previous physio posts eg:
 Jan10th – 15th 2012: Irish Junior Volleyball Squad
Irish team physiotherapist for the European Qualifiers in the Faroe Islands
 June – Oct 2011: Physiofusion, 16 Warner’s Lane, Dublin 6
Physiotherapy assistant and instructed a weekly osteoporosis class


 State clinical area, clinical site, dates of placement, experience gained – keep brief ie
only a line or two.
 Use a table format to save space while allowing for adequate delivery of information.
 Remember CV should only be approx 3 pages MAX so you don’t want to use up too
much space, important to keep brief. [1]


 Any classes or workshops you have gained a certificate for eg

 2011: Neurology Workshop with Grainne McKeown
Sports Traumatology including CPR/AED with Santry Sports Clinic
 Again state in chronological order: most recent first.
 Sports Coaching course.


 Scholarships
 Academic awards
 Head boy/ head girl at school, senior prefect
 Sporting achievements eg cups won, international/ provincial / county honours
 Music grades

 Reading
 One from UCD, one from a previous placement. Always give 2 referees and state
‘further references available on request’

NB: CV should be no longer than 3 pages, MAX. You want it to be as short and concise
as you can. It should be as relevant as possible to the job you are applying for ie take out
irrelevant info and talk up relevant info for each job. Page layout is very important; it

should look neat and tidy and look good on the page. It should appear organised and
flow well, while getting your point across clearly.
Sign and date CV.

Source :





OBJECTIVES The students understand about how to have job interview and
they can practice it well

What do you prepare when you have a job interview someday ?

Top 15 Commonly Asked Nursing Interview Questions

1. “Why did you decide on a career as a nurse?”

While this isn’t exactly a behavioral question, it’s still one you need to be prepared to answer
ahead of time. Because this is such a hands-on, specialized field, employers need to know
what it is that makes you want to be a part of it. Don’t be afraid to get a little personal with
your answer…just don’t go overboard!

Example answer:

I come from a long line of nurses. Both my grandmother and my mother are nurses. Growing
up in that environment and seeing how much they love what they do every day is both
inspiring and motivating. I love the challenges and thinking outside the box to come up with
solutions keeps me excited and engaged. I’m proud to continue the tradition of nursing in my
family. Above all, knowing that I’m truly making a difference in people’s lives is what truly
makes it all worthwhile.

2. “What do you find rewarding about this job?”

There are lots of rewards that come with a good job; the paycheck, proximity to where you
live, the retirement benefits…but remember, when you’re in an interview, it’s not actually
about you…it’s about them and satisfying their need, which is finding the Perfect Candidate
(hint, it’s you!).

Example answer:

I truly love helping people, and when those people are children, there’s no better feeling in
the world. I remember having one little boy as a patient who had a long-term issue resulting
in the loss of one of his legs. During the course of his treatments we discovered we had a
mutual love for robot movies. I stayed with him all through his amputation surgery, and when
he was fitted with his prosthetic, I was there to cheer him on. We celebrated his first step with
his new leg by throwing a robot movie marathon in the common room. His dad pulled me
aside that afternoon and told me how grateful the whole family was for all our help and
support. It wasn’t an easy time for that boy or for his family, but knowing that it was a little
easier because I was there and had made a genuine personal connection with them all was
humbling and inspiring.

3. How you deal with someone who isn’t satisfied with your patient care?

Here is a great example of a behavioral question. The interviewer is asking you for a concrete
example of how you handle a situation. Remember, as we discussed above, give your
interviewer an example from your past and how you dealt with a situation, so they can get a
feel for how you would behave in a similar situation in the future.

Example answer:

Nobody likes not feeling well, and it’s easy to have those feeling manifest as frustration and
anger. While I constantly strive to do everything I can for a patient, there are times when
even that isn’t good enough and someone takes issue with my care. I had a situation like that
once with a patient who complained to my supervisor about me, telling them I was denying
them specific care for an issue. The first thing I have to do in that situation is to step back and
really assess what’s going on. Are they upset because of something I’m doing or not doing?
Is it something I can correct or should correct? I spoke with my supervisor and told her that I
was following strict doctor’s orders. We spoke with the attending physician about the
situation and she agreed to come with me to speak to the patient. It turns out that the patient
had misunderstood something the doctor had told her, leading her to assume I was neglecting
a step in her care process. Once the confusion was cleared up, we were able to work with the
patient to come up with a satisfactory solution. I work hard to ensure that I answer patient’s
questions and when I can’t, I try to find the people who can. Sometimes, even with all that,
you find people who aren’t happy with what you’re doing. In those situations, I do my best to
accommodate them without compromising their care. If it’s a situation where I really can’t
fix the problem, then I work with the other nurses and doctors on my team to find an
alternative solution.

