Anda di halaman 1dari 35

t☒•:* *

Kegawatdamratan Neonates


dr ↳ seizures


trauma elestrakranial toxins ( home remedies )

paling seeing → Kapala
✓ kaput sesksadeaneum → Melena ti shuhera Crr) s Intestinal catastrophes
kaput turn → Formula dilution or over concentration

↳ seeing tidak hiking ,

Malati kalsifikasi .

Dibawahnya G) tubing


g. .
,mm .mn,

metabolic disturbances (hypoglycemia hyponatremia)

Yang berbahaya → diatas periosteum tapitetaptidakdibatasi

Janis trauma
sum ra Ctldarah → perdarahan subgaleal
, lahiryg señngterjadi
posisi deformitas tidak Simoni
dgnadanga : anatom is age

Perdarahan intracranial tusahterlihat pd blinis → mjuk be Rs .

untrue CT scan .
lahiryg paling señngtejadi adalah di daerah Kapala (ekstrakranial ,

waiter 's tip :

tanyanterbukakebe.laKang Kalo Kita Kasi
tangan Kranial intracranial )


Kita dia akan

[ mengecil dm lebihñngan melewati samra Csehingga
tapi gd reflex genggam Palsy Biasanya akan 2-3 hari
Clawing : Sama E. → KHAS Klump ke , ,

tampakkepalanyapay-uklmemanjangkeatas.skarena berada diatasepikra -

fulit untukmengenalikejang pd neo hams Kare na trial aponeurosis

tampilannyayg ,

↳ tefap hrs perhatikan blinis


tdkkhassperti pd anak → bola Mata Ke Kiri Kanan ( Doll 's eyes)


, G) kejut gitu

SEFAL*arah.hilangnyalama bisat tidak

ekspresi Masi fam ↳ pender .

mulut & Mata melewatisutura-sehinggatidakmelewaligan-stengah.CH di daerah
pane .

pale men
angis ,
mulut term trip , G) grunting → bemsaha .
tall → .

hang a di Salah Satie Sisi kepala ,

) Suara tangisan Arter .

positifdiakhir ekspirasi team , pd lapisan lainnya
lebih Kareena dibatasiobh Alturas agitation

keening pd wajah bias a an Karen a

lajunyaygsetalo Kau

dal → bis a untrue man perkirakan level bilirubin

nya sudahberapa
dibawahnya them pakah

tulang ,
akan Sulit untrue

""" "" """ "" " "" "" "" " " " " ""
" "" ""

tu lebih lama untrue hiking

Unhlktherujuk STABILISASI DULU jangan merujuk dlm headaan

→ →

Rejang ,
distress napas ,
Kita merujuk bukan untie memindahkan
tarnation .

fetus terdenyar G) udara hem busan : 0

Unhlkpenilaian air entry fuaranyaterdengaragakjauh - :

( gunakan stetoskoppd ( ti date herdengar 2 :

kedua sisi dada) it dibangunkan digerakkan , ,

bila di ban Sul it untrue

gunKan terbangun .

< 35,5°C → DANGER sign → Kalo gd inkubator ,

skin to skin

Hot to touch compare to the obs ever 's

, body / mother 's baby ;
737,5°C → lepas

para Ian suhulihgkungan < suhu tub uh .


Letargi ④ poor feeding Kombi nasi yg
Fast breathing ④ chest retraction ⑤ grunting seeing

Sangat panting bagi Kita untrue Mengen ali kegawatdamtratan neonates

gaga , gp, ,am, an g. man , ga, un,ng, n ,n ,

, ,,,, , many
man ,, n,
ang map, gaga,, nagging , nayan ggn way,
laniut sehinyga teraba Karas →
lama kdamaan akan

tumbuhtYYYaYa1g"¥Ja¥r§Ña%?!yg nenyatu

sudan besar otaksudah

agar ,

berkembang .

Causes of shock / severe illness in the newborn : THE MISFITS

endocrine congenital adrenal
hyperplasia thyrotoxicosisi. )

Heart disease congenital hypothermia

hypoxia resp complaints)

↳ trauma / non accidental trauma

Sind roma Nefrotik
Pengganti prednisone
dr. Ramayana hisdone hrs diperhahkan polensilebih tinggi ( 415 doris prednisone
, .

proteinuria masif → >
5mg 1dL dipstick :
> +++ (Pada urine pagi hari)
gebelumpemberiankorh.tosteroid pd SN , bisa Kita lakukan Manton test → Karna
Hipo albumin ea → thus us 5N ,
hams < 294dL Kenya penggunaanjangka panjang → ttimun → Manuel gejala
TB akibattlinkksi TB
Edema - ring an → kelopak Mata , pretibia Ceksmiemitas)
\ berat → anasarka Cselunehtubuh) . Penyukurannuhisi pd anak dgn edema
atas .
→ misalnyarendah bisadicurigai edema Karna intake protein ygrendah.CM EP)
220mg 1dL Cbempakompensasi)


→ >

sindoom netrofik dpt berdiñ sendin atau bersamaanlakibat

Linter si lain .

☒ idiopathic

kebanyakan SN pd anak , pada biopisimenunjukkan minimal

change disease scr mikooskopis ,

sehinggalebih diagnostic ditihat
(dgn lainnya
mikroskop elektron . & vnakroskopis ,
lab .

Kareena in Adak semua dilakukan biopsi
tang sung .
change Sangat sensitifdgnpengobatan
minimal steroid

kduarla albumin be urine

lesi pd glomerulus → Mr permeability →

proteinuria → hypoalbuminemia Conant pressure It) → edema
- -

Kenapabisa terjadi hiperlipidiemia hiperkolesterolemia Kareena , ,

Molekul besar melewati
pembuluhdarah .

Kalo ketemu edema peñksa protein Kalo

pasion ,
nya .

Fasi litas Kerrang ,

boleh dibakar→ akan terhihat denatures protein

bempapenggumpalan .

Bisajuga ing at ada kemungkinan edema

kortikostenoid Yg Seling digunakan adalah prednisone .

↳ penggunaan obat hrs disesuaikan

dgn BBA Cyg dili hat

dari BB)
adalah BB IDEAL string
BB yg ,

pd edema terjadi → BB .

Pemberian doris 60mg / m2

setiap hari dibagi ,

3 don's → .
3×1 hari fpagi siang sore) jgn Malam !
, ,

Initial → Selama 9 minggu → evaluasi → (1)remisi ?

Pennisi : proteinuria f) 3✗ "

G) Pennisi → lanjutkandgn

Kali berhemt
min um
1×1 hari
Evabuasi → proteinuria f) 3 →

! Kalo 17 DAK an
Gbolehpertimbangkan alkylating agent
Ctapi hrs rujuk) .

Untuk edema seeing Karena G) retensinahium →

, sehingga perks diet
pendah garam (tapi hrs di -

Tr furosemide duaungdgn
p diet na -

searing ⑦
Pada pasion dgn edema berat ,

Hams pash Kan duty mslhginjalnya

✗ Cpembeñan steroid ) sudah teratasidulu .

Karna Kalo masibermasalah Rec Keadaan damrat → G) edema anagarka


albumin akan tons kduar

walaupuntdahdibetikan .
A G- DA dr Badai
. Chronic Kidney Disease dr .
Oke Rina
Lika CO2 >> → keadaan milieu makin asam , → HC04 BiaSanya Kalo G) lama terjadi
Mihai timbal gejalapdtahap3-sindromuremikltandaawalyg.sering nampak :
Ednapas fetor are -

miaem ) .

Alport syndrome (gagalginjqlpdusia

Riwayat pnyginjaldlmkduarga untukmengetahui ± keen
Alergi Susu Sapi dr. Maharani Sangat dini ) Pada

pasion anak dgnmualmuntah ,

Coba ukurdulu an tropometri →
kemungkinanjika G)short

Masur allergen → di Sini bempa protein Susu → ditangkap ohh APC stature →
sorting akibat G)ggnginjal .

(den doit cell , DID di presentasikan Kesel T Lalu bantu Prinsiptatalaksana PGK teksidiri dgnhipoldisplasiaginjalakan G) progresivitaslebih banding

→ → mem anak lambat

Pencegahan ) 99 910 .

hasilkan set B → men ghasilkan set plasma → men gebuarkan IgE pwgresiuifag → Lakukan diet
ygsesuai ,
cth :
(men gingat protein Ini Sbg allergen ) → SENS in Sasi ,
f) gejala Prevensikomplikasi

Kalo hiperlensi ④ proteinuria → ACE inhibitor ( captopril enapñl)


Untukbisamemimbulkan gejalala ,
hams G) crosslink antar 2 anti

hipertensi ⑦ overload → Diuretik ( furosemide t)

bodi berbÉdÉ%yg selelah 4) s
hrs cepatditangani & terms di monitor ,
Karen a pasien Sura berhenh send in untie di follow up tern


Cksposurtembalialergen) → .

pembahangejalaygsignitikan dari proteinuria -11 ke -12 , pdhal Sem akin

tinggi proteinuria nya ,

mbisa pecan histamine ,

set mast .
& mediator Iain
mya .

tanpa mediasi IgE yg kbih Kalo lejadiasidosis metabolite

Adajugaplelepasan set mast Mana se hrs segeradiatasi dgn pemberian Na HCO } Kareena tidakadaobatyg

, ,

ring terjadi dibanding Kan ygdimediasi IgE 11,51 ) .

. bekerjaapabila pH sudah < 7,0 atau 7,5 ( ? ?)
Semai Umar → abut
Untuk the mash Kan TBI

pen Ksa nanpropomem


Bayi dgn Asleksklusifjugabisaflkemungkinanalergisususapi ,

yg Gagalginjal
/ lerlambat → Kronis

Akut & tennis 10 sesak → akut

ibunyamasihmengkonsumsisususapi.sehinggamanajemennya bukan_ anemia , & keadaan ,

pasien ⇐ → Kuni ,
menghentikan ASI -

nya melainkan
henhkan konsumsisususqpi
ibunya .

6gal a mu nail biasa < Usia

1 bulan (min .
sdh 1 Ming gu minum Susu level kreatinin & Keadaan
creationin 3 sudahmuntah " → aka:t

sapi krn hrs G) poses sensitisasi )

" M" m Pd" "
( creation in 3 Masi bisa tenancy
→ Kron is
to ksiko


Seling Salah diagnosis eñtemaneonatovum fusion

bane tahir
saat bayi
5- than ) diberikan 2-3✗ susu sapi Karena ibu bellum bisa member

ASI Karen a Ihi adalah bentukawalmembaiknya iman sibayidi

Membuat Status Johannes

awal kehidupah ( hiking dlm 5- than) dr .

Hams pertaina sekali Identities pasion Tehama

Faktorrisiko → G) n' way at atopidlmkduarga (Ibu bapak , ,
& Sau -
( Umar
Tenis Alamin
dara Kan dung) .

8kt Ky
Pada ASS berat ,
tapi bila G) Kegan at -

anafilaksis tanganilerlebihdahulu Riwayat kelahiran
damratan Cth :

di banns oleh siapa

Bila Sud ah G) per Bai Kan gejala ,

mam hiking → Coba la -
lo Kasi mmahsakitlpuskesmas / bidan → untrue mengetahui adakah kemung

kukan Provo Kasi dgn minum Susu sapi / ibuminum SMH nah blah dilakukan penyantikan wit k ,
& Cara banluanygtersedia .

sapi LAGI .

Riwayat kehamilan .

f) perbaikan → kemungkinan diagnosis lain later gi Maka -


an lain ataubersamaandgn Susu sapi) .

Bisapdanakdgneosinofilik colitis → 1^99 eosinofilpadq

Saharan PenceMaan sehinggaapapunygdimakan

akan akan gampangtersensitisasi .
at monitor tanda vital suhu lebih baik bagi neonates untie hipertermidibandingkan
menjadi hipolermi . → suhu ,
naman hipotermia suhu

lingkungan & tub uh bayiitu sendin

hrs Pt suhutubuhnya .

< 2500
gr → In pre Maher / Kecil Masa kehamilan

> 3800 gr -7 besar Masa kehamilan .

Pada bayi hasit pindahandañ RS Iain atau bidan ,

Kita perla untrue melakukanevaluasi

Wang dari neonates dari awal Cdiharapkan bidan/ dotter ygmembantu tumtikut) .

Komponen Transf usi Darah dr. Olga

PRC selalu 175

Kato di PMI dim into

, cc ,

bag ( ) Yang 50 cc .
175 cc
hrs hab is dim waktu 3- 4 jam .

bis a di kinda
• Pada Hb £7 grldl , apabila 4) pny dgn terapi spesihk lain → cth : ADB

(supplementasi besi ) .
AHA ( steroid ) diutamakan duty .
10 to 9 ,

" 30 CC per Kali beri 7- ✗ 10 ✗ 4

Hati mem pakan organ ygjugamemproduksi father pem be

Kuan daran → sehingga Pada pasiendgn hepatitis sang at wajqr

tnperdarahan atau It) abnormalities hematology screening test .

Reaksi trans fysi akutyg paling berat adalah an afilaksis

Delayed rxtranfusi biasa G) underlying disease / condition , paling Serino → iron overload ( ferritin > 1000, ataupemberi an
suplemtasi besi 3 Kali → management beñkan kdasibesi )

?⃝ Anshan Nvtrisi Pediatric
¥I% ngan keluhanpucatatauperdarahan .
< 2 th n

[ status


) BB1trsatauBB1p@dgnintantometeryDet.Bes
Pacaf hemolitik giti :


[ Fanning
\ Cara
detisiensi pemberian responanakterhadappembeñan &

makan .

Hati aplastik flat

BIffFaei ( waterton)

✗ lool
Kegan as an
Dongan kurva Kaloyan's pertumbuhansejajar dgnpersentil 50 ,

Trombosit pd def besi bias

normal atau >> (jarangdibawah normal) pola pertumbuhan baits untukmelihatpolaltrenpertumbuhan .

G → bedakan
stunting anakberperawakanpendekakibat ggngizikwnis

- dgn stunted

Ferrous glukonat 35mg dais Iobesitas gunakan penguin ran

Khusus untrue penguin ran ,

go , mg
Ferrous soul fat 65 doris kelentuanygmanaygdigunakan Adalah batasnya 2

<2 thn :
WHO 2006
Nahin m fer ed at → 20% dani dos is ②batnga tahan y 2 2 thn
: CDC 2000
↳ mis 300mg obat

↳ 60mg elemental besi
2¥ zoo


Men entukan kebutuhan nutrisi .

