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Ketoasidosis diabetik (KAD) adalah keadaan

dekompensasi metabolik yang ditandai oleh
hiperglikemia, asidosis dan ketosis.
Faktor Pencetus KAD
Gejala Klinis

 Mual dan muntah

 Polidipsi dan poliuri
 Sakit kepala
 Nyeri abdomen
 Sesak – nyeri dada
 Bibir kering
Pemeriksaan Fisik

 Takikardi dengan nadi yang lemah

 Dehidrasi – hipotensi
 Takipnea/ nafas Kussmaul/ sukar bernafas
 Nyeri abdomen
 Letargi sampai koma


Kategorisasi KAD oleh American Diabetes Association

 Ringan : pH darah berkurang antara 7.25 dan 7.30 (normal 7.35–7.45);
serum bikarbonat berkurang jadi 15–18 mmol/l (normal > 20); pasien masih
 Sedang : pH 7.00–7.25, bikarbonat 10–15, pasien merasa pusing dan
 Berat : pH < 7.00, bikarbonat < 10, keadaan pasien dapat stupor atau koma

 Medikamentosa
 Rehidrasi
 Insulin
 Kalium (kalau diperlukan)
 Bikarbonat
 Non-medikamentosa
 Edukasi
Management of Adult Patients with DKA *

Complete initial evaluation. Start IV fluid: 1.0 L of 0.9% NaCl per hour initially

IV Fluids Insulin Potassium Asses Need for Bicnat

Determine hydration status IV Route SC/IM If serum K+ pH pH pH

Route <3.3 mEq/L <6.9 6.9-7.0 >7.0
Hold insulin
Hypovol Mild Cardio Insulin Insulin and give 40
mEq K+/h Dilute Dilute No
shock Hypo genic Regular Regular NaHCO3
(2/3 KCL and NaHCO3 HCO3
tension shock 0.15 U/kg 0.4 U/kg (100 (50
IV bolus ½ IV bolus 1/3 KPO4) until mmol) in mmol) in
½ IM or SC K > 3.3 mEq/L 400 ml 200 ml
0.9% H20 H20
NaCl Hemo infuse at infuse at
(1.0 L/h) Dynamic 0.1 U/kg/h 200 ml/h 200 ml/h
If serum K+
And/or monitoring RI IV 0.1 U/kg/h
5.0 mEq/L
Plasma infusion RI SC or IM
Do not give
expander K+ but check
If serum glucose does not fall K+ every 2 h Repeat HCO3 every 2 h
by 50 – 70 mg/dl in first hour Until pH>7.0. Monitor
serum K+
Evaluate corrected serum Na+
* ADA.Hyperglycemic Crises in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus.
Continued Diabetes Care 2002;25(S1):102
If serum K+
 3.3
If serum glucose does not fall mEq/L but
Evaluate corrected serum Na+
by 50 – 70 mg/dl in first hour < 5.0 mEq/l,
20-30 mEq
Serum Serum Serum K in
Double insulin Give hourly IV insulin
Na+ high Na+ Na+ low Each liter of
Infusion hourly bolus (10 U) until
normal IV fluid
until glucose falls Glucose falls by
To keep
by 50-70 mg/dl 50-70 mg/dl
serum K at
4 – 5 mEq/l

0.45% NaCl 0. 9% NaCl

(4-14 ml/kg/h (4-14 ml/kg/h
Depending on Depending on
Hydration state Hydration state

Check electrolytes, BUN, creatinine and

When serum glucose reaches 250 mg/ml
glucose every 2-4 h until stable. After
resolution of DKA, if the patient is NPO,
continue IV insulin and supplement with SC RI
Change to 5% Dextrose with 0.45% NaCl at as needed. When the patient can eat, initiate a
150-250 ml/h with adequate insulin (0.05- 0.1 multidose insulin regimen and adjust as
U/kg/h IV infusion or 5-10 U SC every 2 h) to needed. Continue IV insulin infusion for 1-2 h
keep the serum glucose between 150 and 200 after SC insulin is begun to ensure adequate
mg/dl until metabolic control is achieved plasma insulin levels. Continue to look for
precipitating cause (s).

Suatu sindrom yang ditandai dengan

hiperglikemia berat, hiperosmolar,
dehidrasi berat tanpa ketoasidosis,
disertai penurunan kesadaran

 Tidak ada riwayat DM

 Usia lanjut
 Poliuria
 Penurunan kesadaran
 Takikardia atau bradikardia
 Biasanya mual, muntah, nyeri abdomen
 Biasa terjadi pada orang tua yang mempunyai
penyakit penyerta seperti sepsis, infark miokard
Kriteria Diagnosis
- Hiperglikemia > 600 mg/dL
- Tidak ada riwayat DM
-Tidak ada Ketonemia
- Perubahan status mental

Diagnosis pasti ditegakan apabila terdapat diagnosis

klinis dan osmolaritas darah > 325 – 350 mOSM/L
Defisit Air dan Elektrolit
Management of Adult Patients with HHS *

Complete initial evaluation. Start IV fluid: 1.0 L of 0.9% NaCl per hour initially

IV Fluids Insulin Potassium

Determine hydration status Insulin If serum K+

Regular <3.3 mEq/L
0.15 U/kg Hold insulin
Hypovol Mild Cardio IV bolus and give 40
shock Hypo genic mEq K+/h
tension shock (2/3 KCL and
1/3 KPO4) until
0.1 U/kg/h
K > 3.3 mEq/L
Hemo infusion
(1.0 L/h) Dynamic
If serum K+
And/or monitoring
5.0 mEq/L
Plasma If serum glucose does not fall Do not give
expander by 50 – 70 mg/dl in first hour K+ but check
K+ every 2 h

Evaluate corrected serum Na+

* ADA.Hyperglycemic Crises in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus.
Continued Diabetes Care 2002;25(S1):102
If serum K+
If serum glucose does not fall  3.3 mEq/L but
Evaluate corrected serum Na+ < 5.0 mEq/l, give
by 50 – 70 mg/dl in first hour
20-30 mEq K in
Each liter of IV fluid
Serum Serum To keep serum K at
Serum Double insulin 4 – 5 mEq/l
Na+ high Na+ Na+ low
normal Dose hourly
until glucose falls
by 50-70 mg/dl

0.45% NaCl 0. 9% NaCl

(4-14 ml/kg/h (4-14 ml/kg/h
Depending on Depending on
Hydration state Hydration state

Check electrolytes, BUN, creatinine and

When serum glucose reaches 300 mg/ml
glucose every 2-4 h until stable. After
resolution of DKA, if the patient is NPO,
continue IV insulin and supplement with SC RI
Change to 5% Dextrose with 0.45% NaCl and as needed. When the patient can eat, initiate
decrease insulin to 0.05- 0.1 U/kg/h IV infusion SC insulin aor previous treatment regimen and
to maintain serum glucose between 250 - 300 assess metabolic control . Continue to look for
mg/dl until plasma osmolality is  315 precipitating cause (s).
mOsm/kg and patient is mentally alert

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