4. “Tell me what you feel your greatest skill as a nurse is.”

This is your opportunity to really showcase what it is that makes you unique from all the
other applicants! Really think about this ahead of time and come up with solid examples that
highlight this skill.

Example answer:

I’m very proud of my ability to really listen to what a patient is telling me. Nothing frustrates
them more than feeling as though they’re not being heard. Having spent the past five years in
the medical field working directly with patients has shown me just how far actively listening
can go in helping make someone comfortable. My most recent position included working
with patient directly in admissions which meant I was often the first face they’d see when
they came in and the last on their way out as well as everything in-between. In that time, I
learned that addressing their concerns and making sure they felt we were genuinely listening
to them was just as important as receiving quality care. As a result, I helped to establish a
patient advocacy program to help teach other nurses those same listening skills.

5. “How do you handle the stress of the job?”

Let’s be honest, nursing can be incredibly high stress. An employer needs to know how you
handle that stress and whether or not you work well under pressure.

Example answer:

I find the best way to handle the stress of the job is through meticulous organization and
attention to detail. By making lists and prioritizing what needs to get done throughout my
day, I find that tasks which might seem overwhelming all at once are much more
manageable. This also makes it possible for me to stay calm and remain focused on what
needs to get done when unexpected situations arise.

6. “Are you comfortable working with other doctors and nurses?”

As a nurse who has to interact with a wide variety of individuals in the medical field
including doctors, technicians, other nurses, and the friends and families of your patients just
to name a few, your first answer had better be yes. Of course, what you say after that is what
is going to make or break you in your interview.

Example answer:

I find I work well under a variety of conditions and circumstances and I take pride in my
flexibility. I really enjoy working in a team because I often find that different viewpoints can
help me find solutions to a problem I might not think of on my own. I also enjoy self-
motivating and am equally comfortable working alone

7. “What do you find is the hardest part about being a nurse?”

This is a trick question. No, the hiring manager isn’t actually asking you to tell him how
much you hate the early morning shifts because you’re just not a morning person and you
hate getting up before the sun does. Remember, they’re there to find a person to fill a job
position, they’re not your therapist.

Example Answer:

I think the hardest thing I’ve had to deal with is feeling helpless. While it’s my job to provide
as much care and comfort as medically possible, there are times when you just can’t do more.
Seeing someone in pain or feeling miserable and knowing there’s nothing you can do to help
is the most difficult thing I deal with. I am a nurse because I genuinely care about people and
want to help, and when I can’t, that’s hard.

8. “Why are you the best nursing candidate for this position?”

Oh man, this question is actually the best question you could hope to be asked. Why?
Because this is your opportunity to really sell the hiring manager on why you’re the Perfect
Candidate without actually saying those words (no, really, don’t say those words…)

Example answer:

I’ve been working as a Registered Nurse for the past eight years and loved every day of it.
This is more than a job, it’s a passion, and I’ve used that passion to drive me forward. I make
sure to stay abreast on all the current advancements in my field, am continuing to further my
education, and am constantly striving to make sure that I stay on top of emerging trends and
technology. I enjoy the challenges that come with this job and take every opportunity to learn
and grow.

Wow. This person truly is the perfect candidate! They’re driven, passionate, open to new
things, and not content to simply come in and punch the clock. This is who you want to be
because this is who employers want to hire!

9.“Tell me about yourself.”

While we at the Interview Guys already go over this question in depth on our blog in another
post, it’s such an important question to answer properly that we’re going to go over it here as

Remember that they’re not asking you for your life story. An interviewer is asking you this
question to find out from you what you think is important and how well that matches up with
what they’re looking for. Remember that list of qualifications and qualities you made earlier
when going over the job posting?

Now’s a time to work a few in.

Example answer:

I’m a motivated self-starter who really enjoys the hands-on and human aspect of our industry.
To me, there’s nothing more satisfying than helping people out when they need it the most.
Having spent the past five years in the medical field working directly with patients has shown
me just how far actively listening to a patient can go in helping make someone comfortable.
My most recent position included working with patient directly in admissions which meant I
was often the first face they’d see when they came in and the last on their way out as well as
everything in-between. In that time, I learned that addressing their concerns and making sure
they felt their voices were being heard was just as important to them as receiving quality care.
As a result, I helped to establish a patient advocacy program to help teach other nurses those
same skills.