( t ) elemental besi ( pure) (than ( sa)] Untukmengetahai height lusiaknnolegis) → darikurua PBIU atau

Drops → 15mg →
2×1 send ok obat
( laughing dikasi gausa
di Kali Kali lagi )
TB / U → tarik garis horizontal dañtitik tinggi pasien sampaimemotong ,

f. %, that
Paniytopienia bed dgnterapheuh, kurva 2- -

score median → itulahusia normal dgn tinggi signal



( I leukosit , trial sesuaidgn Unhukmengetahui BB ideal
menumtusianya plotkan BB & 1-Banak

hiya pdleurva
) BBITB lalu tank gan's tums Vertical

t RBC / Hb
median lihat
memo Tong pd BB berapapdangka di Kiri /Kanan .


Khas anemia defisiensi besi ③ Memento Kan rule


pencil cell → . .

Hbf >7 In :O -1% ④ Men
entukanjenis 2-at huhisiljenismakanan .

⑤ Evaluasilpengkajianrespons .

Hb Az 1^4-7
( significant
Tapi Hbf normal
✓ tangka pendek-iakseptabilitas.toleransi.efeks.amping
lfanglea panjang pesembuhanpny → ,
. .

Populasi Anak &

Pny nya -

Prof Chaim . {saranorgan.hi

t n tguaknana kagektnedemaitumorlkedganansefal
kitatdabisamenghitung status nuhisidgnpurvabiasa gunakanlingkar ,

Permasalahanyg paling umum &

banyan → preterm birth .

tone irritability Consol ability

Appearance TICLS (

Feeding Practice dr
, , ,

Look , speech . Infant . winra

Breathing /work of breathing ;
cyanosis lebih
re circulation .
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis dr Rita


Heart Disease → arthn's pd

Yang mernbedakannya dgn Rheumatic RHD

migrans lberpindah sendi ygterkena)

bersi fat
poly arthritis & .


Yang pointing dibawah 16 th n onsetnya ,

naman dpt
menetap hingg a dewasa ,

danjarang on uncut Pada anak < 6 bulan


Pada th n £2010 →
mining kin Masih Seri ng disebut 1- FCA dieropa
↳ Juvenile chronic arthritis

hang dgn pemfis → lab
Diagnosis tetapdiutamakan a anamnesis &


Morning stiffness Clebih seeing" dikduhkan orang dewasa ,

cut it
menggam barkan)

Fatigue , anorexia
etc .

Inspection → palpation → movement → 4) special test :

pGALS 1 Pediatric Gait ,

Arms legs spine)

pemeriksaan Musculoskeletal pd
, ,

usia Sekolah It) pain / stiffness pd send i otot,

(E) kesulitan bepakaian sendin

% ft)
posture & kebiasaan
OBSERVE bukabajusemua ( ideal

skin rash

deformitas (Panjang kaki tdk Sama , leg alignment ,

f- Scoliosis I bengkak send i

I telapak kaki

alan normal

child ± rasa sakit
walking Jalan jinjit apakahbisatertap

Jalan dgn turn it bejalan

. . .
Dan banyak lagi . . .

Dokumentasi P 6 Als screening → ambit dia JIA)

pemeñksaan RF → meaningless → Seling RF f) dan kalopun FRED dia

, ,

sehinggajarangdidqpatipd early
barkan adanya roses chronic erosive destructions 81A

Oligoarticular FIA ⑦ AN Alt) → G) Mr risk of having uveitis & iridooydih's →

bisadilakukan pemeñksaan Slit lamp →

early detection .

Systemic FIA → F- M -

M 1-6
g. o .
→ G)arthritis 3 1- joints with or preceded
by fever of at least 2 weeks duration documented to be
daily ( quotidian )
" "

at least 3 hari ⑦ Evanescent Inon fixed ) erythematous rash → salmon pink rash


f) itchy machopapules
pembe saran KGB ,

Hepa to splenomegaly
Polyarthritis 81A → 35 joints Simehis small jonits ± subcutaneous


, ,

RF (t) → (t) associated dgn RA pd Musa dewasa ,

→ risk of erosion / destructive bone joints , ,
etc .

- RFC-7
According to the recent

Drug Allergy
position paper on childhood NSAIDs

reaction ( ADK) is defined


Adverse drug by WHO as a

response in children < logo . most responses

to druga which is noxious ,

& Unintended ,
Which occurs at doses are non -

immunologic ,
cross inhale .

normally used in man for prophylaxis diagnosis . ,

or therapy of disease .
rant ,
& easily attributed to cofactors

Type A → dose dependent PREDICTABLE consequences of such as exercise or infection


ADR, the known pharmacological action of the drug In children > logo on the other

Type B → dose dependent , UNPREDICTABLE & Unrelated ,

hand the reactions
are similar to

( I
to the

G) Drug
drug 's pharmacological
Hipersensitivity → resemble

allergic reactions For the management of NSAID hypersensitivity confirmed diagnosis

those of adult .

& classification
drug allergy are required and an alternative NSAID other than the culprit drug is needed →
[ Drug Provocation Test) of this are recommended
DAS are classified according to the bell & Coombs
system of hypersensitivity DPT

Type [ Drug specific

I -

IgE antibodies)
② Type II ( cytotoxic reactions mediated by drug specific IgG antibodies)
- ADR after vaccination must be differentiated between allergic & nonallergic reactions
③ Type II (immune complex reactions ) IMMEDIATE non -

allergic reactions include local injection site reactions (swelling redness , ,


④ Type Ñ ( delayed type hypersensitivity -

reactions mediated by cellular imma -

soreness)& constitutional symptoms such as fever .

nity T-lymphocytes)
: vaccine doses .

immediate allergic rx → minutes to 4 hrs (urticaria angioedema


( delayed

The common culprit drugs causing DHS in children are antibiotics , NSAIDs ,
Vaccine hypersensitivity anaphylaxis)
antiepileptic drugs ( AEDS)
& vaccines .

type rx -1 hours to days after injection crashes t) .

Clinical manifestations - Cutaneous
symptoms TT :
Macedopapular Usually do not require allergic evaluation self ,

limiting ,
do not contraindicate future doses .

ptions (MPE s) urticaria angioedema , ,


SCARS fixed drug eruptions fesp . sulfonamide) .

Vaccine allergies are rarely triggered by the microbial
antigen ; rather
they are
( severe cutaneous Adverse GI symptoms :
nausea vomiting diarrhea more commonly induced by other components such as egg protein stabilizers such
, , , ,

Reactions) potentially life


gelatin milk latex

riparian as or
protein antibiotics preservatives adjuvants
, ,
& .

Isolated respiratory reactions → mostly
involve cytotoxic
- T-cell
• TEN activation → a certain Period restricted to NSAIDs → I part of anaphylaxis .

• SFS must pass before SCARS be -

✓ come full -

↳ The culprit drug were commonly used , including antibiotics &

antipyretics ,

but chronically AEDS

uncommon used drugs including

major groups ( cephalosporin
Beta-lactam antibodies
( Carbapenem

minor Groups
that induce
in children )
hypersensitivity monobactam
. oxacephem
davulanic acid .

NSAIDs → pain relief , fever control anti inflammation in children , .

Nardi Nogi Anak dr Tina

Caymanian -

Kalo adasesak na pas saataktivitas →

cuñgai adamaSalah beban pd
janning & pam .

Pada org sehat , lerdengar bunyi janning


Kamp mitral & trikuspidalis [ Kamp atrioventricular →

BF I →
penutu pan
face sickle venwikd tub dub ]
[ Tua
tanda mulainya



fasepengo song an atrium Kiri &

pengisianvenhikel Kiri .

② BFI → penunepan Kamp putmoral 1 Kamp semilunar]

aorta & → tanda dimu -

tain fuse diastole venhikd


Gangguanjantung pd anak 13th n →

auriga aqui
red →
paling seeing RHD
(Rheumatic Heart Disease)

± bifasik
Normal EKG : hrs ada

p→ what

axis normal : hrs berada

di kuadran I
sinus name gelombang Pterbtakdihuadran I
: →

Depnesi → tumn kebawah dari gan's isoelektrik

memanjang ?
Ebvasi → naik ff diabiasanya G) ra -

Anak biasa 0,20ms ( 5 Kotak) → PR interval normal dang di jan tung
C- tis)

d- h :
pen Kar .

poly arteritis otitis etc

f) p erythema





chorea → St. Vitus dance anaknyatdkdptbegalanlums.lerlihatseperh.menari

→ ,

tangan dan kaki bergerate cepattaklerkoordinasi → G) kerusan an ganglia nya .

RHD tidak puny ales diagnostic Klin is kñteña Jones

, jadi munni hang a
anamnesis →

khusus Acute Rheumatic Fever atau kriteria WHO 2003 RHD

Demain lang apabilatelah bemlang Kamp

jantunynya sudah

msak .

Saat dia besar →
sebutannya Penyakit Fanning Reumahk ( PJR)

Karena raw an seningbemlang → tents teyadiinflmasibemlang ohh streptokokus memsak →

da ri kaPocEstadi
Kamp mitral > aortic > pulmohal
regurgitation Pada pnyini.

hang , ,
asia 25-30 th n agar lerhindari dari kejadian PJR
men etap .
Tumbah them Bang ( Nelson chapter 20 volume 1)
Biologic influences on development include genetics ,
in utero
exposure to teratogens ,

long-term negative effects of low birth weight (neonatal morbidity plus increased rates
of subsequent adult onset obesity coronary heart disease stroke hypertension & type 2

, , , ,

diabetes) postnatal illnesses

, exposure to hazardous substances & maturation .

✓ attachment refers to
Physiologic influences on development
→ a determined

tendency of a
young child to seek
proximity to the
parents during times of stress & to reestablish a

contingent response → to nonverbal goes


sense of well-being after a stressful experience .

heroes create the groundwork for the shared

that critical for

attention & are

social development
later language & .

The developing fetus in gestational period .

is affected by sosial & environmental influences ,

nutritional status ; substance illicit) ; and

including maternal use [both legal &
psycho -

logic trauma .


Embryonic period
3rd week : (t) neural plate on the

ectodermal surface
5th week : forebrain midbrain , ,

8th week G) gross structure of

the nervous system

Fetal period
By the time of birth the structure of ,
brain is complete .

Many cells will undergo

apoptosis .

Synapses will be pruned back &

new connections
will be made ,
largely as a

result of experience
No behavioral evidence of neural function

is detectable until the 3rd month


Reflexive responses to tactile stimulation develop in cranio caudal

sequence By week 13-14 .

breathing &
motions appear The grasp reflex appears at 17 week and is well developed
swallowing .

by 27 week

Eye opening occurs around 26-28 Week .

During the 3rd trimester fetuses respond to external stimuli

, w/ HR elevation & body movements ,

which be observed ultrasound

using .

Fetal movement increases in response to sudden auditory tone but decreases after several


. This demonstrate
habituation learning repeated stimulation ,
a basic form of in which results

in response decrement Tt the tone changes pitch the movement increases which is
evidence again
a . in ,

that the fetus
repeated between a familiar ,
tone , and a novel tone .
penularanpenyakit ataugangguan kekebalantubuh
GiZi Burak

• Balita dari
keluargasosio -

• Balita berkebutuhankhusus .

Istilah panting sebelummulai Di

lihgkungansanitasi bunk
: •

Dropout ( Do) → bayigitiburuklkurangygtdkmelanjutkanpengoba -

Ctabsen berthMt turnt pada bayi

< 6 bulan jangka pendekygdptdilakukan adalah
tan > 2✗
Pencegahangizi bunk IMD mom

• 1=75 (Formula 757 → Makanan CAIR terbuat dari Susu , gula Minya
K,& berikan Asl eksklusif ,
serta pemantauan pertumbuhandan perKembangan sejakawalkehidu -

mineral mix yg G) 75kcal setiap 100mL → fase STABILISASI pan pemeriksaan neonatal esensial
, dgnpendekatan MTBS (Managementerpadu Balita Sakit)

f- 100 100 kkalsetiap 100mL → fase TRANS 151 REHAB1- Father bulan ygseningdikmukan
Meagan dung
• → & :

• BBLR 1<2500 gr) •
Pola aguh Karang :
manajemenlaktasi Salah ,
Ibu G) mslh psi Kolo -

• G-izibumk (severe wasting) → gizi balita ygditandai dgn : •

Premaher gis .
pemberiansusu formula tdkbenar .

① pitting edema bilateral 1min keduapunggung kaki) .

Png & Retain an bawaan

② BB / PB atau BBHB < -3 SD gin


⑦ LILA < 11,5cm pd balita legia 6-5gbu① bum" unhtk Usia
6- sg balan Pñnsip Penagahan kekurangangizi pd balita Usia 6-59 bulan adalah , :

Kerrang (wasting)
c- ① PMBA
Gizi ditandaidgn Sentai rekomendasi kapasitas 1ambung : 25 -30mL /kg BB Minyan & Umar sumber
• → : →
sedan i :


① → SDC BBIPB atau BBITB < LSD kurva WHO Ygbisa

energi elision ygdpt members tambahan MPASI tanpamemperbesarjumlahlvo
dipakai unhlkgiti bunuel ?) energi pd -

② 11,5cm f LILA < 12 , 5cm lame Maranan → ygdianjurkan :

30-451 dari total kebutuhan
energi per hari .

• Perkembangan →
( psikomotot mental , ,
Soria 1)
• pertumbuhan →
ditandai dgnbertambahnya beratbardan , Panjang / tinggi badan ,

dan lingkarlepala .

RUTF (Ready to Use therapeutic Food ) → makanan PAD AT gizi ,

ygdiperkaya 2-at giti miter untukterapi balita giti bunk ② Poncegahanpenyakit → G) imunisasidasar 19 bulan) LENGRAP , jambankeluarga ,

Semai standar WHO sanitasibaik polusit


Princip umumpencegahangiti bunk ,

antara Iain :

① Penyiapankesehatan & status gitiibuhamildilakukansejakmasarema.pemantauanperhsmbuhan balita →

gunakankarhl Menujusehat ( KMS) ygterdptdlm
ja danselanjutnya Saat Usia sub ur buku KIA .

Penyebab Utama hambatanperhembuhan ( growth faltering) ada 3. yaitu :

✓ pola hid up

onsumsi tablet tambahdarah

sehatbergiziseimbang a. AMPan Makan and

b. G) Penyakitinfeksiakut /tennis
fkualitas & kuantitas)

Retainan calc at /bawaan

kmselingpranikah C-
ygmemengaruhikemampuan makan

.÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷.•."*.. .*
per ni Kahan dini keha Milan pd
Mencegah &
femaja ps : Growth faltering :
infants & children who fail to
grow & develop at a normal rate compared to
meningeal Kan kepesertaan

KB other 1

menerapkanpraktikhigiene & sanitasi personal serta Favor n'sikoterjadinyahambatanpertumbuhan :

kesulitanmenyusu (t ) Kel Kongenital

lingkeungan .
G) infeksi ,

Makan tdkadekuat ,

terlambatlkecepatan MPASI .

② ±
alitas standar pekerja .

③ Pen ing Katan status gizi & kesehatananakmdaluistrakgi Pembeñan UMUM : ekonomi on ,
Pendidikan ⇐
, aksesfasres suit , higiene personal a

bayi & anak ygdilakukandgn prakhk ttandar Emas BBIU


Yang selanjutnya status balita

Maranan Bayi & Anak > Mana Indeks antropomehi untukpenentuan giti

dini LA

✓ Inisiasimenyusui rtumbuhan & imunisasi

T Ast eksklusif
Co -6 bulan)
lingkarkepala /4 .

dilengkapi & dimonitor

Pembeoian MPASI 76 bulan
[ sepertitercantumpdbuku Balita G) tidaklanjutygdptdilakukan
Asl & Anap Konya

07<6 bulan pemeriksaan indicator pertumbuhan n'

: >

④ Perhatiankhususdibeñkankepdbayi & balita dgntaktor risikoakan imunisasilpny > father Nikolain > Tindale lanjutsesuaikondisi :

men galami
kekurangangizi misalnya KM Seling men Yumi TotalAlesana gitibumk CKALOMEMANG
: • •
, 612-1

• Bayi yglahirdanibu KEK danlatau iburemaja premature BBLR ,


konselinggitiibumenyusui BURUK)

lumbar , G) kdainanbawaan .


Perbaikifaktorrisiko / underlying disease
Balita G) inleksikronisatauakutbemlang & adanyasumberpenularan Rujukanlerkait mis imunisasi Pantauperbaikan tiap 2mi
nggu → Putih
• • : • .

07 Balita G- 5g bulan :
pemeriksaan indicator perhembuhan > nil ai asupan & pola
pembevian Makan men unit umur > -

ko >
Trdaklanjut :

konselingpolamakansesuaiUMvR@Pemben.a n maKanan tambahan
ftimulasi tumbuhkembang gizi Kerrang (Ead !)
untrue balita

Rujukan program Perbaiki FR/underlying disease

mis : imunisasi • ✓

• Tatalaksana giti bunk (KALO i.YA ) •
Pantausetiap 2 minggu → putih

Penemuandinikasusbeñsikokekurongangizi G) apendekatan :

Pasif sengaja
→ tidal ,

PB atau TB → 2- score
meliputi status

merits aan gin


Pitting edema bilateral dilakukan di fasi litas kesehatan

Rawat jalan tingleat pertamalpuskesmas .

② balita ygtidakidatangkeposyandu Dilakukan
Aktif → pangas sweeping .

Rawat inapdilakukan di

⇐ Pemenksaan dgnkomplikasi ( kecualipd bayi

denhfikasi balita dgnhambatanperhimbuhan Yaman balita giti bunk <6 bulan HA -

\ Pemeriksaan pitting edema bilateral RUS di rumah sakit) therapeutic , Feeding center
prata ma ,
Serta RS
mengenalibalitayg kurus
C B dan A.
tipe , ,

Balita benesikogizi Karang ataugizi bunk ygperludinjuk adalah :

a) (6- 59 bulan) LILA KUNING ( 11,5£
Balita P < Riscm dan

MERAH ( < 11,5cm )


b) Balita G) hambatan pertumbuhan Pti Kasi med is , pitting oedema <<


a) Balita G) pitting edema bilateral natsu Makan baik

d) Balita tampak hi
kurus rawat jalan → lanjutpemulihan -

e) Balita <6 Kalo ga terse dia

bulan G)
kesulitanmenyugu .
lian rawat
, amp , , , ,, , ,, , , , , , , , ,,µ,
µ, anyway gyu, ,

antara Iain : ng edema .

① Balita RAWAT JALAN bila ,

: >
Tidaksemua balita & tran -

f) komplikasi med is inap Sedanglean fase rehab ilitasidptdilakukan

• Sisi untie
ygperlulayanan rawat .

• Natsu Makan baik padalayanan rawat jalan .

keluargamampumerawat dgnbimbinganlenagakesehatan 4 Ease perawatan & pengobatangitibumk Pada balita :

② Balitagiziburuk Usia 6-59 bulan hams RAWAT I NAP

bila : ① Fasestabilisasi → awal ,
bias anya 1-2 hari → Pemantauan :
tanda vital ,
tanda baha .

BB < 4kg ✓* natsu Makan ya ,

derajat edema ,
asupan formula ,
trekuensidetekasi ,
kmsistensi feces volume ,

* ""om" """ "dis *•"" """ mm " me . "" "" " " ""

③ SIMLA bayi Klan dgnindeks BB/ PB < -3s Ddanlatau G) pitting edema Tanda bahaya tidakbisamenyusu memuntahkanmakananlminu man keja
, ,

bilateral HARUS rawat inap !

ng , rewellgelisah letargisltidak Sadar stridor sianosis akralpucat & dingin
, ,
, ,

② Ease Tran Sisi → peralihandari Habilisasikerehabilitasi dgntujuan memberikesem -

ALUR PENA PISAN MASALA H GI ZI Patan tubuhuntkberadaptasiterhadappembeñan energi & protein ygsemakin

tdkmema .

Morning Kat .

dai ggnpenyerapandanlatau metabolism e 2-at gitiakibat pay ⑦ sanitasi

③ Faserehabilitasi → dptdibeñkan di laganan rawat inap & jalan → fasetumbuhkejar
& f) higienis ( ) pembeoian energi sebesar 150-220 kkal / KGBB /hari dlmbentuk 1=100 atau RUTF
Penang pangan Rtyg
anan t


bettahap ,
-1-2-4 minggu Kemajuandinilai
. davi Kenai Kan BB setelahfasetransisi

Kdebihangizi → disebabkanoleh ketidakseimbangan ampan

energi (energy in -

& meneñma 1=100 / Ruff .

take) agn energy ygaigunakan (energy expenditure) dim waknilama Pemantauan :

mencatatasupan formula & ABB

Berdasarkanklasifikasi WHO Kerrang giziakutdibagi ,

yaitu :
④ Fate tihdaklanjut → lanjutan tumbuhkejardgh pembeoian Maranan keluarga
① Balita Siti Kura ng → indeks -2s, > BB/ peng . & pembeñan maKanan tambahan pemulihan ( PMT -

p )
UKU ran 11,5£ LILA < 1215cm (6- 59 bulan)

② Balita giti bunk → indeks BBIPB atau BBITB < -3 SD ATAU dgnpengukuran Inikan Peckman pencegahan & tatalaksanathn 2020 (khususrawatjalan) → disitu

LILA < ii. 5am ATAU G) pitting edema bilateral ,

min .

pdkedua punggung kaki .

diajugajelasinkeempatfase.ini lolangkahnya Tapi digg 2019 menun

& .

, .

jukkanyg rawat jalan 1=100 /RUTF)

sedangkan rawat fstabilisasi , transisi ,

rehab) , jadigimana ?
* HIM C- MM HMM / HUH 110 Hog my DMB Hmp •
i. MOM yo# Old MM MYGUM • MM •
Buoy say to MMM GP me •
u •
0m01 MOM #90dm www.t of
d •
404 MMM !P MM !# I
0.0%8 HMMMM my# •
n.AM MMMM f) •
moms • :
b) 0dm ¥09 HMM IMM MM
ummm! ← HAHM HAH ← Off -98 4h94 MM µ
0,599 DO too
' UMMM 7! 08
7. I 98C mm :
summat #
!bdMS Mff db.MS
MP MI Hoff ttbmdfbhwoHP.IO HMM Mtb

(Of # I
pd Guns Buy ymM MPH SMD Mdd no
# D tdp %
tomes 7 to
!bHd MPA Hdt
mom ynqmymnpsdmnuomubpbfl.MG 9MM UNH BUH
yn MM UMMM Add mom MM
ndMbMMD.4@U.MdSisoto9AtoPmsmnqHBHU01.P Ubu op ← > 10µA MM HAHA


MY # d M myth .fm/WdGoSnM ,
7- .
- 10PM
to some I ④ OMG At ! 1-
MM UMM ← 6%0*400.4 #-)
MOM 4%5%01 OHBA / www.t#GMPMsy-b!M.HBedH-
÷ :*
> %
b Mts 094 0%2MM U
Cara melihat dan Menen Mean dilakukanbersamaandgnmenga
tanda dehidrasi :
Meng atasigangguankeseimbangelekmdit biasa dpt -

① Letargis → lemas , tidakwaspada ,

tidklertariklerhadapkejadiansekitar tasi dehidrasi .
Pada anak
② Gelisah newel temtamabiladisentuhlditanganiuntktindakan mineral Sehingga diberikan mineral mix ygditambahkankedlm
& → .
. untune
③ Hair Mata → Saat balita 1=75 atau 1=100 dan Reso Mal
Manangis .

Saat timbal
④ Mata cekung →
tanya apakahmemangsepertibiasanyaataubambe.berapa Tubuhanakgizi bumkrelahf G) Kadar Natrium 3) & Kalia me di banding anak normal .

⑤ Mullet & lidah

Kering → raba
dgnjariyg KERING & BERSIH untie men entukanapakahlidah Langan obatianakedemdgndiuretikum.pemberian N atrium berlebihan dpt menyebab .

ataumulutnya leering .
Kan kematian . Mineral mix ④ 1--75/1=100

⑥ Haus → what apakah balita ingin MERAIH CANGKIR Saat diberi Re so Mal -

Saat cangkirdisi

Fadi , untrue Cai ran → berikan Re so Mal untie rehidrasi .

ngkirkan apakah , balita Masih

inginminumlagi .


⑦ Turgor keel it → tank lapis an kill it danjaringambawahkulitpelan Cpd Anak di Kalita b- Pemantauan → waspada


domen) paan Polan Cubit-

Selam a 1 DENK dan lepaskan Lika kill it Masih TERUPAT

trek miksi
: Akan
matai e
VolumeYa qanmulaif7diure→
Kaeo a) → pipis berarti
. .


trek BAB &

mungkin G) perbaikan Karna awalnya

( 72 dtk) LAMB AT Att biasa lambat pd wasting

" "

→ : anak ,

biasa anak betum ada pipis


'€"¥!ngm"m¥a }
Mulut basrah
seeing tidaktampakpd
anak Siti bunk
fontane, .

SEMUA balita giti bunk dgn DI ARE / PENURUNANFLH URINE

dianggap Mengal am i dehidrasi , ←
walaupu A) rehidrasi
turgor putit membaik
pen uh
vingan Pada dehidrasi ringan /sedang tetapupayakanmemberikan terapi rehidrasi oral Apabila BB yg hiking Saat dehidrasi

HARUS memantau
tidal manglein secara oral , Cai ran dibeñkan metal ui NGT sampai anakbisa minum Langan Dehidrasi 5% ⇐


an :
KenaiKan BB

gunakan IMUS untie rehidrasi Recuali pdkasusdohidrasi berat •

Dehidrasisedang 5- 10% Fadi Kalou shh
dengan syok

rehidrasi , G) Kenai Kan BB sebesarini

Dehidrasi berat 10 15%

pasiendehidrasi data ng

davi BB awal saat .

Kali um rehidrasiberhasil
✓ GunaKan 1amtan oral it standarygtdahdimodifikasi dgn a Natrium & →

Syok :
15-201 .

yglebih dikenal dgn Rehydration solution for malnutrition ( Reso MAD Bila dilemukan tanda kelebihancairan (RR 15×1

Oralit → Pada anak 612-1 BURUK hrs diencerkan 2 Kali agar Kadar Natrium menit
) ,
hentikan leg era pembeñan Cai ran / Resonate nilai Kang shh i. jam .

menjadilebih rend ah , untrue menghindari relensi air

edema , & gaga / janning .

② Gula → Untrue menambah energi &

Menagahhipoglikemia . inleksi pada Saat data ng ke takes &

③ Lamitan elektrolit /mineral mix →

mengatasiggnkeseimbanganelektrolit & segeradiben antibiotic → semua hrs diberikan antibiotic Spektrum Luas !
50-100 Ml
mineral Zinc CMR)jika balita
Kali um Magnesium lupmm & 12th n Ben Kan imunisasi 36 bulan belum pernah diimunisasi

, Sep :
, ,

ti apai are cam pale &

100-200 Ml
Tika anak G) diane berikan Re so Mal Hap Kali di are ath n → atau f) MR sebelumusia 9 bulan
nap diary .

f) komplikasi → AMOXICILLIN ClsmglkgBB Po / 8jam ,

5 hari )
Pilihan antibiotic f- ( ) t kompli Kasi → GENTAMICIN 17,5mg 1kg BB IM atau IV. 1×1hail
µ ,
2 hari 5 hari
• ,, ,
④ tambahkan terqpi spesifik AM PICKIN 150mg 1kg BB AMOXICILLIN 125
-40mg 1kg BB
Unhlk intersi yg diketahui Sep :
Matan v16jam) 18 jam PO )
, ,

TB Anak HIV meningitis malaria , , ,


( )
Kalo di ped o man G) komplikasibelum membaikdlmwaktu 48jam
2011 ,
Inga pdyg ,

dpt ditambahkan kloramfenikol 125mg 1kg BB /8 jam ,

Shari ,
IV atau IN atau 16 jam

Kaw µna µ, meningitis, pilingnanny,on, unpyyg ,, pomp ,µag, kopgmokgazogp,


pan ,

( 25mg SMX ④ 5mg TMP /KGBB / 12J am ,

5 hari
) .

lakukan Pemban' an Rosana I lebih lambat dari rehidrasipadaanakdgngizibaik


Bein 5mL / 30 men it Pahtau

ajam pertama .

" " bereta- Selina door 1=75 dim dots

telahditentukan.SENAP 2AM Salama 10 jam 81h

pash tergantung seberapabanyak

→ :

anak Mau , volume tinjaygkduar apakah , anak muntah .