This answer focuses directly on your strengths and how those strengths directly impact your
role within the organization in a positive light.

10. “Why are you leaving your current position?”

This question is a potential land-mine. Do NOT use it as an opportunity to badmouth your

current or former position. Future employers don’t need to know you hate where you worked
or that your old boss was a tyrant. Rather, focus on the positive aspects and how you’re
leveraging those in your new job.

Example answer:

While my last job was an opportunity for me to learn and grow at a comfortable pace in a
smaller clinical environment, I’m looking for new challenges and opportunities to continue to
expand my knowledge in a larger, hospital based environment. I am eager to try new things
and learn skill-sets that come from working in a faster paced environment like this one here.

This answer is good because you’re not saying anything negative about your past job and
stressing that you’re eager to learn and take on more responsibilities. For a more in-depth
article on how to generally answer this interview question, check out our article 10 Good
Reasons For Leaving a Job.

11. “Why do you want to work here?”

Don’t say the money. We all know it’s the money, but please, don’t say it. Employers aren’t
stupid. They know that paycheck is a big part of why you’re applying, but don’t be that guy.
Talk about your career goals and your vision for your future in your industry and how those
directly relate to what you will be doing if hired.

Example answer:

I’m fascinated by the new and emerging technology involved in ongoing patient care,
especially in the field of pediatrics. Your hospital has been ranked in the top five hospitals in
the nation for the past seven years running in new innovations and I’m excited by the
possibility of being a part of that and learning from your experts.

Nicely said! You’re both complimenting your potential employer while also stating that
you’re open to continuous learning and growth. For a more in-depth article on how to
generally answer this interview question, check out our article Why Do You Want to Work

12. “Would you say you’re a team player?”

As a nurse who has to interact with a wide variety of individuals in the medical field
including doctors, technicians, other nurses, and the friends and families of your patients just
to name a few, your first answer had better be yes. Of course, what you say after that is what
is going to make or break you in your interview.

Example answer:

I find I work well under a variety of conditions and circumstances and I take pride in my
flexibility. I really enjoy working in a team because I often find that different viewpoints can
help me find solutions to a problem I might not think of on my own. I also enjoy self-
motivating and am equally comfortable working alone.

This is a good answer because it covers the fact that you’re a team player but also lets the
employer know if there’s ever a time where you’re going to have to be on your own, you can
handle it.

13. “Describe a time you had to deal with a difficult patient and how you handled that.”

Tough patients are going to be a regular part of your daily routine, and no employer wants to
hire a nurse who is going to be unable to handle these types of characters.

Example answer:

Working with elderly patients always presents unique challenges as you’re dealing with
people who are used to being independent and who are now totally reliant on strangers. I
remember one gentleman who had a reputation for being extremely difficult. He was angry
and argumentative and would often fight with the other nurses over things as little as the

temperature of his room. I admit, I wasn’t excited when I found I was going to be working
with him, so to prepare, I looked over his charts. I discovered that his wife had died a number
of years ago and that he had no friends or family in the area and hadn’t had a visitor in ages.
Rather than treating him just as a patient, I did my best to connect with him as a human. I
would talk to him, not just at him. It took a little, but eventually he came around and ended up
being one of my favorite people to visit with every day.

This shows a potential employer that you’re comfortable tackling tough situations and that
you take pride in working through problems others have given up on.

14. “Why should we hire you?”

Oh man, this question is actually the best question you could hope to be asked. Why?
Because this is your opportunity to really sell the hiring manager on why you’re the Perfect
Candidate without actually saying those words (no, really, don’t say those words…)

Example answer:

I’ve been working as a Registered Nurse for the past eight years and loved every day of it.
This is more than a job, it’s a passion, and I’ve used that passion to drive me forward. I make
sure to stay abreast on all the current advancements in my field, am continuing to further my
education, and am constantly striving to make sure that I stay on top of emerging trends and
technology. I enjoy the challenges that come with this job and take every opportunity to learn
and grow.

Wow. This person truly is the perfect candidate! They’re driven, passionate, open to new
things, and not content to simply come in and punch the clock. This is who you want to be
because this is who employers want to hire! For a more in-depth article on how to generally
answer this interview question, check out our article Why Should We Hire You?

15. “Do you have any questions for us?”

Yes. Yes you do. And you thought about those questions before you came in. In fact, you
thought about those questions so carefully that you wrote them down and now you’ve got
them on a piece of paper so you can ask the hiring manger one or two well thought out,
intelligent questions. You could ask about length of new hire orientation and what you’d be
doing exactly if you were hire. You might ask about the nurse to patient ratio or how a typical
day is structured.

Regardless of what you ask, it’s important that you do ask. The point is (and we go much
further into depth here in our article covering questions to ask your interviewer) by not asking
questions, you’ll appear uninterested and unmotivated, and we know that’s not possible!

Watch these videos !

Let’s have a job interview simulation !



OBJECTIVES The students know kinds of English International Test and

understand about how to have the test




Do you know the test above ?

Have you ever had the test above ?

Top Tips & Tricks for Taking TOEFL
1. Practice, Practice and Then Practice Some More
 Don’t take the test too soon.

 Make a study plan and stick to it.

 Pretend you are taking the exam.
 Have a teacher or friend help with speaking and writing.
2. Know All the Directions
3. Time Is Not the Enemy
Just think about how many correct answers you can get in 5 minutes.
4. Focus on Grammar and Vocabulary
 Learn a few new words and expressions every day.

 Prove you learned those words. .

 Only use the words you know.
5. Take Good Notes
6. Reading and Listening
7. Speaking and Writing
8. Work on Your Attitude

Top Tips & Tricks for Taking the IELT

IELTS Tips for Before Test Day:

 Identify Your Areas of Strengths and Weaknesses

 Have a Study Plan
 Study the Material
 Practice Until You Feel Confident
 Practice Under Time Pressure
 Check out the Official IELTS Website
 Check the Location of the Exam
Tips for the IELTS Writing Test:

 Don’t use spoken English in your writing.

 Write Task 2 first, as it contributes more to your total score.
 Make sure your handwriting is legible, tidy and neat.

Tips for the IELTS Speaking Test:

 Listen to the questions carefully before you answer.

 Don’t answer the questions if you’re unsure about what to answer. You can ask the
examiner to repeat or clarify the question for you.

 Be confident and relaxed and do your best.

Tips for the IELTS Reading Test:

 Don’t spend too much time on the questions you can’t find an answer for. Move to the
next question and get back to that question if you have any time left at the end.
 Read all the questions and underline the keywords before reading each text.

Tips for the IELTS Listening Test:

 Skim the questions before listening to the recordings.

 Make sure that you can write the dates in the correct format.
 If you have any problem hearing the recordings, raise your hand and ask for help.
 Practice on both British and American pronunciations, as some numbers and words
are pronounced differently.


20 TOEIC Tips

1. Set a goal 14. Use mass media

2. Understand the test 15. Use free web sites
3. Make a study plan 16. Teach a native English speaker
4. Divide study time appropriately your language
5. Build a strong vocabulary 17. Keep an English journal
6. Isolate your weak points 18. Ask questions
7. Eliminate distractors 19. Manage your stress
8. Trust your instincts 20. Don’t cram
9. Don't try to translate
10. Guess as a last resort
11. Be aware of time management
12. Listen quickly
13. Practice reading aloud




OBJECTIVES The students can do TOEFL Practice well and get the
optimal score

1. (A) The right person to buy the present is Nadia
(B) She knows the right things to do
(C) They shared the cost to buy the gift
(D) They cannot ship the expensive present
2. (A) Peter does not like driving to work in heavy traffic
(B) There are a ;ot of traffic signs on his way to the office
(C) He doesn’t like driving with a lot of traffic signs
(D) It is difficult for him to understand the traffic signs

1. (A) In the laboratory

(B) In the classroom

(C) In canteen

(D) In the library

2. (A) A lecturer

(B) A librarian

(C) A security guard

(D) A dean

1. (A) Bodies of water
(B) Water pollution
(C) Problems in developing countries
(D) The cause of people’s death in the world

2. (A) They should be separated
(B) They should be directly thrown away
(C) They should be threated to remove their harmful compounds
(D) They should be recycled


1. During the precambrian period, the Earth’s crust formed,and life................ in the seas.
a. First appeared
b. First to appear
c. Is first appearing
d. Appearing

2. The hard palate forms a partition............. and nasal passagess

a. The mouth
b. Between the mouth
c. Is between the mouth
d. It is between the mouth

3. The neocortex is, in evolutionary terms, most recent layer of the brain

4. There are more than eighty-four million specimens in the National Museum of
Natural History’s collection of biological,geological,archeological, and athropology