Selanjutnya berikan F- 75 secarateratursetiap ajam .
0 bat anti helminvite - (t) komplikasi → dptdiberikan SETELAH masukfase rehab ilitasi

↳ hang a untrue
yg G) komplikasiajaatauygtdkkomplikasijugadikasi ? ?
Di 2020 & 2019 G) tapi di 2011
pembceoiannya ,

< 5th n → WHO 2006 LLA

Untrue LLA f
75th n → Fracicncho

• Skin lesions /dermatitis ( perineum groin limbs ears armpits)
, , ,

• subcutaneous fat retention w/ loose inner
inguinal skin folds .

infiltrates )
Menumt adalah Hepatomegaly ( from fatty liver

→ nutria • .

dan atau energi Dibagi

2 kelompok Utama : MARASMUS → it occurs as a result of total calorie insufficiency this


ads to overt loss of adipose tissue & muscle wasted ( BBITB Gsp)
Kekurangan gizi → bisaakut/ Kronk disebabkan asupan Eat gin ygtdkmemadai
• → .

99h penyerapandanlatau metabolism @

2-at giziakibat pay ④ sanitasiqpenanganan
I Pemfis : • Failure to thrive → BB tidakbertambah
f) higienis ( stunting TB/Ut Wasting :B BABI underweight
pangan Rt yg (t) irritability apathy
: : •
, ,

BB / ut ,
& insutisiensildetisiensimikronutrien .
• G) sunken fontanelles as a result of dehydration .

Kdebihangizi → disebabkanolehketidakseimbangan ampan energi (energy intake) • General appearance → shrunken & wasted due to reduced

dgn energy ygdigunakan (energy expenditure) dlmwakhilama ( overweight, Obe levels of subcutaneous fat old
" "


→ man

gitag & diet terkait NCD Noncommunicable -

Diseases , Sep : Diabetes , pny .

Janning ,

(t) weight loss , initially noticeable in the groin or axilla →

Kanker) .
buttocks → face → thigh .

Hypotension hypothermia , ,
bradycardia .

KE KURA NGAN 612-1 : •

Tend to be associated w/ other micronutrient deficiencies
checklist MTBS untrue pemeriksaan giti bunk :

✓ Vit A


deficiency &
dry eyes
& Bitot


① Identities ygjelas Chama orgtua jeniskdamin tanggal lahiri


nanna anak , Umar ,

Hipokalsemia Chovsiek signs
: or

Prolonged deficiency in Vit D: associated rickets other

② Anamnesis AWAL
calcium & or

bone deformities .

• Muntah / di are →
tampilanbahanmuntahldiare.lama ,
& frekuensi .

MARAS Mcc Kwashiorkor

→ mix marasmus kwashiorkor

Mata cekung ( Yg ban terjadi ) shrunken & wasted appearance

leering → terakhir Kapan
lancing berkurang /volume t trekuensit
, , ,

G) akrallerabadingin .

kesadaran ( tampakmengantuk tidakaktif letargis) *

Menuhin , .

③ Anamnesis LANFUTAN bans


Riwayat / MPASI AN
O→ protruded

Riwayatpemberian Makan ( sebelumnya &
beberapahañsebdumsakit) .

( hepatomegali belly
(e) pitting edema
• bilateral atautampak Makin kurus
g- subrutan

→ skin
• ft) kontak dgn pendenta campak / TB lesions

(E) Sakit camp ak dlm 3 bulan lerakhir .

Riwayatpenyakit ( diary ,
15pA , campak ,
TB , dll ) → edema

• Berat tahir
↳ ↳ kwashiorkor ↳
sosial) marasmus maras mic kwashiorkor

Riwayattumbuhkembang ( visual ,
motoñk ,

ft) KMS & mdakukan penimbangan nitin di

Riwayat imunisasi & pemberian vitamin A .


① 11



(1) ggnsirkulasi akraldingin HRT kesadarant
: , ,

÷.am rectal /ear dahi 738°C armpit

suhu hipolermia ( < 36°C) ataudemam ( / :



G)anemia berat
def Vit A
. ; Icekung → dehidrasi

Obesitaslkegcmukan adalah
: obesitas

& overweight

: tanda infeksi
Abdomen → kembung . bisingusus hepatosplenomegali , jannganlemaktubuh scr berlebihan .

Kulit → tanda inleksi purpura female SC , keening

68919 Klink wajahygmembulat


Edema atrofi otot

: • • .

1^9 carbo


Untrue giti bunk , kondisiygdidapatkan ,

antara Iain :

f protein content .
• pipitembem ding pent berlipatlipat .

Usually protein malnutrition bilateral

KWASHIORKOR marked w/ severe &
extremity swelling •
Daga rangKap •
keduatungkaiumumnya mem


: .

Pemfis : • G) peripheral pitting edema that begins independent regions & proceeds cranially .

leherrelahfpendek bentuk ✗

G) Marked muscle atrophy Pada


" • • Dada yg
membusungdgn •
anak or → G) buried

Abdominal distension (± dilated bowel loops pay Udara (t ) penis

• &
hepatomegaly) .

ygmembesar .

) Ajar lemak
Round face ( prominence of the cheeks facies

or moon •
gerakan panggul
• . .

• Thin , dry peeling ,

skin w/ confluent areas of scaling & hyper pigmentation .

Kulit : Mam panas inlertrigo
acan (slipped capital femoral Epiphy -

hair that falls those's nigricans jerawat sis / SCFE)

Dry full hypo pigmented out or is easily plucked

, . ,
re latif

p.m, bum,
& din
ding point

iii. em

Distribusijaringanlemak ( temtamapdremaja)
shoulders ( back)
pinggang ( chest ( not necessarily the breast)
arms , &

APPLE shape body → 9 dada &

PEAR shape body / GYNECOID Tpinggul & paha ( I"+nFg% )

~ → .

ben tuk
kaki ✗

your hip circumference > chest

your waist isn't prominent
( chest circumference > hips
ur waist isn't prominent

weight of the 9 lean

overweight → in excess
average for height ,
body mass or adipose
or both .

Pñnsiptatalaksana overweight & obesitas adalah mengurangiasupan energi sorta mening -

Katkankduaran energi .

Tujuan utama fatal alesana → perbaikankesehatanfisikjangka panjang metaluikebiasaan

hidup yg sehat scr permanent . Ada 4 tahapdgn intensities >> . yaitu :

Pasion obese
* Tahap I pencegahan Plus

mom torus Kan diripdmakanyg
sehat & Upayapencagahan
(t) diet & jadwal Makan terencana

Tahap I Man ajemen BB tersmlktur

* → a waktu

Menonton TV ,
aktiuitas fi sik /bertha in aktif terencana (60min /day) ,


Intervensi multi disipliner menyetumh

* tahap Ii

Kuningan dokherspesialisygterlibat dotter &

@ Kuensi .

G) Pemantauan lebihterstmktur

⇐ diet
-17 Tim Multi discipliner target aktivitasfisik .

G) Evaluasi sistemik → pengukuran tubuh , diet , aktivitasfisik → di awal program & beber9Pa

interval .

Kunjungan ke dotter yg Regular

hrs dijadwalkan tiap .
MING GU 1min .
8- 12mi nggu) .

II " "

* Tahap Inlervensi Pelayanan Terrier → untie remajayqobesitasberat.lanjutan

tahap III. G) pemberian obat an ,
diet Sangat rendah Katori ,
I bedah .


Pence obesitas /
gahan .


SEKUNDER aktivitas
Pengamran diet ; ,

fink mengubahpolahidup ( perilaka) & melibatkan


kduargadlm probes terapi .

Obesity risk factors

T calories > use Mr saturated
obesitas unhealthy eating behaviors → &

fylitnyamengatasi Kecenderungan unhealthy lifestyle


jalan pintas Sep untrue me Makai . •
trans tats .
+ added
penggunaan obat an → sampaikanbahwasampaisaatiniBEWMADAOB.AT AND high amounts of stress

OBES HAS yg diperbolehkan penggunaannya pd Anak & remaja free obatdiatas) •

Age → A) childhood obesity the risk as
you age .
. ,

Unhealthy environment → low socioeconomic status , easy access to
unhealthy fastfoods ,

exposure to chemicals ( obesogens)

Family history & genetics ,
race or ethnicity
• sex → women tend to store less unhealthy fat in the abdomen than met do .

Nelson 's malnutrition weighten more to Undernutrition

Under nutrition is an IMBALANCE between nutrient requirements and intake /delivery

that then results in deficits -

of energy protein
or micronutrients -
that may negatively
affect growth & development .

The most common mechanisms for illness related -

causes of insufficient growth include :

o• Failure to ingest sufficient calories ,

or starvation leg . cardiac failure fluid restriction)

Increased nutrient losses (e. g. protein losing enteropathy

chronic diarrhea)

Increased metabolic demands (e. g. extensive burn injuries)
• Altered nutrient absorption or utilization (e.g. cystic fibrosis ,
short bowel synd ) .

ACUTE malnutrition → duration <3 months .

Malnutrition indicators if we look at it from the growth charts Pov :

Proposed suggestions for preventing obesity :

normalize BMI before pregnancy

⇐ Don't smoke
Maintain moderate exercise as tolerated
gestational weight
exclusive for 6 months continue w/ other foods for 12 months
breastfeeding :

Postpone introduction to baby foods to 4-6 months &
juices to 12 months
Eat meals as a family in a fixed place & time
Do not skip meals especially breakfast

\¥em%! %?!?!?!?!!n%d
use small

Do not use


as a
keep serving dishes

reward !
rooms ;
away from the table
restrict limes torn & videogames

Eliminate candy & cookie

sakes as fundraisers

Install water fountains hydration stations

Educate teachers .
especially physical education & science faculty ,
abt basic nutrition &
the benefits of physical activity
*" """
Additional measurements that are useful for following the progress of the acutely Mal not minimum standard of
mandate physical reduction including so min of streams exercise

n' shed child mid upper circumference CMUAC) and hand

5 times weekly
grip strength

are - -

exercise & safe play facilities for children of all ages

Increase family friendly

MUAC is a
particularly useful anthropometric measure when weight may be distorted COMMUNITIES ⇐ Discourage of elevators & moving walkways
the use
provide information on how to shop & prepare healthier versions of culture specific foods -

by use of corticosteroids or fluid status (e. g. ascites edema) → ④ also

malignancy? )
Explain the biologic or genetic contributions to obesity
of children
For children 36g o . .
hand -

grip strength maybe a more acute measurement response to nut



age-appropriate expectations for bodyweight in
toward classifying obesity as a disease to promote recognition
ppg , ,☐ypg

titional intervention than MUAC because muscle function reacts earlier to changes

dynamometer of strength
status than does muscle mass → using but still ,
there's no exact range .
To establish a healthy eating habits in children ,
we can do :

• Do not punish a child during mealtimes w/ regard to eating → the emotional

atmosphere of a meal is very important →

pleasant & happy .

• Do not use foods as REWARDS

Parents siblings & peers should model healthy eating tasting new foods &

• , .

a well balanced meal


Children should be exposed to wide

range of foods tasks & textures

a -

, ,

• New foods should be offered multiple times → to prevent favoritism &

acceptance after repealed exposure .

Forcing a child to eat certain food will decrease the child 's preference for that food →

children 's wariness of new foods is normal & should be expected

• Parents should control what foods are in the home → restricting access of foods in the

home will increase a child 's desire for that food .

children tend to be of satiety Allow children to

• more aware more than adults .
" "

to eating & stop .
Do not force children to CLEAN THEIR PLATE .
breathing & circulation ( w/ continuous monitoring of vital signs including

) of the underlying etiology (e. g. hypoglia)

ECG & determination &
The KAE has relined the definition of SE to reflect the time at which treatment should

be initialed ( tt) and time at which continuous seizure
activity leads to longterm sequelae Laboratory including glucose sodium calcium , magnesium CBC basic

m e lt
, , , ,

type of
tabolic needed for ALL PATIENTS
2) injury depending
such as panelneuronal on the SE .

Ct scan ,
& continuous EEG .
are .


> pseudo SE →
psychological conversion reaction MIMICKING SE


For generalized tonic clonic seizures SE is defined "" "min min

mutation or decerebrate / decorticate posturing


✓ as continuous convulsive activity or "


focal )
→ identifying the type of se ( generalized vs
, .

activity WITHOUT regaining of


recurrent generalized convulsive seizure consciousness .

[ subtle sym : minimal myoclonic jerks OR absent :

electro -

( t1 =
5min ; ta 330 min) .

monitoring patients who

> the therapy particularly
in are

Paralyzed intubated.
( t 1=10 m ;
For focal -
seizures SE → G) impaired awareness 1-2=30 min)

For Absence SE → t 1=10-15 mini ta =

unknown) .
The initial
emergent the raphy should be → lasting
started for convulsive seizures 75 mins &

involves the use of benzodiazepine medication .

With all options

epilepticus ( Generali respiratory de
type of convulsive status
The most SE is

- ,

common press ion is a potential side effect

for which the patient should be
2-ed tonic, Ionic ,
or tonic clonic -

) .

monitored .

If seizures persist 5 mins after the

Other types : G) non convulsive status ( focal w/ impaired awareness , absence ) initial benzodiazepine dose , 9
2nd dose of the drug should be

, myoclonic status ,
epigram ,
& neonatal 8E .

④ might need
given .

↳ rare condition

If the Emergent therapy w/ a
involving recurrent & smh Mes '
intractable focal onset → not recommended ! to be incubated
benzodiazepine is unsuccessful

seizures associated w/ retained awareness . ( persistent seizures 5 mins after

the 2nd benzodiazepine dos e) →

to phenytoin valproate , or
condition in which generalized myoclonic jerks are repeated continuously or occur

mignfneedio levetiracetam → and line

dusters lasting for a sufficiently long period usually ,

> 30min ④
Udh masuk
be ininhaled

SE is most common in chicken < 5 Y -0 .

w/ an incidence in this
age group
of > 100

per 100.000 children . The phenobarbital dose used in neonates is usually 20mg 1kg as a loading dose →
Febrile SE → the most common type of SE in children but in infants & children the dose is ,
often lower to avoid
respiratory depression

Nonconvulsive SE manifests as a confusionat state dementia , , hyperactivity w/beha The neuro critical care society Guidelines on SE
suggest that definitive seizure
viral problems ; G) FLUCTUATING of consciousness w/ at times unsteady sitting or walking control should be achieved within 60 min -

of seizure onset → which may prompt


hallucinations , paranoia aggressiveness catatonia

, ,
and/or psychotic symptoms .

opting for the more aggressive therapy in a patient who has already had convulsive
Refractory SE → is SE that has FAILED to respond to therapy usually w/ > 2 ,
seizures for 730-60 mins .

medications (such as benzodiazepine & other me d) → Theres no minimum dur .

SE SE that has FAILED to resolve or recurs within 324hr All patients w/ who respond need to be admitted for com
Superrefractory → , SE , even the ones ,
to the ICU -

despite therapy that includes a continuous infusion ( such as : midazolam &

pen to -

pletion of therapy & monitoring .

barbital) For RSE treatment ,

an IV bolus followed by continuous infusion of midazolam / propofol/

New onset refractory SE ( NORSE) → subset of

RSE that can last for several weeks or Ion -
pentobarbital / thiopental is used .

subsequent bolus &
adjustment of the rate

and often but not

always have poor prognosis of the infusion usually made depending clinical EEG responses
goer , ,

are ,
on & .

of patients paralyzed
becomes these need to intubate d & ,
the EEG the

the mechanisms leading to the establishment of sustained seizure activity seen in SE appear method of choice by which to follow them .

to involve failure of desensitization of AMPA glutamate receptors → G) persistence the is to stop electro graphic seizure activity before reducing the therapy

[ of increased
reduction of GABA mediated inhibition -
→ as a result of intracellular
→ achieved

pattern for
by com plate

I 8- 20sec
flattening of
to ensure
the EEG

interruption of electrographic
or minimal : burst suppression

seizure .

internalization of GABAA receptors .

A this explains that SE is often less likely to stop in the next specific period of time Patient receiving these therapies require careful attention to blood pressure & to

the seizure has lasted to be decreasingly

the Why benzodiazepine
longer & appear systemic ,
& Some develop multi
organ failure .

longer activity
the seizure lasts for patients have to be
It is not unusual to put into pentobarbital coma

during SE (t) >> cerebral metabolic rate give multiple vasopressors to maintain their BP during therapy
injury in SE happens coz & a corn pen

→ in cerebral blood flow that , after approximately 30min IS NOT ABLE

Suntory f- i

to keep up w/ of Leads to transition from ADEQUATE

the increases CMR → →

oxgen factors injury forming

cerebral tensions → w/ other ,
contributes to neuronal .

↳ SE is medical emergency that requires initial
a & continuous attention to securing the airway ,
the more you lose consciousness

higher amplitude slow waves dominated

(slow sleep like)
by delta oscillations


wave -

(burst suppression) → G) alternative isoelectric lines & bursting

Inadequate intake is the most common etiology seen in primary care se

Failure Thrive

to < 8 Weeks problems w/ feeding (e.g. poor sucking &

things .
In infants ,

F This is a common term used to describe lack of adequate weight gain in pediatric aged -

swallowing) and breastfeeding difficulties are prominent .

tients → BBIU < 5th percentile on standardized growth charts

a decrease in weight percentile For older infants , difficulty transitioning to solid foods insufficient bra ,

of 7 2 major percentile lines on the growth chart ,

or < 80th percentile of median BB / TB ast milk or formula consumption ,
excessive juice consumption ,
& parental

atau BB / PB ratio .
avoidance of high calorie food often lead to FTT .

pathological explanations for FTT can be broken into one of the
following groups : Family factors can contribute to inadequate caloric intake at
any age .

Failure of food intake underlies most these include mental health disorders ,
inadequate nutritional know -

of FTT and includes ledge financial difficulties POVERTY is the greatest single risk factor
nearly all & .

episodes due to for FTT in developed &

developing countries
nonorganic causes

It often hinges on the parent child

Importantly .
Child neglect or abuse must be considered because chit ,

interaction :
maybe the parent not dren w/ FTT are 4 times more likely to be abused than children

offering enough food the children

W/out FTT .

sing to take enough food or a


of both .

Failure of utilisation is generally due An accurate detailed .

ace -

to gastrointestinal cause resulting in aunt of a child 's eating ha -

poor digestion . reduced absorption ,

bits , caloric intake ,
& parent

or excessive losses .
child interaction should be

the age of the child may hold dues obtained as a key step in de -

to the diagnosis ,
e.g. coeliac disease doesn't termining the etiology of

usually cause problems until after the in -


trodaction of gluten containing solids

, ,
so fall off in growth is usually observed from 4- 8

Months of age .

Increased requirements occur in those infants who have a higher metabolic rate due to

chronic illness .

The first consideration in an infant

presenting w/ presumed FTT is identifying
variants of growth :

those infants born of small

parents be small from birth
& will grow along their low
line for weight both

falling (sometimes below their

their weight percentiles for short periods of time) → at the lower end of normal .

Those infants w/ constitutional delay in growth ( delayed length or height rather than weight)
is delayed by months compared to their peers of the best identified
years same age → .

by bone age assessment (

most unreliable in the first 12 months of life) .

Premature neonates will often grow below but parallel to the normal growth curve ,
but when
corrected for gestation their growth parameters will usually fall within the normal range .

The final group of normal infants are those who are larger than expected at birth leg .

w/ gestational diabetes)
Macrosonic infants of mothers &
postnatally experience a period of

percentiles upward into the normal


catch dow growth ( growth restricted babies who


range crosses percentiles downward) →

diagnosis best made in retrospect after other

have been excluded the infant has shown to have steadied

& their growth been out in

to follow a lower growth percentile line .

8in drom Horner → ptosis ⑦ miosis ④ anti hidrosis ⑦ Mata cekang ⑦
Pemepiksaan Fisik (OFFLINE) pucat .

KEPALA 1- lagoftalmus →
tidakmenutupsempurna ;
± hemangioma , ± horde -


Bentuk & UKU ran → makrosefali ( > normal) → Kareena hid rosetalus Trckomunikans & non -
Roma - Clum

nikans ) ATAU megalensetali (Kepala besar, dani lebar ,

G)ggnneurologi ) .
Alis & but U Mata :
bayi prema her Tbelumfumbuh Pada find Cornelia de . .

(< normal ) → & Sind Waardenburg alis Kin Menyatu di tengah


mikrosetali Karen a retard asi mental / motorik Tr ,

disgenesis otak ,

& Kanan .

infeksi virus Kongenital .

Glandular lakh Matis & du Klus nasolakoimalis : abnormal → 36 bulan ,

Kontrof Kepala → Taha pan pen anda -

o -

1 bulan → leherdiangkat kepalajatuh beta Kang belumlerbuka ( air Mata mengalir temp ; ± epifora fproduksi 1^99 )


biladidudukkah Mata dehidrasi def Vit A, Sjogren

kepalajatuhkedepan .

Kering t → ,
. .

synd .

umurzmgg ,
zbu ,an µ, Akhirbu,an ke -
z → bike : ± per.darahan.hiperemia1pe1ebaranp@mb.daran ,
edema ,
sekret ) .

tonic neck reflex (TNR) Oftalmianeonatomm G) gonorrhoeae palpebral
asymmetric Kepala sejenak :

,, vitamin , ✗a. µ, , mia , managing, : * , ,, , gang

, , paan ,, ,aµ ,,, ,m, , an →,.,..apa ,

gga , .

) tengan
Kiri ,
yg ipsilateral ( Kiri ) akan Saat walau behem stabit tire
Bitot 's spot ,
xerosis Kornea , teratoma/ asia ( penipisankornea → ulcer)

Kato JELAS bim osteogenesis

EKSTENSI dan ygkontralateral Kanan) 5 balan → Kepalategak Saat duduk .
sklera : normal → putih ,
pdbayisedikitkebi man .

dlm Cta glukoma Marfan synd I nevus ikteñk
→ pelan hiking , ,
. ; ,

4- 6 bulan ( NORMALNYA) Kornea : normal hams jernih ; I kekemhan ulkus , , pera dangan ( keratitis .
. glukoma ,

avitaminosis A , mukopolisakañdosis) .

Kraniotabes → arang dan diatastelingadgn Pupil :
normal berbentuk but at & Simen's ( 3 -4mm) .
Peri Ksa ref leks
cahaya Clangsung

cukupkeras → normal :
£6 bulan seperti men@Kan bola ping pong .
& konsensual) , akomodas ( dekat → Kecil .
jauh → besar) .

kompresiotar → (→

abnormal :
(f) rakitis sifilis hipervitaminosis A sefalus .
Midriasis (di Iasi pupil) → G) rangsang simpah's buta 17K ,
Komal →
, , , ,


Tanda Macewen / cracked -

pot sign → ketukkanjañpdtengkorak → ④ ada suara soup potretak .

Miosis (pupil Kecil ) → Sind Horner lesiotak .

normal :
Saat ubun " Masih lerbuka abnormal :
Pupil Putih → KataraK , retinopatipd premature displasia retina ; pupil Merah → albinism

Sudan menhtup → 17k / dilatasiventikelotak .

Lens a :
normal → jernih ; I hekeruhan (Katarab) ,
subluksasi / distorsi lensa / Marfan Synd) .

Rambut & keel it tepala → warna ,

kdebatan ,
dishibusipertumbuhan .
→ G) Mannu nisi :
Eksoftalmus enoftalmus ,

Merah jagung leering mudahdicabut

, , .

Lihatkulitkepala ,
I infeksi , hemangioma ,

Ubun (Fontanel ) neonates suit teraba Kareena G) molding tengkorakferhuupsaat

→ normal :

Usia 6 bulan -
1 thn .

Terlambat → raki tis , imperfecta rubella Kong mat

, .

nuwisi Sind Down

, .

Kecepatan → kraniosinostosis & osteoporosis .

BenMk :
N Cdataratausedikitcerung) → G) menonjol
TPTIK , maple syrup
urine disease hidrosetalus hematoma subdural dll HiceKung
, meningitis ,
, .

dehidrasi ,
malnuhisi .

Wajah → G) asimemiwajah →
paralisiswajahcwajahyg paresis tertinggal ,

G) pembengkakan → edema ,


Dismorfik → Down syndrome →

trisomy 21 ,
craniofacial dysmorphic (upward slanting palpebral
fissures epi canthat folds low ,
set small folded

ears ,
flattened nasal bridges ,

short neck ,

Pierre robin -

syndrome → fetal oral & Maxillofacial malformation :

(e) u shaped deft

palate posterior displacement of tongue Cglossoptosis)

, , micrognathia (gd dagu) .

William syndrome deletion of chromo som 7. Elfin facies (long philtrum



abnormally ,
broad forehead , puffiness around the eyes & nose ,

) nasal bridge .

Hipertelorisme jaraKantar pupil

→ >>
tekkantus normal
tanks medians bergoserke lateral

Mata → Visas :
dinilai scr kasar → neonates brxterhadapcahaya ,
1 bulan sudahmelihatbenda ,

bulan Mengikutigerakjari 26 bulan sudan bisgmefokuskan & mengenali sua tu Benda .

Palpebral :
Isimem's (Mata terbuka)
± ptosis Galah Sam tdkdptlsulitmembukaltertinggal ) .
P ,
L tha z bulan 16 hari

BB 10kg
PB 80km 70cm

UNIUK memplotkan Usia →

completed MONTHS & YEARS
Curia jangan dibulatkan hrs


garis vertikalnya goiboleh dilengah )




Kalo untuk ✗ di TB / PB kadang berko ma dan bolen dibulatkan

I Tapi , bisaditengah Kareena .


Kalo BB /TB > + ISD :

Ñe%%¥nak ath . imunisasi sndah sampai 9 bulan

-1 imunisañsdasar
lengkap .

Hep B OPV -0
Bayi uit K →
bam tahir → .
→ .

Rhum untie OPV

egg wajib dip arhatiknn warn@→ Merah gabisa oupake
lagi [ hammy a
agar jingo

1 bulan Kati BCG pedant Kalan expired


→ → NaCl → ,
can NaCl lain Icc

2 bulan → pentavalen ( merle Penta bio ) :


[ expired

toes kocok ( homogenitas) → idea

Inga :

ditunggn 60 men it ,

chela Valeria OPV

" "
mganduny tapi prakñsnya is merit

3 tri OPV P1 ,
P2 , PB
Varsin MR →
pelamtaquades 0150

sekarang rolling OPV )

hang OPV (2 teles)

a Meng
P1 ,
Pz ( bi -

Doris → qgcc pec . BCG ( 0,05 cc ) &

Pem hen an IPV → a) P2 →

unmkmeningkatkan pqmberian intramuscular , hee BCG Cinmakutan)

→ .

imun untie Varian polio z MR Csubkutan)

OPV (fetes)

Anak 1- SD →
HD →
T⑨→ Yeo diterñ pd DT Karena reaksi KIM pdanakusia 37thn Iebihgampangterjadi,hanyaunhek/-kpsp lcuruaperhimbuhan
BB 2000g r Usia WHO
unmnbayi pumatur
→ 1

(④ pembulatan)

Seng anak g bulan ,

G) Hb ,
OPV -0 , pentavalent ,
OPV -2
BCG → selelah itu gd lagi
↳ utamakan yg Sentai jadwal dilanjutkan ,
imhamsnya dpt apa ,
lalu lanjutkan be ygterlewatdgn seeking 1 bulan .

vaktin hidup HRS defeat he freezer , bukan dlm free teruya FRL → Langan pemahletarranuansin
↳ ↳ nantibenubrrr di pinna kulkas .

gyaratguhu hulks hrs 2- 8°C

Langan letakkan minor man keaeali 1 air mineral di pin he vimsmah

kulras untie

menjagasuhu Saat Mah lampu .

Kaya lagu nassar

i ca Cantin

milestone Chal -421 → Satu tidak ,

penggunuanbuku KIA , pd pemeñksaan Saja langsunglanjut ke KPSP
Pasion TB anak dpt ditemukan metal ai
pen dekatan Utama

ftikontakeratdgn pasion TB menu lar

Hin is Sesma it Banak
- ( t) tanda gejala
droplet infection Karana infekgi scr inhalant Maka
Penal aran TB
biasanya →

droplet nukleiyg Kecil Saja 11-5 mikron )

hang ygdptmelalui & Menembus Sis Rekomendasi pendekatan diagnosis TB pd anak

a :

Anamnesis ( Kontakarat patientB gejala Klin is sesuai TB)

temmukosilier Satu ran napasuntukmencapaibronkidus & alveolus .
Basil TB ber -

kembangbiak & menyebar metal ni Sala ran limb & alirandarah .

② Pemfis (term asukanalisistumbuhkembang)
③ Uji tuberculin

Sampai pd alveolus Akan terjadi rxinflamagi . non spesifik Makrofag .

akan memfa ④ Konfirmasi bakleriologis (TCM ,
BTA smear, PCR Kultur , B)
gosit Basil TB tetqpi tidaksemtlanya man ⑤ Penunjanglainyg RELEUAN ( chest ✗
ray lambat pungsi
, ,
bio psi →

menyebar LIMFOGEN →
kelenjar regional Semai
organ ygkrkena)


menyebar HEMATOGEN →
organ tub uh lain )
⑥ Henning HIV (Kalo Hain HN

ga disebelahnya .