5. After Goerge Washington married widow Martha Custis, the couple came to resides
at Mount Vermon

The human brain is divided in half, a right and left hemisphere. The right hemisphere
deals with visual activities and plays a role in putting things together. For example, it takes
visual activities and play a role in putting things together. Fot example, it takes visual

information, puts it together, and says “I recognize that-that’s a car” or “that’s a book” or”
that’s a bus”. It organizes or groups information together. The left hemisphere tends to be
more analytical part;it analyzes information collected by right hemisphere. It takes
information from the right hemisphere and applies language to it. The right hemisphere
“sees” a car, but the left hemisphere says, “oh yeah, I know whose car that’s-it’s John’s car”.
The right hemisphere determiness the emotional content of speech. It usually
communicative by using images, has highly developed spatial abilities, is intuitive and
imaginative, concerned with emotions and feelings. A person with an injury to the right side
of the brain “doesn’t put things together” and fails to process important information. As a
result, he or she often develops a “denial syndrome” and says “there’snothing wrong with
me”. Because the right side of the brain injured, it fails to “collect” information, so the brain
doesn’t realize that something is missing.
The left side of the brain or the left hemisphere deals with word choice, rule of
grammar, and the meaning of words and helps to analyze information given to the brain. It
communication by using word, has higly developed verbal abilities, is logical and
systematics, concerned with matters as they are. If someone has injury to his or her left side
of the brain, he or she’s aware that tjings aren’t working (the right hemisphere doing its job)
but unable to solve complex problems or do a complex activity. A person with left
hemisphere injuries tends to be more depressed,has more organizational problems, and has
using language.

1. What’s the main purpose of the passage ?

a. To describe the function of the brain to
b. To explain the injured part of the brain
c. To demonstrate how the information influences the brain
d. To persuade readers to protect their left and right sides of brain

2. The phrase “deal with” in line 2 is clossest in meaning to

a. Organize
b. Cope with
c. Care with
d. Relate to

3. The passage states that the right hemisphere to

a. Develop the language
b. Analyze the facts or information that it receives
c. Gather the information for the left hemisphere
d. Help the left hemisphere analyze the information

4. The first paragraph implies that

a. The right hemisphere is able to communicate with certain language
b. The right hemisphere puts the information togetherbased on analysisof the left

c. The right hemisphere can take over the job of the left hemisphere
d. The left hemisphere applies words to the things collected by the right hemisphere

5. What will happen if the right hemisphere injuries ?

a. Someone can still communicate with certain words
b. Someone’s ability in analyzing a situation will be disordered
c. Someone is unable to deal with words usage
d. Someone’s emotion will be disturbed

6. The word “images” in line 10 could best be replaced by

a. Reflection
b. Shadows
c. Pictures
d. Ideas

7. What makes the brain fail to know that something is missing ?

a. The failure of putting things together
b. The right hemisphere injures and fails to collect information
c. The left hemisphere cannot communicate using words
d. The right hemisphere cannot deal with the left hemisphere

8. The third paragraph implies that

a. The brain cannot recognize the linguistic rules if the left hemisphere injures
b. The right hemisphere is very important
c. The left hemisphere is more important than the right hemisphere
d. The right hemisphere cannot collect the information without the help of the left

9. The word “they” in line 19 refers to

a. Rules
b. Matters
c. Abilities
d. Words

10.Some one cannot organize his or her problem if

a. His or her left hermisphere injuries
b. His or her right hermisphere injuries
c. His or her right hemisphere cannot support the left hermisphere with more
d. His or her left hermisphere fails to apply language to right hermisphere.




OBJECTIVES The students can do TOEFL TEST well and get the optimal



Allum, Virginia and Mc.Garr, Patricia 2008. Cambridge English for Nursing. Cambridge

Glendinning, Eric.H. and Howard, Ron. Profesional English in Use. Cambridge

Haryani, Surip. 2012. Nursing English. Pustaka Rihama

Muttaqin, Arief. 2011. Pengkajian Keperawatan. Second Edition. Salemba Medika

Rizka, Haira and Intanti, Maulidya Windha. 2017. English for Nursing 1. Pustaka Baru

Rizka, Haira. 2018. English for Nursing 2. Pustaka Baru Press

Sukur, Goridus Silvester. 2013. Magic Trick TOEFL ITP. Kalarana Press

Philips, Deborah. 2003. Preparation Test forThr TOEFL TEST. Longman

Pramudya, A Leo. 2006. Vocabulary and Grammar Use for Nursing. EPN Consultant

Yansyah. 2016. English for Your Career: Modul Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Bahasa
Inggris. Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin.

Sources from the link : public/@wcm/@global/documents/downloadable/ucm_305579.pdf



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