Batur lama / persilen Ming gu (

> non remitting tidakpernah reda /

w w.npganamn.g umum/
72 :

Pada (
organ terlenfu Pam lemtamalapangan atas , ginjal ,
otak) ,
basil berkombang intensities D) iselelah penyebab Iain DIAN 6 KIRKAN

biak scr luas .

Sewakhi imUnitas spesifik Malai terbentuk ,
tubuh akan
mengham . •
Demain lama 72 minggu (umumnya sub febrile ,Ikeñngatmalam①

perkembangan basil TB → G) Sakit TB krn imun spesifikcc (1^9 balita , Usia •
f) Natsu Makan /K aan G) failure to thrive Cmeskipun c-Dupaya

pubertas daya tahan tubuh Menuhin)

. . perbaikangiti 1-2 bulan ini )


guy, µ ,, ana , g.
ang m ,, , KM / Malaise

gum, ,, ,, , , , , ,
umum : de Mam tama (? ) sebab It BB anorexia iesu ••
gpegifik g- away ,

( lerganheng organ terlibat)

, ,

spesifik :
gibbus .
Pemeriksaan bakteriologis → mengidenhfi Kasi Basil tahan asam CBTA)

Demain pd TB anak biasanya tidakterlalu tinggi . naiktumn ,

berlangsungaekup lama → secaralangsuhg dan Mycobacterium tuberculosis daribiakanataumetode
direct smear Untk BTA
hrs singkirtan penyebabdemam lama ( 72 minggu) lainnya .
Untrue penumnan BB , perla di . men ✗
bi akan /Kultur untukmenumbuhkar
avigai TB apabila telahdiberikantatalaksanagititetapbelumaao.perbaikan .

Pada anak Masih lebihdiutamakan

kUltur>T → Karen a TCM f) tidak

Gejalabatukkrohik ( 32 minggu) mempakan gejala Utama pd TB dewasa ,

TIDAK mempa -
Selalu menunjukah pasion bukan TB .

5th n
Ctlgejala TB

ygmenonjol Jambi /
3 Cara MEN

pd TB anak
gejala .

f) dahak dikumpulkan

sampelbakteri dogs Asp , RAgypxagh.AM BUNG → ,

3 hañberhlmt Pd

prosesnya di parenkim → f)reseptor bank Kalan G) ba pagihañ

Disebabkan Karen a pd anak ,

INDUKSI SPUTUM → semua lemur lebihefekhf hasil .

aspirasilambung ,

Sampaio bait lime positive

tuk biasanya disebabkan pembesarankelenjar yg menekanbwnkus → menekanreseptor bank di

brohkus Rohtak etat doth pasien TB menu lar ( BTA-10) G)number pen
AWAYat → -

TT Peri distal away
ularan → Perla
Gibb" →
dari anterior longitudinal radiologi scatoping vertebra


,a khum, Penunjan C-Dtonjolan Kecil temtama di limbus → kumpulan TUBERKULIN ( Utama untukmembantumenegakkan diagnosis
konjungtiuitis pliklenulan's

- →

neurotic dikdilingi set limosit makrofag & I set daria berink

banyak.mempaKanmanifestasialergi@ndogen.h ④
B Pd Math Purified Standard ( PPD s)
Protein Derivatives

dak disebabkan protein bakfeñ

a of tuberculin

deh bakteñ lain Sep . stafilokokus .

benjolanyg multiple tidaknyeritekan

skrohelo derma dgn kulit DilatesKan Mantwux (intraKatan)
→ A) , ,
warn a Cara

bridging ) berwarna livid e ( bluish red

transversal indurasinya dlm 48-72jam selelahpenyuntikan ameter

bed akan limtadenih's banal


IMMUNOCOMPETENT terma sukyg G) vaksin BCG

Dinyatakan positif bila →
a) in Ieksi TB
1- (1) sateit TB g- d 710mm

Deteksi dini TB Pada anak -1 TT tuberculin test IMMUNOCOMPOMISED → HIV ,
Kel hi last d 75mm
Pemeriksaanpenunjang lain searing adalah foto f Paratrateal

yg rontgent atelectasis
Ctidakkhas) →
major clinical stages of tuberculosis


etusi pleura gbranmilier ,

are 3 :

( / | |
Diagnosis pash

: Kultur dahak → soul it dilakukan & R false


negative alternant PCR / TOM →

"" " " " """ " " """ "" "

Mycobacterium tuberculosis , tidak bisa membedakan TB akhf / A) infeksi TB dgn pasca • TST or IGRA f) (t) ( t)

TB (letapmendeleksi DNA Kaman TB ygtelah Mati ) . → Kultur juga bisa dari bit as 1amBung CSF •
chest x-ray e) ) granuloma or

, ,
G) >
calcifications in
Cai ran
pleura ,
ataubiopsijahhgan .

the lung parenohym

lain → ujiserologi Physical G) plus sign &
WHO tidakmerekomendasikan untrue f)
Upaya diagnosis
exam f)
tujuan diagnosis


TB pam Kareena hasn't poemeriksaanygtidakkonsislen &
tidaktepat &

lebihunggul di banding tuberculin test Uji tuberculin A) menandakan G) reaksi hypersensitivities trhadap

) ygdiberikan TB (tuberkuloprotein → PERNAH ADA Kelman ygmasuk

Perjalanan penyakit
tahan setelah anak


menjadi indicator G) transmit
TB dikomunitas

dlmtubuh anak → sudah TERI

it TB
radio logis
→ G) Klin is
cepat , pasientdkperlu dating 2 Kali
Ii hat
KeungGalan bisamembedakan - ⑦ dañ BCG
\ } tuberculin tidakbisa , tapi sama
Semuabayidgn RX Pat <
aminggustlhvaksin BCG →
storing !
⑦ inleksi alarm

IGRA gabisabedaininkksiatausakit TB .

kesimpulan si stem storing :

Stor 36 → di diagnosis TB anak Klinis & Seg era beri OAT

② Star = 6 -
. TST ④ / ( ) cc
t ④
gejalalainnya → di diagnosis

ps Yang dikasi
OAT td hrs
\ TB anak Klin is

& Seg era beri

Ict) cc -0 gejalalainnya

→ di diagnosis
dipantau Kalo G) perbaikan Klin is
prog ,gµg,

, anjuman nay,, yay, y, , y ,, yg , ,µµ,

µ, µ , ,
mga , ,
TST -0 / f) cc ④ gejala observasi 2-4

minggu ,

Kalan menetap ,
eualuasikembali kemungkinan

diagnosis TB & mjuk Ice tastes lebih tinggi .

TB Yg didiagnosis dgnsislem storing terma tuk dim klasifikasi TB

ler -

diagnosis Saara Klin is .

Penutian diagnosis TB anak :

Definisi teams : TB konfirmasi bakteridogis /TB terdiagnosis Klin is

Lokasianatomi Pam /ekstrapamlsesuai organ )

• :

pemeriksaanhistopatologilemtama-di.laKu Kan pd TB Ekstra pan dgn Metodebiopsieksisi •

Riwayatpengobatan oat
sebelumnya : bane /
pengobatanulang (relapse)
Catan FNAB bilatidak mungkin dgn hash yg diharapkan .
G) granuloma dgn nekron's perkejuan di tengah DAN /ATAU Pemeriksaanbakteridogis & BTA Ctf) 1+1-7
nya Uji kepekaan TCM MTB
• :
, , ,

G) gamba ran set datia langerhans ,

DAN / ATAU MR / PR/ MDR / ✗DR / Rifampicin resistant

Kleman TB • Status HIV : (t) / t) / tidakdiketahui

Foto thorax → TI DAR KHAS ,

kecuali TB Mili er , sehingga t dijadikandasar utama
TB (disease )
tempi Cpengobatan ) → G) sakit
diagnosis Banak .
Tata/ alesana TB anak ( Ponce primer
gahan ( profit ( exposure]
profitalesis sekunder
Untuk Sislem storing sebagai bantuan penegakan diagnosis setdah anamnesis ⑦ pemh's ( inaction)

HANYA dilakukan di tastes PRIMER Yg TERBATAS (tenaga med is atau Pada anak pesiko TB milieritu pd 5th n & metabolism eobat
perangKat anak < →

diagnosis) .
jugalebihcepat → memerlukandosisyglebih tinggi .

storing HANTA dipakaiuntuk deteksidini (screening)
Untuk tastes yg LENGKAP , , Pemboñan OAT LEI LEBIH BAIK di
banding .


( 15mg)

(dibuku 30 -40 mg
dgn med :

( 20mg)

( bike BB Karang ,
perbaikan giti duty & evaluasi
Selamat bulan)

} Yang tidakmembaik
di puskesmas

ft) intiltrat , atelectasis konsolidasi segmental 110bar milier
, , ,

Kalsifikasi ⑦ infiltrate tuberaeloma

pseudo mem



4 Is an acute toxic infection caused by Corynebacterium species typically Corynebacterium ,

Coynebacteria are aerobic , non -

encapsulated , non-spore-forming mostly non ,

Monte pie ,

bull neck L-
om Orphic , gram ⑦ bacilli .
Selective medium leg cystine .
tellurite blood agar or tinsdate appearance

agar ) that inhibits growth of competing organisms is required for isolation and ,
when the characteristic of adherent membrane ,
extension beyond the Palatine

by C. diphtheriae. renders colonies gray -
black .
lfaucial) area , dysphagia ,
& relative lack of fever help differentiate diphtheria

from exudative caused by Streptococcus

pharyngitis pyogenes or EBU .

Unlike other diphtheroids Coorynetorm bacteria) , which are ubiquitous in nature ,

C. diph -

Patients w/ laryngeal diphtheria are at significant risk for suffocation because

then ae is an EXCLUSIVE inhabitant of human mucous membranes & skin .

Spread is prima - of local tissue edema & airway obstruction by the membrane .

w/ of
lily by airborne
respiratory droplets ,
direct contact
respiratory secretions symptomatic
individuals .
or exudate from infected skin lesions . ② Cutaneous
important in transmission Skin infections ↳ indolent progressive infection characterized by superficial ecthyma like
respiratory tract carriage
ASYMPTOMATIC is & skin car non a
, ,

n'age are SILENT reservoirs of c. diphtheria e. &

organisms can remain viable in dust or tomites non -

healing ulcer w/ a gray -

brown membrane .

for up to 6 months .
often coexist w/ staphylococcal & streptococcal skin infection (dermatosis laceration , ,

burn bite , .
or impetigo →
primary process )
when diphtheria was endemic , it primarily affected < 15
yo children Since the introduction
of Extremities > trunk or head →
pain tenderness erythema
, , ,
& exudate 1^9 , hyper/
natural natural exposure th
toxoid immunization ,
the disease has shifted to ADULTS who lack hyperesthesia .

to toXi genic c. diphtheria e in the vaccine era & have low rates of booster immunization .

←☒!I%!m• '!onI: riw1?n;ni*dad

③ Infection
" ""
Factors contributing to the epidemic include at other sites
decreased childhood immunization rates
↳ Inthe
failure to respond aggressively during early phases
ear ( otitis externa ) , eye (purulent & Ulcerative
conjunctivitis) ,
& the geni .

of the epidemic
tal tract [ purulent

membrane form
& Ulcerative Valvo
vaginitis) → E) ulceration -

PATHO6ENESl5_ ation ,
& submucosal bleeding help differentiate from other causes .

infection The
Both toxigenic &
hontoxigenic C- diphtheria e cause skin & mucosal .

usually remains in the superficial layers of skin lesions or
respiratory tract mucosa
indu -


Cincy local inflammatory reaction .

Specimens for culture should be obtained from the nose , throat, and

the major virulence of the organism lies in its ability to produce potent polypeptide exotoxin Maco cutaneous lesion .
A portion of membrane should be removed & submi -

which inhibits protein synthesis & causes local tissue necrosis & resultant local inflam tied for culture w/ underlying exudate

along .

Evaluation of a direct using Gram stain specific fluorescent antibody is

Malory response smear


culture isolates of
Within the first few
days of respiratory tract infection (usually in the pharynx) a ,
dense necrotic conyneform organisms should be identified to the species level
coagulum of organisms , epithelial cells fibrin leukocytes,
, , & erythrocytes forms INITIALLY , ,
toxigenicity & antimicrobial sensitivity tests should be performed for c. diph -

white & advancing to become a

gray -
brown .
leather like adherent PSEUDO MEMBRANE ( dip -
thence isolates .

in Greek)
" "

htheña → leather . Removal is difficult & reveals a bleeding edematous submucosa .

Paralysis of the palate &

hypo pharynx is an early local effect of diphtheria toxin .
respiratory tract obstruction by pseudo membrane (may require
bronchoscopy or intubation and mechanical ventilation ) & 2 other remote tissues aflec -

CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS ( based on the anatomic site of infection) ted by diphtheritic toxin → heart & nervous
system .

① Respiratory tract

↳ Tonsil or
pharynx > nose > larynx TREATMENT
Infection of the anterior nares is more common
among infants → a) Serco sanguineous purulent , (t) specific antitoxin as the mainstay of therapy ,
but only available in US from

erosive rhinitis w/ membrane formation ,

shallow ulceration of the external nares & upper lip CDC → neutralizes only free toxin & the efficacy diminishes w/ elapsed time

In tonsilar &
pharyngeal diphtheria e → (t) sore throat [ universal

early symptom) mild after the onset of mucocutaneous symptom

⑤Ykg g y

pharyngeal injection UNI /Bilateral tonsillar membrane formation (which can extend

to the front or back area ) .

The role of antimicrobial therapy is to halt toxin production ,
treat localized info -

( prevent transmission of
1=7-10 days
Underlying soft
tissue edema & enlarged lymph nodes → cause bull -

neck appearance .
ti on ,
& the
organism to contacts .

& airway compromise if theres an extension further into the pharynx .
-50mg 1kg BB/day divided dose per 6 hrs Poor IV i Max
Penicillin 100.000-150 ooo 1411eg BB /day divided per 6 hrs
9-49 eons crystalline G → .
, IV or IM

procaine penicillin / KGBB / day per 12hr5 IM BBE 101-9


-1300.000 IUIKGBB

for 14

Elimination of the organism should be documented by negative results of at least 2 successive cultures of Goo -
ooo / day per -12 hrs .
IM → BB > 10×9 days !

specimens from the nose & throat for skin) obtained 24hr apart after the completion of the therapy .
Treatment w/ erythromycin is repealed if either culture yields c. diphtheriae.
SUPPORTIVE CARE substances to trigger
Immunogenicity → the ability of different an ad .

} 0%7:L!:p; tahr:Y?g"an!
" the
Droplet precautions → for patients w/ pharyngeal diphtheria cultures of specimen after cessation
aptive cellular & humoral cell immune response that is LONG TERM -

precautions for patients w/ diphtheria


contact → cutaneous leads to immunological memory .

Reactogenicity → refers to a subset of reactions that occur soon after va .

Cutaneous wounds are cleaned

thoroughly w/ soap & water .
Bed rest are essential during the acute Cci nation ,
& are a
physical manifestation of the inflammatory response

phase of disease usually for ,

72 weeks .
to vaccination .

PREVENTION For persons 3 7-

. not
previously immunized for diphtheria three ,

protection serious disease caused by imported or

indigenously acquired C- diphtheria e depends on 015 me dose of lower-level diphtheria containing (with D= ) vaccine
against -

immunization .
are given in a
primary series of 2 doses at least 4 WEEK APART &

Asymptomatic case contact a 3rd dose 6 months after the 2nd dose → Tdap → Td → Td


All household contacts & people who have had intimate respiratory or habitual physical contact w/ a Those whose immunization is begun w/ DTap or DT before 1-
year of age

patient are
closely monitored for illness for 7- days . should 've a total of five 0,5 me dose of diphtheria containing

Cultures of the nose , throat and cutaneous lesions are performed Antimicrobial prophylaxis is vaccine by 6 year of age

,→% ¥o¥ FM
administered regardless of immunization status using
SINGLE injection of beneath in e penicillin (
6 600.000

for f Gyo , 1.200.000 units IM for > 69.07

, its 1M

140 -50mg 1kg BB / day divide 4×1day .


days .
max .
and an .

, d)
Diphtheria toxoid vaccine ,
in age appropriate form ,
is given to immunized individuals who have not

receive a booster dose within 5yr .

children who haven't received their 4th dose ( 18th month of life)
should be vaccinated Those who have received .
<3 doses of diphtheria toxoid or who have uncertain

immunization status should be immunized w/ an

age-appropriate preparation on a primary schedule .

Asymptomatic carnies
[ When antimicrobial given for
they identified prophylaxis is 10-14 days & an
are ,

of immediately dipthena toxoid is administered if a booster has not been given within 1- year .

Droplet cutaneous precautions observed until at least 2 subsequent cultures obtained 24hr
or are
after cessation of have results
therapy negative .

Repeat cultures are performed about 2 weeks after completion of therapy for cases & carriers ; if results

are positive ,
an additional 10 -

day course of oral erythromycin should be given & follow up -

cultures performed .

P.s. Only those who have an UNUSUAL contact w/ respiratory or oral secretions should be managed
as CONTACTS Investigation of the casual contacts of patients carriers or persons in the


without known exposure has

yielded extremely carriage low rates & not routinely recommended .

£ immunization does not preclude subsequent respiratory carriage of
Althing or cutaneous

decreases local tissue spread , prevent toxic ,
diminishes transmission of the

organism ,
provides herd immunity when at least 70-801 . of a population is immunized .

2 preparations of diphtheria toxoids formulated according to the limit of flocculation (4)


of quantity of
a measure the toxoid .

Pediatric preparations Gmo Gyr) -

→ i. e. DTAP ( Diphtheria ,
tetanus toxoid ,
a cellular Pertussis vaccine

DT ( Diphtheria & tetanus toxoid vaccine) : G) 6,7 -25 Lf units of diphtheria toxoid / 0,5mL dose .

\ Adult
preparations ( 77 yo) → Td : (t) 10% of pediatric diphtheria toxoid dose ; Tdap ( diphtheria &

tetanus toxoid ,
& acellular pertussis vaccine) :
G) I 2- 2,5 Lf units of toxoid per 0,5mL dose .

The higher potency ( with D=) formulation of toxoid is used for primary series & booster doses for children

through 6 yr of age because of superior immunogenicity & minimal reactogeni city For individual .
> 7- yo .

Id is recommended because the lower concentration of diphtheria toxoid is adequately immunogenic

& increasing the content of diphtheria toxoid heightens reactogeni city w/ increasing age .
whoop follows inspired

purple until coughing , ceases & a loud as air traverses

the still partially closed airway .


Acute pertussis intense cough POSTTUSSNE EMESIS is common & exhaustion is universal The number&

respiratory tract infection ,

, preferable than whooping .

cough .
cot most infected individuals donot"wh" severity of paroxysms escalate over days to a week & remain at that
for days to weeks →
peak : >1 episode hourly .

Bordetella pertussis is the cause of epidemic pertussis & the usual cause of sporadic pertussis They .

③ convalescent stage [72 weeks) → number ,

severity & duration of episodes dimi -

are exclusive pathogens of humans & some

primates Cases typically
occur in immunocompromised nish .

persons children w/ intense exposure to animals

young .

Infants ( 3 months old the classic stages The catarrhal

Neither natural disease nor vaccination provides complete or lifelong immunity against Do NOT display .

lasts only a few then after the most

pertussis reinfection or disease .
days or is unnoticed ,
insignificant startle
from a draft , light ,
sound . sucking ,
or stretching , a well -

appearing young infant

PATHOGENESIS begins to choke gasp gag

, ,
& flail the extremities w/ face reddened ,

Bordetella organisms are small , fastidious , gram f) Coccobacilli that colonize only cilia -

Apnea cyanosis can follow

& a coughing paroxysm ,
or apnea can occur as the only
ted epithelium .
symptom ( WITHOUT cough) .
Both are more common w/ pertussis than w/ neonatal

Only B. pertussis expresses Pertussis toxin ( PT) the , major virulence factor . PT has numerous pro - viral infection .

Paradoxically , in infants , cough & Whooping may become louder

Ven biologic activity (e.g. histamine sensitivity insulin .

secretion , leukocyte dysfunction) .
B. pertussis & more classic in convalescence .

produces an array of other biologically active substances After aerosol acquisition filamentous
. :

agg les 3).

pert (
some latino
gens p. Fimbriae [ Fim) types 2 and
and the 69 kDa -
actin Prn) protein are Adolescents & previously immunized children have foreshortening of all stages of

important of attachment to ciliated respiratory epithelial cells .

pertussis .
Adults have no distinct stages .
Classically ,
adolescents & adults describe

a sudden feeling of strangulation followed by uninterrupted coughs feeling of guff , .

inhibit clearance of bursting headache gasping breath

TÉadE & ,
PT →
organisms . ocation ,
diminished awareness & then a , usu -

↳ predominantly responsible for the local epithelial damage that

produces resp .

symptoms & facilitates absorption of PT .

Ally without a whoop .

Both antibody & cellular immune responses follow infection & immunization .
Antibody to PT neutralizes toxin ,

antibody to Prn enhances opsono phagocytosis .
Disease as well as DPT appear to drive a mixed cellular Posttussive emesis & intermittency of paroxysms separated by hours of well-being

& antibody (th 1) immunologic response while DTAP

& Tdap drive a narrow antibody -
dominant (Thz) response .
are specific clues to the diagnosis Distinguished .
from other nonspecific cough

illness by duration : 721 days .

Physical examination :
conjunctival hemorrhages & petechiae on the upper body are

common found .


should be suspected in any individual who has a pure or predominant complaint

of cough especially if the following features fever, malaise

, are ABSENT :

exanthem or en anthem ,
sore throat , hoarseness . .
Wheezes , & rates .

Filamentous ( FHA) mediating adhere Pertussis should be suspected older children whose cough illness is
hemagglutinin is considered to be the major surface structure in
escalating at

nce to host cells , primarily to cilia on the airway ciliated epithelium . 7-10 days & Whose coughing is not continuous ,
but rather comes in burst It .

Adenylate cyclase toxin (Act) modifies a heparin inhibitable carbohydrate binding

domain of FHA to should be suspected in infants <3 Months old w/ gagging gasping apnea , ,

enhance its ability to mediate adherence to cultured lung epithelial cells , , cyanosis ,
or an apparent life -

threatening event → sudden infant death 1^9

CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS Unless an infant w/ pertussis has

secondary pneumonia ( and then appears it D.
Classically Pertussis
is a prolonged disease ,
divided into catarrhal , paroxysmal ,
& convalescent stages . the findings on examination between paroxysms ,
including RR , are entirely

Catarrhal stages ( 1-2 weeks) begins insidiously after incubation period ranging from 3-12
days Foreign body aspiration should be considered in the differential di agnosia

→ an normal .

w/ non -

distinctive symptoms of congestion & rhino rrhea (⑦ low grade fever ,

sneezing ,
lacrimation ,

conjunctival suffusion)
Leukocytosis 115-000-100-000 cells / Mt ) caused by absolute

② Paroxysmal stage 12-6 weeks) → marked w/ cough which begins as dry intermittent irritative hack
, . is characteristic in the catarrhal stage Lymphocytes
are normal small cells .

& evolves into the inexorable paroxysms that are the hallmark of pertussis A well appearing w/ viral infections
rather than the large atypical lymphocytes seen


playful toddler w/ insignificant provocation suddenly expresses an anxious aura & may clutch Absolute increase in neutrophils suggests a differential diagnosis or secondary

comforting beginning
cough single adult before a machine gun burst of uninterrupted
on a bacterial infection .

chin & chest held forward

exhalation , , tongue protruding maximally eyes bulging , & watering face ,
chest radiographic findings are only mildly abnormal in the majority of hospitalized infants ,
Sho -

An antimicrobial agent always is given when pertussis is suspected or confirmed to

wing perihilar infiltrate edema (sometimes w/ a butterfly appearance ) & variable atelectasis decrease possible clinical benefit
or .

contagiousness & to afford .

• Triste of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis → macrolide (erythromycin azithro


Polymerase chain reaction ( PCR) testing on nasopharyngeal wash specimens is the labora-
mycin , ,
etc ) use in young infants lesp < 14 days old) < BENEFITS

of choice of pertussis identification If it only single primers ( IS 481) cannot SMH for infants
§E Trimethoprim
tory test B. . uses Alternative : -
sulfa methoxazole (TMP -
> 2 Months old

differentiate between Bordetella spp .

Multiplex assays using multiple targets can distinguish ☐ & children unable to receive atithro (④ CUS risk , allergic to macrolides infected , w/ rare
species .

§ macrolide
resistant strain ) .

For culture ,
a specimen is obtained by deep nasopharyngeal aspiration or w/ the use of
Age :
Azithromycin EÑ danthromycin TMP SM ✗-

a flexible swab held ,

in the posterior nasopharynx for 15 -30sec Cor until cough occurs) .

isolation media Lowe charcoal agar w/ 10% horse blood & 5- 40

The preferred are Regan -

µg 1mL ceph alexin and Stainer Scholle media w/ cyclodextrin

resins .

Direct fluorescent antibody testing of potential isolates using specific antibody for B. pertussis

& B. parapertussis .

Results of culture and PCR are expected to be positive in un immunized , untreated children

during the catarrhal & Early paroxysmal stages of disease Serologic tests for detection of → no Max dose
aorsmx ?

acute & convalescent

change in antibodies to B. pertussis antigens between samples are calm:#%)

the most SENSITIVE test in immunized individuals .

A single serum sample showing IgG antibody to PT > 90 above the mean of ISOLATION
the immunized population) indicates recent symptomatic infection & usually is positive in Patient w/ suspected pertussis are placed in isolation w/ droplet precaution to reduce

the mid -

paroxysmal phase . dose respiratory or mucous membrane contact w/ respiratory secretions .

Screening for cough should be performed on entrance of patients to emergency depart


Tests for IgA and IgM pertussis antibody antibody to antigens other than PT merits office & clinics to isolation IMMEDIATELY ( Paroxysmal convalescence
or , , ,
begin &

are not reliable methods for serologic diagnosis of pertussis .

→ most contagious phase) until 5 days after initiation of AZT .

should be given promptly to

Atythromycin ALL

TREATMENT household other close contact

contacts & ,
Infants <3 months old w/ suspected pertussis usually are hospitalized 3- 6 Mo of age immunization history
as are
many or

, .

old unless witnessed paroxysms are not well as patients of any age it signi In yo who have received
, severe as -

close contacts < 7- .


fi cant complications occur . doses of DTAP ,

DTAP should be
given to complete

the caveats in assessment & care of infants w/ pertussis : the recommended series .

3rd DTAP dose > 6

Children < 7-
yo Who received

Mo before exposure ,
or a 4th dose 73 yr before

exposure ,
should be given a booster dose .

Individuals 39 go Should be .

given Tdap .

of life threatening events

disease & likelihood
goals of hospitalization are to at the peak of the disease

\ prevent or treat complication

educate parents the natural history of the disease & what they can

do at home .

not life threatening have the

Typical paroxysms that are following features :

* Duration < 45sec

* Red but not blue color change

< 60 ✗ 1min in infants)

tachycardia bradycardia (not oxygen desaturation that
* or

resolves at the end of the COMPLICATIONS

paroxysm .

* whooping or strength for brisk self -

rescue at the end of paroxysm The principal complications of pertussis are apnea , secondary infections (e.g. otitis
self expectorated mucus plug media pneumonia ) &
physical sequelae of forceful

, .

* posttussive exhaustion but not unresponsiveness .

# UES :(+1 fever ,
tachypnea or respiratory distress between paroxysms
& absolute neutrophilia
Hospital discharge is appropriate if ,
over 48hr disease severity is unchanged or diminished

intervention is not Acute neurologic events during are the result of hypoxemia
required during paroxysm nutrition , is
adequate ,
f) complication , & parents pertussis almost always
are adequately prepared for care at home .
or hemorrhage associated w/ coughing or apnea in young infants .

AZITHROMYCIN is a drug of choice in all age groups for treatments


or post exposure prophylaxis

The inhaled virus from the exposed droplets initially infects the respiratory
Measles tract 's lymphocytes ,
dendritic cells ,
& alveolar macrophages . It then spread to
disseminates throngout the bloodstream result
Measles virus is a single -
stranded .
lipid enveloped RNA virus . Humans are the only host of measles the
adjacent lymphoid tissue &

virus unlike the other species in this

, family Of.
the 6
Major structural proteins of measles virus the 2 , ting viremia &spread to distant organs .

of induction of immunity are the hemagglutinin ( H ) protein & the The dendritic cells
most important in terms virus residing in & lymphocytes transfers itself to the epi -

fusion (F) Protein thelial cells of the expelled

µpµm respiratory

respiratory tract which are shed & as

I H protein ><
neutralizing antibodies droplets during coughing &
sneezing infecting others ,
perpetuating the cycle .

F protein x limit proliferation of the virus during infection The initial inflammation leads to symptoms of 3C 's ( coryza conjunctivitis , ,

cough) The appearance of fever .
coincides w/ the development of viremia .

The portal of entry of measles virus is through the respiratory tract or

conjunctiva e following con

The skin rash occurs after dissemination & is due to perivascular &
tact w/ large droplet or small -

droplet aerosols in which the virus is suspended . Patients are in -

infiltrates .

tedious from 3 days before up to 4-6 days after the onset of rash During the prodromal phase the meade virus depresses host immunity by

production through interferon its non structural proteins I and E. The



TO -

FACE contact is not necessary because viable virus may be suspended in air ,
for increasing viral replication then triggers both humoral & cellular immunology :

long 1hr after the patient w/ the leaves Cal responses The initial humoral response consists of IgM antibody
as as source case a room .

days after for

which is delectable 3-4 the rash appears & can persist 6-8


Subsequently IgG antibodies ,

are produced .
primarily against the viral
Measles infection causes necrosis of the respiratory tract epithelium & an
accompanying nucleoprotein Cellular .
immune response are essential for recovery as demons -

lymphocytic infiltrate Measles produces

a small -
vessel vasculitis on the skin & on the oral mu -

trained by elevated Tht dependent plasma interferon gamma levels during the

cats membranes → .

Histology of the rash & exanthem reveals intracellular edema &

dogs keratosis
acute phase . and subsequent Thz dependent It-4 -

Il 10, -

& It 13 levels .

associated w/ formation of epidermal syncytial giant cells → G) viral particles .

Warth in Finkel
> The measles virus is known to induce immunosuppression that last for

( dey giant can woe .

CKS to years It is
hypothesized that measles infection induces proliferation of


specific lymphocytes that replace the previously established memory cells



causing IMMUNE AMNESIA ! → enhance susceptibility of the host to seam -

Maceiopapular day .

rash in measles
→ spot
The neutralizing IgG antibodies against hemagglutinin are responsible for

lifelong immunity block host cell receptors from

they binding the vines .

STAGE I. Entry MV particles deposited on :

In lymph0reticular tissue (thymus lymph nodes spleen

, , ,
tonsils bone marrow
, Peyer 's patches) → the conjunctiva will enter the space between
cornea and eyelids CA green arrows ) where

lymphoid hyperplasia is
, ,

prominent .

they can infect myeloid or lymphoid cells (B) .

MV particles inhaled into the respiratory tract

( C & E green arrows) can either infect DC SIGN

dendritic cells in the upper respiratory tract with

Fusion of infected cells results in multinucleated giant cells

dendrites protruding respiratory mucosa (D)

into the

or dendritic cells ormacrophages in the alveolar

path ognomonic for measles w/ intranuclear
CELLS → up to 100 nuclei & intra
cytoplasmic & lumina of the lower respiratory tract (F) The infected .

immune cells subsequently migrate to nearby tertiary

inclusions . This cell is a large poly Karyocyles w/ , numerous nuclei distributed in

lymphoid tissues & draining lymph nodes ( black) .

like clusters Mulberry cells) and are

( so -
called ,
associated w/ the prodromal phase of
STAGE II. Systemic Dissemination The MV infected :

measles infection It's involving a germinal center from a lymph node w/ reactive IYM

myeloid cells migrate the draining lymph nodes to

. "

l ympho i. i. ( black) where they transmit the virus

i d
CD to 150-1


[ predominantly CDN

phocyles memory B- cells & CD4-1 &

T-cells ) ; (B) during viremia ,

infected cells enler the
circulation migrate systemically to various organs &

tissues ( green) Where the infection is further amplified



Infection of skin resident immune - cells results in vines

transmission to Pectin -9 epithelial cells (green patches;

of illness

exanthema period prodromal

Measles infection consists 9 phases incubation i.
- - -

(c) of

A few later depletion lymphoid

- -

days immune cells in

, ,

& tissues results in transient immune suppress





ion (grey) MV T-cells infiltrate the skin where



they clear the infected cells which results in the ty


Tags 1+-1-7 days)


INCUBATION days in the background → viral load over time

pica measles skin rash ( red patches) the
green bell shaped curve .

dated w/ epithelial necrosis
measles migrates
virus a giant cell formation in body tissues
regional lymph nodes I
t cells killed by cell-to-cell plasma
are 2-4
days after prodrome

primary viremia brane fusion associated w/ viral replication

days after exposure (I 7-21 days)
5- 6 days
te t
disseminates the virus to
(e) viral shedding begins with the onset of the rash anti -


µ , menu, , ,naan,, , y, body production begins ,

viral replication
to &
symptoms begin to subside
µ ,,,may , ,
virus to body surfaces
The clinical diagnosis of measles is more
challenging to clinicians unfamiliar w/ the
of via the air
STAGE III.Transmission new MV particles undernourished children
before the onset of rash in immunocompromised
: .

disease &
Natin at epithelial cells in the upper & lower
respiratory tract , ,

epithelium produce new virus particles and release them into

the mucus lining the lumen of the respiratory

tract ( A. C green: or in individuals w/ pre -

existing antibodies ( maternal immunity immune globulin , ,

arrows) Epithelial damage in infected lymphoid tissues such



as the tonsils (A) ,
releases virus particles produced by lymphocytes .

(B) Epithelial
into the upper
respiratory tract damage in the The most laboratory for confirming measles virus infection is

common method detec

respiratory tract induces cough Cc D) enhancing the

discharge of aerosols containing MV particles

lion of measles virus specific IgM 75 to
plasma About

antibodies in serum or .

people w/ measles will have detectable measles virus -

specific IgM antibodies

MU infection results in transient and profound suppression which leads to inarea after 4
a immune ,

days .

Sed susceptibility to opportunistic infections & increased childhood mortality The virus etticie Measles virus specific IgM antibodies within 1-3 weeks after the onset of

. -

ntly replicates in lymphoid tissue .

Tertiary lymphoid tissues : BALT & GALT → G)Tt interact:

rash & decline to undetectable levels within 4-8 weeks Acute infection also .

on between CDI 50-1 lymphocytes and DC SIGN -

Dcs → perfect site for Mv infection & ampli -

can be confirmed serologically by measuring a four fold-

or greater increase in

frication to enhance protective immunity against mucosal pa

. Since BALT & GALT are known -

measles virus -
specific IgG antibody levels between acute & convalescent Sera

thogens ,
obliteration of these lymphoid tissues in major entry portals for opportunistic in KC

and always require a serum specimens .

(the airways gut) facilitate infiltration of the by previously Enzyme linked immunoassay ( EIA)
1-ions & can mucosa on counte- is the most commonly used
serologic les
- -

red viruses or bacteria .

Ting Generally

previously susceptible person exposed to either vaccine or

wild-type measles virus will first Mount an IgM response and then an Ig 6
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS response The IgM response will be transient
11-2 months and the ) IgG
Koplikspotsrepresenttheenanthem response should persist for many years .

arepathognomonicsign d- measles Uninfected persons should be IgM negative and will be either IgG

appearing 1-4
days prior to the onset IgG positive depending
or previous .
upon their infection & vaccination

d- the rash
theyistqppearasdis history and
EIA for IgM antibody requires only a
single serum specimen

. .

ordered lesions w/ bluish white spots is

diagnostic if positive .

inthecenlerofinneraspectsofthe For
IgG antibody 2 serum specimens ,
are required → The 1st specimen should
cheeks .at/-heleveld- the premolars be drawn as after rash onset possible The 2nd specimen should

soon as .


to involve the lips hard 10-30 days later → The test for both will be conducted AT THE SAME TIME

may spread .

palate ,& gingiva / rsmayalsooccurin

conjunctival fotdshvaginal
mucosa .

I too long ,
pneler IgM testing
to take serum 2

It's too

Measles is acute febrile illness associated Measles virus infection also can be confirmed by detection of viral RNA through RT-PCR
an w/ the characteristic erythematous Macedopapular ,

Using throat samples BEFORE measles virus specific

rash The illness
begins w/ fever and typically at least ONE of the 3C's cough coryza & nasal
nasopharyngeal & urine -

. :
. , , , ,

conjunctivitis . IgM antibodies are detectable .

Koplik's spots appear the buccal mucosa as a small white papules provide
on & an

clinically diagnose
to day measles a or two before the rash The rash appears 3-4 days . TREATMENT
after the onset of fever first on the face (forehead around the hairline/ → behind the ears → When presented with a potential case of measles airborne transmission precau

, ,

upper neck →
during the next 3 days → trunk → extremities Cconciding w/ the development lions should be initiated for 4 days after the rash presentation in otherwise he ..

of the adaptive immune response) .

The macular papular lesions are generally discrete ,
but atthy individuals and the duration of illness for immunocompromised patients .

may become confluent ,

particularly in the
upper body Initially .
lesions blanch w/ fingertip

By 3-4 most do not blanch w/ pressure Fine desquamate on specific antiviral therapy for measles -1he
pressure days occurs over more There's no
management of patients


severely involved areas .

w/ measles consist of supportive therapy to correct or prevent dehydration & nu -

the fever & catarrhal symptoms typically peak w/ the rash 13-4 days) .
As the rash re pre -
Mii on al deficiencies prompt , recognition & treatment of secondary bacterial in -

gents a perivascular lymphocytic infiltration children w/,

impaired cellular immunity might , fechins & provision of vitamin A .

not develop the characteristic rash or the rash might be delayed .

The rash fades in the same order that it happens :

In normal circumstances ,
vitamin A maintains epithelial tissue eriscnkialfor

vii. A stores depleted

immunological function .

During a measles infection ,


DIAGNOSIS resulting in an inability to resist the current & secondary infections associa .

readily recognised by clinicians familiar w/ the disease in people presenting w/

Measles is W/ measles
fever & generalized rash particularly during outbreaks or in patients w/ a history of travel
Age WHO recommendation ,

2 consecutive days plus there should be

> 1-
to endemic areas yo .


⑦ more days to give

6- Hmo 100.0001--4 3rd dose 2-4 weeks later Vit Ator malnourished
The measles case definition : .

Generalized Macedopapular rash sensitivity 75-901 but t positive predictive for those G) Vit Adef children

< so .oooIu
. .

Fever ( 738,3°C) value ,

so there's still need for serological clinical evidence

Either of 3C's cough coryza & conjunctivitis

, ,
confirmation .
Antipyretics for comfort & fever control are useful .
For patients w/ respiratory tract invof Ig may be given up to 6 days
after exposure to prevent or
modify infection .

Vement , airway humidification &

supplemental oxygen maybe of benefit .

Immunocompetent children should receive 0,5mL 1kg BB (maximum dose in both

is effective in most cases but severe dehydration may require is 15m4kgBB.IM )

oral rehydration ,
cases .

antimicrobial therapy to prevent bacterial infect For children

intravenous therapy Prophylactic severely immunocompromised &
pregnant woman without evidence

ion is not indicated / recommended . of measles immunity Ig intravenously

is the recommended IG at 400mg / KGBB

Ig is indicated for susceptible HOUSEHOLD contacts of measles patients espe

Measles infection lethal Ribavirin is active in
in immunocompromised patients is highly .


against measles virus but still not
, enough evidence of this recommendation .
dally infants < Gmo of age pregnant women & immunocompromised persons

Pre exposure : vaccination

( MRIMMR) based
on each country regulations
Post exposure susceptible individuals

protected from
to measles be
by either vaccine administration or with

The vaccine is effective prevention or


of measles if given within 72hr of

exposure .
Kalo alergitelur
Karna dibiakkanlinokulasidlm egg yolk

Hematoonkologi → hah raisin MR →

( pucat
(e) perdarahan / bruising
hennery:/ Rejang

, µ,, unnu, meningitis anan , µ ,,

pumbesaran organ fhepatolsplenomgali) meningitis dewasa

→ →

nyeñsendi / Many meningococcal


pneumococcus lebihdiutamakan pd
Valeria pasion
kenapa hiperkolesterolemia pd nephrotic syndwm ? Karna
hipo dgmkondisi pry janning bawaan
albumin → albumin
oral OPU untukmelindungi sat Cemal ? )


gold kutur
Isk → urine Sadar seletah tetanus
Rejang -1
urinal isis : leukogituria , Kalo ada darah & protein → glomerular
kejangdemam nephrotic synd

↳ a complement it

✗ meningoensefalih

paling penning :

± rabies lebihakut deman

imunisasi , ,



"" " " " " "" peening,


/ serosa try on

asma Klipokalemia → tetanic kata) tapitidakjpejang


Sesakhafas brohkopneumohia
KG balan
(( toff par Covid-19

Hiponamemia } Rejang Kiakeukuduk pd meningitis
hebat Hypokalemia
akibat (e) intern pd men ingens
amounting gagaljanhrng men ahah
& rasasakit
( Rsu)
Bronchiolitis (paling panting)

: trvims

④wheezing + normal atau hiperinflasi (hitam) sedikit

foto thorax

tsronkiolitis → tntditemakan pd anak
sangat Kecil ( 6- 9 bulan
(tiba ) yg ball ten
tinggi sesaklebih
bellum bang

, →

dem am
etiobsi ( maju
Bronko pneummi → trias
⇐ virus

pd anak →

" ④ """""
kenaparetraksi ?
intiltrat →
toto thorax -1 got

↳ ahakhemakaiatoat bantu
Trias meningitis data" RR taki Pheu
intercostal lulu hah)
" " Mn
trias encephalitis kesa duran (e) retraksi di


as an
outing hiding
deman supradauiadaterairgkat
↳ bayi
} " arabses.#
→ gentamicin kumannyapamasiag
Uh :)

imurisah BCG -
1- Bama,

tes tuberculin dgn Cara haantoux
dd tifoid
demamsubfebñl > 2
→ :

BB tumn may contact µ, ,

mehgapa polio henugahrerislensi

s bat -3

#1T¥ !
Sigal Janning
kardiologi .
VSD . aorta overriding pulmonary stenosis right ventricular hypertrophy ④ Eisenmenger syndrome
, ,

penicillin inj Cdurasi don's ) → Kalo ada abrgi alternant yg

oral !
RHD → tentative .


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